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22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

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Asterisk and vtiger Howdy, Stranger!

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April 3 in Vtiger CRM 7.1.0 0
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Hi, from two days i'm tring to configure vtiger pbxmanager for Sign In Register
working with asterisk but it not works. Hi need help because i don't
find a solution.
Recent Discussions
Vtiger is version 7.1 and asterisk 1.6 with freepbx.
The tutorials online not works and i have a compatible
vtiger 7 with asterisk 1.6?
All Categories 12.8K
There is a manual or pdf that works?
Vtiger CRM 7.1.0 660

please help me. Vtiger CRM 7.0.0 1.1K

thanks Vtiger 6.x 889

Vtiger CRM 6.5.0 1.5K

Comments Vtiger CRM 6.4.0 1.3K

Vtiger CRM 6.3.0 194

17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
Vtiger CRM 6.2.0 1.6K
masabee777 Vtiger CRM 6.1.0 1.3K
April 4 0
vtiger CRM 6.0.0 2.9K
My English is not good, but please forgive me
Help - 6.0 567
Many settings are required for each to link vtigercrm and asterisk
Please read the document carefully and display the log etc on it Feature Requests - 6.0 116

Also, have you worked with vtigecrm 6.5? Extensions - 6.0 170

Usability - 6.0 392

lucaamenduni vtiger CRM - Mobile Apps 406

April 4 0
Help 126
hi masabee777 thanks for your attention.
Archives 35K
i use vtiger 7.1, asterisk connector 1.4 and asterisk 1.6 with freepbx.
vtiger CRM 5.4.0 1.5K
asterisk works correctly in inbound and in outbound with zopier.
vtiger CRM 5.3.0 1.4K

when i insert in extension.conf this setting vtiger CRM 5.1.0 5.7K

; --- START ---- vtiger CRM 5.0.4 3.8K

[from-internal-custom] 1/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

include => vtiger vtiger CRM 5.0.3 2.3K

[vtiger] vtiger CRM 5.0.2 9.2K

exten => _X.,1,Agi(agi:// vtiger CRM 4.x 5.2K

exten => +390719034646,1,Agi(agi:///
vtiger CRM - 2.2K

if i click on contact number in vitger Extensions

[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 Announcements & 4.6K

org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl info Determined Discussions

Asterisk version: Asterisk 1.6 Test Forum 28

[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 a a Sending call originate request to asterisk Blogs 252
[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 a a Context:vtiger
[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 a a From: 2008 -> To: 3382860026 Search
[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 a a Outgoing Call Response: Error
[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:19:29 a a Asterisk Response: Originate failed

instead in inbound

FATAL] 2018-04-04 10:18:49 IncomingCall log

[FATAL] 2018-04-04 10:18:49 IncomingCall log Failed to authenticate Vtiger
Secret Key
[INFO] 2018-04-04 10:18:49 a log Logging off from Asterisk

can you help me?

April 5 0
ok i have now another problem. when i clik on vitger number in zoiper appear
as incoming call instead outgoing call...any help?

April 11 0
Sorry for the late reply.
Incoming calls are going well
In the example that I experienced, in the http server config
(AddDefaultCharset UTF - 8) has worked successfully
It seems that sometimes things will not work if the language setting is other
than UTF - 8

April 13 0
hi masabee i added in apache the charset but not change nothing.

this is my recent log 2/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] INFO

b - Sending HTTP request to webapp
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] WARN
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - Unable to set property
'eventlist' to 'Complete' on
org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusCompleteEvent: no setter. Please report
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] WARN
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - Unable to set property
'listitems' to '1' on org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusCompleteEvent: no
setter. Please report at
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] INFO
a - org.asteriskjava.manager.event.StatusCompleteEvent[dateReceived='Fri
Apr 13 06:50:36 EDT
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] INFO
b - Sending HTTP request to webapp
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] INFO b -
Webapp Response: null
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog.
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] FATAL
com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.b.c -
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1; columnNumber: 1; Content is
not allowed in prolog.
at com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.b.c.a(SourceFile:48)
at com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.actions.IncomingCall.process(SourceFile:55)
at com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.actions.IncomingCall.service(SourceFile:26)
at 3/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - No event class
registered for event type 'softhanguprequest', attributes: {cause=32,
channelstate=6, calleridname=Sviluppo1111, priority=1,
event=SoftHangupRequest, exten=2002, connectedlinenum=3382860026,
calleridnum=3382860026, channelstatedesc=Up, connectedlinename=,
linkedid=1523616651.234, uniqueid=1523616651.234, privilege=call,all,
context=vtiger, language=it, channel=SIP/2002-000000ea}. Please report at
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] FATAL
IncomingCall - null
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] FATAL
IncomingCall - Failed to authenticate Vtiger Secret Key
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] INFO a -
Logging off from Asterisk
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java ManagerConnection-0-Reader-0] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerReaderImpl - Terminating reader
thread: No more lines available: null
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl - Closing socket.
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] INFO
IncomingCall - Exiting from agi script
2018-04-13 06:50:36 [Asterisk-Java DaemonPool-1-thread-1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.fastagi.internal.FastAgiConnectionHandler - End AgiScript
com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.actions.IncomingCall on Asterisk-Java

April 14 0
Do you have an incoming call to 2008?
I am using zoiper
Is asterisk's manager.conf properly set up?
Are asterisk and vtigercrm 7 the same server? What is the firewall setting?
http? Is it https?
How about setting up vtigerasteriskconnector and pbxmanager and setting
I feel that the connection between vtigerasteriskconnector and asterisk is not
going well when sending out

lucaamenduni 4/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

April 16 0
no asterisk and vtiger not are on same server and the asterisk
connector is on vtiger server.

asterisk server on:

vtiger7 on:
asterisk connector on

----------------this is connector config

* Copyright (C) All rights reserved.
* @license Proprietary

// Location where the application server will be running.

ServerIP =
ServerPort = 8282

// Call Recordings storage path

StorageDir = /home/vtiger/public_html/VtigerAsteriskConnector/storage

// Enable(true) or Disable(false) call recordings

Recording = true

// Location where the applications database files will be stored.

AsteriskAppDBPath =

// Asterisk Server Details

AsteriskServerPublicIP =
AsteriskServerIP =
AsteriskServerPort = 5038
AsteriskUsername = vtiger
AsteriskPassword = vtiger123

// Vtiger CRM URL

VtigerURL =
VtigerSecretKey = vtiger123

//Enable(true) or Disable(false) Asterisk Events and Database Logs in

AsteriskLog = true
DatabaseLog = true

-------------this is manager_additional.conf

secret = vtiger123
permit= 5/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

read =
write =
writetimeout = 100

----------this is pbx setting

Vtiger Asterisk App URL:

Outbound Context: vtiger
Outbound Trunk: vtiger
Vtiger Secret Key: vtiger123


trunk name: vtiger

where i wrong?

April 16 0
There are many things to take care. We have successfully integrated Asterisk
1.8 , 11, 12 and 13 with Vtiger 7. Asterisk 1.6 is quite old.
Please email us on, we are Vtiger Open Source Partners.

April 16 0
hi stprasad asterisk command give me Asterisk 13.12.1 built by mockbuild. is

April 17 0
Is it displayed properly like a tutorial by accessing http: // 8282
Because I have the connector on the same server as asterisk 6/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

I do not quite understand the difference in that part

As a cause I think that vtigerconnector is not able to communicate with
asterisk when sending out
By setting pbx
Vtiger Asterisk App URL: 8282
Outbound Context: vtiger
Outbound Trunk: vtiger
Vtiger Secret Key: vtiger 123

Outbound Context: It has become vtiger

Is there [vtigercrm] in extensions.conf?
An example
exten => _ X., 1, Agi (agi: //
I do not like this behavior so I can not receive calls

Outbound Trunk: It has become vtiger

Is there [vtigercrm] in sip.conf?
I am setting pjsip.conf because it is pjsip in asterisk 13

I am happy if it becomes helpful

April 17 0
13.12 is fine

April 17 0
hi masabee can you send me some screenshot of your configuration?
what distro do you use for asterisk? freepbx?
in sip.con you have inserted trunk or extension with same name vtiger? don't work

April 18 0
hi, good news.
i've installed vtiger 6 for check what was the problem.
So, Vtiger 7 with asterisk connector 1.4 not work properly. with agi it return
"IncomingCall log Failed to authenticate Vtiger Secret Key" and the call stop.
with vtiger 6 i can send call and recieve but the status is not update (remain

but i want able to use vtiger 7. what i can check? 7/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

April 19 0
Can vtiger 6 also make outgoing calls and incoming calls?
Then I think that it is good to upgrade to vtigercrm 7 as it is
I am working fine at 6.5 → 7.10
However, in 6.5, I was able to make a call using the list phone number

Because I could not successfully connect asterisk with gateway and sip
I connect with pjsip but it is quite different from setting sip
The server installs and uses asterisk 13 on centos 7
Therefore, I am changing part of pbxmanager
Although each configuration is different, I do not know whether it will be
extensions.conf (addition)
exten => _ X., 1, Agi (agi: //

exten => _ X, 1, Agi (agi: //

Regarding turnk and extensions.conf, I think that there is no problem if we

can make and receive calls /

// Location where the application server will be running.

ServerIP =
ServerPort = 50XXX

// Call Recordings storage path

StorageDir = / XXX / VtigerAsteriskConnector / ST

// Enable (true) or Disable (false) call recordings

Recording = fales

// Location where the applications database files will be stored.

AsteriskAppDBPath = / XXX / VtigerAsteriskConnector / DB

// Asterisk Server Details

AsteriskServerPublicIP = 192.168.XXX.XXX
AsteriskServerIP =
AsteriskServerPort = 5038
AsteriskUsername = vtigeruser
AsteriskPassword = vtiger000

// Vtiger CRM URL

VtigerURL = http://192.168.XXX.XXX/vtigercrm/
VtigerSecretKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (displayed on the setting page) 8/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

// Enable (true) or Disable (false) Asterisk Events and Database Logs in

AsteriskLog = fales
DatabaseLog = fales
Logs are fales even in large numbers (I am doing a lot, but because java is not
one, it does not quite decrease)
Once in vtiger 7 clean installation also worked
The status may be ringing or completed
I am also a basic amateur, so it will not work quite well
2018-04-14 19:06:57 [main] INFO org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer -
Listening on *: 4573.
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [main] INFO org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer -
Received connection from /
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [main] INFO org.asteriskjava.fastagi.DefaultAgiServer -
Thread pool started.
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.fastagi.ResourceBundleMappingStrategy - Added mapping
for 'incoming.agi' to class com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi .actions.IncomingCall
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.fastagi.internal.FastAgiConnectionHandler - Begin AgiScript
com.vtiger.apps.asterisk.agi.actions.IncomingCall on Asterisk -Java
Creating Logger
2018 - 04 - 14 19: 08: 12 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1]
INFO a - Asterisk Login Successfull
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl - Connecting to 5038
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java Manager Connection - 0 - Reader - 0]
INFO org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl - Connected
via Asterisk Call Manager / 2.10.2
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java Manager Connection - 0 - Reader - 0]
WARN org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl -
Unsupported protocol version 'Asterisk Call Manager / 2.10.2'. Use at your
own risk.
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java Manager Connection - 0 - Reader - 0]
INFO org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - No event class
registered for event type 'fully booted', attributes: {privilege = system , all,
event = Fully Booted, status = Fully Booted}. Please report at
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java Manager Connection - 0 - Reader - 0]
INFO org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - No event class
registered for event type 'successfulauth', attributes: {severity = Informational 9/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

, eventversion = 1, accountid = vtiger, usingpassword = 0, sessiontv =

2018-04-14T19: 08: 12.477, service = AMI, eventtv = 2018-04-14T19: 08:
12. remoteaddress = IPV4 / TCP / / 49870, privilege = security,
all, sessionid = 0x7fb5ac0037f0, event = SuccessfulAuth, localaddress =
IPV4 / TCP / / 5038} Please report at
2018-04-14 19:08:12 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl - Successfully
logged in
2018-04-14 19:08:14 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.ManagerConnectionImpl - Determined
Asterisk version: Asterisk 1.6
2018-04-14 19:08:14 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
IncomingCall - Started Manager Event
2018-04-14 19:08:15 [Asterisk - Java Manager Connection - 0 - Reader - 0]
WARN org.asteriskjava.manager.internal.EventBuilderImpl - Unable to set
property 'to' to '192.168.x.xx: xxx' on
org.asteriskjava.manager.event.RtcpReceivedEvent: no setter. Please report at
2018-04-14 19:08:16 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO b -
Webapp Response: <? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf - 8"?> Success </
Authentication> PJSIP / xxxxxxxxxx @ vtigertrunk </ Number> </ Dial> bfb
6118 dd 8954 f 5 b 8 da 6 a 6 c b 33 e f 5 f d 6 </ call UUID> </ Response>
2018-04-14 19:08:16 [Asterisk - Java DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 1] INFO
IncomingCall - Successfully Authenticated Vtiger Secret Key [Asterisk - Java
DaemonPool - 1 - thread - 2] INFO a - Executing Asterisk Dial Application

I also want to reduce errors

April 19 0
hi, i'have solved all at 90%.
Vtiger 7 gived me authentication error because there was an error on query
that saved the record in pbx. I have corrected the query and all works. Also
the registration of the call is correct.
Remain only the update of called status.
I have make the debug of the post parameters and on hangup event the CALL
ID is missing.
I not understand if the error is from asterisk, from connector or from vtiger.

similar case? thanks to all from the help

lucaamenduni 10/11
22/12/2018 Asterisk and vtiger — Vtiger

April 20 0

i finally solved all problem. Asterisk 13 not work properly with vtiger
connectore. After the switch to asterisk 11 the status of the call is update.
thanks to all support.

good day

December 19 0
I have the same problem , making outgoing calls , even the extension rings
but doesn't make outbound call and I get this : IncomingCall log Failed to
authenticate Vtiger Secret Key
But secret is correct other wise extension will not ring either !!!! I

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