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Nurturing Hearts Heroes Parent Group

February 20, 2019

Focus:​ Family Systems and NHA
Housekeeping: ​Takeaways
Success Sharing!

Family Systems Theory is primarily used by counselors to help families solve problems they have.

Concept 1: Families are interconnected. Each member influences the other members. We learn
from our families…
● Skills to function outside the home
● Expectations for interactions with others

Concept 2: Families are unique in how they behave in these areas:

● Communication and interaction
● Separation and connectedness
● Loyalty and independence
● Adaptations to stressors

Concept 3: Six areas of this theory help us understand children and their families; these
characteristics fall on a continuum for each family:

1. Boundaries = Limits
● Open………….Closed/private

2. Roles
● In all families, each individual member has a rule.
● These roles are carried over to her school, work, and other social situations.
● Each role has both strengths and weaknesses.

​ andout by Wick, 2019

The Language of The 3 Stands​TM​ is copyrighted material by Howard Glasser, Children’s Success Foundation, 2015​ H
3. Rules
Children Struggle with Rules
1. Rules they don’t understand
2. Rules they disagree with
3. Rules that are different at home and school
4. Rules based on culture that are misunderstood at school
5. Unspoken rules

4. Hierarchy
● Hierarchy refers to decision-making, control, and power in a family.
● Each family is different!
● Gender, age, culture, religion, economic status, and availability may influence the
● Hierarchy may change based on timing and situations.

5. Climate The emotional and physical environment you live in, is your climate. Emotional quality
and physical space must be balanced.
● What does the family do to better the balance?
● What can you do to balance the child?

6. Equilibrium The ability to adapt to change and stress… And not run away!

​ andout by Wick, 2019

The Language of The 3 Stands​TM​ is copyrighted material by Howard Glasser, Children’s Success Foundation, 2015​ H

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