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Student's Report of Rating

SY: 2018-2019, Semester: 1

Name: MAGPILI, KAYE CLEO LIRA Program: BSA Year Level: 5

Sec. Code Course Code Units Course Title Grade Teacher

040 AUDAPP1 6 Applied Auditing I 1.3 Cabidog, Raymund

096 AUDCISE 3 Auditing in Computerized Information Systems Environmen... 1.3 Malquisto, Alberto, Jr.

088 BLAWREV 3 Business Law Review DEF Aguinalde, Jose

048 MANCONS 3 Management Consultancy 1.5 Resula, Gerald

210 ORIENT3 1 Special Needs of Students 1.4 Montallana, Teofilo

074 PRC1REV 3 Practical Accounting I Review PASSED Malquisto, Marilou

082 PRC2REV 3 Practical Accounting II Review PASSED Malquisto, Marilou

069 TOACREV 3 Theory of Accounts Review PASSED Rocabo, Arleen

Number of Subjects: 8 Date Printed: 11-09-2018 GWA: Incomplete Grades

Total Units: 25 Time Printed: 11:04:49am

This document was generated by the student from the SPSPS Online Student Portal.

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