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L2 ICT – UNIT 2 : Technology Systems

Revision Template

Subject Notes Revision

Computer & Technology Examples / Notes: Done
What is the difference between Computer - a machine that processes data.
a computer and a technology Technology system - a computer installation that is
system made up of a collection of components.

Application of technology Manufacturing - CAD and CAM

systems in different sectors Construction - use technology to plan projects and
e.g. construction create drawings.
Health - Scan patients, monitor heart and breathing,
store patient data
Retail - EPoS, produce reports about profit/loss
Finance -internet banking, follow prices of stocks and
shares, calculate interest

Give two examples to explain how the construction sector uses technology. (4 marks)

Companies in the construction sector could use CAD to make drawings. Spreadsheet software could also be
used to track finances on a construction project.

Issues involved in using Environment - good and bad

technology systems Computer security

Images on the internet are protected under copyright. In the UK, the law which law protects copyright is? (1
mark) Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

If someone breaks the copyright law, what are the punishments? (1 mark) A fine or imprisonment.

Describe the effects on the environment of online shopping. (2 mark) Online shopping can have a positive
effect on the environment because customers don’t have to travel to the shop reducing the pollution from
vehicles. However, products still have to be transported from the supplier to the shop then from the shop to
the customer which will create pollution from the vehicles.

Reasons for future Competitive advantage

developments Reduced costs
Improved performance

A business that designs and manufactures milk containers and packaging for other dairy products is
considering developing its technology systems. Explain two advantages to the business of doing this.
(4 mark)

Advantage 1 - Reduced costs - using robots to manufacture the packaging.

Advantage 2 - Improved performance/work experience - use of design software to create designs for the

Computer hardware devices: Examples / Notes:

What different devices are PC (Personal Computer)
classed as computers Server
Games console
Programmable digital devices

Using examples, describe what is meant by the term programmable digital device and the purpose of these
types of devices. (4 marks)

A programmable digital device is anything with a digital control such as a washing machine that may have a
digital display and buttons instead of dials to choose the settings. It may have extra features such as
calculating how long the wash will take. The purpose of these devices is to add better functionality to
everyday items.

Input devices Keyboard

Touch screen
Digital camera/webcam
Game controller
Output devices Printers
Screen (Monitor)
Robot/robot arm
Force feedback (vibration in a games controller)

Trevor is creating a podcast. Choose two appropriate input and output devices he should use. (2 marks)

Input = microphone
Output = speakers

Storage devices Magnetic storage

HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

Solid state media

SSD (Solid State Drive)
SD cards
USB memory stick

Optical media

Sadia uses a USB memory stick to save her coursework.

a) Explain one advantage of using this type of storage, (2 marks) A USB drive is a type of SSD (Solid
State Drive) which has no moving parts. This means that is is quicker, quieter, portable and less likely
to fail if this should be accidently dropped. USB is a common type of socket used in most computers,
consoles and smart TV’s.
b) Explain one disadvantage of using this type of storage. (2 marks) They are small so can easily be
lost or broken (by standing on a USB drive) which means Saia could lose her work. A larger USB
drive would need to be purchased for larger files.
Multifunctional devices MFP - Multifunction peripheral - Printer that scans, prints
and faxes/emails.

Hardware & software Central heating system in a house

combined to create automation Production line robots to carry out repetitive tasks

An automated vacuum cleaner can move around a house, cleaning the carpets and avoiding walls and
furniture. Explain how input devices and software allow it to know hot to move around the house. (4 marks)
The automated vacuum cleaner has sensors on it to detect when it is near an object like a chair or a wall. The
software will identify it as an obstacle and turn the vacuum cleaner in another direction.

Use of devices for data Magnetic strip reader

capture (barcodes, RFID, Optical Character Reader (OCR)
OCR, OMR) Optical Mark Reader (OMR)
Radio Frequency Identification system (RFID)
Barcode scanner

Sheppard Airways use a self-check-in machine to make it quicker for passengers to check in for a flight.
Describe the technology this automated system might use. (2 marks)
They could use a self-check in machine which has a magnetic strip reader for passengers credit cards or they
could also include the facility for chip and PIN for contactless payments.

An Optical Mark Reader could san passengers boarding passes. These could have a pattern on them which
could be translated into information about their flight time, airline and destination.

Computer Networking : Examples / Notes:

Different types of network Local Area Network (LAN)

(LAN, WAN etc) Wide Area Network (WAN)
Personal Area Network (PAN)
Mobile Broadband
Synchronising data
Common uses of network Sharing
systems (data sharing etc) Entertainment
Benefits of computer Sharing resources saves money
networking Employees can access files from work or home
Better communication - improves efficiency
Can reduce the need for travel - saving time and
reducing pollution

A network allows users to shares resources. Select two devices that can be shared. (2 marks) Printer and

Name two resources that could be shared on a office network. (2 marks) Printer and data

Describe one benefit of each. (4 marks) In an office, only one printer is required therefore saving money.
The office could also share data so they could work more collaboratively and efficiently. Data is also safer as
files can be accessed from a network rather than on a portable storage device which could easily get lost.

Synchronisation of data in a A phone synchronising with a PC to share email,

PAN calendar, contacts, photos and music.
A smartphone can be synchronised to a PC. What type of network is this? (1 mark) PAN

Explain one benefit of synchronising data (2 marks) Both devices will have the most up to date version of
data and the user can access the data on both devices.

Data Transfer: Examples / Notes:

Physical methods of UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) / STP (Shielded Twisted
transferring data Pair) - ethernet cables. Pairs of copper wires twisted
Benefits and drawbacks of ● Less interference due to twisting
these methods of transferring ● Cheaper
data (Wireless & Cable) ● Poor at high speeds
● Used for LAN’s

Fibre Optic - glass or plastic cables which use light to

transmit data.
● Fast
● Used over long distances
● Little interference
● Expensive
● Backbone in a network to connect routers and

Coaxial - solid copper wire with thick shielding.

● Reliable
● Good for short distances
● Slow
● Used in older networks and home optical

Wireless methods of WI-FI

transferring data Bluetooth

Jack owns a small business and has just bought new office premises for himself and his four members of
staff. He wants to set up a LAN.

Discuss possible connection methods Jack could use for his office. (8 marks) Jack could use a wired
method for his LAN. Using cables instead of wireless can be more reliable. He could use STP
(Shielded Twisted Pair) cables because these are the cheapest and more protected from interference
than UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair). He would not need fibre optic as this is too expensive for a LAN
of five users.

Another alternative is to use a wireless network which would allow more freedom to move around the
office and he could use laptops instead of PC’s. He would need to include a WAP (Wireless Access
Point) and make sure each device could connect wirelessly.

Internal components of a Examples / Notes:

computer: Lesson 5


Graphics cards / sound cards

Heat dispersal

Storage devices

Performance and user


Internal component

Features of mobile devices

Computer buses

Analogue & digital data: Examples / Notes:

Lesson 6
Difference between analogue
and digital data

The need to convert signals

between analogue & digital

Binary notation (bits, bytes etc)

Binary maths
Units used to describe
memory & data storage e.g.

Software: Lesson 7 Examples / Notes:

Software used to operate a
technology system

Custom made vs off the shelf


Hierarchical structure of a

Characteristics of high level

programming languages

Characteristics of low level

programming languages

Programming concepts: Examples / Notes:

Lesson 8
Flowcharts & symbols

Simple flowchart diagrams

Inputs and outputs on a simple


Terms used in computer

Annotating code

Data types e.g. Boolean

Data structures e.g. arrays,


Operating systems and Examples / Notes:

applications: Lesson 9
The role of an operating

The role of utility applications

Graphical user interface

Command line interface

Features of operating systems

Operating systems for mobile


Productivity applications

Benefits of suites of
Productivity applications

Installing and upgrading

operating systems e.g.
hardware platforms,
compatibility, security

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