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lose/keep your temper - to fail/manage to control your anger

keep an eye on someone or something-

to watch someone or something; to monitor someone or something closely

throw cold water on- To express misgivings about or disapproval of; discourage

off the beaten track and *off the beaten path - Fig. away from the frequently traveled routes.

To be with a Sore head- to be in a bad mood, upset

To be on cloud nine - Fig. very happy.

to be in a black mood- sad; depressed; grouchy; with low spirits

to be in high spirits - a feeling of joy and pride

browned off-greatly annoyed; out of patience; "had anexasperated look on his face"

chin up- raise from a lower to a higher position

without rhyme or reason - Cliché without purpose, order, or reason

down in the dump- (Also, down in the mouth). Discouraged, depressed, or sad

to have it on paper, in writing – to have smth in black and white

to be browned off with sth – to be bored, irritated

to have green fingers- to be good at gardening

out of the blue – suddenly, unexpectedly

to see pink elephants- to be drunk

to show the white feather- to show fear

to feel blue- to be sad and miserable

escape the rat race- a fierce struggle for success, especially in one's career or business

the lion’s share -the biggest part of something

kill two birds with one stone- to achieve two results with one action

make a pig of oneself -Fig. to eat too much, too fast, or noisily; to eat more than one's share

let the cat out of the bag-to let smb’s secret become known
pull a rabbit out of the hat-
to surprise everyone by suddenly doing something that shows a lot of skill, often in order tosolve a proble

take the bull by the horns - Fig. to confront a problem head-on and deal with it openly

pie in the sky

1. Fig. a future reward after death, considered as a replacement for a reward not received onearth.

2. Fig. having to do with a hope for a special reward

castles in the air- . Dreams about future success

tower of strength -
Fig. a person who can always be depended on to provide support and encouragement,especially in times
of trouble

tower of strength-
Fig. a person who can always be depended on to provide support and encouragement,especially in times
of trouble

a straw in the wind - something that shows you what might happen in the future

a storm in a teacup-
a situation where people get very angry or worried about something that is not important

a cog in the machine/wheel- one part of a large system or organization

a thorn in somebody's side- someone or something that continually causes problems

a bit on the side-

if someone has a bit on the side, they are involved in a sexual relationship with someonewho is not their
usual partner

the luck of the draw -

if something is the luck of the draw, it is the result of chance and you have no control over it

a skeleton in cupboard- a shameful or dangerous family secret

Aunt Sally-
Something or someone set up as the object of criticism, derision, or as an easily defeatedopposing

a blot on the landscape -something which looks unpleasant and spoils a pleasant

a blessing in disguise- something that at first appears to be bad or unlucky but is actually good

the apple of someone's eye- a person or thing (that) is greatly loved

black and blue all over- covered with bruises

broke someone’s heart- to grieve or cause to grieve very deeply, espthrough love
give the cold shoulder- neglected; ignored; forgotten.
lump in (one's) throat
A feeling of constriction in the throat caused by emotion.

Jump out of skin- to react strongly to shock or surprise.

Kept head- To remain calm; remain in control of oneself.

Lips are sealed- Used to indicate that one will not disclose a piece of information.

make one's blood boil to cause to be angry or indignant

on (one's) last legs

At the end of one's strength or resources; ready to collapse, fail, or die.

take one's breath away to overwhelm with surprise,

wrong end of the stick- A misunderstanding or distortion

shot in the dark- a very general attempt; a wild guess.

Under the weather- ill, intoxicated, Ailing, also, suffering from a hangover

get some weight off one's feet- Fig. to sit down

take the biscuit to be regarded (by the speaker) as the most surprising thing that couldhave occurred

a drop in the ocean an amount very small in relation to what isneeded or desired

catch at a straw- to pursue even the slightest hope orpossibility out of desperation.

Run for one’s life- Depart as fast as possible, either to escape danger or to reachsomething quickly.

do wonders- To have a beneficial effect:

run a risk (of something)-to take a chance that something (bad) will happen

cats and dogs- (about raining) heavily

dead beat- exhausted

make end meet- manage financially

floaging a dead horse- wasting your time

hit the roof- to became very angry

let the cat out of the bag- told everyone about smth
get butterflies in the stomach-feel nervous

for a song- very cheaply

pig-headed- stubborn

smell a rat – become suspicious

given the sack- dismissed from his job

for donkey’s years- for a long period

got into hot water- got into trouble

hard up- short of money

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