English Grammer Consolidated For SSLC PDF

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“Practice makes a man perfect” =sBedre Foundation (Non-Formal Education, Research and Training Insititute) No.27, Sanskrithi Nagar, Teachers” Colony (Near Stadium), Chitradurga -1 ee ee i THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LABORATORY PRESENTS Ready Reference English Manual for S.S.L.C. Covering GRAMMATICAL & VOCABULARY EXERCISES + QUESTION BANK Estd. 1985 ENTENCE Andy said to the Postmaster, “My master js in a hurry now) Andy fold the Postmaster that his master was ina huurry then, IMPERATIVE SENTENCE The postmaster said to Andy . “Give me eleven - pence now! & be LO the ff [Oo¢ je #S The postmaster requested Andy to give hlimeleven-pence then INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE 2 ® ®& =, The postmaster exclaimed with surprise that Squire Egan was his (Andy’s) master) One Word Substitution Prepositions Exclamatory to Assertive Conjunctions Degrees of Comparison Verb / Tense Forms Figures of Speech Phrasal Verbs Question Forms Opposite Words(Antonyms) Similar Words (Synonyms) Direct & Indirect Speech Active & Passive Voice Gerund (’..ing’ form) Rhyming Pairs Comprehension, Letters Essay Writing etc. Compied and Edited by BedreN. Manjunatha, Tranamission Executive C3,AIR Staff Quarters CHITRADURGA - 577 501, Mobile : 94485 - 29089 Phone : 95-8194 - 226074 s < © Bedre Foundation for Non-Formal Education, Research and Training, Teachers’ Colony, Chitradurga ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION MOST LIKELY QUESTIONS FOR S SLC EXAMINATION ( NEW SYLLABUS ) © —_Aperson who loves money andhates spending tis A.spendtnrit B.misar —C.philanthropist —D.captalist, © —_Thefamlywasknown forts wealth and greatness ot hear. ‘The word that cen be used inthe place ofthe undertined phrase is: A.generosty B.courage C. affluence D. prestige @ —_Oneword fr ‘aperson who has been appointed or Selected to altend a conference is: A ambassador B.delagate C. representative D. messenger © person whois slowin learning istermed as: A dull bed lazy D.dunce, © book wih bank pages on which pictures or paper eutings are sluckis known a3 3 ‘A.plainbook B. paint beck C. drawing bock D. scrap book. Asily person -Goose ‘Aperson wholives a wanderingife “Vagabond Social poston orrank “Status Somecne wnoknows alot aboutthe subject = Scholar Deepiy religious Pious ‘Abuiling inyhich monks ive “Monastery ‘Aninstrument used to see distant objects ‘Apersen whois slow to learn ‘The pathin which pianets move ‘A permit trom an authenty to own, use or do something Licence [Aperson who has been appointed or selected toattend or speak at aconference -Delegate ‘One whodoes the scientific study ofthe sun, ‘the moon, et. Astronomer ‘The study or practice traveling throuch the ar -Aeronautles Apersontrainedtotravelin spacecraft -Astronaut Saya prayer in singing voice “chant Vist aplace often CHaunt Finalrelease from rebirth Deliverance [Aperson wholoves money and ates spending t- Misor ‘Anugy woman ‘An animal thatis cruel end dangerous ‘Skitflin inventing ‘Say publickly thal something importantistrue Tobe dstoyalto someone whotrusts you Sitvationin which evenytinais happeningin a ‘confused way ‘A crink usually mace rom a midure of one or mere alechalicerinks -Cocktail Aloose piece ofclcthingwithoutsleeves = Mantle. ‘Apainting, ceawing or photograph ofa person especiallyofthe head andshoulders = Portrait tomoke someone snary “Provoke Great mental or physical pain “Grieve Heicht above sea level =altitude To shi people from a place of danger to safer pace - Evacuate ‘To cause tofee! nopain “Numb ‘Men who warkon shores loacing unloading ships- Longshoremen Name shared by allthe members of family - Surname (One whois very eager for knowiedge and reads alot - Voracious ‘Thatwhich connate satisfies “Insatiable Aightless bird now extinct, *Dodo Storehouse for grains -Granary ‘Amal tative in particular region Fauna ‘Aplace in a house where food is kept + Storeroom ‘Aperson who belengstoanciher country = Foreigner Study ofencient monuments and arts Archeology Science which deals withthe study ofiving beings- Biology rience ofearth’scrustandthe mleror strata ~ Geology. Theat ofundersiancing he infuence ofheevenly bodes Astrology To seekprctection trom dancer “Refuge One whopresides over the function + President ‘Aman servant who serves atthe table Waiter ‘Waste material “Garbage One whomakes furture -Carponter One whotreats patients “Doctor Onewho cen read andwrte + Literate Aplace where prisoners are kept + Jall/ Gaol One who does farming Farmer ‘Apoet of fourteen (14) tines Sonnet ‘Abook where you fndmeanings for words = Bletlonary ‘Acdocurent with a code of laws which checks ‘bth ruler and ruled Constitution ‘A period of one huncred years (100 years) = Century Alight pleasure boat Yacht ‘Shor stories with an element of moral Fable Redo yellow buring gas seen when somethingis on fre -Flame Aperson who writes novels Novelist ‘Adosument slowing personstotravelabrosd = Passport Onewholocks onlyat he datker sce oflife - Pessimist Onewholooks atthe brighter side life = Optimist Aplace where horses are kept *Stable ‘Alype of small dog with atumed.up nose Pug Remains ofprehistric animal or plant preserved bbybeing buriedin earth Fossils Aplacewheremeals are scidandeaten = Restaurant Things given crreceived as Git Present ‘Aman who does not know haw to read and wnrte-tlteral ‘large number of people cr animals sufering rom ‘the same kind of disease at the sametme = Epidemic One'whotravelsin a space vehicle Astronaut ‘A.book gvinginforamtion on allbranches ‘ofknowedge Encyclopaedia quid waste that flows out fem a factory Effluent living creature thatis so small that iteannot be seen without a microscope and that may couse diseases Microbe Partofthe eerth where life is found Biosphere Government ofthe people, bythe people and for the people = Democracy The ac oiling oneself “Suicide Soldiers wino fight on herse back Cavalry Soldiers who fight on foot infantry ‘Sivong rush of ai, rein, smoke ete. carried by wind -Gust ‘A person who uses his sirength or power to frighten orhut others = Bully ‘Apart of ahorse's hamess that goes on tits head - Bridle ‘Avid orhalf rained horse or bul “Bronco, ‘A suckden rush offightened animals + Stampede ‘Space of room which is immediately below the roof of ahouse Alte ‘person who has been found guilty and is being punished = Criminal ‘Apperson who does banking business Banker ‘Atmad person = Lunatic @ Badre Foundation for Non-Formal Education, Research and Training, Teachers? Colony, Chitradurga © FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH SUITABLE PREPOSITIONS ) MOST LIKELY QUESTIONS FOR S SLC EXAMINATION ( NEW SYLLABUS ) preposition sa word placed before a noun or apronunto showin what relationship the person orthing denotedby it stands in Felatin to something ese, Prepostions indicate relationship time. andspace ‘Simple reposition : Location = at, by in, on, near Direction: to, fom, down, tough, cut, Up ‘Association : ff, wth, ike ‘Compound Preposition: about, above, ater, among, around, be- fore, behind, below beside, between, beyond insice, outside, win, without ete Phrase Preposition : accordngto, away from, becasue of intfontot Partciple Proposition : concerning. notwithstanding, owingto LTT @ Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposith © Vikram Sarabhai thought of going — England, Als for Cat D.to @ — working as teacher, ne also writes books in his spare time, beside B.besid Cb, D about © Sir M.Visvesvaraya was a man ——— principles. Awith B for C.by Dot @ keep: the grass, Aff Bo Cen Dainto © Ween only achieve success ——hard work Ain Boy C.through —D.slong © Narendra heard Sri Ramakrishna from Prof, Hest, Aof B. from Cat D.to | —_Andys face was gleaming —— delight. A. rom B. for cat Dwith © Swami went —— a walkin the atemoon Ain Bfor Cat D.to @ — Manysteres Ain oc about the Desais: B.for Gof Fillin the bi ks with appropriate prepositio ‘Andy slepped them down under his Eston the table betorethe squire, Ride int the town and see whether here is any letter forme” ‘Andy waited for about half an nour, spite ofthe taunts ofthe postmaster. ‘Andy came to the squie's presence, his face bearing with delight ust at this moment. a person who knew Andy came tothe shop. ‘Vikram was born on 12th August 1919 in Ahmedaba mates went to him with their problems, fed Ph. by the Cambridge University for his ‘tucies onthe subject, ‘Vikram thought ef ganato England for higher studies in physics Vikram was gocd at his stuces, especialiyin science. ‘Vishwanath wes known for chart and was tespected by everyone, ‘There was thuncercus applause from thevast audience, anditlasted for tyominuies. ‘Sometimes Narendra timed he classroom into aplace of ively ‘dscussion ‘The misssion aimed at ranslating into action the message Sri Ramakrishna allover the werls, Narencra would get ost in thoughts about Goo ‘You come under pressure only when you begin tothink of your ‘dsadva Hes going tothe USA to spend some time with his son. ‘The fst session ofthe Parliament was opendin the Great Hal of ‘Columbus at Chicago, \We wil have tohonourthe pan by taking him roundin procession. [lean empty the ocean wth thal small wooden bowl f you stop al the rivers Nowing into the ocean with this bundle of ction ‘Theresa total silence for sometime. Slowly the couriers started taking amongthemsetves. (| CHANGE OF EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES INTO ASSERTIVE ) ‘A sentence that expresses strong feelings of mind (of joy. ‘sorrow, surprise, wonder, pain or fear) is called an "Exclamatory Sentence’ These sentences are given for conversion into Asser tive. Placngthe Subject the cpeningor the sentence faloved by its verb and complements these sentences are changed into Assertves, How stupiel o him to say tha ‘Ans:: was very tupidothimtoseythat How clever sheis! —Ans.: She's very clever. How wise you are! Ans: Youarevery wise What a sweet fragrance! Ans.: itis ndeed sweet rangrance, Howinteligent Nerendra was! ‘Ans: Narencéa was ver inteligent ‘What a powertul concentration of rnd Narendra hac! ‘Ans: Nerencrahada very powerkl cencentration ofmind What an extraordinary soul Ramrishna was! ‘Ans.: Ramakrishna was really an exracrcnary Sou How kind Dr. Sarabhai was tohis employeest ‘Ans: Dr. Srabhaiwas very kindto his employees. ‘What a fine spinner Chandashekar wast ‘Ans.: Chandrashekar wasa very fine spinner, How fodish we are to send missionaries tothis leamed nation! ‘Ans:: Weare eally very foolish to send missionariesto ‘© Bedre Foundation for Non-Formal Education, Research and Training, Teachers? Colony, Chitradurga (8)

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