Affirmation of Enlightenment in The United States

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Affirmation of Enlightenment in the United States

Sarah Berardelli


The Enlightenment in Europe had many effected-on countries in the Western hemisphere.

The Enlightenment was an intellectual and philosophical movement that dominated the world of

ideas in Europe during the eighteenth century. These ideas were so popular that they were

widespread from one hemisphere to the next. One of the most well-known philosophers was

John Locke who had a vocal opinion and had no uncertainty of what he was to do. His ideas

were so recurring that they appeared on the Declaration of Independence. Montesquieu, like John

Locke, also had his philosophes integrated into the United States government. I argue that the

United States adopted the ideals of the philosophes. I will prove this by the conflict between

John Locke, the Declaration of Independence, and the creation of three branches of government

by Montesquieu.

The first example is that the United States of America adopted the ideals of the

Enlightenment philosophes through John Locke. John Locke is a philosopher from the

Enlightenment who believed that people are reasonable and moral with natural rights. Locke

believed this about humankind because people refused to pay the rise in taxes from the American

Revolution. This is an example how the United States adopted the ideals for the Enlightenment

because he helped with the thoughts of the Declaration of Independence. Another example how

the United States adopted the ideals of the Enlightenment was the through Declaration of

Independence because Thomas Jefferson fulfilled the decision. The Declaration of Independence

intentions were to give all citizens freedom, allowing them to have a say in government.

According to, "freedom to all citizens and this was to be guaranteed by means
of a new form of government, one that was based on the people's right to have a say in their

government". The last reason the United States of America adopted the ideals of the

Enlightenment is by the creation of the three branches of government. This development was

created by a man named Montesquieu to help separate the power of people. According to, "the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form a government that did not allow one

person to have too much control". These three branches are known as legislative, judicial, and

executive and they all reflect on the works of the government. The legislative branch is in charge

of laws, the executive branch carries out the laws, and the judicial branch evaluates the laws.

This is an example how the United States adopted the ideals of the Enlightenment because it

helped separate the different options based on the government.

In conclusion, the United States has multiple different explanations how they adopted the

ideals of the Enlightenment. Overall, the philosophes had a large impact on the United States

during Enlightenment times and the Declaration of Independence made a life-changing

opportunity for Americans to have freedom. With the help of Montesquieu, the three branches of

government help with the law, therefore would What would the world be like today if the

Declaration of Independence was never transpired? Would people still have the freedom if John

Locke would not have spoken out against the government? Overall, at this time the United

States was very successful and is still used to this day!

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