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(Updated 1 October 2018)

What is Air Pollution?

most harmful to health. These include

What is air pollution?
ozone, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur
• Air pollution is the contamination of the dioxide, and carbon monoxide, as well
indoor or outdoor air by a range of as fine particulate matter. Fine
gasses and solids that modify its particulate matter (PM 2.5) is the key
natural characteristics. Key health- indicator used in making health
harmful pollutants include particulate estimates of air pollution impacts and is
matter (PM2.5 and PM10) 1 , carbon most commonly measured or
monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), black monitored by governments around the
carbon (BC), sulfur dioxide and world to protect citizens against the
nitrogen oxides (NOx). adverse impacts of air pollutants.
• Air pollution is often not visible to the
naked eye as the size of the pollutants What are the main health
are smaller than the human eye can impacts of particulate matter?
detect. They can become visible in
some situations for example in the form • The health impacts of particulate matter
of sooty smoke from the open burning depend on the level of exposure
of crop residues or other waste, as well (frequently expressed in ug/m3) and
as from burning wood, coal, petrol and the duration of exposure (which can be
diesel fuels for cooking and heating, either short term e.g. 8 or 24 hours or
transport or power production. The fact long term e.g. annual) Individual
that you cannot see the air pollution sensitivity to the health impacts of
does not mean that it does not exist. particulate matter can vary.

• Many cities in South-East Asia face • Short-term exposure to particulate

poor air quality throughout the year 2 . matter (or PM) is likely to cause acute
However levels of air pollution can health reactions such as irritation to the
become severe in certain months or in eyes, nose, and throat, coughing,
response to specific incidents/episodes. wheezing and increased frequency of
acute lower respiratory infections, deep
in your lungs.
What are the most health
• More prolonged and continued
harmful air pollutants?
exposure to either high or lower levels
• WHO has air quality guidelines for air of air pollution can also lead to an
pollutants which are regarded as the increased risk of respiratory infections,
exacerbation of asthma, bronchitis or
1 serious chronic effects including
Particulate less than 2.5 micrometers and 10
micrometers respectively reduced lung function, ischaemic heart
WHO Global Ambient Air Quality database disease, stroke, lung cancer and
contains information on air quality in cities around premature death. Such symptoms are a
the world particular concern in rural and peri-
urban settings where use of wood, o Burning waste from houses,
agricultural waste and animal dung is hospitals, electronic waste, crop
used for cooking, heating and lighting residues, etc.
and exposure levels can be high and
o Incidents such as forest fires, fires
prolonged over long periods of time.
at garbage

What additional factors can

What are the factors affecting a affect a person’s vulnerability?
normally healthy person’s • Age of person exposed: Children,
vulnerability to air pollution? especially under-five, and older people
People are more vulnerable to having are particularly vulnerable.
adverse health reactions to air pollution in • Health status of person exposed.
the following situations: People, with pre-existing diseases such
• Particularly high concentrations of as asthma and other respiratory
particulate matter. A number of disease, cardiovascular diseases, are
factors, including increased burning of at greater risk of health effects.
fuel for winter, burning of agricultural • Pregnant women. Evidence has
crop residues, as well as particular shown that pregnancy increases
weather patterns can all combine to vulnerability to the effects of particulate
create air pollution peaks. High exposure with potential effects to the
concentrations of particulate matter are unborn child such as low and pre-term
more often found in winter-time when birth weight.
the temperature and wind affect the
• Low socioeconomic status. Persons
build-up of air pollution and its
with low socioeconomic status with a
persistence locally. Normally, when air
pre-existing disease, poor nutritional
gets colder, a layer of warm air traps a
status and poor housing conditions,
layer of cold air nearer the ground. This
including where household combustion
acts like a lid over a cloud of smog and
of solid fuels takes place for cooking,
stops it from rising and drifting away.
heating or lighting. People living on the
• Close proximity of activities street and in poor housing are
generating high levels of pollution particularly vulnerable.
• Occupational exposures: Construction
o Heavy traffic on roads, vehicles not workers, traffic police, road sweepers
complying to pollution norms; and those working outdoors and in
o Thermal (coal-based) power plants highly polluted settings.
and other factories emitting • Smoking of tobacco products and
polluting smoke; exposure to second-hand smoke
o Uncontrolled construction or
demolition sites;
o Use of biomass fuel for domestic
energy needs such as cooking;
o Bursting fire crackers;

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