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Our Investment attitude

This write-up looks at the

diversion of investments in the
stock market to the housing
sector and how investors have
failed to learn simple lessons.

Jolaolu Fakoya
Most times I wonder where fundamentals disappeared to. The Housing sector
In this part of our world, we often fail to understand that Just because the river is quiet doesn’t mean the crocodiles have left
there are fundamentals behind some basic things around us
The Housing sector is rocked with inflation. There is also
– finance as in this case.
the unnecessary hype that follows. Property valuation
We leave our financial thoughts unguided and our financial especially buildings is based on expected income from
decisions uncultured. rents, good roads, proximity to financial hubs, effective
drainage system and so on.
In this publication, I highlight the irrational behavior of
investors vis-à-vis stock market and the real sector in However, in this part of the world, the prices of these
Nigeria. properties are baseless and lack fundamentals.

The major problem I see is Greed. When anything is in the The CBN hopes to stimulate the economy back to recovery
boom, people rush for it blindly. What are the objectives in and continuously releases policies on demand-side, hence
investment? Also, the stockbrokers who are supposed to encouraging spending. Attention has thus shifted to this
provide expert investment advice have basically automated sector of the economy.
their duties to buy and sell functions. But I must state that
Demand in this sector is on the rise as more and more
anything that lacks fundamentals must surely plunge. We
people move into Lagos on a daily basis. When, however,
are all well aware of prominent examples like the
the city can no longer contain such influx of people,
“Wonderbanks” and “Networking”.
concentration should shift to other unexplored areas of the
The Stock Market region and its outskirts as it is already predominating in
By definition, risk takers often fail. So do morons. In reality, it is areas like Mowe, Ibafo, Ikorodu, Meran etc. Given good
often difficult to sort them out. road network, these new settlement would extend to Ogun
state, Oyo state and diversification to such areas would
The stock market is another money making centre that
reduce concentration in Lagos and hence push down
gained its peak popularity some years back. The stock demand.
market is like a double-edged sword in its operations –
although does not necessarily imply a zero-sum game. Hence, values of such properties would fall. We would
start to see companies deplete their fixed assets revaluation
The Nigeria Stock market doesn’t work entirely on basic
reserves, the actual value of mortgages would exceed the
principles and fundamentals such as law of demand and underlying assets, financial institutions would declare non-
supply, risk/reward trade off, and share price valuation. performing loans, there would be financial strain and
Instead, the institution is rocked by sharp practices,
spending would be cut back and all other domino effects
deliberate price manipulations for political reasons and all
that would follow.
sorts, there by altering the natural cause of movements.
I am not Paul the Octopus and not predicting another
Banks also swept their credit risk management knowledge round of recession but I hope to put a question in your
and expertise under the carpet and gave out more loans to minds - be you an individual investor, a corporate investor,
facilitate purchase of over-priced stocks. or Fund manager, what are your objectives in investing?
Unfortunately, the market crashed. For whatever reason it Before you invest, endeavor to research, talk to industry
crashed, be it domino effect from similar crashes around experts and your financial advisers.
the world or as a result of recession, it has returned to
basics. There is a prospect for it to pick up as some
investors believe it is a correction phase, but we should
now be wary that the stock market is not a stream.

However, with the recent surge of properties prices, it is

evident that we are yet to learn our lessons.

Jolaolu is a specialist in Actuarial matters especially in the areas of Pension & Employee Benefits
and Insurance. He is a Member of the Institute of Actuaries, UK
Comments, suggestions and topics are welcomed.

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