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Roberto Clemente Academic Lesson Plan

Take Away Your GPA!

Why: Over 40% of students in our needs assessment did not know their GPA
or where to find it.

School Counselor: Richie Foreman, Jaclyn Smith

Date: September 12th
Activity: How to calculate your GPA and its importance for your future.
Grade: 10th Grade Math Class
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors
 Mindset Standards:
o M 4. Understanding the post-secondary education and lifelong
 Behavior Standards-Learning Strategies:
o B-LS 3. Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning.
 Behavior Standards - Self-Management Skills:
o B-SMS 1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility.
o B-SMS 5. Demonstrate perseverance to achieve long- and short-
term goals.
 Behavior Standards-Social Skills:
o B-SS1. Use effective oral and written communication skills and
listening skills.
o B-SS 9. Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to
the situation and environment.
Learning Objectives
1. Students will learn how to calculate their GPA’s mathematically.
2. Students will learn the importance of their GPA and why it matters.
3. Students will learn the GPA scores that are needed in order to be
accepted to nearby colleges (DePaul University, UIC, University of
Chicago, Loyola University, etc).
1. Pen
2. Paper
3. Calculator if wanted, but not needed
1. Pass out initial assessment (“Calculating my GPA” worksheet) to
students. Ask students if they know the answer to the questions and to
write them down.
a. What does “GPA” stand for? Grade Point Average
b. What does a “GPA” tell you about your grades? This is the
average of all my grades throughout the courses I have taken.
c. Why is a GPA important? Companies that you may want to
work for, prospective colleges and scholarship opportunities
will judge if you are eligible by looking at your GPA score. If
you have a higher GPA, then that will show them you are
hardworking and therefore would work hard if they accept
you. If you have a lower GPA, that may show them that you
are not a hard worker.
2. Make a sample progress report and go through an example of how to
calculate the GPA as a class. Get a copy of each student’s grade
progress report, with all of their high school course grades, and pass
them out to each student in class.
3. Go over the ranges of GPA’s for the surrounding colleges to show what
the students should strive for if they want to go to college.

4. Pass out second “Calculating my GPA” worksheet (below), and have
students answer the questions, including how they feel about their
GPA/reflective questions.

Plan for Evaluation

 Process Data: All 10th grade students will participate during their math
 Perception Data: With this lesson, the 40.52% of the students who
responded that they did not know their GPA will decrease to 15%. By
showing the students where they stand with their GPA’s and what is
expected to make it into college, the lesson helps students identify long
and short-term academic goals for their future.
 Outcome Data: With this lesson plan showing students what they need
to achieve to get into college and helping students identify long and
short-term academic goals for their future, the college enrollment rate
will rise from the 88% it was in 2018, reaching the 91% if was in 2017.
 Follow up: For the students who do not master the competencies of the
lesson, I plan on circling back with them to see if they are able to
calculate their GPA. If not, they may need one-on-one instruction to
learn where they can access their GPA.


1. What does “GPA” stand for?

2. What does a GPA show?

3. Why is a GPA show?

4. Do you know your current GPA? If so, what is it?

1. What does my “GPA” stand for?

2. What does my GPA show?

3. Why is my GPA important?

4. For each class listed on your grade report, list the grade you have in
that class, then give it points using the scale on the right:
Name of Class Grade Points

A+ 4.0
A 3.9
A- 3.5

B+ 3.4
B 3.0
B- 2.5
C+ 2.4
C 2.0
C- 1.5
D+ 1.4
D 1.0
D- .9
F 0
TOTAL POINTS____ / total number of classes ____ = ______ (this is your
5. Are you satisfied with your GPA?

Why or why not?

6. Many employers and scholarships look for a 3.0 or higher GPA, will
you qualify for these positions or scholarships?

If yes, what have you done well in order to reach this GPA? If no, what
can you do in order to raise your GPA? Please be specific in what you
will do in order to improve.

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