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3 2 1
1 error
All 3
Each of the environments 2 of the 2 or more errors or none of the 3
are explained environments environments are discussed.
are discussed
are discussed
Lists 3 ways
1 error
3 ways people affect air, people affect air, 2 or more errors
2 correct affects
water, and the environment water, and the or no affects listed
1 error
Lists 3 ways
lists 2 ways
3 ways people can reduce people can 2 or more errors or no ways listed people can
people can
their impact conserve the conserve the environment
conserve the
Includes each of 1 error
the 3 includes 2 of the
environments, 3 environments, 2 2 or more errors or no environments
An informative news script ways people ways people discussed, no human impacts, and no
affect them, and affect them, or 2 suggestions on conservation.
3 ways to help ways to
conserve them. conserve them

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