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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Create an E-book

Content Area: Language
Grade Level(s): Kindergarten
Content Standard Addressed:
ELACCKL5: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings
c. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful)
Technology Standard Addressed:
6. Creative Communicator
Selected Technology Tool: PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☒ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Engagement: This lesson allows for individual choice because of how the teacher is giving the students a
number of different topics that they can choose from to make their own E-books. By allowing the students
the opportunity to choose the topic, it makes them feel as though they have a choice and a voice in the class.
This type of lesson and assignment heightens the goals for the students because they want to do their very
best knowing their E-book is able to be published and seen by other people. E-books also give the students an
opportunity to engage in creation with technology and not just your typical paper and crayons.

Representation: The students are given a few different means of representation with this lesson plan idea.
The students are instructed to create an E-book and narrate it using expressive voices and they also have to
have sentences written which are means for alternatives for visual and auditory information. The lesson is
also universal for students with different learning disabilities, such as those who are ELL’s or are not on a high
reading level yet. This lesson can also be altered to accommodate students with visual or auditory disabilities.
The teacher has the ability to post the E-books made by the students, so the families and students can review
them at home, which may really help the ELL students get a little extra practice on their English.

Action and Expression: Action and expression are optimized in this lesson through the access to tools and
assistive technologies. With the assistance of a teacher the students are able to use computers or tablets to
create their E-book. By using these technologies, the students have the opportunity to practice using basic
productivity tools (BPT’s) to help them further express their learning. PowerPoint is being used to create their
E-books, and something that PowerPoint also offers is the ability to print E-books allowing the students and
or the teacher to keep them in paper form. Methods for response is met by allowing the students to choose
the topics of their E-books and after they choose the topic they will be able to customize the book however
they like through the features found within PowerPoint. They will be able to choose things such as font, font
size, pictures, colors, and many other things.

Spring 2018_SJB
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
Lesson idea implementation:
The teacher is going to start this lesson by showing the students The book of Fruit E-book. The teacher will
start at the beginning and read the title, he/she will then read each slide stopping after asking the question
“do you know what fruit this is?” and allow the students to try and guess the fruit. After reading the E-book to
them the teacher will show them how the narration works through PowerPoint and have the students listen
to the E-book while still participating. After going through the example E-book, the teacher will explain to the
students that they are going to have the chance to make their own E-books. The teacher will allow the
students to choose their topic off a list that he/she has created, giving the students a voice in the activity.
With this activity the teacher will want to make sure their s a variety of differentiation, so some example
topics may include: household chores, shapes, animas (land or sea), colors, foods, or even planets. In the
classroom there are going to be students who are on higher levels and their will be students on lower levels.
The teacher will accommodate the needs of both by having harder and easier topics on the list and help guide
the students to what may be best for them. After the students have chosen the topic they want to do their E-
book on they will sit down individually with the teacher and get help learning about the technology and
setting up their E-book. The teacher will show them the features and help guide them in making their book
and then the students will be able to record their own book.

PowerPoint allows the user to print off the E-books, so the teacher will be able to print each students book, or
they can select certain books to print off and keep in the classroom. After selecting which books they want to
print, the teacher ca have them laminated, to help preserve them., and place them in the classroom for
students to look back at whenever they would like. The standard states that the students will be able to show
their knowledge of words and their uses in real-life. By creating this E-book, they will be able to take guesses
on the information in each of the books based on whet the author of the book has placed in the book. An
example could be that a student chose to write their E-book on sea animals. They may have an image of a
turtle and they may ask “can you name this sea animal?”. The student reading the book may be able to use
prior knowledge or context clues to help answer the question being asked. They ca check their answer on the
next page, where the answer will be stated with probably another picture. The teacher will make this a
summative assessment and asses the E-books based on length, content and creativity. There should be a
minimum of 12 slides, the content must be accurate, and the students should be creative. Before the
students submits their work, they will sit down one on one with the teacher to check over their book and
make sure spelling looks good and the content included is accurate.

Reflective Practice:
I feel that this lesson plan can highly impact student learning in a positive way. The students will be able to
show what they know about a chosen topic, they will have the opportunity to work with productivity tools to
create something fun and engaging, and these products will be able to be used in the classroom once the
teacher prints them off. Through these E-books, the students are able to show the teacher and their peers
what they know about a specific topic, which may also teach students such as ELL’s something new. The
students will be more engaged in the activity because they are using technology and they are bale to create
something fun and interesting to them. Something that the teacher can do in order to further extend this
lesson would be to upload and publish these E-books somewhere on the internet that other people outside of
the classroom can access. By sharing these and allowing others to see it will raise the LoTi level. Lastly,
another way the teacher can do to further extend the lesson is to have the books printed and or downloaded
and saved on the classroom technology for the students to always refer back to.

Spring 2018_SJB

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