635a - Lesson Plan

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Running head: LESSON PLAN 1

Lesson Plan

Hannah White

National University

Prof. William Pine

TED 635

November 15, 2016



The topic chosen for the lesson is Healthy foods. This lesson is taught at Bear Mountain

Elementary in Arvin, CA. The students in this area have a good idea of healthy food

choices, as many of their parents’ work in the surrounding farmlands. There are 24

students in the classroom, and it is a Transitional Kinder/Kindergarten combination class.

Because this school is in an impoverished area, the school receives additional funding for

healthy snacks. The school provides a fruit and juice each day in addition to breakfast

and lunch. This program allows students to go home daily feeling satisfied with healthy

food options being provided to them.


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Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Nutrition and Physical Activity Grade: Kindergarten Lesson Topic: Healthy Foods
Candidate’s Name: Hannah White ID # 023708979
Site Supervisor: NU Supervisor:
Date: November 6, 2016
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
1.1 N. At the completion of this lesson, students will be Students should be aware of foods that are
able to name a variety of health foods and explain why good for them and will help them grow
they are necessary for good health. into healthy people. Knowledge of
healthy choices will assist students in
making better choices for snacks and

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objective(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

The objective of this lesson is to teach students the benefits Students will not know healthy choices
of healthy food choices. The goal of this lesson is for 80% until they are taught it. Knowing what the
of students to understand the benefits of healthy snack and healthier food choices are can assist
meal choices. students in creating positive lifetime

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students’ abilities to achieve the learner outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )


To start the lesson, the teacher will show the students a The school is in a farmland area and many
variety of pictures of food on the smart board. The of the students are ELL. Showing the
students and the teacher will have a group discussion to students pictures of the food items will
talk about each item. Is the food tasty, is it good for you, help them put English words with the
how does it help you grow? foods that they know. A group

collaboration will get students speaking

with their peers in English using full

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)

Lower 1/3 – Students who struggle will use the sentence
frames for assistance in talking about the foods that are Providing students with sentence frames
being displated. The teacher will walk them through word will allow them to practice their English
by word to help them build a sentence. language skills. Students who are at or
above grade level can use the sentence
Grade Level – Students who are at grade level will use frames to assist in beginning the
sentence frames but will not require word by word conversation or to help their peers, but are
assistance for collaboration with peers. not required to use the frames.

Higher 1/3 – Students who above grade level will use

sentence frames as guidance but are expected to expand on
their reasoning beyond the sentence frames.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)

- Smart board Having all materials ready to use is
- Picture cards important to smoothness of transitions
- Wide lined newsprint paper throughout the lessons. The smart board
- Crayons is a great tool that is used to display items
- Pencils for the whole class to see. The picture
- Marker cards can be used in smaller groups to
- White board help students correlate the word with a
Chart paper picture. Wide lined newsprint paper and
pencils will be used for students to write
about one thing they learned, and crayons
will be used to draw a picture relating to
their sentence. The marker and white
board will be used by the teacher to write
notes as students go along through the

lesson. Chart paper will be used to create

a class circle map of foods that we know
are healthy.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, model, demonstrate, check for
First, the class will have an initial discussion about foods
that we like. The teacher will pose questions such as “Do Discussing different food choices will get
you think _______ is good for you? Can it help you grow the students brain’s thinking about
big and strong? Does it give you energy?” healthy options. Checking for
Next, the teacher will display pictures of different foods to understanding throughout the lesson is
the students. There will be whole-class discussion on each vital to knowing the level of information
food. Do we like it? Is it good for us? that is being retained by the students.
CFU via collaboration observation allows
Check for Understanding: The teacher will check for the teacher to observe the students talking
understanding by listening to students during their about the lesson in their “own
collaboration times. If students are doing well during environment”.
collaboration and speaking about the assignment, then the
teacher can leave them to it. If the students are struggling
to form sentences, the teacher can assist students by
referring them to the sentence frames that have been

7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborative Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)

After students have discussed with one another various
foods, if they are good or bad for them and why, the class Completing a circle map as a class will
will participate in a guided practice activity. help students focus on learning about
The guided practice activity for this lesson will be creating healthy foods specifically.
a circle map of healthy foods. The teacher will use chart
paper and markers to create the circle map. This will be a Creating a sentence together about a
class circle map and students will not create their own. healthy food choice allows the students to
take part in the decision process of what
After the circle map is completed, the students will help the the sentence frame will be and how to
teacher write a sentence on the board about one healthy create it. Creating the sentence as a class
food of their choice. whole also allows the teacher to review
all parts of sentence structure; such as
beginning with a capital, ending with a
punctuation, sounding and spelling things
Check for Understanding: out together.
The teacher will check for understanding as students
provide ideas for the circle map. If students are listing
healthy food choices to put on the map, they are
understanding the concept of what is being taught to them.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their

Now that the topics have been discussed, the class has
created a circle map of ideas and written a sample sentence, Being that the students are young and
the teacher will pass out newsprint paper and have students only at the start of their educational
return from the carpet to their seats. The students will use career, their writing skills are quite low at
the sentence frame that they created to write a complete the beginner level. The teacher provides a
sentence about a healthy food of their choice. “I like to eat sentence frame because it allows them to
____________. It helps me grow.” As we are learning get into the habit of writing, and including
spellers, words may be spelled phonetically “I like to et important parts of a sentence. Students
_________. It helps me gro.” As students complete their

sentences, they will draw a picture of the food they chose spell phonetically because it is a
to write about. beginning stage of writing.
Check for Understanding: As the teacher checks the drawings,
The teacher will check for understanding by observing the he/she can check for understanding. If the
students writing the sentences. One way to check for student has drawn a picture of rainbows
understanding of the topic is to compare the picture with and their families, it is likely that they
the sentence to see if the two line up together. have not grasped the concept that is being
taught; healthy foods.

9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students’ learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

The teacher will assess learning by asking individual Students are asked to answer simple
students about one healthy food. The students will questions regarding the topic that has
demonstrate knowledge by telling the teacher about one been discussed. Students in the lower 1/3
healthy food that they learned about during the lesson. level will be required to use answer the
85% of students will be able to pass assessment with little question, but will not be required to speak
guidance to check for understanding of total lesson. This in complete sentences. Grade level and
will be an informal assessment. above students will be expected to answer
questions in complete sentences with little
to no guidance, as they are capable of
doing so. Informal assessments do not
cause anxiety for students; therefore the
results are more authentic.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

To close the lesson, the teacher will do a quick review of Each lesson that is taught requires a small
topics that have been discussed that day. The teacher will wrap-up time to help ensure that students
collect all sentences and students will have the opportunity are retaining information that has been
to share one thing that they learned today in the lesson. provide for them throughout the lesson.
Sharing learning points aloud allows other students to make
the same connection as the initial student.

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs
additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

What Went Well?

Students enjoyed talking about foods that they eat. Students have been practicing writing sentences and
spelling phonetically, therefore this process went well for most students. Students in the lower 1/3 of the
class struggled with this; however, grade level and about students were able to answer questions
correctly regarding the information taught. I believe that class discussions are vital to success in the
classroom. “Cognitive engagement results in the opposite of the sterile, passive classroom
environment…When students are fully engaged in reading, listening, discussion, or creative activities,
the classroom climate is more likely to be lively and stimulating” (Eby, 2011). Collaboration is a large
part of our curriculum and students who are encouraged to speak about lessons with their peers often
have better success.
Future Modifications
In the future, I would like to also show videos regarding healthy foods, how they are processed, etc. I
think that students learn a lot from technology usage, therefore it would be beneficial to incorporate it
more into the lesson. Showing students the effects of foods through videos provides them with real-life
interactions that show healthy versus unhealthy.
As a follow up to this lesson, the students and I can have ongoing daily conversations about the foods
that we all eat. Are the food choices we make healthy ones? Did the cafeteria serve us a healthy
breakfast this morning? These are ongoing questions that the class can do as a whole. We can begin to
keep a chart or tally marking the foods that we eat and that are provided to the students to create a real-
life application of the lesson.
Additional Help
Being that this lesson can be ongoing, I believe that students will be able to receive the additional help
that they need from their peers. As we chart our foods as a class and have ongoing conversations, the
students will be able to grasp the concepts that may have been difficult for them in the beginning.

Revised: 4/22/10
Note: An electronic copy of the Lesson Plan Design may be found on the Nu-Fast website:
http://www.nu-fast.com . Links: Browse Folders - SOE – TED – TED 629 – Student Resources Unit 4


Eby, J., Herrell, A., & Jordan, M. (2011). Teaching in K-12 schools (1st ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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