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Drama 11- Playwriting ​ Name:____________________

Multiple Choice ​Circle the correct answer for the following questions. (3 points total)

(MC)1. ​What did the​ ​Witches predict for​ ​Macbeth’s death? /1

A.)​ Macbeth falls off a cliff
B.) ​Lady Macbeth kills him
C.) ​Macbeth drinks poisoned wine
D.)​ ​A man not born of a woman kills him

(MC)2. ​What is​ ​Lady Macbeth’s​ Objective​ in the scene below​? /1

“Lady Macbeth enters and tells her husband that the king has dined and that he has been
asking for Macbeth. Macbeth declares that he no longer intends to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth,
outraged, calls him a coward and questions his manhood: “When you durst do it,” she says,
“then you were a man” (1.7.49). He asks her what will happen if they fail; she promises that as
long as they are bold, they will be successful.”

A.) ​Lady Macbeth wants the King for herself

B.) ​Lady Macbeth wants to play a prank on Macbeth
C.)​ ​Lady Macbeth wants to convince Macbeth to kill the King
D.)​ Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to leave so she can have a girls night

(MC)3. ​What is ​conflict? ​/1

A.)​ A character’s struggle with himself, with an idea, with another character, with the
B.)​ A playwright’s indication of the expected stage action, vocal interpretation or other
production arrangements
C.) ​A movement pattern of actors on the stage. Planned by the director to create meaningful
stage pictures
D.)​ A The turning point of the action in the plot of a play and the point of greatest tension in
the work or play
True and False ​Circle either true or false for the following statements. (2 points total)

(T/F)4. ​ A​ ​character objective is ​how​ a character attempts to​ solve​ their problems. ​ /1

True False

(T/F)5. ​The inciting incident of ​Macbeth​ i​ s when Macbeth kills King Duncan. ​/1

True False

Matching ​(4 points total)

6. Match​ the following terms with their definition: /4

__N/A_ A short description of the 1. Plot

location and time of day of a scene,
also known as a "slugline."

__​3​_ The subject, theme, play’s

message or idea 2. Character

__1__​ The main storyline of a play.

Contains initial incident, rising action,
climax and denouement
3. Thought
_4​__ The play’s words that are
appropriate to the character and
thought of the play

_​2_​__ The person, created by the 4. Diction

playwright, who is appropriate to the
plot and thought of the play
Short Answer ​(6 points total)

(Short)7. Draw ​a plot diagram with labels for: Introduction, initial incident, rising action, climax,
denouement. (Each term worth 0.20 marks (0.2 X 5 =1) + 1 mark for structure drawing) ​/2

Use the ​following scene ​“​Getting It Back​” as read and discussed in class to answer questions
8 and 9.
Please note: some pages from the scene are omitted.
8. ​Provide a​ specific line ​of dialogue from the scene, and discuss why it is​ ​appropriate to the
character ​and​ thought ​of the scene. /2

9.) ​What is the ​primary conflict ​in the scene? ​/2

Long Answer​ (5 points total)

10.) ​Using the following​ prompt, write a scene outline​ that contains ​/5
● A clear ​beginning middle and end ​(3 points)
● 2 characters​ (with brief description) (1 point)
● Description of the ​conflict ​between the characters (1 point)

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