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Evidence of continuously increasi ng burdens of non-communicable a nd lifesty le-

related diseases can no longer be played down. Ca ncer, diabetes and heart diseases
have become leading ca uses of mortality in our countr y and even worldw ide. The
sustainable development goa ls now include targets in reducing burdens of non-
communica ble diseases. We a re one with the internationa l communit y in more
boldly pushing for advoc acy campa igns and sca led-up progra ms to address risk '
factors associated with non-communica ble diseases,and sustain pursuits for hea lthy
lifesty les. In every opportunity, we w ill address our fellow Filipinos, a nd encourage I. Description of the Diet •

everyone to stop smoking,engage in regular exercises,and eat healthy,wel l-balanced

diets. Your diet is designed to help reduce elevated blood uric
acid level. It is relatively high in carbohydrates and low in fat.
Diseases that can be managed by healthy eating habits a nd well-ba lanced diet affect Ca rbohydrates favor s uric ac id exc retion while fat tends to.favor
all sectors of our society. They do not discri minate between the rich a nd the poor,
uric acid retention.
but the poorest of our fellow Filipinos a re disproportionately deva stated,and further
impoverished by the consequences . Instilling desira ble behaviour for healthy eating
prevents diseases,a nd mitigates the impact of non-communica ble diseases on body
II. Indications for Use
The DOH's Health Facility Development Bureau,together with the Health Promotion
and Communication Service, developed this handout on Low Purine Diet to serve 1. Gout
as guide to our nutritionist-dietitians and other a llied health professionals in giving
thera peutic a nd diet counsel ling services. We a lso hope groups and indiv iduals,who 2. Uric acid stone
are our partners in promoting healthy eating habits, will a lso find this material a
va luable reference in their respective wor k. May allour educationalefforts significantly

3. Hyper uricemia
contribute in bringing to fruition a healthy nation a nd good nutrition to all.

All for Health towards Health for All! •


Secreta ry of H ealth

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