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Taking care of the Earth

Hello, today I am glad to talk about the importance of taking care of our planet, the Earth.
Without all the goods and resources we get from the Earth, we can not live: the air, the water,
the soil.

We can learn from the case of China, where the air is so polluted that you can’t see the clouds
or the stars. When the environment Is polluted, contains contaminants and toxins, which may
harmfully affect our health. As we can see, we need to take care of the Earth for a better living,
if a clean environment is necessary for healthy living.

The climate is changing! And now we now that climate change may affect human health,
agriculture, water resources and forests. And this may affect animals too, and all the wildlife.

Yes, I know, I am a child, but I know I can help the planet beginning with my house and school.
All of you can do the same, we can begin in our houses, for example: learning to put the thrash
in the can or not wasting water. We can help the Earth learning the three key factors, the 3
R’s: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse for a cleaner planet. With the 3 R’s we cant reduce the
amount of waste, conserve natural resources, prevent the pollution, save energy and even help
to create jobs in the recycling industries.

Stop contamination in the world! What type of world do you want to leave for the next
generations? Future generations may suffer dangers due to problems caused today. We can
be the difference for the future.

Thank you, my name is Pilar and I hope you have enjoy it, thank you very much.

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