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We, Baliuag University College of Nursing Students, Level III are tasked to accomplish a research

study entitled “Spiritual Care Practices of Nurses in Private Hospitals” for our requirement and
final output for our research subject. Our study focus on how Nurses in private hospitals
implement Spiritual Care Practices on their patients.

Part I
Name(Optional): Date:
Religion: Age: Hospital: years of work:

Instruction: Please check the response category that best identifies your personal belief about
the item.
Response categories:

Part II
3- Always perform - The respondents always perform the given Spiritual Care
2-Seldomly perform - The respondents Seldomly perform the given Spiritual Care
1-Never Perform - The respondents Never perform the given Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care Practices of Nurses 3 2 1

1. Letting the patient to wear amulet/rosary
2. Listening with full awareness
3. Supporting clients religious practices
4. Assisting clients with prayer
5. Allowing them to do rituals (e.g., lighting candle or in census)
6. Allowing them to refuse base on their beliefs on their religion (e.g., blood
7. Letting clients to have time to pray
8. Respect atheist own beliefs
9. Reinforce to their beliefs
10. Give them figurines to praise
11. Encourage them in spiritual activities

Part III
Note: this questionairre is based on the Spiritual Assessment Scale by Jones and Bartlett.
There is some changes from the original one but some of the content and thoughts are

5 - Strongly agree - The respondents accept that the reason given Spiritual Care
Practices of Nurses in Private Hospitals.
4 - Agree - The respondents accept that the reason somewhat influences the
given Spiritual Care Practices of Nurses in Private Hospitals.
3 - Uncertain - The respondents is not sure about the given Spiritual Care
Practices of Nurses in Private Hospitals.
2 - Disagree - The respondents disagree that the given Spiritual Care Practices of
Nurses in Private Hospitals.
1 - Strongly Disagree - The respondents accept that the reason never influences
the given Spiritual Care Practices of Nurses in Private

A. Personal Faith of Nurses 5 4 3 2 1

1. There is a Supreme Being, or God, Who created

humankind and who cares for all creatures.

2. I am at peace with God.

3. I feel confident that God is watching over me.
4. I receive strength and comfort from my spiritual beliefs.
5. I believe that God is interested in all the activities of my
6. I trust that God will take care of the future.
7. My spiritual beliefs support a positive image of myself and
of others, as members of Gods family.
B. Religious Practice of Nurses
8. Belonging to a church or faith group is an important part
of my life.
9. I am strengthened by participation in religious worship
10. I find satisfaction in religiously motivated activities other
than attending worship services, for example, volunteer
work or being kind to others.
11. I am supported by relationships with friends or family
members who share my religious beliefs.
12. I receive comfort and support from a spiritual companion,
for example, a co-nurses, colleagues
13. My relationship with God is strengthened by personal
14. I am helped to communicate with God by reading or
thinking about religious or spiritual things.

Part IV
Note: this questionnaire is based on the book Spiritual Care by Judith Allen Shelly & Sharon
Fish. There is some changes from the original one but some of the content and thoughts are

5 - Strongly agree - The respondents accept that the reason given Spiritual beliefs of Nurses in
Private Hospitals.
4 - Agree - The respondents accept that the reason somewhat influences the
given Spiritual beliefs of Nurses in Private Hospitals.
3 - Uncertain - The respondents is not sure about the given Spiritual beliefs of Nurses in Private
2 - Disagree - The respondents disagree that the given Spiritual beliefs of Nurses in Private
1 - Strongly Disagree - The respondents accept that the reason never influences
the given Spiritual beliefs of Nurses in Private Hospitals.

Spiritual beliefs of Nurses 5 4 3 2 1

1. A person who is ill needs more spiritual care
2. Nurses are not qualified to help patients to meet their spiritual needs,
3. A nurse should ask every patient if he/she wishes to see a
4. Nurses give spiritual care by being concerned, cheerful, and kind.
5. I’ll let my patient visit by priest/pastor but would not request it unless
someone suggested it.
6. A patient’s beliefs about God are too personal to discuss with the
7. Nurses are too busy to help patients with their spiritual needs.
8. It’s better if the nurses have time to read scriptures, or pray for
9. Nurses who talk about God with patients are trying to convert them.
10. A nurse who sits down and listens is helping the patients spiritually

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