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1. Who is the italian who made term ‘seven sisters’ for the first time?

Enrico mattei
2. The Financial Times has used the label the "New Seven Sisters" to describe a group
of what it argues are the most influential national oil and gas companies in countries
outside of the OECD (Organization for economic cooperation adn development).
Mention Five of them!

China National Petroleum Corporation (China)

Gazprom (Russia)

National Iranian Oil Company (Iran)

Petrobras (Brazil)

PDVSA (Venezuela)

Petronas (Malaysia)

Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia)

3. Non producing consumers is defined as Countries whose oil production is 10% or less
of their consumption. Which Non producing consumers Country that consume most
oil per day?
4. What country consume most amount of oil in the world?
5. Indonesia joined OPEC in 1962. But later Indonesia has sespended its membership.
When did Indonesia suspend its membership effective?
(January) 2009
6. OPEC wa founded in Baghdad at september 1960 by 5 oil exporting countries.
Mention at least 3 of 5 contries that find OPEC!
Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and venezuela
7. The 1970s energy crisis was a period in which the major industrial countries of the
world, particularly the United States, faced substantial shortages, both perceived and
real, of petroleum. The two worst crises of this period were the 1973 oil crisis, caused
by the Arab Oil Embargo of OAPEC, and the 1979 energy crisis. What is the 1979
energy crisis caused by?
caused by the Iranian Revolution.
8. What is the name of field that is by far the largest conventional oil field that is
located in Saudi Arabia and operated by Saudi Aramco?
Ghawar Field
9. Based on the formation (depositional environments), sedimentary rocks are divided
into three. Mention Three of them!
Marine, Non Marine and transitional
10. What is diagram showing the relationship between stream velocity and ability to
tranport material of varrying sizes called?
Hjulstrom Curve
11. Mention three of mechanics way of stone particle movement under the sea!
Susepension, bouncing (saltation), and rolling.
12. What is the biological, physical, and chemical changes that take place after
sediments are deposited called?
13. When the gravel-sized particle in coarse detrital rock are angular. What will be the
rock called?
14. Based on wentworth scale, what is the name of particel that has size range between 64
– 256 mm?
Couble (Berakal in Indonesia)
15. There are 4 analysys that has to be done for anlyzing the depositional environment of
a Rock, Mention 4 of them!
Micropaleontology analysys, Granulometry analysys, Profile analysys, Petrographic

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