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The Genius
Engr. Eugenio D. Matalino
Project Manager

Once upon a time, there was an engineer named Eugenio D. Matalino. He is tall,
dark, handsome, intelligent and rich. In short, he is almost perfect. He was the top on his
time. From nursery up to college level. He was so intelligent that he is smarter than his
professors. After getting his bachelor’s degree, right after the graduation, he takes the
May board exam and become the Top 1 (or Topnotcher).

After getting his license, companies called him offering a job. Some offers
reaches P100,000 per month. That was huge for a fresh graduate. He gets this offer and
started working. He was sent to Mindanao to work there. In order to get to the exact
place, he needs to travel by walk because the trail is a forest and no car can go across it.
In the forest, there’s a snake with five eyes and twenty legs, eagle with four wings,
mosquito that is five inches in height, cobra, dinosaurs, anacondas and much more
dangerous animals. The travel takes one week to get to the exact place. After reaching
the place, all the people there can’t speak tagalog, so Mr. Matalino can’t understand
what they are saying. It was too hard for him to stay long, but he thinks of the salary. If
you were Mr. Matalino, will you stay or will you leave your job?

Reaction: I will resign.


1. Because I have a family to be left with. I work for my family. Also, my father and
mother has limited time as they are much older than me, so it would not be good to
leave them.

2. In my skills and capabilities, I can have a better job than is close to my relatives and
love ones.

3. As stated, I’m rich, intelligent and because of that, I am pretty sure that there will
always be a job for me. Or if not, I can start my own company.

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