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Page 20 • February 28, 2019 • Edmond Life & Leisure

Arledge Associates Q&A

What to do when adding
a partner or a shareholder
By LaDonna Sinning you expand on that?
Arledge & Associ- Once they become an owner, in
ates many ways they will be your peer,
My small business even if they are not a literal peer in
has grown enough ownership percentage. Your employ-
that it’s time to add ees will see them as being your peer
another owner to and it will be difficult to override de-
help manage the cisions made by this new owner if
business as well as they have already been shared with
to retain key person- employees. The public will also see
nel. What should I Sinning the new owner as your peer. Both
consider in doing make unwinding your relationship dif-
that? ficult. Of course, you can force them
First of all, congratulations! You out and buy back their interest, but
have done a great job of building a how will that be perceived by em-
business and are taking the right ap- ployees and customers? It’s best to
proach to retaining a key person. be very sure about bringing in a new
Nothing says I’ll stay engaged like owner and avoid needing to unwind
owning a piece of the business. You a bad situation.
are also right to ask questions and be
thoughtful about increasing the num- Thanks! I’ll slow down this process
ber of owners. It is a big decision and give it more thought. Anything
that is not easily reversed should it else I should consider?
not work out. The overall key is find- You may want to make sure the
ing the right person. new owner’s spouse or significant
Think of it like a marriage that will other, if there is one, is on board
last the rest of your working career. with them becoming an owner. Their
Ask yourself if you would want to be support is often key to ensuring the
in the foxhole with them. Are you new owner can devote the time and
certain they will always make deci- attention that running a business re-
sions in the best interest of the busi- quires.
ness even if that conflicts with their
own best interests? Can you trust LaDonna Sinning is a Certified Pub-
them? Are their ethics and integrity lic Accountant, Certified Fraud Exam-
above question? These questions iner and partner at Arledge and
may sound over-the-top, but they will Associates, PC, an Edmond-based ac-
have a major impact on your liveli-
hood, your legacy, and ultimately,
counting firm. Arledge & Associates,
PC is a recognized leader in the ac-
State gaming industry worth
your life. If those things are in place,
then ask yourself if it is a fit in other
ways. Are your work ethics similar? Is
counting industry offering practical
solutions in the areas of tax planning,
auditing, consulting, accounting advi-
almost $10 billion annually
this person’s business acumen and sory services and client accounting. The Oklahoma casino gaming in- $4.3 billion in wages in the state.
technical skills at an acceptable level The firm added Josh Mullins as a dustry supports more than 75,000 “For nearly three decades, sover-
for an owner? partner this year. The firm is passion- jobs statewide and has an annual eign tribal nations and gaming com-
ate about selecting strong partners to economic impact of $9.8 billion, the panies have been engines of growth
You mentioned that this isn’t a de- continue the firm’s growth. American Gaming Association (AGA) and opportunity in the state of Okla-
cision that is easily reversed. Could announced last week at a Get to homa, creating partnerships with
Know Gaming event hosted in Okla- local organizations, supporting small
New VP of operations named homa City following a previous re-
ception the day before in Tulsa.
businesses and providing good jobs
for workers of all backgrounds,” said
Patricia “Trish” Ingram has eran’s coordinator at the Uni- AGA’s Get to Know Gaming tour Bill Miller, President and chief execu-
been named vice president of versity of Oklahoma. aims to engage local leaders about tive officer of the American Gaming
operations for Daily Living Ingram received both a gaming’s role as a community part- Association. “Today, we’re pleased to
Centers, Inc., the 45-year-old Master of Arts, Gerontology, ner in 40 states across the country. spotlight how the relationships be-
adult day healthcare organi- and a Bachelor of Science in Last week’s roundtable panel at the tween Oklahoma’s tribal nations,
zation that operates four pro- Organizational Leadership Petroleum Club Event Center in- elected officials, small business own-
gram facilities in the from the University of Central cluded members of Congress, Rep. ers and community leaders serve as
metro-Oklahoma City area. Oklahoma. Tom Cole and Rep. Kendra Horn; a model of success for states around
In her new position, Mrs. In- About Daily Living Centers Chickasaw Nation Secretary of Com- the nation.”
gram will have responsibility Ingram Founded in 1974, Daily Liv- merce Bill Lance; Choctaw Nation About AGA: The American Gam-
for overseeing operations in ing Centers, Inc. is the oldest Senior Executive Officer Janie Dil- ing Association is the premier na-
Edmond, south Oklahoma City, and largest adult day healthcare serv- lard; Cherokee Nation Dep. Attorney tional trade group representing the
northeast Oklahoma City and ices program in the state of Okla- General Chrissi Nimmo; and AGA $261 billion U.S. casino industry,
Bethany. homa. The four metro-Oklahoma City President and CEO Bill Miller. Lt. which supports 1.8 million jobs na-
Ingram joined Daily Living Centers, facilities serve 750 participants each Gov. Matt Pinnell moderated the dis- tionwide. AGA members include
Inc. in 2017 after having served as week. Each facility provides frail eld- cussion.  commercial and tribal casino opera-
the executive director of Full Circle erly and disabled persons with door- The event also marked the release tors, gaming suppliers and other enti-
Adult Day Center in Norman, Okla- to-door transportation and a safe of AGA’s latest report, Casinos & ties affiliated with the gaming
homa. She also has served stints as place to go on weekdays, for up to Communities Oklahoma, an in-depth industry. It is the mission of the AGA
the University of Oklahoma Health 10 hours each visit, where they can look at how the gaming industry sup- to achieve sound policies and regula-
Sciences Center as assistant registrar, socialize with others, enjoy nutritious ports local communities. According tions consistent with casino gaming’s
international student advisor, and vet- meals, play games, exercise and have to the research, Oklahoma’s gaming modern appeal and vast economic
erans coordinator; and as the vet- their health monitored. industry supports 75,885 jobs and contributions.

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