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In accepting a place for your son/ward, you consent to the following standard school routines:

1. The use of the internet for educational purposes.

2. For my son/ward to be photographed for publicity and celebratory purposes.
3. Consent for the data provided within this admission form to be used by school staff where appropriate.
4. The copyright to your child’s schoolwork, meaning that it can be reproduced (with credit) in school
marketing and publicity materials.
5. The teaching of sex and relationships education as part of the national curriculum.
6. School trips and other off-site activities
7. To take part in school trips and other activities that take place off school premises; and
8. To be given first aid or urgent medical treatment during any school trip or activity

Please note
The trips and activities covered by consent 6 include:

 all visits which take place during the school day and those planned to return to school by 16:00; and
 off-site sporting fixtures outside the school day.

The school will send you information about each trip or activity via email before it takes place. The exceptions
are sporting activities, which are often arranged close to the event. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the
student to inform parents/carers that they are taking part.

You can, if you wish, tell the school that you do not want your child to take part in any particular school trip or

Written parental consent ('informed consent') will not be requested from you for the majority of off-site activities
offered by the school – for example, group visits to local amenities – as such activities are part of the school’s
curriculum and usually take place during the normal school day.

You will be asked to give informed consent for any activities that are planned to extend beyond 16:00. Please
be advised that where a financial contribution/payment has been made, this will be considered as informed

Confirm that you agree by clicking here

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