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Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466

Operation pattern classification of hypersonic inlets

Juntao Chang∗ , Daren Yu, Wen Bao, Yi Fan
Harbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Heilongjiang, People’s Republic of China

Received 17 June 2008; received in revised form 21 December 2008; accepted 11 February 2009
Available online 2 April 2009

Operation pattern recognition/classification is one of the most important issues of the hypersonic inlet and is also the foundation
of protection control of a scramjet. To solve this problem, the 2-D inner steady flow of the hypersonic inlet was numerically
simulated at different freestream conditions and backpressures, and two different inlet unstart phenomena were analyzed. The
pattern classifications of hypersonic inlet start/unstart, especial the inlet backpressure unstart/low Mach number unstart were
performed based on “numerical experimental” data by the support vector machine algorithms. The physical significance of the
classification criterions was explained, and the discussions of the classification criterion used in NASA/CIAM flight test were
presented. In conclusion, the operation pattern classification of hypersonic inlet can be solved well by using the support vector
machine algorithms.
Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hypersonic inlet; Pattern classification; Start/unstart; Protection control

1. Introduction tested in November 1991 and demonstrated operation

in both the subsonic and supersonic combustion modes
The performance of a ramjet–scramjet powered hy- [1]. The fight test concept utilized a Hypersonic Flying
personic vehicle is determined by its inlet efficiency. Laboratory (HFL) named Kholod. The engine and its
Specifically, the inlet wave system influences compres- support services were mounted on the nose of a mod-
sion efficiency, mass capture and combustion stability. ified SA-5 vehicle and remained attached to the HFL
The unstart phenomenon is one of the most important throughout the fight. While in CIAM/NASA flight test
issues of the hypersonic inlet. The disturbances which [2], the engine is supplied in the wrong fuel flow due
can induce inlet unstart can be either the variation of to the unstart control system’s failure, which results in
flight conditions or the disturbance of the combustor. that the flight test does not achieve the desired objec-
For hypersonic airbreathing engines, inlet unstart causes tives. So the determination of whether inlet start or un-
a large drop of both engine thrust and specific impulse, start is an important aspect in the ground and flight test,
thus it may cause catastrophic damage during the hyper- and quick inlet start/unstart detection and control are
sonic flight. There are a few flight tests to demonstrate required because the loss of the engine thrust caused by
the dual-mode scramjet in the past years. An axisym- inlet unstart results in a deceleration of the spaceplane
metric hydrogen-fueled engine was successfully fight or even a mission failure [3,4].
The operation modes of the fixed geometry hyper-
∗ Corresponding author. sonic inlet are influenced by several factors (freestream
E-mail address: (J. Chang). Mach number, angle of attack, freestream pressure and

0094-5765/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
458 J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466

k turbulent kinetic energy p2 static pressure at x2 , pressure under the lip
 turbulent dissipation rate p3 static pressure at x3 , pressure at the exit of
M∞ Mach number of the freestream the isolator
T∞ static temperature of the freestream p4 static pressure, shown in Table 3
p∞ static pressure of the freestream p5 static pressure, shown in Table 3
 angle of attack of the freestream p6 static pressure, shown in Table 3
ps surface static pressure of the inlet pmin mass-weighted averaged static pressure at
x axis location of the inlet the entrance of the isolator
y vertical location of the inlet pmax static pressure larger than the maximal sus-
x1 shown in Fig. 1 tainable backpressure of the isolator
x2 shown in Fig. 1 pb static pressure at the exit of the isolator
x3 shown in Fig. 1  mass-captured coefficient
p1 static pressure at x1 , pressure behind  total-pressure recovery coefficient
of the first oblique shock

backpressure of the isolator, etc.), and the impact of [13] analyzed the major factors that influence the inlet
these factors individually or jointly make the hypersonic operation modes and studied the start/unstart character-
inlet be different operation modes (inlet start, low Mach istic of 2-D hypersonic inlet. Reinartz [14] and Saied
unstart, backpressure unstart, etc.). The state detection Emami [15] studied the variation of isolator geometry
is the base of the unstart control of the hypersonic in- and its influence on the overall inlet compression effi-
let, where the state detection is referred to the pattern ciency. Tan [16] investigated the flow pattern of a hy-
recognition/classification of different hypersonic inlets personic inlet at an unstable–unstarted condition exper-
operation modes. The different operation modes of hy- imentally, and analyzed the oscillations of the shock
personic inlets must be distinguished by unstart control system and the unsteady process of the duct flow. Wag-
system, otherwise the control system can not work ef- ner [17] studied the unstart dynamics of an inlet/isolator
fectively, such as the inlet in low Mach number unstart model at a Mach 5 flow experimentally. However, few
cannot be restarted by only regulating the backpressure. numerical and experimental investigations have been
So the classification of different hypersonic inlet opera- reported on the detection of hypersonic inlet opera-
tion modes, especial the classification of the inlet back- tion modes. The detection [18] has been proposed and
pressure unstart/low Mach number unstart, is necessary several measurement techniques provided useful infor-
to the unstart control of the hypersonic inlet. mation by which to evaluate the inlet operating mode,
Unstart phenomena of the hypersonic inlet have been that is the flow visualization technique using the shad-
very active fields of research in last decades, there have owgraph/schlieren windows, and the visualization tech-
been many investigations devoted to this subject [5–19]. nique is complex and not practical to the flight test. Yu
Mayer and Paynter [5,6] used an Euler solver and sim- [19] discussed the classification of the inlet start/unstart
ulated an axisymmetric inlet unstart due to the varia- based on “numerical experimental” data, while the clas-
tion of freestream variables such as temperature, veloc- sification of the inlet unstart (backpressure unstart and
ity and pressure. Neaves and McRae [7] developed dy- low Mach number unstart) has not been studied.
namic solution-adaptive gird algorithm introduced by In this paper, the study is focused on the operation
Benson and McRae [8] and simulated the 3-D inlet un- pattern classification of hypersonic inlets based on the
start caused by a combustor perturbation. Zha [9,10] in- simulation results, especially the classification of hyper-
vestigated unstart transient mechanism of a typical ax- sonic inlet unstart (backpressure unstart and low Mach
isymmetric HSCT (high speed civil transport) inlet at number unstart). To establish the classification crite-
angle of attack using CFD. Cox [11] presented several rions, the inlet unstart phenomena (backpressure un-
mechanisms of the hypersonic inlet unstart, including start and low Mach number unstart) were studied firstly.
backpressure unstart, overcontraction unstart and angle Based on the “numerical experiment” data, the SVM
of attack unstart. The second approach is based on the (support vector machine) algorithms are introduced to
experimental investigation. Schmitz [12] and Van Wie solve the operation pattern classification of hypersonic
J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466 459

inlets. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Table 1

Section 2 states inlet model and numerical method. The Boundary conditions for cases I, II and III.
inlet unstart phenomenon analysis is given in Section Case M ∞ T ∞ (K) p ∞ (Pa) pb (Pa)  (deg)
3. Section 4 presents the operation pattern classifica-
I 2.5 216.7 21888 [pmin , pmax ] −10, −5, 0, 5, 10
tion of hypersonic inlet by using the SVM. And some
II 3 216.6 15090 [pmin , pmax ] −10, −5, 0, 5, 10
conclusions are given in Section 5. III 4 216.6 8471 [pmin , pmax ] −10, −5, 0, 5, 10
IV 5 216.7 5415 [pmin , pmax ] −10, −5, 0, 5, 10
V 6 219.1 3743 [pmin , pmax ] −10, −5, 0, 5, 10
2. Inlet model and numerical method

2.1. Inlet model

flow field firstly, and perform the mesh self-adaptation
The overall inlet geometry is based on the similar in- technology based on the pressure gradient and continue
let model tested within the frame of earlier Langley Re- to compute.
search Center activities [15]. The computational model A renormalization group k– turbulence model is im-
includes an inlet and constant area isolator only. Fig. 1 plemented for turbulent flows. The boundary condition
shows the geometric sketch of the inlet model. of the supersonic inflow is far-pressure field, and the
freestream conditions given in Table 1 can be defined
by specifying the boundary conditions, where the defi-
2.2. Numerical method nition of  is referred to Fig. 1. The boundary condition
of the exit of the isolator is the pressure outlet, and the
The computation is performed using the finite- backpressure can be defined by specifying the pressure
volume technique with upwind discretization to value. In case of predominant supersonic outflow, the
solve the 2-D compressible Reynolds-averaged variables are completely extrapolated from the interior
Navier–Stokes equations [20]. The space discretiza- to the boundary. Otherwise, the influence of the throttle
tion is performed by a cell-centered formulation. To is simulated with a prescribed backpressure at the out-
account for the directed propagation of information in flow boundary and the remaining variables are extrapo-
the inviscid part of the equations, the advection up- lated. At solid walls, the no-slip boundary condition is
stream splitting method (AUSM) flux vector splitting enforced by setting the velocity components to zero.
is applied for the approximation of the convective flux
functions. Higher-order accuracy for the upwind dis- 2.3. Numerical accuracy analysis
cretization and consistency with the central differences
used for the diffusive term is achieved by the mono- To ensure the convergence of the numerical solution,
tonic upstream scheme for conservation laws extrap- the residuals (L2 -norm) are monitored in Fig. 2. The
olations, and the total variation diminishing property solution can be considered as converged after approx-
of the scheme is ensured by the Van Leer flux limiter. imately 75,000 iterations, where the courant number
To enhance convergence, a multigrid method, implicit is 0.5. At this stage, the continuity residual, x-velocity
residuals smoothing, and local time stepping are ap- residual, y-velocity residual and energy residual reach
plied. To ensure the accuracy of the turbulence flow their minimum values after falling for over four or-
solution, a value of y+ below 5 is realized for the main ders of magnitude. The turbulence (k and ) residual
portion of the wall flow region. To simulate the interac- have a five orders of magnitude decrease. An additional
tion between the shock and the boundary layer, the in- convergence criterion enforced in this current analysis
tersection, and reflection of wave system, calculate the requires the difference between computed inflow and
outflow mass flux to drop below 0.5 percent. The eval-
uation was performed using the medium mesh.
The performance of a grid sensitivity analysis con-
firmed that the grid resolution used here is sufficient.
Table 2 shows the performance parameters (mass-
captured coefficient, total-pressure recovery coeffi-
cient and static pressure ratio) of hypersonic inlets
(M ∞ = 6, p ∞ = 3743 Pa, T ∞ = 219.1 K) at differ-
ent grid-refinement levels: coarse (605×65), medium
Fig. 1. Geometric sketch of the inlet model. (1034×105) and fine (2132×198); and the maximum
460 J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466

discrepancy between the three mesh levels is less than Comparison of a schlieren picture [14,21] without throt-
5 percent, where the performance parameter is referred tling and corresponding Mach number contour lines of
to the one (mass-weighted averaged) at the exit of the the computation is shown in Fig. 3, and it reveals an
isolator. Out of this analysis, the medium grid was overall good agreement. The shock wave pattern, the
selected, and all results shown are computed applying separation, and the approximate boundary-layer thick-
this resolution. The use of a medium grid resolution ness of the schlieren picture are also present in the simu-
greatly saves the CPU time. lation results. The surface pressure distributions shown
The accuracy of the current numerical investigation is in Fig. 4, allow for a more quantitative comparison be-
evaluated by comparison with the experimental results. tween numerical and experimental results. Here, a dis-
crepancy in the ramp pressure distribution can be seen
in the expansion region with subsequent separation. The
computed separation appears smaller than experimen-
tally observed, and thus, the separation shock is weaker
and impinges downstream of the measured location on
the cowl surface. The reason for the discrepancy is prob-
ably the deficiency of the turbulence model, the differ-
ences between experiment and computation conditions,
or the measurements error of the sensor. In a word, the
computation results of the hypersonic inlet accord with

Fig. 2. Residuals for hypersonic inlet computations.

Table 2
Performance parameter of hypersonic inlets at different grid-
refinement levels.
Grid level   p3 /p0

Coarse 0.711 0.341 13.12

Medium 0.705 0.352 13.05
Fine 0.722 0.358 13.25
Fig. 4. Surface pressure distributions of hypersonic inlets.

Fig. 3. Comparison of a schlieren picture (bottom) without throttling and corresponding Mach number contour lines (top) of the computation.
J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466 461

the physical conception of the aerodynamics. It can re-

veal the intersection of oblique shock waves and ex-
pansion waves and capture the primary characteristic of
internal flowfield. The simulation results can be used
as data to investigate the multiple classifiers fusion of
hypersonic inlet start/unstart.
The numerical accuracy analysis of the hypersonic
inlet unstart phenomena (backpressure unstart and low
Mach number unstart phenomena) is referred to Refs.

3. Inlet unstart phenomenon analysis

Generally speaking, there are two main different

classes of inlet unstart for the fixed geometry hyper- Fig. 6. Variations of mass-captured coefficient, total pressure recov-
sonic inlet, one is backpressure unstart, and the other ery coefficient and dynamics kinetic efficiency with Mach number
is low Mach number unstart. of the freestream.

3.1. Backpressure unstart pb /p ∞ is achieved. After even a slight shift of the oper-
ating point (pb /p ∞ = 37.5), the pressure rise is pushed
Firstly, we discuss the backpressure unstart of hyper- forward into the contracting part of the inlet. A fur-
sonic inlets. In scramjet, a precombustion shock system ther increase of the backpressure causes a severe flow
is developed inside of the isolator because of the sub- blockage and results in a strong decrease of the cap-
sequent high-pressure combustion zone. To produce a tured mass flow. In this condition, the inlet flowfield is
similar shock wave system in the test, the effect of the unstable and the inlet is no longer started. This class of
operating engine is simulated by a specified backpres- unstart phenomenon is the backpressure unstart.
sure. Fig. 5 shows surface pressure distributions at dif-
ferent backpressure ratios. The high backpressure leads
3.2. Low Mach number unstart
to the separation of the boundary layer. The pressure
buildup proceeds continuously due to the rapidly grow-
Then we analyze the low Mach number unstart of
ing boundary layer. As the backpressure increases, the
hypersonic inlets. The internal contraction ration of
onset of pressure buildup moves upstream into the isola-
the hypersonic inlet is about 1.9, which is above the
tor. At pb /p ∞ = 37.5, the complete isolator contributes
Kantrowitz limit for self-starting. Fig. 6 shows the
to the pressure buildup and the maximum pressure ratio
variations of mass-captured coefficient, total-pressure
recovery coefficient and kinetic energy efficiency with
Mach number of freestream, where the performance
index is referred to the one (mass-weighted averaged)
at the exit of the isolator. The Mach number contours
of hypersonic inlets at different M ∞ are shown in
Fig. 7. As M ∞ decreases, the mass-captured coeffi-
cient and kinetic energy efficiency gradually decreases
and the total-pressure recovery coefficient increases.
When M ∞ decreases to Mach 3.2, the performance
parameter varies abruptly because the separated flow
appears and the backward shock is formed, thus the
inlet is no longer started. This class of unstart phe-
nomenon is the low Mach number unstart, and the
starting Mach number of the hypersonic inlet is about
3.2 at the attack of angle zero.
Fig. 5. Surface pressure distributions with different backpressures, There probably exist two stable solutions at the same
M ∞ = 4 and  = 0. boundary conditions, at this condition the solutions
462 J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466

Fig. 8. Surface pressure distributions with different boundary con-


complex function of Mach number of the freestream,

angle of attack, pressure of the freestream and the pres-
sure at the exit of the isolator (or fueling rate). Deter-
mining the boundary approximate function expression
is difficult involving these variables with uncertainty. So
Fig. 7. Mach number contour of the hypersonic inlet at different
the operation pattern classification of hypersonic inlets
Mach number. (a) M ∞ = 4, (b) M ∞ = 3.2, (c) M ∞ = 3.1. is difficult.
The five sets of conditions identified in Table 1 were
depend on the initial values of hypersonic inlet. If the analyzed as representative operating conditions for a hy-
initial values of the inlet is started, the inlet is started; personic inlet. The ramp surface pressure distributions
else unstarted. The two classes of solutions of hyper- of inlet at different boundary conditions are shown in
sonic inlet at the same boundary conditions are both Fig. 8. It includes 117 surface pressure distributions of
obtained. Here the term “started” is used to denote op- inlet start, 61 distributions of backpressure unstart and
eration mode under which the shock system structures 40 distributions of low Mach number unstart, and every
in the internal portions of the inlet do not alter the pressure distribution includes 1034 data point. The high
mass-captured characteristics, and this is the essence dimension of data set brings difficulty in understand-
differences between the inlet start and unstart. How- ing the data and constructing classifier. As can be seen
ever you approach the CFD solutions, the inlet start from Fig. 8, there are no intuitively distinct features
or unstart can be defined based on the mass-captured by which the inlet operation modes could be classified.
characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the knowledge
of feature selection and various intelligence algorithms
4. Operation pattern classification of hypersonic to solve classification problems of the inlet operation
inlets by using SVM modes. The aim of feature selection is to find a subset
of original features from a given dataset by removing
Pattern classification is the act of taking in the raw irrelevant and redundant features [24]. In recent years
data and taking an action based on the “category” of the feature selection has attracted much attention from pat-
pattern. For the classification of hypersonic inlet opera- tern recognition and machine learning society [25], and
tion modes, the first step is to obtain the surface pressure it can provide faster and more cost-effective predictor
distributions which include the inlet start, backpressure and improve the prediction performance [26]. There are
unstart and low Mach number unstart. The data can be many statistical methods of clustering and classifica-
acquired by the numerical simulation or experiment of tion used for feature selection and pattern classifica-
the hypersonic inlet. The data samples used in this pa- tion. SVM proposed in 1990s by Vapnik, has already
per is from the numerical simulation results. been known as an efficient tool for discovering informa-
Generally speaking, for the fixed geometry inlet, the tive feature attributes [27]. A lot of researches on SVM
boundary among the different operation modes is a very were carried on. In 2002, SVM was first applied to gene
J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466 463

Table 3
Axis location of feature attributions.

Feature attributions 6 (p1 ) 160 (p2 ) 980 (p3 )

Axis location (m) 0.0390 0.1546 0.3041

selection for cancer classification as a method of fea-

ture selection, and the main iterative procedures can be
referred to Refs. [19,28].
The operation pattern classification of hypersonic in-
lets can be divided into two subproblems of pattern clas-
sification. One is the classification of hypersonic inlet
start/unstart, and the other is the classification of hy-
personic inlet backpressure unstart/low Mach number

4.1. Pattern classification of hypersonic inlets


We discuss the pattern classification of hypersonic

inlet start/unstart firstly. Select 70 percent of samples
as the train set randomly, and the feature selection is
studied based on the train sample set by using the al-
gorithm of SVM. First of all, use all the feature attribu-
tions to train SVM and get their accuracies. Then ap-
ply SVM to select the relevant feature subset. Finally
the feature attributions [6, 160] are found, here 6 de-
notes the sixth pressure point of every surface pressure
distribution and so on. The axis location of every fea-
ture attribution is referred to Table 3. The classifica- Fig. 9. Train and test of the classification between the hypersonic
inlet start and unstart. (a) Train and test I. (b) Train and test II.
tion hyperplane p2 −1.0033×p1 −6995.3 = 0 is obtained
based on the feature attributions [6, 160], here p1 and
p2 are the pressure of sixth and 160th, respectively.
There exist two boundaries, one is the boundary of in- randomly, and the feature selection is studied based on
let start, and the other is the boundary of inlet unstart. the train sample set by using the algorithm of SVM.
The classification criterions are described as follow. If First of all, use all the feature attributions to train SVM
p2 −1.0033×p1 −14301 > 0, the inlet is unstarted; else and get their accuracies. Then apply SVM to select
if p2 −1.0033×p1 +310.4 < 0, the inlet is started. The the relevant feature subset. Finally the feature attri-
classification hyperplane is validated by the remnant 30 butions [6, 980] are found, here 6 denotes the sixth
percent of samples, which is shown in Fig. 9a. Secondly pressure point of every surface pressure distribution
select 70 percent of samples as the train set randomly, and so on. The axis location of every feature attribution
the classification hyperplane can be obtained by using is referred to Table 3. The classification hyperplane
the same method and it is validated by the remnant 30 p3 −2.6838×p1 −47290 = 0 is obtained based on the
percent of samples shown in Fig. 9b. The physical sig- feature attributions [6, 980], here p1 and p3 are the pres-
nificance of the classification criterions is referred to sure of sixth and 980th, respectively. There exist two
Ref. [19]. boundaries, one is the boundary of backpressure un-
start, and the other is the boundary of low Mach number
4.2. Pattern classification of hypersonic inlets unstart. The classification criterions are described as
backpressure unstart/low Mach number unstart follow. If p3 −2.6838×p1 −83350 > 0, the inlet is back-
pressure unstart; else if p3 −2.6838×p1 −11230 < 0, the
Then we discuss the pattern classification of hy- inlet is low Mach number unstart. The classification
personic inlet backpressure unstart/low Mach number hyperplane is validated by the remnant 30 percent of
unstart. Select 70 percent of samples as the train set samples, which is shown in Fig. 10a. Secondly select
464 J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466

Table 4
Axis location of feature attributions.

Feature attributions 36 (p4 ) 200 (p5 ) 223 (p6 )

Axis location (m) 0.0608 0.3812 0.4306

Fig. 11. Surface pressure distributions with different boundary con-


exits that p3 of inlet low Mach number unstart at higher

Mach number and positive angle of attack is greater than
p3 of inlet backpressure unstart at lower Mach number
Fig. 10. Train and test of the classification between hypersonic inlet and negative angle of attack. Thus determining the in-
backpressure unstart and low Mach number unstart. (a) Train and let backpressure unstart or low Mach number unstart by
test I. (b) Train and test II. only p3 is not enough, p1 which denotes the freestream
conditions should be added.
70 percent of samples as the train set randomly, the
classification hyperplane can be obtained by using the 4.3. Discussion of the classification criterion used in
same method and it is validated by the remnant 30 Ref. [2]
percent of samples shown in Fig. 10b.
The inlet backpressure unstart/low Mach number un- In the CIAM/NASA ground and flight test [2], the
start can be determined by two pressure points p1 and scramjet control system determines the inlet start/unstart
p3 . The physical significance of the classification cri- by the ratio of the pressure near the entrance of isola-
terions is explained below. p1 is located behind of the tor to the pressure under the lip, namely by the p6 /p5 ,
first oblique shock, its magnitude depends on the inten- where the axis locations of p6 and p5 are referred to
sity of shock, namely depends on M ∞ , p ∞ and , and Table 4, and the detailed inlet geometry measurements
its magnitude denotes the freestream conditions. p3 is are referred to Ref. [2]. If p6 /p5 is less than one, the inlet
located at the exit of the isolator, and its magnitude de- is started, else unstarted. The inlet operation mode is not
notes the compression degree of the hypersonic inlets. properly sensed, which results in that the flight test does
There exist no shocks in the isolator when the inlet is not achieve the desired objectives. We study the classi-
low Mach number unstart, so p3 is lower. p3 is larger fication criterion of the hypersonic inlet [2] start/unstart
due to the high backpressure when the inlet is back- by the SVM algorithms, and try to give the proper clas-
pressure unstart. So the inlet backpressure unstart/low sification criterions of hypersonic inlet start/unstart.
Mach number unstart can be determined by only p3 The surface pressure distributions of the hypersonic
for the fixed geometry inlet and freestream conditions. inlet [2] at different boundary conditions are shown in
However the freestream conditions are varied, and there Fig. 11, it includes 55 surface pressure distributions of
J. Chang et al. / Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 457 – 466 465

Fig. 12. Train and test of the classification between hypersonic inlet Fig. 13. p6 and p5 at different M ∞ , p ∞ and .
start and unstart.

the need for protection control system of scramjets. For

inlet start, and 45 distributions of inlet unstart. Select 70
this investigation, the 2-D inner steady flow of the hy-
percent of samples as the train set randomly, and the fea-
personic inlet was numerically simulated at different
ture selection is studied based on the train sample set by
freestream conditions and backpressures, and the two
using the algorithm of SVM. First of all, use all the fea-
different inlet unstart phenomena were analyzed, and
ture attributions to train SVM and get their accuracies.
the SVM algorithms were introduced to solve the op-
Then apply SVM to select the relevant feature subset.
eration pattern classification of hypersonic inlets in this
Finally the feature attributions [36, 200] are found, here
paper. The classification criterions between inlet start
36 denotes the 36th pressure point of every surface pres-
and inlet unstart, between backpressure unstart and low
sure distribution and so on. The axis location of every
Mach number unstart were obtained by the SVM algo-
feature attribution is also referred to Table 4. The clas-
rithm, and the validation results prove the validity of
sification hyperplane p5 −1.1897×p4 −6840 = 0 is ob-
the classification criterions. In conclusion, it is useful
tained based on the feature attributions [36, 200], here p4
to introduce the SVM algorithms to solve the operation
and p5 are the pressure of 36th and 200th, respectively.
pattern classification of hypersonic inlets.
There exist two boundaries, one is the boundary of in-
let start, and the other is the boundary of inlet unstart.
The classification criterions are described as follows. If Acknowledgments
p5 −1.1897×p4 −9079 > 0, the inlet is unstarted; else if
p5 −1.1897×p4 −4600 < 0, the inlet is started. The clas- This work was supported by China National Natu-
sification hyperplane is validated by the remnant 30 per- ral Science Foundation (No. 90816028, No. 90716012),
cent of samples, which is shown in Fig. 12. and the authors thank the reviewer’s valuable advices
Fig. 13 shows p6 and p5 at different M0 , p0 and on this paper.
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