3acknowledgement and Preface

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13DCE053 MIndTeaser


I owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during
completion of this Project.

My deepest thanks to my Project Guide and Head of Department at NIrma University,

Prof. Nisha Khurana and my Project Guide at Institute of Diploma Studies, Nirma
University Mrs. Madhvi Patel and Mrs. Heli Patel for guiding and correcting various
actions and steps and documents of mine with attention and care. They have presented a
good amount of attention throughout the project and make necessary correction as and
when needed.

I express my thanks to the Section Head at Computer Engineering, Institute of Diploma

Studies, Nirma University, Prof. Prakash B. Patel for providing support for my project.

I would also thank my Institution and my faculty members without whom this project
would have been not possible.

I also thank my classmates and all my colleagues for providing the constant support and

Last but not the least, I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my father, my lo vely and
supporting mother and my sister and brother- in- law for providing mental support during
this project.

Place: Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Thanking You,

Mit J. Gandhi


13DCE053 MIndTeaser


MIndTeaser is web based Application. It is for testing the human minds by taking some
innovative quizzes which is provided by one of the registered users. Mainly developed for
Institutes and Schools to take some exams , quizzes other than only teaching.

Nowadays, it has become very important to train students of various institutes to handle
the each and every question that they are facing. So by MIndTeaser the faculties/teachers
can create various quizzes based on their requirement and all the students can give/play
that quizzes and can get the score.

The Older Quiz Generator were like if you want to create/play quizzes in more than one
computer then you have to first import the database in the computer and then manage the

Whereas, In MIndTeaser, it is a web-based application that is you can access your records
from any Computer just you need is an Internet Connection, a HTML5 supported
browser, an Email ID, Password and a valid Quiz id. Your records are centrally managed
and are secure.


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