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covenessoF na Pacino hind apr ein HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES By RPMSGENTATIES ROMANE, SMICIDA, ALBINO, PIU, ‘Garena Basson. MoNTORD, Castes, Dare, UYU), Teuxrn Axion, Conms, Lacsos, Mat 8 ALvAzapo, Bravo (A), SAHA, SasaevTo (C), BALARD, Cavan FBrmneeaDY, LascnOs, Nusv, LoBkocar, Ont), Data SAVELAND,” EVADONS,SUANSING (E).” BULUT-BICTANG, ms, Mpscano, Ouivamr, Vave0, CANTO IEAS, BouDADo, Cas BELMONTE (R), GOMER, TAX), ‘NOM Prngcia-Acatis, De VENDA ON) TANBINTI, SAcbaban, CAst¥O PL}. RHO, ALcALA, CHIP, Sinccoran, “MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, " ROMUAIDO, BSPDO, INoatauss (A). S1u0.Acor. Zum, THAD. ZORA CD, Yay A. Swi BATCOABE, MARINO, Ona TANT ‘os, "smIaont C).MANDADANG, GoNzalsS (AD), ‘GaN, Co, TAN (A), Vaioas, AIAYON, PODS, ROMEO, Samos'Ricio, ANbaeecAsiIuo,"Rovwcues Bevo OLV), Omrban (VN), YU, Paouaso, DMUwORO (A), Viowsoo, FUENTEBELLA TUR, ORTBCA CP), ALTAR QL), fame, Viuataza Suave, AnéabAo,” SaciianA, Bscupsso, ‘Ler AUMIADD, SAN Cos\aNo0D, DY Nonbauss (J), Chav, PAviras, MANCOLETA, BLLDSTS, Nu MaLavion. ACOSTA ALAA. UNGAR, NAV, ALAR, Aptos” Gaserara Casein “G-B), ROOCUEL Stan, Curva Visine,” Vucarcoere, AMAgONES, Roger (Ry, Sammawo Gai), Daven, FORUM. PALMA Soanene (1, MatpADaTU (2), Zavona QC, AtENDonA, Dawarono OLK) Pou Barra, Cetaste ADMD, Tovoul. auroaxs, "Pacers, Sawpova, JaLoios, Chraco, “Tar (7), YAP OO), MOOR,” VULOLER, ona, Uraaanery De Rotsio, Calsens, OBL SAR, Pawo, oO, AINE, Vinaata Aciune, BET, ‘ero, Goktiss (A) Aamave ROMAN Vitae, Mickox’ Carstino, ‘Desssomowmaise, Lovet OL}, Novae AN ACT CREATING THE DEPARTMENT OF DISASTER RESILIENCE, DEFINING TTS FOWRES AND FUNCTIONS, Be it amaced by the Senate and Howe of Reproenatios ofthe ‘Pppinern Congres cena Sects 1, Short Tie - This Act sill be kaowa a the “Deparment of Diaster Rais Ae 10,2, Delran of Plies ond Principe, (@) ats of the Stats ‘The Stato shall carey out and harmonize the policies oo sete risk and vulebisty reduction and managesen, ‘uvgcamental managenet, and climate change adaptation, and ‘staasbie development to uphold the welfare of the people parila the vlaerable scars of ciety ‘Th Stato hall upheld ite commitment to the ackineent the nustsonbedavebpmentgple apse, atgeting and Amplementig pies and plans tarde inusos, reurce lice, migtion and edaptation to clinate change, cesence to alates, an develop and inplemeat a Yt diser risk ‘manaement a all levele im ine with th Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2000. "The Sat shal upld ts cmtmen! tothe United Nations Framework Comvetion oa Climate Change (UNPOCC) in the stabiantion of greeahoue gn coacentaios in the tmopbare at ‘lvl that prevent dangers anthropogenic interference withthe climate prtim sdirabe within stine fame oun 1 allow ‘the natural adaptation of he carstr imate change, to ensure fied production and fd scanty, and to stere sustainable ouomie develpmeat "Tho Stato sal ctprte and accelerate the implementation of he principles, and concepts of climate change, dante ik and ty reduction contsned in the Pais Agreement of the sited Navons Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCO), the Sendai Framework fr Dieter Rik Redection 2018-2090, the 2015 Asin Paige Heonomic Cooperation (APEC) Disaster Risk Redction (DDR) Framework, the 2000 Agenda fo Sustainable Devpment Geals (SDGS). and the Phiprine Development Pla (PDP) 2017-2022 in varius phases of ply formulation, development plans and invests, gover redaction straepen and other development ‘ola, ond techniques by all ‘tonal and acl geo, ination an instrument of te soverment to enhance the cout’ eimate change adaptive cao Weballbe he duty of tbo Steet (© Uphad the people's costiutioal sight to lie and eoperty by ining, if not eradeating, tbo rot causce of ‘vulorailitis to daastrs,sengtbening the countr'astitutional apscty far chair risk and vulnerability radon and ‘manayoment, and bulling the reac cf el communes to santo indding climate change impars, and human induced inate: (© Incorporate internationally acopted princes of disaster rink and vularaiity redaston and management, and climate change adaptation, nclading universal principles and tandarde or ‘mumanicran astistane, developing and implementing mations, ‘gion and lal surtanable development aod porrty rutin eEaR tetcgiog pcos, plans and budgts as part of tho county's (©) Ranore science hve in x wheleancity approach and Tetow-up partpation, represeatation, and decom making Sa Simate-sster rick governess, sok seoament, Hak redution nd sk wanagamont, aod dept a compeobasive, integrated, fd proueave approsth to lesenag the soseczuaie and cavrgmentl impacts of dates aod cima change; Promote sad edvance the implementation of a compretenive Disser Risk and Valoerbiiy Redocin Px (DEAE) thet sims to strengthen the capacity of the natosal soverment sed the Ical goverment unite (UU, egether wit evelopment parts sakoolr, bud the date rotiace of exmimitin,w i reducing dunter ike, induting projected climate mika, and cahance diester propardauee and rempnse capabilities at ll (©) Recognize the ral of and mark with international humanitarian and development petners cpacilly those with stated reno inthe county: (© Develop, maintain, and enare the acm of imate tnd geopail information and evi tothe publi through Open ata, which means date that can be foal sed, reused, distributed by anyone, subject to limitation on account of ational ‘sewityconertions. Tis may Include the use of impacted ovens mal, and probabil hazard mage (0) Booue that dante ak and vlnerbity redaction ant imate ange adaptation measures aro gondoe, distil vulnerability senlive, and early tative, rxogiing eeaR rough Mention of lel rick pattoas, powers, repos, and rescues at thy rina and lal devel (9) Méopt sod implement compeeensve, satesrated, icent and responsive disaster cink and alnerabtyseducin rogem that i incorporated in the development plan at varios levels of goverament adhering to tranrparecyateuntailty aad chee pecislen of god governance within the cxatert of poverty Mlevatin sod enviromental potion (00) Mainetram dnater ik ad verbena fovermest by savuriag rakiaformed planning, programas, Jnplementatie, maior. and olution an che eof quay management, acounabiiy, apd perbraunce ste ‘meaning and improving te effectiveness end efceny af nator ‘ick and vulorailty reduction manecentprocsnes scot al foverament levels, including the one which manage peace rocses abd couit-sclutionappoathe oat minimize lass fives and damage to properin aod eure that communes 0 foaflet ens cas smmesiatly ream thei oral Hoe a the conclsiono episode of ntarmitent ants: (1 Adopt 2 ister risk and vulerailty reduction and management approch that is Rolie, ompraboan, tegrated ud proacve tm louesing the soconcnomic snd onsrnsenta Impacts of dinates incuing cimato change, abd promote the Jardvemest sol participation of all actors and all takeboldre cerned at lees, expo the eal emma: (02 Priritin the development of daaster prevention and sntigation measzes naving al lvl of -ecietyaod goverment (09) Adept ak sharing aod ak tranar mechenians to ensure the apprise, ficient and tinaly recovery of dst: freon communities, emily for tho poorest and mast (49) Adhere to the principle of "Bald Forward. Bete” a reowery and rehahtaion otlrts by appving sustainable ‘eaniards programs, techno, and teeniques whieh enbance alince ois future hazard: (25) Recgein ad repond to the dremel concerns and ated of vulerale groupe uch as women nd vel, children and youth, oler pesos, peroae with dinate, arhos pout and ‘eiigcue peoples with respect to diester sk redution and ‘management at theme tine, ecgising thr inbernt capaci (06) Crate an enabling covreanest for sbstatal and uatsnale partispation of civil sity orptiztions (C800, Private groups, volntors and comming, and recognise the ‘otras tthe dsr risk eden aod management eres tbe goverment (09) Basae the use of advanced sence an the most po. ate teanlogie i ciate change eaptation, easter risk, cn Valoerabiy reduction and managemeat through engagement, ‘easalation and employment with regla department funding of szademe or higher education institutions, such asthe University of the Phiippace ReatineeLaetitute,Univraty of the Phipps

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