Henoch Schonlein

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Henoch-Schonlein purpura: The Chandigarh experience

Article  in  Indian pediatrics · February 1998

Source: PubMed

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7 authors, including:

Lokesh Kumar Shivangi Singh

Panjab University 171 PUBLICATIONS   1,402 CITATIONS   

Jatinder Goraya Ranjana. Walker Minz

Dayanand Medical College & Hospital Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research


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Lata Kumar, Surjit Singh, J.S. Goraya, Bhavneet Uppal, Sanjay Kakkar*,
Ranjana Walker* and Shobha Sehgal*

From the Departments of Pediatrics and Immunopathology*, Postgraduate Institute of Medical

Education and Research, Chandigarh 160 012.

Reprint requests: Prof. Lata Kumar, Department of Pediatrics, Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Education and Research, Chandigarh 160 012.

Manuscript received: April 9,1997; Initial review completed: July 3,1997;

Revision accepted: September 1,1997

Objective: To determine the clinical profile of children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP).
Design: Hospital based descriptive follow-up study. Subjects: 45 patients attending the Pediatric
Rheumatology and Immunology clinic over the last 4 years. Results: The patients were aged
between 2.5-12 years with a male to female ratio of 2:1. All cases had palpable purpura.
Gastrointestinal involvement was seen in 38 patients, with abdominal pain in 35 (78%) and
lower GI bleed in 21 (47%). Large joint arthritis occurred in 60%. Renal involvement was seen in
14 subjects (31%). Major renal involvement occurred in 9 patients, with nephritic syndrome in 6
and nephrotic syndrome in 3 cases. Five patients had minor urinary abnormalities; 6 patients
with major renal involvement and crescentic glomerulonephritis were treated with high dose
pulse steroid therapy followed by oral prednisolone and azathioprine for 12-18 months.
Normalization of urinary abnormalities occurred in these patients over 4-8 months and presently
all are normotensive and off antihypertensive drugs. Conclusions: HSP in children is a common
form of vasculitis. Though short term results in HSP nephritis have been good, long term
prognosis in those with major renal involvement would remain guarded.

Key words: Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Nephritis.

H ENOCH-Schonlein purpura (HSP) is

a multisystem disorder affecting pre-
dominantly the skin, joints, gastrointestinal
patients with HSP from Delhi observed
over a period of 17 years. We, however,
have seen 45 cases of HSP over a short
tract and kidneys, although involvement of period of 4 years, implying that the condi-
other organs can occur rarely. It is one of tion is perhaps as common in our country
the most common causes of systemic as it is in the West.
vasculitis in children the world-over(l-4),
Subject and Methods
though racial or ethnic variations in the
incidence of disease are described(5,6). All patients of HSP diagnosed and
Indian data on HSP are scanty and the treated in the Pediatric Rheumatology and
condition is thought to be less frequent Immunology Clinic of Postgraduate Insti-
than other rheumatological conditions tute of Medical Education and Research,
like juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and Chandigarh between January 1993 and
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)(7-9). December 1996 were included in this
Bagga et al.(10) reported a series of 47 analysis. Diagnostic criteria included the


characteristic purpuric rash, most promi- Minor glomerular abnormalities; Grade II:
nent on the buttocks and/or lower legs and Focal or diffuse mesangial proliferation;
with at least one of the following: (i) Grade III: As II but with crescentric/seg-
hematuria and/or proteinuria, (ii) abdomi- mental lesions (sclerosis, necrosis) in less
nal-pain, (iii) arthralgia with or without than 50% glomeruli; Grade IV: As III but
arthritis. with crescents/segmental lesions in 50-75%
Hematuria was defined as more than 5 glomeruli; and Grade V: As III but cres-
RBCs/HPF in centrifuged urine; protein- cents/segmental lesions in more than 75%
uria as timed urinary protein excretion glomeruli.
>4 mg/m2/hour or positive dipstick test. Results
Nephrotic syndrome, nephritic syndrome
or renal impairment was defined using Forty five patients were diagnosed as
standard criteria(3). having HSP. There were 30 boys and 15
girls (male-female ratio 2:1). The mean age
Laboratory investigations included a at presentation was 7.6 years (range 2.5-12
hemogram, serum electrolytes, blood urea yr) with majority (71%) being older than 5
and creatinine, total and differential serum years. Mean duration of symptoms before
proteins, serum cholesterol, complement diagnosis was 26 days (range 2-90 days).
(C3), antinuclear factor (ANF), antistrepto- More than half of these patients (24/45)
lysin-O (ASO), C-reactive protein (CRP), had symptoms for over one month before
coagulogram and timed urinary protein es- the diagnosis was established. The present-
timation. In addition repeated urinalysis ing symptoms were skin rash in 42 (93%),
were undertaken to pick up renal involve- abdominal pain in 34 (75%) and joint
ment. Skin biopsy from the involved skin symptoms in 22 (49%). Fever occurred in
was subjected to light microscopy and one third of the patients.
direct immunofluorescence studies.
Systemic Manifestations
Percutaneous kidney biopsy was done
in patients who had major renal involve- Skin was the most frequently affected
ment i.e., those with nephrotic or nephritic organ system (Table I). The characteristic
illness. Pathological changes on routine mi- purpuric rash occurred in all patients. Sub-
croscopy were graded according to the cutaneous edema involving scalp, face,
classification of the International Study of extremities and penoscrotal area occurred
Kidney Disease in Children(11): Grade I: in 21 (47%) patients. It was more common


in children below 6 years (9/13) as nephritic syndrome in 6 and nephrotic

compared to those above 6 years (12/32). syndrome in 3. Nine patients had hyper-
Gastrointestinal tract (n=38) was the sec- tension. Out of these, 6 patients were
ond most common system involved and having concomitant major renal involve-
manifested as abdominal pain in 35 (78%), ment. One patient had hypokalemia with
lower GI bleed in 21 (47%), upper GI bleed electrocardiographic changes and required
in 10 (22%) and vomiting in 7 (16%). Four emergency management.
patients had loose stools and ascites oc-
curred in 2 cases. One subject had clinical Kidney biopsy was done in 8 patients.
Histological involvement in relation to
and sonographic evidence of intussuscep-
clinical findings is shown in Table II. Three
tion and laparotomy revealed ileocolic
patients had grade III involvement and
intussusception with gangrenous caecum.
3 had more than grade III involvement.
Two patients had been opearated else- Direct immunofluorescence examination
where with an erroneous diagnosis of acute revealed the presence of IgA and C3 in the
abdomen (appendicitis was suspected in mesangium and capillary wall.
one and Crohn's disease in the other). One
patient developed shock following massive CNS involvement was noted in 2
GI bleed and required resuscitation with patients. One had generalized tonic-clonic
blood transfusions. convulsions while the other had findings
Transient arthritis/arthralgias involv- suggestive of Guillain-Barre syndrome
ing large joints occurred in 27 (60%) of the (GBS). Other manifestations of HSP seen in
patients. Knee joints were most frequently our patients included hepatosplenomegaly
affected (n=16), followed by ankles (n=9) (n=5), lymph node enlargement (n=4) and
and other joints. orchitis (n=l). Two patients had radiologi-
cal evidence of pleural effusion and pulmo-
Renal involvement (HSP nephritis- nary infiltrates.
HSN) was seen in 14 (31%) patients. The
mean age at onset was 9.3 years. All our Recurrence of symptoms was observed
patients with HSN were older than 6 years. in 4 (8.8%) patients and it occurred within
There were 9 boys and 5 girls. Renal 1-3 months of initial illness. Symptoms in-
involvement occurred within 2 months of cluded skin rash in all, and GI symptoms in
onset of disease in all the patients. The one. One patient had aggravation of renal
manifestations of HSN included asympto- symptoms associated with the recurrence
matic hematuria and/or proteinuria in 5, of skin rash.


Elevated ESR was observed in 19 of 22 involvement (i.e., asymptomatic hematuria

patients where it was done. C3 levels were and/or protenuria) have been followed up
normal in all 14 patients where this was es- for a period of 1 month to 33 months and
timated. ANA was positive (1+, speckled) none has any persitent urinary abnormali-
in 2 of 13 patients. Platelet counts were ties. Of the 9 patients with major renal in-
available in 36 patients. Mean platelet volvement, one was lost to follow up after
count was 4.0 lac/mm3 and 56% patients discharge. The remaining 8 have been fol-
had platelet counts > 4.0 lac/mm3. lowed up for 5-32 months. Normalization
of urinary abnormalities occurred over a
Skin biopsy was done in 36 patients. Of period of 4-8 months in all. Antihyperten-
these 34 had histological (leukocytoclastic sive drugs were used for a period of 4-12
changes, n=27) and/or immunofluorescent months and presently all the patients are
(deposition of IgA with/without C3 in normotensive without drugs. Repeat renal
dermal capillaries, n=18), evidence of biopsy has not been done in any of these
vasculitis to suggest a diagnosis of HSP. In patients. The patient with Guillain-Barre
2 patients, however, both histological and syndrome made full neurological recovery
direct immunofluorescence studies were in 8 months. No mortality was seen in the
negative. present series.
Therapy Discussion
Nonspecific symptomatic treatment Earlier reports from our country indi-
was given to all patients and included ant- cated that HSP is relatively uncommon in
acids, analgesic drugs, H2-antagonists and children(7-10). However our study sug-
intravenous fluids. A short course (2-3 gests that it is perhaps as common in India
weeks) of oral prednisolone was given for as in the West(l,2). Moreover the present
severe abdominal pain and/or bleeding. study is the only one from India where the
Six patients with nephritic or nephrotic ill- clinical diagnosis has been confirmed by
ness and histological grade of more than histopathological and /or direct immuno-
III were given pulse methylprednisolone fluorescence studies on skin biopsy in
(n=5) and dexamethasone (n=l) followed majority of the patients.
by oral prednisolone for 6-12 months and
azathioprine for 12-18 months. One patient The mean age at presentation was 7.6
with nephritic illness, who did not undergo years which is comparable to that reported'
renal biopsy and had concurrent Guillain- earlier(3,10). This is in contrast to lower
Barre syndrome was treated with pulse mean age at presentation observed in sortie
methylprednisolone followed by oral series(4,12). Male preponderance is similar
prednisolone for 8 months. Hypertension to that reported in other series(4,10).
was controlled with nifedipine, enalapril Skin involvement occurred in all pa-
and propranolol used singly or in combina- tients and included purpuric rash (100%)
tion. and subcutaneous edema (47%). Rash
Follow-up appeared as the first symptom at onset of
disease in 47% while abdominal pain
None of the patients who escaped renal preceded the rash in 13 (29%) patients.
involvement at initial presentation have Occurrence of acute abdominal pain,
developed any urinary abnormalities on especially when severe, in the absence of
follow-up. Five patients with minor renal skin rash may lead to misdiagnosis of acute


abdomen and unnecessary surgical explo- severity of illness(17) though this could not
ration(3,4). This occurred in 2 of our be documented in our patients.
patients who had undergone laparotomy
We performed skin biopsy in 36 of our
elsewhere for suspected appendicitis and
patients with HSP. Findings of leuko-
Crohn's disease, respectively. On review-
cytoclastic vasculitis with deposition of IgA
ing their history, it was evident that arthri-
and C3 seen on direct immuno-flourescence
tis and skin rash were present along with
(seen in 34 cases) help in confirming the
acute abdomen but these had not received
clinical diagnosis especially in difficult or
due attention. One patient had clinico-
atypical cases(l,18). The two patients
radiological evidence of intussusception
where both histology as well as direct
and required laparotomy which showed
immuoflourescence were negative, how-
intussusception with gangrene of caecum.
ever had clinical features suggestive of
Intussusception as a complication of HSP is
HSP. It is known that an occasional patient
a rare event(3,4,10) and may mandate ur-
may have negative results on skin biop-
gent surgical intervention. Other infre-
sy(16,19,20). Also characteristic histological
quent manifestations reported in literature
and immunoflourescence features may not
and also present in our cases included
be observed if biopsy is done late in the
hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
course of the disease(20).
and orchitis(10,13).
"Nephritis is potentially the most worri-
Neurological manifestations are also some feature of HSP and occurs in 20-50%
an unusual accompaniment of HSP and in- of the patients usually within first 2-3
clude coma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, sei- months of the diseases(21-23) and its inci-
zures and Guillain-Barre Syndrome(13,14). dence is higher in older children(3,10,23).
The latter two were also seen in 2 of our We found a lower incidence (31%) of renal
patients. The patient with Gullian-Barre involvement in our patients. All our
syndrome made complete neurological patients with HSP nephritis were older
recovery on follow up. Two patients had than 6 years and renal involvement
radiological evidence of pleural effusion occurred within first two months of onset
and consolidation. In one of them it of illness. Majority of children have minor
occurred in post-operative period follow- urinary abnormalities while major renal in-
ing laparotomy (for suspected Crohn's volvement occurs only in small percentage
disease). Though these resolved with anti- of patients(3,10,23,24). However, major
biotic treatment and were therefore pre- renal involvement was more frequent
sumed to be of bacterial etiology, these (64%) than mild degree of renal involve-
could also possibly be pleural hemor- ment (36%) in our series. The low incidence
rhage(15) and pulmonary hemorrhage(16), of nephritis with frequent major renal in-
respectively. volvement seems to be due to low inci-
Elevated ESR and normocomplemen- dence of minor renal disease. The latter
temia (C3) are the usually observed param- may be transient and is likely to be missed
eters in HSP. Thrombocytosis seen in 56% if repeated urinalysis are not carried
of our patients is a well documented fea- out(3,22). This could have occurred in our
ture of HSP and helps in distinguishing this patients because most of them were re-
form of purpura from that caused by ferred cases and it was not certain whether
thrombocytopenia(l/17). The degree of the urine was examined repeatedly before
thrombocytosis is believed to correlate with referral.


We have followed up our patients with it is in the West. The clinical features in our
major renal involvement for a mean period patients are somewhat different from the
of 17.5 months (range 5-32 months). None previously published studies. In addition,
have persistent urinary abnormalities, hy- we have also resorted to skin biopsy in ma-
pertension or raised creatinine. Since the jority of cases to confirm the diagnosis. Re-
number of patients is small and period of nal involvement was found to be less com-
follow up short, meaningful conclusions mon, but when it occurred it was more se-
are not possible at this stage. None of our vere. The short term outcome appears to be
patients with minor degree of renal in- favorable even in those with major renal in-
volvement is having persistent urinary ab- volvement. However, the long term prog-
normalities. nosis in such patients would remain
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