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<title>Lotus Notes - Getting Started</title>
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/*All the tips for Tip of the Day*/
var Tip=new Array()

// Set up the tips to be shown, below.

// To add more tips, continue with the
// pattern, adding to the array. Remember
// to increment the Tip[x] index!

Tip[0] = "To see when others are available for meetings, click the Find Available
Times tab at the bottom of a new meeting invitation.
Tip[1] = "To add a bookmark or document to the Open list, drag it to the Open
button or docked Open list.
Tip[2] = "For a list of keyboard shortcuts, click Ctrl+Shift+L.
Tip[3] = "To quickly create a new meeting, double-click a timeslot on the Calendar.
Tip[4] = "To quickly reschedule a meeting, drag it to a new timeslot on the
Tip[5] = "To mark an email or document as Unread or Read, select the document and
click Insert.
Tip[6] = "To create an email from anywhere in Notes, click Ctrl+M.
Tip[7] = "If someone has a new email address or title, select an email from them
and then click More > Add Sender to Contacts. Their information will be updated in
Tip[8] = "Copy an email into a meeting or to do item, or vice versa. Select the
email, meeting, or to do item and select More > Copy into New.
Tip[9] = "To schedule a meeting or send an email to a group or contact, select the
group or contact and click the meeting button or the email button above the
contacts list.
Tip[10] = "To schedule a meeting or send an email to a group or contact, select the
group or contact and click the meeting button or the email button above the
contacts list.
Tip[11] = "If you receive junk mail from a specific sender, select an email from
them and click More > Deliver sender's mail to junk.
Tip[12] = "To reduce clutter, save attachments to your computer and delete them
from your mail. Click the attachment to select it, and then click Attachment > Save
and Delete.
Tip[13] = "Click a column in Mail, Contacts, or To Do to sort by that column.
Tip[14] = "Log into Notes when you start your computer. Choose File > Security >
User Security. Note: You must have installed the Client Single Logon Feature.";
Tip[15] = "Select a table row or item in a list, and click CTRL+arrow to move the
row or item up or down.
Tip[16] = "Easily save view information (such as your To Do list or a Teamroom).
From any view, select rows and click Edit > Copy As > Table.
Tip[17] = "To change the Open button to a bar of shortcuts on the side of your
screen, right-click the Open button and select Dock the Open list.
Tip[18] = "To create a connection document automatically, enter the host name of
the server in the Open Application window.
Tip[19] = "You can detach your Sametime Contacts list from the sidebar. Right-click
the Sametime Contacts title bar, and select Open in New Window.
Tip[20] = "When opening an application, click CTRL+Pause to stop opening the
application. This is useful if you clicked the wrong application or if it's taking
a long time.
Tip[21] = "To remind yourself to respond to an email, select the email and click
More > Copy Into New > To Do or Calendar Entry, and set a reminder. Then file the
email in a folder.
Tip[22] = "Not sure if an email went through? Get a return receipt. Click File >
Preferences > Mail and select Send me a Return Receipt when recipients read mail I
send. ";
Tip[23] = "To select all of the cells in a table column, click Table Select >
Column(s). You can do the same for rows.
Tip[24] = "You can increase the size of your caret by setting CARET_WIDTH to
something greater than 1 in your notes.ini.
Tip[25] = "You can remove what you have highlighted with the highlighter. Drag the
highlighter in the opposite direction over what you have highlighted previously.
Tip[26] = "To set different colors for alternating table rows, right-click the
table and select Table Properties. Click the Table/Cell background tab. For color,
select Alternating rows and then choose the two colors.
Tip[27] = "For more room on the screen, close (Ctrl+0) or collapse (Ctrl+8) the
sidebar. To restore the sidebar, click Ctrl+9.
Tip[28] = "Get through email faster, by not having to open every email. Click Show
> Preview on Bottom or Preview on Side.
Tip[29] = "See meetings on your calendar even if you haven't accepted them yet.
Click File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do > Display tab > Views tab, and select
Display new (unprocessed) notices.
Tip[30] = "To lock your screen, press Ctrl+F5.
Tip[31] = "To quickly find a bookmark, type in the name of an application in the
Open list Find field.
Tip[32] = "To always check spelling before sending an email, click File >
Preferences > Mail > Basics tab, and select Spell-check messages before sending.

<body @BODY_CLASS@>
<div class="gsFrame">

<header class="gsHeader" role="banner">
<div class="gsTitle">
<div id="gsAltTitle">
<h1><span class="gsProduct">IBM Notes</span></h1>
<h2>Social Edition</h2>
</header><!--END HEADER-->
<div class="gsBody" role="region" aria-label="content ">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="width: 100%;" doLayout="false">
<!--WHAT'S NEW-->
<div id="tab1" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="What's New"
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="What's New">
<div class="gsSections">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">

<div id="wnNotes" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Mail

is Easier to Find">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Inbox: Just Start Typing</h3></header>
<p>Can't find that one email you need? Start typing the
sender's name, date sent, or subject.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Find will pop up and assist you. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Find Today's Mail</h3></header>
<p>Categorize your mail by when it arrived&mdash;today,
yesterday, or by date.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose Show > Group by Date</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Notes by
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Get Up-To-Date</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>Notes 9.0 Social Edition has a brand new look and
feel&mdash;the IBM Social Theme. This theme provides a cleaner, more modern look to
the client interface, and is being adopted across the IBM product line for UI
consistency.<span class="gsMeta">To select a different theme, choose File >
Preferences > Windows and Themes</span></li>
<li>Mail views now show simplified dates, for example
&quot;Yesterday&quot; plus a time.<span class="gsMeta">To change this preference,
from your Inbox select Views > Customize this View, select a date column, and
uncheck the &quot;Use abbreviated dates&quot; option</span></li>

<li>By default, your most recent emails will appear

at the top of the Inbox. You can change that in your Preferences.<span
class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail, and select &quot;Most recent on
<li>Notes now processes all meeting updates
automatically, and keeps your meetings up to date.</li>
<li>Set preferences to easily see if meetings are
new, or have been rescheduled or canceled. New meetings now automatically appear
in gray on your calendar before you accept them.<span class="gsMeta">To change
these preferences, select File > Preferences > Calendar and To Do > Display > Views
> Display new (unprocessed) notices</span></li>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Reduce your clicking time</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>By default, your contacts are set up to
synchronize with iNotes and mobile devices during replication.</li>
<li>New shortcut buttons are available next to the
Open button, which you can use to open Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and other views
from anywhere in Notes.<span class="gsMeta">To change which shortcut buttons
display by default, select View > Show Shortcut Buttons, and make your
<li>Message tabs are automatically closed after you
have replied to, or forwarded, a message.<span class="gsMeta">To change this
default behavior, select File > Preferences > Mail, and uncheck the option
&quot;Automatically close original e-mail when
<li>If you use pop-ups for new mail notification,
you'll now see an unobtrusive slide-in alert at the bottom of the screen.<span
class="gsMeta">To change this default behavior, select File > Preferences > Mail >
Sending and Receiving, to choose a different option</span></li>

<p class="gsIcons">
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="As Requested by

<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work Smarter</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>In your Sent view, when you do a Reply All, your
name is now stripped out of the To: field.</li>
<li>You can now always open a Web link in a document,
even if the document is in Edit mode.<span class="gsMeta">In Edit mode, Ctrl+click
the link to open it.</span></li>
<li>Calendar entries can now be color-coded by
category.<span class="gsMeta">Choose File > Preferences > Calendar & To Do > Colors
> Category Colors to set category preferences.</span></li>
<li>Assign colors for color-coded categories from the
calendar entry form.<span class="gsMeta">From a new calendar entry, click the
Assign Colors button, located next to the &quot;Category&quot; field</span></li>

</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work Easier</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>Both Mail and Archives applications can now be
searched simultaneously.<span class="gsMeta">From the Search toolbar, click the
drop-down menu and select &quot;All Mail and Archives&quot; as the search
<li>The Check Calendar dialog can be moved and sized,
and now remains on top while you're interacting with Notes.</li>
<li>You can now set the display order for search
results, before searching.<span class="gsMeta">Select View > Search this View, and
choose a sort order from the &quot;Show results:&quot; drop-down menu</span></li>

<li>A new keyboard shortcut has been added for Paste

Special.<span class="gsMeta">Press Ctrl+Alt+V (Macintosh users:
<li>A new command has been added for Paste as Plain
Text.<span class="gsMeta">Press Ctrl+Shift+V (Macintosh users:
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div id="wnSocial" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"

title="Connect with Connections">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>See What's Going On</h3></header>
<p>Follow colleagues in your Connections network; see what they're
working on and share your work. Select the Updates tab, or click the Updates
button from the Quick Links tab of this Discover Page.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click the Updates shortcut button.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Everything is Right Here</h3></header>
<p>View and comment on files, update and share status, and use
other applications right in your Notes client.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In an email with an embedded application, comment
or interact directly in the email.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end sections-->
<!--SIDE BAR-->
<aside class="gsSidebar">
<ul class="gsList">
<li class="video"><a class="gsVideo" role="button"
er.swf">See all new features here</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a href="http://www-">Curious
about previous releases?</a></li>
<p class="gsMeta">Note: New features may require the latest mail
</aside><!--end side bar-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end what's new-->

<div id="tab2" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="For New Users">
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="For New Users">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Notes 101"
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Peripheral Vision</h3></header>
<p>See your calendar, chat with colleagues, monitor
activities and more, directly from your Notes client.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click View > Right Sidebar Panels to see
available panels, and select the ones you want to use in your sidebar</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What Do You Call It?</h3></header>
<p>What's the difference between a tool bar and an action
bar? What is a Notes application? Here's a handy reference to Notes
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Bookmark Your Favorites</h3></header>
<p>Use the Open list for quick access to applications,
documents, bookmarks and bookmark folders.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Trading Up to
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Keep It On Top</h3></header>
<p>To keep a folder at the top of your folder list, consider
putting a &quot;1&quot; or other number in front of the folder name. Notes keeps
folders alphabetically&mdash;adding numbers moves them to the top. </p>
<p class="gsIcons"></p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take It With You</h3></header>
<p>Keep all your old contacts, even though you're in a new mail
<p class="gsMeta">Export contacts from your old program into a
file, then open Contacts and on the toolbar, click More > Import Contacts, and
select the file</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Navigation Your Way</h3></header>
<ul class="gsBullets">
<li>New keyboard shortcuts allow you to navigate
Notes in a more familiar fashion:</li>
<li>Ctrl+1, 2, 3: Open Mail, Calendar, or Contacts,
<li>Ctrl+R: Reply to mail or calendar entry</li>
<li>Ctrl+Shift+R: Reply to All on mail or calendar
entry<span class="gsMeta">To turn on these last three preferences, select File >
Preferences > Basic Notes Client Configuration > Enable alternate keyboard
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Keep Your Place">

<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Don't Lose Your Work</h3></header>
<p>Set the time intervals at which Notes automatically saves what
you are working on.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Basic Notes Client
configuration. Check &quot;Autosave&quot; and enter the number of minutes.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What Week Is This?</h3></header>
<p>Prefer to organize your calendar by week numbers? Notes lets you
do this using ISO and US standards, or your custom preference.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Notes Always Remembers</h3></header>
<p>Want to have Notes always pick up where you left off?</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Windows and Themes,
and select &quot;On restart, re-open any tabs that were open when I closed the
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Themes"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/settings.png" alt="">Do it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end getting started-->

<div id="tab3" class="gsSubTabs" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Hints and Tips">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.TabContainer" style="width: 100%;"
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Mail"
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Mail">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Mail the Way You Want It" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Sign Your Emails with
<p>Use your signature to elegantly tell
people about you and your organization.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File >
Preferences > Mail, and select the Signature tab. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Mail"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/settings.png" alt="">Do it</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Be Spellbound</h3></header>
<p>Automatically check your spelling
before sending a mail message.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File >
Preferences > Mail, and select the &quot;Spell-check messages before sending&quot;
option </p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Create the Look You
<p>When composing a message, make your
text the desired size, type, and color.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Then, select this text
and choose Text > Set Current Font as Mail Default</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Keep Your Inbox Clean">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Direct Incoming Traffic </h3></header>
<p>Take control of incoming mail. Use mail rules to
automatically filter, file, and even block incoming mail.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Know if You Need to Respond</h3></header>
<p>Sometimes it's not all about you. Easily tell if an
email is sent to you, or if it's just for your information, by displaying recipient
icons next to messages.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail >
Recipient icons column</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Save It for Later </h3></header>
<p>Archive old emails to free up space. You can still
access them if you need them.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Prioritize Your Mail">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Flag It </h3></header>
<p>Do you use your inbox as a to-do list? Flag emails
for follow-up, and then keep track of them in a special Follow Up view.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select an email, and then click the
flag icon on the toolbar, or the arrow next to it, and select an option.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Identify Senders at a Glance</h3></header>
<p>Assign a text or background color to different
senders' messages so you can quickly find their emails in your Inbox.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File > Preferences > Mail, and
select the Sender Colors tab</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Preview Message Text</h3></header>
<p>See the beginning of your mail message Body text,
directly following the Subject text, in your Inbox view</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From your Inbox, click Show >
Beginning of Message to display message Body text. Hover over messages in your
Inbox to see the first 100 characters</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Calendar">
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Calendar">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Make Your Calendar Work for You" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Rescheduling Made
<p>To quickly reschedule a meeting,
simply drag it to a new time slot on your calendar.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Defining the Work
<p>Make sure that your colleagues know
when you are available for meetings by setting your working days and hours.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select File >
Preferences > Calendar and To Do > Scheduling</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Scroll Through Your
<p>Scroll through the One Month view one
week at a time.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Use PgUp and PgDn to
scroll by month, or Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn to scroll by week.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Schedule Effective Meetings">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Let's Talk on the Phone</h3></header>
<p>Save time by automatically including your conference
call information in meeting invitations for easy access by meeting invitees.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select File > Preferences > Calendar
and To Do > Entries > Conference call information </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Use Web Conferencing</h3></header>
<p>Include your web conference information
automatically in meeting invitations.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From a new meeting invitation, click
Online Meetings, click New, and enter your web conference information</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Find the Best Time</h3></header>
<p>Tired of asking people if they are available for a
meeting? See when they are available for meetings, or even let Notes suggest a
<p class="gsMeta">Click the Find Available Times tab at
the bottom of a meeting invitation</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="If You Schedule Time for Others">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Access is Key</h3></header>
<p>If you manage others' mail, calendar, to do, and
contacts, help them give you the access you need. </p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take Shortcuts</h3></header>
<p>Make it easy on yourself to quickly open another
person's mail, calendar, contacts, or to-dos by creating a shortcut. Or view
another person's calendar alongside your own, by adding it to your Notes
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Weekly Planner</h3></header>
<p>The Weekly Planner provides a streamlined view of
your week.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click Show > Show Available Times to
see the times when no events are scheduled. You can then double-click free times to
create new entries</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Contacts">
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="Contacts">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Type Less, Get More Done" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Let Auto-complete do the
<p>Notes helps you find the right
contacts fast when addressing emails and scheduling meetings. Set preferences to
tailor the type-ahead list to your tastes.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File >
Preferences > Contacts and choose an option.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Get Addresses
<p>Tell contacts apart by displaying
their email address, title, or company in the type-ahead list.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Click File >
Preferences > Contacts and choose an attribute to display.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Group It</h3></header>
<p>Use groups as mailing lists or to
schedule meetings.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Contacts, select
contacts and then on the toolbar, click More > Copy Into New Group, or click New >
Group and type contacts</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Build My Contacts">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Just Between Us</h3></header>
<p>Mark your new contacts as private.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select File > Preferences > Contacts
and check the option &quot;Mark new contacts as private by default&quot;</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Mailing Lists Made Easy</h3></header>
<p>Easily create a mailing list from an email, calendar
entry, or group to do item.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select the email and click Actions >
More > Add Recipients to Contact Group</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>How Do I Know You?</h3></header>
<p>You can view a history of collaborations that you
have had with one of your contacts, such as email, chat transcripts (if you have
saved them), or shared documents.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Right-click a contact's name and
select Collaboration History</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->

</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="So Many Contacts, So Little Time">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Sort It Out</h3></header>
<p>Remove duplicate contacts; duplication may happen,
for example, when a mobile device user tries to synchronize their contacts.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From the Contacts view, select More >
Remove duplicates</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Show Me the Cards </h3></header>
<p>See all your contacts as business cards, instead of
as a list.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Contacts, click Show > Business
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Speak My Language</h3></header>
<p>Add tabs for contacts whose names contain characters
from another language.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In Contacts, click the globe icon
above the tabs and select a language</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="General">
<div class="gsMain" role="main" aria-label="General">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.AccordionContainer">
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Notebook and To-Do" selected="true">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Know Your
<p>Have a report due soon? Keep track of
deadlines on your Calendar.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select File >
Preferences > Calendar and To Do, then select the Display tab > Views tab to set
this preference.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Assign To Dos to
<p>Need to assign a task to someone?</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose New > To Do, and
enter their name in the Assign To > Others field, to send them an email
notification of their assignment</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Take Note</h3></header>
<p>Jot down ideas, make notes for a
meeting, or draft information in your Notebook.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">To create your
Notebook, click Notebook on the Quick Links tab on this Discover page</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Make It Personal">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Tabs: Have Them Your Way</h3></header>
<p>Open Notes documents in single tabs, grouped tabs,
or in their own windows.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose File > Preferences > Windows
and Themes, and select an option under &quot;Window Management&quot;</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?OpenPreference&Themes"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/settings.png" alt="">Do it</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Make Your Mark </h3></header>
<p>Make your document comments really stand out.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Choose Text > Permanent Pen to set a
specific font style, color, and size.</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>When You Leave</h3></header>
<p>Not in the office? You can let people know how long
you'll be gone and when you'll return.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Select More > Out of Office to
specify the dates you'll be away</p>
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
<a class="gsVideo" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/video.png" alt="">Watch it</a>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->

<div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
title="Things to Try Now">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Recycle and Reuse</h3></header>
<p>Did an email give you an idea for a meeting or
action item? Create a meeting or to-do item from that email.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">In your Inbox, click More > Copy Into
<p class="gsIcons">
<a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
" alt="">Learn more</a>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>What's Their Story?</h3></header>
<p>Can't remember how you know a contact? View recent
emails, meetings, chats, and shared documents you have with them.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">Right-click the person's name, then
select [name] > View Collaboration History.</p>
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h3>Work At-A-Glance</h3></header>
<p>The mini-view, now collapsed by default, allows you
to see new notices, follow-up messages, or to-do items at a glance.</p>
<p class="gsMeta">From the Mail or Calendar view,
select and drag the mini-view at the bottom of the left navigator, in order to
expand it</p>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end content pane-->
</div><!--end accordion-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end subtab-->
</div><!--end sub tabs-->
</div><!--end best practices-->
<div id="tab4" dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" title="Quick Links">
<div class="gsQuickLinks" role="main" aria-label="Quick Links">
<div class="gsContent">
<section class="gsColumn gsTwoColumn">
<header><h2>Notes Applications</h2></header>
<div class="qlApps">
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlMail.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Mail</span>
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCalendar.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Calendar</span>
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///0000000000000E01">
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCcontacts.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Contacts</span>
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlTodo.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">To Do</span>
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlNotebook.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Notebook</span>
</div><!--end row-->
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlDocuments.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Document</span>
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlPresentation.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Presentation</span>
<a class="qlApp qlSymphony"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlSpreadsheet.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Spreadsheet</span>
<a class="qlApp qlUpdates"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlUpdates.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Updates</span>
</div><!--end row-->
</div><!--end qlApps-->
<div class="qlAppsAlt">
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlMail.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Mail</span>
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCalendar.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Calendar</span>
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///0000000000000E01">
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlCcontacts.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Contacts</span>
</div><!--end row-->
<div class="qlRow">
<a class="qlApp"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlTodo.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">To Do</span>
<a class="qlApp" href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlNotebook.png" alt=""
<span class="qlLabel">Notebook</span>
<a class="qlApp qlUpdates"
<span class="qlButton"><img
s.gettingstarted_9.0.1.20131022-0932/content/images/qlUpdates.png" alt="" /></span>
<span class="qlLabel">Updates</span>
</div><!--end row-->
</div><!--end qlApps-->
<aside class="gsTip" role="complementary" aria-
label="Tip of the Day">
<h4>Tip of the Day</h4>
<p id="tipOfTheDay"></p>
</aside><!--end tip-->
</section><!--end column-->
<section class="gsColumn">
<header><h2>Custom Applications</h2></header>
<!--<p id="noApps" class="gsMeta">This list will fill in as
you open applications</p>-->
<div class="workspace">
<ul class="gsList">
<li><a href="notes:///ClientBookmark?
<header><h2>Additional Resources</h2></header>
<ul class="gsList">
<li class="home"><a href="notes:///bookmark.nsf/HP?
OpenFrameset">Change your Home Page</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a
ocial_Edition">Getting started with Social Edition</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a
href="">Notes Tips Blog</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a
>Troubleshoot issues</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a
href="">Notes and Domino Wiki</a></li>
<li class="wiki"><a
href="">Experience Notes</a></li>
</section><!--end column-->
</div><!--end gsContent-->
</div><!--end main-->
</div><!--end quick links-->
</div><!--end tabs-->

<div id="videoDialog" dojoType="dijit.Dialog" title="Video">
<div class="videoWrapper">
<div id="noVideoMsg">
<h2>Video Unavailable</h2>
<li>Check your internet connection.</li>
<li>If the problem persists, the video may be temporarily
unavailable. Try again later.</li>
<object id="theVideo" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640"
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/>
<param name="wmode" value="transparent"/>
<param name="flashvars" value="autostart=true&showendscreen=false"/>
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</div><!--end video dialog-->

<div id="missingPluginDialog" dojoType="dijit.Dialog" title="Video">

<div id="missingPlugin">
<h2>Missing Flash Plugin</h2>
<p>Flash is needed to play this video. You will need to install Flash
using a browser outside of Notes.</p>
<p>Please copy this URL into your browser address bar: to download and install the
current version of Flash.</p>
</div><!--end missing plugin dialog-->

</div><!--end gsBody-->
</div><!--end wrapper frame-->


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