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Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer Application

2019-2020 Officer Team Selection Process 
All Officer Team members must meet the following expectations:
1. Attend all meetings
a. 12 Chapter meetings
b. Officer meetings (at least 24)
c. Special Committee meetings
2. Any Officer Team member who misses more than 2 unexcused meetings ​WILL be dismissed​ from
the team.
3. MUST ​Attend Officer COLT training
4. Attend All FFA Functions
a. Sub Districts, Districts, County Fair Concession, Pork BBQ, Parent Meeting, Banquet and any
recruitment, etc.
5. Own proper Official Dress
6. Uphold specific duties of your office
7. Memorize Opening ceremonies by the first FFA meeting of the school year
8. Follow the Waverly-Shell Rock High School Code of Conduct
9. Enroll and attend an agriculture class throughout the year.
Failure to meet these expectations may result in the suspension or dismissal from the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA
Officer team. Suspensions and dismissal will be subject to decision of the Officer Team and Advisor.

The Selection process for the FFA Officer Team will consist of the following steps:

1. Complete the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer Application
a. Due to Mrs. Mitchell March 1st
2. Interview
a. At a determined date
3. Membership Vote
a. March Meeting.
Selection of the Officer Team will follow this procedure:
Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer Application (30%)
1. Members should submit the application typed. Make sure to answer all answers in complete thoughts
and complete answers.
2. Your Application will be copied and sent to interviewing committee, and on display for FFA members to
see in the ag room
Interview (35%)
1. A team of community members, senior officers and advisor will interview applicants
2. Official FFA attire is required​!!! You can borrow from the school but you must have your own by
September 1​st​ 2016
Election (35%)
1. One vote will be taken using a ballot vote
2. Offices will be awarded on the basis of points earned in the application, interview, and voting process.
3. Officer team will be contacted by Mrs. Mitchell
4. Officer team will only consist of the officers outlined in this packet.
The Officer Team will consist of the following offices:
Web Communicator:
a. To help the reporter with the different articles for the newspaper
b. To keep the FFA Twitter page up to date
c. To keep the FFA Website up to date
d. To represent our chapter in the FFA Website Contest
a. Set up and take down the meeting room including tables organized, chairs placed accordingly, officer plaques
placed per official room arrangement, get all members in the meeting room in order to start the meeting on time.
b. Chairperson of the Community Development division of the POA.
c. Assist the reporter in placing news articles and advertisements in radio, newspaper, tv, school newsletter where
deemed necessary.
d. Responsible for developing and placing FFA announcements in the school announcements.
e. Ensure that all committee reports within this division are filled out properly and filed in the proper file.
a. In charge of creating and placing FFA articles in radio, newspaper, tv and school newsletter as necessary +/or as
directed by the President.
b. The reporter is responsible for having at least one article published in the media each month.
c. The reporter is responsible for announcing all FFA events to the membership via the classroom white board and
classroom perpetual calendar.
d. Writing and mailing the Flyers for Agriculture Newsletter
a. Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
b. Prepare and submit purchase orders.
c. Present itemized monthly treasurer reports at chapter meetings.
d. Request monthly budget printout from school secretary within one week previous to each monthly chapter
e. Develop annual budget in cooperation with fellow chapter officers.
f. Supply funds for all approved committee expenditures.
a. Prepare, duplicate and post the agenda for each chapter meeting in cooperation with the President.
b. Prepare, duplicate and present the minutes of each chapter meeting.
c. Be responsible for chapter correspondence including thank you notes, birthday cards etc.
d. Maintain member attendance.
e. Have the Secretaries records on hand at each meeting.
f. Keep on hand a copy of the chapter POA including standing and special committee.
Vice President
a. Serve as ex-officio non-voting member of all student development committees.
b. Ensure that all activities are coordinated in a timely fashion.
c. Perform the duties of the President in their absence.
d. Perform the duties of any officer in their absence.
e. Encourage the chapter to develop individual and cooperative activities that will enhance students’ life skills.
f. Ensure all committee reports within this division are filled out and filed properly
Junior Advisor
a. To help the Advisor with any activities needed
b. To Highlight a Student SAE of the Month
c. Fill out the application for WHO SAE member
d. To fill out the National Chapter Award Application
a. Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of Parliamentary Procedure.
b. Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio member.
c. Coordinate chapter activities and evaluate progress toward the goals of each program of activities division.
d. Maintain the chapter point system in cooperation with the Advisor.
e. Ensure that all officers are performing their duties properly.
f. Provide encouragement and ambition to members for overall progress of the chapter
All officers will:

❑ Check with Advisor on daily basis during school ❑ Have on hand copy of FFA student handbook
year. and official FFA Manual
❑ Serve as role model. ❑ Represent the chapter in public relations and
❑ Develop an annual program of activities. official functions.
❑ Develop Annual PowerPoint for banquet-from
officer volunteer or other member
❑ Develop own FFA business card
Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer Application


1st Choice Office:

2nd Choice Office:

3rd Choice Office:

Number of years in FFA:

Current GPA:_____

1. List past officer experience: (this can be any organization)

2. FFA Activities that you have participated in:

3. What goals do you think our FFA Chapter should have?

4. How would you promote the FFA to other prospective members?

5. How do you think you can use your skills from your SAE project to make you a better leader
in our chapter?

6. Why do you want to be an officer of the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Chapter?

7. Why is being an FFA Officer important to you?

8. What other activities are you involved in outside of FFA?

9. What is one activity you think our chapter should participate it?

10. How much fruit did you sell this year during the major fundraiser? Did you reach the goal of
600 dollars? If not why?

11. Where do you see the W-SR FFA chapter one year from now?

12. What are some ways you would try to create more participation from our members?
Signature Page of Support for

Member Signatures Waverly-Shell Rock Faculty/Staff

I support this candidate as one of the Waverly-Shell Rock I support this candidate as one of the Waverly-Shell Rock
FFA Officers FFA Officers





Failure to meet these expectations may result in the suspension or

dismissal from the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer team.
Suspensions and dismissal will be subject to decision of the Officer
Team and Advisor.
My signature below indicates that I am aware of these
expectations and agree to follow these expectations, as well as the
code of conducts for the Waverly-Shell Rock High school, through
the duration of the 2017-2018 school year serving as an officer for
the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Chapter.

(FFA Member Signature) (Date)

(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)

Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer Contract 
Congratulations on being selected to the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Officer team. This is an important position and 
requires specific expectations to be met in order that the officer team represents all of the members, the Waverly-Shell 
Rock FFA Chapter, the Waverly-Shell Rock Schools and the community of Shell Rock and Waverly to the best of its 
Being elected to chapter office in the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Chapter is an ​honor and a privilege.​ With an office 
comes a ​tremendous amount of responsibility​. Officers are counted on to conduct the work of the chapter 
throughout the year. Below are the conditions/ responsibilities that you must up hold as well as your officer duties.   
As an officer of the Waverly-Shell Rock FFA Chapter I understand what is expected of me. As an Officer: 
1.) I will conduct myself at all times to be a credit to my family, the school, the FFA Organization & myself  
2.) I will dress neatly & appropriately for the occasion.  
--Official dress when required  
3.) I will participate in all FFA activities ​& be on time for them.  
--I will notify the FFA Advisor of lateness or not being able to attend any activity at least one week prior to 
absence or as soon as possible. ​Work is not an excused absence.   
--All FFA Activities will need to be scheduled at least two weeks in advance 
--Only 2 unexcused absences will be allowed before removal of office. 
4.) I will participate in all FFA activities.   
5.) I will participate in a Sub District and District FFA Speaking Contest  
6.) I will act in a responsible manner. (i.e. not endangering other or their property) 
7.) I will not be convicted of law violations. (i.e. theft, suspension of license, drug use, alcohol use, etc.) 
8.) I will lead by example in the classroom, community & at FFA & school events and follow the extracurricular code, 
failure of doing this will result in the immediate removal from office. 
9.) I will be enrolled in or assigned to Agricultural Educational all school year or have an approved SAE. 
10.) I will have an operating Supervised Agricultural Experience program. 
11.) Officers must work as a team effort. No Counterproductive behavior or activities will be tolerated. Any officer 
misusing or overstepping their authority will be removed. 
12.) I will attend the officer training/planning retreat.  
First Incident- Written Warning: ​Officer must explain their reason for their action or absence to the officers at the next meeting. 
Officers may find it appropriate to excuse the incident for extenuating circumstances only! 

Second Incident- Notification of Parents, Administration and other parties involved. ​Officer must explain their reasons for 
their actions to officers at the next officer meeting and to the members at the next chapter meeting. If the officer fails to attend 
either or both of these meetings to explain themselves, it will be considered the third offense. Officers may find it appropriate to 
excuse the incident for extenuating circumstances only!   

Third Incident- REMOVAL FROM OFFICE ​The Officer will be removed and may or may not be replaced through appointment or 

The failure to follow the above agreement may lead to termination of your position as a Waverly-Shell Rock FFA 
Officer. The decision will be made after a conference with the FFA Advisor, the Principal, the Chapter FFA President, the 
FFA Officer in question and their parents.  
Advisor Approval Date 
FFA Member Approval Date 
Parent or Guardian Approval Date

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