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Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)

Lesson Idea Name: Natural Resources and the Earth’s Existence

Content Area: Science

Grade Level(s): 6th Grade

Content Standard Addressed: S6E6. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the
uses and conservation of various natural resources and how they impact the Earth.

Technology Standard Addressed: Knowledge Constructor 3: curate information from digital

resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate
meaningful connections or conclusions.

Selected Technology Tool:

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐x Remembering ☐ x Understanding ☐x Applying ☐ X Analyzing ☐ Evaluating
☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level): 

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐X Level 4:
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): 

Engagement: Providing real-world connections and having classroom examples through out the
productivity tool will have all students engaged in the material. Having the students in groups,
discussing examples of natural resources supports all student learners. 

Representation: Applying activities through out the lesson plan will give each student
representation, whether that is physical or visual interpretations of the material explained. 

Action and Expression: Having white boards to answer questions from the lecture gives students
the opportunity to participate regardless of learning abilities. 

Spring 2018_SJB
Beyond-the-Basic Productivity Tools (BBPT)
Lesson idea implementation:
As the standards are addressed, teachers will review with students previous material that will
lead up to the lecture such as information on what effects natural resources. The project will be
introduced by going over and by showing examples of how it is used. Then I will put my
students in groups, so they can discuss ideas about natural resources and their relationship with
the impacts on earth. This tactic should get them prepared for the lecture which will take towards
the end of the class period. I would like to leave room for collaboration and questioning at the end
of each class period. Student learning will be assessed by taking any questions before, during, or
after the lecture or explanation of the project. I will also be providing ticket out the door quizzes
in some cases, which will be beneficial to student learning.
Having my students work in groups, reflect on specific topics, relate to real world examples, and
thinking of solutions to problems involving natural resources for example are ways the final product
will inform learning. Each day will provide lecture, group work, and productive activity that
involves portions of the standard that will assess student learning. Other differentiating factors
includes giving the students valuable information that will stick with them through out their
educational career. Through out my lecture I could extend student learning to a higher learning
level by having other classrooms collaborating with my students in a demonstration regarding the
impacts natural resources have on earth. Having my students collaborating with out resources such
as parents would be higher learning. Concluding the lesson will consist of having ticket’s out the
door, but mostly consist of a reflection of what was learned, which can be individually or in a
group. As a teacher in my opinion, feedback to the students is important in student assessment and
making sure they understand the material before moving on. I will provide feedback to my students
by walking around and giving positive feed back to any questions they may have, or whether they
are right or wrong questions during verbal questioning and conversation.

Reflective Practice:
After designing the lesson idea, the activities I created could impact student learning by involving
activities and connect tons that engage the students into remembering the material through out their
personal educational careers. I could provide videos and pictures that link student learning to material they
may be familiar with. To further extend the lesson, I could of involved another class, involved the parents, or
went on a field trip. Involving another class to explain a concept or design can bring more creativity out of
the students. Giving them a take home quiz to ask their parents can be a fun, interactive activity based on
the lesson that connects the real world to school. Finally, taking the class on a field trip would be an extend
way of providing information on the giving lesson plan. Other technology tools such as timeline would further
enhance this project by showing the history of earth and resources incorporated with it. Student creativity
and involving technology tools such as in a lesson plan is an easy, fun, useful way of explaining a
specific topic to all students and teachers.

Spring 2018_SJB

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