Order For Farewell and Thanksgiving For Pastor

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ORDER FOR FAREWELL AND THANKSGIVING walked in Christ’s unfading light, and we have lived with one another

light, and we have lived with one another in the

gospel. The Holy Spirit brought us together for a time, and I shall not soon
The following order is intended to be used at the chief service of the congregation, on
forget you.
or near the last day of the departing minister. The order replaces the Benediction
and Dismissal. Leader: The Lord be with you.
Leader: My dear brothers and sisters in Christ : In the book of Ecclesiastics, C: And also with you.
the preacher writes: Leader: Let us pray for Pastor {N.} and give thanks for our life together.
“For everything there is a season, Eternal God, we thank you for {N.}, and for our life together in this
and a time for every matter under heaven: congregation and community. You have led him/her by the Holy Spirit to
a time to be born, and a time to die; serve your people in this place, to build up your Church, and to glorify your
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; name. We have labored in common for the sake of the gospel. Together we
a time to kill, and a time to heal; have studied your Word, been nourished at your table, lifted our voices in
a time to break down, and a time to build up; prayer and praise, sought your comfort and guidance, witnessed to your deeds
a time to weep, and a time to laugh; of love and mercy in our work, and been renewed by the gift of the Holy
a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Spirit.
a time to throw away stones, In thanksgiving, we praise you for raising up faithful servants among us for
and a time to gather stones together; the ministry of your Church. And we pray that {N.} may continue to
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; exemplify in word and deed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Grant that with
a time to seek, and a time to lose…” him/her we may continue to serve you in the Church on earth and be brought
to rejoice in your kingdom forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our pastor, {N. N.}, led by the Spirit, is leaving us to follow God’s call.
C: Amen.
The time has come, therefore, to mark the ending of his/her {# years} of
ministry here at {N. Parish/N. Lutheran Church}. God has blessed us with The departing minister addresses the congregation.
his/her faithful service as our co-worker in Christ, our counselor, teacher, Pastor: Scripture tells us that ending are only new beginnings, therefore, let us
companion, and most of all, our pastor. With a mixture of joy and sadness, go forth, doing God’s will in our respective places, for the sake of the gospel
we give thanks to God for our time together and mark the ending of his/her of Christ. As you have been a blessing to me, so also may you be a blessing to
ministry with us. others.
The congregation addresses the departing minister. C: As God’s faithful people, let us each serve as we are called to do.
Congregation: {N.}, we called you to be our pastor, to proclaim God’s Let us strive for righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance,
Word, to baptize new members into the Church of Jesus Christ, to and gentleness, giving and receiving comfort as we serve within the
announce God’s forgiveness to us, and to preside at our celebrations Church.
of the Lord’s Supper. With the Gospel you have comforted us in Pastor: The God peace—who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus
times of sickness and trouble, and at the death of our loved ones. Christ, the great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting
Sharing our joys and sorrows, you {and N. (spouse)} have been covenant-—make you perfect in every good work to do God’s will, working in
important to our life together in the Church of Jesus Christ and in you that which is well pleasing in His sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to
our service to the community. whom be honor and glory forever and ever.
The departing pastor addresses the congregation. C: Amen.
The congregation addresses the departing minister.
Pastor {N.}: People of God, you called me to serve in this place. Now God
has seen fit to lead me elsewhere, bearing witness to what we have gathered C: God’s blessing go with you to guide and equip you and give you
weekly to celebrate. I am thankful for the time God has given us together. I peace.
have known your love and patience. In Christ’s name, you have ministered P: Amen.
to me as I have to you; you have been my teachers as I have sought to be
yours; you have forgiven me as I have forgiven you. Side by side we have
(This Order for Farewell and Thanksgiving has its beginnings in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA and
should be considered a liturgical work in progress. Comment and suggestion should be directed to the
Music and Worship Ministry Team of the Allegheny Synod.)

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