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3&4 Standard
1 Read the article. Match the numbers with the information.

For many periods in history, men and women have 0 4 a When women could run in the Boston
not had the same chances in life. For example, Marathon.
1 16
women have not always been able to vote in
b When women were allowed to
elections. In Spain, women could only vote in 2 19
become astronauts.
1931. In Switzerland, women could not vote in
3 1931
every election until 1991. c The number of hours the first women
The USA is sometimes called the ‘Land of the Free’, 4 1972 took to run the Boston Marathon.
but if you had been a woman there in the 1970s, 5 1974 d The century when the train was
you wouldn’t have been able to have your own invented.
credit card or get a bank loan. Women were only 6 1979
allowed to have one after 1974. This meant that 7 1991 e When women in the USA could own a
most women couldn’t buy expensive things, for credit card.
example a car unless they had the help of a man. f The century when women couldn’t
Men and women are often separated in sport. But play characters in the theatre.
until 1972, women were not allowed take part in the g When women could vote in Spain.
Boston Marathon, also in the USA. That year, Nina
Kuscik, an excellent runner, decided to run in the h When women in Switzerland could
marathon under a fake name. The organisers didn’t vote.
know she was a woman. On the day of the race, 7
many people tried to stop her, but she became the
first woman to finish the marathon, in just over 4 2 Read the article again. Decide if the sentences are
hours. true (T) or false (F).
If you had been a woman in Ancient Greece, 0 Women could not take part in elections
you wouldn’t have been able to take part in the until 1991 in Spain. F
Olympic Games. Only men could play. In fact, the
rules were so strict, women were not even allowed 1 In the USA, women were not allowed to
to watch the Olympics! own a car.
In Shakespeare’s England, in the 16th century, 2 It was difficult for women to borrow money
women could not act on stage. This meant that
in the USA in the1970s.
all the female parts were played by men. Even in
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the character of 3 The first person to run the Boston Marathon
Juliet was played by a boy! was a woman.
Another example is the invention of the train, in
4 Women couldn’t watch the Olympics as
the 19th century. At the time, trains were thought
to be extremely fast, and dangerous for women’s it was a men-only event.
bodies. This might seem funny, but it wasn’t until 5 It was typical for a boy to play female
1979 that NASA let women become astronauts on characters in Shakespeare plays.
their space program.
The fight for women’s rights continues even today, 6 When the train was invented, people
in many countries. But throughout history, women thought it was dangerous for women.
have always demonstrated that they are just as 7 Many women became astronauts in
good as men.
the 1970s.
8 Women have always needed to fight for
their rights.

Think Level 2 Skills Test Unit 12 Standard page 1 of 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018
Name Class Date

3&4 Standard
3 Listen to Sally talking about something called The Imitation Game. Circle the correct answer
for each question.

1 For the game, Sally says you need 6 The Turing Test can find out how intelligent
A two people. A computers are.
B more than two people. B people are.

2 In the game, one player has to decide 7 Sally says that

A who the other players are. A many computers can pass the Turing Test.
B if the other player can write well. B there isn’t a computer that can pass the Turing
Test at the moment.
3 Sally thinks the game
A is easy to play. 8 She thinks that
B isn’t as good as computer games. A computers are becoming more intelligent.
B people don’t like machines.
4 She says that a scientist called Alan Turing
A didn’t like the game.
B thought of a different way to play the game.
5 In the ‘Turing Test’,
A a person plays with one other person and a
B people learn how to use computers for the
first time.

4 Listen again and match the parts of the sentences. There are two extra parts.

0 Sally believes that the ‘imitation game’ a a is simple, but important.

b online.
1 You can’t play the ‘imitation game’
c tell the truth.
2 You can play the game d didn’t help the development of computers.

3 Player C shouldn’t e with only girls or boys.

f will behave like people, in the future.
4 Player A shouldn’t
g know who the other players are.
5 Player C should h ask questions to find out who is the girl and who
is the boy.
6 The ‘imitation game’
i helped the development of computers.
7 Sally thinks that computers j will never be able to do what people can do.

Think Level 2 Skills Test Unit 12 Standard page 2 of 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2018
Name Class Date

3&4 Standard
5 Read the information. Then write an email (100–125 words) to your friend.
• A friend wants to stay at your home next weekend.
• You told your parents about it. You persuaded them to let your friend stay. They said ‘yes’!
• Explain some rules about your home (what your friend is allowed to and not allowed to do).
• Finally, give some easy instructions about how to get to your home.

6 Work in pairs. Choose one of the ideas below (or your own). Then, give your partner instructions.
Use the language in the box to help you.
• How to play your favourite sport / game.
• How to play a funny joke on someone.
• How to make new friends.

Before you start, … Finally, …

First, … So how do you …?
Then, …



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