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Consumer protection Act

Q1. How does right to safety help consumers? Explain with an example?

Answer: Right to safety There are certain goods that may cause serious injuries, like pressure
cookers, gas cylinders, electronics etc. If there is any manufacturing defect in these goods, consumers
have right to be protected against any fatal risk or injury.
The right is part of the Consumer protection Act 1986, and ensures adequate protection to consumers.
The right guarantees adequate well being and protection to consumers from products or goods
creating health hazards for consumers.

Q2.How does right to be informed help consumers? Explain with an example?explain its three

Ans: The consumers have a right to be informed about the product they are buying. You might have
seen food packages having details about the ingredients, date of manufacturing and expiry,
nutritional value and other such information. This is displayed due to the Right of consumers to be
informed. Consumers can use this information to know what they have to buy as they might be
allergic to some of the ingredients. In case this information is not displayed, the matter can be taken
up with the consumer court


1. The consumers get complete information about the product or service before making a choice of

2. The consumers would be able to understand the correct way of handling and using the product as
some products need proper care

3. If the product is not found as per the information provided, it can be replaced well in time, thus
avoiding hustle and worry.

Q3.Explain any three reasons responsible for enacting consumer protection act,1986 by the
government of India?

Ans:The reasons for enacting Consumer Protection Act,1986 by the Government of India are:

A. There was dissatisfaction among the consumers regarding unfair trade practices being indulged in
by the producers or sellers.

B. There was no legal system available for the protection of consumers from exploitation in the
market place.

C. Rampart food shortages, hoarding, black-marketing and adulteration of food and edible oil posed a
threat to consumers.

Q4. “A consumers have the right to get compensation depending on the degree of the
damage”.support this statement?
Ans: consumers have the right to seek redressal against unfair practices and exploitation. If any
damage is done to a consumer, he or she has the right to get a compensation, depending on the
degree of damage. There is need to provide an easy and effective public system by which this can be

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