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Book Review On

7-Habbits Of Highly Effective

Author:- Stephen R. Covey

 Written by Mr. Stephen R Covey in the


 It has sold more than 15 million copies .

 The book talks about 7 Habits of Effective

Habit =knowledge + skills + desire

(What to, why to )

Skills Desire
(How to) (Want to )
First Habit - Be Proactive

 Proactive means:-
 We are responsible of our life.
 Taking initiative.
 Our behavior is a function of our decisions,
not our conditions.
 Proactivity vs. Reactivity .
Second Habit - Begin With The End
Of Mind

 It is based on the principle that all “Things

are Created Twice”.

 First creation is Mental creation.

 Second creation is Physical creation.

Third Habit – Put First Things
 Focus on important activities.

 Making good strategies.

 Balance key priorities.

 Eliminate less priorities things.

Fourth Habit – Think Win/Win

 Think Win-Win means it is the frame of

mind and heart that constantly focus on
the benefits of our self .
 It means that the solution which are
beneficial and satisfying.
 Win –Win sees life as cooperative manner.
Fifth Habit – Seek First To

 First understand our self.

 Understand others.

 Improve communication skills.

 Improve listening skills.

Sixth Habit - Synergize

 Synergize means the habit of creating


 It is highest level of communication.

 It should be both positive as well as

Seventh Habit - Sharpen The
 Sharpen the saw means preserve and increase
the asset you have.
 It means having a balance between four area of
Take Away From The Book

 It helps me in developing my personality.

 If I develop these habits in me then it will

help me to take challenges in my life as
well as in my job.

 It help me how I work in more effective

manner & how I relate with others people.

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