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About Me, Myself & I

Assalamualaikum. Here a little sneak-peek about

myself. Muhammad Syazani Fitri Bin Mustapa was my given name by my lovely and caring

parents. I was born on the 10th December 1994 and it’s was the last year for the Y generation

that was ever born. What can I compare for myself between the description of Y generation

that I’ve already known is I grown up in the old school type of era and I still grow up in this

modern advanced of era where as nowadays people rely more on technologies such as

gadgets and laptops as their personal living needs. I was born and a native son of Teluk

Intan, Perak, whereas people usually called it “TELUK INTAN”, as for me, I’m proudly to call it

“HOME”. I’m the youngest diamond child in my family amongst the other of my two eldest

brothers. I’m currently sitting in the 3rd semester of my studies this year. There’s a few plans

came across my mind as I’m planning to secure a proper job, being thinking to start saving

some funds for down payment of my own house and pay back all the deeds to both of my

parents before I settling in with my future soulmate. I always dreaming that I’m sitting in the

Executive’s chair or CEO of public listed company, as I believe that, nothing is impossible if

we have passion and work really hard to achieve that dream. I do expect what I learned in

this course, should be interpret and implement on my future career when the times come.

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