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com | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 21

First Department Second Department U.S. Courts

New York County........................ 22 Kings County............................... 26 Richmond County...................... 27
Bronx County.............................. 22 Appellate Division...................... 22 Queens County........................... 26 Nassau County............................ 27 Suffolk County............................. 28 Southern District........................ 28

Decisions of Interest
New York | Personal Injury Albany | Criminal Law Essex | Real Estate

Plaintiff’s Reaction to ‘Shockvertisement’ Right to Counsel Not Violated; Statement, Despite Plaintiff’s Delay, Absent Prejudice, TRT
Not Defendants’ Negligence Caused Trip and Fall Evidence Suppression After Lawful Stop Denied Undisputedly Necessary Party to Be Joined

D efendants, including Showtime Networks,

moved to dismiss plaintiff’s complaint to
recover damages for personal injuries arising
P owell was charged with criminal possession of
a controlled substance, and DWI, among other
things. She was stopped for traffic violations, and
P laintiff sued for a declaration he had an ease-
ment by prescriptive right, and right-of-way
from his parcel to its joinder with County Route
from an accident in the subway. Plaintiff claimed the odor of alcohol was detected. Powell stated 31 via a private drive--Blodgett Road--proceeding
she was startled, shocked and overwhelmed by a she did not have anything to drink, but took “... through land belonging to defendants. 3 Princesses
full-length photograph along the steps of the actor Xanax.” After failing field sobriety tests and refusing and A P Trust (3P) and Camp Red Fox Trust moved,
portraying “Dexter” with a shocked expression. She a breath test, she was arrested and marijuana and but was denied a motion to dismiss the complaint
became panicked, lost her balance and fell down cannabis oil were seized. She was given DWI warn- for failure to join necessary party Whiteface Resort
the steps from the “shockvertisement.” Plaintiff ings, stating she wished to speak with a lawyer and Holdings. 3P conveyed its property to Guin as trust-
alleged claims for intentionally and negligently Justice given her phone call. Powell was warned again, but Judge ee of Theanogran Realty Trust (TRT), and WRH was Justice
creating and placing a tripping and falling hazard Shlomo Hagler refused the test. She argued there was no probable John Reilly joined as a defendant. A stipulation purporting to Robert Muller
in a common walkway causing a dangerous condi- Supreme Court cause to arrest her, moving to suppress her refusal City Court join TRT as a defendant was allegedly signed by Supreme Court
tion for pedestrians. Defendants argued plaintiff’s to take a chemical test arguing her right to counsel counsel, but was never filed. 3P moved to dismiss
reaction was an unforeseeable act that did not impose liability on them was violated. The court stated trooper’s observation Powell committed the complaint for failure to join TRT as a defendant. It was undisputed
claiming an action based on fear induced by an advertisement was not traffic violations provided a basis to stop her car, noting he reasonably TRT was a necessary party, but while 3P argued the complaint must
cognizable in NY. The court found no evidence Showtime or CBS owed may have concluded Powell drove her car under the influence. Also, as be dismissed due to plaintiff’s delay in joining TRT, same was found
plaintiff a duty of care, noting neither owned or managed the subway Powell’s statements were made in response to an investigatory query, meritless. The court stated TRT was subject to the court’s jurisdic-
stairwell or made special use of it. There was no evidence defendants Miranda warnings were not required. The court also found Powell’s tion and should be joined, despite delay on plaintiff’s part, noting no
caused, created or had notice of a dangerous condition as plaintiff right to counsel was not violated. Adequate warnings for refusal to prejudice was alleged from plaintiff’s delay in joining TRT. Dismissal
admitted it was only her reaction to the advertisement that caused submit to a chemical test were given, but Powell persistently refused. was denied, and plaintiff was entitled to amend the complaint to add
her fall. Defendants were granted dismissal. Suppression was denied. TRT as a defendant.

Njewadda v. Showtime Networks, 450301/15 (Jan. 29) People v. Powell, 17-245892 (Feb. 8) McCutchen v. 3 Princesses and A P Trust, 15-1-2014-0159 (Feb. 6)

Sullivan | Criminal Law Monroe | Criminal Law Wayne | Discovery

Counts 11-14 in State Indictment Not Barred Court Finds Defendant’s Justification Defense Plaintiff Compelled to Respond to Disclosure
By State, Federal Double Jeopardy Protections Meritless, Finds Him Guilty as Charged Demands Related to Staffing Projects

W atson moved to dismiss an indictment charg-

ing him with robbery, among other things.
Prosecutors declined to file opposition, stating a
K urlak was charged with disobeying a traffic
control device. He was arraigned and advised
of his rights to a trial and to obtain a supporting
S odus Central School District (SCSD) moved
to compel plaintiff to respond to discovery
demands; the remaining issue was the merit of
determination of the merits would be left to the deposition--he requested same. The supporting plaintiff’s objection to SCSD’s demand to produce
court’s discretion. Watson was removed to federal deposition indicated an officer observed Kurlak certain records plaintiff believed were “totally unre-
custody and pleaded guilty to 17 charges in the driving approximately 50mph--confirmed by a radar lated” to the litigation. Plaintiff was contracted to
Federal Information (FI), and moved to dismiss at 53mp--in a 35mph zone. Kurlak testified on his perform electrical work for SCSD. Work was not
the underlying State Indicment (SI) arguing it was own behalf and did not deny exceeding the speed substantially completed by a date specified. Plaintiff
barred on double jeopardy grounds. The court limit, nor contest the speed attested to by the offi- alleged SCSD unilaterally repudiated the contract
noted counts one through 10, including robbery Judge cer, but raised a justification defense. He claimed Town Justice by excluding it from the worksite and declaring Justice
and burglary, in the SI were barred by double jeop- Frank LaBuda before being stopped by the officer, a deer jumped Thomas DiSalvo remaining work was to be performed by others. John Nesbitt
ardy from his guilty pleas in the FI, but counts 11 County Court over the hood of his car without touching it, but Town Justice Court It alleged claims including contract breach. SCSD Supreme Court
through 14--reckless endangerment, assault and he noticed a group of four more deer and sped demanded production of all other construction
unlawfully fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle--were not mentioned up to get past them before they darted across the road in the vicinity contracts plaintiff was performing at the time it was performing its
nor charged in the FI. The court stated each of the charges in the FI of his car. On cross-exam, Kurlak stated he did not advise the officer contract with SCSD--seeking a list of each project, and summaries of
contained an element that was not an element of any charges in counts his reason for speeding. The court stated it was difficult to conclude the nature and scope. The court concluded disclosure on staffing was
11-14 in the SI as they required proof of physical injury to an officer, Kurlak had no other choice but to speed up beyond 35mph, finding relevant to delay damages claims and if plaintiff was overextended due
among other things. It ruled state prosecution of Watson on counts People presented credible evidence at trial that was legally sufficient, to other ongoing projects, thus, understaffed the SCSD project. Yet,
11-14 of the SI were not barred by federal or state double jeopardy established every element of the offense charged and Kurlack’s com- the scope of SCSD’s demands went beyond what may be relevant to
protections as they fell under CPL §40.20(2)(b) exception and People mission of it. It found Kurlack’s justification defense meritless, finding establishing such defense, compelling plaintiff to respond to demands
may proceed with prosecuting Watson on such counts. him guilty as charged. regarding project records where staffing was a subject.

People v. Watson, 87-2018 (Feb. 8) People v. Kurlak, 18090082 (Feb. 4) Eastcoast Elec. v. Sodus Cent. Sch. Dist., 79814 (Feb. 5)

Second Circuit | Criminal Law U.S. - SDNY | Contractual Disputes U.S. - SDNY | Transportation

Court Erred as to State Recidivist DWAI Offender Agreements’ Breach Plausibly Stated; Implied Taiwan Not Bound by Montreal Convention;
Conviction; Amended Restitution Upheld Covenant Claim Restated Breach Claim Issue Exits If GE Was Party to Global Contract

A fter pleading guilty to securities and mail

fraud, and obstructing the Internal Revenue
laws Valente was sentenced concurrently to 240
A lessi Equipment Inc. (AEI) sells and services
hydraulic attachments for excavators. With
its assistance, American Piledriving Equipment
G E Aviation Materials LP’s (GE) jet engine was
damaged during transport, by China Air-
lines Inc., from Florida to Taiwan. Transportation
months in prison on the fraud counts, and 36 Inc. (APEI) began developing excavator-mounted was arranged by Expeditors International. Deliv-
months on the Internal Revenue count. He was equipment. Their agreements in 1996, 2004, and eree Evergreen Aviation Technologies billed GE
also ordered to pay $8.2 million in restitution. In 2012 concerned the sale of APEI’s “Robovib” attach- $176,066.57 for repairs due to the engine’s incorrect
July 2017, after remand, district court resentenced ment designed to drive and extract sheet piles tie-down. GE’s subrogee Indemnity sued Expeditors
him to the same terms, and increased restitution and beams. Among other things, under their three and China Airlines under the Montreal Convention
to $8,616,113.39. Second Circuit partly vacated, agreements, AEI acted as APEI’s exclusive supplier for contract breach, breach of bailment obligations,
and remanded, district court’s sentence of incar- Circuit Judge in the northeast United States. APEI’s May 2017 District Judge and negligence. District court denied both par- District Judge
ceration as procedurally unreasonable due to an Christopher sale of $163,000 worth of equipment without AEI’s Vincent Briccetti ties summary judgment. Discussing Mingtai Fire J. Paul Oetken
incorrect criminal history finding. However, the Droney involvement, and similar sales, allegedly breached Southern District & Marine Ins. Co. v. United Parcel Serv. it found Southern District
circuit affirmed the court’s amended restitution U.S. Court of the parties’ three agreements. Despite dismissing Taiwan not bound by the Montreal Convention.
order. While rejecting Valente’s claim that district Appeals AEI’s claims for breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair There was also a genuine dispute whether GE was a party to a Global
court erred when assigning criminal history points dealing, accounting, and specific performance, district court held AEI Air Freight Transportation Contract, and whether that contract indepen-
for a prior state misdemeanor conviction of failing to use a vehicle with plausibly stated a contract breach claim based on the three agreements dently applied to all shipments by Expeditors on GE’s behalf. Unable to
an interlock device, Second Circuit held the court erred in determin- for the sale and distribution of APEI’s excavator-mounted equipment. review the entirety of China Airline’s contract of carriage in force at the
ing that Valente’s state court conviction for being a recidivist DWAI However, its claim for breach of the implied covenant merely restated time of shipment, the court could not conclude that China Airlines was
offender merited the assignment of two criminal history points under its contract breach claim, and no fiduciary relationship between the entitled to judgment as a matter of law on its claim that its Conditions
U.S. Sentencing Guideline §4A1.1(b) based on the plain language of parties was alleged. of Carriage governed the parties’ dispute.
Application Note 12 to §4A1.2.
Indem. Ins. Co. of N. Am. v. Expeditors Int’l of Washington Inc., 17-CV-2575
U.S. v. Valente, 1:15-cr-00124 (Feb. 15) Alessi Equip. Inc. v. Am. Piledriving Equip. Inc., 18 CV 3976 (Feb. 19) (Feb. 19)

U.S. - SDNY | Creditors’ and Debtors’ Rights U.S. - EDNY | Insurance Litigation

Class Claims Survive But Bid for Attorney’s Insured’s Alleged Failure to Cooperate Don’t just settle for the
Fees as 28 USC §1927 Sanction Denied Not Shown To Be Willful, Avowed Obstruction most visibility.
S tarting work with Execu|Search Group on
Oct. 2, 2017, Garcia was to provide informa- I nsurer Indian Harbor sought a declaration autho-
rizing it to disclaim defense and indemnity cover- Get the right visibility.
tion technology training to doctors and nurses at age to insureds Knockdown Contracting Inc. and
New York-Presbyterian Hospital. On Oct. 3 ESG MAJ Constr. Inc. based on Knockdown’s failure
terminated him because a background check to cooperate with it in defending Knockdown in
revealed open criminal charges preventing his
work at NYPH. Garcia claimed the charges were
Columbia Hick’s Associates LLC’s lawsuit seeking
indemnity from Knockdown related to a bodily Advantage
dismissed. Claiming ESG violated the Fair Credit injury action by Rivera against Knockdown. On
Reporting Act by failing to provide him with a copy competing cross-motions district court denied The global network reaches attorneys, paralegals,
of his credit report sufficiently in advance of taking District Judge Indian Harbor, and granted Columbia Hicks, sum- District Judge
business development executives, and legal professionals
adverse employment action based on that report, William Pauley mary judgment. Noting the three elements to be Carol Bagley Amon
Garcia sought certification of a class of employees Southern District shown in order to disclaim coverage based on an Eastern District thousands of times a day, including 99% of the NLJ 250.
and prospective employees of ESG who were the insured’s lack of cooperation, the court found the
subject of a consumer credit report and against who ESG took adverse record insufficient to support a reasonable inference that Knockdown’s
employment action based on information therein. The court denied attitude after its cooperation was sought was one of “willful and avowed
Experience the new today.
ESG’s motion to dismiss or strike Garcia’s class claims, and Garcia’s obstruction.” Beyond Knockdown’s inaction, Indian Harbor did not pres-
motion for reasonable attorney’s fees as sanctions under 28 USC §1927. ent evidence supporting the reasonable inference that the Jorge Santiago
ESG did not show the unsuitability of class treatment, and its assertions its investigator located was Knockdown’s principal, or that the inves-
as to the lack of numerosity, typicality, and adequate representation tigator advised Santiago of the lawsuit against Knockdown, or advised
were based only on its own view of the merits of class certification. Santiago that Indian Harbor sought his cooperation with the lawsuit.
When results matter

Garcia v. The Execu|Search Grp. LLC, 17 cv 9401 (Feb. 19) Indian Harbor Ins. Co. v. Knockdown Contracting Inc., 16-CV-4436 (Feb. 6)
22 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Court Decisions
Justice Kathryn E Freed Justice Joan Madden Thomas v. Catholic Guardian Soci- misconduct set forth in a verified
ety (24251/15)—Decision Rendered petition dated March 4, 2015, and
Sayre v. Hoey (118231/09)—See
New York County Decision
Stanger v. Shoprite of Monroe
Howard v. Dewitt Rehabilitation And
(805456/16)—See Decision Bronx County Justice Lizbeth Gonzalez the issues raised were referred to
Honorable Georgia Tschiember, as
Justice Alan Marin Demartino v. Manhattan College Special Referee, to hear and report. By
First Department (152038/18)—See Decision
Holdrum Investments Nv v. Edelman
First Department (24799/14)—Decision Rendered opinion and order of this Court dated
Frias v. 404 Condominium Mosquea v. Euros El Tina Restau- October 12, 2016, Ms. Harounian was
(650950/11)—See Decision (150512/18)—Motion Withdrawn rant (22452/15)—Motion Granted on suspended from the practice of law
Pearl v. 2825 B’way. LLC Carpinelli v. Armstrong Gardens
SUPREME COURT (160238/17)—See Decision SUPREME COURT A Default for a period of one year, effective
Owners Corp. (152967/15)—See Justice LaTia W. Martin November 14, 2016. By decision and
Justice Nancy M. Bannon Justice Paul A. Goetz Decision Justice Joseph E. Capella order on motion of this Court dated
Cacerez v. Casanova-Reinoso
Carr v. Hayes (104602/10)—Order Integral Ad Science, Inc. v. Engage February 26, 2018, Ms. Harounian’s
Anthone v. Kashanco Int’l Genao v. Bronx Lebanon Hosp. (6025/18)—Withdrawn
To Show Cause Refused Bdr, Inc. (650280/18)—See Decision motion for reinstatement was held in
(153764/15)—Motion Withdrawn (25049/14)—Grant W/o Opposition Demartis v. Demartis (8288/17)—
Morales v. Pearl (155927/18)—See abeyance and the matter was referred
Gramercy Park Residence v. Ellman Justice Shlomo S. Hagler Justice Doris Gonzalez Withdrawn
Decision to the Committee on Character and
(603071/02)—Case Disposed Justice Eddie McShan
Abuhamoud v. Rock Group NY Corp. Nat. Funding, Inc. v. Straightline Citibank v. Unknown Administrator Fitness to investigate and report on
Hertz v. Hergo Ergonomic Support
(156260/17)—See Decision Capital Inc. (651484/18)—See Decision of The (32950/16)—Motion Granted Jagnandan v. Jagnandan Ms. Harounian’s character and fitness
(650664/19)—Case Disposed
Chen v. Zeng (156101/18)—See Bank of America v. Nwosu (36891/15)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn to practice law. By decision and order
Moraetis v. Evans (152829/15)—See Justice Andrea Masley
Decision (380156/09)—Motion Denied Tamburrino v. Tamburrino on motion of this Court dated July 18,
Comm’r. of The v. Chang Trafigura Trading LLC v. Atlantic Fed. Nat. v. Valentin (381051/13)— (6999/17)—Motion Denied 2018, Ms. Harounian was reinstated
Verizon NY Inc. v. Con Ed Co.
(450439/17)—See Decision Trading & Marketing (652680/18)— Pd - Motion Denied as an attorney and counselor-at-law.
(160813/15)—See Decision Justice Donna M. Mills
Hereford Ins. Co. v. Jpf Medical Case Disposed Everbank v. Osime (32104/17)—Pd Upon the papers filed in support
G Builders v. Bondex Ins. Co.
Services (155694/17)—See Decision - Motion Denied Criscuolo v. Carlson (260313/18)— of the motion and the papers filed in
(655962/17)—See Decision Hawk Mountain LLC v. Ram Capi-
Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Osborne Referred To Another Judge opposition thereto, it is
Johnny Signature Int Inc. v. Gamby tal Group LLC (450359/18)—Motion Justice Mitchell Danziger-City Part
(850167/16)—See Decision Justice Llinet Rosado ORDERED that the motion is denied.
Global Inc. (452197/18)—Motion Withdrawn 33
Michelle Kornbleuth v. For An Order SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
Withdrawn Justice Judith McMahon Jimenez v. NYCHA (21177/19)—
Vacating (161021/18)—Case Disposed Trotman v. NYC (21648/15)—Con- RA, DILLON and MILLER, JJ., concur.
Pichler v. Jackson (651456/15)— Withdrawn
Payment Alliance v. Cheq Services solidated With By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
Motion Withdrawn Decarlo Hoffler As The v. NY And
Int’l (157331/16)—See Decision Justice Mitchell J. Danziger - City Justice Norma Ruiz Dillon and Cohen, JJ.
Justice Lucy Billings (805080/18)—See Decision
Ramade v. Malkin Hldgs. LLC
McGougan v. NYC (27497/18)— Gonzalez v. NYCTA (306131/12)—Pd MATTER of Harry A. Cardillo,
Molina v. 2390 Creston Rlty. LLC (158579/13)—See Decision Justice Manuel J. Mendez
Withdrawn - Decision Reserved admitted as Harry Anthony
(452738/15)—See Decision Justice Douglas E. Hoffman Gallo v. A.O. Smith Water Prods. Ikechukwu v. Grand Concourse
Justice Doris M. Gonzalez - Stp Cardillo, a suspended attor-
Aguirre v. Times Scare NYC LLC. Co (190303/16)—Motion Withdrawn East Housing (22673/16)—Withdrawn
Abramson v. Abramson ney. Grievance Committee for
(160757/13)—Case Disposed John R. Cosgriff And v. Aerco Int’l, Gutierrez v. Albany Express Trans.
(350035/12)—See Decision Justice Howard E. Sherman the Second, Eleventh, and
Howell v. Advance Auto Parts, Inc.; Inc. (190121/17)—Motion Withdrawn (302687/13)—Joint Trial
Mugrabi v. Mugrabi (306717/18)— Thirteenth Judicial Districts,
(190208/16)—See Decision Deutsche Bank Trust v. Garcia American Express Bank v. Once
See Decision Justice Frank P. Nervo petitioner; Harry A. Cardillo,
Pmb Soho v. Soho Thompson Rlty. (380272/08)—Pd - Motion Decided (21683/18)—Motion Granted
Justice Barbara Jaffe res — (Attorney Registration No.
(652144/14)—See Decision Kaner v. Legacy Yards Tenant LLC Balaguer v. Morgan Group Peachtree Settlement v. Metro. Life
2505956) — Motion by the respondent
Justice Arlene P. Bluth Thomas v. Madden (158106/18)— (158575/17)—Motion Withdrawn (301758/13)—Pd - Motion Granted Ins. (21201/19)—Case Disposed
(1) to suspend an investigation by the
See Decision Brown v. Parkchester Preservation Justice Lucindo Suarez Grievance Committee for the Second,
Bayview Loan Servicing v. Calma Justice Barry Ostrager
Colon v. Burducea (159551/18)—See (301937/15)—Motion Denied Eleventh, and Thirteenth Judicial
(850049/17)—See Decision Kovkov v. Law Firm of Dayrel Sewell
Decision Castle Placement Group v. Conti- Miranda v. Souedan (21569/14)— Districts into allegations of profes-
Carb v. Verizon NY Inc. (300163/18)—Case Disposed
Haber v. Avalon Bay Properties nental Home Loans, Inc. (652438/18)— Decision Rendered sional misconduct against him, (2) to
(151823/17)—See Decision Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Olatunji
(100504/18)—See Decision Case Disposed Justice Wilma Guzman discharge the Special Referee assigned
Chisholm v. Montellino (35425/15)—Pd - Motion Granted
Retail Capital LLC v. Gmpro Paint- Castle Pl.ment Group v. Continental to hear and report in this matter, (3)
(101788/18)—Case Disposed American Express Nat. Bank v. Justice Fernando Tapia
ing (160423/17)—Motn Disp. As Ind. Home Loans, Inc. (652438/18)—See for leave to file a certain motion with
Degidio v. NYC (151460/13)—See Garguilo (26728/18)—Case Disposed
Set/order Decision Campbell v. 132 Horizon LLC this Court, in camera, and (4) to seal
Decision NYC v. Tsinberg (260069/19)—
Genger v. Genger (651089/10)—See New Rise Brands Hldgs. v. Ip Hldgs. (23404/13)—Decision Rendered all proceedings in this matter. The
Hess Corp. v. 936-938 Cliffcrest Referred To Another Judge
Decision Ferlet v. Campos (32317/18)—With- respondent was admitted to the Bar
Housing (153822/15)—See Decision Unltd (652278/16)—Case Disposed Downs v. Bruckner By The Bridge
Pedrez v. People of The State of drawn at a term of the Appellate Division
Irwin v. Black Tap 14th St New Rise Brands Hldgs. v. Ip Hldgs. (300088/18)—Motion Denied
New (157303/18)—Case Disposed of the Supreme Court in the Second
(157251/18)—See Decision Unltd (652278/16)—See Decision Fields v. Daniels Wilhelmina Funeral Justice Elizabeth Taylor
Kovaci v. 156 William St. Owner LLC Justice Debra James Judicial Department on December 16,
Justice Franc Perry (260362/18)—Referred To Another NYC v. Bldg Beacon Bronx LLC 1992, under the name Harry Anthony
(152269/18)—See Decision Aldona Fire Protection, Inc. v. Jmw Judge (42025/18)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn Cardillo. By decision and order on
Lescher v. Unleashed A Canine And 75 LLC (653000/18)—See Decision Hereford Ins. Co. v. Salazar Rodriguez v. Ginarte Gallardo
Kitty (157607/18)—See Decision (651427/18)—See Decision Justice K. L. Thompson, Jr. motion of this Court dated January
Justice Francis Kahn (34082/18)—Withdrawn 20, 2017, the respondent was immedi-
Marcus v. Charles H. Greenthal Motta v. Mangiafridda (160388/18)— United Services Automobile v. Abso- Board of Directors of v. Faulkner
(156898/16)—See Decision D’Agnillo v. 409-413 East 6th Associ- ately suspended from the practice of
Case Disposed lute Medical Supplies (305038/15)— (31297/18)—Grant W/o Opposition
Smith v. NYC Dept. (101400/18)— ates (160801/16)—See Decision law pursuant to 22 NYCRR 1240.9(a),
Sanare v. Fraley (155727/18)—See Withdrawn J.G. Wentworth Originations v. Pru-
Case Disposed Harleysville Ins. v. Castlepoint Ins. based upon uncontroverted evidence
Decision Webster v. Honeyghan dential Ins. Co. (33897/18)—Decision
Zhao v. Ardent Financial Fund Co. (153250/18)—See Decision of professional misconduct, the Griev-
Decker Associates LLC v. Kim (300082/16)—Motion Denied Rendered
(157066/17)—See Decision Lexington Ins. Co. v. Donnelly ance Committee was authorized to
(153701/18)—See Decision Westchester Residence v. Trinchese Justice Alison Tuitt institute and prosecute a disciplinary
Choudhary v. NYC Dept of Health & Mechanical Corp. (153269/18)— Iron Works (33568/18)—Withdrawn
Mental (101720/18)—Case Disposed Motion Withdrawn Keilitz v. Light Tower Fiber NY Prof-2013-S3 Legal Title v. West Fork proceeding against the respondent
Mechanical Response, Inc. v. 437 Lizardo v. Samsung Accerator (158494/17)—See Decision Justice John R. Higgitt Funding (28222/17)—Motion Granted based on a verified petition dated July
Manhattan (151730/17)—Motion (152223/18)—Motion Withdrawn Valentine v. Beeri (154277/18)—See Progressive Casualty v. Baldor Couverthier v. Prestige Properties 14, 2016, and the matter was referred
Withdrawn Everett v. Jp Morgan Chase Bank Decision Express (28483/17)—Referred To (300478/14)—Motion Granted/ext to David I. Ferber, as Special Referee,
Nat. Union Fire v. 219 Rlty. Co., L.P. (157786/18)—Motion Withdrawn Yang v. 174 Elizabeth St. LLC Another Judge Cavalry Spv I v. Martinez to hear and report. By decision and
(151240/18)—Motion Withdrawn (150801/18)—See Decision Adegoke v. Tazi (29288/17)—With- (25758/18)—Grant W/o Opposition order on motion of this Court dated
Justice Deborah Ann Kaplan May 9, 2017, the respondent’s time to
Justice Andrew Borrok drawn Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Candelario-
Braverman v. Braverman Justice Eileen Rakower serve and file an answer was extended
Affor v. Afriyie (22865/16)—With- Diaz (27340/18)—Case Disposed
Colonial Funding Network, Inc. (306221/11)—See Decision 4452 B’way. Mazal LLC v. 57-63 drawn Martinez v. La Scala NYC Inc. until May 21, 2018. By decision and
v. New Webster Auto Sales, Inc. Justice Michael L. Katz Wadsworth LLC (161780/18)—Case Asuncion Herrera v. Alcala-Padilla (306254/13)—Withdrawn order on motion dated April 20, 2018,
(652629/17)—Case Disposed Disposed (25842/16)—Withdrawn Mosquea v. Quezada (36512/17)— this Court, inter alia, denied the Griev-
Spg East 46th St. v. Whisk Remodel- Disabatino v. Bouin (365006/19)— ance Committee’s motion seeking to
De Las Alas v. Marsh (805134/16)— Chavez v. Rodriguez (20635/17)— Motion Granted
ing Corp. (656974/17)—See Decision Case Disposed disqualify the respondent’s counsel
Case Disposed Withdrawn State Farm Fire v. Guzman-Caamano
Strategic Funding Source, Inc. Lu v. Yeh (365009/17)—See Decision from representing the respondent,
De Las Alas v. Marsh (805134/16)— Crawford v. Flat Rate Movers (27144/17)—Case Disposed
v. Global Nova Marketing Corp Justice John J. Kelley (28141/18)—Withdrawn denied that branch of respondent’s
(156306/15)—Case Disposed See Decision cross motion which was to dismiss
Latman v. 92nd St. Ym-Ywha Rosetti v. Orthopedicsny Findlay v. Etienne (24129/17)—
Berman v. Jankelowitz (651789/18)— the proceeding, and granted that
(158951/18)—Motion Withdrawn (805039/15)—Case Disposed Motion Denied
See Decision branch of the cross motion which was
Porfirio Pina Entertainment v. Ay
Music LLC (650370/18)—See Decision
295 Greenwich Court v. Con Ed Co.
(154496/18)—Motion Withdrawn
Rosetti v. Orthopedicsny
(805039/15)—See Decision
Garcia v. Laureano (300825/15)—
Motion Granted/ext Appellate Division to direct the Grievance Committee to
serve upon respondent and file with
Justice Gerald Lebovits Graham v. Diaz Nunez (301555/15)—
Justice A. Cannataro Tarhaka v. St. Luke Hosp.
(800004/14)—Case Disposed
Withdrawn Second Department this Court a statement of disputed
facts. Additionally, the respondent
Freedman v. E & M Electrical NY Guzman v. Ean Hldgs. LLC
Tremont Investors v. Danialian was directed to file his answer with
Corp. (153140/18)—See Decision Olsen v. Staten Island Univ. Hosp (300827/15)—Withdrawn Motion List released on:
(655638/17)—See Decision the Court within 10 days of that
Commerce And Indus. v. Echostar (111612/08)—See Decision Hernandez-Santos v. Montgomery
Justice Joel M. Cohen Const., Inc. (655565/17)—Motn Disp. Stortz v. Koplin (805061/14)—See February 22, 2019 decision and order on motion. The
(305419/12)—Decision Rendered
As Ind. Set/order respondent filed an answer with the
Julius Silvert, Inc. v. Open Kitchen Decision Lambert v. Pimentel (20740/18)—
Flintlock Const. v. Tech. Ins. Co. By Rivera, J.P.; Roman, Hinds-Radix Court on May 3, 2018.
17 (654118/18)—See Decision Justice Robert R. Reed Decision Rendered
(652939/17)—See Decision and Lasalle, JJ. Upon the papers filed in support
Justice Melissa Anne Crane Laventure v. Jose (300514/17)—
Santander Bank v. J & X Prod.ion Weber v. Cafe Blossom, Inc. of the motion and the papers filed in
Withdrawn MATTER of Chaim Kolodny, ap, v.
115 Kingston Ave. LLC v. Mt. Hawley Inc. And (161434/17)—Case Disposed (159921/16)—See Decision opposition thereto, it is
Lee v. Sayago-Tenezaca Dara Hellman, res — Appeal by
Ins. Co. (654456/16)—See Decision Strategic Funding Source, Inc. v. ORDERED that the motion is denied.
Gade v. Carmili (656019/17)—See (306555/14)—Decision Rendered Chaim Kolodny from an order of the
Board of Mgrs. of 11 v. 11 Nm Arcadiait (650301/16)—Case Disposed SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
Decision Martinez v. Nelson (24567/18)— Family Court, Kings County, dated July
Venture LLC (654726/18)—Motion 250 E. 63rd Garage Corp. v. 250 E. 63 RA, DILLON and COHEN, JJ., concur.
Saghri v. True Pilates NY Withdrawn 2, 2018. By order to show cause dated
Withdrawn Rlty. LLC (151470/18)—Case Disposed McDuffie v. Jp Car Service Corp. November 20, 2018, the parties were By Mastro, J.P.; Rivera, Dillon, Aus-
(155320/16)—See Decision
Board of Mgrs. of 11 v. 11 Nm Ven- 310 W 115 St LLC v. Greenpoint (27813/17)—Decision Rendered directed to show cause before this tin and Miller, JJ.
ture LLC (654726/18)—See Decision Stella Lucienne Pizza Inc v. Sol Gold-
Mortgage Funding (156309/14)—Motn Mejia v. Dechabert (25801/15)— Court why an order should or should MATTER of Robert M. Leff,
Comm’rs. of The State v. Hacken- man Investments LLC (652784/16)—
Disp. As Ind. Set/order Motion Granted/ext not be made and entered dismiss- admitted as Robert Matthew
sack Steel Corp. And (452760/17)—See Abs Partners Real Estate v. Advan- See Decision
Murphy v. Garciacepeda ing the appeal in the above-entitled Leff, a deceased attorney. Griev-
Decision tage Opco (655754/18)—Motion Capote v. Sutton House Inc
(20758/18)—Motion Denied proceeding for failure to comply with ance Committee for the Ninth
All Makes Heating v. P&D Electric of Withdrawn (154893/16)—See Decision
Oquendo v. Perlen (303276/16)— a dated August 28, 2018, issued pur- Judicial District, petitioner;
Hudson (652849/15)—See Decision Ali Law Group v. Pizza Mercato Pasricha v. Usmani (159511/16)— Motion Granted/ext suant to §670.3(b)(4) of the rules of Robert M. Leff, res — (Attorney
Blasetti v. Board of Trustees (159760/18)—Case Disposed Case Disposed Owusu v. Gonzalez (22421/18)— this Court (22 NYCRR 670.3[b][4]). Registration No. 2617025) — Joint
(158122/18)—See Decision American Express Nat. Bank v. Pegasus Funding v. Walsh Motion Granted/ext Now, upon the order to show cause motion to impose discipline in the
Rocco Agostino Landscape v. NYC Global Media Dynamics (653139/18)— (655215/16)—See Decision Paino v. Thrift Land USA of Yonkers and the papers filed in response above-entitled matter on consent. The
Office of (156444/18)—See Decision Case Disposed State Ins. Fund v. Creative Contract- (28611/17)—Decision Rendered thereto, it is respondent was admitted to the Bar
Vergara v. NYCH&HC And American Express Nat. Bank v. ing (452950/14)—Case Disposed Puig v. Bietsch (23324/17)—Deci- ORDERED that the motion to dis- at a term of the Appellate Division of
(158191/18)—See Decision Sutton (154423/18)—Case Disposed sion Rendered miss the appeal is denied.
Justice Special Referee the Supreme Court in the First Judicial
Justice Laura E. Drager American Express Travel v. Elegant Resendiz-Perez v. Jack (303758/16)— RIVERA, J.P., ROMAN, HINDS-RADIX Department on May 2, 1994, under
Prop. Buyers, Inc. (655595/18)—Case Gramercy Park Residence v. Ellman Decision Rendered and LASALLE, JJ., concur. the name Robert Matthew Leff. The
Li v. Lin (307959/15)—See Decision
Disposed (603071/02)—See Decision Rodriguez v. Abdallah (29211/17)— Grievance Committee for the Ninth
Bradley v. Bakal (350025/17)—Order By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
Amsterdam Hosp.ity v. York Int’l Low v. Low (651729/11)—Motion Decision Rendered Judicial District commenced a dis-
To Show Cause Refused Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
Agency (653501/14)—See Decision Withdrawn Scott v. Aa1j African Market Corp. ciplinary proceeding against the
Campbell v. Campbell (300944/18)— MATTER of Alicia v. Alonzo, res,
De Lage Landen Financial v. Don- Super Pc Systems v. Chimichurri (25773/16)—Motion Granted/ext respondent by filing with the Court,
See Decision v. Jose B. Nunez, ap — Appeals by
aldson (652909/18)—Case Disposed Charcoal Kitchen (655018/17)— Smith v. Rahman (21750/18)— a notice of petition dated May 15,
Delgado v. Whitehurst (308994/17)— Jose B. Nunez from an order of the
Itria Ventures LLC v. Katz Lawyers Motion Granted/ext 2018, and a verified petition May 14,
See Decision Motion Withdrawn
(653040/18)—Case Disposed Toogood v. Griese (27072/17)—Deci- Family Court, Westchester County, 2018. By joint letter dated January
Meyer v. Meyer (365037/18)—See Justice Julio Rodriguez dated February 22, 2017, and a money
Kingman v. Zmoore Ltd. D/b/a Com- sion Rendered 30, 2019, the Grievance Committee
Decision judgment of the same court also dated
merce (652564/16)—See Decision NYC v. Nat. Grid Energy and the respondent’s former counsel
Justice Carol R. Edmead Justice Robert T. Johnson
NYCHA v. Kelly (452021/18)—See February 22, 2017, entered upon the advised the Court that the respondent
(451609/18)—See Decision
231 East 76th St. v. State of NY Div. Decision Pinero v. Armerino (300055/18)— order. died on January 17, 2019.
Fioriello v. NYC (156866/18)—Case
(153878/18)—Case Disposed Sg Equipment Finance USA Motion Denied On the Court’s own motion, it is Now, on the Court’s own motion, it is
Disposed Progressive Casualty v. Munn ORDERED that the appeals are
Aiello v. License Div. (157963/18)— Corp. v. Dasco Welded Prod.s, Inc. ORDERED that the above-entitled
(655319/18)—Case Disposed Fioriello v. NYC (156866/18)—See (29740/17)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn dismissed, without costs or disburse-
Case Disposed proceeding is discontinued by reason
Ackerman v. Nathan L. Dembin Decision ments, on the ground no objections
Cave Creek Investments, Inc. v. X Justice Laura G. Douglas of the death of the respondent on
(156231/17)—See Decision Jimenez Rodriguez v. NYC have been reviewed by a Family Court
(161999/18)—Case Disposed Allstate Prop. And v. Jackson January 17, 2019; and it is further,
English v. Board of Trustees of The Ellis v. Jpmorgan Chase Bank (156847/15)—See Decision judge in connection with the order
(31022/18)—Withdrawn ORDERED that the joint motion is
(161860/18)—Case Disposed (156426/17)—See Decision Justice Verna Saunders dated February 22, 2017, and the dismissed.
Fernandez v. Jazzy’s Gourmet Food Arias v. Sanitation Salvage Corp. money judgment also dated February
Rathor v. McDonald’s of Lafayette (302277/15)—Decision Rendered MASTRO, J.P., RIVERA, DILLON,
& Cafe (152325/17)—See Decision Hunt v. NYC (154082/14)—See 22, 2017 (see Family Ct Act §439[e]).
(156273/15)—See Decision Cobbs v. Smith (28946/18)—Deci- AUSTIN and MILLER, JJ., concur.
Hernandez v. Wicked Willy’s Bar & Decision SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
Zmoore Ltd D/b/a Commerce v. Cox sion Rendered By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros
Padmore Skolnik (152596/16)—See Lounge (157778/16)—See Decision Turner v. NYCH&HC And RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
(157829/14)—Case Disposed Cohen Rafael v. Barometer Hacking and Christopher, JJ.
Decision Mlf3 Nwj LLC v. Jekogian Family By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
Trust (651880/18)—See Decision Corp. (7650/02)—Withdrawn Robert W. Meihofer, res, v.
Justice Arthur F. Engoron Justice Saliann Scarpulla Daniels v. Hp Crossroads III Housing Dillon and Miller, JJ.
Olson v. Brenntag North America, James F. Krass ap — Motion by the
Liberty Mutual Ins. v. Jenkins Bros. Inc. (190328/17)—See Decision J-Bar Reinforcement Inc. v. Crest (20529/18)—Withdrawn MATTER of Jacqueline Harouni- respondent, inter alia, for a preference
(651980/18)—See Decision Al Falack v. Yadid (652911/18)—See Hill Capital LLC (650404/16)—See Dilone-Rodriguez v. Dunn an, an attorney and counselor in the calendaring of an appeal from a
Fifth Ave. Clothing v. Hartford Ins. Decision Decision (26917/18)—Withdrawn at law. (Attorney Registration judgment of the Supreme Court, Suf-
Co. (653261/17)—Case Disposed American Express Nat. Bank v. J-Bar Reinforcement Inc. v. Man- Greca v. Choice Associates LLC No. 2689370) — Motion by Jacqueline folk County, entered October 12, 2018.
Gur v. Nadel & Ciarlo (650275/18)— Mandelli (157926/18)—Case Disposed tis Funding LLC (650294/17)—See (22075/17)—Decision Rendered Harounian to vacate an opinion and Upon the papers filed in support
See Decision Colonial Funding Network, Inc. v. Lemon v. Lettire Const. (29354/18)— order of this Court dated October 12, of the motion and the papers filed in
Mc Gowan Builders, Inc. v. Cooper Metro. Aviation (655129/18)—Case Decision Rendered 2016, which suspended her from the opposition thereto, it is
Saks & Co. LLC v. Migosa Enter- McCormick v. Metro. Mgt. LLC.
Power And Lighting (161566/18)—Case Disposed practice of law for a period of one year, ORDERED that the branch of the
prises, Inc. (654879/17)—See Decision (28634/16)—Motion Granted or, in the alternative, to modify the
Disposed Flintlock Const. v. Tech. Ins. Co. motion which is for a preference in the
Magomedov v. Lebedev Mendez v. 35 Rlty. LLC. (24481/18)— opinion and order dated October 12,
(652939/17)—See Decision calendaring of the appeal is granted
(650643/17)—See Decision Motion Denied 2016, by imposing a lesser disciplinary
Judges’ Photos J Events Co. LLC v. Maturana
Mohan v. Bsp 1908 Belmont 1 LLC sanction, instead of suspension. Ms.
and the appeal will calendared expe-
The Law Journal accepts electronic (650350/18)—See Decision Justice Martin Shulman ditiously after all of the briefs have
Premier Builders Mn LLC v. Orian (30391/18)—Decision Rendered Harounian was admitted to the Bar at been filed; and it is further,
or printed photographs of judges Gray v. NY And (154779/15)—Case
Const. LLC (156138/16)—See Decision Nacaj v. 2763 Morris Ave. LLC a term of the Appellate Division of the ORDERED that the motion is oth-
for this section (head and shoulders Disposed
Tenny-Adler v. Carnegie Hall Corp. (20722/17)—Decision Rendered Supreme Court in the Second Judicial erwise denied.
shots only). To send by e-mail, please
(153206/17)—See Decision Justice Silvera, Adam (dcm) Reyes v. Manhattanville Sbv Department on August 23, 1995. By CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS
submit jpegs of 180 dpi (dots per
Comm’rs. of The State v. May Ship (21269/15)—Withdrawn decision and order on application and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur.
inch) resolution to NYLJPHOTO@alm. Castro v. Metro. Transportation
Repair Contracting (450058/18)— Rudolph v. Edgehill Associates, Inc. of this Court dated June 2, 2015, the
com. Color or black/white photos (156568/18)—See Decision By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros
Motion Withdrawn (36494/17)—Withdrawn Grievance Committee for the Tenth
sent by regular mail should be ad- Chan v. State Farm Fire & Casualty and Christopher, JJ.
dressed to Art Director, New York Law
Sakellakis v. 313 Alexander LLC Judicial District was authorized to
Justice Doris Ling-Cohan (155580/18)—Motion Withdrawn (260087/17)—Decision Rendered institute and prosecute a disciplinary MATTER of Heldert Thelot,
Journal, 150 East 42nd Street, New
Williams v. Port Auth. of NY Velez v. Kotler (151663/18)—See Tejada v. Lkq Hunts Point Parts proceeding against Ms. Harounian ap, v. Kathryn E. Patterson, res
York, N.Y. 10017.
(154583/18)—Motion Withdrawn Decision (302795/14)—Motion Granted based on allegations of professional — V-22217-12/18K, V-26669-12/18K, | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 23

V-26670-12/18K, V-22216-12/18K) — of this Court dated December 27, 2018, the Family Court, Rockland County, By Dillon, J.P.; Balkin, Miller and by Shante M. V. from an order of the date by which the transcript is
Motion by the attorney for the children by each filing an affirmation or affidavit dated November 24, 2017. Connolly, JJ. Family Court, Dutchess County, dated expected; or
to enlarge the record on an appeal on that issue in the office of the Clerk Upon the papers filed in support December 21, 2018. By order on certi- (4) an affidavit or an affirmation
Eldon Housen, ap, v. Boston
from an order of the Family Court, of this Court and serving one copy of of the motion and no papers having fication of this Court dated February withdrawing the appeal; and it
Market Corporation, etc.
Kings County, dated March 16, 2018, the same on each other on or before been filed in opposition or in relation 6, 2019, the following attorney was is further,
respondents def — Motion by the
to include the transcript of certain March 15, 2019; and it is further, thereto, it is assigned as counsel for the appellant
appellant for leave to appeal to the ORDERED that if none of the above
proceedings, and to extend the time ORDERED that the Clerk of this ORDERED that the motion is denied. on the appeal:
Court of Appeals from a decision and actions described in (1), (2), (3), or
to serve and file a brief. Court, or her designee, is directed MASTRO, J.P., MALTESE, DUFFY Kelley M. Enderley
order of this Court dated November (4) above, has been taken within 30
Upon the papers filed in support to serve a copy of this order to show and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur. 222 Church Street - 1st Floor
7, 2018, which determined an appeal days of the date of this , the Clerk of
of the motion and no papers having cause upon the parties by regular mail. By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
from an order of the Supreme Court, this Court shall issue an order to all
been filed in opposition or in relation RIVERA, J.P., COHEN, HINDS-RADIX and Christopher, JJ. 845-485-7530
Queens County, entered March 16, parties to the appeal to show cause
thereto, it is and MALTESE, JJ., concur. By letter dated February 18, 2019,
Jose Pedro Barrera, plf, v. K&K 2016. why the appeal should or should not
ORDERED that the branch of the By Scheinkman, P.J.; Balkin, Miller the assigned counsel has informed
Construction Management Upon the papers filed in support of be dismissed.
motion which is to enlarge the record and Hinds-Radix, JJ. this Court that the appellant wishes
Associates, LLC def, S. Shlomo the motion the papers filed in opposi-
is denied; and it is further, to proceed with the appeal. Pursuant MATTER of Jaheem M. (Anony-
MATTER of Zeinabou K. (Anony- tion thereto, it is
ORDERED that the branch of the Singer defendants third-party to §670.3(b) of the rules of this Court mous). Dutchess County Depart-
mous). Administration for Chil- ORDERED that the motion is denied.
motion which is to extend the time plf, Daniel Wapner, defendant (22 NYCRR 670.3[b]), it is ment of Community and Family
drens Services, petitioner- res, DILLON, J.P., BALKIN, MILLER and
for the attorney for the children to second third-party plaintiff-res, ORDERED that the appeal in the Services, petitioner-res, Cymon
Sekou K. (Anonymous), res-res CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.
serve and file a brief is granted, the Berrys Cooling & Heating, LLC, above-entitled proceeding shall be M. (Anonymous), res-res — Appeal
attorney for the children’s time to — (Proceeding No. 1) third-party/second third-party By Mastro, J.P.; Maltese, Duffy and perfected either within 60 days after by Cymon M. from an order of the
serve and file a brief is extended until MATTER of Amara K. (Anony- def-ap — Motion by Daniel Wapner Connolly, JJ. the receipt by the assigned counsel Family Court, Dutchess County,
March 25, 2019, and the attorney for mous). Administration for Chil- to dismiss an appeal from an order MATTER of Shmuel Vasser ap, v. of the transcripts of the minutes of dated September 20, 2018. Pursuant
the children’s brief shall be served drens Services, petitioner- res, of the Supreme Court, Kings County, City of New Rochelle res — Motion the proceedings in the Family Court, to §670.3(b)(2) of the rules of this
and filed on or before that date; and Sekou K. (Anonymous), res-res dated May 8, 2018, as untimely taken. by the appellant Shmuel Vasser to and the assigned counsel shall notify Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.3[b][2]), it is
it is further, — (Proceeding No. 2) Upon the papers filed in support enlarge the record on an appeal from this Court by letter of the date the ORDERED that the appellant’s time
ORDERED that pursuant to MATTER of Cassandra K. (Anon- of the motion and no papers having an order of the Supreme Court, West- transcripts are received, or, if there to perfect the appeal by causing the
§670.3(b)(2) of the rules of this ymous). Administration for Chil- been filed in opposition or in relation chester County, dated September 14, are no minutes of proceedings to be original papers constituting the record
Court (see 22 NYCRR 670.3[b][2]), drens Services, petitioner- res, thereto, it is 2017, to include a certain document. transcribed, within 60 days of the on the appeal to be filed in the office of
the respondent’s time to serve and Sekou K. (Anonymous), res-res ORDERED that the motion is granted Upon the papers filed in support date of this ; and it is further, the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR
file a brief is extended until March — (Proceeding No. 3) and the appeal is dismissed, without of the motion and the papers filed in ORDERED that within 30 days after 1250.5[e][1]) and by serving and filing
25, 2019, and the respondent’s brief MATTER of Sekou K. (Anony- costs or disbursements (see CPLR opposition thereto, it is the date of this , the assigned counsel the appellant’s brief on the appeal is
shall be served and filed on or before mous) Jr. Administration for 5513[a]). ORDERED that the motion is denied. shall file in the office of the Clerk of extended until March 18, 2019.
that date. Childrens Services, petitioner- CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS MASTRO, J.P., MALTESE, DUFFY this Court one of the following:
CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS res, Sekou K. (Anonymous), res-res Dina Cappa Vihinen, ap, v. Eric
and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur. (1) an affidavit or affirmation stat-
and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. — (Proceeding No. 4) N-4870-17) James Vihinen, res — Appeals by
By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros By Mastro, J.P.; Maltese, Duffy and ing that there are no minutes of Dina Cappa Vihinen from an order of
By Mastro, J.P.; Austin, Miller and — Appeal by Sekou K. from an order
and Christopher, JJ. Connolly, JJ. any Family Court proceeding to the Supreme Court, Orange County,
Maltese, JJ. of the Family Court, Queens County,
be transcribed for the appeal; or dated August 17, 2017, and an amend-
dated August 20, 2018. By order to PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Daniel Maximiliano Hernandez, ap, v.
PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Lonnie McK- show cause dated January 8, 2019, the Vasquez, ap — Motion by the appel- Federal National Mortgage (2) if there are such minutes, an ed judgment of the same court dated
ithen, ap — Motion by the appellant parties were directed to show cause lant’s assigned counsel on an appeal Association, etc. res — Motion by affidavit or affirmation stating October 3, 2017. Pursuant to §670.3(b)
on an appeal from a judgment of the before this Court why an order should from a judgment of the Supreme Court, the respondents to dismiss an appeal that the transcript has been (2) of the rules of this Court (see 22
Supreme Court, Nassau County, ren- or should not be made and entered Nassau County, rendered November from an order of the Supreme Court, received, and indicating the NYCRR 670.3[b][2]), it is
dered March 19, 2018, to be provided relieving the attorney assigned by 30, 2017, in effect, to be relieved on Suffolk County, dated January 18, 2018. date received; or ORDERED that the time for the
with transcripts of the proceedings order on certification of this Court the ground that the appellant has Upon the papers filed in support attorney for the child to serve and
to aid in the responding to an order (3) if the transcript has not file a brief on the appeals is extended
dated November 27, 2018, to perfect abandoned the appeal by failing of the motion and no papers having
to show cause of this Court dated been received, an affidavit or until March 13, 2019.
the appeal on behalf of the appellant to respond to communications by been filed in opposition or in relation
November 28, 2018, which directed affirmation stating that the
on the ground that the attorney had assigned counsel. thereto, it is By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
the appellant to show cause before order on certification of this
been unable to contact the appellant, Upon the papers filed in support ORDERED that the motion is denied Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
this Court why the appeal should not Court dated February 6, 2019,
and dismissing the appeal. of the motion and the papers filed in as unnecessary as the appeal has
be dismissed on the ground that the has been served upon the clerk of MATTER of Vincent N. B. (Anony-
Now, upon the order to show cause relation thereto, it is been deemed dismissed pursuant
notice of appeal from the judgment the court from which the appeal mous). Coalition for Hispanic
and no papers having been filed in ORDERED that on the Court’s own to 22 NYCRR 1250.10(a).
was untimely, or, if so advised, to make is taken, the date thereof, and the Family Services petitioners-res,
response thereto, it is motion, the appellant is directed to MASTRO, J.P., MALTESE, DUFFY
a motion pursuant to CPL 460.30 to date by which the transcript is Gregory B. (Anonymous), res-res
ORDERED that the motion is grant- show cause before this Court why an and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.
deem the notice of appeal timely filed. expected; or — Appeal by Gregory B. from an order
ed, assigned counsel is relieved of order should or should not be made By Mastro, J.P.; Maltese, Duffy and
Upon the papers filed in support of the Family Court, Kings County,
the assignment, and the appeal is and entered dismissing the appeal Connolly, JJ. (4) an affidavit or an affirmation
of the motion and the papers filed in dated March 9, 2018.  Pursuant to
dismissed, without costs or disburse- on the ground that the appellant has withdrawing the appeal; and it
relation thereto, it is PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Wasif Hamid, §670.3(b)(2) of the rules of this Court
ments (see 22 NYCRR 670.3[b][2]). abandoned the appeal, by filing an is further,
ORDERED that the motion is denied; ap — S.C.I. 398N/16) — Appeal by (see 22 NYCRR 670.3[b][2]), it is
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., BALKIN, MILLER affirmation or an affidavit on that issue ORDERED that if none of the above
and it is further, Wasif Hamid from an order of the ORDERED that the time for the
and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur. in the office of the Clerk of this Court actions described in (1), (2), (3), or
ORDERED that on the Court’s Supreme Court, Nassau County, attorney for the child to serve and
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Balkin, Miller on or before March 25, 2019; and it (4) above, has been taken within 30 file a brief on the appeal is extended
own motion, the appellant’s time to dated September 14, 2018. By order
and Hinds-Radix, JJ. is further, days of the date of this , the Clerk of until March 21, 2019; and it is further,
respond to the order to show cause, to show cause dated January 17,
ORDERED that the motion by this Court shall issue an order to all ORDERED that no further extension
dated November 28, 2018, or, if so PEOPLE, etc., res, v. John Carney, 2019, the appellant was directed to
assigned counsel to be relieved is parties to the appeal to show cause of time shall be granted.
advised, to make a motion pursuant ap — Motion by the respondent to show cause before this Court why
held in abeyance in the interim; and why the appeal should or should not SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
to CPL 460.30, is extended until March disqualify the appellant’s counsel the appeal should not be dismissed
it is further, be dismissed. RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
25, 2019. on an appeal from a judgment of on the ground that the order was not
MASTRO, J.P., AUSTIN, MILLER and ORDERED that the Clerk of this By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
the County Court, Suffolk County, appealable as of right and leave to By Rivera, J.P.; Austin, Cohen and
MALTESE, JJ., concur. Court or her designee is directed to appeal had not been granted. Motion Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
rendered August 3, 2017. Separate Iannacci, JJ.
serve a copy of this order to show by the appellant pro se for leave to
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Balkin, Miller motion by the appellant to extend MATTER of Madeline Garcia, PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Norman
cause upon the appellant at his last prosecute the appeal as a poor person
and Hinds-Radix, JJ. the time to perfect the appeal. ap, v. Maritza Lopez-Garcia res Odaro-Unah, ap — Motion by the
Upon the papers filed in support known place of residence or, if he is and for the assignment of counsel. —  V-7982-13, V-7983-13, V-7984-13, appellant pro se on an appeal from a
Botanical Realty Associates of the respondent’s motion and the imprisoned, at the institution in which Now, upon the order to show cause V-1985-13, V-7986-13, V7987-13, V-7988- judgment of the Supreme Court, Kings
Urban Renewal, LLC res, v. Joel papers filed in opposition thereto, and he is confined, and upon the attorney and the papers filed in response 13) — 2018-03297 County, rendered October 29, 2018,
Gluck, ap — Motion by Mark Steven upon the papers filed in support of who last appeared for him, and upon thereto, and upon the papers filed MATTER of Madeline Garcia, appel- for leave to prosecute the appeal as a
Halpern, an attorney in good standing the appellant’s motion and the papers the District Attorney, by ordinary mail in support of the appellant’s motion lant, poor person, and for the assignment
in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, filed in relation thereto, it is pursuant to CPL 470.60(2). and no papers having been filed in v Maritza Lopez-Garcia respon- of counsel.
to be admitted pro hac vice to repre- CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS opposition or in relation thereto, it
ORDERED that the respondent’s dents. Upon the papers filed in support
sent the respondents on an appeal and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. is it is
motion is denied; and it is further, (Docket Nos. V-7971-13, V-7975-13) of the motion and the papers filed in
from an order of the Supreme Court, By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros ORDERED that the motion to dis-
ORDERED that the appellant’s ‌Appeals by Madeline Garcia from two relation thereto, it is
Kings County, dated September 13, and Christopher, JJ. miss the appeal is granted, and the
motion is granted, and the appellant’s orders of the Family Court, West- ORDERED that the motion is denied,
2018. appeal is dismissed (see CPL 450.10,
time to perfect the appeal is enlarged Anthony Arra, etc., ap, v. Sam- chester County, both dated March with leave to renew upon proper
Upon the papers filed in support 450.15); and it is further,
until April 23, 2019. path R. Kumar, etc. respondents 16, 2018. Pursuant to Family Court papers, including the appellant’s
of the motion and no papers having ORDERED that the appellant’s
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., BALKIN, MILLER def — Motion by the appellant to Act §§1118 and 1120, and upon the affidavit setting forth (1) the appel-
been filed in opposition or in relation motion is denied as academic.
and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur. extend the time to serve and file a reply certification of Susan Tapper, dated lant’s full financial situation including
thereto, it is MASTRO, J.P., MALTESE, DUFFY
ORDERED that the motion is By Scheinkman, P.J.; Balkin, Miller brief on appeals from an order of the February 19, 2019, it is all assets, both real and personal, as
and Hinds-Radix, JJ. and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur. ORDERED that the respondent is
granted. Supreme Court, Kings County, dated well as any and all sources of income
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., BALKIN, MILLER September 20, 2017, and a judgment By Mastro, J.P.; Miller, Duffy and granted leave to proceed as a poor before conviction, and (2) whether the
MATTER of Xaria A. J. (Anony- person on the appeals, and the fol-
and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur. of the same court entered November Connolly, JJ. appellant was on bail before convic-
mous). Administration for Chil- lowing named attorney is assigned
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Balkin, Miller drens Services, petitioner-res, 3, 2017. Judith Yaccarino, res, v. Sher- tion, and, if so, the amount and source
Upon the papers filed in support as counsel to respond to the appeals: of the bail money, and if bail was the
and Hinds-Radix, JJ. Derwin J. (Anonymous), res-res wood Medical, ap — Appeal from an
of the motion and no papers having J. Henry Neale, Jr. appellant’s own money, what hap-
— Appeal by Derwin J. from an order order of the Supreme Court, Richmond
PEOPLE, etc., ex rel. Alty been filed in opposition or in relation 222 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 302 pened to the same after conviction.
of the Family Court, Kings County, County, dated July 29, 2002. By order
Adamson, ap, v. Thomas Griffin, thereto, it is White Plains, NY 10605 RIVERA, J.P., AUSTIN, COHEN and
dated October 12, 2018. By order to to show cause dated January 2, 2019,
res — Motion by the appellant pro ORDERED that the motion is denied. 914-997-7575 IANNACCI, JJ., concur.
show cause dated January 4, 2019, the parties to the appeal were directed
se on an appeal from a judgment of CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS and it is further,
the parties were directed to show to show cause before this Court why By Rivera, J.P.; Austin, Cohen and
the Supreme Court, Dutchess County, and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. ORDERED that assigned counsel
cause before this Court why an an order should or should not be made Iannacci, JJ.
dated November 22, 2017, to waive shall promptly attempt to contact the
order should or should not be made By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- and entered dismissing the appeal
certification of the record pursuant respondent at the address provided PEOPLE, res, v. Norman Odaru-
and entered relieving the attorney Radix and Connolly, JJ. on the ground that the appeal had
to 22 NYCRR 1250.7(g), and to extend by the Court, and shall notify the Case Unah, ap — Motion by the appellant
assigned by order on certification of been abandoned.
the time to perfect the appeal. Antonio Torres res, v. Rely On Manager assigned to the appeals on pro se on an appeal from an order
this Court dated November 29, 2018, Now, upon the order to show cause
Upon the papers filed in support Us, Inc., appellant def — Motion by or before March 8, 2019, in writing, of the Supreme Court, Kings County,
to perfect the appeal on behalf of the and no papers having been filed in
of the motion and no papers having the appellant for leave to reargue an that he has done so and that either dated October 29, 2018, for leave to
respondent-appellant on the ground response thereto, it is
been filed in opposition or in relation appeal from an order of the Supreme (1) the respondent is interested in prosecute the appeal as a poor person,
that the attorney had been unable ORDERED that the motion to dis-
thereto, it is Court, Kings County, dated June 25, responding to the appeals, or and for the assignment of counsel.
to contact the respondent-appellant, miss the appeal is granted, and the
ORDERED that the motion is grant- 2015, which was determined by deci- (2) the respondent is not interest- Upon the papers filed in support
and dismissing the appeal. appeal is dismissed, without costs
ed, and the time to perfect the appeal sion and order of this Court dated ed in responding to the appeals, of the motion and the papers filed in
Now, upon the order to show cause or disbursements.
is extended until March 25, 2019. October 3, 2018, or, in the alternative, or that he has been unable to con- relation thereto, it is
and the papers filed in response MASTRO, J.P., MILLER, DUFFY and
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., BALKIN, MILLER for leave to appeal to the Court of tact the respondent, and wishes ORDERED that the motion is denied,
thereto, it is CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.
and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur. Appeals from the decision and order to be relieved of the assignment. with leave to renew upon proper
ORDERED that the motion is grant- By Leventhal, J.P.; Miller, Duffy and papers, including the appellant’s affi-
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Austin, Ian- ed, assigned counsel is relieved of of this Court. SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. davit setting forth (1) the appellant’s
nacci and Christopher, JJ. the assignment, and the appeal is Upon the papers filed in support RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
of the motion and no papers having Samuel Popkoff, plf, v. Extra full financial situation including all
Amanda Singh, ap, v. Lela Singh, dismissed, without costs or disburse- MATTER of Katie-Georgiou-Ely, assets, both real and personal, as well
been filed in opposition or in relation Space Management, Inc., def
res, et al., def — Motion by the ments (see 22 NYCRR 670.3[b][2]). ap, v. James Ely, res — Appeal by as any and all sources of income before
thereto, it is — (Appellate Term Docket No.
respondent for leave to reargue her SCHEINKMAN, P.J., BALKIN, MILLER Katie-Georgiou-Ely from an order of conviction, (2) and (2) whether the
ORDERED that the motion is denied. 2014-2847RIC; Civil Court Index
prior motion to dismiss an appeal and HINDS-RADIX, JJ., concur. the Family Court, Nassau County, appellant was on bail before convic-
LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- No. 8052/12) — Motion by Samuel
from an order of the Supreme Court, By Mastro, J.P.; Maltese, Duffy and dated December 31, 2018. By order tion, and, if so, the amount and source
RADIX and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur. Popkoff for leave to appeal to the
Queens County, dated March 2, 2018, Connolly, JJ. on certification of this Court dated of the bail money, and if bail was the
Court of Appeals from a decision and
insofar as taken against her on the By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- February 6, 2019, the following attor- appellant’s own money, what hap-
MATTER of Tyquan J. B. (Anony- order on motion of this Court dated
ground that it was untimely taken, Radix and Connolly, JJ. ney was assigned as counsel for the pened to the same after conviction.
mous). Westchester County November 5, 2018, which determined
which was determined by decision Rely On Us, Inc., ap, v. Antonio appellant on the appeal: RIVERA, J.P., AUSTIN, COHEN and
Department of Social Services, his prior motion for leave to appeal
and order on motion of this Court Torres res — Motion by the appel- Amy L. Colvin IANNACCI, JJ., concur.
petitioner; Jimmy B. (Anony- to this Court from stated portions of
dated December 31, 2018. lant for leave to reargue an appeal 9 Everette Place
mous), et al., res —  (Proceed- a decision and order of the Appellate By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
Upon the papers filed in support Huntington, NY 11743
ing No. 1) from an order of the Supreme Court, Term, Second, Eleventh, and Thir- Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
of the motion and the papers filed in 631-424-8495
MATTER of Eddie M. B. (Anony- Kings County, dated January 22, 2016, teenth Judicial Districts, dated June
opposition thereto, it is By letter dated February 19, 2019, PEOPLE, etc., res, v. David Pyant,
mous), ap — Westchester County which was determined by decision and 29, 2018, which determined an appeal
ORDERED that the motion is denied. the assigned counsel has informed ap — Motion by the appellant pro se
Department of Social Services, order of this Court dated October 3, from a judgment of the Civil Court
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., AUSTIN, IAN- this Court that the appellant wishes for leave to prosecute an appeal from
petitioner-res, Jimmy B. (Anony- 2018, or, in the alternative, for leave to of the City of New York, Richmond
NACCI and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. to proceed with the appeal. Pursuant a judgment of the Supreme Court,
mous) res-res — (Proceeding No. 2) appeal to the Court of Appeals from County, entered May 21, 2014.
By Rivera, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds-Radix Upon the papers filed in support to §670.3(b) of the rules of this Court Kings County, rendered October 3,
MATTER of G. K.-B. (Anonymous). the decision and order of this Court.
and Maltese, JJ. of the motion and no papers having (22 NYCRR 670.3[b]), it is 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a poor
Westchester County Depart- Upon the papers filed in support
been filed in opposition or in relation ORDERED that the appeal in the person, and for the assignment of
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., plf-res, ment of Social Services, peti- of the motion and no papers having
thereto, it is above-entitled proceedings shall be counsel.
v. Edan Levi def, Advanced Realty tioner; Jimmy B. (Anonymous), been filed in opposition or in relation
ORDERED that the motion is denied. perfected either within 60 days after Upon the papers filed in support
Management Services, Inc., et al., res — (Proceeding No. 3) thereto, it is
LEVENTHAL, J.P., MILLER, DUFFY the receipt by the assigned counsel of the motion and the papers filed in
ap, Manufacturers and Traders MATTER of April M. B. (Anony- ORDERED that the motion is denied.
and BRATHWAITE NELSON, JJ., concur. of the transcripts of the minutes of relation thereto, it is
Trust Company defendants- res mous). Westchester County LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS-
the proceedings in the Family Court, ORDERED that the motion is
— Appeals from two orders of the Department of Social Services, RADIX and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur. By Chambers, J.P.; Roman, Barros
and the assigned counsel shall notify granted; and it is further,
Supreme Court, Kings County, both petitioner; Jimmy B. (Anony- By Rivera, J.P.; Leventhal, Maltese and Christopher, JJ. ORDERED that the appeal will be
dated July 14, 2017. By decision and mous), et al., res — (Proceeding this Court by letter of the date the
and Duffy, JJ. Lorraine Licursi res, v. Barry heard on the original papers (including
order on motion of this Court dated No. 4) N-1665-15, N-1666-15, N-1667-15, transcripts are received, or, if there
Michael Naughton, etc. D. Wenglin, etc. ap, et al., def — are no minutes of proceedings to be a certified transcript of the proceed-
December 27, 2018, the branch of the N-1668-15, N-1669-15, N-1670-15, N-508- ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and
ap, v. Duval H. Naughton, Jr. res Appeal from an order of the Supreme transcribed, within 60 days of the
respondent’s prior motion which was 17, N-509-17) — Motion by the attorney the respondent’s briefs; the parties
— Motion by the appellants, inter alia, Court, Westchester County, dated date of this ; and it is further,
to dismiss the appeals was denied on for the child G. K.-B. for leave to serve are directed to file an original and
in effect, for leave to reargue their March 31, 2017.  By order to show ORDERED that within 30 days after
condition that on or before January and file a brief on appeals from two five duplicate hard copies, and, if
prior motion for leave to serve and cause dated January 9, 2019, the the date of this , the assigned counsel
28, 2019, the appellant serve and file orders of the Family Court, Rockland represented by counsel, one digital
file late opposition to a motion by the parties to the appeal were directed shall file in the office of the Clerk of
a supplemental record containing the County, dated October 5, 2017, and copy, of their respective briefs, and
respondent Duval H. Naughton, Jr., to to show cause before this Court why this Court one of the following:
plaintiff-respondent’s opposition to January 19, 2018, respectively. to serve one hard copy on each other
dismiss an appeal from an interlocu- an order should or should not be made (1) an affidavit or affirmation stat-
the cross motion, the plaintiff-respon- Upon the papers filed in support (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]);
tory judgment of the Supreme Court, and entered dismissing the appeal ing that there are no minutes of
dent’s reply in connection with its of the motion and no papers having additionally, the appellant is directed
motion for summary judgment, and Kings County, dated July 25, 2012, for on the ground that the appeal had any Family Court proceedings to
been filed in opposition or in relation been abandoned. to file proof of service of a subpoena
the appellant’s reply on the cross thereto, it is failure to comply with a decision and be transcribed for the appeal; or
order on motion of this Court dated Now, upon the order to show cause upon the clerk of the court of origi-
motion, which were considered by ORDERED that the motion is denied.
June 5, 2018. The prior motion by the and no papers having been filed in (2) if there are such minutes, an nal instance requiring all documents
the Supreme Court, Kings County, in MASTRO, J.P., MALTESE, DUFFY
appellants and the prior motion by response thereto, it is affidavit or affirmation stating constituting the record on appeal to
determining the motion and cross and CONNOLLY, JJ., concur.
the respondent Duval H. Naughton, ORDERED that the motion to dis- that the transcript has been be filed with the Clerk of this Court
motion that resulted in the two orders
By Mastro, J.P.; Maltese, Duffy and Jr., were determined by decision and miss the appeal is granted, and the received, and indicating the (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it
dated July 14, 2017. The appellant has
Connolly, JJ. appeal is dismissed, without costs date received; or is further,
failed to file the supplemental record. order on motion of this Court dated
or disbursements. ORDERED that the stenographer of
Now, on the Court’s own motion, it is MATTER of April M. B. (Anony- October 12, 2018. (3) if the transcript has not
CHAMBERS, J.P., ROMAN, BARROS the trial court is directed promptly to
ORDERED that the parties to the mous), ap — Westchester County Upon the papers filed in support been received, an affidavit or
and CHRISTOPHER, JJ., concur. make, certify, and file two transcripts
appeals are directed to show cause Department of Social Services, of the motion and the papers filed in affirmation stating that the
of the proceedings of any pretrial hear-
before this Court why an order should petitioner-res, Phyllis B. (Anony- opposition thereto, it is MATTER of Ruben J. D. (Anony- order on certification of this
ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial,
or should not be made and entered mous), et al., res — N-509-17) — ORDERED that the appellants’ mous). Dutchess County Depart- Court dated February 6, 2019,
and of the imposition of sentence in
dismissing the appeals in the above- Motion by the attorney for the child motion is denied. ment of Community and Family has been served upon the clerk of
this action, except for those minutes
entitled action for failure to comply G. K.-B. for leave to serve and file a RIVERA, J.P., LEVENTHAL, MALTESE Services, petitioner-res, Shante the court from which the appeal
with the decision and order on motion brief on an appeal from an order of and DUFFY, JJ., concur. M. v. (Anonymous), res-res — Appeal is taken, the date thereof, and the Decisions continued on next page »
24 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Court Decisions
ORDERED that the Clerk of the sel with a copy of the presentence SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- Upon the papers filed in support a jury, the stenographer shall also
trial court shall furnish one certified report prepared in connection with RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. of the motion and the papers filed in make, certify, and file two transcripts
Appellate Division transcript of each of the proceedings
set forth above to the appellant’s
or considered by the trial court in
connection with the appellant’s
By Brathwaite Nelson, J. relation thereto, it is
ORDERED that the motion is
of the minutes of proceedings during
jury selection; and it is further,
counsel, without charge (see CPL risk level determination, including PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Carlos granted; and it is further, ORDERED that the Clerk of the
Second Department 460.70); assigned counsel is directed the recommendation sheet and any Romero, def — Application by the ORDERED that the appeal will be trial court shall furnish one certified
to turn over those transcripts to the prior reports on the appellant which defendant pursuant to CPL 450.15 and heard on the original papers (including transcript of each of the proceedings
respondent when counsel serves the are incorporated or referred to in the 460.15 for a certificate granting leave a certified transcript of the proceed- set forth above to the appellant’s
appellant’s brief on the respondent; report, and to provide additional cop- to appeal to this Court from an order ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and counsel, without charge (see CPL
« Continued from previous page of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County,
and it is further, ies to this Court upon demand; and the respondent’s briefs; the parties 460.70); assigned counsel is directed
previously transcribed and certified ORDERED that in the event the it is further, dated June 8, 2018, which has been are directed to file an original and to turn over those transcripts to the
(see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, stenographer has already prepared ORDERED that the appellant’s time referred to me for determination. five duplicate hard copies, and, if respondent when counsel serves the
ORDERED that in the event that the a copy of any of the minutes for a to perfect the appeal is extended; Upon the papers filed in support of represented by counsel, one digital appellant’s brief on the respondent;
case was tried to a conclusion before codefendant, then the Clerk of the assigned counsel shall prosecute the the application and the papers filed copy, of their respective briefs, and and it is further,
a jury, the stenographer shall also trial court is directed to reproduce appeal expeditiously in accordance in opposition thereto, it is to serve one hard copy on each other ORDERED that in the event the
make, certify, and file two transcripts a copy thereof for assigned counsel; with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR ORDERED that the application is (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); stenographer has already prepared
of the minutes of proceedings during and it is further, 1250.9) and written directions; and denied. additionally, the appellant is directed a copy of any of the minutes for a
jury selection; and it is further, ORDERED that upon service of a it is further, By Cohen, J. to file proof of service of a subpoena codefendant, then the Clerk of the
ORDERED that the Clerk of the copy of this decision and order on ORDERED that in the event the file upon the clerk of the court of origi- trial court is directed to reproduce
PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Diijon Harris,
trial court shall furnish one certified motion upon it, the Department of has been sealed, it is hereby unsealed nal instance requiring all documents a copy thereof for assigned counsel;
def — Application by the defendant
transcript of each of the proceedings Probation is hereby authorized and for the limited purpose of allowing constituting the record on appeal to and it is further,
pursuant to CPL 450.15 and 460.15 for
set forth above to the appellant’s directed to provide assigned coun- assigned counsel or his representative be filed with the Clerk of this Court ORDERED that upon service of a
a certificate granting leave to appeal
counsel, without charge (see CPL sel with a copy of the presentence access to the record for the purpose (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it copy of this decision and order on
to this Court from an order of the
460.70); assigned counsel is directed report prepared in connection with of preparing the appeal; such access is further, motion upon it, the Department of
Supreme Court, Kings County, dated
to turn over those transcripts to the the appellant’s sentencing, including shall include permission to copy the ORDERED that the stenographer of Probation is hereby authorized and
November 8, 2018, which has been
respondent when counsel serves the the recommendation sheet and any papers insofar as they pertain to the the trial court is directed promptly to directed to provide assigned coun-
referred to me for determination.
appellant’s brief on the respondent; prior reports on the appellant which appellant; and it is further, make, certify, and file two transcripts sel with a copy of the presentence
Upon the papers filed in support of
and it is further, are incorporated in or referred to in ORDERED that the filing fee is of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- report prepared in connection with
the application and the papers filed
ORDERED that in the event the the report, and to provide additional waived (see CPLR 1102[d]); and it ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, the appellant’s sentencing, including
in opposition thereto, it is
stenographer has already prepared copies to this Court upon demand; is further, and of the imposition of sentence in the recommendation sheet and any
ORDERED that the application is
a copy of any of the minutes for a and it is further, ORDERED that assigned counsel this action, except for those minutes prior reports on the appellant which
codefendant, then the Clerk of the ORDERED that in the event an issue is directed to serve a copy of this previously transcribed and certified are incorporated in or referred to in
trial court is directed to reproduce as to the legality, propriety, or exces- decision and order on motion upon By Duffy, J. (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, the report, and to provide additional
a copy thereof for assigned counsel; siveness of the sentence is raised on the clerk of the court from which the PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Everett ORDERED that in the event that the copies to this Court upon demand;
and it is further, the appeals, or if assigned counsel appeal is taken. McMillan, def —  Application by case was tried to a conclusion before and it is further,
ORDERED that upon service of a cites or relies upon the probation SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- the defendant pursuant to CPL 450.15 a jury, the stenographer shall also ORDERED that in the event an issue
copy of this decision and order on report in a brief or motion in any RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. and 460.15 for a certificate granting make, certify, and file two transcripts as to the legality, propriety, or exces-
motion upon it, the Department of other way, counsel shall provide a By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, leave to appeal to this Court from an of the minutes of proceedings during siveness of the sentence is raised on
Probation is hereby authorized and complete copy of such report and Dillon and Balkin, JJ. order of the Supreme Court, Queens jury selection; and it is further, appeal, or if assigned counsel cites
directed to provide assigned coun- any attachments to the Court and County, dated July 6, 2017, which has ORDERED that the Clerk of the or relies upon the probation report
sel with a copy of the presentence the District Attorney’s office prior PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Wilfredo been referred to me for determination. trial court shall furnish one certified in a brief or motion in any other way,
report prepared in connection with to the filing of such brief or motion; Perez, ap — Motion by the appellant Upon the papers filed in support of transcript of each of the proceedings counsel shall provide a complete copy
the appellant’s sentencing, including and it is further, pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal the application and the papers filed set forth above to the appellant’s of such report and any attachments to
the recommendation sheet and any ORDERED that pursuant to County from a judgment of the Supreme Court, in opposition thereto, it is counsel, without charge (see CPL the Court and the District Attorney’s
prior reports on the appellant which Law §722 the following named attorney Kings County, rendered October 12, ORDERED that the application is 460.70); assigned counsel is directed office prior to the filing of such brief
are incorporated in or referred to in is assigned as counsel to prosecute 2018, upon a plea of guilty, following denied. to turn over those transcripts to the or motion; and it is further,
the report, and to provide additional the appeals: a trial, as a poor person, and for the respondent when counsel serves the ORDERED that pursuant to County
assignment of counsel. By Barros, J.
copies to this Court upon demand; Paul Skip Laisure appellant’s brief on the respondent; Law §722 the following named attorney
and it is further, Appellate Advocates Upon the papers filed in support PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Lloyd Wil- and it is further, is assigned as counsel to prosecute
ORDERED that in the event an issue 111 John Street - 9th Floor of the motion and the papers filed in liams, def —  Application by the ORDERED that in the event the the appeal:
as to the legality, propriety, or exces- New York, New York 10038 relation thereto, it is defendant pursuant to CPL 450.15 stenographer has already prepared Paul Skip Laisure
siveness of the sentence is raised on and it is further, ORDERED that the motion is and 460.15 for a certificate granting a copy of any of the minutes for a Appellate Advocates
appeal, or if assigned counsel cites ORDERED that the appellant’s time granted; and it is further, leave to appeal to this Court from an codefendant, then the Clerk of the 111 John Street - 9th Floor
or relies upon the probation report to perfect the appeals is extended; ORDERED that the appeal will be order of the Supreme Court, Nassau trial court is directed to reproduce New York, New York 10038
in a brief or motion in any other way, assigned counsel shall prosecute the heard on the original papers (including County, dated September 24, 2018, a copy thereof for assigned counsel; and it is further,
counsel shall provide a complete copy appeals expeditiously in accordance a certified transcript of the proceed- which has been referred to me for and it is further, ORDERED that the appellant’s time
of such report and any attachments to with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and determination. ORDERED that upon service of a to perfect the appeal is extended;
the Court and the District Attorney’s 1250.9) and written directions; and the respondent’s briefs; the parties Upon the papers filed in support of copy of this decision and order on assigned counsel shall prosecute the
office prior to the filing of such brief it is further, are directed to file an original and the application and the papers filed motion upon it, the Department of appeal expeditiously in accordance
or motion; and it is further, ORDERED that in the event the file five duplicate hard copies, and, if in opposition thereto, it is Probation is hereby authorized and with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR
ORDERED that pursuant to County has been sealed, it is hereby unsealed represented by counsel, one digital ORDERED that the application is directed to provide assigned coun- 1250.9) and written directions; and
Law §722 the following named attorney for the limited purpose of allowing copy, of their respective briefs, and denied. sel with a copy of the presentence it is further,
is assigned as counsel to prosecute assigned counsel or his or her rep- to serve one hard copy on each other By Connolly, J. report prepared in connection with ORDERED that in the event the
the appeal: resentative access to the record for (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); the appellant’s sentencing, including file has been sealed, it is hereby
Paul Skip Laisure the purpose of preparing the appeals; additionally, the appellant is directed PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Savara M. unsealed for the limited purpose
Monroe, a/k/a Dred, def — Appli- the recommendation sheet and any
Appellate Advocates such access shall include permission to file proof of service of a subpoena prior reports on the appellant which of allowing assigned counsel or his
111 John Street - 9th Floor to copy the papers insofar as they upon the clerk of the court of origi- cation by the defendant pursuant to or her representative access to the
CPL 450.15 and 460.15 for a certificate are incorporated in or referred to in
New York, New York 10038 pertain to the appellant; and it is nal instance requiring all documents the report, and to provide additional record for the purpose of preparing
and it is further, further, constituting the record on appeal to granting leave to appeal to this Court the appeal; such access shall include
from an order of the County Court, copies to this Court upon demand;
ORDERED that the appellant’s time ORDERED that assigned counsel be filed with the Clerk of this Court and it is further, permission to copy the papers insofar
to perfect the appeal is extended; is directed to serve a copy of this (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it Dutchess County, dated July 13, 2018, as they pertain to the appellant; and
which has been referred to me for ORDERED that in the event an issue
assigned counsel shall prosecute the decision and order on motion upon is further, as to the legality, propriety, or exces- it is further,
appeal expeditiously in accordance the clerk of the court from which the ORDERED that the stenographer of determination. ORDERED that assigned counsel
Upon the papers filed in support of siveness of the sentence is raised on
with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR appeals are taken. the trial court is directed promptly to appeal, or if assigned counsel cites is directed to serve a copy of this
1250.9) and written directions; and SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- make, certify, and file two transcripts the application and the papers filed decision and order on motion upon
in opposition thereto, it is or relies upon the probation report
it is further, RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- in a brief or motion in any other way, the clerk of the court from which the
ORDERED that in the event the ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, ORDERED that the application is appeal is taken.
By Rivera, J.P.; Chambers, Cohen denied. counsel shall provide a complete copy
file has been sealed, it is hereby and Barros, JJ. and of the imposition of sentence in of such report and any attachments to SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
unsealed for the limited purpose this action, except for those minutes By Connolly, J. the Court and the District Attorney’s RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
of allowing assigned counsel or his Michelle Levitin, res, v. Joshua previously transcribed and certified
Levitin, ap — Motion by the appellant PEOPLE, etc., plf, v. Gayot, office prior to the filing of such brief By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds-
or her representative access to the (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, Andy M., a/k/a Gayot, Andrew, or motion; and it is further, Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.
record for the purpose of preparing for leave to reargue an appeal from ORDERED that in the event that the
a judgment of the Supreme Court, def — Application by the defendant ORDERED that pursuant to County MATTER of Skye H. (Anony-
the appeal; such access shall include case was tried to a conclusion before pursuant to CPL 450.15 and 460.15 for Law §722 the following named attorney
permission to copy the papers insofar Queens County, entered September a jury, the stenographer shall also mous). Dutchess County Depart-
20, 2017, which was determined by a certificate granting leave to appeal is assigned as counsel to prosecute ment of Community and Family
as they pertain to the appellant; and make, certify, and file two transcripts to this Court from an order of the the appeal:
it is further, decision and order of this Court dated of the minutes of proceedings during Services, petitioner-res, Tiana
December 5, 2018, or, in the alterna- County Court, Suffolk County, dated Paul Skip Laisure S. (Anonymous) respondents-ap
ORDERED that assigned counsel jury selection; and it is further, July 23, 2018, which has been referred Appellate Advocates
is directed to serve a copy of this tive, for leave to appeal to the Court of ORDERED that the Clerk of the — (Proceeding No. 1)
Appeals from the decision and order to me for determination. 111 John Street - 9th Floor MATTER of Davion H. (Anony-
decision and order on motion upon trial court shall furnish one certified Upon the papers filed in support of New York, New York 10038
the clerk of the court from which the of this Court. transcript of each of the proceedings mous). Dutchess County Depart-
Upon the papers filed in support the application and the papers filed and it is further, ment of Community and Family
appeal is taken. set forth above to the appellant’s in opposition thereto, it is ORDERED that the appellant’s time
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- of the motion and the papers filed in counsel, without charge (see CPL Services, petitioner-res, Tiana
opposition thereto, it is ORDERED that the application is to perfect the appeal is extended; S. (Anonymous) respondents-ap
RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. 460.70); assigned counsel is directed denied. assigned counsel shall prosecute the
ORDERED that the motion is denied, to turn over those transcripts to the — (Proceeding No. 2)
MATTER of Kenric Clifford with $100 costs. By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- appeal expeditiously in accordance MATTER of Troy H. (Anony-
respondent when counsel serves the with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR
Lever ap, v. Christina Lyons, res RIVERA, J.P., CHAMBERS, COHEN Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. mous). Dutchess County Depart-
appellant’s brief on the respondent; 1250.9) and written directions; and
— V-30760-10/18E, V-14415-10/18E, and BARROS, JJ., concur. ment of Community and Family
and it is further, Vena Fuller Watson, res, v. Rus- it is further,
F) — Appeal by Kenric Clifford Lever By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Services, petitioner-res, Tiana
ORDERED that in the event the sell Carbone, ap — Motion by the ORDERED that in the event the
from an order of the Family Court, Dillon and Balkin, JJ. S. (Anonymous) respondents-ap
stenographer has already prepared appellant, inter alia, to stay enforce- file has been sealed, it is hereby
Kings County, dated October 25, — (Proceeding No. 3)
PEOPLE, res, v. Donnell Green, a copy of any of the minutes for a ment of an order of the Supreme Court, unsealed for the limited purpose
2018. Pursuant to §670.3(b)(2) of the MATTER of Nathaniel S.
rules of this Court (see 22 NYCRR ap — Motion by the appellant pro se codefendant, then the Clerk of the Queens County, entered September 27, of allowing assigned counsel or his
trial court is directed to reproduce 2018, pending hearing and determina- (Anonymous). Dutchess County
670.3[b][2]), it is for leave to prosecute an appeal from or her representative access to the Department of Community and
ORDERED that the appellant’s time an order of the Supreme Court, Kings a copy thereof for assigned counsel; tion of an appeal therefrom. record for the purpose of preparing
and it is further, Upon the papers filed in support Family Services, petitioner-res,
to perfect the appeal by causing the County, dated October 17, 2018, as a the appeal; such access shall include Tiana S. (Anonymous) respon-
original papers constituting the record poor person, and for the assignment ORDERED that upon service of a of the motion and no papers having permission to copy the papers insofar
copy of this decision and order on been filed in opposition or in relation dents-ap —  (Proceeding No.
on the appeal to be filed in the office of of counsel. as they pertain to the appellant; and 4) N-2556-17, N-2557-17, N-2558-17,
Upon the papers filed in support motion upon it, the Department of thereto, it is it is further,
the Clerk of this Court (see 22 NYCRR N-2559-17, N-2260-17) — Motion by
of the motion and the papers filed in Probation is hereby authorized and ORDERED that the motion is denied. ORDERED that assigned counsel
1250.5[e][1]) and by serving and filing the respondents-appellants, in effect,
relation thereto, it is directed to provide assigned coun- LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- is directed to serve a copy of this
the appellant’s brief on the appeal is to stay all proceedings in the above-
ORDERED that the branch of the sel with a copy of the presentence RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, decision and order on motion upon
extended until March 22, 2019. entitled matters pending hearing and
motion which is for leave to prosecute report prepared in connection with JJ., concur. the clerk of the court from which the
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, determination of an appeal from an
the appeal as a poor person is denied the appellant’s sentencing, including By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- appeal is taken.
Dillon and Balkin, JJ. order of the Family Court, Dutchess
as unnecessary, as the appellant was the recommendation sheet and any Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- County, dated January 3, 2019, and
PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Shawn granted leave to proceed as a poor prior reports on the appellant which RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
Janet Bendel, plf-res, v. Trans- for poor person relief.
Brown, ap — Motion by the appellant person in the Supreme Court and, are incorporated in or referred to in
america Financial Life Insur- By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Upon the papers filed in support
pro se for leave to prosecute appeals pursuant to Correction Law 168-n (3), the report, and to provide additional
ance Company, def-res, Mutual Dillon and Balkin, JJ. of the motion and the papers filed in
from two judgments of the Supreme his status as a poor person continues copies to this Court upon demand;
of Omaha Insurance Company, opposition thereto, it is
Court, Kings County, both rendered on appeal; and it is further, and it is further, PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Charles
ap — Motion by the appellant to stay ORDERED that the branch of the
September 12, 2018, upon pleas of ORDERED that the appeal will be ORDERED that in the event an issue Blount, ap — Motion by the appellant
the trial in the above-entitled action motion which is to stay all proceedings
guilty, as a poor person, and for the heard on the original papers (including as to the legality, propriety, or exces- pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal
pending hearing and determination is denied; and it is further,
assignment of counsel. a certified transcript of the proceed- siveness of the sentence is raised on from a judgment of the Supreme Court,
of an appeal from an order of the ORDERED that the branch of the
Upon the papers filed in support ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and appeal, or if assigned counsel cites Kings County, rendered September
Supreme Court, Kings County, dated motion which is for poor person relief
of the motion and the papers filed in the respondent’s briefs; the parties or relies upon the probation report 26, 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a
December 20, 2018. is denied, with leave to renew on or
relation thereto, it is are directed to file nine copies of their in a brief or motion in any other way, poor person, and for the assignment
Upon the papers filed in support before March 25, 2019, upon proper
ORDERED that the motion is respective briefs and to serve one counsel shall provide a complete copy of counsel.
of the motion and the papers filed in papers, including the respondents-
granted; and it is further, copy on each other; and it is further, of such report and any attachments to Upon the papers filed in support
opposition thereto, it is appellants’ affidavits setting forth
ORDERED that the appeals will be ORDERED that the stenographer of the Court and the District Attorney’s of the motion and the papers filed in
ORDERED that the motion is denied. their full financial situation including
heard on the original papers (including the trial court is directed promptly to office prior to the filing of such brief relation thereto, it is
LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- all assets, both real and personal, as
a certified transcript of the proceed- make, certify, and file two transcripts or motion; and it is further, ORDERED that the motion is
RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, well as any and all sources of income
ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and of the proceedings of any hearing held ORDERED that pursuant to County granted; and it is further,
JJ., concur. and expenses; and it is further,
the respondent’s briefs; the parties in connection with the order dated Law §722 the following named attorney ORDERED that the appeal will be
By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- ORDERED that pursuant to
are directed to file an original and October 17, 2018, except for those is assigned as counsel to prosecute heard on the original papers (including
Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. §670.3(b) of the rules of this Court
five duplicate hard copies, and, if minutes previously transcribed and the appeal: a certified transcript of the proceed-
(22 NYCRR 670.3[b]), the respondents-
represented by counsel, one digital certified (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and Paul Skip Laisure Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and
appellants shall perfect the appeal
copy, of their respective briefs, and it is further, Appellate Advocates ety, etc., res, v. Manawar Raja the respondent’s briefs; the parties
in the above-entitled proceedings
to serve one hard copy on each other ORDERED that the clerk of the 111 John Street - 9th Floor def, Luis Ulloa, ap — Motion by the are directed to file an original and
within 60 days after the receipt of
(22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); trial court shall furnish one certified New York, New York 10038 appellant, inter alia, to enjoin the sale five duplicate hard copies, and, if
the transcripts of the minutes of the
additionally, the appellant is directed transcript of each of the proceedings and it is further, of the subject premises, pending hear- represented by counsel, one digital
proceedings in the Family Court, and
to file proof of service of a subpoena to the appellant’s counsel, without ORDERED that the appellant’s time ing and determination of an appeal copy, of their respective briefs, and shall notify this Court by letter of the
upon the clerk of the court of original charge (see CPLR 1102[b]); assigned to perfect the appeal is extended; from an order of the Supreme Court, to serve one hard copy on each other date the transcripts are received, or,
instance requiring all documents con- counsel is directed to turn over those assigned counsel shall prosecute the Richmond County, dated November (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); if there are no minutes of proceedings
stituting the record on the appeals to transcripts to the respondent when appeal expeditiously in accordance 28, 2018. additionally, the appellant is directed to be transcribed, within 60 days of
be filed with the Clerk of this Court counsel serves the appellant’s brief with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR Upon the papers filed in support to file proof of service of a subpoena the date of this decision and order
(22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it on the respondent; and it is further, 1250.9) and written directions; and of the motion and the papers filed in upon the clerk of the court of origi- on motion; and it is further,
is further, ORDERED that the branch of the it is further, opposition thereto, it is nal instance requiring all documents ORDERED that pursuant to
ORDERED that the stenographer of motion which is to assign counsel is ORDERED that in the event the ORDERED that the motion is denied. constituting the record on appeal to §670.3(b) of the rules of this Court (22
the trial court is directed promptly to granted and pursuant to County Law file has been sealed, it is hereby LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- be filed with the Clerk of this Court NYCRR 670.3[b]), on or before March
make, certify, and file two transcripts §722 the following named attorney unsealed for the limited purpose RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it 25, 2019, the respondents-appellants
of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- is assigned as counsel to prosecute of allowing assigned counsel or his JJ., concur. is further, shall file in the office of the Clerk of
ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, the appeal: or her representative access to the ORDERED that the stenographer of this Court one of the following:
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
and of the imposition of sentence in Paul Skip Laisure record for the purpose of preparing the trial court is directed promptly to
Dillon and Balkin, JJ. (1) an affidavit or affirmation stat-
this action, except for those minutes Appellate Advocates the appeal; such access shall include make, certify, and file two transcripts
111 John Street - 9th Floor permission to copy the papers insofar PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Michael Rou- of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- ing that there are no minutes of
previously transcribed and certified
New York, New York 10038 as they pertain to the appellant; and geou, ap — Motion by the appellant ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, the Family Court proceeding to
(see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further,
and it is further, it is further, pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal and of the imposition of sentence in be transcribed for the appeal; or
ORDERED that in the event that the
case was tried to a conclusion before ORDERED that upon service of a ORDERED that assigned counsel from a judgment of the Supreme Court, this action, except for those minutes (2) if there are such minutes, an
a jury, the stenographer shall also copy of this decision and order on is directed to serve a copy of this Kings County, rendered September previously transcribed and certified affidavit or affirmation stating
make, certify, and file two transcripts motion upon it, the Department of decision and order on motion upon 19, 2017, upon a plea of guilty, as a (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, that the transcript has been
of the minutes of proceedings during Probation is hereby authorized and the clerk of the court from which the poor person, and for the assignment ORDERED that in the event that the received, and indicating the date
jury selection; and it is further, directed to provide assigned coun- appeal is taken. of counsel. case was tried to a conclusion before that it was received; or | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 25

(3) if the transcript has not been Upon the papers filed in support Upon the papers filed in support LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- ORDERED that in the event the copy, of their respective briefs, and to
received, an affidavit or affir- of the motion and the papers filed in of the motion and the papers filed in RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, file has been sealed, it is hereby serve one hard copy on each other (22
mation stating that it has been relation thereto, it is relation thereto, it is JJ., concur. unsealed for the limited purpose NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]);
ordered and paid for, the date ORDERED that the motion is ORDERED that the motion is By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- of allowing assigned counsel or his additionally, the appellant is directed
thereof, and the date by which granted; and it is further, granted; and it is further, Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. or her representative access to the to file proof of service of a subpoena
the transcript is expected; or ORDERED that the appeal will be ORDERED that the appeal will be record for the purpose of preparing upon the clerk of the court of origi-
heard on the original papers (including heard on the original papers (including Wells Fargo Bank, NA, res, v. the appeal; such access shall include nal instance requiring all documents
(4) if they are indigent and cannot Veronica Benitez, etc., ap,  et constituting the record on appeal to
a certified transcript of the proceed- a certified transcript of the proceed- permission to copy the papers insofar
afford to obtain the minutes or al., def — Motion by the appellant be filed with the Clerk of this Court
ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and as they pertain to the appellant; and
perfect the appeal, a motion in to stay the foreclosure sale of the (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it
the respondent’s briefs; the parties the respondent’s briefs; the parties it is further,
this Court for leave to prosecute subject premises, pending hearing ORDERED that assigned counsel is further,
are directed to file an original and are directed to file an original and
the appeal as a poor person and, and determination of appeals from two is directed to serve a copy of this ORDERED that the stenographer of
five duplicate hard copies, and, if five duplicate hard copies, and, if
if so advised, for the assignment orders of the Supreme Court, Suffolk decision and order on motion upon the trial court is directed promptly to
represented by counsel, one digital represented by counsel, one digital
of counsel; or County, dated December 10, 2017, the clerk of the court from which the make, certify, and file two transcripts
copy, of their respective briefs, and copy, of their respective briefs, and
(5) an affidavit or an affirmation to serve one hard copy on each other to serve one hard copy on each other and December 11, 2017, respectively. appeal is taken. of the proceedings of any pretrial hear-
withdrawing the appeal; and it (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); Upon the papers filed in support SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial,
is further, additionally, the appellant is directed additionally, the appellant is directed of the motion and the papers filed in RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. and of the imposition of sentence in
to file proof of service of a subpoena to file proof of service of a subpoena opposition thereto, it is this action, except for those minutes
ORDERED that if none of the actions By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
upon the clerk of the court of origi- upon the clerk of the court of origi- ORDERED that the motion is denied; previously transcribed and certified
described in (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5), Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
nal instance requiring all documents nal instance requiring all documents and it is further, (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further,
above, has been taken on or before on PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Devin Whit-
constituting the record on appeal to constituting the record on appeal to ORDERED that on the Court’s own ORDERED that in the event that the
or before March 25, 2019, the Clerk of motion, the parties to the appeals are lock, ap — Motion by the appellant
be filed with the Clerk of this Court be filed with the Clerk of this Court case was tried to a conclusion before
this Court shall issue an order to all directed to show cause before this pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal
(22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it a jury, the stenographer shall also
parties to the appeal to show cause Court why an order should or should from a judgment of the Supreme Court,
is further, is further, make, certify, and file two transcripts
why the appeal should or should not not be made and entered dismissing Kings County, rendered October 23,
ORDERED that the stenographer of ORDERED that the stenographer of of the minutes of proceedings during
be dismissed. the appeals from the orders dated 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a poor
the trial court is directed promptly to the trial court is directed promptly to jury selection; and it is further,
LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- December 10, 2017, and December 11, person, and for the assignment of
make, certify, and file two transcripts make, certify, and file two transcripts ORDERED that the Clerk of the
RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, 2017, on the ground that the right of counsel.
of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- trial court shall furnish one certified
JJ., concur. direct appeal from the orders termi- Upon the papers filed in support transcript of each of the proceedings
ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial,
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, and of the imposition of sentence in nated upon entry of a judgment in the of the motion and the papers filed in set forth above to the appellant’s
and of the imposition of sentence in
Dillon and Balkin, JJ. this action, except for those minutes above-entitled action dated November relation thereto, it is counsel, without charge (see CPL
this action, except for those minutes
previously transcribed and certified 20, 2018 (see Matter of Aho, 39 NY2d ORDERED that the motion is 460.70); assigned counsel is directed
PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Jose Flores, previously transcribed and certified
(see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, 241), by filing an affirmation or an granted; and it is further, to turn over those transcripts to the
ap — Motion by the appellant pro se (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further,
ORDERED that in the event that the affidavit on that issue in the office of ORDERED that the appeal will be respondent when counsel serves the
for leave to prosecute an appeal from ORDERED that in the event that the
case was tried to a conclusion before the Clerk of this Court on or before heard on the original papers (including appellant’s brief on the respondent;
a judgment of the Supreme Court, case was tried to a conclusion before
a jury, the stenographer shall also March 15, 2019, or, if the appellants a certified transcript of the proceed- and it is further,
Kings County, rendered September a jury, the stenographer shall also
make, certify, and file two transcripts be so advised, by making a motion, ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and ORDERED that in the event the
7, 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a make, certify, and file two transcripts
of the minutes of proceedings during on or before March 15, 2019, pursuant the respondent’s briefs; the parties stenographer has already prepared
poor person, and for the assignment of the minutes of proceedings during
jury selection; and it is further, to CPLR 5512 to deem the notices of are directed to file an original and a copy of any of the minutes for a
of counsel. jury selection; and it is further,
ORDERED that the Clerk of the appeal from the orders to be a notice five duplicate hard copies, and, if codefendant, then the Clerk of the
Upon the papers filed in support ORDERED that the Clerk of the
trial court shall furnish one certified of appeal from the judgment to the represented by counsel, one digital trial court is directed to reproduce
of the motion and the papers filed in trial court shall furnish one certified copy, of their respective briefs, and
transcript of each of the proceedings extent that an appeal from the judg- a copy thereof for assigned counsel;
relation thereto, it is transcript of each of the proceedings to serve one hard copy on each other
set forth above to the appellant’s ment brings up for review the orders, and it is further,
ORDERED that the motion is set forth above to the appellant’s (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]);
counsel, without charge (see CPL to deem the record and the parties’ ORDERED that upon service of a
granted; and it is further, counsel, without charge (see CPL additionally, the appellant is directed
460.70); assigned counsel is directed briefs filed in connection with the copy of this decision and order on
ORDERED that the appeal will be 460.70); assigned counsel is directed to file proof of service of a subpoena
to turn over those transcripts to the appeals from the orders to be filed in motion upon it, the Department of
heard on the original papers (including to turn over those transcripts to the upon the clerk of the court of origi-
respondent when counsel serves the connection with the appeal from the Probation is hereby authorized and
a certified transcript of the proceed- respondent when counsel serves the nal instance requiring all documents
appellant’s brief on the respondent; judgment, and for leave to serve and directed to provide assigned coun-
ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and appellant’s brief on the respondent; constituting the record on appeal to
and it is further, file a supplemental record containing sel with a copy of the presentence
the respondent’s briefs; the parties and it is further, be filed with the Clerk of this Court
ORDERED that in the event the the judgment; and it is further, report prepared in connection with
are directed to file an original and ORDERED that in the event the ORDERED that the Clerk of this (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it the appellant’s sentencing, including
stenographer has already prepared stenographer has already prepared
five duplicate hard copies, and, if Court or her designee is directed to is further, the recommendation sheet and any
a copy of any of the minutes for a a copy of any of the minutes for a
represented by counsel, one digital serve a copy of this order to show ORDERED that the stenographer of prior reports on the appellant which
codefendant, then the Clerk of the codefendant, then the Clerk of the
copy, of their respective briefs, and cause upon the parties to the appeals the trial court is directed promptly to are incorporated in or referred to in
trial court is directed to reproduce trial court is directed to reproduce
to serve one hard copy on each other by regular mail. make, certify, and file two transcripts the report, and to provide additional
a copy thereof for assigned counsel;
(22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); a copy thereof for assigned counsel; LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- copies to this Court upon demand;
and it is further,
additionally, the appellant is directed and it is further, RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, and it is further,
ORDERED that upon service of a
to file proof of service of a subpoena ORDERED that upon service of a JJ., concur. and of the imposition of sentence in ORDERED that in the event an issue
copy of this decision and order on
upon the clerk of the court of origi- copy of this decision and order on this action, except for those minutes as to the legality, propriety, or exces-
motion upon it, the Department of By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera,
nal instance requiring all documents motion upon it, the Department of previously transcribed and certified siveness of the sentence is raised on
Probation is hereby authorized and Dillon and Balkin, JJ.
constituting the record on appeal to Probation is hereby authorized and (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, appeal, or if assigned counsel cites
directed to provide assigned coun-
be filed with the Clerk of this Court directed to provide assigned coun- PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Tyrek M. ORDERED that in the event that the or relies upon the probation report
sel with a copy of the presentence
(22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it sel with a copy of the presentence (Anonymous), ap — Motion by the case was tried to a conclusion before in a brief or motion in any other way,
report prepared in connection with
is further, report prepared in connection with appellant pro se for leave to pros- a jury, the stenographer shall also counsel shall provide a complete copy
the appellant’s sentencing, including
ORDERED that the stenographer of the appellant’s sentencing, including ecute an appeal from a judgment of make, certify, and file two transcripts of such report and any attachments to
the recommendation sheet and any
the trial court is directed promptly to the recommendation sheet and any the Supreme Court, Kings County, of the minutes of proceedings during the Court and the District Attorney’s
prior reports on the appellant which
make, certify, and file two transcripts prior reports on the appellant which rendered August 27, 2018, upon a jury selection; and it is further, office prior to the filing of such brief
are incorporated in or referred to in
of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- are incorporated in or referred to in plea of guilty, as a poor person, and ORDERED that the Clerk of the or motion; and it is further,
the report, and to provide additional
ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, the report, and to provide additional for the assignment of counsel. trial court shall furnish one certified ORDERED that pursuant to County
copies to this Court upon demand;
and of the imposition of sentence in copies to this Court upon demand; Upon the papers filed in support transcript of each of the proceedings Law §722 the following named attorney
and it is further,
this action, except for those minutes and it is further, ORDERED that in the event an issue of the motion and the papers filed in set forth above to the appellant’s is assigned as counsel to prosecute
previously transcribed and certified ORDERED that in the event an issue as to the legality, propriety, or exces- relation thereto, it is counsel, without charge (see CPL the appeal:
(see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, as to the legality, propriety, or exces- siveness of the sentence is raised on ORDERED that the motion is 460.70); assigned counsel is directed Paul Skip Laisure
ORDERED that in the event that the siveness of the sentence is raised on appeal, or if assigned counsel cites granted; and it is further, to turn over those transcripts to the Appellate Advocates
case was tried to a conclusion before appeal, or if assigned counsel cites or relies upon the probation report ORDERED that the appeal will be respondent when counsel serves the 111 John Street - 9th Floor
a jury, the stenographer shall also or relies upon the probation report in a brief or motion in any other way, heard on the original papers (including appellant’s brief on the respondent; New York, New York 10038
make, certify, and file two transcripts in a brief or motion in any other way, counsel shall provide a complete copy a certified transcript of the proceed- and it is further, and it is further,
of the minutes of proceedings during counsel shall provide a complete copy of such report and any attachments to ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and ORDERED that in the event the ORDERED that the appellant’s time
jury selection; and it is further, of such report and any attachments to the Court and the District Attorney’s the respondent’s briefs; the parties stenographer has already prepared to perfect the appeal is extended;
ORDERED that the Clerk of the the Court and the District Attorney’s office prior to the filing of such brief are directed to file an original and a copy of any of the minutes for a assigned counsel shall prosecute the
trial court shall furnish one certified office prior to the filing of such brief or motion; and it is further, five duplicate hard copies, and, if codefendant, then the Clerk of the appeal expeditiously in accordance
transcript of each of the proceedings or motion; and it is further, ORDERED that pursuant to County represented by counsel, one digital trial court is directed to reproduce with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR
set forth above to the appellant’s ORDERED that pursuant to County Law §722 the following named attorney copy, of their respective briefs, and a copy thereof for assigned counsel; 1250.9) and written directions; and
counsel, without charge (see CPL Law §722 the following named attorney is assigned as counsel to prosecute to serve one hard copy on each other and it is further, it is further,
460.70); assigned counsel is directed is assigned as counsel to prosecute the appeal: (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4],[c][1],[d],[e]); ORDERED that upon service of a ORDERED that in the event the
to turn over those transcripts to the the appeal: Paul Skip Laisure additionally, the appellant is directed copy of this decision and order on file has been sealed, it is hereby
respondent when counsel serves the Paul Skip Laisure Appellate Advocates to file proof of service of a subpoena motion upon it, the Department of unsealed for the limited purpose
appellant’s brief on the respondent; Appellate Advocates 111 John Street - 9th Floor upon the clerk of the court of origi- Probation is hereby authorized and of allowing assigned counsel or his
and it is further, 111 John Street - 9th Floor New York, New York 10038 nal instance requiring all documents directed to provide assigned coun- or her representative access to the
ORDERED that in the event the New York, New York 10038 and it is further, constituting the record on appeal to sel with a copy of the presentence record for the purpose of preparing
stenographer has already prepared and it is further, ORDERED that the appellant’s time be filed with the Clerk of this Court report prepared in connection with the appeal; such access shall include
a copy of any of the minutes for a ORDERED that the appellant’s time to perfect the appeal is extended; (22 NYCRR 1250.9[a][4][i]); and it the appellant’s sentencing, including permission to copy the papers insofar
codefendant, then the Clerk of the to perfect the appeal is extended; assigned counsel shall prosecute the is further, the recommendation sheet and any as they pertain to the appellant; and
trial court is directed to reproduce assigned counsel shall prosecute the appeal expeditiously in accordance ORDERED that the stenographer of prior reports on the appellant which it is further,
appeal expeditiously in accordance with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR the trial court is directed promptly to are incorporated in or referred to in ORDERED that assigned counsel
a copy thereof for assigned counsel;
with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR 1250.9) and written directions; and make, certify, and file two transcripts the report, and to provide additional is directed to serve a copy of this
and it is further,
1250.9) and written directions; and it is further, of the proceedings of any pretrial hear- copies to this Court upon demand; decision and order on motion upon
ORDERED that upon service of a
it is further, ORDERED that in the event the ings, of the plea of guilty or of the trial, and it is further, the clerk of the court from which the
copy of this decision and order on
ORDERED that in the event the file has been sealed, it is hereby and of the imposition of sentence in ORDERED that in the event an issue appeal is taken.
motion upon it, the Department of
file has been sealed, it is hereby unsealed for the limited purpose this action, except for those minutes as to the legality, propriety, or exces- SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE-
Probation is hereby authorized and
unsealed for the limited purpose of allowing assigned counsel or his previously transcribed and certified siveness of the sentence is raised on RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur.
directed to provide assigned coun-
of allowing assigned counsel or his or her representative access to the (see 22 NYCRR 671.9); and it is further, appeal, or if assigned counsel cites
sel with a copy of the presentence Matter of Applications
or her representative access to the record for the purpose of preparing ORDERED that in the event that the or relies upon the probation report
report prepared in connection with to Withdraw Appeals:
record for the purpose of preparing the appeal; such access shall include case was tried to a conclusion before in a brief or motion in any other way,
the appellant’s sentencing, including
the appeal; such access shall include permission to copy the papers insofar a jury, the stenographer shall also counsel shall provide a complete copy
the recommendation sheet and any make, certify, and file two transcripts
February 22, 2019
prior reports on the appellant which permission to copy the papers insofar as they pertain to the appellant; and of such report and any attachments to
as they pertain to the appellant; and it is further, of the minutes of proceedings during the Court and the District Attorney’s
are incorporated in or referred to in jury selection; and it is further, MATTER of Applications
the report, and to provide additional it is further, ORDERED that assigned counsel office prior to the filing of such brief to Withdraw Appeals, Cross
ORDERED that assigned counsel is directed to serve a copy of this ORDERED that the Clerk of the or motion; and it is further,
copies to this Court upon demand; trial court shall furnish one certified Appeals, or Proceedings. —
and it is further, is directed to serve a copy of this decision and order on motion upon ORDERED that pursuant to County Parties to the following causes
decision and order on motion upon the clerk of the court from which the transcript of each of the proceedings Law §722 the following named attorney
ORDERED that in the event an issue set forth above to the appellant’s have filed applications to withdraw
as to the legality, propriety, or exces- the clerk of the court from which the appeal is taken. is assigned as counsel to prosecute certain appeals, cross appeals, or
appeal is taken. SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- counsel, without charge (see CPL the appeal:
siveness of the sentence is raised on 460.70); assigned counsel is directed proceedings.
appeal, or if assigned counsel cites SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. Paul Skip Laisure Upon the papers filed in support
RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. to turn over those transcripts to the Appellate Advocates
or relies upon the probation report By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- respondent when counsel serves the of the applications, it is
By Leventhal, J.P.; Cohen, Hinds- Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. 111 John Street - 9th Floor ORDERED that the applications are
in a brief or motion in any other way, appellant’s brief on the respondent;
Radix and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. New York, New York 10038 granted and the following appeals,
counsel shall provide a complete copy BNH Milf, LLC, res, v. Milford and it is further, and it is further, cross appeals, or proceedings by
of such report and any attachments to 23-35 Bridge Street, LLC, res, v. St. Properties, LLC ap,  et al., ORDERED that in the event the ORDERED that the appellant’s time the applicant(s) set forth below are
the Court and the District Attorney’s Excel Automotive Tech Center, def — Motion by the appellants to stenographer has already prepared to perfect the appeal is extended; deemed withdrawn, without costs or
office prior to the filing of such brief Inc., ap — Motion by the appellant, stay the foreclosure sale of the sub- a copy of any of the minutes for a assigned counsel shall prosecute the disbursements:
or motion; and it is further, inter alia, to stay enforcement of a ject premises, pending hearing and codefendant, then the Clerk of the appeal expeditiously in accordance Abney v. Meridian Properties, 2018-
ORDERED that pursuant to County judgment of the Supreme Court, Kings determination of appeals from two trial court is directed to reproduce with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR 11901, A & U General Contracting, Inc.
Law §722 the following named attorney County, dated January 16, 2019, and orders of the Supreme Court, Kings a copy thereof for assigned counsel; 1250.9) and written directions; and Altman-Neumann v. Women’s Con-
is assigned as counsel to prosecute to stay its eviction from the subject County, dated April 26, 2017, and May and it is further, it is further, temporary Care Associates, P.C., 2018-
the appeal: premises, pending hearing and deter- 19, 2017, respectively. ORDERED that upon service of a ORDERED that in the event the
Paul Skip Laisure 10965, Women’s Contemporary Care
mination of an appeal therefrom. Sepa- Upon the papers filed in support copy of this decision and order on file has been sealed, it is hereby
Appellate Advocates Associates, P.C., Winthrop-University
rate motion by the appellant, inter of the motion and the papers filed in motion upon it, the Department of unsealed for the limited purpose
111 John Street - 9th Floor Hospital Services Corp., Winthrop-
alia, to extend a notice of pendency in opposition thereto, it is Probation is hereby authorized and of allowing assigned counsel or his
New York, New York 10038 University Hospital Association
the above-entitled action against the ORDERED that the motion is denied; directed to provide assigned coun- or her representative access to the
and it is further, Brown v. Pierre, 2018-141841, Tif-
subject premises. Separate motion by and it is further, sel with a copy of the presentence record for the purpose of preparing
ORDERED that the appellant’s time fany Brown
Jordan S. Bolton, an attorney in good ORDERED that on the Court’s own report prepared in connection with the appeal; such access shall include
to perfect the appeal is extended; Citimortgage, Inc. v. Whitney, 2018-
standing in the State of Michigan, to motion, the parties to the appeals are the appellant’s sentencing, including permission to copy the papers insofar
assigned counsel shall prosecute the 07755, Barbara A. Whitney
be admitted pro hac vice to represent directed to show cause before this the recommendation sheet and any as they pertain to the appellant; and
appeal expeditiously in accordance Coscia v. Mosca, 2018-09030, Ralph
the respondent on the appeal. Court why an order should or should prior reports on the appellant which it is further,
with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR S. Mosca, Geoffrey Heyer, Suba Krish-
Upon the papers filed in support of not be made and entered dismissing are incorporated in or referred to in ORDERED that assigned counsel nan, Jason B. Carmel, Arthur J. Smer-
1250.9) and written directions; and the motion, inter alia, for a stay and the appeals from the orders dated the report, and to provide additional is directed to serve a copy of this ling, Jason Cappell, Arthur Mandel
it is further, the motion, inter alia, to extend the April 26, 2017, and May 19, 2017, on the copies to this Court upon demand; decision and order on motion upon New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia
ORDERED that in the event the notice of pendency, and the papers ground that the right of direct appeal and it is further, the clerk of the court from which the University Medical Center
file has been sealed, it is hereby filed in opposition thereto, and upon from the orders terminated upon entry ORDERED that in the event an issue appeal is taken. County Agency of NY, LLC v. Split
unsealed for the limited purpose the papers filed in support of the of a judgment in the above-entitled as to the legality, propriety, or exces- SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- Rock Rehabilitation and Health Care
of allowing assigned counsel or his motion to be admitted pro hac vice action dated December 20, 2018 (see siveness of the sentence is raised on RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. Center, LLC, 2018-106091, Split Rock
or her representative access to the and no papers having been filed in Matter of Aho, 39 NY2d 241), by filing appeal, or if assigned counsel cites
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, Rehabilitation and Health Care Cen-
record for the purpose of preparing opposition or in relation thereto, it is an affirmation or an affidavit on that or relies upon the probation report
Dillon and Balkin, JJ. ter, LLC
the appeal; such access shall include ORDERED that the motion, inter issue in the office of the Clerk of this in a brief or motion in any other way,
Hirsch-Furst v. L.I. Restaurant
permission to copy the papers insofar alia, for a stay and the motion, inter Court on or before March 15, 2019, counsel shall provide a complete copy PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Shaleek
Associates, L.P., 2019-00242, Long
as they pertain to the appellant; and alia, to extend the notice of pendency or, if the appellants be so advised, by of such report and any attachments to Moore, ap — Motion by the appellant
Island Property Maintenance Corp.
it is further, are denied; and it is further, making a motion, on or before March the Court and the District Attorney’s pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal
Ibragimova v. Sun Fat, LLC, 2018-
ORDERED that assigned counsel ORDERED that the motion by Jordan 15, 2019, pursuant to CPLR 5512 to office prior to the filing of such brief from a judgment of the Supreme Court,
11257, John Dispirito
is directed to serve a copy of this S. Bolton to be admitted pro hac vice deem the notices of appeal from the or motion; and it is further, Kings County, rendered September
Incorporated Village of Freeport v.
decision and order on motion upon to represent the respondent on the orders to be a notice of appeal from ORDERED that pursuant to County 12, 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a
Albrecht, Viggiano, Zurich & Company,
the clerk of the court from which the appeal is granted. the judgment to the extent that an Law §722 the following named attorney poor person, and for the assignment
P.C., 2018-10146, Howard Colton
appeal is taken. LEVENTHAL, J.P., COHEN, HINDS- appeal from the judgment brings up is assigned as counsel to prosecute of counsel.
Julem Capital Corp. v. Only Believe,
SCHEINKMAN, P.J., MASTRO, RIVE- RADIX and BRATHWAITE NELSON, for review the orders, to deem the the appeal: Upon the papers filed in support
LLC, 2018-14983, Julem Capital Corp.
RA, DILLON and BALKIN, JJ., concur. JJ., concur. record and the parties’ briefs filed in Paul Skip Laisure of the motion and the papers filed in
Kleinworm v. Sullivan Hotel, 2018-
connection with the appeals from the Appellate Advocates relation thereto, it is
By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, By Scheinkman, P.J.; Mastro, Rivera, 134981, Barry Kleinworm, Rochelle
orders to be filed in connection with 111 John Street - 9th Floor ORDERED that the motion is
Dillon and Balkin, JJ. Dillon and Balkin, JJ. Kleinworm
the appeal from the judgment, and for New York, New York 10038 granted; and it is further,
Lake v. Bolognese, 2018-07676,
PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Marck Beau- PEOPLE, etc., res, v. Kevin Bonds, leave to serve and file a supplemental and it is further, ORDERED that the appeal will be
Jennifer Lake
brun, ap — Motion by the appellant ap — Motion by the appellant pro se record containing the judgment; and ORDERED that the appellant’s time heard on the original papers (including
Leace v. Kohlroser, 2018-13033,
pro se for leave to prosecute an appeal for leave to prosecute an appeal from it is further, to perfect the appeal is extended; a certified transcript of the proceed-
James Kohlroser, Island Digestive
from a judgment of the Supreme Court, a judgment of the Supreme Court, ORDERED that the Clerk of this assigned counsel shall prosecute the ings, if any) and on the appellant’s and
Disease Consultants, P.C.
Kings County, rendered September Kings County, rendered August 24, Court or her designee is directed to appeal expeditiously in accordance the respondent’s briefs; the parties Mangat v. Lurie, 2018-11517, Scott
7, 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a 2018, upon a plea of guilty, as a poor serve a copy of this order to show with this Court’s rules (see 22 NYCRR are directed to file an original and Lurie
poor person, and for the assignment person, and for the assignment of cause upon the parties to the appeals 1250.9) and written directions; and five duplicate hard copies, and, if
of counsel. counsel. by regular mail. it is further, represented by counsel, one digital Decisions continued on next page »
26 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Court Decisions
McCarthy, Terence Brady, Doreen Justice Johnny Lee Baynes Jeancharles v. Good Neighbor Apt. Fennell v. Grand Ave. Concept Devel- Wasson v. Stultz (505127/16)—
Benjamin (21667/05)—Motion Granted op (21222/12)—Motion Withdrawn Motion Denied
440 Atlantic v. Polar Bear Mechani-
Appellate Division Indira Merced, April 3, 2019
Osman v. Town of Smithtown, 2018-
cal Inc. (503859/18)—Motion Denied Johnson v. NYC (7687/15)—Motion
Krakovetskaya v. Messina
(501325/17)—Granted Short Form
Justice Richard Velasquez
440 Atlantic v. Polar Bear Mechani- Allman-Koward v. Murray
05025, Franklin A. Osman, Arlene D. Jose Reyes Burgos v. Alba Limo Order
Second Department Osman, March 7, 2019
cal Inc. (503859/18)—Motion Granted
Transportation (515985/16)—Motion Laroche v. Ulano Corp. (2599/15)—Granted Short Form Order
Park v. Northwell Health, Inc., 2018- Justice Reginald Boddie Withdrawn (512196/15)—Granted Short Form Castaldo v. Fernandez (21354/12)—
08217, Franklin Park, March 15, 20191 Francis v. NYC (9852/11)—Marked Khad v. Camara (513145/16)— Order Denied Short Form Order
People v. Lominy, Ellijah R., 2016- H. v. Shinda Managament Corp.
« Continued from previous page Off Motion Granted Montes v. Tawil (1946/17)—Marked
13298, People of State of New York, Gabbidon v. NYC (20639/05)— Khalapov v. Atlantic Rlty. Apts Off (500562/18)—Granted Short Form
Park Avenue Podiatry Associates, March 8, 2019 Motion Decided As Indicated (507937/17)—Marked Off Oculi v. Quality Express Cab Corp. Order
P.C.Mangat v. Lurie, 2018-11518, Scott People v. Smith, Tinkita, 2017-05489, Khutoryanskaya v. Laser & Micro- (2880/15)—Denied Short Form Order Hatalyak v. M.N.C. General Contrac-
Lurie Justice Central Compliance Part tors (501107/16)—Motion Granted
Tinkita SmithFebruary 28, 2019 surgery (521431/16)—Motion Granted Schirmer v. Piazza (512692/15)—
Park Avenue Podiatry Associates, Prifti v. Everest National Insurance Acosta v. Fontana (505479/17)— Kouledianos v. Naomi (522853/16)— Denied Short Form Order King v. Rivera Marino (513755/16)—
P.C.Martin v. United Rentals, 2018- Company, 2018-07723 +1, Everest Grant Ext Short Form Order Marked Off Denied Short Form Order
14866, United Rentals, Gabriel Wil- Justice Ingrid Joseph, Frp3 Turner v. Win Ho, Inc. (510616/15)—
National Insurance Company, March Alexis v. Pina (12965/15)—Grant Lopez v. Signature Const.
liams, Sicon Contractors, Inc. 7, 2019 Ext Short Form Order U.S. Rof 111 Legal Title v. Cremona Denied Short Form Order
(505380/14)—Motion Granted
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC v. Levy, Ryabchenko v. New York City Tran- Allen v. Rosario (507154/17)—Grant (30862/10)—Motion Denied Justice Edgar Walker
Mahon v. Maple (500096/18)—
2017-062121, Dylan Levy sit Authority, 2018-12443, New York Ext Short Form Order Deutsche Bank v. Warner
Motion Granted Gazal v. 1357 Bergen Street
Nationstar Mortgage, LLC v. Ross, City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Balaban Bedir v. Wassco LLC (5936/13)—Motion Granted
Marine v. Ivm Business, Inc. (503227/17)—Grant Ext Short Form
2018-05897, Joseph Ross Transportation Authority, March 7, (506995/17)—Grant Ext Short Form Hsbc Mortgage Corp. v. Scott
(511038/16)—Motion Withdrawn Order
Penn v. Gunfowora, 2018-15150, 2019 Order (15448/10)—Motion Granted
South Nassau Communities Hospital Miretskaya v. Sianiuk (518111/17)— Cousin v. Silkes-Clapman
Schiller v. Empress Ambulance Baudin v. Rotondi (521002/16)— Motion Withdrawn Onewest Bank v. Clarke-Scott
Pugliese v. Pugliese, 2018-06658, Service, Inc., 2018-10007, Empress Denied Short Form Order (14226/10)—Case Disposed (511920/18)—Case Disposed
Lisa Pugliese Mushkudiani v. Racanelli Const. Cousin v. Silkes-Clapman
Ambulance Service, Inc., March 25, Benitez v. Eisenreich (11217/15)— Group (502931/17)—Motion Granted Justice Jury Coordinating Part 1
Ray v. Gallego, 2019-01286, Alex I. 2019 Grant Ext Short Form Order (511920/18)—Motion Decided As
Gallego, Natalie Rose Gallego Overgaard v. Wenger Const. Co., Indicated
Sterling Trust Limited v. Stern, 2018- Bernier v. Lafortune (515990/17)— Alliance v. Wu (508959/16)—Grant
Rosillo v. Miranda, 2017-009261, Inc. (518008/16)—Motion Granted
10931, Sandra Stern, April 10, 20191 Grant Ext Short Form Order Ext Short Form Order Justice Wavny Toussant
Maria E. Rosillo Paul v. Huynh (517714/18)—Motion
Trevcon Construction Co., Inc. v. Bidaisee v. Ream Inc. (7196/15)— Chiochvili v. Gharagyozyan
Alejandro LopezSheldon v. Wein- Withdrawn Delvalle v. Ortega (517698/18)—
Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC, 2018- Grant Ext Short Form Order (8183/15)—Motion Withdrawn
stein Enterprises, Inc.2018-12504Wein- Perlman v. Piccininni (3913/16)— Joint Trial
07274, Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC, Bonner v. Teresa Limo Inc. Drake v. Mv Public Transportation
stein Enterprises, Inc.Tixi v. 52-01, Motion Granted Justice Paul Wooten
March 7, 2019 (512707/16)—Grant Ext Short Form Inc (512704/16)—Motion Withdrawn
LLC2018-0755352-01, LLC Purrier v. Salca Trucking
U.S. Bank Nassau v. Smith, 2018- Order Giddens v. John Gallin & Sons Inc. Scott Baron & Associates v. Khavin-
U.S. Bank National Association v. (525028/17)—Motion Granted
09983 +1, Pamela W. Smith, April 22, C M v. 259 55th LLC (511879/17)— (13201/13)—Motion Decided As son & Associates Pc. (518264/18)—
Garcia, 2018-12062, U.S. Bank National Rafael R. Hernandez v. Runqiang
2019 Grant Ext Short Form Order Indicated Motion Denied
Association Mai (514837/17)—Motion Granted
U.S. Bank National Association v. C. v. Gould (508088/17)—Grant Ext Marku v. Sandler (509996/16)— Amk II Rlty. LLC v. Kranz
US Bank v. McAllister, 2018-06311, Riley v. 121 Ave. Hldgs. (14758/15)—
Sylvestre, 2018-11365, Jacques Syl- Short Form Order Motion Withdrawn (514749/18)—Motion Denied
Leone G. McAllister, Ann-Marie Lewis Motion Granted
vestre, April 12, 2019 Carrillo v. Limbacker (522133/16)— Nivens v. Jet Auto Wreckers Inc Daniels v. Milea Leasing Corp.
Rivera v. Illinois Nat. Ins.
1. Denotes that application is made US Bank National Association v. Grant Ext Short Form Order (12032/12)—Marked Off (515799/16)—Motion Granted
(502068/18)—Motion Granted
upon stipulation. Mendelovitz, 2018-02833, US Bank Castillo v. Ramirez Castillo S. J. Fuel Co., Inc. v. Tiuca Flom v. Seward Park Housing
Rodriguez v. Song (7493/14)—
National Association, March 7, 2019 (520230/17)—Grant Ext Short Form (501185/15)—Motion Withdrawn (511203/15)—Motion Granted
Order on Application Motion Withdrawn
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Yapkowitz, Order Justice Kathy J. King Holas v. King (500315/18)—Joint
released on: Rosa-Perez v. Project You, Inc.
2019-00133 +3, Wells Fargo Bank N.A., Chillogalli v. Sullivan Heights Trial
(509083/18)—Marked Off Madigan v. Bronstein (516351/17)—
April 22, 2019 (520927/17)—Grant Ext Short Form Kim v. Td Ameritrade, Inc.
February 22, 2019 Wells Fargo Bank, National Associa-
Rowe v. Rapid Furniture Declined To Sign Application
Order (516851/16)—Motion Granted (519332/18)—Motion Granted
tion v. Licalzi, 2018-07928, Edward A. Colon v. Matthews (513844/17)— Justice Landicino Rodriguez v. Abiodun (513724/18)—
MATTER of Applications for Sanchez-Salas v. Menashe Freund
Licalzi, April 3, 2019 Granted Short Form Order Consolidated With
Extensions of Time — Parties Young v. Heller, 2018-02232 +1, (510077/15)—Motion Granted Acevedo v. Wong (524788/17)—
in the following causes have filed Dayan v. Deinhardt (501180/18)— Simpson v. NYCHA (508142/14)— Motion Denied Soto v. Micom Chb, Inc.
Kendrick Young, March 18, 2019 Grant Ext Short Form Order
applications pursuant to 22 NYCRR Motion Granted Alomari v. Obeid (515681/15)— (520035/16)—Grant Ext Short Form
1250.9(b),(g)(1) to extend the time Diaz v. Imperial Elevator Corp. Singleton v. Lavie Rlty. (515829/16)— Motion Granted Order
1. Extension granted only to the extent
to perfect or to serve and file a brief. indicated. (503555/12)—Grant Ext Short Form Motion Withdrawn Hope v. Chestnut Ridge Bernice Glover v. Ashman
Upon the papers filed in support 2. Opposition to this application was Order Smith v. Paul (17395/14)—Motion (501136/17)—Motion Granted (518655/17)—Motion Denied
of the applications, it is received. Edouard v. 50 West Dev. LLC Granted Cao v. Bokchin (507760/18)—Motion
Impact Equities LLC v. Favours
ORDERED that the applications are (514226/15)—Granted Short Form Solano-Lucas v. Ramirez Granted
(523989/18)—Motion Granted
granted and the following parties in Order (518399/17)—Motion Granted Commerce One Rlty., Inc. v. Arc on
Kouledianos v. Naomi (522853/16)—
the following causes are granted the Francois v. Demadet (6822/15)— Sule v. Renaissance Equity Hldgs. 57th St. Inc. (520573/17)—Motion
Marked Off
specified extensions of time:
5512 OEAAJB Corp. v. Hamilton
Kings County Grant Ext Short Form Order
G v. League Education & Treatment
(520247/17)—Motion Withdrawn
Taylor v. Cobble Hill Health Center
Lynch v. Robertson (521498/17)—
Motion Granted
Cruz v. Myrtle Re LLC. (519298/17)—
(504892/18)—Grant Ext Short Form (505622/15)—Motion Granted Motion Granted
Insurance Company, 2018-09454, Reyngach v. NYC (1687/18)—
Inter Insurance Agency, March 8, 2019
Second Department Order Tinaz v. Ghounimi (501504/15)— Marked Off Lamar v. St. Martin of Tours Rc
Gomez v. D-Best Equipment Corp Motion Granted Church (521053/17)—Motion Deemed
Bank of America, N.A. v. Varanelli, Justice Katherine Levine
(500088/17)—Grant Ext Short Form Toussaint v. Shelley (512653/17)— Moot
2018-05051, Bank of America, N.A.,
March 7, 2019 SUPREME COURT Order Motion Granted Blenman v. NYC (515981/17)—Joint Lamar v. St. Martin of Tours Rc
Gonzalez v. Rivera (513042/15)— Triolo v. Genting NY LLC Trial Church (521053/17)—Motion Granted
Bank of New York Mellon Trust
Company, N.A. v. Kahn, 2018-09976, City Discovery Part 20 Grant Ext Short Form Order (505060/17)—Marked Off Flowers v. NYC Dept. of Marrero v. Nikco Hvac Corp.
Harold M. Kahn, Deborah Kahn, March Hanuka v. Manhattan Beach Cater- Valentine v. Pemberton (13793/14)— (521374/18)—Motion Denied (519508/17)—Motion Granted
Buchanan v. NYC (504818/16)— ing LLC (516006/17)—Grant Ext Short
21, 2019 Motion Granted Meza v. NYC (520564/18)—Case Mele v. The Motor Vehicle Accident
Grant Ext Short Form Order Form Order
Bank of New York Mellon v. Sakkal, Veksler v. Voronin (903/13)—Motion Disposed (504027/16)—Motion Denied
Cadogan v. NYC (504139/12)— Quammie v. V.K. Properties LLC.
2018-00594, Bank of New York Mellon, Granted Valentin v. NYCTA (501056/11)— Remolien v. Sea Crest Dev. Corp.
Marked Off (7804/14)—Granted Short Form Order
March 27, 2019 Vendrome v. Singh (16242/11)— Motion Granted (501059/15)—Motion Granted
Carranza v. NYCTA (8616/15)— Marshall v. 215 Acacia (517485/18)—
Batista v. Dock Street Associates, Motion Granted Motion Granted Vicente v. 343 Warren Associates Goba v. Goba (504527/16)—Motion
LLC, 2018-12121, Dock Street Associ- Motion Withdrawn Vera v. Tdx Const. Corp. (2692/14)—Motion Denied Withdrawn
Clarke v. NYCTA (8048/15)—Motion Adolphe v. Bj’s Wholesale Club, Inc.
ates, LLC, Dock Street Construction, (513442/17)—Motion Granted Walker v. NYC (518257/17)—Motion Morales v. Rolon (500270/18)—Con-
Granted (2439/14)—Motion Granted
LLC, Two Trees Management Co., LLC, Veritas Services, Inc. v. Voorhies 22 Granted solidated With
Cordell v. NYC (518026/16)—Grant Agcauili v. Rite Aid of New York,
April 24, 2019 LLC (508430/17)—Motion Withdrawn Serrano v. Lutheran Social Services Morales v. Rolon (500270/18)—
Ext Short Form Order Inc. (500914/14)—Marked Off
Castillo v. City of New York, 2018- Volchek v. Nautilus Hyosung Amer- (169/09)—Case Disposed Motion Withdrawn
Corey v. Munaser (153/15)—Grant Alcantara v. F & P Food Market
04635, City of New York, New York ica Inc. (512922/17)—Motion Granted Pierre v. Felix (504262/16)—Grant Roey Rlty. LLC v. Jacobowitz
City School Construction Authority, Ext Short Form Order (500210/09)—Motion Granted Wechter v. Le Chang Food, Inc. Ext Short Form Order (522177/18)—Motion Withdrawn
Department of Education, March 1, Dudek v. NYC (512098/15)—Grant Amadi v. 85th Columbus Corp
(506919/17)—Motion Granted S. A v. 245 Lenox (506231/17)—
Ext Short Form Order (520161/17)—Motion Granted Justice Mark Partnow
2019 Wilson-Williams v. Criscone Motion Withdrawn
Celauro v. 4C Foods Corp., 2018- Espinosa v. NYC (12018/15)—Grant American Transit Ins. v. Marilyn Bank of America v. Ambrose
Ext Short Form Order (518369/17)—Motion Granted
07518, 4C Foods Corp., John A. (509992/17)—Motion Granted (24833/08)—Motion Granted
Fishinevich v. Metro. Tranporta- Wirkus v. Cedry LLC (511728/14)—
Celauro, Roseann Celauro, Wayne J. Araindell v. Marco D Inc. Board of Mgrs. of The v. Grandison
tion (506622/14)—Grant Ext Short Motion Granted
(513098/16)—Motion Granted
Celauro, Diane Celauro Carter, Marci
Plotkin, Mary Fargola, Salvatrice A. Form Order
Gonzalez v. Ostego Properties Inc.
Arango v. Paguay (508182/17)—
Motion Granted
Younge v. G & L Ambulette Co., Inc.
(500191/17)—Motion Granted
(506023/18)—Grant Ext Short Form
Order Queens County
McCracken, Angela Douglas, Thomas Ziti v. Empire Merchants NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. Neptune Ave.
J. Abbondandolo, Lorraine Rose Earle,
March 27, 2019
(518311/16)—Grant Ext Short Form
Azad v. Azad (10683/15)—Motion (522202/17)—Motion Withdrawn (11284/12)—Motion Granted Second Department
Granted NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. Veira
Clayton v. Marcy Supermarket and Grant v. NYC (8716/14)—Grant Ext Berkowitz v. NYC (25862/11)— Justice Theresa Ciccotto
(678/18)—Motion Granted
Deli Corp., 2018-09369, Sandra Clayton, Short Form Order Motion Granted Stein v. Stein (53977/18)—Motion
March 21, 2019 Kazakov v. Wildlife Conservation Big Shade Tree LLC. v. 608 Wil-
Retained Rlty. v. Anderson SUPREME COURT
Denied (20736/09)—Motion Denied
Colini v. Stino, Inc., 2018-10361, Society (521949/16)—Motion With- loughby Ave. LLC (515455/17)— Silber v. Eisenberg (55137/18)— Retained Rlty. v. Anderson Justice Master Foreclosure Judge
Julia Colini, April 22, 2019 drawn Motion Granted Motion Withdrawn (20736/09)—Motion Granted
Coluck Incorporated v. SEM Secu- Lyutyk v. Chong (521013/16)— Black v. Francia (4272/15)—Motion Bank of NY Mellon v. Maisonet Bank of America v. Brown
rity Systems, Inc., 2019-00800, SEM Justice Devin P. Cohen (3119/10)—Disp-Jfs Signed
Motion Decided As Indicated Granted (714/08)—Motion Granted
Security Systems, Inc., March 28, 2019 Nesby v. Fieldbridge Associates Bruck v. NYC (509364/17)—Motion Amos Financial LLC v. Nazario Bhmpw Funding LLC v. Lloyd-Lewis Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Simon
D’Ablemont v. D’Ablemont, 2018- LLC (514501/17)—Grant Ext Short Granted (10098/13)—Case Disposed (6766/12)—Disp-Jfs Signed
(502456/17)—Motion Withdrawn
10722, Whitney D’Ablemont, March Form Order Butts v. Williams (515553/17)— Amos Financial LLC v. Nazario Justice Pam B. Jackman Brown
Bristol v. Orekie (510510/16)—Case
4, 2019 Paredes v. NYC (9045/15)—Grant Motion Granted (10098/13)—Motion Withdrawn Disposed Hsbc Bank USA v. Akter
Dewinkeleer v. Portland Stoneware Ext Short Form Order Campbell v. McDonald’s Corp. Baptiste v. 307 Garden LLC Deutsche Bank v. Guirand (701792/15)—Pd - Order Signed
Packaging Co., Inc., 2018-12934 +2, Pierre-Clement v. NYCTA (510033/16)—Stayed (1303/18)—Motion Denied
Sally Dewinkeleer, Nicholas Dewin- (37825/06)—Motion Granted Wells Fargo Bank v. Adams
(14592/15)—Grant Ext Short Form Cassagnol v. Pena (511990/17)— Justice Dear -Foreclosure Resolu- Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Carrington
keleer, March 25, 2019 (710251/15)—Pd - Order Signed
Order Motion Granted tion Pt (34681/07)—Grant Ext Short Form
Dewinkeleer v. Portland Stoneware Wells Fargo Bank v. Rollo
Rivera v. NYC (520640/17)—Motion Cespedes v. Pingo (509981/17)— Order (709693/14)—Pd - Order Signed
Packaging Co., Inc., 2018-12934 +2, Motion Granted E*trade Bank v. Kiwak (507821/17)—
Denied Ditech Finacial LLC v. Copeland Bayview Loan Servicing v. Arthur
Easten Excavation, March 25, 2019 Cruz v. Sco Family of Services Motion Withdrawn
Sharp v. NYC (513515/17)—Motion (19986/07)—Motion Granted (6456/11)—Pd - Order Signed
Feiner v. Galpern, 2018-09969, Ariel (516461/17)—Motion Granted Instant Funding v. Manuel
Withdrawn Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Padmore Household Finance Rlty. v. Leon
Galpern, Louis Galpern, April 16, 2019 Cruz v. Maxons Restoration (505342/13)—Motion Granted
Freedom Mortgage Corp. v. Akther, Vasquez v. NYC (513037/15)—Grant (508914/15)—Motion Granted (701728/17)—Case Disposed
(2888/15)—Motion Granted Td Bank v. Geraldi (503544/16)—
2018-09971 +1, Mohammed Hossain, Ext Short Form Order NYCTL 2008-A Trust v. Phillips Melrose Credit Union v. Pinkhasov
Darby v. Siby (513677/16)—Motion Marked Off
Mohammed K. Alam, March 18, 2019 Washington v. NYC (524870/18)— (26184/09)—Motion Granted (716839/17)—Case Disposed
Granted Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Glover
Hawthorne v. New Century Mort- Grant Ext Short Form Order (23922/09)—Motion Withdrawn NYCTL 2009-A Trust v. Oyeleye Justice Cheree Buggs
Windham v. NYC (508949/17)— Davis v. Red Hook Group (28772/10)—Motion Granted
gage Corp., 2018-12678, Keith Haw- Wells Fargo Bank v. Cohen
Grant Ext Short Form Order (512340/17)—Motion Granted NYCTL 2014-A Trust v. Onuoha Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Huertas
thorne, May 13, 2019 (510868/14)—Motion Withdrawn
Young v. Tejada (522005/16)—Grant Diaz v. Howard Hughes Corp. (703889/15)—Order Signed
Henry v. Atlantis Rehabilitation (504234/15)—Motion Granted
Ext Short Form Order (509002/14)—Motion Granted Justice Default Judgment Motion Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Wallace
and Residential Healthcare Facility, U.S. Bank Nat. v. Dweck (6855/08)—
Dominguez v. Willard J. Price Associ- Part (707058/14)—Order Signed
LLC, 2018-11379, Edwin Henry, April Justice Rachel Amy Adams Motion Granted
ates (515910/17)—Motion Granted Wells Fargo Bank v. De La Cruz
12, 2019 3drops Studio v. Pegasus Art Advi- U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. D’Accordo
Klein v. Klein (53695/15)—Motion Dudley-Lanier v. NYC (12978/14)— (9638/11)—Order Signed
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Katz, sory (518158/18)—Motion Withdrawn (13051/09)—Grant Ext Short Form
2018-11410 +1, Lawrence Katz, March Granted Motion Granted Simmons v. Sanchez (516825/18)— Justice Denis J. Butler
21, 2019 Pearson v. McGloster-Pearson E.O. v. Jofaz Transportation, Inc. Motion Withdrawn Wells Fargo Bank v. Oliveri Vasile-Cozzo v. 2166 Dean LLC.
Jayne v. Smith, 2018-10572, Millard (55651/15)—Pd - Motion Denied (518818/16)—Case Disposed
Justice Pamela Fisher (514111/15)—Motion Granted (711099/15)—Lfo Declined-Submit
C. Jayne, April 29, 2019 Justice Sylvia Ash Ederi v. Sokolowski (509561/18)—
Wells Fargo Bank v. Yevdayev Anew
Kelly v. New York City Health & Motion Granted 12th St. Associates A LLC v. Top
482 Tompkins Rlty. v. 482 Tompkins (504180/13)—Motion Granted Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Mannir
Hospitals Corporation, 2018-01202, Elwahsh v. Class (503279/17)— Grade Services LLC (518042/18)—
Capital LLC (1322/18)—Denied Short Whiteacre Funding v. 461 New Lots (709639/16)—Disp-Jfs Signed
Aisha Kelly, March 8, 2019 Motion Granted Motion Denied
Form Order Ave. (508977/14)—Marked Off Tri-Star Plastics Corp. v. McFarlan
Lupino v. Vaccarelli, 2018-11065, Encarnacion v. Cfas Trucking LLC 12th St. Associates A LLC v. Top
482 Tompkins Rlty. v. 482 Tomp- Wilmington Trust v. Rembert (712895/15)—Order Signed
Anthony Vaccarelli, April 9, 2019 (500311/18)—Motion Granted Grade Services LLC (518042/18)—
kins Capital LLC (1322/18)—Motion (509407/14)—Motion Granted Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Bacchus
MCC Realty III, LLC v. Retail Oppor- Fennell v. Grand Ave. Concept Motion Granted
Decided As Indicated Justice Eric I. Prus (28172/07)—Pd - Order Signed
tunity Investments Corp., 2018-06493, Develop (21222/12)—Motion Granted Accounts Retrievable v. Hercules McKain-Miller v. Mittoon
Green Group 11 LLC v. Deluca Flores v. Malik (522163/16)—Motion (515381/18)—Motion Granted Maresca v. Maresca (55416/17)—
Retail Opportunity Investments Corp., (712337/15)—Lfo Declined-Submit
(509280/18)—Granted Short Form Granted Amelco v. Ross Procurement Inc. Motion Withdrawn
Retail Opportunity Investments Part- Anew
Order Garcia v. 554-558 181st St. Lp (511253/18)—Motion Decided As Mercado v. Mercado (50515/14)—
nership, LP, Retail Opportunity Invest- Ayala v. Irvo Service Co. Inc.
Green Group 11 LLC v. Deluca (14850/15)—Motion Denied Indicated Motion Granted
ments GP, LLC, Roic Phillips Ranch, (710219/17)—Motion Withdrawn
(509280/18)—Motion Deemed Moot Garrone v. Ferrer Vasquez Beverly Massiah v. 537 Strawberry Petrychenko v. Solovey (1028/08)— Baig v. Ashraf (704655/15)—Pd -
LLC, Stuart A. Tanz, John B. Roche, Klein v. Signature Bank (500136/18)—Motion Granted Rlty. LLC. (146/15)—Motion Granted
Richard K. Shoebel, April 3, 2019 Pd - Motion Denied Motion Withdrawn
(502382/18)—Denied Short Form Gilot v. Renaissance Equity Hldgs. Holmes v. Holmes (678/13)—Motion Walcott v. Walcott (50423/17)— Bank of America v. Ehomecredit
Marks v. Gaeckle, 2018-06008, Joyce Order (515408/17)—Motion Granted Granted Motion Granted Corp.Etal (711622/18)—Case Disposed
G. Marks, Kim N. Goodwin, Donna Klein v. Signature Bank Gorgadze v. Jehudai (523356/17)— Lahijani v. Fed. Nat. Mortgage Becerra-Bermeo v. The Fair Interiors
M. Goodwin, Constance A. Goodwin, (502382/18)—Granted Short Form Motion Granted Justice Jeffrey S. Sunshine
(509150/16)—Motion Granted (2921/18)—Motion Withdrawn
April 3, 2019 Order Gugliara v. Barber (512112/16)— Orellana v. 10 Lex Hldgs. LLC Baker v. Baker (50458/13)—Pd - Berardino v. Pleasantville Cottage
Matter of City of Long Beach v. Klein v. Signature Bank Motion Granted (431/16)—Motion Withdrawn Motion Granted (700302/17)—Motion Withdrawn
New York State Employment Rela- Gurung v. Aridan Service Corp.
(502382/18)—Motion Withdrawn Varela v. Laliashvili (521497/17)— Justice David B. Vaughan Bryan v. Gonzalez (714372/16)—
tions Board, 2018-10975, Long Beach Landa v. Hidden Lake Rlty. (514725/17)—Motion Denied Motion Granted Motion Withdrawn
Professional Firefighters Association, (500956/18)—Granted Short Form Haddad v. Rosenfeld (512185/17)— Alter v. Old Republic Nat. Title Bufferd v. Clk Commercial
IAFF, Local 287, April 1, 2019 Justice Lara J. Genovesi (510873/14)—Motion Withdrawn
Order Motion Withdrawn (711512/17)—Marked Off
Matter of Townhouse Operating Miller v. Brunner (509929/18)— Hafez v. Bastidas (508158/17)— Acevedo v. Baba One Realty Bac Home Loans Servicing Lp v. Calinda v. Dba Malian Car Wash
Co., LLC v. Flickstein, 2018-07058, Motion Decided As Indicated Motion Denied (518215/17)—Motion Denied Kassab (31351/09)—Marked Off (8664/16)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn
Townhouse Operating Co., LLC, Sbn V Fnbc LLC v. The Gumbo Bros Harris v. Bagot (2971/15)—Motion Avitable v. NYC (2919/18)—Marked Brown v. Prince (502334/16)— Citibank N.A. v. Coleman (7012/01)—
March 25, 2019 Restaurant (517034/18)—Motion Granted Off Motion Denied Pd - Motion Withdrawn
Metz v. Peconic Bay Medical Center, Withdrawn Jacobo v. Menorah Home & Hosp. Bamshad v. Hild (418/15)—Denied Emigrant Savings Bank v. Perez Flores v. Singh (8146/18)—Marked
2018-01403 +1, Joseph William Metz, For (9854/15)—Motion Granted Short Form Order (16045/11)—Motion Granted Off
Justice Loren Baily-Schiffman
March 7, 2019 Jacobs v. 1-10 Bush Terminal Owner Crick-James v. Jaquez (518914/17)— Hill v. Kings County Hosp. Fonseca v. Leon (706609/17)—
Morin v. Morin, 2018-05586, Louis Hynes v. Kurk (511310/18)—Joint (503773/15)—Motion Granted Motion Withdrawn (17943/09)—Motion Granted Motion Withdrawn
G. Morin, March 14, 2019 Trial Jawara v. NYCHA (2169/15)—Motion Cross v. Related Companies Kunin v. Firpo (4647/12)—Motion Gutierrez v. King (707854/17)—
Navas v. New York Medical Center McCord v. Beacon B’way. Co. Granted (510352/14)—Motion Withdrawn Denied Motion Withdrawn
of Queens, 2018-06857 +1, New York (518481/16)—Granted Short Form Jean-Gilles v. Beshay (1619/15)— D’Onofrio v. Igneri (14879/15)— Maragh v. P.S. Marcato Elevator Co. Haas v. Almanzar (7240/15)—Motion
Medical Center of Queens, John L. Order Motion Withdrawn Motion Withdrawn (503151/16)—Motion Granted Withdrawn | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 27

Janvier v. Bierman (717224/17)— Ps Funding v. Linden Pacific Corp; issued by this Court on September be removed as Trustee. The Court, action” Liss v. Trans Auto Sys., 68
Motion Withdrawn (712891/18)—Order Signed 19, 2013, so as to enable her to ruling from the bench, determined NY2d 15, 20 (1986); Aridas v. Caserta,
Jung v. Roe (711987/15)—Pd -
Motion Withdrawn
The Bank of NY Mellon v. Majid
(709992/15)—Order Signed
Richmond County compromise a wrongful death/
conscious pain and suffering cause
that the Petitioner did in fact breach
his fiduciary obligation for his failure
41 NY2d 1059 (1977). The Surrogate’s
Court had the discretion to reconsider
Khuldiph v. Vickerie (715362/17)— Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Villante of action on behalf of the decedent. to keep accurate records, co-mingling its prior order even though the time
Motion Withdrawn (701799/15)—Case Disposed Second Department Jurisdiction over all interested funds and self-dealing. The subsequent to make the motion to reargue had
Kim v. Iglesias (715544/17)—Motion Lu v. Whalen (710904/17)—See parties, including the New York State written decision, dated November 14, expired.” Matter of Burns, 228 AD2d
Withdrawn Decision Department of Taxation and Finance, 2013, listed the reasons for Petitioner’s 674, 675, (2nd Dept 1996).
Lee v. Greg Alphone Salon, Inc. Zoufaly v. Singh (717757/17)— SUPREME COURT has been obtained. removal and directed him to “file an Accordingly, on the issue
(708046/17)—Motion Withdrawn Granted To The Extent The Guardian ad Litem appointed account, together with a petition for of timeliness, the Court determines
Lester v. V. Twins Rlty. Corp. Zoufaly v. Singh (717757/17)— Justice Thomas Aliotta on behalf of two infant distributees, its judicial settlement within sixty the motion to reargue is timely.
(707814/17)—Motion Withdrawn Motion Granted has filed her report recommending (60) days of service upon him of a As to the second prong of CPLR 2221
Washington Mutual Bank v. Stio
McCants v. Vanegas (717235/17)— the granting of the application. The copy of this Order.” (d), whether the court allegedly over-
Justice Robert J. McDonald (100771/08)—Motion Withdrawn
Motion Withdrawn fee of the Guardian ad Litem is fixed The initial accounting was filed looked or misapprehended fact or law,
Mullings v. NYCTA (100024/18)—
McKenzie v. White And Blue Corp Bank of America v. Bahadur in the amount of $10,374.00, and shall on February 7, 2014 and thereafter, in its original decision, Petitioner’s
Short Form Order
(713222/16)—Motion Withdrawn (700147/14)—Order Signed be paid within thirty (30) days of the amendments were submitted pursuant ultimate removal in light of the issue
NYCTL 2015-A Trust v. Mazzarisi
Mejia v. Mosca (707657/18)—Motion J.G. Wentworth v. Talcott Resolution date of the compromise decree. to court directives. On September of his possible compensation or lack
(150976/16)—Marked Off
Withdrawn Life (8956/18)—Order Signed Failure to comply with this directive 2, 2014, an acceptable accounting thereof for his fiduciary duties, cannot
Abreu Velasquez v. Camba Hous-
Nationstar Mortgage v. Quatisky Wells Fargo Bank v. Thelisma may result in the imposition of a was submitted, which prompted the be determined as a matter of law.
ing Ventures (150476/17)—Motion
(9551/14)—Motion Withdrawn (700495/18)—Order Signed surcharge and/or sanctions against issuance of a citation with a return “The Courts have never hesitated
Withdrawn date of October 22, 2014. Objections to
Nkulula v. Metro. (700384/16)—Pd Christina Trust v. Turenne the fiduciary. to deny or reduce commissions for
Abreu Velasquez v. Camba Housing the accounting were filed on February
- Motion Withdrawn (708776/15)—Order Signed Upon review of all the papers a job poorly done.” Estate of Palcic,
Ventures (150476/17)—Short Form 11, 2015 by the Objectant through
Obara v. Chacon (701214/16)— in The Matter of The v. None submitted, and upon the 2001 NYLJ 2406 (Sur Ct Richmond
Order her counsel, James R. Cohen, Esq.
Motion Withdrawn (719808/18)—Order Signed recommendation of the Guardian ad County, 2001). However, the fiduciary’s
Carroll v. NYC (100214/14)—Short Discovery and motion practice
Park v. Ramirez (701250/18)— Mashriqi v. Mera Auto Glass Group Litem, the application to modify the judgments are reviewed individually.
Form Order ensued, with a motion for summary
Motion Withdrawn (710369/16)—Case Disposed limitations and to settle the wrongful In Matter of Kramer, 78 Misc.2d 662
Pena v. NYC (150370/18)—Motion judgment filed on or about May 2,
Reyes v. Sanchez Quijano Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Nunez death/conscious pain and suffering (Sur Ct NY County 1974), the Surrogate
Withdrawn 2017. Objectant sought to direct the
(708560/16)—Motion Withdrawn (704453/16)—Submit Order/judg cause of action in the amount of explained that:
Peters v. NYC Bd. of Ed. of Educa- Petitioner to repay the Trust the sum of
Reyes-Flores v. Chamberlin Jimenez v. Lindenwood Village $625,000.00, is approved. All proceeds [a]n executor may be denied
tion (152204/18)—Motion Withdrawn $287,080.66, based on approximately
(703743/17)—Motion Withdrawn (2120/18)—Motion Granted shall be allocated to the cause of commissions for misconduct,
Rios Estrada v. Prop. Markets Group Justice Foreclosure Conference action for wrongful death. Attorney 33 objections. Petitioner thereafter
No v. Carvalho (12276/16)—Case breach of trust or mismanagement
(709622/17)—Motion Withdrawn New Penn Financial v. Narcisse fees, inclusive of disbursements, are opposed the motion. On September of the estate. […[ In the absence
Rodriguez v. Cuate (708880/17)— (135039/18)—Order Attached fixed and allowed in the total amount 12, 2018, the court issued a decision of bad faith, neglect of duty or
NYCTL 1998-2 v. Ross (2235/15)—Pd
Motion Withdrawn of $172,940.00 to The Behrins Law and order denying the motion for wanton disregard of rights
- Motion Denied Justice O. Marrazzo, Jr. summary judgment since issues
Sang Lee v. Zurita (709204/17)— Firm PLLC. of persons interested in the
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Bagby of fact existed as to the individual
Motion Withdrawn Calabro v. Fioribello (152274/17)— The net balance in the amount of estate, commissions should
The Bank of NY Mellon v. Cobb (711589/15)—Pd - See Decision objections which required a hearing.
Order Signed $452,060.00 shall be paid as follows: not be denied an executor. […]
(1961/15)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Topper Ciardiello v. Constar Const. Objectant thereafter filed the order
$73,704.81 (upfront cash net share An executor is not “expected
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Vargas (706368/16)—Submit Order/judg (151538/17)—Order Signed minus Guardian ad Litem fee) to with Notice of Entry on October 18,
Hsbc Bank USA v. Saldana to be infallible in his judgments
(7478/12)—Pd - Motion Withdrawn Filippelli v. Healthcare Associates Christine A. Lauer, surviving spouse; 2018. The present motion to reargue or decisions. Like all mortals,
Zalewski v. Mh Residential 1 (9111/10)—Pd - Motion Granted (150829/16)—Order Signed $158,821.22 to purchase an Annuity the summary judgment motion was
Infant v. NYC (704887/16)—Com- he is liable to make mistakes.”
(6078/13)—Motion Withdrawn Oliva v. Marotte (150595/17)—Order for Christine A. Lauer; $99,068.43 to then filed on November 16, 2018. […] Even if the fiduciary acted
promise Order Signed Signed purchase an Annuity for Paige L. Lauer
Justice Robert I. Caloras Motion for Summary Judgment erroneously, if there is no
Marotta v. Martell (719818/18)— S.G. v. Kidz Rock Enterprises (minor daughter); and $110,091.54 to
U.S. Bank Trust v. Deceus evidence of bad faith, he should
Compromise Order Signed (151370/16)—Order Signed purchase an Annuity for Steven G. Objectant seeks re-argument
(703095/17)—Lfo Declined-Submit not be denied his commission.
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. James Zhz Auto Group, Inc. v. Manhat- Lauer (minor son). As indicated in pursuant to CPLR 2221(d) and upon
Anew (Citations omitted)
(701836/18)—Order Signed tan Motors, Inc. (152648/18)—Order the report of the Guardian ad Litem, re-argument, a granting of summary
Ashe v. Brown (702364/18)—Order NYCTL 2012-A Trust v. Shank Rlty. judgment to Objectant on four out of Objectant cites Matter of Kasawits,
Signed payments by means of structured
Signed Corp. (18686/13)—Order Signed the 33 objections to the accounting, 25 Misc3d 1228 (Sur Ct Westchester
Board of Mgrs. v. Lapunzina settlements to the two infants, will
Hsbc Bank USA v. Singh Jr. Pardalis & Nohavicka v. Chen to wit: County 2009), a matter which is
(130045/13)—Order Signed not occur until after they reach
(4896/09)—Pd - Marked Off (2243/18)—Motion Denied distinguishable. In Kasawits, the
Lull v. Tassell (102682/06)—Order the age of 18 years. Accordingly, 1. denying Petitioner his claim for
Fahy Brian v. New Ram Rlty. Supreme Security Systems v. Izzo fiduciary had an opportunity to
Signed the final decree must contain the any and all trustee’s commissions
(368/17)—Motion Granted Const. Corp. (719301/18)—Case provide proof of his actions or
Pashkina v. Chertorisky structure of the Annuity, a recitation claimed ($33,086.56) as a matter
Fell v. Wallach D.V.M. (705311/17)— Disposed inactions through the submission
(100562/16)—Order Signed of the language of Assignment and of law based on the outcome of
See Decision of stipulated facts and exhibits. In
Justice Salvatore Modica Justice B. Panepinto Assumption Agreement submitted by this Court’s decision and order
Kwon v. Pyramids Hookah And Bar the present matter, the Petitioner has
the Annuity company, and recite the dated November 14, 2013;
LLC (704417/17)—Submit Order/judg Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Pustam Marchese v. Marchese (50021/18)— not had the opportunity to present
existence of the Continuing Guarantee. 2. denying Petitioner’s claim for
Lee v. Itwaru (539/13)—Case Dis- (32590/09)—Pd Osc Declined Motion Granted evidence and testimony, to determine
Incidental relief prayed for is unpaid legal fees and unpaid
posed 141-60 84th Road Rlty. Corp. v. Marchese v. Marchese (50021/18)— he is allowed any commissions or
granted. future legal fees ($47,982.90)
Lopez v. Edwards (709868/18)—Sj Dagrin (702460/18)—Pd Osc Declined Short Form Order surcharges. Also cited by Objectant
Decree submitted upon consent to based on the outcomes of this
Liability Granted Maurizaca v. Cw Highridge Plaza is Matter of Newhoff, 107 AD2d
Justice Residential Foreclosure Part form and substance by the Guardian
NYCTL 1998-2 Trust And The v. 1876 LLC (14164/16)—Osc-Declined Court’s decision and order dated 417 (2nd Dept 1985), in which the
Bac Home Loans Servicing v. Morel ad Litem signed. November 14, 2013;
Bleecker LLC (710845/16)—Submit court also held a hearing on the
Justice Peter O’Donoghue (131506/10)—Order Attached Dated: December 19, 2018
Order/judg 3. denying Petitioner’s claim for contested accounting before a final
NYCTL 2013-A Trust v. Mullen Arrington v. Williams (716012/17)— Bank of America v. Ditomasso ESTATE OF JEAN TOCHE, A/K/A determination was made on the issue
properly paid legal services to
(17516/14)—Pd-Submit Order/judg Motion Granted (135774/15)—Order Attached JEAN X. TOCHE, Deceased (18- of commissions and the attorneys’
Thelen Reid Brown Raysman &
C.C An Nfant v. Nguyen Bayview Loan Servicing v. Choudry 859/C) — Petitioner seeks probate fees.
Justice Timothy J. Dufficy Steiner, LLP in the amount of
(714575/18)—Motion Granted (135407/17)—Order Attached of a propounded instrument, dated Furthermore, applying the same
$66,500; and
Beneficial Homeowner Service v. Derbew v. Herbsman Md Citimortgage, Inc. v. Baddouch March 13, 2013, as the Last Will and argument to attorney fees, some,
Rubio (706187/15)—Submit Order/ (715170/17)—Motion Denied (130171/14)—Order Attached Testament of the decedent, and seeks 4. denying Petitioner’s claim for none, or all of the attorney services
judg Citimortgage, Inc. v. Derenzi the issuance of Letters Testamentary properly paid legal services to that the Objectant seeks to have
Derbew v. Herbsman M.D.
Nationstar Hecm Acquisition (130940/13)—Order Attached to her. Behrins & Behrins, P.C., in the the petitioner pay personally, may
(18944/13)—See Decision
v. Reyes (713247/17)—Pd-Submit Citimortgage, Inc. v. Fulton Petitioner contends that there amount of $38,013.35 based on be valid. Since the issue of attorney
Gomez v. Paddu (702138/15)—Case
Order/judg (130320/14)—Order Attached will be a delay in the completion of this Court’s decision and order fees, if any, is positioned as factual
Dash v. Sen (717128/18)—Granted Citimortgage, Inc. v. Rojas the probate proceeding. Because of dated November 14, 2013. questions, summary judgment would
Nagel-Krosney v. St. Luke’s Roos-
To The Extent (130011/15)—Order Attached this delay, petitioner has applied Essentially, Objectant seeks be pre-mature at this juncture, and
evelt (712893/15)—Motion Granted
Impliazzo v. Fed. Express Citimortgage, Inc. v. Williams for Limited Preliminary Letters re-argument and reversal on the theory accordingly, is denied.
Rodowicz v. Fernandez
(714021/17)—Motion Denied (135206/18)—Order Attached Testamentary. that this Court, having already found
Wells Fargo Bank v. Savage (713100/16)—Motion Granted Conclusion
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Aleman After reviewing the petition and the Petitioner unfit to serve as trustee
(711706/18)—Order Signed Thomas v. Cohen (708417/16)—See
(135321/15)—Order Attached the supporting documents, the and removed as fiduciary, should not Based on the foregoing, the motion
Guallpa v. Palaguachi (715064/16)— Decision Emigrant Bank v. Rios (135106/18)— application is granted. Pursuant to then be entitled to commissions or to reargue is denied. This matter is
Mot Denied W/leave Dumas v. The NY Hosp. (3774/13)— Order Attached hereby placed on the Court’s Calendar
the provisions of SCPA 1412, Limited legal fees associated with his tenure
Martinez v. Royal Events Motion Withdrawn Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Rispoli on March 13, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. for
Preliminary Letters Testamentary as fiduciary.
(703757/18)—Inquest Ordered Fitzsimons v. Boyadjian (135095/18)—Motion Withdrawn shall issue to Michael Camporeale, the selection of a hearing date. All
Petitioner contends that the
Pan v. Ma (711054/16)—Sj Liability (714541/16)—Motion Withdrawn Hsbc Bank USA v. Ragathu upon his duly qualifying according re-argument motion is untimely parties have previously indicated that
Granted Hillman v. Ray (703415/18)—Motion (135177/16)—Order Attached to law. These letters are limited to pursuant to CPLR 2221(d) and discovery is complete and, therefore,
Reyes Real Prop. Inc v. Dass Withdrawn Hsbc Bank USA v. Baeszler the authority to gain access to the since a notice of appeal was not the time has finally come to put this
(705006/18)—Case Disposed Iskhakova v. Boris Abayev (135886/15)—Order Attached premises known as 332 Maryland filed, the order is therefore final. fourteen-year-old matter to rest.
State Farm Mutual Automobile (713061/17)—Motion Withdrawn Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Camacho Avenue, Staten Island, New York, 10305 Petitioner further contends that the This decision shall constitute the
v. Dyker Car Service (715114/17)— Lan Han Ly v. Trinh D.O. (130036/13)—Order Attached (“Premises”), secure the Premises and motion fails to demonstrate the law Order of the Court.
Motion Granted (714250/18)—Motion Withdrawn Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Graham determine the assets and debts of the which was allegedly overlooked or Dated: February 15, 2019
Hsbc Bank USA v. Jimenez Martinez v. NY Presbyterian (135316/17)—Order Attached decedent, and shall remain in effect misapprehended that would warrant
(708540/18)—Motion Withdrawn ESTATE OF OLGA USKOVA,
(22166/09)—Pd - Motion Denied Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Muratovic for a period of six (6) months from reargument.
Pantea v. Kindschuh (717416/17)— Deceased (17-853) — In this
Desantiago v. Sporn (709485/18)— (135314/18)—Order Attached the date of issuance.
Motion Withdrawn CPLR 2221 Probate proceeding, it appears that
Joint Trial New Penn Financial LLC v. Peretz No distribution of assets is
Li v. Shih (704245/18)—Motion Rosenblatt v. Yang (706412/15)— Anatoliy Uskov, surviving spouse,
(135005/18)—Motion Moot permitted pending the further Order The relevant portions of CPLR
Denied is an incapacitated person, thereby
Motion Withdrawn New Penn Financial v. Moumblow of this Court, or until the admission of 2221(d) state:
Martinez v. Deborah Bradley requiring the appointment of a
Stipanovic v. Deluca (702946/17)— (135719/17)—Order Attached the Will to probate, and the issuance A motion for leave to
(710214/18)—Motion Denied Guardian ad Litem pursuant to SCPA
Motion Withdrawn Ns163 v. Sanchez (135200/17)— of Letters Testamentary. reargue:
Seon Yang v. Xiang Yue 403(2).
Justice Margaret Parisi McGowan Order Attached After reviewing the documents in 2. Shall be based upon matters of
(710981/18)—Inquest Ordered Accordingly, the Court appoints
Onewest Bank v. Towry-Coker support of the application, the Court fact or law allegedly overlooked
Spenelli v. Embassy Equities Corp Gomez v. Zorilla (11722/15)—Pd Thomas Sipp, Esq., as the Guardian
(130312/12)—Motion Withdrawn dispenses with the filing of a bond by or misapprehended by the court
(11174/16)—Motion Denied Osc Declined ad Litem to protect the interest of
Srp 2012-1 v. Ladolcetta the petitioner. in determining the prior motion,
U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Amancio such party.
Justice Leslie J. Purificacion (135139/15)—Order Attached Pursuant to SCPA 1412(3)(b), the but shall not include any matters
(17297/14)—Pd Osc Declined The appointment is effective upon
U.S. Bank Trust v. Litrell preliminary executor shall give notice of fact not offered on the prior
Hsbc Bank USA v. Henry the Guardian ad Litem filing Form UCS
Justice Ernest F. Hart (135259/17)—Motion Withdrawn to all parties who have appeared motion; and
(701895/12)—Order Signed 872 entitled “Notice of Appointment
Wells Fargo Bank v. Armstead herein within ten (10) days of his
Srmof II 2011-1 Trust v. Legall Midfirst First Bank v. Johnson 3. Shall be made within thirty and Certification of Compliance,”
(130371/12)—Motion Denied appointment.
(19692/12)—Pd-Application Declined (18308/14)—Pd - Order Signed days after service of a copy of and upon the Guardian ad Litem
Justice Ralph J. Porzio This decision shall constitute the
Lavache v. Davis (7233/09)—Pd-Exp U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Roihan the order determining the prior duly qualifying pursuant to Uniform
Order of the Court.
Order Granted (706645/16)—Lfo Declined-Submit Cloth v. Cloth (50212/16)—Motion motion and written notice of its Rules for the Surrogate’s Court Section
Dated: December 17, 2018
Justice Darrell L. Gavrin Anew Withdrawn entry. This rule shall not apply 207.13(A).
Wells Fargo Bank v. Gomez Surrogate Titone to motions to reargue a decision This decision shall constitute the
Berrios v. Chen (701145/17)—See Justice Charles M. Troia
(23019/10)—Order Signed ESTATE OF FRANK DeSANTIS, made by the Appellate Division Order of the Court.
Decision Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Durant Vinar v. Voutsinas (100062/15)— or the Court of Appeals. Dated: February 7, 2019
Deceased (10-276/C) — In this
Chung v. New World Mall LLC Submit Order
(704245/15)—Pd - Order Signed compromise proceeding, it appears Orders in Surrogate’s Court are self-
(710785/17)—So Ordered Stip
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Estate of that Briana DeSantis, a distributee, entering, since its clerk’s office is self-
Lovat v. Drehwing (711192/17)—
Jesse M. Burnett (705915/14)—Order may be an incapacitated person contained. In re Will of D’Ambrosio,
Motion Withdrawn Surrogate’s Court
Parsan v. Usher (702710/17)—
Motion Withdrawn
Onewest Bank v. Patterson Surrogate Gigante
incapable of adequately protecting his
rights. Accordingly, the Court appoints
2013 NYLJ LEXIS 187 (Richmond
County 2013), the court found:
Nassau County
(13631/13)—Order Signed Joseph Magnotti, Esq., pursuant to [A]s pointed out in SCPA §2701
Justice Rudolph E. Greco, JR. Selene Finance Lp v. Mullen ESTATE OF JOHN BIONDO, SCPA 311 as the Designee for the (1), it is by necessary implication Second Department
Friedman v. Philips Rt LLC (704542/18)—Order Signed Deceased (17-1169/A) — The Limited alleged person incapacitated person. that no Note of Entry is required
(708374/17)—See Decision Administratrix of this estate has In addition to the service of process because the Surrogate’s Court
Justice Janice A. Taylor
Justice Maureen A. Healy
petitioned this Court to modify the under SCPA 307 upon the alleged does not have a separate County SUPREME COURT
Finkel v. O’Reilly Electric, Inc. limitations contained in the Limited incapacitated person, a copy of the Clerk’s office. The Surrogate’s
Roberts v. Roberts (12774/16)—Pd (707113/16)—Lfo Declined-Settle Letters of Administration issued by process issued shall be served by Court is self-containing and Justice Antonio I. Brandveen
- Marked Off Anew this Court on December 14, 2017, personal delivery upon the Designee self-sufficient whereas there is
so as to enable her to compromise at least ten (10) days before the return Lg Funding LLC v. Nazy
Justice Kevin Kerrigan Justice C. Velasquez no need for a county clerk to (604898/18)—Motion Granted
a claim on behalf of the decedent date of the Citation. enter orders or to obtain file
Geauga Savings Bank v. Pastis Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Perez under the September 11th Victims This decision shall constitute the Oppedisano v. Oppedisano
numbers because everything (610932/18)—Motion Granted
(702693/12)—Pd - Order Signed (708692/14)—Pd - Order Signed Compensation Fund. Order of the Court. is done within the clerk’s office Mashriqi v. Crown Associates LLC
U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Anowai Everbank v. Ramnarain (10335/12)— Jurisdiction over all necessary Proceed accordingly. of the Surrogate’s Court. […] The (614098/18)—Motion Granted
(2077/10)—Pd-Lfo Declined-Settle Pd - Order Signed parties, including the New York State Dated: February 7, 2019 purpose of a Note of Entry is to Stealth Int’l, Inc. v. Stealth Ecom-
Anew Dbi / Asg Mortgage v. Zhang Department of Taxation and Finance,
ESTATE OF MARIE M. DESANTIS, notify the parties of the order and merce Ltd (603859/18)—Motion
Justice Mojgan C. Lancman (708546/16)—Order Signed has been obtained. its date and place which does not
Deceased (05/Q/P-475/) — In the Denied
M&T Bank v. Kim (700356/16)— Upon review of all the papers, the need to be done in Surrogate’s
Fed. Nat. v. Carey (703801/13)— current motion before the Court, Justice Foreclosure Part 3
Order Signed application to modify the limitations Court because it is automatically
Motion Denied the trustee, Laurie A. S. DeSantis,
Justice Allan B. Weiss contained in the Limited Letters of done with every decision and Banco Popular North America v.
Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Carmichael (“Objectant”) seeks to reargue the
Administration issued by this Court on order when scanned and mailed J.R.S. Rlty. LLC (603746/17)—Motion
(29019/07)—Pd - Motion Granted Cheung v. 87-10 1st Ave. September 12, 2018 order of this Court
December 14, 2017 and to compromise to each respective attorney. The Withdrawn
Justice Richard Latin (11958/15)—Motion Withdrawn which denied summary judgment.
the 911-VCF claim in the amount of efficiency of this Court should Bayview Loan Servicing v. Licita
Cociffi v. Caraway (708100/17)— The former trustee, Steven DeSantis,
Munoz-Cano v. Flushing Town $250,000.00 is approved. not be a windfall in allowing one (601866/18)—Case Disposed
Motion Withdrawn opposes said motion.
Center III (703649/18)—Order Signed Attorney fees, inclusive of party to argue against the Court’s Board of Mgrs. of The v. Pomara
Gopie v. Nwaka (19524/13)—Pd - The lengthy history of this case
disbursements, are fixed and allowed Order one year after it was signed. (609924/17)—Motion Granted
Justice U. Leverett Motion Withdrawn will not be recited herein, however,
in accordance with the September Civil Process Services v. O’Leary
limited background information is Since Surrogate’s Court orders
Martinez v. Kissena Glatt Farms Hoffman Floor Covering Corp. v. 11th Victim Compensation Fund in
provided below. are in fact, self-entering, the date (1903/17)—Case Disposed
(717572/17)—See Decision Merissa Mgt. (703406/16)—Marked Off the total amount of $25,000.00 to the James B. Nutter & Co. v. Grant
this Court must look to in order to
American Transit Ins. v. Richardson Kang v. Penn (706946/17)—Motion Law Firm of Pitta & Baione, LLP. Facts (393/15)—Motion Decided
determine whether or not the motion
(715344/16)—See Decision Withdrawn The net balance in the amount James B. Nutter & Co. v. Grant
The decedent died in 2005, leaving to reargue was timely made is the
Bassi v. NYS Div. (8370/18)—Case Lazaro Cardozo v. Rera of $225,000.00 shall be distributed (393/15)—Motion Denied
behind a testamentary trust (the date of the order, September 12,
Disposed (708909/18)—Motion Withdrawn pursuant to and in accordance with
“Trust”) which named Danielle 2018. Therefore, Objectant’s motion Justice Foreclosure Part
Smith v. Siddiqui (709616/18)—Sj Lebrun v. Navarrete (703690/18)— the rules and determinations of the
DeSantis (now known as Danielle for leave to reargue was not made
Liability Granted Motion Withdrawn September 11th Victim Compensation Jpmorgan Chase v. Garver
DeSantis Libretti), her grand-daughter, within thirty days as per CPLR 2221
Justice Leonard Livote Lux Tzunux v. Ramgolam Fund and in the manner as set forth (499/08)—Motion Withdrawn
as the beneficiary. Steven DeSantis, (d). However, the thirty-day rule is not
(713706/16)—Motion Withdrawn in the petition.
Mtglq Investors v. Bailey-Williams Danielle’s father, (“Petitioner”), absolute, and this fact pattern differs Justice Foreclosure Part 3
Perez v. Frenzel (708800/17)— Incidental relief prayed for is
(707184/18)—Order Signed was the first trustee, serving from from In Re Will D’Ambrosio, supra, in
Motion Withdrawn granted. L&L Associates Hldg. Corp. v. Myers
NYCTL 2013-A Trust And The April 25, 2006 until his removal in as much as the Objectant brought her
Quezada v. City Car & Limo. Submit decree. (608466/18)—Case Disposed
v. Manragh (704975/14)—Pd-Lfo November 14, 2013. In 2013, Danielle motion during the pendency of the
(1779/16)—Motion Withdrawn Dated: December 20, 2018 Lb-Liberty LLC v. Risman
Declined-Submit Anew DeSantis petitioned this Court to matter and prior to the required and
Select Portfolio v. Tower Ins. Co. (600068/16)—Motion Denied
The Bank of NY Mellon v. Mattenson ESTATE OF STEVEN LAUER, remove her father as Trustee and imminent hearing on the accounting.
of (706498/16)—Marked Off Moran v. Bac Field Services
(710897/15)—Order Signed Deceased (13-897/A) — This is instead appoint Laura A. DeSantis, “”[R]egardless of statutory time limits
(5887/15)—Motion Granted
Torres v. Vogelman (12703/14)—Pd an application by the limited the named successor Trustee, in concerning motions to reargue, every
Justice Larry L. Love Nationstar Mortgage v. Cadogan
- Motion Withdrawn administratrix of the estate to the Decedent’s will. The Surrogate court retains continuing jurisdiction
(1472/17)—Motion Granted
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Santiago Uthayakumar v. Crawford modify the limitations contained in held a hearing on October 21, 2013 to to reconsider its prior interlocutory
(701986/17)—Disp-Jfs Signed (702649/17)—Motion Withdrawn the Limited Letters of Administration determine whether Petitioner should orders during the pendency of the Decisions continued on next page »
28 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Court Decisions
Sicuranza v. Boardy Barn Corp. U.S. Bank Na v. Kazanecki Blair et al v. Westchester County LoPresti v. 21st Century Finishing, Farag v. Pritchard Industries, Inc.
(15/7045)—Motion Denied (15/610057)—Motion Withdrawn et al (18cv08286) — Order on Motion Inc. et al (18cv04819) — Order on (19cv00914) — Order for Initial Pretrial
Nassau County State Farm Fire And Casualty v.
Carvan (18/619316)—Motion Granted
Justice Joseph Santorelli for Extension of Time
Salazar v. The Prudential Insur-
Motion for Extension of Time
Pulizotto v. McMahon et al
Simon v. Capital Merchant Services,
Eckhoff v. Pendel (18/611681)— Bragin v. Hampton Jitney Inc. ance Company of Ame (18cv04417) (17cv09726) — Order on Motion for LLC (19cv00904) — Order for Initial
Second Department Motion Granted (18/1252-MV)—Case Disposed — Stipulation and Order of Voluntary Leave to File Excess Pages Pretrial Conference
Flickstein v. Tjx Companies, Inc. Cioffi v. Target Corp. (09/2749- Dismissal Securities and Exchange Commis- Spray Moret, LLC v. Pant Sagging
(18/614195)—Motion Decided OT)—Motion Denied Rojas-Saquisili v. The United States sion v. Rashid (17cv08223) — Order LLC (19cv00896) — Order for Initial
Govt. Employees Ins. v. Cummins Rieff v. Stathis (18/396-MV)—Motion of America (17cv09303) — Order on on Motion for Extension of Time to Pretrial Conference
« Continued from previous page Granted
(18/607907)—Motion Granted Motion to Adjourn Conference Complete Dawson v. Sperone Westwater Gal-
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Ortiz- Lane v. Nassau County (12/37833)— Salvato v. Delknap Mgt., Inc. (18/268- Wheeler v. DeYoung et al lery, LLC (19cv00825) — Order for
OT)—Motion Decided Judge Chin
Maresco (5897/16)—Motion Granted Motion Withdrawn (16cv08857) — Order Initial Pretrial Conference
Wells Fargo Bank v. Wyka Marks v. Rosemar Const., Inc. Salvato v. Delknap Mgt., Inc. (18/268- Sanders et al v. Houslanger and Van Saun v. Citibank, National Asso-
OT)—Motion Denied Judge Broderick Associates, PLLC e (17cv08985) —
(6125/16)—Motion Granted (18/617717)—Motion Denied ciation et al (19cv00811) — Order for
Rigas v. Flv Greenlawn Plaza Brodbeck v. Kohl’s Dept. Stores, Tsachalis v. Commissioner of Social Order Initial Pretrial Conference
Justice Foreclosure Part
(17/617863)—Case Disposed Inc. (17/622121)—Motion Decided Security (19cv01535) — Order of Ser- Judge Cote Olsen v. SmileDirectClub, LLC
1st Fidelity Loan Servicing v. Jagdip Noto v. Hoffman (17/652-MV)— Justice Thomas F. Whelan vice - Social Security (19cv00726) — Order for Initial Pre-
(7825/13)—Motion Granted Tsachalis v. Commissioner of Social USA v. Holman (18cr00041) — Order trial Conference
Motion Withdrawn U.S. Bank v. Mader (12/35772)—
Bank of America v. Tarantino Security (19cv01535) — Order Refer- USA v. Lopez et al (18cr00006) — HCT Asia Ltd. v. AptarGroup, Inc.
(4282/16)—Case Disposed Justice Andrew A. Crecca Motion Denied Order of Referral to Probation for
ring Case to Magistrate Judge (19cv00717) — Order for Initial Pretrial
Bank of NY v. Kaplan (8308/15)— Boris v. Boris (18/1080)—Motion Bank of America v. Barrett Tucker v. Hans P. Kraus, Jr., Inc. Presentence Inv Conference
Motion Granted Decided (14/66122)—Motion Granted (18cv11962) — Order of Discontinu- USA v. Lopez et al (18cr00006) — Mercer v. 3201 Hotel LLC
Bank of NY Mellon v. Turofsky Fareverse LLC I/l/t/n v. Prodzenko Judgment of Acquittal (19cv00716) — Order for Initial Pre-
Justice E. Emerson ance
(14062/09)—Motion Granted (17/603215)—Motion Granted USA v. McBride (15cr00876) — trial Conference
Lopez v. New Era Cap Co., Inc. et al
Bethpage Fed. v. Sawyer Franklin First Financial v. Contour Hsbc Bank USA v. Miller Endorsed Letter Dawson v. Nathan Horowicz, Inc.
(18cv11381) — Order on Motion for
(11788/12)—Case Disposed Mortgage Corp. (18/326-CL)—Motion (18/608335)—Case Disposed USA v. Santos et al (15cr00140) — (19cv00680) — Order for Initial Pretrial
Extension of Time to Answer
Caliber Home Loans v. Ramanbhai Decided Lakeview Loan Servicing v. Trom- Order Conference
In Re Application of Bloomfield
Patel (614027/17)—Motion Denied Franklin First Financial v. Contour bino (18/614972)—Motion Granted Sheet Metal Workers Local 17 Trust Dawson v. Mark Borghi Fine Art
Investments LLC fo (18mc00514) —
Chase Home Finance v. Zafar Mortgage Corp. (18/326-CL)—Motion Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Jakir Funds v. Genera (19cv01244) — Sched- Inc. (19cv00527) — Order of Discon-
Order of Discontinuance
(21457/09)—Motion Granted Denied (12/38117)—Case Disposed uling Order tinuance
Figueroa v. Brooklyn Industries LLC
Citimortgage v. Wright (15477/10)— Justice William Ford Wilmington Savings Fund v. Cange Birnbaum v. General Electric Com- Sullivan, Jr. v. Assessment Technolo-
(18cv10494) — Order on Motion to
Motion Withdrawn (17/616484)—Motion Granted pany et al (19cv01013) — Stipulation gies Institute (19cv00408) — Order
Island Nursing And Rehab v. Kingren Adjourn Conference
Deutsche Bank v. Concilio Roman Maria et al v. Rouge Tomate and Order on Motion for Extension of Time to
(13762/13)—Motion Granted (18/602503)—Motion Granted APRAC, LLC v. Portfolio Funding
Chelsea LLC et a (18cv09826) — Stipu- Answer
Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Katwaroo Schacker Real Estate Corp. v. 553 Company LLC I et a (19cv00727) —
lation and Order Paskowitz v. Zeff Capital, L.P. et al
Burnside Ave. LLC (13/62976)—Motion
(2574/16)—Motion Denied
Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Selmer Denied
Schacker Real Estate Corp. v. 553
United States Dames v. Pigott et al (18cv08352)
— Memo Endorsement
Order on Motion to Adjourn Confer-
(19cv00167) — Order on Motion for
(1006/13)—Motion Granted
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Disalvo Burnside Ave. LLC (13/62976)—Motion
Courts Schroeder v. Department of Veteran
Affairs (18cv06624) — Order
Werner v. Marsh USA Inc.
(18cv10605) — Order on Motion for
TSR, Inc. v. Zeff Capital, L.P. et al
(18cv12124) — Order on Motion to
(608298/18)—Motion Denied Schroeder v. Department of Veteran Extension of Time to File Resp Adjourn Conference
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Stewart Bank of NY Mellon v. Mango
Argos Holdings Inc. et al v. Wilming- Mercer v. Sam’s Smoke Shop Corp.
(613717/17)—Defective Withdrawn (17/610551)—Motion Decided Southern District Affairs (18cv06624) — Case Manage-
ton Trust, Nat (18cv05773) — Order et al (18cv10549) — Order Referring
Hicks v. Mall At Smith Haven ment Plan
& Returned Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Case to Magistrate Judge
(17/2324-OT)—Motion Withdrawn Aloe v. The City Of New York et al
Fed. Nat. v. Tesoriero (2229/15)— Released on: Inc. et al v. R (18cv02434) — Order Mercer v. Sam’s Smoke Shop Corp.
(18cv06090) — Order on Motion to
Motion Granted Justice Michael A. Gajdos, Jr. February 22, 2019 on Motion to Seal Document et al (18cv10549) — Case Manage-
Substitute Attorney
Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Andrade Mtglq Investors v. Carson Judge Aaron Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, ment Plan
Ovalles Acosta v. Prudent Manage-
(16523/09)—Motion Granted (10/30926)—Motion Granted Inc. et al v. R (18cv02434) — Order Federal Insurance Company v. C.H.
Girotto v. Reno Fashion Corp et al ment, LLC et al (17cv07590) — Order
Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Hudson Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Robinson Worldwi (18cv10478) —
Cotignola v. Leave To Change Name (18cv08145) — Mediation Referral on Motion to Adjourn Conference
(4545/15)—Motion Denied Inc. et al v. R (18cv02434) — Order Case Management Plan
(19/836)—Application Not Signed Order Sandoz v. Doe et al (17cv05447)
Green Tree Servicing LLC v. Vivar McCurdy v. City Of New York , et Dominguez v. Foscarini Inc.
Justice Jerry Garguilo Girotto v. Reno Fashion Corp et al — Order on Motion for Extension of
(1575/14)—Motion Granted al (17cv05168) — Scheduling Order (18cv10168) — Case Management Plan
(18cv08145) — Case Management Plan Time to Complete
Hsbc Bank USA v. Weintraub Conigliaro v. American Honda Motor Marc S. Kirschner, as Litigation Moskovics v. Metropolitan Life
The New York Times Company et al Richards v. United States of America
(2655/12)—Motion Granted Co Inc (18/1782-AB)—Motion Denied Trustee for the T (12cv02652) — Memo Insurance Company (18cv09684) —
v. United States (18cv02902) — Memo (17cv03831) — Order Referring Case
Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Ramnarine Endorsement Scheduling Order
Justice Jerry Garguilo/comm Endorsement to Magistrate Judge
(8853/08)—Motion Granted In Re: Tribune Company Fraudu- Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Con- Mt Transportation And v. J & D Cates et al v. The Trustees of Colum- Seabrook v. United States Of Amer-
lent Conveyance Litig (11md02296) System et al v. (17cv06221) — Order
naughton (1440/17)—Case Disposed Brush Co., LLC (19/602070)—Motion bia University (16cv06524) — Order ica (16cv01676) — Order on Motion
— Memo Endorsement on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Marcel- Withdrawn on Motion for Conference for Extension of Time to File
Abraham v. Leigh et al (17cv05429)
Williams v. Epic Security Corp Brock v. The City Of New York , et Judge Cott
lus (5462/16)—Motion Denied Justice C. Randall Hinrichs — Order on Motion to Seal Document
Reverse Mortage Sol v. Shepherd (15cv05610) — Memorandum & al (15cv01832) — Order on Motion Polaris Images Corporation v. Oxy-
Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Cafaro Opinion for Leave to File Document Judge Freeman
(5773/14)—Motion Granted gen Media, LLC (18cv11948) — Order
U.S. Bank Nat. v. Mata (3663/16)— (15/609657)—Motion Granted Judge Abrams Judge Caproni for Initial Pretrial Conference Gonzalez v. Broadway Plaza Hotel,
Motion Granted Wilmington Trust v. Holzwarth AM General LLC v. Activision Bliz- Inc. (18cv08450) — Scheduling Order
(17/622695)—Motion Granted Noe v. Ray Realty et al (19cv01455) USA v. Perretti (18cr00164) — Mohammed-Oshodi v. U.S. Depart-
U.S. Bank Nat. v. Thermitus — Order Granting IFP Application Endorsed Letter zard, Inc. et al (17cv08644) — Order
(4051/13)—Motion Granted Bank of NY Mellon v. Avila on Motion for Discovery ment of Education et (18cv03770) —
(14/61415)—Case Disposed Noe v. Ray Realty et al (19cv01455) USA v. Lisov (17cr00048) — Order Memo Endorsement
U.S. Bank Trust v. Maldonado — Order of Referral to Probation for Presen- AM General LLC v. Activision Bliz-
(6382/15)—Motion Granted NY Commercial Bank v. Abbas zard, Inc. et al (17cv08644) — Order Maradiaga et al v. City of New York
(17/622950)—Motion Granted Figueroa v. Yagudaev et al tence Inv et al (16cv08325) — Order on Motion
U.S. Bank Trust v. Greenidge (19cv00210) — Scheduling Order USA v. Conyers et al (15cr00537) on Motion for Discovery
(605075/17)—Motion Granted Bank of NY Mellon v. Adago Ware v. L-3 Vertex Aerospace, LLC to Compel
(14/61829)—Case Disposed Victoriano et al v. Ottakring Inc. et — Memo Endorsement
Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Bruno al (18cv12199) — Mediation Referral Deleston v. Trendy Thai LLC et al et al (16cv08067) — Order on Motion Judge Furman
(10961/12)—Motion Granted Citimortgage, Inc. v. Lupoletti for Extension of Time to Complete
(18/606119)—Motion Granted Order for Cases Filed Under the (19cv01518) — Order for Initial Pretrial USA v. Ayon et al (18cr00269) —
Us Bank Trust Na v. Pozo (2468/17)— Comba v. United States et al Mayaguez S.A. v. Citigroup Inc. et
Household Finance Rlty. v. Holt Conference Order
Motion Granted (18cv11672) — Stipulation and Order al (16cv06788) — Order
(14/60600)—Case Disposed Vuppala v. Enoteca, Inc. et al Procopio Dominguez v. Decker et
Wells Fargo Bank v. Cetoute Fischer v. Verizon New York, Inc. Judge Crotty
Household Finance Rlty. v. Holt (19cv01439) — Order for Initial Pre- al (19cv01442) — Scheduling Order
(4700/15)—Motion Denied et al (18cv11628) — Case Manage-
(14/60600)—Motion Denied trial Conference Thompson v. Zimmer Biomet Hold- Tucker v. Di Donna Galleries, LLC
Wells Fargo Bank v. Browne ment Plan (18cv11861) — Order of Dismissal
Bayview Loan Servicing v. Blair Dawson v. Vestiaire Collective USA, ings, INC. et al (19cv00310) — Order
(612120/18)—Motion Denied Masten et al v. Metropolitan Life Tucker v. Barbara Mathes Gallery,
(15/609330)—Motion Withdrawn INC. (19cv01388) — Order for Initial on Motion to Substitute Attorney
Wells Fargo Bank v. Wilson Insurance Compan (18cv11229) — Inc. (18cv11735) — Order of Dismissal
Pretrial Conference Moon v. Zimmer Biomet Holdings
(609099/17)—Motion Granted Justice Richard I. Horowitz Endorsed Letter Tucker v. Allan Stone Galleries, Inc.
Aersale USA 1 LLC v. Fly Yangyang Inc et al (19cv00141) — Order on
Wilmington Savings Fund v. Crupko Cardaci v. Van Eck Associates Cor- (18cv11726) — Order of Dismissal
Cheung v. Leave To Change Name Co., LTD. (19cv01288) — Order for Motion to Substitute Attorney
(608754/17)—Motion Denied poration et al (18cv09705) — Order Figueroa v. Clare V., LLC (18cv10666)
(19/931)—Case Disposed Initial Pretrial Conference
Justice S. Gianelli Duchitanga et al v. Lloyd et al
Justice James Hudson for Initial Pretrial Conference Zurich American Insurance Com- — Order of Dismissal
(18cv10332) — Protective Order
Grande v. Cohen (608286/16)— Singleton v. United Teamster Pen- pany v. Nationwide Mu (19cv01287) Norris v. Bonap Group LLC et al
Ditech Financial LLC v. Connors Seabrooks v. Brown, Jr. et al
Motion Withdrawn sion Fund A (18cv08044) — Order — Order for Initial Pretrial Conference (18cv10453) — Order to Show Cause
(15/610812)—Case Disposed (18cv10155) — Endorsed Letter
Burbon v. Xpresspa Online Shop- Walsh et al v. West Highland Support HIGINI CIERCO NOGUER, RAMN
Justice Steven M. Jaeger Ditech Financial LLC v. Connors In Re: Zimmer M/L Taper Hip Pros- CIERCO NOGUER, and JOAN
ping, LLC (18cv07609) — Judgment Services, LLC (19cv00504) — Order
(15/610812)—Motion Denied thesis or M/L Tape (18mc02859) — (18mc00498) — Order on Motion
D’Onofrio v. D’Onofrio (202284/17)— - Consent on Motion to Adjourn Conference
Wilmington Savings Fund v. Damaro Memo Endorsement for Extension of Time
Motion Decided Van Alphen v. Tocqueville Asset Breeze v. Cachet Hotel Americas
(18/615714)—Referred To Foreclosure In Re: Zimmer M/L Taper Hip Pros- Drew v. City of New York et al
Justice Jack Libert Management, L.P. e (18cv04154) — Corporation (19cv00259) — Order
Dept thesis or M/L Tape (18mc02859) — (18cv08529) — Order on Motion for
Order on Motion for Extension of Time to
Bethea v. Legacy Infiniti Ltd Reisner v. Murray (18/602486)— Memo Endorsement Summary Judgment
Glatzer v. Zervoudis et al Answer
(601595/17)—Motion Decided Motion Denied Navarro v. Mt. Sinai Health System, Drew v. City of New York et al
(18cv04139) — Stipulation and Order Sidco, LLC v. Nussbaum et al
Ditech Financial LLC Fka v. Derosa of Dismissal Inc. et al (18cv01279) — Order on (18cv08529) — Order of Service
Justice Marie F. McCormack (18cv12042) — Order on Motion for
(17/600421)—Motion Withdrawn Silver Betty, Inc. v. Technology Motion for Extension of Time to File DeBlasio v. NYC Health & Hospital
Kirton v. Kirton (203278/16)—Pd Reconsideration
Justice H. Patrick Leis/msrp Training Systems, (18cv04006) — Sidco, LLC v. Nussbaum et al Judge Davison Corporation (18cv08530) — Order
- Motion Denied of Service
Memo Endorsement (18cv12042) — Order Elof Hansson USA Inc. v. Santiago
Justice Jerome C. Murphy Gullason v. Gullason (19/117-CM)— Juscinska v. Cosmopolitan Broad-
Aferzon v. 172 Madison NP Holding, Sidco, LLC v. Nussbaum et al et al (18cv02758) — Stipulation and
Motion Denied casting Corporatio (18cv07841) —
A.D.E. Systems, Inc. v. Infinity Con- LLC et al (18cv02829) — Order (18cv12042) — Case Management Plan Order
Wilkens v. Wilkens (16/4412)— Order of Dismissal
tracting (612695/17)—Motion Granted Dr. U Devices v. Dr. Jean Devroye Paradise Kids, LLC v. Orangeonions, Elof Hansson USA Inc. v. Santiago
Motion Denied Vuppala v. Marco Polo Caterers LLC
Drake v. Holy Trinity High School et al (18cv01964) — Order on Motion LLC (18cv11712) — Stipulation and et al (18cv02758) — Order on Motion
(608361/17)—Motion Decided Justice John J. Leo for Summary Judgment et al (18cv07177) — Stipulation and
Order of Dismissal for Leave to File Document
Patiwana v. Shah (609015/18)— Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Order of Dismissal
Brightwaters v. Pat Pesola Trust Coleman v. Long Island Railroad Elof Hansson USA Inc. v. Santiago
Motion Granted Smith Incorporated (18cv00606) — Steven et al v. Carlos Lopez & Asso-
(18/625516)—Case Disposed Company (18cv11016) — Case Man- et al (18cv02758) — Order on Motion
Simms v. Jp Morgan Chase Bank Stipulation and Order of Dismissal ciates, LLC et (18cv06500) — Order
Justice Linda J. Kevins agement Plan for Extension of Time
(602058/16)—Motion Decided Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & on Motion for Extension of Time
Delacruz v. Christie’s Inc. S&R Development Estates, LLC et al
Davidson v. Lash (609929/16)—Case Bank of NY Mellon v. Jireh Funding Smith Incorporated (18cv00606) — Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc.
(18cv10466) — Order of Dismissal v. Town of Gree (16cv08043) — Order
Disposed (16/613262)—Referred To Foreclosure Order on Motion for Extension of Time v. Heliene, Inc (18cv06392) — Sched-
Collins v. Selip & Stylianou, LLP Judge Engelmayer
Davidson v. Lash (609929/16)— Dept Turner Network Sales, Inc. v. Dish uling Order
(18cv10271) — Case Management Plan
Motion Granted Network L.L.C. (17cv07599) — Order USA v. Burnett (19cr00007) — Coscarelli et al v. Esquared Hospi-
Justice Martha L. Luft Hashimi v. Half Pint on Thompson,
on Motion for Local Rule 37.2 Con- Endorsed Letter tality LLC et al (18cv05943) — Order
Justice Anthony L. Parga Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Waterways LLC et al (18cv09865) — Order of Parks v. Alston et al (17cv10106)
ference Dismissal USA v. Torres et al (15cr00877) —
Discover Bank v. Forman At Bay Pointe (17/621203)—Case Turner Network Sales, Inc. v. Dish Order — Order
Disposed Sullivan, Jr. v. Verb Surgical Inc. Sealock v. Covance Market Access
(607935/18)—Motion Denied Network L.L.C. (17cv07599) — Order USA v. Torres et al (15cr00877) —
(18cv09746) — Order on Motion for Services, Inc., (17cv05857) — Order
Fealey v. Yrc Worldwide, Inc. Justice Denise F. Molia Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Order
Extension of Time Karl Storz Endoscopy-America,
(614731/18)—W/d Pursuant Dcm Rule Gupta v. Headstrong, Inc. et al USA v. Torres et al (15cr00877) —
Osorio v. Nardi (17/606572)— Spandex House, Inc. v. HartFord Fire Inc. v. Synaptive Me (17cv05607) —
Geico Ins. Co. v. Homere (17cv05286) — Order on Motion for Judgment
Motion Withdrawn Insurance Com (18cv08367) — Order Stipulation and Order of Voluntary
(607867/17)—Motion Granted Extension of Time to File Resp Cognizant Worldwide Limited et al
Justice Glenn Murphy Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Dismissal
Portelli v. For An Order Cancelling Tianhai Lace USA Inc v. Lord & Tay- v. Barrett Busin (19cv01664) — Order
Velasquez v. 62nd & 1st LLC et al New York Wheel Owner LLC v.
of (604851/18)—Motion Granted Dilavore v. Dilavore (17/2822)— lor LLC et al (17cv01328) — Schedul- McCoy-Feliu v. Salega (19cv00111)
(18cv06986) — Memo Endorsement Mammoet-Starneth LLC (17cv04026)
Justice Leonard Steinman Motion Decided ing Order Securities and Exchange Com- — Case Management Plan
Tianhai Lace USA Inc v. Lord & Tay- — Stipulation and Order
Planet Payment Processing v. Blue Mirza v. Carreras (17/2548)—Motion mission v. Alderson et (18cv04930) Sullivan, Jr. v. Spartan Chemical
lor LLC et al (17cv01328) — Order Admiral Insurance Company v.
Basket LLC (603921/18)—Motion Decided — Order Company, Inc. (18cv10482) — Stipula-
Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Century Surety Compan (17cv02418)
Granted Riutta v. Riutta (14/286-CM)— Garcia et al v. Dry Clean NYC LLC. et tion and Order of Voluntary Dismissal
Reyes et al v. 400 West 14th Inc. et — Order
Sandler v. Alvarez (612996/17)— Motion Decided al (18cv02922) — Memo Endorsement Mohammed-Oshodi v. U.S. Depart-
al (17cv00302) — Order on Motion Century Surety Company v. Rukh
Motion Granted Carty v. Carty (99/1029-CM)— ment of Education et (18cv03770) — Enterprises, Inc. e (17cv00633) —
for Settlement Judge Carter
Hickman v. Beretta (602375/17)— Motion Withdrawn Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Order
Leverich v. Leverich (18/764-CM)— Cordero v. Delta Air Lines, Inc. et Tucker v. Gladstone Gallery LLC Relief
Motion Denied al (16cv06803) — Protective Order In re: General Motors LLC Ignition
Motion Denied (18cv11961) — Memo Endorsement Figueroa v. Encore 49 Housg East Switch Litigati (14md02543) — Memo
Justice Tax Certiorari Judge Gupta v. Head Strong, Inc. et al Mendon et al v. SS&C Technologies Etal et al (18cv01337) — Memo
Justice Deborah Poulos Endorsement
2789-2791 Milburn Rlty. Corp. v. (12cv06652) — Order on Motion for Holdings, Inc. e (18cv10252) — Order Endorsement
Board of Assessors And (401871/18)— Lang v. Lang (18/1093)—Motion Extension of Time to File Resp on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice The Barter House, Inc. v. Infinity Judge Gardephe
Motion Withdrawn Decided Judge Batts Mendon et al v. SS&C Technologies Spirits LLC (17cv09276) — Memo USA v. Robinson et al (18cr00364)
Waszmer v. Waszmer (17/525-CM)— Holdings, Inc. e (18cv10252) — Order Endorsement — Memo Endorsement
Motion Decided New Growth Advisors, Ltd. v.
on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice Thomas et al v. River Greene USA v. Johnson (16cr00281) — Order
Medovent GmbH (18cv09218) —
Justice Robert F. Quinlan Harbus v. Barstool Sports, Inc. Construction Group L (17cv06954) USA v. Mission Settlement Agency
Stipulation and Order
Suffolk County Caliber Home Loans, Inc. v. D’Sa
(15/604009)—Motion Granted
Minden Pictures, Inc. v. Buzzfeed,
Inc. et al (18cv02438) — Order on
(18cv07161) — Stipulation and Order
of Voluntary Dismissal
— Order on Motion to Adjourn Con-
et al (13cr00327) — Probation Form
Brown v. Carrillos Hardware Inc
Jp Morgan Chase Bank v. Anderson Motion to Dismiss Jablonski v. Special Counsel, Inc. Malibu Media, LLC v. Doe et al (19cv01626) — Order Referring
Second Department (06/8929)—Case Disposed Judge Berman
(16cv05243) — Order (17cv01099) — Memo Endorsement Case to Magistrate Judge
Kurtzke v. Clk-Hp 300 Broadhollow Judge Castel Al Hirschfeld Foundation v. Margo Legelege v. Mangaroni, LLC et al
LLC (15/603229)—Motion Denied Weider Health and Fitness et al v. Feiden Galleries (16cv04135) — Order (19cv01561) — Order Referring Case
USA v. Tucker et al (16cr00091) — on Motion to Compel to Magistrate Judge
SUPREME COURT U.S. Bank Na v. Herzog (18/245- AusTex Oil Limi (17cv02089) — Memo
Order for Forfeiture of Property Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe
CO)—Motion Denied Endorsement Judge Failla
USA v. Elwood et al (06cr00538) (19cv01523) — Order Referring Case
Justice Paul J. Baisley, Jr U.S. Bank Trust v. Dipalo Judge Briccetti — Order Arroyo v. NYU Langone Hospitals to Magistrate Judge
(15/601512)—Case Disposed Securities & Exchange Commission (19cv01624) — Order on Motion for
Taveras v. Tadonio (17/1629-MV)— Styles v. Westchester County Proba- Poppel v. Rockefeller University
Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust v. Audate v. Vacante (19cv01616) — Judgment Extension of Time to Answer
Case Disposed tion Department (18cv12021) — Order Hospital et al (19cv01403) — Order
(18/960-CO)—Motion Denied - Consent Pierre v. Third Avenue Gourmet
Dinelaris v. Ramirez-Rojas on Motion for Extension of Time for Initial Pretrial Conference
Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Schor Jolen, Inc. v. Kundan Rice Mills, Ltd. Deli, Inc. et al (19cv00981) — Order
(17/615590)—Motion Granted Knapp v. New York State Office of Henricks v. Flywheel Sports, Inc.
(17/2505-CO)—Motion Denied Mental Health (18cv11536) — Order et al (19cv01296) — Order on Motion for Initial Pretrial Conference
Endurance American v. Frx Const. et al (19cv00895) — Stipulation and
Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Schor on Motion to Adjourn Conference for Conference Ontek v. Port Authority Trans-
(16/10782)—Motion Denied Order
(17/2505-CO)—Motion Granted Pope v. Helen Fahy et al (18cv11283) In re: Attorney Admission Orders Hudson Corporation e (19cv00963)
Liberty Mutual Ins. v. Murphy Dawson v. Hirschl & Adler Galleries,
(18/604914)—Motion Decided Justice W. Rebolini — Order (19mc00001) — Order for Attorney — Order for Initial Pretrial Conference Inc. (19cv00437) — Order on Motion
Synchrony Bank v. Pean Unterlack v. Delkap Mgt. Inc. Central UTA of Monsey et al v. Vil- Admissions Traynor v., Inc. for Extension of Time to Answer
(15/19962)—Motion Denied (14/1346)—Motion Withdrawn lage of Airmont (18cv11103) — Order Vingt Communications Limited v. (19cv00944) — Order on Motion for Anselmo Lopez et al v. Uno Express
Walker v. Greenfield (17/618864)— on Motion for Extension of Time to Sony Music Enterta (18cv05327) — Extension of Time to Answer Cleaners Inc. e (18cv10737) — Stipula-
Referred To Conference Justice John Rouse Answer Memo Endorsement Traynor v., Inc. tion and Order
Orrino v. 3 Brothers Petroleum, Inc. Ramirez v. Los Tres Amigos Deli Reich et al v. E. Daskal Corp. Meaders v. Helwaser et al (19cv00944) — Order for Initial Pre- Building Service 32BJ Health Fund
(13/29801)—Motion Granted (18/1529-OT)—Motion Withdrawn (18cv10479) — Order to Show Cause (18cv05039) — Order trial Conference et al v. Iron Ci (18cv09950) — Order | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 29

on Motion for Extension of Time to Harden et al v. Grand Central Part- Murphy v. Institute of International Judge Parker Hardy v. Forest City Realty Trust Judge Torres
Answer nership et al (18cv12020) — Order Education (19cv01528) — Order Grant- et al (17cv09801) — Stipulation and
Hegbeli v. Burlington Coat Factory USA v. Bazemore (19cr00006) —
Lixenberg v. Highsnobiety, Inc. et Brickendon Consulting (US), Inc. v. ing IFP Application Order of Dismissal
of Texas, Inc. (19cv01556) — Order Protective Order
al (18cv09420) — Order Theron Technol (18cv11813) — Order Pierre v. United Nations et al Kahn et al v. Select Portfolio Ser-
for Initial Pretrial Conference USA v. Powell (18cr00287) — Order
Batista v. Jacobi Medical Center et on Motion for Conference (19cv01529) — Order Directing Pay- vicing, Inc. (17cv07540) — Order on
Diaz v. Revlon, Inc. (18cv10915) USA v. Powell (18cr00287) — Order
al (18cv09334) — Order on Motion Brickendon Consulting (US), Inc. v. ment of Fee or IFP Application Motion to Adjourn Conference
— Order on Motion to Adjourn Con-
for Leave to File Document Theron Technol (18cv11813) — Order MGage, LLC v. Stansbury et al McGriff v. Superintendent Keyser USA v. Fedor (17cr00513) — Order
Batista v. Jacobi Medical Center on Motion for Conference (19cv01165) — Order on Motion for et al (17cv07307) — Valentin Order USA v. Nawaz (16cr00431) — Order
Bey v. Daly et al (18cv09359) —
et al (18cv09334) — Order Referring Lescay v. Unique People Services, Extension of Time to Complete McGriff v. Superintendent Keyser Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe
Case to Magistrate Judge Inc. (18cv10818) — Endorsed Letter Carter v. Bentry et al (19cv00850) et al (17cv07307) — Order on Motion (19cv01651) — Order for Initial Pre-
Arch Insurance Company v. Pre- Velasquez v. Mode K’S, Inc et al Delijanin v. Wolfgang’s Steakhouse
— Order of Dismissal Inc et al (18cv07854) — Order on to Dismiss trial Conference
ferred Contractors In (18cv05842) (18cv10225) — Order on Motion to Carter v. Bentry et al (19cv00850) Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages Judge Schofield Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe
— Memo Endorsement Adjourn Conference Ghouneim v. DHS et al (19cv00748)
Pucci v. Requester Communication Solheim et al v. BigTopWorks LLC Murphy v. Dover Street Market USA v. Rivera (19cr00058) — Order (19cv01651) — Order
— Order Granting IFP Application New York, Inc. (18cv06930) — Con-
Branch et al (18cv02426) — Memo et al (18cv09383) — Scheduling Order Roscommon Analytics LLC v. Gu Pierre v. F & F 99 Cents Pizza Inc.
Rivera v. City of New York et al sent Order
Endorsement Solheim et al v. BigTopWorks LLC (19cv00371) — Order Granting IFP (19cv01581) — Order et al (19cv01621) — Order for Initial
Bishop v. Lilley (17cv07625) — et al (18cv09383) — Order Referring Burgess v. Bartocci et al (18cv04691) Feinberg v. Abbott Laboratories Pretrial Conference
Application in Prisoner Case — Notice of Voluntary Dismissal -
Memo Endorsement Case to Magistrate Judge Murray v. Bouck et al (19cv00317) (19cv00600) — Memo Endorsement Pierre v. F & F 99 Cents Pizza Inc.
Vasquez et al v. Young Chow Garden, Wiggins v. City of New York et al Signed
— Order Granting IFP Application in Garey v. Mixology Clothing Com- et al (19cv01621) — Order
Inc. et al (17cv05605) — Order (18cv09106) — Order on Motion for Chapman v. Geahan (18cv00453)
Prisoner Case pany LLC, (19cv00579) — Stipulation Trim v. National Railroad Passenger
Ramnarine v. Bronx Psychiatric Leave to File Excess Pages — Order on Motion to Dismiss
DeBlasio v. New York City Health and and Order Corp. (19cv00999) — Order on Motion
Center et al (16cv00479) — Order Tonra v. Kadmon Holdings, Inc. et New York Real Estate Institute, Inc.
Hospital Corp (18cv11405) — Order Reynoso v. Levine et al (19cv00151) for Conference
37 Besen Parkway, LLC v. John Han- al (18cv09028) — Protective Order v. Jammula e (17cv08698) — Order on
Reopening Case — Order
cock Life Insuran (15cv09924) — Order Martinez v. United States of America Motion for Extension of Time to File Dawson v. Michael N. Altman Fine
DeBlasio v. New York City Health Reynoso v. Levine et al (19cv00151)
ABC v. DEF (15cv00385) — Order (18cv08277) — Order Kleeberg et al v. Eber et al Art & Advisory Se (19cv00586) —
and Hospital Corp (18cv11405) — — Case Management Plan
on Motion for Extension of Time to Williams v. New York City Housing (16cv09517) — Order on Motion for Order on Motion for Extension of
Order Granting IFP Application in Raul v. L3 Technologies, Inc. et al
Complete Authority et al (18cv05912) — Order Conference Time to Answer
Prisoner Case (19cv00102) — Memo Endorsement
Network-1 Technologies, Inc. v. on Motion for Discovery Judge Pauley Tucker v. Franklin Parrasch Gallery, RL 900 Park, LLC v. Ender et al
Winston & Strawn LLP v. Mid-Atlan-
Google, L.L.C. et (14cv02396) — Order Securities and Exchange Com- Inc (18cv11957) — Order on Motion (18cv12121) — Order for Initial Pre-
tic Arena, LLC et (18cv11430) — Order 336 LLC v. City of New York et al
on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice mission v. Santillo et (18cv05491) to Adjourn Conference trial Conference
on Motion for Extension of Time (18cv03732) — Order
Network-1 Technologies, Inc. v. — Stipulation and Order Hudson Bay Master Fund Ltd. v.
Harris v. Fuster et al (18cv10196) McHugh et al v. United Skates of Gonzalez v. Wolcott Hotel Co.
Google, L.L.C. et (14cv02396) — Order M. et al v. Nielsen et al (18cv05068) Immune Pharmaceutic (18cv11688)
Sistos v. Federal Bureau of Prisons America, Inc. (18cv00788) — Memo (18cv11523) — Order of Dismissal
on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice — Order on Motion to Adjourn Con- — Memo Endorsement
ference DHO (18cv08116) — Order on Motion Endorsement SKYROCKET, LLC v. 5ATOY STORE et
Judge Gorenstein for Reconsideration Club at 60th Street, et al v. City of Strike 3 Holdings, LLC v. Doe
In Re: Everton Aloysius Sterling al. (18cv11280) — Notice of Voluntary
Falu v. 1115 First Avenue Associates, Judge Moses New York (02cv08333) — Order on (18cv11357) — Order on Motion to Dismissal - Signed
(18cv03733) — Order
L.P. et al (18cv08339) — Scheduling Motion for Extension of Time to File Adjourn Conference
Securities and Exchange Commis- Sullivan, Jr. v. National Council for Juscinska v. Chia Food Corp. et al
Order 59 Murray Enterprises, Inc., et al Eric Rogers v. 359 Bowery, L.L.C.
sion v. One or More (18cv00701) — Certified Pe (18cv10316) — Order (18cv09946) — Order
Lebetkin v. Giray et al (18cv08170) v. The City of (02cv04432) — Order et al (18cv10630) — Order
Order on Motion for Extension of Time Marillo v. Tatmar Rest., Inc. et al Charles v. TD Bank, N.A. et al
— Order State Of New York et al v. Pruitt et 689 Eatery, Corp. et al v. The City Katsoolis et al v. Cruz et al
Science Applications International (18cv09930) — Order of New York, e (02cv04431) — Order (18cv09382) — Order (18cv08613) — Order of Dismissal
al (18cv00406) — Judgment
Corporation et (18mc00327) — Order Grosso v. Commissioner of Social Abbott Laboratories v. Feinberg Singh v. Sit Down New York, Inc.
Langhorn v. Oasis Outsourcing Con- Judge Pitman
on Motion to Adjourn Conference Security (18cv09235) — Order on (18cv08468) — Memo Endorsement (18cv08567) — Order
tract II, Inc. et (17cv08182) — Order Swartz v. Westgate New York City,
Universal Standard Inc. v. Target Motion for Extension of Time to File Vuppala v. E & Z 16TH LLC et al Rosen v. N.Y.C. Department of
of Discontinuance LLC (19cv00587) — Order on Motion
Corporation et (18cv06042) — Order Massey v. Sewell et al (18cv08432) (18cv07190) — Order to Show Cause Education et al (18cv06670) — Memo
Flores Zabaleta v. Duke et al for Extension of Time
Beauregard v. Berryhill (18cv00368) — Order on Motion to Adjourn Con- Vuppala v. E & Z 16TH LLC et al Endorsement
(17cv07512) — Memo Endorsement
— Order on Motion for Extension of ference Garcia v. Commissioner of Social (18cv07190) — Order to Show Cause
Securities and Exchange Com- Doncouse v. Manhattan Valley Wine
Time Henderson v. Sanders et al Security (19cv00326) — Order of Rosario v. City of New York et al
mission v. Little et al (17cv03536) and Spirits et (18cv05574) — Order
In re MICHAEL STAPLETON ASSOCI- (18cv08473) — Order to Show Cause Service - Social Security (18cv04023) — Order
— Judgment Santos v. ABC Corp. et al
ATES LTD. (17cv05468) — Order on Chakraborty et al v. Jimmy’s Coffee TD Bank, N.A. v. Miller (18cv10608) Rosario v. City of New York et al
Dukes v. NYCERS et al (15cv03846) (18cv05215) — Order
Motion for Conference Shop Inc. et (18cv07855) — Order — Protective Order (18cv04023) — Mediation Referral
— Order
Nichols et al v. Ponte et al Guan v. City of New York, et al Crown Bridge Partners LLC v. Sun- Order Bracchetti v. Schlein (18cv05030)
Brooks et al v. The Griffin Security
(17cv02976) — Endorsed Letter (18cv02417) — Memo Endorsement stock, Inc. (18cv07632) — Order on The Art and Antique Dealers League — Order
Agency, Inc. (15cv02303) — Order
Lewis v. Commissioner of Social Motion for Conference of America, Inc (18cv02504) — Order Building Service 32BJ Health Fund
Judge Hellerstein Morales v. Division of Youth and
Security (18cv01639) — Order on Ramirez v. Lewis et al (18cv03486) on Motion for Leave to File Document et al v. Able Bu (18cv01377) — Order
Family Justice et (14cv07253) — Order
USA v. Boone (18cr00634) — Judg- Motion for Extension of Time — Order on Motion for Extension of
Clerk Krajick Reed v. Nike, Inc. et al (17cv07575) on Motion for Discovery
ment Cabrera et al v. CBS Corporation Time to File Resp — Mediation Referral Order Judge Wang
USA v. Zhou, et al (02cr00271) — Philip v. Nancy A. Berryhill et al (17cv06011) — Order Williams v. Geiger (18cv01398) — Alexander v. City of New York et
Order (18cv11739) — Judgment - Clerk Golden Insurance Company v. PCF Order on Motion for Extension of Time USA v. Santana-Vasquez (19mj01753)
al (17cv03170) — Order on Motion
Trustees Of The New York City TSAWD Holdings et al v. M. Hidary State Restorations (17cv05390) — In re: Keurig Green Mountain Single- for Conference — Order Appointing Public Defender
District Council Of (19cv01234) — & Co., Inc. (18mc00415) — Writ of Order Serve Coffee A (14md02542) — Order
Order on Motion to Stay Razzoli v. City of New York et al USA v. Ragonese (19mj01764) —
Execution Issued Niles v. New York City Police Depart- on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Zhejiang Goodwill Import & Export (16cv07136) — Memo Endorsement Order Appointing Public Defender
Vasquez v. Commissioner of Social ment et al (17cv01437) — Report and In re: Keurig Green Mountain Single-
Co. LTD v. Parig (19cv00493) — Stipula- Roberts v. Capital One Financial USA v. Ragonese (19mj01764) —
Security (18cv03848) — Judgment - Recommendations Serve Coffee A (14md02542) — Memo
tion and Order Corporation (16cv04841) — Order Order
Clerk Djurdjevich v. Flat Rate Movers, Endorsement
Doe v. The City of New York et al on Motion for Extension of Time to USA v. Ulrich (19cr00107) — Oral
Cruz v. United States of America Ltd. et al (17cv00261) — Order on Judge Preska File Resp
(18cv11414) — Order on Motion to (18cv03640) — Judgment - Clerk Order
Motion to Compel Abu Nahl, et al v. Abou Jaoude et al
Stay District Council No. 9 International USA v. Hernandez (18cr00031) — USA v. Javier (18cr00901) — Order
Heard v. Statue Cruises LLC (15cv09755) — Memo Endorsement
Gold Value International Textile, Union of Pain (18cv03017) — Judg- Memo Endorsement of Referral to Probation for Presen-
(16cv01079) — Order Wah et al v. HSBC North America
Inc. v. The Cato (18cv10579) — Order ment - Clerk Sepa v. Colvin (19cv01658) — Stand-
Judge Nathan Holdings Inc. et a (15cv08974) — tence Inv
on Motion to Transfer Case Garcia v. Nassar (18cv02200) — ing Order re Motions for Judgment
Dedewo v. CBS Corporation on the Plea Memorandum & Opinion USA v. Kim (18cr00882) — Oral
Judgment - Clerk USA v. Siva et al (17cr00503) —
(18cv09132) — Order on Motion to Garcia v. Commissioner of Social Dentsply International, Inc. V. Dental Order
Ema Garp Fund, L.P. et al v. Banro Order
Dismiss Corporation et (18cv01986) — Judg- Security (19cv01631) — Standing Brands for (15cv08775) — Mediation USA v. Robinson et al (18cr00364)
Doncouse v. Soho Wine Gallery et
Sands v. Latino Review, LLC ment - Clerk al (18cv09603) — Order on Motion Order re Motions for Judgment on Referral Order — Order of Referral to Probation for
(18cv08338) — Order on Motion to Pena v. Berryhill (18cv00065) — to Adjourn Conference the Plea Judge Seibel Presentence Inv
Appear Pro Hac Vice Judgment - Clerk Doe v. Hunter College et al Knapp v. New York State Office of USA v.Vega (17cr00283) — Order
Clark v. L-3 Vertex Aerospace, LLC USA v. Davis et al. (17cr00364) —
Brooks et al v. The Griffin Security (18cv08428) — Order on Motion for Mental Health (18cv11536) — Order USA v. Margolla et al (13cr00880)
et al (18cv06420) — Order on Motion of Automatic Referral to Mediation Memo Endorsement
Agency, Inc. (15cv02303) — Judg- Extension of Time Smith v. City of Yonkers et al — Oral Order
to Dismiss ment - Clerk Argyros v. The Lightstone Group, Doe v. Landry’s, Inc. et al
(19cv01573) — Order of Service Smith v. Lifeworks Technology
Rosenberg v. Metropolis Group, Inc. Muqaddim v. Tully Construction LLC et al (18cv05142) — Memo (18cv11501) — Order on Motion for
et al (18cv04830) — Memo Endorse- Carlebach v. Sojourn Records, Inc Group, LLC et al (18cv12396) —
Co., Inc. et al (08cv01657) — Judg- Endorsement Extension of Time to Answer
ment Cranshaw v. AXA Real Estate Invest- et al (19cv01195) — Order Scheduling Order
ment - Clerk Hawaii Structural Ironworkers
Rosenberg v. Metropolis Group, Inc. ment Managers US (18cv09162) — Cottani v. Massachusetts Mutual Cruz v. Decker et al (18cv09948)
In Re: World Trade Center Lower Pension Trust Fund v (18cv00299)
et al (18cv04830) — Case Manage- Order of Automatic Referral to Life Insurance Com (18cv01189) — — Order
Manhattan Disaster (21mc00102) — — Memo Endorsement
ment Plan Mediation Order on Motion for Extension of Time Barnes v. The City of New York et
Judgment - Clerk Rowell v. City Of New York et al
Nicholas v. The City Of New York Watson v. Artuz (99cv01364) — Brophy v. Chao et al (17cv09527) al (18cv07119) — Order
(16cv06598) — Order Judge Rakoff — Order on Motion for Extension of
, et al (18cv00028) — Case Manage- Judgment - Clerk
ment Plan Judge Netburn USA v. Plaford (16cr00400) — Judg- Time to Answer Judge Wood
Judge Lehrburger ment Westchester Export Capital LLC
Malec et al v. FCA US LLC Rivera Bautista v. Lim et al Ermmarino v. Metro-North Com-
(17cv07039) — Order on Motion to Wagh v. Wilkie (18cv07726) — (18cv11139) — Order on Motion for Judge Ramos v. WI Automotive T. (17cv03368) — muter Railroad (17cv07902) — Order
Compel Scheduling Order Extension of Time to Answer Memo Endorsement for Initial Pretrial Conference
Malec et al v. FCA US LLC Lora Sanchez et al v. Hidden City Rivera v. Commissioner of Social Westchester Independent Living
Reynoso v. Southern Glazer Wine & Security (19cv01586) — Order Refer- Judge Woods
(17cv07039) — Order Cafe Corp. et al (18cv07008) — Order Spirit LLC (18cv06417) — Endorsed Center, Inc. et al (16cv05949) — Order
Feliciano v. Corelogic Saferent, LLC on Motion to Adjourn Conference ring Case to Magistrate Judge on Motion for Extension of Time
Letter People of The State of New York v.
(17cv05507) — Order on Motion to Morales et al v. LM Academy Realty Rivera v. Commissioner of Social Reimer v. The Town of Ramapo et al
Duckett v. United States of America Security (19cv01586) — Order Grant- Mallinckrodt LL (19cv01564) — Order
Seal Document LLC et al (18cv05897) — Scheduling (14cv07044) — Memo Endorsement
(17cv09596) — Order ing IFP Application on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Franklin v. Compass Advisors, LLC Order Judge Smith
JLM Couture, Inc. v. Impression Robinson v. Berryhill (19cv01585) People of The State of New York v.
et al (16cv09819) — Memo Endorse- Morales et al v. LM Academy Realty
Bridal, Inc. et al (17cv04246) — Order — Order Referring Case to Magistrate USA v. Ramos (19cr00021) — Report Mallinckrodt LL (19cv01564) — Order
ment LLC et al (18cv05897) — Scheduling
Goldman v. Breitbart News Network Judge and Recommendations on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Global Pro Limited v. Parigi Group Order
LLC et al. (17cv03144) — Order on Palma Flores et al v. M Culinary Estrada v. Kingsbridge Marketplace
LTD. et al (16cv08848) — Order Refer- Pena Hernandez et al v. Jim Giles People of The State of New York v.
Motion for Discovery Concepts, Inc. et (19cv01229) — Order Corp. et al (17cv09890) — Memo
ring Case to Magistrate Judge Corp. et al (18cv01874) — Order on Mallinckrodt LL (19cv01564) — Order
Borecki v. Raymours Furniture on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney Endorsement
Weiss v. Macy’s Retail Holdings Inc. Motion to Withdraw as Attorney on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
(16cv07660) — Memo Endorsement Poomprakobsri v. United States Of Company, Inc. (17cv01188) — Order Lopez v. True Religion Sales, LLC Wang et al v. Ichiro Asian Fusion
on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief People of The State of New York v.
Lebron v. United States Of America America (17cv06271) — Scheduling et al (18cv10595) — Stipulation and Inc. et al (17cv09869) — Order on
Prinsema Colbourne, as Administra- Mallinckrodt LL (19cv01564) — Order
(16cv04709) — Order on Motion to Order Order of Dismissal Motion for Extension of Time
trix of the Esta (16cv05606) — Order Figueroa v. Bluemercury, Inc. on Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Stay Poomprakobsri v. United States Simmons v. Ramirez et al
Merrick Bank Corporation v. Royal Of America (17cv06271) — Order on on Motion to Amend/Correct (18cv09979) — Stipulation and Order (17cv00313) — Scheduling Order Conner v. Atlantic Recording Cor-
Group Services, (15cv05120) — Memo Motion for Extension of Time In Re: Terrorist Attacks on Septem- Haddoumi et al v. Ambiance Wine poration (19cv01464) — Order for
ber 11, 2001 (03md01570) — Order Judge Sullivan
Endorsement In Re Deutsche Bank AG Securities LLC et al (18cv08651) — Order on Initial Pretrial Conference
McBeth v. Porges et al (15cv02742) Litigation (09cv01714) — Order on Judge Oetken Motion to Adjourn Conference Brown v. Imacuclean Cleaning Ser- Zheng v. Whitaker et al (19cv01004)
— Order on Motion for Extension of Motion for Conference Nebgen et al v. Schentag et al vices LLC et al (17cv06169) — Order — Order to Show Cause
USA v. White (18cr00549) — Order on Motion to Adjourn Conference
Time Judge Marrero (18cv08410) — Memo Endorsement Dykstra v. 6069321 Canada Inc. et
of Referral to Probation for Presen- Murphy et al v. LaJaunie et al
Xiang v. USA (09cv07579) — Sched- Schlage Lock Company, LLC v. al (19cv00688) — Notice of Voluntary
USA v. Figallo (18cr00684) — Order tence Inv (13cv06503) — Order
uling Order Wexler et al (18cv04033) — Protec- Dismissal - Signed
USA v. Rodriguez (18cr00561) — Argentum Risk Partners LLC v.
Muqaddim v. Tully Construction tive Order Judge Swain
Order Schaeffer (19cv01622) — Order Fiduciary Network, LLC v. Hurley
Co., Inc. et al (08cv01657) — Order Schlage Lock Company, LLC v.
USA v. Cotto, et al. (18cr00413) — Dawson v. Leonard Hutton Galleries, USA v. Castro et al (17cr00260) — (19cv00379) — Case Management Plan
of Dismissal Wexler et al (18cv04033) — Order
Order Inc. (19cv00522) — Order of Dismissal Memo Endorsement NYC Reconstructive Surgery, P.C. v.
Pyziak et al v. 1 World Trade Center, on Motion for Extension of Time
USA v. Armendariz (11cr00740) Mieh, Inc. v. Tekno Products, Inc. et Aetna Health, (19cv00249) — Order
L.L.C. et al (06cv12425) — Order of Armijos et al v. Senator Construction Judge Sweet
Dismissal — Order al (19cv00178) — Order on Motion for for Initial Pretrial Conference
Group, Inc. (18cv02779) — Memo USA v. White (17cr00611) —
In Re: World Trade Center Lower Smith v. SH Group Operations, L.L.C. Extension of Time to Answer
Endorsement Endorsed Letter Velasquez v. Boxers Enterprises,
Manhattan Disaster (21mc00102) — (18cv12146) — Order on Motion for Iheukumere v. JP Morgan Chase
Severini v. Pennsylvania Higher LLC. et al (18cv12062) — Order on
Extension of Time to Answer Bank, N.A. et al (18cv11987) — Order Benitez et al v. TYS Laundromat et
Order of Dismissal Education Assistan (18cv02775) — Motion to Adjourn Conference
United States of America v. on Motion for Extension of Time to File al (18cv11034) — Order
In Re: World Trade Center Lower Order on Motion for Extension of Tucker v. Alexandre Fine Art Inc.
Manhattan Disaster (21mc00102) — $55,486.00 in United (18cv11182) Figueroa v. Tous USA, Inc. Tucker v. Payless Shoesource, Inc.
Time to File (18cv11725) — Order of Discontinu-
Order of Dismissal — Order for Initial Pretrial Conference (18cv10490) — Order of Dismissal (18cv10609) — Order on Motion for
Vazquez Angel et al v. NG & Lin
Clark v. Transportation Alternatives, Figueroa v. Stutterheim North Extension of Time to Answer ance
Judge Kaplan Co, Inc. et al (17cv06360) — Order
Inc. (18cv09985) — Endorsed Letter America, Inc. (18cv09969) — Order MP Produce Corp. v. 134 South Food In Re Application of Republic of
on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
USA v. Tomero et al (06cr00008) Vullo v. Office of the Comptroller of of Dismissal Corp. et al (18cv10419) — Stipulation Kazakhstan for an (18mc00543) —
Sandoval v. Dumes et al (16cv08892)
— Probation Form the Currency (18cv08377) — Endorsed Diaz v. Hudson Terrace Events, LLC and Order Order on Motion to Intervene
— Order on Motion for Extension of
The City of Philadelphia v. Bank of Letter (18cv07867) — Order Gomez Salgado et al v. 276-43 Gour- In Re Application of Republic of
Time to Complete
America Corpor (19cv01608) — Order Shater v. MetLife,Inc. (18cv04726) Diaz v. American Dental Offices, met Grocery Inc. (18cv03934) — Order
Alberto Nicolas et al v. 701 Deli Inc. Kazakhstan for an (18mc00542) —
for Initial Pretrial Conference — Order PLLC (18cv07667) — Stipulation and on Motion to Withdraw as Attorney
et al (16cv07699) — Order on Motion Order on Motion to Intervene
Hegbeli v. Burlington Coat Factory Mango v. Buzzfeed, Inc. (17cv06784) Order of Voluntary Dismissal Clark et al v. City of New York
to Withdraw as Attorney In Re Application of Republic of
of Texas, Inc. (19cv01556) — Order — Endorsed Letter Diaz v. American Dental Offices, (18cv02334) — Order on Motion to
Wexler et al v. Allegion (UK) Limited Kazakhstan for an (18mc00541) —
Referring Case to Magistrate Judge Judge Mccarthy PLLC (18cv07667) — Judgment - Adjourn Conference
et al (16cv02252) — Protective Order Order on Motion for Extension of
Labor Council For Latin American Consent Steven Madden, Ltd. v. Jasmin Lar-
USA v. Anderson (19cr00081) — Wexler et al v. Allegion (UK) Limited
Advancement et al (19cv01538) — Bohlinger v. Abbott Laboratories ian, LLC (18cv02043) — Order Time to File Resp
Order for Initial Pretrial Conference Endorsed Letter et al (16cv02252) — Order on Motion
et al (18cv05398) — Stipulation and for Extension of Time Trustees of the New York City Dis- Doncouse v. Karakatta LLC et al
AmeriPark, LLC v. Ameripark Exclu- USA v. Johnson et al. (17cr00505)
Order trict Council of (17cv09676) — Order (18cv09483) — Order
sive Valet LLC et (19cv01393) — Order — Order of Referral to Probation for Judge Roman
Santos, Jr. v. Lamim Trucking Corp. of Dismissal Haimoff v. Equifax Information Ser-
for Initial Pretrial Conference Presentence Inv
et al (18cv03349) — Order on Motion USA v. Gumbs (16cr00821) — Memo Natural Resources Defense Council vices, LLC (18cv06405) — Stipulation
Waite et al v. UMG Recordings, Inc. Morris Builders, L.P. v. Fidelity
for Extension of Time to Complete Endorsement v. U.S. Departme (17cv06989) — Memo- and Order of Voluntary Dismissal
et al (19cv01091) — Order for Initial National Title I (16cv09114) — Order
Mateo De La Cruz Casarrubias v. Kanacki v. W. L. Gore & Associates, randum & Opinion Vasquez v. Commissioner of Social
Pretrial Conference on Motion for Extension of Time
Pettiford v. The City of Yonkers et Columbia Gourmet D (18cv01263) — Inc. (19cv00409) — Stipulation and Dutt v. Young Adult Institute, Inc. et
Security (18cv03848) — Stipulation
Judge Keenan Order on Motion for Extension of Time Order of Voluntary Dismissal al (17cv05855) — Order of Dismissal
al (14cv06271) — Order on Motion and Order
USA v. McAfee (18cr00425) — Order for Discovery Horowitz v. National Gas & Electric, Gumbs v. United States of America Center for Independence of the Dis-
LLC et al (17cv07742) — Order on (18cv06898) — Endorsed Letter abled, New York (17cv02990) — Order Cumes et al v. Jaiya U.S.A. Inc. et
USA v. Torres (10cr00851) — Order Judge Mcmahon al (17cv07377) — Order on Motion
USA v. Thomas (02cr00991) — Order Motion for Leave to File Excess Pages Malibu Media, LLC v. Doe Lopez et al v. J&K Floral USA Inc. et
Parker-El v. City of New York et al Grimmett v. New York City Depart- (18cv05615) — Memo Endorsement al (16cv07212) — Judgment - Default to Adjourn Conference
Judge Koeltl ment of Correction (15cv07351) — Emmons v. Berryhill (18cv01882) CCR International, Inc. v. Elias Ash v. City of N.Y. (16cv09548) —
(19cv01639) — Order Granting IFP
USA v. Moore (17cr00007) — Order Application Order on Motion for Extension of Time — Stipulation and Order Group, LLC et al (15cv06563) — Order Order

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30 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Court Calendars
702983/18 Kolb Radiology, P.C. 32548/18 Lahoz v. Linares
v. Motor Vehicle Accident Part 3 25799/18 Lewis v. Montes

New York Indemnification Corporatiion

702991/18 Rx Masters, Inc.
v. Government Employees
Justice Mitchell J. Danziger
Phone 718-618-1207
Room 707, 9:30 A.M.
23330/18 Lloqanaj v. Zarate
31556/18 Lopez v. NYCTA
28210/16 M. v. Ashley
County Insurance Company
703005/18 Taira Rx Corp. v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 21056/18 Mamedov v. Spencer
31344/17 Maria v. Mercedes-Benz
American Transit Insurance Preliminary Conference Manhattan
Company Wednesday Feb. 27 28253/18 Derrick Griffith v. Board at the calendar call, counsel 23673/18 A’gard v. Padmore 27891/18 McDowell v. Levyr Taxi
Court Calendars 703011/18 Performance
4876/13 Leyla Zaloutskaya v. Swk of Managers of Soha 118 should be prepared to select a 26417/17 Adams v. NYCTA Inc.

Chiropractic, P.C. v. Government jury immediately and proceed 25504/18 Medina v. Halcyon Const.
Continued Employees Insurance Company 57th Street Cleaners Inc. Condominium
to trial. Counsel are further
24121/18 Allen v. NYC
29651/18 Banks v. NYCTA Corp.
358/16 Allstate Insurance Company 31507/18 Merih Morgan v. Park
From Page 19 703033/18 Post Avenue Pharmacy, advised that they must bring 31937/18 Bednarek v. NYC Dept. of 28123/18 Mondesir v. Canela

Inc v. American Transit v. Village Medical Supply, Inc. South Tower Associates 27921/18 Montanez v. Govt.
their complete file, includ- 29132/18 Bowles v. NYCTA
Insurance Company 12408/17 Pallisade Insurance 1486/19 Madion J. Russo v. Medical Employees
ing the bill of particulars and 36084/17 Brito De Collado v. Carter
703073/18 Mingmen Acupuncture Company v. Rime Cab One New York P.C. marked pleadings to the calen- 20790/15 Moore v. Kante
700423/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. 300854/17 Burt v. NYCTA
Allstate Insurance Company Services, P.C. v. Government 21598/17 United Services Part 34c dar call and that clients must 22636/12 Cain v. NYC 26116/18 Moran v. White
700475/17 Tremont Chemist (B) Employees Insurance Company Automobile Association v. Sharp 9:30 A.M.
SUPREME COURT be immediately available upon 304401/15 Carnona v. Dr. Richard 25926/18 Morris v. Hurricane Mgt.
v. Government Employees 703128/18 Silver Needle Service Corp. telephone notification. Failure Izquierdo Corp.
30647/18 Murati v. Osborne
Insurance Company
700502/17 Metropolitan Medical
Acupuncture, P.C. (B) v.
American Transit Insurance
22923/17 Consolidated Edison TUESDAY FEB. 26 EX PARTE AND to appear at the call of any cal-
endar may result in an inquest
32021/18 Cartagena v. NYC
30299/18 Cheung v. Dorsett 25253/18 Ngom v. Nelson
Company of New York, Inc. 20871/17 Capital One Bank (USA),
And Surgical, P.C.(B) v. Allstate Company (2017/005421) v. Laws N.A. v. Richard A Bryan URGENT or dismissal pursuant to 29804/18 Cooper v. Benjamin 29187/18 Nieves v. Lim
Insurance Company 703132/18 Chung Chiropractic, P.C. Section 202.27 of the Uniform 25102/18 Nieves v. Sarpong
700602/17 Tremont Chemist(B) v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co.
Construction Corp., Wednesday Feb. 27 MOTIONS PART Civil Rules for the Supreme
21308/18 De Jesus v. Verizon
Communications Inc. 30402/18 O’Neil v. Ahmed
5404/18 City-Wide Insurance Court and County Court. 26824/18 Olguin v. Liverpool
v. Government Employees Wednesday Feb. 27 66895/10 Asset Acceptance, LLC v. The Following is the 22737/18 Duarte v. NYC
Insurance Company Company v. Christian J Zeas 29981/17 Paulino v. Lim
Gabriela Taylor List of Sittings in the Pretrial Part 29367/18 Fields v. NYC
700614/17 Atlas Pharmacy, LLC 11939/11 Supreme Acupuncture, 11513/18 Geico Indemnity Company 27376/18 Fitzgerald v. Bp Prods. 30552/18 Perez v. Rigo Limo Auto
1700/14 Midland Funding LLC v. Ex Parte Urgent
v. Government Employees P.C. v. Amica Mutual Insurance v. New York City Transit TUESDAY, FEB. 26 North America Corp
Dominque Howard Motions Part
Insurance Company Company Authority 28328/18 Frazier v. NYCTA 33177/18 Quao v. Cable
8577/17 Capital One Bank (USA), on the Dates Specified: 306886/13 Colon v. Garcia
700642/17 Taira Rx Corp., v. Allstate 703025/17 Tremont Chemist (B) 12449/18 Allstate Fire And Casualty 24016/18 Frias v. NYC Communications
N.A. v. Yolie Hernandez Ready Trial
Insurance Company v. Chubb Indemnity Insurance Insurance Company v. Alan Lott TRIAL TERM 32276/18 Frias v. NYC 28573/18 Reyes v. Mayora
10205/18 Capital One Bank (USA),
700683/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Company 13711/18 Usaa Casualty Insurance 718-618-1248 304420/15 Abraham v. Rivera 32830/18 G. v. NYC 23350/18 Reyes v. Navid
N.A. v. Ashante Hawkins
Allstate Insurance Company 703030/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Company v. Michael A. 20799/15 Colberg v. Yoldilla 25767/18 Gonzalez v. NYCHA 25182/18 Ricciardi v. Ricci
700695/17 Tremont Chemist (B) New York City Transit Authority
Part 34fs 302471/15 Delacruz v. Hernandez 350036/17 Guerra v. Wubben 29677/18 Rivela v. Ahmed
701078/18 Tremont Chemist (B) v. 304259/13 Diallo v. Clarke & 28272/18 Robinson v. Oliveira
v. Government Employees
Insurance Company Mvaic 17315/18 United Ohio Insurance v. TUESDAY FEB. 26 SUPREME COURT Corcoran
23865/18 H. v. Children’s Aid
College Prep 31154/18 Robinson v. Motor Vehicle
701086/18 True Health Pharmacy, Edna Taxi, Inc. 10 A.M. 305165/15 Dixon v. Rivera Accident
700740/17 Forest Drugs (B) Individual Assignment 20038/16 Hernandez v. NYC
Inc. v. State Farm Mutual 21068/18 Geico General Insurance 307969/09 Halfacre v. Jmk Const. 22484/18 Robles v. Cabrera-Gomez
v. Government Employees 13739/16 Northern Leasing Parts 27679/18 Hernandez v. NYC
Insurance Company Automobile Insurance Company Company v. New York City Group 23078/17 Hernandez-Velez v. NYC 27661/18 Robles v. Vivieca
Systems, Inc. v. Victoria A
700771/17 Tremont Chemist (B) 701145/18 Franklin Rx, Inc., v. Transit Authority Sweeney FRIDAY, FEB. 22 22531/13 Huang v. Reyes 32168/18 Hussain v. NYCH&HC 30964/18 Rodriguez v. Rodriguez
v. Government Employees Progressive Casualty Insurance 25696/18 Gennaro Picone v. 300476/14 Kafwihi v. Bridge And 25372/18 Roque v. Jpp Limo Inc.
Company 10:15 A.M. Medical/Dental Malpractice Transport Inc. 22212/18 Sanchez v. Gluck
Insurance Company Mohammed Rahman 25652/18 Lugo-Rodriguez v. NYC
700780/17 Satya Drug Corp 701158/18 Integrated Chiropractic, 29268/18 541 Court Street LLC v. 9959/18 Lease Finance Group LLC 20113/19 Greer v. White Plains 22388/15 Little v. Morillo 27389/16 McNally v. NYC 26336/18 Sawyer-Trotman v. Flat
v. Government Employees P.C. v. Progressive Casualty Hang Zheng v. Ann M Fox Hosp.—CAPELLA 304646/14 Lora v. Fofana 26385/18 Ortega v. NYC Rate Movers
Insurance Company Insurance Company 2458/19 Unitrin Advantage 11:15 A.M. 34062/18 Harris v. Weiss—McKeon 300941/14 Martinez v. Lozano 21198/18 Osakpamwan v. Dilan 25441/15 Selective Ins. Co. v. Metro
700923/17 Ardent Pharmacy, 701159/18 Integrated Chiropractic, Insurance v. Msjr of Queens, PC 16890/15 Northern Leasing Motion 300717/14 Mauri v. Lozano 30454/18 Otanez v. NYCTA Softee Ice Cream
Inc. (B) v. Allstate Insurance P.C. v. Progressive Casualty 22470/13 Morabito v. Clarke & 31465/18 Polanco v. NYC 22959/18 Stanberry v. Williams
Part 30c Systems Inc. v. Lillian S. Bayer 34339/18 Boland v. Metro-North
Company Insurance Company Corcoran Corp. 27418/17 Queen v. NYC 27077/18 Stephen v. Peduto
12:15 P.M. Commuter—Johnson 23694/18 Perez-Cuffy v. Brim 26
701100/17 Tremont Chemist (B) 701167/18 Integrated Chiropractic, 9:30 A.M. 25410/18 Rios v. Metro. 25851/18 Stone v. Roberts
6574/18 Lease Finance Group LLC 22195/18 Cascio v. Roger And Sons Corp.
v. Government Employees P.C. v. Progressive Casualty Transportation 23314/18 Taylor v. Skerritt
WEDNESDAY FEB. 27 Concrete, Inc.—Suarez 303343/12 Rios v. Etienne
Insurance Company Insurance Company v. Prenston Gale 23705/18 Romero v. NYC 25603/18 Tineo v. Almonte
7354/18 Desir v. Gladden—ALPERT 26735/15 Rodriguez v. Da Silva
701106/17 True Health Pharmacy, 701211/18 Taira Rx Corp (B) v. 8737/07 Portfolio Recovery 12:30 P.M. 30327/18 Singh v. NYC 31459/18 Tyrone v. Lin
31129/18 Farias De Espinal v. Bronx 305031/12 Scott v. M&A Alarms, Inc.
Inc., v. Government Employees Mvaic Associates LLC v. Disnelda Then 22193/18 Soto v. Puente & Puente, 21633/18 Ucheagwu v. Martignetti
11262/17 Northern Leasing Vision LLC—Guzman 23333/13 Segura-Matos v. Diaz
Insurance Company 701252/18 Taira Rx Corp. (B) v. 38028/07 Portfolio Recovery Inc. Landscaping
Systems, Inc v. Richard T 22511/16 Martinez v. Noonan 25441/15 Selective Ins. Co. v. Metro
701138/17 Tremont Chemist (B) Progressive Casualty Insurance Associates LLC v. Dexter E Wray 22385/18 Suazo v. Doe 27907/16 Velasquez v. James
Tofanelli Towers Co.—Ruiz Softee Ice Cream
v. Government Employees Company 467/16 American Express Travel 306486/12 Villegas v. NYC 27485/18 Velazquez v. Harden
3:15 P.M. 32042/18 Nunez v. Pv Hldg. Corp.— 305473/13 Torres v. Martinez
Insurance Company 701291/18 Metropolitan Medical & Related Services Company, Inc., 30042/17 Walker v. NYC 24862/18 Weeks v. Kaufman
Brigantti 21633/18 Ucheagwu v. Martignetti
701178/17 Tremont Chemist (B) Surgical P.C. (B) v. Progressive v. Superior Business Products, 6884/18 Lease Finance Group LLC 24548/18 Wenegrat v. NYC 26959/18 White v. Ortiz
21268/18 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. Landscaping
v. Government Employees Casualty Insurance Company Inc. v. David A Feming 25175/15 Williams-Julien v. Able 31840/17 Williams v. Grandpa’s Bus
Schainberg—Barbato 27907/16 Velasquez v. James
Insurance Company 701294/18 Mingmen Acupuncture Mgt. Estates Co., Inc.
702736/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v.
Part 30fs 4 P.M. 32471/18 Williams v. Rodriguez—
31952/18 Wright v. NYC
Services P.C. v. Progressive Brigantti WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 PC Discovery Motion
Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Casualty Insurance Company 9:30 A.M. 15568/16 Lease Source-Lsi, LLC v.
Anthony C Crawford Note of Issue Order to Show Cause Conference 24689/18 Hamilton v. Horton
Company 701309/18 Mingmen Acupuncture WEDNESDAY FEB. 27
703201/17 Tremont Chemist (B) Wednesday Feb. 27 25033/15 Alvarez v. NYCTA 24592/18 Pearce v. Soriano-
Services P.C. v. M.V.A.I.C. 7102/18 Niass v. Niass—McShan 304168/15 Bokhari v. Morton
v. Government Employees 9708/16 Lease Finance Group LLC 310632/11 Asiedu-Boateng v. Salvador
701313/18 Tremont Chemist (B) v. 6583/17 Riveros v. Rojas—McShan 302651/12 Fernandez v. Lv Queens
Insurance Company v. Jung D Park 9:30 A.M. NYCTA 28514/18 Ptashnik v. Stewart-
Progressive Casualty Insurance Order To Show Cause Group LLC
700959/18 Post Avenue Pharmacy, 3855/17 Mbf Leasing, LLC v. Avihu 4575/13 Northern Leasing Systems, 301577/15 Bonitto v. NYCTA Williams
Company 22531/13 Huang v. Reyes
Inc., v. Government Employees Zabatani Inc. v. Cheryl Baucom 42069/19 NYC v. 927 Southern 304949/14 Carswell v. NYCTA 26505/18 Sosa v. Figueroa
701315/18 Metropolitan Medical & 301176/15 Martinez v. Garcia
Insurance Company 4210/17 Northern Leasing Systems, 1493/14 Lease Finance Group LLC Boulevard—D. Gonzalez 25576/04 D’Orazio v. NYC 30174/18 Walker v. Sessoms
Surgical P.C. (B) v. Progressive Ready Trial
Inc. v. David R Moeller v. J Roy 42068/19 NYC v. White-All Co., 308121/12 Delarosa v. NYCTA Compliance Conference
Part 21 Casualty Insurance Company 26067/17 Fernandez v. Spaulding
10990/17 Northern Leasing 15281/17 Northern Leasing LLC—D. Gonzalez 303682/14 Acosta v. Villanueva
701317/18 Silver Needle 23805/16 Iqbal v. Metro. 350109/15 A.V. v. Paneira
9:30 A.M. Systems, Inc v. Yolanda M Systems, Inc v. Rckie Lee Pollock 22133/19 Eros Q. v. X—Miles 22675/17 Arreola v. New Punjab
Acupuncture P.C. (B) v. Transportation 21628/18 Abreu El Achkar v. Martin
8185/18 Gonzalez v. Cintron— Restaurant
TUESDAY FEB. 26 Progressive Casualty Insurance Davidson Part 35 22533/13 Perocier v. NYCTA 26997/15 Abreu-Rosario v.
McShan 300483/12 Best Furniture House v.
Company 11005/17 Northern Leasing 306147/12 Sampson v. Mta Wilmores
300043/18 Chaya Hirsch v. Mary 9:30 A.M. 260711/13 Simpson v. Jp Morgan Trocom Const. Corp.
701354/18 Franklin Rx, Inc., v. Systems, Inc v. Ghazala Naimi 306200/13 Sanchez v. NYCTA 301986/16 Acevedo v. L Two G-O
Morgan, D.D.S. Chase Bank—GONZALEZ 304168/15 Bokhari v. Morton
Esurance Insurance Company, 11210/17 Northern Leasing TUESDAY FEB. 26 302802/13 Santiago v. NY NYCTA Inc.
300065/18 Koffi Kouadio v. Iyabo 76114/18 Torres v. Dan—Martin 301239/16 Burgess v. 571 East 141st
701799/18 Metropoitan Medical Systems, Inc v. Catherne 260127/19 Turner v. Family Dollar 301943/16 Skeeter v. NYCTA 29390/17 Adam v. Strunz
Yusuf 3117/18 New York City Housing St.
And Surgical, P.C. v. Government Moraetis Stores—Sherman 303727/11 Camara v. Mtm Dev., Inc. 28493/16 Timber v. NYCTA 21802/18 Adriano v. Calero
Authority v. Janet Williams
Part 23 Employees Insurance Company 11752/17 Mbf Leasing LLC v. Su H 302049/14 Caraballo v. 636 Hldg. 23905/17 Agosto-Silva v. Glaser
701938/18 Metropolitan Medical Wednesday Feb. 27 Other Ready Trial 31782/17 Aguirre v. Ortiz
9:30 A.M. Hu Corp
And Surgical, P.C. (B) v. 18160/17 Nana Baffour v. Anthony 3382/19 Ayala Jr. v. Ayala— 306574/12 Castellar v. Nokit Rlty. 302866/14 Grier v. NYCTA 24859/16 Alacron v. Hwang
WEDNESDAY FEB. 27 Government Employees 15281/17 Northern Leasing 304173/15 Martinez v. NYCTA 20539/18 Alcantara v. Ceesay
Calenda STRAUSS Corp.
Insurance Company Systems, Inc v. Rckie Lee Pollock 7580/17 Durant Sr. v. Young— 303012/15 Ali v. Brownstein
300026/18 Patricia Ewing v. New 18160/17 Nana Baffour v. Anthony 300946/14 Castillo v. Holy Spirit WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
York City Transit Authority 702156/18 Metropolitan Medical 15281/17 Northern Leasing ALPERT 29191/17 Alicea v. Ahamba
Calenda Assoc.
& Surgical, P.C. v. Government Systems, Inc v. Rckie Lee Pollock 13396/18 Girish P. Kudhuvalli v. Mr. 300179/18 Hussain v. Rahman— Conference 20242/18 Alicea v. Rigo Limo Auto
Part 27 23341/14 Cepeda v. 922 Southern
Employees Insurance Company 15555/17 Northern Leasing Noah Ryan CAPELLA LLC 26384/15 Atlas v. NYC Corp.
9:30 A.M. 702159/18 Kz Pharmacy, Inc Systems, Inc v. John T Giovanetti 8324/18 Jose v. Martinez— 304130/15 Cintron v. 1020 3rd Ave 30746/17 Allen v. Malik
v. USAA General Indemnity 17262/17 Mbf Leasing LLC v. Pierre Part 35c STRAUSS Part 4 304743/14 Alrcon v. Rodriguez
TUESDAY FEB. 26 23399/14 Cruz v. Timac Rlty. LLC
Company A Hachache 9:30 A.M. 7977/17 Morais v. Morais—ALPERT 307751/10 Cruz v. Taconic Builders Justice Howard E. Sherman 350193/15 Amato v. Limitone
702474/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. 702289/18 Post Avenue Pharmacy, 17341/17 Northern Leasing 32081/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Inc Phone 718-618-1212 25374/17 Amparo v. Boomf Mgt.
State Farm Mutual Automobile Inc. v. Government Employees TUESDAY FEB. 26 v. Martinez—D. Gonzalez Room 413, 9:30 A.M. Corp.
Systems Inc. v. Nam Q. Duong 305460/15 Dade v. Mile Sq
Insurance Company Insurance Company 5855/18 Discover Bank v. Kayla L 7106/18 Quinones v. Owen— Transportation 24690/18 Anane v. Rahman
17416/17 Northern Leasing
702650/17 Metropolitan Medical 703210/18 Custom Orthotics, Kotcho CORRIGAN (REF) 20560/13 Daglawi v. Petroni- Part 5 30701/17 Anguerira-Rodriguez v.
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. Systems, Inc v. Mahran Sadi
Ltd v. Government Employees 23422/18 Discover Bank v. Jeffrey Petition Kowgios Justice Alison Tuitt Scott
Government Employees 19244/17 Northern Leasing 22100/18 Aponte v. Pv Hldg. Corp.
Insurance Company Chancas 302047/14 De La Rosa v. Nelson Phone 718-618-1224
Insurance Company Systems, Inc v. Andrew D 21173/19 Liberty Mutual Ins. v. 28282/17 Aquino v. Taylor
703210/18 Custom Orthotics, Wednesday Feb. 27 Ave. Hldgs. Room 415, 9:30 A.M.
702655/17 Metropolitan Medical Ltd v. Government Employees Kraklow Ortiz—Tapia 29503/17 Archer v. Alqadasi
307484/11 De Morales v. Sales
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. Insurance Company 20084/17 Lease Finance Group LLC 5928/18 Bank of America, N.A. v. Preliminary Conference Part 6 25316/17 Arias v. 2185 Inc.
Master Associates
Government Employees 703211/18 Bs Kings County v. Erik S Horte Annette K Ajanto Justice JAMES HUBERT 42412/17 Arias v. Merola Sales Co.,
302360/16 Asiamah v. Dejesus— 23045/14 Hall v. Bernard
Insurance Company Medical, PC v. Government 20212/17 Lease Finance Group LLC 11276/18 Discover Bank v. Felix M 350613/10 Hamilton v. Balwinder Phone 718-618-1220 Inc.
702671/17 Metropolitan Medical Employees Insurance Company v. Jodi P Bruan Sencion S.Grewal Room 701, 9:30 A.M. 25557/16 Augustine v. Halcyon
27487/18 Cruz v. NYC—DANZIGER
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. 703215/18 21st Century 20283/17 Northern Leasing Const. Corp.
Government Employees Part 39 23098/12 Dugan v. Port Auth. of 42521/18 Islam v. Simpson
Acupuncture, P.C. v. Government Systems, Inc v. Carson G Lynch NY—Taylor 301092/15 Jackson v. Irwin Part 7 21199/18 Badia v. Romero
Insurance Company TUESDAY FEB. 26 24656/17 Baez v. Sperrazza
Employees Insurance Company 305814/14 Gomez v. Vinluan— 20513/14 Kane v. Crowley Justice Wilma Guzman
702676/17 Metropolitan Medical 703321/18 Heskell Chiropractic
Part 32 22567/16 Little v. McCall’s 30555/17 Bag v. Buddy
2 P.M. HUBERT Phone 718-618-1288
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. Healing, PC v. Government 9:30 A.M. 21763/18 Holloway v. NYC— Bronxwood Funeral Room 624, 9:30 A.M. 303873/14 Bartolomey v. Reynoso
Government Employees 2789/17 The Law Offices of Andrew 31251/17 Beach v. Gaskins
Employees Insurance Company TUESDAY FEB. 26 J. Spinnell, LLC, v. Joyce DANZIGER 306591/13 Lugo v. Lemle Rlty.
Insurance Company 703328/18 Broadway Chiropractic 302630/16 Jimenez v. NYCTA— 27332/16 Mark v. Francis Please Note: There will be no 21602/17 Belton v. Fosu
702682/17 Metropolitan Medical 2435/16 14 Morningside Avenue Coultman submitted motions in this Part 301867/16 Benavides v. Molinarosa
Health Management P.C. Rosado 301176/15 Martinez v. Garcia
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. v. Government Employees Hdfc, v. Charlie Jones Part 40 301280/11 Martinez v. Alliance and all motions without excep- 21559/18 Betances v. Allen
25386/14 Luzquinos v. Singh—
Government Employees Insurance Company 19894/18 New York City Housing Housing tion must be orally argued. 22484/16 Billups v. Mata
9:30 A.M. Brigantti
Insurance Company Authority v. 130 29th Street Hdfc 23152/14 Bofill v. Perez
702689/17 Metropolitan Medical
703338/18 Advantance Radiology, 24662/18 Martinez v. Prensa— 303724/13 Merolla v. NYC Part 8
P.C. v. Government Employees 25988/18 Ny Community Financial WEDNESDAY FEB. 27 HIGGITT 23818/16 Munoz v. Parkview Apts. 303249/15 Bones v. Farias
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. LLC v. Gieco Indemnity Company Justice Donald A. Miles 23139/16 Bonilla v. Ahmed
Insurance Company 59598/04 Masefield Physical 24578/14 Miranda v. Rosado— 304645/15 Oduro v. Vedovato Bros Phone 718-618-1242
Government Employees 30575/18 Ny Community Financial Inc 26983/17 Borrero v. Moya Torres
703339/18 Bs Kings County Therapy PC v. Geico Casualty Brigantti Room 706, 9:30 A.M.
Insurance Company LLC, v. National Grid USA, 305859/14 Pabon v. Jesup Ave 42105/18 Bradley v. Bazaldua
Medical, PC v. Government Company 303748/13 Sanders v. Tek Express
702690/17 Metropolitan Medical 30576/18 Ny Community Financial Partners LLC 25452/18 Brogli v. Collazo
Employees Insurance Company 25688/11 21 Century Acupuncture Inc—GONZALEZ Part 9
And Surgical P.C. (B) v. LLC, v. Skanch Corp., 303670/12 Perez v. Laba 23706/17 Brown v. Zoulis
703343/18 Within Normal Limits P.C. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 27095/18 Santiago v. NYCTA— Justice Donna M. Mills
Government Employees 30577/18 Ny Community Financial 302391/15 Puert v. D’Arrigo Bros Co 303602/16 Brown v. Paulino
Physical Therapy P.C. v. 46966/11 Kamara Supplies v. Geico DANZIGER Phone 718-618-1617
Insurance Company LLC, v. Pret A Manger (USA) of NY 30610/17 Brown v. St.
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. 25529/18 Vazquez v. NYC— Room 314-A, 9:30 A.M.
702701/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Ltd., , 305472/14 Rahman v. Bhuiyan 22229/17 Bryant v. Yabut
703346/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 716905/12 Laperla Supply Inc. v. DANZIGER
New York City Transit Authority 30578/18 Ny Community Financial 308319/08 Reid v. Mollette 28563/17 Budhram-Ghansham v.
702761/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Mia, P.C. v. American Transit
LLC, v. Silvercup Scaffolding, Geico General Ins. Co. Part 10 Ryder Truck Rental Inc.
Insurance Company 302720/14 Rivera v. Dean
State Farm Mutual Automobile 015/19 Ny Community Financial 702968/13 Warren Medical, P.C. v. Day Calendar Justice Lizbeth Gonzalez 20588/17 Bueno v. Espinal
703347/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 20677/13 Rodriguez v. Unified
Insurance Company LLC, v. Up Hill Holding Corp., Geico Phone 718-618-1274 23861/16 C. v. Mohammed
Mia, P.C. v. Progressive Casualty Court Notices Brands, Inc.
27008/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 662/19 Ponce Bank v. Denise Part 41 Key to Submission 304083/13 Ruiz v. Hernandez Room 403, 9:30 A.M. 20120/18 Cancel v. Ryder Systems
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit Ins. Co.
703348/18 Advance Radiology, P.C. Roman Motion Calendar 306533/14 Sadofsky v. Moreau Inc.
Insurance Company 9:30 A.M. Part 11 22283/16 Capellan Acevedo v.
v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Wednesday Feb. 27 302186/10 Sanchez v. Four Seasons
701390/18 True Health Pharmacy, TUESDAY FEB. 26 FS = Fully submitted. Hotels Ltd. Justice Laura G. Douglas Grayline NY Tours Inc.
Inc. v. State Farm Mutual 703349/18 Nassau Chiropractic 26487/18 Blue Star Meat Corp., v. Phone 718-618-1226
Services, P.C. v. Progressive FSN = Fully Submitted, No 20104/16 Scotti v. Karikari 30335/17 Carrasco v. Quest Livery
Automobile Insurance Company Superior Cafe Corp., 701254/16 Farsam Medical Opposition Room 709
Casualty Ins. Co. 21452/14 Singh v. Mahmood LLC
702464/18 Lenox Hill Radiology Services, P.C. v. Mvaic 26029/17 Castellanos v. Cortes
And Mia, P.C. v. Government 703350/18 David Hong, DC, PC v. Part 32c 702278/16 Longevity Medical
ADJ=adjourned to the 307475/11 Thompson v. Rodney TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. 9:30 A.M. marked date for oral argu- 32670/16 U.S. Bank v. Rowe 20726/18 Castro v. 1501 Undercliff
Employees Insurance Company Supply, Inc. v. Mvaic Associates
703356/18 Bon Acupuncture & ment in the above calendar Pretrial Part Preliminary Conference
702465/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And WEDNESDAY FEB. 27 702491/16 Tremont Chemist v. 300996/15 Ceesay v. Toure
Herbs PC v. Progressive Casualty part. Answering papers are to 26651/18 A. v. Wu
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit Mvaic Judicial Hearing Officer 305895/14 Charles v. Campbell
Ins. Co. 21302/16 American Express be submitted on the original 24887/17 Agbelusi v. Palillo Corp.
Insurance Company 703845/16 Andre J. Dowd, M.D. v. Paul Victor 30825/17 Chen v. Zoungrana
703357/18 Jonathan Wang Pt. v. Centurion Bank, v. Shaun return date in Room 217. 21031/16 Ahmed v. Tapia
702466/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And Phone 718-618-1388 26831/17 Choi v. Camas-Duy
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Hekking Mvaic *** 30826/18 Akosa v. Narvaez
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit Room 705 25487/18 Cole v. Kane
Insurance Company 703489/18 Nassau Chiropractic 703848/16 Throgs Neck Multicare, 25922/18 Aponte v. Papale
Part 34 P.C. v. Mvaic MENTAL HYGIENE PART 9:30 A.M.
26242/18 Awai v. Kalil & Djene 28246/18 Collado-Pena v. Collazo
702467/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And Services, P.C v. Progressive
TUESDAY FEB. 26 703848/16 Throgs Neck Multicare, TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Trucking 22441/16 Colon v. Nations Roof East
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit Casualty Ins. Co. Justice Betty Owen Stinson
26588/18 Bailey v. American United 23974/17 Cordero v. Santana Dos
Insurance Company 9:30 A.M. P.C. v. Mvaic 24547/14 Elgahsh v. NYC
Part 28 A Supreme Court cal- Transportation Reis
702468/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 702183/17 Taira Rx Corp. v. 26322/18 Hamdallah v. Nyh 36496/17 Crosse-Walker v. Liberty
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit 9:30 A.M. 31691/14 Allstate Insurance endar will be called and 31008/18 Baldeh v. Thomas
Government Employees Developers Lines Transit, Inc.
Insurance Company Company v. Anthony Tyrone Mental Hygiene Hearings 380630/13 Jpmorgan v. Bridgid A. 24622/18 Barnes v. Mahal
TUESDAY FEB. 26 Insurance Company 31697/17 Cruz v. Bloise
702474/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And Bynum Jr. will be conducted at Jacobi Oku 25655/18 Benincig v. Ventura
702491/16 Tremont Chemist v. 702761/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Hospital, Pelham Parkway 24673/18 Black v. Belmo 27042/17 Cruz v. Guzman
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit 6581/16 Allstate Insurance 301481/14 Marin v. NYC
Mvaic State Farm Mutual Automobile and Eastchester Road, Room 23216/18 Blue v. Happy Care 20966/17 Cruz v. Regina Caterers
Insurance Company Company v. Patrick Vah 23186/15 Pagan v. Griffin Inc.
702738/17 Tremont Chemist (B) v. Insurance Company 8E20, and North Central Bronx Ambulette, Inc.
702475/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 7987/17 New York City Housing 302668/16 Ridgeway v. River View 29025/17 Cruz v. Croom
New York City Transit Authority Authority v. Molly Reichman Wednesday Feb. 27 Hospital, 3424 Kossuth Avenue, Towers Inc 20713/18 Breedlove v. Rodriguez
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit 23255/15 Daniello v. Grecco
701559/18 Metropolitan Medical & Room 13A32, on alternate 305012/10 Smith v. The Great 20398/17 Brown v. Morris
Insurance Company 15095/17 Nat Vaughn v. NYpd 703797/12 Utopia Equipment Inc. v. 25429/15 Davila v. Qlr One Inc.
Surgical, P.C. (B) v. Government Wednesdays commencing at Atlantic 24153/18 Brown v. Masoud
702618/18 Antioquia Chiropractic, Employees Insurance Company Transit District #1 Country-Wide Ins. Co. 9 A.M. 24082/18 Burris v. Beato 20252/16 Davis v. Super Class
P.C. v. Government Employees 15095/17 Nat Vaughn v. NYpd 703046/13 Shiron Acupuncture PC 301332/14 Vega v. Bruno’s on The Radio Dispatch
701565/18 Metropolitan Medical & A Supreme Court calendar Boulevard 26514/18 Cabrera Cruz v. Muhonde
Insurance Company Surgical, P.C. (B) v. Government Transit District #1 v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 27859/18 Caceras v. Rahman 22256/15 Davis v. Hedr Dealer
will be called and Mental 20824/14 Veras v. Aldi Inc.
702619/18 Antioquia Chiropractic, Employees Insurance Company 23162/17 Jose A. Chalas v. Wells 703088/15 Palisade Surgery Center, 302705/13 Cach LLC v. Invision Associates
Hygiene Hearings will be con-
P.C. v. Government Employees 701566/18 Metropolitan Medical & Fargo Bank, Writs & Levies LLC v. State Farm Insurance Eyewear 36446/17 Delarosa v. Pepushaj
ducted at Bronx Psychiatric WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Insurance Company Surgical, P.C. (B) v. Government Processing Mac Code: Y1372/039 21767/18 Carabajo v. Howard 23858/15 Delerme-Lugo v. Rivera
Company Center, 1500 Waters Place,
702625/18 Comprehensive Employees Insurance Company 7974/18 Audrey A. Jeffrey v. Olivia 309707/12 Almonte v. 4555 Pearson 28314/18 Cardenas v. Cangelosi Colome
703088/15 Palisade Surgery Center, Thompson Building, First Floor
Healthcare Medical, P.C. 701568/18 Metropolitan Medical & H.Z. Hutchinson MD St. LLC 28076/18 Carter v. Riverdale 300330/16 Delos-Santos v. Polanco
LLC v. State Farm Insurance every Wednesday at 10:30 A.M.
v. Government Employees Surgical, P.C. (B) v. Government 20665/16 Blh Electrical Contractors Chrysler-Jeep Rosario
14125/18 Barclays Bank Delaware Company or as soon thereafter as coun-
Insurance Company Employees Insurance Company v. Bronx Park East Housing 22059/18 Cates v. Mayora 350720/09 Deproso v. Nixon-
v. Esther Cooper-Henry 703089/15 Palisade Surgery Center, sel may be heard.
702628/18 Central Park Physical 22121/13 Breton v. Bonifacio 23110/18 Charles v. Ofori Cochran
Wednesday Feb. 27 14584/18 Jomo Williams v. Gnc LLC v. State Farm Insurance Mortgage Foreclosure Sales 302509/16 Dodoo v. Rosario
Medicine & Rehab., P.C. 305745/14 Clark v. C & R Food Corp 25563/18 Clarke v. American United
701625/13 Acupuncture Approach 15484/18 West 39th Street LLC v. Company in Supreme Court, Bronx Transportation 24752/16 Dorsey v. Institute of
v. Government Employees 300680/14 Erin Const. v. Hartford
P.C. v. United Services Allen Phillips 703089/15 Palisade Surgery Center, County are no longer conduct- 24006/18 Cortes v. Rodriguez Applied
Insurance Company Services
Automobile Association 21074/18 Marie-Gisele Kamanou LLC v. State Farm Insurance ed in Room 118M. All Mortgage 27233/18 Crosby-Davis v. Montaque 27619/17 Encarnacion v. Lara
702637/18 Comprehensive 21203/14 Etwaroo v. Parkash 2000
701638/13 Acupuncture Approach Goune v. Western Union Foreclosure Sales in Supreme 21487/18 Daniel v. Sabogali 31896/17 Escoto v. Pv Hldg. Corp.
Healthcare Medical, P.C. Company 381037/12 Hsbc Bank USA v.
P.C. v. United Services 1133/19 Guillermo A. Perez v. Court, Bronx County are con- 25438/18 Delacruz v. Dimarzo 24573/14 Espinal v. Millennium
v. Government Employees 703090/15 Palisade Surgery Center, Nuruzzaman
Automobile Association Mercedes-Benz Fin Serv USA ducted in Room B-129 (Ground 28642/18 Dominguez v. Ricciardi Auto And Truck
Insurance Company LLC v. State Farm Insurance 21569/15 Kraatz v. Port Auth. of
703049/13 Acupuncture Approach, Floor). Sales will be con- 29651/17 Dorman v. Bernard 31252/17 Etienne v. Medic East
702760/18 Central Park Physical LLC Company New
P.C. v. USAA General Indemnity ducted on Mondays, Tuesdays, 23667/18 Dubuisson v. Dipierro 27976/17 Fernandez v. Guzman
Medicine & Rahab, P.C. v. 1133/19 Guillermo A. Perez v. 703090/15 Palisade Surgery Center, 22093/15 Manzanares v. Manhattan
Co. Wednesdays and Fridays at 2 32708/18 E. v. Dukuray 30268/17 Fernandez v. Davis
Government Employees Mercedes-Benz Fin Serv USA Masala, Inc.
LLC v. State Farm Insurance P.M. No Mortgage Foreclosure 24591/18 Febus v. Cruz 303900/16 Fernandez v. Geico
Insurance Company LLC 20783/17 Negron v. Lin’s No. 1
Part 30 Company Sales shall be conducted in
Chinese 23423/18 Fenton v. Rutherford 303683/16 Fosu-Agyei v. Landron Jr.
702906/18 New York Core 9:30 A.M. 703091/15 Palisade Surgery Center, Bronx County on Thursdays 303966/13 Francavilla v. Lasiw
306106/13 Niaupari v. New Family 27377/18 Ferguson v. Achonu
Chiropractic, PC v. Government Wednesday Feb. 27 LLC v. State Farm Insurance 303811/16 Franceschini v. Brodlieb
Employees Insurance Company TUESDAY FEB. 26 Special Trial Part Radio 25473/18 Fernandez v. Marulanda
17616/17 Carlo Giurdanella v. Company 24061/13 Ossorio v. Gouverneur 30875/18 Fernandez v. 99 Cents 20600/18 Fuller v. Langley
702908/18 Advantage Radiology, 9300/13 Centennial Elevator Justice Doris Gonzalez 28732/17 Garcia Castillo v. Malhotra
Ernest H. Hammer, Esq. 703091/15 Palisade Surgery Center, Phone 718-618-1201 Gardens Housing Factory
P.C. v. Government Employees Industries Inc. v. 254 Pas LLC v. State Farm Insurance 21341/14 Ramkissoon v. West NY 29736/18 Fernandez v. Matos 6514/07 Gavin v. Moya
Insurance Company Property LLC 17616/17 Carlo Giurdanella v. Room 711, 9:30 A.M.
Company Restoration of 26137/17 Finan v. Ean Hldgs. 301582/16 Glover v. Gary
702916/18 Lenox Hill Radiology And 18148/14 Kuljeet S Sawhney v. Ernest H. Hammer, Esq. This is a Special Trial Part 25355/15 Gonzalez v. Doe Fund, Inc.
703092/15 Palisade Surgery Center, 300650/17 Ruiz v. Esoinal 26646/18 Fisher v. Honeywell Int’l
Mia, P.C. v. American Transit Joseph A Scalzo 8084/18 Stevens & Company, LLC v. for Non New York City cases in 20966/12 Shaw v. Rush Mgt. Inc. 22592/17 Gonzalez v. Nin
Insurance Company 3118/18 New York City Housing H Hospitality Group LLC LLC v. State Farm Insurance Bronx County. Trial calendars 20198/18 Grant v. Joyce
310507/10 Tavarez v. Ronad Hldg. 25468/18 Flores v. Bryant
702917/18 Andes Chiropractic, Authority v. Rosa Ramirez 8084/18 Stevens & Company, LLC v. Company consisting of cases pending Corp 26625/18 Francis v. Wu 22377/16 Gray v. Villao
P.C. v. Government Employees 22970/18 Bjhellman LLC v. Oren H Hospitality Group LLC 703092/15 Palisade Surgery Center, in Bronx County more than 381364/09 Us Bank Bank Assoc. v. 29973/18 Gaiea Watts v. Gonzalez 24426/17 Green-Gibson v. Higgins
Insurance Company Schneider LLC v. State Farm Insurance 15 months from the date Eyinga 31379/18 Gibson v. Novillo Torres 27459/17 Greene v. Ean Hldgs.
Company of the filing of the note of 23340/14 Villegas v. Monadnock 27079/18 Gohagan v. Lewis 25498/16 Griffin v. Kalikow
703025/17 Tremont Chemist (B) issue will be called in this Const. 23918/16 Gore v. Ororke 28461/17 Gulzar v. Ore
v. Chubb Indemnity Insurance Part, located in Room 708 at 26054/14 Wells Fargo Bank v. 31488/17 Grohman v. Bahronov 300107/17 Guzman v. Park
Company 851 Grand Concourse, Bronx Sonamiah 24689/18 Hamilton v. Horton 25084/18 Gyimah v. Iglesias
700859/18 Taira Rx Corp.(B) v. County. Calendars will be called 23716/18 Hossain v. Gillepsie 21801/18 H. v. Ean Hldgs.
promptly at 9:30 A.M. unless Mediation Part 31724/17 Jackson v. Smith 24055/17 Hairs v. Chifunda
State Farm Mutual Automobile
otherwise noticed. Only coun- Phone 718-618-1434 21581/18 Jimenez v. Ortega 25635/17 Hamilton v. Thomas
Insurance Company Room 405
sel fully familiar with the file 28865/18 Jimenez v. Cannon 350036/16 Heredia v. Uber
701086/18 True Health Pharmacy, and authorized to make bind- 26631/18 Jiraud v. 2656 Decatur Technologies Inc
Inc. v. State Farm Mutual ing concessions, settle, or try Part 2 Ave. Housing 28045/17 Herrera v. Vega
Automobile Insurance Company the action shall appear at the Justice Elizabeth Taylor 24509/18 Joseph v. Delgiorno 27893/16 Hilario v. Bravo
701354/18 Franklin Rx, Inc., v. call of these trial calendars. If Phone 718-618-1275 28725/18 Keita v. Kaba 302146/16 Hiraldo v. Rodrigues
Esurance Insurance Company, the matter is not disposed of Room 710, 9:30 A.M. 21677/18 Kim v. Florek 28681/17 Hooks v. Vargas | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 31

22228/17 Hooper v. Morris Ave. 30243/17 Villanueva v. Dennis 302856/15 Fournier v. Coogan River 21651/12 Ruiz v. NYCH&HC Robert Mercado 18BX17788 Iris Rodriguez v.
Owners LLC 21052/17 Virdone v. American Associates Part 12 20255/12 Sanders v. Golden Ackeena A. Moulton Part 60 Teodoro E Regus Dds
22693/18 Hoxha v. Molina United 20742/18 Frias v. Nvn Rlty. LLC Justice Robert T. Johnson 21042/11 Santos v. N.Y.C.H. & H. Cashmere Mudayh Justice Barrett 18BX19949 Metro Dermatology
26730/17 Hughes v. A Va Service 300581/16 Viteri v. Minggia 302891/16 Garcia v. 1985-1995 Phone 718-618-1396 Corp. Willie Nelson Phone 718-618-1125 of NY v. Ada M Sanchez De
Corp. 29270/17 Walker v. Meade Creston Ave. Room 414, 9:30 A.M. 24566/06 Torres v. Cergnul Ruddy N. Ovallehenriquez 265 East 161st Street Gutierrez
300778/15 Hussain v. Goodall 24496/15 Wallace v. Lo 30122/17 Garcia v. Webster 26 LLC 21926/18 Umpierre v. NYCH&HC Carlos D. Perdomo Room 300, 9:30 A.M. 18BX1551 Raj K Mishra v.
26507/17 Hutcherson v. Graham 27384/17 White v. Ean Hldgs. 303667/10 Gayle v. Sanford Glatzer 23952/17 Vasquez v. Puente Shane M. Peter Community Access
28773/17 Jackson v. Giardina 22951/16 White v. Triple Five Ltd. Esq. Motion 302183/10 Vazquez v. Beth Abraham Jesus Reyes Part 71 18BX13067 Tony Mafes v. Buecler
24096/17 Jeffries v. Ronak 30313/17 Woodburn v. Santana 42333/18 Geico General Ins. v. Ean Health Services Raul Roman Justice Gross Tree Experts
260329/18 Tillery v. Brann
Newsstand & Candy Corp. 24406/15 Zaman v. Selivonchik Hldg. 21721/12 Walker-Vines v. N.Y.C.H. Sonel M. Roman Phone 718-618-1004 THURSDAY, FEB. 28
29614/17 Jenkins v. Pkp Taxi, Inc. 25088/18 Zongo v. Valentin 29214/17 Gjoklaj v. U.S. Bank Part 13 & H. Corp. Adrien Topping 265 East 161 st Street
24743/17 Jimenez v. Anglin 304015/15 Godinez v. 2087 Vyse Ave Justice Fernando Tapia 24562/15 Widing v. NYC Erica Ubiera Room 610, 9:30 A.M Trial - Bench
CC Discovery
302242/15 Johnson v. Amadis LLC Phone 718-618-1391 26178/16 Williams v. NY Health And Jose Vargas 18BX19992 1340 M LLC v.
27835/16 Johnson v. Scott 305981/14 Arias v. Masero 24264/16 Gonzalez v. 219 East Room 402, 9:30 A.M. Dereck M. Velasquez Part 73 Mohamed Yahaya
Distributor Discovery Motion
29994/17 Jonassaint v. Areaya Burnside LLC. Nathaniel L. Williams Justice Kiesel 19BX1688 Adriana Medrano v. Marc
26436/17 Jones v. Linares 25638/17 Bailey v. Morales 22817/17 Grasty v. Western Beef WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 22761/14 Espinoso v. Montefiore Phone 718-618-1085
Medical Center D Citrin
20580/17 Jones v. New England 303873/14 Bartolomey v. Reynoso Properties, Inc. 350389/12 Remigio v. Saverese Part C 265 East 161st Street 18BX16885 Artique Const. Service
Motor Freight 22484/16 Billups v. Mata 27139/15 Green v. Mekruth Inc. 24803/15 Futoryan v. Santogade Room 590, 9:30 A.M.
Justice JHO Cohen v. Michael McDonald
27939/17 Kamara v. 28563/17 Budhram-Ghansham v. 25377/15 Guzman v. Amicus Part 15 23243/15 Harris v. Kim
Phone 718-618-1010 18BX10427 Dilenny Guzman v.
Panagiottopoulos Ryder Truck Rental Inc. Associates Ltd. Justice M. Brigantti 22604/14 Kaminsky v. Bellil Part 75
265 East 161st Street Mariann Campechano
22836/17 Khalek v. Cuesta 27042/17 Cruz v. Guzman 21811/17 Harris v. Fc Yonkers Phone 718-618-1395 25827/18 McLane v. Visiting Nurse
Room 630, 9:30 A.M. Justice Lorenzo 18BX19944 Julio Cedacero v. Onalis
309871/11 Kim v. Port Auth. of NY 27156/16 Fleming v. Raissouni Associates Room 702, 9:30 A.M. Service of
Phone 718-618-1106 Garabito Nunez
26955/16 Kinlaw v. Aaron’s 22592/17 Gonzalez v. Nin 23597/17 Harris v. Port Auth. of NY 25358/15 Morales v. Menon TUESDAY, FEB. 26 265 East 161st Street 18BX16329 Kim Reese v. 788
21362/18 Kozlowski v. Langley 22713/18 Gould v. 1130 Franklin 21196/14 Harris-Reid v. NYC Water Part 17 24156/16 Moronta v. Diuguid
Ana E. Alcantara Room 350, 9:30 A.M. Fairmont Corp.
302118/16 Kromah v. Wang Ave. Hdfc Works LLC 306345/09 Oquendo v. Beth
Justice Larry S. Schachner Miguel Alvarez 18BX19669 Lenox Hill Hosp. v.
26225/18 Lahfid v. Tanner 302355/15 Green v. Steinitz 21845/17 Haynes v. 2720 LLC. Abraham Health TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Phone 718-618-1207 Courtney Bryant Jenesse Ramos
24495/17 Laurent v. Mangiafridda 24311/17 Hidalgo v. Hertz Vehicles 302007/16 Hernandez v. 1192-1204 25161/15 Oviawe v. Capps
Room 708, 9:30 A.M. Omally M. Caraballo Rakim Brown 18BX19214 N.A.R., Inc. v. Luz
303899/16 Liriano v. Stewart- 302242/15 Johnson v. Amadis Ocean Ave. LLC. 22564/15 Shauna Smalls v. Finegold
Israel Fortuna Allen Bunn Carmona
Williams 27281/16 Lopez v. Teng 24930/18 Hicks v. Senior Ride Part 18 23552/13 Stricker v. Kraut
Soweto Jones Frankie Cuevas 18BX20126 Raquel Gonzalez v.
21650/18 Liriano v. Stewart- 23498/17 Love v. Thompson Transportation LLC 22777/16 Walker v. American
Justice Eddie McShan Jahmel Jordan Jose Dejesus Thomas Gomez
Williams 24105/18 Napoleon v. Protege Taxi 22323/17 Iweka v. Aac Cross County Medical Alert Corp.
Phone 718-618-1236 Alixa Maldonado Armando Diaz 19BX1693 Rockaway One Co. LLC v.
27272/16 Lloyd v. Mohammed 300375/16 Ortiz v. Phillips Mall 21721/12 Walker-Vines v. N.Y.C.H.
Room 622, 9:30 A.M. John Mercado Avonti Harris Julie Lugo
36207/17 London v. Amarjit Taxi 302027/16 Paulino v. Berdecia 23897/17 Jaynes v. 117 Corona & H. Corp.
John D. Mercado Avonti L. Harris 18BX17553 Stephanie Lugo v. Julio
Corp. 21916/17 Quallo v. Vega Meat Corp. Default time is 10:30 A.M. 26466/15 Zahiruddin v. Van
Elizabeth Nevins Haniel Hernandez Tapia
301693/16 Lopez v. Pena 22479/14 Richardson v. Budhram 20760/15 Jimenez v. Kelly St. Any party that is not ready Roekens
Gerald Owens Jose Jimenez 19BX1690 Valentine 2851 LLC v.
22060/17 Lopez v. Williams 21958/15 Romero v. Toribio Parking at 10:30 A.M. will be subject to Part 20 Loftus Letang
Arnoldine Reason Barbara Amonoo
300734/17 Lopez v. Morales Jr. 26061/15 Rosa v. Hernandez 22237/16 Karras v. NYC a default. These rules will be Dashawn Mcclam
301069/16 Lopez-Salazar v. 21038/18 Sargeant v. Rishon Cab 300423/16 King v. 1125-7 Sheridan strictly enforced. Justice K. L. Thompson, Jr. Joseph Reeder FRIDAY, MARCH 1
Phone 718-618-1240 Samuel Reginald David A. Mendez
Rodriguez-Fernandez Corp. Rlty. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Roman Narmond
Room 703, 9:30 A.M. David Robinson Osc (1): Restore To Calendar
36141/17 Luna v. McCosky 301796/16 Scarlett v. Wolfe 303494/16 Lall v. Goode Lucia Posascruz
307001/12 Mamudoska v. Dhaliwal 36300/17 Stevenson v. Castaldo 21793/15 Lee v. NYCHA Conference Juan Santos Highline NYC LLC v.
Part 21 Luis Serrano Harold Qunton
21554/17 Manning v. Rodriguez- 22387/16 Syku v. NYC 300855/17 Leonardo v. NYC 4022/16 Griffin v. Griffin Jonathan Rios Trial - Bench
Cruz 302181/14 Vasquez v. 240 Park Ave. 24109/18 Levin v. Maria Lopez Justice Ben R. Barbato Wayne Vega
Motion Christopher Wiggins Jonathan D. Rios 19BX1722 621 East LLC v. Fatou
31417/17 Marcone v. Elliott South Housing Phone 718-618-1205
Ricardo Sanchez Gakou
22733/18 Marinez v. Booth 300581/16 Viteri v. Minggia 27822/17 Lopez v. Memorial Hosp. 4968/18 Paulino v. Paulino Room 407, 9:30 A.M.
Part IDV Mark White 19BX1832 Carol Myrick v. Nelson
302664/12 Marlon v. Qawiyy 24496/15 Wallace v. Lo For Cancer WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Demir Wilkerson
Part 22 Justice Lieb Hardy
23700/18 Marmol v. Senior Ride 23416/14 Wilkerson-Cummings v. 303839/14 Luzon v. 86 Fort Ernest G. Williams
Justice Norma Ruiz Phone 718-618-1067 19BX1833 Christian O. Jiminez
Transportation Valdez Washington Lp Conference
265 East 161st Street Part 77 Rodriguez v. Second Hand Used
300362/17 Marte v. Hasanoeddin 23255/18 Williams v. Cruz 42062/16 Mark Rosenstein v. 5486/18 Balthazar v. Balthazar Phone 718-618-1203
Room 420, 9:30 A.M. Cars, Inc.
303621/16 Mason v. Algernon WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Montefiore New Rochelle 3375/16 Hammerman v. Room 401, 9:30 A.M. Justice Best 19BX1831 Katy Stapleton v. Pace
24597/15 Mason v. Severo Agudo 28252/17 Marshall v. Cs Bed Bath Hammerman Phone 718-618-1025
26240/15 Mata v. Hernandez 303820/13 Lopez v. Lefrak And Linen Part 23 Part JD/T Auto Body
7328/18 Jefferson v. Jefferson 265 East 161st Street 19BX1826 Katy Stapleton v. Robert
21734/15 Mateo v. Santos Organization 24724/16 Marte v. Calderon Justice JOSEPH E. CAPELLA Justice Moore Room 680, 9:30 A.M.
4478/16 Morales v. De La Cruz Edward Judge
29544/17 Mbodj v. Bouchane Preliminary Conference 301019/14 Martin v. 650 Fifth Ave 5499/18 Terzulli v. Terzulli Phone 718-618-1244 Phone 718-618-1097
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18BX17213 Kishanna Drakeford v.
26190/16 McBride v. Over The 302586/15 Martinez v. Contreras 3427/18 Thomas v. Thomas Room 402, 9:30 A.M. 265 East 161st Street
27031/18 3111 LLC v. Vision Nysandy12 Cbp9 LLC
Bridge Taxi LLC Contracting NY Corp. 29150/17 Martinez v. Ferretti Room 320, 9:30 A.M. Roodhan Balraj
Motion Part 25 18BX16323 Marleny E Mezquita
20112/17 McDonald v. Parkchester 27648/16 Martinez v. Metro. Mahamadou Batchilly
29127/18 Beard v. Longi Part 14 Reyes v. Aneudy Alejandro
Apts, Co. Transportation 3375/16 Hammerman v. Justice Llinet Rosado Bredy Blanco
22172/18 Bunche Consulting v. St. Cabrera Santana
25986/17 Medina v. Garcia 301686/15 Martinez v. NY Univ. Hammerman Phone 718-618-1222 Justice Greenberg Timothy Brown
Francis of Assisi School 18BX17347 Matthews 2160 LLC v.
26852/17 Medina v. Golda Rivka 303728/15 Mejia v. United Christian Room 811, 9:30 A.M. Phone 718-618-3617 Brandon M. Chambirliss
24637/15 Medina-Montalvo v. C.A.C.
33450/18 Carty v. Doyley
300790/16 Mesa v. Parkash 2454
Part 19 Simkho Pinkhasov
20303/18 D. v. Highbridge 265 East 161st Street Ernesto Collazo 19BX1817 Monique Townsend v.
Industries, Inc. LLC Justice Lucindo Suarez TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Terell D. Copeland
Community Life Room 310, 9:30 A.M. Lura Gonzalez
26216/17 Mejias v. Aldinger 22762/13 Mitchell v. Hossain Phone 718-618-1238 301924/16 Aina v. Lewis Anthony Debellis
22106/16 Doss v. Chinese-American Room 411, 9:30 A.M. 18BX16605 Olinville Rlty. v. Wascar
26397/17 Mendez Perez v. Paca
Planning 30789/17 Mohamed v. Islamic 350059/10 Salinas v. NYCHA Part 15 Gianfranco Debellis Reyes
Martinez Cultural Center of TUESDAY, FEB. 26 303665/16 Smith v. NYCHA Justice Iacovetta Eliezer Feliciano
31956/17 English v. Senior Care
303521/16 Mendez v. 1895 Superior
Emergency 24798/15 Monroe v. Lenox 137 Hldg. Discovery Motion Phone 718-618-1076 Kemar James Part 11C
Apt. L.P. 26281/15 Guzman v. Scholastic 557 Dayquan P. Jones
25377/16 Estate of John Doss v. 265 East 161st Street 851 Grand Concourse
27630/17 Mercado v. Soto 29938/17 Morales v. Smileys Broadway 305078/15 Ortix v. NYCHA George H. Lascano
Chinese-American Planning Room 450, 9:30 A.M. Room 504, 10:30 A.M.
303251/16 Mercedes v. Kartholl Waterworks Inc. Preliminary Conference WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Shawn Lozada
22725/18 Miller v. Givo Transit Inc. 23461/17 Esurance Prop. And v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
American United 22723/17 N.R. v. Parkash 1600 LLC 27545/18 Arroyo v. Gould 928-930 25828/16 H v. NYCHA Cristian J. Marinocastro
27083/15 Mohammed v. Yasar A/k/a 1660 Shaquana Motleylogan
27052/15 Fernandez v. McCarthy Second Ave. 300202/16 Nevarez v. NYC Domanick Bethel Compliance
307448/13 Monegro v. Fine Foods 22845/17 Nance v. Manara Inc. Oceris Neal
24678/18 Fresneda v. Key Food 23965/18 Azon v. 2880 Exterior St. 20579/17 Rincon v. NYCHA
Wholesale 30927/17 Nunez v. Sul 620/564 LLC LLC 301339/15 Rosado v. NYCHA
Part 16 Lamont Nesmith 19BX1415 Capital One Bank (USA)
24469/18 Montalvo v. Badu 29081/17 Guzman v. Williams v. Amma Opoku
23782/13 O’Malley v. 333 Bronx 31571/17 Burton v. Butterfield 303790/15 Settle v. NYCHA Justice Bruce Juan R. Otanezamparo
303705/16 Montanez v. Baron 27248/18 Hawkins v. Ortiz
River Tenants Corp. House, Inc. Phone 718-618-1043 Tyrique Rushing Conference
31175/17 Morales v. Sahel 31618/17 Hernandez v. Empire City Discovery Motion
22188/16 Ortega v. Jewish Homelife 23215/18 Cerna Arreaga v. G & M 265 East 161st Street Felix Valentine
300172/16 Moreira v. Rolando Casino At 19BX1673 Absolute Resolutions
Care Rlty. L.P. 36217/17 Edghill v. NYCHA Room 540, 9:30 A.M. Timothy Williams
Paneira 29567/18 Irizarry v. Lccw Rlty. Inc. Investments v. Alvan Richards
22296/17 Ortiz v. B&Z Auto Dba 28249/18 Eusebio v. 764 East 152nd 20579/17 Rincon v. NYCHA
23501/06 Moya v. Samuel 26358/18 Jorge v. Dillerwood Apts., TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Part 78 19BX1456 Bloomingdale Road
Eastchester St. LLC
26980/15 Mrazik v. Roman Inc.
22425/18 Osario v. 116 Mosholu Part 26 Justice Marcus
Judgement Recovery v. Rachel
27194/16 Kadir-Tahir v. Aronov 30842/18 Ferreira v. Mega Eric Asiedu Ewell
23473/18 Murici v. Rivera LLC Justice Ruben Franco Juan Barrales Phone 718-618-1001
24105/18 Napoleon v. Protege Taxi 24244/18 Labastida v. W.T. Partners Contracting Group LLC 19BX1674 Capital One Bank (USA)
23560/15 Pabon v. Marlin Mgt. of 23014/18 Hernandez v. Bushwick Phone 718-618-1234 Jose M. Batista 265 East 161st Street
28786/17 Naranjo v. Samuel 32052/18 Lopez v. Sf 878 E 176th Room 405, 9:30 A.M. v. Jeannette Torres
NY Rlty. Hldgs. LLC Walton Cragman Room 600, 9:30 A.M.
24227/18 Nasef v. Qlr Three, Inc. LLC 19BX1705 Cavalry Spv I v. Michael
27423/17 Pacheco v. F&Y Deli 30616/18 Lopez v. Salm Properties Michael Divenere
304801/15 Newton v. Ramsey 32013/18 Marrow v. Milstein Part 27 Part 86 Simmons
Grocery Corp 29136/18 Marte v. Ww 85 Broad James Eckles
302194/16 Nunez v. Jiminez Properties Corp. 19BX1678 Credit Corp Solutions
27119/15 Pagan v. Aldo 28211/18 Pacheco v. Mayore Estates Justice Julia Rodriguez Tara Edwards Justice Torres
23131/17 Odome v. Marsh 20664/18 McPherson v. Stevenson Inc v. Verna Spencer
300857/17 Parker v. Harmony LLC Phone 718-618-1216 Tara M. Edwards Phone 718-618-1007
26945/15 Ortega v. Betancur Commons 19BX1697 Crown Asset Mgt. LLC v.
Designs Inc. 26179/18 Penafiel v. Pri Villa Ave. Room 625, 9:30 A.M. 265 East 161st Street
31020/17 Ortiz v. Aguirre 27768/18 Mendoza v. Exodus Sha R. Griffin Dorothy Merritt
30969/17 Pate v. River Park Bronx Housing Room 620, 9:30 A.M.
300375/16 Ortiz v. Phillips Transitional WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Julio Hernandez 19BX1698 Crown Asset Mgt. LLC v.
Apts. 23498/18 Pickering v. West 25th St.
30396/17 Outlaw v. Abad 31096/18 Ogando v. 2861 Third Ave. Otis C. Hughes Part 92 Dorothy Merritt
350114/13 Pearson v. Catholic Housing 309174/09 Callender v. NYC
29859/17 Ozuna v. Orozco LLC Henry Jimenez 19BX1681 Dept. Stores Nat. Bank v.
Guardian 29744/18 Quinones v. 260 Kent LLC Justice Yearwood
29274/17 Padilla v. Kirk 30614/18 Pichardo v. Fordham 305117/15 Pelote v. Berean Apt Part 28 Marquan Jones Necoda A Brown Plummer
Chera Acquisition LLC 28875/18 Rodriguez v. Noble Const. Dontay Mabry Phone 718-618-3629 19BX1670 Discover Bank v. Rosner
302659/13 Paglia v. Direct Food 23027/16 Perera v. Port Auth. of NY Justice LaTia W. Martin 265 East 161st Street
Transport 23699/18 Portillo v. Glv Enterprises Group Phone 718-618-1254 Salvatore J. Marino Diaz
27444/17 Plummer v. Rodney 27687/18 Samaru v. Rubin Bros. Room 390, 9:30 A.M.
22754/13 Palma v. Douglas Inc. Room 621, 9:30 A.M. Emilio Martinez 19BX1672 Jh Portfolio Debt
21994/18 Polanco Hernandez v. Produce Corp.
31847/17 Patterson v. McManus 28797/18 Rivera v. Rpai Fordham Pl. Maximiliano Mejia TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Equities LLC v. Delia G Godinez
1001 Woodycrest TUESDAY, FEB. 26
302027/16 Paulino v. Berdecia Retail Compliance Hearing Noel Morales 19BX1696 Lvnv Funding LLC v.
26748/17 Polanco v. Daughters of Christina Algoo
28266/17 Paulino v. Bronx 29480/18 Rosado v. Idf Mgmt 4329/18 Caldwell v. Love Brandon Myrick Althea Campbellwyse
Jacob Support 25336/16 2575 Owners Corp. v. Nickosi Arrindell
Merchant Funding 29100/18 Sidberry v. Foxwood Rlty. 6758/18 Chacana v. Santana Jose Oyola 19BX1682 Lvnv Funding LLC v.
27910/17 Polanco v. 20 East 190th Central Const. Justin L. Brewington
300277/17 Payano v. Jean-Philippe 22753/18 Weir v. Beacon 6946/18 Cooper v. Cooper Ricardo Saavedrahurtado Kevin Wiggins
St 300462/15 Aguilar v. Ecozone Inc. Jose Cabrera
304025/14 Peguero v. Gorgan Communities LLC 5719/18 Lauture v. Lauture David Shepard 19BX1704 Lvnv Funding LLC v.
27418/16 Powell v. Keita 23322/18 Aguilera v. 111 East 172nd Jose M. Cabrera
20449/16 Pena v. La Fortuna 36545/13 Ovalle v. Robles Michael Swift Minerva Guerrero
PC Discovery Motion 27125/18 Qarri v. 171 E. 205th St. St. Jairo Castillo
Restaurant, Inc. Sheldon Todd 19BX1707 Midland Funding LLC v.
22106/16 Doss v. Chinese-American Corp. 29383/17 Brito v. Con Ed Co. Motion Andre Curtis
28542/16 Pena v. Franklin Kenneth Truss Dorina Stefan
Planning 23329/18 Quinones v. Soto-Lozano 24210/18 Chirinos Puerto v. 523- Karel Delgado
25466/17 Perez v. Kone 4379/18 Shadow v. Anggraina 19BX1671 Midland Funding LLC v.
25377/16 Estate of John Doss v. 25915/16 Quintana v. 1990 Ellis 525 Tiffany Rlty. LLC Part 17 Edwin Diaz
21432/16 Perez v. Merola Sales Co. Lisa Hernandez
Chinese-American Planning Ave. Corp. 20392/18 De La Cruz Fernandez v. Part 33 Welldon Faulk 19BX1708 Portfolio Recovery
30731/17 Perez v. Ramirez Perez 304885/14 Rahman v. Perez 221 E. 138th LLC Justice Alvarado
301889/16 Rodriguez v. Sutro Hldgs. Justice Mitchell J. Danziger Gustavo Guillen Associates LLC v. Walter J Reyes
22621/18 Perez-Lebron v. Taylor 20503/17 Ramirez v. 829 Adee Ave. 301919/16 Franco v. Bartow Hldgs. Phone 718-618-1133
LLC Phone 718-618-1207 Anthony Leake 19BX1709 Portfolio Recovery
24045/17 Perry v. Traore Housing 27914/16 Gary v. Tishman Const. 265 East 161st Street
Room 707, 9:30 A.M. Elijah M. Lynah Associates v. Davonne Fulton
26421/17 Phillips-Holloway v. Cortjo Compliance Conference 20603/12 Ramos v. Beth Isreal 28800/17 Henriquez v. 513 West Room 690, 9:30 A.M
Albert Martinez 19BX1677 Portfolio Recovery
29148/17 Pichardo Lorenzo v. Ean 25428/16 A v. Target Corp. Medical 26th Rlty. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Romas Mcgee
Hldg. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Associates v. Simone Alleyne
350101/16 A.C. v. White Plains Auto 27550/17 Rice v. Cj Plaza One LLC 20481/18 Herrera v. Scarsdale 301410/16 Pellamy v. NYC Dieudonne Michel
302154/16 Pimentel v. Caravajal Carmelo Castillo 19BX1710 Portfolio Recovery
Co. 26446/16 Richman v. Reliant Rlty. Shopping Center Luis Perez
301203/16 Pinales-Mateo v. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Associates v. Vazoumana Sanogo
300164/14 Abdulfattaah v. Riverbay Services 24589/17 Jaquez v. 515 West 29th Part 18 George Ramirez
Fernandez-Zapata 25815/18 Alkaifi v. NYC 19BX1687 Td Bank USA v. Noelia
Corp. 25474/17 Rivera v. Bronx-Lebanon St. Owner LLC Cesar Rivera
23561/17 Plasencia v. Smith 350337/13 Ares v. NYC Justice Yearwood Vargas
29670/17 Acosta v. Cob Hldg. LLC Hosp. 21334/16 Jover v. 1540 Second Rlty. Kevin L. Rodriguez
300563/16 Plummer v. Martinez 33980/18 Benitez v. NYC Phone 718-618-3629 19BX1680 Velocity Investments LLC
29371/17 Al-Hamid v. Traore 22647/15 Rivera v. Neighborhood 302346/15 Mejia-Acevedo v. 13 W 27 Charles Romes
7063/07 Price v. Gavin 33688/18 Bruno v. NYC 265 East 161st Street v. Debora Santiago
303071/16 Alexander v. Boswell Enhancement For Leasehold LLC Antoine Ross
28514/18 Ptashnik v. Stewart- 26898/16 Ali v. Riverbay Corp. 25646/17 Rivera v. Ppf Off 500 Park 23778/17 Morales v. Butt Associates 300431/17 Carr v. NYC 9:30 A.M Conference - Pretrial
Richard Rowson
Williams 22440/17 Amato v. Manzo Ave. Inc. 32937/18 Cruz v. NYC 18BX17399 American Express Nat.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Jerome Simpson
23465/17 Pugh v. Marrero 25399/17 Amaya v. Crotona Dev. 20601/17 Rodriguez v. Bh &S 21537/18 Narain v. 221 W29 301016/10 Diaz v. NYC Bank v. Selim Baki A/k/a Selim M
Heriberto Boscano Jamarly Williams
23249/17 R v. Martin Group Leibman, Inc. Residential LLC 28884/17 Dozier v. NYC Baki
26967/17 Ramirez v. Ahmad 304637/12 Anderson v. Parkchester 22617/16 Rodriguez v. 265-269 East 26753/17 Nunez v. Caraveo Papayas 24544/18 Estate of Mario Sanabria Part 19 Part 96 18BX5892 Bank of America v. Felix
29405/17 Rampersaud v. Gonzalez South Condominium 194th St. Inc. v. NYC Justice Oliver Entsie
30940/17 Rashid v. Stewart- 22271/17 Rodriguez v. Tfc West 57 22276/17 Fahed v. NYC Justice Carter
30747/17 Anthony v. 3770 Fish 24852/15 Ramirez v. Titanium Phone 718-618-1082 18BX19701 Bank of America v.
Williams Gc LLC 23054/18 Garcia v. NYC Phone 718-618-1058
Market, Inc. Scaffold Services 265 East 161st Street Manuel G Paulino
22479/14 Richardson v. Budhram 25795/17 Roman v. 1567 Lexington 34305/18 Garcia v. NYC 265 East 161st Street
305339/15 Aquino v. Bronx Sharp 303364/16 Ramirez v. 207 W. 79th Room 460, 9:30 A.M 19BX323 Capital One Bank (USA)
31821/17 Ricks v. City Access NY LLC St. LLC 23616/18 Gonzalez v. NYC Room 560, 9:30 A.M.
Rlty. LLC v. Lenin Sosa
25710/18 Rivera Sanchez v. Rednick 304303/15 Roman v. Project 31159/17 Sanango v. Fairfield Views 23624/18 Gonzalez v. NYC TUESDAY, FEB. 26
21674/17 Argenti v. Vornado Gun Part 21 19BX1568 Capital One Bank (USA)
28632/17 Roberts v. Schuck Hill Road Renewal, Inc. Inc. 24646/18 Gorbea v. NYC Rosario Almonte v. Sergio Reyes
302932/15 Robinson v. Bailey 23380/13 Astacio v. Tenrit Studios 304214/15 Rosario v. 2180 Rlty. 30648/17 Tenas v. Rebco Associates 32972/18 Grant v. NYC Justice Adler Bilih A. Brown 19BX1558 Cavalry Spv I v. Michael
Limosine Corp Inc. Corp 23737/17 Vazquez-Rivera v. 95th 308929/12 Guzman v. NYC Phone 718-618-1022 Aseante Carter Robledo
20363/18 Robles v. Pomerlee 20653/15 Aulet v. Port Auth. of New 302598/16 Safdar v. Ryder Truck And Third LLC 21172/17 Haruna v. NYC 265 East 161st Street Ricardo S. Castro 18BX18208 Credit Corp Solutions
303362/14 Rodriguez v. 3rd Ave 21323/18 Barakakos v. Cedeno Rental, Inc. 301684/15 Vicioso v. Coyle 300690/14 Hull v. NYC Room 670, 9:30 A.M. Ronald Chisholm Inc v. Antonia Ige-Osode
Transit Inc. 301852/16 Barrow-Ali v. Watson 26867/15 San Miguel v. Bj’s Properties LLC 26493/18 Ingram v. NYC Randolph Davis 19BX343 Discover Bank v.
22333/18 Rolack v. Rand TUESDAY, FEB. 26
21710/14 Bayview Real Estate v. Wholesale Club, Inc. 24807/16 Wilson v. Forest City Cu 36508/17 Jackson v. NYC Kaina Dejesus Mahmoud A Goda
21958/15 Romero v. Toribio 27202/17 Sanchez v. Mc 19 East Tech 20731/13 James v. NYC Angel Feliz Anderson Duran
Amber Housing Dev. 18BX17389 Discover Bank v.
21667/18 Rondon v. Houston LLC 22888/18 Javier-Salcedo v. NYC Livio Padilla Robert Grant
36375/17 Benitez v. Rodriquez Pretrial Thomas O Amankwah
Maduabuchukwu 27396/17 Sanchez v. Bpg 149th LLC 21492/18 Jones v. NYC Shyvarie Hernandez
31484/17 Bodden v. 181st Part 24 18BX16949 Palisades Collection v.
26061/15 Rosa v. Hernandez 20382/17 Sanchez-Ortiz v. Eugene 24867/15 Aviles v. Gilbane Bldg. Co. 20595/15 Kajtazaj v. NYC Leocadio A. Jimenez
Washington Heights Pierre A Ezoua
29376/17 Rosas Manzano v. Vargas Smilovic Housing 302541/14 Campoverde v. 26321/18 Kranenburg v. NYC Justice Tba Zykee Johnson
300083/16 Bokum v. Sera Security Motion
25174/18 Rose v. Merchant Funding 22986/17 Santana v. Norwax Parkchester South Condo 23532/18 Mansour v. NYC Phone 718-618-1073 Jose A. Maciascastro
Service Corp. Associates Inc. 24479/16 Colon v. Lend Lease Us 301133/17 Martinez v. NYC 265 East 161st Street Rainer Malik 18BX12704 Cavalry Spv I v. Yvonne
31069/17 Bridges v. 922
21283/16 Royer v. Gotham 22900/15 Santiago v. Nico Asphalt Const. 26765/18 Monroe v. NYC Room 440, 9:30 A.M Amina J. Mansell E Grant-Ward
Westchester Owners LLC
Transportation Paving Inc. 303329/15 Constantino v. NYC 25393/18 Muhammad v. NYC Eric Montalvo
24156/17 Ruiz v. Cruz 303335/15 Briendel v. 1411 Ic-Sic TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Trial - Bench
301185/16 Santos v. Townsend Ave. 301318/15 Perez v. 215 Chrystie 27416/18 Nelson v. NYC Jeremy Morales
24811/18 Ruiz v. Coleman Prop. 18BX17159 Bank of America v. Lois
23465/16 Schiller v. Montefiore LLC 26525/18 Nunez v. NYC Huver Erigolles Damien Neadle
21072/13 Ryner v. Tutor Perini 31967/17 Bryan v. Palero Meat Shelley Grodsky
Hosp. For 302286/14 Perez v. Anthony’s 25428/17 Ortega v. NYC Victor Pelaez Nicholas J. Papa
Corp. Corp. 18BX12704 Cavalry Spv I v. Yvonne
25375/17 Sherer v. NY Botanical Collision Center 23618/17 Perez v. NYC Jason J. Perez
350037/16 S.L. v. Almehmmi 24203/13 Bryant v. Gospel Uptown
306568/13 Salcedo v. West 128th St. Part 26 E Grant-Ward
26575/17 Burlace v. Webmac 302724/15 Simmons v. Murray 24995/18 Pestone v. NYC Louis Pittman
36511/17 Salimata v. Sylla 31686/17 Simon v. Simply Better Housing Justice Mogulescu 18BX17184 Lvnv Funding LLC v.
Associates LLC 26499/18 Reeves v. NYC Kani Purcell
300632/17 Salinas v. Osipow Apt. Homes Phone 718-618-1100 Daphne Taylor
27802/17 Burton v. 250 Willis Ave. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 26497/18 Rivera v. NYC William Richardson
20340/18 Samuel v. Danso 25032/16 Smith v. 562 Morris Rlty. 23566/16 Robinson v. NYC 265 East 161st Street Michael Ross WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
25208/17 Sanchez v. Colon Meat 305202/12 Penaranda v. Las
24648/17 Stewart v. Citiwide 29452/18 Rodriguez v. NYC Room 330, 9:30 A.M. Michael A. Ross
21038/18 Sargeant v. Rishon Cab 24932/16 Carmona v. Zara Rlty. Camelias Bar Conference
Hldg. Corp. Ambulance 24559/18 Rodriguez v. NYC Sakou Saho
Corp. 30296/17 Stroud v. NYC Bd. of Ed. of Motion 21911/15 Rodriguez v. NYC Part 27 Pedro J. Santiago 19BX1480 Credit Acceptance Corp.
301796/16 Scarlett v. Wolfe 305383/14 Carmona v. Acevedo
28698/17 Carr v. The Rand 303005/16 Tavarez v. Zevrone Rlty. 28177/17 Springer v. Villency 20973/18 Roper v. NYC Justice Tba Allysa Santos v. Demetria Crossley
300384/17 Serrano v. Ramirez Corp 24892/18 Rosario v. NYC Phone 718-618-1073 18BX18624 Discover Bank v.
Properties Group Kevin Simpson
28110/17 Serrano v. Nunez- 250529/17 The Port Auth.of NY v. Part 19A 33178/18 Samuel v. NYC 265 East 161st Street Trafarrah Smith Claudette Reid
Camacho 22670/16 Castro v. Maple Grove
Park Cemetery Lexington Ins. Co. Justice Douglas E. McKeon 26844/18 Santana Feliz v. NYC Room 440, 9:30 A.M. Anthony Williams 18BX18782 Discover Bank v. Karl D
20225/14 Shaw v. Country-Wide Ins. 21218/17 Underwood v. 672 E. 138th Phone 718-618-1377 32096/18 Santana Feliz v. NYC Moolenaar
Co. 301329/13 Cazho v. Urban Builders
Group St. Food Corp. Room 600, 9:30 A.M. 34034/18 Santiago v. NYC Part 28 19BX1484 Midland Funding LLC v.
22172/17 Shiver v. Dantzler Shamea Loggins
28414/16 Silvestre v. Muhammad 21344/15 Cazzorla v. A.F.L. 26759/17 W. v. Promesa Housing
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 26143/17 Shark v. NYC
27492/17 Shuler v. NYC
Justice Clancy CIVIL COURT
Hothouse Produce Corp. Phone 718-618-3638 Conference - Pretrial
302737/15 Simmons v. Jenkins 27744/17 Wallace v. Riverbay Corp. 25185/15 Cartagena v. North
300353/16 Smith v. Chechelinitsky 304909/15 Chachipanta v. G&M 26496/18 Smith v. NYC 265 East 161st Street Part 11 18BX17451 1199 Seiu Fed. Credit
24422/16 Wanzer v. Columbus 22865/12 Fermin v. Burgansky 304000/16 Terry v. NYC Room 550, 9:30 A.M
22706/17 Smith v. Green Properties 851 Grand Concourse Union v. Fernanda K Gonzalez
Transit LLC 27808/16 Maldonado v. New York- 26500/18 Torres v. NYC
24713/16 Sobrido v. Barrera 27447/17 Chandler v. Macy’s TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Room 503, 10:30 A.M. 18BX15265 American Express Nat.
26201/15 Washam v. O’Hathairne Presbyterian Hosp. 29315/17 Washington v. NYC
20503/18 Solomon- Miller v. Fee 25709/14 Collins v. 1117 Bank v. Shameka Atteberry
Brothers, Inc. 21800/17 Safie v. Abott 303483/15 White v. NYC Rafael Ortegalora TUESDAY, FEB. 26
303111/16 Sosa Lopez v. Hossain Westchester Ave Jdb 18BX14140 Bank of America v.
27453/17 Colon v. Pagan-Merritt 24458/18 Williams v. 42 Hldg. Corp. Conference 20788/10 Williams v. NYC
27460/17 Sotomayor-Carrasquillo v. LLC. Part 29 Conference - Pretrial Madelin More
Castanos 26299/16 Cordero v. Bronx-Lebanon 20971/15 Alfonseca v. NYCH&HC IDV Part 18BX17499 Capital One Bank
Hosp. 24052/18 Williams v. Victoria’s Justice Rodriguez-Morick 18BX15403 Eastern Regional
36300/17 Stevenson v. Castaldo Nails & Spa Inc. And Justice Diane Kiesel (USA) v. Madelin More
303440/16 Craig v. Wilson 22984/16 Benjamin v. NYCH&HC Phone 718-618-1118 Medical Center, Inc. v. Devri 18BX19640 Capital One Bank
304649/15 Steward v. Kapku Rlty. 27060/17 Williams v. 600 Phone 718-618-1067
22749/16 Cruz-Corcoran v. Thirty And 265 East 161st Street Goins (USA) v. Maria A Goris
Associates Community Drive LLC Room 420, 9:30 A.M.
Two Bj North Pension 23815/18 Campbell v. Wojtaszczyk Room 430, 9:30 A.M. 19BX1561 James Mann v. 18BX18290 Capital One Bank
31345/17 Strunz v. Abdulrauf 22987/17 Woodard v. Parkash 4064
304407/13 De Jesus v. 601 West 30431/17 Carrero v. NYCH&HC And Mohammad Iqbal (USA) v. Melvin Matthews
309016/11 Supple v. Hammonds LLC Part 31
22387/16 Syku v. NYC 135th St. 21419/16 De Trujillo v. N.Y.C.H.& H. Motion 18BX14507 Cascade Capital v.
300900/17 Tapia v. Bravo 31089/17 Dejesus v. Nisym Rlty.
23432/17 Zapata v. Bodega Negra
A/k/a Bodega Corp. criminal TERM Justice Oliver
19BX307 Oluseyi Adeniji v. Online Shamika E Powell
27174/17 Tejada v. Chiroma Corp. 22206/14 Delacruz v. NYCH&HC Phone 718-618-1016 18BX17368 Cavalry Spv I v. Allison
Part SCA Taxes
23945/15 Terry v. Hampden 22993/17 Delacruz v. 1752 Monroe CC Discovery And 265 East 161st Street Wellssoler
24736/17 Tirado v. Oswald Ave Partners LLC 303464/16 Guzman v. Townsend 20299/13 Familia v. NYCH&HC Justice Villegas Room 650, 9:30 A.M. Trial - Bench 18BX12645 Cavalry Spv I v. Laura
25887/14 Torres v. Icon Interiors 21117/18 Deliz v. Avid Waste Realty Estates 20927/13 Fordjour v. NYC Heath Phone 718-618-1064 19BX1679 Carvel Butler v. Colleen Lazarkearns
31147/17 Tripler-Venezia v. Lens Systems, Inc. 21811/17 Harris v. Fc Yonkers 26199/15 Grant v. N.Y.C.H. & H. 265 East 161st Street Part 32 Walker 18BX17882 Citibank Na v. Maria
Cab. Corp. 31927/17 Deliz v. Avid Waste Associates Corp. Room LL260, 9:30 A.M. Justice Boyle 19BX1726 Clint Haimerl v. Ava Arvanitakis
25267/17 Ture v. Benante Systems, Inc. 26394/17 Mendoza v. 2271 Third 25762/14 Hilliard v. NYCH&HC And Phone 718-618-1016 Dunkley Bent 18BX17359 Discover Bank v.
29144/17 Deliz v. Davis Ave. Corp. 24591/17 Jafor v. North Central TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18BX14466 Dalton Wedderburn v. Fatoumata Barry
301470/16 Turner v. Brown 265 East 161st Street
30939/17 Turoff v. Handal 26342/16 Diaz v. Sawler 21994/18 Polanco Hernandez v. Bronx Hosp. Taurius Ashford Room 650, 9:30 A.M. Yvonne Lewis 18BX19072 Discover Bank v. Victor
31015/17 Urbaez v. Cepeda 304120/15 Drenica v. Frias 1001 Woodycrest 24168/14 Jean v. Castaldi Travys N. Becker 19BX307 Oluseyi Adeniji v. Online M Tejada
20769/17 Valdez v. Sierra 300790/17 Dumaneh v. Hubbard 26408/17 Price v. 2400 Walton Co. 25976/18 Lamb v. NYCH&HC And Joshua Bermudez TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Taxes 18BX17367 Human Resources
24551/17 Vanderpuije v. Avis 28395/17 Ellerbe v. Port Auth. of NY LLC 24400/13 Lewis v. NYCH&HC And Daijon Burroughs Shamika Mosley 19BX1684 Roie Rebeyev v. Mariame Admin. v. Angie Miguel
Budget Group, Inc. 20407/15 Escobar v. Pv Hldg. Corp. 26446/16 Richman v. Reliant Rlty. 24478/18 Lyman v. Bendek Curtis Cooper Raheem Simon Keita 18BX16598 Midland Funding LLC v.
301613/16 Vargas v. Phillips 22514/18 Felix v. Parkash 1630 LLC Services 20713/16 Macdonald v. NYCH&HC Devon Cunningham WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Ivette Reynoso Rodriguez
302207/16 Vargas v. Layne 302874/16 Ferreira v. 360 E.195 20601/17 Rodriguez v. Bh &S 27333/18 Palmer v. Lucas Renata Daniels Part 33 18BX15639 Nat. Collegiate Student
302181/14 Vasquez v. 240 Park Ave. Rlty. LLC Leibman, Inc. 20717/18 Plaku v. NYCH&HC And Hector Davila Justice Newbauer Motion Loan Trust v. Rhashiva C Taft
South 307201/12 Flores-Salas v. Bruckner 302598/16 Safdar v. Ryder Truck 302620/16 Rivadeneira v. NYC Miguel Fuentes Phone 718-618-1046 18BX13067 Tony Mafes v. Buecler 18BX16962 Nat. Collegiate Student
22096/17 Velez v. Santory Medical Group P.C. Rental, Inc. NYCH&HC Corp. Jeremy Garcia 265 East 161st Street Tree Experts Loan Trust v. Rhashiva C Taft
29178/17 Verdejo v. Rodriguez 21054/16 Flournoy v. 983 East 181 20382/17 Sanchez-Ortiz v. Eugene 22436/17 Rodriguez v. NYCH&HC Veanta Henry Room 380, 9:30 A.M. 18BX19373 Nat. Collegiate Student
20591/17 Vereen v. Beckles-Canton LLC Smilovic Housing 22985/17 Rodriguez v. NYCH&HC Wilfredo Loubriel Trial - Bench Loan Trust v. Rhashiva C Taft
20854/18 Victoria v. Samuel 22970/18 Forde v. 2250 Webster 22900/15 Santiago v. Nico Asphalt And Jose Marcial TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18BX17510 Baldor Specialty Foods, 18BX6766 Td Bank USA v. Mirna
27569/16 Vido v. Justiniano Ave. Housing Paving Inc. 23660/18 Rose v. NYCH&HC And Joseph Mason Kalliyah Hernandez Inc. v. Fez Entertainment Group Garcia
32 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

Trial - Bench 17BX10481 Health East Medical 18BX19533 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX12695 Neurophysiologic 18BX12744 Drs. Abrams v. Country 17BX12694 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX89 Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O. P.C.
Part 15C Group v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Interpretive Services v. Allstate Wide Ins. Co. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. v. State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co.
18BX16925 Americredit Corp. v. 851 Grand Concourse 18BX8887 Hh Chiropractic Services 18BX19536 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Ins. Co. 18BX19798 Ellen Sue Ginsberg 17BX11430 Solomon Haliqua Md v. 17BX8708 Empire Massage v. Geico
Mary Anderson Room 504, 10:30 A.M. v. American Transit Ins. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 18BX12696 Neurophysiologic D.O. P.C. v. Liberty Mutual American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19830 Epic Pain Mgt. &
18BX10271 Barclays Bank
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18BX19456 Igor Amigud Physician 18BX19539 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Interpretive Services v. Allstate General Ins. 17BX11431 Solomon Haliqua Md v. Anesthesia v. Country Wide Ins.
Delaware v. Ana Ruiz
v. Geico Country-Wide Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18BX19739 Epic Pain Mgt. & American Transit Ins. Co. Co.
18BX17153 Barclays Bank
Trial - Bench 17BX12506 Integrated Neurologic 18BX19545 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX5071 Neurophysiologic Anesthesia v. Geico 17BX11432 Solomon Haliqua Md v. 18BX19806 Epic Pain Mgt. &
Delaware v. Hamady Gamby
Assoc. Pllc v. Govt. Employees Country-Wide Ins. Co. Interpretive Spec. v. Allstate Ins. 17BX11428 Epic Pain Mgt. & American Transit Ins. Co. Anesthesia v. Geico
18BX17169 Capital One Bank 18BX13155 Merrick Bank Corp. v.
Ins. Co 18BX19501 Warren St. Orthopedic Co. Anethesia v. American Transit 18BX9144 Surgicare of Jersey City 18BX19807 Epic Pain Mgt. &
(USA) v. Krystle Daoud Jorge S Vargas Jr
17BX12504 Integrated Neurologic Rehabilitation v. Allstate Ins. Co. 17BX12258 NY Center For Specialty Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Anesthesia v. Geico
18BX16902 Capital One Bank WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Ins.
Associates v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19483 Warren St. Orthopedic Surgery v. Geico 17BX11429 Epic Pain Mgt. & 18BX19834 Epic Pain Mgt. &
(USA) v. Stephen D McIntosh 17BX12505 Integrated Neurologic Surgicare of Manhattan v.
Rehabilitation v. Geico 18BX9822 NY Center For Specialty Anethesia v. American Transit Anesthesia v. Geico
18BX17154 Capital One Bank Trial - Bench Associates v. Geico Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co.
18BX4958 Westchester Radiology & Surgery v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX18024 Evangelina Jacobson v.
(USA) Na v. Hamady Gamby 18BX19245 Discover Bank v. Sasha 17BX12503 Integrated Neurologic 18BX19769 Tepper Chiropractic P.C.
Imaging v. American Transit Ins. 17BX4278 NY Spine & Pain Care v. 17BX8711 Glenn Segal Pt v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX19028 Capital One Bank S Wark Associates v. Global Liberty Ins. 18BX6762 Global Health Pharmacy v. Geico 17BX13799 Frank Zic v. Geico
Co. Countrywide Ins. Co.
(USA) v. Belkis G Martinez 18BX19246 Jefferson Capital Co. v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12748 Titan Pharmacy v. 18BX6769 Franklin Rx Inc. v. Govt.
18BX4959 Westchester Radiology & 17BX13592 North Jersey
18BX14182 Capital One Bank Systems LLC v. Patrick Plummer 17BX12156 J.O.V. Acupuncture P.C. 18BX6765 Global Health Pharmacy American Transit Ins. Co. Employees Ins.
Imaging v. American Transit Ins. Perioperative Consultants v.
(USA) v. Elijah Nwaokocha v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12747 Tomlinson Ave. Physical 18BX12846 Gfg Medical Pc v. Geico
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX17351 Capital One Bank 17BX8445 Jacqueline M. Lewis v. 17BX10360 Gotham Acupuncture v. Therapy And v. American Transit C/o NYS
18BX1967 William Schlesinger v. 18BX9042 North Yonkers
(USA) v. Erica D James Trial - Bench Geico Country Wide Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 17BX14204 Glen Cove Radiologic
Geico Chiropractic Services v. Geico
18BX17078 Capital One Bank 16BX8862 James J Kim v. Travelers 17BX10131 Within Normal Limits 18BX9044 Gotham Massage 18BX12821 Traditional NY Imaging v. Geico Ins. Co.
14BX3891 Slm Private Credit 18BX19659 Optimum Health
(USA) v. Lisa Cintron Ins. Co. Physical Therapy v. State Farm Therapy v. Geico Chiropractic Pc v. Geico 17BX8707 Glenn Segal Pt v. Allstate
Student Loan Trust v. Sheila Acupuncture v. Tri State
18BX18517 Capital One Bank 18BX11393 Laguna Chiropractic Pc Mutual Automobile Ins. 18BX12164 Hans Therapeutic 18BX12746 United NYC Medical Ins. Co.
Bonet Consumer Ins. Co.
(USA) v. Lisa Cintron v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. 17BX8409 Othomotion Rehab Dme Massage v. Geico Associates LLC v. American 18BX14582 Global Anesthesia
18BX17155 Capital One Bank Part 15N WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
17BX13905 Leading Edge Medical LLC v. Safeco Ins. Co of America 18BX5074 Harbor Chiropractic Transit Ins. Co. Group v. Geico
(USA) v. Feliz M Pena 851 Grand Concourse Diagnostic v. State Farm Mutual 18BX19571 Post Ave. Pharmacy, Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX12758 United NYC Medical 18BX12823 Greater NY Physical
Trial - Bench
18BX19370 Captial One Bank Room 505, 2:00 P.M. Automobile Inc. v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX9047 Harvey Family Chiro Pt Associates LLC v. American Therapy v. Progressive Ins.
(USA) v. Anthony Wilson 18BX8958 Absolute Best Care
18BX3827 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18BX19537 Priority Care Rehab & & Acup Pllc v. Geico Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19820 Hal D Feldman Md
19BX1549 Cavalry Spv I v. Irene TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Geico Ins. Co. Physical Therapy v. Geico
Pt Pc v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 18BX139 Health East Ambulatory 18BX12760 United NYC Medical Faaos v. Nationwide Affinity Ins.
Ortizquinones 16BX11695 Lenox Hill Radiology 18BX19574 Acupuncture Work Plus
Trial - Bench 18BX19556 Priority Care Rehab & Surgical Center v. 21st Century Associates LLC v. American Co. of
18BX9586 Cavalry Spv I v. Michelle And Mia v. American Transit Ins. v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Pt Pc v. Progressive Ins. Co. Nat. Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX585 Harvey Family Chiro Pt
Rodriguez 17BX13922 21st Century Pharmacy Co. 18BX3830 Acupuncture Works v.
18BX19562 Priority Care Rehab & 17BX10352 Health East Ambulatory 18BX19741 United Physicians v. & Acup Pllc v. American Transit
18BX17175 Credit Acceptance Corp. v. Hereford Ins. Co. 18BX19349 Li Medical of NY Pc v. Geico Ins. Co.
Pt Pc v. Progressive Ins. Co. Surgical Center v. Hereford Ins. Geico Ins. Co.
v. Gloria Arias 17BX8446 Acupuncture Treatment Geico 18BX3831 Acupuncture Works v.
18BX10144 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Co. 18BX12822 Vivid Acupuncture Pc v. 18BX19762 Health East Ambulatory
18BX18305 Credit Acceptance Corp. Pc v. Geico 18BX19481 Li Medical of NY Pc v. Geico Ins. Co.
Maidstone Ins. Co. 18BX135 Health East Ambulatory Geico Surgical Center v. Country Wide
v. Isaac Rodriguez 17BX10595 Acupuncture Work Plus Geico 18BX3832 Acupuncture Works v.
18BX10125 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Surgical Center v. Nat. Liability 17BX11427 Warren St. Orthopedic Ins. Co.
18BX16919 Midland Funding LLC v. v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX19506 Li Medical of NY Pc v. Geico Ins. Co.
Progressive Ins. Co. & Fire Ins. Rehabilitation v. American 18BX143 Health East Ambulatory
Miriam Gaye 18BX3828 Acupuncture Works v. Geico 18BX5216 Advanced Chiropractic
18BX10126 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. 18BX12326 Health East Medical Transit Ins. Co. Surgical Center v. Mid-Century
18BX9391 Td Auto Finance LLC v. Geico Ins. Co. 17BX12137 Llj Therapeutic Services Care v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Progressive Ins. Co. Group v. Geico 18BX5075 Wellness Medical Care v. Ins. Co.
Ivan M Lorenzo-Perez 18BX3829 Acupuncture Works v. Pt Pc v. Mvaic 18BX19578 Advanced Orthopedic
18BX10127 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. 17BX13593 Interventional Pain Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX19727 Igor Amigud Physician
Geico Ins. Co. 17BX13635 Main Chiropractic & Solutions, Inc. v. Govt. Employees
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Progressive Ins. Co. Consultants v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX12753 Westchester Radiology v. Geico
18BX19438 Advanced Medical Rehabilitation Ctr. v. Geico Ins. Ins.
18BX10128 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. 18BX12322 Interventional Pain & Imaging v. American Transit 18BX9147 Ironbound M.R.I. v.
Conference Supplies v. Geico Co. 18BX11317 All County LLC v. Ins. Co.
Progressive Ins. Co. Consultants of North v. Geico Wausau Ins. Co.
15BX13181 All About Physical 17BX362 Med-Surg Durables v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12755 Westchester Radiology
19BX1712 Midland Funding LLC v. 18BX10130 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Ins. Co. 18BX12771 Ji Sung Kim
Therapy. P.C. v. Metlife Auto & Ameriprise Ins. Co. 18BX11318 All County LLC v. & Imaging v. American Transit
Josh Wynns Progressive Ins. Co. 18BX12323 Interventional Pain Acupuncture v. American Transit
Home Ins Co. 18BX1966 Med-Surg Durables v. American Transit Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
18BX10133 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Consultants of North v. Geico Ins. Co.
Conference - Pretrial 18BX19494 All County v. Allstate Geico 18BX11319 All County LLC v. 18BX10962 Within Normal Limits
Progressive Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18BX12773 Ji Sung Kim
18BX19624 American Express Nat. Ins. Co. 17BX14288 Michelle J Lester Dc v. American Transit Ins. Co. Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
17BX11771 Saddle Brook 18BX12165 Jackson Heights Acupuncture v. American Transit
Bank v. Cecilia Brown 18BX19449 All County v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX11320 All County LLC v. 18BX10963 Within Normal Limits
Surgicenter v. Global Liberty Ins. Physical Therapy And v. Geico Ins. Co.
18BX16908 Cavalry Spv I v. 18BX19450 All County v. Geico 18BX19486 Michelle Pfeffer Dc v. American Transit Ins. Co. Physical Therapy v. Allstate Ins.
Co. of 17BX8676 Jacqueline M. Lewis v. 13BX13788 K & M Chiropractic v.
Abubakar M Salifu 18BX19452 All County v. Geico Geico All County LLC v. Progressive Co.
17BX13591 Same Day Procedures v. Geico Global Liberty Ins Co of NY
18BX19460 All County v. Geico 17BX13923 Milford Services, Inc. Ins. Co. 18BX19796 Within Normal Limits
18BX16936 Citibank v. Erika Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX12745 Ji Sung Kim 18BX19808 Li Medical of NY Pc v.
18BX19461 All County v. Geico (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins. 18BX5215 Allen Rothpearl v.
Mendez 17BX14349 Solomon Halioua Md v. Acupuncture v. American Transit Physical Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Geico
18BX19462 All County v. Geico 16BX13857 Mind & Body American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19766 Credit Acceptance Corp. Geico Ins. Co. Co. 17BX12802 Llj Therapeutic Services
18BX19464 All County v. Geico Acupuncture v. American Transit 18BX12732 Arce Medical &
v. Christopher O. Dunbar 17BX14350 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX12818 Laguna Chiropractic Pc 18BX12752 Within Normal Limits Pt Pc v. American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19465 All County v. Geico Ins. Diagnostic Svce v. American
18BX19350 Dept. Stores Nat. Bank Geico v. Geico Physical Therapy v. American 17BX12803 Llj Therapeutic Services
18BX19487 All County v. Geico 16BX13859 Mind & Body Transit Ins. Co.
v. Josephine T Byfield 17BX14351 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX11718 Laguna Chiropractic Pc Transit Ins. Co. Pt Pc v. American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19488 All County v. Geico Acupuncture v. American Transit 18BX19588 Aris Diagnostic Medical
18BX17274 Discover Bank v. Geico v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18BX19797 Within Normal Limits 18BX14578 Lomis Acupuncture v.
18BX19489 All County v. Geico Ins. v. A. Central Ins. Co.
Elizabeth F Pastor 17BX14352 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX11719 Laguna Chiropractic Pc Physical Therapy v. Motor Geico
18BX19490 All County v. Geico 16BX13860 Mind & Body 18BX19590 Aris Diagnostic Medical
18BX20123 Human Resources Geico v. Progressive Ins. Co. Vehicle Accident Indemnification 18BX584 Lynn C. Braunstein v.
16BX12203 Allen Rothpearl v. Acupuncture v. American Transit v. A. Central Ins. Co.
Admin. v. Alhaji Suwari 17BX14353 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX11720 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18BX5555 Ysj Physical Therapy v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. 18BX19591 Aris Diagnostic Medical
18BX19888 Midland Funding LLC v. Geico Progressive Ins. Co. America Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19837 Manhasset Chiropractic
18BX13865 Amilor Acupuncture v. 18BX9151 Mnd Chiropractic v. v. A. Central Ins. Co.
Laverne Hayes 17BX14354 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX11721 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18BX5556 Ysj Physical Therapy v. P.C. v. Geico
Govt. Employees Ins. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19572 Atlas Pharmacy v.
18BX19577 Unifund Ccr LLC v. Geico Progressive Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX6768 Metro. Medical &
17BX308 Arnica Acupuncture P.C. v. Modern Chiropractic Solutions v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Elizabeth Terrero 17BX14355 Solomon Halioua Md v. 17BX8714 Liberty Care Medical Pc 18BX5557 Ysj Physical Therapy v. Surgical v. Govt. Employees Ins.
American Commerce Ins. Co. Unitrin Direct Ins. Co. 18BX12731 Back To Life
Geico v. Allstate Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19809 Michelle Pfeffer Dc v.
Trial - Bench 18BX6197 Barry Hughes v. Geico 18BX11392 Muscle And Motion Pt Chiropractic Sport And Spine v.
16BX11790 Bernhard J. Sengstock 18BX9819 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX12163 Loyalty Physical FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Geico
18BX10450 Bank of America v. Pc v. Lm General Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Therapy v. Geico 18BX19838 Michelle Pfeffer Dc v.
v. Geico 18BX19493 Neurological 18BX5214 Back To Life Geico
Altagracia Cuevas 18BX9820 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX19802 Lucas Bottcher v. Motor Conference Geico
18BX17753 Cach v. Eisenhower 17BX6002 Bernhard J. Sengstock v. Specialties of Li Pllc v. Allstate Chiropractic Sport And Spine v.
Geico Geico Vehicle Accident Indemnification 18BX19749 All County v. Geico 17BX13926 Milford Services v. Govt.
Naraine Fire Casualty Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12166 Matthew Carniol v. Employees Ins.
18BX13861 Bl Healthy Life 18BX19499 Neurological 17BX14389 Baynes Orthopaedics v. 17BX8475 Sr Wellness Pt Pc v. 18BX19793 All County v. Geico
18BX15220 Cavalry Spv I v. Rosa American Transit Ins. Co. Geico 17BX13924 Milford Services, Inc.
Acupuncture v. Nat. Liability & Specialties of Li Pllc v. Allstate Global Liberty Ins. Co. of New 18BX19303 Nathan Zucker v. NYC
Denicolo 17BX8476 Sr Wellness Pt Pc v. 18BX138 Mayhill Medical Group (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins.
18BX17420 Citibank Na v. Gertrude Fire Ins. Fire Casualty Ins. Co. 18BX11163 Benoit Chiropractic v. Trial - Bench
18BX13860 Bl Healthy Life American Transit Ins. Co. LLC v. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. 17BX13925 Milford Services, Inc.
Williams 18BX19497 New Horizon Surgical Geico 18BX12669 McBride Anesthesia v. 12BX23727 Aaamg Leasing Corp. (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins.
Acupunture v. Allstate Ins. Co. Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. 17BX4240 Bronx Boulevard Medical 17BX8478 Sr Wellness Pt Pc v.
18BX14538 Fifth Third Bank v. American Transit Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. v. Lumbermans Mutual Casualty 17BX13927 Milford Services, Inc.
18BX13864 Blessed Hands 18BX19505 New Horizon Surgical P.C. v. Geico
Cyntha Tabron 17BX8479 Sr Wellness Pt Pc v. 18BX12324 McBride Surgical *gullo & Associates LLC (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins.
Chiropractic P.C. v. Progressive Center v. State Farm Mutual 17BX4246 Bronx Boulevard Medical
18BX19875 JHPDe Finance 1 v. Eric American Transit Ins. Co. Center v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX12770 Acutis Diagnostics v. 18BX12819 Mingmen Acupuncture
Casualty Ins. Co. Automobile Ins. P.C. v. Geico
Barreiro 18BX9818 Surgicare of Englewood 18BX5558 Milabo Acupuncture v. American Transit Ins. Co. Services v. Govt. Employees Ins.
18BX19476 Body Movement 18BX9817 NY Center For Specialty 18BX12729 Bronxwide Pt v.
19BX5 Lvnv Funding LLC v. Cliffs v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19758 All County v. Country 17BX13896 Multicare v. Allstate Ins.
Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico Surgery v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co.
Jennifer McLean 18BX19479 Body Movement 18BX9821 Surgicare of Jersey City 17BX13931 Milford Services, Inc. Wide Ins. Co. Co.
18BX19672 Midland Funding LLC v. 17BX4615 Newburg Acupuncture 18BX12730 Bronxwide Pt v. (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins. 18BX19586 All County v. Geico 18BX19833 Neurological
Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico P.C. A/a/o Berla v. Govt. American Transit Ins. Co. v. Geico
Gloriandi Villa 18BX19480 Body Movement 17BX8408 Surgicare of Manhattan 17BX13932 Milford Services, Inc. 18BX19730 All County v. Geico Specialties of Li Pllc v. American
18BX17097 Midland Funding LLC v. Employees Ins. 18BX12736 Bronxwide Pt v. (b) v. Govt. Employees Ins. 18BX19731 All County v. Geico States Ins. Co.
Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico 18BX8888 Nitin D. Narkhede Md v. American Transit Ins. Co. v. Geico
Karelle Dyer 18BX19482 Body Movement 18BX19550 Third Ave. Chiropractic 18BX6760 Mingmen Acupuncture 18BX19732 All County v. Geico 17BX14248 Neurological
18BX18753 Midland Funding LLC v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX5081 Chairo Helathcare v. Services v. American Transit Ins. 18BX19733 All County v. Geico Specialties of Li Pllc v. Geico
Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico 18BX19504 Nj Pain Solutions v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Elrac
Roberto Mangual 18BX19491 Body Movement 13BX7399 Throgs Neck Multicare v. Co. 18BX19734 All County v. Geico 18BX19844 New B’way. Physical
18BX10484 Midland Funding LLC v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX5070 Chiropractic Associates 18BX6761 Mingmen Acupuncture 18BX19736 All County v. Geico Therapy v. Global Liberty Ins. Co.
Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico 18BX19454 Nj Pain Solutions v. of Richmond Hill v. Allstate Ins. Geico
William Miller 17BX10133 Bot Harlem Medical v. 17BX8546 Vista Medical Services v. American Transit Ins. 18BX19738 All County v. Geico of New
18BX17932 Portfolio Recovery Geico Co. Co. 18BX19746 All County v. Geico 17BX14240 NY Center For Specialty
State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. 18BX19474 Nj Pain Solutions v. 18BX12733 Complete Spinal Rehabilitation P.C. v. Geico
Associates LLC v. Christopher 16BX8402 B’way. Diagnostic & 17BX8548 Vista Medical 17BX13594 Montvale Surgical 18BX19811 All County v. Geico Surgery v. Geico
Geico Physical Therapy v. American Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX19812 All County v. Geico 17BX14244 NY Center For Specialty
Flowers Rehabilitation v. Allstate Ins. Co. Rehabilitation P.C. v. Geico
18BX19484 Nj Pain Solutions v. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12670 Montvale Surgical 18BX19813 All County v. Geico Surgery v. Geico
18BX16896 Second Round Sub v. Bronx Boulevard Medical P.C. v. 17BX8664 Vista Medical
Geico 18BX12734 Complete Spinal Center v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19814 All County v. Geico 17BX14245 NY Center For Specialty
Lidia Larrea Geico Rehabilitation Pc v. Geico
18BX19551 Nj Pain Solutions v. Physical Therapy v. American 18BX12673 Montvale Surgical 18BX19840 All County v. Geico Surgery v. Geico
18BX16894 Second Round Sub v. 17BX4619 Bruce Kamins v. Govt. 18BX19555 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v.
Geico Transit Ins. Co. Center v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19841 All County v. Geico 18BX144 Northeast Anesthesia &
Renne Bussey Employees Ins. Co 17BX307 Norman Y. Schoenberg v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX12735 Complete Spinal 18BX12674 Montvale Surgical 18BX19842 All County v. Geico Pain Mgt. v. 21st Century Nat.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 18BX13862 Care Touch Pt v. Govt. Employees Ins. Co Physical Therapy v. American 18BX19543 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v.
Hereford Ins Co American Transit Ins. Co. Center v. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19817 All County v. Maya Ins. Co.
16BX12589 Orly Navaro Lac v. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12675 Montvale Surgical Assurance Co. 18BX19764 Northeast Anesthesia
Conference 18BX13863 Care Touch Pt v. Wesco American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19544 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v.
17BX8547 Concourse Chiropractic Center v. Geico Ins. Co. 17BX12801 Aom Medical Supply Inc & Pain Mgt. v. Country Wide Ins.
18BX19146 Barclays Bank Ins. Co. 18BX19453 Orthopedic Specialist v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co.
16BX8522 Century Pharmacy v. 18BX19512 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX19720 Montvale Surgical v. American Transit Ins. Co. Co.
Delaware v. Luis A Silva of Greater NY v. Allstate Fire 17BX8663 Concourse Chiropractic
Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Center v. Nat. Liability & Fire 17BX12800 Aom Medical Supply v. 17BX14320 Northeast Anesthesia &
18BX19148 Discover Bank v. Vidal Casualty Ins. Co. v. Countrywide Ins. Co.
17BX12157 Co-Op City Chiropractic 18BX19526 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Ins. American Transit Ins. Co. Pain Mgt. v. Geico
Salcedo II 18BX19500 Orthopedic Specialist 17BX8673 Concourse Chiropractic 18BX19735 Montvale Surgical 18BX19832 NY Physical Therapy
Pc v. Govt. Employees Ins. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 18BX12768 Back To Life
19BX1700 Portfolio Recovery of Greater NY v. Allstate Fire v. Geico Center v. Nat. Liability & Fire And Wellness of v. American
18BX4956 Dassa Orthopedic 18BX19529 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Chiropractic Sport And Spine v.
Associates v. Evelyn Sanchez Casualty Ins. Co. 17BX8415 Daniel P Klein Md v.
Medical Services v. State Farm Country-Wide Ins. Co. Ins. American Transit Ins. Co. States Ins. Co.
Conference - Pretrial 18BX19457 Orthopedic Specialist of Geico
Mutual Automobile Ins. 18BX19534 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX19784 Neurological 18BX12769 Back To Life 17BX8709 Oasis Acupuncture v.
Greater NY v. Geico 17BX14388 Daniel P Klein Md v.
18BX20068 Bank of America v. Md 15BX12743 Diagnostic Chiropractic Country-Wide Ins. Co. Specialties of Li Pllc v. Allstate Chiropractic Sport And Spine v. Geico
18BX11394 Outreach Manual Global Liberty Ins. Co. of New
Zobaeat Epte Specialties P.C. v. Geico 18BX19535 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19810 Orthopedic Specialist of
Physical Therapy Pc v. Geico 18BX12737 Dassa Orthopedic
18BX20004 Cavalry Spv I v. Shawna Indemnity Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 18BX9146 Neurological Specialties 18BX19761 Barry Hughes v. Greater NY v. Geico
18BX19445 Priority Care Rehab & Medical Services v. American
Jacobs 16BX14173 Diagnostic Imaging of 18BX19538 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. of Li Pllc v. American States Ins. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18BX19839 Orthopedic Specialist of
Pt v. American Transit Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19681 Credit Acceptance Corp. Rockville Centre v. Allstate Ins. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Co. 17BX14321 Barry Hughes v. Geico Greater NY v. Geico
18BX19475 Priority Care Rehab & 18BX5218 Drd Medical v. American
v. Trisha Gonzalez Co. 18BX19540 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX19745 Neurological 18BX14569 Benoit Chiropractic v. 18BX19759 Park West Medical
Pt v. American Transit Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co.
18BX17432 Credit Corp Solutions 18BX2227 Dynamic Pt Pc v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Specialties of Li Pllc v. Geico Geico Group v. Country Wide Ins. Co.
18BX19478 Priority Care Rehab & 18BX8929 Englinton Medical v.
Inc v. Meliza Marrero Nationwide Ins. Co. 18BX19541 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX5547 New Age Chiropractic v. 18BX6044 Blessed Hands 18BX19760 Park West Medical
Pt v. American Transit Ins. Co. Mapfre Ins. Co. of NY
18BX19941 Discover Bank v. Paa 18BX19498 East Side Pharmacy Country-Wide Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Chiropractic P.C. v. American Group v. Country Wide Ins. Co.
18BX19530 Priority Care Rehab & 18BX8930 Englinton Medical v.
Rockson Medical Care Pc v. Elrac LLC 18BX19542 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX12750 New Day Medical v. Transit Ins. Co. 17BX14219 Paul Tak Lac v.
Pt v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Mapfre Ins. Co. of NY
18BX17751 Discover Bank v. Tania 17BX13158 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. USAA General Indemnity Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19724 Body Movement American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19527 Priority Care Rehab & 17BX14390 Epic Pain Mgt. &
J Smith American Transit Ins. Co. 17BX364 Warren St. Orthopedic 18BX12820 NY Recovery Pt Pc v. Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico 18BX141 Pleasantdale Ambulatory
Pt v. Hereford Ins. Co. Anesthesia v. Global Liberty Ins.
18BX15394 Midland Funding LLC v. 18BX19492 Epic Pain Mgt. & Geico 18BX19740 Body Movement Care v. 21st Century Centennial
18BX19522 Priority Care Rehab & Co. of New Rehabilitation v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Claudia Espinal Anesthesia v. Allstate Ins. Co. Pt v. Maya Assurance Co. 18BX19795 Newtech Chiropractic Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico Ins.
18BX19580 Franklin Rx v. Govt. 17BX8397 Warren St. Orthopedic
18BX8982 Midland Funding LLC v. 16BX12584 Epic Pain Mgt. & 18BX19519 Priority Care Rehab & P.C. v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18BX19743 Body Movement 18BX6777 Post Ave. Pharmacy v.
Employees Ins. Rehabilitation v. Geico
Elizabeth Myvett Anesthesia v. American Transit Pt v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18BX12325 Northeast Anesthesia & Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX19569 Franklin Rx, Inc. v. 17BX8398 Warren St. Orthopedic
18BX16252 Slm Private Credit Ins. Co. 18BX19520 Priority Care Rehab & Pain Mgt. v. Geico 18BX19835 Body Movement 18BX19722 Progressive-Hudson
Govt. Employees Ins. Rehabilitation v. Geico
Student Loan Trust v. Therisa 16BX12588 Epic Pain Mgt. & Pt v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18BX12327 Northeast Anesthesia & Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico Anesthesia v. Geico Ins. Co.
17BX8670 Gotham Acupuncture Pc THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Pain Mgt. v. Geico 18BX19836 Body Movement 18BX12847 Psychology Help Pc v.
Russell Anesthesia v. American Transit 18BX19525 Priority Care Rehab v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. 17BX12695 Northeast Anesthesia & Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico American Transit Ins.
18BX16253 Slm Private Credit Ins. Co. & Pt v. State Farm Fire And Trial - Bench
18BX9043 Gotham Acupuncture v. Pain Mgt. v. Hereford Ins. Co. 18BX19843 Body Movement 18BX12840 Psychology Help Pc v.
Student Loan Trust v. Therisa 18BX19485 Epic Pain Mgt. & Casualty Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX12672 Accurate Monitoring v. 18BX137 Northeast Anesthesia & Physiotherapy Pc v. Geico Geico
Russell Anesthesia v. Geico 17BX13631 Progressive-Hudson 18BX4975 Hamilton Surgical Allstate Ins. Co. Pain Mgt. v. Nat. Liability & Fire 18BX12860 Catskill Physical 18BX12841 Psychology Help Pc v.
18BX16258 Slm Private Credit 18BX19549 Epic Pain Mgt. & Anesthesia v. Allstate Ins. Co. Supplies LLC v. NYCTA 18BX5548 Advanced Recovery Ins. Medicine & Pain v. American Geico
Student Loan Trust v. Therisa Anesthesia v. Geico 17BX8540 Renaissance Chiro
18BX9692 Epic Pain Mgt.v & 18BX5076 Harbor Chiropractic Equipment And v. Govt. 18BX12749 Northern Bronx Transit Ins. 18BX12849 Psychology Help Pc v.
Russell Wellness Pc v. Geico Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Employees Ins.
Anesthesia v. Geico 17BX8541 Renaissance Chiro Physical Thrapy v. American 18BX12866 Catskill Physical Geico
18BX16265 Slm Private Credit 18BX5079 Harbor Chiropractic 18BX12676 Advantage Diagnostic v. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12836 Psychology Help Pc v.
18BX9693 Epic Pain Mgt.v & Wellness Pc v. Geico Medicine & Pain v. Geico Ins.
Student Loan Trust v. Therisa Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19785 NY Physical Therapy Geico Ins. Co.
Anesthesia v. Geico 17BX8542 Renaissance Chiro Co.
Russell 17BX9281 Harmonious 18BX12677 Advantage Diagnostic v. Wellness of v. Progressive Ins. 18BX12837 Psychology Help Pc v.
18BX19459 Evangelina Jacobson v. Wellness Pc v. Geico 18BX12862 Catskill Physical
18BX16266 Slm Private Credit Acupuncture Pc v. Allstate Ins. Geico Ins. Co. Co. Medicine & Pain v. NYCTA Geico Ins. Co.
Student Loan Trust v. Therisa Geico 18BX11391 Sanford Chiropractic Pc
17BX13914 Family Rx Pharmacy, Co. 18BX19747 All County v. Geico 18BX19786 NY Physical Therapy 18BX12853 Catskill Physical 18BX12843 Psychology Help Pc v.
Russell v. Lm General Ins. Co. 17BX8671 Harvey Family Chiro Pt 18BX19748 All County v. Geico
Inc. v. Govt. Employees Ins. 17BX13782 Satya Drug Corp (b) v. Wellness of East v. Allstate Ins. Medicine & Pain v. State Farm Geico Ins. Co.
18BX7733 Synchrony Bank v. & Acup Pllc v. Country-Wide Ins. 18BX19750 All County v. Geico Co. Ins. Co. 18BX12845 Psychology Help Pc v.
Josephine Byfield 17BX12501 Fema Medical Supply Govt. Employees Ins.
Inc v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. 18BX19751 All County v. Geico 18BX19789 NY Physical Therapy 17BX8704 Central Valley Geico Ins. Co.
18BX16274 Target Nat. Bank v. 17BX13921 Satya Drug Corp (b) v.
18BX19443 First Spine Chiropractic 17BX8395 Harvey Family Chiro Pt 18BX19752 All County v. Geico Wellness of Melville v. Allstate Chiropractic v. Geico 18BX12827 Psychology Help v.
Therisa Russell Govt. Employees Ins.
of NY P.C v. American Transit & Acup Pllc v. Travelers Ins. Co. 18BX19771 All County v. Geico Fire Casualty Ins. Co. 17BX13897 Christopher Popp Lmt v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX12234 Td Bank USA v. Sandra 18BX1965 Soloman Halioua Md v.
Ins. Co. 18BX5217 Health Balance Medical 18BX19772 All County v. Geico 18BX6764 Om Physical Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX12828 Psychology Help v.
Williams Geico
18BX19444 First Spine Chiropractic v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX5559 Amilor Acupuncture v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12765 Complete Spinal Allstate Ins. Co.
16BX11696 Suffolk Surgery Center
Trial - Bench of NY P.C v. American Transit 17BX366 Health East Ambulatory Allstate Ins. Co. 17BX13892 Onsite Diagnostic & Physical Therapy v. American 18BX12761 Quality Medical And
v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Ins. Co. Surgical Center v. Allstate Ins. 18BX556 Aom Medical Supply v. Chiropractic Services v. Allstate Transit Ins. Co. Surgical Supplies v. American
18BX15192 Ally Financial Inc. v. 16BX11697 Suffolk Surgery Center
18BX19528 First Spine Chiropractic Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18BX12766 Complete Spinal Transit Ins. Co.
Carlos M Munguia v. American Transit Ins. Co.
of NY P.C v. Country-Wide Ins. 17BX365 Health East Medical 18BX557 Aom Medical Supply v. 18BX12480 Pain Mgt. Center of Physical Therapy v. American 18BX19723 Rapid Anesthesia
18BX15253 Ally Financial Inc. v. 17BX4617 Sunrise Kinectic
Co. Physical Therapy Pc v. Govt. Group v. Allstate Ins. Co. NYCTA New Jersey v. Country-Wide Ins. Transit Ins. Co. Solutions v. New South Ins Co
Derrick Borden
18BX19442 First Spine Chiropractic Employess Ins. 17BX8400 Health East Medical 18BX558 Aom Medical Supply v. Co. 18BX12767 Complete Spinal 18BX92 Rockaway Family Medical
18BX12187 American Express Nat.
of NY P.C v. State Farm Fire And 15BX13072 Surgicare of Englewood Group v. Geico State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. 18BX12481 Pain Mgt. Center of Physical Therapy v. American v. Country-Wide Ins.
Bank v. Baidriss Coulibaly 18BX559 Aom Medical Supply v.
Casualty Co. Cliffs v. Nationwide Mutual Fire 17BX5356 Hempstead Medical v. New Jersey v. Country-Wide Ins. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX6770 Rockaway Rx Pharmacy
18BX18302 American Express Nat. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co.
18BX19441 First Spine Chiropractic Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. Co. 18BX580 Concourse Chiropractic v. v. Govt. Employees Ins.
Bank v. Nolberto Joaquin 17BX8407 Hudon Radiology Center 18BX560 Aom Medical Supply v.
17BX11054 Cavalry Spv I v. Joseph of NY Pc v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15BX13068 Surgicare of Jersey City 18BX12484 Pain Mgt. Center of Geico 18BX667 Sarah S. Quintillan v.
18BX19437 First Spine Chiropractic v. Hereford Ins. Co. of Nj v. Geico State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. New Jersey v. Golden Child Car 18BX581 Concourse Chiropractic v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
Jimenez 18BX12726 James Kim v. Allstate 18BX12488 Arnica Acupuncture
of NY Pc v. American Transit Ins. 15BX13069 Surgicare of Jersey City Corp Geico 18BX6778 Shalom’s Pharmacy, Inc.
18BX18265 Citibank v. Cassandra Ins. Co. P.C. v. Kemper Independence Ins.
Co. v. Maya Assurance Co 18BX9048 Pana Medical Supplies, 18BX19828 Contemporary v. Govt. Employees Ins.
Smith 18BX12728 James Kim v. Allstate Co.
18BX19439 First Spine Chiropractic 15BX13067 Surgicare Surgical Inc. v. Geico Orthopedics v. Country Wide Ins. Solomon Halioua v. Geico
18BX15787 Credit Acceptance Corp. Ins. Co. 18BX12483 Arnica Acupuncture P.C.
of NY Pc v. American Transit Ins. Associates of Fair Lawn v. Global 18BX19742 Park West Medical Co. 18BX1075 Solomon Halioua Md v.
v. Arthur R. Harris 17BX8662 Jeffrey S. Rauch v. Geico v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
Co. Liberty Ins. Co. of New Group v. Geico 17BX13895 Copaigue Chiropractic American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX17697 Credit Acceptance Corp. 17BX8674 John F. Dimitri v. Geico 18BX6767 Avanguard Medical
18BX19440 First Spine Chiropractic 17BX13178 Taira Rx Corp. v. Govt. 18BX9046 Pearl Medical v. Pc v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX1076 Solomon Halioua Md v.
v. Regla C. Delossantos A/k/a 18BX19576 Kz Pharmacy v. Govt. Group v. Govt. Employees Ins.
of NY Pc v. American Transit Ins. Employees Ins. American Transit Ins. Co. 17BX14454 Dac Medical v. Safeco American Transit Ins. Co.
Regla Caridad Employees Ins. 18BX136 Barry Hughes v. Nat. 18BX140 Pleasantdale Ambulatory 18BX1082 Solomon Halioua Md v.
Co. 17BX14285 Titan Pharmacy v. Ins. Co of Indiana
19BX897 Credit Corp Solutions Inc 18BX11626 Lenex Services, Inc. v. Liability & Fire Ins. Care v. 21st Century Centennial American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX19435 First Spine Chiropractic Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX19770 Daniel P Klein Md v.
v. Yoselin Rodriguez Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19794 Better Hands Physical Ins. 21st Century North America Ins. 18BX1084 Solomon Halioua Md v.
18BX13700 Ford Motor Credit Co. of NY Pc v. State Farm Fire And 17BX14286 Titan Pharmacy v.
Casualty Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX11627 Lenex Services, Inc. v. Therapy P.C. v. American Transit 18BX12162 Profit Rehab v. Geico Co. American Transit Ins. Co.
LLC v. Rafael Guerrero Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 17BX13595 Prompt Medical Supply 18BX19768 Daniel P Klein Md v. 18BX1085 Solomon Halioua Md v.
18BX19671 Lvnv Funding LLC v. 18BX19436 First Spine Chiropractic 18BX8889 Titan Pharmacy v.
of NY Pc v. State Farm Fire And American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX11628 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18BX19799 Better Hands Physical Inc. v. Hereford Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co.
Dora Day Johnston Geico Ins. Co. Therapy P.C. v. American Transit 18BX12834 Psychology Help Pc v. 18BX19753 Daniel P Klein Md v. 18BX1087 Solomon Halioua Md v.
Casualty Co. 18BX3704 Valor Chiropractic
18BX19705 Velocity Investments v. 18BX11629 Lenex Services, Inc. v. Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Hereford Nf Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co.
18BX9150 Focus Chiropractic Pc v. Wellness Pc v. Govt. Employees
Anibal Campusano Geico Ins. Co. 18BX19800 Blessed Hands 18BX12835 Psychology Help Pc v. 18BX12763 Dassa Orthopedic 18BX1088 Solomon Halioua Md v.
Mvaic Ins.
Part 15 16BX11948 Forest Drugs (b) v. 18BX3706 Valor Chiropractic 18BX11631 Lenex Services, Inc. v. Chiropractic P.C. v. American Geico Ins. Co. Medical Services v. American American Transit Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. Wellness Pc v. Govt. Employees Geico Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX11348 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX19756 Solomon Halioua Md v.
851 Grand Concourse
18BX19496 Frank Zic v. Allstate Ins. 18BX11630 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18BX10960 Central Park Physical American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12764 Dassa Orthopedic Country Wide Ins. Co.
Room 503, 10:30 A.M. Medicine & Rehab. v. American
Fire Casualty Ins. Co. 18BX3707 Valor Chiropractic Maya Assurance Co. 18BX11350 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. Medical Services v. American 18BX19757 Solomon Halioua Md v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18BX19502 Frank Zic v. Allstate Wellness Pc v. Govt. Employees 18BX5072 Linden Medical Care P.C. Transit Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co.
Fire Casualty Ins. Co. Ins. v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX10961 Central Park Physical 18BX11349 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. 18BX12852 Doctors United Inc. v. 17BX14347 Solomon Halioua Md v.
Trial - Bench 18BX11390 Full Dimension Rehab 17BX8543 Vista Medical 18BX5082 Linden Medical Care P.C. Medicine & Rehab. v. American Progressive Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Geico
Logan LLC v. Charles Simmons Care Pt Pc v. Lm General Ins. Co. Rehabilitation P.C. v. Geico v. American Transit Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co. 18BX10964 Quick Docs Medical v. 18BX12839 Doctors United Inc. v. 17BX14348 Solomon Halioua Md v.
18BX2309 Nyp-Lawrence Hosp. v. 18BX11741 Full Spine Chiropractic 15BX12916 Vista Medical 17BX12804 Llj Therapeutic Services 18BX5073 Chairo Healthcare v. Country Wide Ins. Co. Geico Geico
Marilyn Costa of NY Pc v. Geico Rehabilitation v. American Pt Pc v. Global Liberty Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX10965 Quick Docs Medical v. 18BX12842 Doctors United Inc. v. 18BX6042 Sound Chiropractic &
18BX11750 Full Spine Chiropractic Transit Ins. Co. 17BX12805 Llj Therapeutic Services 18BX19801 Co-Op City Chiropractic Country Wide Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Physical Therapy v. American
of NY Pc v. Geico 18BX19523 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Pt Pc v. Global Liberty Ins. Co. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. 18BX12485 Recover Medical 18BX12864 Doctors United Inc. v. Transit Ins. Co.
Trial - Bench 18BX11751 Full Spine Chiropractic Allstate Ins. Co. 18BX5078 Main Chiropractic & 18BX11717 Columbus Imaging Services P.C. v. Citiwide Auto Geico Ins. Co. 18BX6043 Sound Chiropractic &
of NY Pc v. Geico 18BX19513 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. Rehabilitation Ctr. v. Allstate Ins. Center v. Geico Leasing 18BX12824 Doctors United, Inc. v. Physical Therapy v. American
18BX6756 The Board of Mgrs. of 14BX3649 Complete Medical Care 17BX10494 Shahid Mian v. Transit Ins. Co.
18BX11764 Full Spine Chiropractic Country-Wide Ins. Co. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
Sedgwick v. Alana Clemente 17BX4282 Mar-And Medical Svcs of NY Pc v. Govt. Employees Hereford Ins. Co. 17BX12763 East Coast Acupuncture 18BX19726 Steven Schneider Dc Pc
of NY Pc v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 18BX19514 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Equipment v. NYCTA Ins. Co 18BX12167 Smb Medical v. Geico P.C. v. American Transit Ins. Co. v. Geico
18BX11777 Grand Central Physical 18BX19515 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX8399 Med-Surg Durables v. 17BX8677 Concourse Chiropractic 18BX19781 Solomon Halioua Md v. 17BX12850 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX19744 Steven Schneider Dc Pc
Trial - Bench Medical v. Geico Geico v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. v. Geico
Country-Wide Ins. Co.
19BX1290 1374 Boston Road v. 18BX11778 Grand Central Physical 18BX19516 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX8413 Monarch Anesthesia- 18BX19803 Custom Orthotics v. 18BX19779 Solomon Halioua Md v. 17BX12852 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX14237 Surgicare of Manhattan
18BX17456 Ae Tech. Group v. Fair Medical v. Geico Country-Wide Ins. Co. Jersey City v. Geico Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Allstate Prop. And Casualty Ins American Transit Ins. Co. v. Geico
Price Ins. Brokerage LLC 16BX8835 Harbor Chiropractic 18BX19517 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX12697 Montvale Surgical 18BX5562 Dana Woolfson Lmt v. 18BX19754 Solomon Halioua Md v. 17BX12847 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX10601 Taira Rx Corp v. Govt.
16BX14656 East 163rd LLC v. Gale Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Center v. Geico Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Geico Elrac Inc Employees Ins.
Regina Sylvester 17BX13627 Harbor Chiropractic 18BX19518 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX19575 N.Y. Neurology v. 17BX10495 Daniel P Klein Md v. 17BX12688 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX91 Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O. P.C. 17BX13929 Theracare & Wellness
18BX14959 State Farm Mutual Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Hereford Ins. Co. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. v. 21st Century Security Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Automobile Ins. v. Corey D. 16BX14171 Harvey Family Chiro Pt 18BX19531 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 18BX12719 Nathalie G. Daom v. 18BX19719 Daniel P Klein Md v. 17BX12689 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX87 Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O. P.C. 18BX12762 Titan Pharmacy v.
Winston & Acup Pllc v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Geico Mapfre Ins. Co. of NY Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
18BX19909 Surgicare Ambulatory 17BX13135 Harvey Family Chiro Pt 18BX19532 Vitruvian Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX8396 Neurological Specialties 18BX19737 Daniel P. Klein v. 17BX12693 Solomon Halioua Md v. 18BX88 Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O. P.C. 17BX13633 Tm Medical Pc v.
Center Inc v. Louis Solimano & Acup Pllc v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. of Li Pllc v. Travelers Ins. Co. American Country Ins. Co. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. v. State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Co. | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 33

18BX6779 Tremont Chemist (b) v. Osc (1): Vacate Judgment 17BX2727 Flatlands Medical Care v. 17/3190 Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Apt
American Transit Ins. Co. Part 38 Part 41 Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. (Q)
River Park Associates v. Sparkle
18BX19728 United Physicians v.
18BX19831 United Physicians v.
Stellar Sedgwick LLC v. Leida
851 Grand Concourse
Room 528A, 11:00 A.M.
851 Grand Concourse
Room 505, 9:30 A.M.
17BX3473 Flatlands Medical Care v.
Nat. Liability & Fire Ins.
17BX9314 Fu-Qi Acupuncture Pc v.
Second Department 17/5064 Delp v. Guerra (S)
17/1179 The Bank of New York
Mellon, formerly known as the
Alcantara THURSDAY, FEB. 28 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 _____■■■■ ■■■■_____
State Farm Mutual Automobile Global Liberty Ins. Co. ■ Bank of New York, a (Q)
Ins. Osc (1): Vacate Order of Conference - Preliminary Motion Glenn Segal Pt v. Nationwide 17/11381 Paar and Paar, individu-
18BX14581 Universal Health Seizure
Con Ed Co. of New v. Bhagmatee 18BX4224 Adaptive Personal Touch
Affinity Ins. APPELLATE 18/06233 Bostick v. Safa (K)
18/03347 Ruiz v. Darren
ally and as husband and wife v.
18BX1194 Global Health Care
Chiropractic v. Geico
17BX14221 Vallabh Medical P.C. v.
Con Ed Co. of New v. Daisy Toyo
Con Ed Co. of New v. Hubaida
Ramoular v. State Farm Mutual Automobile
Chiropractic Pc v. Mvaic
DIVISION Corporation (K)
Sky Foods Market (Q)
17/12545 Burton v. Walcott (Q)
Con Ed Co. of New v. Community 18BX4226 Adaptive Personal Touch 17/04391 Nationstar v. Farrel (K)
Allstate Ins. Co. Iddriss 18BX3065 Good Care Pharmacy v. 16/4106 Rozmarin v. Sookhoo (K)
Outreach Consulting Firm Inc v. State Farm Mutual Automobile 16/10794 HSBC, National
17BX14222 Vallabh Medical P.C. v. Con Ed Co. of New v. Keita Amadou Travelers Ins. Co. Tuesday, Feb. 26 17/4438 Rozmarin v. Sookhoo (K)
Con Ed Co. of New v. Cristino 18BX7739 Adaptive Personal Touch Association, as trustee for
Allstate Ins. Co. Con Ed Co. of New v. Luz M Butler 18BX17309 Good Hands 18/4534 M.C. v. City of New York
Pinales v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Court To Be Held in Deutsche Bank ALT-A v (K)
17BX14223 Vallabh Medical P.C. v. Chiropractic v. Progressive (K)
Osc (2): Vacate Order of Con Ed Co. of New v. Josephine 18BX7742 Adaptive Personal Touch Brooklyn, NY 17/05342 Ortega v. Tsoi (K)
Allstate Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co 18/8738 Giraldo v. Highmark
Seizure Gonzalez v. State Farm Mutual Automobile 17/08968 Matter of Piller v. Eisner
18BX14583 Vista Acupuncture P.C. Gotham Acupuncture Chiropractic Austin, J.P., Cohen, Independent, LLC (Q)
Con Ed Co. of New v. Mahmood 18BX18536 Arthrokinematics Pt Pc (K)
v. Geico Ins. Co. Con Ed Co. of New v. Precious And v. Nat. Liability & Fire Brathwaite Nelson and 17/8582 Doerrer v. Schreiber Foods,
Tayyab v. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. 18/02444 Matter of Piller v. Eisner
17BX8706 Vista Medical Smith Ins. Co Iannacci, JJ. Inc. (S)
Con Ed Co. of NY v. Amanda Barry Sloan Do v. Hereford Ins. Co. (K)
Rehabilitation Pc v. Geico Osc (3): Vacate Judgment - 18BX2186 Gs Physical Therapy 17/803 Lewis v. KMT Group, Inc.
Almonte 18BX17089 Dana Woolfson v. Motor 18/4419 People of State of New 17/08354 Palmer v. Level Realty,
17BX8710 Vista Medical After Inquest Office Pc v. Praetorian Ins. Co. (W)
Con Ed Co. of NY v. Mayra Perez Vehicle Accident York v. Davis (Q) LLC (D)
Rehabilitation v. Geico Harbor Chiropractic Diagnostic v. Thursday, March 7
Tonya Dennis v. Bornruler Allah 17BX1273 Daniel P Klein Md v. 14/9765 People v. Nwobi, Anthony, 17/02852 Swan v. Pier 1 Imports,
18BX14580 Walter E. Mendoza Hearing State Farm Ins. Co.
Hereford Ins. Co. C. (Q) (U.S.) Inc. (K)
Chiro. P.C. v. Geico Osc (4): Vacate Stipulation Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Pllc 10 A.M.
Con Ed Co. of New v. Mayra Ivonne 18BX13925 Evangelina Jacobson v. 13/7762 People v. Clavell, 17/05945 Aurora Loan Services, LLC
18BX19823 Warren St. Orthopedic Harper Gardens LLC v. Patricia v. Ameriprise Ins. Co.
Morales State Farm Mutual Automobile Christopher (Q) v. Tobing (RI) Court To Be Held in
Rehabilitation v. Country Wide Wynter Ian Mahase v. State Farm Mutual
Con Ed Co. of New v. Olga Ortiz 18BX767 F-R Mobile Physician Pc v. 15/3346 People v. Jaber, Omar (K) 16/12664 Saran v. Chelsea GCA Brooklyn, NY
Ins. Co. Automobile
American Transit Ins. Co. 18/2067 Matter of C. (Anonymous), Realty Partnership, L.P. (O)
18BX19826 Warren St. Orthopedic Part 34C Part 39 18BX16527 Ironbound M.R.I. v. St Rivera, J.P., Cohen, LaSalle
18BX1235 F-R Mobile Physician Pc Paul Protective Ins. Co. Zana; Administration for Friday, March 1
Rehabilitation v. Country Wide 851 Grand Concourse 851 Grand Concourse v. Hereford Ins. Co. Children’s Servic (K) and Connolly, JJ.
Ins. Co. Room 504, 9:30 A.M. 18BX8831 Jill Altman v. State Farm 10 A.M.
Room 528A, 11:00 A.M. 16BX14347 Gc Chiropractic P.C. v. 17/508 21st Mortgage Corp. v. 17/02702 People v. Gunther,
18BX19755 Western Dragon Mutual Automobile Ins
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Mvaic Ahmed (K) Matthew (W)
Healing Arts v. Country Wide Ins. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Jt Improvement Occupational v. Court To Be Held in
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Pllc 17/13 Bivens v. Stearn doing busi- 17/11117 People of State of New
Co. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Brooklyn, NY
Motion Hearing v. Ameriprise Ins. Co. ness as Sensocare Dental (K) York v. Boutin (S)
18BX9148 William Schlesinger v. Jt Improvement Occupational
Ian Mahase v. Fed. Ins. Co. 17/2501 Matter of Dixon v. Civil Scheinkman, P.J., Dillon, 14/07706 People v. Juarez, Miguel
Geico Bank of America v. Gareen L Key 132 Horizon v. Diego Rosas Aguilar Therapy Pc v. Integon Nat.
Interventional Pain Consultants of Court of the City of New York Maltese and LaSalle, JJ. (K)
17BX14341 York Anesthesiologist v. Bank of America v. Omololu Longe Ins. Co.
Part 40 North v. Elco Ins. Co. (K) 17/5443 People of State of New 16/12651 People v. Garcia, Kareem
Allstate Ins. Co. Capital One Bank (USA) v. Jodi Lb Lifeway Acupuncture v. 21st
Jeffrey S. Rauch v. Fed. Ins. 16/12763 HSBC Bank USA, National York v. Adkinson (Q) (K)
17BX13885 York Anesthesiologists Smith 851 Grand Concourse Century Advantage Ins.
Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia Association, as trustee under 16/1056 People v. Terry, Robert (W) 16/12958 Matter of C.
Pllc v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX12704 Cavalry Spv I v. Yvonne Room 505, 9:30 A.M. 18BX138 Mayhill Medical Group
v. Motor Vehicle Accident pooling and serv (N) 15/10141 People v. Jones, Richard (Anonymous), Markel; Nassau
18BX5553 Ysj Physical Therapy v. E Grant-Ward LLC v. Integon Nat. Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Indemnification 17/8568 Yarwood v. County of (K) County Department of Socia (N)
Discover Bank v. Jean R Mazile 17BX13500 Mayhill Medical Group
American Transit Ins. Co. 18BX11237 Neurological Suffolk (S) 16/4948 People v. Buyund, Donovan 17/04336 Faiella v. Oradell
Lvnv Funding LLC v. Sandra Lopez LLC v. State Farm General Ins.
18BX5554 Ysj Physical Therapy v. Motion Specialties of Li Pllc v. State 17/140 Indymac Federal Bank FSB (K) Construction Company, Inc. (W)
Nat. Collegiate Student Loan v. Nestor Luis Cora Mt v. Allstate Fire
American Transit Ins. Co. Acupuncture Treatment v. Integon Farm Mutual Automobile v. Jones (W) 18/2314 Global Liberty Ins. Co. v. 16/11586 DHE Homes, Ltd. v.
Shareen C Raikes Casualty Ins.
Nat. Ins. Co. 18BX9093 NY Independent Practice 18/7281 Indymac Federal Bank FSB Shadid Mian, MD, P.C. (N) Jamnik (N)
Part 20 Td Bank USA v. Geraldine Lopez Nestor Luis Cora Mt v. Allstate Fire
v. Jones (W) 17/00498 DHE Homes, Ltd. v.
Acupuncture Treatment v. Travelers of v. Hereford Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co. 18/153 L. v. City of New York (Q)
851 Grand Concourse Garcia Orly Navaro L.A.C. v. State Farm 17/7159 Troy v. Grosso (W) Jamnik (N)
Unifund Ccr LLC v. Shelret Foster Ins. Co. New Horizon Surgical Center v. 18/4074 Pomaquiza v. 145 WS
Room 528A, 9:30 A.M. Mutual Automobile 17/3963 Ayers v. The City of Mount 17/02859 Onewest Bank, FSB v.
Adaptive Personal Touch v. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Owner, LLC (K)
Osc (1): Vacate Judgment Performance Chiropractic v. Vernon (W) 18/6649 TBF Financial, LLC v. Eagle Jach (RI)
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Travelers Home And Marine Ins. Nj Pain Solutions v. Integon Nat.
Integon Nat. Ins. Co. 17/518 Bank of New York Mellon Tours, LLC (O) 18/06869 V.W. v. Middle Country
Arrow Financial Services v. 18BX11510 Alexander Baldonado Ins. Co.
Inquest - Court 16BX14343 Pr Medical P.C. v. Mvaic Trust Company, N.A. v. Thornfeld 17/7504 Kleiber v. Fichtel (Q) Central School District at
Monique Ortiz Medical P.C. v. Nationwide 17BX8506 North Yonkers
Surgicare of Manhattan v. (W) 17/68 Matter of Watson v. New York Centereach (S)
18BX226 Robert Ellis v. Nfn Capital One Bank (USA) v. Pamela General Ins. Chiropractic Services v. 16/4374 255 Butler Associates, LLC
Aurangzeb Alexander 17BX7939 Bmb Medical P.C v. Geico Nationwide Affinity Ins. American Country Ins. State Office of Children and 17/11349 Equity Investment &
Surgicare of Manhattan v. State v. 255 Butler LLC (K) Family Servic (K) Mortgage Company v. Smith (W)
Erin Capital Mgt. v. Marian Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Nr Motion Pt Pc v. Maya Assurance 17/10260 255 Butler Associates,
Part 30 Augusta Global Liberty Ins. Farm Mutual Automobile Co. 18/723 Georgia Builders, Ltd. v. 136 18/02985 Rusin v. Design - Apart
LLC v. 255 Butler, LLC (K) Bishops Lane, LLC (S)
851 Grand Concourse Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Oasis Acupuncture v. State Farm USA, Ltd. (S)
Osc (4): Vacate Judgment 18/3243 255 Butler Associates, LLC 17/6730 Matter of O’Grady v.
Room 503, 9:30 A.M. New South Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile 18/02986 Rusin v. Design - Apart
Municipal Cred Union v. Jammie Motion v. 255 Butler, LLC (K) Kiyonaga (W)
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. 18BX3510 Professional 17/11624 Law Offices of Harvey USA, Ltd. (S)
Mack State Farm Mutual Automobile 18BX2536 All Points Medical Supply Chiropractic Care v. Nat. 18/10790 Flaccavento v. John’s 17/08094 Legum, as assignee of
Arnoff v. Smolian (S) Farms (K)
Motion WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Ins. Inc v. Phoenix Ins. Co. Liability & Fire Ins. 18/4949 Moore v. DL Peterson Trust Lombardo v. Russo (N)
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Aris Diagnostic Medical Pllc v. Renaissance Wellness Chiro v. 17/3401 Weckbecker v. Skanska
William Rivera v. Shirley Ann (S) 17/03516 Allied Safe Corporation
Motion Travelers Ins. Co. Washington Int’l Ins. Travelers Ins. Co USA Civil Northeast Inc. (N)
Burke 17/7857 Madonna Management also known as Napoli Allied Safe
Capital One Bank (USA) v. Carlos Li Integrated Dc v. Travelers Ins. Bernhard J. Sengstock v. State 17BX12377 Solomon Halioua Md v. 16/11035 Qureshi v. Vital
Services, Inc. v. R.S. Naghavi, v. Pekich doin (N)
Osc (1): Strike From Trial M Recio Rodriguez Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co Esurance Ins. Co. Transportation, Inc. (Q)
Co. M.D., PLLC (N) 18/03846 Loewenberg v. Basnight
Calendar Lvnv Funding LLC v. Clifton 17BX8758 Complete Orthopedic 18BX15117 Steven Dangelo v. 16/9002 Hutchinson v. New York
West Islip Pt & Chiropractic v. 18/673 Madonna Management (S)
17BX11268 Landon R Graves v. Spigner Services Inc v. Global Liberty Ins. Repwest Ins. Co. City Health and Hospitals
Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Services, Inc. v. R.S. Naghavi 17/08792 Maida v. St. Bonaventure
Terry K Joseph Lvnv Funding LLC v. Julio Valera Co. Sunrise Acupuncture Pc v. Avis Corporation (K)
Osc (1): Vacate Judgment M.D. PLLC (N) University (S)
18BX16919 Midland Funding LLC v. 19BX469 Custom Orthotics v. Rent A Car System, Inc. 17/11398 Hutchinson v. New
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Wednesday, Feb. 27 York City Health and Hospitals 18/02603 Tejada v. Cedeno (Q)
Miriam Gaye Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. Geico Country Wide Ins. Co. Surgicare of Manhattan v. State 16/08009 Lewis v. Bartow (W)
Portfolio Recovery v. Elizabeth 18BX9258 Daniel P Klein Md v. Farm Mutual Automobile Corporation (K)
Motion WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Court To Be Held in 17/11820 Hutchinson, as adminis- 17/10101 Kabir v. Yousu (K)
Torres State Farm Fire And Casualty Total Chiropractic Pc v. Esurance Brooklyn, NY 17/07216 Matter of Campbell v.
Anthony Vargas v. 5504 103rd St. 17BX12624 Drs. Abrams v. State Ins. Co. trator of the estate of Canton v.
Group Corp Portfolio Recovery v. Guillermo Motion Stanford (D)
Farm Mutual Automobile Mastro, J.P., Miller, Duffy New York City H (K)
Larreta Adaptive Personal Touch v. Personal Service Friday, March 8
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 17BX12624 Drs. Abrams v. State and LaSalle, JJ. 17/7629 Members of the Dekalb
Portfolio Recovery v. Jose N Garrison Prop. And Casualty Ins. Rapapuncture Medical v. 21st
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. 18/1943 People v. Ventura, Cesar Avenue Condominium
Motion Caraballo Adaptive Personal Touch v. State Century Advantage Ins. Association v. Klein (K) Court To Be Held in
Pra III v. Flerida Algarin Drugs R Us Pharmacy v. Mapfre (S) Brooklyn, NY
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 17/3122 Landa v. Capital One Bank
Neftali Guadalupe v. D L Peterson 18BX9391 Td Auto Finance LLC v. Ins. Co. of New 16/10790 People v. Mendez, Jose
Trust Bernhard J. Sengstock v. 21st (USA) NA (K) Mastro, J.P., Dillon, Maltese
Ivan M Lorenzo-Perez 18BX7264 East 19 Medical Supply (K)
Century Ins. Co. Corp v. Ameriprise Ins. Co. Motion 18/1298 Griffith v. Atkins Glenmore and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ.
Part 30C Bernhard J. Sengstock v. State 16/11023 People v. Rivera, Brenizer,
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 18BX7818 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. 17BX12993 2 Life Acupuncture v. Realty, LLC (K)
also known as Rivera, Rosa (K) 17/07329 People v. Green, Henry
851 Grand Concourse Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co State Farm Fire And Casualty Mvaic
Motion 17/7233 People v. Stewart, Zamir (N)
Room 504, 9:30 A.M. 17BX8758 Complete Orthopedic 18BX7818 Elegance Rehab Pt Pc v. Arthur’s Pharmacy Inc v. Integon Monday, March 4
(K) 16/10988 People v. Griffin, Timothy
18BX17753 Cach v. Eisenhower Services Inc v. Global Liberty Ins. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Nat. Ins. Co 17/11806 People v. Roman, Diego
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Co. (W)
Naraine 18BX126 First Class Medical Pc v. 18BX11342 Aspen Medical Care v. (K) Court To Be Held in
Gl Acupuncture Pc v. Fiduciary Ins. 16/10989 People v. Griffin, Timothy
Motion 18BX17420 Citibank Na v. Gertrude 21st Century Nat. Ins. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. 17/11807 People v. Roman, Diego Brooklyn, NY (W)
Williams Co of America Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Pllc 19BX462 Blumenthal Chiropractic (K)
Capital One Bank (USA) v. Austin, J.P., Roman, Hinds- 14/04868 People v. Swann, Robert
Crown Asset Mgt. v. Monserrat Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. v. Global Liberty Ins Co of NY v. Global Liberty Ins. Co. of 16/2265 People v. Henry, Jermaine
Candaice A Daniels Radix and Christopher, JJ. (Q)
Delgado American Country Ins. Co. Ian Mahase v. State Farm Mutual 18BX16191 Central Park (K)
16/8740 People v. Moore, Marlon 16/06866 People v. Sanford,
Part 32 Discover Bank v. Jaelyb A Cespedes Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Automobile Physical Medicine & Rehab. v. Rivera, J.P., Hinds-Radix, (Q) Barshem (Q)
Discover Bank v. Jessenia M Global Liberty Ins Co of NY 18BX2308 Ian Mahase v. Allstate Automobile Ins. Co. of 18/00089 Mason ESC, LLC v.
851 Grand Concourse Brathwaite Nelson and 17/10679 People v. Jeancharles,
Perdomo Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Ins. 18BX124 Christopher Popp Lmt v. Michael Anthony Contracting
Room 503, 9:30 A.M. Iannacci, JJ. Frantz (S)
Lvnv Funding LLC v. Jose Silverio Nat. General Ins. Co. 18BX16529 Ironbound M.R.I v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Corp. (Q)
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Portfolio Recovery Associates v. Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. 18BX124 Christopher Popp Lmt v. 15/5966 People v. Jovenel, Jules (K) 16/11101 People v. Stewart, Jesse
Mapfre Ins. Co. 17/02305 US Bank National
Nydia Rivera State Farm Mutual Automobile State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. 16/12197 People v. Nelson, Ivan (Q) L., Jr. (S)
Island Rehabilitation Solutions v. Association, as trustee, on behalf
Motion Ins. 18BX5571 Citi Medical v. Nat. 17/13362 People v. Ryan, Kenneth 17/7286 People v. Cummings,
Osc (1): Vacate Judgment State Farm Mutual Ins. of the holders of (K)
16BX14656 East 163rd LLC v. Gale Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Liability & Fire Ins. (K) Horace (N)
18BX11184 Jianfeng Zheng v. 17/02306 US Bank National
Capital One Bank (USA) v. Zurich American Ins. Co. 18BX1228 Grand Central Physical 17/9218 People v. Smith, Mark (K) 18/90 Matter of Haims v. Lehmann
Regina Sylvester Global Liberty Ins Co of NY Association, as trustee, on behalf
Jonathan E Hernandez Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Pllc Medical v. American Transit Ins. 16/8081 People v. Martinez, (W)
Shalom Aleichem LLC v. Charmane 18BX18111 Lakeview Chiropractic of the holders of (K)
Fia Card Services v. Tanisha R Co. Francisco (K) 18/3391 Bushell v. City of New York
Sanders v. American Country Ins. v. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. 17/10589 Carr v. Cali (Q)
Selden Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Pllc v. 16/8083 People v. Martinez, (K)
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia Pc v. 17/01426 Garendean Realty Owner,
Part 32C Midland Funding LLC v. Shanna Pllc v. Hartford Accident And Metro. Prop. And Casualty Global Liberty Ins. Francisco (K) 18/1675 Kayantas v. Restaurant
Chapman 16/5625 People v. Allen, Dominique Depot LLC (N) LLC v. 14 Lincoln Place, LLC (K)
851 Grand Concourse Indemnity 18BX5223 Li-Elle Service Inc. v. 18BX13302 Health East Medical 18/03537 Garendean Realty Owner,
Room 504, 9:30 A.M. Midland Funding LLC v. Vincent Alliance v. Mvaic (K) 18/9700 Kayantas v. Restaurant
18BX18398 Harvey Family Chiro Pt Travelers Prop. LLC v. Lang (K)
Credle 18BX3769 Healthy Needle Dillon, J.P., Austin, Roman, Depot LLC (N)
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 & Acup Pllc v. State Farm Mutual 18BX5989 Metro. Interventional 16/09705 Matter of Courtenay v.
New Century Financial Services Acupuncture Pc v. American Maltese and Christopher, JJ. 18/2336 Sparakis v. Gozzer
Automobile Ins Co Medical v. State Farm Mutual Graziano (O)
Inc v. Willie Frias Transit Ins. Co. Corporation (Q)
Motion THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Auto Ins. Co. 17/11129 People v. Walsh, Robert 16/13273 Manton v. Lape (N)
Platinum Fincl Svcs Corp v. Lisin 18BX5786 Howard Beach Rehab Pt v. 18/7584 Kokkalis v. Arnstein (Q)
18BX9440 Miami Executive (Q) 17/11984 Farrell v. 225 Parkside
Ally Bank v. Sasha A Answer Alden Jimenez Country-Wide Ins. Co. 16/11041 Sanderson-Burgess v. City
Motion Pharmacy v. American Transit 17/10604 People v. Shenandoah, LLC c/o CT Corporation System
American Express Nat. Bank v. Slm Education Credit Finance v. 18BX5831 Howard Beach Rehab Pt v. Leon (RI) of New York (Q)
Ins. Co. 17/11123 Murphy v. Ford (W) (K)
Subrina Ramsammy Judith C Medina Acupuncture Treatment v. United Country-Wide Ins. Co. 17/4914 People v. Harriott, Zuriah
18BX6365 Milabo Acupuncture v. 17/8850 QFC, LLC doing business 17/08985 Zhou v. 828 Hamilton Inc.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Services Automobile Assoc. 18BX15993 Joanna Kushetsky Pt v. (K)
Osc (3): Vacate Allstate Ins. Co. as Quick Fix Capital v. Iron (K)
16BX767 Barnert Surgical Center v. State Farm Fire And Casualty 17/11771 People v. Hunt, Anthony
Cach v. Hector Ventura 18BX19203 Mingmen Acupuncture Centurian, LLC (W) 17/01942 Ryskin v. Corniel (Q)
Motion Global Liberty Ins. Co. of 18BX6353 Jodi Jacobs Dc Pllc v. (K)
Services v. State Farm Mutual 17/4449 The Bank of New York 16/10515 Kingsbrook Jewish
Bank of America v. Steven J Part 35 17BX981 Flatlands Medical Care v. Automobile Mvaic 17/6491 People v. Cervantes, Rudy
Omni Ins. Co. Mellon formerly known as the Medical Center v. Islam (K)
Wallace Muscle And Motions Pt Pc v. State 17BX13023 Jt Improvement (K) 18/03176 Wise v. Classon Village,
851 Grand Concourse Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Bank of New York, as (Q)
Farm Automobile Ins Co Occupational v. Maya Assurance Co. 16/9863 People v. Gabor, Jed (Q) L.P. (K)
Part 34 Room 503, 9:30 A.M. Allstate Ins. Co. 17BX13023 Jt Improvement 18/4163 Levine v. TD Bank, N.A.
18BX11942 Neurological Balkin, J.P., Chambers, (N) 18/03178 Wise v. Classon Village,
851 Grand Concourse TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Specialties of Li Pllc v. NY Occupational Therapy Pc v. Maya Cohen, Barros and 16/10543 Taron Partners, LLC v. L.P. (K)
Room 503, 10:30 A.M. Global Liberty Ins. Central Mutual Fire Assurance Co. Connolly, JJ. McCormick (W) 17/04784 Garcia v. Thomas (N)
Motion Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. 18BX2289 NY Center For Specialty Lesley Anne Uy Bendigo Pt v. NY
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 17/10434 People v. Simon, Clinton 17/3623 Burt v. MTA Bus Company 17/12063 Zavulunova v. Aminov (Q)
3155 Rlty. LLC v. Jenelly Olivera Nat. General Ins. Co. Surgery v. Mvaic Central Mutual Fire
(K) (Q) 18/01655 Rivera v. City of New York
Motion Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. 16BX12205 NY Medical & Lesley Anne Uy Bendigo Pt v. NY (K)
Part 35C State Farm Mutual Automobile Central Mutual Fire Ins. 17/7289 People v. Izzo, Joe (K) 17/3304 Reeves v. Welcome Parking
18BX6947 2437 Valentine Diagnostic Center v. State Farm 16/12681 People v. Torres, Jose (K) Limited Liability Company (K) 16/10002 Matthis, as administrator
851 Grand Concourse Ins. Mutual Automobile 17BX7887 Lev Tayts Md v. Mvaic of the goods, chattels and credits
Associates LLC v. 18BX5815 New Day Medical v. Mvaic 16/12683 People v. Torres, Jose (K) 17/8498 BAC Home Loans Servicing
Room 504, 9:30 A.M. Li Integrated Dc v. First Liberty 18BX5536 Orly Navaro Lac v. Mvaic which wer (K)
18BX14466 Dalton Wedderburn v. 18BX19537 Priority Care Rehab & Pt 17/1317 People v. Hart, Taekwon L.P. v. Herbst (K)
Ins. Corp. 18BX13928 Orthopedic Specialist of
Yvonne Lewis TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Pc v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. (K) 17/8510 Ward v. New Century Home
Professional Healthcare v. Country- Greater NY v. American Country
F & S Petroleum Corp. v. Rennie 18BX16079 Qb Acupuncture Pc v. 17/1319 People v. Hart, Taekwon Care, Inc. (K) Monday, March 11
Motion Wide Ins. Co. Ins. (K)
Somar State Farm Ins. Co 18/2571 Salina v. Waldbaum, Inc.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 18BX2744 Orthopedic Specialist of 16/13164 People v. Davis, Robert (N) Court To Be Held in
Osc (2): Stipulation 18BX5892 Bank of America v. Felix 18BX18106 Quick Docs Medical v.
Greater NY v. State Farm Mutual (K) Brooklyn, NY
Entsie Motion Global Liberty Ins. Co. of Tuesday, March 5
1425 U LLC v. Karina Guzman Automobile 17/384 People v. Davis, Robert (K)
Discover Bank v. Elizabeth A Ruiz 18BX6927 Renaissance Wellness Balkin, J.P., Roman, Miller
18BX11466 Alexander Baldonado 18BX6926 Renaissance Wellness Court To Be Held in
Osc (2): Vacate Judgment WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Chiro v. NY Central Mutual Fire Thursday, Feb. 28 and Christopher, JJ.
Medical P.C. v. State Farm Chiro v. NY Central Mutual Fire Brooklyn, NY
Parkchester Preservation Co. Lp v. Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 10 A.M. 13/6145 People v. Mena, Jonathan
Motion Mutual Automobile 18BX16080 Sanford Chiropractic Pc
Denise Bullock 18BX5807 Sherman Pharmacy 2 v. Leventhal, J.P., Duffy, (K)
Avanguard Medical Group v. Govt. v. State Farm Fire And Casualty
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Capital One Bank v. Gabriel T Employees Ins. NY Central Mutual Fire Barros and Iannacci, JJ. 18/5824 People v. Fyffe, Oshane (K)
Bermudez 18BX16080 Sanford Chiropractic Pc Court To Be Held in
Bloomfield Surgi-Center LLC v. 18BX5807 Sherman Pharmacy 2 v. 16/6730 People v. Harden, Gerald 18/5825 People v. Fyffe, Oshane (K)
Motion Capital One Bank v. Marisol v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Brooklyn, NY
Geico NY Central Mutual Fire Ins. A., II (O) 17/11058 People v. Goondall,
19BX1389 v. A Class Tires Cepeda Smb Medical v. Motor Vehicle Satya Drug Corp v. State Farm Rivera, J.P., Balkin, Naveed (Q)
Forest Drugs (b) v. Govt. 16/12376 People v. Isreal, John (K)
Beryl Sibblies v. Marjorie Anderson 18BX15227 Citibank v. Lynn Accident Mutual Automobile Chambers and Miller, JJ. 16/2245 People v. Cucchiara,
Employees Ins. 17/10951 People v. Newman, Dante
18BX17788 Iris Rodriguez v. Rodriguez 18BX6352 Urmas Medical Pc v. 19BX1749 Solomon Halioua Md v. Gregory (Q)
18BX11518 Gerald Weir v. Country 17/11111 People v. Alston, Terrance (K)
18BX17175 Credit Acceptance Corp. Mvaic Global Liberty Ins. Co. of 18/10625 Matter of Garcia v.
Teodoro E Regus Dds Wide Ins. Co. (N) 15/11631 People of State of New
v. Gloria Arias Valor Chiropractic Wellness Pc v. 17BX13812 Tian Shan Acupuncture Santana (K)
19BX261 Jaime Pena v. Park Mgt. Global Medical Care v. Allstate 17/02865 People v. McKenzie, York v. Guadeloupe (K)
Midland Funding LLC v. Opemipo Country-Wide Ins. Co. Pc v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18/9757 Matter of Comoletti v.
Inc. Ins Co. Annika N. (N) 18/1873 Matter of Goode v.
Morris 1 LLC v. Juan Pablo Acosta Oluwole Wellspine Chiropractic P.C v. State Part 50 17/01003 People v. Mortel, Patricia Sandoval (W) Papapietro (R)
18BX11523 Gotham Acupuncture
19BX1484 Midland Funding LLC v. Farm Mutual Automobile (RO) 17/1389 Roye v. Gelberg (Q) 18/11270 Cover v. Cover (S)
Osc (1): Vacate Inquest Clerk Chiropractic And v. Country Wide 851 Grand Concourse
Shamea Loggins Osc (1): Vacate Judgment Room 528A, 10:30 A.M. 17/01004 People v. Mortel, Patricia 17/2770 Roye, as administrator 17/13302 US Premium Finance v.
Olinville Rlty. v. Felicia A Molina Ins. Co.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 (RO) of the estate of McGlashen v. Terranova Masonry, Inc. (R)
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Acupuncture Works v. Allstate TUESDAY, FEB. 26 17/8783 Bedi, as father & natural
Osc (3): Stay Eviction 17/01005 People v. Mortel, Patricia Gelberg (Q)
Ameriprise Ins. Co. Ins. Co. guardian of Bedi, an infant
Tenaja Brown v. Kim Bowden Motion (RO) 16/11108 Maltese, Esquire, as
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Hearing under the age of (D)
18BX10450 Bank of America v. 17/01938 People v. Mortel, Patricia nomintated executor under the
Osc (5): Vacate Inquest Clerk State Farm Mutual Automobile Morris v. 17/3369 Williams v. Abiomed, Inc.
Altagracia Cuevas (RO) last will and testa (Q)
Ins. Motion Renata Jonette Black v. 16/11109 Maltese, esquire, as (K)
Carole A Cohen v. Milton Fonseca 18BX17753 Cach v. Eisenhower 16/02341 People v. Allen, Derrick,
Harvey Family Chiro Pt & Acup v. Alpha Acupuncture P.C. v. Avis Rent nominated executor under last 18/537 Schaff v. Schaff (S)
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Naraine WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 also known as Holland,
Zurich American Ins. Co. A Car System, Inc. Johnathan (K) will and testament (Q) 16/13308 Nationstar Mortgage v.
Discover Bank v. Alba Corrales Lenex Services, Inc. v. Country-
Motion 18BX7759 Bernhard J. Sengstock v. Hearing 18/09152 Matter of Briggs v. Briggs 16/11110 Maltese, esquire, as Wright (K)
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Wide Ins. Co. Ids Prop. & Casualty Ins. (N) nominated executor under last 17/5171 Deutsche Bank National
v. Jodie M. Luker Li Integrated Dc v. American Charles Mintah v.
18BX10075 Complete Orthopedic Llody Derick Campbell v. 18/03195 Matter of Al-Dalali v. will and testament (Q) Trust Company, as trustee of
Riverbay Corp. v. Elsa Isabel Motion Country Ins. Co. Services, Inc. v. Esurance Ins. behalf of the cert (Q)
Rivera (Q) 17/735 Hamlin, as administratrix
Vasquez 18BX15253 Ally Financial Inc. v. Mayhill Medical Group LLC v. Geico Co. THURSDAY, FEB. 28 18/1536 Burger v. Brickman Group
18/03196 Matter of Al-Dalali v. of the estate of Hamlin v. PFNY,
18BX17535 Riverbay Corp. v. Derrick Borden Monarch Anesthesia-Jersey City v. 17BX11802 Daniel P Klein Md v. LLC. (S) Ltd. LLC (W)
Hearing Rivera (Q)
Vincent Taylor Capital One Bank (USA) v. Adam Avis Budget Group Hereford Ins. Co. 18/03197 Matter of Al-Dalali v. 17/4755 Greenberg v. Grace Plaza 17/4577 Williams v. St. John’s
Riverbay Corp. v. William Johnson Martinez Penn Medical Services v. Geico 17BX14046 Drd Medical Pc v. Brittany Geraldine Givens v. Rivera (Q) Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Episcopal Hospital (Q)
Osc (1): Judgment 18BX13700 Ford Motor Credit Co. 18BX11649 Roosevelt Acupuncture Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Male Anthony v. 18/10307 Matter of Blonder v. (N) 17/9501 2900 Stillwell Ave., LLC v.
LLC v. Rafael Guerrero v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. Five Star Ortho Prod.s, Inc. v. Raymond Gonzalez Jr. v. Blonder (S) 18/24 Board of Managers of 285 U.S. Underwriters Insurance Co.
371 E. 165 Equities LLC v. Nicole
Lockwood 18BX7733 Synchrony Bank v. Sanli Acupuncture Pc v. Govt. Hereford Ins. Co. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 18/12135 SS Charmer Corp. v. The Driggs Avenue Condominium v. (K)
Josephine Byfield Employees Ins. Flatlands Medical Care v. Nat. First National Bank of Long 285 Driggs Avenue (K) 16/12069 Rivera v. 203 Chestnut
Osc (1): Vacate Inquest Clerk Td Bank USA v. Elvia Arbona Skymed Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co. Liability & Fire Ins. Hearing Island (N) 16/12720 Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Realty Corp. (R)
Highbridge House Ogden LLC v. 18BX12234 Td Bank USA v. Sandra 17BX9012 Wu Xing Acupuncture Pc 17BX2721 Flatlands Medical Care v. Nurfija Huseinovic v. 18/10416 Gaston v. Metropolitan Apt (Q) 17/5377 Rivera v. 203 Chestnut
Carmen Monegro Williams v. USAA Casualty Ins. Co. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins. Raymond Antonio Sepulveda v. Transportation Authority (Q) Realty Corp. (R)

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34 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

17/6220 GLND 1945, LLC v. Ballard

APPELLATE 17/297 Active Care Medical Supply
Corp., A/A/O Rivera, Sammy v.
506711/18 NYCTL 2017-A Trust v.
551 39th St. LLC—Partnow—4/2
11841/09 Wilmington Trust v.
Crawford—JOSEPH —3/6
506382/16 Hsbc Bank USA v.
502598/19 Rhonda v. NYCH&HC
26349/09 Onewest Bank v.
Almonte—JOSEPH —3/6
17/7667 GLND 1945 LLC v. Ballard TERM American Transit Ins. Co. (K) 501623/19 O’Connor v. Harmony 510466/18 Zheng v. Kang-Yum— 506108/18 Hudson v. Bp America 512624/18 Silbering v. Oneill 517053/18 Perlmutter v.
(K) 17/311 Solution Bridge, Inc., A/A/O View Inc.—Walker—3/8 Wooten—3/27 Inc.—Fisher—4/3 523477/18 Yao v. Wright—DJMP— Perlmutter—Velasquez—3/13
2ND, 11TH and 13TH Akosah, Stephanie v. Nationwide 502820/19 Pile v. Christian—Baily- 513714/18 Zheng v. Lopiccolo— 500146/17 J.G. A Minor By His 3/5 5451/15 Perry v. Shargel—Jinenez
17/4626 Delaney, individually and JUDICIAL DISTRICT
as the administrator of the Ins. (K) Schiffman—3/14 Fisher—4/3 Mother And v. Lakwinder— Subsequent Motion Salta—3/13
estate of Franko (N) WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 17/314 Active Care Medical Supply 512633/18 Shearin v. Dervan— WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Sweeney—3/4 522530/16 Pinales v. NYC—
Corp., A/A/O Thornton, Terry v. Silber—4/4 2938/16 J.S.M. v. New Life Child— 524670/17 4924 4th Ave. Rlty. Corp. Boddie—3/15
17/1517 Robinson v. In & Out Deli, v. Afs Hldg. Corp.—CCP—3/4
Court To Be Held in American Transit Ins. Co. (K) 501756/19 State Farm Mutual RJI Motion Sweeney—3/25 505004/18 Pnc Bank v. Blackett—
Inc. (K) Automobile v. Bandele— 507091/18 52 Pulaski Associates
Brooklyn, NY 17/379 Veraso Medical Supply 500004/19 Amadeo v. Benshabat— 518796/17 Janjua v. 2848 Church Dear—3/11
Tuesday, March 12 Corp., A/A/O Boalds, Janet Rivera—3/8 Ave. Hldg. LLC—Sweeney—3/11 LLC v. Shyne—Velasquez—3/13 10744/15 Pollard-Leitch v. R &
Pesce, P.J., Aliotta and DJMP—3/5 510206/14 Agolli v. Reliable
v. Victoria Fire & Casualty 501779/19 Travelers Casualty Ins. v. 510194/18 American Express Nat. 508040/13 Jimenez Garcia v. D Utica Rlty. Inc.—Jinenez
Court To Be Held in Elliot, JJ. Company (K) Covington—Sweeney—3/11 Four Corners Central LLC— Check Cashing Corp.— Salta—3/6
Brooklyn, NY Bank v. Bystrom—Dear—3/5 Landicino—3/20
The following cases were placed 17/385 Health Evolve Acupuncture, 520594/18 Watts v. Espinoza— 522761/18 Caraballo v. Fabers— Baynes—3/14 26864/10 Porzio v. Silver
on the civil & criminal calendar P.C., A/A/O Elizabeth Muratova v. Vaughan—2/27 515112/16 Joseph v. NYCHA— 506052/17 Ahmed v. Garzon— Lake Specialezed Reha—
Scheinkman, P.J., DJMP—3/12 Cohen—4/17
By the clerk-ready day calendar- Allstate Insurance Company (K) 501606/19 Yeshia v. .— 502377/18 Chrispin v. Leon— Walker—3/8 Graham—3/14
Chambers, Austin and 512942/18 Alcide v. Sharky Taxi
appeals perfected. 17/482 Healthway Medical Care, Velasquez—3/6 Vaughan—3/13 519881/18 Kadin v. Fisher— 512739/15 Punter v. NYC—3/13
Duffy, JJ. 521096/18 Zeitchik v. Cheung— Inc.—Landicino—3/20 515714/17 Quintero-Cardona v.
P.C., A/A/O Thomas, Heather v. 509353/18 Combs v. NY Police DJMP—3/12
17/6268 People v. Mason, Shirley Mvaic (Q) DJMP—3/5 501736/18 Kazaryan v. 522583/17 Allstate Ins. Co. Casicana—Ottley—3/11
14/2522 The People Of The State Dept.—Levine—5/3
(RO) 17/485 Gentlecare Ambulatory Weichbrod—Velasquez—3/13 v. Lependorf—Baily- 513203/18 Ramdeen v. Baychu—
Of New York v. Schlena Pollard Subsequent Motion 274/17 Concepcion v. NYC—
14/6447 People v. Truluck, Jonathan Anesthesia Services; Lyonel 507503/18 Khrapatin v. Stony Run Schiffman—3/7 Velasquez—3/13
A/K/A Marie Pollard (Q) 512915/17 21st Mortgage Corp. As v. STEINHARDT —3/7
(K) F. Paul, M.D., A/A/O Bertrand, Equities Inc.—Wooten—4/3 509910/17 Andrusier v. Infosys 510011/17 Ransome v.
15/2359 The People Of The State Fairweather—Dear—3/14 501251/19 Downing v. NYCHA—
16/11872 People v. White, Frank W., Edvard v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) 519794/18 Kifayeh v. Hanna— Ltd.—King—4/10 Chemical Specifics, Inc.—
Of New York v. Andrew Sanatass 501191/18 685 Logan St. LLC v. Boddie—3/8
17/575 Oleg’s Acupuncture, P.C., Velasquez—3/20 520434/17 Ashlar Mechanical Corp. Rothenberg—4/4
Jr. (D) (Q) Olympic Pita of Coney Island— 522562/18 Escamilla-Gonzalez v.
A/A/O Malaysia Mullervy v. State 514265/18 King v. Larode— v. Metropolis Hvac Contractors— 524430/18 Rawle v. Sperry
18/4464 People of State of New 16/819 The People Of The State Of Walker—3/8 144 St Johns Pl. LLC—King—
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Rivera—3/15 Rivera—3/15 Associates Fed.—Jinenez
York v. Walker (S) New York v. Dedan White (K) 519430/18 Abreu v. Tovboeva— 3/27
(K) 504086/15 Kopelevich & 519576/18 Attentive Home Care Salta—3/13
18/5313 Matter of J.(Anonymous), 16/1265 The People Of The State Of Fisher—4/10 523210/18 Fulton Dean Funding
17/582 Oleg’s Acupuncture, P.C., Feldsherova v. Geller Law Agency v. Samandar—Ash—3/6 523622/18 Rodriguez v. Ruben And
Arline (N) New York v. Jude Bienaime (Q) 23007/03 Ameriquest Mortgage Co. LLC v. Catapano—Dear—3/18
A/A/O Anthony Hamer v. State Group—Knipel—3/15 20508/09 Bac Home Loans Sons Equities—Rivera—3/15
18/5319 Matter of J.(Anonymous), 16/2255 The People Of The State Of v. Gelardi—Sweeney—4/1 503573/19 Greaux v. Greenwich
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. 13827/08 Lasalle Bank Nat. v. Servicing v. Tacher— 508369/15 Roj v. Sorkin—
Arline (N) New York v. David Bookman (K) 507146/16 Angrand v. Bruce Supply Investors Xxxiii—King—4/24
(K) Daniels—King—4/24 Steinhardt—3/7 Graham—3/14
18/5320 Matter of J.(Anonymous), 16/2500 The People Of The State Of Corp.—Walker—3/1 513069/18 Guerrero Lopez v.
17/591 Serge Chiropractic Services, 5155/14 Lgf Hldgs. LLC v. Durden— 511625/14 Bank of America Na v. 522624/16 Roland v. Jules—
New York v. Michael Coger (Q) 507146/16 Angrand v. Bruce Supply Mohammed—Sweeney—3/11
Arline (N) P.C., A/A/O Peter Ransome v. Partnow—4/9 Pfeffer—Partnow—4/9 Landicino—3/20
16/2562 The People Of The State Of Corp.—Walker—3/8 509665/18 Hartford v. Venus—
16/10746 Corvera v. Prime Source Allstate Insurance Co. (K) 517205/17 Li v. Utopia Bklyn.— 19421/13 Bank of America v. 502209/18 Shawer v. Elrac—
New York v. Kevin Hargrove (K) 509258/18 Arenas v. Five DJMP—3/12
Development, LLC (N) 17/600 Ksenia Pavlova, D.O., A/A/O CCP—3/1 Winkler—Dear—3/29 Rivera—3/8
16/2777 The People Of The State Of Borough Brazilian—Wavny 523934/17 Ilizarov v. Fundator— 519641/17 Bank of NY Mellon v.
17/1929 Knight v. 177 West 26 New York v. Clarence Neal (K) George Brathwaite v. Hartford DJMP—3/12 501177/18 Livingstone v. NYC— 17424/14 Sorice v. NYC—
Realty, LLC (K) Toussant—3/13 Holder—Partnow—4/23 Boddie—3/8
16/3071 The People Of The State Of Insurance Company (K) 503555/14 Bank of America v. 509822/18 Josephs v. Ragin— 3/13
17/4027 Andriienko v. Compass 17/632 Ksenia Pavlova, D.O., A/A/O 14504/14 Lomax v. Smith— 514905/18 Bank of NY Mellon v. 513095/17 Sosner v. Quintana—
New York v. Samuel Torres (Q) Niles—Partnow—4/2 Rothenberg—3/21 Korchmar—Dear—3/19
Group USA, Inc. (K) 17/116 Healing Art Acupuncture, Solomon, Darnell v. Citiwide 904/18 Kelly v. NYCTL 1998-2 Cohen—3/13 Jinenez Salta—3/6
28533/09 Bank of NY v. Taylor— 509694/14 Bank of NY Mellon v. 500255/16 Soto v. Schwartz—
17/10057 Esposito v. Larig (K) P.C., A/A/O Andino, Giovanni v. Auto Leasing (K) Partnow—4/9 Trust—King—3/27 514688/16 Lorenzo v. Kfc Corp.—
17/635 Natural Therapy Landicino—3/20 McNeill—Dear—3/7 Spodek—3/26
17/9936 Conn v. Tutor Perini Progressive Ins. Co. (K) 502260/18 Bencosme v. Singh— 517623/18 Kirnos v. Ester’s Food—
Acupuncture, P.C., A/A/O Boodoo, 502881/15 M&T Bank v. 509276/15 Bank of NY Mellon v. 520117/16 Stewart v. Hpeny
Corporation (Q) 17/156 Advanced Orthopedics, Velasquez—3/6 DJMP—3/5 Sealey—Dear—3/7
17/4569 Cerrato v. Jacobs (Q) Pllc, A/A/O Nicol Karavangelas v. Anselm Kevin v. Geico Ins. Co. 3095/18 Marchiano v. Criscione— Hospedales—Partnow—4/9 Housing Dev.—Walker—3/8
509960/18 Benn v. Henry— 514397/16 Bank of NY Mellon v. 517109/17 Suquitana v. Drmbre-
16/9188 Arroyo v. Central Islip Geico (Q) (K) Velasquez—3/13 Silber—4/4 508220/14 Mahoney v. Howland
17/641 Ksenia Pavlova, D.O., Hook Housing Co., Inc.— Walker—Dear—3/5 85th Fee LLC—Silber—3/28
UFSD (S) 17/303 Gl Acupuncture, P.C., A/A/O 511320/18 Bercy v. Sajo Rlty. 519542/18 Marschalk v. Veloz— 523646/17 Bld 373 Prospect Pl
Gibson Darell v. Progressive Ins. A/A/O Murray, Eldica v. Hartford Wade—4/5 Martin—4/23 20608/10 Sylvester v. Camilien—
17/5774 Matter of Arroyo v. Central Corp.—Fisher—3/13 LLC v. 373 Prospect Pl. LLC— Graham—3/14
Co. (K) Insurance Company (K) 510047/16 Casilari v. 76-09 Queens 521596/18 Mercedes-Benz 504797/18 Manzano v. Penske
Islip UFSD (S) Vaughan—3/13 507881/16 Tenezaca v. Pacific
17/315 Cpm Med Supply, Inc., A/A/O 17/653 Lms Acupuncture, P.C., Blvd—Fisher—4/10 Financial v. Reznik—Dear— Truck Leasing Co., L.P.—King—
18/6099 Brockner v. Brockner (S) 3/27 503369/18 Bobb v. NYCH&HC— Project Rlty. LLC—Wavny
Carlos Espinoza-Calle v. State A/A/O Monroe, Rashod v. State 500061/08 Chisholm v. 3/12
18/8274 Sepe v. Barravecchio (Q) 500912/12 Martin v. NYC— CCP—3/1 Toussant—3/6
Farm Fire And Casualty Ins. Co. Farm Mutual Automotive Ins. Co. Thompson—Spodek—3/12 526233/18 Monsegur v. Hamilton
17/3666 Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. Baynes—5/9 511424/17 Bowe v. Benchmark 509082/16 Topciu v. Gna Mgt.
(K) (K) 501745/16 Cit Bank Na v. Park Nursing Home—Wade—
McClintock (N) 522143/16 Massay v. Bridgeman— Builders, Inc.—Silber—4/4 Corp.—Baynes—3/14
17/586 Pro Health Acupuncture, 17/681 Gentlecare Ambulatory McFarlane—Dear—3/7 3/5
17/3667 Wells Fargo Bank, NA v. King—3/27 1786/12 Brizan v. Omega Ginobli 518196/17 Torres v. Tiran—
P.C., A/A/O Anthony Johnson v. Anesthesia Services; Lyonel F. 512189/17 Cit Bank v. Beckles— 513831/18 Munira v. Torok—
McClintock (N) 516531/17 Matthews v. Petrakis— Partners—Cohen—4/17 Baynes—3/14
Geico Insurance (K) Paul, M.D., A/A/O Coleman, Marc Partnow—4/9 Wade—3/22
17/8095 Wroblewski v. Williams (S) Walker—3/8 23814/07 Brown v. NYC—3/6 515307/17 Torres v. NYC Dept. of—
17/595 Right Aid Medical Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) 522298/16 Cit Bank v. Koger— 500969/19 Pouget v. Crown Nursing
17/1886 Migliano v. Romano (S) 521102/16 Mg v. Estate of Sergio 514147/17 Bruno v. Diallo— Cohen—4/17
Corp., A/A/O Marie, Alexandre v. 17/688 Ksenia Pavlova, D.O., A/A/O Partnow—4/2 Home—Cohen—4/10
Black—Wavny Toussant—3/20 Jinenez Salta—3/6 508206/18 Torres v. Malakpata—
17/499 Korszun v. Winthrop State Farm Mutual Automobile Winter, Seigmund v. Hartford 504563/14 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 500972/19 Progressive Casualty v.
510740/16 Miller v. Posner— 500059/10 Caban v. Saint Vincents DJMP—3/5
University Hospital (N) Ins. Co. (K) Insurance Company (K) Blanco—JOSEPH —3/6 Vazquez—Landicino—3/13
Baynes—3/14 Catholic—Graham—3/14 515993/17 Tyrnauer v. NYCHA—
16/10051 Matter of Doe v. New York 17/764 Lida’s Medical Supply, Inc., 17/805 Serge Chiropractic Services, 1585/13 Conger v. Lawrence— 510765/18 Rodas v. Cr 17 LLC—
502621/17 Mingot v. Team Fleet 510047/16 Casilari v. 76-09 Queens 3/20
State Office of Children and A/A/O Armstrong, Sherlock v. P.C., A/A/O Orane Robinson v. Martin—5/14 DJMP—3/12
Financing—Velasquez—3/6 Blvd—Fisher—4/10 23178/10 U.S. Bank v.
Family Services (S) American Independent Ins. Co. Farmington Casualty Company 514090/17 Danko v. Nat. Grid 522835/18 Rubinstein v. C & A
513903/18 Morales v. 1294 Park 502712/18 Cerke Inc. v. 1247 M&F Grossbaum—Dear—3/11
(K) (K) USA—Martin—4/23 Marketing Inc.
Thursday, March 14 Pl.—Sweeney—4/1 Mgt. LLC—Silber—3/7 5783/13 U.S. Bank v. Williams—
17/858 Prompt Medical Supply, Inc., 17/808 Loyalty Physical Therapy, 509250/15 Dean v. Greystone 522835/18 Rubinstein v. C & A
516974/17 Mtglq Investors v. 506090/17 Cespedes v. Southrock Rivera—3/8
Court To Be Held in A/A/O Gladstone Lawrence v. P.T., P.C., A/A/O Ramiro Chapa v. Properties 76 LLC Marketing Inc.—RUCHELSMAN
Bartholomew—Dear—3/8 LLC—Rothenberg—4/4 521265/17 U.S. Bank N.A. v.
State Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co. Travelers Property Casualty Ins. 509250/15 Dean v. Greystone —2/27
Brooklyn, NY 513831/18 Munira v. Torok— 512221/18 Cham v. Laguerre— Rocke—Dear—3/7
(K) Co. (K) Properties 76 LLC— 500219/19 Security Mgt.
Wade—4/5 Baily-Schiffman—3/21 518353/17 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
Rivera, J.P., Cohen, Maltese 17/909 North Valley Medical, P.C., 17/821 Natural Therapy Landicino—3/13 Systems v. Sandy Clarkson—
500094/15 Murphy v. 80 Pine LLC— 514747/18 Citibank v. Neuman— Adams—Dear—3/7
and Brathwaite Nelson, JJ. A/A/O Genevia Fisher And Benny Acupuncture, P.C., A/A/O 518165/17 Deutsche Bank Nat. Velasquez—3/6
Cohen—4/17 Dear—3/14 511226/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
Francis v. Allstate Ins. Co. (K) Richmord, Jasmaine v. Geico Ins. Trust v. Anicet—Dear—3/19 506749/18 Souferian v. Top Choice
17/11079 People of State of New 5430/13 Naranjo v. New Bushwick 20787/12 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Cabrera—JOSEPH —3/20
17/916 Prompt Medical Supply, Co. (K) 23202/08 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Brands, Inc.—CCP—2/27
York v. Sandy (D) 68 LLC—CCP—3/1 Lopez—Dear—3/25 506868/14 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
Inc., A/A/O Sandra Lindie v. State 17/832 Excel Medical & Diagnostic, v. Naidu—Partnow—4/30 523672/18 Sura Bine LLC v. Certain
18/7286 People v. Ottey, Dwayne 509027/14 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 503388/19 Cong Kehilat Hamid—Dear—3/11
Farm Mutual Auto Ins. Co. (K) P.C., A/A/O Jyotsna Patel v. Park 512900/15 Eastern Concrete Underwriters At—Walker—3/1
(K) v. Tabick—Dear—3/14 Keter Torah v. Levi—Baily- 507226/13 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
17/1051 31-36 32nd Street Astoria, Ins. Co. (K) Materials v. Allstar Ready Mix 519477/18 Vanterpool v. Valme—
17/6026 People v. Lockwood, 20317/09 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Schiffman—3/28 McCormack—Dear—3/1
Llc v. Frederick V. Nickell, Et Al. 17/859 Natural Therapy Corp.—Cohen—4/17 Sweeney—3/25
Shaquon (N) v. Washington—Dear—3/5 517656/16 Crawford v. NYC— 502578/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
(Q) Acupuncture, P.C., A/A/O 8486/13 Edmond v. Bright Ventures 524578/18 Vgm v. Isy Rlty.—
18/11895 People v. Lockwood, 502950/18 Nunez v. Athletes’ Levine—5/3 Mochkin—Knipel—3/14
17/1353 Ema Realty, Llc v. Mary Lamarre, Kens v. Geico Ins. Co. Partners LLC—Rivera—3/15 Vaughan—3/13
Shaquon (N) Careers Enhanced— 508320/17 Cruz v. 494 Fountain I— 26626/09 U.S.Bank Na v. Benun—
Dorothy Leyva (Q) (K) 509312/14 Elbogen v. 6 Revere— 522797/18 Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v.
Fisher—4/17 Wade—4/5 Rivera—3/15
18/11896 People v. Lockwood, 17/1500 Maureen Puckerin v. Pep 17/876 Natural Therapy Ruchelsman—3/6 Reynolds—Dear—2/27
13888/09 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 518933/16 Dalton v. Clarendon 39453/07 Us Bank Na v. Karlin—
Shaquon (N) Boys - Manny Moe & Jack Of Acupuncture, P.C. A/A/O Lively, 519936/18 Empire Merchants v. Subsequent Motion LLC—Baily-Schiffman—3/7
18/11898 People v. Lockwood, Paul v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) Legends Cafe LLC—King—4/10 McNeill—Sylvia Ash—3/6 Rothenberg—4/18
Delaware, Inc. (Q) 515935/17 135 South 1 LLC v. 514576/16 Davis v. Ding— 14874/13 Us Bank Nat. v. Rivera—
Shaquon (N) 17/1530 Sherwin Morgan v. 17/914 Zen Acupuncture, P.C., A/A/O 20557/12 Escobar v. NYC—3/20 524199/17 O’Connor v. Keyspan
Lopez—Landicino—3/13 Energy Corp.—Wooten—4/3 Genovesi—3/6 Dear—3/5
18/11899 People v. Lockwood, Charmant Ernst (K) Madera, Michelle v. Allstate 22159/11 Farrow v. Silva-Lugo— 512095/16 Deutsche Bank Nat.
Insurance Company (K) Velasquez—3/6 521691/16 259 Milford LLC v. Fv-I 515198/15 Obin v. Quito—Wade— 3048/15 Uzochukwu v. Bonauro—
Shaquon (N) 17/2209 Jev-Vern M. Jack v. Dr. Inc—Cohen—4/17 Trust v. D’Chiutiis—Dear—3/7 Wavny Toussant—3/13
18/11900 People v. Lockwood, Frederic Cohen (K) 17/1053 Bronx Chiropractic Care, 13361/08 First Horizon Home Loans 4/26
509907/18 372 Monroe St LLC v. A-Z 506067/17 Deutsche Bank Nat. 7896/15 Valcourt v. Mardy—
P.C., A/A/O Samuel Mangum, v. James—Partnow—4/9 518934/18 Ocwen Loan Servicing v.
Shaquon (N) House Corp—Cohen—4/10 Trust v. Jusinta B. Greenaway Silber—3/28
Rolando A. Davis, Senbetu 506074/15 Fontana v. Sunduram— Moodie—Dear—3/1
17/13477 People v. Gourdine, MONDAY, MARCH 4 519776/18 Aliex v. Doe—King— A/k/a—Dear—3/4 520380/16 Valdez v. Syracuse Fund
Dagnew And Colin Campbell v. Graham—3/14 508978/16 Peisakhov v. Zorin—
Joshua (RI) 3/27 508033/15 Deutsche Bank Nat. II LLC—Baily-Schiffman—3/7
Pesce, P.J., Aliotta and State Farm Insurance (K) 520100/17 Garvey v. Charley— Silber—3/7
17/10775 Shahid v. Dechert, LLP 509759/18 American Eagle NYC Trust v. Santana—Dear—3/12 507088/17 Velocity Commercial
Elliot, JJ. 17/1491 Clear Water Psychological Baynes—3/14 5109/15 Perez Jr. v. NYC—3/6
(K) R.E. v. 2133 Haring St. Corp.— 523222/16 Dilauro v. Johns—Baily- Capital v. Ramkissoon—
Services, P.C., A/A/O Rosalee 510520/17 Genoese v. Haym 514872/17 Perez-Martell v.
16/11051 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. The following cases were Rivera—3/8 Schiffman—3/28 Vaughan—3/13
Otero v. Global Liberty Insurance Salomon Mgt. LLC— Mashoq—Baynes—3/14
Mone (S) placed on the civil calendar By the 508567/17 Arazi v. Emission Good 2408/15 Dinardo v. Yeshiva 500206/17 Walters v. Bubtyn—
(K) Graham—3/14 26864/10 Porzio v. Silver
16/11083 Matter of Read v. Egan clerk-for submission only-appeals Taxi—Wavny Toussant—3/6 Kehilath Yakov Inc.— Rivera—3/8
21890/13 Glazier v. Schwartz— Lake Specialezed Reha—
perfected. *** 520434/17 Ashlar Mechanical Corp. Genovesi—4/10 522155/16 Wells Fargo Bank v.
(O) Saitta—3/7 Graham—3/14
v. Metropolis Hvac Contractors— 9391/15 Doe v. NYC—Boddie—3/15 Anderson—Silber—4/4
17/12459 Martin Greenfield 9TH and 10TH 8178/94 Green Point Savings Bank 523817/18 Presbytery of NYC v.
Rivera—3/8 500878/13 Dykhno v. NYC—3/13 21336/12 Wells Fargo Bank v.
Clothiers, Ltd. v. Brooks Brothers 16/1293 T & S Medical Supply JUDICIAL DISTRICT v. Alleyne—Knipel—3/14 Zion Presbyterian Church of—
520766/18 Atkinson v. Weiss— 502398/17 Emilea Ben-Dayan Hunter—KNIPEL —3/6
Group, Inc. (K) Corp., A/A/O Norberto Castelan v. 9726/15 Green Tree Servicing v. Velasquez—3/13
THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Baily-Schiffman—3/14 Sons Trust v. Union Mutual Fire 504566/14 Wells Fargo Bank v.
17/4102 P. v. Dongbu Insurance (K) Mvaic (K) Rosario—Dear—4/1 26783/11 Public Administrator of
520951/18 Bank of America C/o Ins.—Rothenberg—4/4 Kahan—Dear—3/19
18/5748 Yong Dong Liu v. Lowe (Q) 16/1356 Active Care Medical Supply, 525099/17 Harris v. Hue— Kings v. NYC—King—3/27
Court To Be Held in Corvel v. Washington Int’l— 8281/13 Estrella v. Rutland Nursing 14145/09 Wells Fargo Bank v.
16/11272 Bernstein, as executor of Corp., A/A/O Gauthier, Brian v. Rivera—3/1 507686/16 Quentin Terrace v.
Mineola, NY Jinenez Salta—3/6 Home, Inc.—Steinhardt—3/7 Rosinger—Vaughan—3/6
the estate of Knight v. Bank of Farmington Casualty Company 510157/17 Hoepelman v. Amjad— 103 Quentin Road LLC—
500113/19 Bank of America v. 504183/15 Evans v. 303 Dev. 501864/18 Wells Fargo Bank v.
(K) Adams, P.J., Garguilo and Walker—3/1 Vaughan—3/6
America (N) Johnson—Dear—3/5 Partners—Vaughan—3/20 Blake—Dear—3/18
16/1368 Easy Care Acupuncture, Ruderman, JJ. 505521/14 Hsbc Bank USA v. 26065/06 Residential Mortgage v.
17/4683 Wells Fargo, NA v. 7114/14 Barbieri v. Herman— 1732/14 Excel Capital Group Corp 502388/15 Wells Fargo Bank v.
P.C., A/A/O Roberta Bennett v. Ny Rahman—Dear—2/28 Ruben
Burshstein (K) The following cases were placed Cohen—4/3 v. 225 Ross St. Rlty., Inc.— Hewitt-Simeon—Dear—3/18
City Transit Authority (K) 503256/15 Hsbc Bank USA v. 515528/16 Reverse Mortgage
17/4685 Wells Fargo, NA v. on the civil & criminal calendar 513895/18 Barnette v. Celestin— Vaughan—3/13 509403/16 Wells Fargo Bank v.
16/1461 Solution Bridge, Inc., A/A/O Smith—Dear—3/7 Funding LLC v. Griffith—
Burshstein (K) By the clerk-ready day calendar- Baynes—3/14 505763/16 Fidilio v. NYC—3/13 Fequiere—Dear—3/5
Guzman, Ramon v. State Farm 513286/18 Ianvarashvili Partnow—4/23
18/1786 Cardella v. Suffolk County appeals perfected. 501929/17 Block v. 20 Lafayette 504075/18 Flores v. Crivera— 509840/15 Wells Fargo Bank v.
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. (K) v. Holzman—Baily- 502068/18 Rivera v. Illinois Nat.
Police Department (S) LLC—Baynes—3/14 Silber—3/28 Johnson—Dear—3/7
16/1527 Chapa Products Corp., Schiffman—2/28 Ins.—Fisher—4/17
17/10964 Lynch v. DiFilippi (N) 16/415 People v. Ronald Ransom 1671/17 Brammer v. Bent- 512604/16 Garcia v. Marshall— 510422/18 Williams v. Spencer—
A/A/O Isabel Corniel v. 21st 500969/14 James B. Nutter And 512224/17 Rivera v. 3111 LLC And
(N) Wiggins—King—3/27 Baily-Schiffman—3/7 Fisher—4/17
18/2082 Matter of State of New Century Insurance Company (K) Co. v. Mary Ann Gamble— Vision—Fisher—4/10
16/416 People v. Ronald Ransom 519671/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 3010/17 Gardner v. NY 13810/15 Williams v. Rochdale
York v. P. (Anonymous) (K) 16/1556 Jcc Medical, P.C., A/A/O Partnow—4/9 504853/17 Romain v. NYC—3/13
(N) 1125-1133 Greene Ave LLC— Presbyterian—Silber—3/7 Village Inc—Cohen—4/10
18/7057 Matter of D’Souza v. Beauvior, Marie v. Mvaic (K) 512812/16 Johnson v. Leon— 19852/09 Romero v. Waterfront
16/2041 People v. Shahidah Hagans Vaughan—3/13 520750/17 Generoso v. Santona— 523477/18 Yao v. Wright—DJMP—
Board of Appeals of the Town of 16/2883 Active Care Medical Supply Baynes—3/14 N.Y.—Vaughan—3/6
(N) 519842/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC Jinenez Salta—3/13 3/5
Hempstead (N) Corp., A/A/O Wilson, Andrae v. 505471/15 Jpmorgan Chase v. 515543/18 Roytkov v. Royal Dev.,
16/3052 People v. Shahidah Hagans Doorn—Dear—3/5 v. 1213 Jefferson LLC— 522087/18 Genuth v. Elbom— 517583/18 Yevdokimenko v.
18/1150 Matter of Hunt v. New American Transit Ins. Co. (K) Inc.—Wooten—4/10
(N) 508222/18 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Vaughan—3/13 RUCHELSMAN —3/6 Certified Drywall Inc.—
York State Department of Motor 16/2885 Bqe Acupuncture, P.C., 524520/18 S III Capital Group LLC
17/1107 People v. Amandeep Dheria Lawrence—Dear—3/4 519812/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 167 508259/18 Gioino v. Devito— Partnow—4/16
Vehicles (W) A/A/O Mccord, Genell v. Geico v. Willoughby Estates LLC—
(N) 515551/16 Kane v. Perry— Hart LLC—Vaughan—3/13 Silber—4/4 512290/15 Zheng v. Platinum
18/3967 Coronel v. New Jersey Ins. Co. (K) Vaughan—2/27
17/1213 People v. Nadia Bedard (N) Velasquez—3/6 519826/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 618 6863/14 Gladden v. 540 Willoughby Cheng, Inc.—Vaughan—3/20
16/2886 Gentlecare Ambulatory 502805/17 Scott v. 160 Jamaica—
Transit Corp. (RO) 18/811 People v. Pericles Linardos 520316/16 Kelmanovich v. 1107 Lafayette LLC—Vaughan—3/13 Ave. LLC—DJMP—3/12 FRIDAY, MARCH 1
Anesthesia Services; Lyonel CCP—3/1
18/9218 Coronel v. New Jersey (N) Produce Inc—Rothenberg—4/4 519969/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. Apc 502083/16 Gomez v. Durga
F. Paul M.D., A/A/O Mathurin, 514923/17 Smith v. Isa—
Transit Corp. (RO) 17/1350 North Shore Cardiac 516508/18 Kneses Israel of Sea- Hldg. 1 LLC—Vaughan—3/13 Maharjan—Baily- RJI Motion
Rebecca v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) Rivera—3/15
17/8588 Novick v. Novick (N) Imaging, P.C. v. Dr. Robert Glaser Gate v. Fettman—King—3/27 519437/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. D Schiffman—3/7
16/2888 Jules Francois Parisien, 519216/17 Spillane v. Tunca— 521818/18 Ayala v. 94th Avenue
(N) 500162/16 Kulikowski v. & W Real Estate Spring LLC— 511222/18 Guzman v. Reich—Baily- Jamaica
Friday, March 15 M.D., A/A/O Nigel Fisher v. Landicino—3/27 Schiffman—3/14
17/2311 Monette Rimpel v. 56 North Stewart Tenants Corp.— Vaughan—3/13 25128/11 Stout St. Fund I v. Halifax 516183/18 Blaise v. Thermitus
Allstate Insurance Company (K) 519825/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC 22776/09 H & R Block Bank v.
10 A.M. 16/2889 Gentlecare Ambulatory Long Beach, Llc (N) Rothenberg—4/4 Group—Vaughan—3/13 522765/18 Cao v. Wang—Jinenez
17/2313 Anthony P. Brito v. Board 7380/10 Lnv Corp. v. Francois— v. Eighteen Homes LLC— Bajwa—JOSEPH —3/20 Salta—3/13
Anesthesia Services; Lyonel 508920/16 Wall St. Mortgage 30396/09 H & R Block Bank v.
Court To Be Held in Of Managers Maple Arms KNIPEL —3/6 Vaughan—3/13 26324/11 Capital Equity v. Kiwak—
F. Paul, M.D., A/A/O Simmons, Bankers v. Bassil—JOSEPH Bajwa—Partnow—4/16
Brooklyn, NY Townhouse (N) 3280/18 Luxor v. Town of New 508958/18 Callace v. Union Leasing —3/6 Dear—3/12
Mary v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) Trust—Wavny Toussant—3/13 8592/13 H&R Block v. Ettienne—
Mastro, J.P., Leventhal, 16/2893 Gentlecare Ambulatory 18/454 Chava Tovah Weisberg v. Paltz—Landicino—3/27 523845/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. 6206/10 Citibank v. Kiwak—
Michael Bekritsky (N) 518122/16 Macareno v. 1981 Ocean 8693/15 Capital One Bank (USA) Dear—3/12 Dear—3/12
Connolly and Iannacci, JJ. Anesthesia Services; Lyonel Green—Dear—2/27 513791/17 Hamm v. Review
18/622 James Cooper v. Natalie Ave. Rlty. LLC—Baynes—3/14 N.A. v. Samuel—Dear—3/5 511139/18 Wilmington Trust v. 515331/18 Cruz v. Metro. NYCTA—
16/09609 People v. Dawson, Jason F. Paul, M.D., A/A/O Clayton, 6483/16 Capital One Bank (USA) v. Associates—Baily-
Masyline v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) White (N) 504610/18 Mendoza v. NYCTA— Morris—Dear—3/5 Boddie—3/15
(Q) 18/645 Arlene Zabary v. Long Island Boddie—3/8 Wiesenfeld—Dear—3/5 Schiffman—3/7 523039/18 Gem-Quality Corp. v.
16/2905 Gentlecare Ambulatory 507156/13 Wynkoop v. 622a 504848/18 Herling v. Duffy—
16/06807 People of State of New Veterinary Specialist, Pllc (N) 520195/16 Mid-Hudson Valley Fed. 503908/17 Carbajal v. Cara Hldg.— President St. Owners—CCP— Colony Ins. Co.—Cohen—4/10
Anesthesia Services; Lyonel F. Landicino—3/27 Velasquez—3/13
York v. Harris (K) Paul, M.D., A/A/O Perez, Dionicio 18/721 Geneva Morgan v. Long v. Ifill—Dear—3/5 3/1 501883/19 Govt. Employees
18/08629 People of State of New Island Roofing & Repairs Corp. 516874/16 Nelson v. Cbt Para 514518/18 Chan v. Thomas— 500157/15 Hewitt-Ogilvie v. NYC— v. Santander Bank—
v. Geico Ins. Co. (K) 15574/10 Zawadzka v. NYC—3/13 3/13
York v. Mosqueda (W) (N) Transit Inc—Genovesi—3/6 DJMP—3/5 Sweeney—3/11
16/2906 Active Care Medical Supply 508660/17 Citimortgage, Inc. v. THURSDAY, FEB. 28 19592/11 Holt v. Barrow—
18/08715 People of State of New Corp., A/A/O Mendoza, Homero v. 7002/13 New Penn Financial v. 502384/19 Govt. Employees Ins. Co.
Richards—Dear—3/4 Reinoso-Diaz—Dear—3/14 Walker—3/8 v. Edwards—Wade—4/5
York v. McClendon (S) American Transit Ins. Co. (K) RJI Motion 508277/14 Hsbc Bank USA v.
1097/17 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 521948/17 Coachman v. NYC—3/6 516211/18 Grigoras v. Campos—
17/11301 Matter of M. 16/2907 Metro Psychological 501854/19 Adams v. Calhoun— Estwick—Dear—3/27
Bedford Pl. LLC—Partnow—4/9 522962/18 Cobb v. NYC— King—3/27
(Anonymous), Jahzir Barbee; Services, P.C., A/A/O Adams Boddie—3/15 Fisher—4/3 513022/16 Hsbc Bank v. Archer—
4278/10 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 522709/18 Jenny D. Mendez v.
Administration for Childre (Q) Kenneth v. Allstate Insurance 506299/13 Collazo v. Santos—T.A.P. 513826/15 Ahasan v. Islam— Dear—3/6
Company (K) Foyle—Dear—3/25 Omega Express Ltd—Levine
17/11304 Matter of Judge Med Mal—3/7 DJMP—3/12 510501/15 Huang v. Fort Greene
16/2909 Alleviation Medical 521931/16 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust —6/7
M.(Anonymous), Jahzir Barbee; v. Halifax Group LLC— 26236/10 Congregation Imrei 502053/19 American Country Partnership—Martin—4/23
Services, P.C., A/A/O Pierre, 523901/18 Kantor v. Air Atlantic
Administration for Children’s Partnow—4/16 Yehudah v. .—Walker—3/8 Ins. v. Robinson—Wavny 522731/16 Hubbard v. Williams—
James v. New York Central Medical—Wooten—4/3
(Q) 11205/14 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 502476/17 Costa v. 976 Cypress Toussant—3/6 Saitta—3/7
Mutual Fire Insurance Company 515038/18 Lem v. Clarendon Road
18/03725 Matter of Fitzgerald v. Uddin—Partnow—4/16 Hldgs.—Fisher—4/17 511234/18 American Express Nat. 509491/17 Ivey v. Guglielmo—
(K) LLC—Dear—3/14
Fitzgerald (W) 502845/13 NYCTL 2011-A Trust v. 518681/18 Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Bank v. Ahmad—Dear—3/5 Silber—3/28 521621/18 McNeil v. Pryce—
17/09199 Soller v. Dahan (K) 16/2912 Bc Chiropractic, P.C., A/A/O SUPREME COURT Walker—Partnow—4/9 Powell—Baily-Schiffman—3/7 503682/18 Aponte v. Koss 512854/18 Jean v. Lindsay—Baily- Edwards—3/8
18/02525 Ramos v. Michael Epstein Lea Lagredelle v. Farmers New 513769/16 Cummings v. Public 518943/18 Avery v. Triumph Const. Schiffman—3/14
The following matters were 519958/18 NYCTL 2016-A Trust v. 505467/18 Preferred Contractors
Century Insurance Co. (K) Storage Institutional—CCP— Corp.—Rivera—3/8 519225/17 Jp v. League Education
Sports Productions, Inc. (W) assigned to the Justices named Lodhi—Partnow—3/26 v. Omega Const. Group, Inc.—
16/2915 Daily Medical Equipment 3/1 521818/18 Ayala v. 94th Ave. And—CCP—3/1
18/03639 Y. v. Broadway Mall below. These actions were 13388/11 Peckerman v. NYC—3/13 DJMP—3/12
Distribution Center, Inc., A/A/O 509390/16 Remy v. 1251 Americas 502954/14 Desmoulins v. Rutland Jamaica—Rivera—3/1 2683/10 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v.
Partners, L.P. (N) Taylor, Andrew v. Citiwide Auto assigned as a result of initial 520026/18 Prospect Acquisition I v.
Associates II Lp—Baily- Nursing Home, Inc.—T.A.P. 521516/18 Bah v. Rahman— Weisz—JOSEPH —3/6
17/10543 Matter of State of New Leasing (K) notices of motion or notices of Pernier—DJMP—3/12
Schiffman—3/7 Judge Med Mal—3/7 Jinenez Salta—3/6 521718/16 Kawwa v. 9101-9105
York v. D. (Anonymous) (K) 16/2994 Solution Bridge, Inc., A/A/O petition returnable in the court on 525006/18 Ryder Truck Rental, Inc.
515504/16 Reverse Mortgage 502508/14 Deutsche Bank v. 524371/18 Balassiano v. Bank of Third Ave.—Jinenez Salta—3/6 v. Certified Auto Collision Us
17/10761 Deutsche Bank National Perez, Elia v. State Farm Mutual the date indicated and the Request
Solutions v. Smart— Samson—Dear—3/4 America—Rivera—3/15 500351/18 Kerman v. Moshenyat— 3272/18 S&S Cadillac Motors v.
Trust Company as trustee for Automobile Ins. Co. (K) for Judicial Intervention forms that
Partnow—4/23 517666/16 Deutsche Bank Nat. 60/19 Barrett v. NYC Employees’ CCP—3/1 Benenson—RUCHELSMAN
16/2999 Noel E. Blackman, M.D., have been filed in the court with Retirement—Martin—3/6
Residential Asset (S) 507238/18 Rodriguez v. 180 Water Trust v. Adams—Dear—3/14 512518/17 Kilbride v. Davronov— —3/7
A/A/O Levent, Emek v. Allstate such initial activity in the case. 522221/18 Barry v. Vergara—
17/05302 Fidler v. Gordon-Herricks LLC—Jinenez Salta—3/6 511639/18 Dowell v. Fulton St. Wooten—4/10 523950/17 Scott v. Ocean Towers
Insurance Company (K) All Justices, assigned parts and Sweeney—3/11
Corp. (N) 516169/16 Santiago v. NYC—3/13 South—Boddie—3/8 502984/16 Krishkevich v. Rapid Partners—Jinenez Salta—3/13
16/3002 Active Care Medical Supply courtrooms are listed herein prior 522938/18 Barzilay v. Hairline
18/00990 Hogan v. Peninsula 500451/17 Schein v. Cuc Lb Inc. 501251/19 Downing v. NYCHA— Condominium—Baily- 2726/18 Shahid v. NYC—
Corp., A/A/O Delossantos, Ramon to the assignments of Justices for Ink—King—3/27
D/b/a Cuclb—Genovesi—3/6 Boddie—3/8 Schiffman—3/21 Boddie—3/15
General Nursing Home Corp. v. American Transit Ins. Co. (K) the specified actions. 518016/18 Berry v. Amad—
20326/13 Shoken v. 800 Ave. H 518818/16 E.O. v. Jofaz 507290/17 Kuka v. Z & J Const. 501142/19 Singleton v. NYC
(Q) 16/3148 Gentlecare Ambulatory Please see the Justices’ Transportation, Inc.—CCP—3/1 Levine—5/3 Corp.—CCP—3/1
LLC—Cohen—4/3 Employees’—Velasquez—3/13
17/04360 JPMorgan Chase Bank, Anesthesia Services; Lyonel F. information sheets for further 523055/16 Skverchak v. Kelenzon— 506727/16 Edwards v. Structure 522795/18 Ditmas Park Care Center 520702/18 Latoya Johnston As
instruction regarding Uniform IAS 501979/18 State Farm Mutual
NA v. Greenberg (N) Paul, M.D., A/A/O Canate, Elvia v. Fisher—4/17 Tone—Genovesi—3/6 v. Green—DJMP—3/5 The v. Wartburg Receiver—
practices and procedures. Automobile v. Brown—DJMP—
17/04361 JPMorgan Chase Geico Ins. Co. (K) 12274/15 Tan v. Zhou— 503703/18 Emerson v. All Star 522136/18 Flushing Bank F/k/a Spodek—3/26 3/12
Bank, National Association v. 16/3164 Maxim Tyorkin, M.D., Rivera—3/15 Bus—King—3/27 Flushing v. Fortune 460 Estate 522216/17 Levy v. Peninsula 520544/18 State Farm Mutual
A/A/O Jonda Petrizzini v. Park 20696/11 Tye v. Cobble Hill Health 515561/16 English v. Robles Rlty.— LLC—Vaughan—3/13 General Nursing—CCP—3/1
Greenberg (N) Part Assignments/RJI Automobile v. Desravines—
Insurance Company (K) Center—Steinhardt—3/7 Cohen—4/3 519563/18 Geico Ins. Co. v. Cat 23891/12 Lewis v. Lester’s of N.Y.,
18/09819 Cabezas v. Ramos (O) Silber—4/4
17/3 Veraso Medical Supply, Corp., TUESDAY, FEB. 26 516896/17 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 770 516911/18 Famous Family LLC v. Colonial Auto Transport— Inc.—King—3/27
17/08146 Dove v. 143 School St. 519076/18 Thompson v. Qpbc, Inc.
A/A/O Harry Lespinas v. Ny City Equities—Partnow—4/9 Kutsyk—RUCHELSMAN —3/6 DJMP—3/12 9853/12 McCoy v. Jones—CCP— D/b/a Queens—Velasquez—3/13
Realty Corp. (W) Transit Authority (K) RJI Motion 10283/11 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. 2974/18 Goodings v. 484 Emerald— 3/1
500138/15 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 510242/18 Urman v. Lustar Rlty.
17/12909 Dove v. 143 School St. 17/43 Jules Francois Parisien, 516924/18 4s Development v. Auguste—Dear—3/1 Fisher—4/17 500382/12 Minickene v. Richmond
Milner—Dear—3/5 Corp.—DJMP—3/12
Realty Corp. (W) M.D., A/A/O Joseph, Algernon v. Kelly—DJMP—3/5 506359/15 U.S. Bank v. Dabson— 24182/12 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. 524438/18 Hasan v. Ean Hldgs.— Univ. Med. Ctr—Baynes—5/9
17/07156 Select Portfolio Servicing, Allstate Insurance Company (K) 428/19 Alwajih Deli Inc. v. NYC Dear—3/14 Doman—Dear—3/6 Wooten—3/20 17047/14 Mitchell v. Jejelava— Subsequent Motion
Inc. v. Marshall (N) 17/91 North American Partners Office of—Boddie—3/8 515002/17 Vasquez v. Badacsonyi— 505989/18 Feliz v. Nunez— 519071/17 Howard v. Brown— Genovesi—3/13 513580/16 Aj Partners v. Thiam—
17/05408 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. In Anesthesia, Llp, A/A/O Jose 505841/18 Amedee v. Falaise— Cohen—4/3 Rivera—3/15 DJMP—3/12 15460/14 Morales v. NYC—3/13 Dear—3/8
Baymack (Q) Maravilla v. Geico General DJMP—3/5 510329/17 Velocity Commercial 519959/16 Flores v. Meer— 502716/19 Joralemon Rlty. NY LLC 504021/18 Nationstar Hecm 524326/17 Akhsharumova v.
17/10497 Strickland v. Long Island Insurance Co. (Q) 525045/17 Bradley v. American Capital v. Armstead Risk Mgt.— Walker—3/8 v. State of NY—Landicino—3/27 Acquisition v. Hall— German—Spodek—3/26
Railroad (S) 17/92 Complete Chiropractic, United—DJMP—3/5 Partnow—4/2 509595/15 Forbes v. Doe— 2582/18 Jurawan v. Rajkumar— Partnow—4/23 503855/16 Albornoz v. 887 5th Ave.
17/04478 0.Palladino v. New York P.C., A/A/O Marci Raso v. Geico 521788/18 Dubov v. Mitchell— 10932/13 Wells Fargo Bank v. Velasquez—3/6 DJMP—3/13 512056/17 Nationstar Mortgage LLC LLC—Rivera—3/8
City Housing Authority (K) General Insurance Co. (Q) Rothenberg—3/21 Abernathy—Dear—3/27 521950/17 Fortune v. NYCHA— 518757/18 Keybank Nat. v. v. Burnett—Dear—3/1 513859/18 All Island Estates Rlty. v.
17/108 Prompt Medical Supply, 513367/18 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. 33009/06 Wells Fargo Bank v. Baynes—3/14 Rite Surgical Supplies— 520222/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Hgl Rlty. LLC—Walker—3/8
Inc., A/A/O Gwendolyn Fox v. Guzman—Dear—3/28 Payne—Partnow—4/23 501165/12 Freedom Mortgage Corp. Wooten—4/3 v. Grant—Dear—3/19 509359/14 Allen v. NYCTA—
Wednesday, April 10 Nationwide Affinity Ins. Co. Of 501013/19 Hernandez v. Siesser— 510399/16 Wells Fargo Bank v. v. Acosta—JOSEPH —3/6 512078/18 Kobulashvili v. NYC— 511857/14 Neumann v. Knipel—3/14
America (K) Rothenberg—3/21 Hew—Dear—3/14 502314/17 Gonzalez v. Forty Second Boddie—3/22 Silverstein—Graham—3/14 521197/17 American Empire
2:30 P.M. 17/152 Main Street Medcare, P.C., 524775/18 Malinskiy v. Capital 510400/14 Wells Fargo Bank v. Associates—Sweeney—3/11 501809/19 Liberty Mutual Ins. v. 14576/14 Normile v. Kittery Surplus v. Znko Const., Inc.—
A/A/O Doreen Pittelli v. Geico One—Rivera—3/15 Pollydore—Dear—3/8 520796/16 Guzman v. Gomez— Paley—Sweeney—3/11 Restaurant—DJMP—3/12 Ash—3/6
Court To Be Held in General Insurance Co. (Q) 522836/18 Menachem Vashgal Ltd. 5999/12 Wells Fargo Bank v. Landicino—3/13 502760/18 Mickens v. Darryl— 515083/16 Noteworthy Foreclosure 518556/18 Apa Group, Inc.
Brooklyn, NY 17/214 K.O. Medical, P.C., A/A/O v. A To Z Import—Ash—2/27 Roger—KNIPEL —3/6 515576/18 Hanover Ins. Co. As DJMP—3/5 LLC v. McRae—Dear—3/26 v. Harway Terrace, Inc.—
Joachim Michael v. Ids Property 520362/18 Millien v. Church— 500767/15 Wells Fargo Bank v. v. Henick-Lane, Inc. D/b/a— 520955/18 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 13604/15 Obridko v. Singh—CCP— RUCHELSMAN —3/13
Rivera, J.P., Dillon, Roman
Casualty Insurance Company Landicino—3/27 Joseph—Dear—3/14 Velasquez—3/13 Stamper—Partnow—4/9 3/1 514084/17 Ashirova v. Northeastern
and Duffy, JJ. 22410/12 NYCTL 2011-A Trust v. 520214/18 Hennegan v. NYCTA— 512653/18 Ogu v. Fire Island
(K) 508279/18 Williams v. Perez— 500907/19 Oath Retiree Fund LLC v. Capital Funding—Rivera—3/1
16/11826 Matter of Village of South 17/283 Preferred Ortho Products, Carthon—Partnow—4/16 Rivera—3/1 Levine —4/12 Roth—RUCHELSMAN —3/6 Ferries—Silber—4/4 504006/18 B. v. Greenfield
Blooming Grove v. Village of Inc., A/A/O Vasquez, Luis v. 519958/18 NYCTL 2016-A Trust v. 512106/17 Wilmington Savings 8538/13 Hsbc Bank USA v. 422/19 Ralph Capital LLC. v. NYS 2002/15 Olimov v. Acp Amsterdam Custom Builders—Wavny
Kiryas Joel (O) Hereford Insurance Co. (Q) Lodhi—Partnow—3/26 Fund v. Casillas—Dear—3/11 Najeeb—Dear—3/6 Div. of Housing—Silber—4/11 I—CCP—3/1 Toussant—3/13 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 35

506509/15 Bank of NY Mellon v. 14246/14 Zolotareva v. 502166/18 Stewart v. Mount Sinai 520714/18 Woodhull 1 LLC v. 7698/15 Romain v. Fu 11926/15 Weeks v. Bailey
Shabot—Dear—3/4 Mackenzie—Sweeney—4/1 Beth Israel Commercial Med Mal Merritt 500410/17 Rosenblatt v. Parnes 500230/13 Welch v. Jea Bus Co.,
525125/18 Barney v. Alvarez— 509239/18 Stout St. Fund I v. Zeltser Division Trial Readiness 3204/14 Rowe v. New Square Rlty. Inc.
Intake Part WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Landicino—3/27 517903/18 Sumpter v. B’way. Suv Part 6 Part 507842/14 Rubchinskaya v. Beach 501786/16 Williams v. Yokol
13558/15 Berroa v. NYC—3/20 360 Adams Street Rental LLC Justice Lawrence Knipel Justice Marsha L. Steinhardt Motion Rlty. Associates of 512425/15 Wilson v. Tofa
500828/17 Blackburn v. NYC— Phone 347-296-1592 514957/18 Thornhill v. Battiste 360 Adams Street 360 Adams Street 505768/16 Russell v. Livonia 507746/15 Wright v. Halberstam
520353/18 Feldman Lumber- Us
Boddie—3/15 Room 282 504118/18 Tri State Lumber, Inc. v. Phone 347-296-1630 Phone 347-296-1650 Commons Partnership 518292/16 Zaid v. Payano
Lbm v. Earth Structures Inc.
514606/15 Brockington v. NYC— Please be advised that the 177 Front Prop. Owner Room 774 Room 419 519848/16 Samuels v. Siddo 506865/14 Zirkiyev v. Ciervo
Levine—4/5 3197/14 U.S. Bank v. Gray THURSDAY, FEB. 28 522886/16 Sharma v. Norries Lao 506673/16 Zivkovic v. Pacific 670-
Intake Part opens at 9:30 A.M. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
11477/12 Bklyn. Union Gas Co v. Monday thru Thursday, and 10 523267/18 Wyatt v. Thomas Commercial 430/15 Herczl v. 16th Ave. Grocery 20480/12 Shinn v. Ecuatrans Corp. 674
Beauvoir—Cohen—5/1 A.M. on Fridays. 519983/18 Zaccheo v. Reilly Division 522094/16 Dancy v. Pappas Inc 520931/16 Shum v. Pakov 500565/10 Zorina v. Brodetsky
521244/16 Brown v. Bklyn. THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Part 9 519016/16 Gets v. Chalik Motion 9694/15 Simon v. Walton Motion
Healthcare—Silber—3/28 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 511262/17 Gorelik v. Itingen 14772/15 Smith v. American United
520414/18 159 Smith v. Boreum Hill Justice David B. Vaughan 514784/18 Payne v. Dvir Mog 18 Inc. 10947/15 Akhmedov v. Matamoros-
2647/16 Brown v. NYC— 506606/18 415 Realty v. Sebco 360 Adams Street 520094/16 Hill Kelly v. Snow 502658/17 Spencer v. Chawla
Levine—5/3 Laundry Systems, Inc. Prop. 521176/16 Lemaire v. Dalmacy FRIDAY, MARCH 1 13795/15 Spencer v. Albee Retail Bonilla
505063/18 Acevedo v. Saifaldawla Phone 347-296-1594 12925/15 Chery v. NYC Dept of Ed
518376/16 Burton v. NYCTA— 522273/18 Abderrahman v. Room 969 515212/17 Lopez v. Murray Fryd Dev. LLC.
Levine —4/12 Gonzalez 520445/18 Aripov v. Mezza 518313/16 Ortiz v. Buena Vida Motion 512967/16 St. Juste v. Lieberman 505626/15 Craddock v. Extell 4110
512278/16 Caba v. Lans— 512118/18 Amber Associates of NY 515332/18 Baker v. Fredericks WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Continuing Care 525006/18 Ryder Truck Rental, Inc. 10541/15 Stewart v. Thompson LLC
Landicino—3/27 v. Dzh Import & Export, Inc. 523146/17 Beech v. Sohal 519558/16 Phillips v. Katri v. Certified Auto Collision Us 505204/13 Syed v. Kalchev 504907/14 Dicupe v. Ungar
522802/18 Benitez v. 1001 Tenants 516466/18 100 Jefferson St. Lender 20039/11 Hester-Bey v. Abdalla
1226/16 Calixte v. Garcia—Wade— 513072/18 Andrade v. Johnson v. 100 Jefferson Rlty. LLC 518834/16 Vazquez v. Adler 516782/16 Taylor v. Junius Dev.
4/26 Corp. Consumer Debt Part 7430/14 Tolkach v. Lin 638/16 Hf v. Lisker
522217/18 Antonyan v. Colabella 509303/15 203-205 N 8th v. 203-205 FRIDAY, MARCH 1
2617/14 Campos v. Deck 4-737— 523821/18 Ayala v. Jinwright 524350/18 Board of Mgrs. of The v. Justice Noach Dear 522621/16 Van Cott v. 720 Kings 19542/13 Jean-Francois v. Nft Mgt.
North 6275/10 Sasso v. Lutheran Medical 510237/16 O’Brien v. NYC
Martin—5/14 520721/18 Aybar v. Cephus Xhidija 360 Adams Street Hwy. LLC
509304/15 3052 Brighton 1st St. II v. Center 505604/15 Paul v. Gray
2587/11 Cheema v. Runway Towing 514066/18 Barker v. Zitz 518007/18 Bullard v. Drug Policy Phone 347-296-1104 12363/14 Way v. Grenadier Rlty.
3052 Brighton First LLC 520497/16 Solis v. Johnson
Corp.—King—3/27 505695/18 Bayoumi v. Jacsid Rlty. Alliance Courtroom 756 Corp
513345/18 Burwell v. NYC Dept.
511366/17 Apc Hldg. 1 LLC v. Bklyn. Med Mal
2181/16 Choiseuil v. Mendoza— Corp. 15929/14 Williams v. Westbury Flats THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Edwards—3/8 512535/18 Butt v. Ayim
Lender LLC Early Settlement TUESDAY, FEB. 26
523061/18 Bazoe v. Health 521862/16 Berriman Funding LLC v. 18070/13 Young v. Elhanafy
503973/16 Coston v. Coates— 517335/18 By Her Mother And Part 1 501681/17 American Express Bank 511092/16 A. v. Feit
Acquistion Corp. Top General Merchandise, Inc. Motion 9192/15 Abbott v. Sciame Const.
Silber—4/4 502260/18 Bencosme v. Singh Natural v. Rosado Justice Ellen M. Spodek v. Lieberman
519820/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 106 505338/18 American Express Bank 521464/16 Panos v. Harbour View 17469/11 Acevedo v. Kiritsis
515975/16 Cruz v. NYC— 520243/17 Blum v. 4701 15th Ave. 517230/18 Caffrey v. Schmidt 360 Adams Street
Kingston LLC v. Zaretsky Towers Tenants 516213/16 Andrews v. Jacobowitz
Levine—3/22 Rlty. LLC 509180/18 Chambers v. McPherson Phone 347-296-1620
519671/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 518111/18 American Express Nat. 508021/16 Quallis v. Airqaibat 500592/16 Astanov v. Hamaoui
7649/15 De Ramirez v. NYC—3/20 514298/18 Boutteau-March v. King 518225/18 Chang v. Manhattan Courtroom 725
1125-1133 Greene Ave LLC Bank v. Brutus 500410/17 Rosenblatt v. Parnes 511087/16 Averbach v. Okoronkwo
500840/17 Destefano v. NYC— Victor Taxi Corp. Eagle LLC
519843/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 119 Med Mal 512329/18 American Express Nat. 502546/15 Thomas v. NYCTA 522569/16 Babitz v. Shakeel
Levine—3/29 523342/18 Brown v. Plumbing 521281/18 Cuevas v. Ojeda
Rogers LLC Early Settlement Bank v. Iannaccone 15929/14 Williams v. Westbury Flats 4764/16 Barrett v. Luclen
509855/15 Deutsche Bank Nat. Works Subsurface 504362/18 Dass v. Caro
519842/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. Part 5 524813/18 American Express Nat. 16722/14 Belaties v. Maysonet
Trust v. McFarlane—Dear—3/14 502054/18 Cadle v. Bohme 512553/18 Deangelis v. Logan Bus WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
1213 Jefferson LLC Bank v. Mega Ceramica 500297/17 Belmer v. Chan
2455/14 Duke v. NYC— 507418/18 Chan v. Brooks-Allicock Co., Inc. Justice Weston
519848/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 127 518635/17 Capital One Bank (USA) 520605/16 Abdenbi v. Walgreen Co 519617/16 Borovsky v. Bklyn. Sports
Boddie—3/15 507416/18 Chan v. Markham 518438/18 Dobish v. Bentov 320 Jay Street
Rogers LLC v. Tessler 5749/13 Abreu v. Con Ed Co. Club
509298/18 Eliassaint v. Carla Cab 519116/18 Chapman v. Heart To 519729/18 Engel v. Silvera Phone 347-296-1082
519812/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 167 506071/18 Discover Bank v. David 12384/14 Adams v. 1100 1104 3687/15 Brady v. Michael Ferrucci
Corp.—Wade—4/26 Heart Social Adult 508166/18 Fleurimond v. Stanavich Courtroom 18-36
Hart LLC 501638/18 Discover Bank v. Wilson Lafayette Ave LLC Repair Inc.
520271/16 Emmanuel v. 525648/18 Charles v. Jewish Board 512601/18 G. v. Bekteshi
519849/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 325 508505/16 Mercedes Benz Financial 508048/13 Adler v. Drame 513171/16 Bsharat v. American
Nicholson—Boddie—3/15 of Family And 500728/18 Gaskin v. Mora
Franklin LLC City Med Mal 10947/15 Akhmedov v. Matamoros- Food Corp I
2894/14 Faberlle v. NYC— 520244/18 Godfrey v. Plakos Scrap Trial Readiness v. Leontyev
506429/18 Chazon v. Benzant 519695/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 55 Bonilla 8740/15 Cariah v. Pierre
Boddie—3/15 Processing Inc. Part 16751/13 Slm Private Credit v. Love
525625/18 Chen v. Jewish Board of Stanhope LLC 4553/15 Anderson v. 245 Grafton St. 16338/14 Chau v. Senior Ride
2894/14 Faberlle v. NYC— Family And 524006/17 Hernandez v. Cooks WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
519826/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 618 Justice Kenneth P. Sherman Corp. Transportation
Boddie—4/12 519201/18 Dasque v. Rikud Rlty., 511086/18 Iemmiti v. Starrett City
Lafayette LLC 360 Adams Street 843/17 Discover Bank v. Linder 11130/14 Arias v. NYC Urban 13279/15 Chen v. Pbs One LLC
517308/16 Fattah v. Barnes & Inc. Associates
519682/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 92 Phone 347-296-1596 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 517356/16 Aris v. Cane Grove 508271/15 Cole v. Baichans, Inc.
Noble, Inc.—Baynes—3/14 510795/18 Dennis v. Bay Park 500321/19 Jiang v. Anzaroot
South 4th St LLC Room 480 Transportation 6035/13 Crawford v. Bryan
8598/14 Fernandez v. Salmar One-A LLC 507890/18 Jimenez v. Rockaway 502674/14 M&T Bank v. Khan
519969/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. Apc 504266/13 Arriaga v. Mocal 512058/16 Cuesta Meyreles v. White
Properties—Graham—3/14 523092/18 Diaz v. Iginua One Co. Default Judgment
Hldg. 1 LLC Jury Coordinating Enterprises Inc. City Car & Limo
524135/17 Fulford v. Garriques— 523028/18 E.A.S. Plumbing, Inc. v. 520525/18 Jin Hui (USA)
Walker—3/8 519665/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. C & Motion Part Part 503584/17 Baker v. Hub Truck 1844/13 Danziger v. NYC
177 Front Prop. Owner Restaurant Corp. v. Liu
507042/17 Giordano v. Center Mgt. 523208/18 Johnson v. Daniel Hale
Ysw (DJMP) Justice Donald S. Kurtz
Rental Corp. 6027/16 Dayan v. Camry Car &
511144/18 Elezzi v. Sher-Del 519437/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. D & 516746/16 Balleste v. Forest City Limo Corp
Group LLC—Baynes—5/9 Williams Justice Andrew Borrok 360 Adams Street
Transfer, Inc. W Real Estate Spring LLC Ratner 503827/16 Deleon v. Fed. Car &
504847/16 Goponko v. NYC 519402/18 Kazadavenka v. 360 Adams Street Courtroom 224
522448/18 F. v. Grunfeld 519825/17 Bklyn. Lender LLC v. 507954/16 Barnes v. Amrati Limo Inc.
Transti—3/13 520615/18 Fecko v. Lin Daneman 347-296-1642 347-296-1771
Eighteen Homes LLC Courtroom366 500514/16 Bell v. Jackson 517817/16 Digerness v. Barclay
515435/16 Greene v. Akonor—3/6 507698/18 Geiger v. Cm 1624 Corp. 523346/18 Kiflezghi v. Da Hing
9290/14 Ccrf 2007-Mf v. Abraham W. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18422/13 Biddle v. Jea Bus Co Inc. 44175/07 Domalevska v. Malvina
501279/18 Guzman v. NYC— 519110/18 Hebranko v. Medina-Soto Greenhouse LLC
Rlty. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 511821/16 Buxton-Simmons v. Sheyer
Boddie—3/8 520554/17 Hill v. Abraham 518123/17 Kirkland v. NYCTA 512395/16 A. v. Taher & Amean Rlty.
519855/18 Deutsche Bank Natl 524902/17 Almonte Vasquez v. Wyche 500571/16 Dones v. Kaminsky
522641/18 Hamway v. Sutton— 524298/18 Isufi v. Bustamente 522202/18 Leonardo Abreu v. Sp Corp.
Trust Co v. Rios Holylow 503349/16 Cahn v. L&M Bus Corp. 512790/16 Dunne v. Rodriguez
Ash—3/6 Saraguro Hhf Sub B LLC 12211/13 Aguilar v. Ashland Pl.
517960/18 Double Tone Jy L.P. v. 512331/18 Atlantic Specialty Ins. v. 9416/12 Campbell v. 16 West 509155/16 Ebnetahir v. 766 Grand
512953/18 Hossen v. Nobu 57 519315/18 Johnson v. Discon 516237/18 Lin v. Lux Credit Houses, Inc.
Bklyn. Dev. Oz Bosph Const. Corp. Investors LLC St. LLC
LLC—Walker—3/1 509473/18 Kakushadze v. Glx Inc. Consultants LLC 2034/16 Askew v. Verizon NY Inc
504522/13 Jay Bohensky Esq. v. 500860/18 Braylovskaya v. Skazka 514206/15 Casilari v. Condon 10044/15 Edri v. Moisha’s Kosher
502526/15 Hsbc Bank v. Joseph— 509600/18 Khamermesh v. Vitale 502197/18 Liriano v. Tapia 507410/14 Avendano v. Vasquez
Dear—3/19 3912 Nu Rainspring LLC Restaurant 501951/17 Chambers v. Diallo Discount
501883/17 Kholbekov v. American 501060/19 Mansour v. Spitzer 1040/17 Bai v. Singh
511599/15 Hsbc Mortgage Corp. v. 16003/13 Lnv Corp. v. Weirfield Rlty. 524726/17 Catin v. Griffith 8289/15 Cherry v. Lincoln Mgt. LLC 515368/16 Elsherif v. Azam
Chore Services 517485/18 Marshall v. 215 Acacia 512376/15 Bains v. Mumin
Sabio—Dear—3/6 Corp 519357/16 Colon v. Priama Inc. 23503/09 Cheung v. 104-28 Corona 508990/14 Erps v. Kornits
501379/18 Kinebrew v. Sisters of 520455/18 Martino v. Djerbi 504012/16 Bell v. Tischfeld
3460/12 James v. Be Well Primary 511429/18 Nat. Loan Investors Lp v. 512111/17 Colon v. Emiliano Corp. 520731/16 Ferrara v. Wiggan
Saint Joseph 503413/18 Maynard v. Mount Sinai 2828/15 Benjamin v. Spektor
Health Care—Graham—3/14 Maranatha French Speaking 504989/18 Courtney v. 152st Rlty. 504307/16 Collado Martinez v. 527 514508/15 First Wood & Laminates
518945/18 Lawrence v. James Doctors Bklyn. 4954/15 Benjamin v. Regis
8282/13 Jean v. NYC—3/13 516071/18 North 8th Investor LLC v. 500717/18 Creese v. Blake Grand St. Corp. Inc. v. Con Ed Co.
522133/17 Lennicx v. Duo Ocean 512944/18 Michel v. Beckford 1049/14 Berkowitz v. 2828 Kings
3012/17 Johnson v. NYC—Levine 203-205 North 8th St. 515709/16 Cox v. G & L Ambulette 520041/16 Galarza v. Galarza
522987/17 Milord v. Brannigan 2825/16 Curmon v. Amazura Assets LLC.
Pkwy. 514502/18 Ps Funding, Inc. v. Co. Inc. 517709/16 Gaspard v. Adeyemo
—4/12 513420/18 Nieroda v. Condominium Technologies Inc. 14577/14 Bernstein v. NYCTA
519032/18 Louissius v. Scarangella Conflux 14655/15 Cross v. Maimonides 505697/16 Gelbstein v. Oiz
512778/18 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Board of The 113 516224/18 Davis v. Vaughn 503488/12 Bessie Carr v. West
522124/18 Lozano v. U.S. 524520/18 S III Capital Group LLC v. Medical Center 6469/15 Gereshi v. L & E Brand Rlty
Darpoh—Dear—3/14 511692/18 Orloff v. NY Univ. 501209/18 Drummond v. B’way. Lawrence Care Center
Merchandise, Inc. Willoughby Estates LLC 16188/14 Dayan v. Kosher Hut of Co
32913/08 Kholodenko v. The Bklyn. 504318/16 Pagano v. NYU Langone Junction LLC 510099/16 Bezruk v. Kalman
519897/18 Lucien v. Fleury 25128/11 Stout St. Fund I v. Halifax Bklyn. Inc 501235/15 Gist v. Aa Truck Renting
Hosp. Center—Edwards—3/8 Medical Center 505608/15 Espinal v. NYC 503521/16 Blackman v. Safiqul
517586/18 Marmol v. Okin Group 503091/14 Delarosa v. Brookdale Corp.
509495/14 Kliban v. Vishnev— 508047/18 Parilla v. NY 506836/18 Galeota-Fiore v. Good 510930/16 Blunt v. Freudenberger
Ash—3/13 504152/18 Martinez v. 25 Hope St. 517973/18 Stuyvesant Funding Univ. 519356/16 Gonzalez v. Afzal
Presbyterian Day Transport 502489/12 Board of Mgrs. of The
11958/14 Leading Ins. Group Associates Associates v. Jjj Cc & K Mgt. 1973/16 Dhanraj v. Charles 502788/16 Goulet v. Pier 2 Roller
511345/18 Quality Health Mgt. v. 518645/18 Gavilanez v. A.R.A 158 v. 158 Manhattan Towers
v. New City Sliquors, Inc.— 524008/18 McEntegart v. Tanabe Corp. 504907/14 Dicupe v. Ungar Ring At
Healthfirst Phsp, Inc. Properties LLC LLC
Vaughan—3/6 519590/18 Medina v. Ean Hldgs. 25033/10 U.S. Bank v. Tallypat 521753/16 Dixon v. NYCHA 506902/16 Grace v. Tzgiya
519809/18 Ramirez Acevedo v. NYC 510921/18 Haidar v. Yousupov 518769/16 Boles v. Srahin
11958/14 Leading Ins. Group 517035/18 Metro. Lumber v. Whisk Properties 11233/13 Doe v. Congregation 15553/13 Hairs v. Delmonico
505286/18 Resnick v. Wainwright 519013/16 Halberstam v. Parkside 502399/16 Bonilla v. Zahid
v. New City Sliquors, Inc.— Remodeling Corp 520799/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 1155/15 Brach v. Bklyn. Financial Belzer Shtiebel Restaurant of NY
522723/18 Morales v. Buena Vida 500763/18 Rich v. Doe Md Dev. And 6725/15 Duncan v. Ramada Inc.
Vaughan—3/20 Modeste 3185/17 Hanif v. Hanif Group Ltd 505246/15 Hanna Krarunzhiy v. 91
Continuing Care 514705/18 Roberts v. Hunte 511476/15 Dunkley v. Galaxy Motel Central Park West Owners
506775/14 Ledee v. NYC— 516273/18 Velocity Commercial 505315/18 Harewood v. Reyes 2321/15 Brafman v. Shong
520816/18 Munoz-Cabrera v. Rny 522189/18 Robinson v. Hmc Times 509642/15 Edouard v. NYC 4915/14 Harry v. Delarosa
Boddie—3/15 Capital v. Camporeale 522651/17 Hemphill v. Otf Man One 515744/16 Brice v. E Z Ken Car
Const. Inc. Square Hotel 522754/16 Elrashedy v. Allen 501030/15 Harvin v. Life Quality
518586/17 Li v. NYCTA—3/13 516297/18 Velocity Commercial 506377/18 Henderson v. Goodman Service
511254/18 Perry v. Kushner 506526/18 Rosario v. Bechar 515561/16 English v. Robles Rlty. Motor Sales, Inc.
517205/17 Li v. Utopia Bklyn. Capital v. Camporeale 522518/17 Hernandez v. Khan 16390/13 Brown v. Slyer
512831/18 Providence Care Center, 518487/16 Rosendo v. Arif 508990/14 Erps v. Kornits 523/15 Haywood v. Better Being
504946/16 Loonam v. 1248 Prop. 520594/18 Watts v. Espinoza 517319/17 Jayant v. Mayancela 1893/16 Brown v. Rosenthal
Inc. v. Anderson 522766/16 Rosenzweig v. Gubner 506826/16 Escamilla v. Rimmer Inc.
LLC—Velasquez—3/13 10018/10 Zara Rlty. Hldg. Inc. v. 507616/18 Khalafalla v. 516492/16 Bryant v. Starrett City,
510612/18 Reid v. Evelyn 505146/18 Ross v. Shelby 505230/14 Espinal v. Luxama 507263/16 Hightower v. Espinal
506467/16 Maliza v. 100 Rami Inc. Abdelrahman Inc.
523819/18 Roach v. Richard 513542/18 Sainsbury v. A & R 522021/16 Farag v. Modesir 10514/15 Hodges v. Zelik
Wall Investments—Baily- Collision Experts Corp. Commercial 516074/17 Khalil v. Iftkhar 4151/13 Bryant v. Mobile Trendz Inc
Schiffman—3/14 512034/18 Roy v. Yi 513934/16 Buggs v. Groomes 20640/13 Fernandez-Rodriguez v. 510848/16 John v. Sturrup
515974/18 Salamah v. Martin L. 513625/18 Siddique v. Corion Division 506517/18 Khenkin v. Narrows Bair Shava Inc.
513405/18 Marrero v. NYC—3/6 507391/15 Burke v. Walsh 500266/12 Khaimov v. 2233 86th St.
Ginsberg 518625/18 Smith v. Fort Green Part 11 Bayview Co. 514776/15 Gani v. Aberbach
519172/17 McKenzie v. Long Island 13904/15 Caguana v. 767 Fifth Corp.
515758/18 Salazar v. Eisenreich Transportation 517135/16 Lin v. He 516565/16 Garcia v. Assanah
Rail Road—Genovesi—3/13 Justice Sylvia Ash Partners LLC 520724/16 Khan v. Kozlenko
523943/17 Sampson v. Raza 518436/17 Spearman v. Mid Island 507126/17 Medina v. Straus 517861/16 Ghoneim v. Polinsky
12820/11 McMahon v. 105 North 6th 360 Adams Street 523062/16 Cangialosi v. Hippolyte 513755/16 King v. Rivera Marino
517563/16 Santos v. Khan Systems 514011/18 Mejia v. Xian De Rlty. 515203/16 Gilkarov v. Starrett City
St. Inc—Genovesi—3/20 Phone 347-296-1587 502955/15 Cannon v. NYC 8572/15 King v. Cuevas-Castillo
512100/18 Sea Gate Assoc. v. 520883/18 Sulkowska v. Vizcaya LLC Inc.
506746/13 McPherson v. Cross Room 541 512912/16 Carter v. Bolla City 502559/13 Kochuashvili v. Ean
Landmark American Ins. Const. 501895/17 Miller v. O’Connor 515512/16 Gillani v. Labad
County Savings Bank— Hldgs. Corp Hldgs.
520211/18 Serpe v. Bay Rigde 519118/18 Thaler v. Slater TUESDAY, FEB. 26 520680/18 Minor v. El Caribe Swim 14018/15 Gilliam v. Junkyard Direct
Saitta—3/14 518418/16 Castro v. H&G Minimart, 14828/14 Leal v. Melany Limo Inc
Jewish Center 503563/16 Thelismond v. Jennings Club, Inc. Ltd.
15367/14 Merrill v. NYC—3/20 501946/18 651923 18 Ave LLC v. Inc. 514807/16 Lewis v. Joissaint
523055/16 Skverchak v. Kelenzon 511371/17 Tomlinson v. Lt 424 LLC 517725/18 Moran-Valentin v. Wilson 1113/16 Gjoni v. 220 West 93rd St.
1100/12 Mills v. NYC— 6519 18th Avenue 505193/17 Coleman v. Ayin Beis 505385/16 Lin v. Adlai Limo Inc.
516055/18 Smith v. Cvs Albany 522950/18 Tran v. Bharaj 512505/16 Nicaj v. Bar LLC
Boddie—3/22 515325/18 Advantage Funding LLC 73/16 Manago v. Humphrey
513844/18 Stephen v. Cunningham 504523/16 Trinity Financial 521301/16 Pekic v. Rinaldi 514954/15 Goldstein v. McGettrick
506770/17 Mitchell v. Sayed- Commercial v. Global Quality Inc. 678/16 Cordoba v. Chen 512569/15 Marcelin v. Fedex Corp.
511846/18 Stevenson v. Vargas Services v. Stewart 505820/18 Pinnacle Fed. Credit 10389/14 Gutierrez v. Zev Gold Inc
Bukharl—Wade—4/26 521197/17 American Empire 502047/14 Davidkin v. Rizzuto 505479/13 Margolin v. Nadav
514174/18 Suares v. Kieszkowska 503742/16 U.S. Bank v. Zelita C. Union v. Paul 514772/15 Guzman v. 28 Graham 504293/14 Martinez v. Orrie’s Home
512687/17 Mobarek v. Wen Song Surplus v. Znko Const., Inc. 511993/18 Professional Settlement 515430/16 Davis v. Cruz
Huang—Walker—3/8 511425/16 Terrell v. Coulter Ross 524363/17 Amp Cafe And Market Ave LLC Improvement
v. Davis 501093/14 Destin v. Fieldbridge
524990/17 Mtglq Investors v. 519069/18 Valencia v. Skanska USA, 515077/16 Vardamaskos v. Conde Inc. v. 243 Nostrand Hoodlum 511822/15 Hernandez v. Manny’s 503791/13 Matthews v. Bright Star
502070/17 Rivera v. Figueroa Associates LLC
Sang—Dear—3/14 Inc., And 521209/18 Vizcaino v. 56 East Mt 2105/17 Azim v. Uddin 7243/15 Diaz-Matos v. Klass Bus & Van Service Messenger
510333/18 Ziegler v. Pezzolanti Eden Equities LLC 505850/18 Rodriguez v. Ecars Bklyn. 6170/09 Hersh v. Cohen 514583/16 McWhite v. Enterprise
510461/17 Muthana v. Estate of 513856/17 Boucan NYC Cafe LLC v. 506564/18 Ruiz v. Ago & Alaudin 87/16 Dilillo v. Chami Rlty. Corp
Lena Thorpe And—Rivera—4/10 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 518664/18 Zamora v. Eddies 467 Rogers LLC 8360/15 Dimarco v. Golden Touch 20039/11 Hester-Bey v. Abdalla Fleet Mgt.
Delivery Service, Inc. General 638/16 Hf v. Lisker 515494/15 Mendez v. Modesto
501751/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 507255/17 Allstate Indemnity 20219/13 Dahari v. Villafana Transportation
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 505592/18 Salazar-Alvarado v. Bent 508901/14 Isaac v. Isaac 520576/16 Mentor-Webb v.
v. Baptiste—Dear—3/14 Company v. Bpc Mgt. Corp. 13380/15 Geo Real Estate Group Inc 509826/17 Doughty v. McCray
509253/18 Salgado v. E&D Rlty. Mgt. 504763/15 Jacobsen v. Jpmorgan Duverger
504798/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 520903/18 Avery v. Lacario 512636/17 Amco Group, Inc. v. v. Lynbrook Hldgs. LLC 508838/16 Drubetskiy v. Citywide
Group Chase & Co. 10820/15 Miranda v. Tenshore Rlty.
v. McLeod—Dear—3/13 504592/18 Baez v. Pv Hldg. Corp. Vertices Holdings 13867/12 George v. Barrow Enterprises Inc.
523056/17 Sanchez v. Colon 512662/15 Jenkins v. Cec Ltd
507951/18 New Penn Financial LLC 506171/18 Battle v. 51170 Rlty. LLC 511894/18 Amonov v. Glover 512059/15 Guzman v. Kordonsky 508621/16 Eccleston v. Roach
500093/17 Scott v. 1516-1532 Park Entertainment, Inc. 9098/11 Mitelman v. Nd
D/b/a v. Baptiste—Dear—3/11 503535/18 Bell v. Ruddick 524476/18 Anes v. Bk Cooper 508000/18 Imagethink v. Willems 501548/15 Eldin v. Port Auth.
Ave. LLC 508040/13 Jimenez Garcia v. Four Architecture & Design Pc
510985/16 Oxford v. All Transit— 525675/18 Bennett v. Stern Industries Inc 516463/18 Kimmel v. Biagini 5776/15 Elyazyan v. Multani
503384/17 Simon Rendon v. Corners Central LLC 12906/13 Monroe v. Singh
Rothenberg—4/4 520413/18 Armento v. Koniois 6967/12 Metro. Specialty Lab’s v. 20363/13 Esemplare v. Garrett
514478/18 Boghosian v. Father And Carrano 17117/13 Jitzchaki v. Pgref II 60 8733/15 Moore v. New Prime, Inc.
504039/13 Palermo v. G&G Quality 520833/18 Austin v. Enterprise Fleet Lyubamirsky 511214/16 Farrell v. Carter
Sons Inc.5 509248/18 Smalls v. Autar Wall St. Lp 518912/16 Moran v. Esther
Clothing Inc.—Boddie—3/8 Owner 17079/14 Meyler’s Cleaners Llp v. 501319/16 Franca v. Mikesab LLC
519023/18 Braddus v. Valerio 1057/15 Smith v. Eol Properties Inc. 507578/15 Jones v. Diallo Transportation, Inc.
7325/10 Piwowarski v. Centre St. 523298/18 Basov v. Raskin Kings Auto Show, Inc. 12654/13 Francis v. Jack Resnick &
516778/18 Bklyn. Union Gas v. 500432/18 Tavarez v. Bklyn. Finest 17096/13 Josephy v. Trump Village 1565/15 Moskovitz v. Rosin
Systems Inc.—Joseph—3/14 517898/18 Belem Associates v. Nail 503153/18 Mobitron Group Inc v. Sons, Inc.
Marario Deli Corp. Apts. One 511199/18 Naris v. Sciame Const.
2173/17 Powell v. Carr—DJMP— House II Brisa Builders Corp 502026/16 Fratarcangelo v. Heszkel
513021/17 Castillo v. Vasquez 515670/17 Wide Flange, Inc. v. 511879/16 Katz v. Hacking 43931/07 Nikocevic v. NY Elevator
3/12 515531/18 Boras v. 284 Norman 10161/14 Murray Hill Chemists Inc 502089/16 Frenkel v. 1
502933/18 Chambers-Douglas v. Decora Design & Constuction 512424/14 Kopel v. Anaba 508568/16 Nowak v. Fiya Rsd
502707/14 Prashad v. NYC— Ave. LLC v. Jrd Rlty. Corp 4597/15 Gaspard v. Messiah
Clean World Cleaners 501116/16 Williams v. Martense St. 501472/15 Korenchuk v. Clarendon Partners LLC
Boddie—3/15 524211/18 Chen v. Ruggiero 507972/16 Primer Const. Corp. v. 17693/13 Gilgeous v. Todd-George
507181/18 Cheema v. Heal Associates Hldg. Co., Inc. 523292/16 Orishchenko v.
1952/16 Quintero v. 55 Water 515699/18 Coote v. Bunch Nat. Grid 3259/15 Goldstein v. Prompt
514353/18 City Re Group LLC v. 502760/12 Koudougou v. Abasi Amalgamated Warbasse Houses
LLC.—Rivera—3/8 506600/18 Daddario v. Chaussky 503261/15 Rci Plumbing Corp. v. Motion Builders Inc
2633 Ocean Rlty. LLC 507086/15 Lande v. NYC 12631/14 Ortega v. NYC
515054/18 Robert v. Yang— 508598/17 Desravines v. Riaz Turner Towers Tenant Corp. 512714/18 Abbott v. Rencher 1365/16 Gutierrez v. Alleva
Fisher—4/3 2964/18 Cody v. NYC Girl Scouts 1529/15 Laso v. Spring Scaffolding 7916/15 Papadatos v. Vernon
522582/18 Diaz v. City of New York 510771/15 Reich v. Glik 502286/18 Aviles v. Congregation 693/16 Hairston Jr. v. Alejandro
514016/17 Rockaway Atlantic 518324/18 Coles v. Budec 9197/15 Lily LLC v. Concepcion Towers LLC
520895/18 Dutan v. Smith 26836/09 Riddle v. Salon Mgt. USA Bais Chana 7511/15 Harrison v. Zelik
Hldgs. LLC v. Sepulveda— 518622/18 D v. Central Bklyn. 503959/16 Lisenenkov v. Soyref 503990/14 Paulino v. Sarker
522144/18 Eatmon v. Americare LLC. 1970/18 Bell v. Erole 502200/17 Hendeles v. 1420 49 St.
Sweeney—4/1 Charter 501009/17 Livingston v. Il 504398/16 Pekar v. 1202 Ave. U Rlty.
Certified Special 507554/17 Rudchyk v. Yu Tang Rlty. 515885/18 Bennett v. Erickson Rlty.
13534/15 Romero-Flores v. NYC— 517537/18 Dacruz v. Hussnain 17380/13 Hercules Welding & 507494/15 Loverde-Fasano v. Jetro Corp.
520299/18 Derouche v. Shake 519845/18 Fernandez v. Rivera 513837/17 Septimus v. Gertz 510340/18 Brown v. Fresh
Boddie—3/8 513080/18 Shemia v. E. Works LLC Boiler v. Member Brokerage Cash And Carry 500362/16 Peralta v. L F Car Limo,
Shack 600 Third Ave 509043/18 Font v. Siquina Cotoc Connection Inc. 510668/15 Lyublinsky v. St. Paul’s
7808/14 Roper v. NYC—Levine 506923/15 Shimon v. Paper 16390/13 Brown v. Slyer Service LLC. Inc.
510912/18 Desselle v. Hyman 520651/18 Goy v. Deutsch Evangelical
—3/15 Enterprises, Inc. 506890/17 Collins Asset Group v. 515140/16 Herschitz v. Costanzo 501113/15 Perry v. Pitts
505265/16 Domingo v. Domingo 522596/18 Green v. Related 75770/11 Magnetic Const. Group v.
501460/16 Serpas v. Port Auth. of 13874/13 Spitzer v. Yarmish Gedeon 500611/13 Hicks v. 344-346-348 4199/15 Pierre v. Miller
514687/17 Dongo v. Meral Bedford Companies Mje Inc
NY—Walker—3/8 517343/17 Swipe Ice Corp v. United 523685/18 Cuccurullo v. Cuccurullo Utica Rlty. 517932/16 Poyser v. Stanley
LLC 511521/18 Gurevich v. Kamenetsky 521435/16 McClean v. Sackman
513251/15 Serrano v. Plaza Const. Parcel Service, Inc. 512315/18 Desravines v. 650 Met 511652/16 Huang v. Garcia Morency
515649/18 Ducrepin v. Ateret Avoth 504212/18 Hillert v. Villa Roma Rlty.
Group, Inc.—Wade—4/26 506717/16 T & J Contracting Inc. v. Partners LLC 3050/14 Inabnett v. Tm Bklyn. 505204/16 R. v. Pottinger
LLC Resort II LLC 13551/15 McCloud v. Ordonez
2591/18 Shahid v. NYC— Eec Group Tech, Inc. 508527/18 Dmitriyeva v. Bay Lofts Family Trust 501326/17 Ramos v. Dixon
15003/15 Edwards v. Reid 516757/18 Hinkson v. Hao 512070/16 McCoy v. 22 Prescott LLC
Boddie—3/15 22808/11 T.J.Piping & Heating Inc Condominium Corp. 2938/16 J.S.M. v. New Life Child 1760/16 Ramsey v. Deshler Apt.
503703/18 Emerson v. All Star Bus 501038/18 Honore v. Fred Taxi 513586/15 McNamara v. 1710
12502/15 Shurdani v. NYCHA— v. A W L Inds Inc 523028/18 E.A.S. Plumbing, Inc. v. 4084/16 James v. Walker Associates
519741/18 Feyz v. Guarasci Corp. Owners Corp.
Velasquez—3/13 513419/18 Trugreen Contracting 177 Front Prop. Owner 509864/16 Jamison v. U-Store-It 509248/17 Ries v. Sherpa
1936/15 Simmons v. Interfaith 512539/18 Figueroa-Rodriguez v. 525507/18 Johnson v. Tomlinson 513620/16 McNamara v. Stern
Corp. v. Biltmore General 515507/18 Green v. Gila Caterers 503440/15 Jamison v. Holmes 508273/14 Riley v. Ryder Truck
Medical Center—Edwards—3/8 Smith 516709/18 Kilkenny v. Levy 511988/14 Oppenheimer v. Kfg
502328/14 Turner Towers Tenant Inc. 9088/15 Johnson v. 1729 27th St. Rental, Inc.
516761/18 Smale v. Disalvo— 514668/18 Gil v. Bamgbelu 515874/18 Krevat v. Certified Operation I
Corp. v. Rci Plumbing Corp. 510921/18 Haidar v. Yousupov LLC 504939/17 Rivera v. Tanenbaum
King—4/10 510861/18 Gundy v. 12 Grattan St. Orgasmic LLC 2889/15 Jones v. Nawaz 14638/08 Ortiz v. Franklin
511362/18 Harding v. Manny 510535/16 Rivera v. Far Out LLC
518169/17 State Farm Fire LLC 17115/13 Legal Decedent Estate of WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 2271/16 Ovrutskaya v. 2955 Shell
504178/16 Juniaus v. Pellot 511253/16 Robinson v. Davis
526105/18 Gutierrez v. Safe Ride v. Db50 By 50 Reo LLC 513545/17 11-45 Ryerson Holdings Enterprises Road LLC
& Casualty v. Zheng— 503226/15 Kevelier v. 970 Achuds 950/15 Rolland v. Enterprise Fleet
Dispatch LLC 513995/18 Legerton v. Taitt v. Sdf47 Ryerson Street 2268/18 Heinegg v. 727 Madison St 507695/16 Paul v. Abdullaev
Wooten—4/10 Rlty. Mgt.
511105/18 Harrison v. Call-A-Head 518884/18 Lin v. Chen 507788/15 538 Morgan Ave. LLC 518482/16 Pinnock v. Chowdhury
502845/18 Tarasenko v. Fidy Mgt. 504186/16 King v. NY Methodist 504548/16 Romanov v. Shore View
Corp. 525673/18 Lin v. Jet Enterprises Properties v. 538 Morgan Rlty. 509503/16 Huskinson v. Barfell 513549/16 Pisciotta v. NYC
Inc—Rothenberg—4/4 502596/15 Kosta v. Fisher Real Estate
507459/15 Taylor v. NY Univ. 512755/18 Holiett v. Colt 93 North Inc. LLC 503707/15 Jackson v. Sudden 515437/16 Polatnick v. Macerich
500854/17 Kuptsova v. Titus 11473/11 Rosa v. Melendez
Medical—Edwards—3/8 9th St. LLC 510359/18 Lopez v. Snt Bus Inc. 521197/17 American Empire Impact Auto Body Mgt. Co.
Mountain Family Ski 8280/13 Rosa v. Canseco
16737/14 Tolkacheva v. Olis Car 510721/18 Israel v. Watson 522287/18 Mallet v. Rosenthal Surplus v. Znko Const., Inc. 521190/18 James v. Round 2 Cafe 14005/15 Quintero v. Brito
512612/16 Lam v. Merakhovich 15883/14 Rottenberg v. Alexander
Service Inc.—Jinenez Salta— 512701/18 Jimenez v. Lester 526176/18 McFarlane v. Budha 515072/18 Battle v. Hunt-Mitchell And Catering 504382/15 Landa v. Capital One 11092/15 R.H. v. Fulton Park Site 4 Court Condominium
3/13 516480/18 John v. Singh 519899/18 Mercilien v. Amilcar 509073/16 Board of Mgrs. of v. A1 3232/18 Keane v. Bank of NY Bank (USA) Houses 521594/16 Sall v. 1639 St. Marks
523902/18 Tucay v. North Six 141 834/18 Jones v. Clesidor 524068/18 Minkiewicz v. Polinski Works-In-Progress Mellon 514430/16 Laurent v. L & A 6913/15 Rashul v. Peralta Ave. Rlty.
LLC—Boddie—3/15 502346/18 Kazulka v. Royal Builders 507652/18 Montahar v. Nanton 509669/17 Castellano v. Galati 522494/18 King v. Shabab Transportation, Inc. 512244/16 Raynor v. 498-516 509220/15 Sanon v. Itzkowitz
505353/16 U.S. Bank v. Blount— Dev. LLC 512409/18 Murphy v. Honda of 15744/13 Citywide Plumbing 7630/10 Knauer v. From The 515124/15 Leventhal v. Columbia St. LLC 512134/16 Santillan v. Jols Rlty.
JOSEPH —3/20 515513/17 Khazanov v. 40 X Owner Staten Island Heating v. Board of Mgrs. of The Ground Up Dev. Fontainebleau Towers Del LLC 152/15 Rivera v. McMillan Corp.
502964/15 U.S. Bank Na Successor LLC 519129/18 Nabatov v. Union Mutual 501104/19 Congregation Hakshivah 509177/18 Lancer Ins. Co. v. 512121/16 Levi v. Nardone 519808/16 Rodriguez v. Starrett 512998/16 Sayles v. Gallegos
v. Deen General Const.— 510027/16 Kucia v. Behr Fire Ins. v. Deutsch Trinchese Lifting Services 514761/16 Mack v. Pahlavan City, Inc. 515104/16 Schiller v. Congregation
Baynes—5/9 515203/18 Lamy v. Clarke 519977/18 Olivieri v. Twyford 516285/17 Dominguez v. NY 520765/18 Lopez v. Abreu Deli & 15464/14 Maffettone v. Severino 19764/13 Roman v. NYCHA Lev Bais Yaakov
9585/08 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 506634/18 Landgarten v. Red Hook 500281/18 Pack v. Bayonov Affordable Housing Ep I Grocery Corp. 10321/15 McGinnis v. Argus Rlty. 505309/15 Romero Ceballos v. 12408/15 Shafir v. Lepore
Asencio—Dear—3/29 Gardens Housing 519215/18 Papapetru v. Klainberg 522959/17 Dvb, Inc. v. 2402 502368/18 Malek v. Ramirez 4600 LLC Jadon’s Inc. 507047/14 Shvartsman v. Beach
501881/15 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 515145/18 Lee v. Safeway Auto 515193/18 Peart v. NYCTA McDonald 521351/18 Molina v. Pierrelouis 18986/12 McLean v. McGee 13140/14 Rothschild v. Lopez Haven Apts. No.
Beharovic—Dear—3/8 Body, Inc. 11977/13 Public Admini v. Sam-Fes 522419/18 Fong & Zhou 1165/18 Moore v. Thomas 15988/14 McLeod-Melville v. 11726/14 Rupert v. Blaise 521580/16 Smith v. Ameriprise Auto
508366/14 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 507708/18 Lomuto v. Con Ed Co. Yo Corp Supermarket v. 1769 LLC 519230/18 Mousse v. Inman Gilmour Supply, Co., Inc. 513054/16 Schutz v. Medina & Home
Lormejuste—Dear—3/12 2508/18 Maldonado v. Lee 512355/18 Rivera v. Biswas 525037/18 Highline 1499 Nostrand 520797/18 Nsl Hldg. LLC v. Joseph 2172/16 Mitchell v. Petri 504567/14 Serieux v. Throop 9696/14 Spencer v. Bogopa St
512110/14 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 522650/18 McMillian v. Delancey St. 522593/18 Robinson v. Crest LLC v. G & H Rlty. NYC LLC 506150/17 Perez v. Modou 3992/15 Mizrahi v. Dangelo Wallabout Rlty. LLC John’s Inc LLC
Nahum—Dear—3/8 Associates Transportation 2620/18 Hochman v. Jp Morgan 514589/18 Renaissance Equity 523263/16 Monroe v. Wilkerson 12770/15 Shannon v. Bogopa-Union 8254/14 Thaxter v. Thor Equities
511121/16 Uddin v. NYC—3/13 523108/18 McNamara v. NYCTA 519453/18 Saint-Val v. Laureano Chase Hldgs. v. Glanville 14997/12 Montes v. Diggs Ave LLC LLC
523327/17 Umar v. Logitech 522809/18 Mendoza v. Lcs 520616/18 Saldivar v. Lee 500940/16 Kagan v. Minkowitz 518845/16 Saint-Vil v. Paul 500261/11 Moskalik v. The Public 7555/14 Sims Municipal Recycling 515157/15 Torres v. Goldberg
Transport LLC— Restoration Corp. 515387/18 Sayra Rojas v. Sangiray 1770/17 M Studios & Cafe Corp. v. 509253/18 Salgado v. E&D Rlty. Mgt. Administrator v. Global Contracting 18167/12 Torres v. Fedcap
Landicino—3/27 514423/18 Mitchell v. NY Life Ins. 521412/18 Scantlebury v. Martin Tak Group 511156/16 Mukerjee v. Forbes 508276/14 Smith v. Waste Mgt. of Rehabilitation Services
11201/13 Valera v. NYC— 511194/18 Morales v. Adler 516592/18 Shehab v. Tares 522836/18 Menachem Vashgal Ltd. 522918/17 Samuels v. Footprints 3049/14 Murphy v. Girls And Boys New 510150/14 Tsvyakh v. 8699 Bay
Boddie—3/8 520738/18 Parham v. Fulton Park 508139/18 Singleton v. Kleber v. A To Z Import Cafe Express, Inc. Town of New Yo 520497/16 Solis v. Johnson Pkwy. Inc.
507275/15 Valerio v. Doe— Site 4 Houses 518602/18 Slm Private Credit 522621/18 Ml Estate Hldgs. v. 519234/18 Sanchez v. 2222-2226 520240/17 Nelson v. Caramanno 503677/13 Tanchez v. Geannakakes 510073/16 Turner v. Rafiev
Rothenberg—4/4 516054/18 Parris v. Bklyn. Kings Student v. Perepada Desoto Square Mall Ocean Ave. 512839/16 Nerestant v. Kadoch 505838/16 Taylor v. Cameron 512786/16 Warren v. Fuchs
503243/18 Vandercrouse v. Metro. Plaza LLC 523825/17 Subrizi v. Thor Shore 501274/14 Nestle Healthcare 2696/18 Shin v. Garcia 509513/16 Nicolas v. Gomez 521955/16 Torres v. Midwest Food 504858/15 Weekes v. 302 Eastern
Transportation—Boddie—3/8 513930/18 Perez Garces v. Hasa Pkwy. Nutrition v. Alpha Healthcare 514336/18 Signature Financial LLC 511988/14 Oppenheimer v. Kfg Bank Corp.
503459/14 Waterfall Victoria v. Const. LLC. 516516/16 Tineo-Reyes v. Javier LLC v. Chan Operation I 510876/16 Trentadue v. Sokira 505230/16 Weinstock v. Hair
Coleman—Dear—3/18 524137/17 Petion-St. Robert v. 523682/18 Valentin v. Mueller P.A. 509202/17 Renew Life Formulas, 517473/18 Sivers v. Gates Gluster 513504/15 Osei v. Mercado 515220/16 Tulloch v. Peralta Dynamix Two, Inc.
17151/13 Webster v. NYCTA— Louis 517448/18 Velez v. Ohel Children’s Inc. v. Shopping Healthy Corp. Dev. 514674/16 Owens v. Black Veterans 505649/16 Turner v. Rhynie 6683/16 Wiggan v. Ferrara
Levine—5/3 514906/18 Philiev v. Nagler Home And 506342/18 Ruggiero v. Salvatore 516907/18 St. Julien v. Methodist For Social 509359/16 U.M. v. Sinani 509409/16 Wonder Works Const. v.
516854/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. 523817/18 Presbytery of NYC v. 515408/18 Vizhnay v. Filippidis Ruggiero Rlty. Hosp. 514439/15 Pardo v. Bklyn. Union 516959/16 Ullah v. Jenkens-Smokes Berry St. Dev.
Hall—Dear—3/11 Zion Presbyterian Church of 518002/18 Wade v. NYCHA 513080/18 Shemia v. E. Works LLC 515891/18 State Farm Mutual Gas Co. 1194/16 Ulysse v. Laidlow 522911/16 Zhu v. Weng
26333/11 Westvue Npl Trust II v. 507287/17 Ramkissoon v. Basquiat 523441/18 Washclub NYC v. 317 512422/14 Singh v. Nosworthy Automobile v. James-Garcia 522697/16 Parvin v. Derrick 20251/12 Uzzi v. Venus By Maria
Videjus—Ruchelsman—3/6 523873/18 Ramos v. Elemental West 14 Rlty. LLC D/b/a 515632/18 Stephan v. Rigby Asset 509737/15 Perez v. Rebenwurzel Tash, Inc. Motion
520190/18 Steven Hicks And Steven
12781/15 Weyer v. NYC— Leasing 519044/18 Watkins v. Paulino v. 78 South 3rd Mgt. 505853/16 Pierre-Louis v. Cruz 513983/16 Valeus v. Popeyes 505242/14 Augustin v. Lotovsky
Rothenberg—4/4 521380/18 Sejdiu v. Goldwyn 500651/19 Whidbee v. Chauncey 504555/13 Wyckoff Big Wash v. 452 518990/18 Strom v. S & I Corp. 514368/15 Polycarpe v. Franck Louisiana Kitchen 516947/16 Batista Dela Cruz v.
13810/15 Williams v. Rochdale 519699/18 Sharp v. Finiki Gardens Condominium Wyckoff Corp. 522967/18 Tapper v. 116 India St. 508021/16 Quallis v. Airqaibat 509066/16 Vasquez v. Ambulette Rodriguez
Village Inc—Cohen—4/10 Restaurant, Inc. 509206/18 Whitehead v. Kingsbrook 500153/11 Zaharatos v. Zaharatos Villa LLC 511031/16 Rios v. Liebman P.R.N., Inc. 517481/16 Bryant v. Altayyar
5886/13 Wilmington Savings v. 504432/18 Sima Azimov A/k/a Sima Jewish Medical 516784/18 Walters v. 1300 Hldgs. 770/16 Rivera v. NYCHA 514093/16 W. v. Tapia 506689/16 Conway v. Public Service
Stukes—Dear—3/29 Azimova v. Get Rlty. 513736/18 Zheng v. Ho THURSDAY, FEB. 28 LLC 514213/16 Walker v. Samborski Truck Renting
507126/16 Rodriguez v. Chow
510970/14 Wilmington Savings 515904/18 Smith v. Valentin 522049/18 Zhu v. NYU Langone 21491/12 Board of Mgrs. of The 35 520933/17 Williams v. Concord 507555/16 Rodriguez v. Special D 501635/16 Wedderburn v. 514508/15 First Wood & Laminates
Fund v. Mbonu—Dear—3/14 514408/18 St. Peux v. Lopez-Juarez Hosp. Inc. v. 25-47 McDonald Ave. LLC Seaside Housing Pools, Inc. Associated Beth Rivkah Schools Inc. v. Con Ed Co.
36 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

17478/13 Mizrahi-Chirazi v. Wtg 2835/10 Jpmorgan Chase Bank Na 524271/17 Farrington v. New York- 505344/17 Cheremoshnyuk v. 523529/17 Thomas v. Bklyn. Hosp. 17210/14 Muhammad v. Western 524107/17 Jonathan Holman v. 75 502170/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Clark
Electric Inc v. Iqbal Presbyterian Fergang Center Beef Retail Inc Columbia St. Condominium 503374/18 Wilmington Savings
12906/13 Monroe v. Singh 502637/15 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. 502597/18 Feldman v. Trager 504214/18 Clark v. NYC 512916/15 Tillery v. NY Carrier 501935/18 Muniz v. Jols Rlty. Corp. 508099/18 Jordan v. T&R Delivery Fund v. Hamilton-Miles
2749/16 Muratovic v. 55c Group Inc Esparza 502905/17 Fernandez v. Dell’s 504628/17 Coleman v. NYCHA Trading, Inc. 520036/17 Murphy v. Board of Mgrs. Service Corp
511199/18 Naris v. Sciame Const. 501753/15 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Cherries 517848/16 Coleman v. Northern 506566/18 Torruella v. Guerriero of 519225/17 Jp v. League Education Foreclosure Res
505153/15 Rivera v. River Loft Martin 511766/17 Fleishers Prod.ions v. Manhattan Nursing 1454/14 Tranumn v. St. Mark 511842/18 Nelson v. Bazile And Part 2
Condominium 14609/13 Loeffler Rlty. LLC v. 96 W Ess-Co Packing, Inc. 18323/12 Colon v. Pip-Squeak Affordable Housing 516874/16 Nelson v. Cbt Para 514699/18 Kelly v. Osorio Justice Mark Partnow
508121/16 Sottilotta v. Siano Dev. LLC 517578/16 Frazier v. Harley Chapeau 509359/16 U.M. v. Sinani Transit Inc 500351/18 Kerman v. Moshenyat 360 Adams Street
502907/14 Teslim v. Breacker 13539/15 Malaty v. Malaty 511701/17 Fuller v. NYC 4092/15 Colonna v. Florencina Taxi 506663/18 Van Der Schaaf v. Bklyn. 509985/18 Ng v. Ng 17445/14 Khandros v. Khorets Phone 347-296-1656
8254/14 Thaxter v. Thor Equities 515399/15 Marine Bulkheading, 515772/15 G. v. NYC Inc Renaissance Plaza 21595/13 Nicolas v. Bmw of North 504285/18 Khenkina v. E-W Courtroom 441
LLC Inc. v. Superior Concrete & 513959/17 Gamboa v. H&L B’way. 20653/11 Coulibaly v. Kensol- 515560/17 Velez v. Mr. Demolition America Physical Therapy
502596/17 Thurman v. Otway Masonry Hldg. LLC Franklin, Inc. Inc. 523881/17 Nunez v. Nivar 510596/18 Krupnik v. Yeshiva Ohel Foreclosure Res
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 503846/12 Mogilevsky v. Lymar 1168/18 Garner v. Essoh 510659/15 Cueto v. Celk Service 515287/15 Volcy v. 169 Lexington 524204/17 Nunez v. 429 Grove LLC Moshe, Inc. Part 3
10388/14 New Millenium Assoc., 513796/17 Gaudin v. Labaton Corp LLC 10446/15 Ortega v. Jagat Island 507290/17 Kuka v. Z & J Const. Justice LAWRENCE KNIPEL,
510857/17 Abdel-Naim v. Cekic Inc. v. New Lots Medical Service 507419/17 Gauthier v. Beard St. 513381/17 Davis v. Barker-Reid 519585/17 Weinstein v. Jims Rlty. Corp Corp. FRP3
514294/16 Algora v. Krichevskiy 12664/15 Prospect 21st LLC v. East Acquisition LLC 504888/18 De La Cruz-Eusebio v. LLC 502083/18 Ortega v. 116 Univ. Dev. 25119/04 Lantigua v. Goldstein 360 Adams Street
14597/15 Alvarenga v. Khachatryan Upreal LLC 510463/18 Gizunterman v. Nat. 1277 Hldgs. LLC 509278/18 Williams v. Aliyu LLC 519016/17 Leblanc v. Williams Phone 347-401-1630
506406/14 Alvarez v. 210 Flatbush 16456/14 Riles v. Famek Mgt. Corp. 8301 Rlty. Ltd. 520194/17 Deshong v. McCain- 520392/16 Williams v. Dupree 509965/16 Park v. Konstantopoulos 504685/15 Lema v. Iris Erenstein Room 774
9970/15 Alves v. Tenaglia 11744/15 Wu v. Cheng 516258/17 Hamlin v. Santiago Pierre 507156/13 Wynkoop v. 622a 506186/17 Park v. Chandler Properties
523261/16 Andrews v. A.Z.K. Rlty., 520524/16 Hammouri v. Jang 12324/15 Deutsch v. New Emunah President St. Owners 522216/17 Levy v. Peninsula WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
502361/18 Parker v. Masri
Inc. Motion 502532/18 Haring Brown LLC v. General Nursing 2176/08 Hsbc Bank USA v. Dodds
Cottages Inc. 511093/17 Zekowski v. Kylashtorny 510599/16 Pasquis v. Martines
516147/16 Arnold v. Brend 503344/17 Lancer Ins. Co. v. Rafaniello 12277/12 Di’turi v. Circus Fruits Inc 500716/17 Zerafa v. Sullivan Osorio 504805/17 Maloy v. Hampton 8858/13 Us Bank v. Haber
Renovation Corp. General Motors Inc. 4943/15 Hassan v. New Mega Limo 509236/18 Diaz v. Mvaic 501332/18 Zhunio v. One Maspeth 507080/16 Pena v. Abdel-Hamid 503658/17 Marquez v. Zhao
513154/15 Athena Brooks-Smith As Cab 1887/16 Diaz v. NYC LLC 512070/18 Martinez v. 10-01 Foreclosure Res
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 507857/18 Perlstein v. Gto Corp.
v. Bishop Henry B. Hucles 521969/17 Henry v. NYCTA 511024/15 Difilippo v. NYC 521794/17 Phoenix v. Steiner Wyckoff Ave. Part 4
509412/16 Atkinson v. G.N.S. 521256/16 Benesowitz v. Bklyn. THURSDAY, FEB. 28
9210/15 Hernandez v. NYC 507172/18 Dixon v. Chatha 504754/18 Plaza v. Elm Leasing LLC 500463/18 McCall v. Bklyn. Law Justice Harriet Thompson
Delivery Service, Inc. Seltzer Boys, Inc. 519152/17 Huberman v. Forsyth 513735/16 250 West 57th St. v. NY School 141 Livingston Street
3641/15 Doe v. NYC Dept. of 14126/15 Poalacin v. 111 West 57th
507696/15 B v. Pierre 517973/16 Bohemia Concrete Corp. 505312/18 Ibekweh v. Alexander Marine & General 509273/14 McConney v. Rafique
Education Prop. Owner
521511/16 Bacchus v. Bacchus v. Allcoast Const. 507122/16 Jacobs v. J.L.A.Variety, 512293/17 Abd-Elsayed v. Nolan 9853/12 McCoy v. Jones Foreclosure Part
501142/11 Dower v. Rowley 510063/18 Pong v. Tadress
14796/15 Baker v. Hossain 500384/15 Carter v. Callaway Inc. D/b/a 508432/18 Acebo v. Alvear 514032/16 McCullough v. Dragomir Conf. A
6645/15 Draddy v. Asi Mgt. Inc. 512977/16 Rampersaud v. Mta Bus
514017/15 Baker v. Vila 502464/15 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 504645/17 James v. Cascio 510375/15 Acevedo v. Guzman 13443/15 McLarty v. NY Skating
510499/14 Dynasty Liquor Co. 360 Adams Street
515955/16 Bakhutashvili v. Sea Moniquette 517823/18 Jennings v. Cintron 506433/17 Acevedo v. New Dawn LLC.
Enterprises v. Leading Ins. Group 517096/16 Rejab v. Phoenix Phone 347-401-9124
Pakr West Housing 509035/14 Equity Investment & 15742/14 Jeong v. The Royal Care Transit LLC 505921/16 Miguel-Palacio v. Okbm
510972/16 Dzhavakhishvili v. Rehabilitation Courtroom 361
516947/16 Batista Dela Cruz v. Mortgage v. Wilson Inc. 510206/14 Agolli v. Reliable Check Inc
Vendra 509082/17 Rice v. Chevra Hatzalah,
Rodriguez 506996/17 Geico Ins. Co. v. Jamrock 510264/17 Jerusalem v. Elrac Cashing Corp. 510809/16 Milstein v. Mandel TUESDAY, FEB. 26
516657/17 E. v. Sanni Inc.
513028/15 Boudhane v. Cabrera Taxi Leasing Corp. 524806/17 Jokhadze v. Corbel 523509/17 Allen v. King 516941/17 Mitchell v. Tdy Moving & 524823/17 Nationstar Mortgage LLC
500131/18 Einstein v. Scanterbury 3591/15 Richard v. S.B.A Transit
521889/16 Brown v. Robinson 6855/16 Hodges v. Hodges Communications 502187/16 Allen v. 123 Powell Storage Inc. v. Campbell
1368/17 Eizak v. Eizak 509341/18 Robinson v. Frankel
522542/16 Bryant v. 195 Montague 512219/16 Krupitsky v. Islam 507788/18 Joseph v. Royal 25376/10 American Express Bank v. 502993/18 Mozart v. McDavitt
516177/17 Elkin v. Lisogor 501493/18 Robinson v. Mendoza WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Owner LLC 501117/15 Lg Capital Funding v. Edelweiss Beauty Einhorn 511316/18 Mule v. Kings Village
500311/18 Encarnacion v. Cfas 6253/14 Rodriguez v. Hess Corp.
509758/16 Cabral v. La Cabana Players Network, Inc. 515551/16 Kane v. Perry 509147/15 Anderson v. 1098 Eastern Corp. 507659/15 Bank of America v.
Trucking LLC 506902/18 Rowe v. Doustan Dev.
Associates 514456/16 Melnick v. Ville De Port, 508504/18 Keith v. Medina Pkwy. LLC. 511124/17 Munoz v. Rivera Wilson
515561/16 English v. Robles Rlty. Group
503428/16 Campbell v. 74 Wythe Inc. 520316/16 Kelmanovich v. 1107 500305/18 Andrew v. Garcia 5430/13 Naranjo v. New Bushwick THURSDAY, FEB. 28
508176/16 Fajardo-Matos v. Matos 507284/18 Rudsky v. Schechtman
Restaurant Co. 7070/15 Moon v. Edgewater Dev. Produce Inc 1786/16 Farnum v. 22-05 Mgt. Corp 504209/18 Asante v. Adjei 68 LLC
504481/17 Saint-Lot v. 4200 Ave. K 512093/18 Bank of NY Mellon v.
1894/16 Carter v. 5018 Ave. D Rlty. Hoa 506743/17 Khalilova v. Hakeem 504935/16 Figueroa v. Associated 503212/18 Augustin-Emmanus v. 13604/15 Obridko v. Singh
Equities LLC Clarke
LLC 6540/15 New Century Financial 503207/18 Khamrokulov v. Hossain Supermarket Cruz-Puntier 2002/15 Olimov v. Acp Amsterdam I
512664/17 Salame v. 368 37th St. 511207/18 Bank of NY Trust v.
522231/16 Cerrito v. Pinco Services v. Louis 504452/15 Kolozsvari v. Perez 504773/17 Franklin-Ramos v. 507114/17 Avelino-Ramirez v. Hoid 16363/08 Oliver v. NYCHA
522451/16 Charles v. Phillip LLC Gross
504533/15 State of NY Mortgage v. 501618/18 Lawrence v. Tb Moving, Giuseppe 506223/18 Azor v. Jmate Estates 516355/18 Ortiz v. Khan
505548/16 Chery v. Rachel Equities, 509051/17 Sanchez v. Greene Ave 511308/18 Citibank Na v. Landau
Suber Inc. 510725/16 Frith v. Capmar Rlty. LLC 505891/14 Papa v. Widmer Inn
Inc. Rehabilitation 514318/18 Hsbc Bank USA v.
500309/14 Tishelman v. Tishelman 524130/17 Lee v. Sanders Corp. 515847/16 Badillo v. Buena Vida Restaurant Corp.
511234/15 Dickson v. 722 Henry St. 501580/18 Sanchez v. 11a Spencer Murray
22249/12 U.S. Bank v. Berte 515530/17 Leybinsky v. Affordable 515671/15 Fuller v. Clarke Nursing Home 505935/17 Polanco v. Minipunjab
Apts. Owner 512202/18 U.S. Bank v. Charles
507276/15 U.S. Bank v. Velez Grocery LLC 515926/16 Gani v. Kamkhaji 514198/17 Baril v. Community Transit Corp.
500645/15 Ensaldo v. Inna 5906/13 Sanchez v. Azzi Five LLC 510674/18 U.S. Bank v. Patterson
506611/15 Wilmington Savings 4556/14 Logan v. 250 Pacific LLC 509403/18 Gertner v. Johnson House Housing 510605/17 Rahmonov v. Purves Dev.
500702/17 Ernesto Gregorio Perez 515302/17 Sanogo v. Dry Cycle 521682/17 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Aly
Fund v. Theagene 27867/10 Lucas v. NYU Langone 501302/18 Gonzales v. Tanger 500320/18 Barnett v. Ahmadi LLC
v. North Shore Ambulance Brands 504100/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
Motion Medical Center Outlets Deer Park 507786/17 Basharat v. Osei-Tutu 515401/17 Schenker v. Khakimova 514477/17 Ramirez v. Review Ave Idukpaye
510832/16 Florans v. Max Binik Z.L. 506761/17 Lutfullaev v. Libanov 6261/12 Begum v. 1-10 Indus. Storage
507381/14 Jones v. Theresa Aponte 502303/18 Goodfriend v. 300 East 508827/17 Senat v. Flying Food 510988/18 U.S. Bank Trust Nat. v.
Corp. 504138/16 M. v. Johnson-Rhone Associates LLC 514258/18 Remedy Republic v.
D/b/a Jump 85th St. Housing Group Campbell
519123/16 Flores v. Wight 510424/18 Mais-Rivera v. Solca 508552/17 Belfont v. Golumenko Danya Cebus Const. LLC
886/17 Petses v. Ng 3598/13 Graham v. Tyrell 521073/16 Sentinel Ins. Co. v. FRIDAY, MARCH 1
521596/16 Foders v. Elshafaie Plumbing Supply, Inc. 517883/18 Beltran v. Jersey Lynne 1376/17 Renkovski v. Shvartsman
523733/17 Greco v. Maimonides Greenfelds LLC.
506925/16 France v. Munro General FRIDAY, MARCH 1 503172/18 Marsielle v. Arc Farms Inc. 516248/16 Reyes v. Pennsylvania 502212/18 Bank of America v.
Medical Center 516719/17 Serrano v. Lin
Const. 507650/16 Bak v. Bon Nyc1140sixth 514523/17 Benalcazar v. McCall Ave. Alfaks
504251/18 Gurley v. Bj’s Wholesale 521139/17 Serrano v. Taveras
12545/15 Fung v. Averbukh 504001/18 Martinez v. Li 506085/18 Benis v. Nanikashvili 521451/17 Reyes v. Azcona 501383/18 Bank of NY Mellon v.
32760/08 Jp Morgan Chase v. Club, Inc. 500245/17 Setton v. Kassenoff
502942/16 G.Y Inft By His M/n/g v. 506491/15 Mary Vasquez v. 514599/17 Benjamin v. Khachab 513041/18 Reznikov v. Trump Ucciardi
Twersky 512363/17 Guttman v. Pearl 500348/18 Shea v. 251 Montrose
E-J Electric Installation Co. Lifespire, Inc. 513159/18 Blades v. Perruzza Village Section 3, Inc. 500703/18 Cactus Paper v. Curreri
501520/14 Nevradakis v. 1165 Hldg. 516131/18 Guzzone v. Outback Ave. LLC
518752/16 Garcia v. Weinberger 506130/18 Mazziotta v. Staples, Inc. 512788/18 Blaise v. Jackson 511490/18 Ricci v. Sligh 512438/18 Carrington Mortgage v.
Co. Inc. Steakhouse of 512334/17 Sherman v. 460
17772/14 Garcia v. Bernhard 503779/18 McClendon-Mitchell v. 511424/17 Bowe v. Benchmark 523912/17 Riche Mede v. Ocean Ruffino
500725/16 Seeler v. Fnw Rlty. Corp. 523266/17 Harkins v. Newco Alp Kingsland Ave. Real
5976/15 Garrett v. Baskerville Bklyn. Academy of Music Builders, Inc. Church Rlty. LLC 505120/18 Ditech Financial LLC v.
And Kent Inc. 507227/16 Siebor v. NYC
511286/16 Georges v. Imperial 504151/18 McNamara v. Bernard 515346/17 Brathwhite v. Swaby 506554/18 Rivera-Melendez v. Sea Mention
504083/18 Harris v. 1912 Rlty. Corp. 519763/16 Siklos v. Educational
Parking City Trial 510329/18 McPhail v. Beach 65 LLC 504971/16 Heila A. Harrison v. 515900/17 Brito v. Rodriguez Town Fish & Meat Market 524494/17 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v.
508829/16 Ghanem v. Heart Share Housing
Readiness Part 508911/15 Mitchell v. Kingsbrook NYCH&HC And 512991/17 Brown v. Boro Transit 510660/17 Sinclair v. Sobajo 22114/13 Rizel v. Fed. Pacific Miller
Human Services Justice Kenneth P. Sherman Jewish Medical Co. Electric Co. 513706/18 Hsbc Bank USA v.
505517/18 Henriquez v. Mmlc Corp. 507637/18 Singer v. Donnelly
500468/16 Gonzalez v. Bochecchio 360 Adams Street 523466/17 Morales v. Intrigue 501574/18 Bryan v. Diawara 521743/17 Roberts v. O’Sullivan Charles
509909/18 Henry v. Duncan 520265/16 Singh v. NYC Health And
500561/15 Greenfeld v. Newsome Transit LLC 515176/15 Bullen v. Hissan 509392/18 Romanov v. NY Univ. 512011/18 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v.
Phone 347-296-1596 502584/18 Hordania Almonte 524179/17 Smartt v. Sharan Simran
522123/16 Hall v. Singh 12659/15 Morrow v. Linden Plaza 515839/17 C.S. An Inft Be Her F/n/g 500088/18 Rose v. Weber Schwartz
Courtroom 480, 9:30 A.M. Rodriguez v. Jazayeri-Moghadass NYC LLC
12609/14 Hill v. Small Preservation Lp v. Coleman 508104/17 Ruan v. Zeltzer 501755/18 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v.
501141/14 Hossain v. Gibbs 523042/16 Sousa v. Mill Basin
10886/15 Jackson v. Harris TUESDAY, FEB. 26 515138/17 N v. NYCHA 503666/17 Caban v. Volovnik 508540/17 Sadikov v. Birch Straniere
516633/18 Inoa v. Gonzalez Bridge
12921/15 Janos v. 2610 Glenwood 512706/17 NY Water Mgt. Inc. v. 515821/17 Capellan v. Tompkinsville 511334/17 Salvador v. Kalogiannis 504018/18 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v.
Mgt. LLC. Conference 510057/18 Jackson v. Fayziyev 512341/14 T. v. Ascend Learning
Elysee Investment Corp. 518796/17 Janjua v. 2848 Church Car Service Inc. Inc. 519511/17 Sampson v. Linden Plaza Smith
515843/16 Jean-Philippe v. Strozzo 510292/16 B. v. NYC 6491/14 Nichols v. Phat Albert 17927/14 Cappas v. Kissi Housing Co., Inc. 513825/18 Mtglq Investors v.
501230/17 Johency Cueto v. Koslow Ave. Hldg. LLC 521074/16 Tabatadze v. Douek
5700/15 Castelli v. NYC Trading Corp. 504660/18 Jasmin v. Marjam Supply 500818/14 Cardenas v. NYC 507973/18 Sanders v. Deane Moskovits
Hldg. Corp. 13426/10 Couburn v. NYCHA 522964/17 Thabet v. Nankoo
502041/18 Ongul v. Jpmorgan Co., Inc. 500384/15 Carter v. Callaway 519325/17 Sanderson v. Hinrichsen 516525/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC
508269/16 Kaplan v. Con Ed Co. 4363/15 Deleon v. NYC 504605/18 Thompson v. Lecorps
Chase Bank 507578/15 Jones v. Diallo 504598/17 Cebanenko v. NYC 507311/17 Santana v. Ridge v. Jewet
515689/16 Kaushanskaya v. T & T 507948/14 Hussain v. NYC 522783/17 Tokirjonov v. Amg
505880/18 Pacheco v. One Hudson 518777/17 Jose v. Reliance 515113/17 Cespedes v. Ean Hldgs. Transportation Corp. 510314/18 New Penn Financial v.
Link LLC 3169/15 Kesoglad v. NYC Transportation
Yards Owner LLC Ambulette Inc. 512624/15 Chabanenko v. Df 500701/17 Santiago v. Rosario Vergara
1089/16 Kim v. May Tong Trading 11663/15 Khanum-Hussain v. NYC 506616/17 Tweti v. Sushi K Bar
517235/17 Patarashvili v. Kandelaki 509559/17 Julien v. Greene Bowery LLC 524659/17 Schilizzi v. Chen & Lin 507773/17 Ocwen Loan Servicing v.
Inc 26594/10 Krips v. NYC 512456/17 Velez v. Wycoff Heights
4830/15 Pena v. Phillips 501399/16 Jun v. Hong 517273/17 Chamoun v. Bay Royal 7173 Rlty. LLC Benjamin
506777/16 Kopolovitz v. NYC 4860/12 Lord v. NYC Medical Center
507410/18 Peterson v. NYCHA 502801/15 Kadi v. Rosenson Towers 502805/17 Scott v. 160 Jamaica 513249/18 Phh Mortgage Corp. v.
500782/15 Kowalik v. Lin 511967/14 Moneta v. NYC 503038/17 Ventura v. Bk 28
504539/18 Petit-Frere v. Lagazidze 518605/18 Kelly v. Citywide Mobile 514812/16 Chan v. Palm Gardens 516509/17 Scotto v. Elayan Thompson
14453/15 Lausell v. Zeba Homes 19019/10 Nieves v. NYC 509942/16 Visconti v. Dekrouff’s
506709/16 Pierre v. Barry Response Corp. Center For 5936/15 Scroggins v. Scroggins 504657/18 Santander Bank v.
507691/16 Lawrence v. Robles Cored Drilling LLC
3899/11 Rivera v. NYC 511102/18 Pinkesz v. Bay Pkwy. 518701/17 Kharitonova v. NYCHA 519018/17 Chavez v. Sanchez 509043/17 Shafiq v. Bussalian Laduca
515301/16 Lebron v. NYC 514129/17 Weng v. Chau
14335/14 Tema v. NYC Group 509652/16 Koon v. Maimonides 500790/18 Chen v. Li 504940/13 Shahar v. 1681 49th St. 515339/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Turner
512381/15 Lee v. Johnson 523274/17 White Plains Center For
2733/15 Williams v. NYC 504402/18 Pokhodenko v. Crocket Medical Center 518983/17 Chen v. NY Wanda Rlty. 514131/18 Simpson v. Success 501564/18 U.S. Bank v. Ortiz
515651/16 Lei v. Quinn v. Haynes
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Equities, Inc. 514404/16 Lammy v. Fikhman 510285/15 Claudio v. Bklyn. Hosp. Academy Charter 508695/18 U.S. Bank v. Forbes
33724/99 Leone v. Sommatara 512040/17 White v. Ohel Children’s 509671/17 Smith v. Moskowitz
511945/17 Power v. NYC 507143/18 Laube v. Rosario Center 517382/17 Wells Fargo Bank v.
508333/16 Lewis v. Alishayev Home And 511843/18 Soufrront v. Cool
Conference 503513/17 Progressive 521377/17 Lawrence v. Jones 510300/17 Clifford v. Pr III/md Coppin
514638/16 Lig Ins. Co. v. Snbd 506038/18 White v. 1994 Kfc LLC Fashions of NY Inc.
8352/15 Alatsas v. Sacchetti Northeastern v. Farage 502842/18 Lederman v. Cole Mt. Astoria Storage 505310/18 Wilmington Savings
Enterprises 501760/18 Williams v. Passaro 501944/16 St. Paul’s Evangelical v.
14740/12 Arutyunov v. NYC 509170/16 Rahim v. Dhaiti Bklyn. 507332/17 Cordero v. Corredor Fund v. Salgado
510081/15 Lightburn v. Jivers 515060/17 Williams v. Aguste Metro. NY Synod
504479/14 Bottiglieri v. NYC 4346/16 Ramos v. 327 5th Ave. 2405/14 Leger v. Danny & Benny 506975/18 Cortes v. Coleman 511024/18 Wilmington Savings
507735/16 Lin v. Yam’s Bros. Corp. 508877/18 Wilson v. Maverick 513118/17 Sylla v. 374 Eastern
12668/15 Bullard v. NYC 521342/16 Rijo v. 63rd St. Rlty. II Rlty. Corp. 508320/17 Cruz v. 494 Fountain I Fund v. Sharkey
13660/15 Loncke v. 1556-1560 Transportation Pkwy. Conmar
509339/16 Fusco v. Fusco LLC 8654/14 Logan v. Pula 200 LLC 24340/12 Cruz v. H.E.L.P.I of NY
Flatbush Ave LLC 22114/13 Rizel v. Fed. Pacific
521610/17 Wilson v. 1778 Bergen St 508904/18 Thorne v. Bennett Part 2
500404/15 Harris v. NYC 14504/14 Lomax v. Smith 503030/18 Cumberbatch v. Perez Hldgs.
500916/15 Lora v. S.J. Costa & Son Electric Co. 502333/18 Cumberbatch v. Isaac 504693/17 Turner v. Warren Justice Gloria Dabiri
Trucking 13796/15 Lahmani v. NYC 507802/17 Long v. Nairne 13874/15 Wilson v. Shore Road 360 Adams Street
514804/15 Martire v. NYC 514953/16 Roberts v. Car2go LLC 513864/16 Lorenzo v. Charlie Fox 506955/16 Datilus v. Kirschenbaum Elevator Service
508971/16 Marks v. Con Ed, Inc. Tenants Corp 522174/17 Velez v. Schindler Phone 347-296-1622
2659/13 McNally v. NYC 509067/17 Robinson v. Sy Inc. 16463/14 Davis v. Genting NY LLC
507059/17 Martinez v. Abdul J Awan 508502/18 Winn v. Enelus 514706/16 Verley v. Lf Car Limo Inc. Fax 212-457-2603
511435/15 Pichardo v. The Green- 10451/15 Rodriguez v. Quality 513845/16 M v. Kennedy Int’l, Inc. 520074/16 Delacruz v. B & H Mgt.
As Trustee Omar 522053/17 Workman v. Rodriguez 2501/15 Vitello v. Sirna Courtroom 956, 9:30 A.M.
Wood Cemetery Transportation Corp. 75770/11 Magnetic Const. Group v. Us LLC
520807/16 McIntosh v. Melnikou 500038/15 Wright v. Grenadier Rlty. 511633/17 Wachnick v. Fruit King &
503573/14 Pimentel v. NYC 17564/13 Roman v. Bahadur Mje Inc 515051/18 Demechenko v. Douglas
500980/16 Meed v. Romanoff 518290/17 Ross v. Landau
Corp. Deli Grocery Corp Part 3
507447/14 Povcher v. NYC 500440/18 Manigault v. Bushwick 12542/15 Diallo v. Kavangah 512791/17 Yusufov v. Hannah
Equities, Inc. 508719/17 Said v. Hannan 504431/18 White v. 1249 Sutter LLC Justice Weston
8001/13 Robles v. NYC Hldgs. I LLC 521530/16 Diamstar Rlty. Corp. v. Medtrans Inc.
518190/16 Mendoza v. Ns 514920/16 Santo v. Triton Structural 524841/17 Williams v. Lewis 320 Jay Street
5059/14 Sanchez v. NYC 508083/18 Manny P. Concrete Co. v. Comprehensive Center For 513335/17 Yusupov v. Krieger
Equipment Leasing Corp. Concrete 507663/18 Williams v. Bouchez Phone 347-296-1082
Focal Point Design 505938/13 Duncan v. 55 East 21st 514208/17 Zeren v. Tatiana Mgt.
506581/16 Messam v. Stultz-Arnold Motion 521073/17 Savranskaya v. Christ 507156/13 Wynkoop v. 622a Courtroom 18-36
520679/17 Manraj v. Hossain St. Co. 510278/18 Zuraw v. Bklyn. Heights
508384/16 Mitchell v. Great 509339/16 Fusco v. Fusco Apostolic Church of President St. Owners
521158/16 Marte-Ortega v. N.Y.C. 522671/16 Duncan v. Apple-Metro, Montessori TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Ambuelete Service, Inc. 25463/11 Pisiak v. NYC 504780/18 Seeley v. 250 West 43 517849/17 Youmans v. Solomon
Dept. of Education Inc.
8354/15 Murillo v. Dehaarte Owner LLC FRIDAY, MARCH 1 513636/18 Yu v. Bay Star Rlty. LLC
Centralized 517661/17 Martin v. Wartburg 146/14 Duncan v. Chehebar Trial
503921/14 Ndiaye v. Galan-Romero 6834/14 Serras v. Edwards 500575/12 Zarnadze v. Growing
Receiver Associates 520696/17 A.V. An Infant By v. Jofaz 4771/10 Durman v. Maniscalco
505498/16 Norton v. Patelson Compliance Part 510333/17 Shanta v. South Carolina 517743/17 Dziwak v. Japanese Food Transportation, Inc. Tree Inc.
520343/16 Nykolyshyn v. Ducky 511866/18 McLeod v. Haleem
Justice Lawrence Knipel Self Ins. 500104/17 Merrimack Mutual Fire Depot LLC 517837/17 Abadi v. Macareno 500716/17 Zerafa v. Sullivan Part 4
Johnson Home Elevation 360 Adams Street 509546/18 Siddique v. Blizinsky
2372/15 O’Grady v. Russian Bath Co v. Dentalmatic A/k/a Promed 507787/18 Eleazer v. Kensington 510830/18 Agard v. 745 Gates Foreclosure Res Justice David B. Vaughan
Phone 347-296-1626 513739/16 Springer v. Castillo Stables, Inc. Housing 360 Adams Street
Inc 518189/17 Tamar v. Allstate
512809/17 Mohamed v. Mendon Part 1
Courtroom 282 Leasing Corp. 501369/17 Erwin v. Mobile Steam 501526/13 Aime v. Wyckoff Phone 347-296-1594
510900/16 Ortiz v. Western Beef, Dismantling Corp. Justice Noach Dear
Inc. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 503029/18 Moody v. Vann Boiler Rental Emergency Medicine Courtroom 969, 9:30 A.M.
506919/18 Taveras v. Cuevas 360 Adams Street
521464/16 Panos v. Harbour View 507401/16 Morocho v. NYCHA 500836/18 Expressive Lighting Inc 513728/18 Alam v. 25 Monroe Pl. Lp
2134/17 209 Hancock Enterprises v. 508124/18 Tavlejeva v. Makarian Phone 347-296-1104 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Towers Tenants 512327/17 Moses v. Riverdale v. Jtl Const. Corp. 520420/17 Alvarez v. Turco
O’Connor 7430/14 Tolkach v. Lin Courtroom 756
6115/15 Pikus v. Moisha’s Discount Osborne Towers 510389/17 Felix v. Ripa Trans, Inc. 501549/18 Armstrong v. 26 Bay St. Trial
519922/17 Abdul Gofran As The v. 507225/18 Torres-Baker v. Abraham 520408/18 Mtglq Investors v. Roma 523803/17 Fernandez v. G4 18153 513990/17 Auguste v. Chery TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Supermarket Linden Boulevard Properties 502472/18 Victor v. Bistricer 504305/15 Hsbc Bank USA v. Burgin
502618/16 Pina-Morales v. Guru Mv 26 Corp. 9344/15 Field-Watkins v. Furrs 503584/17 Baker v. Hub Truck 506092/17 123 Properties Inc. v.
524788/17 Acevedo v. Wong 523739/17 Warde v. Doe 519518/17 Mukhailova v. 268 513596/15 Forbes v. Morton Rental Corp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Enterprise, Inc. 504178/18 Adorno v. Colon 500774/18 Weinberger v. Bekker Davis
9368/15 Popotte v. Aguilar Brighton Rlty. LLC 505105/18 Garcia v. Pay-O-Matic 521431/17 Barnwell v. Bouzy 503600/18 Arcpe 1 v. Mason-Mascall 509412/16 Atkinson v. G.N.S.
9265/15 Afolabi v. Kings & Queens 517703/17 Wellesley v. Felice 4359/15 Nat. Collegiate Student v. Check Cashing Corp 507971/18 Bell v. Islam
513720/16 R v. Jehudai 512050/17 Westerband v. NY 512389/18 Bank of NY Mellon v. Delivery Service, Inc.
Hldgs. LLC Todd 694/16 Garcia v. Keser Nursing & 503317/17 Blackford v.
504482/16 Ramos v. Nurilov Framing Inc. Taylor 5324/12 Robbins v. 237 Ave. X
501526/13 Aime v. Wyckoff 517145/16 Nicolovienis v. Santiago Rehabilitation Deuteronomy Operating Corp.
9479/14 Renne v. 170 Bay 13th St Emergency Medicine 505735/18 Wetzer v. Duperval 507392/18 Citibank N.A. v. Kraus FRIDAY, MARCH 1
Corp 505461/18 Obembe v. 1427 Linden 516775/17 Gedell v. Vaknin 512788/18 Blaise v. Jackson 503191/18 Citibank v. Achue
510672/18 Alam v. Alam 1183/14 Wiliams v. Zoria Housing 501381/17 Pabon v. NYC 505697/16 Gelbstein v. Oiz 510652/18 Bleck v. Maimonides
521756/16 Riddick v. Action Carting 518637/17 Albert v. Bklyn. Bowl LLC. 505895/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trial
Environmental 502282/18 Packer v. Mvaic 505152/18 George v. Gag Medical Center Trust v. Jones
500612/17 Alexander v. Robinson 522254/16 Williams v. Ecdo Knickerbocker Parking LLC 503369/18 Bobb v. NYCH&HC 506248/16 Hayes v. Paone
518901/16 Rivera v. Kei 1902/14 Pena v. Sayata Bishmaya 500491/18 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v.
509795/17 Alexandre v. Cyhv Rlty. Community Partnership LLC 14110/15 George v. Kings Brook 518801/17 Bodnar v. Sher Part 5A
517068/16 S v. Boyle LLC 18690/04 Wynn v. Wynn-Wright Galapo
13293/15 Santana v. 105 E Clark 522659/16 Perez v. Vassilakos Jewish Med Ctr 524384/17 Bryant v. Lloyd 501663/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Justice Eric I. Prus
502431/16 Alleyne v. Port Auth. of 516012/17 Youner v. Meere Enterprises 504992/18 Gillison v. Mauro 506804/18 Bush v. Suquitana
Associates LLC New 503218/18 Zhao v. 5530 58th St. LLC v. Lewis 360 Adams Street
518075/16 Schwartz v. Okonkwo 507982/18 Perez v. Caffrey 519701/16 Graham v. Pena 508741/18 Carter v. Innis 520695/17 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Phone 347-296-1646
512893/18 Aracena v. NYCTA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 514872/17 Perez-Martell v. Mashoq 516210/17 Green v. Wilson 500442/17 Carter-Daniel v. Feliz
514357/16 Sereno v. Phel 511792/18 Arnaut v. Zaman v. Lissette Morel-Mercado Courtroom 938, 9:30 A.M.
14642/15 Singh v. Dejesus 506131/17 15 Hanover Pl. LLC v. 520124/16 Pilgrim v. Campoverde- 516670/16 Gurevich v. Traktman 18660/11 Castillo v. Prince Plaza 504465/18 Northfield Bank v.
505956/18 Avramenko v. Bravo A-K-A Tractman LLC TUESDAY, FEB. 26
9487/15 Sutrodhar v. Glorious Lieberman Group Teitelbaum
Professional Grade 511102/18 Pinkesz v. Bay Pkwy. 522508/16 H. v. Greene 509812/17 Cespuglio v. Shaker
Temple Church 502730/18 A.A. An Inft By Her M/n/g 503244/18 Td Bank v. Berkovits Conference
509843/18 Azor v. Hausman Group 523775/17 Harris v. Pruss 506360/18 Cohen v. Goodman
506826/15 Swift v. NYCTA v. Thakurdeen 511984/18 Trinity Financial
502575/18 Bahriev v. Gate Gourmet, 507639/18 Ponomarova v. Yeshiva- 517306/17 Harrison v. 160-01 502165/18 Cruz v. Adom Rental 51506/18 Noble v. Noble
501504/15 Tinaz v. Ghounimi 507280/17 Abdean v. Vailes Services v. Darmanovic
Inc. 523876/17 Abdur-Raheem v. Mta Mesivta Maharyat Jamaica Ave. Corp. Transportation 50646/17 Pascall v. Pascall
502112/16 USAA Ins. Co. v. Felix 506307/15 U.S. Bank v. Hossain
501862/18 Baptiste v. Rigo Limo- Associates LLC. 505805/18 Porter v. Guardsman 519846/17 Hart v. 330 Rlty. NY LLC 513769/16 Cummings v. Public 55004/18 Pastrana v. Dorima
505801/16 Vidau v. Dua 501224/17 U.S. Bank Trust v.
Auto Corp. 512045/17 Abramov v. Baum 227 Elevator Co., Inc. 517432/17 Heron v. Jlm Estates LLC Storage Institutional 50790/18 Samosh v. Lohoida
514443/15 Wells Smith v. Bklyn. Thomas
522786/17 Barranco v. Cafasso Rlty. 501341/16 Pylnev v. 2955 Shell 520410/16 Huff v. Ilonzeh 510373/18 Daniel v. 210-216 Rlty. 50501/19 Shear v. Breslauer
Union Gas Co. 524338/17 Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v.
512520/17 Becton v. Frestar Rent A 518373/17 Abreu v. Arthur’s Golden Associates 512292/17 Jeter v. Rodriguez Md LLC Brown 50227/19 Sodhi v. Kelaskar
509618/16 Yun v. Eshra
Car Key 515919/16 Rachidi v. Amentas 514033/18 Jiang v. Bxmk 821 LLC. 517028/17 Daniels v. Oran Limo. 503636/15 Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v.
Motion Motion
522010/17 Bernard v. Nysandy15 502997/18 Acevedo v. New Water St. 509569/18 Raff-Desanto v. 200 506877/18 Johnson v. Lm General Inc. Mitchell
16889/11 Antoine v. Campbell Lincoln Pl. LLC Chelsea Corp. Ins. Co. 519480/17 Darby v. Paolino 52024/12 Avraham v. Avraham
Corp. 507313/18 Waterfall Victoria 52585/13 Cunningham v.
508133/13 Bale-Sayoukou v. Alam 502651/18 Beyder v. 2481 Ocean 10423/15 Acosta v. Gala 510424/16 Ramirez v. Doe 510630/17 Jones v. Fellah 510035/18 Darden v. Suquitana Grantor v. Joseph
517610/16 Kovalchik v. Paramount Ave. LLC 500292/17 Joseph v. Cede Taxi Inc 509553/17 Darius v. Genut Cunningham
Woodworking Inc. 500589/18 Ramoutar-Singh v. 500388/18 Wilmington Savings
Supermarket, Inc. 515455/17 Big Shade Tree LLC. v. 508109/17 Kahan v. Kitchen 509201/18 David v. Doody Hldgs. 53446/18 Katz v. Katz
508341/18 Anderson v. Peterson Phantom Carting Inc. Fund v. Elias
514638/16 Lig Ins. Co. v. Snbd 608 Willoughby Ave. LLC Couture Inc. 504267/18 Davidson v. Bergen St 52286/17 Salgado v. Hendranto
500417/17 Andrade-Fuentes v. 502832/18 Ramsey v. All Around 504130/18 Wilmington Savings
Enterprises 514103/15 Blue Sky Resources LLC 522446/17 Kennedy-Melon v. Baez Terrace LLC 50227/19 Sodhi v. Kelaskar
Iglesia Cristiana Valle De Trans Inc. Fund v. Phillip
14243/14 Liu v. Ascona Ambulette v. Marshall 516439/16 Anwar v. Ean Hldgs. 511779/18 Richards-Harris v. 54 Hernandez 523961/17 De Los Santos v. 506769/18 Wilmington Trust v. Trial
Services 503269/14 Bowden v. Brookdale 504069/13 Appoleon v. Zayderman New Lots Corp. 508396/17 Kim v. 3140 Coney Island Dhanipersaud Delfeus 54578/14 Adelstein v. Adelstein
506622/15 Munshi v. Kuman Hosp. Medical 508567/17 Arazi v. Emission Good 512635/16 Richiez v. Approved Oil Rlty. 3305/15 Dellas v. Puza Const. Inc
8354/15 Murillo v. Dehaarte 503454/18 Brener v. M & M WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Taxi Co. Bklyn. 508988/17 Kirkman v. Food Corp 502587/18 Drakes v. Williams
510686/15 Szuba v. Board of Mgrs. Wholesale Meats, Inc. 521691/17 Ashear v. Lebron 521591/17 Rizzi v. Chan D/b/a Super Foodtown 510980/18 Drummond v. Wisdom 513729/17 Ditech Financial LLC v. Conference
of 88 509473/17 Briceno v. Sanzi 503757/17 Baez v. Delgado 509499/17 Robenov v. Yakubov 519432/16 Kubie v. NY Presbyterian USA Inc. Saadia
509628/18 Bristow v. McLeggan 508938/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 53183/18 Barranca v. Barranca
Non-Jury 502634/16 Barcik v. Braun 517602/17 Robinson v. Sarker 502205/18 Lazo v. Triangle Plaza II 506399/18 Duran v. Javaid
502739/18 Bklyn. Developers LLC v. Ramirez 54519/17 Bresier v. Bresier
513042/16 Barry v. Chichinadze 514433/17 Robles v. 1004-06 Gates LLC 520706/17 Durdin v. Elliot
Trial Readiness Tucker-Fils Ave. LLC 511232/18 Leschinsky v. Bay Park 518818/16 E.O. v. Jofaz 35212/07 U.S. Bank Natl Assoc. v. 53365/17 Guido v. Guido
Part 502770/17 Barton v. Women in 55294/18 Richmond v. Richmond
7411/13 Brown v. McAlpine Const. Need, Inc. 505850/15 Rodriguez Martinez v. One-A LLC And Hp Transportation, Inc. Henry
Justice Lawrence Knipel 508171/17 Butts v. Gpnz 17e17 LLC 514230/17 U.S. Bank v. Wahesh 51084/18 Rothschild v. Kramer
10548/15 Battle v. Lee Berger 512372/16 Lin v. Barnes 515001/16 Emziah v. Neighborhood
360 Adams Street 1786/15 Caban v. NYC 52715/18 Zhang v. Zou
504618/17 Bell v. Blue Hills Fuels 3519/15 Rogers v. NYC 511151/17 Lo v. Zarbal Restore Housing THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Phone 347-296-1630 15645/14 Camacho v. 900 Riverside 1866/15 Berger v. Stolzenberg 505904/18 Romanchuk v. 17223/14 Lobach v. Tri-Wire 511011/16 Feratovic v. McLaren Motion
Courtroom 774 Drive LLC 502540/15 Bayview Loan Servicing
D.M.D. Krushelnytska Engineering Solutions 506209/13 Fermin v. Buena Vida 54404/14 Acuna v. Kelley
10380/04 Cameron v. Valencia v. Watson
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 4058/15 Bernadel v. Doherty 524880/17 Royster v. Fulton Estates 505889/17 Lopez v. Plaza Corp. 50445/15 Amzalak v. Amzalak
23093/12 Campbell v. Lawrence 511712/17 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v.
13020/15 Bisono v. Peralta LLC 508173/18 Louissaint v. Casazza 501060/18 Franklin v. Maggies 53183/18 Barranca v. Barranca
9121/15 363 Grand Ave. Tenants v. 503687/18 Cauthen v. Griffith Olosunde
514934/17 Blaides v. Golino 523129/17 Ruiz v. Corporate Capital 509005/18 Marcano v. NYCHA Paratransit Corp. 51046/13 Borys v. Borys
Ali 523577/17 Cherry v. Remica Prop. 26940/09 Fed. Natl Mortgage Assoc
513483/17 Board of Mgrs. of The v. Mgt. 501687/18 Marchenko v. Smolensky 512268/17 Freilich v. Traube 53365/17 Guido v. Guido
500765/15 Bklyn. Union Gas Co. v. Group Corp. v. Ferziger
Altman 510597/17 S.H. v. Rutner 513779/17 Martinez v. Sela 507802/18 G. v. Seaport Buffet, Inc. 55294/18 Richmond v. Richmond
Marshall 509437/18 Chigbo v. Khalaf 507756/15 Hrb Mortgage Hldgs. LLC
513384/16 Bonilla v. 53-63 Walton 521097/17 Sainvil v. Kelly 507574/17 Martinez v. 530 Adler 515734/17 Garcia v. Kaendy, Inc. 52715/18 Zhang v. Zou
507955/14 Calcagno v. Palumbo 522699/17 Chillious v. Edouard v. Jones
LLC 14632/11 Salinas v. McGowan Rlty. Rl LLC 23318/12 Garcia v. Lekakh
4002/15 Center For Nursing v. Diaz 509537/18 Cohen v. Balazs 523437/17 Hsbc Bank USA v. Trial
501811/18 Bouillon v. Schaechter 505549/18 Sanchez v. 262 West 505141/18 Matos v. Crunch 513915/17 Gefter v. Elbaz Moore-Russell
2383/15 Lam v. Tampa 512844/18 Cuautle-Rosas v. Caprio 521047/17 Boyce v. Landman 145th V&A LLC Bushwick 518387/17 Gonzalez v. 53389/17 Glauber v. Glauber
503851/16 Liminal Design Concepts 505580/18 Mtglq Investors v.
506693/17 Dade v. Frontier 507116/18 Brenner v. Tortora 5426/15 Sanders v. Bklyn. Hosp. 975/16 McClean v. Alexander Rosenborough THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Inc. v. Aysha Collection Inc. Phillips
Healthcare Hodings 519207/16 Brigido-Sanchez v. De Center 517739/16 McClendon v. 521626/17 Gonzalez v. Agha
511583/15 Pennoni Associates Inc. 512730/17 Ocwen Loan Servicing v. Conference
502420/17 David v. Sullivan Schrijver 511060/18 Saunders v. Chenbow Christopher 12522/14 Gonzalez v. Pearl
v. Phoenix Design LLC D/b/a Chen
505071/17 Davis v. Charles 500603/18 Bruce Supply Corp. v. 519213/17 Sayed v. Yimsiriwattana 506748/16 McPherson Hickson v. 509804/17 Gregory v. Picon 54437/15 Agosto v. Perez
9520/15 Rutland Road Rlty. 524436/17 Reverse Mortgage
504888/18 De La Cruz-Eusebio v. Domestic Mechanical 519472/17 Sharpe v. 1249 Mgt. Inc Modeste 509938/17 Haywood v. Dal Global 55199/18 Alaimo v. Alaimo
Associates v. Ed Security Funding LLC v. Ana C. Gonzalez
1277 Hldgs. LLC 508612/16 Bryan v. G & L Ambulette 507610/17 Sidelnik v. Haym 517557/17 Mendez v. B’way. Services 51472/18 Clouden v. Clouden
Systems 505767/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Hinds
518664/17 Delacruz v. Mikes Diner Co., Inc. Salomon Mgt. LLC Bushwick Builders 524082/17 Heeke v. Greene 52003/18 Gaspard v. Gaspard
9173/15 Scarlett v. Adebanjo 504495/17 Wells Fargo Bank v.
I LLC 519780/16 Burton v. Demetrius 521303/17 Simmonds v. Empire 509750/17 Mezzi v. Fennell 505325/18 Henry v. Philbert 53190/18 Lavinda v. Lavinda
Motion 502792/18 Delbono v. Ciro 14235/14 Cahill v. Reynolds Paratransit Corp. 508298/15 Michaels v. Bobby’s Dept. 518157/18 Holder v. 50 Bowery 517301/16 Wilmington Savings 52976/18 Lieber v. Lieber
12664/15 Prospect 21st LLC v. East Depasquale Family Trust 503868/18 Canepa v. Hasan 508276/14 Smith v. Waste Mgt. of Store, Inc. Hldgs. Fund v. Koleosho 51646/16 Obadina v. Obadina
Upreal LLC 506808/17 Demadet v. Smart Pick, 510500/16 Cansiz v. 153 Chauncey New 510279/17 Mills-Lutterodt v. 509527/17 Huang v. Siller 52709/16 Perez v. Perez
Inc. LLC 509392/17 Sorentino v. Faineh Gherasim 513013/17 Hutson v. Bedford Joint FRIDAY, MARCH 1 55235/16 Stephen v. Stephen
512687/16 United Bainbridge LLC v.
Bainbridge Upreal LLC 513345/17 Demarco v. Park 510438/17 Canzoneri v. Lee 506749/18 Souferian v. Top Choice 503179/16 Mirkhmutov v. Langham Venture 504278/17 Freedom Mortgage Corp. Motion
21059/12 United Land Rlty. Inc v. 505628/15 Dominguez Mendez v. 518149/17 Carrasquillo v. Doe’ Brands, Inc. & Co. 513222/18 Isaac v. Maramont Corp v. McGuire
1211 Redfern Ave. 507449/15 Chaca v. 1164 Greene 516120/17 Stokes v. NYC 6308/15 Moore v. 617 Fb Associates 2158/17 Islam v. Dasrath 508521/18 J.P. Morgan Mortgage 55199/18 Alaimo v. Alaimo
300 Sand Lane LLC 51443/16 Eng v. Marder
524762/17 Dorsey v. Clarke Ave LLC 516650/16 Suladze v. Jols Rlty. Corp. LLC 504018/16 Issa v. 1012 Bay Ridge Loan v. Tkachenko
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 501577/17 Durantes-Vazquez v. 13698/15 Chambers-Douglas v. 9790/14 Tabeek v. Asarian 1109/15 Moore v. Khan Ave LLC 516264/17 Ocwen Loan Servicing v. FRIDAY, MARCH 1
8590/15 Aans v. Plotinskiy Bellwood NY Inc. M.R.A. Enterprises 513018/15 Taitt v. Soss 513424/18 Morales v. Simanowitz 512872/17 James v. Hoogenboom Myrie
516230/16 Citibank v. Miller 525022/17 Elamrani Zerifi v. 2308/16 Charles v. Trocheva 522849/17 Tavarez v. Tavarez 10333/13 Mosley v. Cruz 505455/17 Javier v. Galarza 521816/17 Select Portfolio Conference
863/01 Islam v. De Stefano Turiano 513764/17 Chen v. Maldonado 514569/17 Tessa v. Laundry Palace 505513/17 Mosso v. NYC 5750/15 Johnson v. Garber Servicing v. Voranava 55165/17 Saenz v. Saenz | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 37

22133/10 Robinson v. NYCTA 518327/16 Evans v. Rainbow Transit 12542/15 Diallo v. Kavangah 1330/18 Cruz v. Berger 10821 Hldgs.
Part 5C Part 5X 501819/18 Russo v. NYC Inc.
Part 63 506222/17 Espinal v. Lacey Part 80 LLC
Justice C. Landicino Justice Lara Genovesi 514005/18 Scognamiglio v. NYC 6060/14 Fermin v. Zossima Inc Justice Ellen M. Spodek 505697/16 Gelbstein v. Oiz Justice Genine D. Edwards 14766/15 Dallo v. Mes Brokerage
360 Adams Street 360 Adams Street 11743/15 Siclari v. NYC 6590/12 Fontaine v. Mmlery LLC 360 Adams Street 503760/16 Gil v. NYCTA 360 Adams Street Inc.
Phone 347-296-1599 Phone 347-401-9477 522492/18 Singh v. NYC Dept. of 505317/17 Fraser v. Bowen Phone 347-296-1620 502414/16 Heaning v. M&E Rubin Phone 347-404-9799 506376/15 Daniel v. Ian-Michael
Courtroom 738 Courtroom 456 Education 12744/12 Hayt v. Transcare Corp. Courtroom 725, 9:30 A.M. 512810/16 Jennings v. Alston Courtroom 359 11351/15 Dory v. Green
501878/17 State Farm Fire And 11328/14 Holloman v. Glover 505847/16 Kings Ready Mix, Inc. v. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 12597/15 Duman v. Public Service
Part 5F Part 7 Casualty v. Harmon Part 64 1191 Ocean Truck Renting
10355/15 Hueracocha v. Ramsamooj 13136/14 Baker v. Foroughi
Justice Rachel Amy Adams Justice Reginald Boddie 515663/18 Sutherland v. Maldarelli 12661/15 John v. Hennes & Mauritz Justice Kathy J. King 505520/14 Lefort v. Kingsbrook 2980/18 Edge Farmers & Interiors
360 Adams Street 509222/16 Union Mutual Fire Ins. v. 360 Adams Street Jewish Medical 26416/11 Guambi v. W&W Grand v. Throop Properties LLC
360 Adams Street Lp
Phone 347-401-9477 Creekside Vv Phone 347-296-1435 524212/18 Lopez v. NYC Queens LLC 517943/16 Ferrer v. 120 Union Ave.
Phone 347-296-1636 500988/17 Kupriyanova v. NYCHA 511629/17 Jampolskaya v. Ilona
Courtroom 929, 9:30 A.M. Courtroom 456, 9:30 A.M. 2615/14 Wilamowsky v. NYC Courtroom 296, 9:30 A.M. 503413/18 Maynard v. Mount Sinai LLC
2589/18 Zavorokhin v. NYC 505281/16 Louissant v. Diop Genis
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Doctors Bklyn. 2766/16 Ferrugia v. Cohen
Please be advised that 506491/15 Mary Vasquez v. 524455/18 Jewish Press Inc v. NYC
Part 24 501563/15 Mermelstein v. Con Ed 501018/19 Goodridge v. Professional
Matrimonial Part 5F will Lifespire, Inc. 508622/17 Auto Factors, Inc. v. Dept. Settlement Corp
Motion Co.
now conduct all Motions and Justice Lisa Ottley 504477/13 Morales v. Suarez- Palmer 20256/11 Meza v. Allied Prop. Group 26955/05 Maira v. Grecco 523266/17 Harkins v. Newco Alp
524860/18 Doe v. NYC 360 Adams Street Bonilla 13079/11 Columbia Capital Co v. 8630/12 Mondiello v. Deluca
Conferences on Tuesdays and 511750/18 Navojosky v. Bakman Inc.
500524/19 Maidstone Ins. Co. v. Phone 347-296-1225 505614/16 Procope v. Whitfield Throop And Gates Inc 517954/18 Tatik v. Wong
Thursdays. 513822/18 Nje Transportation Co., 638/16 Hf v. Lisker
NYC Courtroom 479 516946/16 Record v. Morales
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 LLC v. River City Const. Trial 522750/18 Higgins v. Miles
514527/17 Squicciarini v. Lui 14960/13 Roig v. Samoedro 503286/19 Olan v. Visnauskas 30253/10 858 Flushing Rlty. Corp v. 517273/18 in The Matter of The v.
Part 9 Part 25 3204/14 Rowe v. New Square Rlty. 748/19 Arnoux v. Bapaz Capital 6llc
12631/14 Ortega v. NYC Thom
Conference Wasersztrom
Justice Katherine Levine 30435/10 Sanderson v. 96 Rockwell Part 65 520403/16 Oswald Jackson v. 518175/16 Ivannikova v. Ali
53628/18 Avelli v. Baazov Justice Debra Silber 13136/14 Baker v. Foroughi
360 Adams Street LLC. Marjorie Ellie 513330/18 Jenkins v. Romerotafurt
55028/18 Avril v. Lewis 360 Adams Street Justice Loren Baily- 500864/11 Breytman v. Riskevich
Phone 347-404-9633 510333/17 Shanta v. South Carolina 519726/16 Pantano v. Rahman 509559/17 Julien v. Greene
55456/15 Bojmal v. Sagiv Phone 347-296-1102 Schiffman 12522/14 Gonzalez v. Pearl
Room 560, 9:30 A.M. Self Ins. 511199/17 Reyes Jr. v. Black Dog 501141/18 Kingsland 79 LLC v.
51213/18 Conde v. Conde Courtroom 524, 9:30 A.M. 360 Adams Street
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 522258/17 State Farm Mutual Phone 347-401-9078 Interiors Corp. Part 81 Aboulissan
50222/17 Haynes v. Haynes THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Automobile v. Pierre 518487/16 Rosendo v. Arif Justice Landicino 515989/17 Kraidman v. Li
54988/17 Huang v. Wheeler 512711/15 Abbate v. NYC Courtroom 297, 9:30 A.M.
17253/13 State Farm Mutual 507983/18 Smith v. Motor Vehicle 360 Adams Street 500524/19 Maidstone Ins. Co. v.
55260/18 Lava v. Lava Motion 570/17 Alexander v. NYC WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Accident NYC
Automobile v. Rlc Medical Phone 347-296-1599
55694/18 Lee v. Lee 525773/18 71 Quincy St. v. 513414/18 Alvarez Diaz v. NYC 518436/17 Spearman v. Mid Island Courtroom 738, 9:30 A.M. 524446/18 My8686 LLC For An
508999/17 Steinberg v. Bornstein 500544/18 Prop. Shark Mgt. LLC v.
50072/17 Maxwell v. Maxwell Commissiong 502838/19 Atallah v. NYC Systems Order v. Omni Build LLC
507710/14 Atkins v. NYC 500078/09 Suarez v. Contreras Steed WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
55561/18 Mendez v. He 509578/16 Alam v. Tsentzelis 4390/08 U.S. Nat. Assoc. v. Boodhoo 504609/17 Stephens v. Garcia 512524/18 Ocean Towers, Inc. v.
51088/17 Montgomery v. Martinez 505096/14 Auriemma v. Bklyn. 509358/16 Baker v. NYC THURSDAY, FEB. 28
511145/16 Urena v. Jp Morgan 512341/14 T. v. Ascend Learning Motion Board of Directors of Bay
53079/17 Perez-Mcfaline v. Hosp. Center 500238/14 Blowe v. NYC 508281/17 Abudayeh v. Stroykin Inc. 518472/17 Reardon v. Macy’s Inc.
12346/15 Chen v. First American Chase 525783/18 American Transit Ins. v.
McFaline 507411/14 Avizbakiyev v. Avibakiyev 503212/18 Augustin-Emmanus v. 760/19 Tapia v. Ortiz 514469/15 Robinson v. Bklyn. Short
512070/17 Bolognese v. Bantis Intl Bank 15829/14 Urgiles v. 417 Fifth Ave. State Farm Mutual Automobile
53915/17 Rodriguez v. Blumenthal Cruz-Puntier 1164/16 Taylor v. Stewart-Riles Sales, Inc.
714/19 Carrington v. Metro. 491/19 NYC v. 2832-36 West 23 Rd Real Estate 507114/17 Avelino-Ramirez v. Hoid 81/18 Artemov v. NYS
50454/19 Schneps v. Schneps 519094/16 Trippett v. NYC 497/19 Silverberg v. 2843 Brighton
Autobody St. 10760/13 Visgotis v. Golden Gate 517494/17 Bravo v. Action 513667/17 Bennett v. Bennett
509942/16 Visconti v. Dekrouff’s 7 LLC
Motion 509180/18 Chambers v. McPherson 1945/15 Coury v. NYC Rehabilitation Environmental Group 523518/17 Bennett v. Bennett
Cored Drilling LLC 517903/18 Sumpter v. B’way. Suv
53628/18 Avelli v. Baazov 518983/17 Chen v. NY Wanda Rlty. 519850/18 Cultraro v. NYC 10453/13 Waldman v. Katz 522709/16 Brownstone Capital NY 24259/11 Burgess v. NYC Rental LLC
500799/18 Wade v. Esquire Mgt.
54988/17 Huang v. Wheeler 507332/17 Cordero v. Corredor 504360/16 Dawson v. NYC 10454/13 Waldman v. Katz LLC v. Lindsay Corp. 504307/16 Collado Martinez v. 527 520673/16 Talasazan v. 4matic
50454/19 Schneps v. Schneps 520396/16 Cuautle v. Boerum Pl. 366/16 Delgado v. NYC 513883/15 Washington v. Grant 504043/13 Caraballo v. Coinmach Grand St. Corp. Const. Corp.
19080/08 Wells Fargo Bank v.
53247/16 Sprecher v. Wacks 504259/15 Didyk v. Macy’s Retail 11313/14 Doran v. NYC 511775/14 Watson v. Son Service Corp. 509602/17 Colon v. Davis 10551/15 Thomas v. Stroheman
Hldgs. Inc. 8187/15 Downes v. NYC 28984/11 Zahav Enterprises LLC. v. 503388/19 Cong Kehilat Keter 509250/15 Dean v. Greystone Haul Line
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 514581/16 White v. Kropf
502825/13 Disimone v. Southside 7587/14 Duroseau v. NYC Martens Torah v. Levi Properties 76 LLC 14496/15 Villanueva v. Elul 1080
510507/18 White v. Ahmed
Manhattan View LLC. 522392/17 Gibson v. NYC 9032/09 Con Ed v. NYC 504560/18 Doughlin-Weir v. 3500 Leggett LLC.
Conference Part 43 511324/16 Williams v. Intercity
501369/17 Erwin v. Mobile Steam 500231/16 Hallett v. NYC 516344/17 Crest Associates v. Lig Snyder Ave. Owners 521240/16 Weisz v. Goldstein
56090/18 Buchanan v. Irby Plumbing & Heating
Boiler Rental 517017/17 Haque v. NYC Justice Mark Partnow Ins. Co. 4955/16 Duce Rlty. Inc v. Ditech 521672/18 White v. Monadnock
51181/17 Liu v. Lu 502345/17 Youngstein v. Pr Jericho
504832/18 Extech Bldg. Materials v. 15618/14 Harrison v. NYC 360 Adams Street 18107/09 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Financial LLC Const., Inc.
Storage LLC 520126/17 Dyukova v. Church of
53088/17 Palmieri v. Mazursky Greyco Const. Inc. 500157/15 Hewitt-Ogilvie v. NYC Phone 347-296-1656 v. George 522410/16 Williams v. Delpe
523191/17 Yusufov v. Derusso Our Lady The
54979/17 Perkins v. Perkins 523656/18 Fixler v. Reisman Bros. 503488/16 Hodges v. NYC Courtroom 441, 9:30 A.M. 505608/16 Dupera v. NYC 5621/13 Wilson v. Chandler
54614/18 Roberts v. Roberts Bakery, Inc. 2019/15 Hussein v. NYC 508166/18 Fleurimond v. Stanavich Part 69 516695/16 Guzman v. Diaz
1318/18 Yellowstone Capital West
51969/13 Saintine v. Saintine 526015/18 Gardenya Tekstil Ltd. v. 22539/10 Ilowitz v. NYC TUESDAY, FEB. 26 513596/15 Forbes v. Morton 520796/16 Guzman v. Gomez
Justice Noach Dear LLC v. Dual Diagnosis Treatment
55849/17 Yudin v. Fayngersh Aetw Apparel LLC 504009/15 Isidore v. NYC 511188/18 Graves v. Afzai 360 AdamsStreet 501141/14 Hossain v. Gibbs
Motion 508028/17 Young v. Royal
502788/16 Goulet v. Pier 2 Roller 12541/13 Li v. NYC 510677/15 Grower v. La Luz Del Phone 347-296-1104 7740/14 Isaklulov v. Halawani
Motion Tansportation
Ring At 515352/16 Mezar v. Defranco 521056/16 Rigaud v. Fashion Nation Mundo Courtroom 756 512206/15 Jean v. Powers
506545/17 Zolotykh v. NYCHA
56090/18 Buchanan v. Irby 503025/18 Hernandez v. Mdl 9567/15 Murray v. NYCTA 500310/14 Wells Fargo Bank v. 513286/18 Ianvarashvili v. Holzman 507086/15 Lande v. NYC
50063/12 Richards v. Richards 520579/18 Omolade v. NYC Dept. of 522499/18 Law Office of Yonatan v. THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Equipment Corp. Davis 519878/17 Isak Developer Corp. v. Part 70
57268/08 Shemesh v. Shemesh 508144/17 Isaac v. Atlantic Yards B2 513138/16 Peters v. NYC Heurtelou Shyknevsky 4500/14 Bank of NY v. Gulgar
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Justice Wavny Toussant
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Owner 510723/15 Pierre v. NYC 519402/18 Kazadavenka v. 521357/17 Lewis v. Robinson 15561/13 Roman v. Staten Island
13094/15 Rodriguez v. NYC 504176/16 Bianco v. Camarda 360 Adams Street 503277/18 Leykina v. Kings Bay
517509/16 Isayev v. Maragh-Bleus Daneman Phone 347-401-9236 Univ. Hosp
Conference 500266/14 Joglo Realties, Inc. v. 518156/18 Rosado v. NYC 509139/17 Li v. Ingravallo Section One Land LLC
507310/15 Saleh v. St. Andrew’s
Part 52 Courtroom 366, 9:30 A.M. 2508/18 Maldonado v. Lee Part 89
55483/16 Chen v. Wang Finkel 9098/11 Mitelman v. Nd
500266/12 Khaimov v. 2233 86th St. Episcopal Church Justice Francois A. Rivera WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 500440/18 Manigault v. Bushwick Justice Wayne P. Saitta
52063/17 Kovler v. Kovler Architecture & Design Pc
Corp. 512413/18 Santiago v. Awad 360 Adams Street 512237/18 Moulton v. Gawaly Hldgs. I LLC 360 Adams Street
55563/17 Lorrimer v. Diez 509380/18 Seale v. NYC Phone 347-296-1618 504266/13 Arriaga v. Mocal 519685/17 Matthews v. Fong
518123/17 Kirkland v. NYCTA 43931/07 Nikocevic v. NY Elevator Phone 347-296-1582-9265
20866/13 Shell v. NYC Courtroom 556, 9:30 A.M. Enterprises Inc. 503441/17 Meegan v. Wolf
Motion 524014/17 Lawrence v. Swinton 523292/16 Orishchenko v. Courtroom 724
508719/15 Sherr v. NYC 512346/17 Bakar v. Islam 509367/16 Morette v. Primestar
52063/17 Kovler v. Kovler 518321/18 Mastro Concrete, Inc. v. Please Note: Whenever an Amalgamated Warbasse Houses 2300/18 Barretto v. Newkirk THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Senator Const. 503832/14 Silva v. Verdugos General 503845/17 Pollydore v. Stephens Trucking LLC
51552/09 Perlman v. Perlman action involving an infant party Partners
503791/13 Matthews v. Bright Star Contractors 502389/19 Rodriguez v. Moncon, 5430/13 Naranjo v. New Bushwick 2598/17 493 Dean St. v. NYS Urban
Trial 500945/18 Veronico v. NYC appears in the Intake Part 500199/19 Beinert v. Div. of 68 LLC Dev. Corp
Messenger Inc. Housing And
503482/14 Warren v. NYC for a preliminary conference, 510158/18 New Era Lending LLC v. 33132/08 NYC v. Fifth Amended
51552/09 Perlman v. Perlman 506748/16 McPherson Hickson v. 505146/18 Ross v. Shelby 2411/18 Buggs v. NYCTA
Modeste 10523/15 Zeman v. NYC the deposition of the infant The Garden Gate New Orleans Bklyn. Ctr Ura
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 521849/16 Santos v. Parkshore 506211/15 De Jesus v. Lion Roar
524464/17 Medina v. Rodriguez may not be scheduled until 522824/18 O’Shea v. Fahey
Part 26 Health Care Rlty. LLC Part 90
524768/18 Mendez Vega v. Madison this court has issued an order 509368/15 Paranyuk v. Daskalakis
Conference 500558/19 Scarlett-Brown v. Pilgrim 518723/18 Dessler v. Sicherman
Park Acquisitions Justice Donald S. Kurtz which finds that the infant is 3506/14 Peltz v. Goldblatt Justice Edgar Walker
50703/18 Jones v. Jones Baptist Church, Inc. 511024/15 Difilippo v. NYC
512382/18 Mitchell v. NYC Bd. of 360 Adams Street competent to give sworn testi- 500067/19 Progressive Casualty Ins. 360 Adams Street
54790/17 Paul v. Paul 501826/16 Shea v. Fortunato Doe v. NYC Dept. of Education
Ed. of Phone 347-296-1771 mony. Any party wishing to con- v. Artemyeva Phone 347-401-9233
500112/19 State Farm Mutual 508959/15 Et & K Foods v. American
50107/18 Peachin v. Singer 520036/17 Murphy v. Board of Mgrs. Courtroom 224, 9:30 A.M. test this procedure, should set 503304/14 Pullini v. Everest Nat. Courtroom 277, 9:30 A.M.
Automobile v. Barrett Express Co.
50899/16 Skountzos v. Skountzos of forth their position in a motion Ins.
Part 29 516220/16 Tamaiev v. Oberpriller 516954/16 Fernandez v. Currence FRIDAY, MARCH 1
Motion 525917/18 Nagawiecki v. Bak on notice to all parties who 502147/14 Tax v. Relyea 507287/17 Ramkissoon v. Basquiat
Justice Wayne P. Saitta 509845/16 Feurtado v. Noel 521425/18 Reyes v. Nissan Infinity 507146/16 Angrand v. Bruce Supply
54790/17 Paul v. Paul 504531/17 Natanov v. Nat. Dcp have appeared in the action. 511661/15 Thompson v. Tc
360 Adams Street 522529/18 Frankl v. Rosenblum Lt Corp.
504406/16 Obas v. 64 Onderdonk Motions are heard on Paratransit
50107/18 Peachin v. Singer Phone 347-296-1582 516348/18 Fulton Bapaz LLC v. 509847/17 Severino v. Bogelow 504851/17 Benjamin v. Thomas
Ave LLC Fridays. Any case previously 4924/14 Vergona v. Tawil
50899/16 Skountzos v. Skountzos Courtroom 724, 9:30 A.M. Hope-Weusi 502288/17 Shafran v. Lee 507428/17 Bethea v. Precision
519994/17 Paz v. Mtlr Corp. scheduled for a Thursday will 332/10 Wells Fago Bank N.A. v. Ali 507983/14 Jennings-Henry v. James 504432/18 Sima Azimov A/k/a Sima Window Systems, Inc.
Part 5G 886/17 Petses v. Ng THURSDAY, FEB. 28 be heard on that Friday. 521610/17 Wilson v. 1778 Bergen St 522229/17 Kamal v. Meguerdichian 520246/16 Bravo-Martillo v. Sultan
517932/16 Poyser v. Stanley Azimova v. Get Rlty.
Justice Jeffrey S. Sunshine TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Hldgs. 511407/17 Khomis v. Joudeh
Morency Conference 517496/16 Sosa v. Centennial 7450/15 Brian D. Perskin &
360 Adams Street Part 66 513864/16 Lorenzo v. Charlie Fox Elevator Associates v. Brown
511345/18 Quality Health Mgt. v. 2390/14 Akerman v. Acella Motion
Phone 347-296-1654 Inc. 521086/18 Tri-State Surgical Supply 18660/11 Castillo v. Prince Plaza
Healthfirst Phsp, Inc. Pharmaceuticlas LLC Justice Richard Velasquez
Courtroom 941, 9:30 A.M. 515868/16 Solano v. Plateau 513364/15 Louis-Juste v. Fisher v. Buena Vida Corp. LLC
11939/13 Rivas v. Diagonal Rlty. 360 Adams Street
Part 34 Painting Co. Inc. Park Lane Owner 505088/17 Tyszka v. Yu 502048/19 Congregation Beis
Motion calendars will LLC Phone 347-296-1118
503330/14 Mega Contracting Inc. v. 505714/18 Vasquez v. Zion Lutheran Naftuly v. Congregation Bnei
be called at 9:30 A.M. on 502503/17 Roman v. Muyinov Justice Lara J. Genovesi FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Courtroom 469, 9:30 A.M.
522766/16 Rosenzweig v. Gubner Adventure Masonry Corp. Church Dovid
Wednesdays. Preliminary 360 Adams Street WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 521102/16 Mg v. Estate of Sergio
15883/14 Rottenberg v. Alexander Motion 503648/18 Vasquez v. 371 Van Brunt 503542/15 Crandall v. Associated
Conferences that do not have Phone 347-401-9477 Black
Court Condominium LLC Supermarket Dka
pending Motions, Compliance Courtroom 456 502279/19 155 Meserole LLC v. Motion 21822/12 Newkirk v. Fulton Park
502390/18 S. Vinodkumar USA Inc. 504010/18 Yonatan S. Levoritz v. 4089/12 Cyprien v. Etienne
Conferences or Pre-Trial Sloninski 513349/18 408 St. John’s Place v. Site 4 Houses Shyknevsky 500743/13 Dhaiti v. Louizaire
Conferences will be held on
v. Mr. Diamond USA, Inc. Part 35 510728/17 Agosto v. Musleh
12593/13 Swaby v. Josiah Simmons 25607/11 Palomino v. Vincent 505665/13 Dubovikova v. 1890 E.
Fridays between 9:30 A.M. Justice Karen Rothenberg 513417/16 Alexander v. NYCHA 511528/17 Abu-Fersen v. Dartmouth 2775/18 Peachtree Settlement v. Part 82 5th St. LLC
502596/17 Thurman v. Otway 360 Adams Street 514084/17 Ashirova v. Northeastern
and 1 P.M. Preliminary confer- Tenants Ltd. Metro. Life Ins. Justice Kenneth P. Sherman 521626/17 Gonzalez v. Agha
525142/18 Triple “S” Specialties Phone 347-296-1644 Capital Funding
ences that have an accompa- 510341/14 Acosta v. 200 Sja 517919/16 Peralta v. Praga Taxi, 360 Adams Street 520359/17 Heredia v. Gcb Inc.
Corp. v. Prompt Apparel, Inc. Courtroom 574, 9:30 A.M.
nying motion will be held on 524573/18 Bartlomiej Rajkowski Montague LLC. Inc. Phone 347-296-1596 510157/17 Hoepelman v. Amjad
522465/17 Wheeler v. Pierre
Wednesdays between 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 D/b/a v. Empire Blue Cross Blue 827/16 Alianza De Damas Unidas 520236/17 Pitton v. Sadik Courtroom 480 512953/18 Hossen v. Nobu 57 LLC
and 1 P.M. Trial Shield Inc v. Roman 520959/18 Renteria v. Criss 518565/18 in The Matter of The v.
10523/15 Zeman v. NYC TUESDAY, FEB. 26
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 21527/10 Parrilla v. Saphire 508673/18 Benkovski v. D.R.S. Cab 808/17 Alisa Auto Service Inc. v. 16456/14 Riles v. Famek Mgt. Corp. Gilman
Part 10 Part 36 Corp. Chernetskyy 514433/17 Robles v. 1004-06 Gates Conference 2711/18 J.G. Wentworth
Conference Justice Graham 515531/18 Boras v. 284 Norman 514599/17 Benjamin v. Khachab Ave. LLC 522073/18 American Transit Ins. v. Originations v. Pacific Life And
Justice Andrew Borrok Ave. LLC 505403/18 Board of Mgrs. of The v. 515220/17 State Farm Mutual Annuity
51801/18 Brooks v. Avila 360 Adams Street 360 Adams Street Jenkins
Phone 347-401-9405 522897/18 Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Cox Automobile v. Broadnax 25958/07 Deutsche Bank Natl Trust 515505/16 Jecrois v. Pierre
51796/18 Morris v. Morgan Phone 347-296-1642 502424/19 Borrell & Riso v. Widlitz 521371/16 Uddin v. D&K General
Room 561, 9:30 A.M. Villamar Co v. Gilmore 501230/17 Johency Cueto v. Koslow
Motion Courtroom 366, 9:30 A.M. 512877/15 Deloatch v. Diec & Stern Contractor Corp. Hldg. Corp.
520368/18 Geico Ins. Co. v. Antoine
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 505402/17 Estate of Christopher v. 519780/16 Burton v. Demetrius 502977/17 Volmar v. Shark-Ninja 514714/16 Jones v. Bklyn. Princess
51796/18 Morris v. Morgan Part 13 11629/08 Goshen Mortgage v. Reid
Greene 14235/14 Cahill v. Reynolds Operating 14768/14 Huebner v. Lapin LLC
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Justice Harriet Thompson Motion 510327/15 Certain Underwriters At 513790/17 Willoughby Operating v. 515112/16 Joseph v. NYCHA
500125/17 Farmer v. 652 West 160th 524980/17 in The Matter of The v.
360 Adams Street 503390/12 Wesley v. Brookdale v. Vip Fire Sprinkler, Inc. La Tempa Services, Inc. 521100/16 McPherson v. Nazer
Motion St. Ross
Phone 347-296-1648 Univ. 518685/18 Combs v. Board of Mgrs. Begum Corp.
512545/16 Fedyukova v. Mindel Part 71 523569/18 Integon Nat. Ins. v.
30291/05 Goldberg v. Goldberg Courtroom 363 THURSDAY, FEB. 28 of The 510809/16 Milstein v. Mandel
518820/17 Forde-Ross v. Romo Martinez
8909/00 McNeil v. McNeil 524203/18 Eagle-Dupont Hldg. Justice Sylvia Ash 516199/18 Noel v. Ramkissoon
Part 15 514214/18 Goldberger v. 522249/16 Klasfeld v. 401 76th St.
55670/15 Writer v. Jarvis Conference Corp. v. Brown 360 Adams Street 520343/16 Nykolyshyn v. Ducky
Wertzberger Corp.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Justice Marsha L. Steinhardt 11331/09 Minaker v. Kenan 515851/17 Euter v. 225 Parkside Phone 347-296-1587 Johnson Home Elevation
514929/16 Gvozdareva v. 37 11567/14 Lifetest v. Abramyan
360 Adams Street 521564/17 Nationwide Ins. Co. v. LLC Room 541 512741/16 Mgr Mgt. Resources, Inc. 16363/08 Oliver v. NYCHA
Conference Phone 347-296-1650 Lancaster Ave. 504829/18 Extech Bldg. Materials v. 503645/13 Orum v. Arcacenas
Rodriguez WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 v. Barranca Family Trust C/o
Courtroom 419, 9:30 A.M. 515794/18 Hackett-Williams v. J Companies LLC Transport
50501/18 Angyalfi v. Angyalfi Motion 5757/15 Ortiz v. Lopez
Hackett-Vieira 11133/14 Gomez v. Essex Dev. LLC 500771/13 Liberty Dabar Associates 505891/14 Papa v. Widmer Inn
52141/17 Azrak v. Azrak TUESDAY, FEB. 26 511745/16 U.S. Bank Trust v.
505579/13 Basile v. NY Community 525099/17 Harris v. Hue 5549/13 Harris v. Alzubaidi v. Mohammed Restaurant Corp.
50242/19 Gill v. Gill Kofman
Hosp. 505088/16 Hartford Fire Ins. v. 507578/15 Jones v. Diallo 511707/18 Perez v. 1065 Park Ave.
55513/18 Hadid v. Medetsky Motion
500751/15 Battaglia v. Caruana
Part 73 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Pasha 514878/16 Joseph Iavarone v. Corp.
55723/18 McKenzie-Carter v. Carter 4770/10 Robertson v. Brookdale 513617/16 Baxter v. Wpix LLC. 17410/13 Huang v. D.C. Developer Ghatas Justice Peter Sweeney
Hosp. Medical Conference 1704/17 Regisford v. Regisford
55068/17 Peters v. Peters 509022/14 Brown-March v. Cabbad LLC 522903/17 Keep Winning Rlty. LLC 360 Adams Street
518226/18 Riva v. Manhattan Beer
Motion Part 16 515388/15 Busacco v. NYCHA 9324/14 Huang v. D.C. Developers v. Indelicato Phone 347-401-9013 502216/16 2005-2011 Rlty. LLC v.
541/10 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 508430/16 Khandakar v. NY Courtroom 761, 9:30 A.M. Brailovskiy
50501/18 Angyalfi v. Angyalfi Justice Leon Ruchelsman LLC 508233/17 Rivera v. Balde
Konarski Resource Co Inc 515984/18 in The Matter of v.
52141/17 Azrak v. Azrak 360 Adams Street 506615/17 Ivasyuk v. Raglan THURSDAY, FEB. 28 518491/17 Seagate Mini Mall, Inc. v.
13560/14 Cohen v. Menorah Home 515513/17 Khazanov v. 40 X Owner Rekika
50242/19 Gill v. Gill Phone 347-296-1604 506632/17 Jimenez v. Con Ed Co of Board of Mgrs. of Mermaid
And Hosp. LLC Motion 3916/15 Lively v. Johnson
50565/14 McCurchin v. McCurchin Courtroom 276, 9:30 A.M. 7292/13 John v. Irizarry 503707/18 Omni Ins. Co. v. Geico 515814/17 Singh v. Bisnath
501022/13 Corujo v. Caputo 514945/17 Jones v. Badmaev 519794/18 Kifayeh v. Hanna 14324/12 Cenlar Fsb v. Fleigman 500635/19 State Farm Mutual
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 501908/14 Cruz v. NYCH&HC And 514545/16 Last v. Cohen General Ins. Co.
Part 19 507650/17 Jones v. M. Rubin & Co. 513227/18 Progressive Ins. Co. v. Automobile v. Sher
507383/14 Davis v. Centers For
LLC 519543/16 Li v. Flagg Court Owners Part 75 520826/18 Suleman v. 1460 G&M
Motion Justice Theresa Ciccotto Specialty Care Aikens
Corp. Justice Robin Garson Bldg. Supply Inc.
360 Adams Street 520424/16 Decarlo v. Bensonhurst 32760/08 Jp Morgan Chase v. 512932/15 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Dv Rlty.
50542/18 Hunt v. Hunt 507802/17 Long v. Nairne 141 Livingston Street 523672/18 Sura Bine LLC v. Certain
Phone 347-296-1632 Center For Twersky LLC
50551/18 Mathioudakis v. 5431/15 Lowy v. Ymrn Family Trust Phone 347-404-9105 Underwriters At
Courtroom 961, 9:30 A.M. 506113/17 Dowd v. Katkovsky 502848/17 Kugler v. Southhampton THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Mathioudakis Zalmen Courtroom TBA 15435/12 Velez v. Calabro
500836/18 Expressive Lighting Inc Apts. Del 505005/17 Lozada Vasquez v.
Part 5J Part 20 501489/16 La Lanne v. Rocco Pizza Conference
513668/17 Wagstaffe v. Lapuma
v. Jtl Const. Corp. Malzoumbou Part 76 Transportation Group
Justice Katherine Levine 518422/17 Gentile v. Gross And 514364/17 Lukasiewicz v. Cottone 521862/16 Berriman Funding Llc v.
Justice Theresa Ciccotto Justice Michael L. Pesce 519444/18 Welcome To Bklyn. v.
360 Adams Street 519016/16 Gets v. Chalik 507691/16 Lawrence v. Robles 522997/18 Marniche v. Govt. Top General Merchandise, Inc.
360 Adams Street 360 Adams Street Nostrand Bergen LLC
Phone 347-404-9633 504649/14 Hus v. 10 Ave Rlty. LLC 520429/16 Leondan Rivera- Employees 505133/17 Capece v. Bentz
Phone 347-296-1632 Room 560, 9:30 A.M. Phone 347-296-1572
Courtroom 961 509287/16 Javier v. Gleit Guerrero v. Allen 502073/19 McFarlane v. Stop & 517924/17 Friedman v. Weiss Part 91
Courtroom 974, 9:30 A.M.
510229/14 Johnson v. Gbadamosi 521988/18 Li v. Cao Shop 513531/18 Govt. Employees v. Lazo Justice Devin P. Cohen
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Part 22 523273/16 Lakisha v. Odoom 504805/17 Maloy v. Hampton 500087/16 Kim v. Kellner
512327/17 Moses v. Riverdale Part 76J 360 Adams Street
Justice Reginald Boddie 18571/11 Lin v. Wang 12034/14 Merisier v. 601 Crown LLC Osborne Towers 1731/15 Parham v. Excellent Home Courtroom 366, 9:30 A.M.
50905/15 Weichman v. Weichman 360 Adams Street Justice Ellen M. Spodek
518147/16 Mrowczynski v. Beth 512409/18 Murphy v. Honda of 502556/17 Murray v. Community Care Services
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Phone 347-401-9265 Israel Medical Center 360 Adams Street 10370/15 R.R.M An Inft By His WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Staten Island House Housing
Courtroom 456, 9:30 A.M. 18790/13 Negron v. Aslam Phone 347-296-1620 M/n/g v. NYC
52948/15 Bronstein v. Lisenenkov 2372/15 O’Grady v. Russian Bath Co 502732/17 Quituizaca v. 212 W 17th Conference
18035/13 NYCTL 2012-A Trust v. Courtroom 725, 9:30 A.M. 23386/04 Rosenthal v. Gordon
Part 5T Rosefield Const. Inc 510424/16 Ramirez v. Doe 5221/16 Tree of Life v. Nevels 506419/17 in The Matter of The v.
509635/18 Ocean Five Two Two v. Part LO-76 Branch
Justice Delores J. Thomas Motion 501515/13 Ojeda v. Barabe Nimley 521508/18 Ramirez v. Lema 511473/16 Williams v. Doan
360 Adams Street 52/19 Peachtree Settlement v. 507554/18 Ramos v. Lalezarian Justice Lisa Ottley 512312/16 Washington Homes LLC
500281/17 NYC v. Prudenti’s 519629/17 Pakhomenko v. 360 Adams Street Part 84 v. Jones
Phone 347-401-9211 Restaurant on The Metro. Life Developers Inc.
Chervinskaya Phone 347-296-1225 Justice Carolyn E. Wade
Room 924, 9:30 A.M. 517686/16 Ramirez v. Romero 19764/13 Roman v. NYCHA Motion
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 8974/14 Phillip v. NYC Courtroom 479 360 Adams Street
500334/16 Rivera v. Highgate 517821/17 Romero v. Fc Queens Pl.
Motion calendars will Hotels Lp 4580/14 Pisiak v. Ljc Dismantling Phone 347-296-1612 507532/17 A.Y. An Inft Under The
Motion Associates Part 76-LK Age v. Petito
be called at 9:30 A.M. on 507371/17 Rutledge v. Gruener Corp. Courtroom 423, 9:30 A.M.
503519/17 Shezad v. Hebert 510106/15 Aducci v. 1829 Park Pl.
Thursdays. Preliminary 508363/16 Adofo-Bogmah v. NYCTA 505615/15 Saad v. Gerling 1744/16 Ramirez v. Village East 515043/18 Sosa v. Stv Inc. Justice Lawrence Knipel
Conferences with an accom- 501802/14 Austin v. NYC 513914/16 Selfhelp Community Towers 500565/10 Zorina v. Brodetsky 360 Adams Street Part 88 10947/15 Akhmedov v. Matamoros-
panying motion will be called 522220/16 Avery v. Metro. Services v. Glazer 508278/17 Ramnanan v. Gosiewski Phone 347-296-1630 Justice Dawn Jimenez Salta Bonilla
Transportation 523622/18 Rodriguez v. Ruben And THURSDAY, FEB. 28 14645/15 Alvarracin v. St.Cecilia’s
on Thursdays at 9:30 A.M. 507235/13 Sica v. Fernandes Courtroom 774 360 Adams Street
21438/13 Barrett v. NYC 501998/13 Simon v. Bklyn.-Queens Sons Equities 501217/14 Gatling v. Khan Phone 347-401-9265 Roman Catholic
Preliminary Conferences
without a pending motion and 510164/15 Batiz v. NYC Nursing Home 506741/18 Santos v. Hanna Part LR-76 Courtroom 479 508664/17 Andino v. Taylor
505875/18 Bilal v. Carrero Part 67 500098/17 Angie T. Josephs v. Kari
Compliance Conferences will be FRIDAY, MARCH 1 505124/16 Sarkisyan v. Wang Justice Leon Ruchelsman 9:30 P.M.
500828/17 Blackburn v. NYC 504590/18 Taggart v. Rossi Justice Kenneth P. Sherman 360 Adams Street Meat Corp.
called on Mondays at 9:30 A.M. 360 Adams Street Please be advised that 512098/17 Bialobrzeski v. NYC
503170/19 Blount v. NYC Conference 510232/17 Thompson v. NYCHA Phone 347-296-1604
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 13301/15 Calliste-Felder v. NYC Phone 347-296-1596 Justice Dawn Jimenez Salta’s 500051/17 Board of Mgrs. of The v.
515784/16 Slapinska v. Eliav 2501/15 Vitello v. Sirna Courtroom 276, 9:30 A.M. Foreclosure Calendar Part 88
53721/15 Oskar v. Oskar 514365/18 Campbell v. Dormitory Courtroom 480, 9:30 A.M. 100 Maspeth Commercial
5485/15 White-Tanksley v. Pay-O- WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 and City Motion Calendars 503349/16 Cahn v. L&M Bus Corp.
Auth. of The Part 41 Matic Check Cashing WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Conference 15522/14 Campbell v. NYC Parts 20 and 25 will be held 501951/17 Chambers v. Diallo
Justice Larry D. Martin 508279/18 Williams v. Perez 523005/18 Ralab-232 Corp. D/b/a v.
55682/17 Franklin v. Franklin 520994/18 Cazeau v. NYC every Friday (not including 2308/16 Charles v. Trocheva
360 Adams Street 521844/18 Williams v. Shepard Motion 1937 Coney Island LLC
54233/18 Wu v. Wu 653/19 NYC v. 1424 Sheepshead holidays and other dates the 16188/14 Dayan v. Kosher Hut of
Phone 347-296-1634 8496/15 Yomi Homes, Inc. v. 1113/07 Wells Fargo Bank v. Part 76K honorable is scheduled else-
Bay Road Bklyn. Inc
Motion Courtroom 741, 9:30 A.M. Hussain Springer where) at 9:30 am.
2286/18 NYC v. 429 Stone Ave. Justice Kathy J. King 6645/15 Draddy v. Asi Mgt. Inc.
53721/15 Oskar v. Oskar 506238/15 Diaz v. NYC TUESDAY, FEB. 26 517849/17 Youmans v. Solomon Part 68 360 Adams Street TUESDAY, FEB. 26 515039/17 Duchitanga v. M.A.K.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 522451/17 Draper v. NYC 523142/18 Zion v. Tunee LLC Phone 347-296-1435 Hldgs. LLC
Motion Justice Johnny Lee Baynes 509979/15 Ragunandan v.
520707/18 Earley v. NY Police Dept. Part 57 360 Adams Street Courtroom 296, 9:30 A.M. 15003/15 Edwards v. Reid
55574/15 Williams v. Williams Brookhaven Rehabilitation
2316/14 Fisch v. NYC 510634/18 2017 Hldgs. Group LLC v. Phone 347-296-1590 6187/08 Eisner v. Ml Specialty
Conference 502035/18 Garcia v. NYC Dept. of Hakimian Justice Lawrence Knipel Part 76N WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Const.
360 Adams Street Courtroom 538
52198/18 Herzberg v. Herzberg 12782/15 Garland v. NYC 6953/11 264 Lenox Ave v. Uptown Justice Loren Baily- 520796/18 3 Quacks Prod.ions LLC 515561/16 English v. Robles Rlty.
507318/15 Gonzales v. NYC Cycles LLC Phone 347-296-1630 THURSDAY, FEB. 28 v. Collins 510351/16 Escoffery v. NYCTA
50487/19 Hsieh-Perez v. Perez Schiffman
522908/18 Jackson v. NYC 505511/14 Alleyne v. Jo-Ash Rlty. Courtroom 774, 9:30 A.M. 360 Adams Street 500418/19 Alonzo v. Cantania 1786/16 Farnum v. 22-05 Mgt. Corp
53201/18 King v. King Motion
Employees Corp. Phone 347-401-9078 516541/18 Aviles v. Otis Elevator 504664/16 Flores v. Silver Bell Co.
52038/18 Kogan v. Kogan WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
502304/18 Jemmott v. NYC 1049/14 Berkowitz v. 2828 Kings 520382/18 1270 NY Ave. LLC v. Courtroom 297, 9:30 A.M. Co. Ltd.
Motion 519780/17 John v. NYCTA Assets LLC. 18395/09 Wachovia Bank v. Porter 520682/18 Barrera-Gonzalez v. NYS 504773/17 Franklin-Ramos v.
50835/17 Ethridge v. Hagen- 524054/17 Joseph v. NYCTA 514103/15 Blue Sky Resources LLC Bukobza 505063/18 Acevedo v. Saifaldawla Part 77 Div. of Giuseppe
Ethridge 516081/17 Klass v. NYC v. Marshall THURSDAY, FEB. 28 505397/17 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Justice Steven Mostofsky 14247/15 Boyce v. E.C.T. Corp. 3919/14 Fraser v. East Flatbush Cvs
55393/15 Faries v. Mohamed 511536/18 Marseille v. NYCTA 4151/13 Bryant v. Mobile Trendz Inc Derisier 360 Adams Street 519207/16 Brigido-Sanchez v. De LLC
522167/18 Moschetta v. Randazzo’s 15645/14 Camacho v. 900 Riverside 16501/13 Asare v. Lopez 514879/15 Baez v. Cactus Hldgs., Schrijver 12302/15 Gaskin v. 437 Throop LLC.
51288/10 Goldberg v. Goldberg 11869/09 Bank of America v. Ali Phone 347-401-9400
Clam Bar of NY Drive LLC Inc. D/b/a Courtroom 575, 9:30 A.M. 507462/18 Burmin v. Komar-Dzurlic 1113/16 Gjoni v. 220 West 93rd St.
52198/18 Herzberg v. Herzberg 13208/15 Charles v. Jetblue Airways
522544/17 Norman v. NYC 13681/13 Cancel-Ramos v. NYCHA 508552/17 Belfont v. Golumenko 13698/15 Chambers-Douglas v. LLC
50040/19 Reichman v. Reichman Corp Mental Hygiene Calendar,
509795/16 Pilchick v. Vasquenz 257/15 Clemente v. Garcia 510635/18 Big Bank Erp Inc. v. M.R.A. Enterprises 505009/16 Griffith v. Reid
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 508308/16 Pimentel v. Vasquez 11722/14 Cotton v. Kings Ready Mix 24192/08 Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Meadows Office Supply Co. Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 518314/18 Chiesa v. McGregor 205/16 Hausman v. Budd
520629/17 Pioli v. NYC Fire Dept. Inc. Aird 503124/17 Collins v. Marcelus A.M. Applications and returns 518910/18 Cirlin v. Cynosure, Inc. 503068/17 Heedram v. Sm Livery
Conference 502707/14 Prashad v. NYC 507983/16 Davis v. Lloret 506558/16 Lawrence v. NYC 508367/16 D v. Bklyn. Kings Plaza Monday through Friday from 517500/18 Cks Const., Inc. v. Brisa Inc.
54921/18 Dixon v. Dixon 506893/18 Prescott v. Chaudhuri 11973/14 Elkhou v. O’Leary 22095/12 Ricketts-Rhoden v. NYCTA LLC 9:30 A.M. Builders Corp 2285/16 Hosein v. Andrade
38 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

24427/12 Illery v. Flushing Town

Center III Part 21 CIVIL COURT 19KCV2370 Patrick Bartlett v. Scott
18KCV14425 Full Spine
Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
18KCV3786 Omega Care Pt v.
Allstate Ins. Co.
18KCV14412 Yumi Acupuncture v.
Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV4351 Five Thousand Ave K
Medical v. Geico Ins Co
506419/17 in The Matter of The v. Justice Ingram Part 5 19KCV2386 Quint Bobb v. Psa General Ins Co 18KCV3787 Omega Care Pt v. 18KCV14414 Yumi Acupuncture v. 18KCV14621 Full Spine
Branch Phone 347-296-1354 Bklyn. Dev. 18KCV14426 Full Spine Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
320 Jay Street Room 306, 9:30 A.M.
371/19 J.G. Wentworth Originations MONDAY, MARCH 4 Chiropractic of NY v. Geico 18KCV3791 Omega Care Pt v. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 General Ins Co
v. Prudential Ins. Co. Room 19.36, 9:30 A.M. MONDAY, MARCH 4 General Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV14622 Full Spine
3931/15 Kelley v. 2 B’way. LLC Inquest: Court 17KCV28211 Fulton Medical 18KCV3691 Perfect Point Trial: Bench Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
Part 22 Trial: Jury Rehabilitation v. Merchants Acupuncture v. Country Wide General Ins Co
513494/15 Laroche-Charles v. Zida 19KCV2437 Daryl C. Smith v. 18KCV14849 A.C Medical Pc v. Elco
1529/15 Laso v. Spring Scaffolding Justice Goldberg 18KCV10335 Amaliya Bklyn. Beauty Mix, Inc. Preferred Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Administrative Services 18KCV14625 Full Spine
513780/16 Leon Rodriguez v. Phone 347-296-1862 Fatkhutdinova v. The NYCTA 19KCV2424 David Brodsky v. 18KCV14417 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV14594 Pfj Medical Care P.C. 18KCV14854 A.C Medical Pc v. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
Waterfront Plaza LLC 320 Jay Street 18KCV7435 Guerdine Charles- Eduard Zaydman Geico General Ins Co v. Hereford Ins. Co Govt. Employees Ins. Co. General Ins Co
14504/14 Lomax v. Smith Room 20.36, 9:30 A.M. Jean v. Sharon E Szanzer 19KCV2414 Joycelyne Joshua v. 18KCV14418 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV14485 Precision 18KCV14855 A.C Medical Pc v. 18KCV14623 Full Spine
9528/15 Mai v. Bath Beach Mgt. Inc Philip Abraham Geico General Ins Co Acupuncture v. American Transit Govt. Employees Ins. Co. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Part 11
3683/15 Michael v. 625 Ground 19KCV2408 Maritza Abreu v. Omar 18KCV14419 Gc Chiropractic P.C. Ins. Co 18KCV14858 A.C Medical Pc v. General Ins. Co.
Clifton L. Campbell Room 1101, 9:30 A.M. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14488 Precision Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14624 Full Spine
Lessor LLC Beverly Christmasscarborou Elsherif
18KCV14420 Gc Chiropractic P.C. Acupuncture v. American Transit 18KCV14852 A.C Medical Pc v. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
500094/15 Murphy v. 80 Pine LLC Quinniah Miller TUESDAY, FEB. 26 19KCV2428 Mary Ann Montaena v.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. Ins. Co State Farm Fire And Casualty Co General Ins. Co.
503806/15 Philippe v. Mattocks Kevin S. Nelson Abdelkade Ragab
Conference: Pretrial 18KCV14421 Gc Chiropractic P.C. Preferred Ortho Prods. v. Safeco 18KCV14853 A.C Medical Pc v. 18KCV14626 Full Spine
515437/16 Polatnick v. Macerich Jason Plaza Part 13 Nat. Ins. Co.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
Mgt. Co. Nadege Polynice 19KCV2181 4701 15th Ave. Rlty. 18KCV11629 Pro Adjust
Room 1101, 9:30 A.M. 18KCV14422 Gc Chiropractic P.C. 18KCV14856 A.C Medical Pc v. General Ins. Co.
508031/16 Robinson v. Hess Retail Richard Ray LLC v. Nilufar Ibragimova Chiropractic v. Progressive Ins.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile 18KCV14627 Full Spine
Stores LLC Jong S. Shin 18KCV13278 Renaissance Equity MONDAY, MARCH 4 Co.
18KCV14503 Ge Medical Supply Ins. Co. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
6728/15 Sarwar v. Ahmed Marie Vilorio Hldgs F LLC v. Cheryl A. Alfred 18KCV11631 Pro Adjust
Inc v. American Transit Ins. Co 18KCV14857 A.C Medical Pc v. General Ins. Co.
514565/16 Scott v. Apni Car Corp Trial: Bench Inquest: Submission 18KCV470 Geico v. Israel Weiss Chiropractic v. Progressive Ins.
Part AJ-TAP/25 State Farm Mutual Automobile 18KCV14628 Full Spine
6649/12 Seaton v. Aaa Total 19KCV2334 Park Ins. Co v. Trevon 18KCV11620 Genesis Chiropractic Co. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
18KCV10004 Ch-Wen Mgt. v. Ins. Co.
Plumbing Inc Justice Konviser Colman Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14478 Recovery Pt Rehab v.
Pierre Senecharles 18KCV14846 A.C. Medical P.C v. General Ins. Co.
3278/18 Stone v. Dennehy Phone 347-296-1808 19KCV2316 The NY And 18KCV11632 Genesis Chiropractic Elrac
18KCV18966 Ej Rlty. v. Theresa Elco Administrative Services 18KCV14629 Full Spine
504632/16 Thelusmond v. 320 Jay Street Presbyterian Hosp. v. Gregory Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14458 Reliable Cpm
Digatano 18KCV14845 A.C. Medical P.C. v. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
Guberman Room 21.11, 9:30 A.M. Bernastral 18KCV11633 Genesis Chiropractic Surgical Supply, Inc. v. Country-
Keith S. Marlin v. Rlty. Operations State Farm Mutual Automobile General Ins. Co.
506197/16 Toalongo v. Almarwa TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Group LLC Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14630 Full Spine
Center Inc. Part 15 18KCV11634 Genesis Chiropractic 18KCV14459 Reliable Cpm
Ins. Co (ballston)
Adonis Barnett Matt Cab Corp v. Pedro J 18KCV4450 Accelerated Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
512221/14 Tsiampalis v. Terell Pucacepeda Room 306, 9:30 A.M. Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. Surgical Supply, Inc. v. Country- General Ins. Co.
Dwayne Blackwood Chiropractic v. American Transit
7736/15 Unifund Ccr LLC v. Clarke 18KCV17172 Muhammad Quyyam TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV11635 Genesis Chiropractic Wide Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV4127 Gbi Acupuncture v.
504771/17 Villalona v. Starrett City, Ramon Cooper Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14486 Rjr Medical v.
Eric Pena v. Victor Bobb Agency Action Potential Chiroptactic v. Geico Ins Co
Inc. Rechargable Transit LLC v. Trial: Bench 18KCV11637 Genesis Chiropractic American Transit Ins. Co Geico Ins Co 18KCV14632 Gc Chiropractic P.C v.
Idrissa Reaves Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV3653 Royal Rehab v. Geico
512312/16 Washington Homes LLC Mohammed Abul Khayer 18KCV6286 21st Century 18KCV4527 Action Potential Geico General Ins Co
Jonathan Thomas 18KCV11639 Genesis Chiropractic General Ins. Co.
v. Jones WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Pharmacy v. American Transit Chiroptactic v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14633 Gc Chiropractic P.C v.
Part 27 Care v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV3654 Royal Rehab v. Geico 18KCV4007 Active Medical Care v. Geico General Ins Co
Part 94 Ins. Co. (bklyn) General Ins. Co.
Conference: Pretrial 17KCV28928 Genesis Chiropractic Allstate Ins Co 18KCV14794 Ge Medical Supply
Justice Shillingford 17KCV26001 A.C Medical Pc v. 18KCV3655 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Justice Pamela Fisher Care v. State Farm Mutual 18KCV1543 Active Medical Care v. Inc v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Phone 347-296-1810 19KCV2400 Alejandro Arenas v. Country Wide Ins. Co. General Ins. Co.
360 Adams Street Automobile Ins. Co. Mvaic (metrotech)
320 Jay Street Rmr Transmission Corp II 17KCV31185 A.C Medical Pc v. 18KCV3657 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Phone 347-401-9400 18KCV3850 Gl Acupuncture P.C. v. 18KCV4521 Acupuncture 18KCV14796 Ge Medical Supply
Room 19.58, 9:30 A.M. 19KCV2413 Bernessa Vassall v. Progressive Ins. Co General Ins. Co.
Courtroom 575, 9:30 A.M. Geico Ins. Co. Healthcare Plaza 1 v. Geico Ins Inc v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Ashantie Lawson 17KCV31186 A.C Medical Pc v. 18KCV3659 Royal Rehab v. Geico
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV14416 Greenwell Co (metrotech)
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 19KCV2404 Elsbeth Lewis v. Jean Progressive Ins. Co General Ins. Co.
Sean Almond Acupuncture v. Geico General 18KCV14824 Ad Medical Supplies 17KCV24586 Healthway Medical
George Joseph 18KCV3772 Aaamg Leasing Corp v. Ins. Co. 18KCV3660 Royal Rehab v. Geico
506393/16 Litvinenko v. Greene Omar Morgan 19KCV2391 Jenel O. Hall v. Allstate Ins Co v. Geico General Ins. Co. (wood- Care v. Ids Prop. Casualty Ins.
18KCV14569 Healthy Living General Ins. Co.
Part 95 Desiree Martin 18KCV3770 Aaamg Leasing Corp v. bury) Co.
Part 28 Medical And Surgical Prods. v. 18KCV3661 Royal Rehab v. Geico
18KCV4371 Allen Rothpearl v. 18KCV1702 Healthy Way
Allstate Ins. Co.
Justice Reginald Boddie Gun Part Trial: Bench
18KCV3759 Aaamg Leasing Corp v.
Geico General Ins. Co. General Ins. Co.
Geico Ins Acupuncture Pc v. American
360 Adams Street Justice Hudson 18KCV17987 724 East 27th St. LLC 18KCV14564 Healthy Living 18KCV3662 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Hereford Ins. Co. 18KCV253 Allstate Fire And Transit Ins. Co
Phone 347-401-9477 Phone 347-296-1092 v. Shukrat Kashimawo Medical And Surgical Prod.s, Inc. General Ins. Co.
18KCV3767 Aaamg Leasing Corp v. Casualty Ins. Co. v. Caly Jean 18KCV14821 Hudson Anesthesia
Courtroom 456, 9:30 A.M. 360 Adams Street 18KCV24025 Bklyn. Kings Hwy. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV3663 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Mvaic 18KCV3102 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Services Pc v. Geico General Ins.
Room 20.11, 9:30 A.M. Anesthesiologists v. Tarique 18KCV14565 Healthy Living General Ins. Co.
Absolute Medical Supplies Inc. v. Hurricane Mgt. Corp. Co.
Part 97 Johnson Medical And Surgical Prod.s, Inc. 18KCV3664 Royal Rehab v. Geico
18KCV4461 American Acupuncture J.C. Physical Therapy v. Geico
Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. General Ins. Co.
Justice Paul Wooten Part 29 Ftema Raysor v. Con Ed C of P of 18KCV14367 Accelerated Therapeutics v. Allstate Prop. & Ins Co
Gun Part Y of F N.Y. 18KCV14572 Healthy Living 18KCV3665 Royal Rehab v. Geico
360 Adams Street Chiropractic Care v. State Farm Casualty Ins. 17KCV25368 Jamaica Wellness
18KCV10794 Ftema Raysor v. Nat. Medical And Surgical Prod.s, Inc. General Ins. Co.
Phone 347-401-9127 Justice Tully Fire And Casualty Co. (blooming- 18KCV14780 American Kinetics Medical v. State Farm Fire And
Grid v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV3666 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Courtroom 362 Phone 347-296-1760 ton) Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. Casualty Co.
Ftema Raysor v. Shinda Mgt. 18KCV14432 Ideal Care Pharmacy General Ins. Co.
320 Jay Street 18KCV14372 Accelerated 18KCV14781 American Kinetics 17KCV25369 Jamaica Wellness
Part 99 17KCV22874 Greengo Taxi v. Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV3667 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Room 21.36, 9:30 A.M. Chiropractic Care v. Geico Ins. Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. Medical v. State Farm Fire And
Antonio Aguirre 18KCV3832 Ideal Care Physical General Ins. Co.
Justice Richard Montelione Active Care Medical Supply v. 18KCV14784 American Kinetics Casualty Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV20426 Lamar Pierre v. Therapy v. Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV3668 Royal Rehab v. Geico
141 Livingston Street American Transit Ins. Co. Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4401 Lefferts Medicine v.
Reynold A. Davy 18KCV3821 Jt Improvement General Ins. Co.
Phone 347-404-9097 Daequan Buckley Active Care Medical Supply v. 18KCV4193 American Kinetics Lab American Transit Ins. Co
Occupational Therapy v. 18KCV3669 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Courtroom 1308 Carlis R. Clarke THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Mvaic Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14813 Life Circle
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. General Ins. Co.
18KCV14385 Active Medical Care 18KCV14797 Basem Mansour Pt v. Healthcare Medical P.C v.
Part 32/13 Conference: Pretrial Jules Francois Parisien v. Allstate 18KCV3670 Royal Rehab v. Geico
American Transit Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co
v. Travelers Ins. Ins Co General Ins. Co.
Justice Mangano 19KCV2442 Av Decatur Owner LLC 17KCV29097 Advanced 18KCV4245 B’way. Chiropractic 18KCV14807 Life Circles
Criminal Term Phone 347-296-1094 v. Andres Montoya Chiropractic of NY v. Geico
17KCV9945 Jules Francois
Parisien v. State Farm Mutual
18KCV3671 Royal Rehab v. Geico
General Ins. Co. Healing Mg v. Geico Ins. Co. Healthcare Medical P.C. v.
320 Jay Street 19KCV2445 Joyce Rutkowska v. General Ins. Co. 18KCV4347 B’way. Chiropractic American Transit Ins. Co.
Part 1 Room 17.28, 9:30 A.M. Automobile Ins. Co. 18KCV3672 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Fac Preservation Hdfc 18KCV14463 Advanced Recovery General Ins. Co. Healing Mg v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14830 Life Circles
Jules Francois Parisien v. Allstate
Justice Dowling TUESDAY, FEB. 26 19KCV2441 Mackendy Louis v. Equipment And Supplies v. 18KCV3673 Royal Rehab v. Geico Bronx Chiropractic Services v. Healthcare Medical P.C. v.
Ins. Co.
Phone 347-296-1072 Romaine Irving Progressive Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. Geico Ins Co American Transit Ins. Co.
Devon Bristol 17KCV12293 Jules Francois
320 Jay Street 19KCV2239 York Anesthesiologists 18KCV14464 Advanced Recovery 18KCV3674 Royal Rehab v. Geico 18KCV4375 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14641 Manhattan Beach
Haydee Cordero Parisien v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Room 20.21, 9:30 A.M. v. Rivka Loewi Equipment And Supplies v. General Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Laquan Crawford 18KCV14457 Kamal Aziz Tadros v.
Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14437 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4398 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14642 Manhattan Beach
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Indria Guest Trial: Bench Country-Wide Ins. Co.
18KCV14462 Ahava Medical Geico Ins Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Titania Halsey 18KCV24231 Daniel A. Veras v. Kamal Aziz Tadros v. Mvaic
Lavell Durant Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV14439 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4400 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14643 Manhattan Beach
Javier Herrera Felix Oscar Rodriguez 18KCV14460 Kamal Aziz Tadros v.
Alphonso Hernandez 18KCV3679 Alev Medical Supply v. Geico Ins Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Irick Lassiter 18KCV15380 Shabana Baloch v. Mvaic
Ronald Toney Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV14440 Rutland Medical v. 17KCV26846 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14644 Manhattan Beach
Gregory Mayo Dover Leasing Ltd. Partnership 18KCV3827 Kamal Aziz Tadros v.
18KCV3681 Alev Medical Supply v. Geico Ins Co. v. Geico Indemnity Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Part 2 Juan Villar 18KCV16256 Shabana Baloch v. Progressive Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV14433 Rutland Medical v. 17KCV26842 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14645 Manhattan Beach
Markel Washington Dover Leasing Lp 18KCV14455 Kamal Aziz Tadros v.
Justice Sciarrino 18KCV3678 Alev Medical Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico (gov Employees) Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
17KCV25317 Shirley Cooper v. The First Liberty Ins. Corp.
Phone 347-296-1165 Part 33 American Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV14434 Rutland Medical v. 17KCV26839 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14646 Manhattan Beach
Sears Roebuck And Co. 18KCV3685 Kamara Supplies v.
320 Jay St. 18KCV3714 Alev Medical Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Justice Cyrulnik Allstate Ins.Co
Room 19.36, 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. 18KCV14435 Rutland Medical v. 17KCV26841 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14647 Manhattan Beach
Phone 347-401-9083 18KCV14389 Kings Hwy.
18KCV3829 Alimor Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
320 Jay Street Chiropractic v. Geico General
Part 6/DV Conference: Pretrial Progressive Ins Co Ins. Co. 18KCV14436 Rutland Medical v. 17KCV26843 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14648 Manhattan Beach
Room 20.28, 9:30 A.M. v. Geico Indemnity Co.
Justice D’Emic 19KCV2511 Assem Ghanem v. 18KCV14575 All Borough 18KCV14403 Lantsman Geico Ins. Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Anny Martinez 17KCV26844 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV14652 Manhattan Beach
Phone 347-296-1109 Part 35 Chiropractic P.C v. Geico General Acupuncture v. Geico General 18KCV14438 Rutland Medical v.
v. Geico Indemnity Co.
320 Jay Street 19KCV2573 Cavalry Spv I v. Gila Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Justice Douglas 18KCV14815 Church-Mcdoanld
Room 15.21, 9:30 A.M. Appel 18KCV14597 Allay Medical 18KCV3802 Leading Edge Medical 18KCV14456 S & R Medical v. 18KCV14751 Manhattan Beach
Phone 347-296-1820 Medical Diagnostic v. American
19KCV2582 Charles Cherry v. The Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Diagnostic v. Peerless Ins Co. Fiduciary Ins. Co. of America Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
320 Jay Street Transit Ins. Co
Part 7 Room 19.45, 9:30 A.M.
Rameau Law Firm 18KCV3812 Allen Rothpearl v. 18KCV3756 Lenex Services, Inc. v. 18KCV6311 Sanford Davis v. 18KCV14768 Manhattan Beach
19KCV2377 Jared James Boggs v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins Co 18KCV14816 Church-Mcdonald Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Justice DelGuidice Medical Diagnostic v. American
Phone 347-401-9268 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Kate Alley 18KCV3813 Allen Rothpearl v. 18KCV3693 Lifespan Medical v. 18KCV6307 Sanford Davis v. 18KCV14769 Manhattan Beach
19KCV2376 Jared James Boggs v. Geico Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
320 Jay Street Boubacar Diallo Allstate Ins. Co.
Zoe Adkisson 18KCV3715 Lifespan Medical v. 18KCV14546 Schottenstein Pain & 18KCV14817 Church-Mcdonald 18KCV14770 Manhattan Beach
Room 21.21, 9:30 A.M. Shamecca Gittens 18KCV3814 Allen Rothpearl v.
Geico Ins. Co. Neuro Pllc v. Geico General Ins Medical Diagnostic v. American Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Trial: Bench Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Part 38 18KCV3716 Lifespan Medical v. Co
18KCV14580 Transit Ins. Co 18KCV14772 Manhattan Beach
17KCV1494 Edward Smith v. Ws 18KCV3810 Allen Rothpearl v.
Geico Ins. Co. Schottenstein Pain & Neuro Pllc 18KCV14823 Church-Mcdonald Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Maurice Hennegan Justice Tba Aftermarket Services Cororation Allstate Ins. Co.
18KCV3718 Lifespan Medical v. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Medical Diagnostic v. Geico 18KCV14773 Manhattan Beach
Christopher Membreno Phone 347-401-9530 Heritage Indemnity Co. 18KCV1033 Alleviation Medical
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14583 Schottenstein Pain & General Ins. Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
120 Schermerhorn Street 18KCV26216 Geico v. Kevin Services P.C v. Safeco Nat. Ins.
Part 9 18KCV3720 Lifespan Medical v. Neuro v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4078 City Dental Services v. 18KCV14774 Manhattan Beach
Room 806, 9:30 A.M. Hernandez Co.
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV3877 Scott Chiropractic v. American Transit Ins. Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
Justice Quinones 17KCV24165 Jolanta Kulpa 18KCV1035 Alleviation Medical
Part TAP2/40 18KCV3721 Lifespan Medical v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV14790 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV14775 Manhattan Beach
Phone 347-296-1354 Gubernat v. NYC Office of The Services P.C v. Safeco Nat. Ins.
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV3886 Scott Chiropractic v. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
320 Jay Street Justice Murphy Comptroller Co.
18KCV3842 Lms Acupuncture v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV14840 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV14776 Manhattan Beach
Room 19.36, 9:30 A.M. Phone 347-296-1096 18KCV22326 Linda E. Wall v. 18KCV11668 Amilor Acupuncture v. American Transit Ins. Co.
320 Jay Street v. Progressive Ins. Co. Geico Ins Co 18KCV3890 Scott Chiropractic v. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Galina Feldman Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV14785 Citycare Chiropractic
Room 4.40, 9:30 A.M. 18KCV14371 Andre Jocelyn 17KCV24895 Longevity Medical 18KCV14777 Manhattan Beach
18KCV27093 Samuel Belu John v. 18KCV3874 Scott Chiropractic v. v. Geico General Ins Co
Juan R. Delrosariovaldez Duhamel Md v. Elco Supply Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
David Movtady 18KCV4187 Citycare Chiropractic
Andre Primus Part BTC/AP-D 18KCV25352 Samuel Davis v. V Administrative Services 17KCV24895 Longevity Medical Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14778 Manhattan Beach
Supply Inc v. Kemper Ins. Co 18KCV3912 Scott Chiropractic v. v. Geico General Ins Co
Joshua Richardson Justice Gubbay McL McR McE McMcdonald 18KCV14369 Andre Jocelyn Pharmacy Inc v. Geico
18KCV11571 Longevity Medical Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14839 Clear Water
Fabrice S. Riche Phone 347-296-1124 19KCV758 Wilene Lee v. Home Duhamel Md v. Integon Nat. Ins 17KCV29681 Manhattan Beach
Supply Inc v. Progressive Ins. Co 18KCV3883 Scott Chiropractic v. Psychological Services Pc v.
320 Jay Street Advisor Co Pharmacy Inc v. Nat. Liability &
American Transit Ins. Co.
Part TAP1/10/20 Room 15.11, 9:30 A.M. 18KCV14370 Andre Jocelyn Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Country-Wide Ins Co
18KCV3317 Clinton Pl. Medical
Fire Ins Co
MONDAY, MARCH 4 Duhamel Md v. Sedgwick Claims Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV14375 Sonia Aremengol Md 18KCV4445 Martin L. Plutno v.
Justice Miller TUESDAY, FEB. 26 P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Mgt. Services 18KCV11570 Longevity Medical v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co Geico Ins. Co.
Phone 347-296-1113 Conference: Preliminary 18KCV3315 Clinton Pl. Medical v.
Akinbola O. Akinsuyi Aris Diagnostic Medical Pllc v. Supply v. Auto One Ins. Co. 18KCV14378 Sonia Aremengol Md 18KCV4448 Martin L. Plutno v.
320 Jay Street 19KCV2602 Hongji Yang v. Sultan v. Nyct-Mabstoa Allstate Ins.Co
Crystal Alvarez Infinity Casualty Ins. Co. 18KCV11570 Longevity Medical Geico Ins. Co.
Room 4.21, 9:30 A.M. A. Bajwa 18KCV14382 Sonia Aremengol Md 18KCV4091 Community Medical
Nicholas Aviles 18KCV14579 Asce Anesthesia Pc v. Supply v. Progressive Ins. Co 18KCV14792 Maxim Tyorkin v.
17KCV31649 Longevity Medical v. Travelers Ins. Care on N.Y. v. American Transit
Part 11/PTP Curt O. Batson Conference: Pretrial Geico Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co
Allen Debrow 18KCV3757 Atlas Orthosurgery v. Supply, Inc. v. Nationwide Ins. 18KCV6280 Sound Chiropractic 18KCV14811 Maxim Tyorkin v.
Justice Johnson 19KCV2599 Cynthia Young v. Longevity Medical Supply, Inc. v. & Physical Therapy Pllc v. 18KCV4365 Complete Spinal
Angel Garcia Yakov Albaliya Mta Bus Ins. Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Geico General Ins Co
Phone 347-296-1804 Progressive Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co 18KCV4185 Maxim Tyorkin v.
Akmalzhan Ibragimov 19KCV2604 Duane Newman v. 17KCV28642 Best Health Care v. Hereford Ins. Co.
320 Jay Street 18KCV11569 Longevity Medical 18KCV6285 Sound Chiropractic Geico General Ins Co
Sobirov Ilhomjon Eldridge Meris Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 17KCV25344 Cypress Acupuncture
Room 19.28, 9:30 A.M. Hans Jacobsen Supply, Inc. v. Progressive Ins. & Physical Therapy Pllc v. 18KCV4462 Med Equipment
19KCV2622 Elisa Hamilton v. Mark General Ins. Co. Pc v. Merchants Preferred Ins.
Eric Morales 17KCV28646 Best Health Care Co. American Transit Inusrance Co. Service Inc v. Geico
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Anthony Carr Co.
Darren Pearson Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 18KCV11564 Longevity Medical (metrotech) 18KCV4467 Med Equipment
Kevin Felder 19KCV2659 Yvonne Floris v. Supply, Inc. v. Progressive Ins. 18KCV3818 Sound Chiropractic 18KCV3973 Dana Chiropractic v.
Robert Perez Ericson Ventura General Ins. Co. Elco Administrative Services Service Inc v. Geico
Derrick Nivens Angel Ramos 17KCV29083 Best Health Care Co. & Physical Therapy Pllc v. 18KCV4468 Med Equipment
Kahzmel Stewart Trial: Bench 18KCV11568 Longevity Medical Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. 18KCV14786 Dla Physician
Jonathan Tam Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico Assistant Pc v. Geico General Ins. Service Inc v. Geico
Kazhmel Stewart Akeem Bruce v. Natasha Graham General Ins. Co. Supply, Inc. v. Progressive Ins. 18KCV3713 South Bronx Medical 18KCV4470 Med Equipment
Part IDV2 Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Co.
Part 12 18KCV24502 Anna Gorga Soderini 17KCV29085 Best Health Care 18KCV14787 Dla Physician Service Inc v. Geico
Justice Morgenstern v. Michael K. Builders Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 18KCV14442 Manhattan Beach 18KCV3824 Spine Care of Nj v. 18KCV4475 Med Equipment
Justice Gary Phone 347-401-9332 Pharmacy Inc v. Geico Progressive Ins. Assistant Pc v. Geico General Ins.
18KCV20384 David Brodsky v. General Ins. Co. Co. Service Inc v. Geico
Phone 347-296-1111 320 Jay Street Trump Village Section 3 18KCV14443 Manhattan Beach 18KCV3747 Statewide Imaging v. 18KCV4476 Med Equipment
17KCV29095 Best Health Care 18KCV14788 Dla Physician
320 Jay Street Room 18.58, 9:30 A.M. 18KCV34127 Herbert Wasserman Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico Pharmacy Inc v. Geico Allstate Ins.Co Service Inc v. Geico
Room 21.58, 9:30 A.M. 18KCV14444 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14380 Success Rehab Pt v. Assistant Pc v. Geico General Ins.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Md v. Elkhan Ismaylov General Ins. Co. Co. 18KCV4481 Med Equipment
18KCV20230 Tracey Moore v. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico Geico Ins Service Inc v. Geico
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 17KCV29118 Best Health Care 18KCV14820 Dla Physician
Sidney Bindeman Michael Vetere 18KCV14445 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14489 Sunnyvale P.T. v. 18KCV4477 Med Equipment
Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico Assistant Pc v. Geico General Ins.
Hajrudin Reckovic Alla Cherenkova 18KCV27859 Zion Anava v. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co Service Inc v. Geico Ins Co
General Ins. Co. Co.
Leonidas Estrada Woutter Deruytter 18KCV14446 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14490 Sunnyvale P.T. v. 18KCV4478 Med Equipment
Part 13 Leonides Estrada
17KCV29120 Best Health Care
Pharmacy Inc v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co 18KCV4403 Dohor Chiropractic
Part 12 Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico Services P.C v. American Transit Service Inc v. Geico Ins Co
Justice Mangano Leonides M. Estrada 18KCV14447 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14494 Sunnyvale P.T. v.
General Ins. Co. Ins. Co 18KCV4479 Med Equipment
Phone 347-296-1094 Maliko Foreman Room 1101, 9:30 A.M. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co
18KCV3879 Bne Clinton Medical 18KCV14829 Downtown Pain Service Inc v. Geico Ins Co
320 Jay Street Amanda Garrick 18KCV14448 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14501 Sunnyvale P.T. v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 P.C v. Country Wide Ins Co Medicine v. Geico General Ins. 18KCV4480 Med Equipment
Room 17.28, 9:30 A.M. Courtney T. George Pharmacy Inc v. Geico American Transit Ins. Co
18KCV3889 Bne Clinton Medical Co. Service Inc v. Geico Ins Co
Chun H. Ng 18KCV14449 Manhattan Beach 18KCV3749 Sv Acupuncture v.
Part 14/5 Inquest: Court P.C v. Country Wide Ins Co 17KCV23715 Dr. Bruce Jacobson 18KCV4492 Med Equipment
Franklin Vasquez Pharmacy Inc v. Geico State Farm Fire & Casualty Co.
19KCV2177 Ai Fung Choong v. Eric 18KCV3876 Bne Clinton Medical Dc Pc v. Geico Ins. Service Inc v. Geico Ins Co
Justice Riviezzo Franklin D. Vasquez 18KCV14450 Manhattan Beach 17KCV29082 Third Ave. Open Mri
Cheukfai Chiang P.C v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV4451 Dr. Derek Lezman v. 18KCV4457 Med Equipment
Phone 347-296-1216 Pharmacy Inc v. Geico v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Part APF-1 18KCV11725 Cain Taxi Inc. v. 18KCV3884 Bne Clinton Medical
18KCV14441 Manhattan Beach 18KCV11626 Tong Li v. Progressive Geico Ins. Co. Service Inc v. Geico Ins. Co.
320 Jay Street P.C. v. Country-Wide Ins Co 18KCV4340 Drd Medical v. Geico 18KCV4459 Med Equipment
Justice Rodriguez Burewala Limo. Inc. Pharmacy Inc v. Geico Ins Co. Ins. Co.
Room 17.11, 9:30 A.M. 19KCV2248 Ebony Hernandez v. Bronx Medical Diagnostic v. State Ins. Co. Service Inc v. Geico Ins. Co.
Phone 347-404-9365 Mark Bryant v. NYC 18KCV6287 Total Physical Therapy
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 320 Jay Street Juan A Fernandez Farm Fire & Casualty Co. v. Allstate Insunrance Co. 18KCV4343 Drd Medical v. Geico 18KCV4460 Med Equipment
18KCV3758 Master Cheng
Room 4.25, 9:30 A.M. 19KCV2328 Garry Cantave v. 18KCV14373 Brook Chiropractic of 18KCV14470 Universal Medical of Ins. Co. Service Inc v. Geico Ins. Co.
Sheohna Berry Acupuncture v. State Farm Fire
Catchcha Slater Richards NY Pc v. Geico Ins. NY v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4455 Drs. Abrams v. Geico 18KCV4469 Med Equipment
Malik Conry TUESDAY, FEB. 26 & Casualty Co.
19KCV2090 Michael F Castro v. 18KCV3677 Careplus Medical 18KCV14474 Universal Medical of Ins Service Inc v. Liberty Mutual Fire
18KCV14585 Maxim Tyorkin v.
Part 15 Christopher Boyce Inniss Const. Inc Supply v. Transit Facilities Claim Geico General Ins Co NY v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4163 Eastcoast Metro. Ins. Co.
Alfred Ellerbe 19KCV2581 Zackmaxie v. Lucy Co. 18KCV3836 Maxim Tyorkin v. 18KCV14476 Universal Medical of Medical v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV4474 Med Equipment
Justice Hecht 18KCV14484 Citycare Chiropractic Eastcoast Metro. Medical v. Geico Service Inc v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
Tarik Micael Hunter Progressive Ins Co NY v. Geico Ins Co
Phone 347-296-1952 v. American Transit Ins. Co General Ins. Co. Co.
Shatik Watson WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 18KCV3841 Maximum Universal Medical of NY v. Geico
320 Jay Street 18KCV14487 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV4161 Eastcoast Metro. 18KCV4458 Med Equipment
Chiropractic v. Progressive Ins. Ins. Co.
Room 18021, 9:30 A.M. Inquest: Court v. American Transit Ins. Co Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. Service Inc v. Nationwide Mutual
Co. 18KCV14466 Universal Medical of
Part 16
Surrogate’s 18KCV33538 206 Bleecker St. LLC
18KCV3845 Comprehensive Care 18KCV14379 Maz Chiropractic P.C NY v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4165 Eastcoast Metro. Fire Ins. Co.
Physical Therapy P.C v. Geico Ins Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4473 Med Equipments
Justice Leo Court v. Julio Pauta
(jamaica) v. Geico Ins.
17KCV31182 Maz Chiropractic v.
18KCV14475 Universal Medical of
NY v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4173 Eastcoast Metro. Service, Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co.
18KCV33540 275 Linden Rlty.
Phone 347-296-1274 Surrogate Harriet 18KCV14598 Daily Med Equipment Govt. Employees Ins. Co. 18KCV14596 Veraso Medical Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14798 Medcare Supply v.
Corp. v. Lindsay Stipanovich
320 Jay Street Thompson Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co 17KCV31183 Maz Chiropractic v. Supply v. Mapre Ins Co 18KCV4174 Eastcoast Metro. American Transit Ins. Co.
18KCV3235 Babba Transit LLC v.
Room 18.11, 9:30 A.M Surrogate Diana A. Johnson 18KCV3798 Dassa Orthopedic Govt. Employees Ins. Co. 17KCV31184 Vital Chiropractic v. Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14800 Medcare Supply v.
Samir K Tawfiles
Medical Services v. Allstate Ins. 18KCV14384 Mega Aid Pharmacy I Progressive Ins Co 18KCV4176 Eastcoast Metro. American Transit Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 The Kings County Surrogate’s 18KCV3240 Daniel Behar v.
Co. v. Travelers Ins. (melville) 18KCV14368 Welcome Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14801 Medcare Supply v.
Court will continue the practice of Christine Thomas
Shawn Marquis 18KCV33543 Linden Assets LLC v. 18KCV3839 Dla Physician 18KCV3680 Megacure Chiropractic v. State Farm Fire & 18KCV4177 Eastcoast Metro. American Transit Ins. Co.
holding calendar calls on Tuesdays Assistant Pc v. Progressive Ins. Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14803 Medcare Supply v.
Part 17 and Thursdays. Surrogate Ian Hunt Acupuncture v. American Transit Casualty Co.
18KCV33539 People Home LLC v. Co Ins. Co. 18KCV14386 Welcome 18KCV4178 Eastcoast Metro. American Transit Ins. Co.
Justice LaPorte Margarita López Torres will pre- 18KCV3859 Doctor Goldshteyn Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14805 Medcare Supply v.
side on Tuesdays and Surrogate Paul Singer 17KCV31651 Metro Health Prods. Chiropractic v. State Farm Fire &
Phone 347-296-1098 Chiropractic v. Geico Ins Co Inc v. Nationwide Ins. Co. Casualty Co. 18KCV4181 Eastcoast Metro. American Transit Ins. Co.
Diana A. Johnson will preside on 18KCV33541 Stanhope Assets LLC
320 Jay Street v. Amy Stockhale 18KCV14465 Dsd Acupuncture P.C Milky Way Acupuncture v. Geico 18KCV3831 Well Care Medical Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14806 Medcare Supply v.
Room 17.21, 9:30 A.M. Thursdays. v. Geico Ins. Co 18KCV4131 Elmont Rehab P.T. v. American Transit Ins. Co.
Ins Co Equipment LLC v. Progressive
Cases concerning estates THURSDAY, FEB. 28 18KCV3847 Elmont Rehab P.T. v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4509 Milky Way
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV11638 Mk Dme Inc v. Ins. Co
of persons who died in an odd Geico Ins Co Progressive Ins. Co. 17KCV28449 Wellmax Prods. v. 18KCV4500 Elmont Rehab P.T. v. Acupuncture v. Geico Ins Co
numbered month will be heard by Inquest: Court
Otis Boone 18KCV3853 Elmont Rehab P.T. v. 18KCV14595 Natural Therapy Elrac Inc. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4529 Mind & Body
Kashif Mcdonald Surrogate López Torres and cases 18KCV5771 Football Transit Inc v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV14374 Whiplash 18KCV14812 Enterprise Health Acupuncture P.C v. Geico Ins. Co.
Acupuncture v. Park Ins.
of persons who died in an even Jesus A Delarosa 18KCV3843 Elmont Rehab P.T. v. Chiropractic P.C v. Liberty Prods. v. American Transit Ins. 18KCV4452 Miy Medical Care Pc v.
Part 18 Compamy
numbered month will be heard by 18KCV33626 Inga Taxi Corp v. Geico Ins. Co. Mutual Fire Ins. Co Co Geico Ins
18KCV3857 New Quality Medical v.
Justice Harrington Surogate Johnson. Benjamin Encarnacion Sanchez 18KCV11666 Emis Chiropractic v. 18KCV14381 Whiplash 18KCV14810 Enterprise Health 18KCV4076 Newton Chiropractic v.
Geico Ins Co
Phone 347-296-1812 Please note that new motions 18KCV33624 Jump Service Co Inc Progressive Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Travelers Ins. Prod.s, Inc. v. Geico General Ins. American Transit Ins. Co.
17KCV29132 New Way
320 Jay Street placed on the calendar before v. Dry Cycle Brands LLC 18KCV1013 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV14377 Yan Z Chiropractic v. Co. 18KCV4454 NYC Sports
Acupuncture v. Global Liberty
Room 20.58, 9:30 A.M. Surrogate Johnson should be 18KCV5766 Lef John Taxi Corp v. v. Sedgwick Claims Nyct Mabstoa 18KCV14634 Esa Medical Supply Acupuncture Pc v. Liberty Mutual
noticed to be heard at 9:30 a.m. A Angelos Express LLC 18KCV3742 Fast Care Medical 18KCV3863 NYS Acupuncture v. 18KCV6340 Yellow Caravan Taxi, Inc v. Geico General Ins Co Fire Ins. Co
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV33623 Pass Transit Inc v. 18KCV14636 Esa Medical Supply 18KCV4528 NYS Acupuncture v.
party (or their attorney) appearing Diagnostics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Inc. v. Arshad Baig
Derrick Adams before Surrogate Johnson must Aki Taxi Leasing Inc Foresight Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. 18KCV3777 Omega Care Pt v. 18KCV14391 Yumi Acupuncture v. Inc v. Geico General Ins Co Geico Ins Co
appear at the call of the calendar FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Co. (woodbury) Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV14635 Esa Medical Supply 18KCV4108 NYS Acupuncture v.
Part 19/19R on every case appearing thereon. 18KCV3835 Fountain Diagnostic 18KCV14400 Yumi Acupuncture v. Inc. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co.
18KCV3778 Omega Care Pt v.
Justice Chun The call begins promptly at 9:30 Inquest: Court Medical v. Progressive Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV14637 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV4530 NYS Acupuncture v.
Phone 347-296-1574 a.m., followed by a second call 19KCV2351 Calvin Sennon v. 18KCV14423 Full Spine 18KCV3779 Omega Care Pt v. 18KCV14401 Yumi Acupuncture v. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co.
320 Jay Street immediately thereafter. Motions Dabreo Consulting, Inc. Chiropractic of NY v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV14638 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV14819 Precision
Room 19.21, 9:30 A.M are called directly after the 19KCV2341 Elidia Castro v. General Ins Co 18KCV3782 Omega Care Pt v. 18KCV14406 Yumi Acupuncture v. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. American Transit
Department calendar. All motions Eugenio Reyes Ariza 18KCV14424 Full Spine Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV1697 First American Ins. Co
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 are to be orally argued. Surrogate 19KCV2344 Nerita Sewell v. 18KCV14411 Yumi Acupuncture v. Alliance Inc. v. American Transit
Chiropractic of NY v. Geico 18KCV3783 Omega Care Pt v. 18KCV4369 Pro Edge Chiropractic
Michael Baror Johnson Storrow Mgt. General Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Ins. Co. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 39

18KCV14631 Pro-Align 18KCV3697 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV15471 Pavel Mekhanik v. 18KCV3803 Y.A.M. Medical Supply 18KCV14891 Daily Medical 18KCV4008 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. 18KCV15033 Ditmas Primary 18KCV4066 Perry Svetlana
Chiropractic v. Geico General Services of NY v. Liberty Mutual Geico General Ins Co Inc v. Geico Equipment Distribution Ctr Inc Geico General Ins. Co. Medical Care v. Esurance Acupuncture P.C v. Geico General
Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV15515 Pavel Mekhanik v. 17KCV27030 Y.A.M. Medical v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4009 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. 18KCV15030 Ditmas Primary Ins Co
18KCV14639 Pro-Align 18KCV3699 Chiropractic Geico General Ins Co Supply Inc v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 18KCV14892 Daily Medical Geico General Ins. Co. Medical Care v. Nat. Liability & 18KCV4216 Professional
Chiropractic v. Geico General Testing Services of NY v. Govt. 18KCV6279 Pike Taxi Co Inc v. Co. Equipment Distribution Ctr Inc 18KCV4011 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. Fire Ins Co Chiropractic Care v. Geico Ins.
Ins. Co. Employees Ins Co Mohamed M Moustafa 18KCV3828 Y.A.M. Medical Supply, v. Geico Ins Co Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4175 Dohor Chiropractic Co.
18KCV4034 Pureimage Group v. 18KCV3642 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV3073 Plaza Chiropractic v. Inc. v. Geico 18KCV14897 Daily Medical 18KCV4013 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. Services P.C v. Country Wide Ins 18KCV14902 Protection Physical
Safeco Ins Com. Services of NY v. Liberty Mutual Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV3830 Y.A.M. Medical Supply, Equipment Distribution Ctr Inc Geico General Ins. Co. Co Therapy Pc v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18KCV1716 Quality Custom Ins. Co 18KCV16250 Precision Inc. v. Geico v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4015 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. Drs. Abrams Piazza & Julewicz v. 18KCV15031 Psychology After
Medical Supply, Inc. v. American 18KCV14696 Cintas Corp v. Fahad Acupuncture v. American Transit 18KCV16438 Yellow River 18KCV14878 Dailymed Equipment Geico General Ins. Co. Nationwide Affinity Ins. Co. of Accident P.C. v. Integon Nat. Ins.
Transit Ins. Co. Nayyar Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Distribution Ctr, Inc. v. Geico Ins 18KCV4017 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. America Co.
17KCV28924 Queens Chiropractic 18KCV16247 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV16251 Precision 18KCV16519 Yumi Acupuncture v. Co Geico General Ins. Co. 17KCV34296 Ea Chiropractic Qi Lin Acupuncture v. USAA
Care v. Geico Ins Co v. Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. American Transit Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14878 Dailymed Equipment 18KCV4773 Scott Chiropractic v. Diagnostics v. Geico Ins. Casualty Ins. Co.
17KCV28926 Queens Chiropractic 17KCV32790 Clear Water Ins. Co. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Distribution Ctr, Inc. v. Country-Wide Ins Co 18KCV4050 East 75th St. Quality Psychological Services v.
Care v. Geico Ins Co Psychological Services Pc v. 18KCV16252 Precision Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV15087 Scott Chiropractic v. Diagnostic v. American Transit Allstate Ins. Co.
Queens Chiropractic Care v. Geico Geico General Ins Co Acupuncture v. American Transit Trial: Bench 18KCV6209 Derebasovskaya Allstate Fire Casualty Ins. Ins. Co. 18KCV4048 Quality Psychological
Ins. Co. 18KCV3644 Co-Op City Ins. Co. Service Co v. Steven Pearson 18KCV4539 Shara Acupuncture Pc 17KCV32683 East Acupuncture Services v. American Transit Ins.
18KCV4570 Aaamg Leasing Corp v.
17KCV25769 Queens Chiropractic Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees 18KCV16254 Precision 18KCV4754 Diagnostic v. American Transit Ins. Co. Health Care v. Geico Co.
Allstate Ins Co
Care v. Geico Ins. Co. Ins Co Acupuncture v. American Transit Radiographic Imaging v. 18KCV14844 Sigma Med Care Inc 18KCV15018 Epione Medical Pc v. 18KCV14915 Quick Docs Medical
18KCV4567 Aaamg Leasing Corp v.
17KCV26873 Queens Chiropractic 18KCV3649 Co-Op City Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co. v. American Transit Ins. Co Geico General Ins Co Pllc v. Progressive Casualty Ins.
Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees Allstate Ins. Co.
Care v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16284 Premier Surgical 18KCV4572 Aaamg Leasing Corp v. Dsd Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14847 Sigma Med Care Inc 18KCV15019 Epione Medical Pc v. Co (new Hyde Park)
18KCV14827 Rjr Medical v. Geico Ins Co Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV15094 Emis Chiropractic v. v. American Transit Ins. Co Geico General Ins Co 18KCV14916 Quick Docs Medical
18KCV3686 Co-Op City Allstate Ins. Co.
General Ins. Co. 18KCV16150 Pro Edge 18KCV4601 Aaamg Leasing Corp v. Geico (gov Employees) 18KCV4758 Sinai Diagnostics 18KCV15022 Epione Medical Pc v. Pllc v. Progressive Casualty Ins.
18KCV14828 Rjr Medical v. Geico Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 18KCV14989 Ez Testing Group v. & Interventional Radiology v. Geico General Ins Co Co (new Hyde Park)
Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co.
General Ins. Co. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Interboro Ins. Co. 18KCV15020 Epione Medical Pc v. 18KCV122 Refill Rx Pharmacy v.
18KCV3701 Co-Op City 18KCV4753 Aaamg Leasing Corp v.
17KCV29247 Rutland Medical v. Tri 18KCV16151 Pro Edge 18KCV4579 Fast Care Medical 18KCV4799 Sound Chiropractic & Geico General Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees Progressive Ins. Co
State Consumer Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty Diagnostics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Physical Therapy Pllc v. Esurance 18KCV15021 Epione Medical Pc v. 18KCV117 Refill Rx Pharmacy Inc.
Ins Co 18KCV14896 Abc Physical Therapy
18KCV4109 Rwan Pt v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4580 Fast Care Medical 18KCV4061 South Bronx Medical Geico General Ins. Co. v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co
18KCV3682 Co-Op City v. Geico Ins. Co.
Co. 18KCV16152 Pro Edge Diagnostics v. Allstate Ins. Co. P.C v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15017 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV4073 Regal Acupuncture v.
Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees 18KCV4576 Ac Acupuncture Pain
18KCV4449 San Antonio Physical Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 18KCV4750 Fast Care Medical 18KCV14764 Sovera Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. Progressive Ins Co
Ins. Co. Mgt v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Co. Diagnostics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Supply Corp v. Maya Assurance 18KCV15027 Expo Supply Inc v. 18KCV4077 Regal Acupuncture v.
18KCV15466 Columbus Imaging 18KCV4578 Ac Acupuncture Pain
18KCV4453 Sanford Davis v. 18KCV16153 Pro Edge 17KCV25304 First American Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Progressive Ins Co
Center v. American Transit Ins. Mgt v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty Alliance Inc. v. Elrac, Inc. 18KCV14972 Sovera Medical 18KCV4272 Fie Thousand Ave. K 18KCV14911 Ridgewood
Co 18KCV15059 Accredited Medical
18KCV4012 Sasha Chiropractic v. Co. 18KCV4767 Gbi Acupuncture v. Supply Corp. v. Country Wide Ins. Medical v. American Trasit Ins. Acupuncture P.C v. Progressive
18KCV2737 Comprehensive Supply Inc v. Progressive
Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. 18KCV16154 Pro Edge Geico Ins Co Co. Co. Casualty Ins. Co
Neurological Services v. Geico Casualty Ins. Co
18KCV4186 Schottenstein Pain & Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 17KCV31790 Gentlecare 18KCV14799 St. Anna Wellcare v. 17KCV33145 First Care 18KCV4104 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Ins. Co. 18KCV15061 Accredited Medical
Neuro Pllc v. Geico General Ins Co. Ambulatory Anesthesia Services Geico Ins. Co. Chiropractic of Nj P.C. v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Co 18KCV15624 Dana Woolfson Lmt v. Supply Inc v. Progressive
18KCV16205 Pro Edge v. Geico Ins. Co. 16KCV11182 Tc Acupuncture Pc v. General Ins Co 18KCV4106 Royal Rehab v. Geico
18KCV14789 Schottenstein Pain & Govt. Employees Ins Co Casualty Ins. Co
Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 18KCV15089 Golden Ray State Wide Ins Co 17KCV33149 First Care General Ins. Co.
Neuro Pllc v. Geico General Ins. 18KCV15629 Dana Woolfson Lmt v. 18KCV4763 Action Potential
Co. Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co 16KCV11183 Tc Acupuncture Pc v. Chiropractic of Nj P.C. v. Geico 18KCV4111 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Co. Govt. Employees Ins. Co. Chiroptactic Pllc v. Geico Ins Co
18KCV16206 Pro Edge 18KCV15090 Golden Ray State Wide Ins Co General Ins Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV4424 Scott Chiropractic v. 18KCV15630 Dana Woolfson Lmt v. 18KCV4766 Action Potential
Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co 16KCV11188 Tc Acupuncture Pc v. 17KCV33147 First Care 18KCV4115 Royal Rehab v. Geico
American Transit Ins. Co Govt. Employees Ins. Co. Chiroptactic Pllc v. Geico Ins Co
Co. 18KCV15097 Golden Ray State Wide Ins Co Chiropractic of Nj P.C. v. Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV14814 Significant Care Pt v. 18KCV15633 Dana Woolfson Lmt v. Action Potential Chiroptactic v.
18KCV16208 Pro Edge Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co 16KCV11187 Tc Acupuncture v. Indemnity Co. 18KCV4117 Royal Rehab v. Geico
American Transit Ins. Co Govt. Employees Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 18KCV14995 Govt. Employees Ins. State Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14910 Fit For Life General Ins. Co.
18KCV14831 Significant Care Pt v. 18KCV3687 Desano Chiropractic 18KCV2791 Active Chiropractic v.
Co. Co. v. Pierre M Cesar 17KCV6938 Tc Acupuncture v. Chiropractic P.C v. Progressive 18KCV4119 Royal Rehab v. Geico
American Transit Ins. Co. Pc v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Nyct Mabstoa
18KCV16209 Pro Edge Great Meridian Acupuncture v. State Wide Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV14826 Skapars Health Co 18KCV14935 Acupuncture Now v.
Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty Esurance Ins Co 18KCV14767 Third Ave. Open Mri 18KCV15013 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV4121 Royal Rehab v. Geico
Prods. v. Geico General Ins Co 17KCV23556 Dr. Bruce Jacobson Country Wide Ins. Co.
Co. 18KCV14925 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co. Geico General Ins Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV4184 Skapars Health Prods. Dc Pc v. State Farm Fire & 18KCV14981 Acupuncture Now v.
18KCV16233 Pro Edge Care v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV4812 United Wellness 18KCV15014 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV4132 Royal Rehab v. Geico
v. Geico General Ins Co Casualty Co. Country Wide Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty 18KCV14929 Healthway Medical Chiropractic P.C v. Eusrance Geico General Ins Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV4188 Skapars Health Prods. 18KCV3717 Drs. Abrams v. Geico 17KCV31596 Adelaida M. Laga v.
Co. Care v. Country Wide Ins Co Prop. & Casualty Ins Co 18KCV15015 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV4133 Royal Rehab v. Geico
v. Geico General Ins Co Ins Travelers Ins. Co.
17KCV14438 Pro Health 18KCV14932 Healthway Medical 18KCV4022 Urmas Medical v. Geico General Ins Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV4189 Skapars Health Prods. 18KCV3740 Drs. Abrams v. Geico 18KCV14918 Allstate Fire &
Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Care v. Country Wide Ins Co Geico 18KCV15016 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. 18KCV4134 Royal Rehab v. Geico
v. Geico General Ins Co Ins Casualty Ins. Co. v. Emmanuel
18KCV1965 Pro-Align Chiropractic 18KCV14975 Healthway Medical 18KCV4023 Urmas Medical v. Geico General Ins Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV4190 Skapars Health Prods. 18KCV15617 Emis Chiropractic v. v. Travelers Prop. Casualty Ins. Leckwot Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15007 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
18KCV14912 Allstate New Jersey Geico 18KCV4135 Royal Rehab v. Geico
v. Geico General Ins Co Geico Indemnity Co. Co. 18KCV14978 Healthway Medical 18KCV4025 Urmas Medical v. v. Geico General Ins. Co. General Ins. Co.
18KCV4191 Skapars Health Prods. 18KCV9688 Empire Merchants 18KCV3734 Pureimage Group v. Prop. And Casualty Ins. Co. v. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15008 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
Mohamed Elmeligy Geico 17KCV23646 S.O.V Acupuncture
v. Geico General Ins Co LLC v. Vladimir Kuznetsov Hereford Ins. Co 18KCV14979 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV14848 American Kinetics 18KCV4019 Urmas Medical v. P.C v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18KCV4192 Skapars Health Prods. 18KCV15457 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV3905 Qi Lin Acupuncture v. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15009 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
Lab Inc v. American Transit Ins. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4098 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C
v. Geico General Ins. Co. v. Geico Geico 18KCV14962 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Co 18KCV4026 Urmas Medical v. v. Geico
18KCV14838 Sp Orthotic Surgical 18KCV15458 Excel Surgery Center 18KCV16514 Quality Custom Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15010 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
18KCV14850 American Kinetics Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4136 S.O.V. Acupuncture v.
& Medical Supply v. American v. Geico Medical Supply, Inc. v. State 18KCV14966 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Lab Inc v. American Transit Ins. 18KCV4027 Urmas Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV15459 Excel Surgery Center Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15011 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
Co Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4137 S.O.V. Acupuncture v.
18KCV4110 Starlite Acupuncture v. v. Geico 18KCV16285 Rally Chiropractic v. 18KCV14974 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV14851 American Kinetics 18KCV4021 Urmas Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15462 Excel Surgery Center Allstate Ins. Co. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15012 Gc Chiropractic P.C.
Lab Inc v. American Transit Ins. Geico Ins Co 18KCV1936 Schottenstein Pain &
18KCV28042 Stavrou Constantine v. Geico 18KCV3046 Reef Chiropractic v. 18KCV14980 Healthway Medical v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Co 18KCV5044 Urmas Medical v. Neuro Pllc v. Geico General Ins
v. David R Collado-Rodriguez 18KCV16520 Full Spine Allstate Ins. Co. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV1949 Golden Needle
Chiropractic of NY v. State Farm 18KCV14808 American Kinetics Geico Ins Co Co
18KCV14822 Sunnyvale P.T. v. 18KCV3052 Reef Chiropractic v. 18KCV14809 Healthy Living 18KCV4822 Utica Park Acupuncture P.C v. Geico General 18KCV4082 Seaside Massage
Geico General Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. Medical And Surgical Prods. v. Ins Co
18KCV3719 Glen Rosenberg Pc v. 18KCV4044 American Kinetics Lab Chiropractic of NY v. Esurance Therapy v. Geico
18KCV14825 Tisbury Psychological 18KCV16288 Regal Acupuncture v. Geico General Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV4297 Health Balance 18KCV4084 Seaside Massage
Services v. Geico General Ins Co Geico Ins Allstate Ins. Co. Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4042 Healthy Living Medical Medical v. State Farm Mutual
18KCV2754 Gramercy Park 18KCV2134 Arce Medical & 18KCV15067 Valor Chiropractic Therapy v. Geico
18KCV4130 Ugp Acupuncture v. 18KCV16589 Reliable Cpm And Surgical Prods. v. Geico Ins. Wellness Pc v. Govt. Employees Automobile Ins. Co. 18KCV4086 Seaside Massage
Geico Ins. Co. Acupuncture Pc v. Geico Ins. Co. Surgical Supply, Inc. v. Geico Ins. Diagnostic Svce v. State Farm Co. Healthway Medical Care v. Country
18KCV3888 Harmony Medical Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Ins Co Therapy v. Geico
17KCV21950 Ultimate Transit v. Co. 18KCV14766 Healthy Living 18KCV15065 Valor Chiropractic Wide Ins Co 18KCV4090 Seaside Massage
Kathie Plaia Cesare Care v. Geico 18KCV3636 Reliable Physical 18KCV4032 Astor Acupuncture Pllc Medical And Surgical Prod.s, Inc. 18KCV14950 Healthway Medical
18KCV1839 Health Needles v. Mvaic Wellness Pc v. Progressive Therapy v. Geico
18KCV4088 Unique Physical Therapy v. Progressive Ins. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co Care v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV4092 Seaside Massage
Rehab Pt v. Geico Casualty Co. Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15569 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV14763 Austin Diagnostic 18KCV15064 Heavenly Points 18KCV4246 Healthway Medical
18KCV1860 Health Needles Medical v. State Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14960 Veraso Medical Therapy v. Geico
18KCV14818 Vs Sunrise Medical Geico General Ins Co Acupuncture v. Progressive Cas Supply v. Country Wide Ins. Co. Care v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV4096 Seaside Massage
P.C v. American Transit Ins. Co Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15590 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV2219 Avm Chiropractic v. Ins. Co 18KCV14947 Healthway Medical
Health One Acupuncture P.C v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14973 Veraso Medical Therapy v. Geico
18KCV4035 Way To Health Geico Ins Co 18KCV14991 Himalayans Supply v. Country Wide Ins. Co. Care v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14913 Serene Acupuncture
Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. Geico 18KCV15572 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4854 Bio Dynamic Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV120 Healthy Life
Healthway Medical Care v. Technologies v. American Transit 18KCV14982 Vnp Acupuncture v. Pllc v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co.
18KCV1701 Welba Medical Svc Pc Hereford Ins. Co. 18KCV4779 Jamron Colin v. Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture Pc v. Progressive 18KCV4054 Shara Acupuncture Pc
v. American Transit Ins. Co American Country Ins. Co. 18KCV15563 Rutland Medical v. Ins. Co Country- Wide Ins Co Casualty Ins. Co.
17KCV32031 Healthway Medical 18KCV4856 Bio Dynamic 18KCV14988 Vnp Acupuncture v. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18KCV14832 Xvv, Inc. v. American Mvaic 18KCV15063 Kathleen Dare v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV121 Healthy Life 18KCV14990 Sigma Med Care Inc
Transit Ins. Co. Care v. American Country Ins. 18KCV15564 Rutland Medical v. Technologies v. American Transit Progressive Cas Ins. Co Acupuncture Pc v. Progressive
Co. Ins. Co 18KCV14795 Vvx Inc v. Geico v. Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV14834 Xvv, Inc. v. American Nat. Liability & Fire Ins Co 18KCV7842 Lataritsa Transit Inc v. General Ins Co Casualty Ins. Co. 18KCV14992 Sigma Med Care Inc
Transit Ins. Co. Healthy Life Chiropractic v. Geico 17KCV28884 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4772 Bne Clinton Medical Marc R Platinsky 18KCV3537 Hypnotic Taxi LLC v.
Ins Co P.C v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV4795 Wu Xing Acupuncture v. Geico General Ins. Co.
18KCV14835 Xvv, Inc. v. American Travelers Indemnity Co. 18KCV4778 Lefferts Medicine v. Pc v. Metro. Casualty Ins. Co. Guy D Belgrave 17KCV33894 Sinai Diagnostics
Transit Ins. Co. Healthy Life Chiropractic v. Mvaic 18KCV3861 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C 18KCV4774 Bne Clinton Medical Country- Wide Ins Co 18KCV4219 Integrity Medical
18KCV16636 Healthy Needle P.C. v. Country-Wide Ins Co 18KCV4030 Xvv v. Mvaic & Interventional Radiology v.
18KCV14836 Xvv, Inc. v. American v. Geico 18KCV4780 Lefferts Medicine v. 18KCV4776 Yang Zhi Gang v. Services P.C v. Allstate Ins. Co. Gerber & Gerber Pllc
Transit Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. Progressive 18KCV3864 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C 18KCV4777 Bne Clinton Medical Country- Wide Ins Co 18KCV4200 Jamron Colin v.
Casualty Ins. Co (new Hyde P.C. v. Country-Wide Ins Co Country- Wide Ins Co 18KCV4169 Sp Orthotic Surgical &
18KCV14837 Xvv, Inc. v. American v. Geico 18KCV4824 Lida’s Medical Supply Country-Wide Ins Co Medical Supply v. Mvaic
Transit Ins. Co. Park) Bright Medical Supply v. Geico MONDAY, MARCH 4
18KCV3867 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C Inc v. Esurance 18KCV12874 Jet Stream Hacking 18KCV15002 Sunnyvale P.T. v.
18KCV1727 Y.A.M. Medical Supply 18KCV16633 Hudson Pain Ins Co
v. Geico 18KCV4053 Lida’s Medical Supply Trial: Bench Corp v. Krysten S Barnes Geico General Ins. Co.
Inc v. American Transit Ins. Co Associates v. American Transit 18KCV4574 Bronx Medical
18KCV3871 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C Inc v. Esurance Ins. Co. 18KCV14914 Juniper Acupuncture 18KCV15003 Sunnyvale P.T. v.
18KCV1726 Y.A.M. Medical Supply, Ins. Co. Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 17KCV33850 21st Century
v. Geico 18KCV4144 Lifespan Medical v. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co.
Inc. v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV16634 Hudson Pain 18KCV4751 Bronx Medical Pharmacy, Inc. v. Progressive
18KCV3855 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C Geico Ins. Co. 17KCV13586 Ksenia Pavlova v. 18KCV15004 Sunnyvale P.T. v.
18KCV1729 Y.A.M. Medical Supply, Associates v. Progressive Diagnostic v. Progressive Ins. Casualty Ins. Co
v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4093 Lifespan Medical v. Citiwide Auto Leasing Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co.
Inc. v. American Transit Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co Co. 17KCV33886 Aaamg Leasing Corp
18KCV3978 Sama Physical Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV4244 Ksenia Pavlova v. 18KCV14899 Super Acupuncture &
18KCV4095 Zg Chiropractic Care 18KCV16592 Ideal Care Physical 18KCV4039 Century Central Chiro v. Progressive Ins. Co.
Therapy v. Geico Ins 18KCV4057 Lifespan Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co. Herbology Pc v. Maya Assurance
v. Geico Ins. Co. Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Pllc v. Hereford Ins. Co. 18KCV15029 Accelerated
18KCV16632 Samira Ovshaev v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4172 Lefferts Medicine v. Co.
18KCV16594 Ideal Care Physical 17KCV31597 Charles Deng Chiropractic Care v. State Farm
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Corbin Rlty. Co. 18KCV4058 Lifespan Medical v. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV4059 Sv Acupuncture v.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. Travelers Ins. Co. Fire And Casualty Co
18KCV3983 Santos Massage Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4183 Lefferts Medicine v. Progressive Ins. Co.
Trial: Bench 18KCV16596 Ideal Care Physical 18KCV15082 Charoite Chiropractic 18KCV4225 Accelerated
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4825 Lvov Acupuncture P.C Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14900 Target Acupuncture v.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins Co Chiropractic v. State Farm Fire &
18KCV15464 Accelerated Dme 18KCV16248 Schottenstein Pain v. Eusrance Prop. & Casualty Ins 18KCV4196 Lefferts Medicine v. Maya Assurance Co.
18KCV16602 Ideal Care Physical 18KCV15092 Charoite Chiropractic Casuality Co.
Recovery v. NYCTA & Neuro Pllc v. American Transit Co Country-Wide Ins Co 18KCV14901 Target Acupuncture v.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV5423 Activepro Physical
18KCV3700 Accredited Medical 18KCV16603 Ideal Care Physical Ins. Co 18KCV14868 Manhattan Beach 18KCV4199 Lefferts Medicine v. Maya Assurance Co.
Supply v. Progressive Casualty 18KCV16249 Schottenstein Pain 18KCV15043 Chiropractic Testing Pharmacy Inc v. Country Wide Therapy v. Global Liberty Ins. Country-Wide Ins Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Services of NY v. Liberty Mutual 18KCV15038 Actual Chiropractic v. 17KCV32684 Therakinematic P.T.
Ins. Co. 18KCV16608 Ideal Care Physical & Neuro Pllc v. American Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV4062 Lenex Services v. v. Geico Ins
18KCV3702 Accredited Medical Ins. Co Ins. Co. 18KCV14859 Manhattan Beach State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Progressive Ins Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15037 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV14940 Acupuncture Now v. 18KCV1937 Third Ave. Open Mri v.
Supply v. Progressive Casualty 18KCV16610 Ideal Care Physical 18KCV3743 Si Medical And Pharmacy Inc v. Geico 18KCV14919 Lenox Hill Radiology Geico General Ins. Co.
Ins. Co. Surgical Supply Pc v. Mercury Services of NY v. Progressive Cas 18KCV14863 Manhattan Beach Country Wide Ins Co And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co 18KCV14941 Acupuncture Now v. Total Physical Therapy v. NY
18KCV2670 Ace Orthopedic 18KCV16611 Ideal Care Physical Ins. Group Pharmacy Inc v. Geico 18KCV14920 Lenox Hill Radiology Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15520 Sigma Med Care Inc 18KCV15044 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV14864 Manhattan Beach Country Wide Ins. Co. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Services of NY v. Progressive Cas 18KCV14943 Acupuncture Now v. 18KCV8446 Tri State Consumer
18KCV2721 Ace Orthopedic 18KCV16432 Ideal Care Physical v. Geico General Ins Co Pharmacy Inc v. Geico 18KCV14924 Lenox Hill Radiology Ins. Co. v. Karina Babaev
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 17KCV34222 Sivi Cab Corp. v. Ins. Co 18KCV4782 Manhattan Beach Country Wide Ins. Co. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15047 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV14944 Acupuncture Now v. United Medical Business of Long
18KCV2725 Ace Orthopedic 18KCV16433 Ideal Care Physical Boris Shapiro Pharmacy Inc v. Maya Assurance 18KCV14931 Lenox Hill Radiology Island v. Garrison Prop. And
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16268 Skapars Health Services of NY v. Progressive Cas Co Country Wide Ins. Co. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co 18KCV14945 Acupuncture Now v. Casualty Ins. Co.
18KCV2736 Ace Orthopedic 18KCV16513 Imperial Rehab Pt v. Prods. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14867 Manhattan Beach 18KCV14936 Lenox Hill Radiology 18KCV222 V.E. Medical Care v.
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16269 Skapars Health 18KCV15048 Chiropractic Testing Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
State Farm Mutual Automobile Services of NY v. Progressive Cas 18KCV14942 Acupuncture Now v. Encompass Ins. Co.
18KCV2739 Ace Orthopedic Ins. Co Prods. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14765 Maxim Tyorkin v. Co. 18KCV14908 Valor Chiropractic
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16273 Skapars Health Ins. Co Geico General Ins Co Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14937 Lenox Hill Radiology
17KCV33259 J.K.M. Medical Care 18KCV15049 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV254 Acupuncture Works v. Wellness Pc v. Progressive
18KCV3990 Ace Orthopedic v. Geico Ins Co Prods. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV14782 Maxim Tyorkin v. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Casualty Ins. Co
Services Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV3745 Sm Chiropractic Pc v. Services of NY v. Progressive Cas Geico General Ins Co Geico General Ins. Co. Co.
18KCV16635 Jonathan Wang Pt v. Ins. Co 18KCV4056 Alev Medical Supply 18KCV4052 Viss Supply Inc v.
17KCV27259 Action Potential Country Wide Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV4769 Milky Way 18KCV14938 Lenox Hill Radiology Geico Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. Omni Indemnity 18KCV3706 Spine in Motion 18KCV15057 Chiropractic Testing Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Inc v. Geico Ins. Co. And Mia v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
18KCV16612 Kamal Aziz Tadros Services of NY v. Progressive Cas 18KCV4049 Alev Medical Supply v. Vsenam Medical Supply v. Geico
Co. v. United Services Automobile Chiropractic v. Progressive 18KCV1563 Milky Way Co. Ins Co
18KCV3739 Active Medical Care v. Casualty Ins Co Ins. Co Acupuncture v. Travelers Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14921 Lenox Hill Radiology
Assoc 18KCV15058 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV4045 Alev Medical Supply, 18KCV14954 Vsenam Medical
Allstate Insunrance Co. 18KCV16289 Lenex Services v. 18KCV16286 Spring Valley 18KCV15095 Mind & Body And Mia v. Progressive Casualty Supply v. Geico Ins Co
18KCV3976 Acupuncture Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. Services of NY v. Progressive Cas Acupuncture .C. v. Geico General Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co
Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Co 18KCV2392 Alleviation Medical 18KCV14961 Vsenam Medical
Healthcare Plaza I v. Geico Ins. Lenex Services v. Mvaic 18KCV3875 Stracar Medical Ins Co 18KCV14923 Lenox Hill Radiology Supply v. Geico Ins Co
Co. Services v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV15046 Chiropractic Testing 18KCV4815 Mira Acupuncture v. Services v. Delos Ins. Corp. And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
18KCV16323 Lenex Services v. 18KCV14965 Vsenam Medical
18KCV16582 Acupuncture Now v. 18KCV16443 Sunrise Acupuncture Services of NY v. Progressive Esurance 17KCV33891 Allstate Prop. & Ins. Co
Mvaic Supply v. Geico Ins Co
Geico Ins. Co. Pc v. United Services Automobile Casualty Ins. Co 18KCV4542 Mls South Bronx Casualty Ins. Co v. Life Quality 18KCV14926 Lenox Hill Radiology
18KCV16324 Lenex Services v. 18KCV14967 Vsenam Medical
18KCV3931 Adelaida Physical Assoc. 18KCV15050 Chiropractic Testing Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Dealer Leasing Rentals And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
Mvaic Supply v. Geico Ins Co
Therapy v. Geico Ins 18KCV3846 Sweetwater Services of NY v. Progressive 18KCV14842 Mom & Dad 18KCV15039 Andre Jocelyn Ins. Co
18KCV3982 Lms Acupuncture v. Vsenam Medical Supply, Co. v.
18KCV2722 Advanta Medical Pc v. Chiropractic v. Geico Casualty Ins. Co Orthopedics Supplies Inc v. Duhamel v. USAA General 18KCV14927 Lenox Hill Radiology
Geico Ins Geico Ins. Co.
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16235 Tisbury Psychological 18KCV15051 Chiropractic Testing American Transit Ins. Co Indemnity Co. And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
18KCV3977 Logic Chiropractic v. 18KCV14956 Vsenam Medical
Advantage Health Medical v. Geico Services v. Geico Services of NY v. Progressive 18KCV14843 Mom & Dad 18KCV15040 Andre Jocelyn Ins. Co
Geico Ins Co Supply, Co. v. Geico Ins. Co.
Ins. Co. 18KCV16236 Tisbury Psychological Casualty Ins. Co Orthopedics Supplies Inc v. Duhamel v. USAA General 18KCV14928 Lenox Hill Radiology
18KCV16521 Longevity Medical 18KCV15032 Welcome
18KCV8021 Allstate Fire & Supply Inc v. Liberty Mutual Fire Services v. Geico Gen Ins 18KCV15056 Chiropractic Testing American Transit Ins. Co Indemnity Co. And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
18KCV4164 Astor Acupuncture Pllc Chiropractic v. Geico Ins.
Casualty Ins. Co. v. Steven Ins. Co 18KCV16237 Tisbury Psychological Services of NY v. Progressive 18KCV4041 Motionpro Physical Ins. Co
v. Liberty Ins. Corp. 18KCV4148 Xvv v. Liberty Ins Corp
Giovanniello 17KCV32827 Longevity Medical Services v. Geico General Ins Co Casualty Ins. Co Therapy v. Hereford Ins. Co 18KCV14930 Lenox Hill Radiology
18KCV4212 Bay Ridge Holistic 18KCV4152 Xvv v. Liberty Ins Corp
18KCV16411 Allstate Fire And Supply Inc v. Maya Assurance Co 18KCV16238 Tisbury Psychological 18KCV14791 Church-Mcdonald 18KCV14993 New Millennium And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
Healthcare v. Geico Ins 18KCV4162 Xvv v. Liberty Ins Corp
Casualty Ins. Co. v. John Doe 18KCV16439 Longevity Medical Services v. Geico General Ins Co Edical Diagnostic Pllc v. Geico Psychological Services v. Allstate Ins. Co
18KCV14904 Beach Medical 18KCV4145 Xvv v. Safeco Nat. Ins.
18KCV16430 Allstate Fire And Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16239 Tisbury Psychological General Ins. Co Ins. Co. 18KCV14933 Lenox Hill Radiology
Rehabilitation v. Govt. Employees Co.
Casualty Ins. Co. v. Robert 18KCV16440 Longevity Medical Services v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV4028 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV14958 New Way Medical And Mia v. Progressive Casualty
Ins. Co. 18KCV4179 Yang Zhi Gang v.
Ventura-Pichardo Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16240 Tisbury Psychological v. Mvaic Supply v. Country Wide Ins. Co. Ins. Co
18KCV14905 Beach Medical Country Wide Ins Co
18KCV16412 Allstate Prop. And 18KCV16441 Longevity Medical Services v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV4036 Citycare Chiropractic 18KCV14873 One To One Rehab Pt 18KCV14934 Lenox Hill Radiology 18KCV4195 Yang Zhi Gang v.
Casualty Ins. Co. v. Abrar M. Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16241 Tisbury Psychological v. Mvaic P.C. v. Geico Ins. Co Rehabilitation v. Govt. Employees And Mia v. Progressive Casualty Country Wide Ins Co
Shaikh 18KCV16442 Longevity Medical Services v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV14841 Clear Water 18KCV4752 Premier Surgical Ins. Co. Ins. Co 18KCV4182 Yang Zhi Gang v.
18KCV16435 Alraed Physical Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16243 Tisbury Psychological Psychological Services Pc v. Services v. Progressive Ins, Co. 18KCV14906 Beach Medical 18KCV14939 Lenox Hill Radiology Country Wide Ins. Co.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV3895 Longwood Services v. Geico General Ins Co American Transit Ins. Co Quality Psychological Services P.C. Rehabilitation v. Govt. Employees And Mia v. Progressive Casualty 18KCV1557 Yevgeniy Margulis
18KCV16436 Alraed Physical Acupuncture v. Geico 18KCV16245 Tisbury Psychological 18KCV14802 Clear Water v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Ins. Co Ph.D v. Elco Administrative
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15578 Manhattan Beach Services v. Geico General Ins Co Psychological Services Pc v. 18KCV4534 Quality Psychological 18KCV14903 Beach Medical 18KCV15001 Maxim Tyorkin v. Services
18KCV16437 Alraed Physical Pharmacy Inc v. Geico 17KCV29124 Tisbury Psychological Geico General Ins. Co. Services P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Rehabilitation v. Progressive Ins. Geico General Ins. Co.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV15562 Manhattan Beach Services v. Geico General Ins. 18KCV14804 Clear Water 18KCV4538 Quality Psychological Co. 18KCV15034 Maz Chiropractic P.C Part 20
18KCV15468 American Kinetics Pharmacy Inc v. Geico Ins Co Co. Psychological Services Pc v. Services P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV1952 Best Health Care (jamaica) v. Geico Ins. Room 306, 9:30 A.M.
Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV15580 Manhattan Beach 18KCV1855 True-Align Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV4545 Quality Psychological Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 18KCV15036 Maz Chiropractic P.C
18KCV15469 American Kinetics Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co. Chiropractic Care v. Geico Ins. 18KCV4775 Colin Mental Health Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. (jamaica) v. Geico Ins. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Lab Inc v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV15582 Manhattan Beach Co. Counseling P.C. v. Country- Wide 18KCV4550 Quality Psychological 18KCV1961 Best Health Care 18KCV4070 Metro. Surgical
18KCV16517 Ancient & Modern 18KCV1863 Ugp Acupuncture v. Ins Co Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico Services v. Progressive Ins Co Trial: Bench
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Acupuncture v. American 18KCV2978 Mark Shmulevich v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4768 Comprehensive Care 18KCV4583 Quality Psychological General Ins. Co. 18KCV4069 Metro. Surgical 18KCV2856 Sharhonda Whitehead
Country Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins Co 18KCV1867 Ugp Acupuncture v. Physical Therapy v. Geico Ins. Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV14917 Best Rehab From Us Services v. Progressive Ins. Co. v. Four Gs & T
18KCV16516 Ancient & Modern 18KCV2979 Mark Shmulevich v. Geico Ins. Co. Co. 18KCV4544 Quality Psychological v. Travelers Prop. Casualty Ins. 18KCV4055 Midland Acupuncture Trial: Jury
Acupuncture v. State Farm Geico 18KCV1869 Ugp Acupuncture v. 18KCV14877 Daily Med Equipment Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Co. P.C v. A. Central Ins. Co
Geico Ins. Co. Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co 17KCV33372 Queens Chiropractic 18KCV14909 Blumenthal 18KCV13597 Mischka Akoi v. 18KCV13145 Patricia Jorquera v.
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co 18KCV2976 Mark Shmulevich v.
18KCV16580 Unifund Ccr LLC v. 18KCV14880 Daily Med Equipment Care v. Geico Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Integon Nat. Ins Coquette Kids Wear Inc Madison Rlty.
(ballston) Liberty Mutual Ins. Co.
Michelle R Ford Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV4573 Raz Acupuncture v. Co 18KCV4209 Miy Medical Care P.C 17KCV24316 Randy Lowe v. Food
18KCV16518 Ancient & Modern 17KCV26907 Master Cheng
Acupuncture v. Victoria Auto Ins. 18KCV3090 Unique Physical 18KCV14888 Daily Med Equipment Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV4243 Charles Deng v. Geico Ins. Co. First Housing Dev. Fund Co. Inc
Acupuncture v. State Farm 18KCV24707 Reynold Jordan v.
Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Rehab Pt v. Allstate Ins. Co. Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV15096 Remedial Medical Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV4213 Miy Medical Care P.C
18KCV16522 At Bay Chiropractic 18KCV3092 Unique Physical 18KCV14895 Daily Med Equipment Care v. Geico Casualty Co. 18KCV4063 Chi P & L Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Ejikde Okeke
18KCV2753 Maximum Rita Young v. Julia Kominakos
v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Chiropractic P.C v. Geico Ins. Co. Rehab Pt v. Allstate Ins. Co. Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV15093 Remedial Medical v. Progressive Ins Co 18KCV4214 Miy Medical Care P.C
Ins. Co 18KCV3975 Maxwell Acupuncture 18KCV3056 Vega Chiropractic v. 18KCV14875 Daily Medical Care v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV2422 City Wide Health v. Geico Ins. Co. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
17KCV5311 Atlantic Chiropractic v. v. Geico Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Equipment Distribution Center, 18KCV14793 Right Aid Diagnostic Facility, Inc. v. Allstate Ins. Co. 17KCV34304 Multi Care
Allstate Ins. Co. 18KCV3897 Metro Radiology v. 18KCV3055 Vega Chiropractic v. Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. Medicine P.C. v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV129 City Wide Health Facility, Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Trial: Jury
18KCV15461 Bayonne Anesthesia Geico Ins Co Hartford Ins. Co. 18KCV14883 Daily Medical 17KCV27283 Royal Medical Supply, Inc. v. Progressive Casualty Ins. 17KCV33667 New Age 18KCV28999 Davoud
Associates v. Geico 18KCV3909 Metro Radiology v. 18KCV3817 Wellness Care Equipment Distribution Center, Inc. v. Elrac Co Acupuncture v. Qbe Ins. Corp. Setarehshenas v. Nassau County
18KCV3736 Bel Modern Geico Ins Co Acupuncture Pc v. Geico Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. 17KCV27865 Royal Rehab v. 18KCV4170 Citycare Chiropractic 17KCV32159 New Quality Medical Ahrc Foundation
Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV16283 Metro. Surgical 18KCV1931 Wenig Saltiel Llp v. Jay Daily Medical Equipment Travelers Indemnity Co. v. Mvaic v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV33098 Felix Cartegena v.
18KCV15518 Body Acupuncture Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Gutman Distribution Center, Inc. v. Geico 18KCV14860 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4167 Clyde H Weissbart v. 18KCV14898 Northern Oasis 334 Dean St. LLC
Care v. Geico General Ins Co 18KCV16404 Midland Funding LLC 18KCV2590 Westchester Radology Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Liberty Ins. Corp. Acupuncture v. Allstate Fire & 18KCV26412 Freddy Imbert v.
18KCV3276 Bon Acupuncture & v. Corinne Ford And Imaging v. Geico General 18KCV14876 Daily Medical 18KCV14861 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV15024 Crystal Santomauro Casualty Ins. Co. Orchid Cab Corp
Herbs Pc v. Progressive Cas Ins New Future Acupuncture P.C v. Ins. Co. Equipment Distribution Center, Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 17KCV31422 Nova Chiropractic 18KCV9429 Natalia Shafir v. World
Co Geico 18KCV2322 Westchester Radology Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV14862 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV15025 Crystal Santomauro Services P.C v. Geico General Ins. of Chantilly Inc.
18KCV3930 Bronx Chiropractic New Future Acupuncture P.C v. And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV14879 Daily Medical Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. Co. 18KCV24232 Robert Barbee v.
Services v. Geico Ins Co Geico Ins Co 18KCV2325 Westchester Radology Equipment Distribution Center, 18KCV14866 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV4274 Daniel Perez v. 18KCV14994 Nova Chiropractic Wilforce J Odige
18KCV16287 Bronx Medical 18KCV3891 New Future And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Services P.C. v. Geico General 16KCV17656 Roman Bodnarsky v.
Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture P.C v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV2342 Westchester Radology 18KCV14882 Daily Medical 18KCV14865 Rutland Medical v. 18KCV90 Debra H. Goldman v. Ins. Co. 24th Ave. Rlty.
18KCV15467 Central Pain Mgt. v. 18KCV15460 New Future And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co Equipment Distribution Center, Geico Ins Co Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV14996 Nova Chiropractic 18KCV24242 William O’Connor v.
Geico General Ins. Co. Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 18KCV2582 Westchester Radology Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV4771 Rwan Pt v. Geico Ins. 18KCV15023 Diagnostic Imaging Services P.C. v. Geico General NYC
18KCV3690 Chiropractic 18KCV3913 New Future And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV14893 Daily Medical Co. of Rockville Centre v. Geico Ins. Co. THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Performance Service v. Liberty Acupuncture P.C. v. Geico 18KCV2585 Westchester Radology Equipment Distribution Center, 18KCV4024 S.O.V Acupuncture P.C General Ins. Co. 18KCV14999 Nova Chiropractic
Mutual Ins. Co 18KCV3703 Newtech Chiropractic And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Geico 17KCV33152 Diamond Services P.C. v. Geico General Trial: Bench
18KCV3689 Chiropractic P.C v. Progressive Casualty Ins. 18KCV2589 Westchester Radology 18KCV14871 Daily Medical 18KCV4014 S.O.V. Acupuncture Pc Chiropractic Pc v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV24717 Clemente B Lopez v.
Testing Services of NY v. Govt. Co. And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co Equipment Distribution Ctr Inc v. Geico General Ins. Co. Indemnity Co. 18KCV15000 Nova Chiropractic Yisehak Isknder
Employees Ins. Co. 18KCV15463 Optimum Health 18KCV2592 Westchester Radology v. Geico Ins Co S.O.V. Acupuncture v. Geico 18KCV131 Direct Rx Pharmacy v. Services P.C. v. Geico General
18KCV3694 Chiropractic Testing Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. And Imaging v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV14890 Daily Medical General Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Trial: Jury
Services of NY v. Liberty Mutual 18KCV15470 Pavel Mekhanik v. 18KCV2555 Within Normal Limits Equipment Distribution Ctr Inc 18KCV4006 S.O.V. Acupuncture v. 18KCV133 Direct Rx Pharmacy v. 18KCV4166 Pavel Mekhanik v. 18KCV8790 Anthony C. Hernandez
General Isnurance Co. Geico General Ins Co Physical Therapy v. Geico Ins Co v. Geico Ins Co Geico General Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Liberty Ins. Corp. v. Sean Dupree Hunter
40 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

17KCV3635 Christine Baumgardt The Bklyn. Union Gas Co. v. Ezra Supply Inc v. Elrac Inc Ketan D Vora Do v. Geico General Jpf Medical Services v. Allstate 18KCV875 Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O. 18KCV24356 Ugp Acupuncture v. Metro Acupuncture Pc v. Geico
v. Christian Tarantion Anglica Mingo Gentlecare Ambulatory Anesthesia Ins. Co. Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co General Ins. Co.
18KCV24204 Gerald Russell The Bklyn. Union Gas Co. v. Services v. Geico Ins Co Lam Quan v. Progressive Casualty Jpf Medical Services v. State Farm Ellen Sue Ginsberg D.O.P.C v. NY Ugp Acupuncture v. State Farm Michael Alleyne M.D. P.C. v.
v. Hollis Shopping Center Antoinette Hunte Glenridge Chiropractic v. Ins. Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Ameriprise Ins. Co
Associates FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Lida’s Medical Supply Inc. v. Elrac Jules Francois Parisien v. Allstate Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Ugp Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Miisupply v. Esurance Ins Co
18KCV26393 Ilene Bressner v. Golden Ray Acupuncture v. Inc. Ins. Co. Elrac Inc Ugp Acupuncture v. State Farm Msb Physical Therapy v. State Farm
Edward Pritykin Motion Travelers Indemnity Co. Madison Prods. of Usa Inc. v. State Jules Francois Parisien v. Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
17KCV13714 Immacula Dort v. Bhy Rlty. LLC v. Kimberly Regaldo Healthy Living Chiropractic v. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Ameriprise Ins. Geico General Ins. Co. Within Normal Limits Physical New Horizon Surgical Center LLC
Masada III Car & Limo Service Capital One Bank (USA) v. Donna Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. 18KCV21775 Master Cheng Kazu Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Therapy P.C. v. Country Wide v. Fiduciary Ins. Co. of America
Corp. E. Brito Island Life Chiropractic Pain Care Acupuncture v. Mercury Casualty (750 Woodbury Road) Progressive Ins. Co. Ins. Co. New Millennium Medical Imaging
18KCV24654 Shakim Pierre v. Shai Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Lefferts Medicine v. Mvaic Excel Prods. v. Metro. General 18KCV21651 Yan Z Chiropractic v. v. Esurance Ins Co
Ohana Patricia Porter Rpo Ins. Co. Msb Physical Therapy v. Zipcar C/o Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Ins Co. Mvaic Nina Kononchuk v. Geico Ins.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. Jpf Medical Services v. Geico Corp. Service Co. Elrac Inc 18KCV21507 Fiss Chiropractic v. 18KCV19505 Yan Z Chiropractic v. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc
Ronamae Jolliffe Ins. Co. New Age Medical Pc v. Geico Medigna Inc v. Country Wide NY Central Mutual Ins. Comapny State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. v. State Farm Fire And Casualty
Trial: Bench Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. 18KCV4349 Jules Francois General Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Fjl Medical Service v. State Farm Yang Zhi Gang v. Global Liberty Ins. Co.
17KCV793 Mohammad Hussain v. Electric Gorilla Tattoo Inc Parisien v. Omni Indemnity Co New Millennium Psychological Medigna Inc v. Country-Wide Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Co. of NY NYC Sports Acupuncture Pc v.
Elizabeth Haralampopoulos Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Kew Gardens Imaging Pc v. Aig Services v. Elrac Ins. Co. Fresh Acupuncture v. Amerprise Yellowstone Medical Rehabilitation Ameriprise Ins. Co.
Rohan Bablington Ins. Co. Northern Medical Care Pc v. Medmart of Ny. Corp. v. Nationwide Auto & Home Ins v. Country-Wide Ins. Co. NYS Diagnostic Medicine v.
Trial: Jury 18KCV17507 Lenex Services v. American Country Ins. Co Mutual Ins. Co. Garden State Neuro Stimulation v. Philadelphia Indemnity Ins. Co.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. THURSDAY, FEB. 28
18KCV14172 Davida Rava v. Mirela Shatarr Lucas American Transit Ins. Co. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc Metro Pain Specialist v. Nat. Liability & Fire Ins Comp NYS Diagnostic Medicine v.
Gutic 18KCV26216 Geico v. Kevin Lenex Services, Inc. v. Allstate v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Progressive Ins. Co 18KCV18790 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. Motion Progressive Ins. Co
18KCV33009 Segundo Perez v. Hernandez Ins. Co. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc 18KCV16557 Metro. Surgical Allstate Ins Co 21st Century Pharmacy v. Global 18KCV9997 NYS Diagnostic
Mordechai Rubin Lancer Ins. Co. v. Craig A Foster 18KCV11817 Lenex Services, Inc. v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Services v. State Farm Fire And 18KCV20203 Gc Chiropractic P.C v. Liberty Ins. Co. of NY Medicine v. Unitrin Advantage
MONDAY, MARCH 4 New Century Financial Services, v. Allstate Ins. Co. Co. Casualty Co Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Ab Quality Health Supply Corp v. Ins. Co.
Inc. v. Munsur Samiullah Medical Supply of NY Corp v. Omega Acupuncture Pc v. Tri State Msb Physical Therapy v. State Farm 18KCV21903 Gramercy Park State Farm Mutual Automobile Pierre J Renelique Md v. United
Trial Ready: Jury Queens Surgi-Center v. Ephesien Elrac Inc Consumer Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Acupuncture Pc v. NY Central Ins. Co. Services Automobile Assoc.
Day 18KCV24951 Mega Aid Pharmacy I Peter Morgan v. Progressive 18KCV21565 New Chiropractic Mutual Ins. Co Accelerated Chiropractic Care v. Pro Adjust Chiropractic v. State
17KCV8606 Quincy Mutual Fire
Renaissance Equity Hldgs. LLC F v. v. Travelers Ins. Casualty Ins. Co Care v. Nationwide Ins. Co. of NY Green Land Acupuncture v. Geico Global Liberty Ins. Co. of NY Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Ins. Co. v. Paragon Oil Co.
Deayon Nedd Merrick Medical v. State Farm Pfj Medical Care P.C. v. Nationwide Nikon Licensed Clinical Social Ins. Co. 18KCV8915 Ace Orthopedic 18KCV24451 Pro Edge
Trial: Bench Automobile Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Work P.C. v. State Farm Fire And Jcc Medical Pc v. Country Wide Chiropractic v. State Farm
Svetlana Donina v. The Board of Services Inc v. Nationwide Ins.
18KCV27299 Jaquan Purvis v. Mgrs. of The 2939 Brighton 1st Nj Jfk Orthopaedics v. Fiduciary Power Supply Inc v. Mercury Casualty Co. Ins. Co. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
American United Trans Inc. St Condoninium Ins. Co. of America Casualty Co 18KCV19504 Nina Kononchuk v. Jj & R Chiropractic v. Allstate Ach Chiropractic P.C v. State Farm Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins Co
18KCV27302 Sharon Albert v. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc Prompt Medical Supply Inc v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins. Co.
MONDAY, MARCH 4 v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Harleysville Ins. Co Jules Francois Parisien v. Country Pt Outcome v. Nat. Liability & Fire
Daniel Castro Ocean View Medical Care v. Actual Chiropractic v. Fiduciary Ins.
Co. Seaside Massage Therapy Pllc v. Travelers Ins. Wide Ins. Co. Co. of America Ins. Co.
Trial: Jury Motion
O.B.B. Acupuncture v. Allstate Unitrin Direct Ins. Co. Physical Therapy of Queens v. Jules Francois Parisien v. Esurance Adjust For Life Chiropractic v. State Pt Outcome v. NYCTA
18KCV25761 Abdelhak Hadik 275 Park Associates LLC v. Baron Ins. Co. Shashek Chiropractic v. 18KCV4349 Jules Francois 18KCV11627 Pureimage Group v.
Geico Ins Co Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
v. Motor Vehicle Accident Bell 18KCV27051 P.R. Medical v. Geico Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Parisien v. Omni Indemnity Co Mvaic
Protection Physical Therapy Pc v. Ahmed Medical Care v. Progressive
Indemnification Corp. 510-482 Riverdale LLC v. Silky Weir Casualty Co. Total Chiropractic v. Ins. Co. of The Jules Francois Parisien v. Zipcar Quantum Rehab Physical Therapy
Travelers Commercial Ins Co Ins. Co
18KCV28997 Deborah Rubin v. 18KCV20384 David Brodsky v. 18KCV9362 Phoenix Medical v. State of Pa C/o Corp. Service Co. v. NY Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co
18KCV21569 Psychology After Aman Physical Therapy P.C. v. NY
Ernest Feldman Trump Village Section 3 American Transit Ins. Co. Welcome Chiropractic v. American Jules Francois Parisien v. Avis 18KCV17290 Queens Chiropractic
Accident P.C. v. Nationwide Ins. Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
18KCV24649 E. A. M v. NYCTA Erie Ins. Co. v. Carlton Olds Pt Outcome v. Commerce And Transit Ins Co Budget Car Rental Care v. State Farm Mutual
Co. of NY Ambulatory Surgical Center of
17KCV25139 Hostan Paul v. The Jason Chang v. Nikita Irzhak Indus. Ins. Co. MONDAY, MARCH 4 18KCV19399 Lenex Services v. Automobile Ins. Co.
Pt Outcome v. Country Wide Ins. Englewood v. Country-Wide
Board of Education of NYC 18KCV31322 Williamsburgh 18KCV19398 Regal Acupuncture v. American Transit Ins Co Restoration Chiropractic v. Geico
Co. Ins. Co.
18KCV29879 Mirsada Cecunjanin Leasing Delaware v. Miriam American Transit Ins. Co. Motion 18KCV17507 Lenex Services v. Ins. Co. (750 Woodbury Road)
Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins. Co. American Kinetics Lab Inc v. Geico
v. Arlind Rumusevic Germelus S.O.V Acupuncture P.C v. State American Transit Ins. Co. Roh Physical Therapy v. Ameriprise
18KCV22281 Adjust For Life Pt Outcome v. Country Wide Ins. General Ins. Co.
18KCV27858 Uri Netach v. Bj’s Part 35 Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Chiropractic v. Travelers Co. Lenex Services v. Hereford Ins. Co Ins. Co.
18KCV23681 Andre Jocelyn
Wholesale Club Significant Care Pt v. Nationwide Indemnity Co. Pt Outcome v. American Transit Lenex Services, Inc. v. Allstate 18KCV14331 Rutland Medical v.
Room 1102, 9:30 A.M. Duhamel Md v. Ameriprise Ins.
18KCV24716 Zina Jomantiene v. Ins. Co. Ancient & Modern Acupuncture Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Mvaic
Gene Sheinkman WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Sp Orthotic Surgical & Medical v. Metro. Prop. And Casualty 18KCV20688 Rehabilitation Lida’s Medical Supply Inc v. Mvaic S&G Medical Services v. N.Y.
18KCV23696 Andre Jocelyn
Part 30 Supply v. Eveready Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Psychology v. Liberty Mutual Fire Long Island Neurologic v. Geico Duhamel Md v. Integon Nat. Ins. Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co
Motion Ugp Acupuncture v. State Farm 18KCV12594 Andre Jocelyn Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. Co. Sanford Chiropractic v. Republic
Room 809, 9:30 A.M. Long Island Neurological v. Mvaic Western Ins. Co
19KCV2177 Ai Fung Choong v. Eric Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Duhamel Md v. Ean Hldgs. Remedy Chiropractic v. Nationwide Arthur Ave. Medical Services Pc v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Cheukfai Chiang Ultimate Massage Therapy v. Arcadia Acupuncture v. State Farm Affinity Ins. Co. of America Long Island Neurological v. NY Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co Sang Hun Han v. Fiduciary Ins Co
Concord American Autosales, Inc. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Roland Chiropractic v. State Farm Progressive Ins. Co. Arthur Ave. Medical Services v. of America
Motion v. Marcus A. Nussbaum Veraso Medical Supply v. State Beacon Acupuncture v. Geico Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Pip/ Long Island Neurological. v. Geico Ins Co 18KCV8228 Scott Chiropractic v.
American General Financial 18KCV10794 Ftema Raysor v. Nat. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co General Ins. Co. bi Claims Progressive Ins. Co. Asce Anesthesia Pc v. Country American Transit Ins. Co
Services Inc. v. Alfred Oyewole Grid Yumi Acupuncture v. State Farm Boris Kleyman Physician v. 18KCV21258 Shafai Acupuncture Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Wide Ins. Co. Shafai Acupuncture v. Progressive
Bonny Baron v. Justin Levy The Hertz Corp. v. Janelle Pitter Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Eveready Ins. Co. v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Esurance Ins. Co. 18KCV16687 Bronx Medical Casualty Ins. Co.
Decide Cab Corp. v. Caitlin Cundell Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State Co. Longevity Medical Supply v. Diagnostic v. American Transit Starlite Acupuncture v. Praetorian
E & W Wholesale Electrical Inc. v. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Sherman Pharmacy 2 v. Liberty Country Wide Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
Pears Space Mgt. Inc. Motion Motion Citi Medical I v. Maya Assurance Mutual Group 18KCV10828 Longevity Medical 18KCV19396 Bronx Medical T & S Medical Supply Corp v.
Ep Lincoln Hldgs. LLC v. Florin Co Shore Pkwy. Chiropractic P.C. v. Supply, Inc. v. Country Wide Ins. Diagnostic v. American Transit Country Wide Ins. Co.
Jackie Herbst v. Alexander Hoskins Acuneed L.L.C. v. State Farm T & S Medical Supply Corp. v.
Jules Automobile Ins. Co. Citimed Services P.A. v. Govt. American Transit Ins. Co. Co. Ins. Co.
MONDAY, MARCH 4 Employees Ins. Co. 18KCV11226 Longevity Medical Country Wide Ins. Co.
Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. v. Nazar Ahmed Medical Care v. State Farm Shore Pkwy. Chiropractic P.C. 18KCV19397 Bronx Medical
Airport Limo Service Inc. Citimed Services Pa v. State Farm v. American Transit Ins. Co. Supply, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Diagnostic v. American Transit Ugp Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co.
Motion Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Veraso Medical Supply v. Fiduciary
Nina Mikhlina v. Nadezhda Baiher Acupuncture v. Fiduciary Mutual Automobile Ins. Co (metrotech) Fire Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
Breytman Peter Defilippis v. Peter Vollmer City Wide Health Facility Inc v. Spring Rehab Pt v. State Farm Fire Lucas Bottcher v. State Farm Chapa Prods. v. Country Wide Ins. Co. of America
Ins. Co of America Vs Sunrise Medical P.C v. Country
Savco Industries LLC v. Senator Part 39 Geico Ins & Casualty Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
Baiher Acupuncture v. Fiduciary Wide Ins. Co.
Const. Group Inc. & Senator Columbus Imaging Center LLC/ Standard Care P.T. P.C v. State Farm Lv Medcial Diagnostic Services Pc Charles Deng Acupuncture v.
Room 1102, 9:30 A.M. Ins. of America Westchester Radology And Imaging
Const. Corp. expert Billing Services v. Geico Mutual Automobile Ins. Co v. American Transit Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co.
Bright Medical Supply Corp. v. v. Chubb Indemnity Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Casualty Co. Standard Care P.T. P.C. v. Geico Lv Medical Diagnostic Servcies v. 18KCV24645 Chiropractic Testing
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Geico General Ins Co 18KCV10906 Whiplash
Direct Chiropractic Care v. Qbe General Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co. Services of NY v. State Farm
2:30 P.M. City Care Acupuncture v. Erie Ins. Chiropractic v. Progressive Ins.
Motion Ins. Corp Standard Care P.T.P.C v. Geico Lv Medical Diagnostic Services Pc Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Co. of NY Woodhaven Chiropractic v.
Essential Health Chiropractic v. General Ins. Co. v. American Transit Ins. Co. Citi Medical I v. Country Wide
Giant Bicyle, Inc. v. Daisy Caceres Hearing: Traverse City Wide Health Facility Inc v. New Hereford Ins Com
Geico Casualty Co. Standard Care P.T.P.C v. Maria S Masigla v. Avis Budget Ins. Co.
Metro. Engineering Associates, Inc. Capital Equity Mgt. v. Mary Rivera South Ins. Co Xvv v. Hereford Ins. Co
Exclusive Physical Therapy v. Corp. Progressive Ins. Co. Maria Sheila Masigla v. State Farm Citimed Services P.A. v. Integon
v. Ahmad Kamal Aslam Md Colin Clarke M.D. v. Auto One 18KCV15496 Yumi Acupuncture v.
Motion El Service Sutter Pharmacy v. Progressive Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Pip/ Nat. Ins. Co. D/b/a Gmac Ins. Co.
Miisupply LLC v. Zoila Ruiz Ins Co State Farm Mutual Automobile
Pfj Medical Care P.C. v. State Farm Flushing Traditional Acupuncture Casualty Ins. Co bi Claims Citimedical I v. Kemper
York Anesthesiologist v. Kualey Colin Clarke M.D. v. Progressive Ins. Co.
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. v. Geico Ins Co Sutter Pharmacy v. Progressive Maria Shiela Masigla v. Allstate Independence Ins. Co.
Heyward Casualty Ins Co Yumi Acupuncture v. Elrac Inc
Genesis Chiropractic Care v. Geico Casualty Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Citimedical I v. Travelers Prop.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 MONDAY, MARCH 4 Columbus Imaging Center v. Zarkad Medical P.C. v. State Farm
Ins. Co. Total Chiropractic v. Country Wide Maria Shiela Masigla v. Avis Casualty Ins. Co.
Integon Ins. Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
2:30 P.M. Grand Concourse Chiropractic v. Ins. Co. Budget Citycare Chiropractic v. Geico
Motion Cpm Med Supply v. Fiduciary Ins
Maya Assurance Co. Ugp Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Master Cheng Aucpuncture v. General Ins. Co. FRIDAY, MARCH 1
Allstate Fire And Casualty Ins. Co. Co of America
Hearing Great Health Care Chiropractic v. 18KCV26309 Victory Rehab Pt v. Amica Mutual Ins. Co Clear Water Psychological Services
v. Alexander Kryukov Daily Medical Equipment Motion
Yang Zhi Gang v. Nat. Liability & Geico Ins. Co. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Meadowlands Hosp. v. Elco Pc v. Nationwide Affinity Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. v. Steven Revell Distribution Center, Inc. v. Geico
Fire Ins Co 18KCV31460 Great Health Care 18KCV24910 Whiplash Adminstrative Services Clyde H Weissbart v. Geico 65th St Medical Supply v. Mvaic
Bourbon Taxi LLC v. Arnaldo G Indemnity Co.
Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Nationwide Ins. Medcare Supply Inc v. Geico Columbus Imaging Center v. 18KCV15029 Accelerated
Valle Jr Part 40 Excellent Choice Pharmacy v. State
Healthplus Surgery Center v. Govt. Co. of NY General Ins. Co. Elrac Inc Chiropractic Care v. State Farm
Bklyn. Union Gas Co. v. Angela Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Room 809, 9:30 A.M. Employees Ins. Co. Yan Z Chiropractic v. Country Wide 18KCV21469 Mega Aid Pharmacy I Cpm Med Supply v. Fiduciary Ins Fire And Casualty Co
Lawrence Excellent Choice Pharmacy v. State
Jules Francois Parisien v. Metlife Ins. Co. v. Progressive Ins. Co Co of America Ach Chiropractic P.C v. Geico
Capital One Bank (USA) v. Natalie TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Auto & Home 18KCV24951 Mega Aid Pharmacy I 18KCV15954 Daily Med Equipment General Ins. Co.
Wrightumoh Family Chiropractic v. Progressive WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Jules Francois Parisien v. Park v. Travelers Ins. Distribution Ctr v. Geico Ins Co Ach Chiropractic P.C v. Liberty
Motion Casualty Ins. Co.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Ins Co Motion Megacure Acupuncture v. Unitrin 18KCV18219 Daily Medical Ins. Corp.
18KCV21258 Shafai Acupuncture Foster Health Medical v. Amex
Jules Francois Parisien v. Direct Ins. Co. Equipment Distribution Center, Ach Chiropractic P.C v. Progressive
v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Assurance Co. 17KCV27888 A.C Medical Pc v.
Motion Ameriprise Ins. Merrick Medical v. Progressive Inc. v. Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co
Co. Hands on Physical Therapy Care State Farm Mutual Auto Ins Co.
Allstate Fire And Casualty Ins. Co. Lenex Services v. Nationwide Casualty Ins. Co. Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services Ach Chiropractic P.C v. State Farm
Acuneed L.L.C. v. Progressive v. Mvaic Ab Medical Medical Supply Inc v.
v. George Gallaedo Ins. Co. Motion Chiropractic Care v. v. Fiduciary Ins Co of America Automobile Ins. Co.
Casualty Ins. Co. Hope Rehab Pt v. Geico Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia v. Avis Budget
Beverage Media Group, Inc. v. Ameriprise Ins. Co Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services Ach Chiropractic P.C v. State Farm
Advanced Recovery Equipment And Jamaica Wellness Medical v. Lm Maya Assurance Co Acupuncture Now v. State Farm
Solstars, Inc. Muscle Track Physical Therapt v. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Supplies v. State Farm Ins. General Ins. Co. Master Chen Acupuncture v. State Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Philomen George v. Mohamed State Farm Mutual Auto Ins Co Ins. Co. Acupuncture Now v. Allstate Ins.
Art of Healing Medicine v. Jules Francois Parisien v. Allstate Farm Automobile Ins. Co. Advanced Recovery Equipment And
Dirta 19KCV97 Muscle Track Physical Direct Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co.
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Master Cheng Aucpuncture v. Supplies v. Mvaic Therapt v. State Farm Mutual Co. (750 Woodbury Road) Acupuncture Now v. State Farm
MONDAY, MARCH 4 Boris Ripa Medical P.C. v. State 18KCV12003 Jules Francois Elrac Inc., D/b/a/ Enterprise 18KCV30721 Advanced Recovery Auto Ins Co 18KCV25804 Ea Chiropractic Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Farm Mutual Auto Ins., Co. Parisien v. Maya Assurance Co Rent-A-Car Equipment And Supplies v. NY
Motion Muscle Track Physical Therapy v. Diagnostics v. Progressive Ins. Acutis Diagnostics v. Liberty
Ea Chiropractic Diagnostics v. Jules Francois Parisien v. Amica Master Cheng Aucpuncture v. Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile Englewood Orthopedics Group Pc v. Mutual Group
Good Show LLC v. Diane Goodwyn State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Mutual Ins. Co Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. Almatcare Medical Supply Inc v. Ins. Co Country Wide Ins. Co. Advanced Recovery Equipment And
Elsanaa Pt v. State Farm Mutual Jy Acupuncture v. Hartford Ins. Co. Mega Aid Pharmacy I, Inc. v. State Geico General Ins. Co. Neb Bronx Medical P.C v. Republic
Part 32 18KCV22608 Maiga Prods. v. State Almatcare Medical Supply Inc v.
Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Supplies v. American Country
Automobile Ins. Co. Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Western Ins Co Country Wide Ins. Co. Ins.
Room 809, 9:30 A.M. First Alternative Plm Acupuncture Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Natural Therapy Acupuncture v. Mvaic New Beginning Chiropractic v. Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Esis Ale Chiropractic Pc v. Country Wide
v. Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV22609 Maiga Prods. v. State Geico Ins. Co. Almatcare Medical Supply Inc v. Ameriprise Ins. Co
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Ins. Co.
Five Boro Psychological Services Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. North Valley Medical v. Geico State Farm Mutual Automobile NY Infinity Health Care v. Mvaic
Martin L Plutno v. Geico Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Ambulatory Surgical C of T of of
Motion Pc v. Mvaic Casualty Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV12075 Nikon Licensed Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. NY Englewood v. Country Wide
Jamaica Medical Pc v. State Farm Natural Therapy Acupuncture v. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc 18KCV24860 Andre Jocelyn Clinical Social Work v.
Christine Rousseau v. Ideal Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
Properties Group LLC—adj. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Duhamel v. NY Central Mutual Progressive Ins. Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v. Amilor Acupuncture v. Country
Jules Francois Parisien v. Mvaic NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc Co. Fire Ins. Co Nile Rehab Physical Therapy v.
02/28 v. State Farm Fire And Casualty State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Wide Ins. Co.
Lantsman Acupuncture v. NY Pr Medical v. United Services 18KCV18044 Andre Jocelyn Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Esm Physical Therapy v. USAA Amilor Acupuncture v. Integon Nat.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co Co. Duhamel Md v. Ameriprise Ins.
Automobile Assoc. Ocean View Medical Care v. State General Indemnity Co. Ins. Co.
Ng Acupuncture Care v. Geico Ocean Valley Physical Medicine Pc 18KCV5649 Primavera Physical Co Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Motion v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co Esmphysical Therapy v. USAA Amilor Acupuncture v. Progressive
Ins. Co. Therapy v. Ean Hldgs. 19KCV339 Apak Chiropractic Pc v. Pip/bi Claims General Indemnity Co. Ins. Co.
Christine Rousseau v. Ideal Nile Rehab Physical Therapy v. Ocean Valley Physical Medicine Pc Psychology After Accident P.C. v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co Om Physical Therapy Pllc v. NY 18KCV16684 Fast Care Medical Amilor Acupuncture v. State Farm
Properties Group LLC Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. v. State Farm Ins. Co. Nationwide Ins. Co. of NY 18KCV16683 Aris Diagnostic Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Diagnostics v. American Transit Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Esther Celestine v. Tia Clarke NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc Ortho Prods. & Equipments, Inc. v. Quality Health Supply Corp. v. Medical Pllc v. American Transit Posperity Rehab v. Geico General Ins Co Arthur Ave. Medical Services v.
Michael P. Sinclair v. Bertrand v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Geico General Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Ins Co Ins. Co. First Alternative Plm Acupuncture Mvaic
Edmund Jr. Co. Performance Plus Medical v. Second Medical v. Geico 18KCV16685 Aris Diagnostic Precious Acupuncture v. Travelers v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Belam Acupuncture v. Country
Milford Montrose v. Norma NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc American Independent Ins. Co 18KCV12593 Sonia Aremengol Md Medical Pllc v. American Transit Ins. Ins. Co. Pip/bi Claims Wide Ins. Co.
Armstrong v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Peter Morgan v. Hereford Ins. Co v. Ean Hldgs. Ins Co 18KCV15842 Psychology After Forest Total Medical v. Geico Boris Ripa Medical P.C. v. Titan &
Tri-State Consumer Ins. Co. v. Ins. Co. Pierre J Renelique Md v. United 19KCV876 Spine Care of Nj Pc v. Arthur Ave. Medical Services Pc v. Accident P.C. v. Nationwide Ins. 18KCV7278 Full Spine Nationwide
Sharik Inc. NY Chiropractic Rehabilitation Pc Services Automobile Assoc. Geico General Ins. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile Co. of NY Chiropractic of NY v. Hereford Brefni Chiropractic Diagnostics P.L
MONDAY, MARCH 4 v. State Farm Mutual Automobile 18KCV21785 Regal Acupuncture Spring Valley Acupuncture v. Elrac Ins. Co Pt Outcome v. Progressive Ins. Co Ins. Co v. State Farm Mutual Automobile
Ins. Co. v. Elrac Inc., D/b/a/ Enterprise Inc., D/b/a/ Enterprise Rent A Car 19KCV883 Arthur Ave. Medical Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins. Co.
Motion Ge Medical Supply v. Geico General Ins. Co
NY Wellness Medical v. Progressive Rent-A-Car Unique Physical Rehab Pt v. State Services v. Nationwide Ins. Co. Pt Outcome v. Commerce And Ins. Co. Bridges Psychological Services v.
Allstate Fire And Casualty Ins. Co. Casualty Ins. Co. 18KCV21890 Regal Acupuncture v. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Atlas Pharmacy v. State Farm Indus. Ins. Co. Gentlecare Ambulatory Anesthesia Travelers Ins. Co.
v. Henry Felix Santana Ra Medical Services P.C v. Mvaic Geico General Ins. Co. Westchester Radiology And Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins. Co. Services v. Country Wide Ins. Co. Bronx Medical Diagnostic v.
Tri-State Consumer Ins. Co. v. Ra Medical Services v. Mvaic 18KCV21891 Regal Acupuncture v. Imaging v. Lima Cab Corp. 18KCV19893 Bl Healthy Life Pt Outcome v. Liberty Mutual Fire Hand By Hand Pt v. State Farm Fire Allstate Ins. Co.
Michael Jaber Reliable Cpm Surgical Supply Inc Geico General Ins. Co. Acupuncture Pc v. Nat. Liability Ins. Co
Part 41 And Casualty Co. Chapa Prods. v. Country Wide
v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Shafai Acupuncture v. Progressive & Fire Ins Co Pt Outcome v. American Transit
Part 34 Hands on Physical Therapy Care v. Ins. Co.
Ins. Co. Casualty Ins Co Room 809, 9:30 A.M. Bklyn. McDonald Medical Care v. Ins. Co. Ameriprise Ins. Co Charles Deng Acupuncture v.
Room 1102, 9:30 A.M. Shafai Acupuncture v. Progressive Shafai Acupuncture v. Progressive Geico General Ins. Co. Quality Psychological Services P.C.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Healthplus Surgery Center LLC v. Country Wide Ins. Co.
Casualty Ins Co Casualty Ins. Co. Cautious Care Medical v. New v. Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Travelers Prop. Casualty Ins. Co. Clear Water Psychological Services
Slate Cab Corp v. Victory Shafai Acupuncture v. Nat. Liability Motion Hampshire Ins. Co. 18KCV7343 Quality Psychological Healthplus Surgery Center v. Pc v. Liberty Ins. Corp.
Motion Foodservice Food Fest Cash & & Fire Ins. Co. Chapa Prods. v. Country Wide Services P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Acupuncture Now v. State Farm Country Wide Ins. Co. Clear Water Psychological Services
Car Corp Stracar Medical Services v. USAA Ins. Co. Regal Acupuncture v. Elrac Inc
Capital One Bank (USA) v. Ali H. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Howard Beach Rehab v. USAA Pc v. Maya Assurance Co.
Sunrise Acupuncture Pc v. General Indemnity Co. Charles Deng Acupuncture v. 18KCV19398 Regal Acupuncture v.
Osman Ahmed Medical Care v. State Farm General Indemnity Co. Columbus Imaging Center v.
Travelers Home And Marine Sutter Pharmacy v. State Farm Country Wide Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co.
18KCV13278 Renaissance Equity Automobile Ins. Co. Impulse Imaging P.C. v. Fiduciary Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co
Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State Reliable Cpm Surgical Supply Inc v.
Hldgs F LLC v. Cheryl A. Alfred 17KCV26518 Alexander Kolesnikov Ins. Co. of America Columbus Imaging Center v. Motor
Total Chiropractic v. NY Central Sweetwater Chiropractic v. USAA Farm Automobile Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co.
Shloof Transit Inc. v. Surinder v. Mvaic Island Life Chiropractic Pain Care Vehicle Accident Indemnification
Mutual Fire Ins. Co. General Indemnity Co. Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State Reliable Cpm Surgical Supply Inc
Singh All Borough Chiropractic P.C v. v. Fiduciary Ins. Co. of America Corp.
Ve Medical Care Pc v. Country- Tsm Medical Supply & Orthocare, Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile
Zipcar Inc. v. Christopher Grant Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. Jeff Harmonize Acupuncture v. 17KCV29069 Community Health
Wide Ins. Co. Inc. v. American Commerce Pip/bi Claims Ins. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Almatcare Medical Supply Inc v. Care & Medical Services P.C v.
18KCV23698 Whiplash Ins Co Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State 18KCV28291 Reliable Cpm Ins. Co
State Farm Mutual Automobile Interboro Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. State Farm Fire Tsm Medical Supply & Orthocare, Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Surgical Supply, Inc. v. State Jfl Medical Care v. State Farm
Motion Ins. Co. Corona Medical Plaza v. Geico
And Casualty Co. Inc. v. Geico Chi P&L Acupuncture v. American Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Ambulatory Surgical Center of General Ins. Co.
Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. Alex WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Utica Park Chiropractic of NY v. Transit Ins. Co. Restoration Chiropractic v. Country Jules Francois Parisien v. Elrac Inc
Englewood v. Country-Wide Corona Medical Plaza v. Geico
Express Deli Allstate Ins. Co. Chiropractic Care Center And Wide Ins. Co. Jules Francois Parisien v. Met Life
Ins. Co. General Ins. Co
Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. Js Motion Vincent Medical Services v. Bklyn. Chiropractic Services v. Rx Warehouse Pharmacy Inc. v. NY Auto And Home Ins Co Corona Medical Plaza v. Geico
Howard Food Market Inc American Independent Ins. Co 18KCV3579 American Acupuncture
Active Range Pt Pc v. Avis Rent A Therapeutics v. Allstate Prop. & Hereford Ins. Co. Central Mutual Fire Ins Co Kamal Aziz Tadros v. State Farm General Ins. Co (woodbury Rd)
Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. Car System 18KCV9245 Yongming Mao Chiropractic Care Center v. State S & R Medical v. Geico General Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. 19KCV2064 Corona Medical Plaza
Katura Edwards Physician v. Geico Ins. Co. Casualty Ins.
Ambulatory Surgical Center of 18KCV14371 Andre Jocelyn Farm Ins. Co. Ins Co 18KCV23679 Kerisli Chiropractic v. v. Geico General Ins. Co (wood-
Con Ed C of P of Y of F N.Y. v. Englewood LLC v. Nationwide FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Citi Medical I v. 21st Century S & R Medical. P.C. v. American State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. bury Rd)
Mordechi Kahan Duhamel Md v. Elco
Ins. Co. Administrative Services Ins. Co Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV23798 Kerisli Chiropractic v. 18KCV15758 Daily Med Equipment
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. 18KCV16683 Aris Diagnostic Motion Citimed Services P.A. v. Integon Schottenstein Pain & Neuro Pllc v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Distribution Ctr, Inc. v. Geico Ins
1076 B’way. Deli Grocery Corp. 18KCV16101 Artavazd Arsenian
Medical Pllc v. American Transit 21st Century Pharmacy, Inc. v. Lmsw v. State Farm Fire & Nat. Ins. Co American Country Ins. Co. Lb Lifeway Acupuncture v. Country Co
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co. Citimed Services P.A. v. Integon Schottenstein Pain & Neuro Pllc v. Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV15758 Daily Med Equipment
Casualty Co.
Clement Carr 18KCV16685 Aris Diagnostic 18KCV22295 A.C Medical Pc v. Nat. Ins. Co. (nc) Hereford Ins. Co 18KCV17509 Lenex Services v. Distribution Ctr, Inc. v. State
Asce Anesthesia Pc v. Country
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Medical Pllc v. American Transit State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Citimedical I v. American Transit Scott Chiropractic v. Republic American Transit Ins. Co. Farm Fire And Casualty Co.
Wide Ins. Co.
Denean Spellman Ins Co Aa Acupuncture Services v. Ins. Co. Western Ins. Co. Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia v. Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services
Asce Anesthesia Pc v. Country-
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Art of Healing Medicine v. State American Transit Ins. Co Citimedical I v. N.Y. Central Mut. Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt v. Geico Fiduciary Ins Co of America v. Global Liberty Ins. Co. of NY
Wide Ins. Co.
Dolores Miles Farm Automobile Ins. Co. Active Range Pt Pc v. Avis Rent A Fire Ins. Co General Ins. Co. 18KCV11785 Longevity Medical Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services
Brook Chiropractic of NY Pc (g) v.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Beacon Acupuncture v. Progressive Car System Citimedical I v. NY Central Mutual 18KCV776 Silver Acupuncture v. Supply Inc v. Country Wide Ins. v. Mvaic
State Farm Mutual Automobile
House of God Mission Church, Casualty Ins. Co. Alpha Chiropractic v. Tri State Fire Ins. Co Geico Indem Co Co. Dassa Orthopedic Medical Services
Ins. Co
Inc. Best Physical Therapy v. Avis Rent Consumer Ins. Co. Clear Water Psychological Services Spine Care of Nj v. Country Wide Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile
Bklyn. McDonald Medical Care v.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. A Car System, Inc. Basem Mansour Pt v. Avis Budget Pc v. Geico General Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Ins. Co.
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co.
Karen Perez Bss Medical P.C v. Allstate Ins. Co. Group Colin Clarke M.D. v. Progressive Spring Valley Medical Care v. Geico Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Ea Chiropractic Diagnostics v.
Charles Deng Acupuncture v.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Bss Medical P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Beach Medical Rehabilitation v. Tri Casualty Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co Amica Mutual Ins. Co
Nationwide Ins.
Saratoga Gourmet Grill Corp. 18KCV21692 Charles Deng State Consumer Ins. Co. Columbus Imaging Center LLC v. Spring Valley Medical Care v. Mvaic Longevity Medical Supply, Inc. v. East 19 Medical Supply Corp v.
Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Acupuncture v. State Farm Chc Chiropractic Pc v. Progressive Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. NY Central Mutual Fire Ins. Co Starlite Acupuncture v. Praetorian Country Wide Ins. Co. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co.
Thomas Fama Mutual Auto Ins. Co Casualty Ins. Co 18KCV21591 Chelsea Medical Care Compas Medical v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV11572 Longevity Medical Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Chi P&L Acupuncture v. American Chelsea Medical Care v. American Pc. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Stracar Medical Services v. State Supply, Inc. v. Country Wide Ins. Elrac Inc
Yuberny Coronado Transit Ins. Co. Transit Ins. Co Citimed Services Pa v. Progressive Copiague Chiropractic Pc v. Farm Fire And Casualty Ins. Co. Co. Enterprise Health Prods. Inc v.
Con Ed Co. of New York, Inc. v. Chiropractic Quality Care v. Avis Chi P & L Acupuncture v. Geico Casualty Ins. Co Country Wide Ins. Co. Stracar Medical Services v. State 18KCV30303 Lucas Bottcher v. Liberty Ins. Corp.
Ztronic Trading Inc Rent A Car System, Inc. General Ins. Co. Citimed Services v. State Farm Corona Medical Plaza v. Geico Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ezra Supply Inc v. Global Liberty
Jason Francois v. Lisa Schoman Chirotime v. Avis Rent A Car Commitmentt Care Pt Pc v. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co General Ins. Co. Strategic Medical Initiatives v. Ins. Co Ins. Co. of NY
Times Herald Records v. Hugh System, Inc. American Transit Ins. Co Citimedical I v. American Transit D&R Medical Supply v. Geico Progressive Ins. Co. 18KCV30305 Lucas Bottcher v. Fast Care Medical Diagnostics v.
Ottley City Dental Services v. Geico Dalal Medical Pc v. Maya Assurance Ins. Co. Dalal Medical Pc v. 21st Century Sweetwater Chiropractic v. Geico State Farm Mutual Automobile American Transit Ins. Co
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Casualty Co. Co Diagnostic Imaging of Rockville Security Ins. Co General Ins. Co. Ins. Co First Alternative Plm Acupuncture
City Wide Health Facility v. 21st Englewood Orthopedics Group Pc v. Centre Pc v. Nat. Liability & Fire Demetrios Karakizis v. State Farm Sylvia Lobo v. Country Wide Ins. 18KCV30306 Lucas Bottcher v. v. Country-Wide Ins. Co.
Motion Century Centennial Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. Ins Co Fire & Casualty Co. Co. State Farm Mutual Automobile First Alternative Plm Acupuncture
408 St Johns LLC v. Matilda Colin Clarke M.D. v. Progressive Excellent Choice Pharmacy v. Energy Chiropractic. P.C v. State Dr. Ihab Ibrahim v. NY Central T & S Medical Supply Corp v. Ins. Co v. American Country Ins. Co
Bartholemew Casualty Ins. Co. Ameriprise Ins. Co Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Mutual Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. Lv Medical Diagnostic Servcies v. First Alternative Plm Acupuncture
18KCV11707 Brian Johnson v. Cpm Med Supply, Inc. v. NYC Office Full Spine Chiropractic of NY v. Ezra Supply Inc v. State Farm Fire Dr. Nicholas P. Martin v. Country T & S Medical Supply Corp. v. American Transit Ins. Co. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile
Toomas Poll of Comptroller Nat. General Assurance And Casualty Co. Wide Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. Lv Medical Diagnostic Services Pc Ins. Co. Pip/bi Claims
Bklyn. Union Gas Co. v. Salvanita 18KCV23814 Ea Chiropractic Greenwell Acupuncture v. First Spine Chiropractic of NY v. Dr. Orenbakh Psychologist v. Tam Medical Supply v. Country v. American Transit Ins. Co. Fjl Medical Service v. State Farm
Foster Diagnostics v. Nat. Liability & Nationwide Ins. Co. of America State Farm Mutual Automobile Country-Wide Ins Co Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV26882 Maiga Prods. v. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.
Cavalry Spv I v. Citibank Fire Ins. Co. 18KCV22055 Harmony Ins. Co Drd Medical v. Country Wide Titan Pharmacy v. Country Wide Kemper Ins. Co. 18KCV24949 Gc Chiropractic P.C
Con Ed Co. of NY v. Theodore Easy Care Acupuncture v. Lincoln Acupuncture v. State Farm Fire Health Balance Medical v. Country Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Manhattan Beach Pharmacy Inc v. v. Mta Bus Co. (college Point
Fleischman—adj. 03/08 General Ins. Co. & Casualty Co. Wide Ins. Co. Dunamis Rehab Pt. Pc. v. Travelers Total Chiropractic v. Hereford American Transit Ins Co Depot)
Jacqueline Blue v. Joseph Philip Emc Health Prods. Inc v. Nat. Impulse Imaging P.C v. State Farm Jfl Medical Care v. Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Ins. Co Medalliance Medical Health 18KCV22184 Gc Chiropractic P.C v.
Marianna Ilyasova v. Leemar Mgt. Liability & Fire Ins Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV23814 Ea Chiropractic Ugp Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Progressive Ins.
18KCV15380 Shabana Baloch v. Englewood Orthopedics Group Pc v. Ketan D Vora Do v. Geico General Jj & R Chiropractic v. State Farm Diagnostics v. Nat. Liability & 18KCV20935 Ugp Acupuncture v. Medford Chiropractic v. Ameriprise Gentlecare Ambulatory Anesthesia
Dover Leasing Ltd. Partnership Nationwide Ins. Co. Ins Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Fire Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co Ins. Co Services v. Country Wide Ins. Co. | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 41

18KCV22055 Harmony 18KCV23305 Bss Medical P.C v. Standard Care P.T. P.C. v. State Ewart Scarlett v. Perkis Cpa P.C. 6098/18 Omeragic v. Omeragic—5- 714451/16 Fishel v. Motato 708949/16 Villegas v. Forest Hills 702394/18 Harvey v. Auburn
Acupuncture v. State Farm Fire State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Harmony Acupuncture v. State STRAUSS 711201/17 Fleischer v. Ungar Chateau Leasing Ltd.
& Casualty Co. 18KCV23674 Bss Medical P.C. v. 18KCV20541 Success Rehab Pt v. Farm Fire & Casualty Co. 1894/18 Page v. Roberts—5- 705094/18 Florez v. Tgi Fridays, Inc. 703552/17 Wang v. Mule 705275/18 Hemmings v. Edmonds
Jackson Heights Wellness v. State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co Jamron Colin v. Progressive STRAUSS 703989/16 Franz v. Diaz 708937/16 Yoon v. Cioffi 708845/17 Hernandez v. Rehman
Fiduciary Ins Co of America 18KCV23684 Bss Medical P.C. v. T & S Medical Supply Corp v. Casualty Ins. Co. 8610/18 Ramlakhan v. 704718/18 Fude v. Yan 712495/16 Zhou v. Karmily Associates Inc.
16KCV23438 Jamaica Wellness State Farm Fire And Casualty Country Wide Ins. Co. Lenex Services v. Mvaic Ramlakhan—5-STRAUSS 715547/16 Gao v. Ean Hldgs. LLC 706800/18 Herrera v. Alexander
Medical v. State Farm Fire And Ins. Co. Ugp Acupuncture v. Mvaic 18KCV16323 Lenex Services v. 1344/18 Tan-Velez v. Cadena—5- 342/17 Garzon v. 68-60 Austin St. Trial Scheduling 1511/18 Imperial Homes Rlty. Inc. v.
Casualty Co. Charles Deng Acupuncture v. Urgent Chiropractic Care v. Mvaic STRAUSS 702439/17 Geico General Ins. v. Part —City Persaud
17KCV7265 Jamaica Wellness Country Wide Ins. Co. Nationwide Ins Co Longevity Medical Supply Inc 7227/18 Thompson v. Thompson— Cloro Corp. Justice Martin J. Schulman 702531/18 Johnson v. Arthur
Medical v. State Farm Mutual Charles Deng Acupuncture v. State Vs Sunrise Medical v. Nationwide v. Plaza Ins. Co. D/b/a Plaza 5-STRAUSS 714012/17 Gertner v. Luxor Motor 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 717588/17 Joo v. Huidobro
Automobile Ins. Companty Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Affinity Ins. Co. Indemnity Co. 4735/18 Walker v. Walker—5- Cars, Inc. Jamaica, N.Y. 70/18 Joseph v. Pacheco
Janet Bardini Acupuncture P.C v. Charles Deng Acupuncture v. Vsl Acupuncture v. Country Wide 18KCV7754 Lvov Acupuncture v. STRAUSS 899/15 Golds Plumbing Corp v. J.R. 718-298-1006 702918/18 Julevic v. Curnolgs
American Country Ins. Co Zipcar Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Co Grech Const. Corp Ctrm: 718-298-1048 4613/18 Jung v. Lapa
Order To Show Cause
Jpm Physical Therapy v. Geico Citi Medical I v. Country Wide W.H.O. Acupuncture v. Metro. Maxim Tyorkin v. State Farm 10124/16 Gonzalez v. Paredes Room 25, 9:30 A.M 708846/18 K.H. v. Duroseau
Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Casualty Insurace Co. Mutual Automobile Ins. Co 712558/16 Anderson v. Dean— 2210/15 Govt. Employees v. Zhang 701243/18 Kadakia v. Chandra
Jps Medical P.C. v. Geico General Columbus Imaging Center v. 18KCV19502 Welcome Maxim Tyorkin v. State Farm Butler Jianling Compliance 1154/18 Kandkhorov v. Vykhovanets
Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Liberty Mutual Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. 1076/19 Baldeo v. NYC Office of— 707418/17 Harrison v. Singh Conference Part 703656/18 Kazandjian v. McCloskey
Jps Medical P.C. v. Progressive 18KCV24942 Cooper Chiropractic Fire Ins. Co Maximum Physical Therapy v. CALORAS 717093/17 Hodge v. Massachusetts Justice Joseph J. Esposito Kevin
Ins. Co. v. Farmers Ins. 18KCV24907 Welcome Hertz Claim Mgt. 702727/19 Dujour v. Signature Leasing Lp 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 708012/18 Khanai v. Mta Long
Jules Francois Parisien v. Ace 18KCV21548 Cooper Chiropractic Chiropractic v. Liberty Mutual Medical Records Retrieval Inc v. Financial LLC—Modica 707294/17 Hong v. Zhao Jamaica, N.Y. Island RR.
American Ins. Co v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Fire Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 703107/19 Hernandez v. Edge 700730/17 Howlader v. Matin 718-298-1089 706146/18 Kinsler v. Bryant
Jules Francois Parisien v. Avis Direct Chiropractic Care v. State Xvv v. Mapfre Ins. Co NYC Madison Ave Med Pc v. Taekwondo—Livote 714907/16 Ilyayev v. Uruchima Crtrm: 718-298-1093 710933/18 Kopczynski v. Bennett
Budget Car Rental Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Yellow River Acupuncture v. Geico Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Co. 703000/19 Malibu Island v. 705473/16 Jallow v. Zulu Services Room 313, 9:30 A.M. 704920/18 Krumm v. Malcolm
Jules Francois Parisien v. Country Pip/bi Claims Ins. Co. Orion Supplies Inc v. American American Home—Dufficy Inc 705125/18 Kwon v. Georges
Direct Chiropractic Care v. Elrac Yellowstone Medical Rehabilitation Transit Ins. Co 703204/19 Mitchell v. For Leave To 6131/17 Jimenez v. Shahid Prior to making a motion 702439/18 Lakhram v. Caruso
Wide Ins. Co.
Inc. v. 21st Century Ins Co 18KCV2290 Orion Supplies Inc v. Settle Claim—Latin 709153/17 Johnson v. State Farm in the Compliance Settlement 717773/17 Lalehzari v. 85-02 139th
Jules Francois Parisien v. Zipcar
18KCV18045 Ditmas Primary Zg Chiropractic Care v. First American Transit Ins. Co 1083/19 Sears v. Sears—Viscovich Ins. Co. Conference Part, moving attor- Rlty. LLC
C/o Corp. Service Co.
Medical Care v. Ameriprise Ins. Acceptance Ins. Co. 18KCV1504 Physical Infinity Other 707444/15 Keco v. Urena ney must execute an affirma- 708106/18 Lee v. Shi
Laurus Acupuncture v. State Farm
Co Medical v. American Transit Ins. 366/18 Kim v. Bareno tion, a copy of which is avail- 707394/18 Lemus v. Desiderio
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Part 11 R 716723/18 Fareverse LLC I/L/T/N/ v.
18KCV15702 Dla Physician Co 715825/17 King v. George able in Courtroom 313, which 2097/18 Luxey v. Gever
18KCV12230 Longevity Medical Martin—Leverett
Assistant Pc v. State Farm 18KCV1507 Professional Rehab 1115/17 Kiyko v. Edghill will be affixed to the face of the 701665/18 Marquez v. Bruno
Supply Inc v. Country Wide Ins. 717359/18 Reverse Mortgage
Mutual Automobilie Ins. Co. 9966/15 L v. The Estate of Irene motion, indicating that mov- 700739/18 Martinez v. Jordan
Co. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Physical Therapy v. American Solutions v. Jackson—LOVE
Dr. Bruce Jacobson Dc Pc v. Ladas ant had contacted Chambers 701925/18 Martins v. NYC
Longevity Medical Supply, Inc. v. Transit Ins. Co 707608/17 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc.
Hereford Ins. Co. 9:30 A.M. 3649/16 Lalicata v. Starbucks Coffee at 718-298-1093, and has held 2907/18 Mayers v. Mayers
Geico Ins. Co. 18KCV2048 Prompt Medical Supply v. Heirs And Distributees—
Dr. Joseph J. Mazella v. Geico Co. a telephone conference with 709820/18 McLennon v. Stapleton
18KCV25841 Loyalty Physical Inc v. American Transit Ins. Co CALORAS
Ins Co Trial: Bench 714793/16 Lawrence v. Batta the court and all parties in a 707790/18 Miller v. Jackson
Therapy v. Permanent General 18KCV18652 Regal Acupuncture
18KCV23325 Dr. William Cooper v. 19KCV919 Con Ed C of P of Y of F Preliminary Conference 4438/18 Lawrence v. Lawrence good-faith effort to resolve the 706049/18 Mogrovejo v. Hossain
Assurance Corp Pc v. State Farm Fire & Casualty
Integon Nat. Ins. Co. N.Y. v. Stephen Joseph 700562/18 Archer v. Rigo Limo- 472/16 Lee v. Kreit issues raised by the motion 708742/18 Mohammed v. Salem
Lvov Acupuncture v. Allstate Fire Co.
18KCV23702 Dr. William Cooper v. Auto—Gavrin 3818/17 Lee v. Manohar (see, 22 NYCRR 202.7[a], 711286/17 Moore v. Hopper Home
Casualty Ins Co FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Significant Care Pt v. NYCTA
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. 715013/17 Aziane v. Hossain— 706584/14 Levine v. Long Island RR. 202.12[j]). All such motions LLC
Lvov Acupuncture v. Allstate Fire Skaparas Health Prods. v. State
Dynamic Surgery Center LLC v. 9:30 A.M. Buggs 714270/17 Lin Gan Luo As Parent shall be made returnable on 707129/18 Morillo v. Esteves
Casualty Ins. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co
Elrac Inc., D/b/a/ Enterprise 706356/17 Bailey v. Palacios—Risi And v. Neros Hacking LLC Mondays only. Mandatory Espinal
18KCV17999 Lvov Acupuncture v. Trial: Bench St. Sebastian Medical P.C. v.
Rent-A-Car 714049/18 Bartowski v. 708698/15 Liu v. Jo appearance shall be required 707508/18 Morone v. Nat. RR.
Progressive Ins. Co. Progressive Ins. Co.
East Flatbush Medical v. Elco 19KCV2595 The Bklyn. Union Gas Velasquez—Taylor 709989/15 Major v. Siddique of all parties. Passenger
18KCV21775 Master Cheng Sutphin Complete Medical Care Pc
Acupuncture v. Mercury Casualty Administrative Services Co. v. David Nickle v. Hertz Claim Mgt. 711092/18 Basile v. NYC—E. Hart 4231/16 Mancuso v. Sinai I, Inc. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 12417/17 Musaji v. Barnett
Ins. Co. Eden Medical v. Ameriprise Ins. Co Third Ave. Open Mri v. Mvaic 713976/18 Brown v. Network 4036/17 Mata v. Grand & Main 708545/18 Nadal Quezada v. Zerriny
Part 61 Compliance Conference 3186/18 Ngucaj v. Deboer Media
18KCV8087 Master Cheng 18KCV20525 Elegance Rehab Pt v. 18KCV19988 Total Chiropractic v. Infrastructure—Gavrin Realt Corp.
Acupuncture v. State Farm Liberty Mutual Fire Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. 708718/18 Cabeza v. Khaamar 705243/17 Mazzeo v. Gierum 707465/18 Ahmed v. Romero And Group Corp
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Energy Chiropractic v. State Farm TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18KCV19989 Total Chiropractic v. Baari—Gavrin 703986/16 Mistretta v. Waterbridge 701963/18 Aranda v. Kwon 717011/17 Ninnisai v. Doe
18KCV8092 Master Cheng Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. 705276/17 Cako v. Liu—Sampson Court Square 707669/18 Ardelean v. Vinci 704430/18 Nowosielski v. Smitell
Acupuncture v. State Farm Enjoy Care Pt v. State Farm 9:30 A.M. 709280/17 Clarke v. Waal—Latin 707275/16 Mordini v. Mordini 713144/17 Arredondo v. Time Sponsor LLC
Automobile Ins. Co. Part 69 702534/18 Cornish v. 84th Drive 709240/15 Motwani v. Kaur Warner Cable 708881/18 Omar Nayl v. Grasso
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Trial: Bench
Medalliance Medical Health Enjoy Care Pt v. Travelers Ins. Homes, Inc.—McDonald 705603/16 Munoz v. Youtube 99 708634/18 Barrett v. Muhammad- 710141/18 Oseisefah v. Singh
Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Enjoy Care Pt v. State Farm Fire 18KCV19297 Cavalry Spv I v. Angel 707681/17 Cox v. NYCHA—Risi Cents & Up Starling 703094/18 Ovando v. Doe
Andrade—adj. 02/26 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 714251/16 Nowak v. 17-11 Linden 705670/18 Begum v. Anerella 716970/17 Parker v. Lin
Medcare Supply Inc v. Mapfre And Casualty Co. 707724/18 Dash v. 8919 Tenants
Ins. Co Ezra Supply Inc v. Nationwide 18KCV19015 Cavalry Spv I v. Scott 2:30 P.M. Corp.—Butler Partners LLC 703303/18 Bonham v. Pearson 702494/18 Parmar v. Diaz
Mega Aid Pharmacy I v. Country Affinity Ins Co of America Griffin—adj. 02/26 706444/16 Dubuisson v. Western 11928/16 Obiegbu v. Forrest 12360/17 Bravo v. Cacuando 14350/16 Perez v. Ahmed
Wide Ins. Co. Ezra Supply Inc v. Global Liberty 18KCV18336 Cavalry Spv I v. Motion Express, Inc.—Livote 713775/16 Pak v. Chin 708833/17 Brown v. Atiq 4967/18 Pickering v. Motor Vehicle
Mega Aid Pharmacy I v. Country- Ins. Co. of NY Wanda B Valdez—adj. 02/26 Metro Psychological Services v. 709314/14 Eborn v. Metro.—Brown 8069/16 Park v. Poccia 3540/18 Byrd v. Salsabeal Rlty. Accident
Wide Ins. Co. Flatlands Medical P.C. v. Geico 18KCV19117 Discover Bank v. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. 713205/17 Empress Fields v. Gold— 310/16 Pierre-Louis v. Ellis 700351/18 Caplanian v. NY 707007/18 Pickney v. Astudillo
Metro. Surgical Services v. State Ins Co Juanita J Rodriguez—adj. 09/20 Rockland Family Medical Care v. Healy 3964/17 Quintana v. Rodrigues Rehabilitation 703529/18 Pierre v. Hill
Forest Hills Medical & Diagnostic 18KCV18966 Ej Rlty. v. Theresa Ids Prop. Casualty Ins Co 701178/16 Esposito v. NYC—E. Hart 707976/16 Reddi v. Mahabir 711325/17 Century Homes Rlty. 706612/18 Pimentel v. Brown
Farm Fire & Casualty Co.
Services P.C v. State Farm Digatano—adj. 02/26 713944/18 Extech Bldg. Materials 714768/16 Roberto G. Colangelo v. Group LLC v. Cheng 717066/17 Pliakas v. Patlias
Msb Physical Therapy v. Zipcar C/o
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Lvnv Funding LLC v. Juana v. T.G. Nickel & Associates— Duldulao 709401/18 Chang v. Xu 707798/18 Punch v. Motor Vehicle
Corp. Service Co.
18KCV25422 Full Spine Maldonado—adj. 02/26 Leverett 701629/18 Rochdale Ins. Co. v. 708925/18 Cirino-Rivera v. Lewis Accident
Myrtle Ave. Trading LLC v. Liberty
Chiropractic of NY v. State Farm Matt Cab Corp v. Pedro J 713023/17 Faizulkabir v. Khati— Fairview Nursing Care Jamel 716419/17 Quashie v. Japat
Mutual Main
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Pucacepeda—adj. 02/26 Brown 713123/17 Roopnarine v. American 703463/18 Croom v. Robertson Enterprises, Inc.
Myrtle Ave. Trading LLC v. Mvaic
New Millennium Medical Imaging
v. The Hertz Corp.
Garden State Neuro Stimulation
Pllc v. Liberty Mutual Group
18KCV17172 Muhammad Quyyam
v. Victor Bobb Agency—adj.
Queens 713642/18 Figueroa Campos v.
715301/17 Ruffin v. Karamullah
2688/18 Deutsch v. Deutsch
717699/17 Diaz v. 21-02 21st LLC
711968/17 Rodriguez v. Toribio
9886/17 Roldan v. NY Wheel
702191/18 Rosenblatt Lois v.
719759/18 Finisterre v. Abreu 705362/16 Salazar v. Ellis 710220/16 Du v. Con Ed Co.
18KCV19503 Nikon Licensed Ge Medical Supply v. Geico General
Ins. Co. Rechargable Transit LLC v. Medina—Buggs 1791/17 Sanchez v. Deosaran 702681/18 Dugue v. Prophete Promenade Nursing Home, Inc.
Clinical Social Work v. Liberty
Hamza Physical Therapy Pllc v. Mohammed Abul Khayer 715593/17 Fontaine v. Lopez— 1847/16 Sanchez v. Nordica Soho 716004/17 Edwards v. Lassissi 702145/18 Saduzai v. Hvt Inc
Mutual Fire Ins. Co
Nationwide Affinity Ins. Co. of WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Brown LLC 706996/18 Eng v. Caporina 11245/17 Salas v. Fernandez
18KCV25839 North Valley Medical
America 709272/17 Fuertes v. Carpenter— 10171/17 Saugh v. Singh 703230/18 Espina v. Tl54 Rlty. LLC 559/18 Sanchez v. Paltielov
v. Permanent General Assurance
Corp. 18KCV22807 Harmony 9:30 A.M. SUPREME COURT Risi 712237/16 Selene Finance Lp v. 715378/16 Feliciano v. Bonilla 706817/18 Sandoval v. O’Connell
Acupuncture v. State Farm Fire 710563/17 G. v. Mitchell—Greco, Monroe 8428/18 Gedeon v. Gedeon 5403/18 Sarmiento Maria v.
Ocean View Medical Care v. Geico Trial: Bench
And Casualty Co JR. 714769/17 Singh v. Jacob 702158/18 Gorwitz v. Whitsons Food Sarmiento Luis
Ins. Co.
Professional Health Imaging v. Avis Harry Keith Monroe M.D. v. State 18KCV17987 724 East 27th St. LLC
v. Shukrat Kashimawo—adj.
Individual 707796/17 Galloway v. Ampudia— 702446/17 State Farm Mutual Service 717878/17 Scott v. Cea
5629/17 Sheehan v. Sheehan
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Dufficy Automobile v. Auto Sales Inc. 702153/18 Gosine v. Steiner
Rent A Car System, Inc.
Pt Outcome v. Nat. Liability & Fire (atlanta) 02/27 Assignment 710653/17 Garcia v. Ye—Latin 4953/16 Sultan v. Fatheullah 707989/18 Huntington v. Stavile 712055/17 Sherpa v. Danciu
18KCV18977 American Express 9394/17 Simeon v. Zhagnay
Ins. Co. Healing Art Acupuncture v. First
Acceptance Ins. Co. Nat. Bank v. Aaron Novak—adj. Parts 714704/17 Greer v. Santiago—
712246/17 Torres v. Gang
1721/17 Turner v. Henry
706915/18 Husain v. Reinoso
702667/18 James v. Amistad 706364/18 Sinclair v. Hillside Ave.
Pt Outcome v. Elrac Inc 02/27
Healthplus Surgery Center v. The following matters 718609/18 Guerrero Urgiles v. 44 W. 706641/16 Valiotis v. Pilavas 2802/18 Jeudy v. Sylvain 718019/17 Singh v. Roman
Pt Outcome v. American Transit 18KCV24025 Bklyn. Kings Hwy.
Country Wide Ins. Co. were assigned to the Justices 28 Penn Plaza—Latin 705208/17 Vasquez v. Desimone 706034/18 Kim v. Alvarez 706444/18 Singh v. Sun
Ins. Co. Anesthesiologists v. Tarique 707446/18 Sm v. American Multi-
Healthplus Surgery Center v. Ids named below. These actions/ 709037/17 Haimov v. Singh—Latin 701205/17 Vattel v. Knipel 701276/18 Kim v. Rohan
Pt Outcome v. Elrac Inc Johnson—adj. 02/27 Cinema
Prop. Casualty Ins Co proceedings were assigned 702059/19 Harrell v. Gibbs Rubbish 714390/16 Waring v. L.J. Cerullo, 704183/18 Laroche v. Signorile
Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins Co Ftema Raysor v. Con Ed C of P of Y 714938/17 Smith v. Shabbir
Impulse Imaging P.C v. State Farm as a result of the filing of Removal—Dufficy Inc. 7442/18 Lee v. Lee
Reliable Cpm Surgical Supply Inc v. of F N.Y.—adj. 02/27 707513/18 Son v. Sagaria
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. a notice of motion or peti- 717856/18 Jackson v. 706727/16 Wnetrzak v. Averick 704941/18 Lee v. Dieye
Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV10794 Ftema Raysor v. Nat. 701781/18 Song v. Stoll
Island Life Chiropractic v. Country tion with a Request for Ramnarayan—Gavrin 12500/15 Woods v. Parker Mgt. New 705479/18 Lee v. Weiss
Robert P. Luca v. Stae Farm Mutual Grid—adj. 02/27 21721/13 State Farm Mutual v.
Wide Ins. Co. Judicial Intervention. In non 712340/16 Jia v. Lin—McDonald 702086/16 Workneh v. Melmel LLC 700638/18 Lewis v. Best Western
Automobile Ins. Co. Ftema Raysor v. Shinda Mgt.—adj. Walter
J.C. Healing Touch Rehab v. First Matrimonial and non Article 718743/18 Jimenez v. Mignano— 702799/17 Yoon v. Acquavella Int’l
S & R Medical. P.C. v. American 02/27 702941/18 State Farm Mutual
Acceptance Ins. Co. 81 filings, the initial notice Dufficy WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 712572/17 Ljubicich v. Kim
Transit Ins. Co. 18KCV20426 Lamar Pierre v. Automobile v. Obi-Udom
Jamaica Wellness Medical v. Lm of motion or petition will be 711193/17 Kaykov v. Sheth— 703293/18 Lohwasser v. Gravagna
Schottenstein Pain & Neuro Pllc v. Reynold A. Davy—adj. 02/27 707142/18 Stephens v. Rana
General Ins Co administratively rescheduled Leverett Trial 702843/18 Mazumder v. Juca
Geico General Ins. Co. 18KCV8195 Lvnv Funding LLC v. 706252/18 Tejada v. Falero
Jcc Medical Pc v. Country Wide to the following week before 718318/18 Kettle v. Bek—Leverett 17644/14 Alam v. Cafagna 702199/18 Miller v. Manzo
Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt Pc v. Elsie Velez—adj. 02/27 703050/18 Terry v. 44th Drive Lic
Ins. Co. the assigned Justice on their 703025/17 Kim v. Lee—Grays 713194/16 Ali v. Suarez 706884/18 Montenegro v. Chesson
State Farm Mutual Automobile 703144/18 Tikyani v. Pal Trucking,
Jfl Medical Care v. State Farm THURSDAY, FEB. 28 motion day. 703008/17 Kong v. Prestige Care, 1739/16 Ayeku v. Lutero 704561/18 Moscoso v. Felix Brother,
Ins. Co Inc.
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Inc.—Taylor 702781/17 Barnes v. Astoria Fed. Inc.
Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt v. 9:30 A.M. Individual Assignment 714404/18 Kwon v. Gustafson— 705197/18 Nicola v. Pilosov 703049/18 Toribio v. Briarwood
Integon Nat. Ins. Co. Joseph Bater v. American Transit Savings
Ins. Co
Parts Latin 704886/18 Oreagan v. Cintron Associates L.P.
Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt v. Trial: Bench 712289/16 Barrett v. Deocharran
Joseph Bater v. American Transit MONDAY, FEB. 25 710419/17 Likaj v. Ivascu—Leverett 706037/18 Orellana v. Steinway 2235/18 Vasiliou v. Cordes
Maidstone Ins Co 18KCV27173 Capital One Bank 713210/16 Blagrove v. Napier
Ins. Co. 714049/17 Mahalla v. NYC Dept.— Terminal 702591/18 Vasquez v. Mayancelas
Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt v. Geico (USA) v. John A Khokhar—adj. Motion 701563/17 Borges v. Modell’s
Jules Francois Parisien v. Kerrigan 705774/18 Owens v. Public 706598/18 Velasquez v. Travez
General Ins. Co. 02/28 Sporting Goods, Inc.
Ameriprise Ins. Co 700223/19 Agostino & Associates v. 713160/17 Mahmood v. Administrator Transportation
Sovera Medical Supply Corp. v. 18KCV19007 Cavalry Spv I v. 713265/15 Calle v. Cornell Tech
Jules Francois Parisien v. Amica Mellis—Greco, JR. Aucanshala—Weiss 705638/18 Pena v. Pena 706067/18 Vivanco v. Balram
Fiduciary Ins. Co. of America Zachery Wood—adj. 02/28 712445/16 Camacho v. Tse
Mutual Ins. Co 719798/18 American Express Nat. 708587/17 Mamun v. Teodosio— 12269/17 Perdichizzi v. Perdichizzi 708750/18 Wang v. Wang
Spring Valley Acupuncture v. 17KCV14620 Credit Corp Solutions 713117/15 Capital One Nat. v. Roza
Jules Francois Parisien v. Country Bank v. Asap Towing Inc. Dba CALORAS 5349/18 Pereira v. Lopez 2209/18 Wang v. Doe
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Inc v. Von Christie—adj. 02/28 14w LLC
Wide Ins. Co. Asap—Latin 717070/18 Marquez v. 171 Tenants 3602/18 Pickering v. Edwards 10295/17 Webb v. Belalcazar
18KCV24285 Spring Valley 18KCV24231 Daniel A. Veras v. 713280/16 Cardella v. Geico General
Jules Francois Parisien v. Metlife 716192/18 Anthony v. Mathus— Corp—Leverett 703666/18 Ponte v. Richardson 709689/18 Weinstein v. Lyons
Acupuncture v. Progressive Felix Oscar Rodriguez—adj. Ins.
Auto & Home LOVE 712587/17 Mieloszyk v. Parra— 709735/18 Prince v. Rosales 707438/18 Wesley v. Paramount
Casualty Ins. Co. 02/28 707166/17 Chen v. Meloni
Jules Francois Parisien v. Zipcar 340/19 Argentine Leasing v. NYS Healy 702493/17 Provost v. Didar Supermarket Inc
18KCV34076 Spring Valley 18KCV15380 Shabana Baloch 703008/16 Chun v. Morrow
Jules Francois Parisien v. Zipcar Div.—Leverett 714337/18 Moncayo v. Accardi- 715595/17 Quan v. Lasorsa 709142/18 West v. Genting NY LLC
Acupuncture v. Progressive v. Dover Leasing Ltd. 14552/16 Coleman v. Rochdale
C/o Corp. Service Co. 703314/18 Bank of America v. Mccabe—Buggs 702704/18 Robinson-Pierre v. D/b/a
Casualty Ins. Co. Partnership—adj. 02/28 Village
Jules Francois Parisien v. Country Sumasar—Velasquez 1711/18 Mullen v. NYC—Brown Mensah 2860/18 Williams v. Bowling
Spring Valley Acupuncture v. 18KCV16256 Shabana Baloch v. 709775/16 Corpin v. Derive Tech.
Wide Ins. Co. 712403/17 Beverage One Inc. v. 706836/18 Neiman v. Hernandez- 706560/18 Rocco v. Kim 705086/18 Williams v. Tira Hldg.
Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Dover Leasing Lp—adj. 02/28 LLC
Kazu Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. Goodfellas Beverage Inc.— Ramos—Gavrin 1092/18 Rosado George v. Corp
Standard Care P.T.P.C. v. Mvaic 17KCV25317 Shirley Cooper v. 12772/07 Cumberbatch v. Flushing
(750 Woodbury Road) Sampson 706513/17 Nolivos v. 116 Univ.— Simunovil Adam 702564/18 Williams v. Xiao
Strategic Medical Initiatives v. Sears Roebuck And Co.—adj. Manor Nursing
Kazu Acupuncture v. State Farm 5484/18 Brown v. Nypd Police—E. McDonald 704798/18 Salvador v. Vera 703886/18 Williams v. Moore
Progressive Ins. Co. 02/28 702131/17 Curatolo v. Khodabash
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Pip/ Hart 706012/17 Nunez v. Directv—Weiss 1958/18 Samuda v. Salandy 712608/17 Wirth v. Heim
T & S Medical Supply Corp v. 18KCV27174 Velocity Investments 711678/16 Davis v. Pollard
bi Claims 707350/18 Carreno-Reyes v. C. 709188/17 Porras v. Davis—Gavrin 708317/18 Seeram v. Tri-State 702023/18 Zhang v. Yoglino
Country Wide Ins. Co. v. Deon Davis—adj. 02/28 6903/16 Dia v. Howlett
Lantsman Acupuncture v. Farmers Francis Const.—Gavrin 712543/18 Pretto v. Singh—Buggs Consumer Ins. 707403/18 Zhang v. Park Ave. &
Tam Medical Supply v. Country 702728/15 Diallo v. Albrizio
Ins. Co. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 701827/19 Cherry v. NYC—E. Hart 713036/18 Ragusa v. Homegoods, 711134/18 Seiden v. Defoe Corp. 11708/17 Zhao v. Lin
Wide Ins. Co. 701876/17 Dobrzycka v. Maman
19KCV1565 Lefferts Medicine v. 718048/18 Cosma v. 1750 New Inc.—Gavrin 700110/18 Shen v. Petrillo 709877/18 Zorovich v. Taormina-
Tribeca Medical Services v. Mvaic 9:30 A.M. 12247/11 Gauman v. One Whitehall
Ameriprise Ins. Co Hwy.—Leverett 711551/18 Ramos v. 50 Sutton Pl. 710451/18 Singh v. Salam Salce
Ugp Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. L.P.
Lida’s Medical Supply Inc v. 21st Trial: Bench 711213/18 Donkor v. Vanegas— South—Latin 709475/17 Gil v. Flor 703738/18 State Farm Mutual Medical
18KCV18001 United Wellness 708880/17 Rodriguez v. Cuate— Automobile v. Paul
Century Ins. Co. 17KCV1494 Edward Smith v. Ws Latin 715083/16 Gong v. Singh Malpractice Part
Chiropractic P.C v. Progressive Butler 3402/17 Stroman v. McMorrow
Lida’s Medical Supply Inc v. Geico Aftermarket Services Cororation 6169/18 Friedman v. Friedman— 702468/17 Gooch v. Kott
Ins. Co. 710402/17 Sackstein v. Jo-Vin 5786/17 Tomassetti v. Tomassetti Justice Peter O’Donoghue
General Ins. Co. Heritage Indemnity Co.—adj. Taylor 703966/16 Greene v. Napier
Urmas Medical v. Dairyland Ins. Decorators, Inc.—Brown 703900/17 Valentin v. Davalos Room 47
Lida’s Medical Supply Inc v. 03/01 719976/18 Geico General Ins. v. 704140/16 Grice v. Allied Aviation
Co. 709317/17 Sadequzzaman v. 701581/18 Velovic v. First Service Phone (718) 298-1123
Hereford Ins. Co 18KCV26216 Geico v. Kevin Plaza Ins. Co.—Velasquez Service
Utica Park Chiropractic of NY v. Cecil—Healy Residential
Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Hernandez—adj. 03/01 713172/18 Hall v. Ortiz—LOVE 714437/16 Hall v. Greenport TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Allstate Ins. Co. 710948/17 Santarina v. King— 2641/18 Wang v. Chesleigh
Country Wide Ins. Co. 17KCV24165 Jolanta Kulpa 703448/18 Isardatt v. NYC— Preservation L.P.
Vital Points Acupuncture v. Global Weiss 4722/18 Weiser v. Weiser Conference
18KCV10826 Longevity Medical Gubernat v. NYC Office of The Kerrigan 705416/16 Hasan v. White House
Liberty Ins. Co. 713127/18 Jean v. Available Light of 711786/17 Seng v. McFarlane— 526/18 Yun v. Baik
Supply Inc v. Country Wide Ins. Comptroller—adj. 03/01 Veal Corp 702082/17 Angelis v. Boudiette Rn
18KCV23790 Wave Medical New—Greco, JR. Greco, JR. 707334/18 Yushuvayev v. Rosario
Co. 18KCV22326 Linda E. Wall v. 8070/15 Hernandez v. 83-25 Vietor 713426/16 Avena v. Sheskier Md
Services v. Progressive Ins. Co. 711619/18 King v. Wilmont—Gavrin 717049/18 Shi v. Williams—Butler
Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. Galina Feldman—adj. 03/01 Owner Corp WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 700174/16 Dinev v. Grotas
Xiao Acupuncture Care v. Fiduciary 341/19 Kyoto Leasing v. NYS— 710742/18 Shirazi v. Greater
Mvaic 18KCV27093 Samuel Belu John v. 709802/16 Hernandez v. Zheng 700838/16 Drayton v. Jamaica Hosp.
Ins Co of America Leverett Jamaica—Taylor Compliance Conference
Longevity Medical Supply Inc v. David Movtady—adj. 03/01 711671/15 Hsbc Bank USA v. 711039/15 Dziedziach v. Kelly
Yan Z Chiropractic v. Mvaic 706280/18 Lamb v. Bishop—Livote 701032/18 Spears v. Teletemp
Nationwide Ins 18KCV25352 Samuel Davis v. V Carrasco 703193/18 33-24 Northern Blvd. LLC 703910/17 Finazzo v. Kini
Z.M.S. & Y Acupuncture P.C. v. 716063/18 Moussaiid v. Cooling Corp.—Healy
18KCV12234 Longevity Medical McL McR McE McMcdonald— 703688/15 Jerome v. Singh v. Metro. 707499/15 Kokotos-Gadzic v. Szporn
State Farm Mutual Automobile Mordukhayev—Leverett 700206/19 Starayev v. Kredlik—
Supply, Inc. v. Country Wide Ins. adj. 03/01 4538/16 Jones v. Dundar 705464/18 A. v. Tineo 711953/16 Licitra v. Handler
Ins. Co. 713680/18 Nitti v. NYC—Kerrigan Buggs
Co. 713369/16 Julmis v. Kleitsch 704143/18 Abreu v. Cai 705296/15 Lopez-Hernandez v.
MONDAY, MARCH 4 18KCV12235 Longevity Medical MONDAY, MARCH 4 717704/18 Ogle v. Fernandez 713420/17 Tan v. Kissena 710785/16 Kalesioris v. NYC 706220/18 Abusayeed v. Fiorianti Bittman
Supply, Inc. v. Country Wide Ins. 9:30 A.M. Cesar—Kerrigan Properties—E. Hart 701707/15 Kaur v. Surrey Hotel 700796/18 Alarcon v. Lincoln 711077/16 Perez v. Northwell
Motion Co. 719537/18 Orslini v. NYC—E. Hart 710021/17 Thorpe v. 92-18 149th St. 711909/15 Kim v. Cafe Vine, Inc. 702825/18 Alston v. Rodriguez Health
65th St Medical Supply v. Madison Ave. Radiology v. Geico Trial: Bench 389/19 Panama Leasing v. NYS Rlty. Corp.—CALORAS 705915/17 Ku v. Ramirez 705739/18 Anderson v. Grasso 702196/17 Rajah v. Manouel
Nationwide Ins. Co. General Ins. Co. Akeem Bruce v. Natasha Graham— Div.—Leverett 713827/17 Tung v. Messulan— 9990/16 Leon v. Kanas 704499/18 Ardan v. Barun Corp 700682/17 Stanislawski v. Lefkowitz
Ab Quality Health Supply Corp v. Maxim Tyorkin v. Country Wide adj. 03/04 702303/19 Partanio v. NYC— Grays 706583/17 Limbach v. Moir 226/18 Badrinauth v. Edun 713569/17 Sumba v. Cohen
State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. 18KCV23872 American Express Kerrigan 713206/18 Umarova v. Kikirov— Sorrentino 704129/18 Barrett v. Morrison
Ins. Co. Leverett Trial
Maxim Tyorkin v. Geico General Nat. Bank v. Emanuel Freund— 716599/18 Rivas v. Palmeri— 9521/16 Liviganay v. Brecher 704539/18 Bautista v. Mousa
18KCV15420 Accelerated Ins. Co. adj. 03/04 Gavrin 717703/18 Unlayao v. Hauser— 707031/16 Mahjabin v. Coleman 702058/18 Benis v. Meadowlark 713139/15 Osuagwu v. Eihab
Chiropractic v. Farmers Ins. Co. Medcare Supply Inc v. American 18KCV23850 American Express 4213/17 Rivera Benjamin v. Dufficy 711438/15 Maitland v. Toledo Gardens Human Services
Accelerated Dme Recovery v. State Country Ins. Co. Nat. Bank v. Shaindy Weiser— Manifest Destiny—Livote 713712/16 Wallace v. Noorhassan— 713797/16 Mancusi v. Boudouvas 717775/17 Berel v. Banach 710106/16 Persuad v. Majeed
Farm Fire & Casualty Co. Medford Chiropractic v. Ameriprise adj. 03/04 700863/18 Rodrigues v. Burgos— CALORAS 7670/16 Mangal v. Rajib 12457/17 Berry v. Normil 707958/14 Signore v. Choy
Accredited Medical Supply v. State Ins. Co 18KCV24502 Anna Gorga Soderini BALTER 710455/17 Zheng v. Catalano— 702901/16 McCray v. Kitt 3621/17 Beyer v. Beyer WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Medical Supply of NY Corp. v. v. Michael K. Builders—adj. 713319/18 Salgado v. Bosch—E. Velasquez 708156/15 McGowan v. Snyder 705261/18 Bolin v. Gallagher
Active Care Medical Supply v. Nationwide Ins. Co 03/04 Hart 707088/16 Meirov v. Tikvah Aa 705529/18 Braunstein v. Vales Conference
Country Wide Ins. Co. 18KCV16573 Metro. Surgical 18KCV16130 B of K of F America v. 714459/18 Sanford v. Pierre 702528/16 Merchant v. NYCTA Const. 708072/17 Bhuiyan v. Germain Do
18KCV28318 Actual Chiropractic v. Services v. Hereford Ins. Co Louis—Greco, JR. 715448/18 Midfirst Bank v.
Andrea Gentles—adj. 03/04 13260/15 Miceli v. Kew Gardens 709628/18 Breuning v. Petgrave 703346/16 Castelli v. Lee
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co Miisupply v. Country Wide Ins. Co. 707012/18 Santos v. Jjdrj Dev. Simms—McDonald
18KCV30758 Capital One Bank Hills LLC. 710184/17 Broughton v. Sattar 700645/17 Harickdeo v. Hughes
Adjust For Life Chiropractic v. Msb Physical Therapy v. State Farm (USA) v. Daniel Rubinov—adj. Inc.—Weiss 700808/17 Monaco v. Resorts World 706385/18 Brown v. Thomas 715221/16 Lee v. The NY Hosp.
Omni Ins. Co Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. 03/04 711540/18 Sau v. NYC—E. Hart Trial Scheduling Casino 700350/18 Capers v. Blachorsk 702046/17 Pappert v. Sorin
Advanced Spinal Care New Millennium Medical Imaging 18KCV20384 David Brodsky v. 711831/18 Td Bank v. Silvagnoli— Part 11929/16 Morales v. Persaud 701805/18 Capito v. Spring Rock 704224/14 Rodriguez v. Floral
Rehabilitation P.A v. American v. Ameriprise Ins. Co. Trump Village Section 3—adj. LOVE 712674/16 Ndukwe v. Marchany Golf Center Inc. Dental Care
Country Ins. Co Justice Jeremy S. Weinstein
New Millennium Medical Imaging 03/04 716110/18 U.S. Bank v. Dept. of 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 701291/17 Osmond v. Zabar 702349/18 Carney v. Harrison 702991/17 Tucci v. Bernstein
19KCV1085 Ale Chiropractic P.C v. v. Mapfre Ins. Co. of NY 17KCV31549 Ford Motor Credit Co. Housing—Kerrigan 706548/16 Osorio v. Raad Limos, 700354/18 Casiano v. Fisco
Ctrm718-298-1048 Trial
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. New Millennium Pain & Spine LLC v. Lorielle J Braxton—adj. 710159/18 Vasco v. Ha—Kerrigan Inc. 12296/17 Cepeda v. Parkash 315
Room 25, 9:30 A.M 710106/16 Persuad v. Majeed
Alexander Kolesnikov Medical v. Medicine Pc v. Tri State 03/04 704884/18 Washington v. Kaur— 712589/16 Pan v. Yang LLC
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Consumer Ins. Co. 18KCV20230 Tracey Moore v. Leverett TUESDAY, FEB. 26 712198/16 Pantosin v. 41 West 34th 702866/18 Cevallos v. Royal Express 702512/16 Ronda v. Schulze
Art of Healing Medicine v. Elrac Ocean View Medical Care v. Geico Michael Vetere—adj. 03/04 713723/16 Wells Fargo Bank v. St. Line Corp Part 2
Inc., D/b/a/ Enterprise Rent- Ins Co Kaziyeva—Velasquez Trial 710716/16 Pantzialas v. Akarca 706823/18 Chagray v. Good Guys
A-Car Optimum Health Acupuncture v. Part 63 706643/15 Alma Rlty. Corp. v. 712677/16 Park v. Ean Hldgs. LLC NYC
Justice Allan B. Weiss
Arthur Ave. Medical Services P.C v. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.
Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. FRIDAY, FEB. 22 Dabbah 713315/15 Parker v. Zurich North 702070/18 Chen v. Rodriguez
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Jamaica, N.Y.
Optimum Health Acupuncture v. 714064/17 Andrade Vintimilla v. America 701338/17 Coba v. Mpr Cab NYC
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Ctrm:718-298-1054
Arthur Ave. Medical Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Motion Barnes 707249/17 Perlongo Jr v. Meltzer LLC
Geico Ins Co Room 46, 9:30 A.M.
Pierre J Renelique Physician v. 2:15 P.M. 4640/18 Alli-Ramdass v. Mtglq 708894/16 Apolaya v. Sailema 711575/16 Popo v. Meer 1735/17 Cruz-Perez v. Tapkia
Beacon Acupuncture v. Ids Prop. Repwest Ins. Co. Investors—Latin 711189/15 Araujo v. Delia 17764/12 Qureshi v. Polkampally 709658/17 D’Amico v. Dayton WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Casualty Ins Co Precision Acupuncture v. Mvaic Motion 702629/17 Baik v. Jennings 701073/17 Rahman v. Montesdeoca Towers Corportation
Beacon Acupuncture v. State Farm Precision Acupuncture v. Advanced Recovery Equipment And Note of Issue 704172/16 Bajana v. Highland Care 1172/17 Ramdass v. World Kitchen 706378/18 Daley v. Dennis Motion
Mutual Automobile Ins. Co Nationwide Affinity Ins. Co. Supplies v. Geico Ins. Co. 7297/18 Alvarez v. Valdez De Center, Inc. 706184/17 Ramirez Fernandez v. 702854/18 Davidov v. Diaz 709773/17 Arias v. Flushing Hosp.
Belam Acupuncture v. Ameriprise Pro-Align Chiropractic v. State Advanced Wellness Chiropractic v. Alvarez—5-STRAUSS 701681/16 Barrett v. Prepetit Ems Towing Inc. 705299/18 De La Rosa v. Cabrera 707198/15 Astoria Bank v.
Ins. Co Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co. Hertz Claim Mgt. 8211/18 Batson-Parks v. Parks—5- 9389/16 Biggs v. NYCHA 710922/16 Randazzo v. Wang 703446/18 Delgadillo v. Foodliner Dibenedetto
Blackman Pelham Medical v. Pt Outcome v. State Farm Mutual 18KCV11877 Andre Jocelyn STRAUSS 704604/16 Bivens v. NYCTA 13599/15 Razzaque v. Zeshan 705429/18 Desulme v. Lee 708298/18 Aurora Financial Group
Country-Wide Ins. Co. Automobile Ins Co. Pip/bi Claims Duhamel Md v. Foremost Ins. Co. 8527/18 Christopher v. Griggs—5- 712994/15 Buitron v. Butt 4233/16 Reisman v. NYCTA 710462/18 Diaz v. Sanchez v. Palmer-Bonnick
Blano Medical P.C. v. American (il) Grand Rapids STRAUSS 1764/16 Campbell v. Kyte 1623/17 Rodriguez v. Gelb 706555/18 Dolich v. Williams 10395/15 Bonilla v. 504 Woodward
Transit Ins. Co. Pt Outcome v. Geico Ins. Co. City Wide Health Facility, Inc. v. 9249/18 Dewar v. Dewar—5- 5405/17 Campusano v. Kwong 715492/16 Rudtner v. United 710436/18 Dominguez v. Pipitone 708759/15 Carrion v. Bay Towers
Blano Medical v. American Transit Pt Outcome v. Country Wide Ins. Utica Nat. Ins. Co. of Texas STRAUSS 8155/11 Carlino v. Oliva Airconditioning 702065/18 Dorfman v. Ccap Auto Co.
Ins. Co Co. Colin Clarke M.D. v. State Farm 8207/18 Dwyer v. Cruickshank—5- 3480/17 Castillo v. Lombardo 701009/16 S v. Silvercrest Center Lease Ltd 702627/17 Choi v. Wan
Blano Medical v. American Transit Pt Outcome v. Progressive Ins. Co. Automobile Ins. Co. STRAUSS 13810/16 Castro v. Bruzola For 702015/18 Espinoza-Cajas v. Vernon 708457/16 Ditech Financial v.
Ins. Co. 18KCV20246 Pureimage Group v. Colin Clarke M.D. v. State Farm 8799/18 Escobar v. Rodriguez—5- 713795/17 Cepeda v. Zabala 713696/16 Scott v. Norales 702819/18 Eversley v. Russell Sumerset
Bm Rehab P.T. P.C v. Country Wide State Farm Mutual Automobile Mutual Automobile Ins. Co STRAUSS 706754/17 Chen v. Li 706631/18 Seneca Gaming Corp. v. 700824/18 Felder v. Crestwood Lake 701008/16 Dodenc v. Nayle
Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18KCV15177 Direct Chiropractic 3974/14 Jeffery v. Wilson—5- 709210/16 Corchado v. Soapmobile Liu Sec. 1 709884/16 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v.
Bm Rehab P.T. P.C v. Geico General Reliable Cpm Surgical Supply Inc v. Care v. 21st Century Ins Co STRAUSS 705806/15 Crenshaw v. Carrieri 705376/16 Shakarov v. Khavasov 707150/18 Fortino v. Wheels Inc. Dawkins
Ins. Co. Country Wide Ins. Co. Dla Physician Assistant Pc v. 8113/18 Kavourgias v. 705765/14 Cuminale v. Bj’s 2507/17 Sotelo v. Calderon 717682/17 Gomez v. NYC 706576/17 Felix v. Brown
Bm Rehab P.T. P.C v. United S.O.V Acupuncture P.C v. State American Country Ins. Co. Kavourgias—5-STRAUSS Wholesale Club, Inc. 13421/16 Spruill v. Jones 700568/18 Gonzalez v. Martinez 700895/17 Fridman v. Martynchuk
Services Automobile Services Farm Mutual Automobile Ins Co Dla Physician Assistant Pc v. Geico 476/17 Llewellyn v. Llewellyn—5- 707179/16 De Los Reyes v. Duane 701571/17 State Farm Mutual 709038/18 Goode v. Stop & Shop 705199/15 Galloza v. Chung
Bm Rehab P.T. P.C. v. Mvaic Schottenstein Pain & Neuro Pllc General Ins. Co. STRAUSS Reade Inc Automobile v. Gomez Supermarket 872/13 Garcia v. 250 North 10th St.
18KCV20512 Bss Medical P.C v. v. Mvaic Dla Physician Assistant Pc v. State 8795/18 Mendez v. Howard—5- 9645/10 Deleon v. Cs Melrose Site 706494/17 Sugrim v. Persaud 714477/17 Harrell v. Sinchak 711889/16 Granati v. NYC Dept.
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Sheepshead Bay Rehab Pt Pc v. Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co STRAUSS B 707126/17 Sy v. De Franca 707887/18 Harris v. Valiento 714662/18 Guy v. Lee
18KCV20620 Bss Medical P.C v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Dohor Chiropractic Services v. 175/19 Mustatea v. Iordache—5- 711848/16 Duran v. Barnes 713639/16 Tolentino v. Ndukwe 709333/17 Hartley v. Valley Stream 700261/18 Hanover Ins. v. Guard
State Farm Fire And Casualty Co. Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. STRAUSS 8066/16 Etuokwu v. Gattoni 2318/17 Vazquez v. Semiglazova Green Acres Ins. Co.
42 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

712201/16 Jahan v. Vaccaro 701255/17 Williams v. Dominguez 708715/18 Miller v. Colton 700925/19 Bentzen Financial v. Salvatore Gurino
4915/17 Jms1 LLC v. Guiragossian
Part 5 708781/16 Wilmington Savings Part 25 712328/17 Mogollon v. Brett Mgt. Part 34 Prudential Assigned Severiano Guzman
717886/17 Khattab v. Khan Justice Mojgan C. Lancman Fund v. Bovell Justice Bernice D. Siegal 1984/15 Mossa v. Old Mill Yacht Justice Robert J. McDonald 717619/18 Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Dontae J. Hambrick
1956/17 Lloyd v. Enagnon Lease 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 710465/17 Zhuang v. Ren 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Club 25-10 Court Square Bracero Allen Harris
Jamaica, NY Jamaica, N.Y. 704356/17 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Long Island City, N.Y. 703172/18 Elco Administrative v. Glen A. Irving
Service Part 13
718-298-1005 718-298-1172 v. Ogunlaja Room 304 Walters John D. Jacaruso
702549/17 Lopez v. Elmhurst Plaza Courtroom 45 Justice Maureen A. Healy Courtroom 48, 9:30 A.M. 718-298-1652
701218/12 NYC School v. Admiral 715456/16 Govt. Employees Ins. v. Timothy Lane
Tower LLC 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. Shin
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Const. Khalil Lunsford
712911/17 McCall v. Taglienti Part 6 Jamaica, N.Y. Part 35 713888/17 State Farm Mutual
714132/17 NY Marine v. Racanelli Terrance F. Lyons
701669/17 McCarthy v. Chowdhury Justice Ernest F. Hart 718-298-1215 Justice Timothy J. Dufficy Automobile v. Brijmohan
Motion Const. Joel Mena
717976/17 Montesdeoca v. Yu 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Room 305, 9:30 A.M. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Santo Mosquea
700552/14 Adirondack Ins. v. Long 6495/17 Nunez-Amador v. Reycor
718027/17 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Jamaica, N.Y. Jamaica, N.Y. Andre Nichols
Part 14 Island Power Restaurant 702504/18 Alexander v. Alli
v. Alvarado 718-298-1113 Room 43 Jessie Pinales
Justice David Elliot 13286/13 Baumann v. Long Island 710233/18 Olavarria v. Textron 714707/18 B v. Gc Trans Corp
709160/17 Nunez-Santos v. Cruz Courtroom 24, 9:30 A.M. 718-298-1785 Jose Quiroz
88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Power Financial 4280/17 Bazile v. Cheng-Ng
714604/18 Pacifico v. Hudson View TUESDAY, FEB. 26 22879/13 Bavasso v. Long Island 706423/15 Palaguachi v. Perezabreu TUESDAY, FEB. 26 701167/17 Belony v. Mendez Terence Redden
Associates Jamaica, N.Y.
Power 715721/18 Paredes v. Sohn 7802/17 Borden v. Dew Service Laquan Rhem
Motion 718-298-1118 Preliminary Conference
706920/16 Park v. Syrfk 6341/13 Connolly v. Long Isalnde Properties Corp. Jamal Rivers
Courtroom 5001, 9:30 A.M.
701062/18 Pnc Bank v. Dataram 8523/18 NYC v. 255-06 Northern Power 709885/14 Park v. Home Depot 715096/18 Acero v. Frid 701563/17 Borges v. Modell’s Johnathan Rodriguez
701764/18 Rivas v. Stark Blvd TUESDAY, FEB. 26 702558/13 Heeran v. Long Island U.S.A. 719149/18 Antilus v. Antilus Sporting Goods, Inc. David Ruiz
703404/18 Robinson v. Ean Hldgs. 610/19 NYC v. 31-07 37 St. Power 10396/15 Parra v. 616 First Ave. LLC 716751/18 Capoziello v. Blackman 710184/17 Broughton v. Sattar David Serrant
314/19 NYC v. 41-45 150th St. Motion 13219/13 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 7850/18 Chowdhury v. Bangladesh 13341/16 Cole v. Newill Stein F. Sevrain
707012/18 Santos v. Jjdrj Dev. Inc. 712982/17 Perez Gutierrez v.
5987/15 Sargsyan v. 99-31 62nd 8279/18 NYC v. 68-10 Roosevelt Ave. 701862/18 Bank of America v. Tarik Hldg. Corp. NYCH&HC And Society Inc. 718048/18 Cosma v. 1750 New Hwy. Ronald Silva
12177/16 NYC v. 82-02 Roosevelt Singer Trial 707538/17 Petronio v. Western Beef 716627/18 Crisostomo v. 30 Park Pl. 700100/16 Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Devon Simpson
Road Rlty.
Ave. 2031/10 E.R. Hldgs. LLC. v. Akhtar Properties, Inc. 715311/18 Kalaz v. Sayed Bordeaux-Taylor Valdez R. Simpson
1552/17 Shine v. Hossain 935/19 NYC v. 83-29 B’way. 3119/12 Emc Mortgage Corp. v. 700552/14 Adirondack Ins. v. Long
706038/17 Phh Mortgage Corp. v. 719190/18 Karl v. Dreamland 715409/18 Country-Wide Ins. Co. v. Javier Smith
707186/17 Squicciarino v. Nino 7241/18 NYC v. 146-06 Liberty Ave. McKenzie-Perkins Island Power Amusements, Inc. Williams
Aristizabal Juanita Stewartgodfrey
706902/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Mentor 226/17 NYC v. 153-58 Foch 703920/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 701573/14 Aig Prop. Casualty Co. v. 719727/18 Ladouceur v. Greaney 704785/17 Dahari v. Port Auth. of
700104/18 Powell v. Susco Laurie Tascan
714487/17 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Boulevard v. Reisig Long Island Power 719605/18 Lee v. Yohananov New
708281/16 Recalde v. 95-11 101st Laurie Tascon
Brewster 12271/17 NYC v. 200-09 Murdock 24400/08 Sammy v. First American 13286/13 Baumann v. Long Island 712900/18 McMahon v. Tlta 707588/18 Desprez v. Amadiz
Ave. Rlty. Jasmine Thomas
710542/18 Wilmington Savings Ave. Title Power Associates LLC 715304/18 Desprez v. Amadiz
6341/13 Connolly v. Long Isalnde 14197/16 Robinson v. Koufakis Stalin Vera
Fund v. Figueroa 9732/17 NYC v. 220-09 Merrick 1214/08 South Ozone Park Rlty. v. 715552/18 Mohamed v. Ally 704877/17 Dubois v. Commercial Phillip A. Walters
Boulevard Sammy Power 702223/16 Sams-Mccurdy v. 700115/19 Nakis v. Burton Hotel, Inc. David Williams
Part 3 6450/17 NYC v. 37-29 103 St. 713358/15 The Bank of NY Mellon v. 702558/13 Heeran v. Long Island Salamon 15050/15 Wanass v. Talukdar 709235/18 Duran v. Stop & Shop
Power 707637/15 Santander v. Telephone Yongjie Xu
Justice Joseph Risi 474/18 NYC v. 42-50 21st St. Rlty. Aceus Supermarket
707164/16 The Bank of NY Mellon v. 700108/14 Narragansett Bay Ins. v. Rlty. Co. Motion Part TAP B
88-11 Sutphin Blvd. LLC. 704701/16 Fodera v. Citifield
1720/18 NYC v. The Land And Bldg. Singh Long Island Power 711670/16 Smith v. Louisiana 705048/17 Boyce v. Amandeep 12030/16 Foreit v. Berger
Jamaica, N.Y. Justice Buchter
Known 632/17 Tua v. Seck 700106/14 Nationwide Ins. v. Long Purchase, Inc. 708586/17 Burkowsky v. Five Star 718419/18 Geico Employees Ins. v.
Ctrm: 718-298-1051 Phone 718-298-1370
701625/17 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Heirs Island Power 710169/15 Stinnett v. Khokhar Electric Corp. Yan
Room 26, 9:30 A.M WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 700109/14 NY Prop. Ins. v. Long 125-01 Queens Blvd
And Distributees of 703454/14 Suero v. Con Ed 716751/18 Capoziello v. Blackman 13476/16 Geico General Ins. v. Awad
Island Power Room 306, 9:30 A.M.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Preliminary Conference 18002/11 Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. 702579/18 Thambuswamy v. Fine 714003/17 Chen v. Lin 711746/18 Govt. Employees v.
Morgan 704580/14 Praetorian Ins. Co. v. Fare Foods Inc. 3648/14 Constantinides v. Lithos Edosomwan TUESDAY, FEB. 26
700062/19 Bailey v. NYC Dept. Long Island Power Auth. Marble Works, Inc.
Motion 709408/18 Benenati v. NYC 14354/10 Wells Fargo Bank v. 705978/17 Tulul v. Molloy Bros. 719540/18 Govt. Employees v. Hyde Henry Angulo
Joseph 700418/14 The Hanover Ins. v. Long 709742/15 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. 710044/16 Corning Fed. Credit 715287/18 Govt. Employees v. Jar-
14219/16 Brown v. Jackson 716293/18 C. v. NYC Island Power Union v. Georgilis William A. Morales
717010/18 Diaz v. NYC 12105/11 Wells Fargo Bank v. Prieto Cris Enterprises
701358/19 Caesar v. Metro. Ashman 700105/14 The Hartford v. Long 30664/07 Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Part TAP C
700468/19 M. v. NYC 707816/17 U.S. Bank Trust v. Eve’s 701500/19 Govt. Employees v. Shin
Transportation 701699/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. Island Jack 717446/18 Govt. Employees v. Singh
713676/18 Mohammed v. NYC NY Limo, Inc. Justice Holder
709012/16 Chery v. NYCTA Zambrano 714580/17 Espinoza v. 290 Tenants 717938/18 Integon Nat. Ins. v.
718377/18 Narine v. NYC Part 27 711886/17 Walsh v. Crothall
Phone 718-298-1388
716271/17 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 708158/18 Wilmington Trust v. Tapias 125-01 Queens Blvd
719537/18 Orslini v. NYC Justice Darrell L. Gavrin Facilities 700645/18 Fandino v. Singh
Jackson 716957/18 Rodriguez Molina v. Thomas 705931/14 Wilmington Trust Nat. v. 717708/18 Jamaica Anesthesia v. Room 370, 9:30 A.M.
712692/17 Correa v. Ordonez 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 704233/15 Freedom Mortgage Corp. Jean-Michel
Nogor Corp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Jamaica, N.Y. Harris
714014/18 Deolal v. Hays v. Pollard 4138/17 Javier v. 44th Drive Rentals TUESDAY, FEB. 26
19323/13 Rodriguez v. Dickard 718-298-1640 8195/17 Yi v. Camacho
17069/14 Devendra v. NYCTA Trial 29868/09 Ghermezian v. Parts Auth. 707904/18 King v. Hertz Vehicles
Widder Industries Room 68 Pharoah Ferguson
Part 31 Inc. LLC
10264/16 Discover Bank v. Isidore 713319/18 Salgado v. Bosch 705108/16 Ghaffar v. Foster Qwantrell J. Gilliam
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 702926/17 Gomez v. Doe 712821/16 L v. NYC
3059/17 Francois v. Bluford-Garrett 716669/18 Vachicouras v. NYC Justice F. Sampson Barry Hall
Part 15 701131/15 Gonzalez Perez v. 706416/18 Laino v. All County
710657/17 Guidice v. Doe Motion 25-10 Court Square Cahokia LLC Jamar Hill
Justice Janice A. Taylor Motion Parking Mgmt
5710/18 Gullas v. NYC Dept. Long Island City, N.Y.
715792/18 McGinty v. Sullivan 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 707770/16 136-89 LLC v. Rainbow 708107/17 Grant v. Portelli 702538/17 Lennon v. Grace Part TAP D
719142/18 Hila v. Xhari Room 208 706826/18 Ho v. Zhang
Jamaica, N.Y. Cleaners of Shipping LLC Justice Lasak
712850/18 Hsbc Bank USA v. Part 10 718-718-298-1671 709497/15 Hsbc Bank USA v. Harel 703816/18 Leon v. Giannoutsos
Ctrm:718-298-1110 707565/18 1429 Pitkin Ave Inc. v. Phone 718-298-1409
Justice Justice Kevin Kerrigan Room 41, 9:30 A.M. Deutsche Bank Trust 702988/16 Hsbc Bank USA v. Vargas 714650/16 Lipsky v. Steel-Los Dos
88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Part 32 706295/18 Huang v. Estate of Marie
125-01 Queens Blvd
709708/18 Inciong v. Padilla & Co. 709131/18 169 St. Jv v. Mangani 710190/17 Lowry v. Ride Kleen Room 351, 9:30 A.M.
Llp Jamaica, N.Y. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Justice Rudolph E. Greco, G. 8387/17 Mangra v. Diaz
703133/17 Kane v. Jackson Phone 718-298-1213 JR. 700950/19 Jari v. Rapoport 714922/17 Mar Hldgs. One LLC v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Hearing 9634/13 Allain v. Mta Bus Co.
Courtroom 63, 9:30 A.M. 716453/17 Applewhaite v. Khalil 25-10 Court Square 708365/15 Jean-Francois v. 100 8405-164 NYC Corp
715611/17 Lee v. Jones 711788/17 Liu v. Acevedo Jamel Cooks
1374/18 Beckford Rudolph v. Air Long Island City, N.Y. Church Fee Owner LLC. 713215/18 Maya Assurance Co. v.
12879/13 Leonard v. NYCTA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 705933/17 Joas v. Polanco Jonnie Jones
Preliminary Conference France Cargo Room G-40 Cisse
703202/17 Malm v. NYCTA Enterprise Sherman Moore
Preliminary Conference 702528/19 135 Sapphire LLC v. 137- 710133/18 Board of Mgrs. of The L 718-718-298-1668 709650/16 Meyers v. Mamalakis
709177/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 716193/17 Kassab v. Kasab 716063/18 Moussaiid v. Part K-3
717521/18 Abramov v. NYC 25 Sapphire St. v. 11-15 50th Ave. LLC
706655/18 Bonanno v. Ke
Part 33 706943/18 Lee v. Tree Man Estate Mordukhayev Justice Aloise
711530/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 719054/18 Agbanyo v. Austin 714743/18 Cho v. Ramos Services
705576/18 Barrientos v. Martinez 711662/18 Dixon v. Reina 700851/18 Caguana v. Beach 22 Justice Leonard Livote 704641/18 Nowak v. Callahan Phone 718-298-1342
Kallie 710765/18 Caliber Home Loans, Inc. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 701915/16 Lee v. Choi 704087/18 Ocwen Loan Servicing v.
719436/18 Burgess v. Thompson 715382/18 Farias v. The Tjx 125-01 Queens Blvd
717464/18 Mirzakandov v. Mazal U v. Gazemar Jamaica, N.Y. 706475/18 Lopez v. Loh Agbosasa
701959/19 Chaudhary v. NYC Companies, Inc. Room 510, 9:30 A.M.
Bracha LLC 707350/18 Carreno-Reyes v. C. Room 122 700175/10 Matero v. Forest Hills 706272/17 Onyinyechi v. Andrews
717253/18 G. v. NYC 715507/17 Francis v. Ms Deli And
713156/18 Muhammad v. Farrell Francis Const. 718-298-1615 Hosp. 706642/17 Parham v. Berkowitz TUESDAY, FEB. 26
712052/18 Gouliaeva v. NYC Grocery Corp.
700066/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 715713/17 Carrington Mortgage v. 4453/17 Medina v. 90-31 Whitney 702781/18 Pilco v. Roman Catholic
718668/18 Gurino v. NYC 717801/18 Jackson v. Menard Cesar Garcia
Hodge-Grace TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Broad Church
v. Grant 703448/18 Isardatt v. NYC 713448/18 Jung v. Omotara Miguel A. Palacios
741/19 Cepeda v. Dist. 705702/17 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 717516/17 Pimentel v. Waldbaum’s
719733/18 Open Door NY Home 553/18 Jaen v. Atonement Lutheran 712539/18 Kim v. Kim Preliminary Conference Javier Rodriguez
Administrative Bgn Real Estate LLC 717066/17 Pliakas v. Patlias
Care v. Caraballo Ortega 709649/18 Joseph v. NYC 717275/18 Mun v. Pierre Tony Strayhorn
8000/13 Champion Mortgage Co. v. 716855/18 1823 Rlty. Corp. v. 1823 717277/17 Park v. Liu 718427/18 Progressive Casualty v.
711053/17 Pabon v. Scaglione 705266/18 Mero v. NYC 709478/18 Poitevien v. Nazif
McLauren Stephen St. Rlty. LLC 703128/18 Rivera v. Marissa T. Israelov Part K-5
711061/18 Point-Du-Jour v. NYCTA 711053/18 Moronta Taveras v. NYC 708785/18 Santos v. Shames 1200
706193/17 Cit Bank v. Coleman 711259/18 Bowen v. Mipa 59/third Santos 716321/18 Progressive Specialty v.
707256/17 Qu v. Mta Bus Co. 542/18 Nadler v. NYC Rlty. LLC Justice Lewis
710853/17 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Owner 712889/17 Rodriguez v. Greubel Skyers
7572/14 Omwathath v. NYC 712987/18 Sede Rlty., Inc. v. Utica Phone 718-298-1347
710734/17 Rakha v. Bower Mulazhanov 714382/18 Celi v. Uddin 715431/18 Samuels v. Whittingham- 708826/18 Raghnath v. Sullivan
715422/18 Pico v. NYCHA First Ins. 125-01 Queens Blvd
9773/16 Ramkissoon v. NYC 435/16 David v. Reid 4331/18 Clarke v. Parisi Edwards 712593/18 Ramsahai v. Wells Fargo
718422/18 Puranan v. Mathew 709252/17 Wdf Inc. v. A. J. Pegno Room 505, 9:30 A.M.
709467/17 Roberts v. Serkan Limo 706159/13 De Jesus v. Rukh 716956/18 Fink v. Williams 709841/17 Schlosser v. Time Mortgage Bank
712433/18 State Farm Fire And Const.
Inc. Enterprises 718170/18 Kim v. Lopez Warner Cable Inc. 709267/17 Reilly v. Ocalic46 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Casualty v. Anderson Motion 4990/15 Siracusa v. City Ice
706403/17 Santora v. Liguori 704717/18 Sunyak v. NYC 712156/17 De La Cruz v. Dhodi 715530/18 Kim v. Patel 6651/16 Rentas v. Chidjou Christopher Gray
706234/17 Abdelrahman v. Park 7721/18 Deng v. NYC Dept. Pavilion 705207/17 Rosado v. Hoefferle
713751/16 Sejour v. Winters 710159/18 Vasco v. Ha 717146/18 Lochan v. H & H Sons
708389/17 Smith v. NYCTA 7347/17 White v. NYC 17314/14 Alexander v. Briar Owners 28958/06 Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Home
705416/17 State Farm Fire And 709533/18 Rouhotas v. Dinoia Part K-6
LLC Jituboh Casualty v. Fobbs 437/19 Situ v. None Justice Paynter
713912/18 Specialized Loan 718648/18 Young v. NYC 702034/18 Melrose Credit Union v. 700655/18 State Farm Mutual
131/14 Ambia v. Acevedo 711580/18 Dhillon v. The Sikh 704876/18 State Farm Fire And Phone 718-298-1331
Servicing LLC v. Ricketts Motion Blanaru Automobile v. Burke Casualty v. Llera-Negron
716995/17 Angulo v. Yogi Trans Cultural Society 12501 Queens Blvd.
702978/17 Toledo v. Saqib Ahmed 711917/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 703575/17 Tchilingarian v. Stembi 717772/18 State Farm Mutual
715482/18 A&F Scaccia Rlty. Corp. Corp. 717870/18 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. Room 604, 9:30 A.M
2467/18 Velazquez v. Jamaica 708336/17 Bank of America v. Raj Corp. Automobile v. Santiago
v. NYC Dept. American Capital Mortgage
Center Franklin 700174/19 Nauth v. Charter 712649/16 Thapa v. Jhanjee 718253/18 The Hartford Ins. v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Part 12 717751/17 Forde-Elie v. Prevatte Communications
701382/19 Wanas Khalil D/b/a 700925/19 Bentzen Financial v. 701076/14 Freedom Mortgage Corp. 282/19 The Union Congregational Clifton
716840/18 Nunez v. Kiska Const. Mark A. Barrancos
Francis v. Marmon Rlty. Group Justice Denis J. Butler Prudential Assigned v. Metellus v. None 718820/18 Travelers Personal Ins. v.
Inc. Bruno Camacho
701690/18 Williams v. Jlj IV 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 3693/17 Brennon v. Vasquez 10134/14 Garcia v. Bleeker St. 700421/18 Trocha v. Widmer Hanophy-Ryan
4213/17 Rivera Benjamin v. 708357/17 Union Mutual Fire Ins. v. Bruce Damico
Enterprises Jamaica, N.Y. 701008/15 Caliber Home Loans, Inc. Gardens LLC 701487/19 Tri-State Consumer Ins.
718-298-1216 Manifest Destiny Ga Housing Edward Evseev
v. Ilyas 705441/16 Hall v. Lalchan v. Ha-Wong
701447/17 Zheng v. NYC Trnsit 702233/19 Schembre v. Taylor Turlukis Stephen
Ctrm:718-298-1121 710893/17 Charles v. Urias 718383/18 Harding v. Valley Nat. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 8277/18 Trustees of The Marble v.
Part 4 Room 42, 9:30 A.M. 12055/16 Dallemand v. Bj’s Bank 700120/19 Sela Group v. 34th St. Stone Truss Systems, Inc. Part K-7
Wholesale Club, Inc. 705543/13 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Capital Motion 700497/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Justice Kohm
Justice M. A. Grays TUESDAY, FEB. 26
710579/18 Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Mahmood 713132/18 Seo v. Agudelo 716461/18 Vasco v. Lee Cuthbertson
88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Phone 718-298-1395
Hearing v. Ramdass 3479/17 Julia v. Scorpio Limo Inc. 716324/17 Taylor v. Espinoza 700769/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v.
Jamaica, N.Y. Part 36 125-01 Queens Blvd.
864/17 Dimitrakios v. Kareglis 711619/18 King v. Wilmont 711581/18 Veni v. Cord Meyer Dev. McCalla
718-298-1212 26450/07 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Connell 712338/18 Udo v. Villares Room 190, 9:30 A.M.
710231/16 Ditech Financial LLC v. 716323/18 Kings Fire Const. Corp. 719165/18 Vista Pointe v. Justice ROBERT I. CALORAS
Ctrm:718-298-1214 Motion Persaud Waterfront Resorts 25-10 Court Square 704884/18 Washington v. Kaur
v. Khan Part K-8
Room 66, 9:30 A.M. 703632/17 Aybar v. Us Tires 712112/17 Edwards v. Nematollahi 707435/18 Knutelska v. Milan Dev. Long Island City, N.Y. 704711/18 Wells Fargo Bank v.
718167/18 Enczelewski v. Le Havre Motion Perez Justice Zaro
706149/13 Bank of America v. LLC 718-298-1682
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Owners 710446/18 15-32 Lac v. Fidelity Nat. 715565/18 White Palmer v. Dodd Phone 718-298-1258
Litterine 700334/18 Leon v. Barrera Room 103
707575/16 Figueras v. Mandel Title 710366/18 Wong v. Kalantry 12501 Queens Blvd.
Conference 706490/16 Bank of America v. 703342/17 Lin v. Station View WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
711810/17 Freeman v. Castle 700873/19 32nd Ave. LLC v. Higgins 6572/17 Yan v. Chen Room 640, 9:30 A.M.
Perniciaro Condominium
702512/17 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. 3644/13 Bayview Loan Servicing. 6169/18 Friedman v. Friedman Ave LLC
Jeanty 716850/18 Geffen v. Bell Mgmt
11803/17 Ma v. Damaghi Hearing Part 42 Part K-9
LLC v. Highland 712712/18 Martinovic v. 83-01 24th 716119/18 41-31 Haight St. Lender
Associates LLC v. 41-23 Haight Rlty. 12044/16 Dimitriadis v. Justice BRUCE M. BALTER Justice LaTella
Motion 711861/17 Carrington Mortgage v. Ave. Rlty.
217/17 Hossain v. Tebo 713438/17 4255 Home Corp. Inc. v. Queensbridge Associates LLC. 25-10 Court Square Phone 718-298-1364
Gnanadurai 4852/15 Mayancela v. Downey
706833/16 45-34 Pearson Street Lic 5915/14 Hyperbaric v. Ribeiro Long Island City, N.Y. 125-01 Queens Blvd.
1513/15 Castro Morales v. Theodore 706063/18 NYCTL 2017-A Trust v. Strnad Part 37 718-298-1686
v. Ohana 5148/17 Cicco v. Breezy Point 717644/18 James v. * 701645/16 Arzt-Deluca v. Queens Room 516, 9:30 A.M.
The Heirs-At-Law Justice Salvatore Modica Room 106
706833/16 45-34 Pearson St. Lic v. Co-Op. 709240/17 Jefferson v. Stoute 712369/16 Perez v. N.Y.A Services Fresh Meadows
8880/18 Kallergis v. Kassimis 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Ohana 21563/13 Citibank v. Chang Inc. 708113/17 Astoria Atlas v. Acropolis
709441/16 Karim v. Qerimaj Limo Jamaica, N.Y. Part 43 Kyle Charles
8604/15 608 Lorimer Dev. v. J&M 14051/08 Deutsche Bank Nat. v. 709266/17 Postbrief v. Chan Auson Gardens 718-298-1035
Finishing & Carpentry Murtaza Corp Justice LARRY L. LOVE
716184/18 Kowalczyk v. Siegel
711897/18 Rashid v. Ka-Chun 709659/17 Azim v. Raja Room44 25-10 Court Square Part K-10
713077/15 American Chengyi 12871/07 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Inouye 717020/18 Baksh v. Mta Bus Co.
v. Oranvil 714818/18 Lam v. Fang WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Long Island City, N.Y. Justice Vallone
Investment v. Victoria Towers 704382/17 Rhymes v. Elrac 712800/18 Bazelais v. Luxury Home 718-298-1299
705559/17 Diaz v. Laguardia 716993/18 Litt v. Il Bacco 125-01 Queens Blvd.
9903/08 Baptista v. Dr. Sanghavi 716599/18 Rivas v. Palmeri Builder Corp. 7453/18 Allstate Ins. v. Rudin Mgt. Room233
Express Ristorante, Inc. Room TBA, 9:30 A.M.
719258/18 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 715984/17 Rivas v. Barrera Palacios 705301/13 Board of Mgrs. v. Garden Co., Inc.
1176/09 Ditech Financial LLC v. 715021/17 Martin v. Key 4u
McCarthy 707474/18 Selene Finance Lp v. Hills LLC. Etal. 717225/18 Amicus Systems, Inc. v. Part 51 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Kostakis Transportation
4806/16 Coleman v. Granger Lissone 703619/16 Bullock v. Louis Knowledge Momentum
700279/14 Duchimaza v. 205 Ave. A 935/16 Masikhaeva v. Belsky Justice Jodi Orlow Brian White
704415/18 Shterionov v. Meron 8559/14 Castiglione v. Lee 709548/18 Belle v. Ruthman
10917/05 Combis v. Rb Pine Co., Rlty. 1803/17 Mills v. McKenzie 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.
711023/16 Nassar v. Vicari
706941/17 Siciliano-Barros v. 711661/15 Deorio v. 1055 Franklin 716149/18 Ditmas Park Care Center Jamaica, N.Y. Part K-11
LLC 703613/16 Dukes Systems Corp v. Rahman v. Kurtz
18782/06 Corvera v. Prime Source Dooly System Corp 712692/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC LLC Room 21 Justice Zayas
700120/18 Swaby v. Mettellus 7730/07 Deutsche Bank Nat. v. Ruff 715081/18 Espinoza Cabrera v. Phone 718-298-1352
Dev. 4862/17 Dulanto v. Aldi, Inc.(new v. Zaman 718-298-1210
713390/15 U.S. Bank Trust v. 716910/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. Poenaru 125-01 Queens Blvd.
714844/16 Femia v. Raposo York) 6869/17 Nieves v. Ft. George 617
Swinton Trust v. Bratton 719405/18 Gaffney v. Richmond TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Room 325, 9:30 A.M
20511/13 Duran-Molina v. Duperval LLC
706993/17 Garcia v. Gil-Villamil 713261/15 Wells Fargo Bank Nat. v. County Ambulance 3153/16 Calub v. Calub
712458/18 Fells v. Four Sons Fuel 1739/13 Ocwen Loan Servicing v. 704031/16 Deutsche Bank Nat.
702987/15 Glaubach v. Slifkin Rolon 719931/18 Guevara v. Dong Part K-13
Oil Co., Eison Trust v. Merrill WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
713675/18 Hardy v. Hanger 704205/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. 701067/19 Hampton v. Deljanin
708342/17 Grewal v. Waziri 705945/17 Oliva v. Prestigious 13584/15 Diaz v. Levitas Justice Wong
700819/19 in The Matter of The v. Turner 715047/18 Lee v. Erceg 9865/11 Fabbricante v. Fabbricante
717581/17 Hines v. Costco Maint. 716956/18 Fink v. Williams Phone 718-298-1339
Futterman 714225/18 Marcatoma v. Muss
Wholesale 714401/16 Pastuizaca v. Villacres Part 30 10810/16 Guallpa v. Gualpa 717727/18 Mojica-Ciprian v. State Part 52 125-01 Queens Blvd.
13241/08 Indymac Bank F.S.B. v. 712887/18 Homebridge Financial v. 704842/18 Pranavah Yoga Studio Justice Cheree Buggs 706280/18 Lamb v. Bishop Room 670, 9:30 A.M.
Farm Ins. Co. Justice Margaret Parisi
O’Brien Broughton LLC v. Greaghfarna Corp. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 707456/16 Lyseight v. Hanson McGowan
702688/18 Moon v. Certified
711192/18 Jurado v. Guardian Bus 701361/16 Hsbc Bank USA v. Petit 711027/17 Preston v. Red Lobster Jamaica, N.Y. 705749/14 M&T Bank v. Yi Transportation 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Part K-14
Co. Inc. 708845/14 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Hosp.ity LLC 718-298-1117 705703/15 Majors v. Munilall Jamaica, N.Y. Justice B. Schwartz
955/16 Quinn v. Eugene 713657/18 P v. Sherwood LLC
712031/18 Kanbir v. Albayrak Vasquez Courtroom 67, 9:30 A.M. 702795/15 Mammis v. Prentzas 719030/18 Strobl v. Serkan Limo Room 28 Phone 718-298-1775
24922/11 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. 10115/10 Residential Credit 705490/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 718-298-1840 125-01 Queens Blvd.
717772/17 Karanasou v. Falidas WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 712154/18 Vazquez v. Cab East LLC
Pierre Solutions v. Hussain
705561/14 Keane v. Ocean Colony & Basin Room 654, 9:30 A.M.
14110/15 Kaur v. Jassi’s Tandoori 705627/17 Reverse Mortgage Part 38 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
708250/17 Khadka v. Juice Motion 708867/17 Melrose Credit Union v.
Grill Funding v. Nicholas 3266/16 Bartlett v. Bartlett TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Generation Bouzaglou Justice C. Velasquez
7478/15 Khaimova v. Yakubov 700294/18 Rodriguez v. Shulman 557/19 159-18 Northern Blvd LLC. v. 7432/16 Menendez v. Menendez
708465/18 Kim v. Gonzalez 708870/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Keith Howard
705365/18 Kim v. Doe Industries Alpha Hldg. Corp
Bouzaglou Jamaica, N.Y. Victor Manuel
713370/17 Liao v. Chen 707117/18 Krupnick v. 2310 31 704177/18 Rosa v. Xu 1275/17 Ali v. 24-03 41st LLC. 718-298-0594
Part 53
5958/18 Madigan v. Bronstein 712216/17 Sambury v. Sharma 703992/18 Auburn Rlty. v. Surujdyal 709548/17 Melrose Credit Union v. Part K-15
Drive Rlty. Room 116 Justice Anna Culley
18503/12 Masturzo v. Janel Group 718529/18 Smith v. Winfield 708507/18 Bacchus v. Treulich Grullon
702009/18 Leal v. Dalangin 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Justice Modica
711271/17 The Bank of NY Mellon v. 709815/15 Baisley Medical Services 709395/17 Melrose Credit Union v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
of NY 5873/14 Lgf Hldgs. v. Gut Jamaica, N.Y. Phone 718-298-0836
714177/18 Lim v. Choc Rodriguez v. Office of The Marshal Harari Room 27
709546/17 Melrose Credit Union v. 12276/15 Romero Cajamarca v. 125-01 Queens Blvd.
714486/16 Lloyd v. Holligan 4077/16 Turruella v. Zampini 711710/16 Bartiromo v. Debnath 708864/18 Mott v. Brown-Whitfield 718-298-1095
Baptiste 717352/18 Nat. Credit Union v. Imperial Sanford Owners Room 126, 9:30 A.M
714920/18 Lock v. Galesebi 701715/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 715328/17 Blanchard v. Gershon
709983/17 Melrose Credit Union v. Aracena Garber Part 39 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Properties Corp. Vann TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Shegelman 714110/17 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 706080/18 Bostick v. Horne 717361/18 Nat. Credit Union v.
305/19 Malangone v. Dept. of Justice Leslie J. Purificacion 13976/14 Haque v. Haque Steven Campbell
711640/17 Melrose Credit Union v. McInnis 703690/17 Brown v. Heyliger Garber 7946/16 Hoosein v. Hoosein
Housing 25-10 Court Square Lamour Grant
Stanitsas 714395/17 Marrero v. Bettancourt 701573/17 U.S. Bank Trust v. 704374/15 Capital One N.A. v. 717198/17 Pantelides v. 50-09 Rlty. Long Island City, N.Y. 14392/16 Pinckney v. Pinckney
716800/18 Nagy v. Dugo Fernandez Jotham Randall
11026/14 Martinez v. Yordy Stewart LLC 718-298-1670 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
717355/18 Nat. Credit Union v. 712607/16 Mogrovejo v. Hg Housing 708308/17 Velez v. Kandic 4089/16 Chowdhury v. Ramsumair 21342/09 Penny Mac Loan Services Room 140 Part K-16
Garber Dev. 2225/17 Villegas v. 23-31 Astoria 701708/17 Chung v. M Scuteri Inc. v. Gill 10488/15 Concordia v. Concordia
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 13085/14 Ibragimov v. Ibragimov Justice Koenderman
717362/18 Nat. Credit Union v. 717328/18 Nationwide Mutual Ins. Blvd. LLC 2680/17 Chung v. Carreon-Vivanco 703252/12 R.Vig Properties LLC v.
2694/16 Jedrys v. Jedrys Phone 718-298-1204
Garber v. Ohio Mutual Ins. Group 708795/16 Wells Fargo Bank v. 713924/18 Collado v. Kuczynski Rahimzada Matrimonial Motion 358/18 Vaz v. Cruz 125-01 Queens Blvd.
717357/18 Nat. Credit Union v. 703293/17 Nunez v. Glorious Food Bartlett 704364/16 Cosgrove v. Talkhouse, 4213/17 Rivera Benjamin v.
707021/14 Wells Fargo Bank v. 7584/07 Scholar v. Timinsky 10370/14 Zavulunova v. Aminov (Annex)
Garber Inc Inc. Manifest Destiny
Begum Room E123, 9:30 A.M.
714239/16 Pastorelli v. 29-01 702501/17 Deutsche Bank Nat. 700009/15 Rivera v. Amsterdam Part 40 Part 63
717363/18 Nat. Credit Union v. 715410/18 Yeung v. Poon
Francis Lewis Blvd Trust v. Haque Nursing Home Part K-17
Sheinin 709634/16 Deutsche Bank Trust Co. Justice Richard Latin Justice W. Viscovich
4445/17 Pollard v. 77 Rlty. Corp. Part 19 709652/17 Roel v. Hsu 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.
712963/15 Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Marium 25-10 Court Square Justice Braun
704948/18 R. v. Hlawaty 703255/15 Sandoval v. Trump Plaza Jamaica, N.Y.
v. James Justice Pam B. Jackman 717353/17 Edwards v. Pitts Long Island City, N.Y. Phone 718-298-1436
705584/17 Robles Grande v. Golden Owner, Inc. Room 23
713938/16 Norko v. 1211 6th Ave. Brown 708079/17 Estupinan v. Makdual 718-298-1747 125-01 Queens Blvd.
Brick Devel Jp 704204/14 Stathakis v. Stark Fish 718-298-1097
5633/13 NYCTL 2011-A Trust v. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. 16/17 Etienne v. Welsh-El Room B-10 (Annex)
715191/16 Sadia v. Alam Inc
Dawkins 700876/13 Sanchez v. Alexander’s Jamaica, N.Y. 7009/17 Flushing Asphalt v. College Room E124, 9:30 A.M.
701505/16 Stathakis v. Stark Fish TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Rego 718-298-1653 Point Associates
22913/09 Onewest Bank Fsb v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Miller 706373/15 Saninocecnio v. Davi Room 44A, 9:30 A.M. 702731/17 Freedom Mortgage Corp. Inc.
709933/18 Td Bank v. Kezys
713283/18 Brown v. Amerco
717499/18 Clarke v. Jacobs
Criminal Term Anthony Brown
717346/18 Origen Capital 710215/17 Segnini v. Aecom USA, TUESDAY, FEB. 26 v. Miller
704718/18 Fude v. Yan 20860/13 The Bank of NY Mellon v. 717203/18 Guo v. Wu Towers Part TAP A Joseph Bryant
Investments v. Chanimov Inc. 710145/18 Sun v. Great Wall
14555/16 Shafique v. Surat Conference 703829/16 Galindo v. NYC Conti Justice Kron
710642/15 Park v. Puca Const. Corp. 4555/18 The Sikh Cultural Society Supermarket Part K-18
707961/14 Singh v. Reese 701217/15 Enriquez v. Metro. 707423/16 Giraldo v. Speedway LLC Phone 718-298-1398
708689/17 Patel v. Gardens At 1356/18 Gualpa v. Nath v. Dhillon 708214/18 Toriola v. Sancho Justice Griffin
16928/12 Stewart v. Shabbir WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 125-01 Queens Blvd
Forest 14772/16 Hazaratalimobarakhali v. 707604/18 Truck And Bus Center 700659/19 Wright v. Piard Phone 718-298-1389
700886/17 Subhanov v. Gocool Room 140, 9:30 A.M.
714156/17 Perez v. Ahmed 703338/17 T v. Kinder-Harlequin Hassan Inc. v. Golden Touch WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 125-01 Queens Blvd.
Preliminary Conference TUESDAY, FEB. 26 (Annex)
705022/17 Roebell Painting Co., 708901/17 Tellez Garcia v. Manor 711808/17 Herron v. Doe#1 708698/18 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Fahim 712650/17 Barrett v. Port Auth. of
Inc. v. Silverite 717502/18 Lin v. Chen 712436/15 Jarrett v. Gillam 31416/07 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Rickey Anderson Room E422, 9:30 A.M.
714564/18 The Bank of NY Mellon v. NY
704547/15 Sdf64 Mermaid Ave. LLC. Olivares Part 22 707273/15 Ke v. Chevrolet of Cherubin-Joseph 703941/17 Gillen v. Berkeley Co-Op. Anibal Arroyo
717185/17 Thompson-Whyte v. Huntington 701512/15 U.S. Bank v. Hernandez Fritzner Bellevue
Part K-19
v. Graphite Rlty. Justice Lee A. Mayersohn
711694/18 Simpkins v. 119 B’way. Allstate Ins. Co. 9097/14 Leonardo-Lopez v. Papa 705517/15 United Iron, Inc. v. Nat. Part 41 Ronald Bosa Justice Knopf
88-11 Sutphin Blvd.
708009/18 Torres v. Lopez 707327/18 Lindsay v. B.D.G.Y Environmental Justice U. Leverett Snooze Brown Phone 718-298-1417
Newburgh Jamaica, N.Y.
710410/15 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Singh Transportation 17390/10 Wells Fargo Bank v. 88-11 Sutphin Blvd. Jesse D. Ciancimino 125-01 Queens Blvd.
706063/16 Wells Fargo Bank v. 718-298-1037
713441/16 U.S. Bank Trust v. Gomez 12909/16 Luzon v. Con Ed Almonte Jamaica, N.Y. Austin Cornelius (Annex)
Chan Room 22, 9:30 A.M.
713732/16 U.S. Rof III Legal Trust v. 707924/18 M&T Bank v. Escobar 703086/16 Wells Fargo Bank v. 718-298-1718 Domar Cowan Room E322, 9:30 A.M.
28234/11 Wells Fargo Bank v. Rivers TUESDAY, FEB. 26 701892/18 McLeggon v. Gold Room 505 Juan Dejesus
Lawrence TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Malave 712495/15 Us Bank Nat. v. Franklin 706312/18 Medina v. Dancing on Jorge Factor
Motion 712322/18 Woodard v. Mta Bus Co. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
12740/15 Zhang v. Bowne St. 30754/10 Us Bank v. Morrison My Own Donte J. Floyd Joseph Davis
Community Church 4451/17 Villalba v. Sumsun Alacam 12442/08 Lasalle Bank Nat. Assoc. v. 11764/15 Mendez v. Atlantic Coast Inquest 714762/17 American Transit Ins. v. Jamel Frazier Amir Delain
710602/17 Zhang v. Zhang Corp. Dejesus 704964/17 Miller v. Grant 10810/16 Guallpa v. Gualpa St. Surin Tiffany Graves Kerry Pulliam | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 43

18QCV11938 State Farm Mutual v. For All Purposes 18QCV17914 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18012 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV19403 Global Medical 18QCV19464 Emerald Health
Part K-20 Jinhuan Guan Part 15 Howard Banker Crescent Administrative Physician v. Geico Group, Inc. v. Safeco Ins. Co. of
Justice Hollie 19QCV1930 Chenxi Fan v. Bing Judge TBA
THURSDAY, MARCH 7 18QCV17902 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18013 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV19404 Global Medical Glenwood Medical v. Liberty
Phone 718-298-1419 Zhao 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. Jean Claude Tchuinkam Kirven Sesrivieres Physician v. Geico Mutual Ins.
125-01 Queens Blvd. 19QCV2022 Errold D Jones Sr v. Si Room 101, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV17896 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18011 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV19405 Global Medical 18QCV19491 Glenwood Medical v.
Trial - Bench
(Annex) Shun Chen Lilliana Soto Yeraime Vargas Physician v. Geico Liberty Mutual Ins.
17QCV10468 State Farm Fire And 19QCV1971 Jie P Deng v. Jinfeng TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Room E323, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV17899 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18010 The Trustees of 18QCV19406 Global Medical 18QCV19465 Hector Melgar v.
Casualty v. Atlantic Auto Corp Mu
For All Purposes R. T. Cab Corp. Columbia v. Abdur Bhuiyan Physician v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co.
Part K-21 Trial - Jury 19QCV1993 Kew Gardens Hills LLC 18QCV17907 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19556 Hudson Valley 18QCV19466 Lenox Hill Radiology
v. Avrahom A. Rosenstock 18QCV16570 Allstate Fire And Trial - Bench
Justice Lopresto 18QCV9198 Keith Ashley v. Motor Ranat C LLC Acupuncture v. Geico Ins. Co. And v. Allstate Ins. Co.
19QCV1989 Linda Brill v. Chaim Casualty v. Danielle Pomares 18QCV9276 Geico General Ins. v.
Phone 718-298-1832 Vehicle Accident 18QCV17920 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19557 Jaime G Gutierrez v. 18QCV19475 Lenox Hill Radiology
Jacob Granek Sr 18QCV16565 Allstate Fire And Carl Henry Isidore
125-01 Queens Blvd. 17QCV6341 State Farm Mutual v. Y & M Taxi, Inc. Geico Ins. Co. And v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Casualty v. Irfan U Sikder 18QCV9274 Geico General Ins. v.
(Annex) Mohammad Nurul Islam 19QCV2016 Matthew Cesare v. 18QCV17904 Geico General Ins. 18QCV19444 Kanter Physical 18QCV19477 Lenox Hill Radiology
18QCV16563 Allstate Fire And Mamadou Aliou Diallo
Room E421, 9:30 A.M. Christos Kakoulas Co. v. David Piermatter Medicine v. American Transit And v. American Transit Ins.
Part 5N Casualty Ins. v. Columbia Agami 18QCV9271 Geico General Ins. v.
19QCV1909 North Shore Univ. v. 18QCV17905 Geico General Ins. Ins. 18QCV19479 Lenox Hill Radiology
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Cab Corp Tamer A. Yousef
Judge Esposito Vera Daniels Co. v. Dha Group Corp 18QCV19449 Kanter Physical And v. American Transit Ins.
18QCV16568 Lancer Ins. Co. v. 18QCV9379 Geico General Ins. Co.
Benito Abreu 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. 18QCV17894 Geico General Ins. Medicine v. Geico Ins. Co. 18QCV19480 Lenox Hill Radiology
Trial - Bench Pardeep Singh v. Complex Schedule Inc.
Craig Williams Room 304, 9:30 A.M. Co. v. Xiaoming Yu 18QCV19427 Medex Diagnostic & And v. American Transit Ins.
19QCV505 Ivon Ladouceur v. Ben 18QCV16566 Lancer Ins. Co. v. 18QCV9382 Geico General Ins. Co.
18QCV17895 Geico Indemnity Co. Treatment v. American Transit 18QCV19481 Lenox Hill Radiology
Part K-22 Part 11 Mokhtar
Ualkiat Multani v. Marcell Holley Ins. And v. American Transit Ins.
18QCV16560 Nat. Marketing v. NYC
Justice Margulis 18QCV17900 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV9275 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV19421 Metro. Medical v. 18QCV19482 Lenox Hill Radiology
Judge TBA THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Services v. Middle Village Motors
Phone 718-298-1401 Abdul Hasembulbul Kenhorn Group LLC Allstate Ins. Co. And v. American Transit Ins.
89-17 Sutphin Blvd. Inc.
12501 Queens Blvd. 18QCV17918 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV9376 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV19419 Metro. Medical v. 18QCV19483 Lenox Hill Radiology
Room 101, 9:30 A.M. Conference 18QCV16562 Progressive Advanced
(Annex) Langham Taxi Corp. Malik Akbar Govt. Employees And v. American Transit Ins.
Room E321, 9:30 A.M. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18QCV16794 664 Onderdonk LLC v. v. Gruesome Twosome, Inc. 18QCV9272 Geico Indemnity Co. v.
18QCV17910 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV19417 Metro. Medical And v. 18QCV19484 Lenox Hill Radiology
Fong Ping Lee 18QCV16569 Progressive Casualty NYC
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Nayera Cab Corp. Govt. Employees And v. American Transit Ins.
Conference 18QCV20739 Geico General Ins. v. v. Eht Transit, Inc. 18QCV9396 Global Liberty Ins. v.
18QCV17901 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV19430 Mingmen 18QCV19485 Lenox Hill Radiology
Jerry Mohammed 18QCV10312 Lap Chang v. Carol Maher Alhalmi 18QCV16567 Progressive Casualty Zoumana Sako
Open Road Fleet Acupuncture v. American Transit And v. American Transit Ins.
Elhajj Muhammad Ellis 18QCV20051 Gold Coast v. Mohammad Rahman 18QCV9277 Govt. Employees v.
18QCV17908 Govt. Employees v. Ins. 18QCV19486 Lenox Hill Radiology
Wilfredo Pacheco 18QCV19144 Roni Rubinov v. Sleep Gastroenterology v. Suzette 18QCV16561 Progressive Casualty Amalam Bhuiyan
Songo Ndiaye 18QCV19412 Mingmen And v. American Transit Ins.
David Viltus Number Corp. Massicot v. Vecity Taxi, Inc. 18QCV9380 Govt. Employees v.
18QCV17921 Govt. Employees v. Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees 18QCV19487 Lenox Hill Radiology
Jevaughn Whyte 19QCV502 Utica Nat. Ins. v. Ibrahim Soliman v. Adel Ayad Elkot Trial - Bench Jomar Service Corp 18QCV19433 Mingmen And v. American Transit Ins.
Christopher A. Farinha 18QCV20347 Sabrina Wint v. 18QCV9269 Govt. Employees Ins. v. Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees Lenox Hill Radiology And v. Liberty
Part K-23 18QCV9340 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV17912 Govt. Employees v.
Karen McKenzie NYC 18QCV19435 Mingmen Mutual Ins.
For All Purposes Adom Rental Transportation Universal Linx Services, Inc.
Justice Leach 19QCV403 Sunrise Autoland Inc. v. 18QCV9218 Geico General Ins. Co.
18QCV9395 State Farm Mutual v. Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees 18QCV19457 Lenox Hill Radiology
19QCV1636 Cheng Chien Hwa v. 18QCV17906 Govt. Employees v.
Phone 718-298-1055 Christopher Wilkins Moin Rab 18QCV19436 Mingmen And v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
v. Robert Hegman Zombra Limo Inc
125-01 Queens Blvd. Wang Xiaochen 16QCV11412 State Farm Mutual Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees 18QCV19459 Lenox Hill Radiology
For All Purposes 18QCV9343 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV17903 Govt. Employees Ins.
(Annex) 19QCV1545 Dionne Serrette v. Automobile Ins. v. Micro Transit 18QCV19438 Mingmen And v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
Shaquanna Herring v. Fragrance Corp.
Room E424, 9:30 A.M. Shaliyah Carter 19QCV1828 Geico General Ins. v. Inc. Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees 18QCV19469 Lenox Hill Radiology
18QCV4060 Geico Indemnity Co. v.
19QCV1685 Jaswinder Narh v. City Livery Leasing Trial - Bench THURSDAY, MARCH 7 And Mia v. Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 NYC 18QCV19439 Mingmen
Destinee Woodhall 18QCV9300 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV9354 Geico General Ins. v. Acupuncture v. Govt. Employees 18QCV19471 Lenox Hill Radiology
Kevin A. Gentles 19QCV1612 Orlin & Cohen Trial - Bench For All Purposes
NYC Muhammafd Rahman 18QCV19446 NY Spine Specialist v. And Mia v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Nahzaya D. Grant Orthopedic v. Tiana Yin 18QCV17973 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV9365 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18019 American Transit Ins. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19492 Lenox Hill Radiology
18QCV9338 Geico Indemnity Co. v.
Richard P. Simonds 19QCV1590 Rutledge Apts. v. Paola Evelyn L. Swanston Ronald D. Rucker v. John Webster 18QCV19447 NY Spine Specialist v. And Mia v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Twenty First St. Associates LLC
Maxwell K. Tryphosia Cortes 18QCV16759 Andrea Bogle-Henry 18QCV9348 Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV18042 D.J. Auto Sales v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19472 Mlj Chiropractic v.
18QCV9309 Global Liberty Ins. v.
Part K-24 Trial - Bench v. Karen McKenzie Tin Duc Tran Corp. v. Bp Prods. North America Inc. NYCTA 18QCV19443 Steven M. Yager v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV16630 Charlemagne Dumay 18QCV9298 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV9346 Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV18040 State Farm Mutual v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19473 Nordique Medical
Justice Lopez 18QCV19174 Konate Lilas v. Robert
v. Glenville Techeira Navin Vaswani v. Gurdit Singh Adom Rental Transportation 18QCV19415 Tremont Chemist (b) Services v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Phone 718-298-0934 Harrison
18QCV19561 Nurul Huda v. Sherpa 18QCV9295 Govt. Employees v. NY 18QCV9373 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV18035 State Farm Mutual v. v. Govt. Employees North American Partners in v.
125-01 Queens Blvd WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Edward Jones Liberty Mutual Ins.
Nuru 88 Car Service & Limo Bahadur Singh 18QCV19416 Tremont Chemist (b)
(Annex) 18QCV9350 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV19496 Prohealth Care
FRIDAY, MARCH 8 18QCV9296 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV18037 State Farm Mutual v. v. Govt. Employees
Room E423, 9:30 A.M. Conference Joseph Simeoli Associates v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Rajantrdianau Chabnauth Barkley George 18QCV19551 Triborough
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18QCV18853 Canada Leasing LLC Conference 18QCV9341 Govt. Employees Ins. v. 18QCV9360 Govt. Employees v. La 18QCV18036 State Farm Mutual v. Psychaitric v. State Farm Mutual Prohealth Care Associates v.
v. Yakub Abramov Abel Leal Zaragoza Marigae Taxi Inc Behzod Zaripov 18QCV19423 Trim Medical Liberty Mutual Ins.
Michael A. Joyce 19QCV296 Geico General Ins. v. 19QCV906 Arena Wright v.
18QCV3342 Progressive Casualty 18QCV9352 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV18018 State Farm Mutual v. Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19450 Prompt
Carlos Ludicaza Liberty Water And Sewer LLC Danielle Quinn
v. Sag Taxi Seagull Corporate C & O Cab Co. LLC 18QCV19425 Trim Medical Comprehensive Medical v.
Carlos Ludizaca 19QCV323 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 19QCV957 Arista Air Conditioning 18QCV9311 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV9356 Govt. Employees Ins. v. 18QCV18022 State Farm Mutual v. Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
Sam Middleton Palmar De Ocoa Inc. Corp. v. Scott Lawin 18QCV19451 Prompt
Agim Ramadani Joan Bottex Chandra Shyamal 18QCV19426 Trim Medical
Part W-50 18QCV16420 State Farm Fire And 18QCV20229 Hillside Manor 18QCV599 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV9326 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV18024 State Farm Mutual v. Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Comprehensive Medical v.
Casualty v. Alfredo Coyra Rehabilitation v. Cynthia Antonio R Rodriguez Esmeralda Moran Perez City Bronx Leasing Two Inc. 18QCV19429 Trim Medical Allstate Ins. Co.
Justice Morris
Phone 718-298-0852 19QCV503 Vito A. Cardo Jr v. Underdue 18QCV9310 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV9324 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV18030 State Farm Mutual v. Services v. Country-Wide Ins. 18QCV19470 Quality Medical
125-01 Queens Blvd. Marissa Perdomo 18QCV20011 South Nassau Dangelo Corp. Kji Limo Corp. Con Ed Co. 18QCV19440 V.S. Medical Services & Surgical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Room 159, 9:30 A.M. For All Purposes Communities Hosp. v. Wanda 18QCV9305 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV9322 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV18017 State Farm Mutual v. Pc v. Travelers Ins. Co. *karen Loy Lawrence
Moore Frank Kazlauskas Open Road Fleet Inc Jose Salas 18QCV19476 Robert Rook v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 19QCV1746 Baldor Specialty Trial - Bench Allstate Ins. Co.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 MONDAY, MARCH 4 18QCV18031 State Farm Mutual v.
Foods, Inc. v. Gerard Donato For All Purposes 15QCV14957 Adams Chiropractic 18QCV19493 Westerleigh
Kalipha M. Anderson Justin Benga
18QCV20590 Roy Lobosco v. Elsa 19QCV2043 Anna Maria Chiarappa For All Purposes 18QCV18034 State Farm Mutual v. Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Levi Betitojr For All Purposes
Guzman v. Naila Costa Kettelene A. Joseph 15QCV14955 Alam Ng Medical v.
Stacey Bishop 19QCV1714 Yehuda Gavra v. 18QCV16586 Adriatic Ins. Co. v. 18QCV17948 21st Century Nat. v. Trial - Bench
19QCV2026 Elk Colonial Hill LLC v. 18QCV18043 State Farm Mutual v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Travis Gangi Atakan Memisoglu Alvilie Service Inc. Taxi Tropical Corp. 15QCV10890 Access Medical
Diana Yearwood Milober Hacking Corp. 15QCV14633 Alan Ng Medical v.
Keisha Gonzalez 18QCV16582 Allstate Fire And 18QCV17936 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Trial - Bench 19QCV1584 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV18041 State Farm Mutual v. Motor Vehicle Accident
Raymond Ortega Casualty v. Chi Tam Fransisco Perez 14QCV8816 Accurate Acupuncture
Ahmed G. Algahmi Mohammod Monid Asif 15QCV14637 Allan Cherkin D.C. v.
Jerome Roberson 18QCV15060 Telmo Vasquez v. 18QCV17872 Allstate Fire And 18QCV17938 Allstate Ins. Co. v. v. Geico General Ins. Co
19QCV2025 North Shore Univ. v. 18QCV18023 State Farm Mutual v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Georgios Savidis Luxor Motor Cars Inc Casualty v. Thomas Roldan Jennifer Jimenez 14QCV8711 Adam Marigliano v.
Maria Mavromatis Nel Taxi Corp. 15QCV14930 Bab Nuclear
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 18QCV17875 Lig Rlty. LLC v. Wen 18QCV17937 Allstate Prop. And v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Part N-60 Justin’s Towing & Storage Inc. 18QCV18028 State Farm Mutual v. Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Trial - Bench Yan Gao Bab Nuclear Radiology v. Liberty 14QCV8718 Adam Marigliano v.
Justice Melendez 18QCV17877 Nationwide Affinity v. 18QCV17935 Allstate Prop. And v. Orange Transportation
Conference 17QCV12176 Michelle Lewis v. 18QCV18039 State Farm Mutual v. Mutual Ins. Allstate Ins. Co.
Phone 718-298-0864 NYC Peter Ike 14QCV8719 Adam Marigliano v.
125-01 Queens Blvd. 19QCV319 1215 Rlty. Associates Udaya Sampath Adikari- Palas Limo. 15QCV14635 Back & Body Medical
LLC v. Wyman W Kitt 18QCV17876 Nationwide Affinity 18QCV17949 Citizens United Care v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
Room 172, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV14038 Synchrony Bank v. Ins. v. Abm Limo Inc. Reciprocal v. Edge Renovation 18QCV18026 State Farm Mutual v.
18QCV10348 Allstate Ins. Co. v. All Rigo Limo Auto Corp. 15QCV14931 Back & Body Medical 14QCV8726 Adam Marigliano v.
Rakhmin Mullokandov 18QCV17879 Nationwide Affinity LLC A/k/a Alb Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 City Transportation Inc. 18QCV18038 State Farm Mutual v. Care v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV20767 Anesia James v. The Part 12 Ins. v. Hafiz Rahman 18QCV17947 Con Ed Co. v. 15QCV14608 Chiropractic 14QCV8707 Adam Marigliano Lmt
Christopher Begley 18QCV17864 New Century Maspeth Supply Co., LLC Sabe Ambulette Services
Bklyn. Union Gas 18QCV18020 State Farm Mutual v. Associates of v. Progressive v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Sabino Contreras Judge TBA Financial Services, Inc. v. Maria 18QCV17932 Geico Casualty Co. v.
18QCV14891 Garden State Venture Leasing LLC Casualty 14QCV8708 Adam Marigliano Lmt
Jose Escala 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. Petridis Rodrigo Duque v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Joseph Falcone Veterinary v. Donna Szlosek Room 101, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV18016 State Farm Mutual 15QCV14631 Clinton Surgical
18QCV17870 Roguski Land 18QCV17933 Geico General Ins. v. Supply, Inc. v. Country-Wide Ins. 14QCV8709 Adam Marigliano Lmt
Christian Guallpa 18QCV10142 Human Resources Automobile Ins. v. Antonia
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Surveying v. A.M. Title Agency, Daoo Trans Inc. 15QCV14918 Diaspo Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Shawn L. Reid Admin. v. Nigel Jeffrey Giordano
Inc. 18QCV17929 Geico General Ins. v. Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8738 Adam Marigliano Lmt
Nece Bryson v. Estate of James Trial - Bench
Part Q-IDV Inquest - Court 18QCV16577 State Farm Mutual v. NYCTA 15QCV14447 Diaspo Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Bogey Service Corp 18QCV17924 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV9394 Liberty Mutual Therapy v. Country-Wide Ins. 14QCV8616 Adam Marigliano v.
Justice Koenderman 19QCV140 Peter Headley v. Tri- 18QCV20086 Allstate Ins. Co. v.
18QCV17869 State Farm Mutual v. NYC General v. Shore Cab Corp. 15QCV14923 Doshi Diagnostic Allstate Ins. Co.
Phone 718-298-1204 County Installation LLC. Akeem B. Ojoye Emil Hanna 18QCV17931 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV9386 State Farm Mutual v. Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8722 Adam Marigliano v.
125-01 Queens Blvd. 18QCV20763 Thomas George v. 18QCV18033 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV16571 State Farm Mutual v. v. City Livery Leasing NYC 15QCV14379 Doshi Diagnostic Allstate Ins. Co.
(Annex) Frank Tehrani Claude Comlanvi Jakhongir Asrorov 18QCV17926 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV9385 State Farm Mutual v. Imaging v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 14QCV8737 Adam Marigliano v.
Room E123, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV8261 Vanessa K. Foy v. 18QCV20082 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV17858 State Farm Mutual v. v. NYC Jeanette Christian 15QCV14920 Dynamic Healthcare Allstate Ins. Co.
Sondra Marcus-Mcneill Craig S. Maddock Khalid Mahmood
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18QCV17934 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV9393 State Farm Mutual v. Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8725 Adam Marigliano v.
For All Purposes 18QCV18076 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV16572 State Farm Mutual v. Kariola Taxi Marcos Cardenaspages Liberty Mutual Ins. Co.
Edwin Fernandez 15QCV14921 Dynamic Healthcare
19QCV1823 Long Island Jewish George A. Barnes My Baby Taxi Inc. 18QCV17927 Govt. Employees v. 15QCV10881 Adams Chiropractic
FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Center v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Part Medical v. Osnat Arabov 18QCV20083 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV16575 State Farm Mutual v. Ora Taxi Corp. Ellen Sue Ginsberg v. Liberty Center v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Justice Lopez Jamel J. Cunningham Navjot Singh 18QCV17925 Govt. Employees v. For All Purposes Mutual Ins. 14QCV8765 Adelaida M Laga v.
Trial - Bench 18QCV20084 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV16574 State Farm Mutual v. Rafael Barbosa-Soto Progressive Ins.
125-01 Queens Blvd 18QCV18072 Amica Mutual Ins. v. 15QCV14453 Emerald Health
(Annex) 18QCV14826 Carlos Morales v. Jose Hernandez Ocean Black Car Corp 18QCV17930 Govt. Employees Ins. Group, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 15QCV10878 Align Dental Care v.
18QCV16576 State Farm Mutual v. Adedimedji Export, Inc.
Room E423, 9:30 Irma S. Guiza 18QCV20090 Allstate Ins. Co. v. v. Aki Group Inc. Engracia O. Lazatin v. Liberty Allstate Ins. Co.
Paramjit Kaur 18QCV18073 Drive New Jersey Ins.
18QCV12630 Mohibul Islam v. Kerry Carroll 18QCV17939 Maidstone Ins. Co. v. Mutual Ins. 15QCV10893 Allan Cherkin v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18QCV17857 State Farm Mutual v. v. John Rowdon
Crystal Window & Door 18QCV20088 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Shani Cab Corp. Frank C Favazza v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
Parsley Cab Corp. 18QCV18056 Geico General Ins. v.
Michael A. Joyce FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Marisa N. Santiago 18QCV17942 State Farm Mutual v. Baseball Transit Inc. 15QCV14917 Frank C Favazza v. 14QCV8521 Art of Healing
Carlos Ludicaza 18QCV20085 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV16573 State Farm Mutual v. Juan Rodriguez Allstate Ins. Co. Medicine P.C. v. Geico Ins. Co.
Raquel M Gomez 18QCV18052 Geico General Ins. v.
Carlos Ludizaca Conference Michael Hansen 18QCV17940 State Farm Mutual v. Francois J. Paul 18QCV19411 Franklin Rx, Inc. v. 14QCV8519 Art of Healing
Sam Middleton 18QCV17859 State Farm Mutual v. Robert Owusu Govt. Employees Medicine v. Geico Ins. Co.
18QCV20171 Kew Gardens Bap v. 18QCV18120 Allstate Ins. Co. v. 18QCV18051 Geico General
Sunshine Tours Inc. 18QCV17943 State Farm Mutual v. 15QCV14404 Gda Chiropractic v. 14QCV8533 Avicenna Medical Arts
Part QTC Verdell Hale Michael Ryan Ins. Co. v. Adom Rental
18QCV17874 State Farm Mutual Shiyong Hu Allstate Ins. Co. P.L.L.C. v. Geico General Ins.
19QCV297 Xiao Sun v. Janece Barr 18QCV20089 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Transportation, Inc.
Justice Hirsch Automobile Ins. v. Daniela TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Bab Nuclear Radiology v. Allstate
McFadden Paul V. Rotondi 18QCV18057 Geico General Ins. 15QCV14381 Gleneida Medical
Phone 718-298-1301 Duque Galviz Ins. Co.
For All Purposes 18QCV20532 Dynamic Auto Center Co. v. Mem Sa Seli Care v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
12501 Queens Blvd. 18QCV16585 USAA Casualty Ins. v. For All Purposes 15QCV10891 Bab Nuclear
v. American Hood & Duct 18QCV18048 Geico General Ins. 15QCV14457 Glenwood Medical v.
(Annex) 18QCV21151 Geico General Ins. v. Perla Grullon Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV16184 Edwin Ruiz v. 18QCV17975 Aimes Enterprises, Co. v. Sambuca Taxi LLC Liberty Mutual Ins.
Room E324, Kildare Cab Corp. Trial - Bench Inc. v. Gerber & Gerber 18QCV18054 Geico General Ins. Glenwood Medical v. Liberty 15QCV10897 Bab Nuclear
19QCV1864 London Leasing Lp v. Worldwide Motors Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18QCV15725 Seokumari Singh v. 18QCV9315 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17976 Allstate Fire And Co. v. Tenzin Mantse Mutual Ins.
Susana Espinoza Casualty v. Joseph Daily 18QCV18047 Geico Indemnity Co. 15QCV14427 H & H Chiropractic 14QCV9551 Back To Life
Champion Shipping Inc Adedjouma Amar Chiropractic v. Travelers Ins. Co.
Mauro Ferrin 19QCV1882 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV9317 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17978 Allstate Fire And v. Rigo Limo Auto Group Services v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
Ary Trucking LLC 18QCV15908 Shah S. Haque v. Con Health 1 Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Beach Medical Rehabilitation v.
Part QIDV Akil Peters Casualty v. Shyanne L. Andrades 18QCV18050 Geico Indemnity Co.
Ed Co. of 15QCV14654 Health 1 Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
MONDAY, MARCH 4 18QCV9312 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17982 Allstate Fire And v. Rolling Thunder Cab Corp
Justice Harrington 18QCV15907 Shah S. Haque v. Nat. Allstate Ins. Co. Belle Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins.
Bucko Cab Inc Casualty Ins. v. Nation Limo Inc. 18QCV18049 Geico Indemnity Co.
Phone 718-298-1432 Conference Grid Health 1 Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Co.
18QCV9330 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17981 Allstate Ins. Co. v. v. Yei Transportation Corp.
12501 Queens Blvd. 18QCV15656 Tillack Bisnauth v. 15QCV14952 Hector Melgar v. 14QCV8729 Blumenthal
18QCV19506 Ba Express USA Inc. Golden Age of Bklyn. LLC Uthman Mohammed 18QCV18058 Global Liberty Ins. v.
(Annex) Jules R. Leung Allstate Ins. Co. Chiorpractic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
v. Actel Wireless Inc. 18QCV9333 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17980 Farmers New Daniel Hyacinthe
Room E123, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV16213 Unique Youmans v. Hector Melgar v. Liberty Mutual 14QCV8706 Brentwood Medical
18QCV16558 Elizabeth Garcia v. Jean-Willer Exinvil Century v. S.T.V. Transportation 18QCV18055 Govt. Employees v.
Sammy Sabuz Ins. Plaza v. Allstate Ins. Co.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Germinder Singh 18QCV9313 State Farm Mutual v. Corp. Mahbubur Rahman
18QCV16202 Vilia Abramov v. 15QCV14384 Ilina Medical Care v. 14QCV8728 C&R Chiropractic v.
18QCV21060 Francesco Loccisano Polanco Enterprise Inc. 18QCV17969 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18067 Lancer Ins. Co. v.
Edwin Fernandez Briarwood Associates Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
v. Joseph Medina 18QCV9334 State Farm Mutual v. R Juan Ocoro Diro Taxi LLC
18QCV15397 Xiomara Corporan v. 15QCV14318 Island Chiropractic v. 14QCV8727 Central Park Physical
19QCV943 Highland Terrace LLC v. C Audubon Service Inc. 18QCV17966 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18066 Lancer Ins. Co. v.
Allstate Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Md Muradur Rahman Asher Corces 18QCV9332 State Farm Mutual Lake Three, Inc. Samsun Alacam Corp.
Surrogate’s Automobile Ins. v. Seth 18QCV17963 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV18068 Progressive Advanced 15QCV14319 Jamaica Ave. 14QCV9546 Complete Spinal
For All Purposes Submission - Memorandum Physical v. Mvaic
Court 19QCV1983 Amanda Zorrilla v. of Law
Transportation Inc. Pointer Taxi Inc
18QCV17967 Geico General Ins. v.
v. Harman Enterprise Inc.
18QCV18069 Progressive Casualty
Chiropractic v. American Transit
Ins. 14QCV9575 County Line Pharmacy
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Surrogate P. Kelly Lucia Flores Michelle Jean-Louis v. Tony’s NY NYC v. Adenyi Auto Inc 15QCV14320 Jamaica Ave.
19QCV1957 Geico General Ins. v. Auto Sales Inc Chiropractic v. American Transit 15QCV10889 Diaspo Chiropractic
For All Purposes 18QCV17971 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV18074 Progressive Garden
Emmanuel Tay Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 18QCV16594 Allstate Fire And v. J.A.M. Fernandez State v. Rigo Limo Auto Corp.
14QCV8517 Emc Health Prods. v.
CIVIL COURT 19QCV1962 Geico General Ins. v.
Jose Guevara
Casualty v. Carlos Chuquiana- 18QCV17970 Geico Indemnity Co.
v. Kenny Worthen
18QCV18046 State Farm Fire &
Casualty v. Specialty Rentals Inc
15QCV14321 Jamaica Ave.
Chiropractic v. American Transit Allstate Ins. Co.
Trial - Bench (10:00 Chiquiana 14QCV9903 Fountain Diagnostic
Part 5 18QCV19672 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV17962 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV18061 State Farm Mutual v. Ins.
18QCV14242 Michael Faith v. 18QCV16595 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Ruddy Rodriguez v. Shaikh Islam Destiny Bruno 15QCV14322 Jamaica Ave.
Judge Esposito Maurice Butler Stewart Choo 15QCV10892 Frank C Favazza v.
Trial - Bench 18QCV17968 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV18062 State Farm Mutual v. Chiropractic v. American Transit
89-17 Sutphin Blvd. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 18QCV17881 Geico General Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Ramon Ramos-Sanchez U.S. Evergreen Transportation Ins.
Room 304, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV16112 Georgianna Carlos Cajamarca 14QCV8698 Glenwood Medical v.
18QCV17965 Govt. Employees v. 18QCV18059 State Farm Mutual v. 15QCV14383 Joseph Weinstein v.
Kamarados v. Western Queens Inquest - Court 18QCV17892 Geico General Ins. v. Geico General Ins. Co
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 NYC Yiman Choibekov Liberty Mutual Ins.
Homes LLC Dreamboat Cab Corp 14QCV8513 Great Health Care v.
19QCV750 25-06 47th St. Rlty. 18QCV17977 Norguard Ins. Co. 18QCV18060 State Farm Mutual v. 15QCV14454 Medical Arts
Trial - Jury (9:30 A 18QCV10794 Jackson Rlty. 18QCV17887 Geico General Ins. v. General Motors Assurance
Corp. v. Mustapha Bouatrouss *pressler & Pressler v. Br Const. Yuvraj Trans Inc. Radiological v. Liberty Mutual
Partners LLC v. Favio Cardy Guy Fouyolle 15QCV10904 Hector Melgar v.
17QCV13316 State Farm Mutual v. 18QCV16756 Afrieca Simmons v. & Stone Ins.
18QCV20178 Leeman Wong v. 18QCV17885 Geico General Ins. v. Part 15N 15QCV14385 Medical Electronics v. Country-Wide Ins.
Cameron Singh Angella Lewis Hafeez Ali Inc. 18QCV17958 State Farm Fire And 14QCV8776 Heights Chiropractic
Reynilio Valdez Lebron Casualty v. Fv Limo Inc. Judge TBA Allstate Ins. Co.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Roni G. Moncada 18QCV17888 Geico General Ins. v. Services v. Progressive Casualty
18QCV20308 Maribel Tavira v. Amy 18QCV17960 State Farm Mutual v. 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. 15QCV14387 Medical Electronics v.
18QCV20075 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Ikaria Taxi LLC Ins . Co.
Conference Vargas Art Cab Corp Room 101, 9:30 A.M. Allstate Ins. Co.
Shalanda D. Donaldson 18QCV17886 Geico General Ins. v. 14QCV8601 Ima Acupuncture v.
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 18QCV15399 Alonso Parra v. Orange Transportation 18QCV17961 State Farm Mutual v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Medical Electronics v. Progressive
Govt. Employees v. Nichole Ingleton Classic Ins. Geico General Ins.
18QCV18636 State Farm Mutual v. American Lease 18QCV17893 Geico General Ins. v. Asfaque H Chowdhury 15QCV10899 Jill Bressler v.
Conference 18QCV17956 State Farm Mutual v. For All Purposes 15QCV14919 Mlj Chiropractic v.
Oleszja Rabinovich 18QCV16983 Anthony Acevedo v. Rigo Limo-Auto Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19360 Canon Financial 18QCV17890 Geico General Ins. v. Bernard Lee Nelson Allstate Ins. Co.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Leticia G. Ciprian 18QCV19428 Abo Pharmacy Corp. 15QCV10967 Jj & R Chiropractic v.
Services, Inc. v. Ssion NYC 18QCV17974 State Farm Mutual v. 15QCV14953 Mlj Chiropractic v.
18QCV17117 Arvin Calica v. (b) v. Allstate Ins. Co. Mapfre Ins. Co. of
Enterprises 18QCV17891 Geico Indemnity Co. Camaron Transportation Corp. 18QCV19432 Abo Pharmacy v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Conference Analiza Daus Amante 14QCV8752 K.E.L. Medical v. Geico
18QCV18573 Geico General Ins. v. v. NYC 18QCV17959 State Farm Mutual v. Govt. Employees Mlj Chiropractic v. State Farm
18QCV12642 Allstate Indemnity 18QCV11999 Charlotte Ashby v. Ins. Co.
Bedford Stuyvesant 18QCV17889 Govt. Employees v. Felix Brother Inc 18QCV19413 Abo Pharmacy v. Mutual Auto
Co. v. Mark Greenberg Real Tasha Bartlett 14QCV8733 Medicalselect v.
18QCV20039 Haydee Venn v. 1330 Sixth Parking LLC 18QCV17957 State Farm Mutual v. Govt. Employees Nordique Medical Services v. Maya
Estate 19QCV657 Con Ed Co. v. Safeway Allstate Ins. Co.
Cristobal Contrera 18QCV17883 Govt. Employees v. Rigo Limo Auto Corp 18QCV19448 Advanced Assurance Co.
18QCV18640 Geico General Ins. v. Const. 14QCV8731 Medicalselect v.
18QCV14768 Roben Yuabov v. Espinal Delvi Rodriguez 18QCV17952 USAA Casualty Ins. v. Orthopaedics v. Country-Wide North American Partners in v.
Adrian Smith 19QCV660 Geico General Ins. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Co.
Abraham Aizelman 18QCV17884 Govt. Employees v. Angel Lucero Ins. State Farm Mutual Auto
18QCV18642 Geico General Ins. v. J.M.A. Taxi Inc 15QCV10695 Melville Surgical
17QCV8875 Shigeru Odani v. Plaza Mash Cab Corp. 18QCV17954 USAA General 18QCV19445 Chiropractic Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic v. Geico
Byreck Prashad Center v. Garrsion Prop. And
21 Condominium 19QCV659 Geico Indemnity Co. v. 18QCV16590 Jla Accounting Indemnity v. Manbir Singh Associates of v. American Transit Ins. Co.
18QCV18645 Geico General Ins. 15QCV10694 Melville Surgical
18QCV12555 State Farm Mutual v. Mas Enterprise Services Inc. v. Korean American Ins. 15QCV14456 Philip Cilio v. Liberty
Co. v. Xiao Le Yu Trial - Bench Center v. Garrison Prop. And
Grey Enterprise Scr Inc. 18QCV13065 Jagan Gulati v. Ram Catholics 18QCV19408 Dr. Tak’s Med. & Mutual Ins.
18QCV3822 G & G Seafood, Inc. v. 15QCV10887 Mlj Chiropractic v.
Trial - Bench K. Seth 18QCV16591 Nationwide Affinity v. Rehab. v. Geico 15QCV14291 Philp J Cilio Dc Lac
For All Purposes Steven Lauterbach Allstate Ins. Co.
19QCV757 Jakob Abramovitz v. NYC 18QCV19409 Dr. Tak’s Med. & Pllc v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
18QCV7222 State Farm Mutual v. 16QCV8356 Progressive Max Ins. 15QCV10900 Mlj Chiropractic v.
19QCV1474 Geico Indemnity Co. v. Gregory E. Woodson 18QCV16593 Nationwide Affinity Rehab. v. Geico 15QCV14954 Precise Physical
Con Ed Inc. v. Ninja One Service Corp. Allstate Ins. Co.
Ranjit Singh 18QCV17042 Janet Lyue v. Angella Ins. v. Z.N. Taxi, Inc. 18QCV19410 Dr. Tak’s Med. & Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV7221 State Farm Mutual Mlj Chiropractic v. Travelers Ins.
19QCV1389 Iqra Aslam v. Waqas Lewis 18QCV16604 State Farm Indemnity WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Rehab. v. Geico Prohealth Care Associates v.
Auto v. Humberto Calcano Co.
Aslam 18QCV17036 Marjorie Dejoie v. Co. v. Romer D. Rodriguez 18QCV19384 Global Medical Country-Wide Ins.
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 14QCV8755 Murdock Medical Pc v.
19QCV1901 Kevin Pettaway v. 18QCV16601 State Farm Mutual v. For All Purposes Physician v. Geico 15QCV14359 Rocky Point
Bernadette Joseph Allstate Ins. Co.
Darick Upson-Dunn Ak1 Group 18QCV18004 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19385 Global Medical Chiropractic v. American States
Trial - Jury 18QCV17507 Mohammed Aple 14QCV10906 New Way
18QCV16598 State Farm Mutual v. Azl Car Inc Physician v. Geico Ins.
Trial - Bench Khan v. Rafiul Khan Acupuncture v. Global Liberty
18QCV3679 State Farm Mutual v. Carlos Palmer 18QCV18009 Geico General Ins. v. 15QCV14360 Select Chiropractic v.
18QCV17521 Argentine Leasing v. 18QCV18032 Scottish American 18QCV19386 Global Medical Ins.
Lynda Valery 18QCV16596 State Farm Mutual v. Bano Boodhan Physician v. Geico Liberty Mutual Ins.
Rinku Sarker Ins. v. Empire State Professional 14QCV9884 NY Westchester
18QCV676 State Farm Mutual v. Cedar Transit Corp. 18QCV18000 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19387 Global Medical 15QCV14284 Ssm Physical
18QCV10351 Balwinder Singh v. 18QCV16693 Sean Hill v. Ayana Square v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Nen Wu 18QCV16597 State Farm Mutual v. K.L. Skeen-Patterson Physician v. Geico Therapy of NY Pc v. Geico
Baljinder Kaur Isaac 14QCV9892 NY Westchester
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Girish K. Chhibber 18QCV18003 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19388 Global Medical General Ins. Co. Square v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19102 Deokie Goolcharran 19QCV658 The Board of Mgrs. of 15QCV14382 Village Medical v.
18QCV16602 State Farm Mutual v. Manuel Torres Physician v. Geico Omphil Care, Inc. v. Nationwide
Conference v. Teelakdeen Shiwraj The v. Marta Stachula Liberty Mutual Ins.
Oscar M Cubias 18QCV17999 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV19390 Global Medical Ins.
18QCV18899 Petro Inc. v. THURSDAY, MARCH 7 15QCV14922 Westerleigh
18QCV16657 Allstate Ins. Co. v. Tasha Smith Physician v. Geico 14QCV8771 Omphil Care, Inc. v.
Mohammad Khan Trial - Bench Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Irventz I. Garcon 18QCV17995 Geico General Ins. 18QCV19392 Global Medical Nationwide Ins.
18QCV18644 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV14038 Synchrony Bank v. Trial - Bench (2:00 18QCV9319 Mapfre Ins. Co. of v. I Co. v. Yaffa Hacking Corp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Physician v. Geico Parkview Medical & Surgical v.
Con Ed Co. of New Rakhmin Mullokandov M F Associates Inc. 18QCV18007 Geico Indemnity Co.
18QCV15102 Kenia Sarita v. 18QCV19393 Global Medical Country Wide Ins.
18QCV688 State Farm Mutual v. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Karina Vega 18QCV9320 State Farm Mutual v. v. Aj Corp. Physician v. Geico For All Purposes 14QCV8759 Professional Health v.
Kojo Pabi J. B. Torres 18QCV17998 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV19394 Global Medical 18QCV19490 All-Star Physical Geico Ins. Co.
State Farm Mutual v. Ryder Truck Conference Part 13 18QCV9321 State Farm Mutual v. v. Raindy Georges Physician v. Geico Therapy v. Safeco Ins. Co. of 15QCV10894 Qifang Ren
Rental Lt 18QCV19844 American Transit Ins. Judge TBA Muhammad Iqbal 18QCV18006 Geico Indemnity Co. 18QCV19396 Global Medical 18QCV19462 Chiropractic Motion Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 v. Mohammed G. Mowla 89-17 Sutphin Blvd. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 v. NYC Physician v. Geico v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 15QCV10696 Rehabilitation
18QCV18940 Jeannie Sze v. Room 101, 9:30 A.M. 18QCV17994 Nationwide Affinity 18QCV19397 Global Medical 18QCV19488 Complete Orthopedic Medicine And v. USAA Casualty
Inquest - Court Beatriz Centeno For All Purposes Ins. v. Cyril Swavy Physician v. Geico Services v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins.
18QCV21113 Native Taxi Corp. v. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 18QCV17898 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV17993 Nationwide Affinity 18QCV19399 Global Medical 18QCV19468 Diaspo Chiropractic 15QCV10882 Rocky Point
State Farm Mutual Auto v. Power
Way LLC Robert Boyko Alapatt Transportation Inc. Ins. v. Mario Ramales Physician v. Geico v. Allstate Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV20060 Robola Inc. v. Md Submission - Memorandum 18QCV17917 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV17992 Nationwide Affinity 18QCV19400 Global Medical 18QCV19494 Diaspo Chiropractic Royal Medical Supply v. Country
Trial - Jury Faruque Hossain Khan of Law (9:30 A America United Transporation Ins. v. Rigo Limo-Auto Corp. Physician v. Geico v. Allstate Ins. Co. Wide Ins.
17QCV12147 Govt. Employees Ins. 18QCV12793 Yujie Hugh v. Olivia 19QCV752 Lancer Ins. Co. v. 18QCV17897 Geico General Ins. v. 18QCV17990 Nationwide Prop. v. 18QCV19402 Global Medical 18QCV19495 Diaspo Chiropractic 14QCV9907 Sheila Soman v.
v. Daniel Roldan Feliciano Nestor Ice Cream Distributor Farhan K Siddiqui Domingo Moranta Physician v. Geico v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
44 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

14QCV8778 Tam Medical Supply 15QCV11394 Health 1 Medical v. 14QCV9664 Marvin Moy v. Geico 15QCV11216 Island Regional 15QCV12985 Diaspo Chiropractic 14QCV9527 Harmony Chiropractic 14QCV8227 Bp Diagnostic Adelaida M Laga Pt v. Mvaic
Corp v. Esurance Geico Ins. Co. Ins. Co. Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Travelers Ins. Co. v. Allstate Prop. And Medicine P.C. v. Liberty Mutual 14QCV8578 Alpha Chiropractic v.
14QCV8779 Tam Medical Supply Healthcare Device Solutions v. Medix Surgical Supply , Inc. v. 14QCV8551 Lotus Acupuncture Pc 15QCV13073 Diaspo Physical Health 1 Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Fire Ins. Allstate Ins. Co.
Corp v. Esurance Country-Wide Ins. Co. Travelers Indemnity v. Allstate Ins Co Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. Health Needles Acupuncture v. 11QCV18347 Bromer Medical. P.C 15QCV11691 Ars Medical v. Govt.
15QCV10884 Thomas Yarrobino v. 14QCV7948 Healthy Way 14QCV8395 Murdock Medical Pc v. 14QCV8672 Maxim Tyorkin v. 15QCV13068 Doshi Diagnostic Geico Ins. Co. v. Govt. Employees Employees
Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture Pc v. Allstate Ins Co Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11274 Ilina Medical Care v. 14QCV8101 Bronx Medical 15QCV11692 Ars Medical v. Govt.
14QCV8734 Valley Psychological v. Huntington Medical Plaza v. Govt. 14QCV8399 Murdock Medical Pc v. 15QCV11123 Medical Arts 15QCV13069 Doshi Diagnostic Allstate Ins. Co. Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Employees
Allstate Ins. Co. Employees American Transit Ins. Radiological v. Allstate Ins. Co. Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. Immediate Chiropractic Care v. Bronx Medical Diagnostic v. 14QCV8584 Bay Massage v.
14QCV8735 Valley Psychological v. 14QCV8045 Kinetics Physical New Beginning Chiropractic v. 15QCV11135 Medical Arts 15QCV13078 Dynamic Healthcare Geico Ins. Co. American Commerce Ins. Allstate Prop. And
Allstate Ins. Co. Therapy v. Elrac, Inc. Ameriprise Ins. Co. Radiological v. Allstate Ins. Co. Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8705 Kappa Medical Pc v. Bklyn. Anesthesia v. American 14QCV8585 Bay Massage v.
14QCV8536 Velocity Chiropractic v. 15QCV10831 Max-Health 14QCV8402 NY Chiropractic 15QCV11203 Medical Arts 15QCV13079 Dynamic Healthcare American Transit Ins. Commerce Ins. Allstate Prop. And
Fiduciary Ins. Co. Chiropractic of NY v. Progressive Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Radiological v. Allstate Ins. Co. Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11658 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV8218 Chiropractic 14QCV8586 Bay Massage v.
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Ins. 14QCV8410 NY Chiropractic 15QCV11214 Medical Arts 15QCV12974 Dynamic Healthcare And Mia v. Smores Taxi LLC Associates of v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
12QCV5378 Orthopro Services v. Diagnostics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Radiological v. Allstate Ins. Co. Center v. Progressive Casualty 15QCV11660 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV8236 Clinton Pl. Medical 14QCV8506 Broad Spectrum
For All Purposes Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9321 Premier Health Miriam Kanter v. American Glenwood Medical v. Travelers And Mia v. Moon Ying Trans P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Physical v. Hertz Claim Mgt.
18QCV19508 Advanced Recovery 12QCV5382 Orthopro Services v. Services v. Tri-State Consumer Commerce Ins. Ins. Co. Corp Complete Orthopedic Services v. Corp
Equipment v. American Transit Govt. Employees Ins. 14QCV8629 Mk Chiropractic P.C. v. 15QCV13053 Harbor Chiropractic 14QCV9528 Lighthouse Motor Vehicle Accident 14QCV8509 Cardamone
Ins. Queens Radiology v. Geico General 14QCV8392 Professional Health v. Citiwide Auto Leasing v. USAA Casualty Ins. Chiropractic Care v. Geico Ins. 15QCV11517 Diaspo Chiropractic Chiropractic v. Republic Western
18QCV19509 County Line Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11127 Mlj Chiropractic v. 15QCV13061 Health 1 Medical v. Co. v. Travelers Ins. Co. Ins. Co
Pharmacy v. Geico General Ins. Queens Radiology v. Geico General 14QCV8394 Professional Health Allstate Ins. Co. USAA Casualty Ins. 14QCV9606 Lms Acupuncture P.C. 15QCV11511 Doshi Diagnostic Charles Deng Acupucnture v.
Co. Ins. Co Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. North American Partners in v. 15QCV13062 Health 1 Medical v. v. Geico Ins. Co. Imaging v. Mvaic Progressive Ins.
18QCV19511 County Line 12QCV5401 South Nassau 14QCV9970 Queens Arthroscopy & American Commerce Ins. USAA Casualty Ins. Longevity Medical Supply, Inc. v. 11QCV18170 Eagle Surgical Supply 15QCV11860 Chiropractic Exam
Pharmacy v. Geico General Ins. Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. Sports v. Palermo Taxi Inc 14QCV8661 NYS Diagnostic 15QCV13063 Health 1 Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Inc v. Kemper Ins. Co. Works v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Sun Medical Care of Nassau v. 17QCV1098 Queens Chiropractic v. Medicine v. Progressive Casualty USAA Casualty Ins. 15QCV11428 Medical Electronics v. 11QCV18171 Eagle Surgical Supply 14QCV10165 Crystal Ray Medical
Geico Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Ins Co 15QCV13071 Hector Melgar v. Allstate Ins. Co. Inc v. Kemper Ins. Co. P.C. v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19498 County Line
12QCV5385 Sy Wellness Massage 17QCV1088 Rose Chiropractic 14QCV8684 Orly Navaro v. Allstate Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11430 Medical Electronics v. Excel Imaging v. Countrywide Ins. 14QCV8552 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. Health And v. Country-Wide Ins. Ins. Co. 15QCV13074 Island Regional Allstate Ins. Co. Fp Medical P.C. v. Nationwide Ins. v. Govt. Employees
18QCV19499 County Line
11QCV18208 Tri-V Medical v. Govt. 14QCV8931 Scordilis Chiropractic 14QCV8680 Orly Navaro v. Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co. Medical Electronics v. Progressive Fp Medical P.C. v. United Services 14QCV8553 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Employees Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. Jamaica Ave. Chiropractic v. Geico Classic Ins. Automobile v. Govt. Employees
18QCV19500 County Line
Zwanger & Pesiri Radiology v. 14QCV8332 Skyline Chiropractic 14QCV8699 Progressive Health v. Ins. Co. 14QCV9532 Merit Acupuncture v. 14QCV8099 Gleneida Medical Care 14QCV8554 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Travelers Ins. Co. Pc v. Allstate Ins. Co. American Transit Ins. 15QCV15043 Jamaica Ave. Geico Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Govt. Employees
18QCV19510 County Line
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 14QCV8335 Skyline Chiropractic Quality Medical & Surgical v. Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9895 Minerva Santos v. 14QCV8100 Gleneida Medical Care 14QCV8555 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Pc v. Allstate Ins. Co. American Commerce Ins. 15QCV15044 Jamaica Ave. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Govt. Employees
18QCV19513 County Line
For All Purposes 14QCV8407 T.S. Chiropractic Queens Radiology v. American Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9640 Nanuet Medical 15QCV11519 Hamilton Surgical 14QCV8557 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Geico Ins. Co.
Wellness v. Allstate Ins. Co. Commerce Ins. 15QCV15047 Jamaica Ave. Services v. American Transit Ins. Supplies v. Travelers Ins. Co. v. Govt. Employees
18QCV19504 County Line 18QCV19814 Daniel N Benson
14QCV8417 T.S. Chiropractic 15QCV11222 Queens Radiology v. Chiropractic v. Geico Ins. Co. Co 14QCV8115 Harbor Chiropractic v. 14QCV8558 Cypress Acupuncture
Pharmacy v. Liberty Mutual D.C. v. USAA Casualty Ins.
Wellness v. Allstate Ins. Co. Travelers Ins. Co. 18QCV10361 Jamie G Gutierrez v. Nanuet Medical Services v. State Global Liberty Ins. v. Govt. Employees
Group 18QCV19831 Doshi Diagnostic
14QCV9744 Warren St. Orthopedic Queens Radiology v. Geico General Geico Ins. Co. Farm Ins. Co. 14QCV8221 Harbor Chiropractic v. 14QCV8559 Cypress Acupuncture
18QCV19521 Diaspo Chiropractic Imaging v. American Transit Ins. Ins. Co
v. Geico 15QCV13075 Long Island 14QCV11807 New Way Massage Allstate Ins. Co. v. Govt. Employees
v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 18QCV19847 Dynamic Healthcare 15QCV11119 Rocky Point
14QCV11232 Zsa Medical Care Pc Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8112 Harbor Chiropractic v. 15QCV11688 Dana Woolfson v.
18QCV19502 Drd Medical v. Liberty Center v. Progressive Casualty Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
v. Country-Wide Ins. 17QCV1094 Magnetic Resonance New Way Medical Supply v. Geico Progressive Casualty Govt. Employees
Mutual Group 18QCV19827 Dynamic Healthcare 15QCV11125 Rocky Point Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. 12QCV5245 Healing Health Prods.
18QCV19541 Dynamic Healthcare Center v. Allstate Ins. Co. MONDAY, MARCH 4 Ins. Co. Dana Woolfson v. Progressive
Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV13077 Medical Arts 14QCV9690 New Way Medical v. Govt. Employees Casualty Ins Co
Center v. State Farm Mutual 18QCV19826 Emerald Health 15QCV11206 Rocky Point Radiological v. Allstate Ins. Co. 11QCV18447 Hillside Surgicare v.
Auto Group, Inc. v. State Farm Mutual For All Purposes Supply Corp v. State Farm Delta Diagnostic Radiology v. Geico
Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV13050 Melville Surgical Mutual Govt. Employees Indemnity Co.
Frank C Favazza v. State Farm Auto 18QCV19875 Bronx Chiropractic v. 15QCV11218 Rocky Point Center v. USAA Casualty Ins. Howard Past v. Global Liberty Ins.
Mutual Auto 14QCV9518 New Way Medical 14QCV8471 Diagnostic Pt v. Hertz
18QCV19808 Gary Olson v. Allstate American Transit Ins. Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV13051 Mlj Chiropractic v. 14QCV8246 Ima Acupuncture v.
Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. Claim Mgt. Corp
18QCV19542 Frank C Favazza v. Indemnity Co. 18QCV19851 Diaspo Chiropractic Stable Hands Pc v. American USAA Casualty Ins. Tri-State Consumer Ins. Co.
14QCV6914 No. Shore Med & 15QCV11796 Dynasty Medical Care
State Farm Mutual Auto 18QCV19807 Gary Olson v. Allstate v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Commerce Ins. 15QCV15034 NY Rehab Pain Mgmt 14QCV8250 Ima Acupuncture v.
Rehab v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Smores Taxi LLC
18QCV19546 Frank C Favazza v. Ins. Co. 18QCV19855 Diaspo Physical 14QCV8697 Steven W. Winter Md & Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Tri-State Consumer Ins. Co.
Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic v. Geico 14QCV9757 East West
State Farm Mutual Auto 18QCV19845 Glenwood Medical v. Therapy v. Progressive Casualty Pc v. Govt. Employees 15QCV15015 Orlin & Cohen 14QCV8257 Ima Acupuncture v.
Ins. Co. Acupuncture NY P C v. Geico
18QCV19550 Frank C Favazza v. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. 15QCV11225 Susan Mackey Dc v. Orthopedic v. Allstate Fire And Allstate Ins. Co.
14QCV9461 Orlin & Cohen 14QCV8469 Ez Care Physical
State Farm Mutual Auto 18QCV19815 Health 1 Medical v. 18QCV19848 Doshi Diagnostic Travelers Ins. Co. Casualty Ima Acupuncture v. Geico General
Orthopedic v. Travelers Ins. Co. Therapy v. Republic Western Ins.
18QCV19525 Glenwood Medical Pc Geico Ins. Co. Imaging v. Progressive Casualty Total Orthopaedics & Sports v. 15QCV15010 Orlin & Cohen Ins.
14QCV8703 Orly Navaro v. Co
v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19846 Infinity 8 Physical 18QCV19849 Doshi Diagnostic American Commerce Ins. Orthopedic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11518 Magdy M Elmadboly
American Transit Ins. 14QCV8496 Franklin Square Med
18QCV19549 Hector Melgar v. Therapy v. Progressive Casualty Imaging v. Progressive Casualty 15QCV11215 Village Square Health Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic v. Geico v. Travelers Ins. Co.
15QCV11421 Pacific Chiropractic v. Services v. Global Liberty Ins Co
State Farm Mutual Auto 18QCV19799 Jaime G Gutierrez v. 18QCV19853 Doshi Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 14QCV8103 Miriam Kanter v.
Progressive Ins. of NY
18QCV19526 Lenox Hill Radiology American Transit Ins. Co. Imaging v. Progressive Casualty 14QCV8604 Vit Accupuncture v. 15QCV13054 Quality Medical & Allstate Ins. Co.
14QCV9466 Robert B. Devinney v. Glenwood Medical v. Metro. Prop.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19816 Jj & R Chiropractic 18QCV19854 Doshi Diagnostic Geico Ins. Co. Surgical v. USAA Casualty Ins. 15QCV11521 Mlj Chiropractic v.
Geico Ins. Co. And
18QCV19527 Lenox Hill Radiology Pc v. Progressive Ins. Imaging v. Progressive Casualty Zwanger & Pesiri Radiology v. 17QCV1130 Rockville Center Motor Vehicle Accident
14QCV8999 Stand Up Mri of Harbor Chiropractic v. Metro.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19832 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19866 Irving Friedman v. American Commerce Ins. Diagnostic v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV8203 Norwind Medical v.
Manhattan v. NY Central Mutual Prop. And
18QCV19528 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. Motor Vehicle Accident 14QCV8022 Zwanger & Pesiri Shirley Chiropractic v. Progressive Global Liberty Ins.
Fire 14QCV8599 Health 1 Medical v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19833 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19869 Lenox Hill Radiology Radiology v. Praetorian Ins. Ins. 15QCV11774 NY Universal Medical
Tam Medical Supply v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19529 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. 15QCV13065 South Shore v. Progressive Casualty Ins Co
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 Ins. Co. 14QCV8600 Health 1 Medical v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19834 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19870 Lenox Hill Radiology Ambulatory v. Garrison Prop. & 11QCV18388 Pkwy. Imaging &
14QCV9502 Tam Medical Supply v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19530 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. For All Purposes Casualty Diagnostic v. Govt. Employees
Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV8610 Health 1 Medical v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19835 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19872 Lenox Hill Radiology 11QCV18172 Plaza Acupuncture
18QCV19933 Brett Desing v. Geico WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 14QCV9517 Tam Medical Supply v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19531 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. P.C. v. Encompass Ins. Co.
General Ins. Co. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV8587 Ilina Medical Care v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19837 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19873 Lenox Hill Radiology For All Purposes 14QCV8089 Queens Radiology v.
18QCV19907 Doshi Diagnostic 14QCV9458 Therapuetic Touch v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19532 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. American Commerce Ins.
Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 5 Towns Neurology v. Liberty Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV8589 Ilina Medical Care v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19839 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19874 Lenox Hill Radiology Theracare Physical Therapy v.
18QCV19935 Doshi Diagnostic Mutual Ins. 14QCV9533 Total Mobility Pt v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19533 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. Liberty Ins. Co.
Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19956 Activepro Physical Liberty Mutual Ins. 14QCV8591 Ilina Medical Care v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19840 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19876 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV9522 Total Mobility Pt v. 14QCV8102 Thomas Yarrobino v.
18QCV19534 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19936 Doshi Diagnostic Therapy v. American Transit Ins. Allstate Ins. Co.
Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19972 Activepro Physical Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Jj & R Chiropractic v. Progressive
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19842 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19877 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV9496 Ultimate Health Prods. Thomas Yarrobino v. Global Liberty
18QCV19535 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19927 Doshi Diagnostic Therapy v. American Transit Ins. Ins.
Imaging v. Hereford Ins. Co. 18QCV20026 B & A Chiropractic v. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19843 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19878 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV9514 Vladenn Medical Total Orthopaedics & Sports v.
18QCV19537 Lenox Hill Radiology And v. American Transit Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19929 Doshi Diagnostic Liberty Mutual Ins. Govt. Employees
Imaging v. Hereford Ins. Co. 18QCV19939 Bronxborough Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. American Commerce Ins. Lenox Hill Radiology And Mia v.
And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19824 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19880 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV9515 Vladenn Medical 14QCV9900 Walden-Bailey
18QCV19522 Magdy M. Elmadboly And v. State Farm Mutual Auto And v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19906 Dynamic Healthcare Medical v. Statefarm Mutual Ins. Progressive Casualty Ins Co
Center v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19946 Diagnostic Medicine Supply v. Geico Ins. Co. Chiropracitc v. Gmac Direct Ins. Lula Medical v. Country Wide Ins.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19803 Medical Electronics v. 18QCV19857 Lenox Hill Radiology 14QCV9897 Warren A Marranca v.
18QCV19538 Melville Surgical Progressive Ins. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident 18QCV19912 Dynamic Healthcare v. American Transit Ins. THURSDAY, MARCH 7 14QCV8507 Moving Wave Physical
Center v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19945 Diagnostic Medicine Gmac Direct Ins. v. Hertz Claim Mgt. Corp
Center v. State Farm Mutual 18QCV19806 Medical Electronics v. 18QCV19858 Lenox Hill Radiology 15QCV11768 Windsor Medical v.
18QCV19909 East Hills v. Geico Ins. Co. For All Purposes 15QCV11799 NYS Diagnostic
Auto Progressive Ins. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident Govt. Employees
18QCV19543 North American 18QCV19804 Medical Electronics v. 18QCV19859 Lenox Hill Radiology Chiropractic v. Geico General 18QCV20023 Diaspo Chiropractic 18QCV20115 5 Towns Neurology v. Medicine P.C. v. Country Wide
Ins. Co. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 15QCV11769 Windsor Medical v. Mutual
Partners in v. State Farm Mutual USAA Casualty Ins. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident Liberty Mutual Ins.
18QCV19896 Emerald Health 18QCV19954 Doshi Diagnostic Govt. Employees 14QCV8611 Orlin & Cohen
Auto 18QCV19811 Michael A. Bernstein 18QCV19862 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20139 Diaspo Chiropractic
Group, Inc. v. Geico General Ins. Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 15QCV11770 Windsor Medical v. Orthopedic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19540 North Shore Surgi- v. Geico Ins. Co. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident v. Country-Wide Ins.
Co. 18QCV19959 Doshi Diagnostic Govt. Employees 14QCV8613 Orlin & Cohen
Center, Inc. v. State Farm Mutual 18QCV19813 Michael A. Bernstein 18QCV19864 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20126 Diaspo Physical
Gds Imaging v. USAA Casualty Ins. Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 15QCV11771 Windsor Medical v. Orthopedic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Auto v. State Farm Mutual And v. Motor Vehicle Accident Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19897 H & H Chiropractic 18QCV19960 Doshi Diagnostic Govt. Employees 14QCV8617 Orlin & Cohen
18QCV19519 O’Connor 18QCV19825 Nordique Medical 18QCV19850 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20123 Doshi Diagnostic
Services v. Geico General Ins. Imaging v. Geico General Ins. Co. 15QCV11772 Windsor Medical v. Orthopedic v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Services v. State Farm Mutual And v. Progressive Casualty Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Co. 18QCV19976 Doshi Diagnostic Govt. Employees 14QCV8615 Orlin & Cohen
18QCV19548 O’Connor Auto 18QCV19867 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20140 Doshi Diagnostic
18QCV19902 Hector Melgar v. Imaging v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 15QCV11773 Windsor Medical v. Orthopedic v. Allstate Prop. And
Chiropractic v. State Farm 18QCV19828 North American And v. Progressive Casualty Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins.
Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19977 Doshi Diagnostic Govt. Employees 14QCV8619 Orlin & Cohen
Mutual Auto Partners in v. State Farm Mutual 18QCV19852 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20141 Doshi Diagnostic
18QCV19910 Irving Friedman v. Imaging v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 14QCV8243 Zayas Physical Orthopedic v. Allstate Prop. And
18QCV19547 Park Ave. Orthotics v. Auto And Medical v. Progressive Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins.
Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19951 Dynamic Healthcare Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. Pro-Med Medical P.C. v. Metro.
State Farm Mutual Auto 18QCV19809 Orlin & Cohen Casualty Ins. Co. 18QCV20142 Doshi Diagnostic
18QCV19905 James M. Liguori Center v. Geico General Ins. Co. Zwanger & Pesiri Radiology v. Transportation
18QCV19520 Prohealth Care Orthopedic v. Geico Ins. Co. 18QCV19879 North American Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins.
Physician v. Geico General Ins. 18QCV19949 Gail Bialostok v. American Commerce Ins. 14QCV10032 Vladimir Shur v.
Associates v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19821 Orlin & Cohen Partners in v. American Transit 18QCV20146 Doshi Diagnostic
Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Geico Ins. Co.
18QCV19523 Prohealth Care Orthopedic v. Liberty Mutual Fire Ins.
18QCV19918 Lenox Hill Radiology Glenwood Medical v. Liberty 18QCV20150 Doshi Diagnostic 15QCV11717 Windsor Medical v.
Associates v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19871 Orbit Acupuncture For All Purposes
And v. Country-Wide Ins. Mutual Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. Govt. Employees
Ins. 18QCV19830 Queens Radiology v. P.C. v. American Transit Ins.
18QCV19922 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19955 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20151 Doshi Diagnostic 18QCV20192 Diaspo Chiropractic 15QCV11861 Windsor Medical v.
18QCV19524 Queens Radiology v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV19860 Queens Radiology v.
And v. Country-Wide Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Govt. Employees
American Transit Ins. 18QCV19802 Scaphoid Physical Motor Vehicle Accident
18QCV19924 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19957 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20152 Doshi Diagnostic 18QCV20194 Diaspo Chiropractic 15QCV11862 Windsor Medical v.
18QCV19515 Robert Rook v. Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19861 Queens Radiology v.
And v. Country-Wide Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Govt. Employees
Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19822 Scaphoid Physical Motor Vehicle Accident
18QCV19899 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19963 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20157 Doshi Diagnostic 18QCV20174 Diaspo Chiropractic 15QCV11863 Windsor Medical v.
18QCV19545 Rocky Point Therapy v. Geico Ins. Co. 18QCV19856 Queens Radiology v.
And v. Geico General Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Country-Wide Ins. Govt. Employees
Chiropractic v. State Farm 18QCV19823 Scaphoid Physical Motor Vehicle Accident
18QCV19928 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19964 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20158 Doshi Diagnostic 18QCV20193 Diaspo Physical 15QCV11865 Windsor Medical v.
Mutual Auto Therapy v. State Farm Fire And Trial - Bench And v. Hereford Ins. Co. And v. American Transit Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. Govt. Employees
18QCV19505 Westchester Casualty
14QCV8290 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19890 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19965 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20128 Frank C Favazza v. 18QCV20164 Doshi Diagnostic 15QCV11867 Windsor Medical v.
Radiology v. Nat. Liability & Fire 18QCV19817 South Shore
Allstate Ins. Co. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident And v. American Transit Ins. State Farm Mutual Auto Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. Govt. Employees
Ins Ambulatory v. Allstate Ins. Co.
14QCV8296 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19891 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19966 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20132 Frank C Favazza v. 18QCV20165 Doshi Diagnostic 15QCV11873 Windsor Medical v.
Trial - Bench 18QCV19820 South Shore Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins.
Allstate Ins. Co. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident And v. American Transit Ins. State Farm Mutual Auto Govt. Employees
Ambulatory v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19894 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19968 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20166 Doshi Diagnostic
14QCV7869 Accurate Acupuncture 18QCV19818 South Shore 14QCV8298 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV20111 Glenwood Medical v. 15QCV11875 Windsor Medical v.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. And v. Motor Vehicle Accident And v. American Transit Ins. Liberty Mutual Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. Govt. Employees
Ambulatory v. Geico Ins. Co. 18QCV20971 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19969 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20169 Doshi Diagnostic
14QCV7994 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19800 Triumph Associates 14QCV8300 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV20134 Lenox Hill Radiology 15QCV11878 Windsor Medical v.
Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. And v. USAA Casualty Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. And v. Allstate Ins. Co. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. Govt. Employees
Physical v. Liberty Mutual Fire 18QCV20973 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19970 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20170 Doshi Diagnostic
14QCV7996 Adam Marigliano v. Ins. 14QCV8304 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV20145 Lenox Hill Radiology Part 19
Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. And v. USAA Casualty Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. And v. Country-Wide Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins.
18QCV19810 Universal Health v. 18QCV20974 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19971 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20172 Doshi Diagnostic Judge Dufficy
14QCV8000 Adam Marigliano v. Old Republic Ins. Co. 14QCV8316 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV20106 Lenox Hill Radiology
Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. And v. USAA Casualty Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. And v. Tri-State Consumer Ins. Imaging v. Country-Wide Ins. 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.
14QCV8001 Adam Marigliano v. Trial - Bench 14QCV8340 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19915 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19973 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV20148 Medical Arts 18QCV20198 Dynamic Healthcare Room 101, 9:30 A.M.
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8413 2 & 9 Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. And Mia v. Country-Wide Ins. And v. American Transit Ins. Radiological v. Country-Wide Ins. Center v. Geico General Ins. Co.
14QCV8004 Adam Marigliano v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8357 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19916 Lenox Hill Radiology 18QCV19978 Long Island 18QCV20119 Mlj Chiropractic v. 18QCV20177 Emerald Health Part 20
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9747 Accelerated Surgical Allstate Ins. Co. And Mia v. Country-Wide Ins. Chiropractic v. American States State Farm Mutual Auto Group, Inc. v. Country-Wide Ins. Judge Esposito
14QCV8006 Adam Marigliano v. Center v. Geico 14QCV8360 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19923 Lenox Hill Radiology Ins. 18QCV20113 New City 18QCV20190 Glenwood Medical v. 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.
Allstate Ins. Co. 17QCV1090 Accurate Acupuncture Allstate Ins. Co. And Mia v. Country-Wide Ins. 18QCV20022 Long Island Chiropractic Center v. Liberty Allstate Ins. Co. Room 304, 10:00 A.M.
14QCV8009 Adam Marigliano v. v. Country-Wide Ins. 14QCV8391 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19913 Lenox Hill Radiology Chiropractic v. Liberty Mutual Mutual Ins. 18QCV20191 Hamilton Surgical
And Mia v. Countrywide Ins. Ins. Supplies v. Allstate Ins. Co. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8411 Apollo Medical Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20125 North American
14QCV8012 Adam Marigliano v. Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8514 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV19895 Modern Chiropractic 18QCV19958 Magdy M. Elmadboly Partners in v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20176 Lenox Hill Radiology Conference
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8420 Avalon Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV20155 North American And v. Allstate Ins. Co.
18QCV19930 NY Surgery Center v. 18QCV19974 Medical Arts 18QCV20188 Lenox Hill Radiology 19QCV714 Arlene Inoa v. Jessica L
14QCV8013 Adam Marigliano v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8516 Adam Marigliano v. Partners in v. Country-Wide Ins.
Hereford Ins. Co. Radiological v. Liberty Mutual And v. Allstate Ins. Co. Gonzalez
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8355 Avir Surgical Supplies Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20110 North American
18QCV19925 North American Ins. 18QCV20205 Metro Chiropractic 18QCV10733 Chang Hong Jin v.
14QCV8016 Adam Marigliano v. Inc v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8318 Adam Marigliano Lmt Partners in v. Liberty Mutual Fire
Partners in v. Country-Wide Ins. 18QCV20021 Medical Arts Care v. Geico General Ins. Co. Harold Cano
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8337 Barakat Medical Care v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins.
18QCV19898 North American Radiological v. Liberty Mutual 18QCV20167 North American 19QCV716 Gypsy Olmann-Waithe
14QCV8018 Adam Marigliano v. v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8364 Adam Marigliano Lmt 18QCV20114 North American
Partners in v. Geico General Ins. Ins. Partners in v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Stefan Mirauti
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8050 Barakat Medical Care v. Allstate Ins. Co. Partners in Anesthesia v. Safeco
Co. 18QCV19975 Modern Chiropractic 18QCV20168 North American 18QCV17482 Jaime Ruiz v. Luisia
14QCV8023 Adam Marigliano v. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Adam Marigliano Lmt v. American Ins. Co. of Indiana
18QCV19932 North American v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Partners in v. Country-Wide Ins. Flete
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9752 Barnert Surgical Commerce Ins. Prohealth Care Associates v.
Partners in Pain v. Geico General 18QCV19953 North American 18QCV20184 Orbit Acupuncture 18QCV13576 Jeannette Rodriguez
14QCV8027 Adam Marigliano v. Center Llp v. Geico 14QCV8350 Adam Marigliano v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
Ins. Co. Partners in v. Geico General Ins. P.C. v. Country-Wide Ins. v. Steven D. Lamantia
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9598 Beach Medical Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20121 Queens Radiology v.
Park Ave. Orthotics v. USAA Co. 18QCV20203 Paul Ravener v. Geico 18QCV18753 Joan M. Wilson v.
14QCV8029 Adam Marigliano v. Rehabilitation v. Govt. Employees 14QCV8375 Adam Marigliano v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Casualty Ins. 18QCV19961 Park Ave. Orthotics, General Ins. Co. Dennis Eichelberger
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9682 Central Bronx Pt v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20154 Queens Radiology v.
18QCV19931 Prohealth Ambulatory Inc. v. American Transit Ins. 18QCV20185 Prohealth Care 19QCV715 Jorge Llanos v. Apni Car
14QCV8031 Adam Marigliano v. Maya Assurance Co. Adam Marigliano v. Country Wide Country-Wide Ins.
v. Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV19940 Pdg Psychological v. Associates v. Allstate Ins. Co. Corp.
Allstate Ins. Co. Chapa Prods. Corp v. Progressive Ins. 18QCV20122 Robert Rook v.
18QCV20972 Prohealth Care State Farm Mutual Ins. Co. 18QCV20199 Queens Radiology v. 18QCV11652 Lorenzo A. Gomez v.
Adam Marigliano v. Country Wide Ins. 14QCV8380 Adam Marigliano v. Allstate Ins. Co.
Associates v. USAA Casualty Ins. 18QCV20030 Prohealth Ambulatory Geico General Ins. Co. Juana Coreas
Ins. 17QCV1100 Chiropractic Allstate Ins. Co. Robert Rook v. USAA Casualty Ins.
18QCV19903 Raymond Cecora v. v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 18QCV20175 Queens Radiology v. 18QCV18745 Melissa Goscinski v.
15QCV10684 Advanced Associates of v. Country-Wide 14QCV8287 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV20118 Rocky Point
Geico General Ins. Co. 18QCV20031 Prohealth Ambulatory Country-Wide Ins. Carol Kelty
Orthopaedics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. Chiropractic v. State Farm
18QCV19920 Spectrum Physical v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 18QCV20182 Queens Radiology v. 18QCV13623 Nela Sucknanan v.
15QCV11384 Advanced 14QCV11237 Cohen & Kramer v. 18QCV13361 Alleviation Medical Mutual Auto
Therapy v. Countrywide Ins. 18QCV19952 Prohealth Care Country-Wide Ins. Michael Chinapen
Orthopaedics v. American Country-Wide Ins. Services v. 21st Century Ins. 18QCV20120 Rocky Point
18QCV19904 Westerleigh Associates v. Geico General Ins. 18QCV20201 Queens Radiology v. 18QCV9953 Nikolas Ambatis v.
Transit Ins. 14QCV9382 Community Medical 15QCV11109 Alpha Chiropractic v. Chiropractic v. State Farm
Chiropractic v. Geico General Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Roman Ilyayev
15QCV10670 Advanced Health v. Geico Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Mutual Auto
Ins. Co. 18QCV20027 Prohealth Care 18QCV20202 Queens Radiology v. 19QCV712 Niyati A. Doshi v. Jose
Orthopaedics v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9786 Dassa Orthopedic Alpha Chiropractic v. Global Liberty 18QCV20103 Transformative
Associates v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Geico General Ins. Co. A. De Paz De Paz
15QCV10683 Advanced Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Trial - Bench Acupuncture *lewin & Baglio v.
18QCV19947 Richmond Road 18QCV20207 Queens Radiology v. 18QCV10745 Won Jae Kim v.
Orthopaedics v. Geico Ins. Co. Ddm Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8575 Apollo Chiropractic 15QCV13072 1766 Professional Travelers Ins. Co.
Physical v. Geico General Ins. Co. Geico General Ins. Co. Christina Mira Shon
15QCV11385 Advanced 14QCV9789 Ddm Medical v. Care v. United Services Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20104 Transformative
Orthopaedics v. American Allstate Ins. Co. Automobile 18QCV19950 Robert S Newman v. Acupuncture *lewin & Baglio v. 18QCV20208 Queens Radiology v. Trial - Jury
15QCV13076 1766 Professional Geico General Ins. Co Geico General Ins. Co.
Transit Ins. Delta Diagnostic Radiology v. Geico 14QCV8628 Avalon Radiology v. Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. Travelers Ins. Co. 18QCV13656 Arthur Gasparyan v.
15QCV16273 Advanced Recovery General Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV19941 Rockaway Medical v. 18QCV20105 Transformative 18QCV20210 Queens Radiology v.
15QCV12963 Action Chiropractic v. Zhaklin K. Paneva
Equipment v. American Transit Delta Diagnostic Radiology v. Geico 15QCV11122 Bab Nuclear Chubb Ins. Co. Acupuncture *lewin & Baglio v. Geico General Ins. Co.
Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV13014 Cesar A. Ubillus-
Ins. Indemnity Co. Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co. Trial - Bench Travelers Ins. Co. 18QCV20211 Queens Radiology v.
15QCV14390 Advantage Radiology Tambini v. Alik Ischakov
Alen Oven Chiropractic v. Mvaic 17QCV1085 Diaspo Chiropractic v. 15QCV11128 Bab Nuclear 18QCV20108 Westchester Medical Geico General Ins. Co.
v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9001 Alan J Dayan v. 17QCV7086 Jeanvil Volmar v.
Care v. Geico Ins. Co. 18QCV20195 Shafi Wani Md v.
Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Radiology v. Allstate Ins. Co. All Points Acupuncture v. USAA American Transit Ins. Ultimate Signs & Designs
18QCV20127 Westerleigh Allstate Ins. Co.
14QCV8042 Barakat Medical Care 17QCV1095 Diaspo Chiropractic v. 14QCV8676 Central Bronx v. Casualty Ins. 14QCV9526 Ave. C Medical v. 18QCV11668 Melanie Chandan v.
Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20163 Skymed Medical P.C.
v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV13058 All Points Allstate Ins. Co. NYCTA
A/s/o v. The Fidelity & Casualty
14QCV8046 Barakat Medical Care 17QCV1096 Diaspo Chiropractic v. 14QCV8664 Central Bronx Pt v. Acupuncture v. USAA Casualty 15QCV11673 Axial Chiropractic v. Ready And Passed 18QCV9151 Ngan-Sing Wan v.
v. Allstate Ins. Co. Country-Wide Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Govt. Employees Aries Sensory Testing, Inc. v. Yacov Shitrit
18QCV20204 Vandana Soni v.
12QCV5380 Boro - Medical 17QCV1097 Diaspo Chiropractic v. 15QCV11124 Diaspo Chiropractic 15QCV13060 All Points 14QCV9617 Compas Medical v. Tri NYCTA WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Geico General Ins. Co.
Supplies v. Govt. Employees Country-Wide Ins. v. Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. USAA Casualty State Consumer Ins Co. 15QCV11790 Forest Hills 18QCV20160 Vitality Chiropractic
Brentwood Medical Plaza v. Govt. 17QCV1089 Doug S. Greenspan v. 15QCV11223 Diaspo Physical Ins. 14QCV9790 Complete Spinal Healthcare v. Allstate Ins. Co. Conference
v. State Farm Mutual Ins.
Employees Country-Wide Ins. Therapy v. Travelers Ins. Co. 17QCV1123 Allstate Fire And Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11791 Smb Medical v. Govt. 18QCV15809 Alemelou
18QCV20161 Vitality Chiropractic
County Line Pharmacy v. Geico 17QCV1099 Dynamic Healthcare 15QCV11204 Doshi Diagnostic Casualty v. Jose Aguilar 14QCV9792 Complete Spinal Employees Subramanian v. Latoya N.
v. State Farm Mutual Ins.
Ins. Co. Center v. Country-Wide Ins. Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. 17QCV1128 Alpha Chiropractic v. Physical v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11792 Smb Medical v. Warren
18QCV20162 Vitality Chiropractic
14QCV8021 Dana Woolfson v. 14QCV9756 East West 15QCV11217 Doshi Diagnostic State Farm Mutual 14QCV9468 County Line Pharmacy American Transit Ins. 18QCV15777 Georgina Sumberac
v. State Farm Mutual Ins.
Allstate Ins. Co. Acupuncture NY Pc v. Country Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV14391 Anthony Riotto v. v. Geico Ins. Co. v. Rovelo Mendoz
14QCV8048 Darcy Chiropractic v. Wide Ins. Co 15QCV11219 Doshi Diagnostic Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV9470 County Line Pharmacy Trial - Bench Trial - Bench
18QCV21047 Hua Kun Chen v. NY
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8416 Excell Acupuncture v. Imaging v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV14392 Anthony Riotto v. v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV8303 Adam Marigliano v. 14QCV8311 Adam Marigliano v. Bklyn.
15QCV12466 Deepika Bajaj v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8650 Dr. Tak’s Med. & Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11670 Custom Orthotics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV17465 Incheol Seo v.
Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8415 Expert Wellness Rehab. v. Geico 15QCV12965 Axial Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees 14QCV8306 Adam Marigliano v. 14QCV8313 Adam Marigliano v. Auyeung Tsz Ping
11QCV18126 Diaspo Chiorpractic Medical v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8651 Dr. Tak’s Med. & Geico Ins. Co. 15QCV11671 Custom Orthotics v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV13578 James Simko v.
v. State-Wide Ins. Co. 14QCV10760 Farshad D Rehab. v. Geico 15QCV12967 Axial Chiropractic v. Govt. Employees 14QCV8307 Adam Marigliano v. 14QCV8342 Adam Marigliano v. Alessandro Zampedri
Diaspo Chiropractic v. Travelers Hannanian v. Allstate Ins. Co. Elmont Rehab P.T. v. Progressive Geico Ins. Co. Delta Diagnostic Radiology v. Geico Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV13655 Kamal Singh v.
Ins. Co. 14QCV8397 Fiss Chiropractic Pc v. Ins. 15QCV13010 Axial Chiropractic v. Ins. Co. 14QCV8309 Adam Marigliano v. Adam Marigliano Lmt v. Allstate Amanda Madden
15QCV10829 Dr . Tak’s Med & Maya Assurance Co. 15QCV11221 Frederic Mendelsohn Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9521 Delta Diagnostic Allstate Ins. Co. Ins. Co. 18QCV3031 Maxsuelma Grison v.
Rehab . v. Progressive Cas. Ins . 14QCV8408 Good News v. Travelers Ins. Co. 15QCV12895 Axial Chiropractic v. Radiology v. Qbe Ins. Corp 14QCV8299 Adam Marigliano Lmt 14QCV8353 Adam Marigliano Lmt Elaine G. Huggs
Co. Chiropractic v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV11207 Glenwood Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. 15QCV11487 Doshi Diagnostic v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV17469 Md M. Dewan v.
11QCV18051 Dr. Stephen 14QCV8423 Heel To Toe Foot Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV12896 Axial Chiropractic v. Imaging v. Motor Vehicle 14QCV8302 Adam Marigliano Lmt 14QCV8310 Adam Marigliano v. Milagro Del Carmen
Matrangolo v. Country-Wide Ins. Center v. Liberty Mutual Ins. 14QCV7982 Glenwood Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Accident v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV13440 Naseem Fardos v.
14QCV7854 Duke Acupuncture v. 14QCV8404 Hudson Valley Geico General Ins. Co 15QCV13056 Bab Nuclear 15QCV11275 Dr. Ellen Coyne v. 15QCV11543 Andrew Dowd M.D. v. 14QCV8325 Adam Marigliano v. Gerson Pressanto
Geico General Ins. Co. Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV7993 Glenwwood Medical v. Radiology v. USAA Casualty Ins. American Transit Ins. Country-Wide Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV20413 Ruth Williamson v.
Fernando Suarez v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9783 John M Ventrudo Md v. Geico General Ins. Co 15QCV12892 Baldwin Chiropractic Emc Health Prods. v. Geico Ins. Co. 14QCV9928 Arce Medical & 14QCV8333 Adam Marigliano v. Pierre R. Senecharles
Front St. Chiropractic v. Govt. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8040 Harbor Chiropractic v. Pc v. American Transit Ins. 14QCV9459 Engarcia O. Lazatin v. Diagnostic v. Country-Wide Ins. Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV17512 Shareffa Lewal v.
Employees 14QCV9778 John M. Ventrudo v. Travelers Ins. Co. Benoit Chiropractic v. Allstate Geico Ins. Co. Aries Sensory Testing, Inc. v. 14QCV8336 Adam Marigliano v. Vladimir Fishman
14QCV7865 Glenwood Medical v. State Farm Mutual 18QCV10360 Healing Medical Care Ins. Co. Engracia O Lazatin v. Geico Ins. Co. NYCTA Allstate Ins. Co. 18QCV15812 Wyonda Ricks v.
Geico General Ins. Co. 14QCV9763 Lev Aminov Internal v. Allstate Ins. Co. 15QCV12889 Better Healthcare v. 14QCV9530 Eternity Acupuncture 14QCV8258 Best Health Care 14QCV8343 Adam Marigliano v. Adrianna Gonera
14QCV7903 Glenwwood Medical v. Medicine v. Allstate Ins. Co. 14QCV8547 Healthy Way Geico Ins. Co. v. American Transit Ins. Acupuncture v. Allstate Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co.
Geico General Ins. Co 14QCV9618 Lev Aminov Internal Acupuncture Pc v. Hereford Ins. 17QCV1106 Carla Danielson v. 15QCV11325 Glenwood Medical v. Blumenthal Casualty Ins.Co. v. 14QCV8345 Adam Marigliano v. Trial - Jury
Health 1 Medical v. Geico Ins. Co. Medicine v. American States Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Byung Bong Lee v. Vincent Maltese
15QCV10994 Health 1 Medical v. 14QCV9773 Lev Aminov Internal 15QCV11129 Infinity 8 Physical 15QCV12984 Diaspo Chiropractic 14QCV9498 Great Health Care v. Blumenthal Chiropractic v. 14QCV8349 Adam Marigliano v. 18QCV2934 Denise Henriquez v.
Geico Ins. Co. Medicine v. Liberty Mutual Ins. Therapy v. Allstate Ins. Co. v. Travelers Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. Allstate Ins. Co. Beauty Town Nail & Spa | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 45

18QCV13559 Guangzhe Li v. Majid Trial - Jury 151620/17 Y.S. v. Fanelli 100534/16 Ward v. Serrano is to be conferenced, counsel 405241/18 L & R Developers, Conference
Haroon Part TP12 shall be prepared to discuss Inc. v. Nassau County—TAX
18QCV10735 Joseph Vicari v. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Motion 603577/15 Eisenberg v. Woodmere
18QCV6492 Hyun Mee Hahn v. Justice Thomas Aliotta all relevant matters including CERTIORARI
Edward Ilginis 150389/18 Abbriano v. Northfield 151047/16 Ahmed v. Grdoc Rehabilitation And
Thomas J. Caravella 26 Central Ave. the reasons for the delay in 405242/18 L & R Developers,
18QCV10033 Marie F. Guirand v. Bank 602487/15 Woodmere
17QCV9989 Hyunwon Kang v. 100144/15 Avissato v. McDaniel Staten Island, N.Y. prosecution. Inc. v. Nassau County—TAX
Keneisha L. Dennis 151778/17 Albjonda v. Command Rehabilitation v. Zafrin
Gregory Guillen 16QCV13234 Miyoung Kim v. 101178/15 Board of Mgrs. v. CERTIORARI
17QCV9641 Ivan V. Ramirez v. Cooling, Inc. Foreclosure Individual Assignment 401916/18 Lakewood Ranch Estates Compliance Conference
Reinaldo Colon Campisi Dimattina
Claude E. Kaminker 151466/18 Bianco v. Stuckey Conference Part Parts LLC v. Board of Assessors—TAX
18QCV12495 Thierno Mamadou 150007/18 Catanese v. J&J Towing 151474/16 Cee Jay Real Estate v. 609953/16 Laffey v. Laffey
18QCV6947 Katherine Ramirez v. Oury Balde v. Tasmira Corp. Khaled Justice Desmond Green FRIDAY, FEB. 22 CERTIORARI 609757/17 Laffey v. Laffey Fine
Claude E. Kaminker And 26 Central Ave. 405028/18 Luis G. Ramirez v.
17QCV8123 Weimin Jiang v. 150984/18 Conway v. Star Struck 152719/17 Clove-Post Properties Motion Homes
18QCV2453 Young Soon Chong v. Andrea Bora Staten Island, N.Y. Board of Assessors And—TAX
Dance, Inc. LLC v. Edan Enterprises (USA) 603382/18 Lazar v. Law Office of
Joginder Singh 610042/18 494 Ocean View Apt. CERTIORARI
THURSDAY, MARCH 7 152700/17 Delgadio v. Chelmsford Inc. Part IDV Kramer
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Corp. v. Inc. Village of—Bruno 406533/18 Michael & Camelia
Contracting Corp. 150943/17 Coiro v. Speedo Limo 608696/18 Cary Scott Goldinger v. Boroumand v. Nassau—TAX Motion
Conference Justice C. DiDomenico
150451/16 Eisler Grynsztajn v. Inc. Valenti—Bruno CERTIORARI
Conference 18 Richmond Terrace 614831/18 Abrams v. Zafrin
18QCV20444 Adika Roberts v. Marie 151551/16 Dwyer v. Gotham Prop. 610148/18 Cintas Corp. No. 2 v. 406534/18 Michael & Camelia
19QCV723 Angel Recalde v. Staten Island, N.Y. 605297/15 Associated Supermarket
Mykyta Yanush 150013/18 Fenza v. 1058 Forest Ave. Mgt. Fiesta Adult Daycare LLC— Boroumand v. Nassau—TAX
Mikhail Turetsky 18QCV18731 Althea Palmer v. The Associates Group v. 1082 Flushing Corp.
151079/17 Ferrantelli v. Uber Feinman CERTIORARI D/b/a
18QCV12479 Davon Richburg v. NYCTA 152777/18 Lall v. Ahamed
Michael Tesoro 18QCV21103 Amparo Carballo v. 152016/17 Larson v. Fellmann
Technologies, Inc. SURROGATE’S 610141/18 Cintas Corp. No. 2 v. 406535/18 Michael & Camelia 617150/18 Intercity Agency, Inc. v.
151430/16 Gadaleta v. Smith Pho-Men on Troy—Libert Boroumand v. Nassau—TAX
19QCV717 Dennis S Toral v. Md Hou Chuan Wang 150322/18 Mojica v. Terrace Dev.
153240/18 Giordano v. Targ
COURT 610150/18 Cintas Corp. No. 2 v. CERTIORARI
601455/16 Sassy Jewelry Buyers
Mahbubur Rahman 18QCV21042 Anisur R. Choudhury 151016/18 NYCTL 2017-A Trust v. 406536/18 Michael & Camelia
Enterprises, Inc. Surrogate Matthew Titone Tajmahal Restaurant & Party—
19QCV720 Dora Orrego v. Dilruba v. Rachael M. Kilian Staten Island’s Finest Inc. Boroumand v. Nassau—TAX Inc. v. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
100225/16 Guglielmo v. Stop & 18 Richmond Terrace Parga
Khan 19QCV1704 Arif Hazin v. Mark 151480/18 Olsen v. Gao CERTIORARI
19QCV825 Gella Matatova v. Bayer 151341/18 Paternostro v. Gibbons Shop Supermarket Staten Island, N.Y. 10301 202319/18 Martin v. Martin— Part 2
Bennett 601253/19 Midfirst Bank v.
Hassan M. Ali Riad 19QCV1703 Gladys Castro v. 151399/18 Raymond v. Lasorsa 150992/17 Hughes v. Target Corp. 718-675-8500 Justice R. Bruce Cozzens, Jr.
201819/18 Messam v. Messam— Forbes—FP2
18QCV17485 George Mirzayans v. Southampton Mgt. Inc. 152688/17 Robinson v. St.Clare’s 151097/17 Mehmedagic v. Carnival 406766/18 Ms Rlty. Corp. v. 100 Supreme Court Drive
Wednesday, Feb. 27 Lorintz
American Multi-Cinema, Inc. 19QCV579 Julian Villanueva v. Rio Presentation Center 151823/18 Modest Community Board of Assessors And—TAX Mineola, NY
616676/18 Platinum Rapid Funding
18QCV19580 Harold Jordan v. Transportation Inc. 152131/18 Rutigliano v. Rocle Services v. NY Digital Prods. 9:30 A.M. CERTIORARI Chambers: 516-493-3172
v. Savior Services—Steinman
Seungkyu Koh 19QCV1711 Kenny O. Lucien v. Md 151500/18 Ryan v. Radiology 150085/18 Mosses v. Community Perry Allotta 406767/18 Ms Rlty. Corp. v.
610305/18 Progressive Advanced v. All papers submitted to
18QCV18586 Jin Gak Kim v. Sultan M. Sarker Services of NY Kathleen Barry Board of Assessors And—TAX
Health Center of Ferrer—Steinman Justice Cozzens must contain a
Kirchhoff-Consigli 19QCV575 Maria Matute Coronel 150497/18 S.K. v. Campanella Darryl Bibbins CERTIORARI
151407/17 NYCTL 1998-2 Trust v. 612543/18 Progressive Casualty v. fax number.
19QCV719 Mario Deller v. Victor H v. Jose A. Pineda 152714/18 Wynne v. Carapeta Darryl Bibbins 406768/18 Ms Rlty. Corp. v.
Cedar Associates Carpio—Parga
Conde 18QCV21039 Michelle Csatari v. 150422/18 Yannucci v. J.C. Penney Darryl Bibbins Board of Assessors And—TAX TUESDAY, FEB. 26
150705/17 Olivo v. Thyssenkrupp 612209/18 Progressive Max Ins. v.
18QCV19726 Md. A. Hossain v. 61-20 Fresh Meadow Lane Corp., Inc. Shirley J. Blauth CERTIORARI 600477/18 Bloom-Deruiter v. Fisch
Elevator Taylor—Diamond
Victor Hoi-Wing Yeong 19QCV1708 Roland Pumphrey v. Shirley J. Blauth 406769/18 Ms Rlty. Corp. v.
Jewel Khan
Part IAS4/4M 152237/17 Penzynski v. Indelicato 614185/18 Progressive Specialty v. 604934/17 Ketover & Associates v.
18QCV18718 Sajjatul Islam v. Selma Goldstein Taylor—Bruno Board of Assessors And—TAX Salamone
Migdalia E. Reyes 19QCV1710 Rosa Ruiz v. The Stop Justice Kim Dollard 100693/16 Rizzo v. Thompson Julio Gonzalez 614630/18 Rosenman v. Weiss— CERTIORARI 613335/17 Kozinevich v. Allstate
18QCV19710 Sylvia Plater v. & Shop Supermarket 26 Central Ave. 150422/14 Romagnolo v. Guardian Daryl Lal Cozzens 404153/18 New Woodfield Ins. Co.
NYCTA 18QCV15813 Sung Ja Song v. Staten Island, N.Y. Life Ins. Daryl Lally 1426/18 Santos v. U.S. Bank Nat.— Enterprises v. Nassau County— 603147/16 Mederos v. Pathak
18QCV401 William Zambrano v. Camille M. McCormack TUESDAY, FEB. 26 150155/18 Santander Bank v. Rass Ernestine Lombardi TAX CERTIORARI
19QCV1706 Weylin J. Marte v. Cozzens 604736/18 O’Connor v. Montesinos
Joseph Dagastino Auto Wholesalers Inc. John Mejias 614931/18 Taxi Medallion Loan 405648/18 Nunzio Gaglio v. County
Keap St. Taxi, Inc. 100930/15 Adria Infrastructure v. 611921/17 Salmar Properties v. Nat.
Trial - Jury Henick-Lane, Inc. 150204/18 Tobin v. S.T.G. Maint. Michael D. Moyle Trust III v. Mohammad—Brown of Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI Maint., Inc.
Trial - Bench 101263/15 Bodden v. Volpe Services John Pollina 3301/16 Td Auto Finance LLC v. 405649/18 Nunzio Gaglio v. County
18QCV8911 Farzana Jubaed v. Hearing
18QCV12111 Jing Liu v. Fiona 150552/16 Esemplare v. Gcp Staten 153550/18 USA Mutual Ins. Agency Anthony Ravelle Zucker—Jaeger of Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI
Haemant Kuldip
Ruihua Yang Island Mall v. Ingravallo Wilfredo Toro 607713/18 Town of Oyster Bay 405651/18 Nunzio Gaglio v. County 1046/18 Fjr Affordable Roofing v.
18QCV8889 Fatima Zahra v. of Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI
151060/16 Horvath v. Amaro Olga Uskova v. Bethpage Associates— Sportiello
Christine Flock Trial - Jury 101223/15 Victory State Bank v.
151180/16 Levit v. Adorna Nancy Zarrelli Brandveen 405650/18 Nunzio Gaglio v.
18QCV12491 Monica Richards v. 18QCV9714 Arnold E. Fields v. Pran Emba Hylan LLC Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI Preliminary Conference
Visionpro Installations Corp. 150218/16 Owens v. Callahan 153546/18 Victory State Bank v. 10:30 A.M. Note of Issue
N. Sharma 151364/17 Riccio v. Porter 601154/19 Pennymac Loan Services 601717/18 O’Neill v. Burke
18QCV12441 Shuma Begum v. Pax 17QCV5578 Crystal Torres v. Network Express Kelly A. Rubbo 800134/18 Mathew v. Mathew— v. Sorocenski—FP2
Assist Inc. 100065/14 Rizzo v. Balish & 153547/18 Victory State Bank v. Muriel Stuart Motion
Marisol Anturez Rademaker 406863/18 Richard Kahoud v.
18QCV5546 Teddy Perez v. Wei Li Friedman Muriel Stuart 1046/18 Fjr Affordable Roofing v.
18QCV8894 Mobeta Ceka v. Reut New Age Home Care Inc. 800065/19 Miranda v. De La Cruz— Board of Assessors And—TAX
151449/17 Vila v. Roseboro 11 A.M. Sportiello
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Ashkenazi 153549/18 Victory State Bank v. Lorintz CERTIORARI
18QCV9505 Shu-Ching Chang v. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 New Age Home Care Inc. Kolawole Akanmu 800064/19 Saavedra v. Saavedra— 406864/18 Richard Kahoud v. 605935/15 Reyes v. Horwat
Conference Vikram Sharma 100287/16 Board of Mgrs. of The Larry Brown Zimmerman Board of Assessors And—TAX
150837/17 Zichettello v. Stewart Part 3
19QCV845 Amanda Ramlochan v. 17QCV14388 Steven Shyu v. Teresa Grant v. Tantillo Title Ins. Armodio Gallardo 800007/18 Tercero Martinez v. CERTIORARI
Derek Teran Matuszewski 151713/16 Borelli v. Blank Armodio Gallardo Tercero Martinez—Dane 405307/18 Salvatore J. Stile Justice Roy S. Mahon
19QCV854 Connie Wilkerson v. 151076/17 Dar v. Pv Hldg. Corp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Shirley Karboski v. Nassau County—TAX 100 Supreme Court Drive
FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Order To Show Cause
Kavin Shiwbaran 150507/15 Davila v. McGinn Jr. 150305/18 Behrins v. Cavallaro CERTIORARI Mineola, NY
Thursday, Feb. 28 615842/18 Hart v. Smith—
19QCV843 Don Michael Forgenie Conference 152720/18 Diaz v. Russo 151530/17 Cardona v. Palmer 406761/18 Secondgen Associates Chambers: 516-493-3215
v. Mta Bus Co. 151598/16 Genova v. Gaudioso 9:30 A.M. Mccormack v. Board of Assessors And—TAX
19QCV1858 Adam Manning v. 100822/16 Charles v. American 602105/19 J.G. Wentworth TUESDAY, FEB. 26
19QCV828 Gioacchino Pisella v. Shahid Nazir 150615/16 Harris v. Lunika Cars Dream Coaches Joseph Abbruscato CERTIORARI
George Georgiou 151773/16 Koppie v. Clove Lakes Originations v. Allstate Life 405206/18 Tfk Rlty. v. Board 606476/17 Bratta v. Khalif
18QCV20441 Anthony Brikes v. 150091/17 Dincer v. Malast Joanne Abruzese Ins.—Cozzens
19QCV840 Grace Morgan v. Mohammad Abul Ehsan Health Care Lorraine Barnes of Assessors And—TAX 605927/16 Cho v. Caradonna
151575/16 Jerrick v. Staten Island 602492/17 Vargas v. Iglesias— CERTIORARI 603262/18 Daugherty v. Zahn
Western Beef Retail, Inc. 18QCV20426 Anthony Brikes v. 150292/16 Lig Ins. Co. Ltd v. Conaty Arius Belizaire
19QCV857 Isaiah R. Cordero v. 135326/17 Phh Mortgage Corp. v. Univ. Brandveen 405207/18 Tfk Rlty. v. Board 606886/18 Gutierrez v. Eshaqzai
Narius Dabrowksi Larry Brown
Bonita R. Morgan Bonifacio 150583/17 Lapina v. Morabito Other of Assessors And—TAX 601977/18 Haughton-Mcneil v.
19QCV1861 Eduardo Ramos v. Jay Rose Bruno
19QCV844 Jennifer Torres v. Dady 101338/15 Pugliese v. Forbes 150977/16 Lumia v. Staten Island Alice L. Campbell CERTIORARI Trupkin
405457/18 131 Jericho Associates v.
Wilfred Aime 19QCV1852 Jerry Watts v. Hugh 151772/18 Saleh v. Mangiero Univ. Patricia T Campbell Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI 405208/18 Tfk Rlty. v. Board 604465/17 Lang v. Dipaolo
19QCV841 Joan Mazzara v. O’Kane 151469/16 Sclafani v. Richmond 150495/17 Montuori v. Staten Island Peter N. Catello 404319/18 15 Glen St. Associates of Assessors And—TAX 612568/17 Manbodhe v. Manbodhe
Jacqueline A. Taylor 19QCV1856 Jeryl Francis v. Univ. Medical Univ. Ali Chaudhry v. Nassau County—TAX CERTIORARI 610157/18 Munoz v. Zahn
19QCV848 Kathy Battle v. Myriam Heather Johnson 150627/18 Siedenburg v. Clarks 151118/14 North Shore Theresa Compono CERTIORARI 405318/18 Vsp Prop. Inc. v. County 613847/17 Ponce-Bazurto v.
Gehy 19QCV1853 Judith E. Nation-Gayle House of Flowers Architectural v. American Artisan Michelina Cona 404320/18 15 Glen St. Associates of Nassau—TAX CERTIORARI Balzano
19QCV837 Lissette Cajamarca v. N v. Luke S. Greco 100371/16 Vanpelt v. Avis Rent A 150867/17 NYCTL 2016-A Trust v. Benis Lee Dawkins v. Nassau County—TAX Preliminary Conference 613883/17 Saed v. Festival Fun
Salazarderodriguez 19QCV1862 Md Khairul Islam v. Car System Beckett Catherine J. Decker CERTIORARI Parks
152651/17 Vlastakis v. Mannix 608477/17 Agnant v. N L Aviles-
19QCV851 Marcelina Estevez v. Gabriel Lebron 150272/17 Scalici v. Walsh Anne Dene 404321/18 15 Glen St. Associates Aleman—DCM Conference 608893/17 Zahn v. Cordeiro
Fernando Almendras 18QCV12507 Raymonde William v. Family Market Thelma Engel v. Nassau County—TAX
151549/16 Webber v. Philip 150837/17 Zichettello v. Stewart Judge Hearing
19QCV839 Maria R. Sangiovanni v. Mta Bus Co. Carl Fodera CERTIORARI 1556/17 Aguilar v. Genovese Drug
19QCV1859 Tanica Troy v. Celidez Title Ins.
Shaez Kelly Motion Regina D. Fried 406759/18 225 Robbins LLC v. Stores, Inc.—Mahon 8251/16 Billi v. Daddy Locco’s Inc.
19QCV835 Pengfei Lu v. Yadwinder A. Arvelo Motion Ernest Fry Board of Assessors And—TAX 602422/17 Amato v. Magliocco—
150101/19 NYC v. 35 Holland Ave. Preliminary Conference
Singh 19QCV1855 Tanya Rozier v. Steven 100822/16 Charles v. American Peter Anthony Gialluisi CERTIORARI DCM Conference Judge
85009/19 NYC v. 3925 Amboy Road 612787/17 Exqquisite Quality v.
19QCV850 Shequila L. White v. H. Bushman Silvio P. Graffigna 406760/18 225 Robbins LLC v. 604774/15 Begelfer v. North Shore
Dream Coaches Barnes
David P. Narain 19QCV519 Tia Brown v. Luis Part IAS5/5M Shirley Groom Board of Assessors And—TAX - Lij Network—DCM Conference
19QCV856 Steven Tsui v. Rite-Way Munoz Justice Desmond Green Part IAS23/23M Elizabeth Herman CERTIORARI 611862/18 Iuvara v. Griesmeyer
Internal Removal 18QCV17459 Zinata Zavalunova v. 26 Central Ave. Mark Bernard Herman 406742/18 26 The Project v. 601378/18 Logiudice v. Becker
Justice Wayne M. Ozzi 609972/16 Buffalino v. Lipsky—
19QCV853 Wonil Suh v. Angela 65-38 Owners Corp. Staten Island, N.Y. Ayodele lsijola Assessor And The—TAX 614142/17 Trustees of The v.
26 Central Ave DCM Conference Judge
Varela Salazar Trial - Jury Paul D. Jacobson CERTIORARI 2337/17 Califano v. Beers—DCM Fidelity And Deposit Co.
Part IAS6/6M Courtroom 410 Michael Jordon
Trial - Jury 18QCV11671 Apphia Thomas v. 406743/18 26 The Project v. Conference Judge Motion
718-675-8612 Donald Kessler Assessor And The—TAX
18QCV9990 Kym Bostic v. Harlem Robert Pascal Justice Judith McMahon 604956/17 Capogna v. Gallo—DCM 608753/18 Da Silva v. Corcoran
26 Central Ave. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Jack Kornecki CERTIORARI Conference Judge
Group, Inc. 18QCV2956 Donald E. Smith v. Valentin Kuzmenko 601798/17 Deridder v. Noto
Robert J. Volpe Staten Island, N.Y. 403547/10 33 Clinton LLC v. 612161/17 Chaudhary v. Capri—
18QCV9355 Rasheed Hosein v. 152180/18 Arcabascio v. Olsen Carlo Lamendola Board of Assessors And—TAX 615033/18 Discover Bank v.
Danielle Cheryl Lee 18QCV6428 Hun Un Rhim v. He DCM Conference Judge
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 152266/18 Bascombe-Marshall v. Rosalyn Lila Levy CERTIORARI Theresa McGrady
Huang 607666/17 Clarke v. Khan—DCM
MONDAY, MARCH 4 150981/16 Anastos v. Ggp Staten Hirt Man T. Liong 402062/11 33 Clinton LLC v. 596/18 Olowofela v. All Purpose
17QCV5406 Jeanette Pettis-Bogan Conference Judge
Island Mall 152026/17 Caldera v. Richmond Concetta Maccarone Board of Assessors And—TAX 609131/16 Coffey v. Parking Home Improvements
Conference v. Arnette Pettis-Cueva Vito Marando 605641/18 Rosenfeld v. Chateau
18QCV14529 Lystra Williams- 101373/15 Atlas Health And Fitness County Ambulance CERTIORARI Systems, Inc.—DCM Conference
18QCV14557 Cynthia Roundtree v. Inc. v. Cuciniello 151323/18 Campbell v. Torres Stanley F. Marshall 405776/18 33 Clinton LLC v. Judge Woodmere Corp.
Hernandez v. Toolchand Bigram William McNeice Jr
Ahmed Mushtaq 150217/17 Bruno v. Vitale 153239/18 Campisi v. Fed. Express Board of Assessors And—TAX 600511/17 Corso v. Bc’s Pub & Tiki 612982/17 Russo v. Catanzano
18QCV13633 Marie Anderson v. Liliya Mehaya
18QCV17479 Genevieve Prigge v. Lystra Williams-Hernandez 101571/13 Castellotti v. Castellotti Corp. CERTIORARI Bar—DCM Conference Judge Part 4
Steven R. Garitta 150468/15 Clemente v. Waldbaums John O’Connor 405777/18 33 Clinton LLC v. 609668/17 Del Greco v. Shah—
17QCV7220 Martine Caze v. The 750010/18 Dehoyos v. Burrito Bar Michael O. Okedoyin Justice Anthony L. Parga
18QCV21081 Hajera Khatun v. NYCTA Supermarket Restaurant Inc. Board of Assessors And—TAX DCM Conference Judge
Elaine B. Nelson 151142/17 Clyne v. Caserta Clyne Claire Olsen CERTIORARI 605733/16 Deluca v. South 100 Supreme Court Drive
151082/17 Deloach-Herrington v. Lillian Paige Mineola, NY
18QCV18736 Kimberly Echeverria 151531/16 Dale v. Quinn 405778/18 33 Clinton LLC v. Nassau Communities—DCM
v. N.N. Ahluwalia, Inc. 150779/14 Dawkins v. Mamo Decoursey Diep Pierce Board of Assessors And—TAX Chambers: 516-493-3231
Conference Judge
18QCV20395 Sajid Saddiqui v. 151111/14 Deluca Sommo v. Reilly 151704/18 Desantis v. Robbins Rose Puro CERTIORARI 603085/16 Flores v. Acosta—DCM TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Norman S. Sakolsky 151651/17 Diaz v. Green 152277/17 Drucker v. Con Ed Inc Bruce Qualls 405779/18 33 Clinton LLC v. Conference Judge
18QCV15747 Tae Pyoung Jang v. 151345/16 Digesaro v. Yandoli 150762/18 Esquivel Quintero v. Oak Anthony Scappatura Board of Assessors And—TAX 605217/17 Freund v. Abhi & Parth 608694/18 Adel v. Miller
Abdourahmane Diallo 151498/16 Dugo v. Singh Developers LLC Stephen A. Schiavo CERTIORARI Rlty., Inc.—DCM Conference 601418/18 Caramanico v. Pugliese
19QCV925 Yu Hui Zhu v. Ramy
Abutaleb County 150716/17 Fields v. McDonald’s
150852/18 Feng v. Chai
152024/18 Foreman v. Shieron
Constance Schinestuhl
Diane Schwartz
Ruby Scott
406865/18 449-451 Ocr v. Board
of Assessors And—TAX
603205/17 Frisch v. Vandersluis—
606831/18 Dombrowski v. Baker
612122/17 Legal Servicing v. Gomez
101407/15 Fonseca v. St. Marks 150423/18 Fuentes v. Northwell CERTIORARI DCM Conference Judge 609891/18 Marman v. Rankel
Jury Selection Rosemary Sheehan
Hamilton Health Inc. 404253/18 62 Cottage Row LLC 3288/13 Giunta v. Elcheikhali— 604909/18 Martinez v. Rutowicz
19QCV572 Ik Pyo Hong v. SUPREME COURT 151753/17 Heard v. Pickover 152403/18 Guerra v. Medina
Lastana Smith v. Nassau County—TAX DCM Conference Judge 606276/14 Quintanilla v. Marenco
Mohammed Fakruddin 85117/16 Laforgia v. Laforgia Joyce Tantalo CERTIORARI 609783/17 Goins v. Loechner—
151604/18 Khariwala v. Henein 606714/17 Williams v. County of
Trial - Bench
Part C2 150627/16 Loeffel v. Bennett Marie Thompson 404254/18 62 Cottage Row LLC DCM Conference Judge
153175/18 Khedr v. Jata Diego Fernando Vega Nassau
Justice Thomas Aliotta 151383/17 Lombardi v. Ryder Truck v. Nassau County—TAX 601895/17 Gordon v. Rudolph— 606467/17 Wright v. Methodist
18QCV14551 Haseeb Atmar v. 153590/18 Kirshenbaum v. Genuso Pasquale A. Viggiano
26 Central Ave. Rental, Inc. CERTIORARI DCM Conference Judge Episcopal
Maria Bordone 151568/18 Lieberman v. Andrade John Albert West
Staten Island, N.Y. 151286/16 Luciano v. Spano 404255/18 62 Cottage Row LLC 609445/16 Gutierrez-Diaz v.
Trial - Jury 150332/13 Mahran v. Ben-Eli 150075/18 Macwan v. Lall David Winiarz v. Nassau County—TAX Alhindawi—DCM Conference Preliminary Conference
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 151403/17 Means v. Means Regina Zafonte
17QCV14514 Adrienne Lasaponara 101310/13 Mata v. 3g Capital CERTIORARI Judge 615241/18 Cannon v. Retail Prop.
150408/18 Boshra v. NYC 151384/17 Tosado v. Paolino 151812/16 Natoli v. Ricciardi Rita Zhuravskaya 402873/15 720 West B’way. Corp. 609537/17 Hernandez v. Naqvi— Trust
v. Olga Zisel
18QCV11671 Apphia Thomas v. 150746/17 Braithwaite v. NYC 152196/17 Unger v. Malmberg 152627/17 Nocerino v. Cama 10 A.M. v. Board of Assessors And—TAX DCM Conference Judge 601402/17 M. v. Nuhealth
Robert Pascal 152590/17 Butera v. NYC Dept. of 152990/18 Pawliszyn v. Genao- Lawrence Frank Burkert CERTIORARI 606752/17 Johnson v. Kurtzman—
Education Part IAS10/10M Motion
18QCV12467 Brian Anthony Duran Frances Asch 404108/09 Aldrich Mgt. Co DCM Conference Judge
Mariscal v. Joseph Dunford 151214/18 Catanese v. NYC Justice Ralph Porzio v. Nassau County—TAX 616393/18 Kolar v. Duffy—Marber 600242/16 Jones v. McDonald’s
26 Central Ave. 151575/17 Ransom v. Lee 10:30 A.M.
18QCV11697 David Bruner v. 151641/18 Cavallo v. NYC CERTIORARI 611314/17 Lee v. Sarpal—DCM Restaurants of
100629/15 Chemerisov v. Bohm Staten Island, N.Y. 151989/18 Richardson v. Scarpato David Wyllie
Edwin M. Mejia 403415/10 Aldrich Mgt. Co Conference Judge 612241/18 Trimboli v. Rose’s
101073/11 Clj Corp. v. NYC 153230/18 SS. v. Lyt002 Real Estate
18QCV9965 Daynelle Bonaparte v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 v. Nassau County—TAX 610567/17 Lee v. Kaur—DCM Performance, Inc.
150635/18 Commender v. NYC LLC Conference Judge
150309/18 Cooper v. NYC 80013/19 Express Tire And Auto 152072/18 Santo v. Caputo 601025/19 Ally Bank v. Rolston— 604102/17 Lorincz v. Castellano— Part 5
18QCV17455 Elaine Lee v. Angela Service v. 535 Rlty. Co., Inc.
152213/17 Davidson v. NYC 152293/18 Schoer v. Betancourt FP2 DCM Conference Judge Justice T. Feinman
18QCV6928 Esteve Saint-Louis v.
Luis Forero
151012/17 Desiderio v. Cook
101427/15 Drozeck v. NYC
151712/18 Farro v. Dormitory Auth.
Part IAS21/21M
Justice O. Marrazzo, Jr.
152494/18 Shoaib v. Orellana
151637/17 Stapor v. Montanino
100646/16 Tadros v. Illinois Tool
Nassau 404181/18 Apple West Co. v. Nassau
601734/19 B v. All Blessings
605954/17 Margolnick v. Frey—
DCM Conference Judge
203118/15 McLean v. Davis—DCM
100 Supreme Court Drive
Mineola, NY
Chambers: 516-493-3188
18QCV6428 Hun Un Rhim v. He 26 Central Ave.
of Works, Inc. Childcare—Infant Comp Conference Judge
Huang Staten Island, N.Y. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
150025/17 Fitzpatrick v. NYC 150386/18 Tracey v. Herring 400633/18 Beardslee Transmission 604249/16 Nanda v. Ponzo—DCM
17QCV14310 Iris Lopez-Flores v.
150724/18 Gomez v. NYC TUESDAY, FEB. 26 v. Nassau County—TAX Conference Judge
George Persaud 151238/18 Tyrell v. Williams Preliminary Conference
151815/18 Haggerty v. Fiore CERTIORARI 617335/18 Nothdorft v. Zylbert—
18QCV390 Kenny Kang v. Al Nigel
151162/18 Insauto v. NYC 151047/16 Ahmed v. Grdoc
150919/16 Arapi v. 292 Madison
152912/18 Tyurikova v. Ting Cao
SUPREME COURT 400634/18 Beardslee Transmission Brandveen 616659/18 Darnulc v. Guarino
100512/16 J.W. v. Cith of NY Motion v. Nassau County—TAX 610538/17 Quinteros v. Jones— 600787/19 Gray v. Jopal Bronx
16QCV7304 Liton Khan v. Patrick 151403/16 Lanza v. NYC Ave. Med Mal
152026/17 Caldera v. Richmond CERTIORARI DCM Conference Judge 613017/18 Koneski v. Stop & Shop
Flynn 151582/17 Maglione v. Foxton Hldg. 151513/17 Barzda v. Bravo Settlement Part
18QCV491 Lloyd E. Scott v. Rohan County Ambulance 404680/18 Br-1 Rlty. Co. v. Board 603395/18 Ramakrishnan v. Supermarket
LLC 152439/17 Bryant v. Koser
C. Williams Justice R. Bruce Cozzens of Assessors And—TAX Lloyd—Parga 604295/18 Styne v. Us 1 Laffey Real
150252/18 Mattes v. NYC 150206/17 Cataletto v. Home Probe WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
18QCV11740 Mei Yu Cao v. Inspections 100 Supreme Court Drive CERTIORARI 606275/17 Rivera v. Atrium Estate Corp.
150284/14 Munoz v. NYC 152525/17 Prilepskaya v. Valero 3rd Floor 404681/18 Br-1 Rlty. Co. v. Board Center—DCM Conference Judge
Mahmud Khan 150649/18 Oliva v. NYC 151474/16 Cee Jay Real Estate v. Trial
18QCV11750 Rebecca Falcon v. Khaled of Assessors And—TAX 2034/17 Rodrigues v. Ederer—DCM
153377/18 Osmundsen v. NYC Part MP10M Calendar Control CERTIORARI Conference Judge 609247/18 Housing Trust Fund
Olivia Baez 101072/11 Parelli v. NYC 150107/16 Codella v. Khan
18QCV8895 Regulo Ruperto Reyes 150943/17 Coiro v. Speedo Limo Justice Ralph Porzio Part 1 404683/18 Br-1 Rlty. Co. v. Board 1811/16 Sabalingam v. Hartobo— Corp. v. Arena
150386/17 Perez v. South Fin Grill of Assessors And—TAX DCM Conference Judge
v. Claudia Lobo-Villarra Inc. 26 Central Ave. Justice R. Bruce Cozzens Part 6
150188/17 Petronic v. NYC CERTIORARI 602281/18 Sanchez v. Labidi—DCM
18QCV6961 Woo Jin Choi v. Paul 101432/14 Corporan v. Staten Island Staten Island, N.Y. 516-493-3172
150860/18 Reinhardt v. NYC 404684/18 Br-1 Rlty. Co. v. Board Conference Judge Justice Arthur M. Diamond
Hwang 151396/16 Rossi v. NYC Univ. CCP Part Rules 100 Supreme Court Drive
151463/16 Cosgriff v. Barakakos TUESDAY, FEB. 26 of Assessors And—TAX 9751/15 Selis v. North
18QCV15790 Yecely Sanchez v. 151649/18 S.F. v. Ammar Mineola, NY
153080/18 Deluccia v. Callahan Cases appearing on the DCM CERTIORARI Hempstead—DCM Conference
Kishwar K. Choudhury 152748/18 Schemitsch v. NYC 51012/14 Spada v. Spada Chambers: 516-493-3180
151400/16 Doma v. Giovinazzo and CCP Calendars in the Trial 602255/19 Cordone v. Cardone— Judge
TUESDAY, MARCH 5 150616/18 Schenk v. Bluestone WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Part 1 Judge 7058/16 Smith v. 590-600 Rlty.—
Organization 151551/16 Dwyer v. Gotham Prop. Assignment Part are ready for TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Mgt. 50002/18 Lopez v. Stone trial. Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 175/19 Ditusa v. Ditusa—Part 1 DCM Conference Judge
Conference 150887/17 Sharma v. Hills of 2061/17 Stile v. K & F Discount Fuel 604729/18 Samuels v. Hertz
152138/17 Esposito v. Faraci 51105/16 Sela v. Sela §202.27, failure by counsel for a Judge
19QCV1695 Christina M. Adams v. Grasmere 405270/18 Emigrant Savings Corp—DCM Conference Judge Vehicles LLC
152500/17 Turner v. NYC 151079/17 Ferrantelli v. Uber 50956/14 Walker v. Parillon party plaintiff or a self-represented
Surujpaul Ramnarine Bank v. Nassau County—TAX 617304/18 Thill v. Mavis Tire Supply 606167/18 Wilson v. Inc. Village of
150426/18 Uriguen v. NYC Technologies, Inc. party plaintiff to appear will subject
18QCV20438 Faruk Hossain v. Part MP11 CERTIORARI LLC—Brown
152423/17 Villanueva v. NYC 151430/16 Gadaleta v. Smith that case to dismissal. Failure by Preliminary Conference
Walter Moises 405271/18 Emigrant Savings 601538/17 Torres v. True North Dev.
151806/16 Zerega v. NYC 152562/17 Grasmere Body Bldg. Inc. Justice C. DiDomenico counsel for a party defendant or 612209/18 Progressive Max Ins. v.
18QCV21044 John Huff v. Soso Bank v. Nassau County—TAX LLC—DCM Conference Judge
v. 2017 Clove Road 18 Richmond Terrace self-represented party defendant to Taylor
Taxi Corp. Part IAS1/1M appear will subject the case to an CERTIORARI 604788/17 Turner v. Joseph—DCM
150704/16 Hansen v. Hansen Staten Island, N.Y.
18QCV20406 Kong Chau v. Dong 152961/18 Itria Ventures LLC v. immediate inquest. 406762/18 Galena Associates II v. Conference Judge Motion
Bin Lin Justice Charles M. Troia
Sinha Board of Assessors And—TAX 612889/17 Velasquez v. Dworkin—
18QCV15765 Kwaku Agyekum v. 26 Central Ave. Part MP12 All cases appearing on the DCM DCM Conference Judge 612148/18 Gonzalez v. Tonery
Staten Island, N.Y. 151610/16 King v. Crimmins Trial Calendar will be disposed pur- CERTIORARI
Mta Bus Co. 150972/17 Lavio v. Sciandra Family Justice B. Panepinto 406763/18 Galena Associates II v. 602419/19 Weinstock Bros., Inc. v. Part 7
18QCV18717 Lilia Lozano v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18 Richmond Terrace suant to the time limits set forth in Baco Enterprises, Inc.—Murphy
Ltd. 22 NYCRR §202.19. Board of Assessors And—TAX Justice Karen V. Murphy
Sydney Jackson 152078/18 Aguilera Morales v. 150949/17 Lebida v. Lebida Staten Island CERTIORARI 608928/17 Woolard v. Navarro—
Attorney service may answer 100 Supreme Court Drive
18QCV15687 Michael Brown v. Cosby 150108/16 Libran v. Advantagecare 9:30 A.M. 406764/18 Galena Associates II v. DCM Conference Judge
the Calendar and request an Mineola, NY
Kamrul Islam 151102/15 Baghdasarian v. Staten Physicians Board of Assessors And—TAX Unknown
18QCV21041 Mohammad Mojaher TUESDAY, FEB. 26 adjournment, within the 22 NYCRR Chambers: 516-493-3223
Island Univ. 150435/17 M. A. v. Victory CERTIORARI 202536/17 Alveari v. Alveari—
Ali v. Zofia Siejka 50643/18 Dmiszewicki v. §202.19 time frame, only on con- 406765/18 Galena Associates II v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
750003/18 Blanco v. Emba Hylan Gymnastics Inc. McCormack
18QCV12493 Nigel Baker v. sent of all parties. Board of Assessors And—TAX
LLC 151823/18 Modest Community Dmiszewici 851/12 Lnv Corp. v. Albert—Brown 605343/18 Louros v. Suzuki Motor
Domino’s Pizza LLC 150403/16 Canmu v. Colavito Services v. NY Digital Prods. In all cases in which a party CERTIORARI
50739/18 Iqbal v. Iqbal 1948/10 Wells Fargo v. Miller— Corp.
19QCV1698 Salvatore Radice v. 150617/18 Caravello v. Kleyn 151527/17 Morabito v. Staten Island intends to present a motion in 405841/18 Guy Lombardo
50820/18 Jones v. Jones DCM Conference Judge 608060/16 Sicard v. Chavez
NYCTA 150404/18 Cerda v. Daimler Trust Univ. limine, that party shall so advise Properties LLC v. Board of
18QCV20442 Siddequir Rahman v. 152060/18 Cuzzupia v. Huber 151420/17 Mushorn v. Aziz Motion the Court prior to jury selection. Assessors—TAX CERTIORARI Part 8
Mohammad A. Islam 101253/15 Czaplicki v. Chan 150705/17 Olivo v. Thyssenkrupp 50024/12 Caputo v. Caputo All stipulations of settlement 405844/18 Guy Lombardo Med Mal Justice Randy Sue Marber
18QCV14541 State Farm Mutual v. 152078/17 Diaz v. Bekir Elevator 50595/09 El Assad v. El Assad recorded by the court on the report Properties LLC v. Board of Settlement 100 Supreme Court Drive
Paul A. Olcott 151633/18 Lang v. Saccaro 152237/17 Penzynski v. Indelicato of settlement and entered into the Assessors—TAX CERTIORARI Part
50739/18 Iqbal v. Iqbal Mineola, NY
19QCV1696 Sun Hee Cheong v. 101470/14 Lavelle v. NYCTA 100414/16 Petrosino v. Petrosino clerk’s computer record system are 404757/18 Harvey Weisman v.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Justice R. Bruce Cozzens, Jr. Chambers: 516-493-3219
Jong Sug Paek 150158/18 Leonard v. McMahon 101506/15 Petrosino v. Simoncini valid and enforceable pursuant to Board of Assessors—TAX 100 Supreme Court Drive
Trial - Jury 152155/17 M.S. v. South Shore 150273/18 Pillarella v. Bryant 50452/17 Dewitt v. Rowan CPLR 2104. CERTIORARI 3rd Floor TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Little League 150878/18 Renda & Associates v. 50369/18 Samarisi v. Samarisi 404758/18 Harvey Weisman v. Mineola, NY
Ewan Li v. Jacob Fireworker Status 612870/17 Casseus-Valentine v.
151304/18 Marie v. Codi Hldgs. LLC Vitacco 50343/16 Sarcona v. Barbarino Board of Assessors—TAX
18QCV3943 Maria Peet v. Ismael Conference Garcons
100757/16 Neginsky v. Demorato 100693/16 Rizzo v. Thompson Sarcona CERTIORARI
Valderrama 608104/18 Cohen v. Tjx Companies,
18QCV12427 Quentin Robinson v.
152784/18 Ozyuksel v. Turay-Selli 150155/18 Santander Bank v. Rass
50569/18 Tsidulko v. Tsidulko
The following cases will 404759/18 Harvey Weisman v. Part 1 Inc.
750026/18 Piazza v. Freedom Ave. Auto Wholesalers Inc. appear on a special calendar Board of Assessors—TAX Justice Stephen A. Bucaria
Channel Rlty. Co. LLC 750011/18 Sidibe v. Barakakos 50481/18 Washington v. Granby call at the trial Assignment CERTIORARI 607011/18 Drew v. Altarac
152669/17 Poo v. Cahill 100 Supreme Court Drive
18QCV8283 Richard Lacy v. 152446/17 Rogers v. Acum 100533/16 Silva Velez v. Casale Courtroom on the first floor on 404760/18 Harvey Weisman v. 603622/17 Johnson v. Meyer
Motion Mineola, NY
Georges Marin 150764/18 Savino v. McGill 150204/18 Tobin v. S.T.G. Maint. the dates and times indicated. Board of Assessors—TAX 604527/18 McCadden v. Max Gym
18QCV12482 Sonia Hylton v. 50390/11 Banks v. Banks Chambers: 516-493-3168 Corp.
152040/18 Shimoni v. Saad Services Cases may not be adjourned. CERTIORARI
NYCTA 151411/16 Triano v. Aleshinskaya 50713/15 Greenfield v. Greenfield They must be marked settled, 404755/18 Isabella Rlty. LLC v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 615448/18 Meadowbrook Pointe v.
152573/18 Stefanelli v. Our Lady
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Star of The Sea 153550/18 USA Mutual Ins. Agency 51046/06 Monier v. Monier discontinued or ready for Board of Assessors—TAX Stanley Kushakow And Rita
150373/18 Tabbitas v. Ggp Staten v. Ingravallo 50885/14 Pudelkiewicz v. conference. A failure to appear CERTIORARI PC Discovery Motion 602372/18 Mignone v. Morgan
Conference Island Mall LLC 85229/18 Varricchio v. Varricchio Pudelkiewicz by any party will be deemed a 404756/18 Isabella Rlty. LLC v. 614831/18 Abrams v. Zafrin 94/19 NY Immigration v. Nassau
18QCV12460 Xiaobo Xie v. Li Guo 152749/17 Vickers v. Gottlieb 101223/15 Victory State Bank v. 5545/04 Raddi v. Raddi default within the meaning of Board of Assessors—TAX 616778/18 Klick Logistics Inc v. County Police
Ping 151393/18 Wisdom v. Gathers Emba Hylan LLC 50569/18 Tsidulko v. Tsidulko 22 NYCRR 202.27. If a matter CERTIORARI Business America Corp 600505/16 Sossous v. Haughton
46 | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 |

603852/17 Neves v. Rides Unltd. of Trial 1771/17 Lameek Dean 1447/18 Angelo Jones 1865/18 Joseph Hores 13/596-OT Barretta v. Glen Cove
Part 9 Part 17 NY 1435/18 James Dickerson 838/18 Kenneth Knab 2088/18 Tracey Janvier Prop.
202027/13 Hill v. Hill
Justice Vito M. DeStefano Justice Hope Zimmerman 603901/18 Petrulli v. O’Connor 66/19 Khadijah Robinson 1168/18 Magdalena Matysek 71/19 Ion Jcj Rodizio Corporat 17/1206-MV Berger v. Harris
100 Supreme Court Drive Matrimonial Center 6958/16 Rodriguez v. Cictoria Commercial Initial Motion 1294/18 Paul Robinson 70/19 Joseph Rosmaninho 18/322-MV Bishop v. Zoeller
Mineola, NY 400 County Seat Drive 603800/15 State Farm Mutual 202677/18 Boxhill v. Boxhill
SCT 38/CC 1 609/18 Charles Sandersjr 1982/18 Chaz Shelley 18/34-MV Caprisecca v. P.K.
Chambers: 516-493-3176 Mineola, NY Automobile v. Actual Chiropractic 202542/18 Friedman v. Friedman Judge Meryl Berkowitz 1711/17 Rashawn Strozier 149/19 Derek Thompson Landscaping
Chambers: 516-493-3440 605339/17 Sudmann v. Omara 202143/18 Goldstein v. Amsel 1444/18 Juan Ventura 1976/15 Lewis Turner 17/2303-OT Cole v. Loduca
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 516-493-3527
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 605355/18 Vandelay Importing LLC 200036/12 Knoll v. Rubin WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 17/1212-OT Cozine v. Zarello
608532/18 Drew v. Sachs v. Santagata TUESDAY, FEB. 26 18/100-MV Cruz v. Betancourt
611936/18 Lenders Funding v. 201260/18 Eastzer v. Eastzer 607336/17 Vanegas v. Diana Part 35 465/17 Jonathan Ackerman 1554/18 Keith Connellan 17/835-MM Delargy v. Lynch
Quest Livery Leasing LLC Justice Steven M. Jaeger 1152/18 David Benjamin 110/19 William Burr 40/19 Anthony Dagostino
Motion Beverage Corp. 1560/18 Daniel Bliss 17/1637-MV Delaunay v. Cook
606187/16 Sachem Central School 601301/19 Worldwide Security 100 Supreme Court Drive 1299/17 William Caine 1773/18 Justin Fink 10/2240-OT Fields v. Sag Harbor
Dist. v. Selective Way Ins. 201260/18 Eastzer v. Eastzer Mineola, NY 2000/18 Malcolm Griffin 1303/17 Dustin Ford 2031/16 Christopher Finnan
202450/11 Williams v. Raquel K. Group LLC v. Eddie’s Auto Body 222/19 David Niem 18/1552-OT Flanagan v. Jd Cinemas,
10002/15 Vaccaro v. Midtown Works Inc. Chambers: 516-493-3227 1266/17 Quintin Ford 1662/18 Erik Fortmeyer Inc.
Williams 1786/18 Raul Ponce 1448/16 Kerry Gallagher 1293/18 Annamaria Restrepo
Contracting Corp 16/2123-MV Fratello v. Suffolk
Commercial Initial Motion Part 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 175/19 Tynekquya Stephney 1045/16 Antonio Gallina 145/19 Theodore Simonson
Part 10 1311/18 Marcus Swain 18/437-MV Godwin v. Posada
Justice Joseph Lorintz 601521/16 Academy Charter School 1029/17 Phylicia Hayles THURSDAY, FEB. 28 17/2008-MV Gomez-Lowery v. Allen
202679/18 Blake v. Blake 2106/18 Marcus Swain
Justice Timothy S. Driscoll Matrimonial Center v. Renaissance Contractors And 1103/16 Tyshaun Johnson 17/1359-MM Graulich v. Lamendola
202254/18 Milillo v. Tolentino 222/19 Jordan Tonis 1082/18 Norman Alpren
100 Supreme Court Drive 400 County Seat Drive 18562/08 Barash v. Vaygensberg 544/15 Michael Kraly 17/1649-MV Gulino v. Castelli-
202464/18 Rokos v. Wilson 226/18 Marcus Wheeler 13/19 Tailacie Belton
Mineola, NY Mineola, NY 604520/16 Renaissance Contractors 1880/18 Daniel Menditto Draizin
202126/06 Sylvestre v. Sylvestre 695/18 Kabora Blackwell
Chambers: 516-493-3184 Chambers: 516-493-3432 And v. Academy Charter School WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 671/17 Leanna Menendez 17/317-MV Hearn v. Manzolillo
202450/11 Williams v. Raquel K. 1682/17 Denise Francois
615849/18 Rodriguez v. Coello 199/19 Rickey Avant 715/16 Matthew Minoia 18/351-MV Juliano v. Latuso
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Williams TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1534/18 Arismendy Garcia
611334/18 Vollmer v. Sacks 1782/18 Anthony Cammarata 1015/17 Kathy Mullen 17/2018-MV Kobylenski v. Lapidez
613653/17 300 Schermerhorn Rlty. Part 18 846/15 Imran Naqui 1119/18 Phylisha Johnson
202804/18 Baxevanis v. Fthenakis Part 53 1848/18 Rodney Coward 1083/18 Mbi Associates Inc 17/1892-MV Kotsay v. Ccap Auto
LLC v. Gene Kaufman Justice Anna Anzalone 202934/18 Beltre v. Beltre 1782/18 Douglas Dellecave 80049/18 Michael Rizzo Lease Ltd
604116/17 Bethpage Water Dist. v. Justice Stacy D. Bennett 942/17 Bairon Rodriguez 38/19 Tj Moore
100 Supreme Court Drive 202318/18 Gottlieb v. Appel 1159/18 John Griffin 15/19 Anthony Robinson 18/185-MV Lagano v. Repetto
Layne Christensen Co. Mineola, NY 202198/18 Kaur v. Singh Matrimonial Center 1581/18 Markishia Hardy 877/18 Nesah Sinclair 18/442-MV Laveroni v. Ventura
600536/14 Deerin v. Ocean Rich Chambers: 516-493-3247 203014/17 Palma v. Palma 400 County Seat Drive 902/17 Trevor Sotire FRIDAY, MARCH 1
1710/18 David Harvey 17/2261-MV Madison v. Wright
Foods 203292/15 Rynkar v. Rynkar Mineola, NY 31/19 Patricia Mckee 607/17 Daniel Vazquez 1/19 Ramon Bonifacio 17/2389-MV Neiderman v. Citterio
606035/18 Malo v. Williams TUESDAY, FEB. 26 800096/18 Scheel v. Scheel Chambers: 516-493-3436 THURSDAY, FEB. 28 1526/18 George Feather
1782/18 Reptile Rage Inc 18/1214-MV Nicklas v. Schedler
613315/17 NY Solar Auth. Ltd. v. 604755/18 County of Nassau v. 200072/19 Skaferowsky v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1917/18 Christopher Rosino 1543/18 Lascelles Hurd 17/235-MM Nunez v. Brandenstein
Sybac Solar 1990/17 Sergio Alvarez
Sequeira Skaferowsky 1542/18 Annoman Singh 146/19 Asif Arakhan 1473/18 Patricia Jermone 17/1817-MV Orr v. Alperin
600084/19 Sherris v. Abstracts Inc. 800165/18 De La Cruz v. Blanco 43/19 Rajpert Smith 105/18 Daniel Mensing
Part 20 392/16 Marquel Azorortiz 17/2374-MV Pulley-Lynch v. Nadler
Part 27 Cespedes 2123/18 Adedeji Taylor 1779/18 Bruce Rodgers 16/2254-MM Registre v. Schneider
Part 11 Justice S. Gianelli Justice Edmund Dane 202687/07 Harper v. Harper 1990/18 Gerard Brocklebank
1967/18 Nickolas Ulip 1416/18 Harry Craft 62/19 Irving Sanchez 18/616-CO Roberts v. Eyeking
Justice Jeffrey S. Brown Matrimonial Center Matrimonial Center 203700/04 Moore v. Moore 181/19 Watson Vergares 63/19 Irving Sanchezjr
1629/18 Moise Ferdinand 17/1180-MM Sandberg v.
100 Supreme Court Drive 400 County Seat Drive 400 County Seat Drive 200287/16 Murray v. Giovannello 1784/18 Andres Zapata 941/18 Shawn Steward
416/18 Nydira Glover Orthopedic Associates of
Mineola, NY Mineola, NY Mineola, NY 200591/10 Neumann v. Hercz 1175/18 Andrew Walsh
THURSDAY, FEB. 28 1728/18 Jennifer Hansen 17/2068-OT Somerville v. Brookfield
Chambers: 516-493-3164 Chambers: 516-493-3432 Chambers: 516-493-3428 19935/93 Theo v. Theo 1925/18 Ronald Willrich
8/19 Ryan Hart Const. Assocs
Hearing 916/18 Jarell Cherry 18/243-MM Thompson v. Good
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 820/17 Christopher Hershberg SCT 49/CC 12
2134/18 Dante Douglas Samaritan Hosp.
607561/18 Andruzzi v. Sidney B. 200591/10 Neumann v. Hercz 1886/18 Maicol Figueroa 1332/15 Courtney Lupo
606754/18 Amaya v. Jpmorgan 200677/18 Abbondanza v. Judge Felice Muraca 17/64-CO Wand v. Yuliano
Bowne & Son Chase & Co. Pretrial 215/19 Thomas Halljr 1406/18 Colleen Mcdonald
Abbondanza 17/802-OT William v. Middle
600163/18 Atria Mgt. Co. v. 607365/17 Baker v. Oyster Bay 916/18 Susanne Hills 1407/18 Colleen Mcdonald 516-493-3535
201880/18 Chiang v. Chiang 800081/18 Kamruzzaman v. Yasmin Country Central
McLoughlin Manor 1332/18 Lajuan Kelly 443/17 Ronald Murray
202808/17 Gerardi v. Gerardi WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 16/369-MV Woolney v. Stramara
604464/18 Berkshire Hathaway 602292/18 Birnbaum v. Training 800132/18 Hood v. Hood Part 56 1580/18 Christina Perez 270/18 Cindi Pereira
370/18 Jaime Rodriguez 1744/18 Gary Black 17/1604-MV Zizelis v. Kalyan
Homestate v. Navika Capital Station, Inc. 200027/15 Jackson v. Jackson Justice T. Rademaker 2033/18 Gregory Thompson
Group LLC 608664/18 Campbell v. Froedgr Matrimonial Center 79/19 Anthony Sala 200/19 Christopher Bonilla Hearing
202042/11 Kramer v. Kramer FRIDAY, MARCH 1
601119/18 Bevacqua v. Epler 601711/18 Cerda v. Ramos 400 County Seat Drive 424/18 Christopher Shields 1876/18 Kiran Choudhry 17/1337-MV Hoyt v. Butler
202209/18 Newman v. Newman 2135/18 Marquis Cuffey
611115/17 Casulla v. Barry 603373/17 Chandler v. Western Mineola, NY 1126/17 Isaiah Smith 1097/18 Telma Galdamez
201992/18 Rau v. Farone 34/19 Marquis Cuffey Reserve Calendar
609693/18 Coppola v. Bours Beef, Inc. Chambers: 516-493-3420 1195/18 Alexander Troso 804/18 Michael Gargiulo
202363/17 Squitieri v. Squitieri 1742/18 Lauren Edel
608787/18 Ferguson v. Raghid 612329/17 Ciccotelli v. Ricciardi 443/17 Kevin Wisniewski 1386/18 Carl Holmgren 18/1050-MV Alfano v. James
1075/18 Weinstein v. Rosenblum TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1393/18 Nharon Hicks 1274/18 Shahan Javaid
613518/17 Gaska v. Muir 610232/17 Ciminera v. Island Dev. 5/19 Tiffanie Zink 18/1095-MV Aug v. Brazil
200122/17 Weinstein v. Weinstein 27/19 Marcus Johnson 1426/6 Neil Lynch
605666/18 Gentle Brew Coffee Asset FRIDAY, MARCH 1 18/1053-MV Becker v. Marinello
Part 28 Hearing 1347/18 Kenneth Kaese 1054/18 Thomas Malloy 10/849-CO Bialosky v. Rubin
Roasters v. City of Long Beach 601153/18 Clayton v. Meadowbrook 294/18 Jeron Chambers
606774/18 Khan v. Sai Baba Real Care Center, Inc. 200394/18 Victor v. Victor 2125/18 Robert Kollbeck 1707/18 William Mcrae 18/1099-MV Bright v. Perez
Justice HELEN VOUTSINAS 520/17 Andre Chenault
Estate Inc. 610727/18 Corrigan v. Stop & Shop Preliminary Conference 42/19 Gavin Smith 2114/18 Jocelyn Vasquez 18/1088-OT Cepeda v. Brentwood
100 Supreme Court Drive 491/18 Stephen Clark
607673/18 Konyk v. Naimzadeh Supermarket 1415/18 Wymann Wiggins THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Union Free School
Mineola, NY 202416/18 Gelin-Chery v. Chery 1608/18 Peter Costanzo
603282/18 Price v. County of 607530/16 Cyprys v. Oceanside Fire 2103/18 Joseph Wilson 18/1096-OT Ficalora v. Hausmann
Chambers: 516-493-3207 1287/18 Louis Cuomo 1509/18 Morris Charles
Nassau Dept. Motion 2051/18 Joseph Wilson 18/1031-OT Kramer v. Fairfield
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1110/18 Daryl Wright 1440/18 Daniel Dallolio 37/19 Marvin Morales
605967/16 Rosenbaum v. Sklar 1046/18 Fjr Affordable Roofing v. 203480/09 Monassebian v. Properties Group LLC
1894/18 Daryl Wright 1363/18 Joseph Delia 1324/18 Ellen Reyes
604006/18 Streath v. Price Sportiello 202421/17 Normil-Benjamin v. Monassebian 18/1047-MM Lowett v. Singh
910/16 Sean Dixon 16/19 Gricely Rodriguezsegura
606129/18 Thadal-Dorisma v. 604293/18 Fonseca v. All-Temp Benjamin SCT 39/CC 2 18/1101-OT Muller v. Distante
Pretrial 1599/18 Robert Eagan 212/19 Jovette Sturdivant
Morsel Refrigeration & Air 18/1245-OT Nationwide Mutual Ins.
Preliminary Conference 202402/17 Segall v. Segall Judge Christopher Quinn 1254/17 Lance Fairley FRIDAY, MARCH 1 v. Draizin
606932/17 Willix v. NY Presbyterian 601629/18 Foubister v. G.F. Rlty. Co. 621/18 Leesa Gilroy
604941/17 Fox v. Concordia College 202920/18 Arora v. Arora 516-493-3556 832/18 Jacqueline Gallo 18/1146-MV Rafiq v. Cox
Part 12 202872/18 Budram v. Ramanan 1163/18 Rodney Goldsmith 18/1034-MV Ruano v. Velez
Bronxville 1995/18 Jose Rivas
Justice Robert A. Bruno 601620/18 Fuentes v. Doria 202041/18 Constanza v. Constanza Surrogate’s TUESDAY, FEB. 26 596/18 Paula Graci
2/19 Paula Graci SCT 50/CC 13
18/1051-OT Ryan v. Public Storage
100 Supreme Court Drive 201361/18 Malewicz v. Malewicz Inc.
Mineola, NY
3337/16 Garcia v. Island Park Union
Free 800155/18 Weixler Capobianco v. Court 1192/18 Triston Campbell
1376/15 Tyler Gunter
277/18 Keith Hurley Judge Tammy Robbins 18/1677-OT Saltzman v. Inc. Village
Capobianco 144/19 Kouder Khanat 18/1037-MV Sam v. Grunhaus
Chambers: 516-493-3211 606755/17 Gil v. Montes Surrogate Margaret Reilly 1218/18 Jerry King 159/17 Olga Kunitski 516-493-3544 18/1056-EQ Sindrome Const. Inc. v.
612557/18 Govt. Employees v. Pretrial Conference 262 Old Country Road 1030/15 Andre Samuel 864/18 Robert Laurence
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Merchants Mutual
202431/17 Bortko v. Bortko Mineola, NY 11530 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 335/18 Ludwin Lopezrobles TUESDAY, FEB. 26
601666/18 Ace American Ins. Co. v. 600288/18 Gutman v. Davis 3rd Floor 18/1069-MV Smith v. Vega
202554/17 Poliseno v. Poliseno 272/16 Miguel Quezada 778/17 Gerald Marichal 80007/19 Brenda Cordero 18/419-OT Tew v. Poters on The
Business Research 603871/17 Higgins v. Middlemark 516-493-3800 813/18 Hector Mendoza 91/19 Kenneth Hunter Lane
606194/17 Choe v. Choe 604355/18 Hosein v. Perez Part 29 Tuesday, Feb. 26
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 1964/18 Efrain Oliverosrojano 20/19 Anthony Lynton
610000/18 Davis-Griffin v. 602801/18 Klein v. County of 18/1092-MV Volpe v. Vargas
Justice Norman St. George 1931/15 Joseph Ferrufino 1454/18 Edwin Perdomo 80048/18 Thomas Mcdermott
Kuchlewski Nassau 18/1094-MV Wyman v. Cestare
100 Supreme Court Drive PROBATE 1949/18 Ralph Keppler 1547/18 Bobby Robinson 80066/18 Thomas Mcdermott
609876/17 Fernandez v. Corum Jr 606379/18 Lee v. Miller Mineola, NY 172/18 Ralph Keppler 150/18 Nicole Scotto TUESDAY, FEB. 26
2058/18 Damian Rodriguez
607845/17 Lilavois v. Lilavois 602716/18 Lewis v. Krauthamer 9:30 A.M. 1949/18 Francesa Kiel
Chambers: 516-493-3020 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 17/1913-CO 45 Garfield LLC. v.
609527/18 Perez-Cabrera v. Martin 606566/17 Lin v. Ingoglia Eric S Rosenblum SCT 44/CC 7
603067/18 Santos v. Lecchi SCT 40/CC 3 Ecology Sanitation Corp.
605842/18 Lopez Berganza v. Part 30 10 A.M. Judge Terence Murphy 80005/19 Julian Fernandez
603588/18 Vasquez v. Woods 17/1136-MM Adams v. Mukhi
Briscoe-Policaro Judge Teresa Corrigan 1792/18 Nelson Guerra
Justice DICCIA PINEDA- John Napolitano 516-493-3568 18/523-MV Baldev v. Andreade
602010/18 Villan v. Stead Light Inc 609084/17 McAllister v. McCarthy 60/19 Jimmy Ochoalara
KIRWAN Bert Nelson 516-493-3531 18/691-MM Basuino v. Shlofmitz
601297/19 Worldwide Security 600857/19 NY Schools Ins. v. Town 19/19 April Sanchez
100 Supreme Court Drive TUESDAY, FEB. 26 17/1336-CO Benerin v. Pieper
Group LLC v. 112 Superstore Inc. of Oyster Bay Sewer 10:30 A.M. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 THURSDAY, FEB. 28
Mineola, NY 1913/18 Lawrence Grammer 18/131-MV Brunache v. Goodman
8567/16 Zarkadas v. Basile 611045/18 Progressive Advanced v. Pearl Barrett
Chambers: 516-493-3376 1781/17 Tomasz Alemao 330/17 Leslie Cohen 17/2390-MM Castello v. Cheriyan
Littlefair Sheldon Gellman WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Part 13 602562/18 Rowan v. Sofronis TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1035/16 Andres Echeverry 1902/18 Eric Delmedico 11/1457-MM Coleman v. Lipari
Justice Jerome C. Murphy 2 P.M. 880/18 Brian Gonzalezvaldez 1328/18 Sergio Cerda 865/18 Paul Hampton 18/1530-OT Didonna v. Rite Aid of
604511/18 Saied Jamal Trading v. 604354/15 Bianco v. Peaker
100 Supreme Court Drive A Liberatos 1967/17 Eugene Grantlapierre 1225/16 Kyle Ludwig 232/19 Paul Hampton New York, Inc.
Bank of America 603342/17 Mays v. Nassau
Mineola, NY 608454/17 Sealey v. Pure Barre LLC 1988/18 Danielle Haupt THURSDAY, FEB. 28 80086/18 Mario Larreajr 18/675-MV Distefano v. Rios
Operating Co. LLC ADMINISTRATION 16/1325-MM Dolin v. Hegazy
Chambers: 516-493-3243 603069/18 State Farm Mutual 896/18 Deivis Holguin 968/18 Joseph Olivo 80065/18 Desmond Moore
1548/17 Prunty v. Mehta 9:30 A.M. 1779/17 Roger Hope 80009/19 Roberto Morroquinlima 13/1603-MM Donnelly v. Parikh
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Automobile v. Virgo
608491/18 Strassel v. Wagner Motion Joan Jackson 880/18 Pedro Mendezramos SCT 45/CC 8 324/18 Nadir Payne 17/59-MV Duncan v. Wuest
609799/17 Arber v. Steve’s Marine 604121/18 Taller v. Albala 36/18 Eugene Moore 1794/18 Nadir Payne 16/1882-MM Fishetti v. Bateson
606372/18 Philip J. Rizzuto v. 10 A.M. Judge William O’Brien
Service West 612306/17 Timm v. Pannullo 1000/18 Jason Mucciolo 111/19 Stephen Primm 17/1503-MV Garcia v. Renner
O’Connor Alarcon Vanessa Raghubar 17/1695-OT Garland v. Riverhead
603409/18 Benitez v. Julian 601550/18 Williams v. Rubin 730/18 Senator Omoruyi 516-493-3564 13/19 Kristiaan Rambarran
600979/18 Young v. Thibodeaux Vanessa Raghubar 15/2202-MM Gaudioso v. Vira
607739/17 Castro v. Waverly Miller 601518/19 Worldwide Security 1320/17 Palmer Orton 16/19 Kristiaan Rambarran
Vanessa Raghubar TUESDAY, FEB. 26 16/1187-MV Giannone v. Urdahl
602866/17 Cortez v. Gomez Group LLC v. A1 Ultimate Auto Part 32 745/18 Palmer Orton 12/19 Kristiaan Rambarran
613347/17 Croutch v. Einbond-Paley Works Corp. Justice Denise L. Sher ACCOUNTING 243/18 Steve Picard 1158/16 Wafa Abboud 14/19 Kristiaan Rambarran 16/221-MM Goggins v. Hindes
613300/17 Demattia v. Simon Prop. 100 Supreme Court Drive 973/18 Angel Rodriguez 1576/18 Mary Burris 15/19 Kristiaan Rambarran 18/744-OT Greenwood v. Islip
Group, Inc. Part 21 9:30 A.M. 1824/18 James Moore 1395/18 Maurice Reid 17/1253-MM Manzo v. Zwanger &
Mineola, NY WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
600996/18 Falco v. Jordan Justice James P. Mccormack Robert Frankel WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Pesiri Radiology
Chambers: 516-493-3239 258/18 Jeffrey Abney
607508/17 Fernando Tomas v. Steel 100 Supreme Court Drive Benjamin M Oshins 17/2012-OT Marino v. Mosera
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Dominick J Risolo 1157/16 John Acero 1135/18 Antoine Foster 80077/17 Reginald Wallace 16/2290-MV Melendez v. Slack
Equities LLC Mineola, NY
1003/18 Keith Dillon 506/17 Carlo Guercia 18/118-OT Michel v. Mulryan
612570/17 Jacobs v. Livingston Chambers: 516-493-3263 670/17 Abruzzese v. Yellowstone 10 A.M. 325/18 Michael Durham 926/16 Allan Ramirez 18/919-MV Murphy v. Carmichael
607013/17 Katz v. Kabro Associates Shopping Center Mary Ann Bowman 1483/18 Jonathan Ricks
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 765/17 Ramiek Jackson 15/842-MM Murray v. Brookhaven
LLC 601883/16 Allianz Life Ins. v. Vincent Hart 1492/18 Stephanie Snavely
759/18 Andre Madden Memorial Hosp.
613923/18 Kekkonen Mazzocchi v. Compliance Conference Wolfson Vincent Hart 136/18 Alex Meza 186/17 Daquan Streeter 17/116-MV Napolitano v.
602694/17 King v. Berrios
6356/16 Maffia v. Tiffany House of
605792/17 K&K Const. Corp. v.
Harleysville Preferred
613481/17 American Transit Ins. v.
McCulloch Orthopaedic
613594/17 Banks v. Central Island
Evelyn Kreisel Hudis
John J Speelman
898/18 Juan Romero
1087/18 Danar Smith
1135/18 Shameq Sullins
Suffolk Sanderson
18/427-MV Nekrutman v. Williams

611111/18 Maldonado v. Sweeney 10:30 A.M. 1731/17 Donavan Smith 11/1760-OT Nolan v. Irwin
Cedarhurst Healthcare 966/18 Donavan Smith 1349/18 Shapeace Goodwine
609282/17 Matatov v. County of Motion 613640/17 Benitez v. Jamieson Kechner Berlus 1410/18 Tomas Guillen Contracting, Inc.
Brittany Petrocca 374/18 Terrence Thomas 16/1874-OT O’Toole v. East
Nassau 602582/14 Bennett v. State Farm 608242/18 Benitez-Vasquez v. 1686/17 Willie Vanderhall 1970/16 Mark Pallateri
600020/16 McNeil v. Queens Long 11 A.M. 1902/17 Gilbert Villalta Hampton
Fire And Casualty Cintas 1349/17 Faisal Zeeshan
Island Medical 606669/18 English v. Journey Bus 8102/16 Besemer v. Commercial Rita Volante THURSDAY, FEB. 28 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 SUPREME COURT 17/2057-OT Panzini v. Costco
616504/18 Nu Communitek LLC v. Wholesale
Lines LLC Concrete Corp. 2 P.M. 1873/18 Nerlin Chaconruano 15/548-OT Romeo v. Bill Paradiso &
Loyalty Kiosk LLC
600509/18 Oldford v. Town of North
607678/18 Fensterman v. Steinberg
600133/18 Jateen v. Clark
607035/17 Bizzell v. Bizzell
609434/18 Cano v. Gonzalez A Liberatos
461/18 Danielle Abate
250/18 Steven Hutzenlaub 1590/17 Nerlin Chaconruano Court Notices Associates
Hempstead 2:15 P.M. 826/18 Abey Keneth 1196/17 Mickey Corley 17/2455-MV Sabel v. Cellini
612692/18 Q. v. Global Charter 612169/17 Carr v. D Alessandro Please take notice that
607587/15 Slovinsky v. Huq 367/18 Tylil Mctootle 901/18 Eric Kruse 18/139-MV Saber v. Mallgraf
Services 609503/18 Castaldo v. Razzano Dolores Di Resta papers commencing an action
187/19 James Payne 1120/18 Brian Perez 17/2118-MV Scott v. Rosica
Pretrial Conference 606474/18 Trimarchi v. Rosenauer 601835/18 Chery v. Velasquez Dolores Di Resta or special proceedings in the
997/17 James Payne 1873/18 Jose Quintanillacruz 17/359-MV Sellers v. Greiger
600311/18 Connell v. Hempstead Dolores Di Resta Supreme or County Courts
602295/16 Perone v. Giovanneillo Part 22 605313/18 D’Auria v. Dimatteo 1521/18 Mustafaa Phillip 1873/18 Edar Ventura 17/300-MV Sidberry v. Cancellire
Dolores Di Resta pursuant to the newly amended 17/1353-MV Simon v. Dodd
Part 14 Justice J. Capetola 607324/17 Delia v. Mercy Medical 1617/17 Daniel Ruggiero SCT 46/CC 9 provisions of CPLR 304 and
100 Supreme Court Drive MISCELLANEOUS 897/18 Ahkhazyah Wright 18/926-OT Somers v. Northport-East
Justice Thomas A. Adams Center Hosp. Judge Fran Ricigliano 306-b are to be filed with the
Mineola, NY Northport
100 Supreme Court Drive 17871/10 Doe v. McCormack 9:30 A.M. FRIDAY, MARCH 1 County Clerk and not the clerks
Chambers: 516-493-3152 18/899-MV Tamburro v. Gearty
Mineola, NY 607639/18 Drew v. Lopez-Nazario Jacob Cohen 1994/17 Brad Jacobs 516-493-3627 at the courthouse. In Suffolk 17/1324-MV Thornlow v. Bienz
Chambers: 516-493-3152 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 605102/18 Duncan v. Roman Eric D Offner 1400/17 Cornell Jefferson County, the “clerk of the court’’
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 17/1707-OT Zammit v. Nickels
605007/18 Erdfarb v. Ben-Horin 1721/99 John Pierotti is the Suffolk County Clerk for 16/105-MV Zemba-Stankiewicz v.
3254/17 The Brower Oakview 613749/17 Everett v. Massene 10 A.M. 1490/18 Ronald Hughes
Part 15 the purposes of CPLR 304 and Platak
Condominium v. Bloodgood 605966/17 Fidelity Nat. Title v. Maria Vaszily-McMahon SCT 41/CC 4 306-b (see, County Law Sec.525
Justice Leonard Steinman WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27
Part 23 Genuine Title Judge Helene Gugerty subd. 1). Hearing
100 Supreme Court Drive 1812/18 Peter Paulino
602669/18 Fils-Aime v. Pulitano The clerks at the court- 18/614514 Flores v. Flores
Mineola, NY Justice Jack Libert
605084/18 Fisher v. Pucci COUNTY COURT 516-493-3572 41/17 Keith Williams houses cannot accept papers
Chambers: 516-493-3252 100 Supreme Court Drive THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Motion
604992/17 Flood v. Becker filed for the purposes of com-
Mineola, NY SCT Part 19 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
mencing an action or special 18/1521-OT Garcia v. Carlyle At The
600184/18 Garcia v. Wilson 1656/18 Michael Doscher
Chambers: 516-493-3372 Judge Angelo Delligatti 2054/18 Joshua Desrosiers proceeding. Papers improp- Palace, Inc.
600212/18 Alcindor v. Cablevision 601158/18 Gillard v. Espinal 1728/17 Anas Saleem
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 610724/17 Hatfield v. Loquercio 1332/17 Anthony Distasi erly filed with the clerks at 18/1590-MV Lombardo v. Villani
Systems Corp. 516-493-3580 2054/18 John Mcelroy SCT 47/CC 10 18/340-OT Santana v. Gonzalez
608318/18 Bisono v. Pruthi 600374/19 Henriquez v. Jopal Bronx the courthouses will not be
1010/17 Cardenas v. Rivera 41/17 Robert Shea
614079/17 Conway v. King Kullen 604414/17 Joseph v. Stop & Shop TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Judge Howard Sturim transferred to the County Clerk Reserve Calendar
604417/18 Colon Fernandez v.
Grocery Co., Inc. Supermarket 1279/18 Richard Neff FRIDAY, MARCH 1 for filing and will, instead, be
Murdolo 516-493-3548 18/1083-MV Beckhans v. Preferred
610608/18 Edwards v. Rubin Rlty. 6840/16 Joyce v. Livingston D.P.M. 1808/16 Janson Velas returned to the litigant.
7384/13 Cooper v. Guilor 1403/18 Giovanni Bennett Home Remodeling
600605/18 Kim v. Bhardwaj TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Be advised, papers improp-
603658/18 Glengariff Health Care 609440/16 Dorrell v. Agostino WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 1559/16 Fei Du 18/1952-MV Browd v. Coppi
602884/18 Lake Harbor Advisors v. erly filed with the clerks at the
Center v. Rudowsky 608392/16 Dunn v. North Shore 1348/18 Charles Fells 590/18 Steven Combes 18/1090-MV Citron v. Terris
Settlement Services 667/18 Taylor Agard courthouse may not be deemed
604094/18 Hernandez v. Biondi Univ. 623/14 David Jensen 1412/13 Steven Combes 18/1080-MV Douglas v. Rivette
606648/18 Lee v. Pucci 1351/18 Matthew Martinez a “filing’’ which tolls the run-
606407/17 King v. Hempstead 608683/16 Fbf Rlty. LLC v. Ahmed 953/17 Gerson Juarez 1252/18 Hamad Danash 18/39-OT Dynarski v. Serota
604654/18 Linzy v. County of THURSDAY, FEB. 28 ning of the applicable statue of
Police Dept. 604351/18 Gull v. Price 210/15 Wardell Lyles 1979/16 Thomas Ely Brooktown I & II
Nassau limitations.
602174/18 Regis v. Bristal 601600/15 Homere v. Cullin 1496/18 Ian Brown 1604/18 Robert Fitzgerald 18/1079-MV Ervolino v. Reyes
605599/18 Sainrival v. Next Phase 602252/18 Kemerson v. Walordy 612659/17 London v. 107 (160) Rlty. SCT 42/CC 5 Please take notice that
18/1068-OT Foster v. Thompson
LLC 1468/18 Donovan Chin 2023/18 Luis Gutierrez no Request for Judicial
Electric 602527/18 Lee v. Bulic 1783/18 Elbert Starks Judge P. Harrington 153/18 Cedric Lee 18/1087-MM Fox v. Celestin
601605/18 Margaritis v. Saintil Intervention or its copies
600059/18 Seville Central Mix Corp 613486/17 Maidstone Ins. Co. v. 233/18 Kareem Linton 18/1091-OT Lamacchia v. Simon
906/18 McLean v. Kesselman FRIDAY, MARCH 1 516-493-3523 will be accepted by this court
v. Midland Ready Mix Corp Rodriguez 1874/18 Wayne Mcken Properties Group, Inc.
603256/18 Mongelluzzo v. Lucchese 1232/18 Hesekia Mcconneghey unless stamped on its face is
603139/18 Taveras v. Gualemunoz 603015/18 McCann v. McCann TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1781/18 Michael Poulson 18/1737-RP Martin v. Accettulli
602271/18 Muniz v. Castillo the County Clerk’s certification
3508/17 McLaughlin v. Ferro SCT Part 24 226/18 Emisael Villatoro 18/1081-OT McCabe v. Jwf Gym
Part 16 607724/18 Mushtaq v. Whittaker 608473/18 Norcott v. Garden Town 260/18 Dante Douglas that the fee for its filing has
Apt. Judge Robert McDonald 226/18 Taghwantie Kzarts 158/19 Cecil Weed been paid. This office will not
Justice John M. Galasso 610823/17 Pappas v. Mediterranean 18/1072-MV Rivette v. Douglas
100 Supreme Court Drive 606960/18 Pashkoff v. Kulins 1893/17 Ronald Oleary WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 transmit fees for Requests for
Roofing And 516-493-3560 18/1070-MV Rivette v. Douglas
Mineola, NY 603544/18 Rasizzi v. Miller WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Judicial Intervention or Index
602338/18 Rinaldi v. Casie 1704/18 Donna Biondo 18/1155-MV Schmitt v. Suffolk
Chambers: 516-493-3192 602139/18 Russian Gift of Life, Inc. Numbers to the County Clerk.
603123/17 Rodriguez v. Frederick TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1561/18 Josue Figueroavelasquez 1650/18 Jose Cisnerosperez 18/1093-MV Sparacio v. Perniciaro
v. Yurieff In instances where a fee for a
610391/17 Sapp v. Gonzalez 1836/18 Richard Holland 1946/17 Clifford Gavin 28/19 Jimmy Fernandez 18/1005-MV Strickland v. Laopodis
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 607737/18 Russo v. Barkan Note of Issue is required pres-
610660/18 Shmariahu v. 21st 1208/18 William Mendez 1441/17 Charles Harris 72/17 Carlo Guercia 18/1084-MV Tonge v. Decosimo
601494/17 Cutillo v. Stop & Shop 604431/18 Schineller v. Cook ent practices will continue.
Century Nat. 1601/18 William Mendez 628/16 Jack Pineda 175/17 Carlo Guercia 18/962-MV Tritschler v. Sullivan
Supermarket 605622/18 Siconolfi v. Giakoumis The County Clerk
601608/18 Sostenuto v. Rothman 22/11 David Murillo 33/18 Elvin Rodriguez 1006/18 Carlo Guercia 18/1119-MM Watson v. Mehta
1302/17 Eisenberg v. Root 611361/17 Singh v. Singh requests that where practi-
601454/18 Steinfeld v. Hoppe 1208/18 Perry Pettus 532/18 Elvin Rodriguez 2019/18 Jesus Guzmanamaya
610263/17 Firemen’s Fund Ins. v. 602673/18 State Farm Fire & cable the Request for Judicial Individual Assignment
606876/18 Volpe v. Morales 1600/18 Perry Pettus 1089/16 Sonia Villegas 170/18 Rafik Kassim
Fischer Casualty v. Doodyman To The Intervention and fee not be Parts
606060/18 Winkler v. Torres 1601/18 Perry Pettus THURSDAY, FEB. 28 1647/18 Travis Mark
604626/15 Kallenberg v. Perez- Rescue, Inc. accompanied by papers for
606915/18 Yusifi v. Fuhrman 1836/18 Perry Pettus 212/18 Richard Moncrieffe FRIDAY, FEB. 22
Delacruz 610921/17 Stolarik v. Garden City 33/18 Augustine Benitez submission to the court.
1956/18 Efthimios Nikolakakos
602590/18 Kemmesat v. Occhipinti Part 25 Park Water WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 244/18 Dawn Licari 260/18 Michelle Pettit
Please include a stamped self- Other
Justice Antonio I. 614099/17 Toscano v. Int’l 1692/17 Sophia Pinedo addressed envelope in order
609037/17 Thompson v. Cruz 2085/18 Samuel Kingjr 2053/18 Andrew Zeiglerjr 607039/18 Marie Hldgs., Inc. v.
Brandveen Diversified 33/18 Daniel Rivieradiaz to expedite the return of your
Hearing 1389/17 Jairo Mendez THURSDAY, FEB. 28 receipted RJI. O’Connor—MATTHEWS
100 Supreme Court Drive 600594/18 Velasquez v. G418153 FRIDAY, MARCH 1
600901/14 Flug v. Glenco Design THURSDAY, FEB. 28 545/17 Selvin Alvaradorodriguez The Bar is requested to file Individual Assignment
Mineola, NY 611217/18 Voigt v. Zheng
And Chambers: 516-493-3160 602070/18 White v. Cruz 1035/14 Umberto Califano 1634/17 Deangelo Gill 366/17 Alexander Holmesjr stipulations of discontinu- Parts
601774/18 Youngblood v. Mayor of 816/15 Harry Craft 1202/18 Joshua Lampley 357/17 Alexander Holmesjr ance in cases which have been
Preliminary Conference TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1634/17 Benjamin Lopez assigned under the Individual FRIDAY, FEB. 22
Old Village of FRIDAY, MARCH 1 80062/17 Brett Jackson
600147/18 Meza v. Butt 33/18 Dennis Lopez 1525/17 Courtney Michalic Assignment System with this
607494/18 Acosta v. Ciulla Motion
609210/18 Panzavecchia v. Vtjr Rlty.
1748/16 Allen v. Durkin Part 33 765/17 Maurice Collins 1177/18 Dennis Lopez 1256/18 Ameir Osman office in the first instance.
Corp. 1079/17 Dylan Silber 33/18 Kevin Torres After processing, this office will 3640/18 Letizia v. Letizia—Iliou
610174/18 Bautz v. Farinella Justice Jeffrey A. Goodstein 1511/18 Kevin Schneider 539/19 Medina v. Medina—Iliou
Motion 606577/17 Best Global Alternative v. Matrimonial Center 2245/4 Michael Toscano 1823/18 George Williams 236/18 Robert Truocchio file the discontinuance with the
County Clerk. 619614/18 Raynis v. St. Charles
613143/18 Discover Bank v. Walters American Storage And 400 County Seat Drive SCT Part 34 SCT 43/CC 6 FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Hosp. And—DCM-Justice
600532/19 Keystone Potato Prods. v. 7284/16 Betik v. Horizon Healthcare Mineola, NY Judge Robert Schwartz 104/19 Robbins v. Baigulova—
Judge David Sullivan 1243/18 Bridget Hay
Bektrom Foods, Inc. Services Chambers: 516-493-3424 IndividualAssignment JUSTICE
1625/18 Se Kim
610107/16 Markert v. Nassau 606348/18 Carey v. Bell 516-493-3724 516-493-3576 Parts 624786/18 Wilmington Savings
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1190/18 Michael Lynch
Health Care Corp. 605161/18 Cohen v. County of Fund v. Williams—GAJDOS, JR.
Nassau TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 1753/18 Marcus Mills Calendar Control Part
604013/17 Rodriguez v. Prosper Hearing 33/18 Bryan Negrete Note of Issue
1074/17 State Farm Mutual v. 603230/16 Corvera v. Prime Source 169/19 Joanne Mcclenic 156/18 Shaquiel Ali Justice Paul J. Baisley, Jr
Dev. LLC 11238/13 Flushing Bank v. Samimi 2044/18 Bryan Negrete 7288/16 Casino v. Casino—Justice
Elpenord WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 616/18 David Ambra One Court Street
611327/17 Grant v. Wilkerson 80078/18 Guillermo Reyes 229/18 Conforti v. Conforti—
608957/18 Tbf Financial v. Wd Pretrial Conference 619/18 Gregory Angulo Riverhead
604981/14 Hartford Fire Ins. v. 921/17 Shakur White 219/16 Albert Stade Justice
Certified Contracting LLC 200285/18 Matthews v. Browne- 1445/18 Seung Baek Courtroom A363
614960/18 Tenura Hldgs., Inc. v. Jorich Const. Co., Inc. Matthews THURSDAY, FEB. 28 98/19 Louis Benjamin SCT 48/CC 11 631-852-2412 6703/18 Duran v. Duran—Justice
Dimisa 604094/18 Hernandez v. Biondi 26/19 Deval Rhodes 1832/18 Matthew Chaleff Judge Robert Bogle 487/19 Martin v. Martin—Justice
20017/09 Katz v. Devi Motion 1821/18 Evan Faccini MONDAY, FEB. 25 6732/18 Restrepo v. Restrepo—
Trial 609015/17 Liebman v. Rothwell 200207/18 Deguerre v. Deguerre FRIDAY, MARCH 1 1431/18 Denney Fernandez 516-493-3544 17/1149-OT Altmeyer v. Cozine Justice
606711/16 Antenor v. Nature 610274/18 Metro. Prop. v. 202143/18 Goldstein v. Amsel 153/18 Marc Bardini 1/19 Wayne Garvey 17/986-OT Ancient Mariner 5087/18 Rivas v. Angulo—Justice
Medical of New York Desrameaux 201364/12 Goodman v. Pettit 1894/17 William Billups 1759/18 Erik Heyward TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Cottages v. Natinal Grid USA 339/19 Triolo v. Triolo—Justice
906711/16 Sonie v. Aristocrat 602372/18 Mignone v. Morgan 200036/12 Knoll v. Rubin 822/17 Lameek Dean 1736/18 Toree Hughes 1738/15 Jamel Gay 16/1619-MM Anderson Mark v. 947/19 Velazquez Barinas v.
Plastic 3880/17 Murray v. County of Nassau 200049/06 Logiudice v. Logiudice 1263/17 Lameek Dean 381/18 Thomas Ingenito 511/18 Jordan Hamilton Lampert Velazquez—Justice | Tuesday, february 26, 2019 | 47

Other 620700/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. 65214/14 U.S. Bank Trust N.A. v. 17604/14 Schonbrun v. Marjep Rlty. 7684/16 Saffer v. Szatko TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Francis Pappalardi
Trust v. Coleman—PENDING Part 14 Enrico Corp. 607834/15 Shury v. Lanberti Robert Hamlington Thorpe
619450/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC Justice John Iliou 575/17 Butler v. Butler
v. Smithtown—Leo 614321/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. 617690/18 U.S. Bank Trust v. 9111/16 Stanco v. Sonoda 609103/16 Small v. Williams 17300/15 Earley v. Amato MISCELLANEOUS DEPT.
Trust v. Dimola—PENDING John P. Cohalan Jr. Lagatta 8379/16 Taylor v. Canzoneri 609475/16 Szilagy v. Smithtown
619451/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC Courthouse 3105/18 Gallagher v. Gould
v. Smithtown—Leo 614905/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. 604394/15 U.S. Bank Trust v. 601318/18 Tiznado v. Abela Conference 5448/18 Jackson v. Jackson 9:30 A.M.
Trust v. Fracapane—PENDING Central Islip Martinez 609813/16 Union Mutual Fire Ins. v.
619452/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC 600470/16 101co v. Sand Land Corp. 222/19 Keller v. Keller Stanley Dicker
614087/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. Courtroom S-21 607597/18 U.S. Bank v. Crispino A.J. Home Enterprises, Inc.
v. Smithtown—Leo 2051/16 Simonetti v. Tvi, Inc. 1520/17 Lopez v. Linton-Lopez Steven Dym
Trust v. Macpherson—PENDING 631-853-7736 612327/17 U.S. Bank v. Luna 600578/16 Vargas v. Milwaukee
619453/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC 5043/18 Ridley v. Ridley Ollie Mae Ervin
v. Smithtown—Leo 615904/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. MONDAY, FEB. 25 6461/07 Us Bank v. Key Electric Tool Status Conference 1245/18 Santiago v. Sanitago Johnnie Gore
619454/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC Trust v. Rubio—PENDING 22216/13 Wells Fargo Bank v. Wani 621123/16 Zarro v. Jaffe 622890/17 Margolis v. Westchester 5133/11 Tarasco v. Tarasco Joseph Haberscham
616053/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. 2943/16 Adewale v. Adewale 5203/14 Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v.
v. Smithtown—Leo 252/18 Ambrosini v. Ambrosini Part 32 Modular Homes 5456/16 Vetrano v. Vetrano Mohammed F. Hafez
619455/18 140 Commerce Rlty. LLC Trust v. Washington—PENDING Adragna 5752/14 Wells Fargo Bank v. Strober Donald Paragon
612097/18 Deutsche Bank Trust Co.
4176/16 Campbell v. Campbell 16272/13 Wells Fargo Bank Na v. Justice W. Gerard Asher Motion
v. Smithtown—Leo 4112/17 Ciambrone v. Ciambrone One Court Street Charles D Pusey
979/19 Beckford v. Leave To Change v. Brandel—PENDING Mackie 623256/18 Chen v. None
1083/18 Connelly v. Blank Riverhead Ben Paul Siino
621583/17 Wells Fargo Bank Na v.
Name—Farneti 604052/18 Deutsche Bank Trust Co.
v. Malfettone—PENDING
6273/18 Hildebrandt v. Hildebrandt Stevens Courtroom A301 Part 40 Surrogate’s PROBATE (CONTESTED)
603151/19 Berner v. Tersigni— 3020/18 Hung v. Hung
BERLAND 36856/08 Greenpoint Mortgage 18716/11 Koch v. Koch
20869/09 Wells Fargo Bank v. 631-852-2386 Justice James Hudson
One Court Street
Court DEPT.
984/19 Castillo-Lopez v. Leave To Funding v. Fulford—PENDING Leonard
1320/18 Lai v. Lai 600857/15 Wells Fargo Bank v. Part 33 Riverhead Surrogate Czygier 11 A.M.
Change Name—Quinn 616291/18 Hsbc Bank USA v. 5711/18 McGurk v. McGurk Saccente Justice Thomas F. Whelan Courtroom A-260 Virginia C Bourne
983/19 Chand v. Leave To Change Neefeldt—PENDING 5327/17 Rizzi v. Rizzi 13024/10 Wells Fargo Bank v. Blaich One Court Street 631-852-3294
Name—Quinn 602866/18 Hsbc Bank USA v. 2655/14 Robinson v. Robinson 63934/13 Wells Fargo Bank v. Riverhead Surrogate Robert A. Onofry
620586/18 Debellis v. Allam—Cal Alfonzo—PENDING 89/19 Ryan v. Ryan MONDAY, FEB. 25
Doscher Courtroom A148 Annex
Control 5521/18 Jones v. Phillip-Jones— 610384/17 Ocwen Loan Servicing v.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 631-852-3012
622688/18 Fox Hill Rlty. Hldgs. LLC Quinn 624638/17 Wells Fargo Bank v.
Edelman Molloy
v. Board of Assessors And—Leo 601509/19 Manufacturers And 1231/17 Enright v. Enright
18292/11 Wells Fargo Bank v.
622689/18 Fox Hill Rlty. Hldgs. LLC Traders v. Goodman—CONF 6600/17 Fellini v. Fellini
v. Board of Assessors And—Leo
623520/18 Hauppauge Route III v.
616156/18 New Penn Financial LLC
21008/12 Kahn v. Kahn
158/18 Lattanzio v. Miller
49371/09 Wilmington Savings v.
Status Conference
68850/14 Cit Bank N.A. v. Public
30619/13 Bank of America N.A. v.
County Criminal
111 Dr. Martin Luther
Board of Assessors And—Leo Dba v. Frisenda—PENDING 4504/18 Maina v. Maina Administrator 619546/18 Bank of NY Mellon v.
5639/18 Pelkowski v. Pelkowski 64233/14 Wilmington Savings Fund King Jr. Blvd.
623521/18 Hauppauge Route III v. 612229/18 Ocwen Loan Servicing v. 604467/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC Ramirez
Board of Assessors And—Leo Wulffen—PENDING 4665/17 Renzulli-Grable v. Grable v. Gaeta v. Groth 23644/14 Feehan v. Peterman SUPREME COURT White Plains, N.Y. 10601
623522/18 Hauppauge Route III v. 601281/19 Pennymac Loan Services 2239/18 Young v. Young 601614/15 Wilmington Savings 621285/18 U.S. Bank Na v. Lobianco Associates Inc Judge Susan Cacace
Board of Assessors And—Leo v. Ramirez—CONF JUSTICE Fund v. Mallimo 610396/16 U.S. Bank Nat. v. 44244/09 Thornburg Mortgage Justice Blackwood Judge Susan Capeci
Part 15 1851/14 Wilmington Savings Fund Justice Helen Blackwood Judge George Fufidio
623523/18 Hauppauge Route III v. 622809/18 U.S. Bank Na v. Valentin Home Loans v. Corwin
Board of Assessors And—Leo Justice Andrew A. Crecca v. Pesce (IAS Part) Judge Michael Martinelli (Acting
Burrus—PENDING TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Part 43
603026/19 in The Matter of The v. John P. Cohalan Jr. Room 304 County Court Judge)
607896/18 U.S. Bank Na v.
Courthouse Part 19
Jane—Molia Castillo—PENDING Status Conference Justice Arthur G. Pitts 914-824-5665 Judge Anne Minihan
Central Islip Justice Cheryl Joseph One Court Street Justice Barry Warhit
622956/18 Jasali Rlty. LLC v. Board 622133/18 U.S. Bank Na v. 2938/17 Sini v. Singer
Courtroom S-34 John P. Cohalan Jr. Riverhead Justice Capeci Judge David Zuckerman
of Assessors And—Leo Pousont—PENDING 631-853-7746 Courthouse Compliance Conference Courtroom 230A (Annex)
622957/18 Jasali Rlty. LLC v. Board 625243/18 Us Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Justice Susan M. Capeci
Central Islip, NY 631-852-2173 (Domestic Violence)
of Assessors And—Leo Reusch—CONF JUSTICE MONDAY, FEB. 25 61609/13 Johnson v. North Sea
Room D-62
622265/18 Lamp Rlty. Corp. v. 613512/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. Phone 631-853-5471
Part 44
Huntington—HINRICHS Virk—PENDING Hearing 604732/15 Prisco v. Schwartz 914-824-5358
622266/18 Lamp Rlty. Corp. v. 606476/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. 2904/18 Capozzoli v. Capozzoli MONDAY, FEB. 25 Justice E. Emerson WHITE PLAINS
Motion Justice Colabella
Huntington—HINRICHS Cruz—PENDING Cromarty Court Complex
Motion 10125/16 Caporusso v. Caporusso 622682/17 U.S. Bank Na v. Roman 111 Dr. Martin Luther
622267/18 Lamp Rlty. Corp. v. 614497/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. River Head Justice Nicholas Colabella
6496/17 Flanagan v. Flanagan 4361/18 Guanti v. Guanti King Jr. Blvd
Huntington—HINRICHS Guerrero—PENDING Pretrial Courtroom 7 (Trial Ready Part)
3585/17 Litwak v. Weitz-Litwak White Plains, NY 10601
622268/18 Lamp Rlty. Corp. v. 605484/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 62422/13 Caruso v. Schwartz 631-852-2139 Room 1200
3638/18 Marz v. Marz Phone: 914-824-5500
Huntington—HINRICHS Harvey—PENDING 914-824-5365
10720/16 Moore v. Moore Part 34 Part 47 Judge Kathie E. Davidson
622269/18 Lamp Rlty. Corp. v. 614747/18 Wells Fargo Bank v. Preliminary Conference
285/17 Nuzzi v. Nuzzi Justice Colangelo Judge David Klein
Huntington—HINRICHS Spearman—PENDING 4291/18 Iovane v. Iovane Justice Joseph C. Pastoressa Justice Jerry Garguilo
393/18 Prunty v. Prunty Judge Janet Malone
621541/18 Learning Care Group v. One Court Street One Court Street Justice John P. Colangelo
Part 16 9647/15 Reilly v. Reilly Judge Michelle I. Schauer
Board of Assessors And—Leo Riverhead Riverhead (IAS Part)
3319/18 Reinitz v. Reinitz
621542/18 Learning Care Group v. DCM Part Justice H. Patrick Leis 3229/17 Rizzuto v. Rizzuto Courtroom 203 Courtroom A259 Room 1603
Board of Assessors And—Leo Justice /DCM Part John P. Cohalan Jr. 631-852-2163 631-852-2388 914-824-5364
2096/18 Sachtleben v. Sachtleben
621543/18 Learning Care Group v. Courthouse NEW ROCHELLE
Board of Assessors And—Leo MONDAY, FEB. 25 Central Islip TUESDAY, FEB. 26 MONDAY, FEB. 25 MONDAY, FEB. 25 Justice Ecker
621544/18 Learning Care Group v. 420 North Avenue
Courtroom S-24 11099/16 Altindag v. Altindag Compliance Conference Justice Lawrence H. Ecker
Preliminary Conference Motion New Rochelle, NY, 10801
Board of Assessors And—Leo 631-853-7747 4760/17 Brady v. Brady (IAS Part)
621545/18 Learning Care Group v. 617420/17 Barnett v. Fusco Tracy 603090/19 Dominguez v. Nerp Hldg. 62927/13 Weidemann v. Katriyar Phone: 914-831-6590
MONDAY, FEB. 25 4112/18 Caggiano v. Caggiano Room 1602
Board of Assessors And—Leo 5191/18 De Filippo v. Rizzo 164/18 Grube v. Grube And Part 49 Judge Kathie E. Davidson,
621546/18 Learning Care Group v. 618865/18 Defranco v. Shechter Conference 4830/18 Massina v. Massina TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Judge Nilda Morales-Horowitz
Justice C. Randall Hinrichs
Board of Assessors And—Leo 615946/18 Delacruz-Gonzalez v.
12476/14 Bacigalupo v. Montefusco 36816/12 Michaelson v. Michaelson Cromarty Court Complex Justice Everett
621547/18 Learning Care Group v. Gonzalez-Rodriguez 2338/18 Probst v. Probst Motion
17677/15 Klein v. Klein Riverhead Justice David F. Everett
Board of Assessors And—Leo 623747/18 Deluca v. South Shore 1140/18 Probst v. Probst 603090/19 Dominguez v. Nerp Hldg. (Matrimonial Part) YONKERS
Courtroom 9
621548/18 Learning Care Group v. Family Practice Trial 291/18 Verdi v. Verdi And Room 1001
631-852-2144 53 South Broadway
Board of Assessors And—Leo 616745/18 Electronic Payments, 6800/16 Didomenico v. Didomenico 72/16 River v. Khan 914-824-5413
621549/18 Learning Care Group/ Inc. v. Img Stone Work Inc. Part 22 3rd Floor
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Part 35 Part 50 Yonkers, NY 10701
Standard v. Board of Assessors 620019/18 Hauppauge Provisions Justice Carol Mackenzie Justice Giacomo
And—Leo John P. Cohalan Jr. Justice Deborah Poulos Justice Martha L. Luft Phone: 914-831-6555
Co.,Inc v. Bivona Trial Justice William J. Giacomo
602392/19 Menkes v. David Courthouse John P. Cohalan Jr. One Court Street Judge Kathie E. Davidson
619387/17 Hockemeyer v. Meyer 11146/16 Stanton v. Stanton Riverhead (IAS Part)
Grossman & Associates—Molia Carpentry Central Islip Courthouse Judge Hal B. Greenwald
Central Islip Courtroom 237 Room 104
623317/18 Mondrow v. Silverman— 617284/18 Lewis v. Henry Schein Part 17 Courtroom S-22
631-852-1960 914-824-5349 Judge Mary Anne Scattaretico-
Reilly Inc. 631-853-7614 Courtroom D-64 Naber
Justice Peter H. Mayer
622373/18 Nikon, Inc. v. 600442/18 Lloyds of London v. 631-853-7475 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Justice Jamieson
One Court Street
Huntington—HINRICHS Aspen Design & Installation Riverhead
Part 25
MONDAY, FEB. 25 603315/18 Able Equipment Rental, Justice Linda S. Jamieson
622375/18 Nikon, Inc. v. 622844/18 Louis Contino Courtroom A257 Justice Glenn Murphy
Huntington—HINRICHS 7872/16 Brown v. Brown Inc. v. Iron Bridge Constructors, (IAS Part/Commercial Div.)
Landscaping v. Caparco 631-852-1758 John P. Cohalan Jr. Inc. Room 103
622377/18 Nikon, Inc. v. 603181/18 Menjivar v. Matrix Courthouse 3476/18 Gaines v. Gaines
622378/18 Nikon, Inc. v.
602344/18 Naqvi-Shah v.
Part 18
Justice Howard Heckman
Central Islip
Courtroom S-31
220/19 Gettling v. Gettling
8281/16 Padrazo v. Padrazo
603323/18 Acosta v. H&H
Transportation Co. Inc.
12469/15 Alexio v. Marciano
Justice Lefkowitz
Casagrande John P. Cohalan Courthouse 631-853-7737 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 601862/18 Apex Rehabilitation And
622379/18 Nikon, Inc. v. Justice Joan B. Lefkowitz
620195/18 Nat. Waste Services v. Central Islip MONDAY, FEB. 25 3700/15 Benedetto v. Benedetto Care v. Berthold (IAS Part)
Huntington—HINRICHS Ichiban Sushi Ben, Inc. Courtroom A-362 2307/18 Martin v. Martin 602865/17 Armioia v. Thomas Room 1600
622042/18 Pet-Stef Rlty. Co. v. 619701/18 Nat. Waste Services v. 631-852-2097 503/18 Aiello v. Higgins 1206/17 O’Brien v. O’Brien 32908/08 Aurora Loan Services LLC 914-824-5350
Huntington—HINRICHS 4717/18 Albert v. Albert
622044/18 Pet-Stef Rlty. Co. v.
Waste-Away, Inc.
MONDAY, FEB. 25 3749/18 Antonopoulis v.
12987/15 Perry v. Perry v. Chiarelli U.S. Court OF
619702/18 Nat. Waste Services v. 4999/17 Salzano v. Salzano 622799/17 Bonilla v. Guevara Justice Lubell
Huntington—HINRICHS Waste-Away, Inc. 6660/13 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Antonopoulis 602849/18 Camacho v. Mr. Cash Justice Lewis J. Lubell
622046/18 Pet-Stef Rlty. Co. v. v. Guldi 3285/18 Bennett-Ginefra v. Ginefra Part 36
620224/18 Renter v. Stockwell
619004/18 Scott v. Halo Network 63331/14 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust 4333/17 Husch v. Husch Justice Paul J. Baisley, Jr
Long Island, Inc.
601616/18 Cardilicchia v. Kelly
Supervising Judge SECOND CIRCUIT
622049/18 Pet-Stef Rlty. Co. v. 1313/17 Kaminski v. Kaminski Matrimonial
Inc. v. McAvoy One Court Street 618675/17 Case v. Freed (Matrimonial Part/MTRP) Subject to change at any time,
Huntington—HINRICHS 36654/10 Hsbc Bank USA v. Lingard 1007/17 Link v. Link Riverhead
616843/18 Steo v. Savino 610144/17 Cassidy v. Felpo Room 1000 the Bar is advised that the follow-
621700/18 Pet-Stef Rlty. Co. v. Town 1851/14 Wilmington Savings Fund 3913/18 Lisner v. Lisner Room 405
613400/18 Sunbelt Rentals Inc. v. 600579/18 Cimino v. Sachem 914-824-5623 ing is the schedule of the proposed
of Huntington—HINRICHS v. Pesce 14388/15 Morgan v. Morgan 631-852-2412
Mikot Const. Inc. Central School Dist. sitting of this court:
982/19 Santopadre v. Leave To 18743/99 Olsen v. Olsen
Change Name—Quinn 618765/18 Three Guys Maint. Inc. v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 MONDAY, FEB. 25 600248/17 Congiusta v. G & M Justice Ruderman Thurgood Marshall
Watters 4822/18 Papadakis v. Papadakis Earth Moving Inc
33232/08 Bank of America v. 3959/18 Siciliano v. Siciliano Justice Terry Ruderman Courthouse
Preliminary Conference 618776/18 United Paving Corp. v. Inquest 3373/16 Devincentis v. Russo (IAS Part)
Karcher 3679/16 Thermitus v. Thermitus 40 Foley Square
620149/18 Battaglia v. Cozma— Amc Home Improvement, Inc. 64253/14 Bank of America v. 21067/14 Rodriguez v. Flores 607645/17 Devito v. Toy Room 1402
4020/17 Voges-Engel v. Engel 602385/18 Diaz v. Membreno Argument calendar
DCM-Justice 613761/18 Velocity v. Faropian Montagnese 28163/08 Sini v. Love 914-824-5739
623666/18 Benavides v. Conti— Spirits Ltd TUESDAY, FEB. 26 610745/17 Farris v. Suffolk Courtroom 1703
602169/15 Bank of NY Mellon v.
DCM-Justice 619437/18 Wbxb v. Rosswaag Ahmed 3179/18 Basilly v. Kamel Part 37 1578/18 Flax v. Argueta Justice Smith 10 A.M.
614313/18 Bertini v. Valenti— 615278/18 White v. Island Group 63789/14 Bank of NY Mellon v. 5173/17 Beuerlein v. O’Callaghan Justice Joseph Farneti 620857/16 Foto v. Cataldo Justice Mary H. Smith
DCM-Justice Admin. Demott 3118/18 Bitzer v. Bitzer One Court Street 621665/17 Georgiadou v. Westland (IAS Part)
616554/18 Bouzy v. Castillo— South Shore Mall L.P. Tuesday, Feb. 26
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 11302/13 Bayview Loan Servicing v. 4063/18 Bjelke v. Bjelke Riverhead Room 102
Farneti Oliveri 7861/16 Davidov v. Rivera Courtroom 216 617023/17 Gill v. Beck 914-824-5366 Katzmann, Ch. J.,
614509/18 Charlot v. Hewitt— Preliminary Conference 615168/16 Caliber Home Loans, Inc. 1629/17 Gilks v. Gilks 631-852-1697 606160/16 Harbor View Cottage LLC Livingston, Droney, C.JJ.
Quinlan v. Doran 6018/16 Hoang-Simko v. Simko v. Clingenpeel Justice Tolbert
613612/18 Ackerly v. Booth MONDAY, FEB. 25 18/839(cv) Scott A. Boyler v. City of
5942/18 Colletti v. Colletti—Murphy 70313/14 Caliber Home Loans, Inc. 2934/17 Robinson v. Robinson 623458/17 Houpe v. Mc Pherson Justice Bruce E. Tolbert
622306/18 Aiello v. Garland 29710/12 Hsbc Bank USA v. Lackawanna
617800/18 Corderocabrera v. An— v. Pagliarulo 6069/16 Scarandino v. Scarandino Motion (Tax Certiorari)
614828/18 Artistizabel v. Hope Giannikakis 18/330(cr) U.S. v. Michael Gumaer
MARTORANO 609982/16 Cit Bank v. Pugh 9360/16 Tirino v. Tirino Room 1601
Horizon Bay Shore LLC 6166/17 Brown v. Miklitsch 610453/17 Interstate Home Loan 18/927(cv) Joshua Heaman v.
616543/18 Delgado-Hernandez v. 604725/18 Cit Bank v. Garcia 914-824-5353
614668/18 Colon v. Yellon Part 27 323/19 Esteves Hldg. Corp v. Center v. United Mortgage Corp. Nancy A. Berryhill
Guezze—BERLAND 605926/15 Citibank v. Peguero
619951/18 Cox v. Irizarry Dechance 602811/18 Ivezaj v. Calabrese 17/3233(cv) Renata Conte v. Rachel
606797/18 Demauro v. 1 Dakota 20249/09 Citimortgage Inc. v. Justice Robert F. Quinlan Justice Walker
Drive LLC—DCM-Justice 617470/18 Desena v. Lee 5710/18 Stone v. Giangreco 612219/15 Juran v. Momentum At Bergeson
Hagony Cromarty Court Complex Justice Sam D. Walker
281/18 Desalvo v. Wuerz—Iliou 612936/18 Dormer v. Bodi Southbay For
16887/13 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Riverhead Part 38 (IAS Part) Motions calendar
621633/18 Devito v. Thomas— 610626/18 Eletto v. Hpp Rinx Inc. 6711/15 Kaplan v. Gorman
Brucaleri Courtroom 17 Justice William Ford Room 1403
NOLAN 604470/18 Flatley v. Independence 601238/17 Koehler v. Long Island Courtroom 1703
17122/13 Citimortgage, Inc. v. 631-852-2135 One Court Street 914-824-5167
618683/18 Diamandopol v. Destio— Plaza Sc Medical Care
Rappel Riverhead The following substantive motions
DCM-Justice 620923/18 Hart v. Palma MONDAY, FEB. 25 603611/18 Lafata v. Copetta
616888/18 Liberty Mutual Ins. v. 602817/17 Deutsche Bank Nat. Courtroom 229A (Annex) Justice Walsh noticed for today, Tuesday,
607987/18 Donohue v. Aldrich Mgt. Trust v. Daneshfar 14896/13 Bank of NY Mellon Fka v. 617169/17 Lindsley v. Mercury February 26, 2019, will be deter-
Sullivan 631-852-3191 Transportation, Inc. Justice Thomas Walsh
Co., LLC—Rouse 20759/13 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Johnson mined by the panel of judges
5616/17 Galluccio v. Galluccio Jr.— 613785/18 Mackey v. Grant 620037/17 Liz v. Hurlbert (IAS Part/Commercial Div.)
v. Karibandi 27824/13 Hsbc Bank USA v. MONDAY, FEB. 25 sitting in Thurgood Marshall
JUSTICE 624518/18 Mahr v. Perez 5665/16 Llivivhuzca v. Nelson Room 105
67980/14 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust Bluestein 11072/16 Pattiso v. Alvino United States Courthouse,
612177/18 Garcia v. Argueta— 606616/18 Manolakis v. Long Island 615973/17 Martinez v. Merced 914-824-5446
v. Osborne TUESDAY, FEB. 26 40 Foley Square, 17th Floor
DCM-Justice Events TUESDAY, FEB. 26 602228/16 Migden v. Schlesinger
611502/15 Deutsche Bank Nat. Justice Wood Courtroom, Room 1703, at
613600/18 Giangrasso v. 624101/18 Marmol v. Antonawich Trust v. Pasquarelli 66174/14 Alvarez v. Southampton 621091/17 Deonarine v. Marbil 618770/17 Modiano v. Saur
615920/18 Martinez v. Green Island Hosp.; Justice Charles D. Wood 10:00am. See Second Circuit
Katimbang—Santorelli 610328/15 Deutsche Bank Nat. Investors 35712/12 Momah v. Huntington Local Rule 27.1: Motions.
621770/18 Gleeson v. Maxwell— Group 3141/12 Bank of America N.A. v. 4615/16 Diaz v. Altamirano Hosp. (IAS Part)
Trust v. Prill
DCM-Justice 618962/18 Mousseau v. Cuellar Leib 605090/16 Prussen v. Babylon 605437/16 Muniz v. Suffolk Center Room 1202
609743/15 Deutsche Bank Nat. 18/3475(cv) Erlim Ferreira Avelar v.
608743/18 Goldsmith v. King Kullen 620471/18 Schmidt v. Kirk 613721/17 Blasie v. Lutz Riding Center For 914-824-5781
Trust v. Romeo Matthew G. Whitaker
Grocery Co., Inc.—DCM-Justice 622200/18 Simpson v. Golden 621619/17 Deutsche Bank Nat. 13492/12 Canela v. Suffolk 602526/17 Murray v. Zwanger-Pesiri
617642/18 Suffolk County Public v. 619909/16 Job v. Half Hollow Hills Part 39 Radiology
Mental Hygiene Part 18/3450(pr) Stephen Charles v.
264/19 Habel v. Habel—Crecca Trust v. Secor Dale Artus
619864/18 Haye v. Irias-Erazo— Andrews-Wells 608476/16 Deutsche Bank Nat. Central Justice Denise F. Molia 608842/17 Nemecek v. King Justice Joan B. Lefkowitz
618981/18 Tsokris v. Hopper 619427/16 Jordan v. Amityville Food One Court Street 624665/17 Neville v. Hamptons Supervising Judge 18/3549(op) Pedro Navarrete v.
DCM-Justice Trust v. Squicciarini
616433/18 United Specialty Ins. v. Corp D/b/a Riverhead Ponquogue Capstone Logistics
622400/18 Kenna v. Reichert— 22186/13 Fed. Nat. v. Bryson Justice Robert DiBella
Richland Enterprises Inc. 613316/17 Morales v. McMahon Courtroom 431 607923/17 Noriega-Galindo v. 19/177(op) Ercilio Infante Peralta
DCM-Justice 23318/12 Fed. Nat. v. Fernandez Room 1400
607882/18 Lake v. Pindar Vineyards 620341/18 Zorn v. Tutto Il Giorno 620006/16 Phillips v. Fitzpatrick 631-852-1642 Pineda v. Matthew G. Whitaker
18263/13 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v.
LLC—DCM-Justice Sag Corrales 602373/17 Sigirci v. Sigirci 620547/17 Northgard v. Nina Justice Malone
601512/17 Wadsworth v. Vevante MONDAY, FEB. 25 Room 1401
603930/18 Leigh v. Leigh—Quinlan 607256/16 Fed. Nat. Mortgage v. 611047/17 Oliva v. Mangano
604713/17 Liebman v. Fofo’s Toy
Law 607618/15 Weldon v. Wal-Mart 600110/17 Buestan v. Tiff Real 615398/17 Perez-Galdamez v. Dnlp SOUTHERN
618886/18 Kay-Ortiz v. Ruffillo Stores East Lp Prop. Inc. Turf Inc.
Inc.—Baisley Jr
621808/18 Manzi v. Lasda— 622838/18 Rivas-Araniva v.
24032/12 Foremost Consultants v.
Bell 615244/16 Ziegelbauer v. Ceddia- 67843/14 Deutsche Bank Nat. Trust 617666/17 Petraglia v. Suffolk SURROGATE’S DISTRICT
Funicello Tortora v. Stanley 611445/17 Petraglia v. Suffolk
613494/17 Martone v. Odietus—
607908/17 Freedom Mortgage Corp.
v. Casazza 5136/16 Eeltink v. O’Sullivan 602233/18 Ponder v. Degroot COURT Part 1
Part 7 Part 30
NOLAN 602776/17 Freedom Mortgage Corp. 11748/13 Hsbc Bank USA v. 607366/17 Portillo v. Landaverri 111 Dr. Martin Luther Judge Engelmayer
Justice W. Rebolini Justice David Reilly Palmore 606106/17 Prisco v. Fleets Point Engelmayer
616988/18 Mejia-Boquin v. Rosali v. Montalvo King Jr. Blvd.
Martinez—DCM-Justice One Court Street 611560/18 Freedom Mortgage Corp. John P. Cohalan Jr. 607238/17 Laterra v. Giove Funeral Drive White Plains, N.Y. 10601
Riverhead Courthouse 40 Foley Cote
616950/18 Montesanto v. Regina— v. Winn Home, Inc. 615990/17 Ramirez v. Stack (914) 824-5656
Courtroom A201 Central Islip Courtroom 1305
Reilly 36654/10 Hsbc Bank USA v. Lingard 40606/08 Lima v. Ancona 620668/17 Renneisen v. Santos 9:30 A.M.
631-852-3165 Courtroom S-33 622296/17 Moore v. South Bay Courtroom: 212-805-0268
608540/18 Moses v. Suffolk—Ford 3213/13 Hsbc Bank USA v. Sabo 602952/18 Reuter v. Long Island
68742/14 Hsbc Bank USA v. 631-853-7672 Motel Rail Road Co. Surrogate Brandon R. Sall Naturalization proceedings are
613053/18 Neese v. Shajahan— MONDAY, FEB. 25
DCM-Justice Maroudas 622795/17 Moreira-Jodice v. Ardito 603194/17 Rivera v. Boys & Girls Wednesday, Feb. 27 held on Fridays in the Main Jury
621492/18 Nunez-Estevez v. Motion 26424/09 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. 608235/16 Shamroy v. Vira Club of The Room at 500 Pearl Street and are
Atwater 602681/18 Barnes v. Persad- 608762/17 Robinson v. Peluso GUARDIANSHIP DEPT. conducted by the Part 1 Judge
Kozuboski—DCM-Justice 6785/18 Debin v. Town of Conference
32825/11 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. Henriksen 611266/16 Rodriguez v. Big Als scheduled for that day.
610222/18 Perez-Garcia v. Smithtown 609631/17 Geddis v. Carreon 9:30 A.M.
Bufano 624388/17 Bennett v. Renn Family Fitness
Rasmussen—Rouse 603357/16 Reverse Mortgage
617462/18 Perryman v. Poop B. Part 9 21686/13 Jpmorgan Chase Bank 606434/18 Bucaria v. Body Worx III
of Smithtown Solutions v. Meyer
605019/18 Rogers v. Argueta John Sanday DISTRICT
Gone Inc.—DCM-Justice N.A. v. Magee 607034/18 Rotella v. Nastics Next PROBATE DEPT.
6642/18 Ramsden v. Phelan—
Justice Daniel Martin
One Court Street 63723/14 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. 17994/06 Campanelli v. Kaplan 608104/17 U.S. Bank v. Sneden
Generation Inc. JUDGES
Joseph Denicola 617221/16 Casillas v. Bonjour Trial 10993/15 Russo v. Bartalini 9:30 A.M.
Riverhead Capital LLC.
5771/18 Rivera v. Rivera—POULOS Room A361 602553/15 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. 602726/16 Castro v. Norales 609012/17 Schlosberg v. Rt Locust Salvatore Beliantoni Judge Ronnie Abrams
622362/18 Rodriguez v. Hoppe 603769/16 Cerrito v. St. Catherine Valley Corp Maxine Brooks
631-852-3047 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 40 Foley Square
Neubauer—DCM-Justice 621116/17 Jpmorgan Chase Bank v. of Siena 605385/17 Skrocki v. Kabro Jerry Brown
624504/17 Chetnik v. Michel Courtroom 1506
5470/18 Russo v. Russo—Leo Part 10 Nascimento 607308/16 Alure Design Inc. v. Associates of Mamie Brown Chambers: 212-805-0284
611725/15 Schmidt v. Venero 608449/18 Malachite Funding Corp. 617973/17 Clements v. Giatas Bolten 610820/17 Sledge v. Arranz Carol M Bufo
Justice Joseph Santorelli 602549/17 Conway v. Rd Smithtown 6656/16 Bartel v. Colonial Arms
Motors Corp.—Farneti One Court Street
v. Battery Private, Inc. 71080/14 Suffolk County Public Clara Casucci Judge Deborah Batts
616521/18 Specht v. Obrien—DCM- 603061/18 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 600197/18 Corlette v. Suffolk 620345/17 Baucicault v. Melillo Admin. v. Suffolk Philip D’Antoni
Riverhead 20806/15 Curtis v. Mohrmann 617665/17 Bernstein v. Fagan 500 Pearl Street
Justice v. Demaula 623190/17 Svoboda v. White Eugene M Grant Courtroom 24B
Courtroom A-258 69984/14 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 21794/14 Debono v. Chrisbar 601194/18 Blake Stone v. Us Bank Minnie E Johnson
621605/18 Stephens v. Gebhard— 6325/16 Tharp v. Southward Ho Chambers: 212-805-0186
631-852-3299 v. Pfenning Enterprises I Inc. Trust Leah Linden
DCM-Justice Country Club
604938/18 Tran Cao v. Markel— MONDAY, FEB. 25 606100/16 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 608286/16 Derrico v. Allam 602883/18 Campanelli v. Erik 615510/17 Thorn v. Walgreen Kathleen A McKeown
612179/17 Dukes v. Surreal Vapos Judge Richard
LINDA J. v. Rivas Matthews Plumbing And Eastern Co., Inc. Clara Mirante
Hearing & E-Liquids 612743/17 Colon v. 7-Eleven, Inc. Berman
609608/18 Tsaregoroztseza v. 611624/15 Nationstar Mortgage LLC 4709/16 Tirmizi v. J.S. 1350 Sunrise David Troodler
Connolly—Quinlan v. Weisz 621570/17 Economou v. Strathmore 29875/11 Demarco v. Cordingley Rlty. Danny Kaye Tyson 500 Pearl Street
614977/18 Govt. Employees Ins. v.
602251/18 Varasconi v. Knapic— 14561/14 NY Mellon Trust Co. v. Gate East 3127/16 Escobedo v. Suffolk 606816/17 Tremblay v. Rxr Rlty. LLC Courtroom 17B
DCM-Justice Duoba 285/18 Geico General Ins. v. 615543/16 Farmers Market of Fort v. 603441/18 Troyan v. Shackel Chambers: 212-805-6715
Part 11 Maderas Trucking LLC DEPT.
603393/18 Vila v. Delgado—Baisley 6951/13 Ocwen Loan Servicing v. Resnick Supermarket 29760/13 Trustees of The
Justice James Quinn Lennon 603721/17 Hamanjian v. Patkowski 604926/18 Fisher v. Club Pilates Freeholders v. Zweig 9:30 A.M. Judge Vincent
620761/18 Zhicaycuji v. King— John P. Cohalan Jr. 23499/13 Onewest Bank Fsb v. 622413/17 I-Fix-Screens-Com, Inc. Franchise 602018/17 Utr v. Flynn ElizGrun
DCM-Justice Courthouse Gaines v. Chaudri 43/16 Gamble v. Dgg Corp. 623667/17 Yayla v. Tjx Companies, 300 Quarropas Street
62059/14 Onewest Bank v. 468/15 Kyrkanides v. Three Village 623965/17 Guevara v. Guevara Inc. ADMINISTRATION DEPT. White Plains
Unknown Central Islip
Courtroom S-32 Konopski Central School 602490/18 Harris v. Garden 620548/17 Young v. Haber 9:30 A.M. Courtroom 620
624839/18 Bank of America v. 631-853-7748 15871/11 Pennymac Corp. v. 3416/16 Leopin v. Oasis Montauk Associates LLC Chambers: 914-390-4166
McCready—CONF JUSTICE Rehabilitation 41488/10 Hsbc Bank USA v. Avigdor Part 51 John F D’Amico
MONDAY, FEB. 25 2990/16 McCready v. Sokoloff Gertrude A Goldstein
604550/18 Bank of NY Mellon v. 620649/16 Planet Home Lending v. 609524/17 Iovine v. Ocean Harbor Justice John J. Leo
Anthony Trippedo
Judge Vernon
Duran—PENDING 224/18 Jovans v. Jovans Lowenkron 20790/15 Moretti v. Michael Reilly Casualty John P. Cohalan Jr. Broderick
616526/18 Bank of NY Mellon v. 29939/07 Kahn v. Kahn 31146/12 Residential Credit v. Design Inc. 607110/17 Kucharczyk v. Saunders Courthouse ACCOUNTING DEPT.
Edwards—PENDING 616182/17 Nationwide Prop. v. 40 Foley Square
Wright Barbara R. 950/16 Mackrell v. Pisino Central Islip
601671/19 Bank of NY Mellon v. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Advanced Chimney, Inc. 9:30 A.M. Courtroom 518
600894/16 Reverse Mortgage 623096/17 Maldonado v. Tripodi Courtroom D-65
Parks—CONF JUSTICE 605877/15 Nationwide Prop. v. 13984/15 Murillo v. Brunson Bldg. 631-853-7674 Steven Dym Chambers: 212-805-6165
11122/16 Lavi v. Castoro-Lavi Solutions v. Cirillo
621919/18 Bank of NY Mellon v. 13940/13 U.S. Bank v. Palazzolo Williams LLC Joseph B Nadol Ill
Part 12 MONDAY, FEB. 25 Liberty F Raho Judge N. Buchwald
Savwoir—PENDING 16523/13 U.S. Bank v. Panza 608758/17 P&J Bldg. And Const. v. 5663/16 Murillo v. Romam Iron
600895/19 Bayview Loan Servicing Justice John Rouse 21570/13 U.S. Bank N.A. v. Hornyak B & D Mgt. Just Right Works Inc. 9719/12 Alsen v. Alsen Florence Silberberg 500 Pearl Street
v. Paniagua—CONF JUSTICE One Court Street 68346/14 U.S. Bank Na v. Cruz 614217/17 Petrone v. Moloney 621786/17 Nicotra v. Giunta’s Meat 4320/17 Darras v. Darras Florence Silberberg Courtroom 21A
600679/19 Citimortgage, Inc. v. Riverhead 9922/13 U.S. Bank Na v. Romeo Family Funeral Farms, Inc. 874/06 Dolber v. Dolber COMPEL ACCOUNTING Chambers: 212-805-0194
Scalzi—CONF JUSTICE Courtroom 214A (Annex) 66451/14 U.S. Bank Nat. v. Pinto 609133/17 Rappa v. Patchogue, Inc. 8529/15 Penalver v. Wilder Balter 3792/17 Graham v. Graham DEPT.
611249/18 Citizens Bank Na v. 631-852-2231 16512/13 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Village of Partners Inc. 1247/18 Liegey v. Liegey Judge Valeri Caproni
Kujawski John P.—PENDING Fowkes 20988/15 Reifer v. Bill Hayes 21668/15 Pisino v. Mackrell 4935/18 Mooney v. Mooney 9:30 A.M. 40 Foley Square
618118/18 Deutsche Bank Nat. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 13397/13 U.S. Bank Nat. Assoc. v. Design 1612/15 Rjk Electric Corp. v. 5760/09 Nazzaro v. Nazzaro Mohammed F. Hafez Courtroom 443
Trust v. Allen—PENDING 611122/15 Capital One v. Batorsky Vanderbaan 608329/18 Scarlatos v. Tramparulo American European Ins. 5301/18 O’Hara v. O’Hara Eleonora Pappalardi Chambers: 212-805-6350

18CV4116, Velasquez v. Bleecker

Judge Andrew Carter Judge Kenneth Karas Street Bar Corp—IPTC
Judge Lorna Schofield Magistrate Judge Judge Pamela Chen Judge Roslynn R. Magistrate Judge
40 Foley Square 300 Quarropas Street 40 Foley Square Paul Davison 225 Cadman Plaza East Mauskopf Steven Locke
White Plains 3 P.M. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Courtroom 1306 Courtroom 1106 300 Quarropas Street 225 Cadman Plaza East 100 Federal Plaza
Chambers: 212-805-0280 Courtroom 521 18CV10172, Ruiz de los Santos et Chambers: 212-805-0288 White Plains Courtroom 4F (North) Brooklyn, NY 11201 Central Islip, N.Y.
Chambers: 914-390-4145 al v. Abitino’s Pizza 49th Street Courtroom 420 Chambers: (718) 613-2510 Courtroom: 6A (South) Courtroom 820
Judge P. Kevin Castel Corp. et al—IPTC Judge Cathy Seibel Chambers: 914-390-4250 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Telephone: (718) 613-2210 Chambers: (631) 712-5724
Judge John Keenan
500 Pearl Street Judge William Pauley 300 Quarropas Street
500 Pearl Street White Plains
Magistrate Judge 10 A.M. Judge Allyne R. Ross TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Courtroom 12C 500 Pearl Street
Chambers: 212-805-0262
Courtroom 20C
Courtroom 621
Kevin N. Fox CR 18/00542 U.S. v. Bruney et al 225 Cadman Plaza East
Chambers: 212-805-0220 Courtroom 20B 10 A.M.
Chambers: 914-390-4271 40 Foley Square 12 P.M. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Chambers: 212-805-6387 CV 12/03755 State of New York et al
Judge Denise Cote TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Courtroom 228 CV 16/01214 Harris v. The City of
Courtroom: 8C (South)
Judge Louis Stanton Chambers: 212-805-6705 Chambers: (718) 613-2380 v. The Monfort Trust et al
500 Pearl Street 11 A.M. Judge Loretta Preska New York et al
CV 16/00265 Ryder Truck Rental,
Courtroom 15B 500 Pearl Street Chief Magistrate TUESDAY, FEB. 26
18CV708, Courtney v. Christian 500 Pearl Street Judge Brian M. Cogan Inc. v. Federal Insurance
Chambers: 212-805-0202 Courtroom 12A Courtroom 21C Judge Debra Freeman
Prophett—Conference 225 Cadman Plaza East 2 P.M. Company
Chambers: 212-805-0240 Chambers: 212-805-0252
Judge Paul Crotty 18CV8740, National Bank v. Global 500 Pearl Street Brooklyn, NY CR 19/00091 U.S. v. Wehbe et al 11 A.M.
Cargo—Conference FRIDAY MARCH 1 Courtroom 17A Chambers: (718) 613-2230
500 Pearl Street Judge Jed Rakoff Chambers: 212-805-4250 Judge Joanna Seybert CV 16/05953 Polizzi v. Brunswick
Courtroom 14C Judge John Koeltl 12:30 P.M. TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Corporation et al
500 Pearl Street 100 Federal Plaza
Chambers: 212-805-6309 500 Pearl Street Courtroom 14B 18CV0474, Vargas et al. v. Viacom Magistrate Judge CV 17/06887 Steward v. Village of
9:30 A.M. Central Islip, N.Y.
Courtroom 12B Chambers: 212-805-0401 International, Inc. et al— Martin Goldberg Southampton et al
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Chambers: 212-805-0222 CR 16/00640 U.S. v. Nordlicht et al Courtroom 1030
Conference 25 South Street Chambers: (631) 712-5610 11:30 A.M.
Temporarily in 5 P.M.
9:30 A.M. Judge Victor Marrero 2:30 P.M. Middletown, N.Y.
Courtroom 15A CV 18/02656 Garcia v. Pawar Bros TUESDAY, FEB. 26 CV 14/01647 Zhang et al v. Wen Mei
12CV6979, Omega SA v. 375 Canal, 500 Pearl Street Chambers 845-343-1130 Inc. et al
12CV6166, Federal Deposit Corp. et al
LLC—Jury Trial Courtroom 11B TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Insurance Corporation As 11:30 A.M.
Magistrate Judge 5:30 P.M. 2 P.M.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Chambers: 212-805-6374 Receiver For Colonial Bank v. CV 17/04576 Moriates v. New York
9:30 A.M. Gabriel Gorenstein CV 18/04762 Alberto v. Rico Pollo #2 State Unified Court System et al CV 17/07489 Sanchez v. Custom
Chase Mortgage Finance Corp.
9:30 A.M. Chief Judge 15CV7106, Tulino v. NYC Business 500 Pearl Street Restaurant Corp. et al Fab Group Corp. et al
et al—Conference 12 P.M.
12CV6979, Omega SA v. 375 Canal, Colleen McMahon Assistance—Jury Trial Courtroom 6B 5:45 P.M.
James Orenstein
16CR521-02, U.S. v. Gyamfi—Jury Judge Sidney Stein Chambers: 212-805-4260 CR 18/00614 U.S. v. Romandetti, et
LLC—Jury Trial 500 Pearl Street CV 18/07445 Dj Direct, Inc. v.
Trial al. 225 Cadman Plaza East
Courtroom 24A 500 Pearl Street Rubie’s Costume Company Inc.
Chambers: 212-805-6325 Magistrate Judge Judge Arthur D. Spatt Brooklyn, NY
11 A.M. Courtroom 23A 6 P.M.
Robert Lehrburger Courtroom 11D (South)
9:30 A.M. 19CV0087, Xchange v. Skywire— Chambers: 212-805-0192 CV 19/00269 Kim v. Sr Homecare of 100 Federal Plaza
Judge Alison Nathan 500 Pearl Street (718) 613-2110
12CV6979, Omega SA v. 375 Canal, IPC Ny, Inc. et al Central Islip
40 Foley Square Judge Richard Courtroom 18D Courtroom 1020
LLC—Jury Trial 19CV0486, Ever Victory v. SAS— TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Courtroom 906 Sullivan Chambers: 212-805-3890 Judge Lashann Chambers: (631) 712-5620l
FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Chambers: 212-805-0278 IPC Dearcy Hall
40 Foley Square 11 A.M.
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Magistrate Judge 225 Cadman Plaza East TUESDAY, FEB. 26
9:30 A.M. TUESDAY FEB. 26 Courtroom 905 Judith McCarthy CV 18/07308 Pinedo et al v.
9 A.M. Brooklyn, N.Y. 1:30 P.M. Breakthrough Productions
12CV6979, Omega SA v. 375 Canal, 9 A.M. Chambers: 212-805-0264 300 Quarropas Street Courtroom 4H (North)
LLC—Jury Trial 18CV11589, Wolman v. Hudson White Plains CV 18/03249 Lin v. Lumix Hibachi 12:30 P.M.
16-CV-06598, Rowell v. City of New Judge Laura Taylor
York—Jury Trial Valley News—DEFAULT HRG Courtroom 421 Judge Raymond J. Restaurant, Inc. et al CV 18/00241 Medellin et al v. Fleet
Judge George Daniels Swain Chambers: 914-390-4124 Dearie
WEDNESDAY FEB. 27 9:30 A.M. Judge Eric N. Design Inc. et al
500 Pearl Street 500 Pearl Street 225 Cadman Plaza
15CV7106, Tulino v. NYC Business Magistrate Judge Vitaliano Magistrate Judge
Courtroom 11A 9 A.M. Courtroom 12D Brooklyn, N.Y.
Assistance—Jury Trial Barbara Moses 225 Cadman Plaza East
Chambers: 212-805-6735 16-CV-06598, Rowell v. City of New Chambers: 212-805-0419 Courtroom 10A (South) Viktor Pohorelsky
16CR521-02, U.S. v. Gyamfi—Jury Brooklyn, NY 11201
York—Jury Trial 500 Pearl Street Chambers: (718) 613-2430 225 Cadman Plaza East
Judge Paul Trial Judge Robert Sweet Courtroom 4C (South)
THURSDAY FEB. 28 Courtroom 9A Brooklyn, N.Y.
Engelmayer 11 A.M. Judge Ann M. Chambers: (718) 613-2135
500 Pearl Street Chambers: 212-805-0228 Chambers: (718) 804-2721
9 A.M. 19CV0655, Roberts v. Navios—IPC Courtroom 18C Donnelly
40 Foley Square Judge Jack B.
Courtroom 1305 19CV0758, Fabricant v. Premium— Chambers: 212-805-0254 Magistrate Judge 225 Cadman Plaza Magistrate Judge
16-CV-06598, Rowell v. City of New Weinstein
Chambers: 212-805-0268 York—Jury Trial IPC Sarah Netburn Brooklyn, N.Y. Cheryl Pollak
Judge Analisa Torres Courtroom 4G (North) 225 Cadman Plaza East
4 P.M. 40 Foley Square
Judge Katherine Judge J. Paul Oetken Courtroom 219 Chambers: (718) 613-2220 Brooklyn, N.Y. 225 Cadman Plaza East
19CR013, U.S. v. Romeo—PTC 500 Pearl Street Courtroom 10B (South) Courtroom 13B (South)
Polk Failla 40 Foley Square Courtroom 15D Chambers: 212-805-0286 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Courtroom 706 18CR874, U.S. v. Benjamin & Chambers: (718) 613-2520 Brooklyn, N.Y.
40 Foley Square Walsh—PTC Chambers: 212-805-0292 Chambers: (718) 613-2360
Chambers: 212-805-0266 Magistrate Judge 10:30 A.M. TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Courtroom 618 Katharine Parker
Chambers: 212-805-0290 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 THURSDAY, FEB. 28 Judge Kimba Wood CR 19/00044 U.S. v. Paniagua- TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Sarita 11 A.M.
9:30 A.M. 500 Pearl Street 500 Pearl Street
9:30 A.M. Courtroom 17D 11:30 A.M. CR 16/00323 U.S. v. Reed et al 4 P.M.
Judge Katherine Courtroom 18B
18CR.36, U.S. v. Middendof et 15CV7106, Tulino v. NYC Business Chambers: 212-805-0234 CR 18/00563 U.S. v. Edmondson
Forrest Assistance—Jury Trial
Chambers: 212-805-0258 CV 18/07017 Butt v. Hf Chief Magistrate
al—Jury Trial Management Services, LLC et al Judge Roanne Mann
500 Pearl Street
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 16CR521-02, U.S. v. Gyamfi—Jury TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Magistrate Judge Magistrate Judge
Courtroom 23B Trial Henry Pitman 2:30 P.M. 225 Cadman Plaza East Ramon Reyes, Jr
Courtroom: 212-805-0276 9:30 A.M. 11 A.M. CV 18/06749 Gonzalez De Fuente Brooklyn, N.Y
FRIDAY MARCH 1 500 Pearl Street 225 Cadman Plaza East
18CR.36, U.S. v. Middendof et 18CR204, U.S. v. Concepcion— et al v. Preferred Home Care of Courtroom 13C (South)
Courtroom 18A Courtroom 2E (North)
Judge Jesse Furman al—Jury Trial 9:30 A.M. sentence New York LLC et al Chambers: (718) 613-2350
Chambers: 212-805-6105 Brooklyn, N.Y.
40 Foley Square THURSDAY, FEB. 28 15CV7106, Tulino v. NYC Business WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 Judge Sandra
Magistrate Judge Magistrate Judg (718) 613-2120
Courtroom 1105 Assistance—Jury Trial Feuerstein
9:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. Lisa Smith Lois Bloom TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Chambers: 212-805-0282 16CR521-02, U.S. v. Gyamfi—Jury 100 Federal Plaza
18CR.36, U.S. v. Middendof et 18CR167, U.S. v. Moore—sentence 225 Cadman Plaza East
Trial 300 Quarropas Street Central Islip, NY 10 A.M.
Judge Paul Gardephe al—Jury Trial White Plains Courtroom 1010
Brooklyn, N.Y.
11 A.M. Judge George Woods Courtroom: 11A (South) CV 18/03986 Posillico Civil, Inc. v.
40 Foley Square FRIDAY, MARCH 1 Courtroom 520 631-712-5630
19CV0215, Stone Lion v. Fein—IPC 500 Pearl Street (718) 613-2170 Admiral Conservation Services
Courtroom 705 Chambers: 914-390-4130 Parties appearing before Judge
9 A.M. 18CV6658, Senior Health v. Courtroom 12C TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Ii, Inc. et al
Chambers: 212-805-0224 Feuerstein in Brooklyn are
10CR.954, U.S. v. Lee—VOSR Beechwood—ARG Chambers: 212-805-0296 instructed to wait in the 4th 2:15 P.M.
Judge Charles Haight 10 A.M.
10 A.M. 4 P.M.
EASTERN Floor lobby area, someone from CV 18/04695 Vasserman et al v.
141 Church Street 18CR572, U.S. v. Arias—PTC 15CR491, U.S. v. Sowulski—SENT MAGISTRATE DISTRICT
chambers will meet you there
and direct you to the conference
CV 18/04926 Molina Medel et al v.
70-30 Austin Street Bakery Inc. Shockey Tours, Inc. et al
New Haven, CT 4:30 P.M.
Chambers: 203-773-2052
10:15 A.M.
JUDGES Chief Judge
Please do not go to Chambers. et al 2:30 P.M.
18CV10109, Doe v. HF Management 18CR888, U.S. v. Gomez & Arias— TUESDAY, FEB. 26 11 A.M. CV 17/06076 Bonikos et al v. 50
Judge Alvin Services, LLC et al—PTC PTC Magistrate Judge Dora Irizarry Front Street Enterprises, Inc. et
11:15 A.M. CV 19/00418 Cummings v. Sephora
Hellerstein 10:30 A.M. Judge Edgardo Ramos Stewart Aaron 225 Cadman Plaza East Usa, Inc. al
18CV4551, Grijalva v. Marriott Brooklyn, N.Y. CR 11/00483 U.S. v. S
500 Pearl Street 40 Foley Square 500 Pearl Street CV 16/02833 Rydstrom v. Home Magistrate Judge Magistrate Judge
International, Inc. et al—IPTC Courtroom 4A (South)
Courtroom 14D Courtroom 619 Courtroom 11C Depot U.S.A., Inc. Gary Brown Vera Scanlon
10:45 A.M. Chambers: (718) 613-2150
Chambers: 212-805-0152 Chambers: 212-805-0294 212-805-0274 CR 17/00211 U.S. v. Stamm
18CV12092, Xie v. Caruso, Spillane, TUESDAY, FEB. 26 100 Federal Plaza 225 Cadman Plaza East
CR 17/00538 U.S. v. Nanry Central Islip, N.Y.
Judge Lewis Kaplan Leighton, Constrastano, Savino Judge Nelson Román Magistrate Judge CV 18/03724 Kranepool v. Beckett
Brooklyn, N.Y.
& Mollar, P.C. et al—PTC James Cott 10 A.M. Courtroom 840 Courtroom 504 (North)
500 Pearl Street 300 Quarropas Street Auctions, LLC
CR 11/00486 U.S. v. Martino Cekal (631) 712-5700 (718) 613-2300
Chambers 1310 11:30 A.M. White Plains 500 Pearl Street CV 18/03961 Joe Hand Promotions,
Courtroom 12-D 18CV6376, Hurley v. Bleecker Courtroom 420 Chambers 1360 11 A.M. Inc. v. Meadowlands TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Chambers: 212-805-0216 Street Bar Corp—IPTC Chambers: 914-390-4177 Courtroom 18A CR 18/00115 U.S. v. Woolfolk Entertainment Corp. et. al.
CV 18/05175 Forde v. All State 10:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M.
2:30 P.M. Insurance Company et al CV 18/06284 Jeger v. Arstrat, LLC et
CR 14/00625 U.S. v. Yony Grajales CV 18/06448 Jimenez v. Delta
CV 18/05372 Toppin et al v. al
Alvarez Incorporated Village of Airlines, Inc.
11 A.M.
Hempstead et al 12:15 P.M.
Judge Carol CV 18/05999 Trustees of The CV 18/07450 Gill v. Mrs Bpo, L.L.C.
Bagley Amon CV 18/06723 Snagg v. Birch Family
Northeast Carpenters 11:30 A.M. Services, Inc. et al
225 Cadman Plaza East Health, Pension, Annuity, CV 18/01907 Eso v. West Hampton
Brooklyn, N.Y. Apprenticeship And Labor Care Center et al Magistrate Judge
Courtroom 10D (South) Management Cooperation Funds Anne Shields
Chambers: (718) 613-2410 et. al. v. M.C.F. Associates, Inc. 2 P.M.
CV 18/03583 Long Island Housing 100 Federal Plaza
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Judge Nicholas Services, Inc. et al v. Nps Holiday Central Islip
Garaufis Square LLC et al Courtroom 830
12 P.M.
225 Cadman Plaza East 631-712-5714
CR 18/00547 U.S. v. Pruitt Brooklyn, N.Y. Magistrate Judge
2 P.M. Courtroom 4D (South) Sanket Bulsara TUESDAY, FEB. 26
CR 17/00515 U.S. v. Mordukhaev Chambers: (718) 613-2540 225 Cadman Plaza East 10:30 A.M.
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Brooklyn, N.Y.
Judge Joan M. Azrack Courtroom 324 (South) CV 18/06614 Gu v. Lemonleaf Thai
225 Cadman Plaza East 3 P.M. Chambers: (718) 613-2554 Restaurant Mineola Corporation
Brooklyn, N.Y. CV 07/02067 U.S. v. City of New et al
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 CV 18/07062 Levy v. Costco
Chambers: (718) 613-2530 York
10 A.M. Wholesale Corporation
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Judge Nina Gershon
CV 17/01319 Curry v. Valentine et al 11 A.M.
9:15 A.M. 225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, N.Y. 2:30 P.M. CV 18/04072 Rodriguez v. New York
CV 17/00360 Mancini v. The Long Courtroom 6D (South) Fast General Contracting Corp.
CV 18/01401 Stets v. Stets
Island Rail Road Company Chambers: (718) 613-2650 et al
CV 19/00227 Mclaughlin et. al. v. 4 P.M.
CV 18/04510 Incorporated Village
Petsmart et. al. Judge I. Leo Glasser CV 18/01085 Perechu v. Flaum of Freeport v. Ace American
9:30 A.M. 225 Cadman Plaza Appetizing Corp. et al Insurance Company
CR 16/00540 U.S. v. Mangano et al Brooklyn, N.Y. 4:30 P.M. CV 18/05934 Palagonia v. The Long
Courtoom 8B (South) CV 12/00009 Pcs Wireless, LLC v. A Island Railroad Company
1:15 P.M.
Chambers: (718) 613-2440 To Z Wireless Solutions Inc. et al
CV 16/01167 Intime Solutions Inc./ Magistrate Judge
Entime Solutions Inc. v. Nassau Judge Denis R. Hurley Magistrate Judge Steven Tiscione
County 100 Federal Plaza Marylin Go 225 Cadman Plaza East
Judge Joseph F. Central Islip, N.Y. 225 Cadman Plaza East Courtroom 324 (North)
Bianco Courtroom 1040 Brooklyn, N.Y.
Chambers: (631) 712-5650l Brooklyn, N.Y.
100 Federal Plaza Courtroom 11C (South) (718) 613-2190
Central Islip TUESDAY, FEB. 26 (718) 613-2550
Courtroom 1040

Build your case

9:30 A.M. Magistrate Judge
631-712-5670 Steven Gold 10 A.M.
CV 11/03475 In The Matter of The
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 Petition of Fire Island Ferries, 225 Cadman Plaza East CV 17/06127 Chincha v. Patel
Inc. v. Voubouris et al Brooklyn, N.Y. CV 18/06384 American Empire
10 A.M.
Courtroom 13D (South) Surplus Lines Insurance

your case
CR 13/00119 U.S. v. Lucas Judge Sterling
Johnson, Jr. (718) 613-2560 Company v. B & B Iron Works
12 P.M. Corporation
225 Cadman Plaza East TUESDAY, FEB. 26
CV 11/04641 Lisnitzer v. Shah et al CV 18/06719 Shimonov v. Frontline

Build your case

Brooklyn, N.Y.
1 P.M. Courtroom 6B (South) 10 A.M. Asset Strategies, LLC et al

with 200,000+
Access confidence.
verdicts 1CR 6/00403 U.S. v. Amaya-Sanchez Chambers: (718) 613-2460 CV 18/02198 Khatun v. Carl R. 10:30 A.M.
et al Bieber, Inc. et al CV 18/04447 Louis v. Stat Experts,
11 A.M.

with confidence.
1:30 P.M. Inc. et al

and settlements.
9:30 A.M. CV 19/00349 Esposito v. Hughes et
CV 17/03448 Trustees of The 11 A.M.
CR 15/00213 U.S. v. Velentzas et al
Access 200,000+ verdicts Building Trades Educational al
CR 17/00045 U.S. v. Ramkissoon et MJ 19/00137 U.S. v. Smith et al
Benefit Fund et al v. Culver 4 P.M.
al 2 P.M.
Electric, LLC CR 18/00683 U.S. v. Martinez CV 17/06498 Preston v. City of New

and 200,000+
settlements. verdicts
CR 19/00086 U.S. v. Martinez et al
THE leading verdict search platform, including: 2 P.M.
CV 18/07011 Lepper et al v. Village
Judge Edward R.
York et al
4:30 P.M. Magistrate Judge
of Babylon et al Kathleen Tomlinson
• 200,000+ Cases Updated Daily CV 16/07064 Melia v. Deb El Food

• National search platform, including:
State Coverage
3 P.M.
CV 98/01237 Colombo v. Transmix
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Courtroom 8A (South)
Products, LLC
Magistrate Judge
100 Federal Plaza
Central Islip
S.A.C.I.Y.C Chambers: (718) 613-2470 Peggy Kuo Courtroom 910
•THE 200,000+
Bothleading Cases
verdict Updated
& Defense
search Daily including:
platform, Information Judge Frederic Block Judge William F. 225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, N.Y.
225 Cadman Plaza East Kuntz, II TUESDAY, FEB. 26
(718) 613-2400
•• National
200,000+ & State Coverage Brooklyn, N.Y. 225 Cadman Plaza East
how Cases
the restUpdated Daily is handling claims can Courtroom 10C 10 A.M.
Knowing of the country Chambers: (718) 613-2420
Brooklyn, NY
Courtroom 6H (North)
Magistrate Judge CV 17/01666 Lewis, Jr. v. The
• Both
your company& Defense
& State time andCase-Winning
Coverage money. Research Information
unique case- Judge Margo Brodie
Chambers: (718) 613-2200
Robert Levy
225 Cadman Plaza East
County of Nassau et al
TUESDAY, FEB. 26 11 A.M.
winning information,
• Both Plaintiff just one click away! 225 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn, N.Y.
how the&rest
of theCase-Winning Information CV 18/04317 Boccio v. Costco
Knowing country is handling claims can Brooklyn, NY
Courtroom 6F
9:30 A.M. Courtroom 11B (South)
Chambers: (718) 613-2340 Wholesale Corporation
CR 17/00546 U.S. v. Bamgbala et al
save your company time and money. Research unique case- 718-613-2140
Judge Kiyo Magistrate Judge
11:15 A.M.
Knowing how the restjust
winning information, of the
onecountry is handling claims can
click away! TUESDAY, FEB. 26
Matsumoto Arlene Lindsay CV 16/00645 Perez v. Ponte et al
11:30 A.M.
save your company time and money. Research unique case- 10 A.M.
CR 18/00417 U.S. v. Council
225 Cadman Plaza East
Brooklyn, N.Y.
100 Federal Plaza
Central Islip, N.Y. CV 18/05619 Jurado v. Earthbath,
winning information, just one click away!
Activate your FREE TRIAL today at or 10:30 A.M.
Courtroom 6C (South)
Chambers: (718) 613-2180
Courtroom 810
Chambers: (631) 712-5730
1:30 P.M.
CV 17/05845 State Farm Mutual
call the toll free number 800-445-6823 Automobile Insurance Company TUESDAY, FEB. 26 TUESDAY, FEB. 26 CV 16/05140 Tartici v. Sant Karam
v. 21st Century 2 P.M. S., Inc et al
9 A.M.
11 A.M. 3 P.M.
Activate your FREE TRIAL today at or CV 14/01803 Rki Construction, LLC CV 16/02532 Levy et al v. Suissa et
CR 18/00124 U.S. v. Green v. Wdf Inc. et al al CR 18/00525 U.S. v. Romero
call the toll free number 800-445-6823
Activate your FREE TRIAL today at or
call the toll free number 800-445-6823
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