Choose Either The Present Perfect or The Past Simple To Go Into Each Sentence

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Choose either the present perfect or the past simple to go into each


Use contractions where possible but only for negatives: haven't, didn't,

1. 'This is my house.' 'How long have you lived here?' 'I (live)
here since 1997.'

2. He lived in London for two years and then he (go) to


3. When I left school, I cut my hair and (wear) it short ever


4. Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

5. My brother (write) several plays. He has just finished his


6. I (not see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

7. He (not smoke) for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.

8. Chopin (compose) some of his music in Majorca.

9. 'When (he/arrive)?' 'He arrived at 2 o'clock.'

10. I read his books when I was at school. I (enjoy) them very

11. I can't go out because I (not finish) my work yet.

12. 'I (never/drink) whiskey.' 'Well, have some now!'

13. Here are your shoes. I (just/clean) them.

14. I left home at 8.00a.m. and I (get) here at 12.00p.m.

15. I (meet) him last June.

16. (you/see) the moon last night?

17. Cervantes (write) Don Quixote.

18. He (break) his leg in a skiing accident last year.

2.Complete the text. Use the present perfect or the past simple. Don't
use contractions.

Film maker George Richards ( 1 - be) interested in the cinema

since he ( 2 - be) a small child. He ( 3 - make) his
first film when he ( 4 - be) just twelve years old. He is now
almost forty and he ( 5 - make) thirty films. George loves
travelling. His work ( 6 - take) him all over the world.
He ( 7 - be) to Africa, India, Australia, China, the USA and
South America. Last year, he ( 8 - visit) Russia for the first
time. George is married to the singer Kathy Burke. They (9-
be) married for ten years. They live with their two children on the Greek
island of Kos. They ( 10 - buy) a house on the island in 1987
and they ( 11 - live) there since then.
Summary of the video

the video shows the story of a young entrepreneur, that was going through a financial crisis.

The young entrepreneur had an idea when he saw his old house, so he told his father to have his

while they were speaking an idea arose, which was converted into a lodging for tourists from other

but first they had to remodel the old and old house

by remodeling it and having everything ready, the young man started creating wed sites to advertise
his business.

today he manages up to 5 guests per house with ease of transportation and food and lectures
around the world on entrepreneurship

5.questions had the idea of I turned the house into a hostel?

2. When were the 3 questions that your website had?
3. what was your motivation?
4. what is ISO
5. how did you get the idea of the application on cell phones?

the 2 video

The video shows us how to handle the economic vocabulary, gives us some tips to pronounce
adequately and distinguish the terms as exercise as referring to the value of the currency or
currency in a country. normally you will be told money but when we want to talk about the value of a
currency it is called a currency. also talks about the GDP, quarters, physical years, ect. He also
talks about the credit bursts, the great deprencion and the differences between up and down.

1. what is PIB?
2. how the great depression started in use?
3. what is the difference between currency and money?
4. which is the economic recession and that the cause?
5. what is inflation and deflation, and what are your differences?
A. Instrucciones
Mira este video e intenta realizar las actividades B1 y B2.

B1. Actividad
Indica si cada comentario es TRUE (verdadero) o FALSE (falso).
Luego verifica aquí tus respuestas.

1. There is a three-day convention on in Frankfurt.

2. The manager wants to leave on Tuesday morning.
3. He wants to return on Friday night.
4. He is going to sleep at the Lufthansa Hilton.
5. He will fly First Class.
B2. Actividad
Trata de responder estas preguntas sobre el video.
Luego verifica aquí tus respuestas.

1. How long is the convention going to be

2. What does the manager ask his secretary?

3. What flight category is she going to reserve?

4. How is the manager coming back?

En la página siguiente, vuelve a ver el video y revisa la transcripción y

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