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September 15, 2018

___________Scholarship Selection Committee,

As Bryce Hill’s science instructor from seventh grade science through high school chemistry, I can attest
that Bryce Hill is a well deserving ________________Scholarship recipient.

Bryce is motivated to learn and has always had a focus on education that would provide an avenue to
accomplishing his goal of becoming a veterinarian. At an early age he sought out experiences and
classes that would assistance him in achieving his goal through coursework that included doubling up on
sciences such as taking chemistry and physics during the same year. He is inquisitive and seeks out
answers via his own research. I appreciate that Bryce has taken the time and seriousness to read many
of the book recommendations that I have made to him. One such book was Animals in Translation by
Temple Grandin which he applied to livestock judging and showmanship. The book also inspired him to
seek her out on a CSU visit where he was able to meet and have a discussion with her leading to future

Bryce’s extracurricular activities have required much time away from school which increased the
responsibility of planning and organizing on his behalf to remain caught up in classes. I appreciated him
giving me advance notice of his absences and being able to complete the tasks when he returned.

Bryce’s real world experiences benefits the whole class. When discussing genetics in biology, Bryce
brought in bull progeny catalogues and then explained to the class the information. Working with his
father who is in the artificial insemination industry has allowed Bryce to be at the forefront of
technology and application in the field, and he has even achieved his A.I. certification at the young age
of 14.

Responsibility and maturity are a constant for Bryce as demonstrated by his resume. He has taken on
large roles through 4-H where he is currently the Colorado state vice president. Through 4-H, he has
experienced leadership at the national level by attending conferences in Washington D.C.. During
national conference, he presented at the Department of Energy on the topic of biofuel, more specifically
liquid hydrogen.

Bryce Hill is a motivated, well-directed, and deserving student who will continue to have many
accomplishments in the future which makes him the ideal _________Scholarship recipient.


David Monheiser
Science Instructor
Caliche Jr/Sr High School

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