Homework 2: Aula 2 - Nice To Meet You, Too

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Homework 2

Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too

1. Translate the sentences into English:

(Traduza as frases para o inglês)

a) Como você está?

b) Como você está indo?
c) Como estão as coisas?
d) Eu estou ótimo.
e) Meu nome é Jéssica.
f) Meu nome completo é Sarah Jones.
g) Prazer em conhecê-lo.
h) Muito obrigado.
i) De nada.
j) Adeus.
k) Te vejo mais tarde.
l) Tenha um bom dia!
m) Tenha um bom final de semana!

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º

2. Write the correct expression for each picture:
(Escreva a expressão correta para cada foto)

a) b)

_____________________________ ______________________________

c) d)

____________________________ ____________________________

3. Correct the mistakes:

(Corrija os erros)

a) Have nice day!

b) What’s full name?
c) What are you?
d) Tank you.

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º

e) Nice to meat you.

4. Unscramble the sentences:

(Desembaralhe as frases)

a) have/ how/ been/ you?

b) things/ are/ how?
c) you/ to/ meet/ glad.
d) afternoon/ good.
e) you/ soon/ to/ talk.

5. Answer these questions about you:

(Responda essas perguntas sobre você)

a) What’s your name?

b) Where are you from?
c) How old are you?
d) Do you have brothers or sisters?
e) Do you work?

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º

6. Repeat the sentences from exercises 1 to 4 along with the audio:

(Repita as frases dos exercícios 1 a 4 junto com o áudio)

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º


a) How are you?
b) How are you doing?
c) How are things?
d) I’m great.
e) My name is Jessica.
f) My full name is Sarah Jones.
g) Nice/ Glad/ Pleased to meet you.
h) Thank you. / Thanks.
i) You’re welcome.
j) Goodbye.
k) See you later.
l) Have a nice day.
m) Have a nice weekend.

a) Good morning.
b) Good evening.
c) Good night.
d) Good afternoon.

a) Have a nice day!
b) What’s your full name?
c) How are you?
d) Thank you.
e) Nice to meet you.

a) How have you been?
b) How are things?
c) Glad to meet you.

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º

d) Good afternoon.
e) Talk to you soon.

Curso Junior Silveira º Aula 2 – Nice to meet you, too º

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