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95–100% Independent _____

90–95% Instructional _____

RVS Running Record Below 90% Hard _____
M – Does it make sense?
S – Does it sound right?
Level A - B V – Does it look right?

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Grade: ________

Text Title: __________________________ Level: ________ Assessed by: _______________________

Strategies Used
Reading Behaviours Pg Running Record E SC

Concepts of print (front of

book, left to right, right side up,
difference between pictures and

Beginning to match word by


Uses illustrations as a source of

information (predicting what
makes sense)

Controlling left to right

movement and return sweep

Remembering and using

language patterns

Noticing some features of letters

and words

Adapted from Guided Reading (1996).

Fountas and Pinnell., Scholastic Guided
Reading Program (2000). Pinnell., and
Leveled Books for Readers Grade 3-6
(2002). Pinnell and Fountas.

Compiled by J. Moen and M. Flockhart

Page 1
Strategies Used
Reading Behaviours Pg Running Record E SC


Accuracy Rate 1. Running Words – Total Errors = *Score Next steps for instruction:
– =
2. *Score ÷ Running Words X 100 = % Accuracy Rate

÷ X 100 = %

Self-Correction (E + SC) ÷ SC = 1: ____


Fluency Fluency Scoring Key 0 1 2 3

Score 0 Reads primarily word-by-word with occasional but infrequent or inappropriate
phrasing; no smooth or expressive interpretation, irregular pausing, and no
attention to author’s meaning or punctuation; no stress or inappropriate stress and
slow rate.
1 Reads primarily in two-word phrases with some three- and four-word groups and
some word-by-word reading; almost no smooth, expressive interpretation or
pausing guided by author’s meaning and punctuation; almost no stress or
inappropriate stress, with slow rate most of the time.

2 Reads primarily in three- or four-word phrase groups; some smooth, expressive

interpretation and pausing guided by author’s meaning and punctuation; mostly
appropriate stress and rate with some slowdowns.

3 Reads primarily in larger, meaningful phrases or word groups; mostly smooth,

expressive interpretation and pausing guided by author’s meaning and
punctuation; appropriate stress and rate with only a few slowdowns.

Page 2
RVS Comprehension Retell
Comprehension Conversation
Have a conversation with the student, noting the key Comprehension Scoring Key
understandings the student expresses. Use prompts as needed to 0 Reflects no understanding of the text.
stimulate discussion of understanding the student does not express.
Include both literal and inferential and score for evidence of all 1 Reflects limited or inaccurate understanding of the text.
understandings expressed – with or without a prompt. Highlight the
prompts used if needed. Circle the number in the score column that 2 Reflects acceptable (partial) understanding of the text. Includes important
information and ideas but neglects other key understandings.
reflects the level of understanding demonstrated.
3 Reflects detailed (complete) understanding of the text. Includes almost all
Teacher: important information and main ideas.
Fiction: Can you tell me the story in your own
Non Fiction: Talk about what you learned in this book.

Retell – Within the Text Literal Prompts if Needed Score

What happened at the beginning? 0 1 2 3

What happened next?
Can you tell me more?
What happened at the end?
Other literal non-leading prompts
based on the story

(You may want to record the number of prompts used)

Beyond the Text Inferential Prompts

Does this remind you of something? 0 1 2 3

What might happen next?
At this point in the story, what do you
imagine the character might be feeling
and why?
Other inferential prompts based on the
i.e. Why do you think….?
What are the main things you
learned about…?

Guide for Total Score

Total Score
6-7 Excellent Comprehension
5 Satisfactory Comprehension
4 Limited Comprehension
0-3 Unsatisfactory Comprehension

Adapted from - Columbia University; Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project 2014; Fountas & Pinnell: Leveled Literacy Intervention, 2013

Next steps for instruction:

Page 4

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