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Protection of Soil, Surface Water and Ground water from Industrial & Chemical


Many Industries including Leather, Paint, Tanning, Electro plating produce waste waters which
are containing various heavy metals. The presence of heavy metals in the waste water in one of the major
environmental concerns because of their reported toxic and carcinogenic effects. Consequently it is
essential to treat such industrial waste water before the same in discharged to the environment. In removal
of heavy metals adsorption is found to be better than other.

The removal of cadmium, chromium and lead from industrial wastewater can be done by adsorption
principles using Activated carbon. Several researchers used different materials in preparation of activated
carbons, but the availability of these materials and their cost make them practically infeasible to make use
of them at local level. Hence industrialists have the option of using commercial activated carbon for the
treatment of wastewater coming out from their units. Though importance of treatment is felt, its cost keeps
the industrialists away from adopting the same. It is also a fact that till date, no material proves to be a
better adsorbent than commercial activated carbon. Since the cost of activated carbon and its regeneration
cost is high, the technology remains inaccessible.

This project would deal with the preparation of low cost activated carbon from the wood of hybrid
eucalyptus, Acacia nilotica and Derris indica and employing it as an adsorbent for long heavy metal removal
such as Lead, Chromium ,Cadmium. Also it will be a good replacement for commercial activated carbon


- Since all the above plants are available in most parts of our country and it is containing any
medicinal value , it will be useful to the below all

 Local People will cut those plants and prepare activated carbon and will have a good income when
selling local merchants
 Local merchants will sell that Activated carbon to Wholesale agents
 Whole sale merchants will sell it to industries
 Industries after using will send it for incineration

- So Water pollution and soil pollution will be avoided in our country

- Most of these plants are easily available so collection and making will be easy and even
exhausted carbon can be again be recycled
- Technologically easy in preparation and usage.
- Easy for regeneration of heavy metals and disposal
- These activated carbon can be used as Water purifiers for drinking water.
- All Dissolved solids, colour , odour will be adsorbed by the carbon leaving pure water
- Cost of production of 10 kg of these Carbon is less than Rs.100
Advantages :

This technology and materials will not use in prevention of pollutants and also use in water
purification systems at a very low cost. Due to technological feasibility and easy available materials, this
ensures safe and pure drinking water to all.
Environmental Protection:

Effluents from Industrial Waste water is a burning issue in most part of our country and
contaminates soil, surface water and ground water with chemicals and makes unfit for usage. The use of
this technology will save our soil , ponds , lakes, rivers for better environmental management for our future

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