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History By: Andrea Bean

India sought independence
from Great Britain for many Pakistan is a part of South Asia. It
years. During those years is blessed with a large amount of
the Muslim League of India natural and historical riches.
was trying to establish an
independent Islamic nation.
The Muslim leader was Ali
Jinnah. When the British
agreed to India's
independence and
withdrew in 1947, Pakistan
became a Muslim nation,
with Ali Jinnah as its first
governor-general. In 1956
Pakistan became a
republic. Although the
history of Pakistan as an
independent nation dates
only to 1947, the history of Pakistan is also known as the
the territory it holds dates
Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is
back much further. The
the world’s sixth-most populated
land is home to the famous
Khyber Pass, which is the country with a population of more
route that many invaders than 204 million people. It is the
into India used. Many 36th-largest country in the world
centuries ago a number of in terms of area. It covers
Buddhists also used that 796,095 square km which is
route, so Pakistan today
307,374 square miles.
has many interesting
Buddhist sites as part of its
Culture and Traditions
- Islam is practised by the
majority of Pakistanis and it
Nature governs their personal, political,
Pakistan is one of the most economic, and legal lives.
beautiful places in the world. This
- 97% of the Pakistan community
part of the country is famous
around the world for its sky-high are Muslims.
mountains, lush green valleys, - Muslims are to pray five times a
mighty rivers, beautiful lakes, and
day - at dawn, noon, afternoon,
Industry and Business
amazing wildlife. There are even
many camping sites where tourists sunset, and evening.
can enjoy hiking and camping. - Friday is the Muslim holy day. - The major exports of Pakistan
are textiles, sports goods,
Places in Pakistan: Everything is closed on Fridays.
rice, and agriculture.
- During the holy month of
A few of the geographical places in - Pakistan receives the 67th
Pakistan include Neelam Valley and Ramadan all Muslims must fast ranking out of 223 countries in
Hunza Valley. The Neelam Valley is from dawn to dusk and are only the exports of the world.
a 144 km long bow shaped valley
permitted to work six hours per
in the Azad Kashmir Region. The
Hunza Valley is a mountainous day.
valley in the Gilgit-Baltistan region.

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