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Woe ee om gaelic ‘A COMPLETE COURSE FOR BEGINNERS Boyd Robertson and Iain Taylor Hodder & Stoughton LONDON SYDNEY AUCKLAND ‘Acknowledgement ‘The authors would like to thank the following for their help and guidance in the preparation of this book: Catriona Campbell, Katie Kennedy, Ian MacDonald, Catriona Nicolson and Sheila Robertson. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Mackinnon, Roderick Gaelic. ~ 2Rev-ed. ~ (Teach Yourself Series) I Tite. Robertson, Boyd TIL Taylor, lan IV. Series 4016 ISBN 0 340 55008 3 First published 1988 Impression number 109 87654321 Year 1998 1997 1986 1995 1994 1983 Copyright © 198 Boyd Robertson and Iain Taylor Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any {form or by any means, electronic o rechanicl, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the le ruc rcs frm the Cort Leng Agcy Lime. Prt deta reprographic reproduction) may be obtained Copyright Licensing Agency Limited, of 9 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P HE. ‘Typeset by Hewer Text Composition Services, Edinburgh, Printed in Great Britain for the educational publishing division of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, Mill Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TNI3 2YA by Cox & Wyman Ld, Reading. —— CONTENTS Introduction Spelling and pronunciation 1 Ciamar a tha thu? How are you? 2 Cait’ a bheil sibh a’ dol? Where are you going? 3 Dé 'naois a tha thu? How old are you? 4S toil leam biadh Innseanach / like Indian food 5 Dé tha thu ag iarraidh? What do you want? 6 Dé tha thu a’ déanamh? What are you doing? 7 Chan eil mi gad chiuinntinn I can't hear you 8 ’SeMuileach a tha ann He is from Mull 9 Cait’ a bheil am banca? Where is the bank? 10. Chaidh sinn acnull thairis an-uiridh We went abroad last year 11 Feumaidh mi falbh 170 have to go 12 De’s fhearr leatsa? What do you prefer? 13. Tha sin nas fhearr That's better 14 Tha mi air mo sharachadh I'm fed up 15 Tha duil againn falbh We expect to go 16 Nach téid sin gu disco? Why don’t we go to a disco? 17 Chan urrainn dhomh a ridh le cinnt J can’t say for sure 18 Dé b’ abhaist dhuibh a bhith a’ déanamh? What did you usually do? 19D thuirt i? What did she say? 20 Tha iad an dachas ur faicinn They hope to see you 21 Bhiodh sin math That would be good 22 An cirdadh e riutsa? Would you like it? 23° Cuin a chaidh an taigh a thogail? When was the house built? Suil air ais Revision Na Freagairtean Key to the exercises Faclair (Gaclic-Engiish) Vocabulary Ainmean Grammatical index SRILLERNE wo KH & SBiRReRE SS8R8E S8EN

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