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EN BANC the City Prosecutor of Cebu City for the filing of the
[G.R. No. 122274. July 31, 1996] necessary information against the petitioner. This
resolution was approved by the Deputy Ombudsman-
SUSAN V. LLENES, petitioner, vs. HON. ISAIAS P. Visayas.
DICDICAN, Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court of
Cebu, Branch 11, HON. AMADO B. BAJARIAS, SR., On 28 March 1994, the City Prosecutor of Cebu City
Presiding Judge, Municipal Trial Court, Branch 7, and filed with the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) in Cebu
VIVIAN G. GINETE, respondents. City an information[4] for grave oral defamation against
DECISION the petitioner. This was docketed as Criminal Case No.
DAVIDE, JR., J.: 35684-R and assigned to Branch 7 thereof.

The key issue raised in this special civil action for On 30 May 1994, the petitioner filed a motion to
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is whether quash[5] the information on the ground that the
the filing with the Office of the Ombudsman of a "criminal action or liability" has been extinguished. She
complaint against a government official for grave oral contended that under Article 90 of the Revised Penal
defamation interrupts the period of prescription of such Code, the offense of grave oral defamation prescribes in
offense. months and that since the information was filed only on
28 March 1994, or 186 days or 6 months and 6 days
We find this issue to be important enough to merit our after its alleged commission, the crime had then already
attention. We thus resolved to give due course to the prescribed. In support thereof, she cited the decision in
petition, consider the private respondent's comment on "Zalderia[6] vs. Reyes, Jr., G.R. No. 102342, July 3,
the petition[1] as the answer thereto, and decide it on the 1992, 211 SCRA 277," wherein this Court ruled that the
basis of the pleadings which have sufficiently discussed filing of an information at the fiscal's office will not stop
the issue. the running of the prescriptive period for crimes.

The factual and procedural antecedents are not disputed. In her opposition,[7] the private respondent cited
Section 1, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court which
On 13 October 1993, private respondent Vivian G. provides, inter alia, that for offenses not subject to the
Ginete, then officer-in-charge of the Physical Education rule on summary procedure in special cases and which
and School Sports (PESS) Division of the Regional fall within the jurisdiction of Municipal Trial Courts and
Office of Region VII in Cebu City of the Department of Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, the filing of the
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), filed with the complaint directly with the said court or with the fiscal's
Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas office interrupts the period of prescription of the offense
(hereinafter Ombudsman-Visayas) a complaint for grave charged. The filing of the complaint by the private
oral defamation[2] allegedly committed on 23 respondent with the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman-
September 1993 by petitioner Susan V. Llenes, an Visayas was equivalent to the filing of a complaint with
Education Supervisor II of the same Regional Office. the fiscal's (now prosecutor's) office under said Section
1 pursuant to its powers under Section 15(1) of R.A. No.
The petitioner was required to file a counter-affidavit 6770, otherwise known as the Ombudsman Act of 1989.
pursuant to Administrative Order No. 7 of the Office of The private respondent further claimed that Zaldivia is
the Ombudsman, but she failed to do so. inapplicable because it involves an offense covered by
the rule on summary procedure and it explicitly stated
In his resolution of 15 March 1994,[3] Antonio B. Yap, that Section 1 of Rule 110 excludes cases covered by the
Graft Investigation Officer I of the said office, Rule on Summary Procedure.
recommended that the case be indorsed to the Office of

The Municipal Trial Court, per public respondent Judge wherein she reiterates the arguments she adduced before
Bajarias, denied the motion to quash in the order of 18 the two courts below. The private respondent likewise
July 1994.[8] It fully agreed with the stand of the private did nothing more in her responsive pleading than
respondent. reiterate what she had raised before the said courts.

Her motion to reconsider[9] the above order having been The basic substantive laws on prescription of offenses
denied on 29 November 1994,[10] the petitioner filed are Articles 90 and 91 of the Revised Penal Code for
with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu a special offenses punished thereunder, and Act No. 3326, as
civil action for certiorari,[11] which was docketed amended, for those penalized by special laws. Under
therein as Civil Case No. CEB-16988. The case was Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, the crime of grave
assigned to Branch 11. oral defamation, which is the subject of the information
in Criminal Case No. 35684-R of the MTC of Cebu,
In its decision of 3 July 1995,[12] the RTC, per public prescribes in 6 months. Since Article 13 of the Civil
respondent Judge Isaias P. Dicdican, affirmed the Code provides that when the law speaks of months it
challenged orders of Judge Bajarias of 18 July 1994 and shall be understood to be of 30 days, then grave oral
29 November 1994. It ruled that the order denying the defamation prescribes in 180 days.[17] Article 91 of the
motion to quash is interlocutory and that the petitioner's Revised Penal Code provides:
remedy, per Acharon vs. Purisima,[13] reiterated in
People vs. Bans,[14] was to go to trial without prejudice ART. 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. The
on her part to reiterate the special defense she had period of prescription shall commence to run from the
invoked in her motion to quash and, if after trial on the day on which the crime is discovered by the offended
merits an adverse decision is rendered, to appeal party, the authorities, or their agents, and shall be
therefrom in the manner authorized by law. Besides, the interrupted by the filing of the complaint or information,
petitioner has not satisfactorily and convincingly shown and shall commence to run again when such proceedings
that Judge Bajarias has acted with grave abuse of terminate without the accused being convicted or
discretion in issuing the orders considering that the acquitted, or are unjustifiably stopped for any reason not
ground invoked by her does not appear to be imputable to him.
indubitable. And even assuming that the MTC erred in
venturing an opinion that the filing of the complaint The term of prescription shall not run when the offender
with the Office of the Ombudsman is equivalent to the is absent from the Philippine Archipelago.
filing of a complaint with the fiscal's office, such error is
merely one of judgment. For, there is no decided case on In the instant case, the alleged defamatory words were
the matter, and the substantive laws have not clearly directly uttered in the presence of the offended party on
stated as to what bodies or agencies of government 23 September 1993. Hence, the prescriptive period for
should complaints or informations be filed in order that the offense started to run on that date.
the period of prescription of crimes or offenses should
be considered interrupted. Article 91 of the Revised The matter of interruption of the prescriptive period due
Penal Code simply states that the prescriptive period to the filing of the complaint or information had been
shall be interrupted by the "filing of the complaint or the subject of conflicting decisions of this Court. In
information" and has not specified further where such People vs. Tayco,[18] People vs. Del Rosario,[19] and
complaint or information should be filed. People vs. Coquia,[20] this Court held that it is the filing
of the complaint or information with the proper court,
Since the Regional Trial Court denied her motion to viz., the court having jurisdiction over the crime, which
reconsider[15] the decision in the order of 23 August interrupts the running of the period of prescription. On
1995,[16] the petitioner filed this special civil action the other hand, in the first case of People vs. Olarte,[21]

a case for libel, this Court held that the filing of the action on the merits. Second, even if the court where the
complaint with the justice of the peace court even for complaint or information is filed may only proceed to
preliminary investigation purposes only interrupts the investigate the case, its actuations already represent the
running of the statute of limitations. initial step of the proceedings against the offender.
Third, it is unjust to deprive the injured party of the right
However, the decision of 28 February 1967 of this Court to obtain vindication on account of delays that are not
in the second case of People vs. Olarte[22] resolved under his control. All that the victim of the offense may
once and for all what should be the doctrine, viz., that do on his part to initiate the prosecution is to file the
the filing of the complaint with the municipal trial court requisite complaint.
even for purposes of preliminary investigation only
suspends the running of the prescriptive period. Thus: And it is no argument that Article 91 also expresses that
the interrupted prescription "shall commence to run
Analysis of the precedents on the issue of prescription again when such proceedings terminate without the
discloses that there are two lines of decisions following accused being convicted or acquitted," thereby
differing criteria in determining whether prescription of indicating that the court in which the complaint or
crimes has been interrupted. One line of precedents information is filed must have power to acquit or convict
holds that the filing of the complaint with the justice of the accused. Precisely, the trial on the merits usually
the peace (now municipal judge) does interrupt the terminates in conviction or acquittal, not otherwise. But
course of the prescriptive term: People vs. Olarte, it is in the court conducting a preliminary investigation
L-13027, June 30, 1960 and cases cited therein; People where the proceedings may terminate without conviction
vs. Uba, L-13106, October 16, 1959; People vs. Aquino, or acquittal, if the court should discharge the accused
68 Phil. 588, 590. Another series of decisions declares because no prima facie case has been shown.
that to produce interruption the complaint or information
must have been filed in the proper court that has Considering the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby
jurisdiction to try the case on its merits: People vs. Del overrules the doctrine of the cases of People vs. Del
Rosario, L-15140, December 29, 1960; People vs. Rosario, L-15140, December 29, 1960; and People vs.
Coquia, L-15456, June 29, 1963. Coquia, L-15456, promulgated June 29, 1963.

In view of this diversity of precedents, and in order to Then, in its decision of 30 May 1983 in Francisco vs.
provide guidance for Bench and Bar, this Court has Court of Appeals,[23] this Court not only reiterated
reexamined the question and, after mature consideration, Olarte of 1967 but also broadened its scope by holding
has arrived at the conclusion that the true doctrine is, that the filing of the complaint in the fiscal's office for
and should be, the one established by the decisions preliminary investigation also suspends the running of
holding that the filing of the complaint in the Municipal the prescriptive period. Thus:
Court, even if it be merely for purposes of preliminary
examination or investigation, should, and does, interrupt Article 91 of the Revised Penal Code provides that . . . .
the period of prescription of the criminal responsibility,
even if the court where the complaint or information is Interpreting the foregoing provision, this Court in
filed cannot try the case on its merits. Several reasons People vs. Tayco held that the complaint or information
buttress this conclusion: First, the text of Article 91 of referred to in Article 91 is that which is filed in the
the Revised Penal Code, in declaring that the period of proper court and not the denuncia or accusation lodged
prescription "shall be interrupted by the filing of the by the offended party in the Fiscal's Office. This is so,
complaint or information" without distinguishing according to the court, because under this rule it is so
whether the complaint is filed in the court for provided that the period shall commence to run again
preliminary examination or investigation merely, or for when the proceedings initiated by the filing of the

complaint or information terminate without the accused preliminary investigation. In the case of provincial
being convicted or acquitted, adding that the fiscals, besides being empowered like municipal judges
proceedings in the Office of the Fiscal cannot end there to conduct preliminary investigations, they may even
in the acquittal or conviction of the accused. reverse actions of municipal judges with respect to
charges triable by Courts of First Instance x x x.
The basis of the doctrine in the Tayco case, however,
was disregarded by this Court in the Olarte case, cited Clearly, therefore, the filing of the denuncia or
by the Solicitor General. It should be recalled that before complaint for intriguing against honor by the offended
the Olarte case, there was diversity of precedents on the party, later changed by the Fiscal to grave oral
issue of prescription. One view declares that the filing of defamation, even if it were in the Fiscal's Office, 39
the complaint with the justice of the peace (or municipal days after the alleged defamatory remarks were
judge) does interrupt the course of prescriptive term. committed (or discovered) by the accused interrupts the
This view is found-in People v. Olarte, L-13027, June period of prescription. (Italics supplied)
30, 1960 and cases cited therein; People v. Uba,
L-13106, October 16, 1959; People v. Aquino, 68 Phil. This Court reiterated Francisco in its resolution of 1
588, 590. The other pronouncement is that to produce October 1993 in Calderon-Bargas vs. Regional Trial
interruption, the complainant or information must have Court of Pasig, Metro Manila.[24]
been filed in the proper court that has jurisdiction to try
the case on its merits, found in the cases of People v. del The procedural law articulating Francisco is the last
Rosario, L-15140, December 29, 1960; People v. paragraph of Section 1, Rule 110 (Prosecution of
Coquia, L-15456, June 29, 1963. Offenses) of the Rules of Court. We quote the entire
Section for a better understanding of the last paragraph:
The Olarte case set at rest the conflict views, and
enunciated the doctrine aforecited by the Solicitor SEC. 1. How instituted. For offenses not subject to the
General. The reasons for the doctrine which We find rule on summary procedure in special cases, the
applicable to the case at bar read: institution of criminal actions shall be as follows:

xxx xxx xxx (a) For offenses falling under the jurisdiction of the
Regional Trial Courts, by filing the complaint with the
As is a well-known fact, like the proceedings in the appropriate officer for the purpose of conducting the
court conducting a preliminary investigation, a requisite preliminary investigation therein;
proceeding in the Fiscal's Office may terminate without
conviction or acquittal. (b) For offenses falling under the jurisdiction of the
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial
As Justice Claudio Teehankee has observed: Courts, by filing the complaint or information directly
with the said courts, or a complaint with the fiscal's
To the writer's mind, these reasons logically call with office. However, in Metropolitan Manila and other
equal force, for the express overruling also of the chartered cities, the complaint may be filed only with
doctrine in People vs. Tayco, 73 Phil. 509, (1941) that the office of the fiscal.
the filing of a complaint or denuncia by the offended
party with the City Fiscal's Office which is required by In all cases, such institution shall interrupt the period of
law to conduct the preliminary investigation does not prescription of the offense charged. (Italics supplied)
interrupt the period of prescription. In chartered cities,
criminal prosecution is generally initiated by the filing The rule, however, is entirely different under Act No.
of the complaint or denuncia with the city fiscal for 3326, as amended, whose Section 2 explicitly provides

that the period of prescription shall be interrupted by the Sections 12 and 13(1), Article XI of the Constitution
institution of judicial proceedings, i.e., the filing of the provide:
complaint or information with the court. The said
section reads: SEC. 12. The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as
protectors of the people, shall act promptly on
SEC. 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the day of complaints filed in any form or manner against public
the commission of the violation of the law, and if the officials or employees of the Government, or any
same be not known at the time, from the discovery subdivision or instrumentality thereof, including
thereof and the institution of judicial proceedings for its government-owned or controlled corporations, and shall,
investigation and punishment. in appropriate cases, notify the complainants of the
action taken and the result thereof.
The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings
are instituted against the guilty person, and shall begin SEC. 13. The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the
to run again if the proceedings are dismissed for reasons following powers, functions, and duties:
not constituting double jeopardy. (Italics supplied)
1. Investigate on its own, or on complaint by any person,
And so, in Zaldivia vs. Reyes,[25] this Court held that any act or omission of any public official, employee,
the proceedings referred to in said Section 2 are "judicial office or agency, when such act or omission appears to
proceedings," which means the filing of the complaint or be illegal, unjust, improper, or inefficient.
information with the proper court.
Corollarily, Sections 13, 15(1), and 16 of R.A. No. 6770,
Zaldivia, however, provides no safe refuge to the otherwise known as The Ombudsman Act of 1989,
petitioner, and her invocation thereof is misplaced. In which Congress enacted pursuant to paragraph 8[26] of
the first place, it involved a violation of an ordinance, the aforementioned Section 13, Article XI of the
which is covered by the Rule on Summary Procedure. Constitution, provide as follows:
By its express mandate, Section 1, Rule 110 of the Rules
of Court does not apply to cases covered by the Rule on SEC. 13. Mandate. The Ombudsman and his Deputies,
Summary Procedure. Second, since the ordinance in as protectors of the people, shall act promptly on
question partakes of a special penal statute Act No. 3326 complaints filed in any form or manner against officers
is then applicable; hence, it is the filing in the proper or employees of the Government, or of any subdivision,
court of the complaint or information which suspends agency or instrumentality thereof, including
the running of the period of prescription. In Zaldivia, government-owned or controlled corporations, and
this Court categorically interpreted Section 9 of the Rule enforce their administrative, civil and criminal liability
on Summary Procedure to mean that "the running of the in every case where the evidence warrants in order to
prescriptive period shall be halted on the date the case is promote efficient service by the Government to the
actually filed in court and not on any date before that," people.
which is in consonance with Section 2 of Act No. 3326.
xxx xxx xxx
What is then left to be determined is whether the filing
of the private respondent's complaint for grave oral SEC. 15. Powers, Functions and Duties. The Office of
defamation with the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas the Ombudsman shall have the following powers,
is equivalent to filing the complaint in the prosecutor's functions and duties:
office such that it interrupted the prescriptive period for
grave oral defamation. 1. Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint
by any person, any act or omission of any public officer

or employee, office or agency, when such act or It must, however, be stressed that the authority of the
omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or Ombudsman to investigate any illegal act or omission of
inefficient. It has primary jurisdiction over cases any public officer is not an exclusive authority; rather, it
cognizable by the Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of is a "shared or concurrent authority in respect of the
this primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any stage offense charged."[28]
from any investigatory agency of the Government, the
investigation of such cases. A public officer, as distinguished from a government
"employee," is a person whose duties involve the
SEC. 16. Applicability. The provisions of this Act shall exercise of discretion in the performance of the
apply to all kinds of malfeasance, misfeasance, and functions of government.[29] The petitioner, being an
nonfeasance that have been committed by any officer or Education Supervisor II of the Regional Office of
employee as mentioned in Section 13 hereof, during his Region VII of the DECS, is a public officer. The
tenure in office. Ombudsman-Visayas then has authority to conduct
preliminary investigation of the private respondent's
Needless to state, these broad constitutional and complaint against the petitioner for grave oral
statutory provisions vest upon the Ombudsman and his defamation. Undoubtedly, the rationale of the first Olarte
Deputies the power to initiate or conduct preliminary case, reiterated as the controlling doctrine in the second
investigations in criminal cases filed against public Olarte case, which was broadened in Francisco and
officers or employees, including government-owned or reiterated in Calderon-Bargas, must apply to complaints
controlled corporations. Thus, in Deloso vs. Domingo, filed with the Office of the Ombudsman against public
[27] this Court held: officers and employees for purposes of preliminary
investigation. Accordingly, the filing of the private
As protector of the people, the office of the Ombudsman respondent's complaint for grave oral defamation against
has the power, function and duty "to act promptly on the petitioner with the Ombudsman-Visayas tolled the
complaints filed in any form or manner against public running of the period of prescription of the said offense.
officials" (Sec. 12) and to "investigate x x x any act or Since the complaint was filed on 13 October 1993, or
omission of any public official x x x when such act or barely twenty days from the commission of the crime
omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or charged, the filing then of the information on 28 March
inefficient." (Sec. 13[1]) The Ombudsman is also 1994 was very well within the six-month prescriptive
empowered to "direct the officer concerned," in this case period.
the Special Prosecutor, "to take appropriate action
against a public official x x x and to recommend his WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED for
prosecution" (Sec. 13[3]). want of merit.

The clause "any [illegal] act or omission of any public No pronouncement as to costs.
official" is broad enough to embrace any crime
committed by a public official. The law does not qualify SO ORDERED.
the nature of the illegal act or omission of the public
official or employee that the Ombudsman may Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Regalado, Romero, Melo, Puno,
investigate. It does not require that the act or omission Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Francisco, Hermosisima, Jr.,
be related to or be connected with or arise from, the Panganiban, and Torres, Jr., JJ., concur.
performance of official duty. Since the law does not Bellosillo, J., on leave.
distinguish, neither should we.
[1] Erroneously captioned as "Reply to Petition."

[2] Annex "A" of Petition; Rollo, 26. The complaint is [23] 122 SCRA 538 [1983].
dated 30 September 1993.
[24] 227 SCRA 56, 63 [1993].
[3] Annex "C", Id.; Id., 30.
[25] 211 SCRA 277, 283-84 [1992].
[4] Annex "D", Id.; Id., 33.
[26] It provides:
[5] Annex "E" of Petition: Rollo, 35.
(8) Promulgate its rules of procedure and exercise such
[6] Should be Zaldivia. other powers or perform such functions or duties as may
be provided by law.
[7] Annex "F" of Petition; Rollo, 38.
[27] 191 SCRA 545, 550 [1990].
[8] Annex "G" of Petition; Rollo, 44.
[28] Aguinaldo vs. Domagas, G.R. No. 98452, 26
[9] Annex "H", Id.; Id., 46. September 1991; Sanchez vs. Demetriou, 227 SCRA
627, 637 [1993].
[10] Annex "I", Id.; Id., 50.
[29] Section 2, Introductory Provisions, Administrative
[11] Annex "J", Id.; Id., 51. Code of 1987 (E.O. No. 292).

[12] Annex "K", Id.; Id., 63.

[13] 13 SCRA 309 [1965].

[14] 239 SCRA 48 [1994].

[15] Annex "L" of Petition; Rollo, 67.

[16] Annex "M", Id.; Id., 74.

[17] See People vs. Paz del Rosario, 97 Phil. 67 [1955].

[18] 73 Phil. 509 [1941].

[19] 110 Phil. 476 [1960].

[20] 8 SCRA 349 [1963].

[21] 108 Phil. 756 [1960], citing U.S. vs. Lazada, 9 Phil.
509 [1908]; People vs. Joson, 46 Phil. 380 [1924];
People vs. Parao, 52 Phil. 712 [1929].

[22] 19 SCRA 494, 499-501 [1967].


G.R. No. 100283 August 25, 1994 CONTRARY TO LAW.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. The case was docketed as Criminal Case No. 2393
LEOPOLDO TAYCO, Accused-Appellant. before the Regional Trial Court (Branch VII) of Kalibo,
Aklan. After his arraignment on July 6, 1987, accused
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. pleaded not guilty 2and was tried.
Cyril A. Tagle for accused-appellant.
The essential facts, as stated in the assailed trial court
PUNO, J.: Decision, dated February 28, 1991, are as follows:

In an Information, 1dated November 27, 1986, accused The offended party Jelly Inocencio was, at the time of
LEOPOLDO TAYCO was charged with the crime of the incident, a 16 year old high school student. She was
RAPE, allegedly committed as follows: residing with her parents at Buswang Old, Kalibo,
Aklan. The uncontradicted facts disclose that in the early
That on or about the 13th day of September, 1986, in the evening of September 13, 1986, the accused Leopoldo
evening, in Barangay Buswang Old, Municipality of Tayco, with his friends Rey Ismael and Jimmy Inisa,
Kalibo, Province of Aklan, Republic of the Philippines, arrived at the girl's house, bringing (with them) a native
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the drink known as tuba. While they were drinking . . ., they
above-named accused, while armed with a knife, with were entertained by Jelly and her parents Juanito and
lewd designs and by means of violence and intimidation, Sherlita Inocencio, sisters Joela and Jelsen (sic), and
did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, Joela's common-law husband, Joni Inisa, who was the
have carnal knowledge of said JELLY INOCENCIO, (sic) brother of Jimmy. The rest of the people in the
against her will and without her consent, thereby causing house were small children aged 12 to 3 (years old). . . . .
upon the latter physical injuries, as follows: The complainant and her mother testified that Juanito
suffered an attack of asthma, compelling Sherlita to go
Presence of 3 linear abrasions right, out to buy medicines. Sherlita said she left the house at
thigh middle 3rd, medial side. 9:00 P.M. Ten minutes after her mother (had) left, Jelly
went out of the kitchen and urinated. She pulled up her
Presence of redness inner portion of the pants and was fastening its hook when she was accosted
left labia minora and region of the by the accused with a drawn knife. He held her left arm
fourchet. and led her to the coconut grove more than 50 meters
away (from their house) and raped her. The accused then
Hymenal tear 3:00; 7:00 & 9:00 o'clock left the scene, while she proceeded to her grandparents'
positions but no bleeding noted. house, afraid that Leopoldo and his companions might
still be around. Sherlita returned home at about 11:00
As per Medico-Legal Report on Physical Injuries signed P.M., and saw that Leopoldo and her daughter Jelly were
by Dr. Velvet C. Diangson, Senior Resident Physician of not in the house. Leopoldo's companions went home,
Dr. Rafael S. Tumbokon Memorial Hospital, Kalibo, while she retired for the night. At about 4 o'clock the
Aklan, hereto attached and forming an integral part following morning, she went to her parents' house and
hereof. found Jelly with them. (emphasis ours)

That as a result of the criminal acts of the herein The accused Leopoldo Tayco testified, on the other
accused, the offended party suffered damages in the hand, that when he left at 9 PM (sic), Jelly and her
amount of Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00) Pesos. mother were still in the sala, while the father, Juanito,
had gone upstairs to take medicines. Leopoldo asked

permission to leave from Sherlita, went home directly, one-half meter wide and eight feet in height. 4The
and slept. Rey Ismael testified that after Leopoldo clothes worn by the victim the night she was molested,
departed, Jelly and her mother went upstairs, leaving i.e., her soiled pants and blouse; torn panty; 5and the
them in the sala with Joela's husband Joni. They went knife 6left behind by accused, were submitted to him.
home about 30 minutes later but before leaving, Joela
came to them murmuring that Jelly was not in the house. The defense presented witnesses 7to show that the
Jimmy Inisa was equivocal. He said that Jelly and her victim is of loose moral character. Witness Conrado
mother were in the sala when they left, but (when) Tayco testified that the victim and her boyfriend, a
confronted by (sic) his affidavit, (he) admitted that Jelly certain Boboy, had coitus in the evening of July 28,
left the sala about 10 minutes after Leopoldo went out, 1986. 8On October 10, 1986, he also saw Jelly and a
and (she) did not return. Leopoldo said that at about certain "Toto" embracing each other in a cassava farm. 9
midnight, he was awakened by the arrival of Joela and
Joni who were looking for Jelly. He told them that she After trial, accused was found guilty of rape. He was
was not with him. sentenced to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, to
pay the offended party thirty thousand pesos
The physical examination to which the offended party (P30,000.00), as civil indemnity, and to pay the costs.
was subjected in the morning of September 14, 1986, Hence, the appeal.
disclosed incontrovertibly that a man had a (sic) carnal
knowledge of her the night before. Spermatozoa, or These are the assigned errors:
male sex cells, were found in the vagina of the girl (Exh.
A). The doctor who made the examination affirmed that I
the life span of spermatozoa inside the vagina can
extend up to 36 hours. There is no question that a man THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN GIVING
had gained access to the offended party in the night of CREDENCE TO THE TESTIMONY OF THE
In the afternoon of September 15, 1986, Sherlita,
Juanito, Jelly and her sister, Joselle, went to the house of II
Crestito Tayco, elder brother of the accused. Later,
accused and his parents were summoned to got to THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT FINDING
Crestito's house. According to Leopoldo, a confrontation THAT THE CASE WAS FILED TO FORCE THE
ensued and the parents of the victim wanted him to ACCUSED-APPELLANT TO MARRY THE
marry their daughter, saying: "If you will not marry her, COMPLAINANT.
something will happen to you." 3He refused and denied
the accusation of rape. In the afternoon of September 15, We affirm the judgment of conviction.
1986, another confrontation took place in the house of
policeman Jimmy Melgar. The victim and her family In rape cases, trial courts discharge the difficult task of
were there. They were allegedly forcing the accused to weighing the testimony of the victim vis-a-vis the
marry the victim. Accused, again, demurred. testimony of the accused. We accord great respect, if not
finality, to their findings since they observed the
Pfc. Franklin Pastrana of Kalibo Integrated National demeanor of witnesses at the trial and, therefore, could
Police investigated the complaint. On September 20, discern better their credibility. 10
1986, he conducted an ocular inspection and found that
the sala and the kitchen (where the victim urinated) were In its assailed decision, 11the trial court analyzed the
separated by a lawanit (Exhibit "C-3"), about one and evidence as follows:

Indeed, the Court finds no reason to doubt the sincerity

In open Court, the girl pointed to the accused Leopoldo and candor of the offended party in bringing this case
Tayco as the person who threatened her into submitting against the accused. Having observed her deportment,
to his advances. Again, there is no reason to doubt her and manner of testifying and reaction to the often
ability to make the identification. She and the accused intense and embarrassing questioning by counsels, we
definitely knew each other prior to the incident. are morally convinced of the truthfulness of the
Contrary to his claim that it was only on September 13 accusation. (emphasis ours)
when he came to know her, his companion Rey Ismael
admitted that he had known her previously (tsn, May 17, (Decision, February 28, 1991, p. 26)
1988, at 20-21). Rizaldo Ismael, a neighbor of the
Inocencios, testified that he had seen Leopoldo several Even then, accused-appellant points out that there were
times in August 1986 going to Jelly's house. The place many persons in the sala when the victim went to the
where the girl said the aggression was initiated, was kitchen to urinate. Hence, when accused-appellant
outside the kitchen of the house. There was a lamp in the accosted her, she had the opportunity to call their
kitchen which cast its light to the area. Leopoldo's attention, yet she did not. He also alleges that the knife
companion Jimmy Inisa said that the light . . . was put poking incident was but a product of the leading
off only when he and Rey departed from the house. question propounded by the prosecution counsel. He
They were the last to leave. (tsn, July 5, 1988, at 18-19). stresses that the victim did not sustain injuries on her
The girl disclosed that the doorway of the kitchen was neck. The defense concludes that, since force and
open, and she was about 4 1/2 meters away from the intimidation were not substantiated, accused-appellant
lamp. (tsn, December 21, 1987, at 27-28). . . . there was should be acquitted. We disagree.
a toilet some distance away from the house . . . . The girl
said that the toilet was about 15 or 20 meters away from The prosecution had sufficiently established the
the kitchen (tsn, December 21, 1987, at 29). Considering elements of force and intimidation. Jelly testified:
the setting, and the circumstances of the aggression
which involved the most intimate physical proximity, (FISCAL PERALTA)
the offended party would have no difficulty knowing the
identity of her aggressor. Q: Now, after your mother left to buy medicine for
your father, do you know of any incident that took place
The Court has searched the records for anything to even in your house?
remotely suggest that the offended party had a motive to
falsely accuse him of the offense, and could not find (JELLY INOCENCIO)
none (sic). The girl was a student, young and unmarried.
It is very difficult to believe that she would have had the A: Yes, sir.
resolve and cunning to cry rape, and consequently,
expose herself to public embarrassment and humiliation. Q: What happened?
(emphasis ours)
A: I urinated in the kitchen.
We have carefully examined the records of this case, and
we agree with the foregoing findings of the trial court. Q: While you were urinating in your kitchen, what
The aforequoted findings are fully supported by the happened, if there is (sic) any?
evidence adduced during trial. It is also meet to note the
observation of the trial court on the sincerity of the A: Leopoldo Tayco went near me.
victim, viz:

Q: After Leopoldo Tayco went near to (sic) you, it produces fear-fear that if the victim does not yield to
what happened next (sic)? the lecherous demands of the accused, something would
happen to her at that moment or even thereafter, as when
A: The accused threatened me using a knife and told she is threatened with death if she reports the incident."
me not to shout, or else he will (sic) kill me.
Consistent with this doctrine, Jelly's failure to resist,
Q: After the accused pointed a knife at your neck, shout or make an outcry does not necessarily negate the
did you shout or not? use of force against her. So is it with the absence of any
wound on the victim's neck. What matters is that
A: No, because I was afraid he might kill me. accused-appellant threatened the victim with a knife
and, as a result thereof, the latter was petrified by fear.
Q: Now, after Leopoldo Tayco pointed a knife at Jelly stifled any protest, fearful that accused-appellant
your neck, what else happened? would kill her if she did. Moreover, it is a settled rule
fashioned from the anvils of experience that there is no
A: He dragged me to the coconut groves. standard form of human behavioral response when one
is confronted with a strange, startling, and frightful
Q: Did you not resist when the accused dragged you experience. 13The variety of human reaction to
to the coconut groves? anecdotes of sexual crimes has yet to be fully captured
by the calculus.
A: No, because he was a man, and I cannot
overpower him. Be that as it may, the victim's conduct immediately after
the rape throws a light in many of the opaque aspects of
xxx xxx xxx the crime. In the case at bench, Jelly sought refuge at her
grandparents' house after the dastardly act. She did not
Q: Now, after the accused dragged you to the return home, afraid that her father, who was then ill,
coconut groves about more than fifty meters, what would die if he should learn of her misfortune, 14not to
happened? mention that Leopoldo's companions were still in their
house when the incident happened. 15In fine, her
A: He box(ed) me at the stomach. conduct is consistent with the horrible experience she
had just gone through.
Q: Now, after the accused box(ed) you at the
stomach, what happened to you? The defense doubts why Jelly's grandparents did not
disclose the rape to her aunt whose house was only a
A: He pushed me. few meters away from her grandparents'. The defense
further avers that it was unnatural for Sherlita to wait
Q: After you were pushed, what happened next? until 4:00 in the morning before looking for her missing
daughter. These arguments deserve scant consideration.
A: He had intercourse with me. These incidents occurred after the rape and would not
exculpate accused-appellant. Moreover, accused-
(TSN, November 20, 1987, pp. 5-7). appellant himself admitted that at around 12:00
midnight of September 13, 1986, the victim's sister,
In People vs. Codilla, 12we held: "Intimidation must be Joela, together with her husband, Joni Inisa, came to his
viewed in the light of the victim's perception and (accused-appellant's) house, looking for Jelly.
judgment at the time of the commission of the crime and
not by any hard and fast rule; it is, therefore, enough that

Accused-appellant also claims that Jelly committed did not know what happened to you. However, in the re-
inconsistencies during the trial. We have reviewed the direct examination, you remember the accused putting
transcript of stenographic notes of this case to verify his penis inside your organ. There is a difference in your
whether or not the alleged inconsistent testimonies testimony, is it because your recollection of the incident
would materially affect the trial court's conclusion on is quite hazy now?
the guilt of accused-appellant. They will not.
On direct examination, Jelly testified that she was
urinating when accused, then armed with a knife, I would like to make of records (sic) that the witness
accosted her. He held her right hand and dragged her could not answer the question.
towards the coconut grove some fifty meters away from
their house and, thereafter, boxed her in the stomach. He FISCAL PERALTA:
pushed her to the ground, pulled her pants and panty,
and mounted her. She felt pain as he inserted his penis We would like to manifest that the witness is nervous.
into her vagina. After two minutes, accused dismounted
and fled, leaving behind the knife beside her. 16She ATTY. BRIONES:
recognized the accused through his voice. When asked
by her counsel whether there was light in the kitchen, We cannot agree to that. In fact, she is smiling.
she claimed that the kitchen was lighted by a kerosene
lamp. 17 COURT:

However, on cross-examination, Jelly claimed she had Both manifestations are noted.
just finished urinating and was about to put on her pants,
or was about to fasten its hook, when accused came near (TSN, February 17, 1988, p. 19)
her. 18Accused boxed her in the stomach and pushed her
hard to the ground. She was rendered unconscious upon It ought not to be overlooked that the victim was a
hitting the ground. Thus, she was not aware as to when minor and, as observed by Assistant Prosecutor Peralta,
accused pulled down her panty and pants. When she not intelligent. 21Thus, despite some inconsistencies,
regained her consciousness, he had already left. the trial court gave credence to her testimony. We, too,
Nonetheless, the victim knew she was raped because she hold that her inconsistent statements did not crack her
felt pain. 19 credibility. We fully concur with the trial court's ruling,
On re-direct examination, she alleged that after she hit
the soil, she was not rendered totally unconscious. She . . . . We are not disposed to treat this particular lapse in
was also aware that accused pulled down her pants and her testimony as an indication of a tendency to
inserted his organ into hers. 20 prevaricate. It is probable that the event may have
placed her mind in a confused state. While she may have
Defense counsel then asked victim to explain her fainted at some point of (sic) time, she was certain,
conflicting testimonies as follows: however, that the man entered her. Defense counsel
asked her:
So you did not know how the accused committed or if
Q: Miss Witness, when I cross-examined you, you the accused ... committed sexual intercourse with you?'
said that you did not know from the time you fell to the
ground up to the time you recovered consciousness, you She answered:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the decision

I know because I felt pain (tsn, February 17, 1988, at 9). appealed from is AFFIRMED in toto. Costs against
There is nothing in her testimony to indicate that she
was totally unaware of the sex act itself. It is possible SO ORDERED.
that, as she passed into unconsciousness, she retained
some experience or sensation of the penetration. What is Narvasa, C.J., Padilla, Regalado and Mendoza, JJ.,
positive is that the accused intimidated her, brought her concur.
to a secluded place, and threw her to the ground. Even if
we were to assume that she lost all recollection of (the) Endnotes:
succeeding events until the accused had abandoned her 1 Original Records, p. 23.
in that secluded place, the basic facts shown, i.e., that it 2 Order, dated July 6, 1987; Original Records, p. 81.
was the accused who led her there by force, and semen
3 Ibid, pp. 14-15.
was later found on her private parts, (would) suffice to
4 TSN, September 23, 1987, pp. 17, 23.
establish the existence of the rape, and the responsibility
5 Marked as Exhibits "E to F."
of the accused therefor.
6 Marked as Exhibit "G."

7 Luciano Reyes and Conrado Tayco.

(Decision, dated February 28, 1991, p. 26)
8 TSN, March 21, 1990, pp. 4-7.

Indeed, a public denunciation by a Filipina, whose virtue 9 TSN, March 21, 1990, p. 12.

has heretofore been unblemished, that she has been 10 People vs. De Guzman, G.R. No. 102409-10, December 21, 1992, 216 SCRA 754,
raped carries a lot of credence. 22Absent any proof that
11 See Decision, dated February 28, 1991, pp. 22-23.
she had ill-motive to falsely accuse a man of raping her,
12 G.R. Nos. 100720-23, June 30, 1993, 224 SCRA 104, 119.
she deserves full faith and credit. 23
13 People vs. Arnan, G.R. No. 72608, June 30, 1993, 224 SCRA 37, 43.

14 TSN, February 17, 1988, p. 11.

Accused-appellant alleges that the victim's family filed
the instant case because he refused to marry her. Even if 15 TSN, August 4, 1987, p. 23.

this fact is conceded, accused-appellant cannot escape 16 TSN, November 20, 1987, pp. 5-8, 14; TSN, February 17, 1988, p. 8.

conviction. The prosecution had proved beyond 17 TSN, November 20, 1987, p. 8.

reasonable doubt that he forced his bestial desire on the 18 TSN, December 21, 1987, pp. 21-22.

victim. The later attempts of the victim's family to 19 TSN, February 17, 1988, pp. 8-10.

compel him to marry the victim constitute nothing more 20 Ibid, pp. 18-19.
than a demand for him to restore the shattered honor of 21 TSN, December 21, 1987, p. 22.
Jelly. They should be viewed in light of Filipino customs 22 People vs. Caballes, G.R. No. 93437-45, July 12, 1991, 199 SCRA 152; People vs.
and traditions still strong, especially in the province, Vinas, G.R. No. 91363-73, October 15, 1991, 202 SCRA 720; People vs. Pido, G.R. No. 92427,
August 2, 1991, 200 SCRA 45.
which put premium to family name, honor and 23 People vs. Villamayor, G.R. No. 97475-76, July 18, 1991, 199 SCRA 472.

reputation and eschew public scandal.

We reject the defense of denial and alibi of accused-

appellant. Alibi is a weak defense and, unless supported
by clear and convincing evidence, the same cannot
prevail over the positive declaration of the victim
pointing to the accused-appellant as the culprit.

EN BANC expressed, however, that the instant appeal was

nevertheless interposed so that a ruling may be secured
June 29, 1963 as to the precise period when a criminal proceeding
should be considered as having been "unjustifiably
G.R. No. L-16456 stopped to mark the resumption of the running of the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellant, period of prescription" pursuant to the provisions of
vs. Article 91 of the Revised Penal Code, hereunder quoted:
DOLORES COQUIA, defendant-appellee.
ART. 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. —
Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellant. The period of prescription shall commence to run from
M. B. Palma for defendant-appellee. the day on which the crime is discovered by the
offended party, the authorities, or their agents, and shall
REGALA, J.: be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or
information, and shall commence to run again when
From an incident which occurred on July 1, 1957, one such proceedings terminate without the accused being
David C. Naval filed with the Municipal Court of the convicted or acquitted, or are unjustifiably stopped for
City of Naga a complaint for grave oral defamation any reason not imputable to him.
against the herein defendant-appellee, Dolores Coquia.
Thereafter and by virtue of that complaint, the same The term of prescription shall not run when the offender
court ordered her arrest. On July 22, 1957, however, the is absent from the Philippine Archipelago.
same court forwarded the records of the case to the
Court First Instance of Camarines Sur for the We do not believe that the facts of this case warrant a
continuance of the proceedings since the accused had resolution of the issue raised. It is sufficient to indicate
renounced her right to the second stage of preliminary and conformably to the doctrine expressed in the case of
investigation. In turn, on August 2, 1957, the last People v. Juan del Rosario, G. R. No. L-15140,
mentioned court endorsed the case to the Office of the December 29, 1960, the prescriptive period for the case
City Attorney for reinformation. For some explained at bar was never interrupted. In the said case, We
reasons, the case was left completely unacted on by the declared that —
City Fiscal's office until January 26, 1959 when the City
Fiscal filed with the Court of First Instance of Under Article 90 of the Revised Penal Code, light
Camarines Sur the corresponding, information for grave offenses prescribe in two months. Article 91 of the same
oral defamation against the accused, appellee herein. Code provides that "the period of prescription shall
commence to run from the day on which the crime was
The defense filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground of discovered by the offended party, the authorities, or their
prescription which was opposed by the prosecution agents, and shall be interrupted by the filing of the
Ruling on the motion, the court a quo sustained the complaint or information, and shall commence to run
movant and dismissed the case. A motion for again when such proceedings terminate without the
reconsideration therefor having been denied, the City accused being convicted or acquitted, or are
Attorney, represented by the Solicitor General's Office, unjustifiably stopped for any reason not imputable to
appealed to this Court. him." The complaint or information referred to in the
above provisions which interrupts the running of the
The Solicitor General concedes that the delay in the prescriptive period, as ruled in the case of People v.
filing of the information for this case had been unduly Tayco (73 Phil. 509), is that which is filed in the proper
long. Quite subtly even, the concession extends to an court and not the denuncia or accusation lodged by the
admission that prescription had indeed set in. It was offended party in the Fiscal's Office . . .

It should be recalled that the proper court in the present

litigation was the Court of First Instance of Camarines
Sur. The records of this case clearly show that no formal
complaint or information is contemplated by the
aforementioned Article 91 of the Penal Code was ever
filed therein within the reglementary period. As a matter
of fact, the said formal complaint or information was
filed only after the lapse of more than one year.
Considering that under the Code, the prescriptive period
for grave oral defamation is six months (Art. 90,
Revised Penal Code), the only conclusion deducible is
that the same has prescribed.

Applying the principle laid down in the aforecited case

of People v. Del Rosario, supra, We can not speak of the
resumption of the prescriptive period since it has never
been interrupted.

WHEREFORE, the appeal taken by the Government is

hereby dismissed and the order dismissing the
information is hereby affirmed in full. Costs de oficio.

Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes,

J.B.L., Barrera, Paredes, Dizon and Makalintal, JJ.,
Bengzon, C.J., took no part.


EN BANC whereupon the justice of the peace court forwarded the

case to the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, in
February 28, 1967 which the corresponding information was filed on July
3, 1956; that the defendant seasonably moved to quash
G.R. No. L-22465 the information upon the ground of prescription of the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL., plaintiffs- offense; and that, after due hearing, the court of first
appellants, instance granted said motion and dismissed the case,
vs. with costs de oficio. Hence, this appeal by complainant
ASCENSION P. OLARTE, defendant-appellee. Miss Meris with the conformity of the special counsel of
the office of the provincial fiscal of Pangasinan, who
Saturnino D. Bautista for plaintiff-appellant Meris. represented the prosecution in said court.
Office of the Solicitor General Arturo A. Alafriz and
Solicitor Ceferino S. Gaddi for plaintiff-appellant People This Court, likewise, stated in said previous appeal:
of the Philippines.
Chuidian Law Offices, P. V. Sison, D. Acuna, J. It is conceded that, as provided in Article 90 of the
Asuncion, E. G. Bruno and Silverio B. de Leon for Revised Penal Code, 'the crime of libel ... shall prescribe
defendant-appellee. in two (2) years, which, pursuant to Article 91 of the
same Code, 'shall commence to run from the day on
REYES, J.B.L., J.: which the crime is discovered by the offended party, the
authorities or their agents, and shall be interrupted by
This is the second time the present case is brought on the filing of the complaint or information ....' In an
appeal to this Supreme Court on the identical issue of affidavit, attached to the complaint filed with the justice
prescription. of the peace court, Miss Meris stated that one
defamatory letter was received by her on February 27,
The antecedents of this case are briefly stated in the 1954 and that there were other libelous letters,
decision of the previous appeal (L-13027): seemingly written after the first. According to another
affidavit, likewise, attached to said complaint, the
Defendant 'Ascension P. Olarte is charged with libel. It subsequent letters were received on or about March 1
is alleged in the information that on or about the 24th and 13, April 26 and May 9, 1954. The issue in the
day of February, 1954 and subsequently thereafter said lower court, as well as in this appeal, is whether the
defendant had willfully, unlawfully and feloniously statute of limitations was suspended by the filing of the
written certain letters which were libelous, complaint with the justice of the peace court on
contemptuous and derogatory to Miss Visitacion M. February 22, 1956, as claimed by appellant, or continued
Meris, 'with evident and malicious purpose of insulting, to run until July 3, 1956, when the information was filed
dishonoring, humiliating and bringing into contempt the with the court of first instance, as contended by the
good name and reputation' of said complainant. defendant. His Honor, the trial Judge adopted the latter
alternative, and, accordingly, held that the prescriptive
It appears that on January 7, 1956, Miss Meris lodged period had expired before the filing of said information.
the corresponding charge of libel with the provincial (Emphasis supplied)
fiscal of Pangasinan, who assigned it to an assistant
provincial fiscal; that upon the latter's advice, on Resolving the issue thus posed on the basis of the
February 22, 1956, she filed with the Justice of the abovequoted facts, this Court, speaking through the then
Peace Court of Pozorrubio, Pangasinan, a complaint for Associate Justice (now Chief Justice) Roberto
libel against Ascencion P. Olarte that the defendant Concepcion, and after an extensive and exhaustive
waived her right to a preliminary investigation, dissertation on the applicable laws and pertinent

decisions on the subject, rendered a decision, Not satisfied, the prosecution (special counsel of the
promulgated on June 30, 1960, the dispositive portion of Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Pangasinan and the
which reads: private prosecutor jointly) interposed the present appeal
to this Court on a pure question of law.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is our considered
opinion that the filing of the complainant with the The complainant Miss Meris through her private
justice of the peace court of Pozorrubio, Pangasinan, prosecutor, filed her brief. Subsequently, the Solicitor
interrupted the running of the statute of limitations, as General, in representation of plaintiff-appellant People
regards the crime of libel with which defendant herein is of the Philippines, instead of filing a brief, filed, on
charged, and that said crime has not been extinguished, August 18, 1964, a manifestation, stating to the effect
therefore, by prescription, for which reason the order that they are submitting the case without any brief, said
appealed from is reversed, and the records of this case complainant having filed a brief in her behalf; and that
are hereby remanded to the lower court for further they are of the opinion that the order of the lower court
proceedings, conformably with law. dismissing the case was well taken. In view of this
manifestation, defendant-appellee presented, on
IT IS SO ORDERED. September 7, 1964, a motion to dismiss the appeal.

The above ruling became final and executory, and, This Court, by resolution dated October 2, 1964, denied
pursuant thereto, the lower court set the case for hearing said motion for the present.
on the merits and the prosecution started presenting its
evidence. However, on August 26, 1963, the defense Defendant-appellee moved to reconsider said denial but
presented anew a motion to quash the information, this Court, in its resolution of October 21, 1964,
supplemented by another motion of September 5, 1963, overruled the defendant's motion.
on the ground of prescription of the offense charged in
the information. In said motions, the defense invoked Thereafter, said defendant-appellee filed her brief and
the subsequent ruling of this Court in the case of People the case was submitted for decision.
vs. Coquia, G.R. No. L-15456, promulgated on June 29,
1963. On November 4, 1963, the prosecution opposed The only issue presented for determination in this appeal
said motions. The defense submitted its reply on is the effect of this Court's ruling on the first appeal to
November 13, 1963. this very same case (L-13027) and whether the decision
in the later case of People vs. Coquia, G.R. No.
After due hearing on this incident, the lower court issued L-15456, June 29, 1963, warrants the dismissal of the
the appealed order, dated January 16, 1964, sustaining information in the case at bar on the ground of
the defense's new motion to quash upon the ground of prescription.
prescription. In this order, the lower court, after
comparing and finding that the set of facts obtaining in Suffice it to say that our ruling in Case L-13027,
the case at bar is practically identical with those of the rendered on the first appeal, constitutes the law of the
Coquia case, opined that inasmuch as the latter is case, and, even if erroneous, it may no longer be
inconsistent with or contradicts the previous decision disturbed or modified since it has become final long ago.
(L-13027) in the case at bar, promulgated on June 30, A subsequent reinterpretation of the law may be applied
1960, the 1963 ruling in the Coquia case indicates that to new cases but certainly not to an old one finally and
this Supreme Court intended to abandon the one made in conclusively determined (People vs. Pinuila, G.R. No.
1960 in the first appeal of this same case (L-13027). L-11374, May 30, 1958; 55 O.G. 4228).

'Law of the case' has been defined as the opinion (People vs. Pinuila, L-11374, promulgated May 30,
delivered on a former appeal. More specifically, it 1958.)
means that whatever is once irrevocably established as
the controling legal rule of decision between the same In the foregoing decision, furthermore, this Court quoted
parties in the same case continues to be the law of the and reiterated the rule in the following excerpts from
case, whether correct on general principles or not, so People vs. Pinuila, G.R. No. L-11374, jam cit.:
long as the facts on which such decision was predicated
continue to be the facts of the case before the court. (21 'The decision of this Court on that appeal by the
C.J.S. 330). (cited in Pinuila case, supra) government from the order of dismissal, holding that
said appeal did not place the appellants, including
As a general rule a decision on a prior appeal of the Absalon Bignay, in double jeopardy, signed and
same case is held to be the law of the case whether that concurred in by six justices as against three dissenters
decision is right or wrong, the remedy of the party being headed by the Chief Justice, promulgated way back in
to seek a rehearing (5 C.J.S. 1277). (also cited in Pinuila the year 1952, has long become the law of the case. It
case) may be erroneous, judged by the law on double jeopardy
as recently interpreted by this same Tribunal. Even so, it
It is also aptly held in another case that: may not be disturbed and modified. Our recent
interpretation of the law may be applied to new cases,
It need not be stated that the Supreme Court, being the but certainly not to an old one finally and conclusively
court of last resort, is the final arbiter of all legal determined. As already stated, the majority opinion in
question properly brought before it and that its decision that appeal is now the law of the case.'
in any given case constitutes the law of that particular
case. Once its judgment becomes final it is binding on The same principle, the immutability of the law of the
all inferior courts, and hence beyond their power and case notwithstanding subsequent changes of judicial
authority to alter or modify. (Kabigting vs. Acting opinion, has been followed in civil cases:
Director of Prisons, G.R. No. L-15548, October 30,
1962). Fernando vs. Crisostomo, 90 Phil. 585;
Padilla vs. Paterno, 93 Phil. 884;
More categorical still is the pronouncement of this Court Samahang Magsasaka, Inc. vs. Chua Guan, L-7252,
in Pomeroy vs. Director of Prisons, 1,14284-85, February, 1955.
February 24, 1960:
It is thus clear that posterior changes in the doctrine of
It will be seen that the prisoner's stand assumes that this Court can not retroactively be applied to nullify a
doctrines and rulings of the Supreme Court operate prior final ruling in the same proceeding where the prior
retrospectively, and that they can claim the benefit of adjudication was had, whether the case should be civil
decisions in People vs. Hernandez; People vs. or criminal in nature.
Geronimo, and People vs. Dugonon (L-6025-26, July
18, 1956; L-8936, Oct. 31, 1956; and L-8926, June 29, Analysis of the precedents on the issue of prescription
1957, respectively), promulgated four or more years discloses that there are two lines of decisions following
after the prisoner applicants had been convicted by final differing criteria in determining whether prescription of
judgment and started serving sentence. However, the crimes has been interrupted. One line of precedents
rule adopted by this Court (and by the Federal Supreme holds that the filing of the complaint with the justice of
Court) is that judicial doctrines have only prospective the peace (or municipal judge) does interrupt the course
operation and do not apply to cases previously decided of the prescriptive term: People vs. Olarte L-13027, June
30, 1960 and cases cited therein; People vs. Uba,

L-13106, October 16, 1959; People vs. Aquino, 68 Phil. or acquittal, if the court should discharge the accused
588, 590. Another series of decisions declares that to because no prima facie case has been shown.
produce interruption the complaint or information must
have been filed in the proper court that has jurisdiction Considering the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby
to try the case on its merits: People vs. Del Rosario, overrules the doctrine of the cases of People vs. Del
L-15140, December 29, 1960; People vs. Coquia, Rosario L-15140, December 29, 1960; and People vs.
L-15456, June 29, 1963. Coquia, L-15456, promulgated June 29, 1963.

In view of this diversity of precedents, and in order to And it having been finally decided in the previous
provide guidance for Bench and Bar, this Court has appeal that the criminal action here was not barred, the
reexamined the question and, after mature consideration, issue of prescription is utterly foreclosed, and all that
has arrived at the conclusion that the true doctrine is, remains is to try and decide the case on the merits. It is
and should be, the one established by the decisions expected that it will be done with the utmost dispatch,
holding that the filing of the complaint in the Municipal this case having been already pending for many years.
Court, even if it be merely for purposes of preliminary
examination or investigation, should, and does, interrupt Wherefore, the appealed order of dismissal is hereby set
the period of prescription of the criminal responsibility, aside and reversed, and the records of this case ordered
even if the court where the complaint or information is remanded to the lower court for further proceedings
filed can not try the case on its merits. Several reasons conformably with this decision. With costs against
buttress this conclusion: first, the text of Article 91 of defendant-appellee.
the Revised Penal Code, in declaring that the period of
prescription "shall be interrupted by the filing of the Concepcion, C.J., Dizon, Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon,
complaint or information" without distinguishing J.P., Zaldivar, Sanchez and Castro, JJ., concur.

whether the complaint is filed in the court for
preliminary examination or investigation merely, or for
action on the merits. Second, even if the court where the
complaint or information is filed may only proceed to
investigate the case, its actuations already represent the
initial step of the proceedings against the offender.
Third, it is unjust to deprive the injured party of the right
to obtain vindication on account of delays that are not
under his control. All that the victim of the offense may
do on his part to initiate the prosecution is to file the
requisite complaint.

And it is no argument that Article 91 also expresses that

the interrupted prescription " shall commence to run
again when such proceedings terminate without the
accused being convicted or acquitted", thereby
indicating that the court in which the complaint or
information is filed must have power to acquit or convict
the accused. Precisely, the trial on the merits usually
terminates in conviction or acquittal, not otherwise. But
it is in the court conducting a preliminary investigation
where the proceedings may terminate without conviction

FIRST DIVISION insists it was voluntary. As a matter of fact, he says, it

was the complainant who enticed him into the bushes,
G.R. No. L-43602 January 31, 1989 where she wantonly opened herself to him. He was
unable at first to have an erection because of his age.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- But Anita herself rubbed his organ in hers until, thus
appellee, stimulated, he succeeded in penetrating her. Afterwards,
vs. noticing some people nearby who might have seen them,
ANTONIO PAILANO, accused-appellant. the girl put back her panty on and left. He followed a
few minutes later. 7
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
As the medical examination of the complainant was
Raul T. Montesino for accused-appellant. made more than two months afterwards, there naturally
could not be any finding of the bruises, cuts and
scratches that usually attend forcible rape. But there was
the tell-tale hymeneal laceration in the complainant that
CRUZ, J.: even the accused-appellant could not dispute. 8

At the time the rape was allegedly committed by the Given the choice between the separate accounts of the
accused-appellant, he was already sixty-nine years old. 1 complainant and the accused-appellant, the court
The prosecution will have to contend not only with the inclines in favor of the latter. It is in our view more
presumption of innocence but also of impotence. believable. Anita never spoke of any difficulty on the
part of Pailano in violating her. She simply said he
The crime was allegedly perpetrated in October of 1971 removed her panty and entered her. No effort was
in Barrio Sampinit, Baybay in the City of Bago. 2 It was mentioned; it seemed she was talking of a vigorous stud.
reported to the authorities on December 24, 1971, 3 and Yet, the accused-appellant was not a teenager or even
the corresponding criminal complaint was filed on July only in the prime of his life at the time of their sexual
10, 1972. 4 Judgment was rendered on January 30, encounter. He was all of sixty-nine years old.
1976, sentencing the accused-appellant to reclusion
perpetua plus civil indemnity of P2,000 and the costs. 5 Considering his age and the emotional pressures of the
He now wants this decision reversed. moment, we doubt if Pailano could have accomplished
the rape as easily as Anita narrated it. The prosecution
The complainant is Anita Ibañez, who was fifteen years has not offered any proof of his sexual prowess, and
old at the time of the alleged offense. She says that on under stress at that. By contrast, the accused-appellant
the day in question, she was dragged by the accused- did not hesitate to testify, at the risk of his manly pride,
appellant to a bushy place on the seashore where she that he did not easily have an erection during the tryst
was waiting for her mother. She could not resist because with Anita and that it took some fondling from her
he was threatening her with a scythe he was carrying. In before his organ could respond. This was a hard and
the bushes, be pointed the scythe at her neck and then humiliating fact but it had to be admitted.
forcibly took her. She could not cry out because she was
afraid. She did not report the matter to her mother We are disposed to believe the testimony of Leonardo
because the accused-appellant bad warned her he would Filomeno that he saw Pailano and Anita coupling on the
kill her if she did. 6 day in question, 9 but not on the other previous
occasions claimed by him. His presence in all of these
The accused-appellant has a different version. He does meetings seems too much of a coincidence to be
not deny he had sexual intercourse with Anita, but he credible. However, Pailano is also corroborated by

Natividad Madrigal, who declared she saw Anita and against him. Convicting him of a ground not alleged
Pailano caressing each other, with the girl in fact while he is concentrating his defense against the ground
assuming the more aggressive role. 10 There is no alleged would plainly be unfair and underhanded. This
reason not to believe this witness. right was, of course, available to the herein accused-
Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code provides that rape
is committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman In People v. Ramirez, 12 we held that a person charged
under any of the following circumstances: with rape could not be found guilty of qualified
seduction, which had not been alleged in the criminal
1. By using force or intimidation; complaint against him. In the case of People v. Montes,
13 the Court did not permit the conviction for homicide
2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise of a person held responsible for the suicide of the
unconscious; and woman he was supposed to have raped, as the crime he
was accused of and acquitted was not homicide but rape.
3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even More to the point is Tubb v. People of the Philippines,
though neither of the circumstances mentioned in the 14 where the accused was charged with the
two next preceding paragraphs shall be present. misappropriation of funds held by him in trust with the
obligation to return the same under Article 315,
The criminal complaint in this case alleged the paragraph 1(b) of the Revised Penal Code, but was
commission of the crime through the first method convicted of swindling by means of false pretenses,
although the prosecution sought to establish at the trial under paragraph 2(b) of the said Article, which was not
that the complainant was a mental retardate. Its purpose alleged in the information. The Court said such
in doing so is not clear. But whatever it was, it has not conviction would violate the Bill of Rights.
It may be argued that although initially deficient, the
If the prosecution was seeking to convict the accused- criminal complaint was deemed corrected when the
appellant on the ground that he violated Anita while she prosecution introduced evidence of the complainant's
was deprived of reason or unconscious, such conviction mental condition and the defense did not object, thereby
could not have been possible under the criminal waiving the procedural defect. Even so, the charge has
complaint as worded. This described the offense as not been adequately establish established.
having been committed by "Antonio Pailano, being then
provided with a scythe, by means of violence and In the first place, the doctor who examined Anita
intimidation, (who) did, then and there, wilfully, reported that he saw no evidence of insanity in her
unlawfully and feloniously have carnal knowledge of the family history nor was there any indication of such
complainant, Anita Ibañez, 15 years of age, against her condition in the complainant herself. 15 He did observe
will." No mention was made of the second circumstance. that she had the mentality of a thirteen-year old, 16
which was not that serious an impediment as her age at
Conviction of the accused-appellant on the finding that the time was only fifteen.
he had raped Anita while she was unconscious or
otherwise deprived of reason and not through force and Secondly, and more importantly, the prosecution has not
intimidation, which was the method alleged would have proved that during that encounter in the bushes, Anita's
violated his right to be informed of the nature and cause mental condition was so weakened that she could not
of the accusation against him. 11 This right is resist Pailano's supposed advances.
safeguarded by the Constitution to every accused so he
can prepare an adequate defense against the charge

The statutory presumption of sanity 17 and the 4 Id., p. 3.

constitutional presumption of innocence 18 have not
been overcome. There is evidence that Filomeno 5 Id., p. 19.
reported the incident in the bushes on the same day to
Anita's mother, 19 but she took no action whatsoever, 6 TSN, August 14, 1973, pp. 8-10.
for reasons not disclosed. It was only two-and-a-half
months later that she decided to complain to the 7 TSN., January 2, 1975, pp. 14-25.
authorities, but then it was already suspiciously late. The
only possible explanation for her delay is that the liaison 8 Rollo, p. 9.
between her daughter and Pailano had already become a
scandal by that time and she must have thought she 9 T.S.N., June 11, 1974, pp. 8-10.
could redeem Anita's honor by initiating the criminal
complaint. The delay, however, blunts the charge of 10 TSN., April 11, 1975, pp. 7-8.
11 Article TV, Sec. 19, Constitution of 1973; now
What we see here is an aging Lothario having his last Article III, Sec. 14(2).
lustful fling and a young girl with a rather weak mind
and a ripe body offering him a flaccid return to his 12 69 SCRA 144.
youth. We do not mean to romanticize this sordid affair.
It is wrong and is not here excused, made light of, or 13 122 SCRA 409.
dismissed. It is disdained for what it is an unseemly
seduction where it is not clear who the tempter and the 14 101 Phil. 114.
tempted are although neither can really claim to be
blameless. But, in our view, it is definitely not rape. 15 T.S.N., August 14, 1973, p. 4.

WHEREFORE, the appealed conviction is REVERSED 16 Ibid., p. 3.

and the accused-appellant is ACQUITTED on
reasonable doubt. No costs. 17 Art. 800, Civil Code.

SO ORDERED. 18 Art. III, Sec. 14(2).

Narvasa, Gancayco, Griño-Aquino, and Medialdea, JJ., 19 TSN., June 11, 1974, p. 11.



1 Orig. Records, p. 313; Plaintiff-Appellee's Brief,

p. 2.

2 Rollo, p. 6.

3 Ibid., p. 7.

THIRD DIVISION Andres Bugtong was thereafter charged before the

Regional Trial Court of La Trinidad, Benguet with the
G.R. No. 75853 January 31, 1989 crime of Rape allegedly committed as follows:

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, ... the above-named accused by means of force and
vs. intimidation and threats, did then and there wilfully,
ANDRES BUGTONG, defendant-appellant. unlawfully and feloniously have sexual intercourse and
carnal knowledge of one Irene Cutiam, a fifteen-year old
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. girl against her will and consent. 2

Leonardo Rilloraza and Benjamin L. Fernando for On accused's plea of not guilty, trial ensued. When Irene
accused-appellant. was called to the witness stand, it was observed that she
had difficulty understanding the questions propounded
to her. On motion of the fiscal, she was made to undergo
pyschological testing which revealed that she had an
FERNAN, C.J.: Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of only 47, equivalent to the
mental age of a person between the ages of 5 and 8
What makes this case of rape most unfortunate is that years, far below her actual age of 15 years. Her mental
the victim is a fifteen-year old lass with a mental age of retardation was classified as moderate. 3
between five (5) and eight (8) years and a numerical I.Q.
of 47. Her testimony, as summarized by the trial court, is as
Irene Cutiam, the minor complainant, was born on
December 30, 1968 in Sitio Duban, Tublay, Benguet. On November 13, 1984, Irene Cutiam testified. ... One
The accused, Andres Bugtong, is her neighbor. day in January 1984, she was sent by her mother Luisa
Cutiam to the house of Andres Bugtong, the herein
Sometime in July, 1984, Luisa Cutiam noticed that the accused to pay her account to the latter in the amount of
stomach of her daughter Irene was growing bigger and TEN PESOS (P10.00).This fact of indebtedness and
bigger. Dr. Salome Pilit, a government physician who payment of the same was previously testified on by
conducted a medical examination confirmed that Irene Luisa Cutiam. 4 Witness claimed that when she handed
was pregnant. Irene, at first, would not reveal the the money to Andres Bugtong, the latter grabbed her
identity of the man responsible for her condition, but other hand and placed her on the bed, and when she tried
when she felt something moving inside her belly, she to shout, the accused covered her mouth with his hand
confessed to her mother Luisa that accused raped her and allegedly threatened her by saying: 'If you will
and that her refusal to talk earlier was due to the fear report the matter, I will kill you, anyway our house (sic)
that accused would make good his threats to kill her are near each other. 5 After having uttered those
should she squeal. threatening words, Irene was apparently released from
the hold of the accused as could be inferred from the
With this information, Luisa, together with Irene, went following:
to the Acop Tublay Police Station to report the crime
which resulted in Irene's pregnancy. Irene gave birth to a Q After saying that, what is the next thing he did, if any?
baby boy later on. 1
A While he was removing his pants, I tried to open the
door but it was locked then he came again and pulled

bed and kept on smiling and never talked although

Q And when he came again to pull you, where did he repeatedly asked by the accused of what she needed
bring you? because he was then about to leave for the garden. He
served her with coffee and while both of them were
A In their bed just the same, Sir. drinking, the accused, without any word sat beside the
complainant, who in turn leaned on the former with her
Q What did he do when you were already in bed? breast on his left shoulder. At this juncture, the accused
A He did the act and after doing the act he opened the
door and let me go out. 6 Q And what happened after that?

xxx xxx xxx A So I told her, 'your breast is big.'

On recross-examination, complainant disclosed that at Q What did she answer you if any?
one time the accused came to their house when she was
with her two younger brothers. The accused sent the two A None, she was just smiling.
boys to the mountain to gather guavas and after they
have left, had again sexual intercourse with her; that Q So what did you do?
when the two boys came back and knocked at the door,
accused barred her from opening and again was A And so I put my left arm around her shoulders.
threatened with death if she would do so; that she just
kept on crying until the accused sneaked out through the Q What did she do when you put your left hand or arm
other door of the house. 7 around her shoulder?

Accused Andres Bugtong, testifying on January 23, A I took hold of her breast.
1985 gave the following version:
xxx xxx xxx
... He and his wife are farmers with a vegetables garden
near their house and another one which is farther. They Q And what did she do when you held her breast?
usually start working early in the morning and go home
for breakfast after having watered the plants and then go A She was placing down her coffee and then she
back to continue with their garden works (sic). At 2:00 encircled her two arms around my body (Witness
o'clock noon they go home for lunch after which the illustrating his both hands.) 9
wife goes back to the garden while the accused
sometimes stays behind for some works (sic) at home. At this stage when accused was already sexually
They have two houses which are near each other. Seven aroused, he laid down the complainant on the bed and
(7) of their eight (8) children occupy one of these two after closing the door, he removed his clothes, sat
houses while he and his wife stay in the other house. 8 between the legs of the former, lifted her skirt and when
Occasionally especially during harvesting season, they he noticed that complainant had no panty, he proceeded
used to engage the services of Irene Cutiam to help them with the sexual intercourse with both hands holding her
in the garden. shoulders while the latter took hold of his waist. This
was the first sexual intercourse which was repeated four
One day in January 1984, Irene came to their house after or five times during the succeeding months of 1984. All
lunch. Andres Bugtong was then alone. Without any were done in his house after lunch time. Accused said
word, she just entered the one-room house, sat on the further that during all these sex contacts with

complainant and thereafter, no words were uttered People vs. Hon. Santiago Tañada G.R. No. L-32215,
neither they (sic) converse with each other. He only October 17, 1988, that:
learned that the latter was already pregnant after this
case was filed. (Ibid., pp, 12-16) 10 ... In the 1966 case of Valdepenas v. People this Court,
through then Associate, later Chief Justice Roberto
Giving credence to the prosecution's version, the trial Concepcion clarified:
court rendered judgment finding Andres Bugtong guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Rape as defined ... It is true that pursuant to the third paragraph of Art.
in Article 335 (1) and (2) of the Revised Penal Code and 344 of the Revised Penal Code,
sentencing him to suffer the penalty of Reclusion
Perpetua; to recognize the child born to Irene Cutiam as ... the offenses of seduction, abduction, rape or acts of
a result of the crime; to indemnify the complainant in lasciviousness, shall not be prosecuted except upon a
the sum of Twenty Thousand (P20,000.00) pesos as complaint filed by the offended party or her parents ...
moral damages and to pay the costs. From said
judgment, Bugtong interposed the present appeal. ... The provision does not determine, however, the
jurisdiction of our courts over the offenses therein
He alleges that: enumerated. It could not affect said jurisdiction, because
the same is governed by the Judiciary Act of 1948, not
The lower court erred: by the Revised Penal Code, which deals primarily with
the definition of crimes and the factors pertinent to the
I punishment of the culprit. The complaint required in
said Article is merely a condition precedent to the
IN TAKING JURISDICTION OF THE CASE exercise by the proper authorities of the power to
prosecute the guilty parties. And such condition has
II been imposed out of consideration for the offended
woman and her family who might prefer to suffer the
IN CONVICTING THE ACCUSED AS DEFINED IN outrage in silence rather than go through, with the
ART. 335 (1) AND (2), AS AMENDED, OF THE scandal of a public trial. 12
xxx xxx xxx
This ruling was followed in the subsequent case of
IN NOT DISMISSING THE CASE. 11 People v. Babasa where the Court, citing the Valdepeñas
case, ruled that Act 344 was not enacted for the specific
Appellant contends that as rape is a personal offense purpose of benefiting the accused. When it is said that
which, under Article 334 of the Revised Penal Code and the requirement in Article 334 that there should be a
Section 4, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court, now Section complaint of the offended party or her relatives is
5, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal Procedure, jurisdictional, what is meant is that it is the complaint
must be prosecuted upon a complaint filed by the that starts the prosecutory proceeding. It is not the
offended party, the trial court erred in assuming complaint which confers jurisdiction on the Court to try
jurisdiction over the instant case on the basis of the the case. The Court's jurisdiction is vested in it by the
Information signed by the fiscal alone. Judiciary Law.

Only recently, did this Court reiterate its ruling on the In the case at bar, it is evident that the prosecution for
meaning and import of this requirement. We said in rape was initiated by the offended party herself with the

assistance of her mother. The Information filed by the sexual intercourse complained of was the result of
Fiscal said so, thus: mutual consent, rather than of force or intimidation. This
defense, however, has been rendered futile and
the undersigned 3rd Assistant Provincial Fiscal, upon a ineffective by the appellant's further conviction under
sworn originally filed by the offended party accuses par. (2) of Art. 335, for even if he should succeed in
Andres Bugtong of the crime of Rape... 13 convincing us that the sexual act under consideration
was born out of mutual consent, he nonetheless remains
And extant on record is Exhibit "B", 14 the criminal liable under par. (2) of Art. 335, wherein consent of the
complaint 15 filed by Irene Cutiam with the assistance offended party is not a defense, the latter being
of her mother. The appellant's insinuation that the considered to be legally incapable of giving her consent.
Information should have been signed and sworn to by
the complainant is incorrect for it is not necessary for Furthermore, and more importantly, as herein appellant
the complainant to sign and verify the Information for was tried on an information charging him with rape
rape filed by the Fiscal. 16 committed thru force and intimidation, his conviction
for rape committed when the woman is deprived of
Based on the foregoing, no error can be imputed to the reason or otherwise unconcious would be violative of
trial court in taking cognizance of the Information filed his constitutional right as an accused to be informed of
by the fiscal. the nature and cause of the accusation against him. 17

Appellant questions next the trial court's finding that he This is not to say however, that the conviction of
is guilty of the crime of rape as defined in Article 335 accused-appellant should be set aside altogether. Only
(1) and (2) of the Revised Penal Code. He contends that his conviction under par. (2) of Article 335 of the
since it is clear from the allegations in the Information Revised Penal Code is nullified as his guilt of the crime
that the offense charged falls under par. 1 of Art. 335, to of rape committed thru force and intimidation, as
find him guilty of rape under par. 2 thereof is violative charged in the Information, has been proven beyond
of his constitutional right to be informed of the charges reasonable doubt. 18
against him.
That accused-appellant succeeded in obtaining carnal
There is merit in this contention. While the conviction of knowledge of Irene thru force and intimidation has been
accused-appellant under paragraphs (1) and (2) of established by Irene's testimony that appellant uttered
Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code appears to be an the following threat:
innocuous error as these paragraphs refer merely to the
modes of commission of the same crime of rape If you will report the matter, I will kill you, anyway our
punishable by the same penalty of reclusion perpetua, house (sic) are near each other. 19
the harm inflicted upon accused-appellant gains
considerable proportion when we consider not only the with respect to which we share the Solicitor-General's
no win situation in which appellant was placed by observation, thus:
reason of such conviction, but more importantly, the
surprise attendant to his conviction for a crime under a At first blush, it would seem that the force employed by
mode of commission different from that alleged in the the appellant and the resistance put up by Irene would
information. not meet the degree of force and resistance required to
qualify the sex act for rape. However, it is to be stressed
Having been charged with Rape allegedly committed that force and intimidation are not limited to physical
thru force or intimidation, it is to be expected that force, it includes the moral kind such as fear especially
appellant should focus his defense on showing that the in the case at bar where it was established that Irene, had

the mental capacity of a child between five (5) to eight "The undersigned offended party and complainant, under oath,
accuses Andres Bugtong of the crime of Rape, committed as
(8) years old. 20 follows:

Moreover, it has been ruled that the force used need not "That in and about the month of January, 1984, and subsequent
thereto, in the Municipality of Tublay, Province of Benguet,
be irresistible. As long as it is present and brings the Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
desired result, all consideration of whether it was more above-named accused, Andres Bugtong, by means of force and
intimidation and threats, did then and there, wilfully, unlawfully,
or less irresistible is beside the point. 21 and feloniously have sexual intercourse and carnal knowledge of
the undersigned against her will and consent.
WHEREFORE, except for the modifications that (1) the
conviction of accused-appellant under paragraph (2) of
Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code is set aside and (SGD) IRENE CUTIAM
(2) the civil indemnity to be paid to the victim is
Offended party
increased to P30,000.00, the appealed decision is hereby
AFFIRMED in all other respect. Assisted by:

Gutierrez, Jr., Feliciano, Bidin, and Cortes, JJ., concur. (Mother)

"SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 24th day of July,

Footnotes 1984 at La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines.

1 T.s.n., pp. 1-6, Oct. 4 1984. ASTERIO A. MARRERO

2 P. 7, Rollo. Provincial Fiscal"

3 P. 32, Rollo. 16 People vs. Cerena, 106 Phil. 570.

4 T.s.n., p. 13, October 4, 1984. 17 Sec. 19, Art. IV, 1973 Constitution; Sec. 14 Art. III, 1987
5 T.s.n., p. 3, Nov. 3, 1984.
18 See People vs. Tarroza, No. 2932-R, May 13, 1949, 47
6 T.s.n., pp. 3 & 4, Nov. 13, 1984. O.G. 2449.

7 Ibid., pp. 20-22, Rollo, pp. 24-27. 19 T.S.N., p. 3, November 3, 1984.

8 T.s.n., pp. 3-5, Jan. 23, 1985. 20 P. 7, Brief for the Appellee; p. 64, Rollo.

9 T.s.n., p. 10, January 23, 1985. 21 People vs. Momo; 56 Phil. 86; People vs. Jimenez, 98 Phil,

10 Pp. 28-29, Rollo.

11 P. 2, Appellant's Brief, p. 48, Rollo.

12 Samilin v. CFI of Pangasinan, 57 Phil. 298,304.

13 P. 7, Rollo.

14 P. 3, Folder of Exhibit.

15 The Criminal Complaint filed by Irene Cutiam reads:


FIRST DIVISION That on or about the 8th day of June, 1981, in Pasay
City, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
G.R. No. L-63971 May 9, 1989 Honorable Court, the above-named accused, RICARDO
ELESTERIO y CARPENTERS, did then and there
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously have in his
vs. possession and carry outside of his residence a .32
RICARDO ELESTERIO y CARPENTERS, defendant- caliber revolver with SN-23271 and (2) two rounds live
appellant. ammunitions, without having been permitted or
authorized by law.
FE CRUZ, petitioner,
vs. General Order No. 6, dated September 22,1972, reads in
EX-JUDGE ENRIQUE AGANA, THE CHIEF, NEW material part as follows:
MANILA, respondents. WHEREAS, in order to restore the tranquility and
stability of the nation and secure the people from
Carreon & Associates Law Office for defendant- violence, injuries and loss of lives in the quickest
appellant and Fe Cruz. possible manner and time, it is necessary to prohibit the
inhabitants of the country from keeping any firearm
without a permit duly and legally issued for that purpose
as well as to prohibit the carrying of such firearm
CRUZ, J.: outside the residence of the duly licensed holder thereof;

At two o'clock in the morning of 8 June 1981, a police NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS,
car sighted a group of three men and one woman on the Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the
sidewalk of Libertad street in Pasay City and stopped to Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081
investigate. Patrolmen Joseph Nepomuceno and Ernesto dated September 21, 1972, do hereby order that
Maneja alighted. While they were frisking two of the henceforth and until otherwise ordered by me or lay my
men, the third male made a run for it but was caught duly designated representative, no person shall keep,
after a brief pursuit. A search of his person yielded a .32 possess or carry outside of his residence any firearm
caliber revolver and two rounds of live ammunition. The unless such person is duly authorized to keep possess or
holster he had dropped while attempting to escape was carry any such firearm and any person violating this
also recovered. Ricardo Elesterio for that was his name order shall forthwith be arrested and taken into custody
— admitted that he had no permit or authority to carry and held for the duration of the emergency unless
the firearm. 1 ordered released by me or by my duly designated
In due time an information was flied against him in the
Court of First Instance of Pasay City reading as follows: Presidential Decree No. 9, promulgated on October 2,
1972, reads partly as follows:
The undersigned Assistant City Fiscal accuses
RICARDO ELESTERIO Y CARPENTERS of the crime WHEREAS, by virtue of said Proclamation No. 1081,
of VIOLATION OF GENERAL ORDER NO. 6 in rel. General Order No. 6 dated September 22, 1972 and
to PAR. 2, PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 9, as General Order No. 7 dated September 23, 1972, have
amended, committed as follows: been promulgated by me;

WHEREAS, subversion, rebellion, insurrection, lawless Elesterio was committed to the national penitentiary on
violence, criminality, chaos and public disorder 17 August 1981. He escaped on 21 October 1981, and
mentioned in the aforesaid Proclamation No. 1081 are filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied on
committed and abetted by the use of firearms, explosives 18 November 1981. He was recaptured on 30 March
and other deadly weapons; 1983. On 12 May 1983, his aunt, Fe Cruz, filed a
petition for habeas corpus on his behalf, alleging that: a)
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS the sentence imposed upon him was unlawful and
Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the excessive; b) he was denied due process because the trial
Philippines, in order to attain the desired result of the was held only in one sitting and the defense was not
aforesaid Proclamation No. 1081 and General Order allowed to present additional witnesses; and c) the
Nos. 6 and 7, do hereby order and decree that: person who represented him at the trial was not a lawyer.

1. Any violation of the aforesaid General Order In its resolution dated 3 December 1984, the Court
Nos. 6 and 7 is unlawful and the violator shall, upon dismissed the petition for habeas corpus after
conviction suffer: considering the same with the return to the writ
submitted by the Solicitor General. However, it resolved
xxx "to consider the said accused to have filed a timely
notice of appeal; to REQUIRE the court a quo to elevate
(b) The penalty of imprisonment ranging from the records of Criminal Case No. 81-913-P to this Court
twenty years to life imprisonment as a Military Court/ within ten (10) days from notice; and to ALLOW the
Tribunal/Commission may direct, when the violation is accused to post a bail bond of P5,000.00 for his
not attended by any of the circumstances enumerated provisional release. 7 The parties subsequently
under the preceding paragraph. submitted their respective briefs.

The accused pleaded not guilty when arraigned on 15 In dispensing with the testimony of the other defense
July 1981. 2 Trial was held on 14 August 1981. 3 witnesses who were only intended to corroborate the
Patrolman Nepomuceno testified for the prosecution and averment of the accused that he had been to several
narrated the arrest and search of the accused. The discotheques before his apprehension, the trial court was
accused, testifying for himself, said the firearm did no not acting arbitrarily. The trial judge had the right to
belong to him but was passed to him by one Ray Arong control the conduct of the trial and to bar unnecessary
minutes before the patrol car passed by them. The judge testimony, such as that intended merely to corroborate
then asked if the defense had any more witnesses to relatively unimportant matters, that would only
present. The defense counsel said he had, to corroborate unnecessarily delay the case. In People v. Barabasa, 8
the testimony of the accused that he had earlier gone to we held that suppression of that kind of evidence "did
several discotheques. The judge said this would only be not deprive the accused of any substantial right" as "the
cumulative, whereupon the counsel said, "Well, if that is evidence was merely cumulative and unnecessary
the case, Your Honor, we rest our case with the because it would not have affected the result of the case
testimony of our lone witness." 4 The judge thereupon in the least."
dictated his decision in open court finding the accused
guilty and sentencing him to life imprisonment. 5 The The mere fact that the trial was concluded in one sitting
defense counsel manifested his intention to appeal, to only is not necessarily indicative of irregularity or
which the judge replied: "The appeal is automatic. In the inordinate haste. If all the evidence needed by both
meantime he has to be held in custody. I am cancelling parties could be presented by them in that single session,
the bailbond." 6 there is no reason why any reseting had to be made.

As for the circumstance that the defense counsel turned But all this notwithstanding, the accused-appellant is not
out later to be a non-lawyer, it is observed that he was entirely guiltless. For, although his act is not punishable
chosen by the accused himself and that his under the laws invoked by the prosecution, it is
representation does not change the fact that Elesterio undeniable that it comes under the provision of Section
was undeniably carrying an unlicensed firearm when he 2692 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended
was arrested. At any rate, he has since been represented by Rep. Act No. 4, for illegal possession of firearms.
by a member of the Philippine bar, who prepared the
petition for habeas corpus and the appellant's brief. 9 This provision reads as follows:

The Court agrees, however, that Judge Enrique Agana SEC. 2692. Unlawful manufacture, dealing in,
was exceptionally careless, if not deliberately high- acquisition, disposition, or possession of firearms, or
handed, when he immediately after the trial dictated his ammunitions therefor, or instrument used or intended to
decision in open court. One may well suspect that he had be used in the manufacture of firearms or ammunition.
prejudged the case and had a prepared decision to foist — Any person who manufactures, deals in, acquires
upon the accused even before the submission of the poses, or possesses, any firearm, parts of firearms, or
case. And what is worse is that the decision was wrong. ammunition therefor, or instrument or implement used
or intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms or
The elements of the offense punished by General Order ammunition in violation of any provision of sections
No. 6 in relation to Par. 2, Presidential Decree No. 9, as eight hundred and seventy-seven to nine hundred and
amended, are first, the carrying of a firearm outside six, inclusive, of this Code, as amended, shall, upon
one's residence, and second, the motive for such act, conviction, be punished by imprisonment for a period of
which is "in furtherance of or to abet, or in connection not less than one year and one day nor more than five
with subversion, rebellion, insurrection, lawless years, or both such imprisonment and a fine of not less
violence, criminality, chaos or public disorder." than one thousand pesos nor more than five thousand
pesos, in the discretion of the court. If the article
A reading of the information filed against the accused illegally possessed is a rifle, carbine, grease gun,
will readily show that the second element of the imputed bazooka, machine gun, submachine gun, hand grenade,
crime is not alleged at all. All that is averred is that bomb, artillery of any kind or ammunition exclusively
Elesterio on the date and place indicated, had in his intended for such weapons, such period of imprisonment
possession and was carrying outside his residence a shall not be iless than five years nor more than ten years.
firearm and two live bullets without the proper permit or A conviction under this section shall carry with it the
authorization. That is only the first element. There is no forfeiture the prohibited article or articles to the
allegation in the information that the accused was Philippine Government.
carrying the weapon outside his residence for the
purposes mentioned in the laws supposedly violated. The possession of any instrument or implement which is
directly useful in the manufacture of firearms or
This omission was all too obvious, and it is a wonder ammunition on the part of any person whose business or
that the trial judge did not see it at all. Perhaps he did employment does not deal with such instrument or
not choose to see it. In any event, it is clear that the implement shall be "prima facie" proof that such article
accused could not have been convicted of a violation of is intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms or
General Order No. 6 in relation to P.D. No. 9, par. 2, and ammunition.
so should not have been sentenced to the severe penalty
of life imprisonment. Under this provision, mere possession of an unlicensed
firearm is malum prohibitum and is punishable
regardless of lack of criminal intent or proof of the

ownership of the firearm by another person. Even if it sentence of life imprisonment for violation of the
were not, the accused in the case at bar still has not been presidential decree.
able to explain his possession of the revolver short of the
unsupported statement that it had been handed to him by The prescribed penalty is imprisonment for a period of
one Ray Arong who, by his own testimony, was a casual not less than one year nor more than five years and a
acquaintance he had met only two days earlier. He does fine of not less than P1,000.00 nor more than P5,000.00
not even explain why he received the gun when it was in the discretion of the court. The recommendation of
for no apparent reason shoved on him by the said Arong. the Solicitor General, considering the facts and
circumstances of this case, is "an indeterminate penalty
It is well-settled that the nature and cause of the of imprisonment from three years and one day as
accusation are determined not by the name given to the minimum to five years as maximum and a fine of
offense but by the description of the manner and P3,000.00, deducting from the sentence such period of
circumstances in which it was committed. The detention, if any, to which the accused may be entitled."
designation of the offense or of the law violated is a But since the records show that he has been under
conclusion of law made by the prosecuting officer but detention since 1983, or for more than the maximum
this is not binding on the court. That conclusion must sentence imposable on him, there is no question that he
ultimately be made only by the court itself after the trial is entitled to be released immediately upon payment of
and following its own ascertainment of the facts needed the fine, as an indispensable part of the penalty, which
to constitute the elements of the crime attributed to the we hereby fix at P1,000.00.
accused. If an essential element is not alleged to prove a
graver crime, no conviction therefore may be rendered. WHEREFORE, the accused is declared guilty of Illegal
Conversely, if the elements proved constitute a less Possession of Firearms under Section 2692 of the
serious offense, conviction therefor is justified although Revised Administrative Code as amended. Inasmuch as
it is the higher offense that is alleged. In other words, it he has been detained for more than the maximum period
is the recitals of the facts of the commission of the of imprisonment imposable for the offense, he is hereby
offense, and not the nomenclature of the offense, that ordered released immediately upon payment of the fine
should determine the crime being charged in the of P1,000.00.
information. 10
Of particular relevance is the case of People v.
Mamogay, 11 where the failure of the information to Narvasa (Chairman), Gancayco, Griño-Aquino, and
allege that the murder had been committed with the use Medialdea, JJ., concur.
of an illegally possessed firearm removed it from the
coverage of P.D. No. 9 in relation to G.O. No. 6.
Nevertheless, the recitals in the information were 1 Rollo, pp. 4; 47.

specific enough to justify the conviction of the accused 2 Original Records, p. 15.
under Section 2692 of the Revised Administrative Code 3 Ibid., p. 32.
for illegal possession of firearms.
4 Rollo, p. 50.

5 Ibid., pp. 50-51.

The information in the case at bar contained allegations
(later established at the trial) which were sufficient to 6 Id., p. 51.

warrant the conclusion that the offense committed by the 7 Id., p. 5.

8 64 Phil. 399.
accused was violation of Section 2692 of the Revised 9 Rollo, pp. 32-37; Rollo (G.R. No. 63971-Habeas Corpus), p. 39.
Administrative Code as amended. He should therefore 10 US v. Reyes 14 Phil. 270; US v. Lim San, 17 Phil. 273; Oca v. Judge
Jimenez and Inocentes, 115 Phil. 420.
have been meted the penalty prescribed therein, not the 11 114 SCRA 900.


EN BANC intentionally, maliciously, feloniously, and criminally

touch the breast and face of Verna Genzola against her
G.R. No. L-18202 April 30, 1964 will and consent and as a result of which Verna Genzola
suffered shame, embarrassment, and lost her self-
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- respect.
vs. Considering that in order that a crime constitution acts
PERCIVAL GILO, defendant-appellant. of lasciviousness may be committed it is necessary that
it be alleged that it was committed with lewd design, the
Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. latter being an indispensable element of all crimes
Eugenio G. Gemarino for defendant-appellant. against chastity, such as abduction, seduction and rape,
including acts of lasciviousness, the complaint copied
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: above cannot really be considered as charging a crime of
acts of lasciviousness because of the absence of such
Appellant was charged before the Justice of the Peace element, event if the complaint is labelled as "Acts of
Court of Guimbal, Iloilo, with a crime labelled as "Acts Lasciviousness."1 What characterizes a criminal charge
of Lasciviousness" described in a complaint filed by the is not the title but the body of the complaint or
offended party. After conducting the required information. In this sense, the lower court did not
preliminary investigation, the justice of the peace acquire jurisdiction over the case, even if the
forwarded the case to the court of first instance where information filed by the provincial fiscal be one of acts
the provincial fiscal filed an information charging a of lasciviousness, because the complaint that gave initial
similar crime of "Acts of Lasciviousness." It was alleged life to the case is merely one of unjust vexation. This
this time that the act were committed "with lewd fatal defect can only be cured by making the proper
design." correction in the complaint filed by the offended party,
which here was not done. Verily, the lower court acted
Trial was conducted by the latter court, and after the without jurisdiction, thereby rendering all its
prosecution had rested its case, appellant filed a motion proceedings null and void.
to dismiss alleging lack of jurisdiction in view of the
lack of allegation of lewd design in the complaint The contention of the government that the complaint
subscribed by the offended party. The court, however, filed by the offended party before the Justice of the
deferred action on the motion until after trial had been Peace Court of Guimbal, Iloilo, is sufficient even if it
completed. Thereafter, the court rendered decision does not allege that the act was committed with lewd
finding that the act committed was merely one of unjust design is untenable, because the words "feloniously and
vexation and sentence appellant to pay a fine of P20.00. criminally" that are alleged in the complaint are mere
Appellant interposed the present appeal. general terms which denote the criminal intent of the
accused but which do not necessarily connote the idea of
The complaint filed before the Justice of the Peace Court lust needed in the act. Lust or lewd design is an element
of Guimbal, Iloilo, by the offended party, which was that characterizes all crimes against chastity, apart from
labelled as "Acts of Lasciviousness", reads as follows: the felonious or criminal intent of the offender, and such
element must be always present in order that they may
That on or about December 11, 1957, in the be considered in contemplation of law. The absence of
Municipality of Guimbal, Province of Iloilo, Philippines element converts the act into another crime, which this
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the case is unjust vexation.
said accused Percival Gilo taking advantage of his being
drank with force and intimidation did then and there

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is It is

ordered that this case be remanded to the lower court
with the directive that it be in turn remanded to the
Justice of the Peace Court of Guimbal, Iloilo, so that
trial proceed under the complaint filed by the offended
No costs.1äwphï1.ñët

Bengzon, C.J., Padilla, Labrador, Concepcion, Reyes,

J.B.L., Barrera, Paredes, Dizon and Makalintal JJ.,


1People v. Crisostomo, 46 Phil. 775; People v.

Aguinaldo, O.G., 1896; People v. Parentela G.R. No.
41804, February 16 1935, III Lawyer's League Journal,
416: Viado, 3 Cod. Pen., 124.

EN BANC bust team composed of Sgt. Buenaventura Lopez, Pfc.

Virgilio Villaruz and Sgt. Domingo Pejoro, all members
G.R. No. 93028 July 29, 1994 of the same unit. After securing marked money from
Bustamante, the team, together with their informant,
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, proceeded to Sto. Cristo after they had coordinated with
vs. the police authorities and barangay officers thereof.
MARTIN SIMON y SUNGA, respondent. When they reached the place, the confidential informer
pointed out appellant to Lopez who consequently
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. approached appellant and asked him if he had marijuana.
Appellant answered in the affirmative and Lopez offered
Ricardo M.Sampang for accused-appellant. to buy two tea bags. Appellant then left and, upon
returning shortly thereafter, handed to Lopez two
marijuana tea bags and Lopez gave him the marked
money amounting to P40.00 as payment. Lopez then
REGALADO, J.: scratched his head as a
pre-arranged signal to his companions who were
Herein accused-appellant Martin Simon y Sunga was stationed around ten to fifteen meters away, and the
charged on November 10, 1988 with a violation of team closed in on them. Thereupon, Villaruz, who was
Section 4, Article II of Republic Act No. 6425, as the head of the back-up team, arrested appellant. The
amended, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act latter was then brought by the team to the 3rd Narcotics
of 1972, under an indictment alleging that on or about Regional Unit at Camp Olivas on board a jeep and he
October 22, 1988, at Barangay Sto. Cristo, Guagua, was placed under custodial investigation, with Sgt.
Pampanga, he sold four tea bags of marijuana to a Pejoro as the investigator. 4
Narcotics Command (NARCOM) poseur-buyer in
consideration of the sum of P40.00, which tea bags, Pfc. Villaruz corroborated Lopez' testimony, claiming
when subjected to laboratory examination, were found that he saw the deal that transpired between Lopez and
positive for marijuana. 1 the appellant. He also averred that he was the one who
confiscated the marijuana and took the marked money
Eventually arraigned with the assistance of counsel on from appellant. 5
March 2, 1989, after his rearrest following his escape
from Camp Olivas, San Fernando, Pampanga where he Sgt. Domingo Pejoro, for his part, declared that although
was temporarily detained, 2 he pleaded not guilty. He he was part of the buy-bust team, he was stationed
voluntarily waived his right to a pre-trial conference, 3 farthest from the rest of the other members, that is,
after which trial on the merits ensued and was duly around two hundred meters away from his companions.
concluded. He did not actually see the sale that transpired between
Lopez and appellant but he saw his teammates accosting
I appellant after the latter's arrest. He was likewise the one
who conducted the custodial investigation of appellant
The evidence on record shows that a confidential wherein the latter was apprised of his rights to remain
informant, later identified as a NARCOM operative, silent, to information and to counsel. Appellant,
informed the police unit at Camp Olivas, San Fernando, however, orally waived his right to counsel. 6
Pampanga, of the illegal drug activities of a certain
"Alyas Pusa" at Sto. Cristo, Guagua, Pampanga. Capt. Pejoro also claimed having prepared Exhibit "G", the
Francisco Bustamante, Commanding Officer of the 3rd "Receipt of Property Seized/Confiscated" which
Narcotics Regional Unit in the camp, then formed a buy- appellant signed, admitting therein the confiscation of

four tea bags of marijuana dried leaves in his possession. Pejoro. Moreover, the reason why he vomited blood was
Pejoro likewise informed the court below that, because of the blows he suffered at the hands of Pejoro.
originally, what he placed on the receipt was that only He admitted having escaped from the NARCOM office
one marijuana leaf was confiscated in exchange for but claimed that he did so since he could no longer
P20.00. However, Lopez and Villaruz corrected his entry endure the maltreatment to which he was being
by telling him to put "two", instead of "one" and "40", subjected. After escaping, he proceeded to the house of
instead of "20". He agreed to the correction since they his uncle, Bienvenido Sunga, at San Matias, Guagua,
were the ones who were personally and directly reaching the place at around 6:30 or 7:30 p.m. There, he
involved in the purchase of the marijuana and the arrest consulted a quack doctor and, later, he was accompanied
of appellant. 7 by his sister to the Romana Pangan District Hospital at
Floridablanca, Pampanga where he was confined for
Dr. Pedro S. Calara, a medical officer at Camp Olivas, three days. 9
examined appellant at 5:30 p.m. of the day after the
latter's apprehension, and the results were practically Appellant's brother, Norberto Simon, testified to the fact
normal except for his relatively high blood pressure. The that appellant was hospitalized at Floridablanca,
doctor also did not find any trace of physical injury on Pampanga after undergoing abdominal pain and
the person of appellant. The next day, he again examined vomiting of blood. He likewise confirmed that appellant
appellant due to the latter's complaint of had been suffering from peptic ulcer even before the
gastro-intestinal pain. In the course of the examination, latter's arrest. 10 Also, Dr. Evelyn Gomez-Aguas, a
Dr. Calara discovered that appellant has a history of resident physician of Romana Pangan District Hospital,
peptic ulcer, which causes him to experience abdominal declared that she treated appellant for three days due to
pain and consequently vomit blood. In the afternoon, abdominal pain, but her examination revealed that the
appellant came back with the same complaint but, cause for this ailment was appellant's peptic ulcer. She
except for the gastro-intestinal pain, his physical did not see any sign of slight or serious external injury,
condition remained normal. 8 abrasion or contusion on his body. 11

As expected, appellant tendered an antipodal version of On December 4, 1989, after weighing the evidence
the attendant facts, claiming that on the day in question, presented, the trial court rendered judgment convicting
at around 4:30 p.m., he was watching television with the appellant for a violation of Section 4, Article II of
members of his family in their house when three Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, and sentencing him
persons, whom he had never met before suddenly to suffer the penalty of life imprisonment, to pay a fine
arrived. Relying on the assurance that they would just of twenty thousand pesos and to pay the costs. The four
inquire about something from him at their detachment, tea bags of marijuana dried leaves were likewise ordered
appellant boarded a jeep with them. He was told that confiscated in favor of the Government. 12
they were going to Camp Olivas, but he later noticed
that they were taking a different route. While on board, Appellant now prays the Court to reverse the
he was told that he was a pusher so he attempted to aforementioned judgment of the lower court, contending
alight from the jeep but he was handcuffed instead. in his assignment of errors that the latter erred in (1) not
When they finally reached the camp, he was ordered to upholding his defense of "frame-up", (2) not declaring
sign some papers and, when he refused, he was boxed in Exhibit "G" (Receipt of Property Seized/Confiscated)
the stomach eight or nine times by Sgt. Pejoro. He was inadmissible in evidence, and (3) convicting him of a
then compelled to affix his signature and fingerprints on violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act. 13
the documents presented to him. He denied knowledge
of the P20.00 or the dried marijuana leaves, and insisted At the outset, it should be noted that while the People's
that the twenty-peso bill came from the pocket of real theory and evidence is to the effect the appellant

actually sold only two tea bags of marijuana dried are presumed to have regularly performed their official
leaves, while the other two tea bags were merely duty. 21 Such lack of dubious motive coupled with the
confiscated subsequently from his possession, 14 the presumption of regularity in the performance of official
latter not being in any way connected with the sale, the duty, as well as the findings of the trial court on the
information alleges that he sold and delivered four tea credibility of witnesses, should prevail over the self-
bags of marijuana dried leaves. 15 In view thereof, the serving and uncorroborated claim of appellant of having
issue presented for resolution in this appeal is merely the been framed, 22 erected as it is upon the mere shifting
act of selling the two tea bags allegedly committed by sands of an alibi. To top it all, appellant was caught
appellant, and does not include the disparate and distinct red-handed delivering prohibited drugs, and while there
issue of illegal possession of the other two tea bags was a delimited chance for him to controvert the charge,
which separate offense is not charged herein. 16 he does not appear to have plausibly done so.

To sustain a conviction for selling prohibited drugs, the When the drug seized was submitted to the Crime
sale must be clearly and unmistakably established. 17 To Laboratory Service of the then Philippine Constabulary-
sell means to give, whether for money or any other Integrated National Police (PC-INP) at Camp Olivas for
material consideration. 18 It must, therefore, be examination, P/Cpl. Marlyn Salangad, a forensic
established beyond doubt that appellant actually sold chemist therein, 23 confirmed in her Technical Report
and delivered two tea bags of marijuana dried leaves to No. NB-448-88 that the contents of the four tea bags
Sgt. Lopez, who acted as the poseur-buyer, in exchange confiscated from appellant were positive for and had a
for two twenty-peso bills. total weight of 3.8 grams of marijuana. 24 Thus, the
corpus delicti of the crime had been fully proved with
After an assiduous review and calibration of the certainty and conclusiveness. 25
evidence adduced by both parties, we are morally certain
that appellant was caught in flagrante delicto engaging Appellant would want to make capital of the alleged
in the illegal sale of prohibited drugs. The prosecution inconsistencies and improbabilities in the testimonies of
was able to prove beyond a scintilla of doubt that the prosecution witnesses. Foremost, according to him,
appellant, on October 22, 1988, did sell two tea bags of is the matter of who really confiscated the marijuana tea
marijuana dried leaves to Sgt. Lopez. The latter himself bags from him since, in open court, Pejoro asserted that
creditably testified as to how the sale took place and his he had nothing to do with the confiscation of the
testimony was amply corroborated by his teammates. As marijuana, but in the aforementioned "Receipt of
between the straightforward, positive and corroborated Property Seized/Confiscated," he signed it as the one
testimony of Lopez and the bare denials and negative who seized the same. 26
testimony of appellant, the former undeniably deserves
greater weight and is more entitled to credence. Suffice it to say that whether it was Villaruz or Pejoro
who confiscated the marijuana will not really matter
We are aware that the practice of entrapping drug since such is not an element of the offense with which
traffickers through the utilization of poseur-buyers is appellant is charged. What is unmistakably clear is that
susceptible to mistake, harassment, extortion and abuse. the marijuana was confiscated from the possession of
19 Nonetheless, such causes for judicial apprehension appellant. Even, assuming arguendo that the prosecution
and doubt do not obtain in the case at bar. Appellant's committed an error on who actually seized the marijuana
entrapment and arrest were not effected in a haphazard from appellant, such an error or discrepancy refers only
way, for a surveillance was conducted by the team to a minor matter and, as such, neither impairs the
before the essential integrity of the prosecution evidence as a
buy-bust operation was effected. 20 No ill motive was or whole nor reflects on the witnesses' honesty. 27 Besides,
could be attributed to them, aside from the fact that they there was clearly a mere imprecision of language since

Pejoro obviously meant that he did not take part in the Again, appellant contends that there was neither a
physical taking of the drug from the person of appellant, relative of his nor any barangay official or civilian to
but he participated in the legal seizure or confiscation witness the seizure. He decries the lack of pictures taken
thereof as the investigator of their unit. before, during and after his arrest. Moreover, he was not
reported to or booked in the custody of any barangay
Next, appellant adduces the argument that the twenty- official or police authorities. 31 These are absurd
peso bills allegedly confiscated from him were not disputations. No law or jurisprudence requires that an
powdered for finger-printing purposes contrary to the arrest or seizure, to be valid, be witnessed by a relative,
normal procedure in buy-bust operations. 28 This a barangay official or any other civilian, or be
omission has been satisfactorily explained by Pfc. accompanied by the taking of pictures. On the contrary,
Virgilio Villaruz in his testimony, as follows: the police enforcers having caught appellant in flagrante
delicto, they were not only authorized but were also
Q: Is it the standard operating procedure of your under the obligation to effect a warrantless arrest and
unit that in conducting such operation you do not seizure.
anymore provide a powder (sic) on the object so as to
determine the thumbmark or identity of the persons Likewise, contrary to appellant's contention, there was
taking hold of the object? an arrest report prepared by the police in connection
with his apprehension. Said Booking Sheet and Arrest
A: We were not able to put powder on these Report 32 states, inter alia, that "suspect was arrested for
denominations because we are lacking that kind of selling two tea bags of suspected marijuana dried leaves
material in our office since that item can be purchased and the confiscation of another two tea bags of
only in Manila and only few are producing that, sir. suspected marijuana dried leaves." Below these remarks
was affixed appellant's signature. In the same manner,
xxx xxx xxx the receipt for the seized property, hereinbefore
mentioned, was signed by appellant wherein he
Q: Is it not a fact that your office is within (the) P.C. acknowledged the confiscation of the marked bills from
Crime Laboratory, CIS, as well as the office of NICA? him. 33

A: Our office is only adjacent to those offices but However, we find and hereby declare the
we cannot make a request for that powder because they, aforementioned exhibits inadmissible in evidence.
themselves, are using that in their own work, sir. 29 Appellant's conformance to these documents are
declarations against interest and tacit admissions of the
The foregoing explanation aside, we agree that the crime charged. They were obtained in violation of his
failure to mark the money bills used for entrapment right as a person under custodial investigation for the
purposes can under no mode of rationalization be fatal to commission of an offense, there being nothing in the
the case of the prosecution because the Dangerous records to show that he was assisted by counsel. 34
Drugs Act punishes "any person who, unless authorized Although appellant manifested during the custodial
by law, shall sell, administer, deliver, give away to investigation that he waived his right to counsel, the
another, distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any waiver was not made in writing and in the presence of
prohibited drug, or shall act as a broker in any of such counsel, 35 hence whatever incriminatory admission or
transactions." 30 The dusting of said bills with confession may be extracted from him, either verbally or
phosphorescent powder is only an evidentiary technique in writing, is not allowable in evidence. 36 Besides, the
for identification purposes, which identification can be arrest report is self-serving and hearsay and can easily
supplied by other species of evidence. be concocted to implicate a suspect.

Notwithstanding the objectionability of the aforesaid and the other for the defense, 46 testified on the absence
exhibits, appellant cannot thereby be extricated from his of any tell-tale sign or indication of bodily injury,
predicament since his criminal participation in the illegal abrasions or contusions on the person of appellant. What
sale of marijuana has been sufficiently proven. The is evident is that the cause of his abdominal pain was his
commission of the offense of illegal sale of prohibited peptic ulcer from which he had been suffering even
drugs requires merely the consummation of the selling before his arrest. 47 His own brother even corroborated
transaction 37 which happens the moment the buyer that fact, saying that appellant has had a history of
receives the drug from the seller. 38 In the present case, bleeding peptic ulcer. 48
and in light of the preceding discussion, this sale has
been ascertained beyond any peradventure of doubt. Furthermore, if it is true that appellant was maltreated at
Camp Olivas, he had no reason whatsoever for not
Appellant then asseverates that it is improbable that he divulging the same to his brother who went to see him at
would sell marijuana to a total stranger. 39 We take this the camp after his arrest and during his detention there.
opportunity to once again reiterate the doctrinal rule that 49 Significantly, he also did not even report the matter to
drug-pushing, when done on a small scale as in this the authorities nor file appropriate charges against the
case, belongs to that class of crimes that may be alleged malefactors despite the opportunity to do so 50
committed at any time and in any place. 40 It is not and with the legal services of counsel being available to
contrary to human experience for a drug pusher to sell to him. Such omissions funnel down to the conclusion that
a total stranger, 41 for what matters is not an existing appellant's story is a pure fabrication.
familiarity between the buyer and seller but their
agreement and the acts constituting the sale and delivery These, and the events earlier discussed, soundly refute
of the marijuana leaves. 42 While there may be his allegations that his arrest was baseless and
instances where such sale could be improbable, taking premeditated for the NARCOM agents were determined
into consideration the diverse circumstances of person, to arrest him at all costs. 51 Premeditated or not,
time and place, as well as the incredibility of how the appellant's arrest was only the culmination, the final act
accused supposedly acted on that occasion, we can needed for his isolation from society and it was
safely say that those exceptional particulars are not providential that it came about after he was caught in the
present in this case. very act of illicit trade of prohibited drugs. Accordingly,
this opinion could have concluded on a note of
Finally, appellant contends that he was subjected to affirmance of the judgment of the trial court. However,
physical and mental torture by the arresting officers Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, was further
which caused him to escape from Camp Olivas the night amended by Republic Act No. 7659 effective December
he was placed under custody. 43 This he asserts to 31, 1993, 52 which supervenience necessarily affects the
support his explanation as to how his signatures on the original disposition of this case and entails additional
documents earlier discussed were supposedly obtained questions of law which we shall now resolve.
by force and coercion.
The doctrine is now too well embedded in our
jurisprudence that for evidence to be believed, it must The provisions of the aforesaid amendatory law,
not only proceed from the mouth of a credible witness pertinent to the adjudication of the case at bar, are to this
but must be credible in itself such as the common effect:
experience and observation of mankind can approve as
probable under the circumstances. 44 The evidence on Sec. 13. Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 of Art. II of
record is bereft of any support for appellant's allegation Republic Act No. 6425, as amended, known as the
of maltreatment. Two doctors, one for the prosecution 45

Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, are hereby amended to No. 7659 should be given retroactive effect to entitle
read as follows: him to the lesser penalty provided thereunder, pursuant
to Article 22 of the Revised Penal Code.
xxx xxx xxx
Although Republic Act No. 6425 was enacted as a
Sec. 4. Sale, Administration, Delivery, Distribution and special law, albeit originally amendatory and in
Transportation of Prohibited Drugs. — The penalty of substitution of the previous Articles 190 to 194 of the
reclusion perpetua to death and a fine ranging from five Revised Penal Code, 53 it has long been settled that by
hundred thousand pesos to ten million pesos shall be force of Article 10 of said Code the beneficient
imposed upon any person who, unless authorized by provisions of Article 22 thereof applies to and shall be
law, shall sell, administer, deliver, give away to another, given retrospective effect to crimes punished by special
distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any prohibited laws. 54 The execution in said article would not apply to
drug, or shall act as a broker in any of such transactions. those convicted of drug offenses since habitual
delinquency refers to convictions for the third time or
xxx xxx xxx more of the crimes of serious or less serious physical
injuries, robo, hurto, estafa or falsification. 55
Sec. 17. Section 20, Article IV of Republic Act
No. 6425, as amended, known as the Dangerous Drugs Since, obviously, the favorable provisions of Republic
Act of 1972, is hereby amended to read as follows: Act No. 7659 could neither have then been involved nor
invoked in the present case, a corollary question would
Sec. 20. Application of Penalties, Confiscation be whether this court, at the present stage, can
and Forfeiture of the Proceeds or Instrument of the sua sponte apply the provisions of said Article 22 to
Crime. — The penalties for offenses under Sections 3, 4, reduce the penalty to be imposed on appellant. That
7, 8 and 9 of Article II and Sections 14, 14-A, 15 and 16 issue has likewise been resolved in the cited case of
of Article III of this Act shall be applied if the dangerous People vs. Moran, et al., ante., thus:
drugs involved is in any of the following quantities:
. . . . The plain precept contained in article 22 of the
xxx xxx xxx Penal Code, declaring the retroactivity of penal laws in
so far as they are favorable to persons accused of a
5. 750 grams or more of indian hemp or marijuana felony, would be useless and nugatory if the courts of
justice were not under obligation to fulfill such duty,
xxx xxx xxx irrespective of whether or not the accused has applied
for it, just as would also all provisions relating to the
Otherwise, if the quantity involved is less than the prescription of the crime and the penalty.
foregoing quantities, the penalty shall range from prision
correccional to reclusion perpetua depending upon the If the judgment which could be affected and modified by
quantity. the reduced penalties provided in Republic Act No. 7659
has already become final and executory or the accused is
1. Considering that herein appellant is being serving sentence thereunder, then practice, procedure
prosecuted for the sale of four tea bags of marijuana and pragmatic considerations would warrant and
with a total weight of only 3.8 grams and, in fact, stands necessitate the matter being brought to the judicial
to be convicted for the sale of only two of those tea authorities for relief under a writ of habeas corpus. 56
bags, the initial inquiry would be whether the patently
favorable provisions of Republic Act 2. Probably through oversight, an error on the
matter of imposable penalties appears to have been

committed in the drafting of the aforesaid law; thereby form a period, with the lightest of them being the
calling for and necessitating judicial reconciliation and minimum, the next as the medium, and the most severe
craftsmanship. as the maximum period. 58

As applied to the present case, Section 4 of Republic Act Ordinarily, and pursuant to Article 64 of the Code, the
No. 6425, as now further amended, imposes the penalty mitigating and aggravating circumstances determine
of reclusion perpetua to death and a fine ranging from which period of such complex penalty
P500,000.00 to P10,000,000.00 upon any person who shall be imposed on the accused. The peculiarity of the
shall unlawfully sell, administer, deliver, give away, second paragraph of Section 20, however, is its specific
distribute, dispatch in transit or transport any prohibited mandate, above quoted, that the penalty shall instead
drug. That penalty, according to the amendment to depend upon the quantity of the drug subject of the
Section 20 of the law, shall be applied if what is criminal transaction. 59 Accordingly, by way of
involved is 750 grams or more of indian hemp or exception to Article 77 of the Code and to subserve the
marijuana; otherwise, if the quantity involved is less, the purpose of Section 20 of Republic Act No. 7659, each of
penalty shall range from prision correccional to the aforesaid component penalties shall be considered as
reclusion perpetua depending upon the quantity. a principal imposable penalty depending on the quantity
of the drug involved. Thereby, the modifying
In other words, there is here an overlapping error in the circumstances will not altogether be disregarded. Since
provisions on the penalty of reclusion perpetua by each component penalty of the total complex penalty
reason of its dual imposition, that is, as the maximum of will have to be imposed separately as determined by the
the penalty where the marijuana is less than 750 grams, quantity of the drug involved, then the modifying
and also as the minimum of the penalty where the circumstances can be used to fix the proper period of
marijuana involved is 750 grams or more. The same that component penalty, as shall hereafter be explained.
error has been committed with respect to the other
prohibited and regulated drugs provided in said Section It would, therefore, be in line with the provisions of
20. To harmonize such conflicting provisions in order to Section 20 in the context of our aforesaid disposition
give effect to the whole law, 57 we hereby hold that the thereon that, unless there are compelling reasons for a
penalty to be imposed where the quantity of the drugs deviation, the quantities of the drugs enumerated in its
involved is less than the quantities stated in the first second paragraph be divided into three, with the
paragraph shall range from prision correccional to resulting quotient, and double or treble the same, to be
reclusion temporal, and not reclusion perpetua. This is respectively the bases for allocating the penalty
also concordant with the fundamental rule in criminal proportionately among the three aforesaid periods
law that all doubts should be construed in a manner according to the severity thereof. Thus, if the marijuana
favorable to the accused. involved is below 250 grams, the penalty to be imposed
shall be prision correccional; from 250 to 499 grams,
3. Where, as in this case, the quantity of the prision mayor; and 500 to
dangerous drug is only 3.8 grams, hence covered by the 749 grams, reclusion temporal. Parenthetically, fine is
imposable range of penalties under the second paragraph imposed as a conjunctive penalty only if the penalty is
of Section 20, as now modified, the law provides that reclusion perpetua to death. 60
the penalty shall be taken from said range "depending
upon the quantity" of the drug involved in the case. The Now, considering the minimal quantity of the marijuana
penalty in said second paragraph constitutes a complex subject of the case at bar, the penalty of prision
one composed of three distinct penalties, that is, prision correccional is consequently indicated but, again,
correccional, prision mayor, and reclusion temporal. In another preliminary and cognate issue has first to be
such a situation, the Code provides that each one shall resolved.

the Revised Penal Code in its technical nomenclature

4. Prision correccional has a duration of 6 months and, necessarily, with its duration, correlation and legal
and 1 day to 6 years and, as a divisible penalty, it effects under the system of penalties native to said Code.
consists of three periods as provided in the text of and When, as in this case, the law involved speaks of prision
illustrated in the table provided by Article 76 of the correccional, in its technical sense under the Code, it
Code. The question is whether or not in determining the would consequently be both illogical and absurd to posit
penalty to be imposed, which is here to be taken from otherwise. More on this later.
the penalty of prision correccional, the presence or
absence of mitigating, aggravating or other For the nonce, we hold that in the instant case the
circumstances modifying criminal liability should be imposable penalty under Republic Act No. 6425, as
taken into account. amended by Republic Act No. 7659, is prision
correccional, to be taken from the medium period
We are not unaware of cases in the past wherein it was thereof pursuant to Article 64 of the Revised Penal
held that, in imposing the penalty for offenses under Code, there being no attendant mitigating or aggravating
special laws, the rules on mitigating or aggravating circumstance.
circumstances under the Revised Penal Code cannot and
should not be applied. A review of such doctrines as 5. At this juncture, a clarificatory discussion of the
applied in said cases, however, reveals that the reason developmental changes in the penalties imposed for
therefor was because the special laws involved provided offenses under special laws would be necessary.
their own specific penalties for the offenses punished
thereunder, and which penalties were not taken from or Originally, those special laws, just as was the
with reference to those in the Revised Penal Code. Since conventional practice in the United States but differently
the penalties then provided by the special laws from the penalties provided in our Revised Penal Code
concerned did not provide for the minimum, medium or and its Spanish origins, provided for one specific
maximum periods, it would consequently be impossible penalty or a range of penalties with definitive durations,
to consider the aforestated modifying circumstances such as imprisonment for one year or for one to five
whose main function is to determine the period of the years but without division into periods or any technical
penalty in accordance with the rules in Article 64 of the statutory cognomen. This is the special law
Code. contemplated in and referred to at the time laws like the
Indeterminate Sentence Law 61 were passed during the
This is also the rationale for the holding in previous American regime.
cases that the provisions of the Code on the graduation
of penalties by degrees could not be given Subsequently, a different pattern emerged whereby a
supplementary application to special laws, since the special law would direct that an offense thereunder shall
penalties in the latter were not components of or be punished under the Revised Penal Code and in the
contemplated in the scale of penalties provided by same manner provided therein. Inceptively, for instance,
Article 71 of the former. The suppletory effect of the Commonwealth Act No. 303 62 penalizing non-payment
Revised Penal Code to special laws, as provided in of salaries and wages with the periodicity prescribed
Article 10 of the former, cannot be invoked where there therein, provided:
is a legal or physical impossibility of, or a prohibition in
the special law against, such supplementary application. Sec. 4. Failure of the employer to pay his employee or
laborer as required by section one of this Act, shall
The situation, however, is different where although the prima facie be considered a fraud committed by such
offense is defined in and ostensibly punished under a employer against his employee or laborer by means of
special law, the penalty therefor is actually taken from false pretenses similar to those mentioned in article three

hundred and fifteen, paragraph four, sub-paragraph two reclusion temporal, such technical term under the
(a) of the Revised Penal Code and shall be punished in Revised Penal Code is not given to that penalty for
the same manner as therein provided. 63 carnapping. Besides, the other penalties for carnapping
attended by the qualifying circumstances stated in the
Thereafter, special laws were enacted where the offenses law do not correspond to those in the Code. The rules on
defined therein were specifically punished by the penalties in the Code, therefore, cannot suppletorily
penalties as technically named and understood in the apply to Republic Act No. 6539 and special laws of the
Revised Penal Code. These are exemplified by Republic same formulation.
Act No. 1700 (Anti-Subversion Act) where the penalties
ranged from arresto mayor to On the other hand, the rules for the application of
death; 64 Presidential Decree No. 1612 (Anti-Fencing penalties and the correlative effects thereof under the
Decree) where the penalties run from arresto mayor to Revised Penal Code, as well as other statutory
prision mayor; and Presidential Decree enactments founded upon and applicable to such
No. 1866 (illegal possession and other prohibited acts provisions of the Code, have suppletory effect to the
involving firearms), the penalties wherefor may involve penalties under the former Republic Act
prision mayor, reclusion temporal, reclusion perpetua or No. 1700 and those now provided under Presidential
death. Decrees Nos. 1612 and 1866. While these are special
laws, the fact that the penalties for offenses thereunder
Another variant worth mentioning is Republic Act No. are those provided for in the Revised Penal code lucidly
6539 reveals the statutory intent to give the related provisions
(Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972) where the penalty is on penalties for felonies under the Code the
imprisonment for not less than 14 years and 8 months corresponding application to said special laws, in the
and not more than 17 years and 4 months, when absence of any express or implicit proscription in these
committed without violence or intimidation of persons special laws. To hold otherwise would be to sanction an
or force upon things; not less than 17 years and 4 indefensible judicial truncation of an integrated system
months and not more than 30 years, when committed of penalties under the Code and its allied legislation,
with violence against or intimidation of any person, or which could never have been the intendment of
force upon things; and life imprisonment to death, when Congress.
the owner, driver or occupant of the carnapped vehicle is
killed. In People vs. Macatanda, 65 a prosecution under a
special law (Presidential Decree No. 533, otherwise
With respect to the first example, where the penalties known as the Anti-Cattle Rustling Law of 1974), it was
under the special law are different from and are without contended by the prosecution that Article 64, paragraph
reference or relation to those under the Revised Penal 5, of the Revised Penal Code should not apply to said
Code, there can be no suppletory effect of the rules for special law. We said therein that —
the application of penalties under said Code or by other
relevant statutory provisions based on or applicable only We do not agree with the Solicitor General that P.D. 533
to said rules for felonies under the Code. In this type of is a special law entirely distinct from and unrelated to
special law, the legislative intendment is clear. the Revised Penal Code. From the nature of the penalty
imposed which is in terms of the classification and
The same exclusionary rule would apply to the last duration of penalties as prescribed in the Revised Penal
given example, Republic Act No. 6539. While it is true Code, which is not for penalties as are ordinarily
that the penalty of 14 years and imposed in special laws, the intent seems clear that P.D.
8 months to 17 years and 4 months is virtually 533 shall be deemed as an amendment of the Revised
equivalent to the duration of the medium period of Penal Code, with respect to the offense of theft of large

cattle (Art. 310) or otherwise to be subject to applicable the caveat that mitigating circumstances should be
provisions thereof such as Article 104 of the Revised considered and applied only if they affect the periods
Penal Code . . . . Article 64 of the same Code should, and the degrees of the penalties within rational limits.
likewise, be applicable, . . . . (Emphasis supplied.)
Prefatorily, what ordinarily are involved in the
More particularly with regard to the suppletory effect of graduation and consequently determine the degree of the
the rules on penalties in the Revised Penal Code to penalty, in accordance with the rules in Article 61 of the
Republic Act No. 6425, in this case involving Article Code as applied to the scale of penalties in Article 71,
63(2) of the Code, we have this more recent are the stage of execution of the crime and the nature of
pronouncement: the participation of the accused. However, under
paragraph 5 of Article 64, when there are two or more
. . . Pointing out that as provided in Article 10 the ordinary mitigating circumstances and no aggravating
provisions of the Revised Penal Code shall be circumstance, the penalty shall be reduced by one
"supplementary" to special laws, this Court held that degree. Also, the presence of privileged mitigating
where the special law expressly grants to the court circumstances, as provided in Articles 67 and 68, can
discretion in applying the penalty prescribed for the reduce the penalty by one or two degrees, or even more.
offense, there is no room for the application of the These provisions of Articles 64(5), 67 and 68 should not
provisions of the Code . . . . apply in toto in the determination of the proper penalty
under the aforestated second paragraph of section 20 of
The Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended by P.D. Republic Act No. 6425, to avoid anomalous results
No. 1623, contains no explicit grant of discretion to the which could not have been contemplated by the
Court in the application of the penalty prescribed by the legislature.
law. In such case, the court must be guided by the rules
prescribed by the Revised Penal Code concerning the Thus, paragraph 5 of Article 61 provides that when the
application of penalties which distill the "deep legal law prescribes a penalty in some manner not specially
thought and centuries of experience in the administration provided for in the four preceding paragraphs thereof,
of criminal laws." (Emphasis ours.) 66 the courts shall proceed by analogy therewith. Hence,
when the penalty prescribed for the crime consists of
Under the aforestated considerations, in the case of the one or two penalties to be imposed in their full extent,
Dangerous Drugs Act as now amended by Republic Act the penalty next lower in degree shall likewise consist of
No. 7659 by the incorporation and prescription therein as many penalties which follow the former in the scale
of the technical penalties defined in and constituting in Article 71. If this rule were to be applied, and since
integral parts of the three scales of penalties in the Code, the complex penalty in this
67 with much more reason should the provisions of said case consists of three discrete penalties in their full
Code on the appreciation and effects of all attendant extent, that is,
modifying circumstances apply in fixing the penalty. prision correccional, prision mayor and reclusion
Likewise, the different kinds or classifications of temporal, then one degree lower would be arresto
penalties and the rules for graduating menor, destierro and arresto mayor. There could,
such penalties by degrees should have supplementary however, be no further reduction by still one or two
effect on Republic Act No. 6425, except if they would degrees, which must each likewise consist of three
result in absurdities as will now be explained. penalties, since only the penalties of fine and public
censure remain in the scale.
While not squarely in issue in this case, but because this
aspect is involved in the discussion on the role of The Court rules, therefore, that while modifying
modifying circumstances, we have perforce to lay down circumstances may be appreciated to determine the

periods of the corresponding penalties, or even reduce type of penalties under said laws which were not
the penalty by degrees, in no case should such included or contemplated in the scale of penalties in
graduation of penalties reduce the imposable penalty Article 71 of the Code, hence there could be no
beyond or lower than prision correccional. It is for this minimum "within the range of the penalty next lower to
reason that the three component penalties in the second that prescribed by the Code for the offense," as is the
paragraph of Section 20 shall each be considered as an rule for felonies therein. In the illustrative examples of
independent principal penalty, and that the lowest penalties in special laws hereinbefore provided, this rule
penalty should in any event be prision correccional in applied, and would still apply, only to the first and last
order not to depreciate the seriousness of drug offenses. examples. Furthermore, considering the vintage of Act
Interpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat. No. 4103 as earlier noted, this holding is but an
Such interpretation is to be adopted so that the law may application and is justified under the rule of
continue to have efficacy rather than fail. A perfect contemporanea expositio. 69
judicial solution cannot be forged from an imperfect law,
which impasse should now be the concern of and is We repeat, Republic Act No. 6425, as now amended by
accordingly addressed to Congress. Republic Act No. 7659, has unqualifiedly adopted the
penalties under the Revised Penal Code in their
6. The final query is whether or not the technical terms, hence with their technical signification
Indeterminate Sentence Law is applicable to the case and effects. In fact, for purposes of determining the
now before us. Apparently it does, since drug offenses maximum of said sentence, we
are not included in nor has appellant committed any act have applied the provisions of the amended Section 20
which would put him within the exceptions to said law of said law to arrive at prision correccional and Article
and the penalty to be imposed does not involve reclusion 64 of the Code to impose the same in the medium
perpetua or death, provided, of course, that the penalty period. Such offense, although provided for in a special
as ultimately resolved will exceed one year of law, is now in effect punished by and under the Revised
imprisonment. 68 The more important aspect, however, Penal Code. Correlatively, to determine the minimum,
is how the indeterminate sentence shall be ascertained. we must apply the first part of the aforesaid Section 1
which directs that "in imposing a prison sentence for an
It is true that Section 1 of said law, after providing for offense punished by the Revised Penal Code, or its
indeterminate sentence for an offense under the Revised amendments, the court shall sentence the accused to an
Penal Code, states that "if the offense is punished by any indeterminate sentence the maximum term of which
other law, the court shall sentence the accused to an shall be that which, in view of the attending
indeterminate sentence, the maximum term of which circumstances, could be properly imposed under the
shall not exceed the maximum fixed by said law and the rules of said Code, and the minimum which shall be
minimum shall not be less than the minimum term within the range of the penalty next lower to that
prescribed by the same." We hold that this quoted prescribed by the Code for the offense." (Emphasis
portion of the section indubitably refers to an offense ours.)
under a special law wherein the penalty imposed was not
taken from and is without reference to the Revised Penal A divergent pedantic application would not only be out
Code, as discussed in the preceding illustrations, such of context but also an admission of the hornbook maxim
that it may be said that the "offense is punished" under that qui haeret in litera haeret in cortice. Fortunately, this
that law. Court has never gone only skin-deep in its construction
of Act. No. 4103 by a mere literal appreciation of its
There can be no sensible debate that the aforequoted rule provisions. Thus, with regard to the phrase in Section 2
on indeterminate sentence for offenses under special thereof excepting from its coverage "persons convicted
laws was necessary because of the nature of the former of offenses punished with death penalty or life

imprisonment," we have held that what is considered is minimum sentence at 6 months of arresto mayor, instead
the penalty actually imposed and not the penalty of 6 months and 1 day of prision correccional. The
imposable under the law, 70 and that reclusion perpetua difference, which could thereby even involve only one
is likewise embraced therein although what the law day, is hardly worth the creation of an overrated tempest
states is "life imprisonment". in the judicial teapot.

What irresistibly emerges from the preceding ACCORDINGLY, under all the foregoing premises, the
disquisition, therefore, is that under the concurrence of judgment of conviction rendered by the court a quo
the principles of literal interpretation, which have been against accused-appellant Martin Simon y Sunga is
rationalized by comparative decisions of this Court; of AFFIRMED, but with the MODIFICATION that he
historical interpretation, as explicated by the antecedents should be, as he hereby is, sentenced to serve an
of the law and related contemporaneous legislation; and indeterminate penalty of six (6) months of arresto
of structural interpretation, considering the interrelation mayor, as the minimum, to six (6) years of prision
of the penalties in the Code as supplemented by Act No. correccional, as the maximum thereof.
4103 in an integrated scheme of penalties, it follows that
the minimum of the indeterminate sentence in this case SO ORDERED.
shall be the penalty next lower to that prescribed for the
offense. Thereby we shall have interpreted the seeming Narvasa, C.J., Cruz, Padilla, Bidin, Romero, Melo,
ambiguity in Section 1 of Act No. 4103 in such a way as Puno, Vitug, Kapunan and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
to harmonize laws with laws, which is the best mode of
interpretation. 71 Bellosillo, J., is on leave.

The indeterminate Sentence Law is a legal and social

measure of compassion, and should be liberally Separate Opinions
interpreted in favor of the accused. 72 The "minimum" DAVIDE, JR., J., concurring and dissenting:
sentence is merely a period at which, and not before, as
a matter of grace and not of right, the prisoner may I am still unable to agree with the view that (a) in
merely be allowed to serve the balance of his sentence appropriate cases where the penalty to be imposed
outside of his confinement. 73 It does not constitute the would be prision correccional pursuant to the second
totality of the penalty since thereafter he still has to paragraph of Section 20 of R.A. No. 6425, as amended
continue serving the rest of his sentence under set by Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659, the sentence to be
conditions. That minimum is only the period when the meted out, applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law
convict's eligibility for parole may be considered. In (Act No. 4103, as amended), should be that whose
fact, his release on parole may readily be denied if he is minimum is within the range of the penalty next lower,
found unworthy thereof, or his reincarceration may be i.e., arresto mayor; and (b) the presence of two or more
ordered on legal grounds, even if he has served the mitigating circumstances not offset by any mitigating
minimum sentence. circumstances or of a privileged mitigating circumstance
shall not reduce the penalty by one or two degrees if the
It is thus both amusing and bemusing if, in the case at penalty to be imposed, taking into account the quantity
bar, appellant should be begrudged the benefit of a of the dangerous drugs involved, would be prision
minimum sentence within the range of arresto mayor, correccional.
the penalty next lower to prision correccional which is
the maximum range we have fixed through the I
application of Articles 61 and 71 of the Revised Penal
Code. For, with fealty to the law, the court may set the

The first view is based on the proposition that since R.A. the Revised Penal Code if it is defined by it, and none
No. 7659 had unqualifiedly adopted the penalties under other, as a crime and is punished by a penalty which is
the Revised Penal Code in their technical terms, hence included in the classification of Penalties in Chapter II,
also their technical signification and effects, then what Title III of Book I thereof.
should govern is the first part of Section 1 of the
Indeterminate Sentence Law which directs that: On the other hand, an offense is considered punished
under any other law (or special law) if it is not defined
in imposing a prison sentence for an offense punished by and penalized by the Revised Penal Code but by such
the Revised Penal Code, or its amendments, the court other law.
shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence
the maximum term of which shall be that which, in view It is thus clear that an offense is punished by the Revised
of the attending circumstances, could be properly Penal Code if both its definition and the penalty therefor
imposed under the rules of the said Code, and the are found in the said Code, and it is deemed punished by
minimum which shall be within the range of the penalty a special law if its definition and the penalty therefor are
next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the found in the special law. That the latter imports or
offense. borrows from the Revised Penal Code its nomenclature
of penalties does not make an offense in the special law
Elsewise stated, by the adoption of the penalties punished by or punishable under the Revised Penal
provided for in the Revised Penal Code for the offenses Code. The reason is quite simple. It is still the special
penalized under the Dangerous Drugs Act (R.A. No. law that defines the offense and imposes a penalty
6425), as amended, the latter offenses would now be therefor, although it adopts the Code's nomenclature of
considered as punished under the Revised Penal Code penalties. In short, the mere use by a special law of a
for purposes of the Indeterminate Sentence Law. penalty found in the Revised Penal Code can by no
means make an offense thereunder an offense "punished
Section 1 of the Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act. No. or punishable" by the Revised Penal Code.
4103, as amended by Act. No. 4225 and R.A. No. 4203)
also provides that: Thus, I cannot subscribe to the view that since R.A. No.
7659 had adopted the penalties prescribed by the
if the offense is punished by any other law, the court Revised Penal Code in drug cases, offenses related to
shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence, drugs should now be considered as punished under the
the maximum term of which shall not exceed the Revised Penal Code. If that were so, then we are also
maximum fixed by said law and the minimum shall not bound, ineluctably, to declare that such offenses are
be less than the minimum prescribed by the same mala in se and to apply the Articles of the Revised Penal
(Emphasis supplied). Code regarding the stages of a felony (Article 6), the
nature of participation (Article 16), accessory penalties
There are, therefore, two categories of offenses which (Articles 40-45), application of penalties to principals,
should be taken into account in the application of the accomplices, and accessories (Article 46 et seq.),
Indeterminate Sentence Law: (1) offenses punished by complex crimes (Article 48), and graduation of penalties
the Revised Penal Code, and (2) offenses punished by (Article 61), among others. We cannot do otherwise
other laws (or special laws). without being drawn to an inconsistent posture which is
extremely hard to justify.
The offenses punished by the Revised Penal Code are
those defined and penalized in Book II thereof, which is I respectfully submit then that the adoption by the
thus appropriately titled CRIMES AND PENALTIES. Dangerous Drugs Act of the penalties in the Revised
To simplify further, a crime is deemed punished under Penal Code does not make an offense under the

Dangerous Drugs Act an offense punished by the graduation of penalties reduce the imposable penalty
Revised Penal Code. Consequently, where the proper beyond or lower than
penalty to be imposed under Section 20 of the prision correccional. It is for this reason that the three
Dangerous Drugs Act is prision correccional, then, component penalties in the second paragraph of Section
applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the 20 shall each be considered as an independent principal
indeterminate sentence to be meted on the accused penalty, and that the lowest penalty should in any event
should be that whose minimum should not be less than be prision correccional in order to depreciate the
the minimum prescribed by the special law (the seriousness of drug offenses.
Dangerous Drugs Act), i.e., not lower than six (6)
months and one (1) day of prision correccional. Simply put, this rule would allow the reduction from
II temporal — if it is the penalty to be imposed on the
basis of the quantity of the drugs involved — by two
The majority opinion holds the view that while the degrees, or to prision correccional, if there are two or
penalty provided for in Section 20 of the Dangerous more mitigating circumstances and no aggravating
Drugs Act is a complex one composed of three distinct circumstance is present (paragraph 5, Article 64,
penalties, viz., prision correccional, prision mayor, and Revised Penal Code) or if there is a privileged
reclusion temporal, and that pursuant to Article 77 of the mitigating circumstances of, say, minority (Article 68,
Revised Penal Code, each should form a period, with the Revised Penal Code), or under circumstances covered
lightest of them being the minimum, the next as the by Article 69 of the Revised Penal Code. Yet, if the
medium, and the most severe as the maximum, yet, proper penalty to be imposed is prision mayor,
considering that under the said second paragraph of regardless of the fact that a reduction by two degrees is
Section 20 the penalty depends on the quantity of the proper, it should only be reduced by one degree because
drug subject of the criminal transaction, then by way of the rule does not allow a reduction beyond prision
exception to Article 77 of the Revised Penal Code and to correccional. Finally, if the proper penalty to be imposed
subserve the purpose of Section 20, as amended, each of is prision correccional, no reduction at all would be
the aforesaid component penalties shall be considered as allowed.
a principal penalty depending on the quantity of the drug
involved. Thereafter, applying the modifying I find the justification for the rule to be arbitrary and
circumstances pursuant to Article 64 of the Revised unfair. It is arbitrary because within the same second
Penal Code, the proper period of the component penalty paragraph involving the same range of penalty, we both
shall then be fixed. allow and disallow the application of Article 64(5),
Article 68, and Article 69 of the Revised Penal Code.
To illustrate, if the quantity of the drugs involved (e.g., The reason for the disallowance, viz., in order not to
marijuana below 250 grams) the proper principal penalty depreciate the seriousness of drug offenses, is
should be prision correccional, but there is one unconvincing because Section 20 of the Dangerous
mitigating and no aggravating circumstance, then the Drugs Act, as amended by R.A.
penalty to be imposed should be prision correccional in No. 7659, has in fact "depreciated" the seriousness of
its minimum period. Yet, the majority opinion puts a drug offenses by providing quantity as basis for the
limit to such a rule. It declares: determination of the proper penalty and limiting fine
only to cases punishable by reclusion perpetua to death.
The Court rules, therefore, that while modifying It is unfair because an accused who is found guilty of
circumstances may be appreciated to determine the possessing MORE dangerous
periods of the corresponding penalties, or even reduce drugs — say 500 to 749 grams of marijuana, in which
the penalty by degrees, in no case should such case the penalty to be imposed would be reclusion

temporal — may only be sentenced to six (6) months would be prision correccional pursuant to the second
and one (1) day of prision correccional minimum paragraph of Section 20 of R.A. No. 6425, as amended
because of privileged mitigating circumstances. Yet, an by Section 17 of R.A. No. 7659, the sentence to be
accused who is found guilty of possession of only one meted out, applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law
(1) gram of marijuana — in which case the penalty to be (Act No. 4103, as amended), should be that whose
imposed is prision correccional — would not be entitled minimum is within the range of the penalty next lower,
to a reduction thereof even if he has the same number of i.e., arresto mayor; and (b) the presence of two or more
privileged mitigating circumstances as the former has. mitigating circumstances not offset by any mitigating
circumstances or of a privileged mitigating circumstance
Also, if the privileged mitigating circumstance happens shall not reduce the penalty by one or two degrees if the
to be the minority of the accused, then he is entitled to penalty to be imposed, taking into account the quantity
the reduction of the penalty as a matter of right pursuant of the dangerous drugs involved, would be prision
to Article 68 of the Revised Penal Code, which reads: correccional.

Art. 68. Penalty to be imposed upon a person I

under eighteen years of age. — When the offender is a
minor under eighteen years and his case is one coming The first view is based on the proposition that since R.A.
under the provisions of the paragraph next to the last of No. 7659 had unqualifiedly adopted the penalties under
Article 80 of this Code, the following rules shall be the Revised Penal Code in their technical terms, hence
observed: also their technical signification and effects, then what
should govern is the first part of Section 1 of the
1. Upon a person under fifteen but over nine years Indeterminate Sentence Law which directs that:
of age, who is not exempted from liability by reason of
the court having declared that he acted with in imposing a prison sentence for an offense punished by
discernment, a discretionary penalty shall be imposed, the Revised Penal Code, or its amendments, the court
but always lower by two degrees at least than that shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence
prescribed by law for the crime which he committed. the maximum term of which shall be that which, in view
of the attending circumstances, could be properly
2. Upon a person over fifteen and under eighteen imposed under the rules of the said Code, and the
years of age the penalty next lover than that prescribed minimum which shall be within the range of the penalty
by law shall be imposed, but always in the proper next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the
period. offense.

I do not think that as to the second paragraph of Section Elsewise stated, by the adoption of the penalties
20 of the Dangerous Drugs Act, as amended by Section provided for in the Revised Penal Code for the offenses
17 of R.A. No. 7659, we can be at liberty to apply the penalized under the Dangerous Drugs Act (R.A. No.
Revised Penal Code in one aspect and not to apply it in 6425), as amended, the latter offenses would now be
another. considered as punished under the Revised Penal Code
for purposes of the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
Feliciano and Quiason, JJ., concur.
Section 1 of the Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act. No.
# Separate Opinions 4103, as amended by Act. No. 4225 and R.A. No. 4203)
DAVIDE, JR., J., concurring and dissenting: also provides that:
I am still unable to agree with the view that (a) in
appropriate cases where the penalty to be imposed

if the offense is punished by any other law, the court Revised Penal Code in drug cases, offenses related to
shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence, drugs should now be considered as punished under the
the maximum term of which shall not exceed the Revised Penal Code. If that were so, then we are also
maximum fixed by said law and the minimum shall not bound, ineluctably, to declare that such offenses are
be less than the minimum prescribed by the same mala in se and to apply the Articles of the Revised Penal
(Emphasis supplied). Code regarding the stages of a felony (Article 6), the
nature of participation (Article 16), accessory penalties
There are, therefore, two categories of offenses which (Articles 40-45), application of penalties to principals,
should be taken into account in the application of the accomplices, and accessories (Article 46 et seq.),
Indeterminate Sentence Law: (1) offenses punished by complex crimes (Article 48), and graduation of penalties
the Revised Penal Code, and (2) offenses punished by (Article 61), among others. We cannot do otherwise
other laws (or special laws). without being drawn to an inconsistent posture which is
extremely hard to justify.
The offenses punished by the Revised Penal Code are
those defined and penalized in Book II thereof, which is I respectfully submit then that the adoption by the
thus appropriately titled CRIMES AND PENALTIES. Dangerous Drugs Act of the penalties in the Revised
To simplify further, a crime is deemed punished under Penal Code does not make an offense under the
the Revised Penal Code if it is defined by it, and none Dangerous Drugs Act an offense punished by the
other, as a crime and is punished by a penalty which is Revised Penal Code. Consequently, where the proper
included in the classification of Penalties in Chapter II, penalty to be imposed under Section 20 of the
Title III of Book I thereof. Dangerous Drugs Act is prision correccional, then,
applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the
On the other hand, an offense is considered punished indeterminate sentence to be meted on the accused
under any other law (or special law) if it is not defined should be that whose minimum should not be less than
and penalized by the Revised Penal Code but by such the minimum prescribed by the special law (the
other law. Dangerous Drugs Act), i.e., not lower than six (6)
months and one (1) day of prision correccional.
It is thus clear that an offense is punished by the Revised
Penal Code if both its definition and the penalty therefor II
are found in the said Code, and it is deemed punished by
a special law if its definition and the penalty therefor are The majority opinion holds the view that while the
found in the special law. That the latter imports or penalty provided for in Section 20 of the Dangerous
borrows from the Revised Penal Code its nomenclature Drugs Act is a complex one composed of three distinct
of penalties does not make an offense in the special law penalties, viz., prision correccional, prision mayor, and
punished by or punishable under the Revised Penal reclusion temporal, and that pursuant to Article 77 of the
Code. The reason is quite simple. It is still the special Revised Penal Code, each should form a period, with the
law that defines the offense and imposes a penalty lightest of them being the minimum, the next as the
therefor, although it adopts the Code's nomenclature of medium, and the most severe as the maximum, yet,
penalties. In short, the mere use by a special law of a considering that under the said second paragraph of
penalty found in the Revised Penal Code can by no Section 20 the penalty depends on the quantity of the
means make an offense thereunder an offense "punished drug subject of the criminal transaction, then by way of
or punishable" by the Revised Penal Code. exception to Article 77 of the Revised Penal Code and to
subserve the purpose of Section 20, as amended, each of
Thus, I cannot subscribe to the view that since R.A. No. the aforesaid component penalties shall be considered as
7659 had adopted the penalties prescribed by the a principal penalty depending on the quantity of the drug

involved. Thereafter, applying the modifying I find the justification for the rule to be arbitrary and
circumstances pursuant to Article 64 of the Revised unfair. It is arbitrary because within the same second
Penal Code, the proper period of the component penalty paragraph involving the same range of penalty, we both
shall then be fixed. allow and disallow the application of Article 64(5),
Article 68, and Article 69 of the Revised Penal Code.
To illustrate, if the quantity of the drugs involved (e.g., The reason for the disallowance, viz., in order not to
marijuana below 250 grams) the proper principal penalty depreciate the seriousness of drug offenses, is
should be prision correccional, but there is one unconvincing because Section 20 of the Dangerous
mitigating and no aggravating circumstance, then the Drugs Act, as amended by R.A.
penalty to be imposed should be prision correccional in No. 7659, has in fact "depreciated" the seriousness of
its minimum period. Yet, the majority opinion puts a drug offenses by providing quantity as basis for the
limit to such a rule. It declares: determination of the proper penalty and limiting fine
only to cases punishable by reclusion perpetua to death.
The Court rules, therefore, that while modifying It is unfair because an accused who is found guilty of
circumstances may be appreciated to determine the possessing MORE dangerous
periods of the corresponding penalties, or even reduce drugs — say 500 to 749 grams of marijuana, in which
the penalty by degrees, in no case should such case the penalty to be imposed would be reclusion
graduation of penalties reduce the imposable penalty temporal — may only be sentenced to six (6) months
beyond or lower than and one (1) day of prision correccional minimum
prision correccional. It is for this reason that the three because of privileged mitigating circumstances. Yet, an
component penalties in the second paragraph of Section accused who is found guilty of possession of only one
20 shall each be considered as an independent principal (1) gram of marijuana — in which case the penalty to be
penalty, and that the lowest penalty should in any event imposed is prision correccional — would not be entitled
be prision correccional in order to depreciate the to a reduction thereof even if he has the same number of
seriousness of drug offenses. privileged mitigating circumstances as the former has.

Simply put, this rule would allow the reduction from Also, if the privileged mitigating circumstance happens
reclusion to be the minority of the accused, then he is entitled to
temporal — if it is the penalty to be imposed on the the reduction of the penalty as a matter of right pursuant
basis of the quantity of the drugs involved — by two to Article 68 of the Revised Penal Code, which reads:
degrees, or to prision correccional, if there are two or
more mitigating circumstances and no aggravating Art. 68. Penalty to be imposed upon a person
circumstance is present (paragraph 5, Article 64, under eighteen years of age. — When the offender is a
Revised Penal Code) or if there is a privileged minor under eighteen years and his case is one coming
mitigating circumstances of, say, minority (Article 68, under the provisions of the paragraph next to the last of
Revised Penal Code), or under circumstances covered Article 80 of this Code, the following rules shall be
by Article 69 of the Revised Penal Code. Yet, if the observed:
proper penalty to be imposed is prision mayor,
regardless of the fact that a reduction by two degrees is 1. Upon a person under fifteen but over nine years
proper, it should only be reduced by one degree because of age, who is not exempted from liability by reason of
the rule does not allow a reduction beyond prision the court having declared that he acted with
correccional. Finally, if the proper penalty to be imposed discernment, a discretionary penalty shall be imposed,
is prision correccional, no reduction at all would be but always lower by two degrees at least than that
allowed. prescribed by law for the crime which he committed.

2. Upon a person over fifteen and under eighteen

years of age the penalty next lover than that prescribed 11 Ibid., August 18, 1989, 36, 41-43, 47-49.
by law shall be imposed, but always in the proper
period. 12 Original Record, 174-175; per Judge Arsenio P.
I do not think that as to the second paragraph of Section
20 of the Dangerous Drugs Act, as amended by Section 13 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 3; Rollo, 54.
17 of R.A. No. 7659, we can be at liberty to apply the
Revised Penal Code in one aspect and not to apply it in 14 Exhibits F and G, folder of Exhibits; TSN, July
another. 10, 1989, 53.

Feliciano and Quiason, JJ., concur. 15 Original Record, 2.

16 See People vs. Salamat, G.R. No. 103295,

August 20, 1993.
17 People vs. Alilin, G.R. No. 84363, March 4,
* This case was initially raffled to the Second 1992, 206 SCRA 772.
Division of the Court but due to the novelty and
importance of the issues raised on the effects of R.A. 18 See People vs. Querrer, G.R. No. 97147, July 15,
No. 7659 in amending R.A. No. 6425, the same was 1992, 211 SCRA 502.
referred to and accepted by the Court
en banc pursuant to Circular No. 2-89 and Bar Matter 19 People vs. Lati, G.R. No. 70393, April 17, 1990,
No. 209, as amended. 184 SCRA 336.

1 Original Record, 2; Criminal Case No. G-2320, 20 TSN, May 5, 1989, 5.

Regional Trial Court, Branch 51, Guagua, Pampanga.
21 Sec. 3(m), Rule 131, Rules of Court.
2 Ibid., 11.
22 See People vs. Labra, G.R. No. 98427,
3 Ibid., 23. November 20, 1992, 215 SCRA 822.

4 TSN, April 6, 1989, 5-32. 23 TSN, August 18, 1989, 3.

5 Ibid., May 5, 1989, 2. 24 Ibid., id., 12; Exhibit M, Folder of Exhibits.

6 Ibid., May 24, 1989, 18; May 5, 1989, 11. 25 People vs. Celiz, et al., G.R. No. 92849, October
20, 1989, 214 SCRA 755.
7 Ibid., May 24, 1989, 21-24.
26 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 4-5; Rollo, 55-56.
8 Ibid., June 14, 1989, 3-22.
27 People vs. Fernandez, G.R. No. 86495, May 13,
9 Ibid., July 10, 1989, 5-26. 1992, 209 SCRA 1.

10 Ibid., July 17, 1989, 8-16. 28 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 6; Rollo, 57.

47 Ibid., July 17, 1989, 15-16.

29 TSN, May 5, 1989, 7.
48 Ibid., October 23, 1988, 15-16.
30 People vs. Castiller, G.R. No. 87783, August, 6,
1990, 188 SCRA 376. 49 Ibid., July 17, 1989, 22; October 23, 1988, 15.

31 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 6-7; Rollo, 57-58. 50 Ibid., July 10, 1989, 26-27.

32 Exhibit F, Folder of Exhibits. 51 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 4; Rollo, 55.

33 Exhibit G, ibid. 52 Sec. 28 of Republic Act No. 7659 provides that it

"shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in
34 People vs. Mauyao, G.R. No. 84525, April 6, two (2) national newspapers of general circulation," and
1992, 207 SCRA 732. it was so published in the December 16, 1993 issues of
the Manila Bulletin, Philippine Star, Malaya and
35 TSN, May 5, 1989, 11. Philippine Times Journal.

36 Sec. 12(1), Art. III, 1987 Constitution. 53 Title Five, Crimes Relative to Opium and Other
Prohibited Drugs.
37 People vs. Rumeral, G.R. No. 86320, August 5,
1991, 200 SCRA 194. 54 U.S. vs. Hocbo, 12 Phil. 304 (1908); U.S. vs.
Parrone, 24 Phil. 29 (1913); U.S. vs. Almencion, 25
38 People vs. Sibug, G.R. No. 108520, January 24, Phil. 648 (1913); Peoplevs. Moran, et al., 44 Phil. 387
1994. (1923); People vs. Parel, 44 Phil. 437 (1923); People vs.
Tamayo, 61 Phil. 225 (1935).
39 Brief for Accused-Appellant, 11; Rollo, 62.
55 Article 62(5), Revised Penal Code.
40 People vs. Tandoy, G.R. No. 80505, December 4,
1990, 192 SCRA 28. 56 See Harden vs. Director of Prisons, 81 Phil. 741
(1948); Gumabon, et al. vs. Director of the Bureau of
41 Cf. People vs. Cina, G.R. No. 88220, October 1, Prisons, L-30026, January 30, 1971, 37 SCRA 420.
1990, 190 SCRA 199.
57 Lopez and Sons, Inc. vs. Court of Tax Appeals,
42 People vs. Consuelo, G.R. No. 77755, April 18, et al., 100 Phil. 850 (1957).
1990, 184 SCRA 402.
58 Article 77, Revised Penal Code.
43 TSN, July 10, 1989, 12-13.
59 This graduated scheme of penalties is not stated
44 People vs. Eslaban, G.R. Nos. 101211-12, with regard and does not apply to the quantities and their
February 8, 1993, 218 SCRA 534. penalties provided in the first paragraph, the penalties
therein being the same regardless of whether the
45 TSN, June 14, 1989, 22. quantities exceed those specified therein.

46 Ibid., August 18, 1989, 48. 60 Sec. 4, in relation to Sec. 20, R.A. No. 7659.

61 Act. No. 4103, effective on December 5, 1993. construed, such as a custom or statute, originated
(Black's Law Dictionary, 4th ed., 390).
62 Effective on June 9, 1938.
70 People vs. Roque, et al., 90 Phil. 142 (1951);
63 See a similar format in P.D. No. 330 which People vs. Dimalanta, 92 Phil. 239 (1952); People vs.
penalizes the illegal taking of timber and forest products Moises, et al., G.R. L-32495, August 13, 1975, 66,
under Arts. 308, 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal Code SCRA 151.
by reference.
71 Interpretare et concordare leges legibus, est
64 In fact, the penalty for officers or ranking leaders optimus interpretandi modus (Black's Law Dictionary,
was prision mayor to death, just like the penalty for 4th ed., 953).
treason by a resident alien under Article 114 of the
Revised Penal Code. 72 People vs. Nang Kay, 88 Phil. 515 (1951).

65 G.R. No. 51368, November 6, 1981, 109 SCRA 73 24 C.J.S., Indeterminate Sentence, Sec. 1993,
35. 1217-1218.

66 People vs. Tsang Hin Wai, et al., G.R. No.

66389, September 8, 1986, 144 SCRA 22. In his
sponsorship speech of Senate Bill No. 891 as Chairman
of the Special Committee on the Death Penalty, Senator
M. Tolentino made this enlightening explanation as
reported in the records of the Senate and which is
pertinent to our present discussion: ". . . Article 190,
referring to prohibited drugs, actually was repealed by
the enactment of a special law referring to drugs. But
since we were only amending the Revised Penal Code in
this proposed bill or draft, we reincorporated Article 190
in an amended form. . . . It reincorporates and amends
Article 190 on the importation, manufacture, sale,
administration upon another, or distribution of
prohibited drugs, planting or cultivation of any plant,
which is a source of prohibited drugs, maintenance of a
den, dive or similar place, as defined in the Dangerous
Drugs Law" (9th CRP, 1st Regular Session, Vol., No. 71,

67 See Articles 25, 70 and 71, revised Penal Code.

68 Section 2, Act No. 4103, as amended.

69 Contemporaneous exposition, or construction; a

construction drawn from the time when, and the
circumstances under which, the subject-matter to be

FIRST DIVISION age, through force, threats and intimidation, did then and
G.R. No. 202122, January 15, 2014 there wil[l]fully, unlawfully and feloniously have carnal
knowledge of said minor against her will.5
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff–Appellee, v.
BERNABE PAREJA Y CRUZ, Accused–Appellant. II. For the charge of Attempted Rape:

DECISION Criminal Case No. 04–1558–CFM

LEONARDO–DE CASTRO, J.: That on or about the 27th day of March, 2004, in Pasay
City, Metro Manila, Philippines and within the
The accused–appellant Bernabe Pareja y Cruz (Pareja) is jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above–named
appealing the January 19, 2012 Decision1 of the Court accused, BERNABE PAREJA Y CRUZ, being the
of Appeals in CA–G.R. CR.–H.C. No. 03794, which common law spouse of minor victim’s mother by means
affirmed in toto the conviction for Rape and Acts of of force, threats and intimidation, did then and there
Lasciviousness meted out by Branch 113, Regional Trial willfully, unlawfully and feloniously commence the
Court (RTC) of Pasay City in Criminal Case Nos. 04– commission of the crime of Rape against the person of
1556–CFM and 04–1557–CFM.2 minor, [AAA], a 13 years old minor by then and there
crawling towards her direction where she was sleeping,
On May 5, 2004, Pareja was charged with two counts of putting off her skirt, but did not perform all the acts of
Rape and one Attempted Rape. The Informations for the execution which would have produce[d] the crime of
three charges read as follows: rape for the reason other than his own spontaneous
desistance, that is the timely arrival of minor victim’s
I. For the two counts of mother who confronted the accused, and which acts of
Rape:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary child abuse debased, degraded and demeaned the
Criminal Case No. 04–1556–CFM intrinsic worth and dignity of said minor complainant as
a human being.6
That on or about and sometime in the month of
February, 2004, in Pasay City, Metro Manila, On June 17, 2004, Pareja, during his arraignment,
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable pleaded not guilty to the charges filed against him.7
Court, the above–named accused, Bernabe Pareja y After the completion of the pre–trial conference on
Cruz, being the common law spouse of the minor September 16, 2004,8 trial on the merits ensued.
victim’s mother, through force, threats and intimidation,
did then and there wil[l]fully, unlawfully and feloniously The antecedents of this case, as narrated by the Court of
commit an act of sexual assault upon the person of Appeals, are as follows:
[AAA3 ], a minor 13 years of age, by then and there
mashing her breast and inserting his finger inside her AAA was thirteen (13) years of age when the alleged
vagina against her will.4 acts of lasciviousness and sexual abuse took place on
three (3) different dates, particularly [in December
Criminal Case No. 04–1557–CFM 2003], February 2004, and March 27, 2004.

That on or about and sometime in the month of AAA’s parents separated when she was [only eight years
December, 2003, in Pasay City, Metro Manila, old9 ]. At the time of the commission of the
Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable aforementioned crimes, AAA was living with her mother
Court, the above–named accused, Bernabe Pareja y and with herein accused–appellant Bernabe Pareja who,
Cruz, being the stepfather of [AAA], a minor 13 years of by then, was cohabiting with her mother, together with

three (3) of their children, aged twelve (12), eleven (11) legal report stated the following
and nine (9), in x x x, Pasay City. conclusion:chanRoblesvirtualLawlibrary
Hymen: Tanner Stage 3, hymenal remnant from 5–7
The first incident took place [i]n December 2003 [the o’clock area, Type of hymen: Crescentic
December 2003 incident]. AAA’s mother was not in the
house and was with her relatives in Laguna. Taking xxx
advantage of the situation, [Pareja], while AAA was
asleep, placed himself on top of [her]. Then, [Pareja], Genital findings show Clear Evidence of Blunt Force or
who was already naked, begun to undress AAA. Penetrating Trauma.
[Pareja] then started to suck the breasts of [AAA]. Not After the results of the medico–legal report confirmed
satisfied, [Pareja] likewise inserted his penis into AAA’s that AAA was indeed raped, AAA’s mother then filed a
anus. Because of the excruciating pain that she felt, complaint for rape before the Pasay City Police Station.
AAA immediately stood up and rushed outside of their
house. To exculpate himself from liability, [Pareja] offered both
denial and ill motive of AAA against him as his defense.
Despite such traumatic experience, AAA never told He denied raping [AAA] but admitted that he knew her
anyone about the [December 2003] incident for fear that as she is the daughter of his live–in partner and that they
[Pareja] might kill her. [Pareja] threatened to kill AAA all stay in the same house.
in the event that she would expose the incident to
anyone. Contrary to AAA’s allegations, [Pareja] averred that it
would have been impossible that the alleged incidents
AAA further narrated that the [December 2003] incident happened. To justify the same, [Pareja] described the
had happened more than once. According to AAA, [i]n layout of their house and argued that there was no way
February 2004 [the February 2004 incident], she had that the alleged sexual abuses could have happened.
again been molested by [Pareja]. Under the same
circumstances as the [December 2003 incident], with her According to [Pareja], the house was made of wood,
mother not around while she and her half–siblings were only about four (4) meters wide by ten (10) meters, and
asleep, [Pareja] again laid on top of her and started to was so small that they all have to sit to be able to fit
suck her breasts. But this time, [Pareja] caressed [her] inside the house. Further, the vicinity where their house
and held her vagina and inserted his finger [i]n it. is located was thickly populated with houses constructed
side by side. Allegedly, AAA also had no choice but to
With regard to the last incident, on March 27, 2004 [the sleep beside her siblings.
March 2004 incident], it was AAA’s mother who saw
[Pareja] in the act of lifting the skirt of her daughter All taken into account, [Pareja] asseverated that it was
AAA while the latter was asleep. Outraged, AAA’s hard to imagine how he could possibly still go about
mother immediately brought AAA to the barangay with his plan without AAA’s siblings nor their neighbors
officers to report the said incident. AAA then narrated noticing the same.
to the barangay officials that she had been sexually
abused by [Pareja] x x x many times x x x. Verily, [Pareja] was adamant and claimed innocence as
to the imputations hurled against him by AAA. He
Subsequently, AAA, together with her mother, contended that AAA filed these charges against him only
proceeded to the Child Protection Unit of the Philippine as an act of revenge because AAA was mad at [him] for
General Hospital for a medical and genital examination. being the reason behind her parents’ separation.10
On March 29, 2004, Dr. Tan issued Provisional Medico–
Legal Report Number 2004–03–0091. Her medico– Ruling of the RTC

Wanting to reverse his two convictions, Pareja

On January 16, 2009, the RTC acquitted Pareja from the appealed13 to the Court of Appeals, which on January
charge of attempted rape but convicted him of the 19, 2012, affirmed in toto the judgment of the RTC in
crimes of rape and acts of lasciviousness in the Criminal Case Nos. 04–1556 and 04–1557, to wit:
December 2003 and February 2004 incidents,
respectively. The dispositive portion of the Decision11 WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the
reads as follows: instant appeal is hereby DENIED and, consequently,
DISMISSED. The appealed Decisions rendered by
WHEREFORE, the herein accused Bernabe Pareja y Branch 113 of the Regional Trial Court of the National
Cruz is hereby acquitted from the charge of attempted Capital Judicial Region in Pasay City on January 16,
rape in Crim. Case No. 04–1558, for want of evidence. 2009 in Criminal Cases Nos. 04–1556 to 04–1557 are
hereby AFFIRMED in toto.14
In Crim. Case No. 04–1556, the said accused is Issues
CONVICTED with Acts of Lasciviousness and he is
meted out the penalty of imprisonment, ranging from 2 Aggrieved, Pareja elevated his case to this Court15 and
years, 4 months and 1 day as minimum to 4 years and 2 posited before us the following errors as he did before
months of prision [correccional] as maximum. the Court of Appeals:

In Crim. Case No. 04–1557, the said accused is I

CONVICTED as charged with rape, and he is meted the
penalty of reclusion perpetua. THE TRIAL COURT SERIOUSLY ERRED IN
The accused shall be credited in full for the period of his CHARGED NOTWITHSTANDING THAT HIS GUILT
The accused is ordered to indemnify the offended party
[AAA], the sum of P50,000.00, without subsidiary II
imprisonment, in case of insolvency.12
The RTC, in convicting Pareja of the crime of Rape and CONVICTING [PAREJA] BASED SOLELY ON THE
Acts of Lasciviousness, gave more weight to the PROSECUTION WITNESS’ TESTIMONY.16
prosecution’s evidence as against Pareja’s baseless
denial and imputation of ill motive. However, due to the In his Supplemental Brief17 Pareja added the following
failure of the prosecution to present AAA’s mother to argument:
testify about what she had witnessed in March 2004, the
RTC had to acquit Pareja of the crime of Attempted The private complainant’s actuations after the incident
Rape in the March 2004 incident for lack of evidence. negate the possibility that she was raped.18
The RTC could not convict Pareja on the basis of AAA’s
testimony for being hearsay evidence as she had no Pareja’s main bone of contention is the reliance of the
personal knowledge of what happened on March 27, lower courts on the testimony of AAA in convicting him
2004 because she was sleeping at that time. for rape and acts of lasciviousness. Simply put, Pareja is
attacking the credibility of AAA for being inconsistent.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals Moreover, he claimed, AAA acted as if nothing
happened after the alleged sexual abuse.

Ruling of this Court no substantial reason to overturn the identical

conclusions of the trial and appellate courts on the
This Court finds no reason to reverse Pareja’s matter of AAA’s credibility.
Besides, inaccuracies and inconsistencies in a rape
Core Issue: Credibility of AAA victim’s testimony are generally expected.22 As this
Court stated in People v. Saludo23 :
Pareja claims that AAA’s testimony cannot be the lone
basis of his conviction as it was riddled with Rape is a painful experience which is oftentimes not
inconsistencies.19 remembered in detail. For such an offense is not
analogous to a person’s achievement or accomplishment
We find such argument untenable. as to be worth recalling or reliving; rather, it is
something which causes deep psychological wounds and
When the issue of credibility of witnesses is presented casts a stigma upon the victim, scarring her psyche for
before this Court, we follow certain guidelines that have life and which her conscious and subconscious mind
overtime been established in jurisprudence. In People v. would opt to forget. Thus, a rape victim cannot be
Sanchez,20 we enumerated them as follows: expected to mechanically keep and then give an accurate
account of the traumatic and horrifying experience she
First, the Court gives the highest respect to the RTC’s had undergone. (Citation omitted.)
evaluation of the testimony of the witnesses, considering
its unique position in directly observing the demeanor of Since human memory is fickle and prone to the stresses
a witness on the stand. From its vantage point, the trial of emotions, accuracy in a testimonial account has never
court is in the best position to determine the truthfulness been used as a standard in testing the credibility of a
of witnesses. witness.24 The inconsistencies mentioned by Pareja are
trivial and non–consequential matters that merely caused
Second, absent any substantial reason which would AAA confusion when she was being questioned. The
justify the reversal of the RTC’s assessments and inconsistency regarding the year of the December
conclusions, the reviewing court is generally bound by incident is not even a matter pertaining to AAA’s ordeal.
the lower court’s findings, particularly when no 25 The date and time of the commission of the crime of
significant facts and circumstances, affecting the rape becomes important only when it creates serious
outcome of the case, are shown to have been overlooked doubt as to the commission of the rape itself or the
or disregarded. sufficiency of the evidence for purposes of conviction.
In other words, the “date of the commission of the rape
And third, the rule is even more stringently applied if the becomes relevant only when the accuracy and
CA concurred with the RTC. (Citations omitted.) truthfulness of the complainant’s narration practically
hinge on the date of the commission of the crime.”26
The recognized rule in this jurisdiction is that the Moreover, the date of the commission of the rape is not
“assessment of the credibility of witnesses is a domain an essential element of the crime.27
best left to the trial court judge because of his unique
opportunity to observe their deportment and demeanor In this connection, Pareja repeatedly invokes our ruling
on the witness stand; a vantage point denied appellate in People v. Ladrillo,28 implying that our rulings therein
courts–and when his findings have been affirmed by the are applicable to his case. However, the factual
Court of Appeals, these are generally binding and circumstances in Ladrillo are prominently missing in
conclusive upon this Court.”21 While there are Pareja’s case. In particular, the main factor for
recognized exceptions to the rule, this Court has found Ladrillo’s acquittal in that case was because his

constitutional right to be informed of the nature and

cause of the accusation against him was violated when In this case, although the dates of the December 2003
the Information against him only stated that the crime and February 2004 incidents were not specified, the
was committed “on or about the year 1992.” We said: period of time Pareja had to account for was fairly short,
unlike “on or about the year 1992.” Moreover, Ladrillo
The peculiar designation of time in the Information was able to prove that he had only moved in the house
clearly violates Sec. 11, Rule 110, of the Rules Court where the rape supposedly happened, in 1993, therefore
which requires that the time of the commission of the negating the allegation that he raped the victim in that
offense must be alleged as near to the actual date as the house in 1992.30
information or complaint will permit. More importantly,
it runs afoul of the constitutionally protected right of the While it may be true that the inconsistencies in the
accused to be informed of the nature and cause of the testimony of the victim in Ladrillo contributed to his
accusation against him. The Information is not eventual acquittal, this Court said that they alone were
sufficiently explicit and certain as to time to inform not enough to reverse Ladrillo’s conviction, viz:
accused–appellant of the date on which the criminal act
is alleged to have been committed. Moreover, there are discernible defects in the
complaining witness’ testimony that militates heavily
The phrase “on or about the year 1992” encompasses not against its being accorded the full credit it was given by
only the twelve (12 ) months of 1992 but includes the the trial court. Considered independently, the defects
years prior and subsequent to 1992, e.g., 1991 and 1993, might not suffice to overturn the trial court’s judgment
for which accused–appellant has to virtually account for of conviction, but assessed and weighed in its totality,
his whereabouts. Hence, the failure of the prosecution and in relation to the testimonies of other witnesses, as
to allege with particularity the date of the commission of logic and fairness dictate, they exert a powerful
the offense and, worse, its failure to prove during the compulsion towards reversal of the assailed judgment.31
trial the date of the commission of the offense as alleged (Emphasis supplied.)
in the Information, deprived accused–appellant of his
right to intelligently prepare for his defense and It is worthy to note that Ladrillo also offered more than
convincingly refute the charges against him. At most, just a mere denial of the crime charged against him to
accused–appellant could only establish his place of exculpate him from liability. He also had an alibi,
residence in the year indicated in the Information and which, together with the other evidence, produced
not for the particular time he supposedly committed the reasonable doubt that he committed the crime as
rape. charged. In contrast, Pareja merely denied the
accusations against him and even imputed ill motive on
xxx AAA.

Indeed, the failure of the prosecution to prove its As regards Pareja’s concern about AAA’s lone testimony
allegation in the Information that accused–appellant being the basis of his conviction, this Court has held:
raped complainant in 1992 manifestly shows that the
date of the commission of the offense as alleged was Furthermore, settled is the rule that the testimony of a
based merely on speculation and conjecture, and a single witness may be sufficient to produce a conviction,
conviction anchored mainly thereon cannot satisfy the if the same appears to be trustworthy and reliable. If
quantum of evidence required for a pronouncement of credible and convincing, that alone would be sufficient
guilt, that is, proof beyond reasonable doubt that the to convict the accused. No law or rule requires the
crime was committed on the date and place indicated in corroboration of the testimony of a single witness in a
the Information.29 (Citation omitted.) rape case.32 (Citations omitted.)

as a rape victim
Improbability of sexual abuse
in their small house and in the Pareja asseverates that AAA’s demeanor and conduct
presence of AAA’s sleeping siblings belie her claim that she was raped. He said that “the
ordinary Filipina [would have summoned] every ounce
Pareja argues that it was improbable for him to have of her strength and courage to thwart any attempt to
sexually abused AAA, considering that their house was besmirch her honor and blemish her purity.” Pareja
so small that they had to sleep beside each other, that in pointed out that they lived in a thickly populated area
fact, when the alleged incidents happened, AAA was such that any commotion inside their house would have
sleeping beside her younger siblings, who would have been easily heard by the neighbors, thus, giving AAA
noticed if anything unusual was happening.33 the perfect opportunity to seek their help.36 Moreover,
Pareja said, AAA’s delay in reporting the incidents to her
This Court is not convinced. Pareja’s living conditions mother or the authorities negates the possibility that he
could have prevented him from acting out on his beastly indeed committed the crimes. AAA’s belated
desires, but they did not. This Court has observed that confession, he claimed, “cannot be dismissed as trivial
many of the rape cases appealed to us were not always as it puts into serious doubt her credibility.”37
committed in seclusion. Lust is no respecter of time or
place,34 and rape defies constraints of time and space. A person accused of a serious crime such as rape will
In People v. Sangil, Sr.,35 we expounded on such tend to escape liability by shifting the blame on the
occurrence in this wise: victim for failing to manifest resistance to sexual abuse.
However, this Court has recognized the fact that no
In People v. Ignacio, we took judicial notice of the clear–cut behavior can be expected of a person being
interesting fact that among poor couples with big raped or has been raped. It is a settled rule that failure
families living in small quarters, copulation does not of the victim to shout or seek help do not negate rape.
seem to be a problem despite the presence of other Even lack of resistance will not imply that the victim has
persons around them. Considering the cramped space consented to the sexual act, especially when that person
and meager room for privacy, couples perhaps have was intimidated into submission by the accused. In
gotten used to quick and less disturbing modes of sexual cases where the rape is committed by a relative such as a
congresses which elude the attention of family members; father, stepfather, uncle, or common law spouse, moral
otherwise, under the circumstances, it would be almost influence or ascendancy takes the place of violence.38
impossible to copulate with them around even when In this case, AAA’s lack of resistance was brought about
asleep. It is also not impossible nor incredible for the by her fear that Pareja would make good on his threat to
family members to be in deep slumber and not be kill her if she ever spoke of the incident.
awakened while the sexual assault is being committed.
One may also suppose that growing children sleep more AAA’s conduct, i.e., acting like nothing happened, after
soundly than grown–ups and are not easily awakened by being sexually abused by Pareja is also not enough to
adult exertions and suspirations in the night. There is no discredit her. Victims of a crime as heinous as rape,
merit in appellant’s contention that there can be no rape cannot be expected to act within reason or in accordance
in a room where other people are present. There is no with society’s expectations. It is unreasonable to
rule that rape can be committed only in seclusion. We demand a standard rational reaction to an irrational
have repeatedly declared that “lust is no respecter of experience, especially from a young victim. One cannot
time and place,” and rape can be committed in even the be expected to act as usual in an unfamiliar situation as
unlikeliest of places. (Citations omitted.) it is impossible to predict the workings of a human mind
placed under emotional stress. Moreover, it is wrong to
Demeanor of AAA say that there is a standard reaction or behavior among

victims of the crime of rape since each of them had to Expert testimony is merely corroborative in character
cope with different circumstances. 39 and not essential to conviction. x x x.

Likewise, AAA’s delay in reporting the incidents to her Therefore, the absence of testimony or medical
mother or the proper authorities is insignificant and does certificate on the state of AAA’s anus at the time she was
not affect the veracity of her charges. It should be examined is of no consequence. On the contrary, the
remembered that Pareja threatened to kill her if she told medical examination actually bolsters AAA’s claim of
anyone of the incidents. In People v. Ogarte,40 we being raped by Pareja on more than one occasion, and
explained why a rape victim’s deferral in reporting the not just by anal penetration. However, as the
crime does not equate to falsification of the accusation, prosecution failed to capitalize on such evidence and
to wit: prove the incidence of carnal knowledge, Pareja cannot
be convicted of rape under paragraph 1 of Article 266–A
The failure of complainant to disclose her defilement of the Revised Penal Code.
without loss of time to persons close to her or to report
the matter to the authorities does not perforce warrant In People v. Perez,43 this Court aptly held:
the conclusion that she was not sexually molested and
that her charges against the accused are all baseless, This Court has held time and again that testimonies of
untrue and fabricated. Delay in prosecuting the offense rape victims who are young and immature deserve full
is not an indication of a fabricated charge. Many credence, considering that no young woman, especially
victims of rape never complain or file criminal charges of tender age, would concoct a story of defloration,
against the rapists. They prefer to bear the ignominy allow an examination of her private parts, and thereafter
and pain, rather than reveal their shame to the world or pervert herself by being subject to a public trial, if she
risk the offenders’ making good their threats to kill or was not motivated solely by the desire to obtain justice
hurt their victims. (Citation omitted.) for the wrong committed against her. Youth and
immaturity are generally badges of truth. It is highly
Medical examination improbable that a girl of tender years, one not yet
not indispensable exposed to the ways of the world, would impute to any
man a crime so serious as rape if what she claims is not
Pareja avers that the Medico–Legal Report indicating true. (Citations omitted.)
that there is evidence of blunt force or penetrating
trauma upon examination of AAA’s hymen, “cannot be Criminal Case No. 04–1557–CFM:
given any significance, as it failed to indicate how and The December 2003 Incident
when the said signs of physical trauma were inflicted.”
Furthermore, Pareja said, the findings that AAA’s hymen In Criminal Case No. 04–1557–CFM or the December
sustained trauma cannot be utilized as evidence against 2003 incident, Pareja was charged and convicted of the
him as the alleged sexual abuse that occurred in crime of rape by sexual assault. The enactment of
December, was not by penetration of the vagina.41 Republic Act No. 8353 or the Anti–Rape Law of 1997,
revolutionized the concept of rape with the recognition
This Court has time and again held that an accused can of sexual violence on “sex–related” orifices other than a
be convicted of rape on the basis of the sole testimony of woman’s organ is included in the crime of rape; and the
the victim. In People v. Colorado,42 we said: crime’s expansion to cover gender–free rape. “The
transformation mainly consisted of the reclassification
[A] medical certificate is not necessary to prove the of rape as a crime against persons and the introduction
commission of rape, as even a medical examination of of rape by ‘sexual assault’ as differentiated from the
the victim is not indispensable in a prosecution for rape. traditional ‘rape through carnal knowledge’ or ‘rape

through sexual intercourse.’”44 Republic Act No. 8353 2. Article 266–A paragraph 2 refers to rape by sexual
amended Article 335, the provision on rape in the assault, also called “instrument or object rape,” or
Revised Penal Code and incorporated therein Article “gender–free rape.”47 It must be attended by any of the
266–A which reads: circumstances enumerated in subparagraphs (a) to (d) of
paragraph 1.48
Article 266–A. Rape, When and How Committed. –
Rape is committed – In People v. Abulon,49 this Court differentiated the two
modes of committing rape as follows:
By a man who shall have carnal knowledge of a woman (1)
under any of the following circumstances: In the first mode, the offender is always a man, while in
the second, the offender may be a man or a woman;

a) (2)
Through force, threat or intimidation; In the first mode, the offended party is always a woman,
while in the second, the offended party may be a man or
b) a woman;
When the offended party is deprived of reason or is
otherwise unconscious, (3)
In the first mode, rape is committed through penile
c) penetration of the vagina, while the second is committed
By means of fraudulent machination or grave abuse of by inserting the penis into another person’s mouth or
authority; anal orifice, or any instrument or object into the genital
or anal orifice of another person; and
When the offended party is under twelve (12) years of (4)
age or is demented, even though none of the The penalty for rape under the first mode is higher than
circumstances mentioned above be present; that under the second.

2) Under Article 266–A, paragraph 2 of the Revised Penal

By any person who, under any of the circumstances Code, as amended, rape by sexual assault is “[b]y any
mentioned in paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of person who, under any of the circumstances mentioned
sexual assault by inserting his penis into another in paragraph 1 hereof, shall commit an act of sexual
person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or assault by inserting his penis into another person’s
object, into the genital or anal orifice of another person. mouth or anal orifice, or any instrument or object, into
the genital or anal orifice of another person.”
Thus, under the new provision, rape can be committed in
two ways: AAA positively and consistently stated that Pareja, in
December 2003, inserted his penis into her anus. While
1. Article 266–A paragraph 1 refers to Rape through she may not have been certain about the details of the
sexual intercourse, also known as “organ rape” or February 2004 incident, she was positive that Pareja had
“penile rape.” 45 The central element in rape through anal sex with her in December 2003, thus, clearly
sexual intercourse is carnal knowledge, which must be establishing the occurrence of rape by sexual assault. In
proven beyond reasonable doubt.46 other words, her testimony on this account was, as the
Court of Appeals found, clear, positive, and probable.50

The elements of the above crime are as follows:

However, since the charge in the Information for the
December 2003 incident is rape through carnal (1)
knowledge, Pareja cannot be found guilty of rape by That the offender commits any act of lasciviousness or
sexual assault even though it was proven during trial. lewdness;
This is due to the material differences and substantial
distinctions between the two modes of rape; thus, the (2)
first mode is not necessarily included in the second, and That it is done under any of the following
vice–versa. Consequently, to convict Pareja of rape by circumstances:
sexual assault when what he was charged with was rape
through carnal knowledge, would be to violate his
constitutional right to be informed of the nature and a.
cause of the accusation against him.51 By using force or intimidation; or

Nevertheless, Pareja may be convicted of the lesser

crime of acts of lasciviousness under the variance b.
doctrine embodied in Section 4, in relation to Section 5, When the offended party is deprived of reason or
Rule 120 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure,52 to wit: otherwise unconscious; or

SEC. 4. Judgment in case of variance between allegation

and proof. – When there is a variance between the c.
offense charged in the complaint or information and that When the offended party is under 12 years of age; and
proved, and the offense as charged is included in or
necessarily includes the offense proved, the accused (3)
shall be convicted of the offense proved which is That the offended party is another person of either sex.
included in the offense charged, or of the offense 53 (Citation omitted.)
charged which is included in the offense proved.
Clearly, the above–mentioned elements are present in
SEC. 5. When an offense includes or is included in the December 2003 incident, and were sufficiently
another. – An offense charged necessarily includes the established during trial. Thus, even though the crime
offense proved when some of the essential elements or charged against Pareja was for rape through carnal
ingredients of the former, as alleged in the complaint or knowledge, he can be convicted of the crime of acts of
information, constitute the latter. And an offense lasciviousness without violating any of his constitutional
charged is necessarily included in the offense proved, rights because said crime is included in the crime of
when the essential ingredients of the former constitute or rape.54
form part of those constituting the latter.
Nonetheless, the Court takes this case as an opportunity
Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code provides: to remind the State, the People of the Philippines, as
represented by the public prosecutor, to exert more
Art. 336. Acts of lasciviousness. — Any person who diligence in crafting the Information, which contains the
shall commit any act of lasciviousness upon other charge against an accused. The primary duty of a
persons of either sex, under any of the circumstances lawyer in public prosecution is to see that justice is
mentioned in the preceding article, shall be punished by done55 – to the State, that its penal laws are not broken
prisión correccional. and order maintained; to the victim, that his or her rights
are vindicated; and to the offender, that he is justly

punished for his crime. A faulty and defective February 2004 incident. Thus, Pareja was correctly
Information, such as that in Criminal Case No. 04– convicted by the courts a quo of the crime of acts of
1556–CFM, does not render full justice to the State, the lasciviousness.
offended party, and even the offender. Thus, the public
prosecutor should always see to it that the Information is Defense of Denial
accurate and appropriate. and Improper Motive

Criminal Case No. 04–1556–CFM: Pareja sought to escape liability by denying the charges
The February 2004 Incident against him, coupled with the attribution of ill motive
against AAA. He claims that AAA filed these cases
It is manifest that the RTC carefully weighed all the against him because she was angry that he caused her
evidence presented by the prosecution against Pareja, parents’ separation. Pareja added that these cases were
especially AAA’s testimony. In its scrutiny, the RTC initiated by AAA’s father, as revenge against him.57
found AAA’s declaration on the rape in the December
2003 incident credible enough to result in a conviction, Such contention is untenable. “AAA’s credibility cannot
albeit this Court had to modify it as explained above. be diminished or tainted by such imputation of ill
However, it did not find that the same level of proof, i.e., motives. It is highly unthinkable for the victim to
beyond reasonable doubt, was fully satisfied by the falsely accuse her father solely by reason of ill motives
prosecution in its charge of attempted rape and a second or grudge.”58 Furthermore, motives such as
count of rape against Pareja. In Criminal Case No. 04– resentment, hatred or revenge have never swayed this
1556–CFM, or the February 2004 incident, the RTC Court from giving full credence to the testimony of a
considered AAA’s confusion as to whether or not she minor rape victim.59 In People v. Manuel,60 we held:
was actually penetrated by Pareja, and eventually
resolved the matter in Pareja’s favor. Evidently, no woman, least of all a child, would concoct
a story of defloration, allow examination of her private
This Court agrees with such findings. AAA, in her parts and subject herself to public trial or ridicule if she
Sinumpaang Salaysay,56 stated that aside from sucking has not, in truth, been a victim of rape and impelled to
her breasts, Pareja also inserted his finger in her vagina. seek justice for the wrong done to her being. It is settled
However, she was not able to give a clear and jurisprudence that testimonies of child–victims are given
convincing account of such insertion during her full weight and credit, since when a woman or a girl–
testimony. Despite being repeatedly asked by the child says that she has been raped, she says in effect all
prosecutor as to what followed after her breasts were that is necessary to show that rape was indeed
sucked, AAA failed to testify, in open court, that Pareja committed.
also inserted his finger in her vagina. Moreover, later
on, she added that Pareja inserted his penis in her vagina Liability for Acts of Lasciviousness
during that incident. Thus, because of the material
omissions and inconsistencies, Pareja cannot be The penalty for acts of lasciviousness under Article 336
convicted of rape in the February 2004 incident. of the Revised Penal Code is prisión correccional in its
Nonetheless, Pareja’s acts of placing himself on top of full range. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law,61
AAA and sucking her breasts, fall under the crime of the minimum of the indeterminate penalty shall be taken
acts of lasciviousness, which, as we have discussed from the full range of the penalty next lower in degree,
above, is included in the crime of rape. 62 i.e., arresto mayor, which ranges from 1 month and 1
day to 6 months.63 The maximum of the indeterminate
Verily, AAA was again positive and consistent in her penalty shall come from the proper penalty64 that could
account of how Pareja sucked both her breasts in the be imposed under the Revised Penal Code for Acts of

Lasciviousness,65 which, in this case, absent any 2004” and its implementing rules, the real name of the
aggravating or mitigating circumstance, is the medium victim and those of her immediate family members are
period of prisión correccional, ranging from 2 years, 4 withheld and fictitious initials are instead used to protect
months and 1 day to 4 years and 2 months.66 the victim’s privacy.

In line with prevailing jurisprudence, the Court modifies 4 CA rollo, p. 10.

the award of damages as follows: P20,000.00 as civil
indemnity;67 P30,000.00 as moral damages; and 5 Id. at 11.
P10,000.00 as exemplary damages,68 for each count of
acts of lasciviousness. All amounts shall bear legal 6 Id. at 53.
interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of
finality of this judgment. 7 Records, p. 20.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of 8 Id. at 37–38.

the Court of Appeals in CA–G.R. CR.–H.C. No. 03794
is hereby AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. We find 9 TSN, November 4, 2004, p. 3.
accused–appellant Bernabe Pareja y Cruz GUILTY of
two counts of Acts of Lasciviousness, defined and 10Rollo, pp. 4–7.
penalized under Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code,
as amended. He is sentenced to two (2) indeterminate 11 CA rollo, pp. 52–62.
prison terms of 6 months of arresto mayor, as minimum,
to 4 years and 2 months of prisión correccional, as 12 Id. at 62.
maximum; and is ORDERED to pay the victim, AAA,
P20,000.00 as civil indemnity, P30,000.00 as moral 13 Id. at 28.
damages, and P10,000.00 as exemplary damages, for
each count of acts of lasciviousness, all with interest at 14Rollo, pp. 14–15.
the rate of 6% per annum from the date of finality of this
judgment. 15 Id. at 16–18.

SO ORDERED. 16 CA rollo, pp. 45–46.

Sereno, C.J., (Chairperson), Bersamin, Villarama, Jr., 17Rollo, pp. 31–35.

and Reyes, JJ. concur.
18 Id. at 31.


1Rollo, pp. 2–15; penned by Associate Justice Isaias P.

Dicdican with Associate Justices Jane Aurora C. Lantion
and Rodil V. Zalameda, concurring.

2 CA rollo, pp. 17–27.

3 Under Republic Act No. 9262 also known as “Anti–

Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of

EN BANC spontaneous desistance, that is, said Edmund Ceriales

[G.R. No. 140871. August 8, 2002] was able to escape while the accused were about to kill
his brother Manuel Ceriales.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.
Dupong and JUN-JUN FLORES, accused-appellants.
DECISION On arraignment, accused-appellants Resty Silva and
PER CURIAM: Rodolfo Sandangao both pleaded not guilty to the
offense charged. Accused Jun-Jun Flores, however,
For automatic review is the decision dated October 27, remained at large. The case then proceeded to trial.
1999 of the Regional Trial Court of Baler, Aurora,
Branch 66, finding herein accused-appellants Resty The prosecution presented the testimonies of Edmundo
Silva and Rodolfo Sandangao guilty beyond reasonable Ceriales; police officers Maximo Galope, Antonio
doubt of the crimes of murder and attempted murder and Mendigoren, Eligio Fernandez, and Waldo Andrada;
imposing on them the maximum penalty of death for the Andres Macatiag; Agapito Regalado; and Dr. Maria Pura
murder of Manuel Ceriales and an indeterminate penalty Valenzuela-Uy.
of six years prision correccional as minimum to twelve
(12) years prision mayor as maximum for the attempted As summarized in the Peoples Brief, Edmundo Ceriales
murder of Edmundo Ceriales. testified as follows:

In an Amended Information dated September 23, 1996, On September 3, 1996, around 8:30 p.m., Edmundo
herein accused-appellants were charged with the crimes Ceriales, passed by his brother Manuels house at
of murder and attempted murder committed as follows: Diaboyo, Ditumabo, San Luis, Aurora. There, he saw
Boy Tagalario, Jimmy Tagalario, Marlon Flores, Mardie
That on September 3, 1996 at around 10:00 oclock in Alejandro, a certain Onoy, and Pogi Salvador. Some of
the evening, purposely sought to better accomplish their these men were playing a card game known as tong-its
criminal design, at Sitio Diaboyo, Barangay Ditumabo, while the others were merely watching the game.
San Luis, Aurora, Philippines, and within the Suddenly three men arrived. One pointed an armalite
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, gun to all those present and ordered them to lie on their
conspiring and confederating together and helping one stomach. Another ordered brothers Edmundo and
another, with intent to kill and with treachery and Manuel to get out of the house. (TSN, February 26,
evident premeditation and use of superior strength, did 1998, pp. 2-3)
then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
attack, assault and use personal violence upon the person As soon as they were out, they were made to lie face
of one Manuel Ceriales after abducting him and his down. Upon the orders of a person whom Edmundo later
brother Edmund Ceriales and while his feet were both recognized as appellant Resty Silva, he and his brother
tied with a rope and his hands tied at his back, by were tied by two armed men whom he also recognized
stabbing and beheading him causing his instantaneous later as Rodolfo Sandangao, also known as Dupong and
death; that the accused also commenced the commission Jun-jun Flores. Thereafter, they walked towards the
of the crime of murder upon the person of Edmund highway. An incoming vehicle light enabled Edmundo
Ceriales directly by overt acts by also tying his two feet to recognize Sandangao at this point. They hid and
and his hands at his back with intent to kill, but the said continued walking after the vehicle left. Since Edmundo
accused did not perform all the acts of execution which and Manuel were tied together, they walked side by side.
should have produced the crime of Murder as a It was at this point that Edmundo whispered to his
consequence, by reason of causes other than their own brother that he recognized Sandangao to be their

childhood neighbor. Although there were houses along related the matter to Edmundo. Later that day, the
the way, the brothers were prevented from asking help headless body of Manuel was found. Macatiag
because they were threatened with bodily harm by the proceeded were the body was found. He saw that the
three men. When they reached a coconut plantation feet were still tied (TSN, April 29, 1998, p. 6). When
owned by a certain Almonte, appellant Silva cut his T- policemen Galope, Andrada and Mendigoren arrived,
shirt and stuck some of its portion to Edmundos mouth. Edmundo went with them to see the body of Manuel
It was removed later by appellant Silva after being which he was able to identify because of the clothes he
assured that they would not fight back. As they was wearing. Several days after the beheading incident
continued walking, they reached the plantation of a the missing head of the victim Manuel Ceriales was
certain Henyo who happened to be Edmundos godfather. found at Baler, Aurora (TSN, February 25, 1998, p. 11).
Edmundo tried to convince their abductors to kill them [2]
there and not to bring them away anymore. Jun-jun
Flores was about to stab him but his brother Manuel Witness Andres Macatiag corroborated Edmundos
begged Flores not to do it. (Ibid, p. 3-5) testimony. He alleged that he was in his house around
ten oclock in the evening of September 3, 1996, when
Upon reaching Lucing Guerreros coconut plantation, his godson Edmundo Ceriales arrived. The latter was
they were made to sit on a hollow block. It was at this shaking and could hardly speak and his right hand and
point where appellant Resty Silva focused a flashlight foot were tied. The only words Edmundo uttered at that
on himself. He then asked the brothers if they knew their time were, yong familia ko ang baka pag-uwian ng
abductors. When he and Manuel positively answered, tinakasan ko. Not knowing what to do, Macatiag sought
appellant Silva retorted Papano yan Dupong, kilala pala the help of a certain Danny Bihasa, a barangay
tayo, obligado na nating patayin. (TSN dated February councilman. However, he was told that there were no
25, 1998, p. 10) more barangay tanods at that time so he went home. It
was only then that Edmundo was able to fully relate to
Edmundo was thereafter separated from Manuel. He was Macatiag what happened.[3]
brought twenty meters away from Manuel by Sandangao
and herein appellant while Flores was left to take care of Edmundo told him that he and his brother Manuel were
Manuel. After appellant Sandangao tied his feet, abducted by Resty Silva, Rodolfo Sandangao and Jun-
appellant left them. He then pleaded to Sandangao to set jun Flores and brought to the plantation of Querijero.
him free and promised to forget the incident. But When Silva learned that the Ceriales brothers recognized
Sandangao refused. After which, Sandangao left him. He them, he uttered, Kung ganon, patayin na ito dahil kilala
then tried to free himself jumping away from where he tayo. Edmundo was brought by Silva and Dupong
was until he fell into a hole. While there, he tried to (referring to accused-appellant Sandangao) several
untie his hands and feet till he heard the scream of meters away from Manuel who was guarded by accused
Manuel followed by sound akin to the cutting of a tree. Flores. While Dupong was tying UP Edmundos feet,
When Edmundo was already untying his feet he was Silva joined Flores and Manuel. Edmundo begged
given a warning to come out or they would kill Manuel Dupong to untie him but the latter refused. After a while,
if he failed. He slowly stuck out his head from the hole Dupong joined Silva and Flores, so Edmundo tried to
and failing to see the three men, he ran away fast until escape by jumping into a hole. He was able to loosen the
he reached the place of his godfather Andres Macatiag ties in his hands and feet. While inside the hole, he heard
(Ibid pp. 10-11). The latter advised him to spend the shouts from his brother Manuel so he ran as fast as he
night in his house. Around 5'o clock in the morning of could until he reached Macatiag s house.[4]
September 4, 1996, Macatiag went to Edmundo s house
to verify the condition of the latters family. Seeing that After hearing Edmundos story, Macatiag asked him to
they were unharmed, he returned to his house and spend the night in his house. The following morning,

Macatiag left to inquire if Edmundos family was safe. morning of September 4, 1996, a barangay tanod arrived
Upon seeing that they were not harmed, he went back in the police station and reported that the body of
home to tell Edmundo. Macatiag and Edmundo then Manuel Ceriales was found dead. The police then
proceeded to the place of the incident and saw that there formed a team composed of witness, SPO4 Antonio
were already a lot of people gathered in the area. Mendigoren, SPO3 Andrada, SPO3 Eligio Fernandez
Edmundo, accompanied by several persons, went to and several other police officers. They proceeded to the
fetch the police who then brought the headless body to a crime scene to investigate and saw a body lying on its
detachment in Diaboyo.[5] stomach. Both hands were tied behind the back and the
head was severed. Edmundo Ceriales identified the body
Witness Agapito Regalado averred that around eight as that of his brother Manuel. They brought the body to
thirty in the evening of September 3, 1996, he was the roadside and summoned Dr. Pura Valenzuela-Uy
playing tong-its in the house of victim Manuel Ceriales who conducted the autopsy.[9] Upon information from
with several other people when a man carrying a long Edmundo that the perpetrators were a certain Resty
firearm suddenly arrived and ordered them to stop the Silva, Jun-jun Flores and Rodolfo Sandangao, they
game. The man then commanded Manuel and Edmundo proceeded to the house of the latter but did not find
Ceriales to come out while the rest were made to lie face Sandangao. He was later found hiding in a hut at a citrus
down. When the armed man and the Ceriales brothers plantation. Upon seeing Sandangao, Edmundo asked
were already outside, witness heard somebody say, him, bakit ganon ang ginawa mo? Sandangao was
gapusin. After a while, Regalado and the others went out brought to the police headquarters in San Luis. A few
but the armed man and the Ceriales brothers were days after, the police received a report that the head of
already gone.[6] Manuel Ceriales was found.[10]

The following day, Macatiag summoned Regalado to his SPO4 Antonio Mendigoren, OIC police commander at
house. Edmundo was there and requested them to look San Luis PNP, corroborated the testimony of SPO4
for his brother Manuel in the land of Lucing Querijero. Galope and testified that at around eight thirty in the
Regalado fetched barangay councilman Danilo Bihasa morning of September 4, 1996, councilman Bihasa of
and together with Edmundo and Macatiag, they Brgy. Ditumabo reported that a certain Manuel Ceriales
proceeded to Querijeros property where they found was abducted and found in the copra kiln of a certain
Manuels headless body. Regalado identified the body as Lucing Querijero. A police team was formed and,
that of Manuels because of the shorts the latter was together with barangay officials and Edmundo Ceriales,
wearing the night before. They called the police and they proceeded to the place of the incident. They saw a
summoned a certain Dr. Valenzuela to autopsy the body. headless body with hands and feet tied with a rope. The
[7] body was identified by Edmundo as that of his brother
Manuel. Using an improvised stretcher, they brought the
On rebuttal, Regalado testified that he saw accused- body down the roadside where a certain Dr. Uy
appellant Resty Silva twice in Barangay Ditumabo. The conducted an autopsy.[11] The police, together with
first time was during in the last week of August 1996 at Edmundo, proceeded to the house of one of the suspects,
the house of a certain Belo Reyes in Sitio Diaboyo. The Rodolfo Sandangao who was apprehended and brought
second time was around ten oclock in the morning of to the police station. In coordination with the police
September 3, 1996, in Purok Bagong Silang, Brgy. officers in Baler, the head of Manuel Ceriales was
Ditumabo in the house of one Manang Tunay recovered five days after. Accused-appellant Resty Silva
Esperancilla.[8] was thereafter arrested in Cabanatuan City through the
help of the Nueva Ecija police. Accused-appellant Jun-
SPO4 Maximo Galope, police investigator on duty at Jun Flores, however, managed to escape.[12]
San Luis, Aurora, narrated that around eight thirty in the

The prosecution also presented SPO3 Eligio Fernandez Ceriales was left In the coconut plantation of Querijero
and SPO3 Waldo Andrada as witnesses but the defense with Flores and the armed man. Sandangao spent the
agreed to stipulate that their testimonies merely night inside a hut because he was too afraid to go home.
corroborate the testimonies of SPO4 Galope and [15] The following morning, the owner of the plantation
Mendigoren in connection with the investigation and arrived and asked to him to gather coconuts. While he
arrest of accused-appellant Sandangao, the identification was working, the police officers arrived asking him to
of accused-appellant Silva and the recovery of the point to them the location of the head of Manuel
headless body of Manuel Ceriales.[13] Ceriales. He denied that he knew anything about the
incident so he was brought to the police station. He
Finally, Dr. Maria Pura Valenzuela-Uy, rural health claimed that he did not recognize the man carrying the
physician of San Luis, Aurora, testified that around gun that night and met accused-appellant Silva for the
eleven thirty in the morning of September 4, 1999, she first time when the latter was incarcerated.[16]
was summoned to conduct a medico-legal examination
on the cadaver of the victim Manuel Ceriales inside a Accused-appellant Resty Silva also denied the charges
barangay station in Sitio Diaboyo. The decapitated body against him. He claimed that on the night of the incident,
was already in a state of rigor mortis. Both hands and he was in the house of his brother Ricardo Silva in the
feet were tied by a black rope and the body bore shallow compound of the National Mental Hospital in
stab wounds over the left shoulder and in the epigastric Mandaluyong City playing tong-its with security guards
area. Dr. Uy concluded that the cause of death was Alsona and Cifriano.[17] From May 1996 to September
hyperbolemic shock secondary to decapitation and at the 3, 1996, he had no occasion to be in San Luis, Aurora
time of examination, the victim might have already been because he was staying with his brother in Mandaluyong
dead for more than ten (10) hours.[14] who worked as a security guard in the said hospital.[18]
He was about to return to San Luis when he was arrested
The evidence for the defense, on the other hand in Cabanatuan City. He was brought to the Aurora
consisted of the testimonies of accused-appellants Resty Provincial Jail where he met accused-appellant
Silva and Rodolfo Sandangao; Cipriano de Francisca; Sandangao for the first time.[19] He denied the
Ricardo Silva; and Bernardito Alzona. accusations against him and claimed that he did not
know the Ceriales brothers and the other two accused,
Accused-appellant Rodolfo Sandangao alleged that Flores and Sandangao.[20]
around eight thirty in the evening of September 3, 1996,
he was at home with his family in Brgy. Ditumabo, San Ricardo Silva, brother of accused-appellant Resty Silva,
Luis, Aurora when Jun-jun Flores and a man carrying an testified that he and his family resided inside the
armalite gun arrived. He was ordered at gunpoint to compound of the National Mental Hospital in
accompany them to the house of Manuel Ceriales under Mandaluyong City where he worked as a security guard.
threat that his family would be killed if he did not From May 1996 to March 1997, Resty was staying with
cooperate. Upon reaching Manuels house, Flores and the them. His brother went home only during harvest time.
armed man ordered everyone to lie face down. The On September 3, 1996, Resty was playing tong-its in his
Ceriales brothers were then asked to come out. When (witness) house in Mandaluyong together with two other
Edmundo and Manuel were already outside, Flores security guards, de Francisca and Alzona, from seven
ordered him (Sandangao) to tie them. They proceeded to oclock in the evening until midnight.[21]
the land owned by Lucing Querijero where Edmundo
and Manuel were separated. He was ordered by the Cipriano de Francisca, security guard at the National
armed man to guard Edmundo and to tie his feet. When Center for Mental Health in Mandaluyong City, claimed
Edmundo managed to escape, Sandangao also ran away that on September 3, 1996, he was playing tong-its with
towards Nestor Aguilas citrus plantation. Manuel accused-appellant Resty Silva and another guard named

Alzona. The game lasted from seven oclock in the THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GIVING
evening until around midnight.[22] This was CREDENCE TO THE TESTIMONY OF MAIN
corroborated by defense witness Bernardito Alzona.[23] PROSECUTION WITNESS EDMUNDO CERIALES
Finally, witness Josephine Sunico, neighbor of a certain AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE AND TO THE
Esperancilla, testified that in the morning of the TESTIMONY OF OTHER PROSECUTION
incident, September 3, 1996, there was no game of tong- WITNESSES THAT WERE TAINTED WITH
its being played in the house of Esperancilla and neither UNCERTAINTIES AND IMPROBABILITIES AND IN
witness Regalado nor accused-appellant Silva were in REJECTING ACCUSED-APPELLANT RESTY
On October 27, 1999, the trial court rendered a decision AT THE TIME OF THE PERPETRATION OF THE
convicting accused-appellants of the crimes of murder OFFENSE AND DEMONSTRATING THAT IT WAS
and attempted murder, the dispositive portion of which PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO BE AT

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court finds THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT
accused Resty Silva and Rodolfo Sandangao alias ACCUSED- APPELLANT SILVA CONSPIRED WITH
Dupong GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime THE OTHER ACCUSED IN ABDUCTING THE
of murder for the death of Manuel Ceriales qualified by CERIALES BROTHERS AND KILLING ONE OF
evident premeditation and considering the aggravating THEM.
circumstances of treachery and nighttime without any
mitigating circumstance to offset the same hereby THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE
sentences each of them to the maximum penalty of death KILLING OF THE VICTIM WAS ATTENDED BY
and likewise, this Court finds Resty Silva and Rodolfo THE QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCE OF EVIDENT
Sandangao alis Dupong GUILTY beyond reasonable PREMEDITATION.
doubt of the crime of attempted murder for the attempt
in the life of Edmundo Ceriales qualified by evident THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT
premeditation and considering the aggravating THE KILLING OF THE VICTIM WAS ATTENDED
circumstances of treachery and nighttime without any BY THE AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES OF
mitigating circumstance to offset the same hereby TREACHERY AND NOCTURNITY.
sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty
ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional as THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IMPOSING (SIC) ON
minimum to twelve (12) years of prision mayor as ACCUSED-APPELLANT THE PENALTY OF DEATH
maximum; to pay proportionately the heirs of Manuel DESPITE THAT ASIDE FROM HIS NON-
Ceriales the sum of P50,000.00 as civil liability; and to INVOLVEMENT IN THE COMMISSION OF THE
By reason of the imposition of the death penalty, the
case is now before us on automatic review. Accused- THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN FINDING
appellant Resty Silva raised the following errors in his ACCUSED-APPELLANT SILVA LIABLE FOR



Accused-appellant Rodolfo Sandangao, on the other Q While you were in the house of Manuel Ceriales
hand, alleged that: watching those who were gambling, do your recall any
unusual incident that happened?
ACCUSED-APPELLANT RODOLFO SANDANGAO A There was; a gun was pointed to us and I and my
BASED ONLY ON THE LONE TESTIMONY OF THE brother Manuel were ordered to go out; I was not able to
COMPLAINING WITNESS WITHOUT TAKING recognize them then very well because they ordered to
PENAL CODE, AS THE DEFENSE OF RODOLFO Q Where were the persons located when the gun was
A By the door, sir.
It is a well-settled rule that findings of fact of trial courts
are entitled to great weight and generally should not be Q What kind of gun was pointed at you?
disturbed on appeal unless substantial facts and
circumstances have been overlooked, which if properly A Armalite, sir.
considered, would alter the result of the case.[26] After a
careful review of the records of the present case, the xxx
Court is convinced that the trial court was correct in its
findings and conclusion. Q What did you do when you heard that the one pointed
the gun at you ordered you to get out of the house?
Edmundo Ceriales testimony as to what transpired on
the night of September 3, 1996 is clear, positive and A Since and I and my brother were ordered to get out,
categorical: we went out.

Q On Sept. 3, 1996 at around 8:30 p.m., do you recall Q When you went out, what happened?
where were you?
A We were made to lie face down, outside the house.
A I was in the house of my elder brother Manuel
Ceriales at Diaboyo, Ditumabu, sir. Q What happened next?

Q Where was your brother then? A We were tied by Dupong upon order of Resty Silva.

A He was there, sir. Q Where were you tied?

Q Where there any other persons present there then? A The arms, sir. (Witness placed his 2 arms behind his
A We were 9 in all in that house; they were Boy
Tagalario, Jimmy Tagalario, Jimboy Tagalario, Marlon Q Who between you were tied?
Flores, Mardie Alejandro, a certain Onoy, Pogi Salvador
and the 2 of us brothers.

A Both of us were tied at the same time; the one who

was tying my brother was Jun-jun Flores. A We went inside a coconut plantation from the
highway; while we were there. Resty Silva sliced my t-
Q What happened next when you were tied? shirt which he stucked (sic) in my mouth which he later
removed because I told him I would not be fighting back
A I asked them to get my bolo which was tied in a anyway.
cavern around my waist and Dupong took it.
Q Why did you let him took your bolo?
Q What happened next?
A Since I could not use it anymore.
A We continued walking until we reached the coconut
Q After you and your brother were tied and your bolo plantation of my Ninong Henyo; I told them to kill me
was taken from you, what happened? there and not to bring us far away anymore. I was about
to be stabbed by Jun-jun but he was stopped by my elder
A We walked towards the highway and we were lighted brother.
by incoming vehicle; that was when I recognized
Dupong; then we ran towards a place where there were Q What happened next?
plenty of bamboo and when the vehicle passed, we came
out from where we hid. A We continued walking until we reached the place
where the killing was done.
Q After that, what happened next?
Q What kind of land was that?
A We walked along the highway and in the highway,
there was light again so I was able to recognize him. A Still coconut plantation owned by Lucing Guerrero; it
is not Querijero but Guerrero.
Q How about the 2?
Q What happened next?
A They were quite far away from us; I was not able to
recognize the other 2 very well. A We were made to sit on a hollow block which is quite
Q How were you walking?
Q Why was hollow block present there?
A The 2 of us were almost ahead side by side since we
were tied. A There was a house there that was abandoned.

Q What was used in tying your hands? Q What happened next?

A A rope, sir. A The 3 of them faced us and Resty Silva asked me do

you know us and we brothers answered we have
Q What happened next when you were walking? recognized you for quite a long time.

A I whispered to my brother that it was Dupong. Q What was Resty doing then?

Q What happened next?


A He flashed the flashed light (sic) on his face and the Q What happened next?
faces of his other 2 companions.
A After that I heard a scream.
Q What happened next?
Q Do you know who was screaming?
A He said, papano yan Dupong, kilala pala tayo;
obligado na nating patayin. A I recognized it was the voice of my elder brother.

Q When Resty uttered that, what happened next? Q What did you do?

A We were separated; the ties binding us together was A I heard another shout saying that if I will not come
removed. out, they will kill my brother; that was when I was
untying my feet. Then I put out slowly my head from the
Q What happened next? hole trying to see if there were still people around.

A I was brought away from my elder brother about 20 xxx

meters away. The one who came with me were Dupong
and Resty while Jun-jun Flores was left with my elder Q How long have you heard your brother screaming?
brother. That was the time my two feet were tied by
Dupong. A When I ran away and I was already far away, I heard
another shout.
Q What happened next?
Q Where did you proceed when you ran away?
A Resty left me but Dupong stayed with me.
A To my Ninong Andres Macatiag, sir.
Q What happened next?
Q What happened at the place of your Ninong?
A I begged Dupong to release me and I will forget
everything. A They did not allow me to go out from the house. I
related to them the incident and I told them the names of
Q What was his reaction? the persons I recognized. Then, I slept in the house of
my Ninong Andres Macatiag.
A He said he could not do anything as he might be
blamed. xxx

Q What happened next? Q What did you do that morning?

A After that, he left me; so I thought of jumping away A I asked my godfather to go to my family and he went
and so I jumped and jumped. In so doing I happened to there. After that, he called the barangay tanod and
fall in a hole. councilman. I told them where we were brought and
asked them to look for my brother if he was still alive. I
Q What happened when you jumped away? did not go with them.

A I heard as if they were cutting a tree? Q What happened next?


A They came back and said that he was already dead and Whenever a killing is attended with any of the
headless; they reported it to the police. circumstances enumerated in Article 248, such killing is
qualified to murder.
Q What happened next when they reported it to the
police? Evidence shows that the qualifying circumstance of
evident premeditation attended the killing of Manuel
A The policemen arrived and I went with them to see the Ceriales. There is evident premeditation when the
body of my brother. following elements are present: (1) the time when the
accused determined to commit the crime, (2) an act
Xxx manifestly indicating that the accused clung to that
determination, and (3) a lapse of time between the
Q How were you able to identify the headless body of determination and the execution sufficient to allow the
your brother. accused to reflect upon the consequences of the act.[28]

A Because of the clothes he was wearing when the To establish evident premeditation, it must be shown
incident happened.[27] that there was a period sufficient to afford full
opportunity for meditation and reflection, a time
The facts as related by Edmundo, who was a direct adequate to allow the conscience to overcome the
witness to the crime, being a victim himself, and as resolution of the will, as well as outward acts showing
corroborated by the other witnesses, clearly established the intent to kill.[29] It must appear not only that the
the crimes of murder and attempted murder. accused decided to commit the crime prior to the
moment of its execution but also that this decision was
Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by the result of meditation, calculation, reflection, or
R.A. 7659 defines the crime of murder as follows: persistent attempt.[30]

xxx Any person who, not falling within the provisions of Accused-appellants deliberately planned to kill the
Article 246 shall kill another, shall be guilty of murder Ceriales brothers. They arrived at the house of Manuel
and shall be punished by reclusion perpetua to death if Ceriales in the evening of September 3, 1996 purposely
committed with any of the following attendant armed with an armalite, bolo and rope. They ordered the
circumstances: Ceriales brothers to come out while the other persons
inside the house were told to lie face down. They
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, abducted the brothers, tied them up and brought them to
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to an isolated place several kilometers away where the
weaken the defense or of means or persons to insure or brothers were questioned about a misunderstanding
afford impunity. between the victim Manuel and the father of accused
Flores over a parcel of land. This dispute apparently
2. provided the motive for the crime and engendered the
plan. From the time that the brothers were abducted
xxx from their house until they reached the isolated
plantation of a certain Querijero several kilometers
3. With evident premeditation. away, accused-appellants had sufficient time to reflect
upon the consequences of their act but they persisted in
xxx their determination to commit the crime. While in that
isolated place, they separated the brothers from each
other in an apparent plan to kill them consecutively.

Manuel Ceriales was stabbed and decapitated. The same they brought with them a flashlight clearly shows that
fate would have met Edmundo Ceriales were he not able they intended to commit the crime in darkness.
to escape. These acts of accused-appellants were
manifestly deliberate, calculated and carefully planned Clearly, in the present case, the killing of Manuel
leading to the inevitable conclusion that the crime was Ceriales by decapitation was characterized by treachery
premeditated. and evidently premeditated qualifying such killing to
murder. The fact that the Ceriales brothers were taken
The killing of Manuel Ceriales was also characterized together, tied up and brought to an isolated place point
by treachery. There is treachery when there is (1) the to no other conclusion than that accused-appellants
employment of means of execution that gives the person intended to kill not only Manuel but also Edmundo.
attacked no opportunity to defend himself or retaliate; Indeed, the latter would have likewise been stabbed and
and (2) the deliberate and conscious adoption of the decapitated had he not been able to escape. The fact that
means of execution.[31] The essence of treachery is the accused-appellants were not able to kill Edmundo was
sudden and unexpected attack by an aggressor on an not by reason of their own spontaneous desistance but
unsuspecting victim, depriving the latter of any real due to Edmundos miraculous escape; hence, they are
chance to defend himself, thereby ensuring its also liable for the attempted murder of Edmundo.[34]
commission without risk to the aggressor and without
the slightest provocation on the part of the victim.[32] Accused-appellant Resty Silva denied his participation
in the abduction of the Ceriales brothers and the killing
The Ceriales brothers were innocently playing tong-its of Manuel. He insisted that he was at his brother
inside their house when accused-appellants suddenly Ricardos house in Mandaluyong City on the day of the
arrived. The suddenness of their arrival in the middle of incident. He attempted to bolster his claim by presenting
the night while the victims were playing a card game, as witnesses his brother Ricardo and two security guards
ensured that the victims could be taken without who were allegedly playing tong-its with him from
difficulty to an isolated place several kilometers away seven oclock in the evening until midnight of September
and killed there. The fact that accused-appellants arrived 3, 1996.
armed with an armalite gun, a bolo, a rope and a
flashlight showed that they deliberately and consciously We have repeatedly stressed that in order for alibi to
adopted the means of execution. The act of tying up both prosper, the accused must prove not only that he was at
hands and feet of the victims with a rope ensured the some other place at the time of the commission of the
killing and deprived the victims of any chance to defend crime, but also that it was physically impossible for him
themselves. to be at the locus delicti or within its immediate vicinity.
[35] By its nature, alibi is the weakest of all defenses as
By and of itself, nighttime is not an aggravating it is easy to fabricate and difficult to disprove, and it is
circumstance, however, it becomes aggravating only practically worthless in the face of positive
when: (1) it is especially sought by the offender; or (2) it identification.[36] A positive identification of the
is taken advantage of by him; or (3) it facilitates the accused, where categorical and consistent and without
commission of the crime by ensuring the offenders any showing of ill motive on the part of the eyewitness
immunity from capture.[33] In this case, the trial court testifying on the matter, prevails over mere alibi and
correctly appreciated nighttime as aggravating denial.[37]
considering that nighttime facilitated the abduction of
the Ceriales brothers, the killing of Manuel Ceriales and Edmundo Ceriales positively identified accused-
the attempt to kill Edmundo Ceriales. Evidence shows appellant as one of their abductors. In fact, accused-
that accused-appellants took advantage of the darkness appellant Silva himself revealed his identity to Edmundo
to successfully consummate their plans. The fact that and Manuel by flashing a flashlight upon his face and

asking the brothers if they recognize him and the other Edmundo testified that Sandangao and Flores tied his
two abductors: hands and that of his brother Manuel before proceeding
to Querijeros plantation. Sandangao was also the one
Q What happened next? who tied Edmundos feet upon reaching the property of
Querijero. Edmundo never testified that Sandangao
A We were made to sit on a hollow block which is quite committed those acts upon order of accused-appellant
low. Silva or Flores. Neither did he state that Sandangao was
threatened at gunpoint by the two. When the Ceriales
Q Why was hollow block present there? brothers identified them, accused-appellant Silva even
told Sandangao, Papano yan Dupong, kilala pala tayo,
A There was a house there that was abandoned. obligado na nating patayin. This statement of accused-
appellant Silva clearly implies Sandangaos participation
Q What happened next? in the crime. Moreover, when Sandangao was left alone
to guard Edmundo, the latter begged him to be set free
A The 3 of them faced us and Resty Silva asked me do but Sandangao refused.
you know us and we brothers answered we have
recognized you for quite a long time. Sandangaos claim is also belied by his conduct after the
incident. He claimed that like Edmundo Ceriales he
Q What was Resty doing then? managed to escape from Flores and the armed man.
However, instead of reporting to the police, he tried to
A He flashed the flashed light (sic) on his face and the flee and hid in the hut of a certain Nestor Aguila until he
faces of his other 2 companions.[38] was apprehended by the police. While he was in
detention, he did not report to the police that he was
As between accused-appellant Silvas alibi and the threatened at gunpoint by Flores and the armed man to
positive testimony of Edmundo identifying him as one accompany them. When asked why he did not make
of the perpetrators of the crime, the latter must prevail. such a report, his reason was merely that he was never
[39] asked by the police.[41]

Accused-appellant Sandangao, on the other hand, sought The evidence on record thus positively established that
to evade criminal liability by alleging that he was accused-appellants Silva, Sandangao and Flores
threatened by accused Flores and an unidentified armed conspired to abduct and kill the Ceriales brothers. Their
man at gunpoint to accompany them to the house of acts of going to Manuels house together at night armed
Manuel Ceriales. He claims that the two threatened to with an armalite, bladed weapons and rope, tying up the
kill his family if he refused to go with them and did not Ceriales brothers, abducting them and bringing them to
comply with their orders. an isolated place and decapitating Manuel, these acts
taken together manifest a unity of purpose and a
Indeed, Article 12 of the Revised Penal Code exempts a common design to kill the two brothers. We have ruled
person from criminal liability if he acts under the that conspiracy exists when two or more persons come
compulsion of an irresistible force, or under the impulse to an agreement concerning the commission of a felony
of an uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, and decide to commit it.[42] Where the acts of the
because such person does not act with freedom.[40] accused collectively and individually demonstrate the
Accused-appellant Sandangao, however, failed to existence of a common design towards the
sufficiently prove his claim of irresistible force. The accomplishment of the same unlawful purpose,
positive and categorical testimony of Edmundo Ceriales conspiracy is evident, and all the perpetrators will be
clearly established his participation in the crime. liable as principals.[43] In this case, conspiracy among

accused-appellants were sufficiently born and proven by [1] Records, p. 11.

[2] Rollo, pp. 132-136 (Consolidated Brief of the
Art. 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by RA Solicitor General, pp. 3-7).
7659, prescribes the penalty of reclusion perpetua to
death for the crime of murder. Considering the [3] TSN, April 29, 1998, pp. 3-4.
qualifying circumstance of evident premeditation and
the presence of two aggravating circumstances of [4] Id., at 4-6.
treachery and nighttime without any mitigating
circumstance, the trial court correctly imposed the [5] Id.
maximum penalty of death as prescribed under Art.
63[44] for the murder of Manuel Ceriales. The penalty [6] Id., at 12-14.
of an indeterminate sentence ranging from six (6) years
prision correccional as minimum to twelve (12) years of [7] Id., at 15.
prision mayor as maximum imposed by the trial court
for the attempted murder of Edmundo Ceriales is [8] TSN, June 21, 1999, pp. 2-4.
likewise affirmed.
[9] TSN, March 5, 1997, pp. 3-5.
Finally, in keeping with recent jurisprudence,[45] in
addition to civil indemnity of P50,000.00, we hereby [10] Id., at 5, 7-9.
impose the additional amount of P50,000.00 as moral
damages without need of proof for the death of the [11] TSN, February 25, 1998, pp. 2-3.
victim Manuel Ceriales.

Three (3) members of this Court maintain their position

that R.A. No. 7659, insofar as it prescribes the death [34] Art. 6 (RPC) - x x x There is an attempt when the
penalty is unconstitutional. Nevertheless, they submit to offender commences the commission of a felony directly
the ruling of the majority that the said law is not by overt acts, and does not perform all the acts of
unconstitutional and that the death penalty should be execution which should produce the felony by reason of
imposed in this case. some cause or accident other than his own spontaneous
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby
AFFIRMED. In accordance with Article 83 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended by Section 25 of R.A.
7659, upon finality of this decision, let the record of this
case be forwarded to the Office of the President for
possible exercise of clemency and pardoning power.


Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan,

Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago,
Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, and
Corona, JJ., concur.

EN BANC her will, that is, due to the timely and able medical
G.R. No. 103102 March 6, 1992 assistance rendered to said Maureen Navarro Hultman
which prevented her death.
CLAUDIO J. TEEHANKEE, JR., petitioner,
vs. After the prosecution had rested its case, petitioner was
HON. JOB B. MADAYAG and PEOPLE OF THE allowed to file a motion for leave to file a demurrer to
PHILIPPINES, respondents. evidence. However, before the said motion could be
filed, Maureen Navarro Hultman died.

Consequently, private prosecutor Rogelio A. Vinluan

REGALADO, J.: filed an omnibus motion 3 for leave of court to file an
amended information and to admit said amended
In this special civil action for certiorari, prohibition and information. The amended information, 4 filed on
mandamus, petitioner principally seeks: (1) to nullify the October 31, 1991, reads:
order 1 of respondent judge admitting the amended
information for murder filed in Criminal Case No. That on or about the 13th day of July, 1991, in the
91-4606; (2) to nullify the arraignment and the plea of Municipality of Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines and
not guilty entered by order of respondent judge when within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said
petitioner refused to be arraigned on the amended Claudio Teehankee, Jr. y. Javier, armed with a handgun,
information for lack of preliminary investigation with intent to kill and evident premeditation and by
therefor; (3) to nullify the appointment of a counsel de means of treachery, did then and there willfully,
oficio/PAO lawyer to represent petitioner; (4) to prohibit unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and shoot with
respondent judge from "over-speedy and preferential the said handgun Maureen Navarro Hultman who was
scheduling of the trial of the aforementioned criminal hit in the head, thereby inflicting mortal wounds which
case;" and (5) to compel respondent judge to order directly caused the death of said Maureen Hultman.
preliminary investigation of the crime charged in the
amended information. Petitioner filed an opposition 5 thereto, as well as a
rejoinder 6 to the reply 7 of the prosecution. On
Petitioner was originally charged on July 19, 1991 in an November 13, 1991, the trial court issued the questioned
information 2 for the crime of frustrated murder order admitting the amended information.
allegedly committed as follows:
At the scheduled arraignment on November 26, 1991,
That on or about the 13th day of July 1991, in the petitioner refused to be arraigned on the amended
Municipality of Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines, and information for lack of a preliminary investigation
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the thereon. By reason of such refusal, respondent judge
above-named accused, while armed with a handgun, ordered that a plea of "not guilty" be entered for
with intent to kill, treachery and evident premeditation, petitioner.
did then and there willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously
attack, assault and shoot one Maureen Navarro Hultman Thereafter, respondent judge ordered the prosecution to
on the head, thereby inflicting gunshot wounds, which present its evidence. When petitioner's counsel
ordinarily would have caused the death of said Maureen manifested that he would not take part in the
Navarro Hultman, thereby performing all the acts of proceedings because of the legal issue raised, the trial
execution which would have produced the crime of court appointed a counsel de oficio to represent herein
Murder as a consequence, but nevertheless did not petitioner.
produce it by reason of cause or causes independent of

Petitioner now raises the following issues before us: been caused by a supervening act or fact which is not
imputable to the offender." 9 From this, he argues that
(a) Whether or not an amended information there being a substantial amendment, the same may no
involving a substantial amendment, without preliminary longer be allowed after arraignment and during the trial.
investigation, after the prosecution has rested on the
original information, may legally and validly be Corollary thereto, petitioner then postulates that since
admitted; the amended information for murder charges an entirely
different offense, involving as it does a new fact, that is,
(b) Whether or not a counsel de oficio may legally the fact of death whose cause has to be established, it is
and validly be appointed to represent an accused who is essential that another preliminary investigation on the
represented by counsel of choice who refuses to new charge be conducted before the new information
participate in the proceedings because of a perceived can be admitted.
denial of due process and after a plea for appellate
remedies within a short period is denied by the trial We find no merit in the petition. There are sufficient
court; and legal and jurisprudential moorings for the orders of the
trial court.
(c) Whether or not a particular criminal case may
legally and validly be rushed and preferentially Section 14, Rule 110 of the 1985 Rules on Criminal
scheduled for trial over and at the expense and sacrifice Procedure provides:
of other, specially older, criminal cases. 8
Sec. 14. Amendment. — The information or complaint
In our resolution of January 14, 1992, we required the may be amended, in substance or form, without leave of
Solicitor General to file a comment to the basic petition. court, at any time before the accused pleads; and
It appearing from a further review of the record that the thereafter and during the trial as to all matters of form,
operative facts and determinant issues involved in this by leave and at the discretion of the court, when the
case are sufficiently presented in the petition and the same can be done without prejudice to the rights of the
annexes thereto, both in regard to the respective accused.
positions of petitioner and respondents, the Court has
decided to dispense with the aforesaid comment to If it appears at any time before judgment that a mistake
obviate needless delay in fairness to petitioner. has been made in charging the proper offense, the court
shall dismiss the original complaint or information upon
I. Petitioner avers that the additional allegation in the filing of a new one charging the proper offense in
the amended information, as herein underscored, that the accordance with Rule 119, Section 11, provided the
accused ". . . did then and there willfully, unlawfully and accused would not be placed thereby in double jeopardy
feloniously attack, assault and shoot with the said and may also require the witnesses to give bail for their
handgun Maureen Navarro Hultman who was hit in the appearance at the trial.
head, thereby inflicting mortal wounds which directly
caused the death of said Maureen Hultman . . ." The first paragraph provides the rules for amendment of
constitutes a substantial amendment since it involves a the information or complaint, while the second
change in the nature of the offense charged, that is, from paragraph refers to the substitution of the information or
frustrated to consummated murder. Petitioner further complaint.
submits that "(t)here is a need then to establish that the
same mortal wounds, which were initially frustrated It may accordingly be posited that both amendment and
(sic) by timely and able medical assistance, ultimately substitution of the information may be made before or
caused the death of the victim, because it could have

after the defendant pleaded, but they differ in the be sufficient to warrant a conviction for the other, or
following respects: when the second offense is exactly the same as the first,
or when the second offense is an attempt to commit or a
1. Amendment may involve either formal or frustration of, or when it necessarily includes or is
substantial changes, while substitution necessarily necessarily included in, the offense charged in the first
involves a substantial change from the original charge; information. In this connection, an offense may be said
to necessarily include another when some of the
2. Amendment before plea has been entered can be essential elements or ingredients of the former, as this is
effected without leave of court, but substitution of alleged in the information, constitute the latter. And,
information must be with leave of court as the original vice-versa, an offense may be said to be necessarily
information has to be dismissed; included in another when the essential ingredients of the
former constitute or form a part of those constituting the
3. Where the amendment is only as to form, there is latter. 10
no need for another preliminary investigation and the
retaking of the plea of the accused; in substitution of Going now to the case at bar, it is evident that frustrated
information, another preliminary investigation is murder is but a stage in the execution of the crime of
entailed and the accused has to plead anew to the new murder, hence the former is necessarily included in the
information; and latter. It is indispensable that the essential element of
intent to kill, as well as qualifying circumstances such as
4. An amended information refers to the same treachery or evident premeditation, be alleged in both an
offense charged in the original information or to an information for frustrated murder and for murder,
offense which necessarily includes or is necessarily thereby meaning and proving that the same material
included in the original charge, hence substantial allegations are essential to the sufficiency of the
amendments to the information after the plea has been informations filed for both. This is because, except for
taken cannot be made over the objection of the accused, the death of the victim, the essential elements of
for if the original information would be withdrawn, the consummated murder likewise constitute the essential
accused could invoke double jeopardy. On the other ingredients to convict herein petitioner for the offense of
hand, substitution requires or presupposes that the new frustrated murder.
information involves a different offense which does not
include or is not necessarily included in the original In the present case, therefore, there is an identity of
charge, hence the accused cannot claim double jeopardy. offenses charged in both the original and the amended
information. What is involved here is not a variance in
In determining, therefore, whether there should be an the nature of different offenses charged, but only a
amendment under the first paragraph of Section 14, Rule change in the stage of execution of the same offense
110, or a substitution of information under the second from frustrated to consummated murder. This is being
paragraph thereof, the rule is that where the second the case, we hold that an amendment of the original
information involves the same offense, or an offense information will suffice and, consequent thereto, the
which necessarily includes or is necessarily included in filing of the amended information for murder is proper.
the first information, and amendment of the information
is sufficient; otherwise, where the new information Petitioner would insist, however, that the additional
charges an offense which is distinct and different from allegation on the fact of death of the victim Maureen
that initially charged, a substitution is in order. Navarro Hultman constitutes a substantial amendment
which may no longer be allowed after a plea has been
There is identity between the two offenses when the entered. The proposition is erroneous and untenable.
evidence to support a conviction for one offense would

As earlier indicated, Section 14 of Rule 110 provides no question that whatever defense herein petitioner may
that an amendment, either of form or substance, may be adduce under the original information for frustrated
made at any time before the accused enters a plea to the murder equally applies to the amended information for
charge and, thereafter, as to all matters of form with murder. Under the circumstances thus obtaining, it is
leave of court. irremissible that the amended information for murder is,
at most, an amendment as to form which is allowed even
A substantial amendment consists of the recital of facts during the trial of the case.
constituting the offense charged and determinative of the
jurisdiction of the court. All other matters are merely of It consequently follows that since only a formal
form. 11 Thus, the following have been held to be amendment was involved and introduced in the second
merely formal amendments, viz: (1) new allegations information, a preliminary investigation is unnecessary
which relate only to the range of the penalty that the and cannot be demanded by the accused. The filing of
court might impose in the event of conviction; 12 (2) an the amended information without the requisite
amendment which does not charge another offense preliminary investigation does not violate petitioner's
different or distinct from that charged in the original right to be secured against hasty, malicious and
one; 13 (3) additional allegations which do not alter the oppressive prosecutions, and to be protected from an
prosecution's theory of the case so as to cause surprise to open and public accusation of a crime, as well as from
the accused and affect the form of defense he has or will the trouble, expenses and anxiety of a public trial. The
assume; and (4) an amendment which does not amended information could not conceivably have come
adversely affect any substantial right of the accused, as a surprise to petitioner for the simple and obvious
such as his right to invoke prescription. 14 reason that it charges essentially the same offense as that
charged under the original information. Furthermore, as
We repeat that after arraignment and during the trial, we have heretofore held, if the crime originally charged
amendments are allowed, but only as to matters of form is related to the amended charge such that an inquiry
and provided that no prejudice is caused to the rights of into one would elicit substantially the same facts that an
the accused. 15 The test of whether an amendment is inquiry into the other would reveal, a new preliminary
only of form and an accused is not prejudiced by such investigation is not necessary. 17
amendment has been said to be whether or not a defense
under the information as it originally stood would be We find nothing irregular in the appointment by the trial
equally available after the amendment is made, and court of a counsel de oficio for herein petitioner whose
whether or not any evidence the accused might have counsel of record refused to participate in the
would be equally applicable to the information in the proceedings because of an alleged legal issue. Such
one form as in the other; if the answer is in the issue having been demonstrated herein as baseless, we
affirmative, the amendment is one of form and not of apprehend his refusal to participate in the trial as
substance. 16 causative of or contributive to the delay in the
disposition of the case. And, finally, for as long as the
Now, an objective appraisal of the amended information substantial rights of herein petitioner and other persons
for murder filed against herein petitioner will readily charged in court are not prejudiced, the scheduling of
show that the nature of the offense originally charged cases should be left to the sound discretion of the trial
was not actually changed. Instead, an additional court.
allegation, that is, the supervening fact of the death of
the victim was merely supplied to aid the trial court in WHEREFORE, it being clearly apparent that respondent
determining the proper penalty for the crime. That the judge did not commit the errors speciously attributed to
accused committed a felonious act with intent to kill the him, the extraordinary writs prayed for are hereby
victim continues to be the prosecution's theory. There is

DENIED and the instant petition is DISMISSED for 15 People vs. Montenegro, et al., 159 SCRA 236
lack of merit. (1988).

SO ORDERED. 16 42 C.J.S., Indictment and Information 1250.

Narvasa, C.J., Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., Cruz, 17 People vs. Magpale, 70 Phil. 176 (1940).
Paras, Feliciano, Padilla, Bidin, Griño-Aquino,
Medialdea, Davide, Jr., Romero and Nocon, JJ., concur.

Bellosillo, J., took no part.


1 Annex A, Petition; Rollo, 18-19.

2 Annex B, id.; ibid., 20-21.

3 Annex C, id.; ibid., 22-23.

4 Annex G, id.; ibid., 37-38.

5 Annex D, id.; ibid., 27-29.

6 Annex F, id.; ibid., 34-36.

7 Annex E, id.; ibid., 30-33.

8 Rollo, 4-5.

9 Ibid., 10.

10 Melo vs. People, 85 Phil. 766 (1950); Section 5,

Rule 120, 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure.

11 Almeda vs. Villaluz, et al., 66 SCRA 38 (1975).

12 Id., ibid.

13 Guinto vs. Veluz, et al., 77 Phil. 801 (1946).

14 Vega vs. Panis, et al., 117 SCRA 269 (1982).


THIRD DIVISION who told him, Sa susunod gagamitin ko na itong baril

[G.R. No. 134744. January 16, 2001] ko[4] (Next time, I will use my gun on you).

GIAN PAULO VILLAFLOR, petitioner, vs. DINDO When the injuries sustained by petitioner turned out to
VIVAR y GOZON, respondent. be more serious than they had appeared at first, an
DECISION Information[5] for serious physical injuries, docketed as
PANGANIBAN, J.: Criminal Case No. 23787, was filed against respondent.
[6] The earlier charge of slight physical injuries was
The absence of a preliminary investigation does not withdrawn.
impair the validity of an information or render it
defective. Neither does it affect the jurisdiction of the At the same time, another Information[7] for grave
court or constitute a ground for quashing the threats, docketed as Criminal Case No. 23728,[8] was
information. Instead of dismissing the information, the filed against respondent on March 17, 1997.
court should hold the proceedings in abeyance and order
the public prosecutor to conduct a preliminary On April 14, 1997, respondent posted a cash bond of
investigation. P6,000 in Criminal Case No. 23787 (for serious physical
injuries).[9] Instead of filing a counter-affidavit as
The Case required by the trial court, he filed on April 21, 1997, a
Motion to Quash the Information in Criminal Case No.
Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the 23728 (for grave threats). He contended that the threat,
Rules of Court, seeking to set aside the Orders issued by having been made in connection with the charge of
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Muntinlupa City serious physical injuries, should have been absorbed by
(Branch 276) in Civil Case No. 97-134.[1] Dated the latter. Thus, he concluded, Criminal Case No. 23728
January 20, 1998,[2] the first Order granted the Motion should be dismissed, as the trial court did not acquire
to Quash the Informations and ordered the dismissal of jurisdiction over it.[10]
the two criminal cases. The second Order dated July 6,
1998, denied the Motion for Reconsideration. In an Order dated April 28, 1997 in Criminal Case No.
23728, the Metropolitan Trial Court (MTC) denied the
The Facts Motion to Quash, as follows:

Culled from the records and the pleadings of the parties For consideration is a motion to quash filed by accused
are the following undisputed facts. counsel. Considering that jurisdiction is conferred by
law and the case filed is grave threats which is within
An Information[3] for slight physical injuries, docketed the jurisdiction of this Court and considering further that
as Criminal Case No. 23365, was filed against a motion to quash is a prohibited [pleading] under the
Respondent Dindo Vivar on February 7, 1997. The case rule on summary procedure, the motion to quash filed by
stemmed from the alleged mauling of Petitioner Gian accused counsel is DENIED.
Paulo Villaflor by respondent around 1:00 a.m. on
January 27, 1997 outside the Fat Tuesday Bar at the WHEREFORE, the motion to quash filed by accused
Ayala Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa City. After the counsel is hereby DENIED and let the arraignment of
severe beating he took from respondent, petitioner the accused be set on June 25, 1997 at 2:00 oclock in the
decided to leave the premises together with a friend who afternoon.[11]
was in the restroom when the mauling incident took
place. On his way out, petitioner again met respondent The Motion for Reconsideration filed by respondent was
denied by the MTC on June 17, 1997.[12] Thus, he was

duly arraigned in Criminal Case No. 23728 (for grave Rules on Criminal Procedure. Since this procedure was
threats), and he pleaded not guilty. not taken against accused, the Order dated January 20,
1998 stands.
On July 18, 1997, respondent filed a Petition for
Certiorari with the RTC of Muntinlupa City. This was The Motion for Reconsideration is therefore denied.[14]
docketed as Civil Case No. 97-134. On January 20,
1998, after the parties submitted their respective Hence, this Petition.[15]
Memoranda, the RTC issued the assailed Order which
reads as follows: The Issues

The Judicial Officer appears to have acted with grave Petitioner submits the following issues for our
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in consideration:[16]
declaring and denying the MOTION TO QUASH as a
prohibitive motion. The same should have been treated I
and [should have] proceeded under the regular rules of
procedure. The MOTION TO QUASH THE Can the court motu propio order the dismissal of the two
INFORMATIONS filed without preliminary (2) criminal cases for serious physical injuries and grave
investigation is therefore granted and these cases should threats on the ground that the public prosecutor failed to
have been dismissed. conduct a preliminary investigation?

Let this Petition be returned to the Metropolitan Trial II

Court, Branch 80-Muntinlupa City for appropriate
action.[13] Should the failure of the public prosecutor to conduct a
preliminary investigation be considered a ground to
The RTC, in an Order dated July 6, 1998, denied the quash the criminal informations for serious physical
unopposed Motion for Reconsideration, as follows: injuries and grave threats filed against the accused-
Submitted for resolution is the unopposed Motion for
Reconsideration filed by Private Respondent. III

This Court agrees with the contention of private Should respondents entry of plea in the [grave] threats
respondent that the Motion to Quash filed by petitioner case and posting of cash bond in the serious physical
in the inferior court is a prohibited pleading under Rules injuries case be considered a waiver of his right, if any,
on Summary Procedure so that its denial is tenable. to preliminary investigation?
However, it would appear that the criminal charges were
filed without the preliminary investigation having been The Courts Ruling
conducted by the Prosecutors Office. Although
preliminary investigation in cases triable by inferior The Petition is meritorious.
courts is not a matter of right, the provision of Sec. 51
par 3(a) of Republic Act 7926 entitled An Act First Issue: Lack of Preliminary Investigation
Converting the Municipality of Muntinlupa Into a
Highly Urbanized City To Be Known as the City of Preliminary investigation is an inquiry or proceeding to
Muntinlupa provides that the city prosecutor shall determine whether there is sufficient ground to engender
conduct preliminary investigations of ALL crimes, even a well-founded belief that a crime has been committed
violations of city ordinances. This Act amended the and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and

should be held for trial.[17] A component part of due offense as that under the original Information. Moreover,
process in criminal justice, preliminary investigation is a if the original charge was related to the amended one,
statutory and substantive right accorded to the accused such that an inquiry would elicit substantially the same
before trial. To deny their claim to a preliminary facts, then a new preliminary investigation was not
investigation would be to deprive them of the full necessary.[23]
measure of their right to due process.[18]
Second Issue: Motion to Quash
However, the absence of a preliminary investigation
does not impair the validity of the information or As previously stated, the absence of a preliminary
otherwise render it defective.[19] Neither does it affect investigation does not impair the validity of the
the jurisdiction of the court or constitute a ground for information or otherwise render it defective. Neither
quashing the information.[20] The trial court, instead of does it affect the jurisdiction of the court over the case
dismissing the information, should hold in abeyance the or constitute a ground for quashing the information.[24]
proceedings and order the public prosecutor to conduct a
preliminary investigation.[21] Section 3, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of Criminal
Procedure, provides the grounds on which an accused
Hence, the RTC in this case erred when it dismissed the can move to quash the complaint or information. These
two criminal cases for serious physical injuries are: (a) the facts charged do not constitute an offense;
(Criminal Case No. 23787) and grave threats (Criminal (b) the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the
Case No. 23728) on the ground that the public offense charged (c) the court trying the case has no
prosecutor had failed to conduct a preliminary jurisdiction over the person of the accused; (d) the
investigation. officer who filed the information had no authority to do
so; (e) the information does not conform substantially to
Furthermore, we do not agree that a preliminary the prescribed form; (f) more than one offense is
investigation was not conducted. In fact, a preliminary charged, except in those cases in which existing laws
investigation for slight physical injuries was made by prescribe a single punishment for various offenses; (g)
the assistant city prosecutor of Muntinlupa City. The the criminal action or liability has been extinguished; (h)
said Information was, however, amended when the information contains averments which, if true, would
petitioners injuries turned out to be more serious and did constitute a legal excuse or justification; and (i) the
not heal within the period specified in the Revised Penal accused has been previously convicted or is in jeopardy
Code. of being convicted or acquitted of the offense charged.
We believe that a new preliminary investigation cannot
be demanded by respondent. This is because the change Nowhere in the above-mentioned section is there any
made by the public prosecutor was only a formal mention of a lack of a preliminary investigation as a
amendment.[22] ground for a motion to quash. Moreover, such motion is
a prohibited pleading under Section 19 of the Revised
The filing of the Amended Information, without a new Rules on Summary Procedure. In the present case, the
preliminary investigation, did not violate the right of RTC therefore erred in granting herein respondents
respondent to be protected from a hasty, malicious and Motion to Quash
oppressive prosecution; an open and public accusation
of a crime; or from the trouble, the expenses and the Furthermore, we stress that the failure of the accused to
anxiety of a public trial. The Amended Information assert any ground for a motion to quash before
could not have come as a surprise to him for the simple arraignment, either because he had not filed the motion
and obvious reason that it charged essentially the same or had failed to allege the grounds therefor, shall be

deemed a waiver of such grounds.[26] In this case, he

waived his right to file such motion when he pleaded not [12] Rollo, p. 78.
guilty to the charge of grave threats.
[13] Rollo, p. 51.
In view of the foregoing, we find no more need to
resolve the other points raised by petitioner. [14] Rollo, p. 52.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED, and the [15] The case was deemed submitted for decision on
assailed Orders of the Regional Trail Court of May 4, 2000, upon the Courts receipt of respondents
Muntinlupa City are REVERSED. No costs. Memorandum, signed by Atty. Merlo P. Fernandez. Filed
earlier were petitioners Memorandum, signed by Atty.
SO ORDERED. Ma. Theresa Gonzales of V.E. Del Rosario & Partners;
and that of the Office of the Solicitor General, signed by
Melo, (Chairman), Vitug, Gonzaga-Reyes, and Sol. Gen. Ricardo P. Galvez, Asst. Sol. Gen. Magdangal
Sandoval-Gutierrez, JJ., concur. M. De Leon and Sol. Bernard G. Hernandez.

[1] The title of the case is Dindo Vivar, Petitioner, vs. [16] Petition, pp. 13-14; rollo, pp. 30-31.
Hon. Judge Jose L. Bautista, in his capacity as Assisting
Judge, Metropolitan Trial Court, Branch LXXX, [17] Section 1, Rule 112 of the Revised Rules of
Muntinlupa City, and People of the Philippines, Criminal Procedure, which became effective on
Respondents. December 1, 2000. A substantially similar provision is
found in the old Rules.
[2] Both Orders were issued by Judge N. C. Perello;
rollo, pp. 48-51 and 52. [18] Go v. CA, 206 SCRA 138, February 11, 1992.

[3] Signed by Assistant City Prosecutor Dale Dick M. [19] People v. Deang et al., GR No. 128045, August 24,
Liban. 2000; People v. Gomez, 117 SCRA 72, September 30,
1982; People v. Casiano, 1 SCRA 478, February 16,
[4] Rollo, p. 55. 1961.

[5] Signed by Assistant City Prosecutor Thelma B. [20] People v. Deang, supra.
[21] Paredes v. Sandiganbayan, 193 SCRA 464, January
[6] Rollo, p. 65. 28, 1991; Sanciangco Jr. v. People, 149 SCRA 1, March
24, 1987.
[7] Signed by Assistant City Prosecutor Thelma B.
Medina. [22] The following have been held to be merely formal
amendments, viz.: (1) new allegations that relate only to
[8] Rollo, p. 66. the range of the penalty that the court might impose in
the event of conviction; (2) an amendment that does not
[9] Rollo, p. 69. charge another offense different or distinct from that
charged in the original one; (3) additional allegations
[10] Rollo, p. 73. that do not alter the prosecutions theory of the case so as
to cause surprise to the accused and affect the form of
[11] Rollo, p. 75. defense to be assumed; and (4) an amendment that does

not adversely affect any substantial right of the accused,

such as the right to invoke prescription. Teehankee Jr. v.
Madayag, 207 SCRA 134, March 6, 1992. (Emphasis

[23] Ibid.

[24] People v. Deang, supra.

[25] The old Rules of Criminal Procedure contained a

substantially similar provision. However, paragraphs (b)
and (c) of the Revised Rules were found in paragraph
(b) of the old Rules, which read: That the court trying
the case has no jurisdiction over the offense charged or
the person of the accused.

[26] Section 9, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of

Criminal Procedure, provides that the exceptions found
in paragraphs (a), (b), (g) and (i) of Section 3 of this
Rule are the grounds of no offense charged, lack of
jurisdiction over the offense charged, extinction of the
offense or penalty, and jeopardy. Under Section 8, Rule
117 of the old Rules, the exceptions were paragraphs (a),
(b) (f) and (h).


FIRST DIVISION door. When he did, the peace officers found Susana
already dead, her intestine having spilled out of her
G.R. No. L-61873 October 3l, 1984 abdomen. A small kitchen bolo was at her side.

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- When questioned, the accused Elias Borromeo could
appellee, only mumble incoherent words.
ELIAS BORROMEO, defendant-appellant. Dr. Jesus Serna, police medico-legal officer, submitted
his necropsy report (Exhibits "A" & "B") which states
that the cause of death was "stab wounds, multiple chest,
abdomen, left supraclavicular region and left shoulder."
RELOVA, J.: There were five (5) incised wounds and six (6) stab
wounds on the deceased.
Appeal from the decision of the then Circuit Criminal
Court, Fourteenth Judicial District, Cebu-Bohol (now In his brief, accused-appellant contends that the trial
Regional Trial Court), finding accused Elias Borromeo court erred (1) in holding as it did that appellant and
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of parricide Susana Taborada (the deceased) were legally and validly
and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion married in a church wedding ceremony, when the
perpetua, with the accessory penalties of the law; to officiating priest testified otherwise and there was no
indemnify the heirs of the deceased Susana Taborada- marriage contract executed on the occasion or later on;
Borromeo, in the sum of P12,000.00, without subsidiary hence, the accused could only be liable for homicide; (2)
imprisonment in case of insolvency; and to pay the in failing to appreciate in favor of appellant the
costs. mitigating circumstances of provocation or obfuscation
and voluntary surrender, without any aggravating
Records show that at high noon of July 3, 1981, the circumstance to offset the same; and, (3) in convicting
four-year old niece of Elias and Susana Borromeo appellant of the crime of parricide and in imposing upon
reported to Matilde Taborada, mother of Susana, that him the penultimate penalty of reclusion perpetua.
Susana was shouting frantically for help because Elias
was killing her. The 71-year old Matilde Taborada told Appellant in his brief, page 9, concurs with "the trial
the child to go to Geronimo Taborada, her son, who was court's finding to the effect that he killed Susana
then working in their mango plantation. Upon hearing Taborada (the deceased) without legal justification" The
the report of the child, Geronimo informed his father main issue raised by him is that he and Susana were not
and together they went to Susana's hut. The windows legally married and therefore the crime committed is not
and the door were closed and Geronimo could only peep parricide, but homicide.
through the bamboo slats at the wall where he saw
Susana lying down, motionless, apparently dead beside Other than the stand of appellant's counsel against the
her one-month old child who was crying. Elias existence of marriage in order to lessen or mitigate the
Borromeo was lying near Susana still holding on to a penalty imposable upon his client, accused Elias
bloody kitchen bolo. Borromeo himself admitted that the deceased-victim
was his legitimate wife. Hereunder is his testimony on
Susana's father called for the Mabolo police and, after a this point: têñ.£îhqwâ£
few minutes, police officer Fernando C. Abella and three
policemen arrived. The peace officers shouted and Q Please state your name, age and other personal
ordered Elias to open the door. Elias answered calmly circumstances?
that he would smoke first before he would open the

A ELIAS BORROMEO, 40 years old, married, farmer, that persons living together as husband and wife are
resident of Putingbato, Babag Cebu City. married to each other. The reason for this presumption
of marriage is well stated in Perido vs. Perido, 63 SCRA
The COURT: 97, thus: têñ.£îhqwâ£

Q You say you are married, who is your wife? The basis of human society throughout the civilized
A Susana Taborada. world is that of marriage. Marriage is not only a civil
contract, but it is a new relation, an institution in the
Q When did you get married with Susana Taborada? maintenance of which the public is deeply interested.
A I forgot. Consequently, every intendment of the law leans toward
legal matrimony. ...
Q Where did you get married?
A Near the RCPI station in Babag. And, the mere fact that no record of the marriage exists
in the registry of marriage does not invalidate said
Q There is a church there? marriage, as long as in the celebration thereof, all
A There is a chapel. requisites for its validity are present. The forwarding of
a copy of the marriage certificate to the registry is not
Q Were you married by a priest or a minister? one of said requisites. (Pugeda vs. Trias, 4 SCRA 849).
A By a priest.
Anent the second and third assigned errors, suffice it to
Q Who is this priest? say that the penalty for parricide is reclusion perpetua to
A Father Binghay of Guadalupe. death. (Article 246, Revised Penal Code) Paragraph 3,
Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code, provides that
Q Do you have any children with Susana Taborada? where the law prescribed a penalty composed of two
A We have one. indivisible penalties and the commission of the act is
attended by some mitigating circumstances, with no
Q How old is the child? aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty shall be
A I already forgot, I have been here for quite a long time applied. Thus, assuming the presence of the mitigating
already. (pp. 4-5, tsn., December 12, 1981 hearing) circumstances of provocation or obfuscation and
voluntary surrender, without any aggravating
There is no better proof of marriage than the admission circumstance to offset the same, the penalty is still
of the accused of the existence of such marriage. reclusion perpetua.
(Tolentino vs. Paras, 122 SCRA 525).
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is hereby
Person living together in apparent matrimony are AFFIRMED, with the modification that the indemnity of
presumed, in the absence of any counter presumption or P12,000.00 is increased to P30,000.00. With costs.
evidence special to the case, to be in fact married. The
reason is that such is the common order of society, and if SO ORDERED.1äwphï1.ñët
the parties were not what they thus hold themselves out
as being, they would be living in constant violation of Teehankee (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera, Plana,
decency and law. (Son Cui vs. Guepangco, 22 Phil. 216) Gutierrez, Jr. and De la Fuente, JJ., concur.
The presumption in favor of matrimony is one of the
strongest known in law. The law presumes morality, and
not immorality; marriage, and not concubinage:
legitimacy, and not bastardy. There is the presumption

El Fiscal Provincial que suscribe, acusa a Faustino
G.R. Nos. L-38215, 38216 December 22, 1933 Rivera, del delito de "inculpacion de un inocente",
previsto y castigado en el articulo 363 del Codigo Penal
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Revisado, cometido como sigue:
vs. Que en o hacia el dia 23 de junio de 1932, en el
FAUSTINO RIVERA, defendant-appellee. Municipio de Lucena, Provincia de Tayabas, Islas
Filipinas, y dentro de la jurisdiccion de este Juzgado, el
Attorney-General Jaranilla for appellant. referido acusado Faustino Rivera voluntaria, ilegal y
Gregorio A. Seña for appellee. maliciosamente ejecuto un acto que directamente tendio
a inculpar a Felisa Moreno la comision de un delito de
hurto siendo este inocente de dicho delito, consistiendo
el acto ejecutado por el acusado en la presentacion de
BUTTE, J.: una denuncia por escrito y bajo juramento en el Juzgado
de Lucena, Tayabas (causa criminal No. 6543),
This is an appeal filed by the Attorney-General from a acusando, falsamente y sin causa probable alguna, a
judgment of the Court of First Instance of Tayabas Felisa Moreno de dicho delito, causa que fue sobreseida
sustaining demurrers to the two amended informations definitivamente por falta de pruebas. Con infraccion de
and dismissing the cases filed against the appellee la ley.
Faustino Rivera. The amended information in G. R. No.
38215 is as follows: To these informations the defendant interposed a single
demurrer alleging that the facts averred in said
El Fiscal Provincial que subscribe, acusa a Faustino informations do not constitute the crime defined and
Rivera, del delito de "inculpacion de un inocente", punished by article 363 of the Revised Penal Code. The
previsto y castigado en el articulo 363 del Codigo Penal court below heard the two cases together and sustained
Revisado, cometido como sigue: the demurrer. Upon the government's declining to amend
the cases were dismissed and this appeal brought.
Que en o hacia el dia 23 de junio de 1932, en el
Municipio de Lucena, Provincia de Tayabas, Islas The appellant makes the following assignments of error:
Filipinas, y dentro de la jurisdiccion de este Juzgado, el
referido acusado Faustino Rivera voluntaria, ilegal y 1. In not holding that the facts alleged in the
maliciosamente ejecuto un acto que directamente tendio informations filed in these two cases properly fall under
a inculpar a Domingo Vito la comision de un delito de article 363 of the Revised Penal Code; and
hurto siendo este incoente de dicho delito, consistiendo
el acto ejecutado por el acusado en la presentacion de 2. In sustaining the demurrer interposed to said
una denuncia por escrito y bajo juramento en el Juzgado informations and in dismissing both of these cases.
de Paz de Lucena, Tayabas (causa criminal No. 6543),
acusando, falsamente y sin causa probable alguna, a It appears from the record in criminal case No. 6543 of
Domingo Vito de dicho delito, causa que fue sobreseida the justice of the peace of Lucena, Tayabas, that on June
definitivamente por falta de pruebas. Con infraccion de 23, 1932, the defendant-appellee Faustino Rivera signed
la ley. and swore to a complaint (Exhibit A) before said justice
of the peace which is as follows:
The amended information in G. R. No. 38216 is as

The undersigned accuses Domingo Vito and Felisa Juez de Paz de Lucena
Moreno, of the crime of theft, committed as follows:
After the justice of the peace rendered his decision on
That on or about the 22 day of June, 1932, in the June 29, 1932, dismissing the complaint filed against
municipality of Tayabas, Lucena, Province of Tayabas, Domingo Vito and Felisa Moreno, the latter filed
Philippine Islands, and within the jurisdiction of this separate complaints against Faustino Rivera before the
court, the said accused, conspiring and confederating same justice, charging Rivera with the offense of
together, willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, without incriminating an innocent person (article 363 of the
the use of force upon things, took and carried away, on Revised Penal Code) by the act of filing the said
white American suit, containing one eye glass, to the information charging them with the crime of theft. The
value of P30, and one buntal hat, valued at P3, two defendant raised the same question and objection which
buttons at P3 each, total value, is P39, to the prejudice of he repeated in the Court of First Instance on appeal,
the undersigned. namely, that the facts alleged did not fall under the
condemnation of article 363 of the Revised Penal Code.
Act committed is contrary to the statute in such cases
made and provided: There is no doubt that the facts alleged in the
informations above-quoted within the definition of the
Witnesses: offense of "acusacion" or "denuncia falsa" which is
contained in article 363 of the Codigo Penal, which was
1. NICANOR ZOLETA. superseded on January 1, 1932, by the Revised Penal
2. Sgt. RANAS, Q. Code.

(Fdo.) FAUSTINO RIVERA This article is as follows:

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of ART. 363. Se comete el delito de acusacion o
June, 1932, in Lucena, Tayabas. denuncia falsa imputando falsamente a alguna persona
hechos que, si fueren ciertos constituirian delito de los
(Fdo.) FEDERICO M. UNSON que dan lugar a procedimiento de oficio, si esta
Juez de Paz de Lucena imputacion se hiciere ante funcionario administrativo o
judicial que por razon de su cargo debiera proceder a su
On June 29, 1932, the justice of the peace entered the averiguacion o castigo.
following decision (omitting the caption):
No se procedera, sin embargo, contra el denunciador o
Comparecen los acusados Domingo Vito y Felisa acusador sino en vertud de sentencia firme o auto,
Moreno, ambos vec. de Lucena, Tayabas, acompañados tambien firme, de sobreseimiento del tribunal que
de sus abogados. Estos hicieron constar no culpables. hubiere conocido del delito imputado.
Oidas las pruebas de los testigos de cargo el Juzgado
sobresee el asunto por falta de pruebas con costas de Este mandara proceder de oficio contra el denunciador o
oficio. acusador, siempre que de la causa principal resultaren
meritos bastantes para abrir el nuevo proceso.
Lucena, junio 29, 1932.
Article 326 of the Codigo Penal does not appear in the
Asi se ordena. Revised Penal Code, which contains no offense
denominated "acusacion o denuncia falsa" or its
(Fdo.) FEDERICO M. UNSON equivalent. But the Solicitor-General contends that

article 363 of the Revised Penal Code should be the gravamen of the offense is performing an act which
construed to embrace the crime of false accusation or "tends directly" to such an imputation. Article 326 of the
complaint as formerly penalized under article 326 of the old Penal Code punishes false prosecutions whereas
Codigo Penal. article 363 of the Revised Penal Code punishes any act
which may tend directly to cause a false prosecution.
Article 363 in the Spanish text which is decisive is as
follows, under the heading of "Asenchanzas It is well settled law that where the text of a statute is
Inculpatorias"; clear, it is improper to resort to a caption or title to make
it obscure. Such secondary sources may be resorted to in
ART. 363. Inculpacion de un inocente. — El que, de order to remove, not to create doubt. (Cf. People vs.
cualquier manera que no constituyere falso testimonio, Yabut, 58 Phil., 499.) In the present case we think it
ejecutare un acto que tienda directamente a inculpar o proper to call attention to the title immediately
imputar a un inocente la comision de un delito, sera preceding article 363 of the Revised Penal Code which
castigado con la pena de arresto mayor. is as follows: "Asechanzas Inculpatorias", as throwing
some light on the classes of acts tend directly to lead to
As article 363 of the Revised Penal Code is new and this false prosecutions. The word asechanza, as defined in
is the first case before the court calling for its standard dictionaries, means as follows:
interpretation, a comparison of the article with article
326 of the former Penal Code seems expedient in view "Intriga, lazo, red, zancadilla, tranquilla, amaño, engaño,
of the argument of the Government that the former "is a artificio, trama, treta, especie de maquinacion urdida, de
reproduction of both the crime of false accusation or celada dispuesta contra alguno, bien sea para perderlo
complaint and the crime of calumny described under enteramente, bien para jugarle (sin hundirlo) alguna
said article 326 and article 452 of the old Penal Code." mala pasada. Engaño o artificio para hacer daño a otro.
Usase, por lo comun, en el plural, asechanzas. Accion y
In passing it may be stated that if article 363 of the efecto de asechar." It seems to us a forced extension of
Revised Penal Code could be construed to include the term asechanza to bring a formal criminal complaint
article 452 of the old Revised Penal Code it would have within the conception of intriga, engaño, artificio, etc. It
no application to the case that we are considering seems the more reasonable and sensible interpretation to
because article 452 of the old Penal Code which is as limit article 363 of the Revised Penal Code to acts of
follows: "planting" evidence and the like, which do not in
themselves constitute false prosecutions but tend
ART. 452. Calumny is the false imputation of a directly to cause false prosecutions.
crime upon which a prosecution might be instituted by
the government of its own motion. It is a well settled rule that statutes should receive a
sensible construction, such as will give effect to the
does not refer to false accusations or denuncias made legislative intention and so as to avoid an unjust or an
before an administrative or judicial officer whose duty it absurd conclusion. (Lau Ow Bew vs. United States, 144
is to investigate or punish such crime. U. S., 47, 59; 36 Law. ed., 340, 344.)

Comparing now article 363 of the Revised Penal Code It is to be noted that article 326 of the old Penal Code
with article 326 of the Revised Penal Code, it will be contains the provision that the accuser could be
observed that under article 326 of the former Penal prosecuted only on the order of the court, when the court
Code, the gravamen of the offense is the imputation was convinced upon the trial of the principal cause that
itself when made before an administrative or judicial there was sufficient basis for a charge of false
officer, whereas in article 363 of the Revised Penal Code accusation. Article 363 of the Revised Penal Code

contains no such safeguard. If we extended said article of the informations filed in these cases, neither the crime
by interpretation to administrative and judicial of libel nor that of false testimony could be proven, nor
proceedings, it is apparent that we would open the door could the accused be found guilty of the aforesaid
to a flood of prosecutions in cases where the defendants crimes in view of the fact that the informations in
were acquitted. There is no reason to believe that the question are not in accordance with the law. I am
Legislature intended such a result. compelled to express this opinion in order to offset any
belief to the effect that the defendant-appellee is not
The judgment intended such a result. liable.

Avanceña, C. J., Street, Malcolm, Villa-Real, Hull, and VICKERS, J., dissenting:
Imperial, JJ., concur.
Abad Santos concurs in the result. I dissent.

The facts alleged in the informations in question

constitute the crime of perjury as defined and punished
in article 183 of the Revised Penal Code, because it is
charged that the defendant falsely and maliciously
accused the offended party in a verified complaint of the
crime of theft. With respect to the nature of the offense
Separate Opinions contemplated by article 363, I cannot agree to restricting
it as proposed in the majority opinion, because when the
article refers to "any act not constituting perjury" it is
DIAZ, J., concurring in the result: clear that it is not limited to "planting evidence" or
similar acts. The effect of the majority opinion is that a
I concur in the result. The acts committed by the person may falsely and maliciously accuse another of a
defendant-appellee according to the version thereof crime in a complaint under oath without incurring in any
given in the majority opinion do not constitute the crime criminal responsibility. If he should publicly make the
of incrimination of an innocent person as defined and same statements orally or in writing he would be guilty
penalized in article 363 of the Revised Penal Code, but of slander or libel, but because he made oath to his
that of libel by means of writings as defined and statements and filed them in court he is exempt from
penalized in article 355 in connection with article 353 of criminal responsibility, no matter how false and
the said Code, or that of false testimony in one of its malicious his accusation may have been. I cannot
forms stated in article 183, depending upon the believe that such was the intention of the Legislature.
circumstances present during the commission thereof. In The suggestion is unwarranted that the victim of a crime
the first case, all the essential elements of the said crime will be deterred from denouncing the perpetrator for fear
are present, to wit: (1) malicious imputation of a crime, of being prosecuted himself in case the person accused
and which is that of theft, (2) committed by means of of committing the crime should be acquitted. It must be
writing, and (3) with publicity, inasmuch as the alleged and proved that the original accusation was false
defendant-appellee necessarily gave publicity to such and malicious.
imputation, which was found to be untrue, when he
delivered his written charges falsely accusing Felisa
Moreno and Domingo Vito of the crime of theft, to the
justice of the peace of Lucena, Tayabas. In the latter
case, the only thing to be proven is whether or not the
defendant acted knowingly therein. But under the terms

EN BANC de Julio de 1946 del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de

G.R. No. L-781 November 29, 1946
El recurrente alega que si no se diese curso a su citada
CEFERINO M. REGALA, recurrente, apelacion se causaria irreparable dano a sus derechos
vs. sustanciales porque no tiene otro remedio facil, sencillo
EL JUEZ DEL JUZGADO DEL PRIMERA y adecuado. En caso de condena, el acusado puede
INSTANCIA DE BATAAN, recurrido. apelar y en el juzgado ad quem puede discutir todos los
errores cometidos por el juzgado inferior. Es el remedio
Sres. Hernandez y Laquian en representacion del ordinario que concede la legislacion vigente.
El Juez recurrido en su propia representacion. El recurrente alega que la orden del juez de 11 de julio
denegando la mocion de reconsideracion es nula y de
PABLO, J.: ningun valor porque dicho juez obro sin jurisdiccion,
pues su nombramiento no ha sido aprobado por la
El recurrente es acusado en la causa criminal No. 4307 Comision de Nombramientos, segun publico un
del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de Bataan por el delito periodico de la misma fecha. No consta en autos que el
de asesinato. En mayo 20, 1946 fue informado de la juez haya tenido conocimiento de tal desaprobacion
querella y se declaro no culpable. Los testigos, segun antes de dictar su orden, impugnada de ilegal. Un juez
aquella, eran Wenceslao Cruz, Conrado Manalac y otros. que desempana su cargo antes de enterarse de la
desaprobacion de su nombramiento es un juez de facto.
En junio 6, dia designado para la vista, el Fiscal Todas sus actuaciones oficiales, como juez de facto, son
Provincial en vez de aducir sus pruebas presento una tan validas para todos los fines legales y para toda clase
querella enmendada incluyendo como acusados a los de asuntos, como las de un juez dejure. (Tayko contra
testigos nombrados en la querella, Wenceslao Cruz y Capistrano, 53 Jur. Fil., 923.)
conrado Mañalac. En esta segunda querella se alego que
entre el recurrente y sus dos co-acusados hubo El recurrente y los disidentes arguyen que el juez, al
conspiracion, confederacion y ayuda mutua cometer el permitir la inclusion de dos acusados y la adicion de las
delito. Admitida por el juzgado la querella en cuanto a palabras: "by conspiring, confederating and helping one
los acusados Conrado Manalac y Wenceslao Cruz para another" en la querella enmendada, abuso de su
ser utilizados como testigos de la acusacion, alegando discrecion con infraccion del articulo 13, Regla 106
las cinco condiciones que require el articulo 9, Regla porque que esa enmienda sea tal. En la primera querella
115. A esta peticion accedio el Juez en su orden de 6 de se acusa al recurrente de autor y en la enmemdada
junio de 1946. decoautor, pero su responsabilidad es la misma en
ambas. El cambio solo se refiere a la forma de ejecucion
En junio 14 el recurrente presento el aviso de apelacion del delito; pero no a la substancia del delito mismo. La
contra dicha orden, y fue denegada el 19 del mismo mes. forma de ejecucion es mas bien materia de pruebas y no
de alegaciones, y los detalles alegados en la querella
En junio 26 el recurrente presento una mocion de enmendada pudieron haberse probado bajo la querella
reconsideracion que fue denegada en 11 de julio. original.

Alegando estos hechos, el recurrente presento su Los solicitantes en este expendiente de certiorari,
peticion original de certiorari pidiendo que sean acusados en una querella por asesinato, alegan que el
anuladas por este Tribunal las ordenes de 6 de junio y 11 juzgado se excedio de su jurisdiccion y abuso de ella al
permitir la enmienda de la querella. En la querella

original se algaba que Bruno Arevalo iba armado de

cortaplumas y Cecilio Arevalo de revolver. En el FERIA, J., concurring:
querella enmendada, que fue admitada, se alega que
Bruno Arevalo era el que llevaba el revolver y Cecilio I concur in the result for the following reasons:
Arevalo el cortaplumas.
According to section 1, Rule 67, certiorari lies when a
En nuestra opinion, el juzgado no abuso de su tribunal or officer exercising judicial functions has acted
discrecion. La enmienda de la querella era meramente de without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave
forma. No afecta ni altera la naturaleza del delito,pues, abuse of discretion, and there is no appeal nor any plain,
sea Bruno o Cecilio ell que haya causado la herida speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of
mortal, el delito serial el mismo. Tampoco afecta a la law.
extension de la responsibilidad de los solicitantes, toda
vez que, alegandose en el querella que ambos acusados There is no doubt that appeal does not lie against an
conspiraron y se ayudaron el uno al otro para cometer el order of a court admitting or denying the amendment of
delito, serian responsables en la misma medida, sea una a complaint or information, because such order is
u otro el que infirio la herida que produjo la muerte del incidental or interlocutory and not final in character, that
occiso. Es, por tanto, una enmienda puramente de forma is, it does nor put an end to the ordinary proceedings of
que no altera sustancialmente la querella ni afecta a los the case in court. Interlocutory or incidental order may
derechos de los acusados (Arevalo y Arevalo contra be impugned as erroneous in the appellate court, when
Nepomuceno, 63 Jur. Fil., 665.) appeal is taken from the judgment or order of the lower
court which is final in character.
Ademas, si el juez actuo con infraccion o no del
Reglamento fue a lo mas un error de procedimiento, y The question to determine, therefore, is whether or not
no un abuso de discrecion, ni exceso o falta de the respondent judge acted (a) without or in excess of
jurisdiccion. Tal error, si lo es en realidad, puede ser the court's jurisdiction, or (b) with grave abuse of
corregido en apelacion,despues de dictada sentencia discretion, in allowing the amendment of the
definitiva en primera instancia, y no en una accion de information in this case.
(a) As to the first question, it is well known rule that
Solamente procede el remedio de certiorari cuando un a court having jurisdiction over the offense charged and
tribunal, en el ejecucion de sus funciones judiciales, the territory wherein it was committed, has also
haya actuado sin jurisdiccion o con exceso de ella o con jurisdiction to decide all questions incidental to the
grave abuso de discrecion y que, en la tramitacion criminal proceeding, such as the sufficiency of a
ordinaria, no tiene el recurrente el remedio sencillo y complaint or information, or whether the defendant has
expedito de apelacion (Regla 67, articulo 1). Si por cada been previously convicted or in jeopardy of being
error cometido por un juzgado de certiorari, los asuntos convicted or acquitted of the offense charged, or is
serian interminables. insane. If the decision or resolution on such questions is
not conformity with or against the law, the court would
Se deniga la solicitud con las costas contra el recurrente. commit an error, but not exceed its jurisdiction. A judge
would act in excess of the court's jurisdiction if he
Moran, Pres., Paras, Bengzon y Padilla, MM., estan performs or does an act which he has no power or
conformes. authority to do, in connection with the proceeding over
which the court has jurisdiction. But to decide
erroneously a question which it is within the court's
Separate Opinions jurisdiction to decide, is not acting beyond or in excess

of its jurisdiction. To hold otherwise would be to sustain

the absurdity that a court acts within its jurisdiction if it According to the above quoted provisions, after the
decides a case in conformity with the law, and in excess discretion to allow the amendment of an information or
of its jurisdiction of its decision is erroneous or contrary complaint in matters of form, but not in matters of
to law. substance. The court having no power to allow
amendment in substance it could not have discretion to
From the foregoing, it necessarily follows that the allow it or not, and hence it could not have acted with
decision or order of the respondent judge allowing the grave abuse of discretion, which the court did not have.
amendment of the information after the defendant Therefore, the respondent judge has not acted with grave
petitioner has pleaded would be erroneous if it is an abuse of discretion in admitting the amendment, even
amendment of substance and not of form, but it would assuming that the amendment is of substance.
not be an act beyond or in excess of the court's
jurisdiction, because the court has power or jurisdiction Wherefore, certiorari does not lie in the present case,
to decide that question. The respondent judge has not, and the petition is denied.
therefore, acted without or in excess of the court's
jurisdiction in allowing the amendment of the Tuason, J., concurs.
information, however erroneous that resolution may be.

(b) With respect to the second, it goes without HILADO, J., dissenting:
saying, for it is of common sense, that if a person has no
power to do an act, and therefore no discretion to do or I dissent.
not to do it, it cannot be said that he has acted within, or
with grave abuse of, his discretion in doing or not doing Paragraph 6 of the petition alleges that on May 20, 1946,
it. No one may abuse a thing that he does not have. If the petitioner was arraigned upon the information first filed
respondent judge has no discretion to act in one way or by the Provincial Fiscal under date of May 6, 1946. In
another, as in the present case, he could not have acted the original information the act imputed upon the
with grave abuse of discretion, for he can not abuse a petitioner, and upon him alone, was that of having killed
discretion which does not have. one Efrain Brillo by shooting with a firearm. After
petitioner had thus been arraigned, the Provincial Fiscal
Therefore the question is reduced to whether or not the presented an amended information dated June 5, 1946,
court has power to allow the amendment in substance of charging three persons, namely, petitioner Ceferino M.
an information after the defendant has pleaded. If it has Regala, one Conrado Manalac and one Wenceslao Cruz
no power to permit such amendment, it does have with the act of having killed Efrain Brillo by shooting
discretion to allow it or not because discretion supposes with a firearm, the amended information charging that
power to do. said three accused conspired, confederated and helped
one another in thus killing Efrain Brillo.
Section 13, Rule 106 of the Rules of Court, provides:
Paragraph 5 of the respondent's answer expressly admits
SEC. 13. Amendment. — the information or that petitioner had already pleaded not guilty to the
complaint may be amended, in substance or form, original information when the respondent court ordered
without leave of court, at any time before the defendant the discharge of the two new defendants Conrado
pleads; and thereafter and during the trial as to all Manalac and Wenceslao Cruz. That discharge was so
matters of form, by leave and at the discretion of the ordered upon the Provincial Fiscal's motion of June 5,
court, when the same can be done without prejudice to 1946, quoted in Paragraph 8 of the petition.
the rights of the defendant.

It, therefore, appears that the amendment of the two of them were not being prosecuted under said
information was made by the Provincial Fiscal and original information; while by proving the allegations of
allowed by the respondent court after the defendant the amended information (to test the strength of the
(now petitioner) had pleaded not guilty to the original argument we must suppose that Conrado Mañalac and
information. Wenceslao Cruz were not discharged) the conviction of
all three defendants who have been secured. This
Was the amendment merely formal, or was it difference between the original and amended
substantial? To charge a person with having alone killed informations, a difference which necessarily involves a
another is not the same as to the charge him and the two substantial change in the charge. The charge under the
others with the killing. That the first act is substantially amended information is no less substantially different
— nay, essentially — different from the second is to my from the charge contained in the original information
mind too obvious to require argument. The first act is than the difference between three and one. The case of
the act of only one individual while the second is the act Arevalo and Arevalo vs. Nepomuceno (63 Phil., 627) is
of three. The first act is the act of only one individual not in point. There are the accused under the original
while the second, if duly established, will result in the and amended informations were the same two persons,
conviction of three. To say that the act of one person is Bruno Arevalo and Cecilio Arevalo, the only difference
substantially the same as the act of three persons, would in the allegations consisting in the detail of which one of
virtually be tantamount to saying that one and three are them was armed with a penknife and which was armed
the same. How, then, can the first and the second acts be with revolver, but in the original information, as well as
substantially the same? Consequently, in the amended in the amended one, the accused were the self-same two
information petitioner was charged with an act entirely persons. There it was rightly said that whether Bruno
different and distinct from that charged against him in was armed with a penknife and Cecilio with a revolver
the original information. Hence, the amendment was not or vice versa, since they were charged with having
merely in form but in substance. The subsequent conspired and helped each other in the commission of
discharge of the accused Conrado Manalac and the crime, both could be convicted to the same extent in
Wenceslao Cruz could not, of course, alter the principle. one or other case.

The amendment does not refer merely to the form of In the case at bar, if it had been alleged in the amended
execution of the crime. If the one executing were the information that the accused Regala ordered Conrado
same person in both cases, then the statement would be Mañalac and Wenceslao Cruz to kill Efrain Brillo and
correct. But such is not the situation here — Ceferino M. only the said Regala was charged with the crime, it
Regala, Conrado Manalac and Wenceslao Cruz, the might be contended with stronger reason that the change
alleged perpetrators of the crime according to the was merely in the form in the form of execution. But
amended information, are not the same as Ceferino M. such is not the case, as already demonstrated above.
Regala, the sole offender according to the original
information. Another substantial amendment involved in the change
from the original to the amended information is the
To further support their thesis, the majority affirm that augmentation of the jeopardy or danger of punishment
the form of execution is rather a matter of evidence than to which the accused was subjected. Under the original
of allegations and that the details alleged in the amended information, in order to convict him, the evidence must
information could have been proven under the original established beyond reasonable doubt that he, by his own
information. We beg to point out the weakness of the direct act, killed the victim. Under the amended
argument: by proving the so-called details under the information, after proof of conspiracy between him and
original information the conviction of the three killers his two co-accused, he could be convicted as co-author
could never have been attained for the simple reason that of the crime even without proof of his having personally

and directly killed or physically participated in the

killing of the victim, if sufficient evidence were adduced And I am of opinion, with all due respect to the majority,
proving that the other two or anyone of the other two that this action of the lower court may and should be
accused committed the direct act of killing. The corrected by certiorari.
amendment which gives rise to this difference of danger
of punishment cannot in any rational sense be called But it is said that appeal was the proper remedy. I
merely formal. understand this to mean that the accused, now petitioner,
should go into trial under the amended information,
Neither can I agree with the view of the majority that we await judgment and, if convicted, appeal therefrom, and
are here concerned at most with an error of procedure, only upon such appeal should he be allowed to complain
and not an abuse of discretion. Neither can I subscribe to against the error which, to my mind, was palpably
the corollary of said proposition, that the error is only committed by the respondent court. Supposing that upon
corregible by appeal and not through certiorari. That we that appeal it should be decided that the error was really
are dealing with the exercise — according to my theory, committed by the trial court. What then would the
with a grave abuse — of the Court's discretion, is patent appellate court do? To correct the error, it must declare
from the provision of Rule 106, section 13 which says that the amended information was erroneously admitted;
that after plea and during the trial the information or and that trial court had gravely abused its discretion in
complaint may be amended as to all matters of form so admitting said pleading. In such a case the amended
(and may I add, as to matter of form only) by leave and information will necessarily be held illegally admitted;
"at the discretion of the court," when the same can be and I can not see how the appellate court can then avoid
done without prejudice to the rights of the defendant. declaring invalid all the proceedings had thereunder, and
to which the accused will have been so injuriously
Rule 106, section 13, in providing that after plea and subjected.
during the trial the information or complaint may be
amended "as to all matters of form," by leave and at the The error under consideration is of such nature by
discretion of the court, when the same can be done reason of its incidence, that, if it should be declared to
without prejudice to the rights of the defendant, have been committed, all the proceedings had under the
necessarily denies all power and discretion to the court amended information would have to be annulled and the
at that stage of the proceedings, to allow any amendment case would need a re-trial. Such an error should, I think,
in substance. be distinguished from an error corregible upon appeal
without need of annulling the proceedings in the court
The present Chief Justice of this court, in his below and remanding the case for re-trial. The first kind
Commentaries on the Rules of Court (Vol. II, 1940 ed., of error strikes at the very foundation of the proceedings
p. 389), in part says: below, while the second merely concerns details of such
proceedings. In the first, appeal will fall far short of
Under this section, the amendment of the complaint or being a speedy and adequate remedy; in the second, it
information, either in substance or in form, is as to the will not. It is in cases of the first class only where I think
plaintiff, practically a matter of right, if made before the certiorari is the proper remedy. All other cases would
defendant pleads; thereafter, amendments are at the fall under the second class, and we can safely say they
discretion of the court and then only as to matters of constitute by far the greater number.
form. . . . (Emphasis supplied.)
We must remember that this is not a civil case — it is a
This leads to the conclusion that the respondent court criminal prosecution for murder, during the progress and
acted with grave abuse of its discretion in allowing the pendency of which — it may well last over one year —
amendment in question. the accused, who is presumed to be innocent until

validly convicted, will be subjected to the moral and Resulta evidente, de lo transcrito, que despues de haber
nervous torture incident to the nature of the case, and contensado el acusado a la querella, esta no puede
even his personal liberty may be adversely affected if he enmendarse sustancialmente, en su fondo, sino solo en
be denied bail. cuestion de forma, previo permiso del tribunal, y aun
ello solamente cuando puede hacerse sin perjuicio de los
In view of the foregoing considerations, I submit that derechos del acusado. La cuestion, pues, que tenemos
appeal would fall far short of being a speedy and que determinar en el presente caso es (1) si la reforma de
adequate remedy for this petitioner. la contestacion de "no culpable," es o no sustancial; y
(2) si dicha reforma puede o no prejudicar los derechos
If the amended information is held to be invalid for del acusado.
having been erroneously admitted, there should be no
fear that this accused would go unpunished without trial. No cabe duda de que la enmienda en cuestion es
In such a case the amended information being invalid, sustancial, de fondo. Evidentemente el Fiscal reformo la
the original information must be deemed never to have querella, en el sentido de incluir como acusados a
been superseded thereby and, therefore, still stands. The Conrado Mañalac y Wenceslao Cruz y alegando que
accused should then be prosecuted under the said estos conspiraron con el recurrente, Ceferino Regala,
original information. But if this court hold that a mistake para cometer el delito de asesinato, a fin de poder pedir
has been made charging the proper offense in the inmediatamente el sobreseimiento de la causa contra los
original information, then in that case the Court of First nuevos acusados y utilizarlos como testigos de cargo
Instance and order the filing of a new one charging the contra dicho Regala. Efectivamente, esto fue lo que hizo
proper offense, provided the defendant would not el fiscal, y en consecuencia el juzgado ordeno el
thereby place in double jeopardy, pursuant to Rule 106, sobreseimiento pedido decretando la libeberacion de los
section 13, second paragraph. nuevos acusados y habilitandolos de esta manera para
ser testigos de la acusacion.
I think petitioner is entitled to the writ of certiorari that
he seeks, and that this court should annul the action of No es dificil maginarse la situacion del Fiscal. Sin los
the respondent court in admitting the amended nuevos acusados como testigos de cargo, probablemente
information and all proceedings had thereafter, with the tuviera un caso muy flojo contra Regala. Esto, por un
proper instructions. lado. Por otro, se debe presumir que Conrado Manalac y
Wenceslao Cruz no estarian dispuestos a delarar a favor
BRIONES, M., disidente: de la acusacoin incriminandose a si mismos, a menos
que fuesen liberados prenviamente de toda
El articulo 13, Regala 106, del Reglamento de los responsibilidad al tenor del articulo 9, Regla 115, del
Tribunales, prescribe lo siguente: Reglamento de los Tribunales. De ahi que el Fiscal se
haya visto obligado a reformar la querella en el sentido
SEC. 13. Amendments. — The information or indicato. ¿Como ha de ser, pues, de mera forma una
complaint may be amended, in substance or form, enmienda que cambia tan radicalmente las posiciones
without leave of court, any time before the defendants juridicas respectivas del acusado y de la prosecucion?
pleads; and thereafter and during the trial as to all
matters of form, by leave and at the discretion of the Que la enmienda es perjudicial a los derechos del
court, whenn the same can be done without prejudice to recurrente, es cosa salta a la vista. Por virtud de esa
the rights of the defendant. enmienda, que permite al Fiscal amparar a Mañalac y
Cruz con la coraza de la inmunidad, el recurrente tiene
xxx xxx xxx ahora que encararse con dos testigos que pueden pesar
decisivamente en el resultado de la causa contra el.


Se arguye, sin embargo, que el remedio procedente no es

el certiorari, sino la apelacion, cuando la causa se
termine de modo adverso al acusado. Creo que esto es
un error. Es doctrina firmemente establecida que el
certiorari procede, aun cuando sea factible la apelacion,
cuando esta no ofrece un remedio expedito y adecuando.
Tal es el caso que nos ocupa. El abuso de discrecion
cometido por el tribunal inferior puede afectar y
trastornar radicalmente el plan de defensa del acusado;
asi que le interesa a este prevenir el daño antes de que
ocurra, y esto solamente se puede conseguir por medio
de un recurso rapido y eficaz el certiorari. La apelacion
seria, a lo mas, un remedio curativo, pero tardio, cuando
el daño a los derechos del acusado ya se habria
consumado, acaso irreparablemente. Entre ambas
terapeuticas-la preventiva y la curativa-la primera es
indudablemente la mejor, no solo en medicina, sino en
todos los ordenes de la vida.

Creo, pues, que el remedio solicitado debe concederse.

SEC 14 PP v CA

EN BANC reproducing the original accusation, contained the

G.R. No. L-4017 August 30, 1951 additional assertion — among others — that in
permitting the misappropriation the accused Jose C.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL., Zulueta acted in conspiracy with Commissioner Llanes,
petitioners-appellants, who had subsequently been booked for malversation of
vs. the identical public property (nails) in Criminal Case no.
JOSE C. ZULUETA, respondent-appellee. 11727 of the same court.

Office of the Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo 4. The accused objected to the admission of the
and Special Counsel Pedro Quinto for petitioners and amended information contending that it introduced
appellants. allegations about acts and omission constituting another
Manuel C. Briones and Mariano A. Albert for offense, and that the amendments were substantial and
respondent and appellee. prejudicial to his right.

BENGZON, J.: 5. The court admitted amended information by its order

dated February 28, 1950.
Review of decision of the Court of Appeals that
annulled the order of Hon. Juan R. Liwag, Judge 6. Having failed a in a motion to reconsider, the accused
admitting the amended information filed in Criminal started proceedings on certiorari in the Court of Appeals
Case No. 11232 of Manila. to annul the last mentioned order of admission.

There is no question about these facts: 7. The appellate court upheld his contentions. Hence, the
People presented this petition for review, which was
1. On October 15, 1949 an information was filed in said given due course.
criminal case charging Jose C. Zulueta with the crime of
malversation of public property. Copy of the information The issue require application of the principles that after
is appended hereto (App. A.). The substance of the the defendant has pleaded, the information may be
accusation is that the accused, as Acting Chairman of the amended as to all matters of form, in the discretion of
Surplus Property Commission, wilfully or thru the court, when the same can be done without prejudice
abandonment permitted Beatriz Poblete to take and to the rights of the defendant. (Sec. 13, Rule 106). At
convert 3,000 kegs of nails of the aforesaid that stage, no substantial amendment may be permitted.
Commission. It is alleged that he secured the approval of
sale to her of said nails at very low prices by "astutely" The question for decision is: Was the amendment purely
prevailing upon Commissioner Angel Llanes to approve a matter of form? Or did it touch upon matters of
it on the pretext of urgency to expedite the liquidation of substance?
surplus properties. As an alternative charge the
information states that at least through abandonment the The amended pleading, with its deletions, transportation
accused permitted Beatriz Poblete to carry the hardware and rephrasing, practically added a full page to the
away. original seven-page information. Seeing the
prosecution's insistence in its admission, to the extent of
2. Arraigned on November 24, 1949, the accused appealing to this Court even at the risk of delaying the
pleaded "not guilty." proceedings, one would naturally suppose that its moves
are dictated by the necessities — neither formal nor
3. On January 14, 1950, the prosecution submitted an unsubstantial — of the case for the People.
amended information (App. B), which practically
SEC 14 PP v CA

Indeed, contrasting the two informations one will always wise and proper that he be fully apprised of the
perceive that whereas in the first the accused is charged charges, to avoid any possible surprise that may lead to
with misappropriation, of public property because: (1) injustice. The prosecution has too many facilities to
he deceived Angel Llanes into approving the bargain covet the added advantage of meeting unprepared
sale of nails to Beatriz Poblete or (2) at least, by his adversaries.
abandonment he permitted that woman to obtain
information a third ground responsibility is inserted, Some passages from "Regala contra El Juez de Juzgado
namely, that he connived and conspired with Angel de Primera Instancia de Bataan"3 are quoted by
Llanes to consummate the give-away transaction. petitioners. Therein the accused pleaded not guilty to an
formation for murder, and later the fiscal amended the
Again it will be observed that the third ground of action indictment by including two other persons charged with
in effect contradicts the original theory of the the same offense and alleging conspiracy between the
information: if the accused conspired with Llanes, he did three. Five justices held that the amendment was not
not deceive the latter, and did not by mere negligence substantial. But that situation differs from the one at bar.
permit the sale. The amendment there did not modify the basic theory of
the prosecution that the accused had killed the deceased
Now therefore, an amended information stating forth a by a voluntary act and deed. Here there is an innovation,
different manner of committing the felony, — a totally or the introduction of another alternative imputation,
new proposition-does it merely introduce a formal which, to Make matters worse, is inconsistent with the
amendment? original allegations. In view of the above, we believe it
unnecessary to discuss the defendant's proposition that
We do not think so. Even in civil cases — wherein the the original information did not actually describe the
rules are more liberal as to amendments — its not crime, of malversation (but only of theft), which the
generally permissible to alter plaintiff's theory of the amended information sets forth. Neither is it
case, alteration being substantial.1 unnecessary to pass on the other minor amendments
objected to.
In this connection it must be recalled that under the rules
of criminal procedure there is further limitation to One other point remains to be threshed out. The
formal amendments, namely, that the amendment "can petitioners insist that certiorari is improper, because the
be done without prejudice to the rights of the accused has an adequate remedy by appeal. Of course
defendant." Surely the preparation made by herein these special civil actions may not generally be
accused to face to meet the new situation. For entertained if the party has an adequate remedy by
undoubtedly the allegations of conspiracy enables the appeal. However there have been exceptions. (Cf.
prosecution to attribute and ascribe to the accused Moran 3rd Ed. Vol. II, p. 148). For instance, in Yu Cong
Zulueta all the facts, knowledge, admission and even Eng vs. Trinidad 47 Phil. 385 this Court took cognizance
omissions2 of his co-conspirator Angel Llanes in of a petition for certiorari and prohibition
furtherance of the conspiracy. The amendments thereby notwithstanding the accused could have appealed in due
widens the battlefront to allow the use by the time. The Court's action was premised on the public
prosecution of newly discovered weapons, to the evident welfare and the advancement of public policy, in view of
discomfiture of the opposite camp. Thus it would seem the many merchants interested in the Chinese
inequitable to sanction the tactical movement at this Bookkeeping Law.
stage of the controversy, bearing in mind that the
accused is only guaranteed two-days' preparation for In Dimayuga vs. Fajardo (43 Phil., 304) this Court
trial. Needless to emphasize, as in criminal cases the admitted a petition to enjoin the prosecution of certain
liberty, even the life, of the accused is the at stake, it is chiropractors. Although these could have appealed if
SEC 14 PP v CA

convicted, the petition was given due course for the ——————
orderly administration of justice to avoid possible
oppression by the strong arm of the law. INFORMATION

And Arevalo vs. Nepomuceno (63 Phil. 627), was a NOW COMES the undersigned Special Attorney,
petition for certiorari to challenge the trial judge's action Division Special Attorneys of the Office of the Solicitor
permitting an amended information. This Court passed General, and appointed by the Secretary of Justice as
on the petition, despite the availability of appeal at the Special Counsel under Article 1686 of the Revised
proper time. Administrative Code and accuses JOSE C. ZULUETA
Of a violation of Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code
Now, inasmuch as the surplus properly cases have committed as follows:
attracted nationwide attention, making it essential to
proceed with dispatch in the consideration thereof, and That on or about the period from January 10, 1949 to
inasmuch as the Court of Appeals delving into the legal April 6, 1949, and for sometime prior and subsequent
question has reached a conclusion which we do not thereto, in the Cities of Manila and Rizal, Philippines,
reckon to be erroneous, it would not be in furtherance of the herein accused Jose C. Zulueta after having been
justice presently to dismiss the whole proceedings on the duly appointed to the Office of Acting Chairman of the
technical ground that the accused has a remedy by Surplus Property Commission, qualified and discharged
appeal at the proper time. and Performed the functions and duties pertaining to his
aforementioned public office; that as such Acting
Wherefore the judgment under review will be affirmed. Chairman of the Surplus Property Commission the
No costs. herein accused was entrusted and charged with proper
"administration, care, custody protect disposition and
Paras, C.J., Feria, Pablo, Padilla, Tuason and Reyes, JJ., sale" and "under such terms and conditions as may be
concur. deemed advantageous" to the Government, of the
surplus properties acquired under the Agreement
between the United States of America and the Republic
of the Philippines as approved by the Congress of the
APPENDIX "A" Philippines under of the Republic Act No. 33, which by
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES virtue thereof have become public properties for which
IN THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF MANILA the said accused Jose C. Zulueta was and is accountable
SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT by reason of his said position; that during the period
from January 10, 1949 to April 6 and 1949, for
—————— sometime prior and subsequent thereto, in the City of
Manila, Philippines where the offices of the Surplus
[Criminal Case No. 112323 for Malversation; of Public Property Commission were located and in the City of
Property] Rizal where the said accused as Acting Chairman
established subsidiary office without the consent of the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, commission and over and above the objection of the
Plaintiff, Auditor, the said as Acting Chairman of the Surplus
Property Commission, did then and there wilfully,
VERSUS unlawfully, feloniously and fraudulently consent or at
least, through abandonment permit one Beatriz Poblete
JOSE C. ZULUETA, Accused. to take and misappropriate, as she did take and
misappropriate Depot No. 14 of the Surplus Property
SEC 14 PP v CA

Commission 3,000 kegs of surplus nails in the following

manner; That on January 10, 1949 Mrs. Constantina Eastern Commercial Corporation by:
Reyes filed with the Surplus Commission an offer to
purchase nails at Depot No. 14 at seventy per cent (70%) Kegs (SALVAGED)
of procurement cost and immediately thereafter the
accused assumed almost absolute control over the at 100 per cent of
processing, offers to purchase and invoices for nails; that Procurement cost
thereafter appeared offers to purchase and invoices in
the name of Beatriz Poblete, Jose del Rosario, Ruben Constantina Reyes
Adriano and Eugenia Adriano purportedly dated and
filed "January 17, 1949", but in fact not officially filed 2,225
on that day but sometime between January 18 and
January 26, 1949, for the purchase of nails in Depot No. Lourdes Angeles David
14 at twenty-five per cent (25%) of procurement at as
follows: 1,500

Kegs (SALVAGED) Fortunata Estanislao

at 25 per cent of 2,010

Procurement cost
Grato Ranara
Beatriz Poblete
Jacinto Baldeo
Jose del Rosario
Clarito Baldeo
Ruben Adriano
that on or about 16, or 18, 1949, the set of invoices of
Eugenia Adriano Eastern Commercial Corporation filed by Constantina
Reyes, Lourdes Angeles David, Fortunate Estanislao,
4,020 Grato Ranara, Jacinto Baldeo, and Clarito Baldeo, all at
100 per cent of procurement cost, were unanimously,
that on January 18, 1949, Depot No. 14 was frozen recommended by then Technical Review Committee of
allegedly preparatory to public bidding, which was not five (5) members, and by the Sales Manager, for
carried out, but in fact was to prevent the filing of other approval of Surplus Property Commission, while the act
offers at a higher percentage; that on February 5, 1949, invoices of Beatriz Poblete Jose del Rosario, Eugenia
Depot No. 14 was declared open for negotiated sale; that Adriano and Ruben Adriano, all at 25 per cent only of
on February 7, 1949, the following offers to purchase procurement cost were "conditionally" recommended by
nails, SALVAGED at Depot No. 14 at one hundred per only two of the five members of the said Technical
cent (100%) of procurement cost, were duly filed: Review Committee; that on February 23, 1949 the set of
SEC 14 PP v CA

invoices of Eastern Commercial Corporation by Baldeo and the aforestated letter of the Procurement
Constantina Reyes, and others, at 100 per cent of Office that invoices of Beatriz Poblete Jose del Rosario,
procurement cost was submitted to the Acting Chairman, Ruben Adriano and Eugenia Adriano were kept by the
the accused Jose C. Zulueta and to Commissioner accused and did not submit them to Commissioners
Romero Llanes; that Commissioners Romero and Llanes Romero (and Llanes) for consideration on February
upheld the opinion of the Auditor that "nails" were (22,23,) 1949, and craftily did not endorse them to the
"critical" materials and must be bidded in accordance Government Enterprises Council [together the Acting
with Presidential directive on the matter; [that] the, (said Chairman] the accused herein, knowing or at least
accused, Acting Chair-man Jose C. Zulueta [did not having reason to believe, that [the original and] the
oppose this opinion and] the set of invoices were renovated invoices of [Beatriz Poblete and its sister
returned to the Sales Manager, but, upon a petition for invoices] were not properly acted upon by the Technical
reconsideration filed by the parties concerned, the same Review Committee and were not recommended by the
set of invoices were again submitted to the Commission Sales Manager and knowing,, or at least having motives
for further consideration; that on March 2, 1949, the to suspect that the original and /or the renovated
Surplus Property Commission received the letter of the invoices of Beatriz Poblete and Jose del Rosario were
Procurement Office dated February 25, 1949, advising not signed by them personally, [the acting Chairman
that said Office is ready to acquire all the "stock of 4- readily signed and approved said invoices at twenty five
inch to 6-inch long nails available at the time in per cent (25%) only of procurement cost]
Engineering Depot No. 14"; that the Acting Chairman, notwithstanding his knowledge that there were other
the accused herein, in order to subserve his ulterior pending invoices at one hundred per cent (100%) of
interested purposes, did not indorse to Commissioner procurement cost; that pursuant to his interest in having
Romero and Llanes the said letter of the procurement them approved by at least the majority, the said accused,
Office, although he well knew that Government Offices as Acting Chairman, exerted all efforts to convinced
had preferential right over (needed) surplus articles: that Commissioner Llanes to approve the said invoice of
on March 3, 1949, Commissioner Romero formally Beatriz Poblete and its sister invoices, [but the
made of record his "comment" on "nails" as follows: Commissioner Llanes twice disapproved them on the
ground that] the price offered was very low, nails being
The Auditor . . . certified that common nails are a critical critical item that should be bidded and the invoices were
item and must be bidded in accordance with the not recommended for approval by the Sales Manager;]
Presidential directive, . . .. If the Control Committee, [that the Acting Chairman, the accused herein, submitted
however, should waive the bidding requirement . . . and for the third time said invoices to Commissioner Llanes
authorized the sale at 100 per cent of Procurement and statutely prevailed upon him to approved the same
Costs, the undersigned will concur therein. . . ..; on the pretext of "urgent need to speed up liquidation" of
surplus properties, and commissioner Llanes for that
that on March 7, 1949, the Acting Chairman, the alleged reason and because of the strong
accused herein, indorsed to the Government Enterprises recommendation of the herein accused, finally consented
Council, the aforesaid intent" of Commissioner Romero to approve them provided that the accused secure first,
at the same time recommending that the requirement of the recommendation of the Sales Manager; [that before
public bidding for common nails as critical items be and after the approval of said invoices by Commissioner
waived provided the sale be at 100 per cent of Llanes, the accused withheld said invoices from the
Procurement cost" and forwarded to Government consideration of and action of Commissioner Romero, in
Enterprises Council his indorsement together with the view of the latter's comments on the subject which, the
invoices of Eastern Commercial Corporation by accused himself had previously favorable Government
Constantina Reyes, Lourdes Angeles David, Fortunata Enterprises Council;] that on or about March 21), 1949,
Estanislao Grata Ranara, Jacinto Baldeo and Clarito [the herein accused] received from the Purchasing Agent
SEC 14 PP v CA

of the Procurement Office a letter advising him that they fraudulently, or at least, through abandonment,
were definitely buying and wanted to take delivery of constraint and permit Beatriz Poblete, through her
seventy-seven (77 ) tons of surplus nails from Depot No. representative Ngo Teck, to appropriate and carry away,
14 and enclosed with said letter the needed certification as she did in fact appropriate and take three thousand
of the availability of funds for the purchase, but the (3,000) kegs of nails form Engineer Depot No. 14 them
herein accused, fearing that said purchase would defeat with a market value of P81,000, for which public
his ultimate interested purpose. did not submit said letter property the said accused as such accountable, to the
to, the Commissioner Romero and Llanes for their damage and prejudice of the Surplus Property
consideration and action: that on April 1, 1949, the Commission. an agency of the Republic of the
Acting Chairman issued on order. "for immediate and Philippines, in the total amount of twenty-five thousand
strict compliance", for the delivery of the 3,000 kegs of two hundred pesos (25,200) including compensating tax,
nails covered by the invoices of Beatriz Poblete, which representing 100 per cent of original procurement cost,
was not carried out due to the opposition of the Auditor's minus six thousand three (P6,300) which was paid to the
representative; that on April 2, 1949, the accused had Surplus Property Commission under the fraudulent guise
learned of the advise of Atty. Gregorio S. Licaros. of purchase price of the said three thousand (P3,000)
Executive Secretary of the Government Enterprises kegs of nails.
Council, that deliveries on invoices for nails be
suspended that the anticipating that the formal decision Contrary to Law.
by the Government Enterprise Council was imminently
forthcoming and would adversely affect the invoice of Contrary to Law City of Manila, Philippines, this 15th
Beatriz Poblete, as in fact said decision of the day of October, 1949.
Government Enterprises Council was rendered and
forwarded to the Commission on April 4, 1949, (Sgd.) PEDRO C. QUINTO
declaring that "Under no circumstances should sale of Special Attorney
nails of any type, classification or quantity be made at Office of the Solicitor General
less than 100% of procurement cost, any such sale and Special Counsel
pending delivery to be cancelled, and that the quantity of appointed by the Secretary of Justice
nails requisitioned by the Procurement Office should be under section 1686 of the
reserved, the [herein accused, as] Acting Chairman, in Revised Administrative Code
order to consummate the sale in favor of Beatriz Poblete
in which they (be) had become [greatly] interested, —————
issued a second order to different officer of (the
Superintendent, Officer-in- Charge, and Security Officer In this copy of the original information, the words or
of Depot No. 14 and to other subordinate officers in] the phrases inclosed by brackets refer to deletions,
Surplus Property Commission urging complete delivery transpositions, rephrasing made in the amended
of the nails covered by the invoice of Beatriz Poblete, information.
regardless of tag numbers; that as a direct and necessary
consequence of all the afore-stated actuations, PEDRO C. QUINTO
(machinations and omissions) of the herein accused, Special Attorney
(all) committed, incurred, and/or carried out in the Cities Office of the Solicitor General
of Manila, Rizal and Quezon the said accused capacity and Special Counsel appointed
as Acting Commissioner (Chairman) of the Surplus by the Secretary of Justice
Property Commission and as an accountable Public
officer did there and or about March 24, then on April 4,
and 5, 1949 wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and
SEC 14 PP v CA

Agreement between the United States of America and

APPENDIX "B" the Republic of the Philippines, as approved by the
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Congress of the Philippines under Republic Act No. 33,
IN THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE MANILA which by virtue thereof have become public properties
SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT for which the said accused Jose C. Zulueta was and is
BRANCH IX accountable by reason of his said position; that during
the period from January 10, 1949 to April 6, 1949, and
————— for some time prior and subsequent thereto, in the City
of Manila, Philippines, where the offices of the Surplus
[Criminal Case No. 11232 for Malversation of Public Property Commission were located and in the City of
Property] Rizal where the said accused as Acting Chairman
established subsidiary office without the consent of the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Commission and over and above the objection of the
Plaintiff, Auditor, the said accused, as Acting Chairman of the
Surplus Property Commission, did then and there
VERSUS wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and fraudulent consent
or at least, through abandonment permit one Beatriz
JOSE C. ZULUETA, accused. Poblete to take and misappropriate, as she did take and
misappropriate from Depot No. 14 of the Surplus
———— Property Commission 3,000 kegs of surplus nails in the
following manner: that on January 10, 1949, Mrs.
AMENDED INFORMATION Constantina Reyes filed with the surplus Property
Commission an offer to purchase nails at Depot No. 14
NOW COMES the undersigned Special Attorney, at seventy per cent (70%) of procurement cots and
Division of Special Attorneys of the Office of the immediately control over the processing of offers to
Solicitor General, and appointed by the Secretary of purchase and invoices in the name of Beatriz Poblete,
Justice as Special Counsel under Articles 1686 of the Jose del Rosario, Ruben Adriano and Eugenia Adriano
Revised Administrative Code and, with the leave of purportedly dated and filed "January 17, 1949", but in
Court amends the information as to matter of form, by fact not officially filed on that day but sometime
accusing Jose C. Zulueta, of a violation of Article 217 of between January 18 and January 28, 1949, for the
the Revised Penal Code committed as follows: purchase of nails in Depot No. 14 at twenty-five per cent
(25%) of procurement cost as follows:
That on or about the period from January 10, 1949, to
April 6, 1949, and for something prior and subsequent Kegs (SALVAGED)
thereto, in the Cities of Manila and Rizal, Philippines,
the herein accused Jose C. Zulueta, after having been at 25 per cent of
duly appointed to the Office of Acting Chairman Procurement cost
performed the functions and duties pertaining to his
aforementioned public office; that as such Acting Beatriz Poblete
Chairman of the Surplus Property Commission the
herein accused was entrusted and charged with the 3,000
proper 'administrative, care, custody, protection,
disposition and /or sale" and "under such terms and Jose del Rosario
conditions as may be deemed most advantageous" to the
Government of the Surplus properties acquired under the 3,000
SEC 14 PP v CA

Clarito Baldeo
Ruben Adriano
that on or about February 16, 0r 18, the act of invoices
Eugenia Adriano of Eastern Commercial Corporation filed by Constantina
Reyes, Lourdes Angeles David, Fortunata Estanislao,
4,020 Grate Ranara, Jacinto Baldeo and Clarito Baldeo, all at
100 per cent of procurement cost, were unanimously
That on January 18 1949, Depot No. 14 was frozen recommended by then Technical Review Committee of
allegedly preparatory to public bidding, which was not five (5) members, and by the Sales Manager, for
but in fact was to prevent the filing of other offers at a approval of the Surplus Property Commission, while the
higher percentage; that on February 5, 1949, Depot No. set of invoices of Beatriz at 25 per cent only of
14 negotiated sale; that on February 7. 1949, the procurement cost, irregularly filed and processed, were
following officers to purchase nails, SALVAGED at conditionally recommended for personal use or
Depot one hundred per cent (100%) of procurement rehabilitation purposes only by two of the five members
costs, were duly filed. of the said Technical Review Committee; that on
February 23, 1949, the set of invoices of Eastern
Eastern Commercial Corporation by Commercial Corporation by Constantina Reyes, and
others, at least 100 per cent of procurement cost was
Kegs (SALVAGED) submitted to the Acting Chairman the accused, Jose C.
Zulueta, and to Commissioners Romero and Llanes; that
at 100 per cent of Commissioners Romero and Llanes upheld in writing
Procurement cost the opinion of the Auditor that "nails" were critical
materials and must be bidded in accordance with
Constantina Reyes Presidential directive on the matter, and with the
acquiescence of invoices were returned to the Sales
2,225 Manager, but, upon a petition for reconsideration filed
by the parties concerned, the same set of invoices were
Lourdes Angeles David again submitted to the Commission on February 26,
1949, for further consideration; that on March 2, 1949
1,500 the Surplus Property Commission received the letter-
officer of the Procurement Office dated February 25,
Fortunata Estanislao 1949, advising that said Office was ready to acquire all
the "stock of 4-inch to 6-inch long nails available at the
2,010 time in Engineering Depot No. 14; that the Acting
Chairman, the accused herein, in order to subverse his
Grato Ranara ulterior interested purposes, did not indorse to
Commissioners Romero and Llanes the said letter of the
750 Procurement Office, although he well knew that
Government Offices had preferential right over
Jacinto Baldeo PRIVATE PARTIES to acquire surplus articles; that on
March 3, 1949, Commissioner Romero formally made
12 of record his "comment" on "nails" as follows:
SEC 14 PP v CA

The Auditor . . . certified that common nails are critical accused as Acting Chairman, exerted all efforts to
item and must be bidden in accordance with the convince Acting Commissioner Llanes to approve the
Presidential directive, . . . If the control Committee, said invoices of Beatriz Poblete and its sister invoices,
however, should waive the bidding requirement ..and TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE FACT THAT
authorize will concur therein . . .., ; ADOLFO Q. LLANES, BROTHER OF ACTING
that on March 7, 1949, the accused herein, as Acting OFFER TO PURCHASE ALSO 2,000 KEGS OF
Chairman, indorsed to the Government Enterprises NAILS AT DEPOT NO. 14 AT A LOW RECOVERY
Council, the aforesaid "comment" of Commissioner PRICE OR PERCENTAGE OF PROCUREMENT
Romero at the same time recommending that the COST, AND IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH HIS
requirement of public bidding for common nails as PURPOSE, THE HEREIN ACCUSED BEFORE OR
critical items be waived provided the sale be at 100 per ABOUT FEBRUARY 23, 1949 SUBMITTED, THRU
cent of procurement cost" and forwarded to the HIS REPRESENTATIVE, THE RENOVATED
Government Enterprises Council his indorsement INVOICES OF BEATRIZ POBLETE. JOSE DEL
together with the invoices of Eastern Commercial ROSARIO, EUGENIA ADRIANO, AND RUBEN
Corporation by Constantina Reyes, Lourdes Angeles ADRIANO PRICE OF 25 PER CENT ONLY OF
David, Fortunata Estanislao, Grata Ranara, Jacinto PROCUREMENT AND OTHER PERTINENT
PAPERS; that the invoices of Beatriz Poblete, Jose del BASIS, THE INVOICES WERE IMPROPERLY
Rosario, Ruben Adriano and Eugenia Adriano AT 25 ACCOMPLISHED, AND WERE NOT
retained by the herein accused and did not submit them THAT ON MARCH 18, 1949, OR THEREABOUTS,
to, Commissioner Romero for consideration on February THE HEREIN ACCUSED RESUBMITTED TO
23, 1949, and crafty did not indorse them to the ACTING COMMISSIONER ANGEL LLANES THE
Government Enterprises Council; and the accused AFOREMENTIONED INVOICES OF BEATRIZ
herein, knowingly, or at least having reason to believe, POBLETE, JOSE DEL ROSARIO, EUGENIA
that the said renovated invoices AT 25 PER CENT OF ADRIANO, AND RUBEN ADRIANO, ALREADY
and were not recommended by the Sales Manager, PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES DATED
knowing, or at least having motives to suspect that the FEBRUARY 17,1947 AND ON THE GROUND THAT
original and/or the renovated invoices of Beatriz Poblete NAILS WERE CRITICAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS
and Jose del Rosario were not signed by them WHICH SHOULD BE SOLD TO MANY PEOPLE AS
personally, notwithstading his knowledge that there were POSSIBLE ON A BID BASIS: THAT ON OR ABOUT
other pending invoices at one hundred per cent(100%) MARCH 22, 1949 THE SET OF INVOICES OF
pursuant to his interest in having them approved the said THE ACTING CHAIRMAN JOSE C. ZULUETA TO
SEC 14 PP v CA

THE SAID ACTING COMMISSIONER LLANES FOR forthcoming and would adversely affect the invoice of
OCCASION THE HEREIN ACCUSED AS ACTING fact said decision of the Government Enterprises
CHAIRMAN. AND ANGEL LLANES, AS ACTING Council was rendered and forwarded to the Commission
COMMISSIONER, BOTH OF THE SURPLUS on April 4, 1949, declaring that "under no circumstances
PROPERTY COMMISSION, CONSPIRED AND should sale of nails of any type classification or quantity
MUTUALLY COOPERATED BY ACTS WITHOUT be made at less than 100% of procurement cost, and
WHICH THEY COULD NOT HAVE such sale pending delivery to be cancelled." and that
ACCOMPLISHED THEIR, ILLEGAL PURPOSE, quantity of nails requisitioned by the Procurement
AND TO THIS EFFECT, ACTING COMMISSIONER Office should be reserved, the Acting Chairman,
OF PROCUREMENT Cost provided the herein accused Government Enterprises Council and in order to
secure first the recommendation of the Sales Manager, consummate the sale IN FAVOR of Beatriz Poblete IN
ON OR ABOUT MARCH 24, 1949, ACTING LLANES had become interested, ISSUED A
APPROVED ALSO SAID INVOICES WITH HIS Surplus Property Commission urging complete delivery
INITIALS; THAT IN FURTHERANCE OF SAID of the nails covered by the invoice of Beatriz Poblete,
CONSPIRACY, THE ACTING CHAIRMAN, WHO, regardless of tag numbers; that as direct and necessary
OR ABOUT MARCH 29,1949, received ANOTHER consequence of all the aforestated joint actuations of the
LETTER from the Procurement Office advising that herein accused Acting Chairman of the Surplus Property
they were definitely buying 77 tons of surplus nails, Commission, and of Commissioner Angel Llanes,
ACCOMPANYING said letter with the NECESSARY subsequently accused also for malversation of public
certification of the availability of funds for the purchase; property in criminal case No. 11727 of this court,
but fearing that said purchase would defeat their committed, incurred, and/or carried out in the Cities of
ultimate interested purpose, did not submit said letter to Manila, Rizal and Quezon, the said accused Jose C.
the COMMISSION for consideration and action; that on Zulueta, in his capacity as Acting Chairman of the
April 1, 1949 the Acting Chairman issued an order, "for Surplus Property Commission, and as an accountable
immediate and strict compliance for the delivery of officer and in conspiracy with the aforesaid Acting
3,000 kegs of nails covered by the invoice No. 10248 of Commissioner Angel Llanes did then and there on or
Beatriz Poblete, which was not carried out ON about February 23, 1949, March 24, 1949, April 4, and
ACCOUNT OF the opposition of the AUDITOR, AND 5, 1949, wilfully, unlawfully, feloniously and
DUE TO SAID OPPOSITION THE ACTING fraudulently or at least, through abandonment or
CHAIRMAN AND THE AUDITOR AGREED THAT negligence, consent and permit Beatriz Poblete through
NO ACTION ON THE MATTER OF NAILS AND ON her representative Ngo Teck, to appropriate and carry
THE INVOICE OF BEATRIZ POBLETE SHALL BE away, as she did in fact appropriate and take, three
TAKEN PENDING DECISION OF THE thousand (3,000) kegs of nails from Engineer Depot No.
GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES COUNCIL; that on 14, then with a market value of P81,000, for which
April 2, 1949, the Acting Chairman Jose C. Zulueta had public property the herein accused and Acting
learned of the advice of Atty. Gregorio Licaros, Commissioner Angel Llanes, who as a public officers,
Executive Secretary of the Government Enterprises were then and are still accountable, to the damage and
Council, that deliveries on invoices for nails be prejudice of the Surplus Property Commission, an
suspended; that anticipating that the formal decision by agency of the Republic off the Philippines, in the total
the government enterprises council was immediately amount of twenty-five thousand two hundred pesos
SEC 14 PP v CA

(P25,200), including compensating tax, representing

100% of original procurement cost, minus six thousand
three hundred pesos (P6,300) which was paid to the
Surplus Property Commission under the fraudulent guise
of purchase price of the said three thousand (3,000) kegs
of nails.

Contrary to Law.

City of Manila, Philippines, this 14th day of January,



Special Attorney
Office of the Solicitor General
and Special Counsel
appointed by the Secretary of Justice


1 Moran, Comments 3rd E. Vol. I p. 317 citing Torrens

vs. Tomacruz, 499 Phil., 913.

2 U.S. vs. Ipil, 27 Phil., 530; U.S. vs. Remigio, 37 Phil.,

599; U.S. vs. Raymundo, 14 Phil., 416.

Amendment calling for different defense is substantial.

People vs. Sims, 241 N. W. 247; State vs. Walton, 164 S.
W. 211.

3 44 Off. Gaz., p. 45; 77 Phil., 684.

SEC 14 PP v CA

G.R. No. , 121 SCRA 733 Sixto Ruiz filed his opposition to the motion, while Luis
Padilla and Magsikap Ongchenco submitted their
EN BANC comment.

DECISION The trial Judge denied the motion to amend the

information saying that allowance of the amendment
March 31, 1983 alleging conspiracy would be amending the manner of
committing the crime and thereby would constitute a
substantial amendment.
In our resolution of February 25, 1976, the petition for
review filed by petitioners was treated as a Special Civil As a consequence, State Prosecutor Lilia C. Lopez filed
Action. It seeks (1) to annul and set aside the decision two new informations for frustrated homicide against
and resolution, dated December 18, 1974 and July 11, Luis Padilla and Magsikap Ongchenco (Criminal Cases
1975, respectively, of the Court of Appeals: and, (2) to Nos. 9673 and 9674) alleging that the two conspired
sustain in toto the orders, dated January 25, 1974 and with Sixto Ruiz who was referred to as the accused in
June 15, 1974, of the trial Judge which allowed the Criminal Cases Nos. 4747 and 4748.
retention of the allegation of conspiracy in reference to
Criminal Cases Nos. 4747 and 4748 in the informations Padilla and Ongchenco moved to quash the two new
filed in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 and 9674; or, in the informations. The motion was denied by the lower court
alternative, to direct the trial judge to allow the in its order of January 25, 1974, saying:
amendment of the informations in Criminal Cases Nos.
4747 and 4748 so as to include Luiz Padilla and [T]he informations in the above-entitled cases state the
Magsikap Ongchenco as co-accused of Sixto Ruiz and names of the accused Luis Padilla and Magsikap
to dismiss the informations in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 Ongchenco; the offense of frustrated homicide is clearly
and 9674. designated in each information; the acts or omissions
constituting the offense charged are stated in ordinary
As a result of a shooting incident at Sta. Lucia Street, and concise language without repetition sufficient to
Mandaluyong, Rizal, on June 5, 1971, two informations enable a person of common understanding to know what
for frustrated homicide were filed against Sixto Ruiz in offense is charged and for the Court to pronounce proper
the Court of First Instance of Rizal on February 21, judgment; the names and surnames of the persons,
1972. In Criminal Case No. 4747, Ernesto Bello was Ernesto Bello and Rogelio Bello, against whom the
named as the victim, while in Criminal Case No. 4748, offenses were committed are stated in the informations;
Rogelio Bello was the complainant. and that both offenses were committed on or about the
5th day of June, 1971, in the Municipality of
Upon arraignment, Sixto Ruiz pleaded "not guilty" to Mandaluyong, Province of Rizal, Philippines.
the two informations in said Criminal Cases Nos. 4747
and 4748. However, a reinvestigation of these two cases ACCORDINGLY, the motion to quash is hereby denied
was made in the then Department of Justice, following for lack of merit.
which State Prosecutor Lilia C. Lopez filed a motion for
leave of court to amend the informations on the ground Likewise, Sixto Ruiz filed in said Criminal Cases Nos.
that the evidence disclosed a prima facie case against 9673 and 9674 a motion to permit to quash and/or strike
Luis Padilla and Magsikap Ongchenco who acted in out the allegation of conspiracy in the two informations.
conspiracy with Sixto Ruiz. The trial Judge, on June 15, 1974, ordered the striking
out from the records the aforesaid motion and clarified
that "the allegation of conspiracy in those cases does not
SEC 14 PP v CA

alter the theory of the case, nor does it introduce

innovation nor does it present alternative imputation nor There is merit in this special civil action. The trial Judge
is it inconsistent with the original allegations. " should have allowed the amendment in Criminal Cases
Nos. 4747 and 4748 considering that the amendments
From these orders of the lower court, Sixto Ruiz, Luis sought were only formal. As aptly stated by the Solicitor
Padilla and Magsikap Ongchenco went to the Court of General in his memorandum, "there was no change in
Appeals on a petition for certiorari with preliminary the prosecution's theory that respondent Ruiz wilfully,
injunction (CA G.R. No. 03146-SP) alleging that the unlawfully and feloniously attacked, assaulted and shot
trial Judge exceeded his jurisdiction or abused his with a gun Ernesto and Rogelio Bello ... . The
judicial discretion in issuing the orders, dated January amendments would not have been prejudicial to him
25, 1974 and June 15, 1974, in Criminal Cases Nos. because his participation as principal in the crime
9673 and 9674. charged with respondent Ruiz in the original
informations, could not be prejudiced by the proposed
The Court of Appeals rendered its decision, the amendments."
dispositive portion of which reads as follows:
In a case (Regala vs. CFI, 77 Phil. 684), the defendant
WHEREFORE, we hold that the -respondent Judge was charged with murder. After plea, the fiscal presented
exceeded his jurisdiction and/or abused his discretion in an amended information wherein two other persons were
denying the motion of petitioner Sixto Ruiz for included as co-accused. There was further allegation that
permission to file a motion to strike out the allegation of the accused and his co-defendants had conspired and
conspiracy in the informations filed in Criminal Cases confederated together and mutually aided one another to
Nos. 9673 and 9674 (CA Rollo, p. 89), in striking out commit the offense charged. The amended information
from the records the motion of petitioner Sixto Ruiz to was admitted, following which the fiscal sought the
strike out the allegation of conspiracy inserted in the discharge of the two other co-defendants in order to
informations filed in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 and utilize them as prosecution witnesses. The court granted
9674 (Ibid., p. 93), and in denying the motion for the discharge. His appeal having been denied as well as
reconsideration filed by the petitioners, Luis Padilla and his motion for reconsideration of the denial of the
Magsikap Ongchenco (Ibid., p. 81). appeal, defendant filed a petition for a writ of certiorari.
It was alleged that the admission of the amendment was
Accordingly, the petition for certiorari is hereby granted an abuse of discretion. This Court held:
and the questioned orders of the respondent court dated
January 25, 1974 and June 15, 1974 (Annexes K and Q, La inclusion de dos acusados y la adicion de las
CA Rollo, pp. 76, 107) are partially annulled and set palabras: 'by conspiring, confederating and helping one
aside insofar as the petitioner Sixto Ruiz is concerned. another' en la querella enmendada es una enmienda de
The allegation of conspiracy implicating Sixto Ruiz and forma. En la primera querella se acusa al recurrente de
the reference to Criminal Cases Nos. 4748 and 4747 in autor y en la enmendada de coautor pero su
the informations filed in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 and responsabilidad es la misma en ambas. El cambio solo
9674, respectively, are hereby ordered deleted and se refiere a la forma de ejecucion del delito; pero no a la
stricken out of the said informations and records of the sustancia del delito mismo. La forma de ejecucion es
said cases. mas bien materia de pruebas y no de algaciones, y los
detalles alegados en la querella enmendada pudieron
The motion for reconsideration filed by herein haberse probado bajo la querella original.
petitioners to the foregoing decision, dated December
18, 1974 of the Court of Appeals was denied "for lack of Otherwise stated, the amendments of Criminal Cases
merit" in its resolution, dated July 11, 1975. Nos. 4747 and 4748 would not have prejudiced Ruiz
SEC 14 PP v CA

whose participation as principal in the crimes charged retention of the allegation of conspiracy and the
did not change. When the incident was investigated by reference to Criminal Cases Nos. 4747 and 4748 in the
the fiscal's office, the respondents were Ruiz, Padilla informations filed in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 and
and Ongchenco. The fiscal did not include Padilla and 9674, are SUSTAINED.
Ongchenco in the two informations because of
"insufficiency of evidence." It was only later when SO ORDERED.
Francisco Pagcalinawan testified at the reinvestigation
that the participation of Padilla and Ongchenco surfaced Teehankee (Chairman), Melencio-Herrera Plana, JJ.,
and, as a consequence, there was the need for the concur.
amendment of the informations or the filing of new ones
against the two. Gutierrez, Jr., J., took no part.

The fact that the trial court denied the motion of the Separate Opinions
prosecution to amend the informations in Criminal
Cases Nos. 4747 and 4748 was no bar to the filing of the Separate Opinions
new informations. The allegation in Criminal Cases Nos.
9673 and 9674 filed against Luis Padilla and Magsikap Vasquez, J., concurring:
Ongchenco that the two conspired and confederated with
Sixto Ruiz merely describe the fact that the latter was I concurr in the result. The complications that arose in
already charged with the same offense. It is only a this case could have been avoided if the trial granted, as
reference to the two cases already filed against Ruiz he should have, the motion of Special Prosecutor Lopez
wherein he alone stands as the defendant. It does not to amend the two informations in CC Nos. 4747 and
make Ruiz a co-defendant of Padilla and Ongchenco in 4748 so as to include Padilla and Ongchenco as co-
the two new informations. It is incorrect to say that the accused of Ruiz, and in conspiracy with the latter. The
allegation of conspiracy in Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 effect would be the same as the result upheld in the main
and 9674 include Ruiz as a defendant in the said cases. opinion, if all the cases win be consolidated for joint
In fact, and as aptly observed by the petitioners, the trial.

lower court did not order the arrest of Sixto Ruiz in
Criminal Cases Nos. 9673 and 9674. Padilla and
Ongchenco were the only ones against whom warrants
were issued; nor was he arraigned in said cases. Padilla
and Ongchenco were the only ones arraigned and they
pleaded not guilty.

Thus, inasmuch as Ruiz is not a defendant in Criminal

Cases Nos. 9673 and 9674, he can not file a motion to
quash the same. He has no personality or standing in
said cases and, therefore, it was improper for him to
have filed the motion to quash.

ACCORDINGLY, the decision and resolution, dated

December 18, 1974 and July 11, 1975, respectively, of
the Court of Appeals are hereby SET ASIDE.
Furthermore, the orders of the lower court, dated
January 25, 1974 and June 15, 1974, allowing the

EN BANC That on or about the 31st day of March, 1968, in the

municipality of San Juan, province of Rizal, a place
DECISION within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above- named accused, being then armed with a knife,
February 24, 1981 together with one Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Tuwad"
who is then armed with a firearm and who was (sic) still
G.R. No. L-30146 at large, and the two of them conspiring and
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- confederating together and mutually helping and aiding
appellee, one another, with intent to kill, evident premeditation
vs. and treachery and taking advantage of superior strength,
JOSEPH CASEY alias "Burl" and RICARDO FELIX did, then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously
alias "CARDING TUWAD", defendants-appellants. attack, assault and shoot and stab with the said firearm
and knife one Alfredo Valdez, thereby inflicting upon
GUERRERO, J.:Automatic review of the judgment of the latter fatal wounds which directly caused his death.
the Circuit Criminal Court in Criminal Case No. CCC-
VI -6 Rizal (1 7857), imposing upon Joseph Casey alias Contrary to law. 1
"Burl" and Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Tuwad" the
capital punishment for the death of Alfredo Valdez. The On June 24, 1968, upon arraignment, said accused
dispositive portion thereof, states: pleaded not guilty to the crime charged in the said
complaint. Then, sometime in September, 1968, accused
Guerrero, J.: ' appellant Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Tuwad" was
arrested. Accordingly, an Amended Information was
Automatic review of the judgment of the Circuit filed by the same fiscal to include Ricardo Felix as an
Criminal Court in Criminal Case No. CCC-VI -6 Rizal accused, stating as follows:
(1 7857), imposing upon Joseph Casey alias "Burl" and
Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Tuwad" the capital That on or about the 31st day of March, 1968, in the
punishment for the death of Alfredo Valdez. The municipality of San Juan, province of Rizal, a place
dispositive portion thereof, states: within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
above named accused Joseph Casey alias "Burl" being
WHEREFORE, the Court finds the accused, Joseph then armed with a knife, together with the accused
Casey alias "Buri" and Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Ricardo Felix alias "Carding Tuwad" who was then
Tuwad", GUILTY, beyond reasonable doubt, of the armed with a firearm, and the two of them conspiring
commission of the crime of Murder, under Article No. and confederating together and mutually helping and
248 of the Revised Penal Code, as charged in an aiding one another, with intent to kill, evident
Information, and hereby sentences them to suffer the premeditation and treachery and taking advantage of
PENALTY OF DEATH, with accessory penalties as superior strength, did, then and there wilfully,
prescribed by law; to indemnify the heirs of the unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and shoot and
deceased, Alfredo Valdez, in the amount of TWELVE stab with the said firearm and knife one Alfredo Valdez,
THOUSAND (P12,000) PESOS, jointly and severally; thereby inflicting upon the latter fatal wounds which
and to pay the costs. directly caused his death.

On May 22, 1968, Assistant Fiscal Herminio I. Benito Contrary to law. 2

filed an Information for Murder against accused-
appellant Joseph Casey alias "Burl", alleging:

On October 15, 1968, accused Ricardo Felix entered the but still alive, hovering between life and death. He then
plea of not guilty upon being arraigned and trial was called for a jeep and brought him to a hospital. 6
accordingly had.
Finally, Dr. Mariano B. Cueva, 32 years of age, a
Mercedes Palomo, 28, resident of 242 Mahinhin Street, physician, was presented to testify on the Necropsy
San Juan, Rizal, testified that on March 31, 1968, at Report No. 58-425 of Alfredo Valdez, herein quoted as
around three o'clock in the afternoon, while in the house follows:
of her aunt, she heard a shot coming from the pool room
located near her aunt's place. She then looked towards Marked paleness of lips, nailbeds, and integument.
the direction of the pool room and saw three men
coming out, one of them being pursued by the two Abrasion, 1.5 x 0.7 cm., right scapular region of back,
others. She recognized the man being pursued as Alfredo 12.0 cm. from posterior median line.
Valdez alias "G.I." She, however, did not know the
names of the pursuers but described one of them as a Stab wounds: (1) 1.1 cm. long, spindle shape, located at
short man, with curly black hair and black complexion left hypochondriac region of abdomen, 11.0 cm. from
while the other as having a fair complexion. When asked anterior median line, level of 8th intercostal space; long
as to whether she can Identify them, she answered in the axis is oriented horizontally, medial extremity sharp,
affirmative and pointed to Joseph Casey and Ricardo lateral extremity contused, edges clean-cut and slightly
Felix. 3 gaping, with bevelled lower border; attract is directed
backward upward medially, entering abdominal cavity
Continuing her testimony, she said that she saw the one and perforating along its track the greater momentum,
with curly hair overtake and stab the victim several body of stomach, body of pancreas, and partly severing
times, while in the meantime, Ricardo Felix stood the abdominal aorta at the level of 12th thoracic
nearby holding a gun which he later fired once at the vertebra; approximate depth, 10.0 cms.
victim. 4
(2) 1.1 cm. long, spindle shape, located at umbilical
Jose Rivera, 57 years old, a policeman, was presented by region of abdomen, 2.3. cm. to the left of anterior
the prosecution to testify on the investigation he median line, 6.0 cm. above the level of navel; long axis
conducted before Judge Alfredo M. Gorgonio on April oriented horizontally, medial extremity sharp, lateral
1, 1968 involving the accused Joseph Casey. He extremity contused, edges clean- cut and gaping, with
submitted in evidence the extrajudicial statement of the bevelled lower border; track is directed backward
said accused, contained in a two page sworn statement upward and medially, entering abdominal cavity and
wherein said accused narrated having a rendezvous with perforating along its track the greater momentum,
the accused Ricardo Felix and with another person pylorus of stomach and body of pancreas; approximate
named Rudy at Cubao Rotonda, Quezon City at about depth, 10.0 cms.
nine o'clock in the morning of March 31, 1968 and
thereafter proceeding to Barrio Halo-Halo, San Juan, (3) 1.0 cm. long, spindle shape, located at left infra
Rizal at about three o'clock in the afternoon, where the scapular region of the back, 8.5 cm. from posterior
incident happened. 5 median line, level of 9th rib; long axis is oriented
slightly downward and laterally, lateral extremity sharp,
Patrolman Honorio Carritero, 46 years old, also a medial extremity contused, edges clean-cut and gaping
policeman, testified that in the afternoon of March 31, with bevelled upper border; track is directed downward
1968. he was awakened by noise that somebody was slightly forward and medially taking a deep intra-
stabbed and shot. Upon going out to investigate, he saw muscular route at left posterior lumbar region to a depth
the victim lying down near the toilet with stab wounds of 9.0 cm.

suddenly drew a "balisong" and lunged it on him. But he

(4) 1.2 cm. long, slightly curvilinear in shape, located at was able to parry the thrust. He then took hold of the
right posterior lumbar region, 8.0 cm. from posterior victim's right hand and grappled with him. In the
lumbar region, 8.0 cm. from posterior median line, 12.0 process, he successfully wrested the knife from him. He
cm. above iliac crest convexity of wound is directed then used the weapon against him, hitting him about two
upward, medial extremity sharp, lateral extremity or three times. While he was contending with the victim,
contused, edges clean-cut and gaping, with bevelled the latter's companions joined in and hit him with pieces
upper border; track is directed downward slightly of wood, inflicting "gasgas" or abrasions on his back. 9
forward and laterally, taking a subcutaneous route at
right lateral lumbar region to a depth of 6.5 cm. The other accused, Ricardo Felix, testified that he did
not see Joseph Casey on March 31, 1968. Likewise, he
Hemoperitoneum - 840 cc. said that he knew the victim, Alfredo Valdez; that he last
saw him alive in a store on the same day that he was
Hematomas, retroperitoneal, severe, bilateral. killed when he was about to leave for Manila; and that
he learned that he was dead when he returned home. 10
Heart and its big vessels, almost empty of blood.
On the basis of the aforesaid evidence, the court a quo
Brain and other visceral organs, markedly pale. rendered the aforementioned judgment of conviction. It
found that two aggravating circumstances attended the
Stomach, filled with dark fluid and clotted blood about commission of the crime, namely: employing or taking
800 cc. 7 advantage of superior strength and evident
premeditation, one of which qualified the killing to
Case of Death: Hemorrhage, severe, secondary to stab murder. Hence, this automatic review.
wounds of abdomen.
The able counsel de oficio for the accused-appellant
On the other hand, the evidence for the defense raised the following assignments of errors in a well-
consisted of the testimonies of the two accused. Joseph prepared brief:
Casey, when called to testify on his behalf, admitted
having stabbed the victim, Alfredo Valdez but alleged FIRST ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR
that he did so in self-defense. His version of the incident
was that on March 31, 1968, he went to the house of The Court a quo erred in illegally trying appellant Casey
Ricardo Felix but was told that he was not in. So he on the amended information without arraignment, and in
proceeded to the pool room, located around two or three finding him guilty after such illegal trial.
meters away from the residence of Ricardo Felix. At the
start, he simply witnessed those playing pool and when SECOND ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR
they were through, he himself played. While playing, he
accidentally bumped the victim with the pool cue (tako). The Court a quo erred in holding that the appellants
He accordingly asked for apoloy but the victim simply acted with evident premeditation and abuse of superior
ignored him and left the place immediately. 8 strength, and in qualifying the crane committed as
aggravated murder.
When he was through playing, he went out and saw the
victim waiting for him outside, accompanied by six or THIRD ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR
seven persons holding pieces of wood. As the place had
no other exit, he proceeded on his way together with one The Court a quo erred in holding that the appellants had
person named "Rody." While passing by, the victim forged a conspiracy to kill the victim, Alfredo Valdez.

The test as to whether a defendant is prejudiced by the

FOURTH ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR amendment of an information has been said to be
whether a defense under the information as it originally
The Court a quo erred in holding that both appellants stood would be available after the amendment is made,
were liable for the death of Alfredo Valdez; if any crime and whether any evidence defendant might have would
had been committed at all, the only person responsible be equally applicable to the information in the one form
therefore was appellant Casey, and, at that, only for as in the other. 12 A look into Our jurisprudence on the
homicide, instead of murder. matter shows that an amendment to an information
introduced after the accused has pleaded not guilty
FIFTH ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR thereto, which does not change the nature of the crime
alleged therein, does not expose the accused to a charge
The Court a quo erred in discounting appellant Casey's which could call for a higher penalty, does not affect the
defense that he acted in legitimate self-defense. essence of the offense or cause surprise or deprive the
accused of an opportunity to meet the new averment had
SIXTH ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR each been held to be one of form and not of substance -
not prejudicial to the accused and, therefore, not
The Court a quo erred in discounting the defense of alibi prohibited by Section 13, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules
interposed by appellant Felix. of Court. 13

SEVENTH ASSIGNMENT OF ERROR We, however, find the second assignment of error of
accused- appellants meritorious. The lower court erred
The Court a quo erred in not acquitting both appellants. in its findings and conclusions, herein quoted below, that
11 the aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation
and abuse of superior strength attended the commission
We do not find merit in the first assignment of error. The of the crime:
lack of arraignment under the amended information is
objected to by accused-appellant Joseph Casey allegedly In the morning of March 31, 1968, from the evidence on
on the ground that there is a violation of his the record, the two (2) accused, Joseph Casey and
constitutional right to be informed of the charge against Ricardo Felix, had rendezvous in Cubao, Quezon City,
him. There can be a violation of such right, however, and planned to kill the victim, Alfredo Valdez. (Evident
only when the amendment pertains to matters of premeditation and conspiracy) There was superior
substance. In the case at bar, the alterations introduced strength that was used because the victim, Alfredo
in the information refer to the inclusion of accused Valdez, was alone, being pursued by the two accused,
appellant Ricardo Felix to the same charge of murder. who were both armed. The two accused did not waste
They do not change the nature of the crime against time in planning the killing of the victim on March 31,
accused-appellant Casey. Conspiracy, evident 1968. They clung to their determination of killing the
premeditation, treachery and taking advantage of victim. From 9:00 o'clock in the morning, they had the
superior strength are similarly alleged in both firm conviction and strong determination of killing the
informations. No extenuating circumstance is likewise victim up to the time of the execution of their evil
alleged in both. Thus the amendment of the information motive. (People vs. Caushi, G. R. No. L16495) 14
as far as accused-appellant Casey is concerned is one of
form and not of substance as it is not prejudicial to his Indeed, accused-appellant Joseph Casey gave an
rights. extrajudicial sworn statement that he met accused-
appellant Ricardo Felix and another person named Rudy
in Cubao, Quezon City on that fateful day. However,

there is no showing that this meeting was purposely execution, when he has had sufficient time to consider
arranged to plan the killing of the victim. In fact, the and accept the final consequences, and when there had
following questions and answers in the said sworn been a concerted plan. 16 It has also been held that to
statement show that there was no preconceived design to appreciate the circumstances of evident premeditation, it
kill the victim: is necessary to establish the following; (1) the time
when the offender determined to commit the crime; (2)
7. T- Sino ang sinasabi mong binaril at sinaksak mo? the act manifestly indicating that the culprit has clung to
his determination; and (3) a sufficient lapse of time
S - Hindi ko po kilala dahil noon ko po lamang nakita between the determination and execution to snow him to
ang nasabing tao. reflect upon the consequences of his act and to allow his
conscience to overcome the resolution of his will had he
8. T- Maari mo bang isalaysay ang buong pangyayari? desired to hearken to its warning. 17

S - Kami po ay nagkita nila Carding Tuwad at isang From the answers of accused-appellant Casey in said
nagngangalang Rody sa Cubao, Quezon City, ng mga sworn statement, it can be gleaned that the killing was
alas 9:00 ng umaga, Marzo 31, 1968, at kami ay nag- not a preconceived plan. It was not preceded by any
inuman. Matapos kaming mag-inuman, ng mga mag- reflection or deep thought. It was just a spontaneous
aalas 3:00 ng hapon ng araw ding iyon, nagyaya po si decision reached when the victim started to run away
Carding doon sa kanila sa Barrio Halo-Halo, San Juan, upon being approached by accused-appellant Ricardo
Rizal, at sa paglalakad namin doon sa daang Mahinhin, Felix. Evident premeditation cannot, thus, be considered
San Juan, Rizal, nakita ni Carding ang isang lalaki, at in this case. The Solicitor General himself agrees with
ang ginawa ay nilapitan niya. Ng makita ng lalaki si the defense that this circumstance has not been duly
Carding, tumakbo po, at ang ginawa ni Carding ay proved (People's Brief, p. 8). Hence, the crime
kanyang hinabol. 15 committed is simple homicide (Article 249, Revised
Penal Code).
The subsequent portions of the said sworn statement
further militate against the existence of evident There are indeed two accused-appellants in this case
premeditation. Thus, when accused-appellant Casey was charged with the murder of not one victim but
asked why Ricardo Felix shot the victim, he answered: superiority in number does not necessarily mean
"Noon pong nakasakay na kami sa jeep, tinanong ko superiority in strength. It is necessary to show that the
siya kung bakit nangyari ang away na yaon at ang sabi aggressors "cooperated in such a way as to secure
ni Carding ay. DATI KO NANG NAKAENKWENTRO advantage from their superiority in strength." 18 In the
YAONG TAO" (Question No. 28). And when asked why case of U.S. vs.. Devela, et al., 19 there were two
he stabbed the victim, he replied: Dahilan kasama ko po accused who were armed with a bolo and a dagger. But
si Carding kaya ko po nasaksak ang tao. Hindi ko the circumstance of abuse of superiority was not taken
kusang kagustuhan na saksakin ang tao kung hindi dahil into consideration because the mere fact, according to
sa nakasama ko si Carding. this Court, of there being a superiority of number is not
sufficient to bring the case within this provision. There
(Question No. 29) must be proof of the relative physical strength of the
aggressors and the assaulted party; 20 or proof that the
There is evident premeditation when the killing had accused simultaneously assaulted the deceased. 21 As
been carefully planned by the offender or when he had likewise held in People vs. Trumata and Baligasa, 22 the
previously prepared the means which he had considered mere fact that the two accused may have inflicted fatal
adequate to carry it out, when he had prepared wounds on the deceased with their respective bolos does
beforehand the means suitable for carrying it into not justify a finding that advantage was taken of superior

strength in the absence of proof showing that they of the crime, in lending moral assistance to his co-
cooperated in such a way as to secure advantage from conspirators by being present at the scene of the crime,
their superiority of strength. or in exerting moral ascendancy over the rest of the
conspirators as to move them to executing the
Thus, in the face of the evidence on record showing that conspiracy. In the case at bar, Ricardo Felix's overt acts
although the victim was pursued by both of the accused- consist in instigating the pursuit of the deceased, in
appellants 23 and that he was unarmed 24 while the firing a shot at him and in giving Joseph Casey
accused-appellants were both armed, one with a gun and encouragement by his armed presence while the latter
the other with a long pointed weapon, 25 since it is also inflicted the fatal wounds on the deceased.
duly proved that it was only accused-appellant Casey
who assaulted and inflicted stab wounds on him as the From the extrajudicial confession of the accused-
other accused-appellant merely stood nearby toying with appellant Joseph Casey, it can also be inferred that
his gun, abuse of superiority cannot be said to have Ricardo Felix was the moving factor of the evil act
attended the commission of the crime. perpetrated by the former against the victim. While it
was Joseph Casey who inflicted the mortal wounds that
The third essential issue to be resolved is whether or not caused the death of the victim, he did so out of his
there is conspiracy between the two accused in the perverted sense of friendship or companionship with
commission of the crime. Conspiracy exists when two or Ricardo Felix.
more persons come to an agreement concerning the
commission of a felony and decide to commit it. 26 This Hence, it would be incongruous to acquit Ricardo Felix
agreement need not be in writing or be expressly and put all the blame of the killing on Joseph Casey
manifested. 27 It is sufficient that there is a mutual when it was the latter who merely joined the former in
implied understanding between the malefactors as his criminal resolution. The fact that he did nothing but
shown by their concerted action towards the fulfillment toyed with his gun when Joseph Casey successively
of the same objective. In People v. Cadag, 28 it was stabbed the victim means that he concurred with the
held: "Conspiracy to exist does not require an agreement wife of Casey to do away with the victim. For this
for an appreciable period prior to the occurrence; from reason, he should also be held accountable,
the legal viewpoint, conspiracy exists if, at the time of notwithstanding the fact that his shot did not hit the
the commission of the offense, the accused had the same victim and that the cause of death of the victim is the
purpose and were united in its execution." To the same stab wounds inflicted by Casey. In People vs. Peralta, 31
effect is the ruling in other cases decided by this Court. it was held that the moment it is established that the
29 malefactors conspired and confederated in the
commission of the felony proved, collective liability of
Pursuant to this uniform and consistent jurisprudence on the accused conspirators attaches by reason of the
the existence of conspiracy by the mere proof of conspiracy, and the court shall not speculate nor even
community of design and purpose on the part of the investigate as to the actual degree of participation of
accused, We hold that conspiracy exists in this case, each of the perpetrators present at the scene of the crime.
True enough that there is no direct showing that the
accused had conspired together, but their acts and the The above discussion also disposes of the fourth
attendant circumstances disclose that common motive assignment of error of accused-appellants. So We
that would make accused Ricardo Felix as a co-principal proceed with the fifth assignment of error.
with the actual slayer, Joseph Casey. Without doubt, he
performed overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy. In We find that the respondent court correctly disregarded
People vs. Peralta, 30 it was held that such overt act may Joseph Casey's claim of self-defense. Besides being
consist in actively participating in the actual commission unworthy of credence, said claim is uncorroborated and

contrary to the testimony of the eyewitness, Mercedes leave no iota of doubt that he was one of the perpetrators
Palomo. of the crime.

The fact that the victim sustained four stab wounds WHEREFORE, the judgment of the trial court under
while the accused complained merely of abrasions on automatic review is MODIFIED in that the accused-
his back indicates the falsity of the claim. The accused appellants Joseph Casey and Ricardo Felix are found
failed to present a medical certificate for the bruises he guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of homicide
allegedly sustained. He likewise failed to present without any attending circumstances and should be
anybody to attest to the truth of his allegations. There is sentenced to reclusion temporal in its medium period.
no clear and convincing evidence that the elements of But applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, each of
self-defense are present. On the other hand, the the accused is sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of
prosecution had not only one but several eyewitnesses to ten (10) years of prision mayor, as minimum, to
the crime as shown by the different affidavits attached to seventeen (17) years and four (4) months of reclusion
the records of the case. Although only one of the temporal, as maximum. The accused are likewise
eyewitnesses was presented in court, her lone testimony sentenced to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Alfredo
on what actually transpired, negating the claim of self- Valdez in the amount of TWELVE THOUSAND PESOS
defense, is more credible than the version of Joseph (P12,000.00) jointly and severally, and to pay the costs.
Casey. Evidence, to be believed, must not only proceed
from the mouth of a credible witness, but it must be SO ORDERED.
credible in itself. Human perception can be warped by
the impact the events and testimony colored by the Barredo, Concepcion, Jr., Fernandez, Abad Santos, De
unconscious workings of the mind. No better test has yet Castro and Melencio-Herrera, JJ., concur.
been found to measure the value of a witness' testimony
than its conformity to the knowledge and common Fernando, CJ., concurs in the result.
experience of mankind. 32
Separate Opinions
We likewise find that respondent court correctly denied
the defense of alibi of Ricardo Felix. Alibi, in order to be AQUINO, J., dissenting.
given full faith and credit must be clearly established
and must not leave any room for doubt as to its I agree with the Solicitor General that the crime
plausibility and verity. 33 In the case at bar, said committed is murder qualified by abuse of superiority.
accused-appellant failed to show clearly and The proper penalty is reclusion perpetua.
convincingly that he was at some other place about the
time of the alleged crime. He merely said that he was at Makasiar, J., concur.
home and that he went to Manila. 34 As pointed out by
the Solicitor General, he did not even specify the exact TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting:
place at Manila where he had gone and the purpose for
going there. Then, while said defense was corroborated The trial court correctly convicted the accused for the
by Joseph Casey, the latter's testimony lacks that crime of murder, the killing having been attended by the
character of trustworthiness since it is very apparent that qualifying circumstance of superior strength. The fact
he was merely attempting to assume full and exclusive that the two accused pursued and overpowered their
responsibility for the crime. Finally, said defense is victim and one of them, Casey, inflicted several fatal
unavailing when there is positive Identification. stab wounds on the victim's abdomen while the other,
Prosecution witness, Mercedes Palomo, gave distinct Felix, stood nearby with a gun clearly shows the
attributes of Ricardo Felix in her sworn statement that accused's abuse of superiority which insured impunity

and weakened any defense on the part of the victim. The

murder having been committed without any attending
circumstances, the proper imposable penalty is reclusion

Makasiar, J., concur.

Separate Opinions

AQUINO, J., dissenting.

I agree with the Solicitor General that the crime

committed is murder qualified by abuse of superiority.
The proper penalty is reclusion perpetua.

Makasiar, J., concur.

TEEHANKEE, J., dissenting:

The trial court correctly convicted the accused for the

crime of murder, the killing having been attended by the
qualifying circumstance of superior strength. The fact
that the two accused pursued and overpowered their
victim and one of them, Casey, inflicted several fatal
stab wounds on the victim's abdomen while the other,
Felix, stood nearby with a gun clearly shows the
accused's abuse of superiority which insured impunity
and weakened any defense on the part of the victim. The
murder having been committed without any attending
circumstances, the proper imposable penalty is reclusion

Makasiar, J., concur.


EN BANC The accused moved to dismiss the charge, "on the

ground that this Court hasno jurisdiction over the same,
G.R. No. L-26340 June 30, 1969 inasmuch as the venue of action is
improperlylaid" (Petition Annex B). Counsel for the
JESUS GANCHERO, petitioner, accused argued that on the face ofthe information of the
vs. crime of bigamy was committed in the province of
HON. ANACLETO BELLOSILLO in his capacity as Davao, where the second marriage took place, and that
Judge of CFI of Iloilo, etc., respondents. the Court of First Instance of Iloilo has no jurisdiction to
try the accused, because in criminal proceedings
Jose Zambarrano and German M. Lopez for petitioner. improper venue is lack of jurisdiction. The Judge below
Judge Anacleto Bellosillo in his own behalf as denied the motion to dismiss, and also the subsequent
respondent. plea for reconsideration filed by the accused. In view of
the court's adamant stand, the accused resorted to this
REYES, J.B.L., J.: Court.

Petition for a writ of certiorari quash and set aside, for The answer avers that the crime charged is triable in
lack of jurisdiction, an order of respondent Judge of the Iloilo, because one ofthe essential ingridients of the
Court of First Instance of Iloilo, in its Case No. 11189, crime, the prior marriage of the accused, had taken place
denying a motion to quash and dismiss an information in Iloilo. This the accused disputes.1awphil.nêt
for bigamy, and directing the trial to proceed.
The writ must be granted. The rule laid down by this
Petitioner Jesus Ganchero was charged in the said Court Court is that where crimes "committed partly in one
of First Instance, presided over by respondent Judge, province and partly in onother, that is tosay, where some
Hon. Anacleto Bellosillo, with the crime of bigamy acts material and essential to the crime, and requisite
committed, according to the information, 1 in the toits consummation, occur in one province and some in
following manner: another, are triable ineither province." 2 This means that
to make the offense triable in more thanone province the
That on or about the period covered from 6 June 1963 to acts perpetrated in any one of them must be impelled by
6 February 1965, inclusive, in the City of Iloilo, thesame criminal purpose or aim. In Peo. vs. Zapata and
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Court, Bondoc, 88 Phil. 691,this Court stated:
said accused entered into a contract of marriage with
Erlinda Soquatoso before the Municipal Judge of the The notion of concept of continuous crime has its origin
City of Iloilo and while the said marriage was still in the juridicial fiction favorable to the law transgressors
existing and valid said accused, with bad faith and and in many a case against the interest of society (Cuello
fraudulent intent, did then and there willfully, unlawfully Calon, Derecho Penal, Vol. II, p. 521). For it toexist
and criminally contracted (sic) a second marriage with there should be plurality of acts performed separately
Alita Aranjuez, his second wife, before the Parish Priest during a periodof time; unity of penal provision
of Sto. Niño Church, Mabini, Davao, knowing fully well infringed upon or violated; and unity ofcriminal intent or
that his first marriage to his first wife, Erlinda purpose, which means that two or more violations of
Soquatoso, who is still living contracted on such a date thesame penal provision are united in one and the same
at the City of Iloilo has not been legally dissolved, but intent leading to the perpetration of the same criminal
existing. purposes or aim (Ibid., page 520).

Bigamy being defined by Article 349 as the contracting 2U.S. vs. Santiago, 27 Phil. 411.
"of a second or subsequent marriage before the former
marriage has been legally dissolved, or before the absent 3Rule 110, section 14(a), Revised Rules of Court.
spouse has been declared presumptively dead by means
of a judgment rendered in the proper proceeding," it is
self-evident that the place where the first marriage was
celebrated is immaterial to the criminal act, intent and
responsibility of the accused. What is essential is that
thefirst marriage be not legally terminated, actually or
by legal presumption, when the subsequent wedlock
takes place; and it is upon the celebration of that
subsequent marriage that bigamy is committed, not
before. The continued existence of the first marriage is
without definite locus.

To hold with the trial court that the celebration of the

first marriage was an essential ingredient of the bigamy
is to assume that when the petitionermarried his first
wife he did so with intent already to marry his second
consort; and there is nothing on record to warrant such

Since the second marriage of the accused occurred in

Davao, outside the territorial jurisdiction of the
respondent court, and in all criminal prosecutions the
action must be instituted and tried in the municipality or
province where the offense or any of its essential
ingredients was committed, 3 the Court of First Instance
for the Province of Iloilo is devoid of jurisdiction to take
cognizance of the crime charged.

WHEREFORE, the writ prayed for is granted, the order

denying the quashing of the information is set aside, and
the case ordered dismissed. The preliminary injunction
heretofore issued is made permanent. No costs.

Concepcion, C.J., Makalintal, Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro,

Fernando, Capistrano, Techankee and Barredo, JJ.,
Dizon, J., took no part.


1Petition, Annex A.

EN BANC day, in barrio Ora Este of the same municipality and

DECISION province, several residential houses were likewise
burned by the group, resulting in the destruction of
November 26, 1970 various houses and in the death of an old woman named
Vicenta Balboa. After investigation by the authorities,
G.R. No. L-32282-83 PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, the provincial fiscal, with several state prosecutors
petitioner, assigned by the Department of Justice to collaborate
vs. with him, on 10 June 1970 filed in the Court of First
HON. MARIO J. GUTIERREZ, Judge of the Court of Instance of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, two informations
First Instance of Ilocos Sur, CAMILO PILOTIN, (Criminal Cases 47-V for arson with homicide and 48-V
FRANCISCO PIANO, DELFIN PIANO PEDRO for arson) charging that the seventeen private
PATAO, VINCENT CRISOLOGO, CAMILO PIANO, respondents herein, together with 82 other unidentified
CAMILO PATAO, PEDRING PIANO, ISIDRO persons, "confederating, conspiring, confabulating and
PUGAL, ANTONIO TABULDO, LORENZO helping one another, did then and there willfully,
PERALTA, VENANCIO PACLEB ANTONIO PIANO, unlawfully and feloniously burn or cause to be burned
FERMIN PUGAL, CARLITO PUGAL, FLOR PIANO, several residential houses, knowing the said houses to be
ERNING ABANO and EIGHTY-TWO (82) JOHN occupied" and belonging to certain persons named in the
DOES, respondents. filed informations in barrios Ora Este and Ora Centro,
Bantay, Ilocos Sur (Petition, Annexes B and B-1).
Office of the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Accused Camilo Pilotin and Vincent Crisologo
Assistant Solicitor General Conrado T. Limcaoco, furnished bail, and on 15 June 1970 voluntarily appeared
Solicitor Eduardo C. Abaya and Special Attorney Juan before respondent Judge Gutierrez, were arraigned and
A. Sison for petitioners. Adaza, Adaza and Adaza for pleaded not guilty. Trial was then set for 27, 28 and 29
respondent Erning Abano. July 1970.

, J.: It appears that on the same day, 15 June, the Secretary of

Justice issued Administrative Order No. 221, authorizing
Petition for writs of certiorari and mandamus, with Judge Lino Anover, of the Circuit Criminal Court of the
preliminary injunction, filed by the Solicitor General Second Judicial District, with official station at San
and State Prosecutors, to annul and set aside the order of Fernando, La Union, to hold a special term in Ilocos Sur,
Judge Mario J. Gutierrez of the Court of First Instance from and after 1 July 1970. Three days thereafter, on 18
of Ilocos Sur (respondent herein), dated 20 July 1970, June 1970, the Secretary further issued Administrative
denying the prosecution's urgent motion to transfer Order No. 226, authorizing Judge Mario Gutierrez to
Criminal Case Nos. 47-V and 48-V of said Court of First transfer Criminal Cases Nos. 47-V and 48-V to the
Instance, entitled "People vs. Pilotin, et al.," to the Circuit Criminal Court, "in the interest of justice and
Circuit Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District; to pursuant to Republic Act No. 5179, as implemented by
direct the respondent Judge to effectuate such transfer; Administrative Order Nos. 258 and 274" of the
and to restrain the trial of the cases aforesaid in the Department of Justice.
Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur, sitting in Vigan,
capital of the province. On 22 June 1970, the prosecution moved the respondent
judge for a transfer of cases 47-V and 48-V to the
In the morning of 22 May 1970, a group of armed Circuit Criminal Court, invoking the Administrative
persons descended on barrio Ora Centro, municipality of Orders just mentioned and calling attention to the
Bantay, Province of Ilocos Sur, and set fire to various circumstance that they were issued at the instance of the
inhabited houses therein. On the afternoon of the same witnesses seeking transfer of the hearing from Vigan to

either San Fernando, La Union, or Baguio City, for accused or civil party. It could be much too easily
reasons of security and personal safety, as shown in their transformed into a means of predetermining the outcome
affidavits. The accused vigorously opposed such of individual cases, so as to produce a result in harmony
transfer, and on 20 July 1970, the respondent judge with the Administration's preferences. The creation by
declined the transfer sought, on the ground that Republic Act No. 5179 of the Circuit Criminal Courts
Administrative Order No. 258 only provided for transfer for the purpose of alleviating the burden of the regular
of cases to the Circuit Criminal Court where the interest Courts of First Instance, and to accelerate the disposition
of justice required it for the more expeditious disposal of of criminal cases pending or to be filed therein, nowhere
the cases, and in the cases involved the accused had indicates an intent to permit the transfer of preselected
already pleaded; that if the objective of the proposed individual cases to the circuit courts. Neither do
transfer was to subsequently obtain a change of venue Administrative Orders Nos. 258 and 274 evidence any
from the Supreme Court under Section 4 of Republic such intention; particularly since Administrative Order
Act No. 5179 the same should have been done right at No. 258, Series of 1968, in Section 2 of its Part V, as
the very inception of these cases. confirmed by Administrative Order No. 274 of the same
year, in Section 3 of Part III thereof, provides that the
In view of the lower court's denial of the motion to transfer to Circuit Criminal Courts of cases pending in
transfer the cases to the Circuit Criminal Court, the the regular Courts of First Instance should be effected by
prosecution resorted to Us for writs of certiorari and raffle, chance here operating to nullify any executive
mandamus, charging abuse of discretion and praying arbitration of what particular cases should be
this Court to set aside the order of denial of the transfer apportioned to either tribunal. The very terms of
and to compel the respondent Court of First Instance to Administrative Order No. 226, issued on 18 June 1970
remand the cases to the Circuit Criminal Court of the by Secretary of Justice Makasiar, relied upon by the
Second Judicial District, as well as to authorize the latter petitioners, in merely authorizing, and not directing,
to try the cases (47-V and 48-V) at either San Fernando, Judges Arciaga and Gutierrez of the Court of First
La Union, or Baguio City. Instance of Ilocos Sur to transfer Criminal Cases Nos.
44-V and 47-V (People vs. Pilotin, et al.) to the Circuit
Respondents in their answer denied any abuse of Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District, reveals
discretion in view of the fact that the Administrative that the Secretary himself was aware of the impropriety
Order No. 226 merely authorized the court below, but of imperatively directing transfer of specified cases.
did not require or command it, to transfer the cases in Respondent Judge Gutierrez, therefore in construing
question to the Circuit Criminal Court, and likewise Administrative Order No. 226 as permissive and not
denied that the circumstances justified any such transfer. mandatory, acted within the limits of his discretion and
violated neither the law nor the Executive Orders
At petitioners' request this Court enjoined the heretofore mentioned.
respondent Judge Gutierrez from proceeding with the
trial of the cases until further orders. It is unfortunate, however, that in refusing to consider
Department Administrative Order No. 226 of the
We agree with respondents that the present laws do not Secretary of Justice as mandatory respondent Judge
confer upon the Secretary of Justice power to determine Gutierrez failed to act upon the contention of the
what court should hear specific cases. Any such power, prosecuting officers that the cases against private
even in the guise of administrative regulation of respondents herein should be transferred to the Circuit
executive affairs, trenches upon the time-honored Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District because a
separation of the Executive and the Judiciary; and while miscarriage of justice was impending, in view of the
not directly depriving the courts of their independence, it refusal of the prosecution witnesses to testify in the
would endanger the rights and immunities of the court sitting in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, where they felt their

lives would be endangered. This claim was buttressed by conformably to the interest of truth and justice and the
the affidavits of the injured parties and prosecution State is to be given a fair chance to present its side of the
witnesses, reaffirming their fear to appear in Vigan to case.
testify in cases 47-V and 48-V and expressing their
willingness to testify if the cases are heard outside of The respondents vigorously contend that a transfer of
Ilocos Sur, where they can be free from tension and the trial site can not be made, because it is a long
terrorism (Petition, Annex J). The fear thus expressed standing rule of criminal procedure in these Islands that
can not be considered fanciful and unfounded when one who commits a crime is amenable therefor only in
account is taken of the circumstances that the the jurisdiction where the crime is committed, for the
informations filed in the Court of First Instance of Ilocos reason pointed out in U.S. vs. Cunanan, 26 Phil. 376,
Sur show that of the one hundred armed participants in and People vs. Mercado, 65 Phil. 665, that the
the burning of the houses at barrios Ora Este and Ora jurisdiction of a Court of First Instance in the
Centro, Municipality of Bantay, some eighty-two (82) Philippines is limited to certain well-defined territory
are still unidentified and at large; that one of the and they can not take jurisdiction of persons charged
accused, private respondent Vincent Crisologo, belongs with one offense committed outside of that limited
to an influential family in the province, being territory, and they invoke Rule 110, Section 14 (a), of
concededly the son of the Congressman for the first the Revised Rules of Court providing that "in all
district of Ilocos Sur and of the lady Governor that the criminal prosecutions the action shall be instituted and
reluctant witnesses are themselves the complainants in tried in the court of the municipality or province wherein
the criminal cases, and, therefore, have reasons to fear the offense was committed or any one of the essential
that attempts will be made to silence them; that it is not ingredient thereof took place."
shown that the Executive branch is able or willing to
give these witnesses full security during the trial and for It is well to note that this Court has explained in Beltran
a reasonable time thereafter, that even if armed security vs. Ramos, 96 Phil. 149, 150, that the purpose of the rule
escorts were to be provided, the same would be no invoked by accused respondents herein was "not to
guarantee against the possibility of murderous assault compel the defendant to move to and appear in a
against the affiant witnesses, as recent events have different court from that of the province where the crime
proved; that Constabulary reports (Annex H) show that was committed, as it would cause him great
between 1 January and 31 May 1970 no less than 78 inconvenience in looking for his witnesses and other
murders have been reported committed in said province, evidence in another place." Where the convenience of
of which number only 21 were solved; and, finally, that the accused is opposed by that of the prosecution, as in
the promotion and confirmation of respondent Judge the case at bar, it is but logical that the court should have
Mario Gutierrez from Clerk of Court to Judge of the power to decide where the balance of convenience or
Court of First Instance of the Second Judicial District, inconvenience lies, and to determine the most suitable
Branch III, was actively supported by Congressman and place of the trial according to the exigencies of truth and
Governor Crisologo, parents of accused Vincent impartial justice.
Crisologo (Annexes H, H-1, and K to N-2 to petitioner's
supplemental memorandum). In the particular case before Us, to compel the
prosecution to proceed to trial in a locality where its
This just refusal to testify in Ilocos Sur manifested by witnesses will not be at liberty to reveal what they know
the complaining witnesses, who had on a previous is to make a mockery of the judicial process, and to
occasion freely given evidence before the investigators betray the very purpose for which courts have been
in Manila, renders manifest the imperious necessity of established. Since the rigorous application of the general
transferring the place of trial to a site outside of Ilocos principle of Rule 110, Section 14 (a), would result here
Sur, if the cases are to be judicially inquired into in preventing a fair and impartial inquiry into the actual

facts of the case, it must be admitted that the exigencies in this respect, "the law is clear and uniform as far back
of justice demand that the general rule relied upon by as it can be traced."
accused respondents should yield to occasional
exceptions wherever there are weighty reasons therefor. And in Reg. vs. Conway, 7 Jr. C. J. 507, the question
Otherwise, the rigor of the law would become the was fully discussed, and all the judges appear to have
highest injustice - "summum jus, summa in juria." agreed as to the power of the court, Cramption, Jr.,
saying at page 525:
The respondents accused can not complain that to
transfer the trial to a site where the prosecution's There is another common-law right, equally open to
witnesses can feel free to reveal what they know would defendants and prosecutors, ... that where it appears that
be equivalent to railroading them into a conviction. either party cannot obtain a fair and impartial trial in the
Because regardless of the place where its evidence is to proper county, then this court ... has jurisdiction to take
be heard, the prosecution will be always obligated to the case out of the proper county, as it is called, and to
prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. bring it into an indifferent county ... This jurisdiction to
The scales of justice clearly lean in favor of the change the venue ... has been exercised by this court
prosecution being given full opportunity to lay its case from a very early period. We have reported cases, where
before a proper arbiter: for a dismissal of the charges for the doctrine is laid down in emphatic language; we have
lack of evidence is a verdict that the prosecution can the practice of the Court of Queen's Bench in England
neither challenge nor appeal. independently of any practice of our own court ... The
general jurisdiction of the court, in a proper case, to
We must thus reject the idea that our courts, faced by an change the venue from one county to any other, cannot
impasse of the kind now before Us, are to confess be the subject of doubt.
themselves impotent to further the cause of justice. The
Constitution has vested the Judicial Power in the This power to transfer trial of criminal cases in
Supreme Court and such inferior courts as may be furtherance of justice, exercised through writs of
established by law (Article VIII, Section 13), and such certiorari, has, according to the weight of authority,
judicial power connotes certain incidental and inherent passed to the State Supreme Courts of the American
attributes reasonably necessary for an effective Union. 1 In Cochecho R. Co. vs. Farrington, 26 N.H.
administration of justice. The courts "can by appropriate 428, at page 436, it was held that the power to transfer
means do all things necessary to preserve and maintain the place of holding trials -
every quality needful to make the judiciary an effective
institution of government" (Borromeo vs. Mariano, 41 became thoroughly engrafted upon the common law,
Phil. 322). long before the independence of this country; and from
that time forth, not only has the practice prevailed in the
One of these incidental and inherent powers of courts is courts of England, but the power is now exercised by the
that of transferring the trial of cases from one court to Courts of very many if not all of our states, either by
another of equal rank in a neighboring site, whenever force of express statute or the adoption of the common
the imperative of securing a fair and impartial trial, or of law in the jurisprudence of the same.
preventing a miscarriage of justice, so demands. This
authority was early recognized in England as inhering in That such inherent powers are likewise possessed by the
the courts of justice even prior to the eighteenth century. Philippine courts admits of no doubt, because they were
The opinion in Crocker vs. Justices of the Superior organized on the American pattern with the enactment of
Court, 208 Mass. 162, 21 Ann. Cases 1067, has shown the first judicial organic law, Act 136, on 11 June 1901,
how the eminent Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, in Rex by the Philippine Commission, then composed by a
vs. Cowle (Eng.) 2 Burr 834, decided in 1759, said that,

majority of able American lawyers, fully familiar with their common law heritage to transfer the place of trial
the institutions and traditions of the common law. of cases in order to secure and promote the ends of
justice, by providing fair and impartial inquiry and
In Alzua and Arnalot vs. Johnson, 21 Phil. 300, 333, this adjudication.
Court stated:
Like the exemption of judges of courts of superior or
And it is safe to say that in every volume of the general authority from liability in a civil action for acts
Philippine Reports, numbers of cases might be cited done by them in the exercise of their judicial functions,
wherein recourse has been had to the rules, principles upheld in the Alzua case as essentially inherent in the
and doctrines of the common law in ascertaining the true courts established by Act 136, even if not expressly
meaning and scope of the legislation enacted in and for provided for, the power to transfer the place of trials
the Philippine Islands since they passed under American when so demanded by the interest of justice is equally
sovereignty. essential and possesses no inferior rank. To it apply,
mutatis mutandis, the words of this Court in the Alzua
Among the earliest measures of the Philippine case just cited:
Commission, after the establishment of Civil
Government under American sovereignty, was the The grounds of public policy and the reasoning upon
enactment on June 11, 1901, of Act No. 136, "An Act which the doctrine is based are not less forceful and
providing for the organization of courts in the Philippine imperative in these Islands than in the countries from
Islands." This Act in express terms abolished the then which the new judicial system was borrowed; and an
existing Audiencia or Supreme Court and Courts of First examination of the reasons assigned ... leaves no room
Instance, and substituted in their place the courts for doubt that a failure to recognize it as an incident to
provided therein. It sets out in general terms the the new judicial system would materially impair its
jurisdiction, duties, privileges, and powers of the new usefulness and tend very strongly to defeat the ends for
courts and their judges. The majority of the members of which it was established. (21 Phil. 333-334)
the body which enacted it were able American lawyers.
The spirit with which it is informed, and indeed its very Not only has there been since then no proof of any
language and terminology would be unintelligible specific pronouncement, by Constitution or Congress,
without some knowledge of the judicial systems of against the exercise by our Courts of the power
England and the United States. Its manifest purpose and discussed heretofore: on the contrary, the law
object was to replace the old judicial system, with its establishing the Circuit Criminal Courts, Republic Act
incidents and traditions drawn from Spanish sources, No. 5179, in its Section 4, provides express legislative
with a new system modeled in all its essential recognition of its existence:
characteristics upon the judicial systems of the United
States. It cannot be doubted, therefore, that any incident SEC. 4. The Circuit Criminal Courts may hold sessions
of the former system which conflicts with the essential anywhere within their respective districts: Provided,
principles and settled doctrines on which the new system however, that cases shall be heard within the province
rests, must be held to be abrogated by the law organizing where the crime subject of the offense was committed.
the new system. And provided further, that when the interest of justice so
demands, with prior approval of the Supreme Court,
While not expressly conferred by Act 136, We find it cases may be heard in a neighboring province within the
difficult to believe that the framers' intent was to deny, district ... (Emphasis supplied)
by silence, to the Philippine Courts, and particularly
upon this Supreme Court, the inherent jurisdiction Since the requirements for proper jurisdiction have been
possessed by the English and American courts under satisfied by the filing of the criminal case in question

with the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur, in which technicalities that part of its authority effective for
province the offenses charged were committed, justice between the parties is many times in
according to the informations; since the holding of the inconsiderable portion of the whole. The purpose of
trial in a particular place is more a matter of venue, procedure is not to thwart justice. Its proper aim is to
rather than jurisdiction; since the interests of truth and facilitate the application of justice to the rival claims of
justice can not be subserved by compelling the contending parties. It was created not to hinder and
prosecution to proceed to trial in the respondent court in delay but to facilitate and promote the administration of
Ilocos Sur, because its witnesses, for just and weighty justice. It does not constitute the thing itself which
reasons, are unwilling to testify therein, and the courts are always striving to secure to litigants. It is
respondent court, ignoring their safety, has abusively designed as the means best adapted to obtain that thing.
denied the motion to have the case transferred to another In other words, it is a means to an end. It is the means by
court, this Supreme Court, in the exercise of judicial which the powers of the court are made effective in just
power possessed by it under the Constitution and the judgments. When it loses the character of the one and
statutes, should decree that the trial of cases 47-V and takes on that of the other the administration of justice
48-V should be heard and decided by the Circuit becomes incomplete and unsatisfactory and lays itself
Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District, either in open to grave criticism. (Manila Railroad Co. v.
San Fernando, La Union, or in Baguio City, at the earlier Attorney-General, 20 Phil. 523, 529 [1911]. Emphasis
available date. This arrangement would have the and paragraphing supplied.)
advantage that the same trial judge could later be
authorized to hear the defense witnesses in Vigan, if In resume, this Court holds, and so rules:
circumstances so demanded. Furthermore, the
adjudication of the case by a judge other than respondent (1) That Republic Act No. 5179 creating the Circuit
Gutierrez, if resulting in acquittal, would remove any Criminal Courts did not, and does not, authorize the
doubt or suspicion that the same was in any way Secretary of Justice to transfer thereto specified and
influenced by the trial Judge's being beholden to the individual cases;
Crisologo family.
(2) That this Supreme Court, in the exercise of the
The solution thus adopted is in harmony with the ideals Judicial Power vested by the Constitution upon it and
set by this Court in Manila Railroad Co. vs. Attorney other statutory Courts, possesses inherent power and
General, 20 Phil. 523, where We said: jurisdiction to decree that the trial and disposition of a
case pending in a Court of First Instance be transferred
... The most perfect procedure that can be devised is that to another Court of First Instance within the same
which gives opportunity for the most complete and district whenever the interest of justice and truth so
perfect exercise of the powers of the court within the demand, and there are serious and weighty reasons to
limitations set by natural justice. It is that one which, in believe that a trial by the court that originally had
other words, gives the most perfect opportunity for the jurisdiction over the case would not result in a fair and
powers of the court to transmute themselves into impartial trial and lead to a miscarriage of justice.
concrete acts of justice between the parties before it. The
purpose of such a procedure is not to restrict the (3) That in the present case there are sufficient and
jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter but to adequate reasons for the transfer of the hearing of
give it effective facility in righteous action. Criminal Cases Nos. 47-V and 48-V of the Court of First
Instance of Ilocos Sur to the Circuit Criminal Court of
It may be said in passing that the most salient objection the Second Judicial District, in the interest of truth and
which can be urged against procedure today is that it so justice.
restricts the exercise of the court's power by

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the writs of certiorari bad law. The problem before us is unique and
and mandamus prayed for are granted; the order of the unprecedented as far as our previous decisions go. It
respondent Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur, dated calls for a resolution far-reaching in its consequences
20 July 1970, is sustained in so far as it holds that the and far-flung in its implications. Fortunately for the
Administrative Order No. 221 of the Department of administration of justice according to law, there is the
Justice is not mandatory, but only directory; recognition of power vested in this Court, in the past
nevertheless, said order is declared in grave abuse of perhaps only imperfectly discerned but nonetheless in
discretion and set aside in so far as it declines to transfer existence, to be utilized whenever there is need to do so.
the trial of its cases Nos. 47-V and 48-V to another court This is one such occasion. Even without resort then to
within the district; and said respondent Court is precedents coming from jurisdictions after which our
accordingly directed and ordered to remand the two judicial system was patterned, the same result would
criminal cases aforesaid to the Circuit Criminal Court of have been reached. For only thus, to paraphrase
the Second Judicial District for hearing of the evidence Cardozo, would the flexibility and the creativeness of
for the prosecution either in Baguio or San Fernando, La the judicial process assert themselves.
Union, at the earliest available date, and such other
proceedings as the Circuit Criminal Court may The opinion of Justice J.B.L., Reyes therefore calls for
determine in the interest of justice. assent, which I readily yield. Nor does it seem
inappropriate if it be stressed that the conclusion reached
The accused are required to file bail bonds to answer for by the Court is solidly buttressed not only in law as
their appearance at the trial and sentence by the Circuit history but likewise in law as logic and as social control.
Criminal Court for the Second Judicial District, in the Hence this brief concurring opinion, which likewise will
same amount, and under the same terms and conditions afford me the opportunity to give expression to the view
as their present bail bonds, which will be replaced by that the Constitution and the proceedings in the
those herein ordered, all within fifteen (15) days from Constitutional Convention of 1934-1935 point
finality of this decision. unerringly to the conclusion that this Court as the sole
body vested with judicial power by the fundamental law
No special pronouncement as to costs. itself is not devoid of supervisory authority over inferior
courts. Necessarily the prerogative to transfer the venue
Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro and Teehankee, JJ., concur. of criminal prosecutions whenever there is a persuasive
showing that there would be a failure of justice is therein
Concepcion, C.J., took no part. included. On such an assumption, I do not feel called
upon to inquire into any asserted authority, even if
Villamor, J., reserves his vote. denominated administrative, of an alter ego of the
Executive, the Secretary of Justice, over the lower
Dizon and Makasiar, JJ., are on leave. courts. For my belief gets stronger with the years that it
would be difficult to assert that such a competence, even
Separate Opinions as thus limited, is warranted under a Constitution based
on the doctrine of separation of powers and necessarily
FERNANDO, J., concurring: committed to the principle of judicial independence.

The learned and scholarly opinion of Justice J.B.L. 1. We start with the grant by the Constitution of Judicial
Reyes renders crystal-clear why the decision reached by power to this Court and to such inferior courts as may be
this Court should be what it is. It is a manifestation of established by law. 1 Thus is conferred the authority to
the jurist's art at its most exemplary. It belies the belief decide cases through the ascertainment of facts and the
not infrequently given utterance that hard cases make application of the law, involving many a time its

interpretation. 2It connotes, in the language of the Court is likewise the recipient of power conferred by the
decision, "the imperative of securing a fair and impartial Constitution itself. 6
trial, or of preventing a miscarriage of justice. ...."
3Where, as this did develop in this case, there is more 2. So much for law from the standpoint of analytical
than a probability of an impasse with the witnesses for jurisprudence of law as logic. If the matter be viewed
the prosecution displaying the utmost reluctance to from the approach found congenial by sociological
testify if the trial would be held in Vigan, entailing the jurists, law as one of the most effective forms of social
risk that there be, again in the language of the opinion, control, the same conclusion appears to be inescapable.
"a mockery of the judicial process." 4it would appear This is to examine legal institutions in terms of how they
undeniable, and we have so held today, that this Court is function. It certainly would be a blot on the
not to be denied the necessary competence to set matters administration of justice if by the reluctance of
right. It is not to fold its hands as if in helpless witnesses to testify, based on what they consider to be a
submission to a binding decree of Providence but must feeling that cannot be stigmatized under the
meet the problem squarely, possessed of power adequate circumstances as having no basis in reason, no trial
to cope with such an exigency. In the same way that the could be had of a criminal case. It is a matter of great
two other coordinate departments, the Executive and public interest that crime should not go unpunished. Of
Congress, being constitutional organs, can rely on the course, it is equally important that the rights of whoever
fundamental law to justify the exercise of certain is accused are duly safeguarded. Where as in this case an
prerogatives, 5 so may this Court, the only constitutional impasse is likely to occur, in itself an alarming symptom
court, exercise supervision over all other judicial of a breakdown in the orderly legal processes, the loss of
agencies thereafter legislatively created, appropriately public confidence in the rule of law itself is incalculable.
termed by the Constitution as inferior courts. That is an eventuality which at all pains must be
avoided. The only question is how. If the legal doctrine
There would be a void in the framework of government and principles, which under the system of legal norms
thus established if there is no official body of a higher followed must be grounded in the Constitution itself do
rank that can take the necessary steps to avoid a not recognize such a competence in this Court, then for
frustration of the exercise of judicial power. It is my firm some all may well be lost.
conviction that neither the Presidency nor Congress can
rightfully be entrusted with such a task. If it were thus, It would be unthinkable, again given the assumption, not
then the doctrine of separation of powers becomes a entirely without basis, that the two other branches of the
myth. Such an approach necessarily and logically government cannot escape political considerations, to
compel the conclusion that the so called administrative assume that either Congress or the Executive can be
supervision exercised by the Secretary of Justice is, to trusted to take care of such a situation. Nor would it do
put it at its mildest, infected with the gravest doubts as to leave such matters in the hands of the lower courts,
to its constitutionality. unless whatever is decided by them is subject to
correction and review by the only constitutional court,
There is no need to go that far to reach a decision in this certainly vested with the needed supervisory authority. It
case as is so aptly demonstrated in the opinion of the would thus appear, if a breakdown in the legal system is
Court. What appears to me undisputed is that where the to be averted, that the power of this Court is undeniable.
question partakes of a judicial character, only this Court There would seem to be no other way to avoid a serious
can perform that function and trace its source to the disruption in the legal order.
Constitution itself. That is to free the Constitution from
the reproach that a situation is left unprovided for. What The above considerations necessarily lead me to yield a
is more, it assures the utmost respect for the principle full concurrence with what has been so persuasively and
that like the other two coordinate and co-equal branches,

ably put forth in the masterly opinion of Justice J.B.L. vested in ... (the) Supreme Court" necessarily carries
Reyes. with it the power to lay down procedures that will
effectively and fully guarantee, as far as it is humanly
December 5, 1970 possible to do so, that substantial justice shall not be
defeated thru technicalities of procedure; and what is
BARREDO, J., concurring: most important today, as I view it, is that this is one
decision the essence of which spells simple justice that
The accuracy of the technical bases as well as the will be plainly understood by the common man. In the
unerring logic of the resolution of the various facets of clearest terms, this Court holds in effect in this decision
this case evidence in the main opinion written by our that inspite of the traditional rule that a person charged
erudite colleague Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes could not but with an offense may not be tried in a province outside of
impel the unanimous assent given thereto by the the one ill which the alleged offense or any essential
members of this Court. Indeed, I could give the best ingredient thereof has been committed, it is the duty of
evidence of my full concurrence therein by merely the corresponding trial court, with the approval of the
signing the same without this separate opinion. I feel, Supreme Court, to see to it that when the demands of
however, that the impact of this decision is of such justice require it, the venue is moved to another province
transcendental importance to the administration of wherein the circumstantial environment will insure a full
justice in this country, particularly now when some disclosure of all material facts essential in the pursuit of
sectors of our people make no secret of lingering doubts truth and justice. Surely, the common man would not
as to the fairness and impartiality by judicial actuations understand why the Supreme Court in whom the totality
and decisions, that my duty as a member of this highest of judicial power is vested by the Constitution would not
tribunal of the land calls for more than just the giving of have the authority and the right, nay the duty, to prevent
my vote in favor thereof. I consider it incumbent upon a trial from being held in a place where it would be
me, since none of my brethren seems to be minded to do nothing more than a farce and an empty show, the final
it, to project more emphatically certain relevant matters, chapter of which may have already been prewritten,
the significance of which should go hand in hand with even independently of the honesty and integrity of the
the resolution of the case itself. presiding judge, because of external factors and forces
that impede the witnesses from making a free and
I can neither control nor conceal the feeling of full fearless exposition of what they know. I am exceedingly
satisfaction that overwhelms me now, because I consider happy that by this decision, the common man will
this decision as probably the first one of national understand that neither the Constitution nor this Court
importance, in a long time, that will receive universal will ever be found wanting in what is needed top render
and unqualified approval throughout the length and justice in its truest sense.
breath of this Republic. I am sure it will yield for our
constitutional government as a whole and for the Now, for some views of my own on the specific legal
judiciary in particular a rich harvest of regained trust and issues raised by the parties in their pleadings. The
confidence in the administration of justice. This decision problem revolves around the power of the Secretary of
is a great leap forward. We are shaking away from a the Department of Justice vis-a-vis the operation of the
long standing jurisprudential rule; We are casting aside Circuit Criminal Courts created by Republic Act 5179.
technical procedural roadblocks; We are here and now The People contends that by Administrative Order 258
proclaiming to all and sundry the plenitude, under the and 271, Series of 1968 and Administrative Order No.
Constitution, of Our power and authority to "insure to 226, Series of 1970, of the Secretary of Justice, issued
(our people) and their posterity, the blessings of pursuant allegedly to Republic Act 5179, (presumably
independence under a regime of justice" (Preamble of Section 8 thereof) the transfer of the criminal cases
the Constitution) by holding that the "judicial power ... herein involved, Criminal Cases Nos. 47-V and 48-V of

the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur to the Circuit I take it that under Republic Act 5179, Circuit Criminal
Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District is legally Courts are nothing but additional branches of the regular
justifiable. On the other hand, the defense submits that Courts of First Instance in their respective districts with
under the uniformly announced doctrine of this Court the limited concurrent jurisdiction to take cognizance of,
regarding the jurisdictional nature of the venue of try and decide only those cases enumerated in Section 1
criminal cases and principally because to give effect to of the Act. This is readily implied from Section 3 of the
the administrative orders aforementioned would be Act which says:
impairing the independence of the judiciary, the accused
in aforesaid cases must be tried in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, by SEC. 3. The provisions of all laws and the Rules of
the Court of First Instance in which, it is a fact, the case Court relative to the judges of the Courts of First
was filed on June 15, 1970, the very day Administrative Instance and the trial, disposition and appeal of criminal
Order No. 221 of the Secretary of Justice authorizing cases therein shall be applicable to the circuit judge and
Judge Lino Anover of the Circuit Criminal Court to hold the cases cognizable by them insofar as they are not
sessions in Vigan beginning July 1, 1970 was issued. inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.

It is my considered view that the less said about the It is also my conviction that when Congress enacted
intervention of the Department of Justice with the Republic Act 5179, it was conscious of the existing
Circuit Criminal Courts by the issuance of doctrinal rule laid down by this Court, in Cunanan 1 that
Administrative Orders 258 and 274, Series of 1968 and in criminal cases, venue is equivalent to territorial
worse Administrative Order No. 226, Series of 1970 the jurisdiction and precisely because of this consciousness
better, for I find absolutely no legal authority for the and the knowledge that the nature of the crimes placed
issuance of said Orders. The first two purportedly direct within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Criminal Courts is
and instruct the judges of the various judicial districts of such that their successful prosecution might be impaired
the Philippines as to how to apportion among or obstructed by the doctrinal rule aforementioned that
themselves, together with the corresponding circuit in Section 4 of the Act, Congress expressly provided that
criminal court judges, the cases falling within their as a rule, "cases shall be heard within the province
concurrent jurisdiction. I feel very strongly that the where the crime subject of the offense (sic) was
distribution of the powers of government by the committed" but "when the interest of justice so
Constitution places, even in its broadest sense, demands, with the prior approval of the Supreme Court,
everything that judges have to do that might in one way cases may be heard in a neighboring province of the
or another affect or be related to the ultimate disposition district."
of the controversies and cases to be tried by them,
including the distribution of the cases to be tried by It is contended that these quoted provisions of Section 4
them, entirely and exclusively with the judges contemplate only those cases already in the Circuit
themselves by common agreement among them, and so I Criminal Court. That may be so, but my view is that by
hold that whatever be the import of Section 8 of the said provisions, Congress has precisely opened the
Republic Act 5179 providing that "for administrative door for the regular courts trying cases of the nature
purposes, the Circuit Criminal Courts shall be under the enumerated in the Act to shift those cases to the circuit
supervision of the Department of Justice," the same criminal court in instances like the present wherein it
cannot be considered as contemplating any intervention appears quite evident that to maintain Vigan as the
of the Secretary of Justice in the distribution of cases venue of the trials in question will defeat the ends of
among judges. That the common impression and long justice, for, after all, the circuit court is just another
standing practice on the matter are otherwise, cannot branch of the Court of First Instance, and once it is in
alter what, in my humble view, the Constitution ordains. the former court, then Section 4 may be easily applied.
Moving of cases from one branch of a Court of First

Instance to another branch thereof is neither new nor legislated upon by Congress as a jurisdictional matter,
unusual when the judges concerned are agreed that such Our power to change the same is unquestionable. I,
a step would best promote the interests of justice. In the therefore, reiterate my concurrence in the resolution of
light of this practice, commendable in its motivation, this point in the main opinion.
why cannot the transfer be made from the Court of First
Instance to circuit criminal court? Indeed, this should Accordingly, I agree that the respondent judge gravely
not be treated as merely a matter of discretion; judges abused his discretion in not yielding to the suggested
should feel bound to act accordingly, as a matter of duty, transfer of the cases in question to the circuit criminal
hence a negative action in the appropriate cases is court. Court trials and proceedings mean nothing unless
ground for certiorari or mandamus. In this connection, the pronouncement and decisions of the courts merit the
however, I must hasten to advert, that the interested faith and trust of the parties in particular and the people
parties should be duly heard on the matter and, in in general. To the common man specially, the
accordance with the spirit, if not the letter of the law, imperatives of justice administered by our courts are: (1)
approval of the Supreme Court be secured. judge who can be trusted and (2) procedures that
insulate the proceedings from all factors that may taint
Apropos of all this discussion, I would like to make it the ultimate outcome of litigations with doubt and
clear that the rule invoked by the defense to the effect skepticism. To my mind, it is not enough that a judge
that venue in criminal cases is jurisdictional in character trusts himself or can be trusted as capable of acting in
has no foundation in any act of the legislature. There can good faith, it is equally important that no circumstance
be no question that jurisdiction is conferred only by law attendant to the proceedings should mar that quality of
and that it is only venue that may be fixed by the Rules trustworthiness. It is thus clear that by Our decision in
of Court because jurisdiction is substantive and venue is this case, We are not expressing any distrust as to the
merely procedural. The rule the defense invokes is found impartiality of respondent judge; it should be clearly
only in a decision of this Court rendered way back in understood, however, that it is possible for his decision
1913. In Cunanan, supra, this Court held: "The to be unfair not because he has made it so, but because
jurisdiction of the Courts of First Instance of the under the circumstances, the adulterated evidence before
Philippine Islands, in criminal cases, is limited to certain him leaves him no other alternative.
well-defined territory. They cannot take jurisdiction of
persons charged with an offense alleged to have been May I say as I close that what is most striking in this
committed outside of that limited territory." decision is that it is a unanimous one, in spite of the fact
that at first blush it appeared that there were formidable
As can be noted, no provision of law is cited in support adverse precedents on our way. After long and careful
of the ruling. The reason is simple. There is no such law. deliberation and after viewing all its angles, factual and
In other words, whatever force such invoked ruling may legal, when the time for voting came, there was no
have is no more than that of a construction given by this hesitation in the assent that all of us gave to the
Court. I dare say that when a previous construction by rationalizations and conclusions contained in the
this Court runs counter to fundamental principles now scholarly main opinion of Mr. Justice Reyes and the
separating the rule making power of the courts from the dispositive part of the decision, but by no means and in
legislative faculty to define and apportion jurisdiction, it absolutely no degree did the public discussion generated
is best to lean in favor of recognizing the constitutional by the peculiary circumstances and personages involved
boundaries of our prerogatives when they are plain and in this case ever influence any of Us, as such things,
the contrary cannot be implied. And since it was this indeed, never will.
Court that made the construction, there is nothing to stop
Us from modifying the same, and inasmuch as Section # Separate Opinions
14, par. (a) of Rule 110 is purely a rule of venue, not

FERNANDO, J., concurring: on the doctrine of separation of powers and necessarily

committed to the principle of judicial independence.
The learned and scholarly opinion of Justice J.B.L.
Reyes renders crystal-clear why the decision reached by 1. We start with the grant by the Constitution of Judicial
this Court should be what it is. It is a manifestation of power to this Court and to such inferior courts as may be
the jurist's art at its most exemplary. It belies the belief established by law. 1 Thus is conferred the authority to
not infrequently given utterance that hard cases make decide cases through the ascertainment of facts and the
bad law. The problem before us is unique and application of the law, involving many a time its
unprecedented as far as our previous decisions go. It interpretation. 2It connotes, in the language of the
calls for a resolution far-reaching in its consequences decision, "the imperative of securing a fair and impartial
and far-flung in its implications. Fortunately for the trial, or of preventing a miscarriage of justice. ...."
administration of justice according to law, there is the 3Where, as this did develop in this case, there is more
recognition of power vested in this Court, in the past than a probability of an impasse with the witnesses for
perhaps only imperfectly discerned but nonetheless in the prosecution displaying the utmost reluctance to
existence, to be utilized whenever there is need to do so. testify if the trial would be held in Vigan, entailing the
This is one such occasion. Even without resort then to risk that there be, again in the language of the opinion,
precedents coming from jurisdictions after which our "a mockery of the judicial process." 4it would appear
judicial system was patterned, the same result would undeniable, and we have so held today, that this Court is
have been reached. For only thus, to paraphrase not to be denied the necessary competence to set matters
Cardozo, would the flexibility and the creativeness of right. It is not to fold its hands as if in helpless
the judicial process assert themselves. submission to a binding decree of Providence but must
meet the problem squarely, possessed of power adequate
The opinion of Justice J.B.L., Reyes therefore calls for to cope with such an exigency. In the same way that the
assent, which I readily yield. Nor does it seem two other coordinate departments, the Executive and
inappropriate if it be stressed that the conclusion reached Congress, being constitutional organs, can rely on the
by the Court is solidly buttressed not only in law as fundamental law to justify the exercise of certain
history but likewise in law as logic and as social control. prerogatives, 5 so may this Court, the only constitutional
Hence this brief concurring opinion, which likewise will court, exercise supervision over all other judicial
afford me the opportunity to give expression to the view agencies thereafter legislatively created, appropriately
that the Constitution and the proceedings in the termed by the Constitution as inferior courts.
Constitutional Convention of 1934-1935 point
unerringly to the conclusion that this Court as the sole There would be a void in the framework of government
body vested with judicial power by the fundamental law thus established if there is no official body of a higher
itself is not devoid of supervisory authority over inferior rank that can take the necessary steps to avoid a
courts. Necessarily the prerogative to transfer the venue frustration of the exercise of judicial power. It is my firm
of criminal prosecutions whenever there is a persuasive conviction that neither the Presidency nor Congress can
showing that there would be a failure of justice is therein rightfully be entrusted with such a task. If it were thus,
included. On such an assumption, I do not feel called then the doctrine of separation of powers becomes a
upon to inquire into any asserted authority, even if myth. Such an approach necessarily and logically
denominated administrative, of an alter ego of the compel the conclusion that the so called administrative
Executive, the Secretary of Justice, over the lower supervision exercised by the Secretary of Justice is, to
courts. For my belief gets stronger with the years that it put it at its mildest, infected with the gravest doubts as
would be difficult to assert that such a competence, even to its constitutionality.
as thus limited, is warranted under a Constitution based

There is no need to go that far to reach a decision in this certainly vested with the needed supervisory authority. It
case as is so aptly demonstrated in the opinion of the would thus appear, if a breakdown in the legal system is
Court. What appears to me undisputed is that where the to be averted, that the power of this Court is undeniable.
question partakes of a judicial character, only this Court There would seem to be no other way to avoid a serious
can perform that function and trace its source to the disruption in the legal order.
Constitution itself. That is to free the Constitution from
the reproach that a situation is left unprovided for. What The above considerations necessarily lead me to yield a
is more, it assures the utmost respect for the principle full concurrence with what has been so persuasively and
that like the other two coordinate and co-equal branches, ably put forth in the masterly opinion of Justice J.B.L.
Court is likewise the recipient of power conferred by the Reyes.
Constitution itself. 6
December 5, 1970
2. So much for law from the standpoint of analytical
jurisprudence of law as logic. If the matter be viewed BARREDO, J., concurring:
from the approach found congenial by sociological
jurists, law as one of the most effective forms of social The accuracy of the technical bases as well as the
control, the same conclusion appears to be inescapable. unerring logic of the resolution of the various facets of
This is to examine legal institutions in terms of how they this case evidence in the main opinion written by our
function. It certainly would be a blot on the erudite colleague Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes could not but
administration of justice if by the reluctance of impel the unanimous assent given thereto by the
witnesses to testify, based on what they consider to be a members of this Court. Indeed, I could give the best
feeling that cannot be stigmatized under the evidence of my full concurrence therein by merely
circumstances as having no basis in reason, no trial signing the same without this separate opinion. I feel,
could be had of a criminal case. It is a matter of great however, that the impact of this decision is of such
public interest that crime should not go unpunished. Of transcendental importance to the administration of
course, it is equally important that the rights of whoever justice in this country, particularly now when some
is accused are duly safeguarded. Where as in this case an sectors of our people make no secret of lingering doubts
impasse is likely to occur, in itself an alarming symptom as to the fairness and impartiality by judicial actuations
of a breakdown in the orderly legal processes, the loss of and decisions, that my duty as a member of this highest
public confidence in the rule of law itself is incalculable. tribunal of the land calls for more than just the giving of
That is an eventuality which at all pains must be my vote in favor thereof. I consider it incumbent upon
avoided. The only question is how. If the legal doctrine me, since none of my brethren seems to be minded to do
and principles, which under the system of legal norms it, to project more emphatically certain relevant matters,
followed must be grounded in the Constitution itself do the significance of which should go hand in hand with
not recognize such a competence in this Court, then for the resolution of the case itself.
some all may well be lost.
I can neither control nor conceal the feeling of full
It would be unthinkable, again given the assumption, not satisfaction that overwhelms me now, because I consider
entirely without basis, that the two other branches of the this decision as probably the first one of national
government cannot escape political considerations, to importance, in a long time, that will receive universal
assume that either Congress or the Executive can be and unqualified approval throughout the length and
trusted to take care of such a situation. Nor would it do breath of this Republic. I am sure it will yield for our
to leave such matters in the hands of the lower courts, constitutional government as a whole and for the
unless whatever is decided by them is subject to judiciary in particular a rich harvest of regained trust and
correction and review by the only constitutional court, confidence in the administration of justice. This decision

is a great leap forward. We are shaking away from a the Department of Justice vis-a-vis the operation of the
long standing jurisprudential rule; We are casting aside Circuit Criminal Courts created by Republic Act 5179.
technical procedural roadblocks; We are here and now The People contends that by Administrative Order 258
proclaiming to all and sundry the plenitude, under the and 271, Series of 1968 and Administrative Order No.
Constitution, of Our power and authority to "insure to 226, Series of 1970, of the Secretary of Justice, issued
(our people) and their posterity, the blessings of pursuant allegedly to Republic Act 5179, (presumably
independence under a regime of justice" (Preamble of Section 8 thereof) the transfer of the criminal cases
the Constitution) by holding that the "judicial power ... herein involved, Criminal Cases Nos. 47-V and 48-V of
vested in ... (the) Supreme Court" necessarily carries the Court of First Instance of Ilocos Sur to the Circuit
with it the power to lay down procedures that will Criminal Court of the Second Judicial District is legally
effectively and fully guarantee, as far as it is humanly justifiable. On the other hand, the defense submits that
possible to do so, that substantial justice shall not be under the uniformly announced doctrine of this Court
defeated thru technicalities of procedure; and what is regarding the jurisdictional nature of the venue of
most important today, as I view it, is that this is one criminal cases and principally because to give effect to
decision the essence of which spells simple justice that the administrative orders aforementioned would be
will be plainly understood by the common man. In the impairing the independence of the judiciary, the accused
clearest terms, this Court holds in effect in this decision in aforesaid cases must be tried in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, by
that inspite of the traditional rule that a person charged the Court of First Instance in which, it is a fact, the case
with an offense may not be tried in a province outside of was filed on June 15, 1970, the very day Administrative
the one ill which the alleged offense or any essential Order No. 221 of the Secretary of Justice authorizing
ingredient thereof has been committed, it is the duty of Judge Lino Anover of the Circuit Criminal Court to hold
the corresponding trial court, with the approval of the sessions in Vigan beginning July 1, 1970 was issued.
Supreme Court, to see to it that when the demands of
justice require it, the venue is moved to another province It is my considered view that the less said about the
wherein the circumstantial environment will insure a full intervention of the Department of Justice with the
disclosure of all material facts essential in the pursuit of Circuit Criminal Courts by the issuance of
truth and justice. Surely, the common man would not Administrative Orders 258 and 274, Series of 1968 and
understand why the Supreme Court in whom the totality worse Administrative Order No. 226, Series of 1970 the
of judicial power is vested by the Constitution would not better, for I find absolutely no legal authority for the
have the authority and the right, nay the duty, to prevent issuance of said Orders. The first two purportedly direct
a trial from being held in a place where it would be and instruct the judges of the various judicial districts of
nothing more than a farce and an empty show, the final the Philippines as to how to apportion among
chapter of which may have already been prewritten, themselves, together with the corresponding circuit
even independently of the honesty and integrity of the criminal court judges, the cases falling within their
presiding judge, because of external factors and forces concurrent jurisdiction. I feel very strongly that the
that impede the witnesses from making a free and distribution of the powers of government by the
fearless exposition of what they know. I am exceedingly Constitution places, even in its broadest sense,
happy that by this decision, the common man will everything that judges have to do that might in one way
understand that neither the Constitution nor this Court or another affect or be related to the ultimate disposition
will ever be found wanting in what is needed top render of the controversies and cases to be tried by them,
justice in its truest sense. including the distribution of the cases to be tried by
them, entirely and exclusively with the judges
Now, for some views of my own on the specific legal themselves by common agreement among them, and so I
issues raised by the parties in their pleadings. The hold that whatever be the import of Section 8 of
problem revolves around the power of the Secretary of Republic Act 5179 providing that "for administrative

purposes, the Circuit Criminal Courts shall be under the enumerated in the Act to shift those cases to the circuit
supervision of the Department of Justice," the same criminal court in instances like the present wherein it
cannot be considered as contemplating any intervention appears quite evident that to maintain Vigan as the
of the Secretary of Justice in the distribution of cases venue of the trials in question will defeat the ends of
among judges. That the common impression and long justice, for, after all, the circuit court is just another
standing practice on the matter are otherwise, cannot branch of the Court of First Instance, and once it is in
alter what, in my humble view, the Constitution ordains. the former court, then Section 4 may be easily applied.
Moving of cases from one branch of a Court of First
I take it that under Republic Act 5179, Circuit Criminal Instance to another branch thereof is neither new nor
Courts are nothing but additional branches of the regular unusual when the judges concerned are agreed that such
Courts of First Instance in their respective districts with a step would best promote the interests of justice. In the
the limited concurrent jurisdiction to take cognizance of, light of this practice, commendable in its motivation,
try and decide only those cases enumerated in Section 1 why cannot the transfer be made from the Court of First
of the Act. This is readily implied from Section 3 of the Instance to circuit criminal court? Indeed, this should
Act which says: not be treated as merely a matter of discretion; judges
should feel bound to act accordingly, as a matter of duty,
SEC. 3. The provisions of all laws and the Rules of hence a negative action in the appropriate cases is
Court relative to the judges of the Courts of First ground for certiorari or mandamus. In this connection,
Instance and the trial, disposition and appeal of criminal however, I must hasten to advert, that the interested
cases therein shall be applicable to the circuit judge and parties should be duly heard on the matter and, in
the cases cognizable by them insofar as they are not accordance with the spirit, if not the letter of the law,
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act. approval of the Supreme Court be secured.

It is also my conviction that when Congress enacted Apropos of all this discussion, I would like to make it
Republic Act 5179, it was conscious of the existing clear that the rule invoked by the defense to the effect
doctrinal rule laid down by this Court, in Cunanan 1 that that venue in criminal cases is jurisdictional in character
in criminal cases, venue is equivalent to territorial has no foundation in any act of the legislature. There can
jurisdiction and precisely because of this consciousness be no question that jurisdiction is conferred only by law
and the knowledge that the nature of the crimes placed and that it is only venue that may be fixed by the Rules
within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Criminal Courts is of Court because jurisdiction is substantive and venue is
such that their successful prosecution might be impaired merely procedural. The rule the defense invokes is found
or obstructed by the doctrinal rule aforementioned that only in a decision of this Court rendered way back in
in Section 4 of the Act, Congress expressly provided that 1913. In Cunanan, supra, this Court held: "The
as a rule, "cases shall be heard within the province jurisdiction of the Courts of First Instance of the
where the crime subject of the offense (sic) was Philippine Islands, in criminal cases, is limited to certain
committed" but "when the interest of justice so well-defined territory. They cannot take jurisdiction of
demands, with the prior approval of the Supreme Court, persons charged with an offense alleged to have been
cases may be heard in a neighboring province of the committed outside of that limited territory."
As can be noted, no provision of law is cited in support
It is contended that these quoted provisions of Section 4 of the ruling. The reason is simple. There is no such law.
contemplate only those cases already in the Circuit In other words, whatever force such invoked ruling may
Criminal Court. That may be so, but my view is that by have is no more than that of a construction given by this
the said provisions, Congress has precisely opened the Court. I dare say that when a previous construction by
door for the regular courts trying cases of the nature this Court runs counter to fundamental principles now

separating the rule making power of the courts from the dispositive part of the decision, but by no means and in
legislative faculty to define and apportion jurisdiction, it absolutely no degree did the public discussion generated
is best to lean in favor of recognizing the constitutional by the peculiary circumstances and personages involved
boundaries of our prerogatives when they are plain and in this case ever influence any of Us, as such things,
the contrary cannot be implied. And since it was this indeed, never will.
Court that made the construction, there is nothing to stop
Us from modifying the same, and inasmuch as Section # Footnotes
14, par. (a) of Rule 110 is purely a rule of venue, not
legislated upon by Congress as a jurisdictional matter, 1 56 Am. Jur. (Venue), pages 47-48, 50. For an
Our power to change the same is unquestionable. I, exhaustive review of precedents, see Crocker vs.
therefore, reiterate my concurrence in the resolution of Justices of the Superior Courts, 208 Mass. 162, 21 Ann.
this point in the main opinion. Cas. 1067; Barry vs. Truax 99 NW 769, 65 LRA 762.
FERNANDO, J., concurring: 1 According to the
Accordingly, I agree that the respondent judge gravely Constitution: "The judicial power shall be vested in one
abused his discretion in not yielding to the suggested Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as may be
transfer of the cases in question to the circuit criminal established by law." Art. VIII, Sec. 1. 2 Cf. City of
court. Court trials and proceedings mean nothing unless Baguio v. de Leon, L-24756, Oct. 31, 1968, 25 SCRA
the pronouncement and decisions of the courts merit the 938; Vera v. Arca, L-25721, May 26, 1969, 28 SCRA
faith and trust of the parties in particular and the people 351; Pecson Jose v. Santos, L-25510, Oct. 30, 1970. 3
in general. To the common man specially, the Opinion of Justice J.B.L. Reyes, p. 5, Editor's Note: p.
imperatives of justice administered by our courts are: (1) 180 this volume). 4 Ibid. 5 Cf. Planas v. Gil, 67 Phil. 62
judge who can be trusted and (2) procedures that (1939); Villena v. Secretary of Interior, 67 Phil. 451
insulate the proceedings from all factors that may taint (1939); Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil. 29 (1950). 6 Cf.
the ultimate outcome of litigations with doubt and Debates in the Constitutional Convention with Delegate
skepticism. To my mind, it is not enough that a judge Jose P. Laurel explaining his draft proposal as found in
trusts himself or can be trusted as capable of acting in V Laurel, ed., Proceedings of the Philippine
good faith, it is equally important that no circumstance Constitutional Convention pp. 724-731; 911-928.
attendant to the proceedings should mar that quality of BARREDO, J., concurring: 1 26 Phil. 376.G.R. No.
trustworthiness. It is thus clear that by Our decision in
this case, We are not expressing any distrust as to the
impartiality of respondent judge; it should be clearly
understood, however, that it is possible for his decision
to be unfair not because he has made it so, but because
under the circumstances, the adulterated evidence before
him leaves him no other alternative.

May I say as I close that what is most striking in this

decision is that it is a unanimous one, in spite of the fact
that at first blush it appeared that there were formidable
adverse precedents on our way. After long and careful
deliberation and after viewing all its angles, factual and
legal, when the time for voting came, there was no
hesitation in the assent that all of us gave to the
rationalizations and conclusions contained in the
scholarly main opinion of Mr. Justice Reyes and the

EN BANC Penal Code, before the Court of First Instance of Manila,

after due trial, petitioner was found guilty of the offense
G.R. No. L-28519 February 17, 1968 charged and sentenced accordingly with the imposable
penalty prescribed by law, on August 3, 1966.
RICARDO PARULAN, petitioner,
vs. Assuming the correctness of the facts as alleged in
DIRECTOR OF PRISONS, respondent. the petition, and on the basis thereof, we shall proceed to
discuss the merits of the case regarding the validity and
Ricardo Parulan for and in his own behalf as petitioner. legality of the decision sentencing the petitioner to a
Office of the Solicitor General for respondent. prison term for the crime of evasion of sentence.

RESOLUTION Settled is the rule that for deprivation of any

fundamental or constitutional rights, lack of jurisdiction
ANGELES, J.: of the court to impose the sentence, or excessive penalty
affords grounds for relief by habeas corpus.
On petition for a writ of habeas corpus, filed by
Ricardo Parulan, directed to the Director of the Bureau The issue, therefore, as posed in the petition is:
of Prisons, praying that the latter be ordered "to release Was the Court of First Instance of Manila with
immediately and without delay the body of the petitioner jurisdiction to try and decide the case and to impose the
from unlawful and illegal confinement", anchoring the sentence upon the petitioner, for the offense with which
relief prayed for on certain allegations in the petition, to he was charged — evasion of service of sentence?
the effect that petitioner's confinement in the state
penitentiary at Muntinglupa, Rizal, under the Section 14, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules of
administrative and supervisory control of the respondent Court provides:
Director of Prisons, is illegal, for the reason that the
sentence of conviction imposed upon said petitioner for Place where action is to be instituted. — (a) In all
the crime of evasion of service of sentence, penalized criminal prosecutions the action shall be instituted and
under Article 157 of the Revised Penal Code, was tried in the court of the municipality of province where
rendered by a court without jurisdiction over his person the offense was committed or any of the essential
and of the offense with which he was charged. ingredients thereof took place.

It appears that the petitioner, as alleged in the There are crimes which are called transitory or
petition, was confined in the state penitentiary at continuing offenses because some acts material and
Muntinglupa, Rizal, serving a sentence of life essential to the crime occur in one province and some in
imprisonment which, however, was commuted to twenty another, in which case, the rule is settled that the court
(20) years by the President of the Philippines. In of either province where any of the essential ingredients
October, 1964, he was transferred to the military of the crime took place has — jurisdiction to try the
barracks of Fort Bonifacio (formerly Fort Wm. case.1 As Gomez Orbaneja opines —
McKinley) situated at Makati, Rizal, under the custody
of the Stockade Officer of the said military barracks. In Que habiendo en el delito continuado tantos
that month of October, 1964, while still serving his resultados como hechos independientes en sentido
prison term as aforesaid, he effected his escape from his natural, el principio del resultado no basta para fijar el
confinement. Petitioner was recaptured in the City of forum delicti commisi, y ha de aceptarse que el delito se
Manila. Prosecuted for the crime of evasion of service of comete en cualquiera de los lugares donde se produzca
sentence, penalized under Article 157 of the Revised uno de pesos plurales resultados.2

1U.S. v. Santiago, 27 Phil. 408; U. S. v. Cardell 23 Phil.

There are, however, crimes which although all the 207.
elements thereof for its consummation may have
occurred in a single place, yet by reason of the very 2VI-Nueva Enciclopedia Juridica for F Seix Editor, p.
nature of the offense committed, the violation of the law 463.
is deemed to be continuing. Of the first class, the crime
of estafa or malversation3 and abduction 4 may be 3U.S. v. Santiago, supra.
mentioned; and as belonging to the second class are the
crimes of kidnapping and illegal detention where the 4People v. Bernabe, 23 Phil. 154.
deprivation of liberty is persistent and continuing from
one place to another 5 and libel where the libelous 5U.S. v. Laureaga 2 Phil. 71; People v. Parulan, L-2025,
matter is published or circulated from one province to April 25, 1951.
another. 6 To this latter class may also be included the
crime of evasion of service of sentence, when the 6Art. 360, par. 3, as amended by Rep Act 1289.; People
prisoner in his attempt to evade the service of the v. Borja, 43 Phil. 618.
sentence imposed upon him by the courts and thus
defeat the purpose of the law, moves from one place to 7Salonga v. Holland, 76 Phil. 412.
another; for, in this case, the act of the escaped prisoner
is a continuous or series of acts, set on foot by a single
impulse and operated by an unintermittent force,
however long it may be. It may not be validly said that
after the convict shall have escaped from the place of his
confinement the crime is fully consummated, for, as
long as he continues to evade the service of his sentence,
he is deemed to continue committing the crime, and may
be arrested without warrant, at any place where he may
be found. Rule 113 of the Revised Rules of Court may
be invoked in support of this conclusion, for, under
section 6[c] thereof, one of the instances when a person
may be arrested without warrant is where he has escaped
from confinement. 7 Undoubtedly, this right of arrest
without a warrant is founded on the principle that at the
time of the arrest, the escapee is in the continuous act of
committing a crime — evading the service of his

WHEREFORE, the writ is denied. Without costs.

Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal,

Bengzon, J.P., Zaldivar, Sanchez, Castro and Fernando,
JJ., concur. 1äwphï1.ñët


SECOND DIVISION accused. It would be absurd to compel him to undergo

G.R. No. L-35377-78 July 31, 1975 trial in a place where his life would be imperilled.

THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff- Present hostile sentiment against the accused at the place
appellee, of trial is a justification for transfer of venue (See State
vs. vs. Siers, 136 S. E. 503, 103, W. Va. 30; 22 C.J.S. 310).
PUGAL and ERNING ABANO, defendants-appellants.
We find Crisologo's motion to be meritorious. The
RESOLUTION change of venue involves not merely the change of the
place of hearing but also the transfer of the expediente
AQUINO, J.: of Criminal Case No. 3949 to another court. According
to Crisologo's motion, the alleged evidence against him
Vincent Crisologo through counsel filed a verified is in the custody of the authorities at Camp Crame,
motion praying for the transfer to the New Bilibid Quezon City. The transfer of Criminal Case No. 3949 to
Prisons or, alternatively, to Camps Crame, Aguinaldo or the City Court of Quezon City and the holding of the
Olivas, of the place of trial of Criminal Case No. 3949 trial at Camp Crame appear to be the most convenient
of the municipal court of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, wherein he, arrangement.
as sole defendant, is charged with illegal possession of
firearms and ammunitions. WHEREFORE, the municipal court of Vigan is directed
to transfer the record of Criminal Case No. 3949 to the
As justificatory ground, he alleged that his life would be City Court of Quezon City where it should be re-
in jeopardy if he were to be confined in the Vigan docketed and raffled to any Judge thereof. The case may
municipal jail during the trial because there are many be tried at Camp Crame. The usual precautions and
political enemies of the Crisologo family in that vicinity; security measures should be adopted in bringing
some of the adherents of the Crisologos had in fact been defendant Crisologo to Camp Crame on the occasion of
murdered in Ilocos Sur, and his father, Congressman the hearing.
Floro Crisologo, was shot to death while hearing mass at
the Vigan cathedral. SO ORDERED.

Bluntly, he affirmed that inside that jail he would be a Makalintal, C.J., Fernando, Barredo and Concepcion Jr.,
sitting duck for a gunwielder or grenade-thrower who JJ., concur.
wants to assassinate him. He could even be lynched or
shot to death on the specious pretext that he was trying Antonio, J, took no part.
to escape.

Asked to comment on the motion, the Provincial Fiscal

of Ilocos Sur signified his conformity to the transfer of
the venue of the trial to the New Bilibid Prisons.

Section 5(4), Article X of the Constitution expressly

empowers this Court to "order a change of venue or
place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice". Here,
what is involved is not merely a miscarriage of justice
but the personal safety of movant Crisologo, the

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