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Chapter 4 - Daily Routine


My mum’s (1)___________________ for me is Sleepy Head. And just because I

(2)___________________ to get (3)_________ __________ bed in the morning. Well, it’s
(4)_________ _________ _________, to be (5)___________________. Once I have crawled
out (6)_________ __________ my duvet, I still can’ wake up (7)_________ a couple of hours.

Last Monday was pretty typical. The alarm on my mobile rang at 6.30 (8)_________ usual. I
pressed (9)___________________ and fell asleep again. This happened
(10)___________________ 5 times before my dad came in to see (11)_________ I was up. It’s
impossible to lie in (12)_________ __________ when there’s an angry man shouting at you
(13)_________ 2 metres. (14)_____ _____ _________ I’d finished in the bathroom, my
parents had (15)_________ left for work and I’d missed breakfast. I didn’t have time to make
myself anything because I had to pack my school bag and my books and PE gear were
(16)_________ _________ the place.

Later, I fell asleep in the middle of my maths lesson (I’d already been (17)_________
_________ for yawning ten times). After that I failed two tests, in history and literature, which
are usually my best subjects. I (18)___________________ lunch because I wanted to get home
(19)_________ _________ _________ my favorite cartoon. Then I had a
(20)___________________ until my parents got (21)_________. In the evening I watched a
few hours of music TV and chatted on the Net for a (22)___________________. It’s now 1.00
am. I’ve just finished my homework, but I don’t feel (23)_________ __________ sleepy, so I
guess I’ll do a bit of online gaming. And I expect I’m going to (24)___________________ again
tomorrow morning. How do you (25)___________________ to get up on time?

all over another as at all back

both by the time find it difficult any longer for
from from under if in time for not only that
manage nap nickname out of oversleep
skipped ‘snooze’ honest told off while

Chapter 4 - Daily Routine

What do the words mean?

to be honest to yawn
crawl to bounce
to be up a piece of chalk
to pack my school bag thank goodness
PE gear board rubber
I kicked my trainers under the bed. best/worst subjects
energy drink thank goodness
It tired me out. to have a nap
to be told off to bounce sth off sth
to follow your normal routine to have a siesta
to adopt a custom a well-known Hungarian song
lyrics to compare sth to sth
incredibly hectic to be made to help with the housework
housework tasks household chores
equally well labour-saving devices
scene right-hand column
grinning teenage boy collar
dressing gown sports vest
one-parent family stubbly
reflective vest to lean against a tree
pavement rear-view mirror
to skip down the steps to snore contentedly
to stand on the doorstep to stare glumly
to tug at someone’s arm a tear-stained letter
to wave goodbye to walk down a deserted street
dawn is breaking to stare at sth
entrance to be stuck in a traffic jam

Chapter 4 - Daily Routine

ARTICLES: the (határozott), a/an (határozatlan)

(1) nincs THE a következők előtt:

(a) többesszámú megszámlálható főnevek: I like horses.
(b) megszámlálhatatlan főnevek: I drink milk.
(c) nyelvek: I like English. DE: the English language.
(d) színek: I always wear black.
(e) étkezések, napok, hónapok, évszakok, ünnepek:
In (the) winter, we build a snowman. School starts again on Monday. I was born in June. I
bought 2 bottles of champagne for New Year’s.

DE: Ha egy bizonyos dologról beszélünk, akkor viszont használjuk a THE-t:

I like the green in this sweater. The horses in the stable were all asleep. The milk in the bottle has
gone sour.

Nincs THE:

(a) utcák, terek, parkok neve előtt: Albion Street, Time Square, Central Park
(b) sportok és tantárgyak előtt: I like football but I hate chemistry.
(c) egyes intézmények nevei előtt: prison, church, primary/secondary school, market, hospital.
KIVÉVE, ha munkahelyek (ugyanígy a bed, work, home).
She is in hospital again. She works in the hospital.
I attend Bibó Secondary High School. I’ll be waiting for you outside the school.

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