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CENTRE FOR GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS by H.G. Poulos and EH. Davis ‘The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Ausiralic. Telephone: (02) 692 2109 Telex: AA 26169 ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS SERIES IN SOIL ENGINEERING Eeited by T.William Lambe Robert V. Whitman Professors of Civil Engineering Massachusetts institute of Technology Books in Series: Soil Testing for Engineers by T. William Lambe. 1951 ‘Soil Mechanics by T. William Lambe and Robert V. Whitman, 1968 Elastic Solutions for Rock and Soil Mechanics by Harry G. Poulos and E.Davis, 1974 ‘Soil Dynamics by Robert V. Whitman (in progress) Fundamentals of Soil Behavior by James K. Mitchell (in progress) ‘The aim of this series is to present the modern concepts of soll engineering, which is the science and technology of soils and their application to problems in civil engineering. The word “soil” is interpreted broadly to include all earth materials whose properties and behavior influence civil engineering construction. Soll engineering is founded upon many basic disciplines: mechanics ‘and dynamics: physical geology and engineering geology: clay minerelogy and colloidal chemistry: and mechenics of granular systems end fluid ‘mechanics. Principles from these basic disciplines are backed by ‘experimental evidence from laboratory and field investigations and from observations on actual structures. Judgment derived from experience and engineering economics are central to soil engineering. “The books inthis series are intended primarily for use in university ‘courses, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The editors also ‘expect that al of the books will serve as valuable reference material for practicing engineers. T. William Lambe Robert V, Whitman ELASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR SOIL AND ROCK MECHANICS H G Poulos Reader in Civil Engineering University of Sydney EH Davis Professor of Civil Engineering (Soil Mechanics) University of Sydney Originally Published in 1974 by: JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. NEW YORK - LONDON - SYDNEY - TORONTO Reprinted in 1991 by: CENTRE FOR GEOTECHNICAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Details of original publication: ‘Copyright © 1874, by Jotn Wiley & Sons, ne. ‘All ght resered, Published simultaneousy in Canad. ‘No ar of thia book may be reproduced by any means, ‘ot tranamited, nor tarulated ito a mechie language without tne writen permission ofthe publisher. Umar of Congres Cataloging In Pubication Outa: Poulos G84 ‘testi solution for aol and rk mechanics, Bibiograpty: 1. Soil mechaniea Problems, exercises le. 2. Roce mechanies—Probieme,execies, = a fmm exercises, oc. ais, ELM, jos qtr. Tle. vanoper — eessia ATT ISBN O47 -8se5 Printed in the United States of Ameria wosressazy PREFACE TO REPRINTED EDITION The original edition of this book has been out of print for several years, but there have been many requests for it to be reprinted. The original publishers, John Wiley and Son Inc, New York, have been gracious in re-assigning copyright to the surviving author, and hence, the book is now being reprinted through the Centre for Geotechnical Research at the University of Sydney. This reprinted edition contains a significant number of corrections which were brought to the author's attention by a number of users, in particular, Dr John T Christian, Dr Peter T Brown, Professor M R Madhav, Mr J M Shen, Sir Alan Muir Wood, Dr K J Cheverton, Professor Michael J Pender, Dr | D Moore, Associate Professor J C Small and Mr M A Adler. | am very grateful to these persons for their interest in bringing the errors to my attention. | am also grateful for the encouragement of my colleagues within the Centre for Geotechnical Research at the University of Sydney to prepare the corrected edition, and to Ms Monica Martin, who undertook the typing of the corrections and Miss Kim Pham for correcting the figures. Harry G Poulos August, 1991 PREFACE ‘The authors have attempted to assexble as comprehensive a collection as possible of graphs, tables and explicit solution of problems in elasticity relevant to soil and rock mechanics. Many of these solutions are well known and“widely used in geotechnical practice, and are available in standard references. However, new solutions of relevance appear at frequent intervals and in diverse publications, and it is~ difficult for the practising engineer to locate, or even to Jmow of the existence of, a solution which may be of interest. The large najority of solutions are for an isotropic horo- geneous mass, but soze inportant solutions are also included for cross-anisotropic and non-hopogencous elastic materials. Because of the vast literature in the theory of elasticity and the need to keep the book to a reasonable size, coverage of solutions in this book is by no means exhaustive, and solutions which nay be considered of relevance by sone people will doubt- Jess have been omitted. In a number of instances, a reference is given even though no solution is reproduced in the book. Tt has not been found practicable to maintain a unifora notation throughout the book; where there appeared to be valid reasons for doing so, the original author's notation has been adhered to, but particularly in the more basic material, a commen notation has been used. However, 2 uniform sign con- vention has been used in that the following are considered a5, positive: compressive stress, reduction in length or volume, and displacenent in the positive co-ordinate direction. The authors have not attempted the imense task of a full cheek of all the solutions they have reproduced, but a nore Limited check has been carried out by testing solutions for selg- consistency and consistency with other solutions and this has umecvered a mmber of errors in the original solutions which have been corrected. However, it is probable that some further errors wAL1 have escaped the authors’ notice and any information on such errors vill be gratefully received by then. The book is divided into essentially four parts: (@)__an introductory sumary of tho basic equations and relationships in elastic theory (Chapter 1) and then basic solutions for problens involving concentrated loads on elastic media (Chapter 2); (©) __ solutions for loading of simple geometrical areas, both uniformly loaded and rigid (Chapters 3 to 9); (©). solutions of a nore complicated nature having relevance to practical soil mechanics, rock mechanics and foundation roblens (Chapters 10 to 15) ()__ appendices containing complete solutions for various cases of surgace loading on an anisotropic or isotropic elastic half space, As a reference for students, research workers and practising engineers, this book may be used in a number of ways: (2) as an imediate source of solutions for use in solving geotechnical problems; (®)__a5 2 source of basic solutions from which nore complicated solutions may be evaluated by the user; ()___as a source of reference solutions against which ‘mmumerical computer solutions (c.g. from the finite eleaent method) my be checked. Grateful achnowledgenent is given to the great number of persons and institutions, too numerous to list individually, who have given permission for their solutions to be reproduced. Special thanks are due to Dr. T. Willian Lambe; Edmund K. ‘Tumer Professor of Civil Engineering at ¥.1.T., for his original encouragenent of the preparation of the books Or. J.P. Giroud of the University of Grenoble, France, for his generous permission to reproduce many of his results, both published and unpublished; Drs. J.R. Booker and P.T. Brown of the University of Sydney for theix coments and advice, and Dr. C. M, Gerrard and Mrs. W.J. Harrison for permission to reproduce their papers in full as Appendices A and 8. Finally, the authors are greatly indebted to Mrs. M. Brown, who cheerfully and patiently carried out the major task of typing the mnu- seript, and to Mr. R. Brev, Mrs. H. Papallo and Miss A. Chittendon, who undertook the onerous task of preparing the diagrans. H. G. Poulos E.H. Davis June 1873 CHAPTER 1 1a 12 13 14 1s 1.6 17 18 1.9 GUAPTER 2 21 2.2 2.3 GUAPTER 3 3a 3.2 33 34 35 3.6 CHAPTER 4 42. 42 43 CONTENTS FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS snalysis of stress Analysis of strain Equilibrium equations Strain-displacenent and compatability equations Stress-strain relationships Digferential equations of isotropic elasticity Convenient nethods of considering loaded areas Superpssition of solutions for various loadings Equations of simple bending theory BASIC SOLUTIONS FOR CONCENTRATED LOADING Point loading Line loading Line loading-axial symmetry DISTRIBUTED LOADS ON THE SURFACE OF A SEMI= INFINITE YASS Loading on an infinite strip Loading over half the infinite surface Loading on a circular area Uoading on a rectangular area Loading on an elliptical area Loading over any area - DISTRIBUTED LOADING BENEATH THE SURFACE OF A ‘SEMI-INFINITE YASS Vertical Loading on a horizental area Horizontal leading on a vertical rectangle Rectangles subjected to shear loading 10 2 1s 16 28 2 36 aL 43 54 ” 7 92 7 99 S. 5.2 8.3 5.4 CHAPTER 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 CHAPTER 7 7 12 7.3 74 1S 7.6 17 78 79 CHAPTER 8 8.1 8.2 83 84 8.5 9.1 9.2 CONTENTS: SURFACE LOADING OF A FINITE LAYER UNDERLATN BY A RIGID BASE Loading on an infinite strip Loading on a circulsr area Loading on a rectangular area Vertical loading over any area SURFACE LOADING OF MULTI-LAYER SYSTEMS ‘Tworlayer systems ‘Three-layer systens Four-layer systems Approximate solutions for multi-layer systens RIGID LOADED AREAS Infinite strip on a semi-infinite mass Circle on semi-infinite sass Circular ring on semi-infinite mass Rectangle on semi-infinite mass Ellipse on semi-infinite mass Infinite strip on finite layer Circle on finite layer Rectangle on finite layer Rigid areas enbedded within a seni-infinite mass STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS TN CROSS- ANISOTROPIC MEDIA Concentrated loading on a seni-infinite mass Strip on seni-infinite mass Cirele on semi-infinite mass Loading on multi-layer systems Particular cases of anisotropy ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN A NON-HOMOGENEOUS ELASTIC MASS Seni-infinite mass with linear variation of aodulus Generalized Boussinesq theory for non- homogeneous semi-infinite mass Finite layer with linear variation of modulus 103 un us 152 138 4s 162 162 165 166 167 168 169 im 178 180 180 183 184 185 187 ist 193 195 198 CHAPTER 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 CHAPTER 11 WL 1.2 (CHAPTER 12 121 12.2 12.5 CHAPTER 15 13.1 15.2 13.35 13.4 13.5 13.6 CHAPTER 14 ML 14.2 14.3 CHAPTER 15 Bal 15.2 15.3 1544 15.5 15.6 CONTENTS STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN EVSANENTS AND SLOPES. Enbankrent on rigid base Enbanksent on elastic foundation In€inite slope ‘STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS AROUND UNDERGROUND OPENINGS Unlined openings Lined openings RAFT FOUNDATIONS Strip foundations on a semi-infinite mass Cireular rafts Rectangular rafts AXIALLY LOADED PILES Single intoupressible floating pile Single compressible floating pile Single compressible end-bearing pile Negative friction in a single end-bearing pile Floating pile groups End-bearing pile groups PILES SUBJECTED TO LATERAL LOAD AND MOMENT Single floating pile ‘Tip-restrained piles Pile groups MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS Thick-wall cylinder in triaxial stress field Cylinder with rough rigid end plates Inclusion in an infinite region se plate subjected to moment and horizontal Stresses in a layer with a yielding base Stresses behind retaining walls 199 226 229 265 249 255 260 269 an 278 278 279 281 283 287 291 297 297 304 305 APPENDIX A STRESSES AND DISPLACEMENTS IN A LOADED ORTHORHOMBIC HALF SPACE APPENDIX B CIRCULAR LOADS APPLIED TO A CROSS- ANISOTROPIC HALF SPACE AUTHOR INDEX INDEX adi 509 337 399 405 407 Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Analysis of Stress 4.1.1 BASIC DEFINITIONS AND SIGN CONVENTION Since it is often convenient in soi] mechanics to consider compressive stresses as positive, this conventional vill be adopted here, The normal and shear stresses acting on an elesent are shown in Fig.1.1, the stresses ali being of positive sim. The normal stresses Gz, dy, dz are positive shen directed into the surface. The notation for the shear stress tzj is as follows: ‘Teg is the shear stress acting in the jf dixection on g plane normal to the ¢ axis. ‘The sign convention for shear stress is as follows: ‘The shear stress is positive when directed ina negativs Cartesian direction while acting on a plane whose cutward nomal points in a positive direction, or, when directed in @ positive Cartesian direction while acting on @ plane whose outward normal points in a*hegative Cartesian direction, ‘Equilibrium requires that w= ay Te by, =F ye Uy te 7 le For the definition of stresses in other coondin- ate systens, see Section 1.5. 1.1.2. STRESS COMPONENTS OW ANY PLANE Referring to Fig.i.2, the stress components Pre» Pays Pra on any plane with a directed normal n can be expressed in terms of the stresses in the =, y md = coordinates as oe P26.2.2 2 FUNDAMENTAL DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Pra coe(ny) Pay | = | Tey %y Tay | fereme? Joe GD Pra Tee Tye %p | | cosine? where cos(n,z) is the cosine of the angle between the 1 and 2 directions, and similarly for eos(ny) and cos(n,a). y vm FIG.1.2 1.1.3. TRANSFORMATION OF AXES If a new set of orthogonal axes =’, y’, 2! are chosen, the stress components in this coordinate system are related to the stress components in the original =, y, 2 system as follows: 5 =A SAT see 0.2) where S; is the stress matrix with respect to the z'y'z' axes, Sis the stress matrix with respect the zyx axes, to A is the direction cosine matrix, ine, 4 = | cos(s',z) cos(s',y) gos(s',2) eoa(y',z) costy'sy) cos(y'sz) costa!) cos(s',y) cos(a',s) AB is the transpose of A. 1.1.4 PRINCIPAL STRESSES It is possible to show that there is one set of axes with respect to which all shear stresses are zero and the normal stresses have their extreme values. The three mutually perpendicular planes where this condition exists are called the principal planes, and the normal stresses acting on these planes are the principal stresses. ‘The principal stresses, 01, 02 and os (the maximum, intermediate and minimum stresses respect ively) may be found as the roots of the equation id; #528, - Ty = 0 se G3) where Jy = 0,40,40, = (bulk strese) ie + (Leda) 5 at tet 2at,? Ta 2 0,0 y'0, 010,05 Ta Tys “Tae see Gab) Jy = 0,9,0,-0,1, 2-07, 2-0,7,2 Ley gOhyd “yas “Tyg + yytyatee 1+ 140) di (or 0), J2, Js are often known as the first, second and third stress invariants, as they remain constant, independent of the coordinate system. In terms of the principal stresses, NO antares + @.5a) Ja = 102 + 0203 + 0301 +++ (2.56) Js = 10203 see G.5¢) The directions of the normals to the principal planes are given by ses (62) +++ (1.60) % os ses Q.60) pepe? (9y-9,) rth Tytes 7 Tey ar? Neylys eal and 6, are the principal stresses 7 i = 1,2,3). « 1.1.5 MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESS ‘The maximm shear stress occurs on a plane whose normal makes an angle of 45° with the o; and oy directions. ‘The maximm shear stress, Tar at a point is given by ANBLESIS OF STRESS 3 = Haro) ‘nae 27 T.1.6 OGTAMEDRAL STRESSES The octahedral norsal stress pgp and the octahedral shear stress togt at 2 point are the stresses acting on the eight planes of an imaginary ‘octahedron surrounding the point, the normals to the faces of the octahedron having direction cosines of 21/43 with the direction of the principal stresses. The magnitudes of the octahedral stresses are = Titers 9 eye ves 8) oot 5 3 3 Tyo 7 F {Cor-e2)*#02-o9F #1oy-0n)*}¥ 1 2, 2 = 2 ((0,-6,)?#16,-9,)?40,-0,) Leg ter 2 leg ae Hyg IE 1.9) 1.1.7 TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRESS SYSTEMS Many situations in soil uechanics con be treated 38 two-dimensional problems in which only the stresses Jn 3 single plane noed be considered. The most important case is that of plave otnain, in which the strain (see Section 1.2) in one of the coordinate @irections (usually the y direction here) is zero. Another class of problems are those involving plate stress conditions, in which the stress in one of the coordinate directions {usually y here) is zero. In tto~dimensional stress situations, the stress relationships ate considerably simplified’ in relation to the general threo-dimensional case. Referring to Fig.1.3, the stresses on a plane making an angle 6 with the 2 direction are 0g = H0,t0_J#(c,-0,Joas20+1,otnB8 ... (1.10) Ty = Tyq00828K(a, -0,)sin20 ve QT) ‘The principal stresses are given by Rb= soso) woos ye... aa The principal planes are inclined at an angle 8, 8 = dart wee (1.13) ey and 8,490" to the # axis. FIG.L.3 The maximum shear stress occurs on planes inclin- ed at 48° to the principal planes and is of magnitude ses G14) Syme Me ae? (loo) 40,,3)% (It should be noted that the sign of this maxima shear stress 1s opposite on the two planes, in order ‘to conform to the Sign convention given in Section haa). 1.1.8 MOHR'S CIRCLE OF STRESS A geonetrical solution for stresses in any dir ection is provided by Mohr's circle, shown in Fig.1.4 for a twe-dimensional stress system, The circle is drawn in relation to a set of orthogonal axes, one for normal stress (0) and the other for shear stress (tJ. The scale of these two axes mst be equal. If the principal stresses oi, 3 are known, the cirele can be dram with the centre at o=h(01403) and of radius (0;-03)/2. If the noraal and shear stresses are know, the cirele can be dravn with the centre at o=k(oxtdy) and passing through the points (o_, ,_) and (¢,5-t,) ‘The radius of the circle thus constructed is equal to the maximum shear stress tg (see Equation 114). ‘The angle 28: is twice the angle between the s-8 coordinate axes and the axes corresponding to the directions of principal stress (the i-3 axes in Fig.1.4). The direction of rotation of the radius fron its original constructed position to where the circle intersects the normal stress axis is in the same angular sense a5 the direction of rotation of the ‘axes for the a-z axes to become the principal 1 axes: ‘The stresses in eny other directions =’, a! may sinilarly be determined by draving diameter, through the contre of the circle, at an mgle 28’ to the Aianeter deseribing the stress conditions on the

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