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Web Designing Tutorial Syllabus

 Introduction To Web Technologies (1 Day)

 Introduction to Web Technologies
 Careers in Web Technologies & Job Roles
 How The Website Work?
 Difference between a Web Designer & Web Developer
 Types of Websites (Static & Dynamic)
 Web Standards & W3C Recommendations
 Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML 4.01) (2 Days)
 What is Markup Language?
 Basic Structure of HTML
 Head Section & Element of Head Section
 Meta Tags
 External Link Tags
 HTML Structure Tags
 Table Tag
 DIV Tag
 Frames
 Content / Media Tags
 Header Tags
 Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
 Anchor Links & Named Anchors
 Image Tags / Image Hot Spots
 Object Tags
 Iframe Tags
 Working with Forms
 Form Tag
 POST & GET Method
 Text Input, Text Area, Checkbox, Image Input & Radio
 Select Option, Option Group
 File Upload & Hidden Fields
 Submit Button, Reset Button
 Relation Between HTML Form and PHP
 Creating a Live Website Form
 HTML 5 (2 Days)
 Introduction to HTML 5
 What’s new in HTML 5
 New Structure Tags
 Section
 Nav
 Article
 Aside
 Header
 Footer
 New Form Tags
 Search
 Tel
 Email
 Number & Range
 New Media Tags
 Audio Tag
 Video Tag
 Cascading Style Sheets (2.0) (2 Days)
 Introduction to CSS
 Types of Style Sheets (Inline, Internal & External)
 CSS for Website Layout & Print Layout
 Type of CSS Selectors
 Type Selector
 Class Selector
 ID Selector
 Child Selector
 Descendant Selector
 Adjacent Selector
 Attribute Selector
 Query Selector
 Nesting of Selector
 CSS Properties
 Type Properties
 Background Properties
 Block Properties
 Box Model Properties
 List Properties
 Border Properties
 Positioning Properties
 Properties Useful in Real-time Designing
 Using CSS for Real-time Practical Works
 Defining The Text Styles
 Defining The Background Styles
 Designing a Menu System (Horizontal, Vertical & Drop Down)
 Custom Form Designing
 DIV + CSS Layout Design
 CSS 3.0 (2 Days)
 Introduction to CSS 3
 New CSS 3 Properties
 CSS Rounded Corners
 Border Images
 Border Shadows
 CSS Gradients
 CSS Background Properties
 Text – Shadow Property
 Text – Stroke Property
 Using CSS 3 in Practical Layout
 Java Script (5 Days)
 Introduction to Client Side Scripting
 Introduction to Java Script
 Java Script Types
 Variables in JS
 Operators in JS
 Conditions Statements (If, If Else, Switch)
 JS Loops (For Loop, While Loop, Do While Loop)
 JS Popup (Alert, Prompt, Confirm)
 JS Events
 Onload, Onunload, Onsubmit, Onfocus, Onchange Event, Onblur Event,
Onmouseover, Onclick, Ondbclick Events
 JS Array
 Working with Array
 JS Objects
 JS Functions
 Using JS in Real-time
 Validation of Forms
 Drop Down Menu
 Slide Show Effects in JS
 Date / Calendar Integration
 Useful Scripts for Projects
 PHP (4 Days)
 PHP installation and Introduction
 Loops
 String Functions in PHP
 PHP Email Function
 PHP Basics, Variables
 Arrays in PHP with Attributes
 Date & Time, Image Uploading
 File handling in PHP
 Functions in PHP
 Various Data Types

 ADVANCE PHP (9 Days)

 Sending Emails using Classes
 Class, Object
 Inheritance
 Inheritance types
 Object cloning, Constructor and
 Destructor
 Access specifiers
 Scope resolution operator
 Class constant
 This operator
 Abstract class and interface
 Advanced PHP Functions
 Advanced OOPS in PHP
 Various Database concepts
 Cookies and Session Management
 How to work with forms and system file
 Error Handling
 Secure PHP Programming
 Performance Optimization of PHP Applications
 MYSQL (4 Days)
 Introduction to MYSQL
 File systems and databases
 Relational database Models
 Entity Relationship modelling
 Normalization of database tables
 Database design
 Create tables, fields
 Alter table
 Insert, Update and where condition
 Delete, Select
 Limits, Distinct
 Joins, Order by
 Group by, Union
 Import and Export Database

 JSON (1 Days)
 Introduction
 Structure
 Working with JSON

 AJAX (1 Days)
 Introduction to AJAX
 PHP with AJAX
 Working with database

 Model View Controller (MVC) (6 Days)

 Understanding Model
 Creating Model for Database Table
 Retrieving Data Using Model
 Method for all Basic CURD(Create ,Read, Update, Delete)
 Create own Model method
 Making custom SQL Queries
 Data Validation

 View
 Working with layout
 Create custom Layout
 Working with Helper class
 Creating and using user define Helper
 Working with element
 Understanding Controller
 Request & Response Parameter
 Controller Action
 Request Life Cycle callbacks
 Controller method
 Redirection
 Working with component

 Bonous (Any One) (3 Days)

 WordPress Development
 Laravel
 React Js
 Node.js

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