Real Time Embedded Face Recognition Using Arm7: B.koteswar Rao, P., MA - Wajeed

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International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841

Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156

Real Time Embedded Face Recognition using

B.koteswar rao 1, P. Rama Krishna 2 , MA.Wajeed 3

*(Department of ECE, SBCE, Khammam

Email: bonagirikoteswarrao
** (Department of ECE, LITS, Khammam
*** (Department of ECE, SITS, Khammam

ABSTRACT embedded face recognition in this approach is based

on LPC ARM 2148 on windows operating systems.
Face recognition is a widely used biological Our approach is similar to [14] in that his approach is
recognition technology. In comparison with other on ARM 9 using Linux operating system. For Linux
identification methods, this type of recognition has
based operating systems ARM 9 supports. In our
direct, friendly and convenient features. The
embedded face recognition system is based on approach we have used windows as operating system.
LPC ARM 2148 development board, using For windows operating systems Microsoft has made
Windows operating system, detecting face by several advancements and changes that have made it
using HAAR feature, and then recognizing face by
using LBP features. Matlab is used as a front end
process and keil code runs at back end in ARM 7 a much easier to use Operating System, and although
arguably it may not be the easiest Operating System,
I. INTRODUCTION it is still easier than Linux. Because of the large
amount of Microsoft Windows users, there is a much
Face Recognition technology developed in the 80's larger selection of available software programs,
and it has rapidly developed, especially in the 90's. utilities, Windows.Microsoft Windows includes its
Automatic face recognition is a widely used own help section, has vast amount of available online
biological recognition technology. One of the key documentation and help, as well as books on each of
challenges of face recognition is finding efficient and the versions of Windows.
discriminative facial appearance descriptors that can
counteract large variations in illumination, pose, The main reason of selecting ARM7 is that it
facial expression, ageing, partial occlusions and other supports windows operating systems and our
changes [19] .In comparison with other identification application supports windows. Now the market share
methods, face recognition has more convenient of face recognition is just less than the fingerprint
features. Human can visually identify people by recognition and the proportion is increasing, which
human face. People can be fairly identified even in have broken the situation that fingerprint recognition
the very serious visual stimulated situation. The monopolized the market in the international Page 273

International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841
Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156

biological recognition market. Therefore, it is very in consumer applications. Their aim is to design and
important for the research of face recognition build a face recognition system that is robust for
technology. This project, which is based on ARM7 natural consumer environments and can be executed
and windows operating system, is a portable device on low-cost hardware.FA007 is an embedded facial
and meets the Requirements. In the last years, recognition system with the latest version of leading
different problems in face image analysis, such as “Dual Sensor™” Algorithm Ver 3.0, which applied
face detection, burr recognition [1] and facial for high level access control application. Its classic
expression recognition [5] have received very much slope and industrial design is good for market like
attention in computer vision research. Government, Civil ID. It is also good for commercial
market like Enterprise, Bank, and building
The problem is more interesting from the viewpoints automation and so on.
of basic research aiming to efficient descriptors for
facial images and of applications such as surveillance Chin-Shu Chang; Teh-Lu Liao; Po-Yun
and human-computer interaction [2].A key issue in Hsu; Kuo-Kuang Chen proposed human face
face analysis are finding efficient de-scriptors for face recognition system using modified PCA algorithm
appearance. Given the low inter-person variation in\ and ARM platform [27]. They used the human face
face images, ideal descriptors should be very as the main subject for authentication.
discriminative. Still, they should be robust to
Because the ARM system provides strong
different perturbations and changes such as
computation ability, various interfaces such as
illumination and pose changes, aging of the subjects,
camera, mass storage, etc. Their study includes
etc. for displaying the image of output for
recognizer algorithm-Principal Component Analysis
convenient and for more user options purpose code is
(PCA) is completely accomplished on the ARM
written in matlab as front end.
system. Finally, an ARM-based human face
recognition platform is implemented in this
Because Matlab is a high performance language for
study.Vikram kulkarni, k.Laxminarashima rao
technical computing It integrates computation
proposed Embedded car security system on face
visualization and programming in an easy to use
detection [28].
environment. And processing of image and
recognition of image is done by using ARM In this proposal embedded car security system, FDS
processor that runs at backend. This paper is (Face Detection System) is used to detect the face of
organized as follows. In section II we overview about the driver and compare it with the predefined face. In
some of the prior face recognition related research case any theft to car information is sent to the owner
that led to our research. In section III we present the through MMS. So now owner can obtain the image
details of our face recognition system and in section of the thief in his mobile as well as he can trace the
IV about the results and followed by experiment location through GPS.
analysis and conclusion.

The location of the car as well as its speed can be
In this section, we briefly describe some other displayed to the owner through SMS. So by using
techniques for face recognition. Fei zuo, with this system, owner can identify the thief image as
Eindhoven [26] proposed Real-time embedded face well as the location of the car.
recognition for smart home in which he proposed a
near real-time face recognition system for embedding Page 274

International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841
Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156


Figure 2: A facial image divided into 3x3 size.

Convert the local regions and texture descriptors to

binary values. Name it as LBP labels. The LBP label
contains information about the patterns on a pixel-
level, the labels are summed over a small region to
produce information on a regional level and the
Fig 1: flow chart of embedded face recognition regional histograms are concatenated to build a
system global description of the face. The regions can be
weighted based on the importance of the information
The first step in this approach is to detect face. Face they contain. For example, the weighted Chi square
detection is one of the major part in automatic face distance can be defined as
detection. To best recognize the face in the given
image the system uses face class Harr [3] feature to X2 (A,B) = ∑I (Ai-Bi)2
detect human face. In this thesis the face recognition _________
is based on the LBP algorithm and PCA with nearest Ai+Bi
neighbor classifier as the core algorithms of the
system identification. Face samples are preprocessed Where A, B are two image descriptors.
by using LBP and PCA to reduce the vector After converting image into the binary format
dimension and we call it as reduced image feature. calculate the distance between the given input image
The input image is taken and processed and and the database image. The distance or similarity
compared with the reduced image feature. The metric from image A to image B is
distance from reduced image face to image face is a
measure of face similarity. D (A, B) =∑ pixels (i, j) of B w (d AkY (i,j) (i; j))

III.1Methodology of main Algorithm Here, kY (i,j) is the code value of pixel (i; j) of image
B and w( ) is a user-defined function giving the
In this process first the facial image is divided into penalty to include for a pixel at the given spatial
local regions and texture descriptors are extracted
distance from the nearest matching code in A. Next
from each region independently. The descriptors are
then concatenated to form a global description of the process is to check for the similarity between images
face. See Fig 2 for an example of a facial image according to the distance among the images. The
divided into rectangular regions of size 3x3 . process of calculating the distance is called kernel Page 275

International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841
Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156

principle component analysis after calculation of

distance all the images are sorted according to the
distance with the input image and displays an output
image which has very less distance.


Fig 5: The selected image as shown in figure

Fig 3: figure showing uploading the data base image

and reading the image as shown in below.

Fig 6: output of the matched image shown in figure


Here in this process front end is written in matlab

code in windows operating system and back end is
written in keil code. Matlab is used for convenient
display of results, and it has more options to select,
Fig 4: figure showing the selecting image from the optimize. The image that to be matched is given in
database front end and that display is shown in Fig 2.The data
that is to be matched is given as another input for
comparison. For comparison the images are already
stored in data base .Select any image for comparison
that is shown in Fig 3. And selected image display is
shown in Fig 4. Then the comparison is done in
hardware where the program is written in keil in Page 276

International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841
Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156

ARM 7 processor the required output whether match Feature and Adaboost [J]. Journal of Optoelectronics
found or not found is shown in Fig 5. y Laser, 2006, 17(8):0993-0998.

[6] Cao Lin, Wang Dong-feng, Liu Xiao-jun, Zou

VI.CONCLUSION Mou-yan. Face Recognition Based on Two-
Dimensional Gabor Wavelets [J]. Journal of
Embedded face recognition system based on ARM 7 Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28(3):
on windows operating system is proposed and 0490-0494.
delivered good recognition performances under
[7] Liu Jing, Zhou Ji-liu. Face recognition based on
controlled conditions. Face recognition security Gabor features and kernel discriminant analysis
system is designed with the combination of
embedded and Matlab. By this approach we can
provide complete security for safeguarding to offices,
houses, banks, etc. In this thesis we proposed our
work based on windows operating systems.futher
research can be implemented on RTOS and other
sophisticated OS.
Mr. B.Koteswarao,
technical support for the proposed system.
B.Tech(EC),M.Tech(ES) is
currently working as an
Assistant Professor, in
REFERENCES Department of Electronics
& Communication , in
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University of Oulu, PL 4500, FI-90014 Oulun His research interests on digital circuits, embedded
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[3] Chen Jian-zhou, Li Li, Hong Gang, Su Da-wei.

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[4] P. Viola, M. Jones. Rapid object detection using a

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[5] Zhu Jian-xiang, Su Guang-da, Li Ying-chun.

Facial Expression Recognition Based on Gabor Page 277

International Journal of Research in Computer and ISSN(Online) 2278-5841
Communication Technology, Vol 2, Issue 5, May-2013 ISSN (Print) 2320-5156

Mr. Rama Krishna B.Tech(EC),M.T
P. received his ech(DECS) Gold
medalist, ISTE
B.Tech Degree in
Electronics and currently working
communication as an Assistant
Professor, in
engineering in 2008
Department of
and M.Tech degree in DIGITAL ELECTRONICS Electronics &
AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS in 2011 Communication ,
from JNTU, Hyderabad, and A.P-India. He is in SARADA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY &
SCIENCES, Khammam, A.P, India. He was
currently working as an Assistant Professor in the
received a GOLD MEDAL in B.Tech (ECE). And
Department of ECE in LAQSHYA INSTITUTE OF Pursuing M.Tech belongs to Digital Electronics
TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE, Khammam, and &Communication systems .His research interests on
digital circuits, embedded systems &Electro magnetic
A.P-India. His research
and transmission lines and signals and systems. He
interests on digital circuits, IMAGE PROCESSING had 2 years of Teaching Experience in academic as
and Communication Systems .He had 3 years of well as competitive exams (GATE).
Teaching experience and also A LIFE MEMBER OF

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