Working Document Project Success

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About this session We will consider: + project success rates + key issues associated with the success or failure of projects. + the impact of governance as a means of enhancing prospects aS of success. (N72) + inthis regard the Initiation and Planning stages of the Project Lifecycle Project Koy eaves i Suoseee Falure © Septombe! 2009 Peter Salmon 8 Nonniog Gares& Associates Lid nation Grol Some key defining factors Successful Strong, visible executive support Dedicated teams Alignment with vision Change impacts clear and known Accountability/Responsibility Change seen as an on-going process Metrics and incentives used to drive desired behaviours Undersell, over-deliver Everyone gets a win is the approach Unsuccessful Uncertain leadership Resource scarcity/competition Unclear goals, vision or strategy Opaque change impact No Accountability/Responsibilty Change is episodic and event based Metrics and incentives non-aligned with desired behaviours Lots of *happy talk" Clear winners and losers Pte Sainon& Maeing Charead Assocs . Standard Projects Key tess in Suecons Pitre © Septemter 200 ‘ole Soinon Manning Chores & Aesoctes Lt

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