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1. There is a pair dice rolled by Roland into the air. Please determine the probability of:
a. rolling an even number on both dice
b. rolling factors of 3 on second die
c. not rolling factor of 6 on second die
d. rolling an even number on the first die or a total number of 8 in a single throw of two dice
2. Two dice were cast together. Determine (i) the chance of the sum number of dice are 9 or 10;
(ii) the chance for the sum number of both dice appeared to be 4 or 7; (iii) If only a die is
thrown once, the opportunities to get even numbers or numbers greater than 3 are…!
3. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 white balls, and 3 black balls. If the ball picked up at random
without replacement, (i) the chance to get a red or black ball is?; (ii) the chance to
consecutively get white ball and red ball is?; (iii) the chance to get at least 1 red ball in 2
consecutive picking!
4. A dice and a coin are thrown together on the table. Opportunity for the emergence of number
five on dice and tails on coin is?
5. In a group of 30 students, 10 people like math only, 15 people like physics only and 5 people
like both. If one person is selected from the group, determine the chosen opportunity of
student who:
a) like mathematics and physics
b) like math or physics
6. Basket A contains 10 oranges, where 2 oranges are rotten, while in basket B contains 15
apples, 3 of them are rotten. (i) The chance that mother pick all rotten oranges and apples in
5 pick, are? (ii) If mother wants to pick 5 good oranges and 5 good apples, the chance is?
7. In an attempt to throw a coin that was done 120 times, it turned out that the head appeared
50 times. Determine the relative frequency opportunity of (i) head; (ii) tails!
8. Two cards are drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the
cards are both aces or black cards?
9. There are three members who will represent the school in the math competition, chosen
from 5 men and 4 women. What is the possible arrangement if there must be 2 men?
10. There are three members who will represent the school in the math competition, chosen
from 5 men and 4 women. What is the possible arrangement if there must be 2 women?

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