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Nicholas Gilmore

Stalin's Massacre

This genocide (The Holodomor) was the best-kept secret of the 20th century.So,
how was this occurrence exposed to the World? The Holodomor is a man-made
famine in 1932-33 when Stalin began to wipe out the independent seeking
peasants. Also known as Ukraine fighting against the USSR. While Russia made
food shortages and took food from their homes, the peasants started to eat Robin
eggs, horse meat, and even each other.beginning cannibalistic food riots through
towns. In this genocide, roughly 7 million peasants died of starvation. Russia still
denies any participation in the Holodomor. When I did the specifics for research
notes on this Holodomor, I started to work on the denial/cover-up piece of this
genocide, just to see how Russia tries to hide any of this. As expected, Russia
covers this up very poorly to today’s standard.

I decided to do quotes for my project because I feel like there is so much context
within itself that it explains more with even more perspective. I want the viewer to
do what I did and separate facts from reality, but in an easier way of course. I
chose the denial aspect of this genocide because I feel like I could expand my
research on how the Holodomor was actually a genocide. What you are looking at
is a stalk of quotes representing facts, the lies, and Stalin’s opinion of Ukraine

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (also known as Joseph ​Stalin). Stalin is the

reason for sudden food shortages and breaking into Ukraine homes to steal food
straight from the peasant's homes. stalin wrote to Kolksv trying to convince the
Ukraine government to give up most of their crops of food by writing:
“Concerning these villages, the following measures should be adopted: Immediate
suspension of delivery of goods and of local cooperative and state trading
activities, and the removal of all available goods from the cooperative and state
stores.” This quote shows how guilty the Russians are in this genocide. This quote
also shows that Stalin knew about the famine, and did nothing to help.
While Joseph was writing to kolksv, local farmers to are writing for help: “there is
not a kernel left. There were 500 pigs, 184 of which have already died, [the
remainder] eat sugar beet residue. There are only 60 cows, of which 46 will go for
meat, leaving 14 for the entire village for all of 1932. “(this quote represents what
extremes had to have happened to get food all year. eating horse meat, their own
horses just to survive.)”This quote is the base of my research, showing that this is
The truth and what happened in Ukraine was real. The preparation was ready for a
year old famine.

In written form, Stalin “wisely” said to Kolskv ​“In my opinion, Ukraine has been
given more than enough.”​ One of the words represents how Stalin truly felt about
Ukraine. He feels like they are useless, and only something in his way. When he
sent that letter to Kolksv, (a fellow politician) it was 1932, months after the food
shortage. Showing how careless Stalin truly was during this famine. Every single
one of these quotes is all connected to Joseph Stalin and his ignorance.

For me, and projects in general, I had trouble finding ideas for projects. when I
finally get an idea, it turns out really bad, at least in my eyes. Only because I
always think it can be substantially better. For me, this project was a game
changer, because I feel like this was a genuinely good idea that I can execute pretty
well. The part of the project that I take away from this is the photoshopping that
comes from the background of the poster. My other contributions are the quotes
represented. I have developed better leadership skills for my group. I hope
everyone that reads this notices the purposeful lies to hide this genocide.


1. “Letter to Stalin.” Received by Joseph Stalin, Baban Raion, 10 Feb. 1932, Baban Raion

2. Sirko. “Summary of Letters on Grain Procurements and Famine from the Agitation and Mass
Campaigns Department .” Received by Joseph Stalin, 28 Apr. 1932.

3. “Letter from Stalin.” Received by To Kaganovich, 2 July 1932.

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