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The Sunset Crusader

Volume 42 Issue 6 Miami Sunset Senior High feburary 2019

Why President Trump’s Wall Won’t Work

By: Hurma Aziz tee that the wall would work.
Staff Writer
Many environmentalists have com-
Ever since President mented that the wall could be dis-
Trump’s presidential campaign astrous for the environment, exac-
launched, he promised the nation erbating flooding, perils to wildlife
stronger border control by building and plants, disturbing wildlife ref-
a wall across the US and Mexican uges, and potentially splitting a riv-
border. er. The border wall would run
across Texas, California, and Ari-
This plan has sparked many
zona, causing various issues of this
controversial opinions on both
nature in all three states.
sides of the political spectrum.
However, when you consider the Lastly, building the wall is an issue
facts, there is enough evidence to of morality. Many undocumented
support the idea that the wall most immigrants are women and chil-
likely won’t be feasible. dren looking for better conditions
to in which to live, and in some cases, they
The main reason why Trump wants to more likely to commit larceny. In all of the
are fleeing from oppression. The families are
build a wall is to stop the overflow of illegal statistics, natives are more likely to commit
looking for better employment opportunities
immigrants from coming into the country violent crimes.
and more educational opportunities for their
from the Mexican border. Because of the
Another issue in building the wall would children to grow and live out the future they
immense number of illegal immigrants
be the cost. President Trump shutdown the were never given. Every person deserves a
coming in, the risk of increased criminal ac-
government because he couldn’t receive the chance to accomplish this. We are a country
tivity in our country rises.
funds for building the wall. It’s valid that the built on immigrants.
But according to the Cato Institute of Re- idea of using our citizen’s taxes to fund the
If you consider all these issues when it
search and the Washington Post, both re- wall could be unethical to certain individuals
comes to building the wall, it can be conclud-
porting on criminal activity in the United who don’t believe the wall is a good idea.
ed that Trump should not be allowed to build
States, native born citizens are two times
The wall’s official budget as of right now this wall. They are plenty of other ways to
more likely to commit crimes in all catego-
is $5.7 Billion dollars. The United States is improve security for this country.
ries than undocumented immigrants.
currently $5.73 trillion in debt. To add on
According to the chart provided by more to the debt when there are still con-
Washington Post, native citizens are 25% cerns about building the wall would be a bad
more likely to commit homicide and 75% investment, considering there’s no guaran-

Measure Your Words: Don’t Fight Hate With Hate

By: Hurma Aziz their fans can spread leaving the individual’s username to
Staff-Writer hate and threats to a per- be seen by her fans. Although Han-
son. By doing this, they na “wished her happiness,” trying to
Social media is making
are encouraging this tox- seem like the bigger person, her
strides as it becomes more and
ic behavior; they’re actions were still passive-
more integrated into our society.
showing their fans to aggressive and knowing what she
Any new information or message
fight fire with fire, which was doing or not, her fans did leave
can now be sent out all over the
is not okay. death threats on the individual’s
world in an instant. This can be a
Instagram page.
great thing, but it can also bring YouTuber Gabi
along many consequences, Hanna recently received There are many stories like
which our youth fails to under- criticism from commen- Gabi Hanna’s that demonstrate an
and blasting the “perpetrator” with tators on YouTube because eye for an eye isn’t okay, regardless
insults and threats, it is the same she doxed an individual who of the intentions. Doxing and humil-
A notable thing to know thing as cyberbullying, just in re- commented on one of her In- iation are a prominent issue in the
about social media is, “what’s on verse, and just as damaging. stagram posts. The individual social media community, and no
the internet, stays on the internet.”
There are many celebrities criticized Hanna for posting matter how small it may be, it can
Our generation is constantly post-
on social media who get hate daily, too many similar photos, and it ruin lives.
ing and making comments on plat-
in some cases they call the hater makes her seem conceited. In
forms, not thinking about the re- Social media creates an
out and unintentionally put the this instance, it’s very under- easy platform for people to say
percussions, and these comments
harasser out for their followers to standable for Hanna to get de- what they want, thinking that there
can get people in a lot of trouble.
see. What they don’t understand is fensive and upset, however, are no consequences, but that isn’t
Everyone is aware that that the celebrities are basically her actions didn’t justify the the reality anymore. With cyberbul-
cyberbullying is illegal and dam- doxing these individuals (doxing is means. lying and threats now being taken
aging to a person. But what they when you publish an individual’s more seriously, hate comments and
Hanna took this com- false threats are being taken more
don’t realize is that by “defending” private or identifying information), ment upon her Instagram sto- seriously, even if they were meant
the victim by adding fuel to the fire creating an open forum where ry by posting the comment and to accomplish a righteous purpose.

Why is it Hard for Teens to Commit in Relationships?

emotional needs esteem and maybe even depression when the
By: Misela Soto relationship comes to an end. Therefore, they
within other peo-
Staff Writer
ple instead of won’t be able to trust their perspective on love
within them- for a while.
Teenage ro-
selves. There’s a This lack of commitment doesn't always
mance. Movies and tel-
quote that applies have to do with the situations someone is going
evision series paint
to this situation through in their teenage years. It does have the
these relationships in
and it goes, “you ability to stem from their childhood. For exam-
picture perfect scenari-
can’t pour from an ple, if a teen experienced their parents’ divorce,
os. But, in reality, it’s
empty cup.” they may have a big issue with trust in their lat-
much more complicated
than it seems. Essential- er relationships.
ly, someone will Studies show that “Children of divorced
These relation-
not be able to care parents can experience self-protective fear and
ships have the tendency
for someone else a reluctance to enter into a committed relation-
to be very short-lived.
until they care for ship.” Basically, teens become afraid of being in
This is mostly due to a
themselves first. a committed relationship because they don't
lack of the ability to commit. Though a question
Teens are still at the stage of learning how want to be hurt in the way their parents were.
still remains: why is it so difficult for teens to
to love and be themselves. They’re build- Watching their parents fight or not get along has
be committed in their romantic relationships?
ing their character and an acceptance for a huge long-term impact on their mindset. It can
At this age, teenagers are going
who they are. This journey could be the make it that, if they do enter a relationship, they
through an abundance of changes. Through
cause of the fall out of several relation- may not allow it to become too serious. That
these changes they gain experience in certain
ships. Some teens are simply too busy try- way, they won’t become attached to the other
things. This means that they definitely will not
ing to commit to themselves before com- person and risk vulnerability. They also may
be the same person now that they were a year
mitting to someone else. leave the relationship as soon as any problems
ago. Such quick changes in personality can af-
Of course, this isn't going to be the arise. Divorce can place a sort of fear of rela-
fect the relationships they’re in. Whether it be
case for everyone. Sometimes someone tionships into a teenager, resulting in their ina-
in friendships or with a significant other.
can mistake infatuation for love. They will bility to commit.
During this time of self-discovery,
become completely obsessed with the These are just a few of all the different
teens may also lack confidence in themselves
idea of a person—an idea that they made situations that can contribute to a teen’s lack of
and have several internal conflicts. They could
up in their own head. Throughout the rela- commitment. How these teens are impacted
be struggling with their appearance, mental
tionship, the teen believes they are in love can have an effect on this world’s future. So, we
health, etc. This “negative” behavior reflects
with the other person. In reality, they have have to worry more about our youth. That way,
onto their relationships. If someone isn't happy
just created an illusion of who they want they can move into adulthood with a good mind-
with themselves, they will set high expecta-
them to be. When they begin to realize this, set that will lead them into happy and healthy
tions that their significant other will not be able
the relationship starts to go downhill. This relationships. Then, we can also see this world
to meet. Several of these teens search for their
can lead teens to experience low self- thrive continuously.

How Technology is Affecting Young Children

By: Nicole Gazol child’s life, it increases the child’s risk
Staff Writer for poor eye health and vision loss.
According to the American Optomet-
As technology has become
ric Association's (AOA) 2015 Ameri-
more implemented into our daily
can Eye-Q® survey, 41 percent of par-
lives, the usage of technology is be-
ents say their kids spend three or
coming more common amongst chil-
more hours per day using digital de-
dren. This has become a hot topic for
vices, and 66 percent of kids have
many people as they argue whether
their own smartphone or tablet.
or not it is healthy for young children
to be using technology at such a Barbara L. Horn, O.D., Trustee
young age. for AOA, explains that parents need to
take precaution when allowing their
Technology can be very ben-
children to use technology because
eficial for children as it helps them
there are many visual risks attached
retain information quicker and ad-
to staring at screens for long periods
vance at a faster rate when it comes to
important in their development pro- have proven that over-using smart of time.
cognitive development. Being that
cess,” says Dr. Carolyn Jaynes, a devices such as a tablet or a smart Not all children are ready to
technology will be used more fre-
learning designer for Leapfrog En- phone can create an addiction with- be introduced to technology at such
quently in the future, it’s ideal that
terprises. in the individual. Considering that young ages. In a supervised environ-
children adapt to the usage of technol-
ogy at a young stage of their life. “However, by age three, young children soak up so much ment, it is okay for the child to use
many children are active media us- information at a young age, it can be technology in moderation. However,
Although there are various
ers and can benefit from electronic implied that young children can gain in an unsupervised environment, it is
benefits for children, experts do not
media with educational content. This an addiction at such a young age. not recommended to purchase a
encourage parents to introduce tech-
content often uses strategies such Young children who have an smartphone or tablet for a child until
nology to their kids until they are at
as repeating an idea, presenting im- addiction to technology can become they reach their pubescent years.
least three.
ages and sounds that capture atten- aggressive and experience anxiety “Technology itself doesn’t
“Children under two years of tion, and using child rather than adult when they can’t access their smart create problems,” says Dr. Michael
age learn best from real-world expe- voices for the characters.” devices. Technology can cause chil- Rich, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Cen-
riences and interactions, and each
Giving children too much dren to fall into some bad behaviors ter on Media and Child Health at Chil-
minute spent in front of a screen-
access to technology can cause sev- that can be an issue later on. dren’s Hospital Boston.
based device is a minute when your
eral problems in their development. Because technology has “What matters is what we
child is not exploring the world and
There have been studies that become a more integral part in do with it.”
using their senses, which is extremely


more people started decide to come out to their parents
By: Angelina Buenaventura
Assistant Editor-In-Chief becoming accepting of about their sexuality, have faced the
the community. harsh reality of unaccepting parents
Over the past 50 Not only did we who kick their own children out of the
years, the LGBT+ communi- see big changes being house.
ty has made huge strides in made in the entertain- A report released by Chapin
becoming more accepted in ment industry, but also Hall at the University of Chicago on
society. in politics. On June 26, youth found that LGBT+ kids are at a
This was due to the 2015 gay marriage be- 120% higher risk of becoming home-
endless fight for equality came legal in all 50 less compared to youth who identi-
that all started when Mar- states across America, fied as heterosexual and or cis-
sha P. Johnson (a trans- which changed things gender. This is occurring even in
women activist) threw the for the community for- some of the most progressive cities
first brick at an anti-gay bar ever. The LGBT+ com- such as Los Angeles, where on any
called “The Stonewall Inn,” munity was finally giv- given day there are over 6,000 teens
which kick-started the Another show which has en a basic human right and young adults struggling with
Stonewall riots in 1969. made a huge impact is, “RuPaul’s they never had before this. homelessness and 40% of them are
Drag Race” which premiered in Today, there are many LGBTQ.
And since then, queer people
have become more demanding when it 2009. RuPaul’s Drag Race is a real- LGBT+ role models for the com- On top of the homelessness
comes to their equal rights. ity TV show where drag queens munity to look up to. Even more issue, LGBT+ people still have to wor-
compete against each other in dif- movies are getting made with ry about being called slurs on the
Decades of fighting for equali-
ferent categories in order to re- LGBT+ stories at the center of the street or in worse cases attacked.
ty has paid off in several ways socially
and politically. In the 1990’s, we saw a ceive the title of “America’s Next plot. Just last year, right in Miami
lot more LGBT+ people in the media; Drag Super Star.” There has been a lot of Beach, a gay couple was severely
one of the biggest moments was when This show gave light to a improvements and big moments beaten by a group of college students
Ellen DeGeneres came out as gay group of people whose voices had that have impacted the LGBT+ during a gay pride event. Luckily, the
women on national television in her never been heard before. Shows community in a positive way. attackers were eventually caught and
self-titled sitcom. like these put LGBT+ folks in the However, there are still serious charged with battery, however, this
homes of people across America problems amongst the communi- incident reminds us that homophobia
Unfortunately, right after her
and told important stories of indi- ty, especially in the LGBT+ youth. is still alive even in our much more
coming out her show got cancelled.
viduals that had been silenced for An overwhelming per- inclusive society.
The news was taken with harsh back-
lash from all over the country, howev- years. centage within the homeless As the years go on, LGBT+
er, it was a big step in the right direc- In recent years, the music youth is filled with LGBT+ teenag- people seem to be making more and
tion. industry has started to have more ers kicked out of their homes for more progress, but there are still
representation as well. When pop not being accepted. more improvements that need to be
In the 2000’s, media started
singer Lady Gaga released the A study conducted by the made. A lesson we can all learn here
getting a lot more LGBT+ representa-
song “Born This Way,” it instantly Williams Institute at UCLA Law is that no matter whether you agree
tion in music, television, and movie
became an LGBT+ anthem and set a shows that 1.6 million young peo- with someone’s identity, the least you
new tone for queer people in the ple experience homelessness can do is give others respect as a hu-
At the start of the decade,
media. in the United States every year, man being.
shows like “The L Word” and “Queer as
Folk” premiered which were the first After this, more celebrities and 40% are members of the
shows with accurate depictions of started coming out, more pride pa- LGBT+ community.
LGBT+ people. rades started popping up, and Many young people who

The Miami Heat Post the “Big Three Era”

Felix Palacio James, arguably the greatest hard and playing smart was a big theme in the
Sports Writer player in the history of the 2016-2017 season where the Heat just barely
NBA, and Chris Bosh from the missed the playoffs, finishing 30-11 in the second
The Miami
Toronto Raptors. These acqui- half of the season. But many questions were left
Heat basketball
sitions were what turned the unanswered after that season like what they
team have been a
Heat into an NBA powerhouse would do with Hassan Whiteside and Tyler John-
staple of the South
with a formidable Big Three of son’s huge contracts which would hinder their
Beach sports cul-
Wade, James, and Bosh, who chances of improving the team further.
ture ever since
they’re inaugural wreaked havoc on the rest of Currently the Heat have a big problem.
season in 1988. But the league for four years, win- They don’t have enough cap room to sign a big-
their popularity has risen substantially since the ning two Championships back name free agent and don’t have many valuable
start of the 21st century. By winning NBA champi- -to-back in 2012 and 2013. assets to trade so that they can improve the ros-
onships in 2006, 2012, and 2013, and acquiring big But eventually the Heat’s super team be- ter. Josh Richardson’s play has fallen off after a
name talent like Shaquille O’Neal, Lebron James, gan to fall apart, as on June 25, 2014, James decid- fast start in the role of leading man, and Justice
Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh, they’ve managed ed to go back to the Cleveland Cavaliers. This deci- Winslow, although much improved, is still incon-
to leave a mark on the NBA landscape. But it has sion launched the Heat into a sort of limbo going sistent. The rest of the roster is full of role play-
now been almost six years since their last NBA into the 2014-2015 season as they had enough tal- ers with bloated contracts. In today’s NBA, star
championship and the question is, where does the ent to be a playoff contender but not enough to try power is a must. Unfortunately, the Heat’s big-
Heat stand now and where are they going? to win another championship. Another blaring is- gest star, 37-year-old Dwayne Wade, is about to
sue with the Heat were injuries, as Chris Bosh was retire.
The Heat’s good fortune began in the 2003
draft where they chose shooting guard Dwyane dealing with serious blood clots and Wade had This era of Miami Heat basketball has
Wade from Marquette University 5th overall. been having hamstring problems and was in and come to an end because it is simply an era of
Wade has turned out to be the franchise’s best out of the starting lineup. Along with mediocre cast nothing more than uncertainty. The Heat doesn’t
player and the main reason why the Heat won it all of supporting players and barely any young talent, know what to do with its roster and the coach
in 2006 along with a veteran Shaquille O’Neal. This the team was in a state of flux. doesn’t know what to do with this group of play-
NBA championship was the team's first and was Team President Pat Riley realized that it ers. Somehow, Pat Riley has to find that magic
only the beginning of Wade’s historic tenure with was time to rebuild after the big three era and that brought the Big Three to Miami, otherwise, it
the franchise. Then in the summer of 2010, the started to assemble a team that gave coach Eric may be a long time before the Heat competes for
Heat made huge improvements by signing LeBron Spoelstra plenty of depth and versatility. Playing a championship.

MUSIC movies Tv shows

Conversation with a Killer: The Ted Bundy

Isn’t It Romantic
Netflix released a documentary series
Released perfectly timed for Valentine’s day,
which gives us an inside look into the mind
thank u, next – Ariana Grande Isn’t It Romantic is a light-hearted comedy with
of one of the most infamous serial killers,
After releasing her 4th full length studio al- a twist. Starring Rebel Wilson, this movie took
Ted Bundy. This docu-series included in-
bum just 5 month ago Ariana Grande re- the idea of a romantic comedy and turned it on
terviews and never before seen footage of
leased another album on February 8th titled its head. The main character becomes trapped the serial killer. This sparked the interest
“thank u, next.” This album became highly in an alternate universe that is a romantic com- of many people and got much attention on
anticipated after her release of the song of edy and is forced to fall in love in order to get out.
social media. It started many conversa-
the same title. This album is a bit different The movie has some great laughable moments
tions regarding the romanization of the
from Ariana’s usual sound due to the use of and is perfect for people who usually find rom-
more hip-hop and trap inspired instrumen- coms cheesy.
Russian Doll
tals. This album started trending on twitter Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
quickly after its release and the title track hit Russian Doll is a new Netflix original show
Although this movie was released in December
number one on the Billboard Hot 100. created by Natasha Lyonne and Amy
of last year, it is still playing in theaters and peo-
Poehler. Natasha Lyonne plays Nadia,
bury a friend – Billie Eillish Jan 30th ple love it. This is the first time Miles Morales
who on her 36th birthday finds herself in a
Billie Eillish is a new force in the music in- has appeared in a Spider-Man movie. In the
weird situation where she keeps dying and
dustry releasing hit after hit. Her sound movie Miles becomes the Spider-Man in his re-
coming back to life having to relive the
could be described as alternative pop with ality and comes in contact with five other Spider party over and over again. The show ex-
dark undertones. Her newest single titled -Men from different dimensions and they have plores the themes of morality, dealing
“bury a friend” was released on January 30th to come together to stop the universe from fall-
with trauma, and what happens when you
and gradually gained more and more atten- ing apart.
look deep into your own mind. It has dark
tion. The music video has many unique and Glass humor and smart dialogue with an inter-
creepy visuals which made it something that esting plot and great acting. It is definitely
This film became highly anticipated after the
everyone had to talk about. worth checking out
tremendous success of the movie “Split” back in
Sunflower – Post Malone and Swae Lee 2016. Glass was a cross over event which com- The Bachelor Season 23
Singer Swae Lee and rapper Post Malone bined the movies Split and Unbreakable with the
The new season of the popular reality TV
teamed up to make one of the top tracks on introduction of a new character played by Sarah
Show has everyone buzzing on Twitter
the Spider-Man: Into the Spider- Paulson and the return of Samuel L. Jackson.
Monday nights. The Bachelor has been on
Verse soundtrack. The song gained a lot of This film was action packed and had several in-
TV since 2002 but is still going strong. The
attention after the release of the new Spi- teresting twists.
new season came with a surprise consid-
derman movie which came out in December The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part ering the bachelor in question, Colton Un-
of 2018 and is still number 4 on the Billboard derwood, is a virgin. Many people get very
Starring Chris Pratt, this movie was a sequel to
Hot 100 chart. invested in the show and some even make
the first Lego Movie that was released in 2014. It
Shallow – Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper bets on which girl will get the final rose.
is a stop motion film that’s fun for the whole
Released September 27th, 2018 and still holds family. The LEGO DUPLO invaders come to start RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4
the number 1 spot on iTunes. Shallow is the trouble for the citizens of Bricksburg. Batman
Sometimes referred to as the “gay Olym-
main track on the soundtrack of the Oscar even makes an appearance. Will everything stay
pics,” RuPaul’s Drag Race is the reality
nominated film “A Star is Born.” Shallow is awesome? You’ll have to watch to find out.
competition where drag queens compete
an emotional ballad with a powerful climax Happy Death Day 2U against each other to win the crown. Since
performed by Lady Gaga. It gained a lot of the show moved over to VH1 it has reached
Another sequel to a movie that gained much at-
attention online after the release of the film an even bigger audience and trends on
tention back in 2017 is Happy Death Day 2U. In
and kept gaining traction. Lady Gaga and Twitter every Friday night. This season has
this movie the main character is no longer the
Bradley Cooper even won a Grammy and one dying over and over again but she has to been jammed packed and filled with dra-
Golden Globe for the song. help figure out the mystery. Although this ma and stunning fashion.
Dancing with a Stranger - Sam Smith and squeal has gotten lower ratings than the origi-
One Day at a Time
nal, it was a highly anticipated film, You can al-
ways decide for yourself and watch Happy Death The third season of the Netflix original
Another duet on this list, Dancing with a Day 2U in theaters now. show One Day at a Time was released on
Stranger, is everything you want in a modern February 8th. The show has become very
pop song. Sam Smith and Normani delivered
popular due to the relatable nature of the
impressive yet chilled vocals on this track
show and all the important subjects that’s
about getting over an ex-lover. It’s a bit of a
hidden gem but recently started gaining addressed. It’s a family sitcom that re-
more radio play after the release of the mu- volves around a Cuban family. The show
sic video. tells the story of a veteran single mom, a
teenage girl’s journey with coming out,
mental illness, and immigrant stories. It’s
one of those shows that can make you
laugh out loud one minute and make you
tear up in the next.

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